Use of Lavatory

Tradition 2.1

It is narrated from Amir-ul-Momineen Hazrat Imam Ali-asws that all human beings are escorted by an angel who has been asked to turn one’s head down when he sits on the lavatory so that he should look at the discharge and the angel would then say, look oh son of Adam, that was your food and ponder from where you have earned it and now it has turned out like this.  So it is better for the person to say: Allah-azwj, furnish me with the halal means and protect me from the haram.

Tradition 2.2

And I have seen a hand written tradition by Saad bin Abdulla in which he refers to Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq-asws , saying the following:

“A person who regularly forgets his prayer acts, is advised to say, upon entering the lavatory, with the name of Allah-azwj and under Allah-azwj’s protection, I beg for Allah-azwj’s mercy to stay away from being getting unclean and secular and from Satan’s deception-who himself is a swindler and turns others to be like himself.

 Tradition 2.3

It is narrated from Hazrat Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws that prior to removing your clothes inside the lavatory, one should recite ‘Bismil-allah’ so that Satan would turn away and would not look at your private parts until you have used the utilities and come outside.

Tradition 2.4

Once a person asked from Hazrat Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws where shall a stranger/traveller go in order to use the toilet?  Imam-asws replied one should refrain from sitting near canals, passages, fruit bearing trees and those places where people will curse him.  The person asked which are those places, Imam-asws replied in front of gates of houses.

Tradition 2.5

It was asked from Hazrat Imam Hassan bin Ali-asws what are the aticates of using the lavatory? Imam-asws replied one should not face or turn back towards Qibla neither should face or turn back towards the wind direction.

In another tradition, it is forbidden to face or turn back in the direction of moon and a person who faces Qibla in lavatory and shifts his positions after noticing the Qibla direction-will not leave the lavatory but all his sins are forgiven.

Tradition 2.6

Rasool Allahsaw warned those who sit for longer period in the lavatory that they are at risk of getting infected by the disease of bleeding intestines.

Tradition 2.7

Umer bin Yazid asked from Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq-asws regarding reciting Quran and ‘Tassibih’ in lavatory. Imam-asws replied that it is forbidden to recite more than ‘Ait-e-Qursi’, praising Allah-azwj and ‘Al Hamdo lil-la Rab-ul-allameen’.  If someone hears ‘Azan’ in the lavatory, he should repeat the ‘Azan’ behind the reciter.  And should not try to refrain from praising Allah-azwj, regardless of one’s circumstances, as it is always gratifying to praise Allah-azwj. The Imam-asws said:

Hazrat Musa bin Imran-asws submitted himself to Allah-azwj and asked Oh God! Guide me if I should pray to you aloud or quietly as You are far away as well as very near to me.  Allah-azwj revealed to Hazrat Musa-asws , when someone prays to me I become his friend and companion. Hazrat Musa-asws then asked, sometimes I am not in my best (spiritual/physical) status to supplicate You.  Allah-azwj replied, you could always remember Me-azwj in all your circumstances.

And it is not permissible for someone to enter lavatory with a ring bearing Allah-azwj’s name(s) or taking a book containing Quranic verse(s) but if he does so (by mistake) and he is wearing such a ring that has a stone (Zumard) or Allah-azwj  name, he should remove it and upon leaving lavatory, he should recite ‘All praise are only for Allah-azwj Who has relieved me from discomfort and transformed my food and drink into enjoyable feast and saved me from bad fortune and inconvenience’.

Tradition 2.8

Rasool Allahsaw has forbidden his followers to wash-up one’s back with the right hand after using the lavatory.

Tradition 2.9

Zarah once forgot to wash-up after urinating and offered his prayers and I asked from Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq-asws what should be done under these conditions. Imam-asws replied wash-up first and then re-offer your prayers.

Tradition 2.10

It is narrated from Hazrat Imam Ali Raza-asws  that it is sufficient to wash-up the surface of the bowl area without any need to try to clean it from inside and Rasool Allahsaw has forbidden you to talk inside lavatory and whoever talks while in lavatory he prayers will not be answered. Rasool Allahsaw said if you are busy in the lavatory and someone calls you, do not answer him until you are finished using lavatory.  And Rasool Allahsaw has told women to wash-up excessively (as compared with men) so that they achieve better cleanliness.

Tradition 2.11

Hazrat Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws said the reason for forbidding use of fruit bearing tree areas for lavatory purposes is that Allah-azwj has deputed angles on all fruit bearing trees in all garden, forests and wilderness around the world and when the plants and trees blossom, they are protected by angels if this measures were not at placed then all fruits and flowers would be consumed by the birds and animals.  And this is the reason why people find more peace and joy near these trees as angels are guarding them.

Tradition 2.12    Istabra

It is narrated from Rasool Allahsaw that it is recommended to sweep (with pressure) one’s fingers from the vein connected to the bleeder to the end of urethra three times and then pour some water and recite ‘All praise is for Allah swt who has made water pure rather impure’  and then should pour twice as much water where once has drops of urine and should it repeat twice.  This is the minimum requirement that is permissible.  Afterwards, he should wash-up his bottom area so that it is clean from all impurities. Similarly, ‘Istabra’ should be performed when urination is completed. If someone remembers after offering his prayers that he did not perform ‘istabra’ after urinating, it is obligatory on him to perform ‘istabra’, ablutions and then reoffer his prayers.  However, if someone forgets to wash-up after emptying his bowls, and has offered his prayers, it is not obligatory for him to wash-up and re-offer his prayers.  Also one can use stone, earth to clean-up bowl area instead of using water.

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