Illal Al-Sharaie – Vol 1&2

علل الشرائع



الشيخ الصدوق أبي جعفر محمد بن علي ابن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه القمي ره المتوفى سنة 381 ه‍




الجزء الاول


Note – This is an extract from the original. We have not included reports and certain Ahadeeth narrated by the Nasibis and those which contained elements of insults to the People-asws of the Household.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله الطاهرين، وسلم تسليما.

In the Name of Allah-azwj the Beneficent, the Merciful. The Praise is for Allah-azwj Lord-azwj of the Worlds, and Blessing be upon our Chief Muhammad-saww and his-saww Purified Progeny-asws, and greetings with abundant greetings.

(باب 1 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت السماء سماء والدنيا دنيا) (والآخرة آخرة. والعلة التى من أجلها سمى آدم آدم) (وحواء حواء، والدرهم درهما، والدينار دينارا عد والعلة التي) (من أجلها قيل للحمار: حر)

Chapter 1 – The reason due to which the sky was named as ‘sky’ and the world as ‘world’, and the Hereafter as ‘Hereafter’, and the reason due to which Adam-as was named ‘Adam’, and Hawwa-as as ‘Hawwa, and the Dirham as ‘Dirham’, and the Dinaar as ‘Dinaar’ for counting, and the reason for which it is said to the donkey, ‘Hurr’ – (Extract)

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب عن علي بن محمد باسناده رفعه قال: أتى علي بن أبي طالب ” ع ” يهودى فقال يا أمير المؤمنين إنى أسألك عن أشياء إن أنت أخبرتني بها أسلمت، قال علي ” ع ” سلني يا يهودي عما بدالك فانك لا تصيب أحدا أعلم منها أهل البيت،

Ali Bin Hamad Bin Muhammad narrated, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, by his chain, raising it, said,

‘A Jew came to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, so he said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! I want to ask you about things, if you-asws were to inform me of it, I will profess to Al-Islam’. Ali-asws said: ‘Ask me-asws, O Jew, about whatever comes to you, for you will not come across anyone more knowledgeable of it than the People-asws of the Household’.

فقال له اليهودي أخبرني عن قرار هذه الارض على ما هو، وعن شبه الولد أعمامه وأخواله، وعن أي النطفتين يكون الشعر والدم واللحم والعظم والعصب ولم سميت السماء سماء، ولم سميت الدنيا دنيا، ولم سميت الآخرة آخرة، ولم سمي آدم آدم، ولم سميت حواء حواء، ولم سمى الدرهم درهما، ولم سمى الدينار دينارا، ولم قيل للفرس أجد، ولم قيل للبغل عد، ولم قيل للحمار حر؟

The Jew said to him, ‘Inform me about base of this earth, upon what is it, and about the resembling of the child to its paternal uncles and its maternal uncles, and about from which seeds do the hair, and the blood, and the flesh, and the bones, and the nerves come about, and why is the sky named as sky, and why is the world named as world, and why is the Hereafter named as Hereafter, and why is Adam-as named as Adam-as, and why is Hawwa-as named as Hawwa, and why is the Dirham named as Dirham, and why is the Dinaar named as Dinaar, and why is it said to the horse, ‘Ajad’, and why is it said to the mule, ‘Ad’, and why is it said to the donkey, ‘Hurr’?’

وأما شبه الولد أعمامه وأخواله فإذا سبق نطفة الرجل نطفة المرأة إلى الرحم خرج شبه الولد إلى اعمامه، ومن نطفة الرجل يكون العظم والعصب وإذا سبق المرأة نطفة الرجل إلى الرحم خرج شبه الولد إلى أخواله، ومن نطفتها يكون الشعر والجلد واللحم لانها صفراء رقيقة.

And as for the resemblance of the child with its paternal uncles and its maternal uncles, so if the seed of the man preceded the seed (egg) of the woman to the womb, the child would come out resembling its paternal uncle, and from the seed of the man are formed the bones and the veins. And if the (egg of the) woman precedes the seed of the man to the womb, the child would come out resembling its maternal uncles, and from her egg are formed the hair, and the skin, and the flesh, because it is yellow (and) thin.

وسميت السماء سماء: لانها وسم الماء يعني معدن الماء. وانما سميت الدنيا دنيا: لانها ادنى من كل شئ. وسميت الآخرة آخرة لان فيها الجزاء والثواب.

And the sky has been named as sky because it is ‘Wasm’ of the water, meaning its mine (quarry). And the world has been named as the world because it is the lowest (Adna) of everything. And the Hereafter has been named as Hereafter because therein is the Recompense and the Reward’.

وسمى آدم آدم لانه خلق من أديم الارض، وذلك ان الله تعالى بعث جبرئيل عليه السلام وأمره ان يأتيه من أديم الارض بأربع طينات طينة بيضاء وطينه حمراء وطينة غبراء وطينة سوداء وذلك من سهلها وحزنها ثم أمره ان يأتيه باربع مياه: ماء عذب، وماء ملح، وماء مر، وماء منتن.

And Adam-as has been named as Adam-as because he-as was Created from the crust (Adeym) of the earth, and that is Allah-azwj the High Sent Jibraeel-as and Commanded him-as that he-as should bring from the crust of the earth with four clays – a white clay, and a red clay, and barren clay, and black clay, and that is from its even (coastal) and its uneven (interior land). Then Allah-azwj Commanded him-as to bring four (types of) water – Fresh water, salty water, and bitter water, and rotten water.

ثم أمره ان يفرغ الماء في الطين وأدمه الله بيده فلم يفضل شئ من الطين يحتاج إلى الماء، ولا من الماء شئ يحتاج إلى الطين، فجعل الماء العذب في حلقه، وجعل الماء المالح في عينية، وجعل الماء المر في اذنيه، وجعل الماء المنتن في أنفه. وانما سميت حواء حواء لانها خلقت من الحيوان،

Then Allah-azwj Commanded him-as that he-as should empty the water into the clay, and Allah-azwj Kneaded it with His-azwj Hands (Amir Al-Momineen-asws’s carried out this for Allah-azwj). Thus, there was nothing from the clay which was needy to the water, nor from the water which was needy to the clay. Then Allah-azwj Made the fresh water to be in his-as throat, and Made the salty water to be in his-as eyes, and Made the bitter water to be in his-as ears, and Made the rotten water to in his-asws nose. But rather, Hawwa-as has been named as Hawwa-as because she-as was Created from the Haywaan.

وانما قيل للفرس أجد لان أول من ركب الخيل قابيل يوم قتل أخاه هابيل، وانشأ يقول: أجد اليوم وما ترك الناس دما فقيل للفرس أجد لذلك، وانما قيل للبغل عد، لان أول من ركب البغل آدم عليه السلام وذلك كان له ابن يقال معد، وكان عشوقا للدواب، وكان يسوق بآدم ” ع ” فإذا تقاعس البغل نادى يا معد سقها فألفت البغلة أسم معد، فترك الناس ” ميم ” معد وقالوعد

But rather, it is said to the horse, ‘Ajad’ because the first one to ride the (cavalry) horse was Qabeel-la on the day he-la killed his-la brother-as, and fabricated saying (humming), ‘Today I-la have found (Ajad) blood what the people neglected’. Thus ‘Ajad’ is said for the horse due to that. But rather it is said to the mules ‘Ad’, because the first one to ride the mule was Adam-as, and that is he-as had a son called Ma’ad, and he liked the animals, and he used to usher with Adam-as. So when the mule failed to perform, he-as said: ‘O Ma’ad, quench it’. Thus, the name of the mule came to be accustomed with the name of Ma’ad. The people dropped the ‘M’ from ‘Ma’ad’, and said, ‘Ad’.

وانما قيل للحمار حر لان أول من ركب الحمار حواء، وذلك انه كان لها حمارة وكانت تركبها لزيارة قبر ولدها هابيل فكانت تقول في مسيرها واحراه فإذا قالت الكلمات سارت الحمارة وإذا سكتت تقاعست فترك الناس ذلك وقالوا حر،

But rather, it is said to the donkey, ‘Hurr’, because the first one to ride the donkey was Hawwa-as, and that is because she-as had a donkey, and she-as used to ride it for visitation of the grave of her-as son-as Habeel-as. She-as used to say in her-as journey, ‘Wahara’a’. So whenever she-as said it, the donkey travelled, and when she-as was silent, it stopped. So the people neglected that and have been saying ‘Hurr’.

وانما سمى الدرهم درهما، لانه دراهم من جمعه ولم ينفقه في طاعة الله أورثه النار، وانما سمى الدينار دينارا، لانه دار النار من جمعه ولم ينفقه في طاعة الله فاورثه النار.

But rather, the Dirham has been named as a Dirham, because it is an important house, the one who gathers it and does not spend it in obedience to Allah-azwj would inherit the Fire, and the Dinaar has been named as Dinaar, because it is a house of the Fire, the one who gathers it and does not spend it in the obedience to Allah-azwj, so he would inherit the Fire’.

فقال اليهودي: صدقت يا أمير المؤمنين، إنا لنجد جميع ما وصفت في التوراة فاسلم على يده ولازمه حتى قتل يوم صفين.

So the Jew said, ‘You-asws have spoken the truth, O Amir Al-Momineen-asws. We find the entirety of what you-asws have described, to be in the Torah’. He, thus professed to Al-Islam upon his-asws hands, and necessitated it (to be with him-asws) until he was killed on the day of (the battle of) Siffeen (fighting alongside Amir Al-Momineen-asws)’.[1]

(باب 2 – العلة التى من أجلها عبدت النيران)

Chapter 2 – The reason due to which the fire was worshipped

أبى رحمه الله قال -: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب وأحمد بن محمد بن عيسى جميعا قال: حدثنا محمد بن سنان عن اسماعيل بن جابر وكرام بن عمرو عن عبد الحميد بن أبى الديلم عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان قابيل لما رأى النار قد قبلت قربان هابيل قال له ابليس: ان هابيل كان يعبد تلك النار، فقال قابيل لا اعبد النار التي عبدها هابيل ولكن اعبد نارا اخرى وأقرب قربانا لها فتقبل قربانى، فبنى بيوت النار فقرب، فلم يكن له علم بربه عزوجل، ولم يرث منه ولده إلا عبادة النيران.

My father said, ‘Saeed Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab and Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa together, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail Bin Jabir and Karaam Bin Amro, from Abdul Hameed Bin Abu Al Daylam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Qabeel-la saw that the fire had accepted the sacrifice of Habeel-as, Iblees-la said to him-la, ‘Habeel-as used to worship the fire’. So Qabeel-la said to him-la, ‘I-la will not worship the fire which Habeel-la used to worship, but I-la shall worship another fire, and offer a sacrifice for it, so it would accept my-la sacrifice’. Therefore, he-la built houses for fire worship (offerings). So there did not happen to be for him-la knowledge of his-la Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and his-la children did not inherit from it (anything) except for the fire-worshipping’.[2]

(باب 3 – العلة التى من أجلها عبدت الاصنام)

Chapter 3 – The reason due to which idols were worshipped

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد ابن عيسى قال: حدثنى محمد بن خالد البرقى قال: حدثنى حماد بن عيسى عن حريز ابن عبد الله السجستاني عن جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام، في قوله الله عزوجل (وقالوا لا تذرن آلهتكم ولا تذرن ودا ولا سوعا ولا يغوث ويعوق ونسرا) قال: كانوا يعبدون الله عزوجل فماتوا، فضج قومهم وشق ذلك عليهم فجاءهم ابليس لعنه الله فقال لهم: اتخذ لكم اصناما على صورهم فتنظرون إليهم وتأنسون بهم وتعبدون الله

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Muhammad Bin Khalid Al barqy, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz Ibn Abdullah Al Sajastany,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [71:23] And they have said (to each other), ‘Abandon not your gods: Abandon neither Wadd nor Suwa’, neither Yaguth nor Ya’uq, nor Nasr. The Imam-asws said: ‘They (the mentioned) used to be worshipping Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. They died. It was grievous upon their people, so Iblees-la came to them and said to them, ‘Take idols for yourselves upon their images, so that you can look towards them, and be cordial with them and you can (still) be worshipping Allah-azwj’.

فاعد لهم اصناما على مثالهم فكانوا يعبدون الله عزوجل وينظرون إلى تلك الاصنام، فلما جاء هم الشتاء والامطار أدخلوا الاصنام البيوت فلم يزالوا يعبدون الله عزوجل حتى هلك ذلك القرن ونشأ أولادهم فقالوا: ان آباءنا كانوا يعبدون هؤلاء فعبدوهم من دون الله عزوجل فذلك قول الله تبارك وتعالى (ولا تذرن ودا ولا سواعا) الآية.

So he-la prepared idols for them upon their resemblances. So they used to be worshipping Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and were looking towards those idols. So when the winter came upon them, and the rains, they entered the idols into their houses. So they did not stop worshipping Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic until that generation died off, and their children grew up. So they (new generation) said, ‘Our fathers used to worship these, therefore worship them besides Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’. So these are the Words of Allah-azwj Blessed and High [71:23] Abandon neither Wadd nor Suwa – the Verse’.[3]

(باب 4 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى العود خلافا)

Chapter 4 – The reason due to which Al-Awd was named as Al-Khalafa (the opposite)

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله بن، عن أحمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن النعمان عن بريد بن معاوية العجلي قال: قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: انما سمى العود خلافا، لان ابليس عمل صورة سواع من العود على خلاف صورة ود فسمى العود خلافا، وهذا في حديث طويل اخذنا منه موضع الحاجة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdulla narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Al Na’amal, from Bureyd Bin Muawiya Al Ajaly who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said, ‘But rather, Al-Oud have been named as Khalafa (Opposite) because Iblee -la made a picture of Suwa from Al-Oud upon the opposite picture of Wudd, so Al-Oud has been named as Khalafa’ – And this in a lengthy Hadeeth, we have taken from it the needed subject’.[4]

(باب 5 – العلة التى من أجلها تنافرت الحيوان من) (الوحوش والطير والسباع وغيرها)

Chapter 5 – The reason due to which the animals alienated from each other, from the wild animals, and the birds and the predators etc.

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن محمد بن ارومة عن عبد الله بن محمد عن حماد بن عثمان عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كانت والوحوش والطير والسباع وكل شئ خلق الله عزوجل مختلطا بعضه ببعض فلما قتل ابن آدم أخاه نفرت وفزعت فذهب كل شئ إلى شكله.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad, from Hamaad Bin Usman,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The beasts, and the birds, and the predators and everything which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created used to mix with each other. But when the son-la of Adam-as killed his-la brother-as, everything (species) alienated itself, and panicked, and went to its own kind’.[5]

(باب 6 – العلة التى من أجلها صار في الناس من هو خيرمن الملائكة) (وصار فيهم من هو شر من البهائم)

Chapter 6 – The reason due to which there came to be among the people ones who were better than the Angels, and there came to be among them ones who were more evil than the animals

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن على ابن الحكم عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: سألت أبا عبد الله جعفر بن محمد الصادق عليهما السلام فقلت الملائكة أفضل أم بنو آدم؟ فقال: قال أمير المؤمنين علي ابن أبى طالب ” ع “: ان الله عزوجل ركب في الملائكة عقلا بلا شهوة، وركب في البهائم شهوة بلا عقل. وركب في بني آدم كليهما، فمن غلب عقله شهوته فهو خير من الملائكة، ومن غلبت شهوته عقله فهو شر من البهائم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Ibn Al Hakam, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, so I said, ‘Are the Angels higher or the Children of Adam-as?’ So he-asws said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made to be the Angels, intellect without (lustful) desires, and Made to be in the animals, (lustful) desires without intellect, and Made to be in the Children of Adam-as, both of these. So the one whose intellect overcomes his desires, so he is better than the Angels, and the one whose desires overcome his intellect, so he is more evil than the animals’.[6]

(باب 7 – العلة التى من أجلها صارت الانبياء والرسل) (والحجج صلوات الله عليهم أفضل من الملائكة)

Chapter 7 – The reason due to which the Prophets-as, and the Rasools-as, and the Proofs (Imams-asws) came to be higher than the Angels

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد سعيد الهاشمي قال: حدثنا فرات بن إبراهيم ابن فرات الكوفي قال: حدثنا محمد بن احمد بن علي الهمداني قال: حدثني أبو الفضل العباس بن عبد الله البخاري قال: حدثنا محمد بن القاسم بن ابراهيم بن محمد بن عبد الله بن القاسم بن محمد بن أبى بكر قال: حدثنا عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي عن علي بن موسى الرضا عن أبيه موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه محمد بن علي عن أبيه علي بن الحسين عن أبيه الحسين بن علي عن أبيه علي ابن أبى طالب عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ما خلق الله خلقا أفضل مني ولا اكرم عليه منى، قال: علي عليه السلام فقلت يارسول الله فانت أفضل أم جبرئيل

Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Saeed Al Hashimy, from Furaat Bin Ibrahim Ibn Furat Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Al Hamdany, from Abu Al Fazal Al Abbas Bin Abdullah Al Bukhary from Muhammad Bin Al Qasim Bin Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr, from Abdul Salaam Bin Salih Al Harawy,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws Musa Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws, Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj has not Created a person higher than me-saww nor more prestigious to Him-azwj than me-saww’. Ali-asws said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! So are you-saww higher or Jibraeel-as?’

فقال يا على، ان الله تبارك وتعالى فضل أنبياءه المرسلين على ملائكته المقربين وفضلني على جميع النيين والمرسلين، والفضل بعدي لك يا علي وللائمة من بعدك، وان الملائكة لخدامنا وخدام محبينا.

So he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Allah-azwj Blessed and High Preferred His-azwj Prophets-as and the Rasools-as over the Angels of Proximity, and Preferred me-saww over the entirety of the Prophets-as and the Rasools-as, and Preferred you-asws O Ali-asws, after me-saww, and the Imams-asws from after you-asws, and that the Angels are our-asws attendants and the attendants of those who love us-asws’.

يا على، الذين يحملون العرش ومن حوله يسبحون بحمد ربهم ويستغفرون للذين آمنوا بولايتنا، يا علي لولا نحن ما خلق الله آدم ولا حواء ولا الجنة ولا النار، ولا السماء ولا الارض، فكيف لا تكون أفضل من الملائكة، وقد سبقناهم إلى معرفة ربنا وتسبيحه وتهليله وتقديسه، لان أول ما خلق الله عزوجل خلق أرواحنا فانطقنا بتوحيده وتحميده، ثم خلق الملائكة فلما شاهدوا أرواحنا نورا واحدا استعظموا أمرنا فسبحنا لتعلم الملائكة إنا خلق مخلوقون، وانه منزه عن صفاتنا،

O Ali-asws! The ones who are bearing the Throne and the ones around it are Glorifying with the Praise of their Lord-azwj, and are seeking Forgiveness for the ones who believe in our-asws Wilayah. O Ali-asws! Had it not been for us-asws, Allah-azwj would neither have Created Adam-as, nor Hawwa-as, nor the Paradise, nor the Fire, nor the sky, nor the earth, so how can we-asws not be higher than the Angels, and we-asws preceded them to the recognition of our-asws Lord-azwj, and of Glorifying Him-saww and the Extollation of His-azwj Holiness, because the first of what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created, was the Creation of our-asws Spirits, so we-asws spoke of His-azwj Oneness and with His-azwj Praise. Then Allah-azwj Created the Angels. So when they saw our-asws Spirits as one Light, they magnified our-asws matter. So we-asws Glorified in order to teach the Angels that we-asws are Created creatures, and that Allah-azwj is far above from our-asws description.

فسبحت الملائكة بتسبيحنا ونزهته عن صفاتنا، فلما شاهدوا عظم شأننا هللنا، لتعلم الملائكة ان لا اله إلا الله وإنا عبيد ولسنا بآلهة يجب ان نعبد معه أو دونه، فقالوا: لا إله إلا الله،

So the Angels Glorified with our-asws Glorification and refrained from describing us-asws. So when they witnessed the greatness of our-asws Glory, we-asws Extolled the Holiness (of Allah-azwj) to teach the Angels that there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and that we-asws are servants, and that we are not gods Obligated to be worshipped along with Him-azwj or besides Him-azwj. So they said, ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj’.

فلما شاهدوا كبر محلنا كبرنا لتعلم الملائكة ان الله اكبر من ان ينال عظم المحل إلا به،

So when they witnessed the greatness of our-asws place, we-asws Exclaimed the Greatness (of Allah-azwj) in order to teach the Angels that Allah-azwj is Greater than can be grasped, (there is no greatness) of the place except by Him-azwj.

فلما شاهدوا ما جعله الله لنا من العز والقوة قلنا لاحول ولاقوة إلا بالله لتعلم الملائكة ان لا حول لنا ولا قوة إلا بالله،

So when they witness what Allah-azwj has Made for us-asws, from the honour, and the strength, we-asws said: ‘There is no Might and Strength except with Allah-azwj in order to teach the Angels that there is no might for us-asws nor the strength except (that it is) with Allah-azwj.

فلما شاهدوا ما أنعم الله به علينا وأوجبه لنا من فرض الطاعة قلنا الحمد لله لتعلم الملائكة ما يحق لله تعالى ذكره علينا من الحمد على نعمته، فقالت الملائكة: الحمد لله فبنا أهتدو إلى معرفة توحيد الله وتسبيحه وتهليله وتحميده وتمجيده،

So when they witnessed what Allah-azwj has Favoured us-asws with and upon us-asws, and Obligated it to us-asws from the necessity of the obedience, we-asws said, ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj’, in order to teach the Angels what is rightfully for the Sake of Allah-azwj Elevated is His-azwj Mention, upon us from the Praise over His-azwj Favours. So the Angels said, ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj’. Thus, it was by us-asws that they were Guided to recognising the Oneness (Tawheed) of Allah-azwj, and Glorifying Him-azwj, and Extollation of His-azwj Holiness, and Praising Him-azwj, and Magnifying Him-azwj.

ثم ان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق آدم فاودعنا صلبة وأمر الملائكة بالسجود له تعظيما لنا واكراما. وكان سجودهم لله عزوجل عبودية ولآدم اكراما وطاعة لكوننا في صلبه، فكيف لا نكون أفضل من الملائكة وقد سجدوا لآدم كلهم أجمعون،

Then Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created Adam-as, so Deposited us-asws in his-as forehead and Commanded the Angels to Prostrate to him-as, in reverence for us-asws, and in our-asws honour. And their Prostrations were for the Sake of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic as worship, and to Adam-as for honour and obedience because we-asws happened to be in his-as ‘صلبه’ (forehead). So how can we-asws not be higher than the Angels, and all of them had Prostrated to Adam-as.

وانه لما عرج بى إلى السماء أذن جبرئيل مثنى مثنى، واقام مثنى مثنى، ثم قال لي تقدم يا محمد، فقلت له يا جبرئيل أتقدم عليك؟ فقال: نعم، لان الله تبارك وتعالى فضل أنبياءه على ملائكته أجمعين، وفضلك خاصة. فتقدمت فصليت بهم ولا فخر،

And when he-as ascended with me-saww to the sky, Jibraeel-as called for the Prayer (Azaan) two by two, and I-saww stood, two by two. Then he-as said to me-saww: ‘Proceed, O Muhammad-saww!’ So I-saww said to him-as: ‘O Jibraeel-as! I-saww preceed over you-as: ‘So he-as said: ‘Yes, because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Preferred His-azwj Prophets-as over His-azwj Angels in their entirety, and Preferred you-saww in particular’. So I-saww preceded with them (led them in Prayer), but without taking pride’.

فلما انتهيت إلى حجب النور قال لي جبرئيل تقدم يا محمد وتخلف عنى، فقلت يا جبرئيل في مثل هذا الموضع تفارقني؟ فقال يا محمد: ان انتهاء حدى الذي وضعني الله عزوجل فيه إلى هذا المكان فان تجاوزته أحترقت أجنحتي بتعدي حدود ربى جل جلاله

So when I-saww ended up to the Veil of Light, Jibraeel-as said to me-saww: ‘Proceed, O Muhammad-saww, and leave me-as behind’. So I-saww said: ‘O Jibraeel-as! You-as are separating from me in a place like this?’ So he-as said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! I-as have ended up to my-as limit which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Imposed upon me-as, up to this place, so if I-as were to exceed it, my-as two wings would be incinerated due to my-as transgression of the Limits of my-as Lord-azwj Majestic is His-azwj Majesty.

فزج بى في النور زجة حتى أنتهيت إلى حيث ما شاء الله من علو ملكة فنوديت يا محمد، فقلت: لبيك ربي وسعد يك تباركت وتعاليت، فنوديت يا محمد أنت عبدي وأنا ربك فإياي فاعبد وعلي فتوكل، فانك نوري في عبادي ورسولي إلى خلقي وحجتي على بريتي، لك ولمن أتبعك خلقت جنتي، ولمن خالفك خلفت ناري، ولاوصيائك أوجبت كرامتي، ولشيعتهم أوجبت ثوابي،

So I-saww was jolted in the Light by a jolt until I-saww ended up to where Allah-azwj so Desired it, from the High Kingdom. So Allah -azwj Called out: “O Muhammad-saww! So I said, ‘Here I-saww am, my-saww Lord-azwj, and Master, at Your-azwj service, Blessed and risen’. So Allah-azwj Called out: “O Muhammad-saww! You-saww are My-azwj servant, and I-azwj am your-saww Lord-azwj, therefore it is Me-azwj that you should worship, and upon Me-azwj should you-saww rely, for you-saww are My-azwj Light among My-azwj servants, and My-azwj Rasool-saww to My-azwj creatures, and My-azwj Proof upon My-azwj entire creation. For you-saww and for the one who follows you-saww, I-azwj Created My-azwj Paradise, and for the one who opposed you-azwj, I-azwj Created My-azwj Fire. And for your-saww successors-asws I-saww have Obligated My-azwj Prestige, and for their-asws Shias I-azwj Obligated My-azwj Rewards”.

فقلت يا رب: ومن أوصيائي، فنوديت يا محمد: أوصياؤك المكتوبون على ساق عرشي، فنظرت وأنا بين يدي ربى جل جلاله إلى ساق العرش فرأيت اثنى عشر نورا، في كل نور سطر أخضر عليه إسم وصي من أوصيائي، أولهم: علي بن أبي طالب، وآخرهم مهدي أمتي،

So I-saww said: ‘And who are my-saww successors-asws?’ So Allah-azwj Called out: “O Muhammad-saww! Your-saww successors-as (i.e.) their-asws names are Inscribed upon the Base of the Throne”. So I-saww looked, and I-saww was in front of my-saww Lord-azwj Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, towards the Base of the Throne, so I-saww saw twelve Lights, in each Light there being a green veil over it, name of my-saww successor-asws, from my-saww successors-asws. The first of them was Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, and the last of them was of the Mahdi-asws of my-saww community.

فقلت يا رب هؤلاء أوصيائي من بعدي؟ فنوديت يا محمد هؤلاء أوليائي وأصيائي وحججى بعدك على بريتي وهم أوصياؤك وخلفاؤك وخير خلقي بعدك، وعزتي وجلالى، لاظهرن بهم ديني ولاعلين بهم كلمتي ولاطهرن الارض بآخرهم من أعدائي، ولامكننه مشارق الارض ومغاربها، ولاسخرن له الرياح، ولاذللن له السحاب الصعاب، ولارقينه في الاسباب، ولانصرنه بجندي ولامدنه بملائكتي حتى تعلو دعوتي ويجتمع الخلق على توحيدي، ثم لاديمن ملكه، ولاداولن الاليام بين أوليائي إلى يوم القيامة.

So I-saww said: ‘O my-saww Lord-azwj! They-asws are my-saww successors-asws from after me-saww?’ So Allah-azwj Called out: “O Muhammad-saww! They-asws are My-azwj Guardians, and My-azwj Trustees, and My-azwj Proofs after you-saww over My-azwj creatures, and they-asws are your-saww successors-asws, and your-saww Caliphs, and the best of My-azwj creatures after you-saww. And by My-azwj Honour and My-azwj Majesty, and it is by them-asws that I-saww shall Cause to Prevail My-azwj Religion, and Announce My-azwj Words, and Purify the earth from My-azwj enemies by their-asws last one. I-azwj shall Enable him-asws over the east of the earth and its west, and Make the wind to be subservient to him-asws, and Humble for him-asws the clouds and the difficulties, and Promote for him-asws the causes, and Help him-asws with My-azwj armies, and Support him-asws with My-azwj Angels until My-azwj Call is the highest and the creatures gather over My-azwj Oneness. Then I-azwj Shall Make his-asws kingdom to prevail, and remain among My-azwj Guardians-asws up to the Day of Judgement’.[7]

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن عبد الله البرقى قال: حدثني أبى، عن جده احمد ابن أبي عبد الله، عن أبيه عن محمد بن أبي عمير، عن عمرو بن جميع عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كان جبرئيل إذا أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قعد بين يده قعده العبد، وكان لا يدخل حتى يستأذنه.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Barqy narrated to us, from his father, from his grandfather Ibn Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Amro Bin Jami’e,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Whenever Jibraeel-as used to come to the Prophet-saww, sat in front of him-saww with the sitting of the slave, and never used to enter until he-as was permitted to do so’.[8]

حدثنا أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر البزنطي ومحمد بن أبى عمير جميعا عن ابان عثمان عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لما كان يوم أحد انهزم أصحاب رسول الله حتى لم يبق معه إلا علي بن أبي طالب ” عليه السلام ” وأبو دجانة سماك بن خرشة، فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وآله يا أبا دجانة، أما ترى قومك، قال بلي قال: إلحق بقومك، قال: ما على هذا بايعت الله ورسوله قال: أنت في حل قال: والله لا تتحدث قريش بانى خذلتك وفررت حتى أذوق ما تذوق

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Ibn Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty and Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr together, from Aban Usman,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When it was the Day of (battle of) Ohad, the companions of Rasool-Allah-saww fled to the extent that there did not remain with him-asws anyone except for Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, and Abu Dajjana Samaak Bin Kharsha. So the Prophet-saww said to him: ‘O Abu Dajjana! But, did you not see your people?’ He said, ‘Yes’. Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Attach yourself with your people’. He said, ‘It was not upon this that I pledged allegiance to Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww’. Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘You are is a free (state to go)’. He said, ‘By Allah-azwj! The Qureysh will not narrate about me that I abandoned you-saww and fled, until I taste what you-saww taste’.

فجزاه النبي خيرا وكان علي عليه السلام كلما حملت طائفة على رسول الله استقبلهم وردهم حتى اكثر فيهم القتل والجراحات حتى انكسر سيفه فجاء الى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم فقال يارسول الله ان الرجل يقاتل بسلاحه وقد انكسر سيفي فاعطاه عليه السلام سيفه ذالفقار، فما زال يدفع به عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حتى أثر وانكسر

So the Prophet-saww bade him well, and Ali-asws, every time a group attacked Rasool-Allah-saww, faced them and repulsed them until most of them were killed, wounded, until his-asws sword broke, so Ali-asws came to the Prophet-saww and greeted: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! The man fights with his sword, and my-asws sword is broken. So Rasool-Allah-saww gave him-asws his-saww sword Zulfiqar. So Ali-asws did not cease to defend Rasool-Allah-saww with it until he-asws made them flee and cut them down’.

فنزل عليه جبرئيل وقال: يا محمد، ان هذه لهي المواسات من علي لك، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله انه مني وأنا منه،

فنزل عليه جبرئيل وقال: يا محمد، ان هذه لهي المواسات من علي لك، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله انه مني وأنا منه، فقال جبرئيل وأنا منكما.

So Jibraeel-as descended unto him-saww and said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! This here is the affection from Ali-asws for you-saww’. So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Ali-asws is from me-saww and I-saww from him-asws’. So Jibraeel-as said: ‘And I-as from you-asws both’.

وسمعوا دويا من السماء لا سيف إلا ذو الفقار ولا فتى إلا على.

And a boom was heard from the sky: “There is sword except for Zulfiqar and there is no Believer except for Ali-asws”.

حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس العطار النيسابوري رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن قتيبة قال: حدثنا الفضل بن شاذان. عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن سالم عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لما أسرى برسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وحضرت الصلاة إذن جبرئيل وأقام الصلاة، فقال يا محمد تقدم، فقال له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله تقدم يا جبرئيل، فقال له: إنا لانتقدم على الآدميين منذ أمرنا بالسجود لآدم.

Abdul Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdous Al Ataar Al Neyshapouri, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Quteyba, from Al Fazal Bin Shazaan, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Rasool-Allah-saww went on Ascension (Mi’raaj) and the Prayer presented itself, Jibraeel-as called (Azaan) and established the Prayer (Iqaama). So he-as said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! Proceed’. So Rasool-Allah-saww said to him-as: ‘Proceed, O Jibraeel-as’. So he-as said to him-saww: ‘We (Angels) do not proceed over the Children of Adam-as since we were Commanded to Prostrate to Adam-as’.[9]

حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبد الوهاب القرشي قال: أخبرنا أحمد ابن الفضل قال حدثنا منصور بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا الحسن بن مهزيار قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ابراهيم العوفي قال: حدثنا احمد بن الحكم البراجمي قال: حدثنا شريك بن عبد الله، عن أبى وقاص العامري عن محمد بن عمار ابن ياسر، عن أبيه قال: سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وآله يقول ان حافظي علي بن أبي طالب ليفتخران على جميع الحفظة لكينونتهما مع علي وذلك انهما لم يصعد إلى ا لله تعالى بشئ منه يسخط الله تبارك وتعالى.

Abdul Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Al Qarshy narrated to us, from Ahmad Ibn Al Fazal, from Mansour Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Al Hassan Bin Mahziyar, from Ahmad Bin Ibrahim Al Awfy, from Ahmad Bin Al Hakam Al Barajmy, from Shareek Bin Abdullah, from Abu Waqas Al Aamiry, from Muhammad Bin Amar Ibn Yaaser, from his father who said,

‘I heard the Prophet-saww saying: ‘The two keepers (Recording Angels) of Ali -asws Bin Abu Talib-asws are priding over the entirety of the Recording Angels for being with Ali-asws, and that is due to that they have never ascended to the sky with anything which Angers Allah-azwj Blessed and High’.[10]

(باب 8 – في أنه لم يجعل شئ إلا بشئ)

Chapter 8 – Allah-azwj did not Make anything except with a thing (reason)

قال أبو جعفر محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه القمى الفقيه مصنف هذا الكتاب رحمة الله عليه. حدثنا أبي ومحمد بن الحسن بن احمد ابن الوليد رضى الله عنهما قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن جميل بن دراج عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” انه سأله شئ من الحلال والحرام، فقال انه لم يجعل شئ إلا لشئ.

Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Musa Bin babuwayh Al Qummy, the jurist, the author of this book, said, ‘My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Ibn Al Waleed narrated to me, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Jameel Bin Daraaj,

(It has been narrated) Abu Abdullah-asws was asked about something from the Permissible and the Prohibited, so he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj did not Make anything except for something’.[11]

(باب 9 – علة خلق الخلق واختلاف أحوالهم)

Chapter 9 – Reason for the creation of the creatures and the difference in their states

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أحمد بن إدريس عن الحسين بن عبيدالله عن الحسن بن علي بن أبي عثمان عن عبد الكريم بن عبد الله عن سلمة ابن عطا عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: خرج الحسين بن علي عليهما السلام على أصحابه فقال: أيها الناس ان الله جل ذكره ما خلق العباد إلا ليعرفوه فإذا عرفوه عبدوه فإذا عبدوه أستغنوا بعبادته عن عبادة من سواه، فقال له رجل: يابن رسول الله بأبي أنت وأمى فما معرفة الله؟ قال معرفة أهل كل زمان إمامهم الذي يجب عليهم طاعته.

My father narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Al Husayn Bin Ubeydullah, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Abu Usman, from Abdul Kareem Bin Abdullah, from Salma Ibn Ataa,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws went out to his-asws companions, so he-asws said: ‘O you people! Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Mention did not Create the servants except for recognising Him-azwj. So when he recognises Him-azwj, worships Him-azwj. So when he worships Him-azwj, becomes needless with worshipping Him-azwj from worshipping one besides Him-azwj’. So a man said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you-asws, what is the recognition of Allah-azwj?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Recognition by the people of every era, of their Imam-asws whose obedience has been Obligated upon them’.[12]

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد العزيز بن يحيى الجلودى قال: حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهرى قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن عمارة عن أبيه قال: سألت الصادق جعفر بن محمد ” ع ” فقلت له لم خلق الله الخلق؟ فقال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى لم يخلق خلقه عبثا ولم يتركهم سدى بل خلقهم لاظهار قدرته وليكلفهم طاعته فيستوجبوا بذلك رضوانه، وما خلقهم ليجلب منهم منفعة ولا ليدفع بهم مضرة بل خلقهم لينفعهم ويوصلهم إلى نعيم الابد.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya Al Jaloudy, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhary, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Amara, from his father who said,

‘I asked Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘Why did Allah-azwj Create the creatures (people)?’ So Imam-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High neither Created His-azwj creatures in vain nor did He-azwj Leave them in vain, but Allah-azwj Created them for the Manifestation of His-azwj Power and for Imposing His-azwj Obedience upon them, so that they would become deserving of His-azwj Pleasure due to that. And Allah-azwj neither Created them to get some benefit from them nor to drive away the harm by them, but Created them to benefit them and Cause them to arrive to the eternal Bounties’.[13]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن سهل بن زياد، عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع، عن محمد بن زيد قال: جئت إلى الرضا ” ع ” أسأله عن التوحيد، فأملى على الحمد لله فاطر الاشياء إنشاءا ومبتدعها إبتداءا بقدرته وحكمته، لامن شئ فيبطل الاختراع، ولا لعله فلا يصح الابتداع، خلق ما شاء كيف شاء متوحدا بذلك لاظهار حكمته وحقيقة ربوبية، لا تضبطه العقول ولا تبلغه الاوهام ولا تدركه الابصار ولا يحيط به مقدار عجزت دونه العبارة، وكلت دونه الابصار، وضل فيه تصاريف الصفات إحتجب بغير حجاب محجوب، وأستتر بغير ستر مستور، عرف بغير رؤية ووصف بغير صورة، ونعت بغير جسم، لا إله إلا الكبير المتعال.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazi’e, from Muhammad Bin Zayd who said,

‘I came to Al-Reza-asws to ask him-asws about the Oneness (Tawheed), so he-asws dictated to me: ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj, the Originator of the things, its growth and its initiation, beginning these by His-azwj Power and His-azwj Wisdom. There is none from the things which invalidates its origination, nor is there anything which corrects the original. Allah-azwj Creates whatever He-azwj so Desires to, howsoever He-azwj so Desires to, in unison with that for the manifestation of His-azwj Wisdom and the reality of the Lordship. The intellects cannot grasp Him-azwj nor can the imaginations reach Him-azwj, nor can the vision visualise Him-azwj, nor can He-azwj be surrounded by the measurement. The words get frustrated and the visions fail, and the describer stray in the description of the Attributes. Allah-azwj has Veiled Himself without a veil, being Veiled, and Curtained Himself-azwj without a curtain, being Curtained. He-azwj is recognised without being seen and described without an image, and without a body. There is no god except for the Greatest and the Elevated’.[14]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد ابن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب، وحدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثني سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن هشام بن سالم عن حبيب السجستاني قال: سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام يقول: ان الله عزوجل لما أخرج ذرية آدم ” ع ” من ظهره ليأخذ عليهم الميثاق له بالربوبية، وبالنبوة لكل نبي، كان أول من أخذ عليهم الميثاق نبوة محمد ابن عبد الله صلى الله عليه وآله

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Ibn Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from his father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Hisham Bin Salim, from Habeeb Al Sajastany who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, when He-azwj Extracted the offspring of Adam-as from his-as back in order to Take the Covenant against them, for Him-azwj for the Lordship, and with the Prophet-hood of every Prophet-as, the first of what was Taken against them for the Covenant was the Prophet-hood of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah-saww.

ثم قال الله جل جلالة لآدم: أنظر ماذا ترى قال: فنظر آدم إلى ذريته وهم (ذر) قد ملؤا السماء، فقال آدم يا رب ما اكثر ذريتي ولامرما خلقتهم؟ فما تريد منهم باخذك الميثاق عليهم؟ قال الله عزوجل: يعبدونني ولا يشركون بى شيئا، ويؤمنون برسلى ويتبعونهم.

Then Allah-azwj Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Said to Adam-as: “Look, what do you-as see?” He-asws said: ‘So he-as looked at his-as offspring, they were particles which had filled the sky. So Adam-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! How numerous are my-as offspring, for what matter did You-azwj Create them? So what do You-azwj Intend by Taking the Covenant against them?’ Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “To worship Me-azwj, and not associating anything with Me-azwj, and believing in My-azwj Rasools-as and following them”.

قال آدم: يا رب، فمالي أرى بعض الذر أعظم من بعض وبعضهم له نور كثير وبعضهم له نور قليل وبعضهم ليس له نور؟ قال الله عزوجل: كذلك خلقتهم لابلوهم في كل حالاتهم. قال آدم: يا رب أفتأذن لي في الكلام فأتكلم؟ قال الله عزوجل: تكلم فان روحك من روحي وطبيعتك من خلاف كينونتي،

Adam-as said: ‘So what is the matter that I-as see some of the particles to be greater than the others, and some of them have a lot of light for them, and some of them have little light, and some of them have not light for them?’ Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “It is like that that I-azwj have Created them to Test them in every situation of them”. Adam-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! Do You-azwj Permit me-as so that I-as speak to them?’ Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “Speak, for your-as spirit is from My-azwj Spirit, and your-as nature is different from what I-azwj am”.

قال آدم: يا رب، لو كنت خلقتهم على مثال واحد وقدر واحد وطبيعة واحدة وجبلة واحدة وألوان واحدة واعمار واحدة وأرزاق سواء، لم يبغ بعضهم على بعض ولم يكن بينهم تحاسد ولا تباغض ولا اختلاف في شئ من الاشياء؟ قال الله جل جلالة: يا آدم، بروحى نطقت وبضعت طبعك تكلفت ما لا علم لك به

Adam-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! If only You-azwj would have Created them upon one likeness, and one measurement, and one nature, and one constitution, and one colour, and one build, and same livelihood, some of them would not rebel against each other and there would not come be envy in between them, nor hatred, nor differing in a thing from the things?’ Allah-azwj Majesticy is His-azwj Majesty, Said: “It is by My-azwj Sprit that you-as speak, and by your-as nature you-as have spoken of what you-as have no knowledge of.

وأنا الله الخالق العليم بعلمي خالفت بين خلقهم وبمشيتي يمضى فيهم أمري والى تدبيري وتقديري هم صايرون لا تبديل لخلقي، وانما خلقت الجن والانس ليعبدوني، وخلقت الجنة لمن عبدنى وأطاعني منهم، واتبع رسلي ولا أبالي، وخلقت النار لمن كفربى وعصاني ولم يتبع رسلي ولا أبالي، وخلفتك وخلقت ذريتك من غير فاقة لي اليك واليهم، وانما خلقتك وخلقتهم لابلوك وأبلوهم أيكم أحسن عملا في دار الدنيا في حياتكم وقبل مماتكم،

And I-azwj am Allah-azwj, the Creator, the All Knowing. It is by My-azwj Knolwedge that I-azwj have Caused difference to be in between their creation, and it is by My-azwj Desire that My-azwj Judgements get Established among them, and it is upon My-azwj Management and My-azwj Power that they have come to be. There is no change to My-azwj Creation. But rather, I-azwj Created the Jinn, and the human beings in order to worship Me-azwj, and I-azwj Created the Paradise for the one who worships Me-azwj, and obeys Me-azwj, from among them, and follows My-azwj Rasool-saww, and I-azwj do not care. And I-azwj Created the Fire for the ones who disbelieve in Me-azwj, and disobey Me-azwj, and do not obey My-azwj Rasool-saww, and I-azwj do not care. And I-azwj Created you-as and Created your-as offspring from other than there being a need for Me-azwj, to you-as or to them. But rather, I-azwj Created you-as and Created them for Testing you-as, and Testing them as which ones of you is the best in deeds in the house of the world, during your lifetimes before your deaths.

وكذلك خلقت الدنيا والآخرة والحياة والموت والطاعة والمعصية والجنة والنار، وكذلك أردت في تقديري وتدبيري وبعلمي النافذ فيهم خالفت بين صورهم وأجسامهم وألوانهم وأعمارهم وأرزاقهم وطاعتهم ومعصيتهم، فجلعت منهم السعيد والشقى، والبصير والاعمى، والقصير والطويل، والجميل والذميم، والعالم والجاهل، والغنى والفقير، والمطيع والعاصي، والصحيح والسقيم، ومن به الزمانة ومن لا عاهلة به،

And thus, I-azwj Created the world and the Hereafter, and the life, and the death, and the obedience, and the disobedience, and the Paradise, and the Fire. And thus I-azwj Wanted it to be in My-azwj Power, and My-azwj Management, and with My-azwj Knowledge, and the Establishment among them the difference between their images, and their bodies, and their colours, and their builds, and their livelihoods, and their obedience, and their disobedience. So I-azwj Made among them the happy and the miserable, and the seeing and the blind, and the short and the tall, and the beautiful and the reprehensible, and the knowledgeable and the ignorant, and the rich and the poor, and the obedient and the disobedient, and the healthy and the sick, and the ones with the (long/short) ages and the one with no sovereign to him.

فينظر الصحيح إلى الذي به العاهة فيحمدني على عافيته، وينظر الذي به العاهة إلى الصحيح فيدعوني ويسألني ان أعافية ويصبر على بلائى فاثيبه جزيل عطائي، وينظر الغني إلى الفقير فيحمدني ويشكرني، وينظر الفقير إلى الغني فيدعوني ويسألني، وينظر المؤمن إلى الكافر فيحمدني على ما هديته

So the able-bodies one looks at the one with the disability and he Praises Me-azwj over his own health, and the one with the disability looks at the one who is able-bodied, so he supplicates to Me-azwj and asks Me-azwj that I-saww should Grant him health, and he observes patience upon My-azwj Afflictions, so I-azwj Reward him for being obedience to Me-azwj. And the rich one looks at the poor, so he Praises Me-azwj and thanks Me-azwj, and the poor one looks at the rich, so he supplicates to Me-azwj and asks Me-azwj. And the Believer looks at the disbeliever, so he Praises Me-azwj upon what I-azwj have Guided him.

فلذلك خلفتهم لابلوهم في السراء والضراء، وفيما عافيتهم وفيما ابتليتهم وفيما أعطيتهم وفيما أمنعهم، وانا الله الملك القادر، ولى أن أمضى جميع ما قدرت على ما دبرت ولي ان أغير من ذلك ما شئت إلى ما شئت فأقدم من ذلك ما أخرت وأؤخر ما قدمت، وأنا الله الفعال لما أريد لا أسأل عما أفعل وانا أسأل خلقي عما هم فاعلون.

So it is due to that, that I-azwj Created them in order to Test them during the thick and thin, and regarding their well-being, and their Trials, and what I-azwj have Given them, and what I-azwj have Prevented them from. And I-azwj am Allah-azwj, the King, and Powerful. And it is for Me-azwj that I-azwj should Make it to come to pass whatever I-azwj Measure upon what I-azwj Manage, and it is for Me-azwj that I-azwj should change that whatever I-azwj so Desire to, to whatever I-azwj so Desire to. So I-azwj Bring forward from what I-azwj Delayed, and Delay what I-azwj had (Intended to) bring forward. And I-azwj am Allah-azwj! The Doer of whatsoever I-azwj Intend to. I-azwj Cannot be questioned about what I-azwj do, and I-azwj question My-azwj creatures about what they are doing”.[15]

حدثنا أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميرى عن هارون ابن مسلم عن مسعدة بن زياد قال: قال رجل لجعفربن محمد يا ابا عبد الله، إنا خلقنا للعجب؟ قال: وماذاك لله أنت، قال خلقنا للفناء؟ فقال: مه يابن أخ، خلقنا للبقاء وكيف تفنى جنة لا تبيد ونارلا تخمد ولكن قل: إنما نتحرك من دار إلى دار

My father narrated to me, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Haroun Ibn Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Ziyad who said,

‘A man said to Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, ‘O Abu Abdullah-asws! I wonder about, our creation?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘And what is that, by Allah-azwj, you are (trying to say)?’ He said, ‘We have been Created for the perishing’. So the Imam-asws said: ‘Shh, O cousin! We have been Created for the remaining. And how would we perish when the Paradise will not perish and the Fire will not subside? But, say, ‘But rather we shall be moving from a house to a house’.[16]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أحمد ابن ادريس عن محمد احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن الحسن بن على الوشاء، عمن ذكره، عن بعضهم قال: ما من يوم الا وملك ينادي من المشرق لو يعلم الخلق لماذا خلقوا قال: فيجيبه ملك آخر من المغرب: لعملوا لما خلقوا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Ahmad Ibn Idrees, from Muhammad Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ash’ary, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Ali Washa, from the one who mentioned it, from one of them who said,

‘There is none from the days except that an Angel calls out from the East: ‘If only the creatures knew what they have been Created for’. So another Angel from the West answers him: ‘They do know what they have been Created for’.[17]

أخبرني أبو الحسن طاهر بن محمد بن يونس بن حياة الفقيه فيما أجازه لي ببلخ قال: حدثنا محمد بن عثمان الهروي قال: حدثنا أبو محمد الحسن بن مهاجر قال حدثنا هشام بن خالد قال: حدثنا الحسن بن يحيى قال: حدثنا صدقة بن عبد الله، عن هشام، عن أنس عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن جبرئيل عليه السلام قال قال الله تبارك وتعالى: من اهان وليا فقد بارزنى بالمحاربة، وما ترددت في شئ انا فاعله مثل ترددي في قبض نفس المؤمن، يكره الموت واكره مساءته ولابد له منه وما يتقرب إلى عبدي بمثل اداء ما اقترضت عليه ولا يزال عبدي يبتهل إلي حتى أحبه ومن أحببته كنت له سمعا وبصراويدا ومؤئلا إن دعاني أجبته وأن سألني أعطيته،

Abu Al Hassan Tahir Bin Muhammad Bin Yunus Bin hayat Al Faqeeh informed me, from Muhammad Bin Usman Al Harawy, from Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Muhajir, from Hisham Bin Khalid, from Al Hassan Bin Yahya, from Sadaqa Bin Abdullha, from Hisham, from Anas,

(It has been narrated) from the Prophet-saww, from Jibraeel-as having said:

‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said: “The one who insulted My-azwj Guardian-asws, so he has duelled against me with the battle. I-azwj have not Hesitated with regards to anything that I-azwj Do, like I-azwj have Hesitated during the Capturing of the soul of the Believer. He dislikes the death and I-azwj Dislike displeasing him, but it is inevitable for him. And what makes My-azwj servant to come closer to Me-azwj like the fulfilment of what I-azwj have Obligated upon him, and My-azwj servant does not cease to supplicate to Me-azwj until I-azwj get to Love him, and the one whom I-azwj Love, I-azwj would be his hearing, and his eyesight, and his hands, and that he would supplicate to Me-azwj I-azwj would Answer him, and if he were to ask Me-azwj, I would Give it to him.

وان من عبادي المؤمنين لمن يريد الباب من العبادة فاكفه عنه لئلا يدخله عجب فيفسده، وان عبادي المؤمنين لمن لم يصلح إيمانه إلا بالفقر ولو أغنيته لافسده ذلك، وان من عبادي المؤمنين لمن لا يصلح إيمانه بالغني ولو أفقرته لافسده ذلك، وان من عبادي المؤمنين لمن لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالسقم ولو صححت جسمه لافسده ذلك، وان من عبادي المؤمنين لمن لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالصحة ولو أسقمته لافسده ذلك، انى ادبر عبادي بعلمي بقلوبهم فانى عليم خبير.

And from My-azwj believing servants is the one who wants the door from the worship, so I-azwj Restrain him from it, perhaps self-admiration would enter into him, so it would spoil him. And from My-azwj Believing servants is the one whose belief would not be correct except with the poverty, and were I-azwj to Enrich him, it would spoil that. And from My-azwj believing servants is the one for whom his belief would not be correct (except) with the riches, and if I-azwj were to Impoverish him, it would spoil that. And from My-azwj believing servants is the one whose belief would not be correct except by illness, and if I-azwj were to Make healthy his body, it would spoil that. And from My-azwj believing servants is the one whose belief would not be correct except by the health, and if I-azwj were to Make him sick, it would spoil that. I-azwj and the Most Pondering over My-azwj servants with My-azwj Knowledge of their hearts, so I-azwj am the All-Knowing, the All-Aware”.[18]

حدثنا محمد بن احمد الشيباني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن هارون الصوفي قال: حدثنا عبد الله موسى الحبال الطبري قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين الخشاب قال: حدثنا محمد بن محسن عن يونس بن ظبيان قال: قال الصادق جعفر ابن محمد عليه السلام: ان الناس يعبدون الله عزوجل على ثلاثة أوجه: فطبقة يعبدونه رغبة في ثوابه فتلك عبادة الحرصاء وهو الطمع، وآخرون يعبدونه خوفا من النار فتلك عبادة العبيد وهى رهبة، ولكني اعبده حبا له عزوجل فتلك عبادة الكرام وهو الامن لقوله عزوجل: (وهم من فزع يؤميذ آمنون قل ان كنتم تحبون الله فاتبعوني يحببكم الله ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم) فمن أحب الله عزوجل أحبه الله، ومن أحبه الله عزوجل كان من الآمنين.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sahybani narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Haroun Al Sowfy, from Abdullah Musa Al Habaal Al Tabary, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Al Khashaab, from Muhammad Bin Mohsin, from Yunus Bin Zibyan,

‘Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘The people are worshipping Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic upon three perspectives – So a group are worshipping Him-azwj in coveting His-azwj Rewards, so that is the worshipping of the greedy ones and it is the greed. And the others are worshipping Him-azwj out of fear from the Fire, so that is the worship of the slaves, and it is the fright. But, I-asws worship Him-azwj out of love for Him-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so that is the worship of the honourable ones, and it is the safety, due to His-azwj Words [27:89] and they shall be secure from terror on the Day [3:31] Say: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will Love you and Forgive you your sins. So the one who loves Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, Allah-azwj would Love him, and the one whom Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Loves, would be from the secure ones’.[19]

حدثنا الحسين بن يحيى بن ضريس البجلي قال: حدثنا أبى قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر محمد بن عمارة السكري السرياني قال: حدثنا إبراهيم ين عاصم بقزوين قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن هارون الكرخي قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر أحمد بن عبد الله بن يزيد بن سلام بن عبد الله بن عبد الله مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: حدثنى عبد الله ابن يزيد قال: حدثنى أبى يزيد بن سلام عن أبيه سلام بن عبد الله أخى عبد الله ابن سلام عن عبد الله بن سلام مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: في صحف موسى بن عمران ” ع ” يا عبادي: انى لم اخلق لاستكثربهم من قلة، ولا لانس بهم من وحشة، ولا لاستعين بهم على شئ عجزت عنه، ولا لجر منفعة، ولا لدفع مضرة، ولوان جميع خلقي من اهل السموات والارض أجتمعوا على طاعتي وعبادتي لا يفترون عن ذلك ليلا ولا نهارا ما زاد ذلك في ملكي شيئا سبحاني وتعاليت عن ذلك.

Al Husayn Bin Yahya Bin Zareys Al Bajaly narrated to us, from his father, from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Amara Al Sakaray Al Saryani, from Ibrahim Bin Aasim at Qazween, from Abdullah Bin Haroun Al Karkhy, from Abu Ja’far Ahmad Bin Abdullah Bin Yazeed Bin Salaam Bin Abdullah Bin Abdullah, a slave of Rasool-Allah-saww, from Abdullah Ibn Yazeed, from Abu Yazeed Bin Salaam, from his father Salaam Bin Abdullah, brother of Abdullah Bin Salaam, from Abdullah Bin Salaam, a slave of Rasool-Allah-saww,

(It has been narrated) from Rasool-Allah-saww: ‘(It was) in the Parchment of Musa-as Bin Imran-as: “O My-azwj servants! I-azwj did not Create so that I-azwj would be Numerous from a few, nor for the cordiality with them from loneliness, nor for support by them for anything which I-azwj was frustrated from, nor for the benefit, nor for repelling any harm. And even if the whole of My-azwj creatures from the inhabitants of the skies and the earth were to gather together upon being obedient to Me-azwj, and worshipping Me-azwj, not forging from that, night and day, nothing from My-azwj Kingdom would be increased, in My-azwj Glory, and I-azwj am more Elevated than that”.[20]

حدثنا محمد بن احمد الشيباني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي قال: حدثنا موسى بن عمران النخعي، عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن علي بن سالم عن أبيه عن ابي بصير قال: سألت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” عن قول الله عزوجل: (وما خلقت الجن والانس إلا ليعبدون) قال: خلقهم ليأمرهم بالعبادة، قال: وسألته عن قوله الله عزوجل (ولا يزالون مختلفين إلا من رحم ربك) ولذلك خلقهم؟ قال: ليفعلوا ما يستوجبون به رحمته فيرحمهم

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Shaybany narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yzeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Saalim, from his father, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [51:56] And I have not Created the Jinn and the Humans except that they should worship, Imam-asws said: ‘Created them for Commanding them for the worship’.

قال: و سألته عن قوله عز و جل: وَ لا يَزالُونَ مُخْتَلِفِينَ إِلَّا مَنْ رَحِمَ رَبُّكَ وَ لِذلِكَ خَلَقَهُمْ ، قال: «خلقهم ليفعلوا ما يستوجبون [به‏] رحمته فيرحمهم».

(The narrator) said, ‘And I asked him-asws about the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [11:118] and they will not stop differing [11:119] Except those upon whom your Lord has Mercy; and for this did He create them, Imam-asws said: ‘Created them so that they would do what would obligate His-azwj Mercy upon them, so that He-azwj would be Merciful to them’.[21]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثني محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقي عن عبد الله بن احمد النهيكي عن على بن الحسن الطاطري قال: حدثنا درست بن أبى منصور عن جميل بن دراج قال: لابي عبد الله ” ع ” جعلت فداك ما معنى قول الله عزوجل: (وما خلقت الجن والانس إلا ليعبدون) فقال: خلقهم للعبادة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad Al Naheyki, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Al Tatary, from Darast Bin Abu Mansour, from Jameel Bin Daraaj,

Who said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! What is the Meaning of the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [51:56] And I have not Created the Jinn and the Humans except that they should worship? So the Imam-asws said: ‘Created them for the worship’.[22]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا على بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى عن الحسن بن على بن فضال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن جميل بن دراج عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: سألته عن قول اله عزوجل: (وما خلقت الجن والانس إلا ليعبدون) قال: خلقهم للعبادة قلت: خاصة أم عامة؟ قال: لا، بل عامة.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al barqy, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Sa’alba Bin Maymoun, from Jameel Bin Daraaj,

(The narrator) says, ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [51:56] And I have not Created the Jinn and the Humans except that they should worship. The Imam-asws said: ‘Created them for the worship’. I said, ‘In particular or generally?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘No, but, generally’.[23]

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن سعيد الكوفي عن على بن الحسن بن على بن فضال عن أبيه عن أبى الحسن الرضا عليه السلام قال: لم خلق الله سبحانه وتعالى الخلق على أنواع شتى ولم يخلقهم نوعا واحدا؟ فقال لئلا يقع في الاوهام انه عاجز ولا يقع صورة في وهم ملحد إلا وقد خلق الله عزوجل عليها خلقا لئلا يقول قائل: هل يقدر الله عزوجل على ان يخلق صورة كذا وكذا، لانه لا يقول من ذلك شيئا إلا وهو موجود في خلقه تبارك وتعالى فيعلم بالنظر إلى أنواع خلقه انه على كل شئ قدير.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Kufy, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from his father,

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, said; ‘Why did Allah-azwj Glorious and High did not Create the people upon various types and did not Created them upon one type?’ So he-asws said: ‘So that perhaps it would occur in the imaginations that He-azwj was frustrated, nor does there occur in the imagination of an atheist an image except that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Created such a creature. Perhaps the sayer would say, ‘Is Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic able to Create such and such an image?’ Because he cannot say anything from that except that it is to be found in the creation of the Blessed and High, so that he would know by looking at the (various) types of His-azwj creatures that He-azwj has Power over all things’.[24]

(باب 10 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى آدم آدم)

Chapter 10 – The reason due to which Adam-as was named as Adam-as

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن احمد ابن محمد بن عيسى عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر عن أبان بن عثمان عن محمد الحلبي عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إنما سمي آدم آدم لانه خلق من أديم الارض.

My father narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Aban Bin Usman, from Muhammad Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘But rather, Adam-as was named as Adam-as because he-as was Created from the crust (أديم) of the earth’.

قال مصنف هذا الكتاب رحمه الله اسم الارض الرابعة أديم، وخلق آدم منها، فلذلك قيل خلق من أديم الارض.

The author of this book said, ‘The fourth firmament is ‘Adeym’, and Adam-as was Created from it. Thus it is due to that, it is said that he-as was Created from the ‘Adeym’ of the earth’.[25]

(باب 11 العلة التى من أجلها سمى الانسان إنسانا)

Chapter 11 – The reasons due to which the human being (Insaan) was named as ‘Insaan

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد بن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن معاوية بن حكيم عن ابن أبى عمير عن بعض أصحابنا عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: سمي الانسان إنسانا لانه ينسى، وقال الله عزوجل: (ولقد عهدنا الى آدم من قبل فنسى).

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muawiya Bin Hakeem, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The human being was named as ‘Insaan’ because he forgets (Nasii), and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Says [20:115] And We had Given a Covenant to Adam before, but he forgot’.[26]




(باب 12 العلة التى من أجلها خلق الله عزوجل آدم من غير أب وأم) وخلق عيسى من غير أب، وخلق ساير الخلق من الآباء والامهات)

Chapter 12 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Created Adam-as without a father and mother, and Created Isa Bin Maryam-as without a father, and Created the rest of the people from their fathers and mothers

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن علي بن سالم عن أبيه عن أبى بصير قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” لاي علة خلق الله عزوجل آدم من غير أب وأم، وخلق عيسى ” ع ” من غير أب وخلق ساير الناس من الآباء والامهات؟ فقال: ليعلم الناس تمام قدرته وكمالها، ويعلموا أنه قادر على ان يخلق خلقا من انثى من غير ذكر، كما هو قادر على ان يخلقه من غير ذكر ولا انثى وانه عزوجل فعل ذلك ليعلم انه على كل شئ قدير.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Saalim, from his father, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason is Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created Adam-as without a father or mother, and Created Isa-as without a father, and Created the rest of the people from the fathers and the mothers?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘To let the people know the completeness of His-azwj Power and its Perfection, and they would know that He-azwj is Able to Create a creature from a female without a male, just as He-azwj is Able to Create him from without a male or a female, and He-azwj Mighty and Majestic Did that to let it be known that He-azwj has Power over everything’.[27]

(باب 13 – العلة التى من أجلها جعل الله عزوجل الارواح) (في الابدان، بعد أن كانت مجردة عنها في أرفع محل)

Chapter 13 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Made the spirits to be in the bodies, after that these were abstract from it in an elevated place

حدثنا علي بن أحمد عن محمد بن أبى عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي قال: حدثنا جعفر بن سليمان بن أيوب الخزاز قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن الفضل الهاشمي قال قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” لاى علة جعل الله عزوجل الارواح في الابدان بعد كونها في ملكوته الاعلى في أرفع محمل؟

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ja’far Bin Suleyman Bin Ayoub Al Khazaz, from Abdullah Bin Al Fazal Al Hashimy who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Make the spirits to be in the bodies after they happened to be in the Elevated Kingdom in an elevated place?’

فقال عليه السلام ان الله تبارك وتعالى علم ان الارواح في شرفها وعلوها متى ما تركت على حالها نزع أكثرها إلى دعوى الربوبية دونه عزوجل فجعلها بقدرته في الابدان التى قدر لها في إبتداء التقدير نظرا لها ورحمة بها وأحوج بعضها إلى بعض وعلق بعضها على بعض ورفع بعضها على بعض في الدنيا ورفع بعضها فوق بعض درجات في الآخرة وكفى بعضها ببعض وبعث إليهم رسله واتخذ عليهم حججه مبشرين ومنذرين يأمرون بتعاطي العبودية والتواضع لمعبودهم بالانواع التي تعبدهم بها، ونصب لهم عقوبات في العاجل وعقوبات في الآجل ومثوبات في العاجل ومثوبات في الآجل ليرغبهم بذلك في الخير ويزيدهم في الشر وليده لم بطلب المعاش والمكاسب فيعملوا بذلك انهم بها مربوبون وعباد مخلوقون ويقبلوا على عبادته فيستحقوا بذلك نعيم الابد وجنة الخلد ويأمنوا من الفزع إلى ما ليس لهم بحق.

So the Imam-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Knew that the spirits are among its honourable and high (creatures) and were they to be left in their state, most of them would remove themselves to the Lordship of besides Him-azwj, the Mighty and Majestic. Therefore, He-azwj Made them, by His-azwj Power, to be in the bodies which had been Pre-destined for them in the beginning of the Pre-destination

ثم قال ” ع “: يابن الفضل، ان الله تبارك وتعالى أحسن نظرا لعباده منهم لانفسهم ألا ترى انك لا ترى فيهم إلا محبا للعلو على غيره حتى يكون منهم لمن قد نزع إلى دعوى الربوبية، ومنهم من قد نزع إلى دعوى النبوة بغير حقها، ومنهم من قد نزع إلى دعوى الاءمامة بغير حقها وذلك مع ما يرون في انفسهم من النقص والعجز والضعف والمهانة والحاجة والفقر والآلام والمناوبة عليهم والموت الغالب لهم والقاهر لجمعهم، يابن الفضل: ان الله تبارك وتعالى لا يفعل بعباده إلا الاصلح لهم ولا يظلم الناس شيئا ولكن الناس أنفسهم يظلمون.

Then he-asws said: ‘O Ibn Fazal! Allah-azwj Blessed and High is better in consideration to His-azwj servants than themselves. Have you not seen that among them are those who do not see except for love of the exaltation over others to the extent that some among them become inclined to claiming the lordship over others, and among them are ones who have inclined towards claiming the Prophet-hood without a right, and among them are those who have inclined towards claiming the Imamate without a right, and that is along with what they are seeing in themselves, from the faults, and the frustration, and the weakness, and the humiliation, and the need, and the poverty, and the pains, and the difficulties against them, and the death overcoming them, and the compulsion to gather them. O Ibn Fazal! Allah-azwj Blessed and High does not Deal with His-azwj servants except for the correction for them, and is not unjust to the people with anything, but the people themselves are unjust’.[28]

(باب 14 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت حواء حواءا)

Chapter 14 – The reason due to which Hawwa-as was named as Hawwa-as

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن علي بن أبى حمزة عن أبى بصير عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: سميت حواء حواء لانها خلقت من حي، قال الله عزوجل (خلقكم من نفس واحدة وخلق منها زوجها).

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Abdu Hamza, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘Hawwa-as was named as Hawwa-as because she was Created from live (a live being). Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Says [4:1] O you people! Fear your Lord, Who Created you from a single being and Created its mate from it.[29]


(باب 15 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت المرأة مرأة)

Chapter 15 – The reasons due to which the woman was named as ‘woman’ (مرأة)

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنى محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفى عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن على بن أبى حمزة عن أبى بصير عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سميت المرأة مرأة لانها خلقت من المرء – يعنى خلقت حواء من آدم.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘The woman had been named as ‘woman’ (مرأة) because she was Created from the (clay of the) man (المرء) – meaning the Creation of Hawwa-as was from Adam-as’.[30]

(باب 16 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت النساء نساءا)

Chapter 16 – The reason due to which the women have been named as ‘women’

أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن أبيه، عن محمد بن سنان، عن اسماعيل بن جابر وعبد الكريم بن عمرو، عن عبد الحميد بن أبى الديلم، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” في حديث طويل قال: سمي النساء نساءا لانه لم يكن لآدم ” ع ” أنس غير حواء.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail Bin Jabir, and Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, from Abdul Hameed Bin Abu Al Daylam,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws in a lengthy Hadeeth having said: ‘The women have been named as ‘women’ because there did not happen to be affection (أنس) of Adam-as for other than Hawwa-as’.[31]

(باب 17 – علة كيفية بدء النسل)

Chapter 17 – Reason how the offspring began

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس ومحمد بن يحيى العطار جميعا قالا: حدثنا محمد بن احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري قال: حدثنا احمد بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن أحمد بن ابراهيم بن عمار قال: حدثنا ابن نويه رواه، عن زرارة قال: سئل أبو عبد الله عليه السلام كيف بدؤ النسل من ذرية آدم عليه السلام فإن عندنا اناس يقولون ان الله تبارك وتعالى أوحى إلى آدم عليه السلام ان يزوج بناته من بنيه وان هذا الخلق كله أصله من الاخوة والاخوات؟

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, and Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar both together, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ash’ary, from Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from ahmad Bin Ibrahim Bin Amaar, from Ibn Nawiya, from Zarara who said,

‘‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the beginning of the offspring from Adam-as, how did this come about? And about the offspring from the offspring of Adam-as, (2nd generation) for there are people who are saying, ‘Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto Adam-as that he-as should get his-as daughters to be married to his-as sons, and that the people, all of them, their origin is from brothers and sisters?’

قال أبو عبد الله: سبحان الله وتعالى عن ذلك علوا كبيرا، يقول من يقول هذا إن الله عزوجل جعل أصل صفوة خلقه وأحبائه وأنبيائه ورسله وحججه والمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات من حرام، ولم يكن له من القدرة ما يخلقهم من الحلال وقد أخذ ميثاقهم على الحلال والطهر والطاهر الطيب والله لقد نبأت ان بعض البهائم تنكرت له أخته فلما نزا عليها ونزل كشف له عنها وعلم انها أخته أخرج عزموله ثم قبض عليه باسنانه ثم قلعه ثم خر ميتا.

So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Glorified is Allah-azwj, Higher than that, Higher, Greater! The one who said this is saying that Allah-azwj Majestic and Mighty Created the elite of His-azwj creatures, and the ones Beloved to Him-azwj, and His-azwj Prophets-as, and His-azwj Rasools-as, and the believing men, and the believing women, and the Muslim men, and the Muslim women unlawfully, and did not have the ability to Create them lawfully, and He-azwj has Taken the Covenant upon the Lawful, and the Purified, and the good. And Allah-azwj has (even) Informed some of the animals that it should keep away from its sister. So when it descends upon it and when it find out that it is its sister, grabs it by its teeth until it cuts it, so it falls down dead.

قال زرارة: ثم سئل ” ع ” عن خلق حواء وقيل له ان اناسا عندنا يقولون ان الله عزوجل خلق حواء من ضلع آدم الايسر الاقصى؟ قال سبحان الله وتعالى عن ذلك علوا كبيرا، أيقول من يقول هذا إن الله تبارك وتعالى لم يكن له من القدرة ما يخلق لآدم زوجته من غير ضعله، وجعل لمتكلم من أهل التشنيع سبيلا إلى الكلام، يقول ان آدم كان ينكح بعضه بعضا إذا كانت من ضلعه ما لهؤلاء حكم الله بيننا وبينهم،

Zarara said, ‘The I asked him-asws about the Creation of Hawwa-as and said to him-asws that some people among us are saying that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created Hawwa-as from far-right rib of Adam-as?’ He-asws said: ‘Glorified is Allah-azwj, Higher than that, Higher, Greater! Is he saying, the one who is saying this, that Allah-azwj Blessed and High did not have the Power to Create for Adam-as, his-as wife-as from other than his-as rib, and made a way for the speakers from the slanderous people, to be saying that Adam-as had married some of his-as part (children) to each other. Since they were from his-as rib, what is the (difference in the) Judgement of Allah-azwj for them, between us and them?’

ثم قال ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما خلق آدم من الطين وأمر الملائكة فسجدوا له ألقى عليه السبات ثم أبتدع له خلقا، ثم جعلها في موضع النقرة التى بين وركيه، وذلك لكي تكون المرأة تبعا للرجل، فاقبلت تتحرك فانتبه لتحركها فلما انتبه نوديت ان تنحى عنه فلما نظر الى إليها نظر الى خلق حسن تشبه صورته غير أنها أنثى فكلمها فكلمته بلغته، فقال لها من أنت؟ فقالت خلق خلقني الله كما ترى،

Then he-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created Adam-as from the clay and Commanded the Angels, so they Prostrated to him-as. Then dormancy was cast over him-as (Adam-as). Then a creation was begun for him-as (Hawwa-as). Then she-as was Made to be in the place of the waist which was between his-as hips, and it is due to that, that the women act in accordance to the men. So she-as started turning and moving by his-as side. So he-as paid attention to her-as movement. So when he-as noticed it, there was a Call telling her-as to move away from him-as. So when he-as looked at her-as, he-as looked at a beautiful creature, resembling him-as in image, except that she-as was a female. So he-as spoke to her-as, and she-as spoke to him-as in his-as language. So he-as said to her-as: ‘Who are you-as?’ So she-as said: ‘A creature. Allah-azwj Created me-as just as you-as see’.

فقال آدم عند ذلك يا رب من هذا الخلق الحسن الذي قد آنسني قربة والنظر إليه؟ فقال الله هذه أمتى حواء أفتحب ان تكون معك فتونسك وتحدثك وتأتمر لامرك؟ قال: نعم يا رب ولك بذلك الحمد والشكر ما بقيت، فقال الله تبارك وتعالى فاخطبها إلى فانها أمتى وقد تصلح أيضا للشهوة، والقى الله عليه الشهوة وقد علمه قبل ذلك المعرفة،

So Adam-as said during that: ‘O Lord-azwj! Who is this beautiful creature which has drawn my-as affection, and the looking at her-as?’ So Allah-azwj Said: “This is My-azwj Maid Hawwa-as. Would you-as like her-as to be with you-as, so she-as would be affectionate to you-as, and converse with you-as, and obey your-as orders?” He-as said: ‘Yes, O Lord-azwj! To You-azwj, due to that, is the Praise, and the thanks, for as long as I-as remain’. So Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said: “So address her-as (for marriage) to Me-azwj for she-as is My-azwj maid, and she-as is correct as well for the desire”. And Allah-azwj Cast desire over him-as, and before that had Taught him-as the recognition.

فقال يا رب فانى أخطبها اليك فما رضاك لذلك؟ فقال رضائي ان تعلمها معالم ديني، فقال ذلك لك يا رب أن شئت ذلك، قال: قد شئت ذلك وقد زوجتكها فضمها اليك، فقال: أقبلي، فقالت بل أنت فاقبل إلي، فامر الله عزوجل آدم ان يقوم إليها فقام، ولولا ذلك لكان النساء هن يذهبن إلى الرجال حتى خطبن على انفسهن، فهذه قصة حواء صلوات الله عليها.

So he-as said: ‘So I-as hereby address her-as (for marriage), to You-azwj, so what is Your-azwj Satisfaction for that?’ So He-azwj Said: “My-azwj Satisfaction is that you-as should teach her-asws the features of My-azwj Religion”. So he-as said: ‘Such would be case for You-azwj, O Lord-azwj, if You-azwj so Desire that’. He-azwj Said: ‘I-azwj do Desire that, and have hereby Married her-as to you-as, and Combined her-as to you-as”. So he-as said: ‘Come to me-as’. So she-as said: ‘But you-as come to me-as’. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded Adam-as that he-as should arise to go to her-as, so he-as stood. And had it not been for that, the women would have gone to the men until they address them to themselves. So this is the story of Hawwa-as’.[32]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن الحسين بن الحسن ابن ابان، عن محمد بن أورمة، عن النوفلي، عن على بن داود اليعقوبي عن الحسن بن مقاتل، عمن سمع زرارة يقول سئل أبو عبد الله عليه السلام عن بدء النسل من آدم كيف كان وعن بدء النسل عن ذرية آدم فان أناسا عندنا يقولون ان الله عزوجل أوحى إلى آدم يزوج بناته ببنيه وان هذا الخلق كله أصله من الاخوة والاخوات؟

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hasan Ibn Aban, from Muhammad Bin Urwa, from Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Dawood Al Yaqouby, from Al Hassan Bin Maqatal, from the one who heard Zarara saying,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws was asked about the beginning of the offspring from Adam-as, how was it, and about the beginning of the offspring from the offspring of Adam-as, for there are people among us who are saying that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Adam-as to get his-as daughters to be married to his-as sons, and that, this people (today), all of them, their origin is from the brothers and the sister?’

فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: تعالى الله عن ذلك علوا كبيرا يقول من قال هذا بان الله عزوجل خلق صفوة خلقه واحبائه وأنبيائه ورسله والمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات من حرام ولم يكن له من القدرة ما يخلقهم من حلال وقد أخذ ميثاقهم على الحلال الطهر الطاهر الطيب،

So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj is Higher than that, Higher, Greater! The one who said this is saying that Allah-azwj Majestic and Mighty Created the elite of His-azwj creatures, and the ones Beloved to Him-azwj, and His-azwj Prophets-as, and His-azwj Rasools-as, and the believing men, and the believing women, and the Muslim men, and the Muslim women unlawfully, and did not have the ability to Create them lawfully, and He-azwj has Taken the Covenant upon the Lawful, and the Purified, and the good.

فوالله لقد تبينت ان بعض البهائم تنكرت له أخته فلما نزاعليها ونزل كشف له عنها فلما علم أنها أخته أخرج عزموله ثم قبض عليه باسنانه حتى قطعه فخر ميتا، وآخر تنكرت اله أمه ففعل هذا بعينه فكيف الانسان في انسيته وفضله وعلمه، غيران جيلا من هذا الخلق الذي ترون رغبوا عن علم أهل بيوتات انبيائهم وأخذوا من حيث لم يؤمروا بأخذه فصاروا إلى ما قد ترون من الضلال والجهل بالعلم، كيف كانت الاشياء الماضية من بدء ان خلق الله ما خلق وما هو كاين ابدا،

And Allah-azwj has (even) Informed some of the animals that it should keep away from its sister. So when it descends upon it and when it find out that it is its sister, grabs it by its teeth until it cuts it, so it falls down dead. And it also dislikes (copulating) with its mother and it acts in the same way. So how can the human being (do this) forgetting his preference and his knowledge? But, a generation from these people which you are seeing have turned away from the knowledge of the Household of their Prophets-as and took from where they had not been Ordered to take it from, thus they became what you have been seeing, from the straying and the ignorance with the knowledge. How it was with the things in the past, from the beginning of the Creation of Allah-azwj what He-azwj Created, and (this is) what it will be happening, forever’.

ثم قال ويح هؤلاء أين هم عما لم يختلف فيه فقهاء أهل الحجاز ولا فقهاء أهل العراق ان الله عزوجل أمر القلم فجرى على اللوح المحفوظ بما هو كاين إلى يوم القيامة قبل خلق آدم بالفى عام وان كتب الله كلها فيما جرى فيه القلم في كلها تحريم الاخوات على الاخوة مع ما حرم وهذا نحن قد نرى منها هذه الكتب الاربعة المشهورة في هذا العالم: التوراة والانجيل والزبور والفرقان، أنزلها الله عن اللوح المحفوظ عن رسله صلوات الله عليهم اجمعين،

Then he-asws said: ‘Woe be upon them! Where are they? Blind from what the jurist of the people of Al-Hijaz and the jurists of the people of Al-Iraq are not differing in, that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded the Pen, so it flowed upon the Guarded Tablet with (writing) what would be happening up to the Day of Judgement, two thousand years before the Creation of Adam-as, and the Allah-azwj Wrote all of this, with regards to what the Pen flowed, and in all of this is the Prohibition of the sisters upon the brothers, along with whatever (else) was Prohibited. And this, we have seen from it in these four Books, in this world – The Torah, and the Evangel, and the Psalms, and the Furqaan (Quran). Allah-azwj Revealed these from the Guarded Tablet unto His-azwj Rasools-as, all of them.

منها التوراة على موسى (عليه السلام) والزبور على داود (عليه السلام) والانجيل على عيسى (عليه السلام) والقرآن على محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وعلى النبيين عليهم السلام، وليس فيها تحليل شئ من ذلك، حقا أقول ما أراد من يقول هذا وشبهه إلا تقوية حجج المجو س فمالهم قاتلهم الله،

From these, the Torah was upon Musa-as, and the Psalm was upon Dawood-as, and the Evangel was upon Isa-as, and the Quran was upon Muhammad-saww, and there is no Permission in these (Books) for anything from that (marriage between brothers and sisters). Truth is what I-asws am saying. He is not intending, the one who is saying this and what resembles it, except to strengthen the argument of the Magians. So what is the matter with them? May Allah-azwj Kill them!’

ثم انشأ يحدثنا كيف كان بدء النسل من آدم وكيف كان بد النسل من ذرية، فقال: ان آدم عليه السلام ولد له سبعون بطنا في كل بطن غلام وجارية إلى ان قتل هابيل، فلما قتل قابيل هابيل جزع آدم على هابيل جزعا قطعه عن اتيان النساء فبقى لا يستطيع ان يغشى حواء خمسمائة عام ثم تخلى ما به من الجزع عليه فغشى حواء فوهب الله له شيئا وحده ليس معه ثان،

Then he-asws established in narrating to us, how the offspring of Adam-as began, and how the offspring began from his-as offspring. So he-asws said: ‘There were born unto Adam-as, seventy pregnancies (of Hawwa-as), in each pregnancy was a slave and a maid (boy and a girl) up to the killing of Habeel-as. So when Qabeel-la killed Habeel-as, Adam-as was aggrieved upon Habbeel-as with such grief that he-as cut off from the women. So he-as remained not copulating with Hawwa-as for five hundred years. Then his-as grief which was with him-as subsided, so he-as copulated with Hawwa-as, and Allah-azwj Granted to him-as, one thing, and there was no second along with it (single birth, not twins).

واسم شيث هبة الله وهو أول من أوصى إليه من الآدميين في الارض، ثم ولد له من بعد شيث يافث ليس معه ثان فلما ادركا وأراد الله عزوجل ان يبلغ بالنسل ما ترون وان يكون ما قد جرى به القلم من تحريم ما حرم الله عزوجل من الاخوات على الاخوة انزل بعد العصر في يوم الخميس حوراء من الجنة اسمها (نزلة)

And the name of Shees-as was Hibtallah-as, and he-as was the first one who was bequeathed to, from the human beings, in the earth. Then there was born unto him-as Yafas-as, not having a second with him-as. So when they became aware (adults), Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Intended that their offspring to reach what you are seeing, and since the Pen had flowed from Prohibiting what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic had Prohibited, from the sisters upon the brothers, after some time, on the Day of Thursday, Caused a Hourie to descend from the Paradise, her name being Nazalat.

فأمر الله عزوجل آدم ان يزوجها من شيث فزوجها منه، ثم أنزل بعد العصر حوراء من الجنة اسمها (منزلة) فأمر الله تعالى آدم ان يزوجها من يافث فزوجها منه فولد لشيث غلام وولدت ليافث جارية فأمر الله عزوجل آدم حين ادركا ان يزوج بنت يافث من ابن شيث ففعل فولد الصفوة من النبيين والمرسلين من نسلهما ومعاذ الله ان يكون ذلك على ما قالوا من الاخوة والاخوات.

So, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded Adam-as that he-as should get her married to Shees-as. So he-as got her to be married to him-as. Then, after some time, a Hourie descended from the Paradise, her name being Manzalat. So Allah-azwj the High Commanded Adam-as that he-as should get her to be married to Yafas, so he-as got her to be married to him. A boy was born unto Shees-as, and a girl was born unto Yafas. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded Adam-as, when they attained awareness (adults), to get the daughter of Yafas to be married to the son of Shees-as. So he-as did it. Thus the elites from the Prophets-as, and the Rasools-as were born from their offspring. And God Forbid, that that happened upon what they are saying, from the brothers and the sisters’.[33]


(باب 20 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى نوح عليه السلام نوحا)

Chapter 20 – The reason due to which Noah-as was named as Noah-as

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن عبد الرحمان بن أبى نجران عن سعيد بن جناح، عن بعض أصحابنا، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: كان أسم نوح عبد الملك، وإنما سمى نوحا لانه بكى خمسمائة سنة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Saeed Bin Janaf, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The name of Noah-as was Abdul Malik, and he-as was named as Noah-as because he-as cried for five hundred years’.[34]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن الحسين ابن الحسن ابن ابان، عن محمد بن أورمة، عمن ذكره، عن سعيد بن جناح، عن رجل، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: كان أسم نوح عبد الاعلى، وإنما سمي نوحا لانه بكى خمسمائة عام

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Ibn Al Hassan Ibn Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from the one who mentioned, from Saeed Bin Janah, from a man,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The name of Noah-as was Abdul A’ala, and he-as was named as Noah-as because he-as cried for five hundred years’.[35]

(باب 21 العلة التى من أجلها سمى نوح عبدا شكورا)

Chapter 21 – The reason due to which Noah-as was named as grateful servant

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر البزنطي، عن ابان بن عثمان، عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبى جعفر عليه السلام قال: ان نوحا إنما سمي عبدا شكورا لانه كان يقول إذا أمسى وأصبح: اللهم إنى أشهدك أنه ما أمسى وأصبح بى من نعمة أو عافية في دين، أو دنيا فمنك وحدك لا شريك لك، لك الحمد ولك الشكر بها علي حتى ترضى، وبعد الرضا إلهنا.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty, from Aban Bin Usman, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘But rather, Noah-as was named as a grateful servant because he-as was saying, when it was evening and morning: ‘O Allah-azwj! I-as testify to You-azwj, there has not been with me, an evening and a morning, from a Bounty or well being in Religion or world, so it is from You-azwj. You-azwj are One with no associate for You-azwj. For You-azwj is the Praise, and for You-azwj is the thanks for it to be upon me-as, until You-azwj are Pleased, and (remain) Pleased afterwards, our God!’[36]

(23 – العلة التى من أجلها أغرق الله عزوجل الدنيا كلها في زمن نوح ” ع “)

Chapter 23 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Drowned the world, all of it during the time period of Noah-as

حدثنا احمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي، عن الرضا عليه السلام قال: قلت له لاى علة اغرق الله عز وجل الدنيا كلها في زمن نوح ” ع ” وفيهم الاطفال ومن لا ذنب له؟

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Abdul Salam Bin Salih Al Harwy,

(The narrator) says, ‘I said to Al-Reza-asws, ‘What was the reason for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to Drown all of the world during the era of Noah-as, and among them were children and ones who had no sin upon them?’

فقال: «ما كان فيهم الأطفال، لأن الله عز و جل أعقم أصلاب قوم نوح و أرحام نسائهم أربعين عاما، فانقطع نسلهم، فاغرقوا و لا طفل فيهم، ما كان الله عز و جل ليهلك بعذابه من لا ذنب له.

So the Imam-asws said: ‘There were no children among them, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sterilised the backbones of the people of Noah-as and the wombs of their women for forty years. So their offspring were cut off. They drowned and there were no children among them. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic did not Destroy by His-azwj Punishment, the one who did not have a sin upon him.

و أما الباقون من قوم نوح (عليه السلام) فاغرقوا لتكذيبهم نبي الله نوحا (عليه السلام)، و سائرهم اغرقوا برضاهم تكذيب المكذبين، و من غاب عن أمر فرضي به كان كمن شاهده و أتاه».

And as for the remainder of them, from the people of Noah-as, Allah-azwj Drowned them due to their belying the Prophet-as of Allah-azwj – Noah-as, and the rest of them drowned due to their being pleased with the belying of the beliers. And the one who was absent from a matter and was happy with it, is like the one who was present and came to it (participated in it)’.[37]

(24 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت قرية نوح قرية الثمانين)

Chapter 24 – The reason due to which the town of Noah was named as the town of the ‘eighty’

حدثنا أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن ابراهيم ابن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي قال: قال الرضا عليه السلام: لما هبط نوح ” ع ” إلى الارض كان هو وولده ومن تبعه ثمانين نفسا فبنى حيث نزل قرية فسماها قرية الثمانين، لانهم كانوا ثمانين.

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated, from Ali Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Hashim, from his father, from Abdul Salam Bin Salih Al Harwy who said,

‘(Imam) Al-Reza-asws said: ‘When Noah-as descended to the ground (from the ship), he-as, and his-as children, and those ones who followed him-as were eighty persons. So they built a town, where they disembarked, and called it ‘Town of the Eighty’, because they were eighty of them’.[38]

(25 – العلة التى من أجلها قال الله عزوجل لنوح في شأن إبنه) (أنه ليس من أهلك)

Chapter 25 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said regarding his-as son: “[11:46] He is not from your family

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي الوشا عن الرضا عليه السلام قال: سمعته يقول قال أبى عليه السلام، قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام، ان الله عز وجل قال لنوح: (أنه ليس من أهلك) لانه كان مخالفا له وجعل من اتبعه من أهله،

My father narrated to me, from Sa;ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa,

(The narrator says), ‘I heard Al-Reza-asws saying: ‘I-asws heard my-asws father-asws saying: ‘Abu Abdullah-asws said that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to Noah-as: “[11:46] He is not from your family because he was an opponent of his-as, and the ones who followed him-as would be (considered to be) from his-as family’.

قال: وسألني كيف تقرؤن هذه الآية في ابن نوح؟ فقلت تقرؤها الناس على وجهين، انه عمل غير صالح، وانه عمل غير صالح، فقال كذبوا هو إبنه، ولكن الله عزوجل نفاه عنه حين خالفه في دينه.

(The narrator) said, ‘And he-asws asked me: ‘How are they (people) reading this Verse with regards to the son of Noah-as?’ So I said, ‘The people are reading it upon two aspects – [11:46] he is (the doer of) other than righteous deeds; it was a deed, not righteous’. So he-asws said: ‘They are lying! He was (indeed) his-as son, but Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Negated him from him-as when he opposed him-as in his-as Religion’.[39]

(باب 26 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى النجف نجف)

Chapter 26 – The reason due to which Al-Najaf was named as ‘Najaf’

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفى، عن موسى بن عمران النخعي، عن عمه الحسن بن يزيد النوفلي عن على بن أبى حمزة، عن أبى نعيم، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان النجف كان جبلا وهو الذي قال ابن نوح: (سآوي إلى جبل يعصني من الماء) ولم يكن على وجة الارض جبل أعظم منه، فأوحى الله عز وجل إليه يا جبل أيعتصم بك مني فتقطع قطعا قطعا إلى بلاد الشام، وصار رملا دقيقا، وصار بعد ذلك بحرا عظيما وكان يسمى ذلك البحر بحر (نى) ثم (جف) بعد ذلك فقيل نى جف فسمي بنجف ثم صار الناس بعد ذلك يسمونه نجف لانه كان أخف على ألسنتهم.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Hassan Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Naeem,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Al-Najaf was a mountain, and it is the one for which the son of Noah-as said [11:43] He said: I will betake myself (for refuge) to a mountain that shall protect me from the water, and there did not happen to be a mountain upon the face of the earth, greater than it. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed upon it: “O mountain! He is seeking refuge with you, from Me-azwj”. So it broke itself into pieces and pieces to the city of Syria, and became small grains of sand. And after that, it became a great ocean, and that ocean used to be called the ‘Ni’ ocean. Then it became a desert (dried up – ‘Jaf’). So it was called ‘Ni-Jaf’, and the people, after that, called it ‘Najaf’, for it was easier upon their tongues’.[40]

(باب 27 – العلة التى من أجلها قال نوح: إنك ان تذرهم) (يضلوا عبادك ولا يلدوا إلا فاجرا كفارا)

Chapter 27 – The reason due to which Noah-as said: ‘[71:27] For surely if You leave them they will lead astray Your servants, and will not beget any but immoral, ungrateful (children)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن اسماعيل، عن حنان بن سدير، عن أبيه قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام، أرأيت نوحا ” ع ” حين دعا على قومه فقال: (رب لا تذر على الارض من الكافرين ديارا، إنك ان تذرهم يضلوا عبادك ولا يلدوا إلا فاجرا كفارا) قال عليه السلام: علم انه لا ينجب من بينهم أحد، قال قلت وكيف علم ذلك؟ قال أوحى الله إليه انه لا يؤمن من قومك إلامن قد آمن، فعند هذا دعا عليهم بهذا الدعاء.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from his father who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘What is your-asws view of Noah-as where he-as supplicated to Allah-azwj against his-as people, so he-as said [71:26] And Nuh said: My Lord! leave not upon the land any dweller from among the unbelievers: [71:27] For surely if Thou leave them they will lead astray Thy servants, and will not beget any but immoral, ungrateful (children)?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Not one from among them was going to answer him-as’. I said, ‘And how did he-as know that?’ The Imam-asws said, ‘Allah-azwj revealed unto him-as that no one else is going to believe from your-as people except the one who has already believed. So then he-as supplicated against them with this supplication’.[41]

(باب 28 – العلة التى من أجلها صار في الناس السودان والترك) (والسقالبة ويأجوج ومأجوج)

Chapter 28 – The reason due to which there came to be among the people, the Blacks, and the Turks, and Al-Saqaliba, and Gog and Magog

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي قال: حدثنا سهل بن زياد الآدمي قال: حدثنا عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني قال: سمعت علي بن محمد العسكري عليه السلام يقول: عاش نوح عليه السلام الفين وخمسمائة سنة، وكان يوما في السفينة نائما، فهبت ريح فكشفت عن عورته فضحك حام ويافث، فزجرهما سام عليه السلام ونهاهما عن الضحك، وكان كلما غطى سام شيئا تكشفه الريح كشفه حام ويافث

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Admy, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany who said,

‘I heard Ali-asws Bin Muhammad Al-Askary-asws saying: ‘Noah-as lived for two thousand five hundred years. One day he-as asleep in the ship, so a wind descended and uncovered his-as honour. So Haam and Yaafas laughed, and Saam-as rebuked them and forbid them from the laughing. And every time Saam-as covered something which the wind uncovered, Haam and Yafas would uncover it.

فانتبه نوح عليه السلام فرآهم وهم يضحكون فقال ماهذا؟ فاخبره سام بما كان، فرفع نوح عليه السلام يده إلى السماء يدعو ويقول: اللهم غير، ماء صلب حام، حتى لا يولد له إلا السودان، اللهم غير ماء صلب يافث فغير الله ماء صلبهما،

So Noah-as paid attention to it and saw them, and they were laughing. So he-as said: ‘What is this?’ So, Saam-as informed him-as of what had happened. So Noah-as raised his-as hands to the sky and supplicated and was saying: ‘O Allah-azwj! Change the water (seed) of Haam until he does not beget except for the black. O Allah-azwj! Change the water (seed) of Yafas!’ So Allah-azwj Changed the water of their ribs.

فجميع السودان حيث كانوا من حام، وجميع الترك والسقالبة ويأجوج ومأجوج والصين من يافث حيث كانوا، وجميع البيض سواهم من سام،

Therefore, all the black (people), wherever they may be, are from Haam, and all of the Turks and Al-Saqaliba, and Gog, and Magod, and the Chinese, are from Yafas wherever they may be, and all the white, besides them, are from Saam-as.

وقال نوح ” ع ” لحام ويافث: جعل الله ذريتكما خولا لذرية سام إلى يوم القيامة، لانه بر بى وعققتمانى، فلا زالت سمة عقوقكما لي في ذريتكما ظاهرة وسمة البر بى في ذرية سام ظاهرة ما بقيت الدنيا.

And Noah-as said to Haam and Yafas: ‘Allah-azwj has Made the offspring of the both of you as followers to the offspring of Saam-as up to the Day of Judgement, because he-as was righteous with me-as and your (both) being disobedient to me. So the traits of disobedience of the both of you would not cease to be in the offspring of you both, in the apparent, nor would the traits of righteousness cease to be in the offspring of Saam-as, in the apparent, for as long as the world remains’.[42]

(باب 29 – العلة التى من أجلها أحب الله عز وجل لانبيائه) (عليهم السلام الحرث والرعى)

Chapter 29 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Loved the farming and the grazing for His-azwj Prophets-as

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن محمد بن سنان، عن محمد بن عطية قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول: ان الله عزوجل احب لانبيائه عليهم السلام من الاعمال الحرث والرعي، لئلا يكرهوا شيئا من قطر السماء.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Muhammad Bin Atiya who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj Loved the farming and the grazing for His-azwj Prophets-as, from the deeds (professions), so that they would not dislike anything even a drop from the sky’.[43]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن مروان بن مسلم، عن عقبة، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ما بعث الله نبيا قط حتى يسترعيه الغنم، يعلمه بذلك رعية الناس.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from marwan Bin Muslim, from Uqba,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj did not Send a Prophet-as at all unless he-as grazed the sheep, in order to learn by that, grazing (herding) the people’.[44]

(باب 32 – العلة التى من أجلها اتخذ الله عزوجل ابراهيم خليلا)

Chapter 32 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Took Ibrahim-as as a friend

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي، عن أحمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقي، عن أبيه عن ابن أبى عمير، عمن ذكره قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” لم اتخذ الله عزوجل ابراهيم خليلا؟ قال: لكثرة سجوده على الارض.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abdu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from the one who mentioned it who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Take Ibrahim-as as a friend?’ He-asws said: ‘Due to the abundance of his-as Prostrations upon the earth’.[45]

حدثنا احمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن علي بن معبد، عن الحسين بن خالد، عن أبى الحسن الرضا ” ع ” قال: سمعت أبى عبد الله ” ع ” يحدث عن أبيه عليه السلام انه قال: اتخذ الله عزوجل إبراهيم خليلا لانه لم يرد أحدا ولم يسأل أحدا غير الله عزوجل.

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Ibn Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Ali Bin Ma’abad, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid,

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws has said: ‘I-asws heard Abu Abdullah-asws narrate from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Took Ibrahim-as as a friend because he-as never wanted anyone (else), and did not ask anyone other than Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[46]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد الشيباني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن احمد الاسدي الكوفى، عن سهل بن زياد الآدمى، عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني قال سمعت على بن محمد العسكري ” ع ” يقول: إنما اتخذ الله عزوجل إبراهيم خليلا، لكثرة صلاته على محمد وأهل بيته صلوات الله عليهم.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Shaybani narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Asady Al Kufy, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Adamy, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany who said,

‘I heard Ali-asws Bin Muhammad Al-Askari-asws saying: ‘But rather, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Took Ibrahim-as as a friend, due to the abundance of his-as sending Salawaat upon Muhammad-saww and his-saww Family-asws’.[47]

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمرو بن علي البصري قال: حدثنا أبو أحمد محمد بن إبراهيم بن خارج الاصم البستي بها في مسجد طيبة قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عبد الله بن الجنيد قال: حدثنا أبو بكر عمرو بن سعيد قال: حدثنا علي ابن زاهر قال: حدثنا حريز، عن الاعمش، عن عطية العوفي، عن جابر بن عبد الله الانصاري قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول،: ما أتخذ الله إبراهيم خليلا، إلا لاطعامه الطعام، وصلاته بالليل والناس نيام.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Amro Bin Ali Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Ahmad Bin Ibrahim Bin Kharaj Al Asam Al Basty in Masjid Tayba, from Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Al Juneyd, from Abu Bakr Amro Bin saeed, from Ali Ibn Zahir, from Hareyz, from Al Amsh, from Atiya Al Awfy, from Jabir Bin Abdullah Al Ansary who said,

‘I heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘Allah-azwj did not Take Ibrahim-as as a friend except for his-as feeding the food, and Praying at the night whilst the people slept’.[48]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب ابن يزيد، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن ابان عثمان عن محمد بن مروان عمن رواه عن أبى جعفر عليه السلام قال: لما اتخذ الله إبراهيم خليلا، أتاه ببشارة الحلة ملك الموت في صورة شاب ابيض عليه ثوبان أبيضان يقطر رأسه ماء ودهنا فدخل إبراهيم عليه السلام الدار فاستقبله خارجا من الدار،

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Yaqoub Ibn Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Aban Usman, from Muhammad Bin Marwan, from the one who reported it,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘When Allah-azwj Took Ibrahim-as as a friend, then Angel of Death came to him-as with the good news, in the image of a young white man with two white robes upon him, his head dripping water and he-as was rubbing it. So Ibrahim-as entered the house, so he met him-as outside the house.

وكان إبراهيم رجلا غيورا وكان إذ اخرج في حاجة اغلق بابه واخذ مفتاحه، فخرج ذات يوم في حاجة واغلق بابه، ثم رجع ففتح بابه فإذا هو برجل قايم كأحسن ما يكون من الرجال فاخذته الغيرة وقال له: يا عبد الله ما ادخلك داري؟ فقال، ربها أدخلنيها فقال إبراهيم ربها احق بها منى، فمن أنت؟ قال: انا ملك الموت!

And Ibrahim-as was a very honourable man, and whenever he-as went out with regards to a need, locked his-as door and took its keys with him-as. So, one day he-as went out regarding a need and locked his-as door. Then he-as returned and opened his-as door, and there was a man standing, as handsome as a man could be. So his-as honour seized him-as and he-as said to him: ‘O servant of Allah-azwj, what made you enter my-as house?’ So he said: ‘Its Lord Made me to enter it’. So Ibrahim-as said: ‘He-as is more rightful of it than I-as am, so who are you?’ He said: ‘I am the Angel of Death!’

قال ففزع إبراهيم وقال جئتني لتسلبني روحي؟ فقال: لا، ولكن اتخذ الله عزوجل عبدا خليلا فجئت ببشارته، فقال ابراهيم فمن هذا العبد لعلى أخدمه حتى أموت؟ قال: أنت هو،

He-asws said: ‘So Ibrahim was alarmed, and said: ‘You have come to me-as in order to capture my-as soul?’ So he said: ‘No! But, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Taken a servant as a friend, so I have come with its good news’. So Ibrahim-as said: ‘So who is this servant, so that I-as can serve him until I-as die?’ He said: ‘You-as are him’.

قال: فدخل على سارة فقال: ان ا لله اتخذني خليلا.

He-asws said: ‘So he-as came up to Sarah-as and said: ‘Allah-azwj has Taken me-as as a friend!’[49]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن ابان، عن محمد بن أورمة، عن عبد الله بن محمد، عن داود ابن أبى يزيد، عن عبد الله بن هلال، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لما جاء المرسلون إلى إبراهيم عليه السلام جاءهم بالعجل، فقال كلوا فقالوا لا نأكل حتى تخبرنا ما ثمنه، فقال إذا أكلتم فقولوا بسم الله، وإذا فرغتم فقولوا الحمد لله

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awramat, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad, from Dawood Ibn Abu Yazeed, from Abdullah Bin Hilal,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When the Messengers came to Ibrahim-as, he-as came to them with the calf (a meal). So he-as said: ‘Eat!’ So they said: ‘We will not eat until you-as inform us what its price was’. So he-as said: ‘When you eat it, so you should be saying: ‘In the Name of Allah-azwj’, and when you are free (from eating it), so you should be saying: ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj’.

قال فالتفت جبرئيل إلى أصحابه وكانوا أربعة وجبرئيل ورئيسهم، فقال حق لله ان يتخذ هذا خليلا.

So Imam-asws said: ‘So Jibraeel-as turned to his-as companions, and they were four of them and Jibraeel-as was their chief, so he-as said: ‘It is right that Allah-azwj has Taken this one as a friend’.

قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” لما ألقي إبراهيم ” ع ” في النار تلقاه جبرئيل ” ع ” في الهواء، وهو يهوي، فقال: يا ابراهيم ألك حاجة؟ فقال: اما اليك فلا.

Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘When Ibrahim-as was thrown into the fire, Jibraeel-as met him-as in the air, and he-as was tumbling, so he-as said: ‘O Ibrahim-as, is there a need for you-as?’ So he-as said: ‘As for to you-as, so no!’[50]

وبهذا الاسناد، عن محمد بن أورمة، عن الحسن بن علي، عن بعض أصحابنا، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لما القي إبراهيم ” ع ” في النار أوحى الله عز وجل إليها وعزتي وجلالي لئن آذيتيه لا عذبنك،

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Al Hassan Bin Ali, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Ibrahim-as was thrown into the fire, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed it: “By My-azwj Might and My-azwj Majesty! If you were to harm Ibrahim-as in the least, I-azwj will Punish you!’

وقال: لما قال الله عزوجل: يا ناركونى بردا وسلاما على إبراهيم) ما انتفع احد بها ثلاثة أيام وما سخنت ماءهم

And he-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said [21:69] We said: O fire! Be cool and a safety to Ibrahim, no one was able to benefit from it for three days, and could not heat their water (by it)’.[51]

حدثنا على بن احمد رحمة الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن هارون الصوفي، عن أبى بكر عبد الله بن موسى قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسين الخشاب قال حدثنا محمد بن محصن، عن يونس بن ظبيان، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” لما أراد الله عزوجل قبض روح ابراهيم ” ع ” هبط إليه ملك الموت فقال: السلام عليك يا إبراهيم: فقال وعليك السلام يا ملك الموت، أداع أم ناع؟ قال بل ناع يا إبراهيم فاجب، فقال إبراهيم هل رأيت خليلا يميت خليله؟

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Haroun Al Sowfy, from Abu Bakr Abdullah Bin Musa, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Al Khashaab, from Muhammad Bin Mohsin, from Yunus Bin Zibyan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has narrated that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Intended to Capture the soul of Ibrahim-as, Made the Angel of Death to descend unto him-as. So he said: ‘Peace be upon you-as, O Ibrahim-as! So he-as said: ‘Peace be upon you, O Angel of Death! Have you brought (some) news, or news of death?’ He said: ‘But, news of death, therefore answer to it’. So Ibrahim-as said: ‘Have you ever seen a friend kill his friend?’

قال فرجع ملك الموت، حتى وقف بين يدى الله جل جلاله فقال: إلهى قد سمعت ما قال خليلك إبراهيم، فقال الله عزوجل: يا ملك الموت اذهب إليه فقل له هل رأيت حبيبا يكره لقاء حبيبه: ان الحبيب يحب لقاء حبيبه.

He-asws said: ‘So the Angel of Death returned until he paused in front of Allah-azwj, Mighty is His-azwj Majesty, so he said: ‘My God! You-azwj have Heard what Your-azwj friend Ibrahim-as said’. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “O Angel of Death! Go to him-as, and say to him: ‘Have you-as ever seen a beloved disliking meeting his beloved? Surely, the beloved loves to meet his beloved”.[52]

(باب 33 – العلة التى من أجلها قال الله عزوجل: وإبراهيم الذى وفي)

Chapter 33 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said [53:37] And (of) Ibrahim who fulfilled it

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن حفص بن البختري، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام: في قول الله عزوجل: (وإبراهيم الذي وفي) قال: انه يقول إذا أصبح وأمسى، أصبحت وربى محمود، أصبحت لا أشرك بالله شيئا، ولا ادعوا مع الله إلها آخر ولا اتخذ من دونه وليا، فسمى بذلك عبدا شكورا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from hafs Bin Al Bakhtary,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [53:37] And (of) Ibrahim who fulfilled it. He-asws said: ‘He-as used to say when it was the morning and evening: ‘And my-as Lord-azwj is the Praised One. I-as wake up in the morning and I-as do not associate anything with Allah-azwj, nor do I-as supplicate to another god but Allah-azwj, nor do I-as take a Guardian apart from Allah-azwj’. So he-as was Named, due to that, as a thankful servant’.[53]

(باب 34 – العلة التي من أجلها دفن اسماعيل أمه في الحجر)

Chapter 34 – The reason due to which Ismail-as buried his mother-as in the rock

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس بن معروف، عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسن بن سعيد، عن علي بن النعمان، عن سيف بن عميرة، عن أبي بكر الحضرمي عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان إسماعيل دفن أمه في الحجر، وجعله عاليا، وجعل عليها حائطا لئلا يوطأ قبرها.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Ali Bin Al No’man, from Sayf Bin Umeyra, from Abu Bakr Al Hazramy,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Ismail-as buried his-as mother-as in the rock, and made it to be (in a) high (place), and made walls around it, to stop it being trampled upon’.[54]

(باب 36 – العلة التى من أجلها تمنى إبراهيم الموت بعد كراهته له)

Chapter 36 – The reason due to which Ibrahim-as coveted the death after having disliked it

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد ابن عيسى، عن احمد بن أبى نصر، عن أبان بن عثمان، عن أبى بصير، عن أبى جعفر وأبى عبد الله عليهما السلام قال ان إبراهيم لما قضى مناسكه رجع إلى الشام فهلك، وكان سبب هلاكه ان ملك الموت أتاه ليقبضه، فكره إبراهيم الموت فرجع ملك الموت إلى ربه عزوجل فقال ان إبراهيم كره الموت، فقال دع إبراهيم فإنه يحب ان يعبدني.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Ahmad Bin Abu Nasr, from Aban Bin Usman, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Ja’far-asws and Abu Abdullah-asws have said: ‘When Ibrahim-as had fulfilled his-as rituals, returned to Syria. So he-as died (there). And the reason for his-as death was that the Angel of Death came to him-as for capturing his-as soul, and Ibrahim-as disliked the death. So the Angel of Death returned to his Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so he said: ‘Ibrahim-as dislikes the death’. So He-azwj Said: “Leave Ibrahim-as, for he-as loved that he-as should worship Me-azwj”.

قال حتى رأى إبرهيم شيخا كبيرا يأكل ويخرج منه ما يأكله فكره الحياة وأحب الموت، فبلغنا ان إبراهيم أتى داره، فإذا فيها أحسن صورة ما رآها قط، قال من أنت؟ قال انا ملك الموت، قال سبحان الله من الذي يكره قربك وزيارتك وأنت بهذه الصورة، فقال يا خليل الرحمان ان الله تبارك وتعالى إذا اراد بعبد خيرا بعثنى إليه في هذه الصورة، وإذا اراد بعبد شرا بعثنى إليه في غير هذه الصورة، فقبض صلى الله عليه بالشام. وتوفي اسماعيل بعده وهو ابن ثلاثين ومائة سنة فدفن في الحجر مع أمه.

He-asws said: ‘Until (one day) he-as saw a very old man eating, and what he was eating kept coming out from him (could not eat properly). So he-as (Ibrahim-as) disliked the life and loved the death. So Ibrahim-as came to his-as house, and therein was a handsome faced (man) what he-as had ever seen at all. He-as said: ‘Who are you?’ He said: ‘I am the Angel of Death’. He said: ‘Glory be to Allah-azwj. Who is the one who would dislike being close to you, and visit you, and you are in this image?’ So he said: ‘O Friend of the Beneficent! Whenever Allah-azwj Blessed and High Intends good with a servant, Sends me to him in this image, and whenever He-azwj Intends evil with a servant, Sends to me him in other than this image’. So he captured him-as (his-as soul), at Syria. And Ismail-as passed away after him-as, and he-as was a son of three hundred years, and he-as is buried in the rock along with his-as mother’.[55]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن محمد بن القاسم وغيره عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان سارة قالت لا إبراهيم، يا إبراهيم قد كبرت فلو دعوت الله عزوجل ان يرزقك ولد تقرأعيننا به فإن الله قد اتخذك خليلا وهو مجيب لدعوتك ان شاء

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Mutawakkil narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Qasim and someone else,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Sarah-as said to Ibrahim-as: ‘O Ibrahim-as! You-as have aged. If only you-as would supplicate to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic that He-azwj should Grant you-as a son by whom our-as eyes would be delighted with, for Allah-azwj has Taken you-as as a friend, and He-azwj would Answer your-as supplication, if He-azwj so Desires to’.

قال فسأل إبراهيم ربه ان يرزقه غلاما عليما، فأوحى الله عزوجل إليه: أنى واهب لك غلاما عليما. ثم ابلوك بالطاعة لي،

He-asws said: ‘So Ibrahim-as asked his-as Lord-azwj that He-azwj should Grant him-as a knowledgeable boy. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “I-azwj shall be Granting you-as a knowledgeable boy. Then I-azwj shall Test you-as for My-azwj obedience”.

قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام فمكث إبراهيم بعد البشارة ثلاث سنين ثم جاءته البشارة من الله عزوجل وان سارة قد قالت لابراهيم: انك قد كبرت وقرب أجلك، فلو دعوت الله عزوجل ان ينسئ في اجلك وان يمد لك في العمر فتعيش معنا وتقر اعيننا قال: فسأل إبراهيم ربه ذلك قال: فأوحى الله عزوجل إليه سل من زيادة العمرما أحببت تعطه،

Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘So Ibrahim-as remained for three years, after the good news, then came the news from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and that Sarah-as had said to Ibrahim-as: ‘You-as have aged and your-as term (end of life) has drawn nearer, if only you-as would supplicate to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to Forget regarding your-as term, and that He-azwj should Extend for you-as with regards to the age, so that you-as would live with us-as and that our-as eyes may be delighted’. So Ibrahim-as asked his-as Lord-azwj for that. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “Ask for the Increase in the age whatever you-as like, and you-as shall be Granted it”.

قال: فاخبر إبراهيم سارة بذلك، فقالت له: سل الله ان لا يميتك حتى تكون أنت الذي تسأله الموت، قال فسأل إبراهيم ربه ذلك، فأوحى الله عزوجل إليه ذلك لك،

The Imam-asws said: ‘So Ibrahim-as informed Sarah-as of that. So she-as said to him-as: ‘Ask Allah-azwj that He-azwj should not Cause you-as to die until you-as become such that you-as would ask Him-azwj for the death’. So Ibrahim-as asked his-as Lord-azwj for that. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “That is for you-as!”

قال: فاخبر إبراهيم سارة بما أوحى الله عزوجل إليه في ذلك. فقالت سارة لابراهيم اشكر الله واعمل طعاما وادع عليه الفقراء وأهل الحاجة، قال: ففعل ذلك إبراهيم ودعا إليه الناس، فكان فيمن أتى رجل كبير ضعيف مكفوف معه فائد له فاجلسه على مائدته، قال: فمد الاعمى يده فتناول لقمة وأقبل بها نحو فيه، فجعلت تذهب يمينا وشمالا من ضعفه ثم أهوى بيده إلى جبهته فتناول قائده يده فجاء بها إلى فمه ثم تناول المكفوف لقمة فضرب بها عينه،

He-asws said: ‘So Ibrahim-as informed Sarah with what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic had Revealed unto him-as with regards to that. So Sarah-as said to Ibrahim-as: ‘Thank Allah-azwj, and prepare food, and invite the poor and the needy upon it’. So Ibrahim-as did that and invited the people to it. So, among the ones who came was an old man, weak, blind, with him was an aid of his who seated him upon the meal. So the blind man extended his hand to take a morsel and his reach was around it, but his hand went on to the right and the left due to his weakness. Then he placed his hand upon his forehead, so his guide grabbed his hand and went with it to his mouth. Then the blind man took the morsel and struck his eye with it.

قال: وإبراهيم عليه السلام ينظر الى المكفوف والى ما يصنع قال: فتعجب إبراهيم من ذلك وسأل قائده عن ذلك، فقال له القائد هذا الذي ترى من الضعف، فقال: إبراهيم في نفسه أليس إذا كبرت أصير مثل هذا؟ ثم ان إبراهيم سأل الله عزوجل حيث رأى من الشيخ ما رأى، فقال: اللهم توفنى في الاجل الذي كتبت لي فلا حاجة لي في الزيادة في العمر بعد الذي رأيت.

He-asws said: ‘And Ibrahim-as looked towards the blind and to what he was doing. So Ibrahim-as was astounded from that and asked his guide about that. So the guide said to him-as, ‘This, what you see, is due to the weakness (of old age)’. So Ibrahim-as said to himself-as: ‘Is it not that if I-as were to get older, I-as would become similar to that?’ It was then that Ibrahim-as asked Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, where he-as saw from the old man what he-as saw, so he-as said: ‘O Allah-azwj! Cause me-as to die in the term which You-azwj have Ordained for me-as, for there is no need for me-as with regards to the increase in the age after that which I-as have seen’.[56]

(باب 37 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى ذوالقرنين ذاالقرنين)

Chapter 37 – The reason due to which Zulqarnain was named as ‘Zulqarnain’ (one with two horns)

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثني محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن الحسين بن الحسن ابن أبان عن محمد بن أرومة قال: حدثنى القاسم بن عروة، عن بريد العجلي عن الاصبغ بن نباتة قال: قام ابن الكواء إلى علي عليه السلام وهو على المنبر فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين أخبرني عن ذي القرنين، أنبيا كان أم ملكا؟ وأخبرني عن قرنه أمن ذهب كان أم من فضة؟ فقال له: لم يكن نبيا ولا ملكا، ولم يكن قرناه من ذهب ولا فضة ولكنه كان عبدا أحب الله فاحبه الله ونصح لله فنصحه الله، وإنما سمى ذاالقرنين لانه دعا قومه إلى الله عزوجل فضربوه على قرنه فغاب عنهم حينا ثم عاد إليهم فضرب على قرنه الآخر، وفيكم مثله.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to me, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Ibn Aban, from Muhammad Bin Arwama, from Al Qasim Bin Urwat, from Bureyd Al Ajaly, from Al Asbagh Bin Nabata who said,

‘Ibn Al-Kawa stood up to Ali-asws whilst he-asws was upon the Pulpit, so he said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! Inform me about Zulqarnain, was he as Prophet-as or a king? And inform me about his horn, was it of gold or was it from silver?’ So Imam-asws said to him: ‘He was neither a king nor a Prophet-as, nor was his horn of gold nor of silver, but, he was a righteous servant who loved Allah-azwj and Allah-azwj Loved him. So he used to advise (people) for the Sake of Allah-azwj, so Allah-azwj Advised him. But rather, he was named as Zulqarnain (One with two horns), because he invited his people to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So they struck upon his (head and it became like a) horn and he was absent from them for some time. Then he returned to them, but they struck upon his (head and it became like a) other horn. And among you is his example’.[57]

(باب 38 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى أصحاب الرس أصحاب الرس) (والعلة التى من أجلها سمت العجم شهورها بأبان ماه) (وآذر ماه وغيرها إلى آخرها)

Chapter 38 – The reason due to which the [25:38] the dwellers of the Al-Rass have been named as the ‘Dwellers of Al-Rass’; and the reason due to which the non-Arabs (Persians) named their months as ‘Maah e Aban’ and ‘Mah e Azar’, and others up to its end

حدثنا احمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا أبو الصلت عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي قال حدثنا علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام عن أبيه موسى بن جعفر، عن أبيه جعفر ابن محمد، عن أبيه محمد بن علي، عن أبيه علي بن الحسين، عن أبيه الحسين ابن علي عليهم السلام قال: أتى علي بن أبى طالب قبل مقتله بثلاثة أيام رجل من أشراف بني تميم، يقال له عمرو، فقال يا أمير المؤمنين أخبرني عن أصحاب الرس في أي عصر كانوا؟ واين كانت منازلهم؟ ومن كان ملكهم؟ وهل بعث الله عز وجل إليهم رسولا أم لا؟ وبماذا أهلكوا فانى لاأجد في كتاب الله عزوجل ذكرهم ولا أجد خبرهم؟

‘Ahmad Bin Ja’far Al-Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Abu Al-Salt Abdul Salaam Bin Salih Al-Harwy,

Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws narrated to us, from his-asws father-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws having said: ‘A man called Amro came up to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws three days before his-asws battle, so he said, ‘O Amir-Al-Momineen-asws! Inform me about [25:38] the dwellers of Al-Rass, which era were they in, and where were their dwellings, and from when was their kingdom, and did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Send a Rasool-as to them or not, for what were they Destroyed? I have found their Mention in the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic and could not find their news’.

فقال له علي عليه السلام لقد سألت من حديث ما سألني عنه احد قبلك ولا يحدثك به أحد بعدي، وما في كتاب الله عزوجل آية: إلا وانا اعرف تفسيرها، وفي أي مكان نزلت من سهل أو جبل، وفي أي وقت نزلت من ليل أو نهار، وان هاهنا لعلما جما – واشار إلى صدره – ولكن طلابه يسيرة وعن قليل يندمون لو (قد) يفقدوني،

So Amir-Al-Momineen-asws said to him: ‘You have asked me-asws about a Hadeeth which no one before you has asked me-asws nor will it ever be narrated by anyone from after me-asws, except from me-asws. And there is no Verse in the Book of Allah-azwj except that I-asws understand it, and understand its explanation, and in which place it was Revealed, from a coast, or a mountain, and in which time from night or day, and over here is the total knowledge’ – and he-asws gestured towards his-asws own chest – ‘but seekers are walking around (in misguidance), and only a few would regret it if they were to lose me-asws.

وكان من قصتهم يا أخا تميم، انهم كانوا قوما يعبدون شجرة صنوبر يقال لها: شاه درخت. وكان يافث بن نوح غرسها على شفير عين يقال لها روشاب. كانت أنبعت لنوح عليه السلام بعد الطوفان، وإنما سموا أصحاب الرس، لانهم رسوا نبيهم في الارض، وذلك بعد سليمان بن داود عليه السلام،

What was from their stories – O brother Tameem – they were a people who were worshipping the pine tree called ‘Shah Darakht’. It was Yafis Bin Noah-as who had planted it upon the verge of a spring called Roushab. It grew for Noah-as after the flood. But rather, the dwellers of Al-Rass were called so because they buried (رسوا) their Prophet-as in the ground, and that is after Sulayman-as Bin Dawood-as.

وكانت لهم اثنتا عشرة قرية على شاطئ نهر يقال له (الرس) من بلاد المشرق وبهم سمي ذلك النهر، ولم يكن يومئذ في الارض نهر أغزر ولا اعذب منه ولا أقوى، ولا قرى اكثرولا أعمر، منها تسمى احديهن: ابان: والثانية آذر، والثالثة دي، والرابعة بهمن، والخامسة اسفنديار، والسادسة پروردين، والسابعة أردي بهشت والثامنة ارداد، والتاسعة مرداد، والعاشرة تير، والحادية عشر مهر، والثانية عشر شهريور.

They had twelve habitations for them upon the banks of a river called Al-Rass, from the cities of the east, and it is by them that the river was called as such. And in those days there was no river more abundant than it, nor fresher than it, nor a town more populated than these, nor with people of longer life spans than those in it. One of them was called Abaan, and the second one Aazar, and the third one Dayy, and the fourth one Bahman, and the fifth one Isfandaar, and the sixth one Farourdeen, and the seventh Ardayy Behesht, and the eight one Khardaad, and the ninth one Mardaad, and the tenth one Tayr, and the eleventh one Mahar, and the twelfth one Shareywar.

وكانت أعظم مداينهم اسفنديار، وهى التي ينزلها ملكهم، وكان يسمى تركوذ بن غابور بن يارش بن سازن بن نمرود بن كنعان – فرعون إبراهيم عليه السلام وبها العين والصنوبر، وقد غرسوا في كل قرية منها حبة من طلع تلك الصنوبرة فنبتت الحبة وصارت شجرة عظيمة واجروا إليها نهرا من العين التى عند الصنوبرة فنبتت الصنوبرة وصارت شجرة عظيمة وحرموا ماء العين والانهار فلا يشربون منها ولا أنعامهم، ومن فعل ذلك قتلوه، ويقولون هو حياة آلهتنا، فلا ينبغى لاحد أن ينقص من حياتها، ويشربون هم وانعامهم من نهر الرس الذي عليه قراهم،

And the biggest of their cities was Isfandaar, and it is the one in which their King had dwelled, and he was called Tarkowz Bin Ghabour Bin Yarish Bin Saazan Bin Namroud Bin Kana’an, Pharaoh at the time of Ibrahim-as. And in it was the spring and the pine tree, and in every town they had planted a seed from that pine tree, and made the river to flow from which was the main pine tree. These seeds grew and became big trees, and they prohibited the water of the spring and the river. So they would neither drink from it, nor water their cattle from it. And the one who did that (drank from it) they killed him and they were saying, ‘It is the life of our god, so it is not befitting for anyone that he should reduce its life’. And they and their cattle used to drink from the river Al-Rass, upon which were their towns’.

وقد جعلوا في كل شهر من السنة في كل قرية عيدا يجتمع إليه أهلها، فيضربون على الشجرة التي بها: كلة من حرير فيها أنواع الصور، ثم يأتون بشاة وبقر فيذبحونها فربانا للشجرة، ويشعلون فيها النيران بالحطب، فإذا سطع دخان تلك الذبايح وقتارها في الهواء وحال بينهم وبين النظر إلى السماء خروا للشجرة سجدا من دون الله عزوجل، يبكون ويتضرعون إليها ان ترضى عنهم فكان الشيطان يجئ ويحرك أغضائها ويصيح من ساقها صياح الصبي، إنى قد رضيت عنكم عبادي، فطيبوا نفسا وقروا عينا، فيرفعون رؤسهم عند ذلك ويشربون الخمر ويضربون بالمعازف ويأخذون الدستبنذ، فيكونون على ذلك يومهم وليلتهم ثم ينصرفون.

And made it be a day of Eid, one day in every month of the year, in every town, in which they would gather their families to it (the pine tree), so they would place upon it a thin curtain of silk, which different types of images, then they would bring their sheep and cows. So they would slaughter these as an offering to the (pine) tree, and ignite flames with the wood, and the smoke from these sacrifices would permeate into the atmosphere. So when they would see the smoke rising in the sky, they would fall prostrate to the tree, and they would be wailing and supplicating to it so that it would be pleased with them. So Satan-la would come and move its branches and shout as the young boy shouts, ‘I am pleased with you all – my servants – so let your selves be perfumed and your eyes be joyful!’ During that, they would raise their heads and drink the intoxicants and play their musical instruments. And then they would dance around upon that during that day and night, then they would leave.

وإنما سمت العجم شهورها بأبان ماه، وآذر ماه وغيرها، اشتقاقا من اسماء تلك القرى لقول أهلها بعضهم لبعض هذا عيد قرية كذا حتى إذا كان عيد قريتهم العظمى اجتمع إليها صغيرهم وكبيرهم، فضربوا عند الصنوبرة والعين سرادقا من ديباج عليه أنواع الصور، وجعلوا له اثنى عشر باباكل باب لاهل قرية منهم، فيسجدون للصنوبرة خارجا من السرادق ويقربون لها الذبايح اصناف ما قربوا للشجرة التي في قراهم فيجئ إبليس عند ذلك فيحرك الصنوبرة تحريكا شديدا، ويتكلم من جوفها كلاما جهوريا ويعدهم ويمينهم باكثر مما وعدتهم ومنتهم الشياطين في تلك الشجرات الاخر للبقاء فيرفعون رؤسهم من السجود وبهم من الفرح النشاط ما لا يفيقون ولا يتكلمون من الشرب والعزف فيكونون على ذلك اثنى عشر يوما، ولياليها بعدد أعيادهم ساير السنة، ثم ينصرفون.

But rather, the Persians (العجم) named their months from these, Aban, Aazar, and two others, derived from the names of these towns. Some of them would say to the others, ‘This is the Eid of such and such a month, and Eid of such and such a month, until it was the Eid of the great town, during which their young ones and their older ones would gathers. So they would place upon the pine tree a silk cloth painted with types of images, and make a tent by it with tent doors to it. Each door for the people of a particular town from them, and they would be prostrating to the pine tree. They would come out from their tent, and slaughter their offerings, double what they presented to the pine trees in their own towns. So Iblees-la would come during that, and he-la would move the pine tree with an intense shaking, speaking from inside it with a loud speech, and prepare them and promise them more than all the other devils had done so before. So they would raise their heads from the prostrations, and they would be so joyful that they would not wake up from it, nor would they be speaking due to the drinking and the music. So they were doing that over twelve days and nights, the number of the Eids for the rest of the year, then they would leave.

فلما طال كفرهم بالله عزوجل وعبادتهم غيره بعث الله عزوجل إليهم نبيا من بني اسرائيل من ولد يهودا بن يعقوب، فلبث فيهم زمانا طويلا يدعوهم إلى عبادة الله عزوجل ومعرفة ربوبيته فلا يتبعونه فلما رأى شدة تماديهم في الغي به والضلال وتركهم قبول ما دعاهم إليه من الرشد والنجاح وحضر عيد قريتهم العظمى، قال: يا رب: ان عبادك أبو إلا تكذيبي والكفر بك وغدوا يعبدون شجرة لا تنفع ولا تضر فايبس شجرهم اجمع وأرهم قدرتك وسلطانك

So when their disbelief in Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic and their worshipping others was prolonged, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent a Prophet-as from the Children of Israel, from the sons of Yahouda Ibn Yaqoub-as. So he-as remained with them for a lengthy period, calling them to the worship of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and recognition of His-azwj Lordship, but they did not follow him-as. So when he-as saw the intensity of their continuation in the delusion and the deviation, and (no response to) the acceptance of what he-as was calling them to, the Guidance and the salvation, and when the Eid of their great town presented itself, he-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! You-azwj servants are adamant of belying me-as, and denying You-azwj, and they would be leaving early to worship the tree which neither benefits them nor helps. So wither all of their trees and Show them Your-azwj Power and Authority!’

فاصبح القوم وقد يبس شجرهم كلها فهالهم ذلك وقطع بهم وصاروا فريقين: فرقة قالت سحر آلهتكم هذا الرجل الذي يزعم انه رسول رب السماء والارض اليكم ليصرف وجوهكم عن آلهتكم إلى إلهه وفرقة قالت: لابل غضبت آلهتكم حين رأت هذا الرجل يعيبها ويقع فيها ويدعوكم إلى عبادة غيرها فحجبت حسنها وبهائها لكي تغضبوا لها فتنتصروا منه،

So when the people woke up in the morning, their trees had dried up. So when they saw that, they panicked and became two groups. A group said, ‘Your gods have been bewitched by this man-as who claims to be a Rasool-as of the Lord-azwj of the sky and the earth to you, in order to divert your attention from your gods towards his-as God’. And a group said, ‘No, but your gods are angry when they saw this man faulting them, who is among you, and is calling you all to the worship of someone else. So they have veiled their beauty and glory so that you may be angered and be victorious over him-as’.

فاجتمع رأيهم على قتله، فاتخذوا أنابيب طوالا من رصاص واسعة الافواه، ثم أرسلوها في قرار العين إلى أعلا الماء واحدة فوق الاخرى مثل البرانج، ونزحوا ما فيها من الماء، ثم حفروافي قرارها من الارض بئرا عميقة المدخل، وأرسلوا فيها نبيهم والقموا فاها صخرة عظيمة، ثم اخرجوا الانابيب من الماء وقالوا نرجوا الآن ان ترضى عنا آلهتنا إذا رأت إنا قد قتلنا من كان يقع فيها ويصد عن عبادتها ودفناه تحت كبيرها ليشتفي منه فيعود لنا نورها ونضرتها كما كان،

So they formed a consensus of opinion for killing him-as. They took long tubes of lead with wide openings, then inserted these in the (flowing) spring up to the top of the water, one on top of the other, like the drains, then drained the water, and dug a deep and narrow well, and inserted their Prophet-as in it, and placed a great rock upon the entrance of it. Then they took the pipes out from the water and they said, ‘Now we hope that our gods are pleased with us, when they would see that we have killed the one who was among us, and (wanted to) stop us from worshipping them, and we buried him-as under the great one, and it would be healed from it, so that its light and its freshness would return to what it used to be.

فبقوا عامة يومهم يسمعون انين نبيهم عليه السلام وهو يقول: سيدي قد ترى ضيق مكاني وشدة كربتي فارحم ضعف ركني وقلة حيلتي، وعجل بقبض روحي ولا تؤخر إجابة دعائي، حتى مات عليه السلام

So they remained for most of the day hearing the groaning of their Prophet-as and he-as was saying: ‘My Master-azwj! You-azwj have seen the narrowness of my-as place, and the severity of my-as loneliness. So have Mercy upon the weakness of my-as position, and my-as helplessness, and hasten the capture of my-as soul, and do not delay the Answering of my -as supplication’ – until he-as died.

فقال الله تبارك وتعالى لجبرئيل: يا جبرئيل أيظن عبادي هؤلاء الذين غرهم حلمي، وأمنوا مكري، وعبدوا غيري، وقتلوا رسلي، ان يقوموا لغضبي أو يخرجوا من سلطاني، كيف وانا المنتقم ممن عصاني، ولم يخش عقابي، وإنى حلفت بعزتي لاجعلنهم عبرة ونكالا للعالمين.

So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to Jibraeel-as: “O Jibraeel-as! Do these servants of Mine, who are deceived by My-azwj Forbearance, think that they are safe from My-azwj Plan, and they are worshipping other than Me-azwj, and they killed My-azwj Rasool-as, that they would be able to withstand My-azwj Wrath, or exit from My-azwj Authority? How? And I-azwj am the Avenger from the one who disobeys Me-azwj and does not fear My-azwj Punishment. And I-azwj Swear by My-azwj Might and My-azwj Majestic that I-azwj shall Make them an example and a Punishment for the worlds”.

فلم يدعهم وفي عيدهم ذلك إلا بريح عاصف شديد الحمرة فتحيروا فيها وذرعوا منها وتضام بعضهم إلى بعض ثم صارت الارض من تحتهم حجر كبريت يتوقد واظلتهم سحابة سوداء مظلمة، فانكبت عليهم كالقبة جمرة تتلهب فذابت ابدانهم كما يذوب الرصاص في النار،

So they were not terrified by that, and they were in the Eid, except by a stormy wind of intense redness. So they were confused from it, and they panicked from it, and they were joined to each other. Then the earth underneath them became like the sulphuric rock, and they were engulfed by a black cloud. Red embers rained down upon them and their bodies melted like the lead melts in the fire.

فنعوذ بالله من غضبه ونزول نقمته.

Thus, we-asws seek Refuge with Allah-azwj, elevated is His-azwj Mention, from His-azwj Wrath, and the Descent of His-azwj Curse’.[58]

(باب 39 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى يعقوب يعقوب، والعلة التى) (من أجلها سمى اسرائيل)

Chapter 39 – The reason due to which Yaqoub-as has been named as ‘Yaqoub’, and reason for the naming of Israel

حدثنا احمد بن الحسين القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن على السكري قال حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهري، قال حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن عمارة، عن أبيه عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: كان يعقوب وعيص توأمين، فولد عيص ثم ولد يعقوب فسمي يعقوب لانه خرج بعقب أخيه عيص، ويعقوب هو إسرائيل ومعنى اسرائيل عبد الله، لان اسراهو عبد، وايل هو الله عزوجل.

Ahmad Bin Al Husayn Al Qatan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Sakary, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhary, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Amara, from his father,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Yaqoub-as and Ays were twins. Ays was born, then Yaqoub-as was born, so he-as was named as Yaqoub because he-saww came out behind (Uqab) his-as brother Ays. And Yaqoub-as, he-as is Israel, and the meaning of Israel is ‘servant of Allah-azwj, because ‘Isra’ is a servant, and ‘Wail’, is Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[59]

وروى في خبر آخر ان اسرا هو القوة، وايل هو الله عزوجل، فمعنى اسرائيل: قوة الله عزوجل.

And it has been reported in another news (Hadeeth) that ‘Isra’ is the strength, and ‘Wail’ is Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. Therefore the meaning of Israel is ‘Strength of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[60]

حدثنا أبو محمد عبد الله بن حامد قال: أخبرنا أبو صالح خلف بن محمد ابن اسماعيل الخيام البخاري ببخارا فيما قرأت عليه فأقربه، قال حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن علي بن حمزة الانصاري قال: حدثنا عبد الرحمان بن إبراهيم الدمشقي دحيم قال حدثنا بشر بن بكر النفيسى عن أبى بكر بن أبى مريم، عن سعيد ابن عمرو الانصاري، عن أبيه، عن كعب الاحبار في حديث طويل يقول فيه: إنما سمي إسرائيل إسرائيل الله، لان يعقوب كان يخدم بيت المقدس، وكان أول من يدخل وآخر من يخرج، وكان يسرج القناديل، وكان إذا كان بالغداة رأها مطفأة،

Abu Muhammad Abdullah Bin Hamid narrated to us, from Abu Salih Khalaf Bin Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al Khayam Al Bukhary at Bukhara regarding what I read with him, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Hamza Al Ansary, from Abdul Rahman Bin Ibrahim Al Damashqy Deheym, from Bishr Bin Bakr Al Nafeysi, form Abu bakr Bin Abu Maryam, from Saeed Ibn Amro Al Ansary, from his father, from Ka’ab Al Ahbar,

In a lengthy Hadeeth in which the Imam-asws was saying: ‘But rather the name of Israel is Israel Allah-azwj, because Yaqoub-as used to serve Bayt Al-Maqdas, and he-as used to be the first one to enter and the last one to come out, and he-as used to light up the lanterns, and when it was the morning, used to extinguish these.

قال فبات ليلة في مسجد بيت المقدس فإذا بجني يطفئها فاخذه فأسره إلى سارية في المسجد فلما أصبحوا رأوه أسيرا، وكان إسم الجني (ايل) فسمي اسرائيل لذلك

The Imam-asws said: ‘So, one day he-as slept the night in a Masjid of Bayt Al-Maqdas, and there was a Jinn extinguishing these (lanterns). So he-as seized him, and tied him up in a column in the Masjid. So when it was the morning, he-as saw him as still being captivated (Aseer). And the name of the Jinn was ‘Ayl’. Thus Israel was name due to that’.

والحديث طويل اخذنا منه موضع الحاجة وقد أخرجته بتمامه بطوله في كتاب النبوة.

And the Hadeeth is lengthy, we have taken from it the needed subject matter, and have taken in its entire full lengthy in ‘Kitaab Al Nabuwwat’.[61]

(باب 40 – العلة التى من أجلها يبتلى النبيون والمؤمنون)

Chapter 40 – The reason due to which the Prophets-as and the Believers are Indulged in Trials

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي، عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن سماعة بن مهران، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان في كتاب علي عليه السلام ان اشد الناس بلاء النبيون ثم الوصيون ثم الامثل فالامثل، وإنما يبتلي المؤمن على قدر اعماله الحسنة فمن صح دينه وصح عمله اشتد بلائه وذلك ان الله عزوجل لم يجعل الدنيا ثوابا لمؤمن ولا عقوبة لكافر، ومن سخف دينه وضعف عمله قل بلائه، والبلاء اسرع إلى المؤمن المتقى من المطر إلى قرار الارض.

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Sama’at Bin Mahran,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘It was in the Book of Ali-asws that the most intense of the affliction are upon the Prophets-as, then the successors-as, then in accordance to excellence. But rather, the believer gets Tested in accordance with his good deeds. So the one whose religion is correct, and his deeds are correct, would be most intensely Tested, and that is that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic did not Make the world are a Reward for the Believer, nor as a Punishment for the disbeliever. And the one who’s Religion is absurd, and his deeds are weak, his afflictions would be little. And the afflictions come easier to the pious Believer than the rain does to the slope of the earth’.[62]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد الله ابن جعفر الحميري، عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد، عن أبى عبد الله الجامورانى عن الحسن بن أبى حمزة، عن أبيه، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لو أن مؤمنا كان في قلة جبل لبعث الله عز وجل إليه من يؤذيه ليأجره على ذلك.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkil narrated to us, from Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Abu Abdullah Al Jamourany, from Al Hassan Bin Abu Hamza, from his father,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Even if the Believer was on top of a mountain, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Send a man to him who would hurt him, in order (for Allah-azwj) to Recompense him upon that’.[63]

حدثنا حمزة بن محمد بن احمد العلوي رضي الله عنه قال: أخبرنا احمد بن محمد الكوفي قال: حدثنا عبيدالله بن حمدون قال: حدثنا الحسين بن نصير قال حدثنا خالد، عن حصين،: عن يحيى بن عبد الله بن الحسن، عن أبيه، عن علي بن الحسين، عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله مازلت أنا ومن كان قبلي من النبيين والمؤمنين مبتلين بمن يؤذينا، ولو كان المؤمن على رأس جبل لقيض الله عز وجل له من يؤذيه ليأجره على ذلك.

Hamza Bin Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Kufy, from Ubeydullah Bin Hamdoun, from Al Husayn Bin Naseyr, from Khalid, from Haseyn, from Yahya Bin Abdullah Bin Al Hassan, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Neither I-saww, nor the ones who were before me-saww, from the Prophets-as and the Believers, have ever ceased to be Tested with the ones who harmed us. Even if the Believer were to be upon the top of a mountain, it is destined that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Send to him one who would harm him, so that He-azwj would Recompense him upon that’.

(وقال) أمير المؤمنين ” ع “: مازلت مظلوما منذ ولدتني أمي حتى ان كان عقيل ليصيبه رمد فيقول لا تذروني حتى تذروا عليا، فيذروني وما بى من رمد.

And Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘I-asws have never cease to be oppressed since my-asws mother-as was blessed with me-asws, to the extent that if Aqeel had sore eyes so he said, ‘Do not sprinkle me (into my eyes) until you sprinkle Ali-asws, so they would sprinkle (eye powder) into my-asws (eyes) although I-asws was not with sore eyes’.[64]


(باب 41 – العلة التى من أجلها إمتحن الله عزوجل يعقوب) (وابتلاه بالرؤيا التي رآها يوسف حتى جرى من أمره ما جرى)

Chapter 41 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Tested Yaqoub-as with the dream in which he-as saw Yusuf-as until there flowed from his-as matters what flowed

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد الله ابن جعفر الحميري، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن مالك ابن عطية، عن الثمالي قال: صليت مع علي بن الحسين عليه السلام الفجر بالمدينة يوم الجمعة فلما فرغ من صلاته وسبحته نهض إلى منزله وأنا معه،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkil narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Maalik Bin Atiyya, from Al Sumaly who said,

‘I Prayed with Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws the Dawn Prayer at Al-Medina on the day of Friday. So when he-asws was free from his-asws Prayer, and his-asws Glorification, he-asws rose to go to his-asws house and I was with him-asws’.

فدعا مولاة له تسمى سكينة فقال لها: لا يعبر على بابى سائل إلا أطعمتوه، فإن اليوم يوم الجمعة، قلت له: ليس كل من يسأل مستحقا؟ فقال: يا ثابت، أخاف ان يكون بعض من يسئلنا محقا فلا نطعمه ونرده فينزل بنا أهل البيت ما نزل بيعقوب وآله، إطعموهم إطعموهم،

So he-asws called a maid of his-asws called Sukayna, so he-asws said to her: ‘No beggar should cross my-asws door except that I-asws should feed him, for today is the day of Friday’. I said to him-asws, ‘Not everyone who begs is deserving?’ So Imam-asws said: ‘O Sabit! I-asws fear that there would be someone who asks us-asws, who is deserving, so we-asws do not feed him and return him, so there would befall with us-asws what befell the family of Yaqoub-as and his-asws Progeny. Feed them, feed them!’

ان يعقوب كان يذبح كل يوم كبشا، فيتصدق منه ويأكل هو وعياله منه وان سائلا مؤمنا صواما محقا له عند الله منزلة وكان مجتازا غريبا اعتر على باب يعقوب عشية جمعة عند أوان إفطاره يهتف على بابه، اطعموا السائل المجتاز الغريب الجائع من فضل طعامكم، يهتف بذلك على بابه مرارا وهم يسمعونه وقد جهلوا حقه ولم يصدقوا قوله فلما يئس أن يطعموه، وغشيه الليل استرجع واستعبر وشكا جوعه إلى الله عز وجل، وبات طاويا واصبح صايما جايعا صابرا حامدا لله وبات يعقوب وآل يعقوب شباعا بطانا، واصبحوا وعندهم فضلة من طعامهم

Yaqoub-as used to slaughter a ram every day. So he-as would give charity from it, and him-as and his-as family would eat from it, and that a beggar who was a Believer, a Faster, a deserving one who had a status for himself in the Presence of Allah-azwj, and was a stranger, passed by the door of Yaqoub-as and knocked upon it during the time of breaking Fast. ‘Feeding a hungry passer-by stranger is from the preferable of your feedings’, he shouted at his-as door repeatedly, and he-as was hearing him, and had ignored his right and did not ratify his word. So when he despaired from being fed, and when the night came, he fainted. Then he recalled (what had happened), and complained of his hunger to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and slept a long while, and woke up in the morning Fasting, hungry, patient, Praising Allah-azwj, whilst Yaqoub-as and his-as family slept having satiated their bellies, and in the morning they had left-over from their food.

قال فأوحى الله عز وجل إلى يعقوب: في صبيحة تلك الليلة: لقد أذللت يا يعقوب عبدي ذلة استجررت بها غضبي، واستوجبت بها ادبى، ونزول عقوبتي، وبلواي عليك وعلى ولدك،

The Imam-asws said: ‘So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Yaqoub-as in the morning of that night: ‘O Yaqoub-as! You-as have humiliated My-azwj servant with a humiliation, by which My-azwj Wrath has been Ignited, and My-azwj Punishment has been Obligated due to it, and the descent of My-azwj Consequence, and My-azwj Affliction upon you-as and upon your-as children.

يا يعقوب: ان احب أنبيائي إلى، واكرمهم علي من رحم مساكين عبادي وقربهم إليه واطعمهم، وكان لهم مأوى وملجأ، يا يعقوب: أما رحمت ذميال عبدي المجتهد في عبادتي القانع باليسير من ظاهر الدنيا عشاء أمس لما اعتر ببابك عند أوان إفطاره وهتف بكم اطعموا السائل الغريب المجتاز القانع، فلم تطعموه شيئا، فاسترجع واستعبر وشكا ما به إلي، وبات طاويا حامدا لي، واصبح لي صايما، وأنت يا يعقوب وولدك شباع، واصبحت وعندكم فضلة من طعامكم،

O Yaqoub-as! You-as are the most Beloved of My-azwj Prophets-as to Me-azwj, and more prestigious of them-as to Me-azwj from being merciful to the poor of My-azwj servants, and being close to them and feeding them, and you-as have been a shelter and a refuge for them. O Yaqoub-as! When Zimyal, My-azwj servant, the diligent in his worshipping Me-azwj, the content with the little from the apparent of the world in livelihood, knocked upon your-as door yesterday on the eve of the breaking of his Fast, and shouted, ‘Feed the beggar, the stranger, the passer-by, the content’, but you-as did not feed him anything. Therefore, he recalled and complained what was with him to Me-azwj, and slept with arms folded, Praising Me-azwj, and in the morning was Fasting for Me-azwj, and you-as, O Yaqoub-as and your-as children were satiated, and in the morning there were left-over from your meal with you-as.

أو ما علمت يا يعقوب: ان العقوبة والبلوى إلى أوليائي أسرع منها إلى أعدائي، وذلك حسن النظر منى لاوليائي واستدراج مني لاعدائي اما وعزتي لانزل عليك بلواي، ولاجعلنك وولدك عرضا لمصابي، ولاذينك بعقوبتي فاستعدوا لبلواي، وارضوا بقضائي، واصبروا للمصايب،

Or do you-as not know, O Yaqoub-as, that the Punishment and My-azwj Affliction upon My-azwj friends is quicker than upon My-azwj enemies, and that is due to the Goodly Consideration from Me-azwj to My-azwj friends and the luring from Me-azwj to My-azwj enemies. But, by My-azwj Honour, I-azwj will Send down My-azwj Affliction upon you-as, and Make you-as and your-as children be presented to My-azwj difficulties, and will Harm you-as with My-azwj Punishment. Therefore, be prepared for My-azwj Afflictions, and be pleased with My-azwj Judgement, and patient upon the difficulties”.

فقلت لعلي بن الحسين عليه السلام: جعلت فداك متى رأى يوسف الرؤيا؟ فقال في تلك الليلة التي بات فيها يعقوب وآل يعقوب شباعا، وبات فيها ذميال طاويا جايعا. فلما رأى يوسف الرؤيا، واصبح يقصها على أبيه يعقوب، فاغتم يعقوب لما سمع من يوسف مع ما أوحى الله عز وجل إليه ان استعد للبلاء، فقال يعقوب ليوسف: لاتقصص رؤياك هذه على إخوتك، فإني أخاف ان يكيدوا ليك كيدا فلم يكتم يوسف رؤياه وقصها على أخوته.

So I said to Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! When did Yusuf-as see the dream?’ So he-asws said: ‘During that night which Yaqoub-as and his-as Progeny became well fed, and Zamyaal came with arms folded, due to hunger. So when Yusuf-as saw the dream, and in the morning related it to his-as father-as Yaqoub-as, Yaqoub-as was gloomy when he-as heard from Yusuf-as and wept out of grief. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-saww: “Be prepared for the affliction”. So Yaqoub-as said to Yusuf-as: ‘Do not related your-as dream to your-as brothers, for I-as fear that they would plot against you with a plot’. But, Yusuf-as did not conceal his dream and related it to his-as brothers’.

قال علي بن الحسين عليه السلام وكانت أول بلوى نزلت بيعقوب وآل يعقوب الحسد ليوسف لما سمعوا منه الرؤيا، قال فاشتدت رقة يعقوب على يوسف وخاف ان يكون ما أوحى الله عز وجل إليه من الاستعداد للبلاء هو في يوسف خاصة

Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws said: ‘And that was the first affliction which descended upon Yaqoub-as and the Progeny of Yaqoub, being the jealousy to Yusuf-as when they (brothers) heard his-as dream’. So the tenderness of Yaqoub-as towards Yusuf-as increased intensely, and he-as feared that what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic had Revealed from the preparation for the affliction, would take place, and that it was especially regarding Yusuf-as.

فاشتدت رقته عليه من بين ولده فلما رأى أخوة يوسف مايصنع يعقوب بيوسف وتكرمته إياه وإيثاره إياه عليهم، اشتد ذلك عليهم وبدأ البلاء فيهم فتؤامروا فيما بينهم، وقالوا: (ان يوسف وأخاه أحب إلى أبينا منا ونحن عصبة ان أبانا لفى ضلال مبين، اقتلوا يوسف أو أطرحوه أرضا يخلوا لكم وجه أبيكم وتكونوا من بعده قوما صالحين) أي تتوبون – فعند ذلك قالوا: يا أبانا مالك لا تأمنا على يوسف وإنا له لنا صالحون، ارسله معنا غدا يرتع الآية. فقال يعقوب: إنى ليحزنني ان تذهبوا به وأخاف أن يأكله الذئب، فانتزعه حذرا عليه من ان تكون البلوى من الله عز وجل على يعقوب في يوسف خاصة لموقعة من قلبه وحبه له،

So he-as was very affectionate towards him-as from among his-as sons. So when his-as brothers saw Yusuf-as, what Yaqoub-as was favouring him-as, and honouring him-as, and preferring him-as over them, it was difficult for them and the affliction began from them. So they agreed the matter in between them and said [12:8] When they said: Certainly Yusuf and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, although there are more of us; surely our father is in manifest error [12:9] Slay Yusuf or cast him out into some land, so that your father’s regard may be exclusively for you all, and after that you can become righteous i.e., repentant.

So, at that, they said [12:11] They said: O our father! What is the matter with you that you do not trust in us with respect to Yusuf? And we are his sincere well-wishers [12:12] Send him with us tomorrow that he may enjoy himself and play, and we would be his protectors [12:13] He said: It grieves me that he goes with you all, and I fear lest the wolf devours him while you are heedless from him. So he-as was cautious against them that the affliction from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic should transpire upon Yaqoub-as with regards to Yusuf-as especially, and there occurred love for him-as in his-as heart’.

قال فغلبت قدرة الله وقضائه، ونافذ أمره في يعقوب ويوسف وأخوته، فلم يقدر يعقوب على دفع البلاء عن نفسه ولاعن يوسف وولده، فدفعه إليهم وهو لذلك كاره متوقع للبلوى من الله في يوسف، فلما خرجوا من منزلهم لحقهم مسرعا، فانتزعه من ايديهم فضمه إليه واعتنقه وبكى ودفعه إليهم فانطلقوا به مسرعين مخافة ان يأخذه منهم ولا يدفعه إليهم،

He-asws said: ‘So the Power of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Decree Overcame and His-azwj Command was Established regarding Yaqoub-as and Yusuf-as and his-as brothers. So Yaqoub-as did not have the ability to defend himself-as against the affliction, nor from Yusuf-as and his-as sons. So he-as handed him-as over to them, and he-as disliked that the affliction from Allah-azwj should Occur with regards to Yusuf-as. So when they went out from their house, he-as dashed towards them and snatched him-as back from their hands, and embraced him-as and cried and then handed him-as back to them. Then he-as dashed towards them again, but he-as feared to take him-as back from them, or to hand him-as over to them.

فلما أمعنوا به أتوبه غيضة أشجار، فقالوا ندبحه ونلقيه تحت هذه الشجرة، فيأكله الذئب الليلة، فقال كبيرهم: (لا تقتلوا يوسف ولكن القوة في غيابت الجب يلتقطه بعض السياره ان كنتم فاعلين) فانطلقوا به إلى الجب فالقوه فيه وهم يظنون انه يغرق فيه فلما صارفي قعر الجب ناداهم: يا ولد رومين أقرؤا يعقوب مني السلام، فلما سمعوا كلامه قال بعضهم لبعض: لا تزالوا من هاهنا حتى تعلموا أنه قد مات،

So when they were distant with him-as, they came over to an orchard of fruit trees, so they said, ‘We should slaughter him-as and throw him-as underneath this tree, so the wolf would eat him-as up during the night’. So the eldest of them said, [12:10] Do not slay Yusuf, and cast him down into the bottom of the well if you must do (it). So they went with him-as to the well and threw him-as into it, and they were guessing that he-as would drown in it. So when he-as hit the bottom of the well, he-as said: ‘O sons of ‘Rowmein’, convey to Yaqoub-as greeting from me-as!’ So when they heard his-as speech, they said to each other, ‘Do not go away from here until you know that he-as has died’.

فلم يزالوا بحضرته حتى أمسوا ورجعوا إلى أبيهم عشاء يبكون، قالوا: يا أبانا إنا ذهبنا نستبق وتركنا يوسف عند متاعنا فأكله الذئب، فلما سمع مقالتهم استرجع واستعبر وذكر ما أوحى الله عز وجل إليه من الاستعداد للبلاء، فصبر وأذعن للبلاء، وقال لهم: بل سولت لكم أنفسكم أمرا وما كان الله ليطعم لحم يوسف للذئب من قبل ان رأى تأويل رؤياه الصادقة.

So they did not go away from his-as presence until they despaired [12:16] And they came to their father at nightfall, weeping [12:17] They said: O our father! We went off racing and left Yusuf by our provisions, so the wolf devoured him. So when he-as heard their speech he-as remembered what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic had Revealed unto him-as from the preparation for the affliction. So he-as was patient and succumbed to the affliction, and said to them: ‘[12:18] But, your souls have induced the matter for you, and Allah-azwj was not going to feed the flesh of Yusuf-as to the wolf before he saw the true interpretation of his-as dream’.

قال أبو حمزة: ثم انقطع حديث علي بن الحسين عليه السلام عند هذا،

Abu Hamza said, ‘Then Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws cut-off the Hadeeth over here’.

فلما كان من الغد غدوت عليه، فقلت له: جعلت فداك انك حدثتني أمس بحديث يعقوب وولده، ثم قطعته ما كان من قصة أخوة يوسف وقصة يوسف بعد ذلك

‘So when it was the next morning I went to him-asws and said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! You-asws narrated to me a Hadeeth yesterday, the Hadeeth of Yaqoub-as and his-as sons, then cut it off. So what was the story of the brothers of Yusuf-as and the story of Yusuf-as after that?’

فقال انهم لما أصبحوا قالوا انطلقوا بنا حتى ننظر ما حال يوسف أمات أم هو حي؟ فلما انتهوا الى الجب وجدوا بحضرة الجب سيارة، وقد أرسلوا واردهم فادلى دلوه فلما جذب دلوه، إذا هو بغلام متعلق بدلوه، فقال لاصحابه يا بشرى هذا غلام فلما أخرجوه أقبل إليهم أخوة يوسف فقالوا هذا عبدنا سقط منا امس في هذا الجب، وجئنا اليوم لنخرجه فانتزعوه من ايديهم وتنحوا به ناحية فقالوا: اما ان تقر لنا انك عبد لنا فنبيعك على بعض هذه السيارة، أو نقتلك؟ فقال لهم يوسف لا تقتلوني واصنعوا ما شئتم،

So he-asws said: ‘When it was the morning they said, ‘Let us go and see what is the condition of Yusuf-as. Is he-as dead, or is he-as alive?’ So when they ended up at the well and found travellers present at the well, and they had sent their water-drawer around it who cast his bucket. So there was a boy attached to his bucket. So he said to his companions [12:19] He said: O good news! This is a boy. So when they took him-as out, the brothers of Yusuf-as came face to face with them, so they said, ‘This is our slave who had fallen down in this well yesterday, and we have come today to take him-as out’. So they snatched him-as from their hands, and placed him-as by the side. So they said, ‘Either you-asws accept that you-as are our slave, so we can sell you to one of these travellers, or kill you-as?’ So Yusuf-as said to them: ‘Do not kill me-as, and I-as will do whatever you like’.

فاقبلوا به إلى السيارة، فقالوا: أمنكم من يشتري منا هذا العبد؟ فاشتراه رجل منهم بعشرين درهما، وكان أخوته فيه من الزاهدين، وسار به الذي اشتراه من البدو حتى ادخله مصر فباعه الذي اشتراه من البدو من ملك مصر، وذلك قول الله عز وجل: (وقال الذي اشتراه من مصر لامرأته اكرمي مثواه عسى ان ينفعنا أو نتخذه ولدا).

So they faced towards the travellers and said, ‘Whom from among you would like to buy from us this slave?’ So a man from them bought him-as for twenty Dirhams. And his-as brothers [12:20] attached no value for him. And the Bedouin who bought him went with him-as to Egypt. So the king of Egypt bought him-as from the Bedouin, and these are the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [12:21] And the Egyptian who bought him said to his wife: Give him an honourable abode, maybe he will be of benefit to us, or we may adopt him as a son’.

قال أبو حمزة: فقلت لعلي بن الحسين عليه السلام: ابن كم كان يوسف يوم ألقوه في الجب؟ فقال كان ابن تسع سنين، فقلت كم كان بين منزل يعقوب يومئذ وبين مصر؟ فقال: مسيرة اثنى عشر يوما،

Abu Hamza said, ‘So I said to Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, ‘How old was Yusuf-as the day he-as was thrown into the well?’ So he-asws said: ‘He-as was nine years old’. So I said, ‘How much distance was there between the house of Yaqoub-as and Egypt, in those days?’ He-asws said: ‘Travel distance of twelve days’.

قال وكان يوسف من أجمل أهل زمانه فلما راهق يوسف راودته أمرأة الملك عن نفسه فقال لها: معاذ الله انا من أهل بيت لا يزنون، فغلقت الابواب عليها وعليه، وقالت لا تخف والقت نفسها عليه فافلت منها هاربا إلى الباب ففتحه فلحقته فجذبت قميصه من خلفه، فاخرجته منه فافلت يوسف منها في ثيابه، والفيا سيدها لدى الباب، قالت: ما جزاء من أراد بأهلك سوء إلا ان يسجن أو عذاب اليم، قال فهم الملك بيوسف ليعذبه

He-asws said: ‘And Yusuf-as was the most handsome of the people of his-as era. So when the wife of the king tried to seduce Yusuf-as, he-as said to her: ‘I-as seek Refuge with Allah-azwj! I-as am from a People of the Household who do not commit adultery’. So she locked the doors on herself and him, and she said, ‘Do not fear’. And she threw herself at him-as. So he-as eluded her running towards the door. So he-as opened it, and she reached out to him-as and grabbed his-as shirt from behind him-as and took it out from him-as. So Yusuf-as escaped from her in his-as clothes [12:25] and they met her Master at the door. She said: What is the recompense of him who intends evil to your wife except for imprisonment or a painful punishment? Thinking that the king would punish Yusuf-as.

فقال له يوسف: وإله يعقوب: ما اردت بأهلك سوء بل هي راودتني عن نفسي فسل هذا الصبي أينا راود صاحبه عن نفسه، قال: وكان عندها من أهلها صبي زايرلها، فانطق الله الصبي لفصل القضاء، فقال: ايها الملك انظر إلى قميص يوسف فان كان مقدودا من قدامة فهو الذي راودها، وان كان مقدودا من خلفه فهى التى راودته،

So Yusuf-as said to him: ‘By the God of Yaqoub-as! I-as did not intend evil with your wife, but she desired me for herself. So ask this child, does anyone seduce his owner for himself?’ He-asws said: ‘And with her was a child from her family who had visited her. So Allah-azwj Made the child speak in a decisive judgement, so he said, ‘O you king! Look at the shirt of Yusuf-as. So if it is torn from its front, so he-as is the one who desired her, and if it is torn from its behind, so she is the one who desired him-as’.

فلما سمع الملك كلام الصبي وما اقتص أفزعه ذلك فزعا شديدا، فجئ بالقميص فنظر إليه فلما رأوه مقدودا من خلفه، قال لها: انه من كيدكن، وقال ليوسف اعرض عن هذا ولا يسمعه منك احد واكتمه،

So when the king heard the speech of the child and what he had related, that terrified him with intense terror. So he went to the shirt and looked at it. So when he saw that it was torn from its behind, he said to her [12:28] Surely it is a plot of you women; surely your plot is grievous. And he said to Yusuf-as [12:29] Yusuf! Turn aside from this, and do not let anyone hear about this from you-as’.

قال: فلم يكتمه يوسف واذاعه في المدينة حتى قلن نسوة منهن امرأة العزيز تراود فتاها عن نفسه فبلغها ذلك فارسلت اليهن وهيئت لهن طعاما ومجلسا، ثم اتتهن باترج، وآتت كل واحدة منهن سكينا، ثم قالت ليوسف: أخرج عليهن، فلما رأينه اكبرنه وقطعن ايديهن وقلن ما قلن، فقالت لهن: هذا الذي لمتننى فيه يعني في حبه،

He-asws said: ‘But news regarding Yusuf-as did not remain hidden, and it was broadcasted in the city until the women from it said [12:30] The chief’s wife seduces her youth (slave) to yield himself. So that reached her, so she sent for them, and prepared for them food and a gathering. Then she gave them a lemon, and gave each one of them a knife. Then she said to Yusuf-as [12:31] Come out to them. So when they saw him, they deemed him great, and cut their hands (in amazement) and they said what they said. So she said to them [12:32] She said: This is he with respect to whom you blamed me meaning being in his-as love.

وخرجن النسوة من عندها، فارسلت كل واحدة منهن إلى يوسف سرامن صاحبتها تسأله الزيارة فأبى عليهن، وقال: إلا تصرف عنى كيدهن اصب اليهن واكن من الجاهلين، فصرف الله عنه كيدهن،

And the women went out from her presence. So she sent for each one of them to go to Yusuf-as secretly from her companion to ask for a visitation, but he refused them, and said: [12:33] and if You do not Turn away their plots from me, I would feel like yearning towards them and become from the ignorant ones. Therefore, Allah-azwj Turned their plots away from him-as.

فلما شاع أمر يوسف وأمر امرأة العزيز والنسوة في مصر، بدا للملك بعد ما سمع قول الصبي ليسجنن يوسف، فسجنه في السجن ودخل السجن مع يوسف فتيان، وكان مع قصتهما وقصة يوسف ما قصة الله في الكتاب.

So when the matter of Yusuf-as and the wife of the ruler of Egypt became widespread among the women of Egypt, the king, after having the speech of the child, began the imprisonment of Yusuf-as. So he imprisoned him-as in the prison, and included with Yusuf-as in the prison, two youths. And the story of these two, and the story of Yusuf-as is what Allah-azwj has Related in the Book’.

قال أبو حمزة ثم انقطع حديث علي بن الحسين صلوات الله عليه.

Abu Hamza said, ‘Then Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws cut-off the Hadeeth’.[65]

(باب 42 – العلة التى من أجلها قال أخوة يوسف ليوسف ” ع “) (إن يسرق! فقد سرق أخ له من قبل)

Chapter 42 – The reason due to which the brothers of Yusuf-as said to Yusuf-as [12:77] If he has stolen, so a brother of his did indeed steal before

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد مسعود، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا احمد بن عبيدالله العلوي قال: حدثني علي بن محمد العلوي العمري قال: حدثني اسماعيل بن همام قال: قال الرضا عليه السلام في قول الله عز وجل: (قالوا إن يسرق فقد سرق أخ له من قبل، فاسرها يوسف في نفسه ولم يبدها لهم) قال كانت لاسحاق ” ع ” منطقة يتوارثها الانبياء الاكابر وكانت عند عمة يوسف، وكان يوسف عندها وكانت تحبه، فبعث إليها أبوه إبعثيه الي وارده اليك،

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Masoud, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Ubeydullah Al Alawy, from Ali Bin Muhammad Al Alawy Al Amary, from Ismail Bin Hamam who said,

‘Al-Reza-asws said regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [12:77] They said: If he has stolen, so a brother of his did indeed steal before; but Yusuf kept it secret in his heart and did not disclose it to them. He-asws said: ‘Ishaq-as used to have a belt which was inherited by the great Prophets-as, and it was in the possession of an aunt of Yusuf-as, and Yusuf-as was (living) with her, and she used to love him-as. (One day) his-as father-as sent a message to her: ‘Send him-as over to me-as, and I-as would return him-as back to you’.

فبعثت إليه دعه عندي الليلة اشمه، ثم أرسله اليك غدوة، قال: فلما اصبحت اخذت المنطقة فربطتها في حقوه وألبسته قميصا وبعثت به إليه وقالت سرقت المنطقة فوجدت عليه، وكان إذا سرق واحد في ذلك الزمان دفع إلى صاحب السرقة فكان عبده.

So she send a message to him-as, ‘Leave him in my presence for the night so that I can smell his-as aroma, then I shall send him to you-as in the morning’. So when it was the morning, she took the belt and attached it to him-as and made him-as to wear a shirt and send it with him-as to him-as, and said, ‘The belt was stolen and it was found to be upon him-as’. And it was so in that era, that if a thief were to steal, he would get handed over to the owner of the property, and he would be his slave’.[66]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه، عن عبد الله بن محمد بن خالد قال: حدثنى الحسن بن علي الوشاء قال: سمعت علي بن موسى الرضا ” ع ” يقول: كانت الحكومة في بني اسرائيل إذا سرق احد شيئا استرق به، وكان يوسف ” ع ” عند عمته وهو صغير، وكانت تحبه وكان لاسحاق ” ع ” منطقة البسها أباه يعقوب ” ع ” وكانت عند إبنته،

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa who said,

‘I heard Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws saying: ‘It was the law among the Children of Israel, if anyone stole anything, he would get stolen due to it (become a slave to the victim). And Yusuf-as was (living) with his-as aunt, and he-as was small, and she used to love him-as, and Is’haq-as had a belt which his -as father-as used to wear (sometimes), and it was in the possession of his-as daughter.

وان يعقوب طلب يوسف بأخذه من عمته فاغتمت لذلك وقالت له دعه حتى أرسله اليك فارسلته واخذت المنطقة فشدتها في وسطه، تحت الثياب فلما أتى يوسف أباه جاءت وقالت سرقت المنطقة، ففتشته فوجدتها في وسطه، فلذلك، قال أخوة يوسف، حيث جعل الصاع في وعاء أخيه ان يسرق فقد سرق أخ له من قبل،

And Yaqoub-as sought Yusuf-as from his-as aunt, so she was aggrieved due to that and said to him-as, ‘Leave him-as until I send him-as to you-as’. So she sent him-as, and took the belt and tied it around his-as waist, under the clothes. So when Yusuf-as came to his-as father-as, she came over and said, ‘The belt has been stolen!’ So he-as looked for it and found it to be in his-as waist. Thus, it was due to that, that the brothers of Yusuf-as, where the (king’s) bowl was made to be in the bag of his-as brother [12:77] If he has stolen, so a brother of his did indeed steal before.

فقال لهم يوسف: ما جزاء من وجدنا في رحله، قالوا: هو جزاؤه كما جرت السنة التي تجري فيهم، فبدأ بأوعيتهم قبل وعاء أخيه، ثم استخرجها من وعاء أخيه ولذلك قال أخوة يوسف (ان يسرق فقد سرق أخ له من قبل) يعنون المنطقة فاسرها يوسف في نفسه ولم يبدها لهم.

So Yusuf-as said to them: ‘What is the recompense of the one in whose ride it would be found to be’. They said, ‘It would be his recompense’ – in accordance to the Sunnah which had flowed to be among them. So he-as began by their bags before the bag of his-as brother. Then he-as took it out from the bag of his-as brother (Benyamin), and it is due to that, that the brothers of Yusuf-as said [12:77] If he has stolen, so a brother of his did indeed steal before – meaning the belt, but Yusuf kept it secret in his heart and did not disclose it to them’.[67]

(باب 43 – العلة التى من أجلها أذن مؤذن العير التي فيها أخوة) (يوسف: أيتها العير أنكم لسارقون)

Chapter 43 – The reason due to which the caller called out to the caravan in which were the brothers of Yusuf-as [12:70] O caravan! You are stealing

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن علي قال: حدثنا إبراهيم ابن اسحاق، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان، عن علي بن أبى حمزة، عن أبى بصير قال: سمعت أبا جعفر ” ع ” يقول: لا خير فيمن لا تقية له، ولقد قال: يوسف أيتها العير انكم لسارقون وما سرقوا.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Ibrahim Bin Ali, from Ibrahim Ibn Is’haq, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘There is no goodness for the one who had no dissimulation to him, and Yusuf-as had said [12:70] O caravan! You are stealing! And they had not stolen’.[68]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى نصر قال: حدثني احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن عثمان بن عيسى، عن سماعة عن أبى بصير، قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: التقية دين الله عز وجل، قلت من دين الله؟ قال: فقال أي والله من دين الله. لقد قال يوسف: أيتها العير انكم لسارقون، والله ما كانوا سرقوا شيئا.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Usman Bin Isa, from Sama’at, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The dissimulation is the Religion of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’. I said, ‘From the Religion of Allah-azwj?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes, by Allah-azwj, from the Religion of Allah-azwj. and Yusuf-as had said [12:70] O caravan! You are stealing! By Allah-azwj! They had not stolen anything’.[69]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن هشام بن الحكم، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” في قول يوسف: أيتها العير انكم لسارقون، قال: ما سرقوا وما كذب.

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhamamd Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the words of Yusuf-as [12:70] O caravan! You are stealing. He-asws said: ‘They had not stolen, and he-as had not lied’.[70]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن احمد، عن إبراهيم بن اسحاق النهاوندي، عن صالح بن سعيد، عن رجل من أصحابنا، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال سألته عن قول الله عز وجل في يوسف (أيتها العير إنكم لسارقون) قال: انهم سرقوا يوسف من أبيه، ألا ترى انه قال لهم حين قالوا: ما ذاتفقدون؟ قالوا نفقد صواع الملك، ولم يقولوا سرقتم صواع الملك، إنما عنى انكم سرقتم يوسف من أبيه.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Nahawandy, from Salih Bin Saeed, from a man from our companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic regarding Yusuf-as [12:70] O caravan! You are stealing. He-asws said: ‘They had stolen Yusuf-as from his father. Do you not see that he-as said to them, where they said facing him-as [12:71] What is it that you are missing? [12:72] They said: We miss the king’s drinking cup, and they did not say, ‘You stole the king’s drinking cup’. But rather, it means, ‘You stole Yusuf-as from his-as father-as’.[71]


(باب 44 – العلة التى من أجلها قال يعقوب لبنيه: يا نبى اذهبوا) (فتحسسوا من يوسف وأخيه)

Chapter 44 – The reason due to which Yaqoub-as said to his-as sons [12:87] O my sons! Go and inquire respecting Yusuf and his brother

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود عن أبيه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى نصر، عن احمد بن محمد، عن العباس بن معروف، عن علي بن مهزيار، عن محمد بن اسماعيل، عن حنان بن سدير، عن أبيه قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام: إخبرنى عن يعقوب حين قال لولده: اذهبوا فتحسسوا من يوسف وأخيه، أكان علم انه حي وقد فارقه منذ عشرين سنة، وذهبت عيناه من الحزن؟ قال نعم علم انه حي، قلت وكيف علم؟ قال انه دعا في السحر ان يهبط عليه ملك الموت، فهبط عليه تريال فهو ملك الموت فقال له تريال ما حاجتك يا يعقوب؟ قال اخبرني عن الارواح تقبضها مجتمعة أو متفرقة، فقال بل متفرقة روحا روحا، قال: فمر بك روح يوسف، قال لا قال: فعند ذلك علم انه حي، فقال لولده: اذهبوا فتحسسوا من يوسف وأخيه.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from his father who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘Inform me about the words of Yaqoub-as to his-as sons: [12:87] O my sons! Go and inquire respecting Yusuf and his brother, Did he-as know that he-as was alive, and there was a separation of twenty years between them?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘How did he-as know?’ He-asws said: ‘He-as supplicated before dawn and asked Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic that he-azwj should Send down to him-as the Angel of Death. So Biryaal descended unto him-as, and he is the Angel of Death. So Biryaal said to him-as: ‘What is your-as need, O Yaqoub-as?’ He-as said: ‘Inform me about the souls. Do you capture them altogether or separately?’ He said, ‘But, I capture them separately, soul by soul’. He-as said to him: ‘So inform me, Did you come across the soul of Yusuf-as in what you have passed by?’ He said: ‘No’. Thus, Yaqoub-as came to know that he-as was alive. So, due to that he-as said [12:87] O my sons! Go and inquire respecting Yusuf and his brother”.[72]

(باب 45 – العلة التى من أجلها وجد يعقوب ريح يوسف) (من مسيرة عشرة أيام)

Chapter 45 – The reason due to which Yaqoub-as found the aroma of Yusuf-as from a travel distance of ten days

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبى نصر قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن العباس بن معروف، عن علي بن مهزيار، عن الحسين بن سعيد عن إبراهيم بن أبى البلاد عمن ذكره، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كان القميص الذي أنزل به على إبراهيم من الجنة في قصبة من فضة، وكان إذا لبس كان واسعا كبيرا فلما فصلوا ويعقوب بالرملة، ويوسف بمصر، قال يعقوب انى لاجد ريح يوسف عنى ريح الجنة حين فصلوا بالقميص لانه كان من الجنة.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ibrahim Bin Abu Al Bilad, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The shirt was the one which (Jibraeel-as) descended with upon Ibrahim-as, from the Paradise, in a silver container, and when he-as wore it, it expanded to be bigger (to fit him-as). So when (the caravan) travelled, and Yaqoub-as was at Ramla, and Yusuf-as was in Egypt, Yaqoub-as said [12:94] Surely I find the aroma of Yusuf – meaning the aroma from the Paradise, when (the caravan) travelled with the shirt, because it was from the Paradise’.[73]

وبهذ الاسناد، عن علي بن مهزيار، عن محمد بن اسماعيل السراج عن بشر بن جعفر، عن مفضل الجعفي، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سمعته يقول أتدري ما كان قميص يوسف؟ قال: قلت لا، قال: ان إبراهيم لما أوقدت له النار اتاه جبرئيل عليه السلام بثوب من ثياب الجنة والبسه إياه، فلم يضره معه ريح ولابرد ولا حر، فلما حضر إبراهيم الموت جعله في تميمة وعلقه على اسحاق، وعلقه إسحاق على يعقوب، فلما ولد ليعقوب يوسف علقه عليه فكان في عضده حتى كان من أمره ماكان،

And by this chain, from Al iBin Mahziyar, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Siraj, from Bishr Bin Ja’far, from Mufazzal Al Ju’fy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, (the narrator says), ‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Do you know what was the shirt of Yusuf-as?’ I said, ‘No’. When the fire was kindled for Ibrahim-as, Jibraeel-as came down with a cloth, from the clothes of the Paradise. With it, neither the heat, nor the cold affected him-as adversely. When death presented itself to Ibrahim-as, he-as made an amulet out of it and attached it on Is’haq-as, and Is’haq-as attached it on Yaqoub-as. When Yusuf-as came to this world, he-as attached it on him-as, and it was in his-as upper arm until the matter transpired what it did.

فلما اخرج يوسف بمصر القميص من التميمة وجد يعقوب ريحه فهو قوله تعالى انى لأجد ريح يوسف لولا ان تفندون فهو ذلك القميص الذى انزل به من الجنة قلت جعلت فداك فالى من صار ذلك القميص فقال إلى اهله ثم قال كل نبى ورث علمه أو غيره فقد انتهى إلى محمد صلى الله عليه وآله واهل بيته.

When Yusuf-as was in Egypt, he-as brought out the shirt from the amulet, Yaqoub-as found its aroma. These are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [12:94] Surely I find the aroma of Yusuf, unless you pronounce me to be weak minded, for that was the shirt which had come down from the Paradise’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws, to whom has this shirt gone to?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘To it’s (Ahl) worthy person-as’. Then said: ‘All Prophets-as inherited his-as knowledge, and other (things) and it then came to Muhammad-saww and the People-asws of his-azwj Household’.[74]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن حفص أخي مرازم، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع “: في قول الله عز وجل (ولما فصلت العير) قال أبوهم (انى لاجد ريح يوسف لولا أن تفندون) قال وجد يعقوب ريح قميص إبراهيم حين فصلت العيرمن مصر وهو بفلسطين.

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hafs brother of Marazim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [12:94] And when the caravan departed, their father said: Surely I find the aroma of Yusuf, unless you pronounce me to be weak minded. The Imam-asws said: ‘Yaqoub-as found the aroma of the shirt of Ibrahim-as when the caravan departed from Egypt, and he-as was at Palestine’.[75]

باب 46 – العلة التى من أجلها قال يوسف لاخوته: لاتثريب عليكم) (اليوم للوقت. ويعقوب قال لهم: سوف استغفر لكم ربى)

Chapter 46 – The reason due to which Yusuf-as said to his-as brothers [12:92] He said: (There shall be) no reproach against you this day for the time; and Yaqoub-as said to them [12:98] He said: Soon I will ask for your Forgiveness from my Lord

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن إسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد الهمداني مولى بنى هاشم قال: أخبرنا المنذر بن محمد قال: حدثنا اسماعيل بن إبراهيم الخزاز، عن اسماعيل بن الفضل الهاشمي قال: قلت جعفر ابن محمد عليه السلام أخبرني عن يعقوب ” ع ” لما قال له بنوه: يا أبانا استغفر لنا ذنوبنا إنا كنا خاطئين، قال سوف استغفر لكم ربى، فأخر الاستغفار لهم ويوسف عليه السلام لما قالوا له: تالله لقد آثرك الله علينا وان كنا لخاطئين. قال: لا تثريب عليكم اليوم يغفر الله لكم وهو أرحم الراحمين،

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Hamdany, a slave of the Clan of Hashim -as, from Al Munzar Bin Muhammad, from Ismail Bin Ibrahim Al Khazaz, from Ismail Bin Al Fazal Al Hashimy who said,

‘I said to Ja’far Ibn Muhammad-asws, ‘Inform me about Yaqoub-as, when his-as sons said to him-as, ‘[12:97] They said: O our father! Seek Forgiveness for our sins for us, surely we were erroneous [12:98] He said: Soon I will ask for your Forgiveness from my Lord. So he-as delayed the seeking of Forgiveness for them. And Yusuf-as, when they said to him-as, [12:91] By Allah! Now has Allah certainly Preferred you over us, and we were erroneous. [12:92] He said: (There shall be) no reproach against you this day; May Allah Forgive you, and He is the most Merciful of the merciful’.

قال: لان قلب الشاب أرق من قلب الشيخ، وكانت جناية ولد يعقوب على يوسف، وجنايتهم على يعقوب إنما كانت بجنايتهم على يوسف، فبادر يوسف إلى العفو عن حقه، واخر يعقوب العفو لان عفوه إنما كان عن حق غيره، فاخرهم إلى السحر ليلة الجمعة.

The Imam-asws said: ‘Because the heart of the young (person) is softer than a heart of the old, and the crime of the children of Yaqoub-as was against Yusuf-as, and rather their crime against Yaqoub-as was their crime against Yusuf-as, therefore Yusuf-as hastened to pardon from his-as right, and Yaqoub-as delayed the pardoning because it was the right of someone else. Thus, he-as delayed them till the night of Friday.[76]

(باب 47 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يخرج من صلب يوسف نبى)

Chapter 47 – The reason due to which a Prophet-as did not come out from the offspring of Yusuf-as

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن إدريس ومحمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد بن يحيى، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن غير واحد، رفعوه إلى أبي عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لما تلقى يوسف يعقوب ترجل له يعقوب ولم يترجل له يوسف فلم ينفصلا من العناق حتى أتاه جبرئيل فقال له: يا يوسف، ترجل لك الصديق، ولم تترجل له، ابسط يدك، فبسطها فخرج نور من راحته، فقال له يوسف: ماهذا؟ قال: هذا آية لا يخرج من عقبك نبي عقوبة.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees amd Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammd Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from someone else,

(The narrator) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When Yusuf-as met up with Yaqoub-as, Yaqoub-as walked over to him-as, and Yusuf-as did not walk over to him-as (to welcome). So they-as had not even separated from hugging each other, when Jibraeel-as came to him-as and said to him-as: ‘O Yusuf-as! The truthful walked over to you-as, and you-as did not walk over to him-as. Extend your-as hand!’ So he-as extended it, there came out a Light from his-as palm. So Yusuf-as said to him-as: ‘What is this?’ He-as said: ‘This is a Sign that there will not be coming out from your-as posterity, a Prophet-as, as a Punishment’.[77]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه، عن محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن الحسين ابن الحسن بن أبان، عن محمد بن أورمة، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن هشام بن سالم، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لما أقبل يعقوب إلى مصر خرج يوسف ” ع ” ليستقبله، فلما رآه يوسف هم بان يترجل ليعقوب، ثم نظر إلى ما هو فيه من الملك، فلم يفعل،

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Ibn Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Yaqoub-as came over to Egypt, Yusuf-as came out to welcome him-as. So when Yusuf-as saw him-as, he-as wanted to dismount and walk over to him-as. Then he-as considered to what (state) he-as was in, from the kingdom, so he-as did not do it.

فلما سلم على يعقوب نزل عليه جبرئيل فقال له: يا يوسف ان الله تبارك وتعالى يقول لك: ما منعك ان تنزل إلى عبدي الصالح إلا ما أنت فيه ابسط يدك فبسطها فخرج من بين أصابعه نور، فقال له ما هذا يا جبرئيل، فقال هذا آية لا يخرج من صلبك نبي أبدا عقوبة لك بما صنعت بيعقوب إذ لم تنزل إليه.

So when he-as greeted Yaqoub-as, Jibraeel-as descended unto him-as and said to him-as: ‘O Yusuf-as! Allah-azwj Blessed and High is Saying to you-as: “Nothing prevented you-as from descending to My-azwj righteous servant, except for what (state) you-as were in, therefore extend your-as hand!” So he-as extended it, and there came out a Light from in between his-as fingers. So he-as said to him-as: ‘What is this, O Jibraeel-as?’ So he-as said: ‘This is a Sign that there will not be coming out from your-as posterity, a Prophet-as, ever, as a Punishment for you-as due to what you-as have done with Yaqoub-as, when you-as did not descend to him-as (out of respect of your-as father-as).[78]

(باب 48 – العلة التى من أجلها تزوج يوسف زليخا)

Chapter 48 – The reason due to which Yusuf-as married Zuleykha

أبى رحمه الله قال، حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن عبد الله بن المغيرة، عمن ذكره، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: استأذنت زليخا على يوسف، فقيل لها: انا نكره ان نقدم بك عليه لما كان منك إليه، قالت: إنى لا أخاف من يخاف الله،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from the one who mentioned it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Zuleykha sought permission to (see) Yusuf-as, so it was said to her, ‘We dislike that we should proceed with you to him-as because of what was from you to him-as’ – (She had him-as imprisoned before). She said, ‘I do not fear the one who fears Allah-azwj’.

فلما دخلت قال لها: يا زليخا مالي أراك قد تغير لونك؟ قالت: الحمد لله الذي جعل الملوك بمعصيتهم عبيد، وجعل العبيد بطاعتهم ملوكا قال لها: ما الذي دعاك يا زليخا إلى ماكان منك؟ قالت! حسن وجهك يا يوسف فقال كيف لو رأيت نبيا يقال له محمد يكون في آخر الزمان أحسن منى وجها وأحسن منى خلقا واسمح منى كفا. قالت: صدقت، قال وكيف علمت إنى صدقت قالت: لانك حين ذكرته وقع حبه في قلبي. فأوحى الله عز وجل إلى يوسف إنها قد صدقت وانى قد أحببتها لحبها محمدا، فأمره الله تبارك وتعالى ان يتزوجها.

So when she came over, he-as said to her: ‘O Zuleykha! What is the matter that I-as see your colour to have changed?’ She said, ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj Who Made the kings to be slaves due to their disobedience, and Made the slave to be a king due to his-as obedience to Him-azwj.

He-as said: ‘What invited you to me-as, O Zuleykha, after what had transpired from you?’ She said, ‘The beauty of your-as face, O Yusuf-as! So he-as said: ‘How would it be if you were to see a Prophet-as called Muhammad-saww who would happen to be at the end of the times, more handsome than me-as of face, and more beautiful than me-as of manners, and more generous than me-as of hand (in giving)’. She said, ‘You-as have spoken the truth’. He-as said: ‘And how do you know that I-as have spoken the truth’. She said, ‘Because when you-as mentioned him-saww, love for him-saww occurred in my heart’. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Yusuf-as: “She is speaking the truth and that I-azwj have Loved her due to her love for Muhammad-saww”. And so Allah-azwj Blessed and High Commanded him-as to marry her’.[79]

(باب 50 – العلة التى من أجلها اصطفى الله عز وجل موسى) (لكلامه دون خلقه)

Chapter 50 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Chose Musa-as to Speak to besides His-azwj (other) creatures

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثني سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد بن أبى عمير عن علي بن يقطين، عن رجل، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: أوحى الله عز وجل إلى موسى ” ع “: أتدري لما اصطفيتك لكلامي دون خلقي؟ فقال موسى: لا يا رب، فقال: يا موسى انى قلبت عبادي ظهرا لبطن فلم أجد فيهم احدا اذل لي منك نفسا. يا موسى انك إذا صليت وضعت خديك على التراب.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to me, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Ali Bin Yaqteen, from a man,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Musa-as: “Do you-as know why I-azwj Chose you-as to Speak to besides My-azwj (other) creatures?’ So Musa-as said: ‘No, O Lord-azwj!’ So He-azwj Said: “O Musa-as! I-azwj Turned (Considered) the apparent of My-azwj servants for the hidden, so I-azwj did not Find among them anyone more humble to Me-azwj than you-as. O Musa-as! You-as, when you-as Pray, place your-as cheeks upon the dust”.[80]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن محمد بن سنان، عن اسحاق بن عمار قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: ان موسى عليه السلام: احتبس عنه الوحي أربعين أو ثلاثين صباحا، قال فصعد على جبل بالشام يقال له: أريحا، فقال: يا رب ان كنت حبست عني وحيك وكلامك لذنوب بنى اسرائيل، فغفرانك القديم قال فأوحى الله عز وجل إليه يا موسى بن عمران أتدري لم اصطفيتك لوحيى وكلامي دون خلقي؟ فقال لاعلم لى يا رب، فقال: يا موسى إنى أطلعت إلى خلقي إطلاعة فلم أجد في خلقي أشد تواضعا لي منك، فمن ثم خصصتك بوحيى وكلامي من بين خلقي.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khattab, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The Relevation was Withheld from Musa-as for forty to thirty mornings. So he-as ascended upon a mountain at Syria called Areyha. He-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! If You-azwj have Withheld Your-azwj Revelation and Your-azwj Speech from me-as due to the sins of the Children of Israel, so You-azwj have always been Forgiving them’. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “O Musa Bin Imran-as! Do you-as know why I-azwj Chose you-as for My-azwj Revelation and My-azwj Speech besides My-azwj (other) creatures?” So he-as said: ‘I-as do not know, O Lord-azwj! Considered My-azwj creatures with a Consideration, but I-azwj did not Find among My-azwj creatures anyone who was more humble to Me-azwj than you-as, that is why I-azwj Chose you-as for My-azwj Revelation and My-azwj Speech from between My-azwj creatures”.

قال وكان موسى عليه السلام: إذا صلى لم ينفتل حتى يلصق خده الايمن بالارض والايسر.

The Imam-asws said: ‘Whenever Musa-as used to Pray, never finished until he-as had placed his-as right and left cheek upon the ground’.[81]

(باب 51 العلة التى من أجلها جعل الله عز وجل موسى) (خادما لشعيب عليهما السلام)

Chapter 51 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Made Musa-as be a servant of Shuayb-as

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أبو حفص عمر بن يوسف بن سليمان بن الريان قال: حدثنا القاسم بن إبراهيم الرقى قال حدثنا محمد بن احمد بن مهدي الرقى قال: حدثنا عبد الرزاق، عن معمر، عن الزهري، عن أنس قال، قال رسول الله صلى الله وآله وسلم: بكى شعيب ” ع ” من حب الله عز وجل حتى عمى، فرد الله عز وجل عليه بصره، ثم بكى حتى عمى فرد الله عليه بصره، ثم بكى حتى عمى فرد الله عليه بصره، فلما كانت الرابعة أوحى الله إليه: يا شعيب، إلى متى يكون هذا أبدا منك، إن يكن هذا خوفا من النار فقد أجرتك، وان يكن شوقا إلى الجنة فقد أبحتك،

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abu Hafs Umar Bin Yusuf Bin Suleyman Bin Al Rayan, from Al Qasim Bin Ibrahim Al Raqy, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Mahdy Al Raqy, from Abdul Razzaq, from Moamar, from Al Zuhry, from Anas who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Shuayb-as cried from the love of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic until he was blinded. So Allah-azwj Returned his eyesight. Then he-as cried until he-as was blinded. So Allah-azwj Returned his-as eyesight. Then he-as cried until he-as was blinded. So Allah-azwj Returned his-as eyesight. So when he-as was in the fourt time, Allah-azwj Revealed unto him-as: “O Shuayb-as! Until when will this be happening from you-as? If this is happening out of fear from the Fire, so I-azwj have Requited you-as, and if this is from the desire for the Paradise, so I-azwj have Endowed it to you-as”.

قال إلهي وسيدي أنت تعلم انى ما بكيت خوفا من نارك ولا شوقا إلى جنتك، ولكن عقد حبك على قلبي فلست أصبر أو أراك، فأوحى الله جل جلاله إليه: اما إذا كان هذا هكذا فمن أجل هذا سأخدمك كليمي موسى بن عمران.

So he-as said: ‘My-as God, and my-as Master! You-azwj Know that I-as am not crying out of fear from Your-azwj Fire, nor out of desire to be in Your-azwj Paradise, but I-as contracted Your-azwj love upon my-as heart. Thus, I-as have no patience upon seeing You-azwj’. So Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty Revealed unto himsa: “But if this is so, for this I-azwj would Make My-azwj Speaker Musa-as Bin Imran-as to serve you-as’.[82]

(باب 52 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يقتل فرعون موسى ” ع “) (لما قال ذروني أقتل موسى)

Chapter 52 – The reason due to which Pharaoh-la did not kill Musa-as when he-la said [40:26] Leave me alone that I may slay Musa

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن علي بن اسباط، عن اسماعيل بن منصور أبى زياد، عن رجل، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” في قول فرعون! ذروني اقتل موسى من كان يمنعه؟ قال: منعته رشدته ولا يقتل الانبياء وأولاد الانبياء إلا أولاد الزنا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khattab, from Ali Bin Asbat, from Ismail Bin Mansour Abu Ziyad, from a man,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the words of Pharaoh-la [40:26] Leave me alone that I may slay Musa, who was it that prevented him-la?’ He-asws said: ‘His-la correct birth prevented him-as. None shall kill the Prophets-as nor the children of the Prophets-as except for the children (born of) adultery’.[83]

حدثنا عبد الواحد محمد بن عبدوس النيسابوري العطار رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن قتيبه، عن حمدان بن سليمان النيسابوري قال: حدثنا إبراهيم بن محمد الهمداني قال: قلت لابي الحسن على بن موسى الرضا ” ع “: لاي علة أغرق الله عز وجل فرعون وقد آمن به واقر بتوحيده؟ قال: انه آمن عند رؤية البأس وهو غير مقبول:، وذلك حكم الله تعالى ذكره في السلف والخلف قال الله تعالى: (فلما رأوا بأسنا قالوا آمنا بالله وحده وكفرنا بما كنا بة مشركين فلم يك ينفعهم إيمانهم لما رأوا باسنا)

Abdul Wahid Muhammad Bin Abdous Al Neyshapouri Al Ataar narrated to us, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Quteyba, from Hamdan Bin Suleyman Al Neyshapouri, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Al Hamdany who said,

‘I said to Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, ‘For which reason did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Drown Pharaoh-la, and he-la had believed in Him-azwj and accepted His-azwj Oneness?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he-la believed when he-la saw the evil (Punishment), and the belief when one sees the evil (Punishment) is not Acceptable. That is the Judgement of Allah-azwj the High regarding the ancestors and the posterities. Allah-azwj the High Says [40:84] But when they saw Our Punishment, they said: We believe in Allah alone and we deny what we used to associate with Him. [40:85] But their belief was not going to profit them when they had seen Our Punishment’.

وقال الله عز وجل: (يوم ياتي بعض آيات ربك لا ينفع نفسا إيمانها لم تكن آمنت من قبل أو كسبت في إيمانها خيرا) وهكذا فرعون لما أدركه الغرق قال: آمنت انه لاإله إلا الذي آمنت به بنو اسرائيل وانا من المسلمين، فقيل له الآن وقد عصيت قبل وكنت من المفسدين، فاليوم ننجيك ببدنك لتكون لمن خلفك آية،

And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said [6:158] On the Day when some of the Signs of your Lord shall come, its faith shall not profit a soul which did not believe before, or earn good through its faith. And this is what Pharaoh-la said [10:90] I believe that there is no god but He in Whom the Children of Israel believe and I am of those who are submitters [10:91] What! Now! And you had disobeyed before and you were of the mischief-makers [10:92] But this day We will Rescue you with your body that you may be a sign to those (who will come) after you.

وقد كان فرعون من قرنة إلى قدمه في الحديد وقد لبسه على بدنه، فلما اغرق القاه الله على نجوه من الارض ببدنه ليكون لمن بعده علامة فيرونه مع تثقله بالحديد على مرتفع من الارض، وسبيل التثقيل ان يرسب ولا يرتفع فكان ذلك آية وعلامة،

And Pharaoh-la was clad in iron from head to toe upon his-la body. So when he-la drowned, Allah-azwj Cast him-la upon a high part of the land, with his-la body, so that it would be a Sign for the ones after him-la so that they would see him-la to be upon a high part of the land with the iron, and that the iron is heavy and (with it) he-la should not have been upon the high ground. So that was a Sign and a pointer.

ولعلة أخرى أغرق الله عز وجل فرعون وهي انه استغاث بموسى لما أدركه الغرق ولم يستغث بالله فأوحى الله عز وجل إليه يا موسى ما أغثت فرعون لانك لم تخلقه ولو استغاث بي لاغثته.

And another reason from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to Drown Pharaoh-la that he-la cried out for help to Musa-as and did not cry out to Allah-azwj. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “O Musa-as! You-as did not come to the help of Pharaoh-la because you-as did not create him-la, but had he-la cried out to Me-azwj, I-azwj would have Helped him-la”.[84]

(باب 54 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى الخضر حضرا، وعلل) (ما أتاه مما يسخطه موسى ” ع ” من خرق السفينة) (وقتل الغلام، وإقامة الجدار)

Chapter 54 – The reason due to which Al-Khizr-as was named as ‘Khizr’, and the reasons for what angered Musa-as from the breaking of the ship, and the killing of the boy, and the straightening of the wall

حدثنا أحمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي السكري قال حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهري البصري قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن عمارة عن أبيه، عن جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام. انه قال ان الخضر كان نبيا مرسلا بعثه الله تبارك وتعالى إلى قومه: فدعاهم إلى توحيده والاقرار بانبيائه ورسله وكتبه وكانت آيته انه كان لا يجلس على خشبة يابسة، ولا أرض بيضاء إلا أزهرت خضرا وانما سمي خضرا لذلك، وكان إسمه باليا بن ملكان بن عابر بن أرفخشد ابن سام بن نوح عليه السلام

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Sakry, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhary Al Basry, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Amaara, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘Al-Khizr-as was a Mursil Prophet-as. Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent him-as to his-as people, so he-as called them to His-azwj Oneness and the acceptance of His-azwj Prophets-as, and His-azwj Rasools-as, and His -azwj Books. And his-as miracle was that he-as neither used to sit upon dry wood, nor white ground (unproductive land), except that it blossomed as green. But rather, he-as was named as ‘Khizr’ (green) due to that, and that his-as name was Baliya Bin Malkan Bin Aabir Bin Ar Fakhshad Ibn Saam Bin Noah-as.

وان موسى لما كلمة الله تكليما، وانزل عليه التوراة وكتب له في الالواح من كل شئ موعظة وتفصيلا لكل شئ، وجعل آيته في يده وعصاه، وفي الطوفان والجرد والقمل والضفادع والدم وفلق البحر، وغرق الله عز وجل فرعون وجنوده وعملت البشرية فيه حتى قال في نفسه: ما أرى ان الله عز وجل خلق خلقا أعلم مني،

And when Allah-azwj Spoke to Musa-as with a Speech, and Revealed the Torah unto him-as, and Prescribed for him-as in the Tablets with everything, Advice and detail of everything, and Made a miracle to be in his-as hand and his-as staff, and in the flood, and the locusts, and the lice, and the frogs, and the blood, and the splitting of the sea. And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Drowned Pharaoh-la and his-la army, and he-as performed these among the people, until he-as thought to himself-as: ‘I-as have not seen a creature whom Allah-azwj has Created, to be more knowledgeable than me-as’.

فأوحى الله عز وجل إلى جبرئيل: يا جبرئيل ادرك عبدي موسى قبل ان يهلك، وقل له ان عند ملتقى البحرين رجلا عابدا فاتبعه وتعلم منه، فهبط جبرئيل على موسى بما أمره به ربه عز وجل فعلم موسى ان ذلك لما حدثت به نفسه،

So, Allah-azwj Revealed unto Jibraeel-as: “O Jibraeel-as! Go to My-azwj servant Musa-as before he-as gets destroyed, and say to him-as that at the meeting of the two seas there is a worshipping man, so follow him-as and learn from him-as”. So Jibraeel-as descended unto Musa-as with what his-as Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic had been Commanded with. So Musa-as knew that it was due to what he-as had thought to himself-as.

فمضى هو وفتاه يوشع بن نون عليه السلام حتى إنتهيا إلى ملتقى البحرين فوجدا هناك الخضر عليه السلا م يعبد الله عز وجل، كما قال عز وجل في كتابه: (فوجدا عبدا من عبادنا آتيناه رحمة من عندنا وعلمناه من لدنا علما) قال موسى: هل اتبعك على ان تعلمني مما علمت رشدا؟ قال له الخضر: انك لن تستطيع معي صبرا لاني وكلت بعلم لا تطيقه ووكلت أنت بعلم لا أطيقه،

So he-as and his-as attendant Yoshua Bin Noon-as went unto they-as ended up at the meeting of the two seas. So they found over there Al-Khizr-as worshipping Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic just as Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Said in His-azwj Book [18:65] Then they found a servant from Our servants whom We had Granted Mercy from Us and whom We had Taught knowledge from Ourselves. [18:66] Musa said to him: Shall I follow you on condition that you should teach me right Knowledge from what you have been Taught? [18:67] He said: Surely you cannot have patience with me because I-as have been Allocated a Knowledge which you-as do not have the strength (to bear), and you-as have been Allocated with a Knowledge which I-as cannot bear’.

قال موسى له: بل أستطيع معك صبرا، فقال له الخضر: ان القياس لا مجال له في علم الله وأمره، وكيف تصبر على ما لم تحط به خبرا؟ قال موسى ستجدني ان شاء الله صابرا ولا اعصي لك أمرا، فلما استثنى المشية قبله، قال فإن اتبعتنى فلا تسألني عن شئ حتى احدث لك منه ذكرا، فقال موسى ” ع ” لك ذلك علي

Musa-as said to him-as: ‘But, I-as will be able to be patient with you-as’. So Al-Khizr said: ‘There is no scope for analogy in the Knowledge of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Commandments, [18:68] And how can you have patience upon that of which you have not got any news of? [18:69] He said: If Allah so desires it, you will find me patient and I shall not disobey you in any matter. So when Allah-azwj’s Desire was made to be an exclusion, he-as walked with him-as. [18:70] He said: If you would follow me, so you will not question me about anything until I myself narrate to you with a mention. So Musa-as said: ‘So that is (binding) upon me-as’.

فانطلقا حتى إذا ركبا في السفينة خرقها الخضر ” ع ” فقال له موسى ” ع “: اخرقتها لتغرق أهلها: لقد جئت شيئا أمرا قال: الم أقل لك انك لن تسطيع معي صبرا، قال موسى: لا تواخذنى بما نسيت – أي بما تركت من أمرك، ولا ترهقني من أمري عسرا

So they-as went until when they rod in the ship, so Al-Khizr-as made a hole in it. So Musa-as said to him-as [18:71] Have you made a hole in it to drown its inmates? Certainly you have done a grievous thing So Al-Khizr-as said to him-as [18:72] Did I not say that you will not be able to have patience with me? Musa-as said: [18:73] Do not hold me with what I forgot, and do not constrain me to a difficult thing in my affair’.

فانطلقا حتى إذا لقيا غلاما فقتله الخضر عليه السلام فغضب موسى واخذ بتلابيبه وقال له: أقتلت نفسا زكية بغير نفس لقد جئت شيئا نكرا، قال له الخضر ان العقول لا تحكم على أمر الله تعالى ذكره بل أمر الله يحكم عليها، فسلم لما ترى مني واصبر عليه، فقد كنت علمت انك لن تستطيع معي صبرا، قال موسى: ان سألتك عن شئ بعدها فلا تصاحبني قد بلغت من لدنى عذرا،

So they-as went until when they met a young boy. So Al-Khizr-as killed him. So Musa-as got angry and grabbed his-as robe and said to him-as: [18:74] Have you slayed an innocent person who has slayed no one? Certainly you have done an evil thing So Al-Khizr-as said: [18:75] He said: Did I not say to you that you will not be able to have patience with me? Musa-as [18:76] He said: If I ask you about anything after this, do not keep me in your company; indeed you shall have (then) found an excuse in my case’.

فانطلقا حتى إذا أتيا أهل قرية – وهى الناصرة، واليها تنسب النصارى – واستطعما أهلها فابوا أن يضيفوها، فوجدا فيها جدارا يريد أن ينقض، فوضع الحضر عليه السلام يده عليه فاقامة، فقال له موسى: لو شئت لاتخذت عليه أجرا.

[18:77] So they went on until when they came to the people of a town and it is Nazareth, and the Christians had been established there and would feed its people and would not feed but they refused to entertain them as guests. So they-as found a wall therein about to fall down, so Al-Khizr-as placed his-as hands upon it and straightened it. So Musa-as said to him-as: ‘If you had so desired to, you could have taken a recompense for it’.

قال له الخضر: هذا فراق بينى وبينك، سأنبئنك بتأويل ما لم يستطع عليه صبرا، فقال أما السفينة فكانت لمساكين يعملون في البحر فاردت ان اعيبها، وكان ورائهم ملك يأخذ كل سفينة صالحة غصبا، فاردت بما فعلت ان تبقى لهم ولا يغصبهم الملك عليها، فنسب الانانية في هذا الفعل إلى نفسه لعله ذكر التعييب، لانه أراد أن يعيبها عند الملك إذا شاهدها فلا يغصب المساكين عليها، وأراد الله عز وجل صلاحهم بما أمره به من ذلك،

So Al-Khizr-as said to him-as [18:78] This shall be separation between me and you; now I will inform you of the explanation of what with you did not have patience upon [18:79] As for the boat, it belonged to (some) poor men who worked on the river and I intended that I should damage it, as there was behind them a king who seized every good boat by force. Thus, I-as intended with what I-as did that it whould remain for them, and the king would not usurp it from them’. So, he-as established the selflessness to himself-as when he-as mentioned the damaging – ‘because I-as intended that I-as should damage it in the presence of the king, when he witnessed it, so he would not usurp it from the poor people. And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Intended to Correct their affairs with what He-azwj Commanded with from that.

ثم قال: وأما الغلام فكان أبواه مؤمنين، وطلع كافرا، وعلم الله تعالى ذكره ان بقى كفرا أبواه وأفتتنا به وضلا باضلاله إياهما، فأمرني الله تعالى ذكره بقتله وأراد بذلك نقلهم إلى محل كرامته في العاقبة، فاشترك بالانانية بقوله: فخشينا أن يرهقهما طغيانا وكفرا، فاردنا ان يبدلهما ربهما خيرا منه زكاة وأقرب رحما

Then he-as said: ‘[18:80] And as for the boy, his parents were Believers, and he was a disbeliever, and Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention Knew that if he were to remain, he would turn his parents into disbelievers, and stray them both with a straying. Therefore, Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mentioned, Commanded me-as to kill him, and I-as intended with that to transfer them both to a place of prestige in the Hereafter’. So he-as included himself-as by his-as words: ‘[18:80] and we feared lest he should make disobedience and ingratitude to come upon them [18:81] So we desired that their Lord might Give them in his place one better than him in purity and nearer to having compassion.

وإنما اشترك في الانانية لانه خشى والله لا يخشى لانه لا يفوته شئ ولا يمتنع عليه احد أراده، وانما خشى الخضر، من ان يحال بينه وبين ما أمر فيه فلا يدرك ثواب الامضاء فيه، ووقع في نفسه ان الله تعالى ذكره جعله سببا لرحمة أبوى الغلام فعمل فيه وسط الامر من البشريه مثل ما كان عمل في موسي عليه السلام لانه صار في الوقت مخبرا، وكليم الله موسى عليه السلام مخبرا ولم يكن ذلك باستحقاق للخضر عليه السلام للرتبة على موسى عليه السلام وهو أفضل من الخضر بل كان لاستحقاق موسى لتبيين،

But rather, he-as included himself-as in the act, because he-as feared and Allah-azwj does not Fear, because nothing is missed by Him-azwj not is anything Prevented from His-azwj Will. But rather, Al-Khizr-as (was the one who) feared, what might transpire between himself-as and regarding what he-as had been Commanded with, and that he-as would not see the Rewards regarding it. And it occurred in himself-as that Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj mentioned, Made him-as to be a cause for the Mercy of the parents of the boy. Thus, he-as worked the middle course of the matter from the humanity (point of view), similar to what was the deed with regards to Musa-as, because he-as became an informed one during that time, and the speaker with Allah-azwj was Musa-as, an informed one, and that does not make Al-Khizr-as to be more deserving in rank over Musa-as, and he-as is higher than Al-Khizr-as, but he-as was more deserving (in rank) for the clarification (of the three issues)’.

ثم قال: وأما الجدار فكان لغلاميين يتيمين في المدينة، وكان تحته كنز لهما، وكان أبوهما صالحا، ولم يكن ذلك كنز بذهب ولا فضة، ولكن كان لوحا من ذهب فيه مكتوب: عجب لمن ايقن بالموت كيف يفرح؟! عجب لمن أيقن بالقدر كيف يحزن؟! عجب لمن أيقن ان البعث حق كيف يظلم؟! عجب لمن يرى الدنيا وتصرف أهلها حالا بعد حال كيف يطمئن إليها؟!

[18:82] And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, and their father was a righteous man. And that was neither a treasure of gold, nor silver, but it was a Tablet of gold in which was inscribed: ‘Strange, how the one who is convinced of the death, how he can be happy? Strange, how the one who is convinced of the Pre-destination how he can grieve? Strange, how the one who is convinced of the resurrection being the Truth, how he can be unjust? Strange, how the one who sees the world and the changing of the conditions of its people from a state, after a state, how he can rely upon these?’

وكان أبوهما صالحا كان بينهما وبين هذا الاب الصالح سبعون أبا فحفظهما الله بصلاحه، ثم قال: فاراد ربك ان ييلغا اشدهما ويستخرجا كنزهما، فتبرأ من الانانية في آخر القصص ونسب الارادة كلها إلى الله تعالى ذكره في ذلك لانه لم يكن بقى شئ مما فعله فيخبر به بعد ويصير موسى عليه السلام به مخبراو مصغيا الى كلامه تابعا له فتجرد من الانانية والارادة تجرد العبد المخلص،

[18:82] and their father was a righteous man – There was in between the two of them and this righteous father, seventy forefathers, therefore Allah-azwj had Protected (the treasure) for the two of them due to his righteousness. Then he-as (Al-Khizr-as) so your Lord Intended that they should attain their maturity and take out their treasure. So he-as disassociated himself-as at the end of the story, and linked the whole of the intention to Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, with regards to that, because there did not remain anything from what he-as had done for him-as to inform about it afterwards. And Musa-as came to be informed with it, listening to his-as subordinate, following him-as, so that he-as would empty himself-as from the selfishness and become a sincere servant.

ثم صار متنصلا مما أتاه من نسبه الانانية في أول القصة، ومن ادعاء الاشتراك في ثانى القصة، فقال: رحمة من ربك وما فعلته عن أمرى، ذلك تأويل ما لم تستطع عليه صبرا،

Then he-as (Al-Khizr-as) repudiated from what came to him-as from linking himself-as in the first part of the story ([18:79] I intended that I should damage it), and from claiming of the association during the second story ([18:81] So we desired). So he-as said: [18:82] a Mercy from your Lord, and I did not do it of my own accord. That is the explanation of what you did not have patience upon’.

ثم قال جعفر بن محمد ” ع ” ان أمر الله تعالى ذكره لا يحمل على المقاييس ومن حمل امر الله على المقاييس هلك واهلك ان أول معصية ظهرت الانانية عن إبليس اللعين حين أمر الله تعالى ذكره ملائكته بالسجود لآدم، فسجدوا وأبى إبليس اللعين ان يسجد،

Then Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws said: ‘The Commands of Allah-azwj cannot be borne upon the analogies, and the one who carries the Commands of Allah-azwj upon the analogies is destroyed and will (cause others to be) destroyed. The first disobedience which manifested the selfishness was from Iblees-as the Accursed, when Allah-azwj Commanded the Angels with the Prostration to Adam-as, so they Prostrated, and Iblees-la the Accursed refused to Prostrate.

فقال عز وجل ما منعك ألا تسجد إذ أمرتك، قال: انا خير منه، خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين، فكان أول كفرة قوله: انا خير منه، ثم قياسه بقوله: خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين، فطرده الله عز وجل عن جواره، ولعنه وسماه رجيما واقسم بعزته لا يقيس احد في دينه إلا قرنه مع عدوه إبليس في أسفل درك من النار.

So the Mighty and Majestic Said: “[7:12] He Said: What prevented you so that you did not prostrate when I Commanded you? He said: I am better than he is: You have Created me of fire, while him You created of clay. So the first disbelief were his-la words I am better than he is. Then he-la analogized by his-la words You have Created me of fire, while him You created of clay. Therefore Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Expelled him-la from His-azwj Vicinity, and Cursed him-la, and Named him-la as a ‘Pelted One’, and Swore by His-azwj Honour that no one would analogise in His-azwj Religion except that He-azwj would Pair him with Iblees-la in the lowest level in the Fire’.[85]

(باب 55 – العلة التى من أجلها قال الله تعالى لموسى حين كلمة: فاخلع) (نعليك، وعلة قول موسى: وأحلل عقدة من لساني)

Chapter 55 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Said to Musa-as [20:12] so put off your shoes; and the reason for the words of Musa-as [20:27] And Loosen the knot from my tongue [20:28] (That) they may understand my speech

حدثنا أبو جعفر محمد بن علي بن نصر البخاري المقري قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله الكوفي الفقيه بفرغانة، باسناد متصل إلى الصادق جعفر بن محمد ” ع ” انه قال: في قول الله عز وجل لموسى ” ع “: (فاخلع نعليك) قال: يعني ارفع خوفيك يعنى خوفه من ضياع أهله، وقد خلفها تمخض، وخوفه من فرعون.

Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Nasr Al Bukhary Al Maqry narrated, from Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, the jurist at Farghana, by a chain linked to

Al-Sadiq Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘With regards to the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to Musa-as[20:12] so put off your shoes”, said: ‘It Means, ‘Raise your-as fear’, meaning the loss of his-as family, and he-as had left them behind as a result, and his-as fear from Pharaoh-la’.[86]

(باب 56 – العلة التى من أجلها قال الله عز وجل لموسى وهارون) (إذهبا الى فرعون انه طغى، فقولا له قولا لينا لعله يتذكر أو يخشى)

Chapter 56 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to Haroun-as [20:43] Go both to Pharaoh, surely he has transgressed [20:44] Then speak to him a gentle word perhaps he may mind or fear

حدثنا الحاكم أبو محمد جعفر بن نعيم بن شاذان النيسابوري رضى الله عنه، عن عمه أبى عبد الله محمد بن شاذان قال: حدثنا الفضل بن شاذان، عن محمد ابن أبى عمير قال: قلت لموسى بن جعفر عليه السلام: اخبرني عن قول الله عز وجل لموسى وهارون: إذهبا إلى فرعون انه طغى، فقولا له قولا لينا، لعله يتذكر أو يخشى؟ فقال أما قوله: فقولا له قولا لينا – أي كنياه وقولا له يا أبا مصعب وكان أسم فرعون: أبا مصعب الوليد بن مصعب،

Al Haakim Abu Muhammad Ja’far Bin Shazan Al Nayshapouri narrated to us, from his uncle Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Shazaan, from Al Fazal Bin Shazaan, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Umeyr who said,

‘I said to Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, ‘Inform me about the words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to Musa-as and Haroun-as [20:43] Go both to Pharaoh, surely he has transgressed [20:44] Then speak to him a gentle word perhaps he may mind or fear? So he-asws said: ‘As for His-azwj Words [20:44] Then speak to him a gentle word, i.e., by his-la teknonym, and say to him-la: ‘O Abu Mas’ab!’ And the name of Pharaoh-la was Abu Mas’ab Al-Waleed Bin Mas’ab.

وأما قوله: لعله يتذكر أو يخشى فإنما قال ليكون احرص لموسى على الذهاب، وقد علم الله عز وجل ان فرعون لا يتذكر ولا يخشى إلا عند رؤية الباس، ألا تسمع الله عز وجل يقول: (حتى إذا أدركه الغرق قال آمنت انه لا إله إلا الذي آمنت به بنو إسرائيل وانا من المسلمين) فلم يقبل الله إيمانه، وقال (الآن وقد عصيت قبل وكنت من المفسدين).

And as for His-azwj Words perhaps he may mind or fear – so, rather He-azwj Said it for there to be surety for Musa-as upon the going (to Pharaoh-la). And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Knew that Pharaoh-la will neither mind nor fear except when he-la sees the Punishment. Have you not heard Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Saying [10:90] until when drowning overtook him, he said: I believe that there is no god but He in Whom the Children of Israel believe and I am of those who are submitters. But, Allah-azwj did not Accept his-la belief, and Said [10:91] What! Now! And you had disobeyed before and you were of the mischief-makers’.[87]

(باب 58 – العلة التى من أجلها قال هارون لموسى عليهما السلام) (يابن أم، لا تأخذ بلحيتي، ولا برأسى، ولم يقل يابن أبى)

Chapter 58 – The reason due to which Haroun-as said to Musa-as [20:94] He said: O son of my mother! Seize me not by my beard nor by my head, and why he-as did not say: ‘O son of my-as father-as

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد، ومحمد بن احمد الشيباني، والحسين بن إبراهيم بن احمد بن هشام رضى الله عنه قالوا: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي الاسدي قال: حدثنا موسى بن عمران النخعي، عن عمه الحسين بن زيد النوفلي، عن علي بن سالم، عن أبيه قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: اخبرني عن هارون، لم قال لموسى عليه السلام يابن أم لا تأخذ بلحيتي ولا برأسي، ولم يقل يابن أبى؟

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, and Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Shaybani, and Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Ahmad Bin Hisham narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy Al Asady, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Zayd Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Saalim, from his father who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Inform me about Haroun-as. Why did he-as say to Musa-as [20:94] He said: O son of my mother! Seize me not by my beard nor by my head. Why did he-as not say: ‘O son of my-as father-as?’

فقال: ان العداوات بين الاخوة اكثرها تكون إذا كانوا بني علات، ومتى كانوا بنى أم قلت العداواة بينهم، إلا أن ينزغ الشيطان بينهم فيطيعوه، فقال هارون لاخيه موسى: يا أخي الذي ولدته أمي ولم تلدني غير أمه لا تأخذ بلحيتي ولا برأسي، ولم يقل يابن أبى لان الاب إذا كانت أمهاتهم شتى لم تستبدع العداوة بيهم إلا من عصمه الله منهم، وانما تستبدع العداوة بين بني أم واحدة

So he-asws said: ‘The enmity is a lot more between brothers if they happen to be from different mothers, and when they are from one mother, the enmity in between them is less, except when the Satan-la creates misunderstandings in between them, so they (end up) following him-la. Thus, Haroun-as said to his-as brother-as Musa-as: ‘O my-as brother-as who was given birth by my-as mother, and was not given birth by another mother, so Seize me not by my beard nor by my head. And he-as did not say: ‘O son-as of my-as father-as’, because if there are of different mothers, the enmity does not end in between them except for the whom Allah-azwj Protects. But rather, the enmity ends in between the sons of one mother.

قال قلت له: فلم أخذ برأسه يجره إليه وبلحيته، ولم يكن له في اتخاذهم العجل وعبادتهم له ذنب؟ فقال: إنما فعل ذلك به لانه لم يفارقهم لما فعلوا ذلك ولم يلحق بموسى، وكان إذا فارقهم ينزل بهم العذاب، ألا ترى انه قال له موسى: يا هارون ما منعك إذا رأيتهم ضلوا ألا تتبعن أفعصيت أمري؟ قال هارون: لو فعلت ذلك لتفرقوا وإنى خشيت ان تقول لي فرقت بين بني اسرائيل، ولم ترقب قولي.

(The narrator) said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘So why did he-as seize him-as by his-as head and dragged by his-as beard, and there was not for him-as any sin when they (people) took to the worshipping of the calf?’ So the Imam-asws said: ‘But rather, he-as did that with him-as because he-as did not separate from them when they did that, and did not attach himself-as with Musa-as. And when he-as did separate from them the Punishment descended upon them. Do you not see that Musa-as said to him-as [20:92] (Musa) said: O Haroun! What prevented you, when you saw them going astray [20:93] So that you did not follow me? So you disobeyed my order?. Haroun-as said: ‘Had I-as done that, they would have been divided, and I was afraid lest you should say: You have caused a division among the Children of Israel and did not wait for my word’.[88]

(باب 59 – العلة التى من أجلها حرم الصيد على اليهود يوم السبت)

Chapter 59 – The reason due to which the hunting (fishing) was Prohibited upon the Jews on the day of Saturday

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن عبد الله بن محمد الحجال، عن علي بن عقبة، عن رجل عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان اليهود أمروا بالامساك يوم الجمعة، فتركوا يوم الجمعة وأمسكوا يوم السبت، فحرم عليهم الصيد يوم السبت.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Hajal, from Ali Bin Uqba, from a man,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Jews were Commanded with the fishing on the Day of Friday, so they neglected the day of Friday and fished on the day of Saturday, therefore the fishing was Prohibited to them on the day of Saturday’.[89]



(باب 60 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى فرعون ذا الاوتاد)

Chapter 60 – The reason due to which Pharaoh-la was named as [89:10] And (with) Pharaoh, the one with the of hosts

حدثنا الحسين بن إبراهيم بن احمد بن هشام المؤدب الرازي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن ابان الاحمر قال سألت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” عن قول الله عز وجل: وفرعون ذي الاوتاد لاي شئ سمي ذا الاوتاد؟ قال: لانه كان إذا عذب رجلا بسطه على الارض على وجهه ومد يديه ورجليه فاوتدها باربعة أوتاد في الارض، وربما بسطه على خشب منبسط فوتد رجليه ويديه باربعة أوتاد، ثم تركه على حاله حتى يموت، فسماه الله عز وجل: (فرعون ذا الاوتاد) لذلك.

Al Husayn Bin Ibahim Bin Ahmad Bin Hisham Al Mowdab Al Razy narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Aban Al Ahmar who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [89:10] And (with) Firon, the lord of hosts (Al-Awtaad), for which thing he-la is Called ‘Zi Al-Awtaad’? He-asws said: ‘Because he-la has tortured a man rolling him on the ground upon his face, and extended his hands and legs and pegged these with four pegs in the ground, and unrolled him upon a flat piece of wood, pegged his legs and hand with four pegs. Then he-la left him on his condition until he died. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Called Firawn ‘Zi Al-Awtaad’ (One with pegs), for that’.[90]

(باب 61 – العلة التى من أجلها تمنى موسى ” ع ” الموت) (والعلة التى من أجلها لا يعرف قبره)

Chapter 61 – The reason due to which Musa-as coveted the death, and the reason due to which his-as grave is not recognised (unknown)

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن هشام بن الحكم، عن أبي عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان ملك الموت أتى موسى بن عمران ” ع ” فسلم عليه، فقال: من أنت؟ فقال: انا ملك الموت، فقال ما حاجتك؟ فقال له: جئت أقبض روحك، فقال له موسى: من أين تقبض روحي؟ قال من فمك فقال له موسى: كيف وقد كلمت ربى عز وجل، فقال من يديك، فقال له موسى: كيف وقد حملت بهما التوراة، فقال: من رجليك، فقال: وكيف وقد وطئت بهما طور سيناء؟ قال: وعد أشياء غير هذا،

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Angel of death came to Musa-as Bin Imran-as. So he-as greeted him and said: ‘Who are you?’ He said: ‘I am the Angel of Death’. So he-as said: ‘What is your need?’ So he said to him-as: ‘I have come to capture your-as soul’. So Musa-as said to him: ‘From where will you be capturing my-as soul?’ He said: ‘From your-as mouth’. So Musa-as said to him: ‘How can you, and I-as have spoken by it to my-as Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic’. So he said: ‘From your-as hands’. So Musa-as said to him: ‘How can you, and I-as have carried the Torah by these two’. So he said: ‘From your-as feet’. So he-as said: ‘And how can you, and I-as have stepped by these upon the (Mount) Toor of Sinai’. The Imam-asws said: ‘And he repeated (for) the things other than these’.

قال: فقال له ملك الموت فإنى امرت ان اتركك حتى تكون أنت الذي تريد ذلك، فمكث موسى ” ع ” ما شاء الله ثم مر برجل وهو يحفر قبرا فقال له موسى: ألا أعينك على حفر هذا القبر فقال له الرجل: بلى،

The Imam-asws said: ‘So the Angel of Death said to him-as: ‘I have thus been Commanded that I should leave you-as until (such time as) you-as yourself become the one who wants that (death)’. So Musa-as remained for as long as Allah-azwj so Desired. Then (one day) he-as passed by a man and he was digging a grave. So Musa-as said to him: ‘Shall I-as assist you on (digging) the put of this grave?’ So the man said to him-as, ‘Yes’.

قال فاعانة حتى حفر القبر ولحد اللحد فاراد الرجل ان يضطجع في اللحد لينظر كيف هو؟ فقال له موسى: انا اضطجع فيه، فاضطجع موسى فرأى مكانه من الجنة، أو قال: منزله من الجنة، فقال: يا رب أقبضني اليك فقبض ملك الموت روحه ودفنه في القبر وسوى عليه التراب. قال: وكان الذي يحفر القبر ملك الموت في صورة آدمى، فلذلك لا يعرف قبر موسى عليه السلام.

The Imam-asws said: ‘So he-as assisted until the pit of the grave, and the grave was dug out. So the man intended that he should lied down in the grave to see how it is?’ So Musa-as said to him: ‘I-as shall lie down in it’. So Musa-as lied down, and he-as saw his-as place in the Paradise’ – or he-asws said: ‘his -as house in the Paradise’. So he-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! Capture me-as to You-azwj!’ So the Angel of Death captured his-as soul, and he-as was buried in that very grave, and the dust was levelled upon him-as. He-asws said: ‘And the one who dug out the grave was the Angel of Death in the image of a human, therefore it is due to that, no one recognises (knows of the whereabouts) of the grave of Musa-as’.[91]

(باب 62 – العلة التى من أجلها قال سليمان ” ع “: رب اغفر لي) (وهب لى ملكا لا ينبغى لاحد من بعدى)

Chapter 62 – The reason due to which Suleyman-as said [38:35] Lord! Forgive me and Grant me a kingdom which is not fit for (being inherited by) anyone after me

حدثنا احمد بن يحيى المكتب قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد الوراق أبو الطيب قال: حدثنا علي بن هارون الحميري قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن سليمان النوفلي قال: حدثني أبى، عن علي بن يقطين قال: قلت لابي الحسن موسى بن جعفر ” ع ” أيجوز أن يكون نبي الله عز وجل بخيلا؟ فقال لا، فقلت له: فقول سليمان ” ع ” رب أغفر لي وهب لي ملكا لا ينبغي لاحد من بعدي، ما وجهه وما معناه؟

Ahmad Bin Yahya Al Maktab narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al waraq Abu Al Tayyab, from Ali Bin Haroun Al Humeyri, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Nowfaly, from his father, from Ali Bin Yaqteen who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, ‘Is it permissible for a Prophet-as of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to become stingy?’ So he-asws said: ‘No!’ So I said to him-asws, ‘So (what about) the words of Suleyman-as [38:35] He said: Lord! Forgive me and Grant me a kingdom which is not fit for (being inherited by) anyone after me, what is its perspective, and what is its Meaning?’

فقال: «الملك ملكان: ملك مأخوذ بالغلبة، و الجور، و اختيار الناس، و ملك مأخوذ من قبل الله تبارك و تعالى، كملك إبراهيم، و ملك طالوت، و ملك ذي القرنين. فقال سليمان (عليه السلام): هب لي ملكا لا ينبغي لأحد من بعدي، أن يقول: إنه مأخوذ بالغلبة، و الجور، و اختيار الناس، فسخر الله تبارك و تعالى له الريح تجري بأمره رخاء حيث أصاب، و جعل غدوها شهرا، و رواحها شهرا، و سخر له الشياطين كل بناء و غواص، و علم منطق الطير، و مكن في الأرض، فعلم الناس في وقته و بعده أن ملكه لا يشبه ملك الملوك المختارين من قبل الناس، و المالكين بالغلبة و الجور».

So he-asws said: ‘The kingdoms are of two types – A kingdom which is attained by the overcoming, and the tyranny, and the choice of the people; and a kingdom which is attained from the Presence of Allah-azwj Blessed and High, like the kingdom of Ibrahim-as, and kingdom of Taloot, and kingdom of Zul Qarnayn. Suleyman-as said: ‘[38:35] Grant me a kingdom which is not fit for (being inherited by) anyone after me. He-as is speaking about the one which is attained by the overcoming, and the tyranny, and the choice of the people. Allah-azwj Blessed and High [38:36] Made the wind to be subservient to him; flowing gently by his command to wherever he so desired, and Made its morning as a month, and its flowing a month, and Made subservient to him-as the Devils who used to build and dive, and Taught him-as the language of the birds, and to move in the earth. So the people knew, during his-as time and after him-as that his-as kingdom does not resemble the kingdoms of the choice of the people, and the kingdoms of the overcoming and the tyranny’.

قال: فقلت له: فقول رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله): «رحم الله أخي سليمان، ما كان أبخله!» فقال (عليه السلام): «لقوله وجهان: أحدهما: ما كان أبخله بعرضه، و سوء القول فيه! و الوجه الآخر: يقول: ما كان أبخله إن كان أراد ما يذهب إليه الجهال!».

I said to him-asws, ‘(What about) the words of Rasool-Allah-saww: ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy upon my-saww brother Suleyman-as, how stingy he-as was!’ The Imam-asws replied: ‘His-saww words have two perspectives – One of these is how stingy he-as was by his-as offer, and evil is the word in it! And another perspective is that he-saww is saying: ‘How stingy he-as was that he-as did not want it to go (inherited by) the ignorant!’

ثم قال (عليه السلام): «قد- و الله- أوتينا ما اوتي سليمان، و ما لم يؤت سليمان، و ما لم يؤت أحد من العالمين، قال الله عز و جل في قصة سليمان: هذا عَطاؤُنا فَامْنُنْ أَوْ أَمْسِكْ بِغَيْرِ حِسابٍ، و قال عز و جل في قصة محمد (صلى الله عليه و آله): ما آتاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَ ما نَهاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانْتَهُوا»

Then the Imam-asws said: ‘We-asws have been Given what Suleyman-as had been Given, and what he-as had not been Given (as well), and what no one in the Worlds have been Given. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Said in the story of Suleyman-as [38:39] This is Our Gift, therefore give out freely or withhold, without measure. And the Mighty and Majestic Said in the story of Muhammad-saww [59:7] and whatever the Rasool gives you, accept it, and from whatever he forbids you, keep back’.[92]




(باب 63 – العلة التى من أجلها زيد في حروف أسم سليمان حرف من) (حروف اسم أبيه داود ” ع ” والعلة التى من أجلها سمى داود داود ” ع “) (والعلة التى من أجلها سخرت الريح لسليمان ” ع “) (والعلة التى من أجلها تبسم من قول النملة ضاحكا)

Chapter 63 – The reason due to which there is an additional letter in the letter of the name of Suleyman-as, than the letter in the name of his-as father-as Dawood-as; and the reason due to which Dawood-as had been named as ‘Dawood’; and the reason due to which the wind was Made to be subservient to Suleyman-as; and the reason due to which he-as smiled at the words of the ant, with a laughter

حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد بن عبد الوهاب القرشي قال: حدثنا منصور بن عبد الله الاصفهانى الصوفي قال: حدثني علي بن مهروية القزويني قال: حدثنا سليمان الغازي قال: سمعت علي بن موسى الرضا ” ع ” يقول: عن أبيه موسى، عن أبيه جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام في قوله عزوجل: فتبسم ضاحكا من قولها. قال لما قالت النملة: يا أيها النمل ادخلوا مساكنكم لا يحطمنكم سليمان وجنوده حملت الريح صوت النملة إلى سليمان وهو مار في الهواء والريح قد حملته

Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Al Wahab Al Qarshy, from Mansour Bin Abdullah Al Isfahany Al Sowfy, from Ali Bin Mahrawiya al Qazwin, from Suleyman Al Ghazy who said,

‘I heard Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws saying, from his-asws father-asws Musa-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [27:19] So he smiled, laughing at its speech, said: ‘When the ant said 27:18] an ant said: O you ants! Enter your dwellings, in case Sulayman and his army crush you without being aware of it – the wind carried the voice of the ant to Suleyman-as, and he-as was passing by (flying by) in the air, and the wind was carrying him-as.

فوقف وقال: علي بالنملة فلما أتى بها قال سليمان: يا أيتها النملة أما علمت أنى نبي وانى لا أظلم أحدا قالت النملة: بلى. قال سليمان: فلم حذرتهم ظلمي وقلت: يا أيها النمل ادخلوا مساكنكم قالت: خشيت ان ينظروا إلى زينتك فيفتتنوا بها فيعبدون غير الله تعالى ذكره،

So he-as paused and said: ‘Bring the ant to me-as!’ So when they came with it, Suleyman-as said: ‘O you ant! Do you not know that I-as a Prophet-as, and that I-as am not unjust to anyone?’ The ant said, ‘Yes’. Suleyman-as said: ‘So why did you caution them of my-as injustice (trampling them), and said O you ants! Enter your dwellings?’ It said, ‘I feared that they would look at your-as adornments, so they would be Tried by these, and they would (end up) worshipping other than Allah-azwj Mighty is His-azwj Mention’.

ثم قالت النملة: أنت اكبر أم أبوك؟ قال سليمان: بل أبى داود، قالت النملة: فلم زيد في حروف أسمك حرف على حروف اسم أبيك داود ” ع ” قال سليمان: مالي بهذا علم قالت النملة: لان أباك داود داوى جرحه (بود) فسمي داود وأنت يا سليمان أرجوا أن تلحق بأبيك،

Then the ant said, ‘Are you-as greater or your-as father-as?’ Suleyman-as said: ‘But, my-as father-as Dawood-as (is greater)’. The ant said, ‘So why is there an addition in the letters of your-as name, a letter from the letters of the name of your-as father-as Dawood-as?’ (i.e., why are you-as Suleyman Bin Dawood-as and not just Suleyman-as). Suleyman-as said: ‘There is no knowledge of this with me-as’. The ant said, ‘Because your-as father-as Dawood-as, his-as would was cured by the cordiality, and you-as, O Suleyman-as, hope to meet your-as father-as’.

ثم قالت النملة: هل تدري لم سخرت لك الريح من بين ساير المملكة؟ قال سليمان: ما لي بهذا علم. قالت النملة: يعنى عز وجل بذلك – لو سخرت لك جميع المملكة كما سخرت لك هذه الريح لكان زوالها من يدك كزوال الريح، فحينئذ فتبسم ضاحكا من قولها.

Then the ant said, ‘Do you-as know why the wind has been Made to be subservient to you-as in the rest of the kingdom?’ Suleyman-as said: ‘There is no knowledge of this with me-as’. The ant said, ‘The Mighty and Majestic Means by this – Had the whole of the kingdom been Made to be subservient to you-as just as this wind, it would have gone away from your-as hands like the going away of the wind’. Thus, this is where he-as [27:19] smiled, laughing at its speech’.[93]

(باب 64 – العلة التى من أجلها صار عند الارضة حيث كانت ماء وطين)

Chapter 64 – The reason due to which the termites come to be wherever there is water and clay

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا محمد بن نصير، عن احمد بن محمد عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار، عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر البزنطي وفضالة، عن أبان، عن أبى بصير، عن أبي جعفر ” ع ” قال: ان الجن شكروا الارضة ما صنعت بعصا سليمان فما تكاد تراها في مكان إلا وعندها ماء وطين.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Nusayr, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty and Fazalat, from Aban, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘The Jinn went to thank the termite for what it had done with the staff of Suleyman-as, but they did not see it in the place except that there was water and clay’.[94]

حدثنا احمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه، عن علي بن معبد، عن الحسين بن خالد، عن أبى الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا ” ع ” عن أبيه موسى بن جعفر، عن أبيه جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام قال ان سليمان بن داود ” ع ” قال ذات يوم لاصحابه ان الله تبارك وتعالى: قد وهب لي ملكا لا ينبغي لاحد من بعدي، سخر لي الريح والانس الجن والطير والوحوش، وعلمني منطق الطير، وآتاني من كل شئ، ومع جميع ما اوتيت من الملك ما تم سروري يوم الى الليل، وقد أحببت أن أدخل قصري في غد فاصعد أعلاه وأنظر إلى ممالكي فلا تأذنوا لاحد علي لئلا يرد علي ما ينغص علي يومى فقالوا: نعم،

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Ali Bin Ma’bad, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘One day, Suleyman-as Bin Dawood-as said to his-as companions that: ‘Allah-azwj the Blessed and High has Endowed unto me-as a kingdom that is not befitting for anyone from after me-as. He-as Made the wind to be subservient to me, along with the humans, and the Jinn, and the bird, and the wild animals, and Taught me-as the speech of the birds, and Gave me-as from everything. And along will all what He-azwj Gave to me-as from the kingdom, my-as joy is not complete, day to the night. And I-as would love it that I-as should enter my-as castle in the morning, and ascend to its high point and look at my-as kingdom. So, do not allow anyone to (come to see) me-as, so as not to spoil my happiness of my-as day’. So they said, ‘Yes’.

فلما كان من الغد أخذ عصاه بيده وصعد إلى أعلا موضع من قصره ووقف متكيا على عصاه ينظر إلى ممالكه مسرورا بما اوتى، فرحا بما أعطي إذ نظر إلى شاب حسن الوجه واللباس قد خرج عليه من بعض زوايا قصره فلما أبصره سليمان قال له: من أدخلك إلى هذا القصر وقد أردت أن أخلو فيه اليوم: وباذن من دخلت؟ قال الشاب: ادخلني هذا القصر ربه، وباذنه دخلت فقال: ربه أحق به مني فمن أنت؟ قال أناملك الموت قال: وفيما جئت؟ قال: جئت لاقبض روحك، قال: أمض لما أمرت به فهذا يوم سروري، وأبى الله عز وجل ان يكون لي سرور دون لقائه.

So when it was the morning, he-as grabbed his-as staff by his-as hand and ascended to a high place from his castle, and paused relying upon his-as staff looking at his-as kingdom, joyful at what he-as had been Given. He-as was happily looking at what he-as had been Granted when he saw a young man of a beautiful face and clothes who had come out to him-as from one of the corners of his-as castle. So when Suleyman-as saw him, said to him: ‘Who entered you into this castle, and I-as had intended that I-as should be alone in it today, and by whose permission have you entered?’ The young man said, ‘It was the Lord-azwj of this castle who Entered me into it, and it was by His-azwj Permission that I entered’. So he-as said: ‘Its Lord-azwj is more Rightful for it than I-as am. So who are you?’ He said: ‘I am the Angel of Death’. He-as said: ‘And with regards to what have you come?’ He said: ‘I have come to capture your-as soul’. He-as said: ‘Fulfill what you have been Commanded with, so this is my-as day of joy, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Refused that there should occur for me-as happiness, apart from meeting with Him-azwj’.

فقبض ملك الموت روحه وهو متكئ على عصاه، فبقى سليمان متكيا على عصاه وهو ميت ما شاء الله والناس ينظرون إليه وهم يقدرون انه حي فافتتنوا فيه واختلفوا، فمنهم من قال: ان سليمان قد بقى متكيا على عصاه هذه الايام الكثيرة ولم يتعب ولم ينم ولم يشرب ولم يأكل، انه لربنا الذي يجب علينا ان نعبده، وقال قوم: ان سليمان ساحر وانه يرينا انه واقف متكئ على عصاه يسحر أعيننا وليس كذلك، وقال المؤمنون: ان سليمان هو عبد الله ونبيه يدبر الله أمره بما شاء،

So the Angel of Death captured his-as soul, and he-as was reclining upon his-as staff. Thus, Suleyman-as remained reclining upon his-as staff, and he-as was dead, for as long as Allah-azwj so Desired it, and the people were looking at him-as and they were reckoning that he-as was alive. Thus, they were tried with regards to it and differed. Among them was one who said, ‘Suleyman-as has remained reclining upon his-as staff for long these days, and he-as neither gets tired, nor sleeps, nor drinks, nor eats. He-as is our lord and it is Obligatory upon us to worship him-as’. And a group said, ‘Suleyman-as is a sorcerer, and he-as is showing us that he-as has paused reclining upon his-as staff, having spell-bound our eyes, and it is not like that’. And the Believers said, ‘Suleyman-as is a servant of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Prophet-as. Allah-azwj Manages his-as affair with whatever He-azwj so Desires to’.

فلما اختلفوا، بعث الله عز وجل الارضة فدبت في عصاة سليمان فلما أكلت جوفها انكسرت العصاة وخر سليمان من قصره على وجهه، فشكرت الجن للارضة صنيعها، فلاجل ذلك لا توجد الارضة في مكان إلا وعندها ماء وطين، ذلك قول الله عزوجل: (فلما قضينا عليه الموت ما دلهم على موته إلا دابة الارض تأكل منسأته) يعني عصاه – فلما خر تبينت الجن ان لو كانوا يعلمون الغيب ما لبثوا في العذاب المهين،

So when they differed, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent the termite. So it crept up in the staff of Suleyman-as. So when it had eaten from inside of it, the staff broke and Suleyman-as fell down upon his face from his-as castle. So the Jinn went to thank the termite for what it had done, but when they got there they did not find the termite in that place, except that over there was water and the clay. These are the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [34:14] But when We decreed death for him, nothing showed them his death but a creature of the earth which ate away his staff – Meaning his-as stick. and when he fell down, the Jinn came to know plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in abasing torment’.

ثم قال الصادق ” ع “: والله ما نزلت هذه الآية هكذا وإنما نزلت: فلما خر تبينت الانس ان الجن لو كانوا يعلمون الغيب ما لبثوا في العذاب المهين.

Then Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj! This Verse was not Revealed like this. But rather, it was Revealed as Then Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘And this Verse was not Revealed like this, but rather it was Revealed as “So when he fell, it was evident to the Humans, if the Jinn had known the unseen, they would not have remained in abasing Punishment”.[95]

حدثنا أبى رضى االله عنه قال حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن ابن أبى عمير، عن أبان، عن أبى نصير، عن أبى جعفر عليه السلام قال: أمر سليمان بن داود الجن فصنعوا له قبة من قوارير، فبينما هو متكئ على عصاه في القبة ينظر الى الجن كيف يعلمون وهم ينظرون إليه إذ حانت منه التفاتة فإذا رجل معه في القبة قال من أنت؟ قال أنا الذي لا أقبل الرشا ولا أهاب الملوك أنا ملك الموت،

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin hashim, from his father Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Aban, from Abu Nusayr,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Suleyman-as Bin Dawood-as ordered the Jinn, so they made for him-as a dome from glass. So whilst he-as was reclining upon his-as staff in the dome, he-as looked towards the Jinn how they were working, and they were looking at him, when he-as felt the arrival of someone. There was a man with him-as inside the dome. He-as said: ‘Who are you?’ He said: ‘I am the one who neither accepts a bribe nor the gifts of the kings. I am the Angel of Death’.

فقبضه وهو قائم متكئ على عصاه في القبة والجن ينظرون إليه قال: فمكثوا سنة يدأبون له حتى بعث الله عزوجل الارضة فاكلت منسأته – وهى العصا فلما خر تبينت الجن ان لو كانوا يعلمون الغيب ما لبثوا في العذاب المهين.

So he captured him-as (his-as soul), and he-as stood there reclining upon his-as staff in the dome, and the Jinn were looking at him-as. The Imam-asws said: ‘So they remained working hard for him-as for a year, until Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent the termite, so it ate away at his-as stick – and it is the staff. [34:14] and when he fell down, the Jinn came to know plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in abasing torment’.

قال أبو جعفر ” ع ” ان الجن يشكرون الارضة ما صنعت بعصاة سليمان ” ع ” فما تكاد تراها في مكان إلا وعندها ماء وطين.

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘The Jinn went to thank the termite for what it had done with the staff of Suleyman-as, but they did not find in that place except that there was water and clay in his-as presence’.[96]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن الحسين ابن الحسين بن أبان، عن محمد بن أورمة، عن الحسن بن علي، عن علي بن عقبة، عن بعض أصحابنا، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لقد شكرت الشياطين الارضة حين أكلت عصاة سليمان ” ع ” حتى سقط، وقالوا: عليك الخراب وعلينا الماء والطين فلا تكاد تراها في موضع إلا رأيت ماء وطينا.

My father narrate to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Ibn Al Husayn Bin Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Al Hassan Bin Ali, from Ali Bin Uqba, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The devils were thankful to the termite when it ate away the staff of Suleyman-as until he-as fell, and said, ‘Upon you is the destruction, and upon us is the water and the clay’, for they did not find in the place except that they say water and the clay’.[97]

(باب 65 – العلة التى من أجلها ابتلى أيوب النبي عليه السلام)

Chapter 65 – The reason due to which the Prophet Ayoub-as was Tested

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه، عن عمه محمد بن أبى القاسم عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن أبى أيوب، عن أبى بصير، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إنما كانت بلية أيوب التى ابتلى بها في الدنيا لنعمة انعم الله بها عليه فادى شكرها، وكان إبليس في ذلك الزمان لا يحجب دون العرش فلما صعد عمل أيوب باداء شكر النعمة حسده إبليس فقال: يا رب ان أيوب لم يؤد شكر هذه النعمة إلا بما أعطيته من الدنيا فلو حلت بينه وبين دنياه ما ادى اليك شكر نعمة فسلطني على دنياه حتى تعلم انه لايؤدي شكر نعمة فقال قد سلطتك على دنياه فلم يدع له دنيا ولا ولدا إلا أهلكه كل ذلك وهو يحمد الله تعالى ثم رجع إليه فقال يا رب ان أيوب يعلم انك سترد إليه دنياه التي أخذتها منه فسلطني على بدنه حتى تعلم انه لايؤدي شكر نعمة، قال عزوجل: قد سلطتك على بدنه ما عدا عينيه وقلبه ولسانه وسمعه. فقال أبو بصير: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” فانقض مبادرا خشية ان تدركه رحمة الله عزوجل فتحول بينه وبينه فنفخ في منخريه من نار السموم فصار جسده نقطا نقطا.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Abu Ayoub, from Abu Baseer,

From Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘But rather, the affliction of Ayoub which he-as was afflicted with in the world was for the Bounties which Allah-azwj had Favoured him-as with, so he-as left its appreciation. And Iblees-la during that era was not veiled, underneath the Throne. So when the deeds of Ayoub-as ascended due to his-as appreciation for it, Iblees-la envied him-as, so he-la said, ‘O Lord-azwj! Ayoub-as did not fulfill appreciating for these Bounties except for You-azwj having Favoured him-as with what You-azwj have Given to him-as in the world. If You-azwj were to dissolve between him-as and his-as world, he-as would not show appreciation for the Bounties. So let me-la overcome his-as world until You-azwj Know that he-as does not show appreciation for Your-azwj Bounties’.

فقال: قد سلطتك على دنياه. فلم يدع له دنيا، و لا ولدا إلا أهلكه، كل ذلك و هو يحمد الله عز و جل، ثم رجع إليه، فقال: يا رب إن أيوب يعلم أنك سترد عليه دنياه، التي أخذتها منه، فسلطني على بدنه حتى تعلم أنه لا يؤدي شكر نعمة. قال الله عز و جل: قد سلطتك على بدنه ما عدا عينيه، و قلبه، و لسانه، و سمعه».

So Allah-azwj Said: “You-la can overcome upon his-as world”. So he-la did not leave for him-as his-as world, nor children except that he-la destroyed it. All that (was taking place) and he-as was Praising Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. Then he-la returned to Him-azwj, so he-la said, ‘O Lord-azwj! Surely, Ayoub-as knows that You-azwj will be Returning to him-as his-as world which I-la have taken away from him-as, so let me-la overcome his-as body until You-azwj Know that he-as would not leave appreciation for the Bounties’. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “You-la can overcome over his-as body, except for his-as eyes, and his-as heart, and his-as tongues, and his-as hearing”.[98]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي الوشاء، عن درست الواسطي قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” ان أيوب ابتلي من غير ذنب.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Darast Al Wasity who said,

‘Ayoub-as was afflicted (although) he-as had not sinned’.[99]

وبهذا الاسناد، عن الحسن بن علي الوشاء، عن فضل الاشعري، عن الحسين بن المختار عن أبى بصير عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال ابتلى أيوب عليه السلام سبع سنين بلا ذنب.

And by this chain, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Fazal Al Ashary, from Al Husayn Bin Al Mukhtar, from Abu baser,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Ayoub-as was afflicted for seven years, without having sinned’.[100]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن علي الوشاء، عن فضل الاشعري، عن الحسن بن الربيع بن علي الربعي عمن ذكره عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى ابتلى أيوب ” ع ” بلا ذنب فصبر حتى عير وان الانبياء لا يصبرون على التعيير.

And by this chain, from Al Husayn Bin Ali Al Washa, from Fazal Al Ashary, from Al Hassan Bin Al Rabie Bin Ali Al Rabi’e, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Afflicted Ayoub-as without him-as having sinned. So he-as remained patient until he-as was stigmatised, and the Prophets-as are not patient upon the stigmatisation’.[101]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى عن أبيه عن عبد الله بن يحيى البصري عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن أبى بصير قال سألت ابا الحسن الماضي ” ع ” عن بلية أيوب التي ابتلى بها في الدنيا لاية علة كانت؟ قال: لنعمة انعم الله عليه بها في الدنيا فادى شكرها وكان في ذلك الزمان لا يحجب إبليس دون العرش فلما صعد اداء شكر نعمة أيوب حسده إبليس فقال: يا رب ان أيوب لم يؤد اليك شكر هذه النعمة إلا بما اعطيته من الدنيا ولو حرمته دنياه ما ادى اليك شكر نعمة ابدا قال: فقيل انى قد سلطتك على ماله وولده

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Abdullah Bin Yahya Al Basry, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al-Ma’azy (7th Imam-asws) about the afflictions of Ayoub-as which he-as had been afflicted with in the world, for which reason was it?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘For the Bounties which Allah-azwj had Favoured him-as with in the world. So he-as fulfilled its appreciation, and during that era Iblees-la was not Veiled beneath the Throne. So when the fulfilment of the thankfulness of Ayoub-as ascended, Iblees-la envied him-as. So he-la said, ‘O Lord-azwj! Ayoub-as does not fulfil to You-azwj the thankfulness of these Bounties except due to what You-azwj have Given him-as from the world. And if his-as world (Bounties) were Prohibited unto him-as, he-as would not be thankful to You-azwj, ever’. The Imam-asws said: ‘It was Said: “You-la are hereby (allowed) to overcome upon his-as wealth and his-as children”.

قال: فانحدر إبليس فلم يبق له مالا ولا ولدا اعطيه فلما رأى إبليس انه لا يصل إلى شئ من أمره قال: يا رب ان أيوب يعلم انك سترد عليه دنياه التي اخذتها منه فسلطني عل بدنه قال: فقيل له انى قد سلطتك على بدنه ماخلا قلبه ولسانه وعينيه وسمعه

The Imam-asws said: ‘So Iblees-la caused his-as affairs to decline, and there did not remain for him any wealth, nor a child Given to him-as. So when Iblees-la saw that he-as was not rattled in any of his-as affairs, he-la said, ‘O Lord-azwj! Ayoub-as knows that You-azwj would Return back to him-as his-as world (Bounties) which I-la have taken away from him-as. There let me-la to overcome upon his-as body’. The Imam-asws said: ‘It was Said: “You-la are hereby (allowed) to overcome upon his-as body, except for his-as heart, and his-as tongues, and his-as eyes, and his-as hearing”.

قال فانحدر إبليس مستعجلا مخافة ان تدركه رحمة الرب عزوجل فتحول بينه وبين أيوب فلما اشتد به البلاء وكان في آخر بليته جاءه أصحابه فقالوا له: يا أيوب ما نعلم احدا ابتلى بمثل هذه البلية إلا لسريرة سوء فعلك اسررت سوء في الذي تبدي لنا

The Imam-asws said: ‘So Iblees-la caused his-as affairs to decline in a haste, fearing lest he-as would realise the Mercy of the Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic to change the situation in between him-la and Ayoub-as. So when the afflictions intensified with him-as, and he-as was at the end of his-as affliction, his-as companions came over to him-as and said to him-as, ‘O Ayoub-as! We do not know anyone to have been afflicted with the like of these affliction except due to the secret evil (deeds) which are hidden from us’.

قال: فعند ذلك ناجي أيوب ربه عزوجل، فقال رب ابتليتني بهذه البلية وأنت تعلم انه لم يعرض لي أمران قط إلا لزمت أخشنهما على بدنى ولم آكل اكلة قط إلا وعلى خوانى يتيم فلو ان لي منك مقعد الخصم لادليت بحجتي

The Imam-asws said: ‘Thus, it was during that, that Ayoub-as whispered to his-as Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So he-as said: ‘Lord-azwj! You-azwj have Afflicted me-as with these afflictions, and You-azwj Know that there does not present to me two matters at all except that I-as necessitate for myself-as the harsher of the two upon my-as body, and I-as do not eat a meal at all except that upon my-as table-spread is an orphan. So, if there was for me a sitting for the dispute, I-as would (present) evidence with my-as arguments’.

قال فعرضت له سحابة فنطق فيها ناطق فقال: يا أيوب ادل بحجتك قال: فشد عليه مئزره وجثا على ركبتيه فقال ابتليتني بهذه البلية وأنت تعلم انه لم يعرض لي أمران قط إلا لزمت اخشنهما على بدنى، ولم آكل أكلة من طعام إلا وعلى خوانى يتيم قال: فقيل له يا أيوب من حبب اليك الطاعة قال فاخذ كفا من تراب فوضعه في فيه ثم قال أنت يا رب.

The Imam-asws said: ‘A cloud presented itself to him-as and a speaker in it spoke, saying: ‘O Ayoub-as! (Present) evidence with your-as arguments’. The Imam-asws said: ‘So he-as pulled his-as robe and fell down upon his-as knees, so he-as said: ‘You-azwj have Afflicted me-as with these affliction, and You-azwj Know that, there does not present to me-as two matters at all except that I-as necessited the harsher of the two upon my-as body, and I-as do not eat a meal except that upon my-as table spread is an orphan’. The Imam-asws said: ‘It was Said to him-as: “O Ayoub-as! Who Endowed the obedience to you-as?” The Imam-asws said: ‘So he-as took a handful of dust and placed it in his-as mouth, then said: ‘You-azwj, O Lord-azwj![102]

(باب 66 – العلة التى من أجلها صرف الله عزوجل العذاب) (عن قوم يونس وقد اظلهم ولم يصرف العذاب عن أمة قد اظلهم غيرهم)

Chapter 66 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Exchanged the Punishment from the people of Yunus-as and it was hovering above them, and the Punishment was never Exchanged from a community other than theirs

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه، قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي، عن موسى بن عمران النخعي، عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن على بن سالم عن أبيه، عن أبى بصير، قال قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع “: لاي علة صرف الله عزوجل العذاب عن قوم يونس وقد أظلهم ولم يفعل كذلك بغيرهم من الامم فقال: الانه كان في علم الله عز وجل انه سيصرفه عنهم لتوبتهم وأنما ترك أخبار يونس بذلك لانه عزوجل أراد أن يفرغه لعبادته في بطن الحوت، فيستوجب بذلك ثوابه وكرامته.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Saalim, from his father, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Exchange the Punishment from the people of Yunus-as, and it had hovered over them, and that was never done with other than them from the communities?’ So Imam-asws said: ‘Because it was in the Knowledge of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic that it would be Exchanged from them due to their repentance. But rather, left alone Yunus-as to give the news of that, because the Mighty and Majestic Wanted that he-as should devote himself-as to His-azwj worship in the belly of the whale, so that it would Obligate by that his-as Rewards and his-as prestige’.[103]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه، قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن الحسن بن على ابن فضال، عن أبى المغراء حميد بن المثنى العجلى، عن سماعة انه سمعه ” ع “: وهو يقول مارد الله العذاب عن قوم أظلهم إلا قوم يونس، فقلت: اكان قد اظلهم فقال: نعم حتى نالوه باكفهم قلت: فكيف كان ذلك؟ قال: كان في العلم المثبت عند الله عزوجل الذي لم يطلع عليه احد انه سيصرفه عنهم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Ibn Fazal, from Abu Al Maghra Hameed Bin Al Masny Al Ajaly, from Sama’at,

(The narrator says that he had) heard him-asws (the Imam-asws) and he-asws was saying: ‘The Punishment was not Turned back from the people it have hovered over, except for the people of Yunus-as’. So I asked, ‘Was it hovering above them?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes, to the extent that they could have grabbed it with their hands’. I said, ‘So how was that?’ He-asws said: ‘It was in the Affirmed Knowledge of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic of which He-azwj did not Notify anyone that He-azwj would be Exchanging it from them’.[104]

(باب 67 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى اسماعيل بن حزقيل ” ع ” صادق الوعد)

Chapter 67 – The reason due to which Ismail Bin Hizkeel-as was named as ‘The Truthful of the promise’.

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه، قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب ابن يزيد، عن علي بن احمد بن اشيم، عن سليمان الجعفري، عن أبى الحسن الرضا عليه السلام: قال اتدري لم سمى اسماعيل صادق؟ قال قلت: لا ادري قال: وعد رجل فجلس له حولا ينتظره.

My father narrated to me, from Sa’d Bin Abdullah, from Yaqoub Inb Yazeed, from Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Ashem, from Suleyman Al Ja’fary,

Abu Al-Hassan Al Reza-asws having said: ‘Do you know why Ismail-as was named as ‘صادق’ ‘the truthful’?’ I said, ‘I do not know’. He-asws said: ‘He-as had promised a man, so he sat waiting for him for a year’.[105]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله قال. قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد بن أبى عميرومحمد بن سنان، عمن ذكره عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان اسماعيل الذي قال الله عزوجل في كتابه: واذكر في الكتاب اسماعيل انه كان صادق الوعد وكان رسولا نبيا لم يكن اسماعيل بن إبراهيم، بل كان نبيا من الانبياء بعثه الله عزوجل إلى قومه فأخذوه فسلخوا فروة رأسه ووجهه فاتاه ملك، فقال: ان الله عزوجل جلاله بعثني اليك فمرنى بما شئت، فقال: لي أسوة بما يصنع بالحسين ” ع “.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr and Muhammad Bin Sinan, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Ismail-as whom Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Speaks of in His-azwj Book [19:54] And mention Ismail in the Book; he was truthful in (his) promise, and he was a Rasool, a Prophet – was not Ismail Bin Ibrahim-as, but he-as was a Prophet-as from the Prophets-as whom Allah-azwj had Sent to his-as people. So, they seized him-as and scraped the skin off his-as head and face. So an Angel came over to him-as and said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty is His-azwj Majesty, Sent me to you-as, therefore order me with whatever you so desire to’. So he-as said: ‘For me-as is an example with what has been done, with Al-Husayn-asws’.[106]

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه، قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب ابن يزيد، عن محمد بن سنان، عن عمار بن مروان، عن سماعة، عن أبي بصير عن أبى عبد الله ” ع “: ان اسماعيل كان رسولا نبيا، سلط عليه قومه، فقشروا جلدة وجهه وفروة رأسه فاتاه رسول من رب العالمين، فقال له ربك يقرئك السلام ويقول: قد رأيت ما صنع بك وقد أمرنى بطاعتك فمرنى بما شئت فقال يكون لي بالحسين بن علي ” ع ” أسوة.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’d Bin Abdullah, from Yaqoub Ibn Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Amaar Bin Marwan, from Sama’at, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Ismail-as was a Rasool-as, a Prophet-as. His-as people overcame him-as. So they scraped off his-as skin off his-as face, and scalped his-as head. So a Messenger from the Lord-azwj of the Worlds came to him-as and said to him-as: ‘Your-as Lord-azwj Conveys His-azwj Greetings to you-as and is Saying: “I-azwj have Seen what has happened with you-as”, and He-azwj has Commanded me to obey you-as. Therefore, order me with whatever you so desire’. So he-as said: ‘There happens to be for me-as, an example, with Al-Husayn-asws Ibn Ali-asws’.[107]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه، قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد ابن احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري، عن محمد بن الحسين، عن موسى بن سعدان عن عبد الله بن القاسم، عن عبد الله بن سنان، قال سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وعد رجلا إلى صخرة فقال أنى لك هيهنا حتى تأتى قال فاشتدت الشمس عليه فقال أصحابه: يارسول الله لو انك تحولت إلى الظل قال قد وعدته إلى هيهنا وان لم يجئ كان منه المحشر.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Musa Bin Sa’adan, from Abdullah Bin Al Qasim, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww promised a man to (be at a) rock, so he-saww said: ‘I-saww will be (waiting) for you over here until you come’. He-asws said: ‘The sun intensified unto him-saww, so his-saww companions said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! You-saww should move over to the shade’. He-saww said: ‘I-saww promised him to be over here, and if he does not come, the break of promised would be from him’.[108]

(باب 68 – العلة التى من أجلها صار الناس اكثر من بنى آدم)

Chapter 68 – The reason due to which the people came to be more numerous than the Children of Adam-as

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه، وقال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد ابن احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري، عن موسى بن جعفر البغدادي عن علي ابن معبد عن عبيدالله بن عبد الله الدهقان عن درست عن أبى خالد قال: سئل أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: الناس اكثر أم بنو آدم؟ فقال: الناس قيل: وكيف ذلك؟ قال لانك إذا قلت الناس دخل آدم فيهم وإذا قلت بنو آدم فقد تركت آدم لم تدخله مع بنيه فلذلك صار الناس اكثر من بنى آدم وادخالك أياه معهم ولما قلت بنو آدم نقص آدم من الناس.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Musa Bin Ja’far Al baghdady, from Ali Ibn Ma’bad, from Ubeydullah Bin Al Abdullah Al Dahqan, from Darast, from Abu Khalid who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws was asked, ‘Are the people more numerous or the Children of Adam-as?’ So he-asws said: ‘The people’. It was said, ‘And how is that?’ He-asws said: ‘Because you, when you said, ‘the people’, you included Adam-as among them, and when you said, ‘Children of Adam-as’, so you left Adam-as and did not include him-as with his -as sons. Therefore, it is due to that, the people came to be more numerous than the Children of Adam-as and you included him-as with them. And when you said ‘Children of Adam-as’, Adam-as was deficient (one less) from the (number of the) people’.[109]

(باب 70 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يتكلم النبي صلى الله عليه وآله بالحكمة) (حين خرج من بطن أمه كما تكلم عيسى ” ع “)

Chapter 70 – The reason due to which the Prophet-saww did not speak with the Wisdom upon coming to this world

أخبرنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن شاذان بن احمد بن عثمان البرواذي قال حدثنا أبو علي محمد بن الحارث بن سفيان الحافظ السمرقندي قال حدثنا صالح بن سعيد الترمذي قال حدثنا عبد المنعم بن إدريس عن أبيه عن وهب بن منبه اليماني قال ان يهوديا سأل النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: يا محمد اكنت في أم الكتاب نبيا قبل ان تخلق؟ قال: نعم قال: وهولاء أصحابك المؤمنون مثبتون معك قبل ان يخلقوا؟ قال: نعم

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Shazan Bin Ahmad Bin Usman Al Barwzy, from Abu Ali Muhammad Bin Al Haris Bin Sufyan Al Hafiz Al Samarqandy, from Salih Bin Saeed Al Tirmizi, from Abdul Man’am Bin Idrees, from his father, from Wahab Bin Manbah Al Yamani who said,

‘A Jew asked the Prophet-saww, so he said, ‘O Muhammad-saww! Were you-saww a Prophet-saww (Mentioned) in the Mother of the Book before you-saww were Created?’ He-saww said: ‘Yes’. He said, ‘And these are your companions, the Believer, are Written with you-azwj before you-saww were Created?’ He-saww said: ‘Yes’.

قال: فما شأنك لم تتكلم بالحكمة حين خرجت من بطن أمك كما تكلم عيسى بن مريم على زعمك وقد كنت قبل ذلك نبيا فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله: انه ليس أمري كأمر عيسى بن مريم، ان عيسى بن مريم خلقه الله عزوجل من أم ليس له أب كما خلق آدم عليه السلام من غير أب ولا أم ولو أن عيسى حين خرج من بطن أمه لم ينطق بالحكمة لم يكن لامه عذر عند الناس وقد أتت به من غير أب وكانوا ياخذونها كما يؤخذ به مثلها من المحصنات. فجعل الله عزوجل منطقه عذرا لامه.

He said, ‘So what is your-saww glory upon your-saww claim that you-saww did not speak with the Wisdom when you-saww came out from the belly of your-saww mother-as like what Isa Bin Maryam-as spoke, and you-saww were a Prophet-saww before that?’

So the Prophet-saww said: ‘My-saww matter is not like the matter of Isa-as Bin maryam-as. Isa-as Bin Maryam-as, Allah-azwj Created him-as from a mother and there was no father to him-as, just as He-azwj Created Adam-as without a father or mother. And if Isa-as, when he-as came out from the belly of his-as mother-as, had not spoken with the Wisdom, there would not have been an excuse for his-as mother in the presence of the people, and she-as had come up with him-as without a father, and they would have seized her-as just as they had seized the likes of her-as before her-as, from the chaste ones. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made his-as speech as an Proof/Sign for his-as mother-as’.[110]


(باب 72 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى الحواريون الحواريين والعلة) (التى من أجلها سميت النصارى نصارى)

Chapter 72 – The reason due to which the disciples (of Isa-as were named as ‘Hawariyeen’; and the reason due to which the Christians were named as ‘Nasaara’

حدثنا أبو العباس محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد الكوفي، قال حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن أبيه، قال قلت لابي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام: لم سمى الحواريون الحواريين، قال أما عند الناس فانهم سموا حواريين لانهم كانوا قصارين يخلصون الثياب من الوسخ بالغسل، وهو إسم مشتق من الخبز الحوار وأما عندنا: فسمى الحواريون: الحوار، لانهم كانوا مخلصين في أنفسهم، ومخلصين لغيرهم من أوساخ الذنوب بالوعظ والتذكر

Abu Al Aban Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin saeed A lKufy, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from his father who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, ‘Why were the disciples called the disciples (الحواريون)?’ He-asws said: ‘With the people, they were bleachers, and they were termed as the ‘Al-Hawareen’ because they were bleachers who spared no effort in purifying their clothes from the dirt with the washing, and it is a name derived from the (white) bread of ‘Al-Hawaar’. And as for with us-asws, the disciples were named as ‘Al-Hawariyeen’ because they were sincere among themselves, and were sincere from the dirt of the sins, with the preaching and the Remembrance’.

قال: فقلت له: فلم سمي النصارى نصارى؟ قال: «لأنهم كانوا من قرية اسمها ناصرة، من بلاد الشام، نزلتها مريم و نزلها عيسى (عليهما السلام) بعد رجوعهما من مصر».

So I said to him-asws, ‘So why were the Christians called ‘Nasaara’?’ He-asws said: ‘Because they were from a town, the name of it was Nasarat’, from the country of Syria, in which descended Maryam-as, and there descended in it Isa-as, after their return from Egypt’.[111]

(باب 73 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز ضرب الاطفال على بكائهم)

Chapter 73 – The reason due to which it is not Permissible to hit the children upon their crying

حدثنا أبو أحمد القاسم بن محمد بن أحمد السراج الهمداني قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم جعفر بن محمد بن إبراهيم السرنديبي قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عبد الله ابن هارون الرشيد بحلب قال: حدثنا محمد بن آدم بن أبى أياس قال: حدثنا ابن أبى ذيب، عن نافع، عن ابن عمر قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا تضربوا أطفالكم على بكائهم، فان بكائهم أربعة أشهر شهادة: أن لا إله إلا الله وأربعة أشهر الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وأربعة أشهر الدعاء لوالديه.

Abu Ahmad Al qasim Bin Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sirah Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Abu Al Qasim Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Sarandayni, from Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Abdullah Ibn Haroun Al Rasheyd at Al Halb, from Muhammad Bin Adam Bin Abu Ayas, from Ibn Abu Zayb, from Nafau, from Ibn Umar who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Do not hit your children upon their crying, for their crying for four months is a testimony that there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and for four months is the ‘Salawaat’ upon the Prophet-as, and for four months it is a supplication for their parents’.[112]

(باب 74 – علة جفاف الدموع، وقسوة القلوب، ونسيان الذنوب)

Chapter 74 – The reason for the drying up of the tears, and the hardening of the hearts, and the forgetting of the sins

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد الهمداني قال: حدثنا على بن الحسن بن فضال، عن أبيه، عن مروان بن مسلم عن ثابت بن أبى صفية، عن سعد الخفاف، عن الاصبغ بن نباته، قال: قال أمير المؤمنين ” ع “: ما جفت الدموع إلا لقسوة القلوب، وما قست القلوب إلا لكثرة الذنوب.

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Hamdany, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Fazal, from his father, from marwan Bin Muslim, from Sabit Bin Abu Safiya, from Sa’ad Al Khafaf, from Al Asbagh Bin Nabata who said,

‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘The tears do not dry up except due to the hardening of the hearts, and the hearts do not harden except due to the abundance of the sins’.[113]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن المقري الخراساني، عن علي بن جعفر، عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر، عن أبيه عليهم السلام قال: أوحى الله عزوجل إلى موسى ” ع “: يا موسى، لا تفرح بكثرة المال، ولا تدع ذكري على كل حال، فإن كثرة المال تنسي الذنوب، وان ترك ذكري يقسي القلوب.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Maqryy Al Khurasany,

(It has been narrated) from Ali son of Ja’far-asws, from his-asws brother-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Musa-as: “O Musa-as! Do not be joyful at the abundance of the wealth, nor leave My-azwj Remembrance on every situation, for the abundance of the wealth would make you-as forgetful of the sins, and the neglect of My-azwj Remembrance hardens the heart”.[114]

(75 علة المشوهين في خلقهم)

Chapter 75 – The reason for the deformities in their Creation

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن احمد بن محمد، عن أبيه، عن الحسن بن عطية، عن ابن أبي عذافر الصيرفي قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع “: ترى هؤلاء المشوهين في خلقهم؟ قال: قلت نعم، قال: هم الذين يأتي آباؤهم نساءهم في الطمث.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Al-Hassan Bin Atiya, from Ibn Abu Azafar Al Sayrafi who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Do you see these with deformities in their Creation?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘They are the ones whose fathers went to their mothers during the menstruation’.[115]

(باب 76 – العلة التى من أجلها صارت العاهات في أهل الحاجة أكثر)

Chapter 76 – The reason due to which the disabilities mostly tends to be among the needy people

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله،، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن حفص بن البختري، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: إنما جعلت العاهات في أهل الحاجة لئلا تستر، ولو جعلت في الاغنياء لسترت.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hafs Bin Bakhtary,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘But rather, the disabilities had been Made to be among the needy people so that they would not hide it, and had it Made to be among the rich, they would have concealed it’.[116]

(باب 77 – العلة في خروج المؤمن من الكافر وخروج الكافر من المؤمن) (والعلة في إصابة المؤمن السيئة، وفى إصابة الكفار الحسنة)

Chapter 77 – The reason of the coming out of the Believer from the Infidel, and the coming out of the Infidel from the Believer; and the reason for the Believing doing the evil, and regarding the Infidel doing the good

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن على بن فضال، عن بعض أصحابنا، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الله عزوجل: خلق ماء عذبا فخلق منه أهل طاعته، وجعل ماء مرا فخلق منه أهل معصيته، ثم أمرهما فاختلطا، فلولا ذلك ما ولد المؤمن، إلا مؤمنا، ولا الكافر إلا كافرا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created fresh water and Created from it the people of His-azwj obedience, and Made the bitter water and Created from it the people of His-azwj disobedience. Then He-azwj Commanded for these two to be mixed, and so had it not been for that, neither would the Believer have begotten any except for a Believer, nor the Infidel except for an Infidel’.[117]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسين رحمه الله قال: حدثني محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن ربعي بن عبد الله ابن الجارود، عمن ذكره، عن علي بن الحسين عليه السلام قال: ان الله عزوجل: خلق النبيين من طينة عليين وابدانهم، وخلق قلوب المؤمنين من تلك الطينة، وخلق أبدانهم من دون ذلك، وخلق الكافرين من طينة سجين وقلوبهم وابدانهم، فخلط بين الطينتين فمن هذا الذي يلد المؤمن الكافر، ويلد الكافر المؤمن، ومن هاهنا يصيب المؤمن السيئة، ويصيب الكافر الحسنة، فقلوب المؤمنين تحن إلى ما خلقوا منه وقلوب الكافرين تحن إلى ما خلقوا منه.

Muhammad Bin Al Husayn narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Khatab, from Hamad Bin Isa, from Rabi’e Bin Abdullah Ibn Al Jaroud, from the one who mentioned it,

Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created the Prophets-as from the clay of Illiyeen and (as well as) their-as bodies, and Created the hearts of the Believers from that very clay, and Created their bodies from besides that, and Created the Infidels from the clay of Sijjeen – their hearts as well as their bodies. So there was a mixture of the two clays, and from this is which the Believer begets an Infidel, and the Infidel begets the Believer. And it is from here that the Believers does the evil, and the Infidel does the good deeds – the hearts of the Believers incline towards what they have been Created from, and the hearts of the Infidels incline towards what they have been Created from’.[118]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه قال: حدثني محمد بن يحيى العطار قال: حدثني الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان، عن محمد بن أورمة، عن عمرو بن عثمان عن المنقري، عن عمرو بن ثابت، عن أبيه، عن حبة العرنى، عن علي ” ع ” قال: ان الله عزوجل: خلق آدم من أديم الارض، فمنه السباخ، ومنه الملح، ومنه الطيب، فكذلك في ذريته: الصالح، والطالح.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Amro Bin Usman, from Al Manqary, from Amro Bin Sabit, from his father, from Habat Al Arny,

Ali-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created Adam-as from the crust of the earth. Thus, from it is the marshland, and from it is the salt (sea), and from it is the good. Thus, it is like that in his-as offspring – the good and the bad’.[119]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثني محمد بن يحيى، عن الحسين بن الحسن، عن محمد بن أورمة، عن محمد بن سنان، عن معاوى بن شريح عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الله عزوجل: أجرى ماء فقال له كن بحرا عذبا أخلق منك جنتي وأهل طاعتي، وان الله عزوجل: أجرى ماء، فقال له: كن بحرا مالحا أخلق منك ناري وأهل معصيتي، ثم خلطهما جميعا، فمن ثم يخرج المؤمن من الكافر ويخرج الكافر من المؤمن، ولو لم يخلطهما لم يخرج من هذا إلا مثله، ولا من هذا إلا مثله.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ma’awy Bin Shareeh,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Caused the water to flow, so He-azwj Said to it: “Be an ocean of fresh water. I-azwj shall Create from you My-azwj Paradise and the people of My-azwj obedience”. And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Caused the water to flow, so He-azwj Said to it: “Be a salty ocean. I-azwj shall Create from you My-azwj Fire and the people of My-azwj disobedience”. Then He-azwj Mixed these two together. So, from then the Believer comes out from the Infidel, and the Infidel from the Believer. And had it not been for Him-azwj Mixing these two, there would not have come out from this except for its like, nor from this, its like’.[120]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد ابن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام في حديث طويل يقول في آخره: مهما رأيت من نزق أصحابك وخرقهم فهو مما أصابهم من لطخ أصحاب الشمال، وما رأيت من حسن شيم من خالفهم ووقارهم فهو من لطخ أصحاب اليمين.

My father said, ‘Sa’d Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws in a lengthy Hadeeth, saying at the end of it: ‘Whatever is seen from the rashness of your companions and their violation, so it is from what has hit them from the tarnishing of the companions of the Left, and whatever is seen from the good and the pious from their adversaries and their dignity, so it is from the tarnishing of the companions of the Right’.[121]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن محمد ابن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب، عن محمد بن سنان، عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبي عبد الله ” ع ” قال: سألته عن أول ما خلق الله عزوجل؟ قال: ان أول ما خلق الله عزوجل ما خلق منه كل شئ، قلت: جعلت فداك وما هو؟ قال: الماء، ان الله تبارك وتعالى: خلق الماء بحرين، أحدهما، عذب، والآخر ملح، فلما خلقهما نظر إلى العذب، فقال يا بحر، فقال: لبيك وسعديك، قال: فيك بركتي ورحمتي ومنك أخلق أهل طاعتي وجنتي،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(The narrator says) ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the first what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created?’ He-asws said: ‘The first of what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created is what He-azwj Created from it everything’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And what is it?’ He-asws said: ‘The water. Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the water as two oceans, one of the two as fresh, and the other as salty. So when He-azwj Created the two, Looked at the fresh, so He-azwj Said: “O ocean!” So it said: ‘At Your-azwj service!’ He-azwj Said: “In you is My-azwj Blessing, and My-azwj Mercy, and from you I-azwj shall Created the people of My-azwj obedience and My-azwj Paradise”.

ثم نظر إلى الآخر فقال، يا بحر، فلم يجب فاعاد عليه ثلاث مرات يا بحر! فلم يجب، فقال: عليك لعنتي ومنك أخلق اهل معصيتي ومن أسكنته ناري، ثم أمرهما فامتزجا، قال: فمن ثم يخرج المؤمن من الكافر والكافر من المؤمن.

Then He-azwj Looked at the other, so He-azwj Said: “O ocean!” But, it did not answer. So He-azwj Repeated to it three times: “O ocean!” But it did not answer. So He-azwj Said: “Upon you is My-azwj Curse, and from you I-azwj shall Create the people of My-azwj disobedience, and the ones who I-azwj Settle in My-azwj Fire”. Then He-azwj Commanded the two of them so they intermingled’. He-asws said: ‘Thus, then the Believer comes out from the Infidel, and the Infidel comes out from the Believer’.[122]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر البزنطي، عن أبان بن عثمان وأبى الربيع يرفعانه، قال ان الله عزوجل: خلق ماء فجعله عذبا فجعل منه أهل طاعته وخلق ماء مرا فجعل منه أهل معصيته، ثم أمرهما فاختلطا، ولو لا ذلك ما ولد المؤمن إلا مؤمنا ولا الكافر إلا كافرا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty, from Aban Bin Usman and Abu Al Rabi’e

(The narrators) both raising it (to an Imam-asws) having said, ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created water, so Made it to be fresh, and Made from it the people of His-azwj obedience. And He-azwj Created bitter water, and Made from it the people of His-azwj disobedience. Then He-azwj Commanded the two, so they mixed. And had it not been for that, the Believer would not have begotten except for a Believer, nor an Infidel except for an Infidel’.[123]

(باب 78 – علة الذنب وقبول التوبة)

Chapter 78 – The reason for the sin and the Acceptance of the repentance

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثني عبد الله بن محمد، عن أبيه، عن أحمد بن النضر الخراز، عن عمر بن مصعب، عن فرات بن الاخنف، عن أبى جعفر الباقر ” ع ” قال: لولا ان آدم أذنب ما أذنب مؤمن ابدا، ولولا ان الله عزوجل تاب على آدم ما تاب على مذنب ابدا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Al Nazar Al Khazaz, from Umar Bin Mas’ab, from Furat Bin Al Akhnaf,

Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir-asws has said: ‘Had it not been that Adam-as sinned, the Believer would not have sinned, ever, and had it not been that Allah-azwj Turned to Adam-as (with Mercy), He-azwj would not have Turned to a sinner, ever’.[124]

(باب 79 – العلة التى من أجلها صار بين الناس الايتلاف والاختلاف)

Chapter 79 – The reason due to which there came to be intermingling and the differing among the people

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن جعفر بن بشير، عن الحسين بن أبى العلاء، عن حبيب قال: حدثني الثقة، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى: اخذ ميثاق العباد وهم أظلة قبل الميلاد، فما تعارف من الارواح إيتلف، وما تناكر منها إختلف.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ja’far Bin Basheyr, from Al Husayn Bin Abu Al A’ala, from Habeen, from Al Saqat,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Took the Covenant of the servants, and they were shadows before their births. So what acquaintances there was from the souls, is the intermingling (over here – in this world), and what aversions there was from them, is differing (over here)’.[125]

وبهذا الاسناد، عن حبيب، عمن رواه، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ما تقول في الارواح انها جنود مجندة، فما تعارف منها إئتلف وما تناكر منها إختلف، قال: فقلت إنا نقول ذلك، فإنه كذلك: ان الله عزوجل اخذ من العباد ميثاقهم وهم أظله قبل الميلاد وهو قوله عزوجل: (وإذ أخذ ربك من بني آدم من ظهورهم ذريتهم وأشهدهم على أنفسهم) إلى آخر الآية.

And by this chain, from Habeeb, from the one who reported it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘What are you saying regarding the souls that they are like conscripted soldiers. Thus, whatever was the acquaintances from these, there is intermingling (over here), and what was aversion from these, so there is differing (over here)’. So I said, ‘We are saying that’. He-asws said: ‘So it is like that. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Took from the servants, their Covenants, and they were shadows before the births, and these are the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [7:172] And when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their backs, their descendants, and Made them testify against themselves – up to the end of the Verse.

قال: فمن أقر له يؤمئذ جاءت الاءلفة هاهنا، ومن انكره يومئذ جاء خلافه ها هنا.

He-asws said: ‘So the one who accepted to Him-azwj that day came to intermingle over here (to our-asws Wilayah), and the one who denied it on that day, came to oppose Him-azwj over here’.[126]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أيوب بن نوح، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن عبد الاعلى مولى آل سام قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول: لو يعلم الناس كيف كان أصل الخلق لم يختلف إثنان.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Noah, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Abdul A’ala, a slave of the progeny of Saam who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Had the people known how was the Origination of the creation, no two would have differed’.[127]

حدثنا علي بن احمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي عن أبى الخير صالح بن أبى حماد، عن احمد بن هلال، عن محمد بن أبى عمير عن عبد المؤمن الانصاري، قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” ان قوما يروون ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: إختلاف أمتي رحمة، فقال: صدقوا، فقلت ان كان إختلافهم رحمة فاجتماعهم عذاب، قال ليس حيث تذهب وذهبوا، وإنما أراد قول الله عزوجل: (فلو لا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوا في الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون)، فامرهم أن ينفروا إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ويختلفوا إليه فيتعلموا، ثم يرجعوا إلى قومهم فيعلموهم. إنما أراد إختلافهم من البلدان لا اختلافا في دين الله انما الدين واحد انما الدين واحد.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Abu Al Khayr Salih Bin Abu Hamaad, from Ahmad Bin Hilal, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Abdul Momin Al Ansary who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘There is a group of people who are reporting that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Differing among my-saww community is a mercy’. So he-asws said: ‘They have spoken the truth’. So I said, ‘If their differing is was a mercy, so their unity would be a Punishment’. He-asws said: ‘It is not as where you are going with it, or they are going with it. But rather, the Intention of the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [9:122] And it was not for the believers that they should go forth all together; why should not then a company from every party from among them go forth that they may apply themselves to obtain understanding in religion, and that they may warn their people when they come back to them that they may be cautious – So He-azwj Commanded that a number of them should go to Rasool-Allah-saww and interchange (come and go) to him-as, so he-saww would teach them. Then they should return to their people, so they would teach others. But rather, what is intended is their (coming and going from) different cities, not differences in the Religion of Allah-azwj. But rather, the Religion is one, but rather the Religion is one’.[128]

(باب 80 – العلة التى من أجلها تكون في المؤمنين حدة ولا تكون في مخالفيهم)

Chapter 80 – The reason due to which there happens to be vigour (spirit) in the Believers and there does not happen to be in their adversaries

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن ابن أذينة، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كنا عنده فذكرنا رجلا من أصحابنا فقلنا فيه حدة، فقال: من علامة المؤمن أن يكون فيه حدة، قال فقلنا له: ان عامة أصحابنا فيهم حدة، فقال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى في وقت ما ذر أهم أمر أصحاب اليمين وأنتم هم ان يدخلوا النار، فدخلوها فأصابهم وهج، فالحدة من ذلك الوهج وأمر أصحاب الشمال وهم مخالفوهم ان يدخلوا النار فلم يفعلوا، فمن ثم لهم سمت ولهم وقار.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Ibn Azina,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I was in his-asws presence, so we mentioned a man from our companions, so we said there is vigour in him. So he-asws said: ‘It is from the sings of the Believer that there happens to be vigour in him’. So we said to him-asws, ‘Generally, there is vigour in our companions’. So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High, during the time when they were particles, Commanded the companions of the Right, and you are they, that they should enter the Fire. So they entered it, so they were affected by the glow. Thus, the vigour is from the radiance of that glow. And He-azwj Commanded the companions of the Left, and they are their adversaries, that they should enter the Fire, but they did not do it. So, from then on there is coolness in them and grandeur in them’.[129]

(باب 81 علة المرارة في الاذنين، والعذوبة في الشفتين، والملوحة) (في العينين، والبرودة في الانف)

Chapter 81 – The reason for the bitterness in the two ears, and the sweetness in the two lips, and the salinity in the two eyes, and the cold in the nose

أبى رحمه الله: قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى قال: حدثنا محمد بن أحمد بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن احمد بن عبد الله العقيلي القرشي، عن عيسى بن عبد الله القرشي رفع الحديث قال: دخل أبو حنيفة على أبى عبد الله عليه السلام فقال له: يا أبا حنيفة بلغني انك تقيس، قال: نعم أنا أقيس، قال: لا تقس فإن أول من قاس إبليس حين قال: خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين،

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Aqeel Al Qarshy, from Isa Bin Abdullah Al Qarshy, raising the Hadeeth, said,

‘Abu Haneefa came over to Abu Abdullah-asws, so he-asws said to him: ‘O Abu Haneefa! It has reached me-asws that you are analogising?’ He said, ‘Yes, I do analogise’. He-asws said: ‘Do not analogise, for the first one who analogised was Iblees when he said, ‘[7:12] You have Created me of fire, while him You Created of clay’.

فقاس مابين النار و الطين، ولو قاس نورية آدم بنورية النار عرف الفضل ما بين النورين وصفاء أحدهما على الآخر،

He thus analogised between the fire and the clay, and had he compared the radiance of Adam-as with the radiance of the fire, he would have recognised that merit of what was in between the two radiances, and the purity of one over the other.

ولكن قس لي رأسك إخبرنى عن اذنيك مالهما مرتان؟ قال: لا أدري، قال: فانت لا تحسن ان تقيس رأسك، فكيف تقيس الحلال والحرام قال: يابن رسول الله اخبرني ما هو؟ قال ان الله عز وجل: جعل الاذنين مرتين لئلا يدخلهما شئ إلا مات، ولولا ذلك لقتل ابن آدم الهوام وجعل الشفتين عذبتين ليجد ابن آدم طعم الحلو والمر، وجعل العينين مالحتين لانهما شحمتان، ولولا ملوحتهما لذابتا، وجعل الانف باردا سائلا لئلا يدع في الرأس داء إلا أخرجه ولولا ذلك لثقل الدماغ وتدود.

But, analogise for me about your head and inform me-asws about your two ears, why is there bitterness for these two?’ He said, ‘I do not know’. He-asws said: ‘So, if you are not good at analogising about your head, so how can you analogise about the Permissible and the Prohibited?’ He said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Inform me, what is it?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made the two ears to be with bitterness (inside these), so that nothing would enter into these except that it would die, and had it not been for that, the insects would have killed the son of Adam-as.

And He-azwj Made the two lips to be sweet so that he can taste the sweet and the sour, and Made the two eyes with salinity because these two need to be lubricated, and had it not been for that, these would both melt away, and Made the nose to flow with cold liquid, that there would not be an illness in the head except that it would exit via it, and had it not been for that, the brain would have been heavy, and there would be illness’.[130]

حدثنا أحمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا عبد الرحمان بن أبى حاتم قال: حدثنا أبو زرعة قال: حدثنا هشام بن عمار قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله القرشي، عن ابن شبرمة قال: دخلت أنا وأبو حنيفة على جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام فقال لابي حنيفة: اتق الله ولا تقس الدين برأيك، فإن أول من قاس إبليس، أمره الله عز وجل بالسجود لآدم فقال: انا خير منه خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين،

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Hatim, from Abu Zara’at, from Hisham Bin Amaar, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al Qarshy, from Ibn Shabrama who said,

‘I and Abu Haneefa came over to Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws. So he-asws said to Abu Haneefa: ‘Fear Allah-azwj and do not analogise the Religion with your opinion, for the first one to analogise was Iblees. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded him-la to Prostrate to Adam-as, so he-la said, ‘[7:12] He said: I am better than he is: You have Created me of fire, while him You created of clay’.

ثم قال: أتحسن ان تقيس رأسك من بدنك؟ قال: لا، قال جعفر عليه السلام: فاخبرني لاي شئ جعل الله الملوحة في العينين والمرارة في الاذنين والماء المنتن في المنخرين والعذوبة في الشفتين، قال: لا أدري، قال جعفر عليه السلام لان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق العينين فجعلهما شحمتين وجعل الملوحة فيهما منا منه على ابن آدم، ولولا ذلك لذابتا وجعل الاذنين مرتين ولولا ذلك لهجمت الدواب واكلت دماغه، وجعل الماء في المنخرين ليصعد منه النفس وينزل، ويجد منه الريح الطيبة من الخبيثة، وجعل العذوبة في الشفتين ليجد ابن آدم لذة مطعمه ومشربه،

Then he-asws said: ‘Are you good at analogising your head from your body?’ He said, ‘No’. Ja’far-asws said: ‘So inform me-asws, for which reason did Allah-azwj Make the saltiness to be in the two eyes, and the bitterness to be in the two ears, and the stinking water to be in the two nostrils, and the sweetness to be in the two lips?’ He said, ‘I do not know’. Ja’far-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the two eyes, so He-azwj Made the two of these to be lubricated, and Made the salinity in these two as a Favour upon the son of Adam-as, and had it not been for that, they would have melted; and Made the two ears to be with bitterness, and had it not been for that, the insects of the earth would have entered into these and eaten his brain; and Made the water to be in the two nostrils from the breaths to ascend and descend, and for discerning the wind from it, the aromatic from the pungent; and Made the sweetness to be in the two lips for the son of Adam-as to taste the pleasure of his food and his water’.

ثم قال جعفر عليه السلام لابي حنيفة: أخبرني عن كلمة أولها شرك وآخرها إيمان؟ قال لا أدري، قال هي كلمة: لا إله إلا الله، لو قال لا إله: كان شرك، ولو قال: إلا الله كان إيمان،

Then Ja’far-asws said to Abu Haneefa: ‘Inform me-asws about the term, the beginning of which is association (Shirk) and the end of it is belief?’ He said: ‘I do not know’. He-asws said: ‘It is the term, ‘There is not god except for Allah-azwj’ – if you were to say, There is no God’ it would constitute association (shirk), and if you were to say, ‘Except Allah-azwj’, it would constitute belief’.

ثم قال جعفر ” ع “: ويحك أيهما أعظم قتل النفس أو الزنا؟ قال قتل النفس، قال فإن الله عز وجل قد قبل في قتل النفس شاهدين ولم يقبل في الزنا إلا أربعة،

Then Ja’far-asws said: ‘Woe be unto you! Which of the two is more grievous, killing the soul or adultery?’ He said, ‘Killing the soul’. He-asws said: ‘But Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Accepted two testimonies with regards to the killing of the soul, and does not Accept for the adultery except for four’.

ثم قال ” ع “: أيهما أعظم الصلاة أم الصوم قال الصلاة، قال فما بال الحايض تقضي الصيام ولا تقضي الصلاة فكيف يقوم لك القياس، فاتق الله ولا تقس.

Then he-asws said: ‘Which of the two is greater, the Prayer or the Fast?’ He said, ‘The Prayer’. He-asws said: ‘So what about the menstruating woman who has to fulfil (pay back) the (missed) Fasts, and does not have to fulfil the (missed) Prayer? So how can the analogy stand for you. Therefore, fear Allah-azwj and do not analogise’.[131]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى، عن محمد بن علي عن عيسى بن عبد الله القرشي – رفعه قال: دخل أبو حنيفة على أبى عبد الله عليه السلام فقال له يا أبا حنيفة بلغني انك تقيس، قال: نعم أنا أقيس، فقال ويلك لا تقس، ان أول من قاس إبليس، قال خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين، قاس ما بين النار والطين ولو قاس نورية آدم بنور النار عرف فضل ما بين النورين وصفاء أحدهما على الآخر،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Isa Bin Abdullah Al Qarshy – raising it, said,

‘Abu Haneefa came over to Abu Abdullah-asws, so he-asws said to him: ‘O Abu Haneefa, it has reached me-asws that you analogise?’ He said, ‘Yes, I do analogise’. So he-asws said: ‘Woe be unto you! Do not analogise. The first one to analogise was Iblees. ‘[7:12] He said: I am better than he is: You have Created me of fire, while him You created of clay’. He analogised in what is between the fire and the clay, and had he compared the radiance of Adam-as with the radiance of the fire, he would have recognised the merit of what is between the two radiances, and the purity of one of the two over the other.

ولكن قس لي رأسك من جسدك اخبرني عن أذنيك مالهما مرتان، وعن عينيك مالهما مالحتان، وعن شفيتك مالهما عذبتان، وعن أنفك ماله بارد. فقال: لا أدري، فقال له أنت لا تحسن ان تقيس رأسك فيكيف تقيس الحلال والحرام؟

But, analogise your head for me-asws, from your body. Inform me-asws about your ears, why is there bitterness for the two of them, and about your eyes, why is there salinity for the two of them, and about your lips, why is there sweetness for the two of them, and about your nose, why is there cold for it?’ So he said, ‘I do not know’. So he-asws said to him: ‘You are not good at analogising your head, so how can you analogise about the Permissible and the Prohibited?’

فقال يا بن رسول الله اخبرني كيف ذلك؟ فقال ان الله تبارك وتعالى جعل الاذنين مرتين لئلا يدخلهما شئ إلا مات ولو لا ذلك لقتلت الدواب ابن آدم، وجعل العينين مالحتين لانهما شحمتان ولولا ملوحتهما لذابتا، وجعل الشفتين عذبتين ليجد ابن آدم طعم الحلو والمر، وجعل الانف باردا سايلا لئلا يدع في الرأس داء إلا أخرجه ولو لا ذلك لثقل الدماغ وتدود.

So he said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Inform me, how is that?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Made the two ears to be with bitterness so that nothing would enter into it except that it would die, and had it not been for that, the insects would have killed the son of Adam-as; and Made the two eyes to be with salinity, because these two need to be lubricated, and had it not been for the salinity, they would have melted; and Made the two lips to be with sweetness so that the son of Adam-as would find the food to be sweet and sour; and Made the nose with flowing liquid so that there would not be an illness in the head except that it would come out, and had it not been for that, the brain would be heavy and with illness’.

قال أحمد بن أبى عبد الله، وروى بعضهم: انه قال في الاذنين لامتناعهما من العلاج، وقال في موضع ذكر الشفتين الريق فا عذب الريق ليميز به بين الطعام والشراب، وقال في ذكر الانف لولا برد ما في الانف وامساكه الدماغ لسال الدماغ من حرارته.

Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah said, ‘And some of them have reported that he-asws said with regards to the two ears: ‘There is no willingness for the treatment’. And he-asws said regarding a subject matter mentioning the two lips: ‘The saliva is for discerning between the food and the drink’. And he-asws said with regards to the mention of the nose: ‘Had it not been for the cold and what flows from it, or else the brain would melt from the overheating’.[132]

وقال احمد بن أبى عبد الله، وروا معاذ بن عبد الله، عن بشير بن يحيى العامري، عن ابن أبى ليلى قال: دخلت أنا والنعمان على جعفر بن محمد فرحب بنا وقال: يابن أبى ليلى من هذا الرجل؟ قلت جعلت فداك هذا رجل من أهل الكوفة له رأى ونظر ونقاد، قال فلعله الذي يقيس الاشياء برأيه،

And Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ma’az Bin Abdullah, from Basheer Bin Yahya Al Aamiri, from Ibn Abu Layli who said,

‘I and Al-No’man (Abu Haneefa) came over to Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws. So he-asws welcome us and said: ‘O Ibn Abu Layli! Who is this man?’ I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! This is a man from the people of Al-Kufa. For him is an opinion, and consideration, and the helm (of the people)’. He-asws said: ‘Perhaps he is the one who analogises the things by his opinion’.

ثم قال له يا نعمان هل تحسن تقيس رأسك؟ قال لا، قال فما أراك تحسن تقيس شيئا ولا تهتدي إلا من عند غيرك فهل عرفت مما الملوحة في العينين، والمرارة في الاذنين، والبرودة في المنخرين، والعذوبة في الفم؟ قال لا، قال فهل عرفت كلمة أولها كفر وآخرها إيمان؟ قال لا، قال ابن أبى ليلى، فقلت جعلت فداك لا تدعنا في عمى مما وصفت لنا،

Then he-asws said: ‘O No’man! Are you good at analogising your own head?’ He said, ‘No!’ He-asws said: ‘So what I-asws see is that you are not good at analogising anything, nor are you rightly guided unless from the presence of someone other than you. So, do you know from what (reason) is the salinity in the two eyes, and the bitterness in the two ears, and the coldness in the two nostrils, and the sweetness in the mouth?’ He said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘So, do you know the term, the beginning of it is infidelity, and the end of it is belief?’ He said, ‘No’. Ibn Abu Layli said, ‘So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Do not leave us in blindness from that and described it for us’.

قال نعم حدثني أبى عن آبائه، ان رسول الله صلى صلى الله عليه وآله قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق عيني ابن آدم على شحمتين، فجعل فيها الملوحة ولولا ذلك لذابتا ولم يقع فيهما شئ من القذى إلا أذابهما، والملوحة تلفظ ما يقع في العينين من القذى وجعل المرارة في الاذنين حجابا للدماغ فليس من دابة تقع في الاذنين إلا التمست الخروج، ولو لا ذلك لوصلت إلى الدماغ، وجعل البرودة في المنخرين حجابا للدماغ، ولولا ذلك لسال الدماغ، وجعل الله العذوبة في الفم منا من الله على ابن آدم ليجد لذة الطعام والشراب، وأما كلمة أولها كفر وآخرها إيمان فقول: لا إله إلا الله، أولها كفرو آخرها إيمان.

He-asws said: ‘Yes. My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the eyes of the son of Adam-as upon the lubricants, so He-azwj Made the salinity to be therein, and had it not been for that, they would both melt away, and there would not occur in them anything from the speck except that it would hurt the two eyes, and it is the salinity which makes the speck to flow away. And He-azwj made the bitterness to be in the two ears as a veil for the brain. Thus, there is none from an insect which occurs in the two ears except that it seeks to exit from these, and had it not been for that, the brain would have melted. And He-azwj Made the sweetness to be in the mouth as a Favour from Allah-azwj from the son of Adam-as for him to taste the pleasures of the food and the drink. And as for the term, the beginning of which is infidelity and the end of it is belief, so these are the words, ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj’ – the beginning of it is infidelity, and the end part of it is belief’.

ثم قال: يا نعمان إياك والقياس فإن أبى حدثني، عن آبائه، ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: من قاس شيئا من الدين برأيه قرنه الله مع إبليس في النار، فإنه أول من قاس حين قال: خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين، فدعوا الرأي والقياس، وما قال قوم ليس له في دين الله برهان فان دين الله لم يوضع بالآراء والمقاييس.

Then he-asws said: ‘O No’man! Beware of the analogy, for my-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who analogises anything from the Religion by his opinion, Allah-azwj would Pair him with Iblees-la in the Fire, for he-la was the first one to analogise when he-la said ‘[7:12] You have Created me of fire, while him You created of clay’. Therefore, leave the opinion and the analogy, and what the people are saying, those who have not evidence regarding the Religion of Allah-azwj. Thus, the Religion of Allah-azwj cannot be manifested by the opinion and the analogies’.[133]

حدثنا أبى ومحمد بن الحسن رحمهما الله، قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى قال: حدثنا أبو زهير بن شبيب بن أنس عن بعض أصحابه، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كنت عند أبي عبد الله عليه السلام إذ دخل عليه غلام من كندة فاستفتاه في مسألة، فافتاه فيها، فعرفت الغلام والمسألة فقدمت الكوفة، فدخلت على أبى حنيفة فإذا ذاك الغلام بعينه يستفتيه في تلك المسألة بعينها، فافتاه فيها بخلاف ما أفتاه أبو عبد الله ” ع ” فقمت إليه فقلت ويلك يا أبا حنيفة انى كنت العام حاجا فاتيت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” مسلما عليه فوجدت هذا الغلام يستفتيه في هذه المسألة بعينها فافتاه بخلاف ما أفتيته، فقال وما يعلم جعفر بن محمد أنا أعلم منه، أنا لقيت الرجال وسمعت من أفواههم، وجعفر ابن محمد صحفي أخذ العلم من الكتب! فقلت في نفسي والله لاحجن ولو حبوا.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Abu Zuhayr Bin Shabeeb Bin Anas, from one of his companions,

From Abu Abdullah-asws, (the narrator) said, ‘I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws when a young boy from Kinda came over. So he asked for a Verdict with regards to a question, so he-asws issued a Verdict in it. So I recognised the boy and the question posed. I proceeded to Al-Kufa and went over to Abu Haneefa, and there was that very boy from Kinda, seeking a Verdict with regards to that very question. So he issued a Verdict with regards to it opposite to what Abu Abdullah-asws had issued. So I stood up to him and said, ‘Woe be unto you, O Abu Haneefa! I was on Hajj this year and went over to Abu Abdullah-asws to greet him-asws, and I found this very boy seeking a Verdict from him-asws with regards to this very question, so he-asws issued a Verdict opposite to what you have issued’. So he said, ‘Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws does not know that I am more knowledgeable than him-asws. I have met the men and heard from their mouths that Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws is ‘Sohafayy’ (Parchment person), taking the knowledge from the Books!’ So I said to myself, ‘By Allah-azwj! I shall go to Hajj, even if I have to crawl all the way’.

قال فكنت في طلب حجة، فجاءتني حجة فحججت، فاتيت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام فحكيت له الكلام فضحك ثم قال: أما في قوله انى رجل صحفي فقد صدق قرأت صحف آبائى ابراهيم وموسى، فقلت ومن له بمثل تلك الصحف،

He said, ‘I was in a state of seeking the Hajj. So the Hajj (season) came up, and I performed the Hajj. Then I came over to Abu Abdullah-asws, and related to him-asws the speech. So he-asws laughed and said: ‘But, as for his words that I-asws am a ‘Sohafayy’ (Parchment person), so he has spoken the truth, for I-asws have read the Parchments of my-asws forefather Ibrahim-as and Musa-as’. So I said, ‘And who (else) has the likes of these Parchments’.

قال فما لبثت ان طرق الباب طارق وكان عنده جماعة من اصحابه فقال الغلام انظر من ذا فرجع الغلام فقال أبو حنيفة، قال ادخله فدخل فسلم على أبى عبد الله ” ع ” فرد عليه ثم قال أصلحك الله اتأذن في القعود؟ فاقبل على أصحابه يحدثهم ولم يلتفت إليه ثم قال الثانية والثالثة فلم يلتفت إليه فجلس أبو حنيفة من غير إذنه، فلما علم انه قد جلس التفت إليه فقال: اين أبو حنيفة؟ فقيل هو ذا أصلحك الله، فقال أنت فقيه أهل العراق؟ قال نعم، قال: بما تفتيهم؟ قال: بكتاب الله وسنة نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله

He (the narrator) said, ‘It was not long before there was a knock on the door, and there was a group of people in his-asws presence. So he-asws said: ‘O boy! Look, who that is’. So the boy returned and said, ‘Abu Haneefa’. He-asws said: ‘Enter him in’. So he entered and greeted to Abu Abdullah-asws. So he-asws returned the greeting to him. Then he said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! Do you-asws allow me with regards to a seating?’ So he-asws faced towards his-asws companions, narrating to them and did not turn towards him. Then he said for a second time, and the third, but he-asws did not turn towards him. So Abu Haneefa sat down without his-asws permission. So when he-asws knew that he had seated, turned towards him and said: ‘Where is Abu Haneefa?’ So it was said, ‘He is that one, may Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well!’ So he-asws said: ‘Are you the jurist of the people of Al-Iraq?’ He said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘By what do you issue Verdicts to them?’ He said, ‘By the Book of Allah-azwj and the Sunnah of His-azwj Prophet-saww’.

قال: يا أبا حنيفة تعرف كتاب الله حق معرفته وتعرف الناسخ والمنسوخ؟ قال نعم، قال: يا أبا حنيفة لقد إدعيت علما، ويلك ما جعل الله ذلك إلا عند أهل الكتاب الذين انزل عليهم،

He-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa! Do you understand the Book of Allah-azwj as it is its right to be understood, and do you recognise the Abrogating (Verses) and the Abrogated ones?’ He said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa, woe be unto you! You have made a claim to a Knowledge which Allah-azwj has not Made to be with except for the People-asws of the Book it was Revealed upon.

ويلك ولا هو إلا عند الخاص من ذرية نبينا صلى الله عليه وآله ما ورثك الله من كتابه حرفا فإن كنت كما تقول ولست كما تقول فاخبرني عن قول الله عز وجل: (سيروا فيها ليالى وأياما آمنين) أين ذلك من الارض؟ قال حسبه ما بين مكة والمدينة، فالتفت أبو عبد الله عليه السلام إلى أصحابه فقال: تعلمون ان الناس يقطع عليهم بين المدينة ومكة فتوخذ أموالهم ولا يؤمنون على أنفسهم ويقتلون؟ قالوا نعم،

And, woe be unto you! And it is not in the possession of, except for the special ones from the children-asws of our Prophet-saww. Allah-azwj has not Made you to inherit a single Letter from His-azwj Book. So, if you were what you are saying it to be, and it is not as you are saying it to be, so inform me-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [34:18] Travel through them nights and days, in security, where is that, from the earth?’ He said, ‘It is what is in between Makkah and Medina’. So, Abu Abdullah-asws turned towards his-asws companions and said: ‘Are you all not knowing that the people get their ways cut off (by bandits) in between Al-Medina and Makkah, so their possessions get seized and they are not secure upon their own selves and they are getting killed?’ They said, ‘Yes’.

قال فسكت أبو حنيفة، فقال يا أبا حنيفة إخبرنى عن قول الله عز وجل: (ومن دخله كان آمنا) أين ذلك من الارض؟ قال: الكعبة قال أفتعلم ان الحجاج بن يوسف حين وضع المنجنيق على ابن الزبير في الكعبة فقتله كان آمنا فيها؟ قال: فسكت،

He (the narrator) said, ‘Abu Haneefa remained silent’. So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa! Inform me about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [3:97] and whoever enters it shall be secure, where is that, from the earth?’ He said, ‘The Kaaba’. He-asws said: ‘Do you know that Al Hajjaj Bin Yusuf, when he placed the catapult upon Ibn Al Zubeyr in the Kaaba and killed him, was he safe in it?’ He (the narrator said, ‘So he was silent’.

ثم قال له يا أبا حنيفة، إذا ورد عليك شئ ليس في كتاب الله ولم تأت به الآثار والسنة كيف تصنع؟ فقال أصلحك الله: أقيس وأعمل فيه برأيى، قال يا أبا حنيفة: ان أول من قاس إبليس الملعون قاس على ربنا تبارك وتعالى فقال: (أنا خير منه خلقتني من نار وخلقته من طين) فسكت أبو حنيفة،

Then he-asws said to him: ‘O Abu Haneefa! When something is referred to you which is neither in the Book and the Effects (Ahadeeth), and the Sunnah, how would you deal with it?’ He said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! I shall analogise and work upon it with my opinion’. He-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa! The first one to analogise was Iblees-la the Accursed. He-la analogised to our Lord-azwj Blessed and High, so he-la said: ‘[7:12] He said: I am better than he is: You have Created me of fire, while him You created of clay’. So Abu Haneefa was silent.

فقال يا أبا حنيفة ايماأرجس البول أو الجنابة؟ فقال البول، فقال: فما بال الناس يغتسلون من الجناية ولا يغتسلون من البول؟ فسكت،

He-asws said: ‘Which one is more filthy, the urine or the semen?’ So he said, ‘The urine’. So he-asws said: ‘So what is the matter that the people are bathing from the (discharge of) the semen, and are not bathing from the urination?’ So was silent.

فقال يا أبا حنيفة ايما أفضل الصلاة أم الصوم؟ قال الصلاة، قال: فما بال الحايض تقضى صومها ولا تقضى صلاتها؟ فسكت،

So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa! Which of these two is higher, the Prayer of the Fast?’ He said, ‘The Prayer’. He-asws said: ‘So what is the matter that the menstruation woman fulfills (pays back) her Fasts (laps ones) and does not fulfill her Prayers?’ So he was silent.

فقال يا أبا حنيفة: اخبرني عن رجل كانت له أم ولد وله منها ابنة وكانت له حرة لا تلد فزارت الصبية بنت ام الولد اباها، فقام الرجل بعد فراغه من صلاة الفجر، فواقع أهله التي لا تلد وخرج إلى الحمام فأرادت الحرة أن تكيد أم الولد وابنتها عند الرجل فقامت إليها بحرارة ذلك الماء فوقعت عليها وهى نائمة، فعالجتها كما يعالج الرجل المرأة، فعقلت، أي شئ عندك فيها؟ قال: لا والله ما عندي فيها شئ،

So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa! Inform me about a man whose slave girl gave birth, and from her was a daughter, and there was (also) for him a free (woman) who not had given birth. The daughter went to visit her father. The man arose, after being free from the Dawn Prayer, and spent time with his wife who was barren, and went to the bathroom. So the free woman intended to plot against the slave woman and her daughter, with the man. So she stood upon her with the heat of that water (semen), so applied it upon her whilst she was sleeping, and handled her like the man handles his wife. So she fell pregnant. Which thing is there with you with regards to it?’ He said, ‘No, by Allah-azwj! There is nothing with me with regards to this’.

فقال يا أبا حنيفة: أخبرني عن رجل كانت له جارية فزوجها من مملوك له وغاب المملوك، فولد له من أهله مولود وولد للمملوك مولود من ام ولد له فسقط البيت على الجاريتين ومات المولى، من الوارث؟ فقال جعلت فداك: لا والله ما عندي فيها شئ،

So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa! Inform me about a man who had a slave girl and he married her to a slave of his, and the slave was absent. So there was a birth from a wife of his, and a birth for the slave man from the slave girl of his. The house collapsed upon the two and the master died, who will inherit?’ So he said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! By Allah-azwj, there is nothing with me with regards to this’.

فقال أبو حنيفة: أصلحك الله ان عندنا قوما بالكوفة يزعمون انك تأمرهم بالبراءة من فلان وفلان وفلان فقال: ويلك يا أبا حنيفة لم يكن هذا، معاذ الله فقال أصلحك الله: انهم يعظمون الامر فيهما، قال: فما تأمرني؟ قال: تكتب إليهم، قال: بماذا؟ قال: تسألهم الكف عنهما، قال: لا يطيعوني، قال: بلى اصلحك الله إذا كنت أنت الكاتب وانا الرسول أطاعوني،

Abu Haneefa said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! Amongst us are a people at Al-Kufa who are claiming that you-asws have ordered them with the disavowing (Tabarra) from so and so, and so and so, and so and so’. So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa, this is not the case, God Forbid’. He said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! They are magnifying the matter with regards to the two of them’. He-asws said: ‘What do you want me-asws to do?’ He said, ‘Write to them’. He-asws said: ‘With what?’ He said, ‘Asking them to refrain from (Doing Tabarra upon) those two’. He-asws said: ‘They will not obey me’. He said, ‘Yes (they will), may Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well, when you-asws are the writer and I am the messenger, they will comply with me’.

قال يا ابا حنيفة ابيت إلا جهلا كم بيني وبين الكوفة من الفراسخ؟ قال أصلحك الله مالا يحصى فقال كم بيني وبينك؟ قال لا شئ قال أنت دخلت علي في منزلي فاستأذنت في الجلوس ثلاث مرات فلم آذن لك، فجلست بغير إذنى خلافا علي كيف يطيعوني أولئك وهم هناك وأنا هاهنا؟

He-asws said: ‘O Abu Haneefa! Your insistence is nothing except for ignorance. How much (distance) is there between me-asws and Al-Kufa, in Farsakhs?’ He said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! What cannot be counted’. He-asws said: ‘How much is there between me-asws and you?’ He said, ‘Nothing’. He-asws said: ‘You entered to be in my-asws house, and asked to be seated three times. But, I-asws did not permit you, so you sat down without my-asws permission, in opposition to me-asws. How will they obey me-asws and they are over there, and I-asws am over here?’

قال فقبل رأسه وخرج وهو يقول: أعلم الناس ولم نره عند عالم،

He (the narrator) said, ‘He kissed his-asws forehead and went out, and he was saying, ‘In the world of the people, I have not seen anyone more knowledgeable’.

فقال أبو بكر الحضرمي جعلت فداك الجواب في المسألتين فقال يا أبا بكر سيروا فيها ليالي وأياما آمنين، فقال: مع قايمنا أهل البيت، وأما قوله ومن دخله كان آمنا. فمن بايعه ودخل معه ومسح على يده ودخل في عقد أصحابه كان آمنا.

So Abu Bakr Al-Khazramy said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! (What is) the answer with regards to the two questions?’ So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Bakr! [34:18] Travel through them nights and days, in security – with our-asws Al-Qaim-asws of the People-asws of the Household. And as for His-azwj Words [3:97] and whoever enters it shall be secure – so the one who pledges allegiance to him-asws, and wipes upon his-asws hand, and enters to be in the hold of his-asws companions, would be secure’.[134]

حدثنا الحسين بن أحمد، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أحمد، قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله الرازي، عن الحسن بن علي بن أبي حمزة، عن سفيان الحريري، عن معاذ بن بشر، عن يحيى العامري، عن ابن أبي ليلى قال: دخلت على أبي عبد الله السلام ومعى النعمان، فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: من الذي معك؟ فقلت جعلت فداك هذا رجل من أهل الكوفة له نظر ونقاد ورأى يقال له النعمان، قال فلعل هذا الذي يقيس الاشياء برأيه، فقلت نعم،

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Abdullah Al Razy, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Sufyan Al Hureyri, from Ma’az Bin Bishr, from Yahya Al Aamiry, from IBn Abu Layli who said,

‘I came over to Abu Abdullah-asws and with me was Al-No’man. So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Who is the one with you?’ So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! This is a man from the people of Al-Kufa. For him is a view, and command, and an opinion. He is called Al-No’man’. He-asws said: ‘Perhaps he is the one who analogises the things by his opinion’. So I said, ‘Yes’.

قال يا نعمان هل تحسن ان تقيس رأسك؟ فقال: لا، فقال: ما أراك تحسن شيئا ولا فرضك إلا من عند غيرك، فهل عرفت كلمة أولها كفر وآخرها إيمان؟ قال: لا، قال فهل عرفت ما الملوحة في العينين والمرارة في الاذنين والبرودة في المنخرين والعذوبة في الشفتين؟ قال: لا،

He-asws said: ‘O No’man! Are you good at analogising your head?’ So he said, ‘No’. So he-asws said, ‘I-asws do not see you good at (analogising) the things, not your Obligations, except from others. So, do you recognise a term, the beginning of which is infidelity and the end of it is belief?’ He said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘So, do you recognise why is there salinity in the two eyes, and the bitterness in the two ears, and the coldness in the two nostrils, and the sweetness in the two lips?’ He said, ‘No’.

قال ابن أبى ليلى: فقلت جعلت فداك فسر لنا جميع ما وصفت قال: حدثني أبى، عن آبائه، عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: ان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق عيني ابن آدم من شحمتين فجعل فيهما الملوحة، ولولا ذلك لذابتا، فالملوحة تلفظ ما يقع في العين من القذى وجعل المرارة في الاذنين حجابا من الدماغ، فليس من دابة تقع فيه إلا التمست الخروج، ولو لاذلك لوصلت إلى الدماغ وجعلت العذوبة في الشفتين منا من الله عزوجل على ابن آدم فيجد بذلك عذوبة الريق وطعم الطعام والشراب وجعل البرودة في المنخرين لئلا تدع في الرأس شيئا إلا أخرجته،

Ibn Abu Layli said, ‘So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Explain for us the whole of what you-asws have described. He-asws said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Rasool-Allah-saww that: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the eyes of the son of Adam-as from lubricants, and thus He-azwj Made the salinity to be in these two, and had it not been for that, they would have melted. So, it is the salinity which clears what occurs in the eyes, from the specks (particles). And He-azwj Made the bitterness to be in the two ears as a veil from the brain.

Thus, there is none from the insect which occur in it except that it would seek for the way out, and had it not been for that, it would have arrived at the brain. And He-azwj Made the sweetness to be in the two lips as a Favour from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic upon the son of Adam-as, so he would find, by that saliva, the sweetness of the food of the meal, and the drinks. And Allah-azwj Made the cold to be in the two nostrils, so that there would not be an illness in the head except that it would exit.

قلت فما الكلمة التي أولها كفر وآخرها إيمان؟ قال: قول الرجل، لا إله إلا الله فأولها كفر وآخرها إيمان،

I said, ‘So what is the term, the beginning of which is infidelity, and the end of it is belief?’ He-asws said: ‘The words of the man, ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj’ – so the beginning of it is infidelity and the end of it is belief.

ثم قال: يا نعمان، إياك والقياس، فقد حدثني أبي، عن آبائه، عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انه قال: من قاس شيئا بشئ قرنه الله عزوجل مع إبليس في النار، فإنه أول من قاس على ربه، فدع الرأى والقياس فإن الدين لم يوضع بالقياس ولا بالرأى.

Then he-asws said: ‘O No’man! Beware of the analogy, for my-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Rasool-Allah-saww having said: ‘The one who analogises a thing with a thing, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Pair him with Iblees-la in the Fire, as he-la was the first one who analogised to his-la Lord-azwj. Therefore, leave the opinions, and the analogies, for the Religion can neither be clarified with the analogies nor with the opinion’.[135]

(باب 82 العلة التى من أجلها صار الناس يعقلون ولا يعلمون)

Chapter 82 – The reason due to which the people came to be intellectuals and are not knowing

حدثنا أبى رضى عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن أحمد بن أبى محمد بن أبى نصر، عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن معمر بن يحيى، قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام: ما بال الناس يعقلون ولا يعلمون قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى حين خلق آدم جعل أجله بين عينيه وامله خلف ظهره، فلما أصاب الخطيئة حصل أمله بين عينيه وأجله خلف ظهره فمن ثم يعقلون ولا يعلمون.

My father narrated to me, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Ahmad Bin Abu Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Sa’albat Bin Maymoun, from Moamar Bin Yahya who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘What is the matter that the people are intellectuals, and they are not knowing?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High, when He-azwj Created Adam-as, Made his-as term to be in front of his-as eyes, and his hopes to be behind his-as back. So when he-as commits an error, his hopes are placed in front of his eyes, and his-as term to be behind his back. Thus, from then on, they are keeping intellect, but are not knowing’.[136]

(باب 83 العلة التى من أجلها أوسع الله عزوجل في أرزاق الحمقى)

Chapter 83 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Expands the livelihood of the fools

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن احمد ابن محمد بن عيسى، عن علي بن الحكم، عن الربيع بن محمد المسلى، عن عبد الله ابن سليمان قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول: ان الله عزوجل أوسع في أرزاق الحمقى لتعتبر العقلاء ويعلمون ان الدنيا لا تنال بالعقل ولا بالحيلة.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Al Rabi’e Bin Muhammad Al Masly, from Abdullah Ibn Suleyman who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Expands the livelihood of the fools so that the intellectuals would learn from it that the world can neither be attained by the intellect nor by the trickery’.[137]


(باب 84 – العلة التى من أجلها يغتم الانسان ويحزن من غير سبب) (ويفرح ويسر من غير سبب)

Chapter 84 – The reason due to which the human being is aggrieved and is sorrowful without a reason, and is happy and joyful without a reason

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، قال حدثنا محمد بن احمد بن يحيى قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي، عن ابن عباس عن أسباط، عن أبى عبد الرحمان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: انى ربما حزنت فلا أعرف في أهل ولا مال ولا ولد وربما فرحت فلا أعرف في أهل ولامال ولا ولد، فقال: انه ليس من أحد إلا ومعه ملك وشيطان، فإذا كان فرحه كان من دنو الملك منه، فإذا كان حزنه كان من دنو الشيطان منه وذلك قول الله تبارك وتعالى: (الشيطان يعدكم الفقر ويأمركم بالفحشاء والله يعدكم مغفرة منه وفضلا والله واسع عليم).

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Al Hassan Bin Ali, from Ibn Abbas, from Asbaat, from Abu Abdullah Al Rahman who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Sometimes I get aggrieved and I neither recognise (it to be due to) the family, nor the wealth, not children; and sometimes I am happy, but I neither recognise (it to be due to) the family, not wealth, nor children’. So he-asws said: ‘There is no one except that with him is an Angel and a devil. So when he is happy, then than Angel is near to him, and if he is aggrieved, then that devil is near to him. And these are the Words of Allah-azwj Blessed and High [2:268] The Satan promises you the poverty and enjoins you to be immoral, and Allah Promises you Forgiveness from Himself and Grace; and Allah is Capacious, Knowing’.[138]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مالك قال: حدثنا أحمد بن مدين من ولد مالك بن الحارث الاشتر، عن محمد بن عمار، عن أبيه، عن أبى بصير، قال: دخلت على أبي عبد الله عليه السلام ومعي رجل من أصحابنا، فقلت له جعلت فداك يابن رسول الله انى لاغتم واحزن من غير ان أعرف لذلك سببا؟

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Maalik, from Ahmad Bin Madayn from the children of Malik Bin Al Haris Al Ashtar, from Muhammad Bin Amaar, from his father, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I came over to Abu Abdullah-asws and with me was a man from our companions. So I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! I get aggrieved and sorrowful without realising the reason for that?’

فقال أبو عبد الله ” ع “: ان ذلك الحزن والفرح يصل اليكم منا لانا إذا دخل علينا حزن أو سرور كان ذلك داخلا عليكم لانا وإياكم من نور الله عزوجل فجعلنا وطينتنا وطينتكم واحدة ولو تركت طينتكم كما أخذت لكنا وأنتم سواء، ولكن مزجت طينتكم بطينة أعدائكم، فلولا ذلك ما أذنبتم ذنبا أبدا،

Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘That grief and the happiness arrive to you from us-asws, because, we-asws, when there enters grief or joy unto us, that would enter upon you (as well), because we-asws and you all (Shiah) are from the Light of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and He-azwj Made our-asws clay and your clay as one, and had your clay been left alone just as it had been Taken, us-asws and you all would have been the same, but, your clay was mixed up with the clay of your enemies. Had it not been for that, you would not have committed a sin, ever.

قال: قلت جعلت فداك أفتعود طينتنا ونورنا كما بدا؟ فقال: إى والله يا عبد الله، اخبرني عن هذا الشعاع الزاهر من القرص إذا طلع أهو متصل به أو باين منه؟ فقلت له جعلت فداك: بل هو باين منه فقال: أفليس إذا غابت الشمس وسقط القرص عاد إليه فاتصل به كما بدا منه؟ فقلت له: نعم، فقال كذلك والله شيعتنا من نور الله خلقوا واليه يعودون، والله انكم لملحقون بنا يوم القيامة وإنا لنشفع فنشفع، ووالله انكم لتشفعون فتشفعون، وما من رجل منكم إلا وسترفع له نار عن شماله وجنة عن يمينه، فيدخل أحباؤه الجنة وأعداؤه النار.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Will our clay and our Light return to what it was at the beginning?’ So he-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj, (It will) O Abu Abdullah! Inform me about these rays which are apparent from the disc (sun) when it emerges, are these connected to it or distant from it?’ So I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! But, these are distant from it’. So he-asws said: ‘Is it not the case when the sun disappears (sets) and the disc goes down, return to it and are linked to just they were at the beginning, from it?’ So I said to him-asws, ‘Yes’. So he-asws said: ‘It is like that, by Allah-azwj! Our-asws Shiah are from the Light of Allah-azwj, Created and to Him-azwj they would be returning. By Allah-azwj! You all would be meeting with us-asws on the Day of Judgement, and we-asws would be interceding, and you all would be interceded for; and by Allah-azwj! You all would be (sought for) to be interceding for, so you would be interceding. And there is none from a man among you except that the Fire would be Raised upon his left and the Paradise upon his right, so he would be entering his beloved ones into the Paradise, and his enemies into the Fire’.[139]

(باب 85 – علة النسيان والذكر، وعلة شبه الرجل بأعمامه وأخواله)

Chapter 85 – The reason for the forgetfulness and the remembrance, and the reason for the resemblance of the man with his paternal uncle and his maternal uncle

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن علي بن الحكم، عن علي بن أبي حمزة، عن أبى بصير، قال: سألت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” فقلت له: ان الرجل ربما أشبه أخواله وربما أشبه أباه وربما أشبه عمومته، فقال: ان نطفة الرجل بيضاء غليظة ونطفة المرأة صفراء رقيقة، فان غلبت نطفة الرجل نطفة المرأة شبه الرجل أباه وعمومته، وان غلبت نطفة المرأة نطفة الرجل اشبه الرجل أخواله.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘Sometimes the man resembles his paternal uncle, sometimes his father, sometimes his maternal uncle’. So he-asws said: ‘The water of the man is white, thick, and the water of the woman is yellow, light. So if the water of the man overcomes the water of the woman, the man would resemble his father and his paternal uncles, and if the water of the woman overcomes the water of the man, the man would resemble his maternal uncles’.[140]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم رضى الله عنه، فيما كتب إلي قال: أخبرني القاسم ابن محمد، عن حمدان بن الحسين، عن الحسين بن الوليد، عن ابن بكير، عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قلت له، المولود يشبه أباه وعمه قال: إذا سبق ماء الرجل ماء المرأة، فالولد يشبه أباه وعمه، وإذا سبق ماء المرأة ماء الرجل يشبه الرجل أمه وخاله.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me with regards to what he wrote to me, from Al Qasim Ibn Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(The narrator says), ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The birth resembling its father, and its mother’. He-asws said :’If the water of the man preceded the water of the woman, so the birth would resemble its father and its paternal uncle, and if the water of the woman preceded the water of the man, the man would resemble its mother and its maternal uncle’.[141]

حدثنا أبو العباس محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يوسف الخلال قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر محمد بن الخليل المخرمى قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن بكر السهمى قال: حدثنا حميد الطويل، عن أنس بن مالك قال: سمع عبد الله بن سلام بقدوم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وهو في أرض يحترث فاتى النبي فقال: انى سائلك عن ثلاث لا يعلمهن إلا نبي ووصي نبي؟ ما أول أشراط الساعة، وما أول طعام أهل الجنة، وما ينزع الولد إلى أبيه أو إلى أمه؟

Abu Al Abbas Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yusuf Al Khalal, from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Al Khaleel Al Makhramy, from Abdullah Bin Bakr Al Sahmy, from Hameed Al Taweel, from Anas Bin Malik who said,

‘I heard Abdullah Bin Salam coming over to Rasool-Allah-saww, and he was working in the field, so he said, ‘I ask you about three things which no one ought to know except for a Prophet-as or a successor-as of a Prophet-as. What is the first of the indications of the Hour, and what would be the first meal of the people of the Paradise, and what makes the child to tend towards (resembling) its father or its mother?’

قال صلى الله عليه وآله أخبرني بهن جبرئيل ” ع ” آنفا، فقال: هل أخبرك جبرئيل؟ قال: نعم، قال ذلك عدو اليهود من الملائكة، قال ثم قرأ هذه الآية: (قل من كان عدوا لجبريل فإنه نزله على قلبك باذن الله) أما أول إشراط الساعة: فنار تحشر الناس من المشرق إلى المغرب، وأما أول طعام يأكله أهل الجنة فزيادة كبد الحوت، وإذا سبق ماء الرجل ماء المرأة نزع الولد إليه.

He-saww said: ‘Jibraeel-as informed of it just now’. So he said, ‘Does Jibraeel-as (come to) inform you-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘Yes’. He said, ‘That is an enemy of the Jews, from among the Angels’. He (the narrator) said, ‘Then he-saww recited this Verse [2:97] Say: Who would be an enemy to Jibreel – for he Revealed it to your heart by Permission of Allah. As for the first indications of the Hour, so it is a fire which would engulf the people from the east to the west. And as for the first meal to be eaten by the people of the Paradise, so it would be cod liver; and if the water of the man precedes the water of the woman, the child would tend towards him’.

قال: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد انك رسول الله ان اليهود قوم بهت وانهم ان علموا باسلامي قبل ان تسألهم قبل ان تسألهم عني بهتونى، فجاءت اليهود إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: أي رجل عبد الله بن سلام؟ قالوا خيرنا وابن خيرنا وسيدنا وابن سيدنا، قال أرأيتم ان أسلم عبد الله، قالوا أعاذه الله من ذلك فخرج عبد الله وقال: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قالوا شرنا وابن شرنا وأنفضوا، قال: فقال هذا الذي كنت أخاف منه يارسول الله.

He said, ‘I testify that there is god except for Allah-azwj, and I testify that you-saww are Rasool-Allah-saww’. The Jews are a slanderous people, and if they come to know of my conversion to Islam, they would slander, if you-saww do not ask them about me beforehand’. The Jews came over to Rasool-Allah-saww, so he-saww said: ‘Which (what kind of) man is Abdullah Bin Salaam?’ They said, ‘The best of us, and the son of our best ones, and our chief, and the son of our chief’. He-saww: ‘What is your view if Abdullah were to profess to Islam?’ They said, ‘We seek Refuge of Allah-azwj from that’. So Abdullah came out and said, ‘I hereby testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and I hereby testify that Muhammad-saww is Rasool-Allah-saww’. They said, ‘He is the most evil of us, and the son of the most evil of us’, and they dispersed. He said, ‘This is what I feared from them, O Rasool-Allah-saww’.[142]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد ابن عبد الله بن زرارة، عن علي بن عبد الله، عن أبيه، عن جده، عن أميرالمؤ منين عليه السلام قال: تعتلج النطفتان في الرحم فأيتهما كانت اكثر جاءت تشبهها، فإن كانت نطفة المرأة اكثر جاءت تشبه أخواله، وان كانت نطفة الرجل اكثر جاءت تشبه اعمامه

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Ali Bin Al Hassan, from Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Bin Zarara, from Ali Bin Abdullah, from his father, from his grandfather,

Amir Al-Momineen-asws has said: ‘The two water meet in the womb, so whichever of the two was more, it goes on to resemble it. So it the water of the woman is more, it goes on to resemble its maternal uncles, and if the water of the man was more, it goes on to resemble is paternal uncles’.

وقال: تحول النطفة في الرحم أربعين يوما فمن أراد أن يدعو الله عزوجل ففى تلك الاربعين قبل ان تخلق ثم يبعث الله ملك الارحام فيأخذها فيصعد بها إلى عزوجل فيقف منه حيث يشاء الله فيقول: يا إلهي أذكر أم انثى؟ فيوحي الله عزوجل ما يشاء ويكتب الملك ثم يقول: يا الهي اشقي ام سعيد؟ فيوحي الله عزوجل من ذلك ما يشاء ويكتب فيقول: إلهي كم رزقه وما أجله؟ ثم يكتبه ويكتب كل شئ يصيبه في الدنيا بين عينيه ثم يرجع به فيرده في الرحم فذلك قول الله عزوجل (ما أصاب من مصيبة في الارض ولا في أنفسكم إلا في كتاب من قبل ان نبرأها).

And he-asws said: ‘The water keeps turning (changing) for forty days in the womb. So the one who intends to supplicate to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so he should do it in those forty (days) before it (a child) is Created’. Then Allah-azwj Sends an Angel to the womb, so he seizes it and ascends with it to the Mighty and Majestic. So he pauses from it wherever Allah-azwj so Desires it. So he says: ‘O my God! Male or female?’ So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Reveals unto him whatever He-azwj so Desire, and the Angels writes it down, then says, ‘O my God! Wretched or happy?’ So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Reveals from that whatever He-azwj so Desires to, and he writes it down. So he says: ‘O my God! How much is its sustenance, and what is its term?’ Then he writes it down, and writes down in between its eyes, everything that it would face in the world. Then he returns with it, and returns it back to the womb. Thus, these are the Words of Allah-azwj Might and Majestic [57:22] No difficulty befalls upon the earth nor upon your own souls, but it is in a Book before We Bring it into existence’.[143]

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا حمزة بن القاسم العلوي قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين بن الجنيد البزاز قال: حدثنا إبراهيم بن موسى الفراء قال: حدثنا محمد بن ثور، عن معمر، عن يحيى بن أبى كثير، عن عبد الله ابن مرة، عن ثوبان: ان يهوديا جاء إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال له يا محمد، أسألك فتخبرني! فركزه ثوبان برجله وقال له: قل يا رسول الله، فقال لا أدعوه إلا بما سماه أهله:

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Hamza Bin Al Qasim Al Alawy, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Al Juneyd Al Bazaz, from Ibrahim Bin Musa Al Fara’a, from Muhammad Bin Sowr, from Moamar, from Yahya Bin Abu Kaseer, from Abdullah Ibn Marat, from Sowban who said,

‘A Jew came over to the Prophet-saww and said to him-saww, ‘O Muhammad-saww! I am asking you-saww, so inform me!’ Sowban kicked his leg and said to him, ‘Say, O Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he said, ‘I shall not call him-saww except with what his-saww family has named him-saww’.

فقال أرأيت قوله عزوجل: (يوم تبدل الارض غير الارض والسموات) اين الناس يومئذ؟ قال: في الظلمة دون المحشر، قال فما أول ما يأكل أهل الجنة إذا دخلوها؟ قال كبد الحوت، قال فما شرابهم على أثر ذلك؟ قال: السلسبيل قال صدقت،

So he said, ‘What is your-saww view of the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [14:48] The Day when the earth shall be Changed into a different earth, and the skies (as well). Where would the people be on that day?’ He-saww said: ‘In the darkness besides the (plains of) Resurrection’. He said, ‘So what is the first of what the people of the Paradise would be eating when they enter into it?’ He-asws said: ‘Cod liver’. He said, ‘So what would be their drink upon the effects of that?’ He-saww said: ‘The Salsabeel’. He said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth’.

أفلا أسألك عن شئ لا يعلمه إلا نبي؟ قال: وما هو؟ قال شبه الولد أباه وأمه، قال ماء الرجل أبيض غليظ وماء المرأة أصفر رقيق، فإذا علا ماء الرجل ماء المرأة كان الولد ذكرا باذن الله عزوجل، ومن قبل ذلك يكون الشبه وإذا علا ماء المرأة ماء الرجل خرج الولد انثى باذن الله عزوجل ومن قبل ذلك يكون الشبه، وقال صلى الله عليه وآله: والذي نفسي بيده ما كان عندي فيه شئ مما سألتني عنه حتى انبأنيه الله عزوجل في مجلسي هذا.

Shall I ask you-saww about something which no one would know except for a Prophet-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘And what is it?’ He said, ‘The resembling of the child to his father and its mother’. He-saww said: ‘The water of the man is white and thick, and the water of the woman is yellow and thin. So if the water of the man were to overcome the water of the woman, the child would be a male by the Permission of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and it is from before that (the birth) the resemblances happen to be. And if the water of the woman were to overcome the water of the man, the child would come out as a female by the Permission of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and it is from before that (the birth) the resemblances happen to be’. And he-saww said: ‘By the One-azwj in Whose Hand is my-saww soul, there wasn’t anything with me-saww with regards to this, from what you have questioned me-as about, until Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Informed me-saww of it in this gathering of mine-saww’.[144]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد عن ابن خالد البرقي، عن أبى هاشم داود بن القاسم الجعفري، عن أبى جعفر الثاني ” ع ” قال: أقبل أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” ومعه الحسن بن علي ” ع ” وهو متكئ على يد سلمان، فدخل المسجد الحرام فجلس إذ أقبل رجل حسن الهيئة واللباس فسلم على أمير المؤمنين فرد عليه السلام فجلس ثم قال: يا أمير المؤمنين أسألك عن ثلاث مسائل إن أخبرتني بهن علمت ان القوم ركبوا من أمرك ما أقضى عليهم انهم ليسوا بمأمونين في دنياهم ولا في آخرتهم، وان تكن الاخرى علمت إنك وهم شرع سواء، فقال له أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” سلني عما بدالك،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Khalid Al Barqy, from Abu hashim Dawood Bin Al Qasim Al Ja’fary,

Abu Ja’far the Second-asws has said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws came over and with him-asws was Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws and he-asws was reclined upon the hand of Salman. So he-asws entered the Masjid and was seated, and a man of beautiful appearance and clothes came over. He greeted to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, so he-asws returned the greeting to him. So he sat down, then said: ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! I shall ask you-asws about three questions, if you-asws were to inform me about these, I shall know that the community have rode upon your-asws matter what was rough upon them, and that they are neither secured in their world not in their Hereafter. And if you-asws are upon another (did not inform me correctly), I shall know that you-asws and them are equal in starting evil’. So, Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Ask me-asws about whatever comes to you’.

قال: اخبرني عن الرجل إذا نام أين تذهب روحه وعن الرجل كيف يذكر وينسى وعن الرجل كيف يشبه ولده الاعمام والاخوال؟ فالتفت أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” إلى الحسن بن علي عليه السلام فقال يا أبا محمد أجبه فقال الحسن عليه السلام أما ما سألت عنه من أمر الرجل إذا نام أين تذهب روحه فان روحه معلقة بالريح والريح معلقة بالهواء إلى وقت ما يتحرك صاحبها لليقظة فإذا أذن الله عزوجل برد تلك الروح على صاحبها جذبث الروح الريح وجذبت الريح الهواء فاسكنت الروح في بدن صاحبها وإذا لم يأذن الله برد تلك الروح على صاحبها جذب الهواء الريح وجذبت الريح الروح فلم ترد على صاحبها إلى وقت ما يبعث.

He said: ‘Inform me about the man, when he sleeps, where does his soul go, and about the man, how does he remember and he forgets, and about the man, how does his children resemble the paternal uncles and the maternal uncles?’ So Amir Al-Momineen-asws turned towards Al-Hassan Bin Ali-asws, so he-asws said: ‘O Abu Muhammad-asws, answer him’. So Al-Hassan-asws said: ‘As for what you have asked about from the matter of the man when he sleeps, where does his soul go to, so his soul gets suspended with the wind, and the wind gets suspended with the atmosphere up to the time when its owner does not move to wake up. So if Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Permits, that particular soul returned to its owner, the soul is pulled from the wind, and the wind gets pulled from the atmosphere. Thus, the soul settles in the body of its owner. And if Allah-azwj does not Permit then return of that particular soul to its owner, the atmosphere pulls the wind, and the wind pulls the soul, so it does not return to its owner, up to the time of the Resurrection.

وأما ما سألت عنه من أمر الذكر والنسيان فإن قلب الرجل في حق وعلى الحق طبق فإن هو صلى على النبي صلاة تامة انكشف ذلك الطبق عن ذلك الحق فذكر الرجل ما كان نسى.

And as for what you asked about from the matter of the remembrance and the forgetfulness, so if the heart of the man is in an enclosure, and upon the enclosure is a covering. So if he were to send Blessings (Salawaat) upon the Prophet-saww, a complete Salawaat, that covering is uncovered from that enclosure, so the man remember what he had forgotten.

وأما ما ذكرت من أمر الرجل يشبه ولده أعمامه وأخواله فإن الرجل إذا أتى أهله بقلب ساكن وعروق هادئة وبدن غير مضطرب أستكنت تلك النطفة في تلك الرحم فخرج الولد يشبه أباه وأمه وان هو أتاها بقلب غير ساكن وعروق غير هادئة وبدن مضطرب أضطربت تلك النطفة في جوف تلك الرحم فوقعت على عرق من العروق فإن وقعت على عرق من عروق الاعمام أشبه الولد أعمامه وان وقعت على عرق من عروق الاخوال أشبه الولد أخواله

And as for what you mentioned from the matter of the man whose child resembles its paternal uncles and its maternal uncles, so if the man, when he comes to his wife with a tranquil heart, quiet veins, and a body which is not restless, and that seed were to settle in that womb during that time, so the child would come out resembling its father, and its mother. And if he were to go to her with a heart other than a tranquil one, and veins other than quiet, and a restless body, that particular seed would be restless in the middle of that womb. Thus it would fall upon a vein from the veins. So if it falls upon a vein from the veins of the paternal uncles, the child would resemble its paternal uncles, and if it were to fall upon a vein from the veins of the maternal uncles, the child would resemble its maternal uncles’.

فقال الرجل أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله ولم أزل أشهد بذلك وأشهد ان محمدا رسول الله ولم أزل أشهد بذلك وأشهد إنك وصي رسول الله والقايم بحجته بعده وأشار إلى أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ولم أزل أشهد بذلك وأشهد إنك وصيه والقايم بحجته وأشار إلى الحسن

So the man said: ‘I hereby testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and I will never cease to testify by that. I hereby testify that Muhammad is Rasool-Allah-saww and I will never cease to testify by that; and I testify that you-asws are a successor-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww and the establisher with His-azwj Arguments after him-saww’ – and he gestured towards Amir Al-Momineen-asws – and I will never cease to testify by that; and I hereby testify that you-asws are his-asws successor-asws and the establisher with His-azwj arguments’ – and he gestured towards Al-Hassan-asws.

وأشهد أن الحسين وصي أبيه والقايم بحجته بعدك وأشهد على علي بن الحسين انه القايم بامر الحسين بعده وأشهد على محمد بن علي انه القايم بأمر علي بن الحسين وأشهد على جعفر بن محمد انه القايم بأمر محمد بن علي وأشهد على موسى بن جعفر انه القايم بأمر جعفر بن محمد وأشهد على علي بن موسى انه القايم بأمر موسى بن جعفر وأشهد على محمد ابن علي انه القايم بأمر علي بن موسى وأشهد على علي بن محمد انه القائم بأمرمحمد ابن علي وأشهد على الحسن بن علي انه القائم بأمر علي بن محمد وأشهد على رجل من ولد الحسين لا يكنى ولا يسمى حتى يظهر أمره فيملاها عدلا كما ملئت جورا والسلام عليك يا أمير المؤمنين ورحمة الله وبركاته.

And I hereby testify that Al-Husayn-asws is a successor-asws of his-asws father-asws and the establisher with His-azwj Arguments after you-asws; and I hereby testify upon Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws and he-asws is the establisher with the Command of Al-Husayn-asws after him-asws; and I hereby testify upon Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, that he-asws is the establisher with the Command of Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws; and I hereby testify upon Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws that he-asws is the establisher with the Command of Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws; and I hereby testify upon Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws that he-asws is the establisher with the Command of Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws; and I hereby testify upon Ali-asws Bin Musa-asws that he-asws is the establisher of the Command of Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws; and I hereby testify upon Muhammad-asws Ibn Ali-asws that he-asws is the establisher with the Command of Ali-asws Bin Musa-asws; and I hereby testify upon Ali-asws Bin Muhammad-asws that he-asws is the establisher of the Command of Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws; and I hereby testify upon Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws that he-asws is the establisher of the Command of Ali-asws Bin Muhammad-asws; and I hereby testify upon a manajfj from the sons of Al-Husayn-asws that would neither be teknonymed nor named until his-asws Command is manifested, so he-asws would fill it (the earth) with justice as it had been filled with tyranny beforehand. And the greetings be upon you-asws, O Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and the Mercy of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Blessings’.

ثم قام فمضى فقال أمير المؤمنين للحسن ” ع ” يا أبا محمد اتبعه فانظر أين يقصد فخرج الحسن بن علي ” ع ” فقال ما كان إلا أن وضع رجله خارج المسجد فما دريت أين أخذ من أرض الله عزوجل فرجعت إلى أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” فأعلمته فقال يا أبا محمد أتعرفه؟ قلت الله ورسوله وأمير المؤمنين أعلم فقال هو الخضر عليه السلام.

Then he stood up and went away. So Amir Al-Momineen-asws said to Al-Hassan-asws: ‘O Abu Muhammad-asws! Follow him and see where he is heading to’. So Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws went out. So he-asws (Abu Ja’far the Second-asws) said: ‘It was not, except that he placed his foot outside the Masjid, so it was not know where he was from the earth of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’. So he-asws returned to Amir Al-Momineen-asws and let him-asws know of it. So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Muhammad-asws! Do you-asws recognise him-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj, and His-azwj Rasool-saww, and Amir Al-Momineen-asws are more knowing’. So he-asws said: ‘He was Al-Khizr-asws’.[145]

(باب 86 – العلة التى من أجلها صار العقل واحدا في كثير من الناس)

Chapter 86 – The reason due to which the intellect is one (similar) among a lot of the people

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبى طالب قال حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسباط قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن زياد القطان قال حدثنا أبو الطيب احمد بن محمد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا عيسى بن جعفر بن محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن عمر بن علي بن أبى طالب، عن آبائه، عن عمر بن علي، عن أبيه علي بن أبى طالب عليه السلام ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله سأل مما خلق الله جل جلاله العقل قال: خلقه ملك له رؤس بعدد الخلائق من خلق ومن يخلق إلى يوم القيامة ولكل رأس وجه ولكل آدمى رأس من رؤس العقل واسم ذلك الانسان على وجه ذلك الرأس مكتوب وعلى كل وجه ستر ملقى لا يكشف ذلك الستر من ذلك الوجه حتى يولد هذا المولود ويبلغ حد الرجال أو حدالنساء فإذا بلغ كشف ذلك الستر فيقع في قلب هذا الانسان نور فيفهم الفريضة والسنة والجيد والردي ألا ومثل العقل في القلب كمثل السراج في وسط البيت.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Abu Talib -asws narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Asbaat, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad Al Qatan, from Abu Al Tayb Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Isa Bin Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Umar son of Ali Bin Abu Talib-asws, from his forefathers, from Umar Bin Ali-asws,

(It has been narrated) from his-asws father Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘The Prophet-saww was asked from what did Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Create the intellect. He-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Created it as an Angel which had heads of the number of the creatures who had been Created and ones who would be Created up to the Day of Judgement. And for each of the heads was a face to it, and for every top head was a head of the intellect, and the name of that human being is inscribed upon the face of that head; and on every face is a veil which is hung over it, and that veil does not get removed from that face until he is born and reached the limit of the man or the limit of a woman. So when he reaches that, that veil is removed, and there occurs in the heart of this human being, a Light, so he understands the Obligations, and the Sunnah, and the good and the bad. Indeed! The example of the intellect in the heart is like the example of the lantern in the middle of the house’.[146]




(باب 87 – علل ما خلق في الانسان من الاعضاء والجوارح)

Chapter 87 – The reason for the creation of the organs and the faculties in the human being

حدثنا أبو العباس محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا أبو سعيد الحسن بن علي العدوي قال حدثنا عباد بن صهيب بن عباد ابن صهيب عن أبيه، عن جده عن الربيع صاحب المنصور قال حضر أبو عبد الله عليه السلام مجلس المنصور يوما وعنده رجل من الهند يقرء كتب الطب فجعل أبو عبد الله عليه السلام ينصت لقراءته فلما فرغ الهندي قال له يا أبا عبد الله أتريد مما معي شيئا قال لا فإن معي ما هو خير مما معك قال وما هو؟ قال اداوي الحار بالبارد والبارد بالحار والرطب باليابس واليابس بالرطب وأرد الامر كله إلى الله عزوجل واستعمل ماقاله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله واعلم ان المعدة بيت الداء وان الحمية هي الدواء واعود البدن ما اعتاد

Abu Al Abbas Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abu Saeed Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Adawy, from Abaad Bin Saheyb Bin Abaad Ibn Saheyb, from his father, from his grandfather, from Al Rabi’e, a companion Al Mansour who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws was present in the gathering of Al-Mansour, and in his presence was a man from India reading books of medicine. So Abu Abdullah-asws listened to his recitation. So when the Indian was free, he said to him-asws, ‘O Abu Abdullah-asws! Would you like anything from what is with me?’ He-asws said: ‘No, for with me-asws is what is better than what is with you’. He said, ‘And what is it?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws cure the heat with the cold, and the cold with the heat, and the wet with the dry, and the dry with the wet, and I-asws refer the matter, all of it, to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and I-asws utilise what Rasool-Allah-saww has said, and know that the stomach is a house of illnesses, and that the diet is in itself a medication, and I-asws return the body to what it is accustomed to’.

فقال الهندي. وهل الطب إلا هذا؟ فقال الصادق عليه السلام أفتراني من كتب الطب اخذت قال نعم قال لا والله ما أخذت إلا عن الله سبحانه فاخبرني انا أعلم بالطب أم أنت؟ قال الهندي لابل انا قال الصادق عليه فاسألك شيئا قال سل

So the Indian said, ‘And is the medicine other than this?’ So Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘Is it your view that it is from the books of medicine that I-asws take (this knowledge from)?’ He said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘No, by Allah-azwj! I-asws have not taken except from Allah-azwj the Glorious. So, inform me-asws, am I-asws more knowledgeable of the medicine or you?’ The Indian said, ‘No, but I am’. So, Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘I-asws shall ask you a few things’. He said, ‘Ask’.

قال اخبرني يا هندي لم كان في الرأس شئون؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم جعل الشعر عليه من فوق؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم خلت الجبهة من الشعر؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم كان لها تخطيط وأسارير؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم كان الحاجبان من فوق العينين؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم جعل العينان كاللوزتين؟ قال لا أعلم قال فلم جعل الانف فيما بينهما؟ قال لا أعلم،

He-asws said: ‘Inform me-asws, O Indian! Why does there happen to be bonding (in between the bones) in the head? He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why has the hair made to be on top of the head?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why is the forehead empty from hair?’ He said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘So why are there lines and brows on the forehead?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why are there eyelids on top of the eyes?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why are the two eyes like two almonds?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why has the nose to be made in between them?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’.

قال فلم كانت ثقب الانف في أسفله؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم جعلت الشفة والشارب من فوق الفم؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم احتد السن وعرض الضرس وطال الناب؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم جعلت اللحية للرجال؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم خلت الكفان من الشعر؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم خلا الظفر والشعر من الحياة؟ قال لا أعلم.

He-asws said: ‘So why are the holes (nostrils) at the bottom of the nose?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why has the lip and the moustached Made to be on top of the mouth?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why are the front teeth pointed, and the molars flat, and the canines long?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why has the beard Made to be for the men?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why are the palms free from hair?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why are the nails and the hair devoid of life?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’.

قال فلم كان القلب كحب الصنوبرة قال لاأعلم، قال فلم كان الرئة قطعتين وجعل حركتها في موضعها؟ قال لا أعلم قال فلم كانت الكبد حدباء؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم كانت الكلية كحب اللوبياء قال لا أعلم قال فلم جعل طي الركبة إلى الخلف؟ قال لا أعلم، قال فلم تخصرت القدم؟ قال لا أعلم فقال الصادق ” ع “: لكني أعلم قال فاجب،

He-asws said: ‘So why was the heart (shaped to be) like the seed of pine?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why was the lung not Made to be in two pieces and its movement is in its place?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why was the liver (made to be) hump-backed?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why was kidney (Made to be shaped) like the seed of the bean?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why do the knees bend towards the back?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘So why is the foot sole curved?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’. So Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘But, I-asws do know’. He said, ‘So answer’.

فقال الصادق ” ع ” كان في الرأس شئون لان المجوف إذا كان بلا فصل أسرع إليه الصداع فإذا دخل ذا فصول كان الصداع منه أبعد وجعل الشعر من فوقه ليوصل بوصوله الادهان إلى الدماغ ويخرج باطرافه البخار منه ويرد عنه الحر والبرد الواردين عليه وخلت الجبهة من الشعر لانها مصب النور إلى العينين وجعل فيها التخطيط والاسارير ليجلس العرق الوارد من الرأس عن العين قدر ما يمتطيه الانسان عن نفسه كالانهار في الارض التي تحبس المياه

Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘There is a bonding (of the bones) in the head because of the hollowness. If it was without the bonding (i.e. one piece), the headaches would be quicker to it. So when there is a gap in between (these pieces), the headaches are remote from it. And the hair has been Made to be on top of it so that the oil can easily arrive to the brain from its roots, and the vapour can be released from it and the heat and the cold can be repulsed from it. And the forehead is devoid from the hair because it is an inlet of the Light to the two eyes, and the lines have been Made to be in it so that the flow of the sweat from the head would be diverted away from the eyes in accordance to what the human being sweat upon himself, like the river in the earth which withhold the water.

وجعل الحاجبان من فوق العينين ليوردا عليهما من النور قدر الكفاية، الا ترى يا هندي ان من غلبه النور جعل يده على عينيه ليرد عليهما قدر كفايتهما منه وجعل الانف فيما بينهما ليقسم النور قسمين إلى كل عين سواء وكانت العين كاللوزة ليجرى فيها الميل بالدواء ويخرج منها الداء ولو كانت مربعة أو مدورة ما جرى فيها الميل وما وصل إليها دواء ولا خرج منها داء

And the two eyelids had been Made to be on top of the two eyes in order to repulse the light from these two in a sufficient measure. Have you not see, O Indian, that the one who is engulfed by the light tends to place his hand upon his eyes in order to repulse from these two in accordance with what is sufficient for these two? And the nose has been Made to be in the middle of these two in order to divide the light into two parts, to each eye equally. And the eye was Made to be like the almonds so that the medicine would flow in it with the needle, and the illness can be extracted from it, and if it was square or rounded, the needle would not flow in it, and the medicine would not have been applied to these, nor an illness to be extracted from it.

وجعل ثقب الانف في اسفله لينزل منه الادواء المنحدرة من الدماغ وتصعد فيه الروائح إلى المشام ولو كان في أعلاه لما أنزل داء ولا وجد رائحة وجعل الشارب والشفة فوق الفم ليحبس ما ينزل من الدماغ عن الفم لئلا يتنغص على الانسان طعامه وشرابه فيميطه عن نفسه

And the nostril of the nose has been Made to be at its bottom so that the illnesses can come out from it sloping downwards from the brain, and the aromas can ascend into it to the nose, and if it has been at its top, neither would the illnesses have descended nor would he have been able to find the fragrances. And the moustache and the lip has been Made to be at the top of the mouth in order to withhold what descends from the brain (through the nose) into the mouth, so that perhaps it would interfere to the human being with his food and his drink, so he removes it from himself.

وجعلت اللحية للرجال ليستغني بها عن الكشف في المنظر ويعلم بها الذكر من الانثى وجعل السن حادا لان به يقع العض وجعل الضرس عريضا لان به يقع الطحن والمضغ وكان الناب طويلا ليشتد الاضراس والاسنان كالاسطوانة في البناء

And the beard has been Made to be for the men so that they would be needless by it from the covering during the beholding, and he would be known by it whether he is a male or a female. And the incisors have been Made to be sharp for by it is the biting, and the Molars have been Made to be flat because by it is the grinding and the chewing, and the canines are lengthy in order to strengthen the molars and the incisors and the teeth can be equalised in their construction (for their workings).

وخلا الكفان من الشعر لان بهما يقع اللمس فلو كان بهما شعر ما درى الانسان ما يقابله ويلمسه وخلا الشعر والظفر من الحياة لان طولهما وسخ يقبح وقصهما حسن فلو كان فيهما حياة لالم الانسان لقصهما وكان القلب كحب الصنوبر لانه منكس فجعل رأسه رقيقا ليدخل في الرية فيتروح عنه ببردها لئلا يشيط الدماغ بحره وجعلت الرئة قطعتين ليدخل في مضاغطها فتروح عنه بحركتها

And the palms are devoid of hair because the touching, and if there was hair in these two, the human being would not have known what he is facing and what he is touching. And the hair and the nails are devoid of life because their lengthening is dirty and its clipping is beauty, and if there was to be life in them, the human being would undergo pain in clipping these. And the heart is like the seed of the pine because it is inverted, and its head is Made to be thin so that it would enter into the lungs and aerate itself from it by its coldness lest the brain overheats it. And the lungs have been Made to be in two pieces, so that in their pressings, they can aerate (the body) with its movement.

وكانت الكبد حدباء لتثقل المعدة وتقع جميعها عليها فتعصرها فيخرج ما فيها من البخار وجعلت الكلية كحب اللوبياء لان عليها مصب المنى نقطة بعد نقطة فلو كانت مربعة أو مدورة لاحتسبت النقطة الاولى الثانية فلا يلتذ بخروجها الحي إذا المنى ينزل من فقار الظهر إلى الكلية فهى كالدودة تنقبض وتنسبط ترميه أولا فأولا إلى المثانة كالبندقة من القوس

And the liver was Made to be hump-backed in order not to over-burden the stomach, and extracts the vapours from it. And the kidneys are bean-shaped because upon it hits the drops of semen, and had it been square or circular, the first drop would withhold the second drop, and he would not feel the pleasure of its exit as the semen descends from the back bone to the kidney. Thus it is like the worm, and it wiggles from its front part to its second part, like the shooting of the arrow from the bow.

وجعل طي الركبة إلى خلف، لان الانسان يمشي إلى مابين يديه فتعتدل الحركات، ولولا ذلك لسقط في المشي وجعلت القدم متخصرة، لان الشئ إذا وقع على الارض جميعه ثقل ثقل حجر الرحا، وإذا كان على طرفه دفعه الصبي، وإذا وقع على وجهه صعب نقله على الرجل

And the knees are Made to bend towards the back, because the human being walks to what is in front of him, so his movement is equalised, and had it not been for that, he would fall down in his walking. And the feet (sole) is Made to be curved, because the thing, if the whole of it occurs upon the ground, it is heavy, (like) the weight of a millstone. And if was on its side, a child would be able to move it, and if he were to fall upon his face, it would be difficult for the man (to lift it)’.

فقال الهندي من أين لك هذا العلم؟ فقال ” ع “: أخذته عن آبائى عليهم السلام، عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عن جبرئيل عليه السلام عن رب العالمين جل جلاله الذي خلق الاجساد والارواح. فقال الهندي صدقت وأنا أشهد أن لا إله ألا الله وان محمدا رسول الله وعبده، وانك أعلم أهل زمانك.

So the Indian said, ‘From where did this knowledge (come) to you-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘I-asws took it from my-asws forefathers-asws, from Rasool-Allah-saww, from Jibraeel-asws, from the Lord-azwj of the Worlds, Mighty is His-azwj Majesty Who Created the bodies and the spirits’. So the Indian said, ‘You-asws have spoken the truth, and I hereby testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj and that Muhammad is Rasool-Allah-azwj and His-azwj servant, and that you-asws are the most knowledgeable of your-asws era’.[147]

(باب 88 – العلة التى من أجلها صار أبغض الاشياء إلى الله عزوجل الاحمق)

Chapter 88 – The reason due to which the idiot came to be the most Hated of the things

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعدي آبادي، عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقى، عن أبيه، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عمن ذكره، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ما خلق الله عزوجل شيئا أبغض إليه من الاحمق، لانه سلبه أحب الاشياء إليه وهو العقل.

Muhammad Biin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ady Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic did not Created anything more hateful to Him-azwj than the fool, because it crucifies the thing most Beloved to Him-azwj, and it is the intellect’.[148]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن ابن فضال، عن الحسن بن الجهم قال: سمعت الرضا ” ع ” يقول صديق كل أمرئ عقله، وعدوه جهله.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Fazaal, from Al Hassan Al Jaham who said,

‘I heard Al-Reza-asws saying: ‘The friend of every person is his intellect, and his enemy is his ignorance’.[149]

(باب 89 – العلة التى من أجلها لا ينبت الشعر في بطن الراحة) (وينبت في ظاهرها)

Chapter 89 – The reason due to which the hair does not grow in the middle of the palm and it grows upon its back

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي، عن علي بن العباس، عن عمر بن عبد العزيز قال: حدثنا هشام بن الحكم قال: سألت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” فقلت: ما العلة في بطن الراحة لا ينبت فيها الشعر وينبت في ظاهرها؟ فقال: لعلتين، أما أحديهما فلان الناس يعملون الارض التي تداس ويكثر عليه المشي لا تنبت فيها شيئا والعلة الاخرى، لانها جعلت من الابواب التي تلاقى الاشياء فتركت لا ينبت عليها الشعر لتجد مس اللين، والخشن، ولا يحجبها الشعر عن وجود الاشياء ولا يكون بقاء الخلق إلا على ذلك

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so I said, ‘What is the reason with regards to the middle of the palm, that the hair does not grow upon it, and it grows upon its back?’ So he-asws said: ‘For two reasons – As for one of these two, so it is because the people who are working upon the land which they trample upon and frequently walk upon it, there does not grow anything in it. And the other reason – it is because it has been Made to which from the doors by which the things meet up, so it has been left and the hair does not grow upon it in order to sense the hard from the soft, and the coarse. The hair does not cover it from sensing the things, and the remaining of the people would not happen except upon that’.[150]

(باب 91 – علة سرعة الفهم وإبطائه)

Chapter 91 – Reason for the quickness of understanding and its slowness

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن علي بن معبد، عن الحسين بن خالد، عن اسحاق بن عمار قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام الرجل آتيه اكلمه ببعض كلامي فيعرف كله، ومنهم من آتيه فاكلمه بالكلام فيستوفي كلامي كله ثم يرده علي كما كلمته، ومنهم من آتيه فاكلمه فيقول: أعد علي فقال يا اسحاق: أو ما تدري لم هذا؟ قلت لا، قال الذي تكلمه ببعض كلامك فيعرف كله فذاك من عجنت نطفته بعقله، واما الذي تكلمه فيستوفي كلامك ثم يجيبك على كلامك فذاك الذي ركب عقله في بطن أمه، وأما الذي تكلمه بالكلام فيقول اعد علي، فذاك الذي ركب عقله فيه بعد ما كبر فهو يقول اعد علي.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ali Bin Ma’bad, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The man comes to me and I speak to him some of my words, so he understands all of it, and among them is one whom I speak with the speech, so he fulfils all of my speech, then returns it to me just as I had spoken to him, and among them is one whom I speak to, so he is saying, ‘Repeat it to me’. So he-asws said: ‘O Is’haq! Or, do you know why this is (the case)?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘The one to whom you speak some of your words and he understands all of it, so that is from those whose seed is kneaded with his intellect. And as for those whom you speak so he is loyal to your speech, then answers you upon your words, so that is the whose intellect was composed in the belly of his mother’ And as for those whom you speak to with the speech, so he is saying, ‘Repeat it for me’, so that is the one whose intellect was composed in him after he had grown up, so he is saying, ‘Repeat it for me’.[151]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد ابن محمد، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن بعض أصحابه، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: دعامة الانسان العقل، ومن العقل الفطنة والفهم والحفظ والعلم، فإذا كان تأييد عقله من النور كان عالما حافظا ذكيا فطنا فهما، وبالعقل يكمل، وهو دليله ومبصره ومفتاح أمره.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from one of his companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The intellect is the pillar of the human being. And it is from the intellect – the insight, and the understanding, and the memorisation, and the knowledge. So if his intellect is supported by the Light, he would be a knowledgeable one, a memoriser, intelligent, visionary, understanding. And it is with the intellect that he is complete, and it evidences his vision, and is the key to his affairs’.[152]

(باب 92 – علة حسن الخلق وسوء الخلق)

Chapter 92 – Reason for the good manners and the bad manners

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله بن ثابت قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن احمد، عن القاسم بن عروة، عن بريد بن معاوية العجلي، عن أبى جعفر عليه السلام قال: ان الله عزوجل أنزل حوراء من الجنة إلى آدم فزوجها أحد إبنيه، وتزوج الآخر إلى الجن فولدتا جميعا فما كان من الناس من جمال وحسن خلق فهو من الحوراء، وما كان فيهم من سوء الخلق فمن بنت الجان، وانكرأن يكون زوج بنيه من بناته.

Ali Bin Haatim informed me, from Abu Abdullah Bin Sabit, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad, from Al Qasim Bin Urwa, from Bureyd Bin Muawiya Al Ajaly,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Send down a Hourie from the Paradise to Adam-as. So he-as married her to one of his-as sons, and got the other son to be married to a Jinnie. Thus, all of what was born from the people, of beauty and good manners, so it is from the Houries, and whatever it was from among them, from the bad manners, so it is from the children of the Jinnie, and it is denied that he-as married his-as sons to his-as daughters’.[153]



(باب 93 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز أن يقول الرجل لولده:) (هذا لا يشبهني ولا يشبه آبائى)

Chapter 93 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man to say to his child, ‘This one neither resembles me not does it resemble my forefathers’.

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن إدريس، عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن جعفر بن بشير، عن رجل، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى إذا أراد أن يخلق خلقا جمع كل صورة بينه وبين أبيه إلى آدم ثم خلقه على صورة أحدهم فلا يقولن أحد هذا لا يشبهني، ولا يشبه شيئا من آبائى.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ja’far Bin Bashir, from a man,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High, whenever He-azwj Intends to Create a creature (human being), Gathers every face which was in between him and his forefathers up to Adam-as, then Creates him upon the image of one of them. Therefore, one of you should not be saying that ‘This one neither resembles me nor does he resemble anything from my forefathers’.[154]

(94 – العلة التى من أجلها تجد الآباء بالابناء ما لا تجد الابناء بالآباء)

Chapter 94 – The reason due to which the fathers find (love) for the sons, what the sons do not find for the fathers

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن محمد ابن عامر، عن عمه عبد الله بن عامر، عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن هشام بن سالم قال قلت للصادق عليه السلام: ما بالنا نجد بأولادنا مالا يجدون بنا؟ قال: لانهم منكم ولستم منهم.

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Ib Aamir, from his uncle Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim who said,

‘I said to (Imam) Al-Sadiq-asws, ‘What is the matter that we find for our children (the love) what they do not find for us?’ He-asws said: ‘Because they are from you, and you are not from them’.[155]

(باب 95 – علة الشيب وابتدائه)

Chapter 95 – Reason for the greying (during old age) and its beginning

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أيوب بن نوح عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن حفص بن البختري، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: كان الناس لا يشيبون فابصر إبراهيم ” ع ” شيبا في لحيته، فقال يا رب: ماهذا؟ فقال: هذا وقار، فقال: رب زدنى وقارا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Noah, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hafs Bin Al Bakhtary,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The people did not used to be greying. So (one day) Ibrahim-as was something in his-as beard, so he-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! What is this?’ So He-azwj Said: “This is dignity”. So he-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! Increase dignity for me-as’.[156]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس ابن معروف، عن علي بن مهزيار، عن الحسين بن عمار، عن نعيم، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: أصبح إبراهيم ” ع ” فرأى في لحيته شيبا شعرة بيضاء، فقال: الحمد لله رب العالمين، الذي بلغني هذا المبلغ، ولم اعص الله طرفة عين.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn Bin Amaar, from Naeem,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Ibrahim-as woke upon one morning and he-as saw something white in his-as beard, so he-as said: ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj Lord-azwj of the Worlds Who Made me-as reach this age and I-as have not disobeyed Allah-azwj (even) for the blink of an eye’.[157]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد قال: حدثنا يزيد بن هارون، عن عثمان، عن جعفر بن الريان، عن الحسن بن الحسين، عن خالد بن إسماعيل بن أيوب المخزومى، عن جعفر بن محمد ” ع “: انه سمع أبا الطفيل يحدث ان عليا ” ع ” يقول: كان الرجل يموت وقد بلغ الهرم ولم يشب، فكان الرجل يأتي النادي فيه الرجل وبنوه فلا يعرف الاب من الابن، فيقول: أيكم أبوكم، فلما كان زمان إبراهيم فقال: اللهم اجعل لي شيبا أعرف به قال: فشاب وابيض رأسه ولحيته

Ali Bin Haatim informed me, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad, from Yazeed Bin Haroun, from Usman, from Ja’far Bin Al Rayaan, from Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn, from Khalid Bin Ismail Bin Ayoub Al Makhzamy,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, that he heard him-asws narrating to Abu Al-Tufayl that Ali-asws was saying: ‘The man used to die after having reached the apex of his life and (his hair) would not be grey. So the man would come to the man and his son but would not recognise the father from the son, so he was saying, ‘Which one of you is the father?’ So when it was the era of Ibrahim-as, so he-asws said: ‘O Allah-azwj! Make something for me-as to be recognised by’. He-asws said: ‘So (the hair of) his-as head whitened along with his-as beard’.[158]

(باب 96 – علة الطبايع والشهوات والمحبات)

Chapter 96 – Reason for the nature, and the desires, and the loves

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد ابن محمد بن عيسى، الحسن بن محبوب، عن عمرو بن أبى المقدام، عن جابر، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: قال أمير المؤمنين ” ع “، ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما أحب ان يخلق خلقا بيده، وذلك بعد ما مضى من الجن والنسناس في الارض سبعة آلاف سنة قال: ولما كان من شأن الله ان يخلق آدم ” ع ” للذي اراد من التدبير والتقدير لما هو مكونه في السماوات والارض وعلمه لما أراد من ذلك كله كشط من أطباق السماوات،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Amro Bin Abu Al Maqdam, from Jabir,

Abu Ja’far-asws has narrated that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Blessed and High Loved that He-azwj Create a creature by His-azwj Hands, and that was after what was past from the Jinn and the al-Nisnaas in the earth by seven thousand years, and when it was the Desire that Allah-azwj Create Adam-as for which He-azwj Wanted, from the Management (of the affairs) and the Pre-destination, when He-azwj Constituted it in the skies and the earth, and it was all in His-azwj Knowledge, when He-azwj Intended all that, Uncovered the Veils of the skies.

ثم قال للملائكة انظروا إلى اهل الارض من خلقي من الجن والنسناس فلما رأوا ما يعملون فيها من المعاصي وسفك الدماء والفساد في الارض بغير الحق عظم ذلك عليهم وغضبوا لله واسفوا على الارض ولم يملكوا غضبهم ان قالوا: يا رب أنت العزيز القادر الجبار القاهر العظيم الشأن وهذا خلقك الضعيف الذليل في أرضك يتقلبون في قبضتك ويعيشون برزقك ويستمتعون بعافيتك وهم يعصونك بمثل هذه الذنوب العظام، لا تأسف ولا تغضب ولا تنتقم لنفسك لما تسمع منهم وترى، وقد عظم ذلك علينا واكبرناه فيك.

Then He-azwj Said to the Angels: “Look at the people of the earth from My-azwj creatures, from the Jinn and the al-Nisnaas”. So when they saw what they had been doing in it, from the disobedience and shedding of the blood without right, and the mischief in the earth, that was grievous upon them, and they were angered for the Sake of Allah-azwj, and expressed remorse upon the earth, and their anger was out of control, they said: ‘O Lord-azwj! You are the Mighty, the All-Powerful, the Compeller, the Able, the Magnificent of Glory, and these are Your-azwj creatures, the weak, the humble in Your-azwj earth, turning in Your-azwj Control, and are living by Your-azwj Sustenance, and are enjoying by well-being given by You-azwj, and they are disobeying You-azwj with the likes of these grievous sins. Are You-azwj not Regretting, or Angered, nor Retaliating for Yourself-azwj when You-azwj Heard from them and You-azwj Saw? And that was grievous upon us, and is a gave matter with regards to You-azwj’.

فلما سمع الله عز وجل ذلك من الملائكة قال: إنى جاعل في الارض خليفة لي عليهم، فيكون حجة لي عليهم في أرضي على خلقي، فقالت الملائكة: سبحانك، أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء ونحن نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك، وقالوا: فاجعله منا فانا لا نفسد في الارض ولا نسفك الدماء،

So when Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Heard that from the Angels, Said: “[2:30] I am going to Make a Caliph in the earth for Myself-azwj against them. Thus, he would become a Proof for Me-azwj over them in My-azwj earth over My-azwj creatures’. So the Angels said: “Glory be to You-azwj! Are You going to Make in it one as shall make mischief therein and shed the blood, and we Glorify with Your Praise and extol Your Holiness? And they said: ‘So Make him from us, for neither make mischief in the earth nor do we shed the blood’.

قال جل جلاله يا ملائكتي إنى أعلم مالا تعلمون إنى أريد أن أخلق خلقا بيدي أجعل ذريته أنبياء مرسلين وعبادا صالحين وأئمة مهتدين أجعلهم خلفائي على خلقي في أرضي ينهونهم عن المعاصي وينذرونهم عذابي ويهدونهم إلى طاعتي ويسلكون بهم طريق سبيلي،

The Majestic is His-azwj Majesty Said: “O My-azwj Angels, I know what you are not knowing. I-azwj Intend that I-azwj Create a creature with My-azwj own Hands, and Make his offspring to be Prophets-as and Mursils-as, and righteous servants, and the Guiding Imams-asws, Making them to be My-azwj Caliphs over My-azwj creatures in My-azwj earth, forbidding them from disobeying Me-azwj, and warning them of My-azwj Punishment, and Guiding them to obeying Me-azwj, and they can travel by them upon My-azwj Way.

وأجعلهم حجة لي عذرا أو نذرا وابين النسناس من أرضي فاطهرها منهم وأنقل مردة الجن العصاة عن بريتي وخلقي وخيرتي واسكنهم في الهواء وفي أقطار الارض لا يجاورون نسل خلقي وأجعل بين الجن وبين خلقي حجابا ولايرى نسل خلقي الجن ولا يؤانسونهم ولا يخالطونهم ولا يجالسونهم فمن عصاني من نسل خلقي الذين اصطفيتهم لنفسي اسكنتهم مساكن العصاة وأوردتهم مواردهم ولا ابالي، فقالت الملائكة: يا ربنا إفعل ما شئت لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم،

And I-azwj shall Make them a Proof for Me-azwj, as an excuse and a warning, and would Set forth the al-Nisnaas from My-azwj earth, thus Purifying it from them, and I-azwj shall Transfer the disobedient Jinn away from My-azwj citizens, and My-azwj creatures, and My-azwj good ones, and Settle them in the atmosphere, and in the horizons of the earth, not being adjacent to the offspring of My-azwj creatures. And I-azwj shall Make a veil to be in between the Jinn and My-azwj creatures, and the offspring of My-azwj creatures would neither be able to see the Jinn, nor feel them, nor intermingle with them, nor have gatherings with them. So the one who disobeys me-azwj, from (disobeying) the offspring of My-azwj creatures whom I-azwj have Chosen for Myself-azwj, I-azwj shall Settle them in the settlements of the disobedient, and Turn them towards their turning, and it does not worry Me-azwj (the least)”. So the Angels said: ‘O our Lord-azwj! Do whatever You-azwj so Desire to. There is no knowledge with us except what You-azwj have Taught us. You-azwj are the All-Knowing, the Wise’.

فقال الله جل جلاله للملائكة: إني خالق بشرا من صلصال من حمأ مسنون فإذا سويته ونفخت فيه من روحي فقعوا له ساجدين، وكان ذلك من أمر الله عز وجل تقدم إلى الملائكة في آدم عليه السلام من قبل ان يخلقه إحتجاجا منه عليهم،

So Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Said to the Angels: “[15:28] And when your Lord Said to the Angels: I am going to Create a person of the essence of black mud Fashioned into shape [15:29] So when I have Made him complete and Blown into him from My Spirit, fall down to him Prostrating”. And that was from the Commands of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic and Made it to precede to the Angels with regards to Adam-as, from before He-azwj Created him-as, as an Argument from Him-azwj against them’.

قال: فاغترف تبارك وتعالى غرفة من الماء العذب الفرات فصلصلها فجمدت، ثم قال لها: منك اخلق النبيين والمرسلين وعبادي الصالحين والائمة المهتدين الدعاة إلى الجنة واتباعهم إلى يوم القيامة ولا ابالى ولا أسأل عما أفعل وهم يسألون – يعني بذلك خلقه –

He-asws said: ‘So Allah-azwj Blessed and High Scooped a scoop of the fresh and the sweet water, so He-azwj Mixed it and it solidified. Then He-azwj Said to it: “From you I-azwj shall Created the Prophets-as, and the Mursils-as, and My-azwj Righteous servants, and the Imams-asws of Guidance, the inviters to the Paradise, along with their-asws followers up to the Day of Judgement, and it does not worry Me-azwj (the least). And I-azwj shall not be questioned about what I-azwj Do, and they shall be Questioned” – Meaning by that His-azwj creatures.

انه اغترف غرفة من الماء المالح الاجاج فصلصلها فجمدت ثم قال لها منك اخلق الجبارين والفراعنة والعتاة واخوان الشياطين والدعاة إلى النار إلى يوم القيامة واتباعهم ولا ابالي ولا أسأل عما أفعل وهم يسألون،

He-azwj Scooped a scoop of the salty and the bitter water, so He-azwj Mixed it and it solidified. Then He-azwj Said to it: “From you I-azwj shall Create the tyrants, and the Pharaohs, and the harsh ones, and the brethren of the devils, and the inviters to the Fire, up to the Day of Judgement, along with their followers, and it does not worry Me-azwj (the least). And I-azwj shall not be questioned about what I-azwj do, but they will be Questioned”.

قال وشرط في ذلك البداء ولم يشرط في أصحاب اليمين البداء، ثم خلط المائين فصلصلها ثم القاهما قدام عرشه وهما سلالة من طين

He-asws said: ‘And He-azwj Placed a condition of Al-Bada’a (Alteration of the Divine Will) with regards to that, and did not Place the condition of Al-Bada’a with regards to the companions of the Right. Then He-azwj Mixed the two waters, so He-azwj Kneaded it, then Cast it in front of His-azwj Throne, and these two were races (breeds) of clay.

ثم أمر الملائكة الاربعة: الشمال، والدبور، والصبا، والجنوب، أن جولوا على هذه الثلاثة السلالة وابرؤها وانسموها ثم جزؤها وفصلوها وأجروا إليها الطبايع الاربعة: الريح، والمرة، والدم، والبلغم. قال فجالت الملائكة عليها وهى الشمال والصبا والجنوب والدبور فاجروا فيها الطبايع الاربعة.

Then he-azwj Commanded four Angels – Al-Shimaal, and Al-Dabour, and Al-Saba, and Al-Junoub, that they should roll three (things) upon these and aerate these and pulverise these. Then they should permeate these with four natures – the wind, the dust/powder, the blood, and the phlegm’. So the Angels rolled over these, and these are Al-Shimal, and Al-Saba, and Al-Junoub, and al-Dabour, so they made to flow in these, the four natures.

قال والريح في الطبايع الاربعة في البدن من ناحية الشمال. قال والبلغم في الطبايع الاربعة في البدن من ناحية الصبا. قال والمرة في الطبايع الاربعة في البدن من ناحية الدبور. قال والدم في الطبايع الاربعة في البدن من ناحية الجنوب. قال فاستقلت النسمة وكمل البدن،

He-asws said: ‘And the wind, from the four natures in the body, is from Al-Shimal. And the phlegm in the four natures in the body, is from Al-Saba. And the dust/powder in the four natures of the body, is from Al-Dabour. And the blood in the four natures in the body, is from Al-Junoub. So the person was formed and the body was completed.

قال فلزمه من ناحية الريح حب الحياة وطول الامل والحرص ولزمه من ناحية البلغم حب الطعام والشراب واللين والرفق، ولزمه من ناحية المرة الغضب والسفه والشيطنة والتجبر والتمرد والعجلة، ولزمه من ناحية الدم حب النساء واللذات وركوب المحارم والشهوات

Thus, from the wind is necessitated the love for the life, and the long deeds and the greed. And from the phlegm is necessitated the love of the food and the drink, and the gentleness and the kindness. And from the dust is necessitated the anger, and the foolishness, and the demonization, and the bullying, and the rebellion, and the haste. And from the blood is necessitated the love of the women, and the pleasures, and the indulging in the Prohibitions, and the lustful desires’.

قال عمرو اخبرني جابر ان أبا جعفر ” ع ” قال: وجدناه في كتاب من كتب علي عليه السلام.

Amro said, ‘Jabir informed me from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘We-asws found it in a book from the books of Amir Al-Momineen Ali-asws’.[159]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن أبى عبد الله، عن غير واحد، عن أبى طاهر بن حمزة، عن أبى الحسن الرضا ” ع ” قال الطبايع أربع، فمنهن البلغم وهو خصم جدل، ومنهن الدم وهو عبد وربما قتل العبد سيده، ومنهن الريح، وهى ملك يدارى، ومنهن المرة، وهيهات هيهات هي الارض إذا ارتجت ارتج ما عليها.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from someone else, from Abu Tahir Bin Hamza,

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws has said: ‘The natures are four. So from these is the phlegm, and it is a disputant, argumentative. And from these is the blood, and it is a slave, and sometimes the slave kills its master. And from these is the wind, and it is a coaxing (luring) king. And from these is the bitter, and far be it, far be it, it is the ground. If it shakes, whatever is upon it, (also) shakes’.[160]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر البزنطي، عن أبى جميلة عمن ذكره، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: ان الغلظة في الكبد، والحياة في الرية والعقل مسكنه القلب

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty, from Abu Jameela, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘The cruelty is in the liver, and the life is in the lungs, and the settlement of the intellect is in the heart’.[161]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن محمد بن الحسين، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن بعض أصحابنا رفع الحديث قال لما خلق الله عز وجل طينة آدم أمر الرياح الاربعة فجرت عليها فاخذت من كل ريح طبيعتها.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkil, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from sone of our companions, raising the Hadeeth, said,

‘He-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created the clay of Adam-as, Commanded the four winds, so they flowed over it. Thus, it took its natures from each of these winds’.[162]

حدثنا علي بن احمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي، عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد، عن اسماعيل بن أبى زياد السكوني قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” إنما صار الانسان يأكل ويشرب بالنار ويبصر ويعمل بالنور ويسمع ويشم بالريح ويجد طعم الطعام والشراب بالماء ويتحرك بالروح، ولولا ان النار في معدته ما هضمت، أو قال: حطمت الطعام والشراب في جوفه

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed, from Ismail Bin Abu Ziyad Al Sakuny who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘But rather, the human being came to be eating and drinking by the fire, and seeing and working by the vision, and hearing and smelling by the wind, and found (the taste) of the food and the drink by the water, and moved by the soul. And had it not been for the fire in his stomach, he would not have digested’ – or said: ‘The food and the drink would have been destroyed’.

ولولا الريح ما التهبت نار المعدة ولا خرج الثقل من بطنه ولولا الروح ما تحرك ولا جاء ولا ذهب، ولولا برد الماء لاحرقته نار المعدة ولولا النور ما بصر ولاعقل، فالطين صورته، والعظم في جسده بمنزلة الشجرة في الارض والدم في جسده بمنزلة الماء في الارض، ولا قوام للارض إلا بالماء، ولا قوام لجسد الانسان إلا بالدم والمخ دسم الدم وزبده،

‘And had it not been for the wind, neither would the fire have ignited the stomach not would the weight have exited from his belly. And had it not been for the soul, he would have neither moved, not come or gone. And had it not been for the coldness of the water, the fire of the stomach would have incinerated him. And had it not been for the light, he would have neither see nor understood.

Thus, the clay is his image, and the bones in his body are of the status of the tree in the ground, and the blood in his body is at the status of the water in the ground. (The tree) cannot stand in the ground except with the water, and the body of the human being cannot stand except with the blood and the brain is creamy blood and its butter.

فهكذا الانسان خلق من شأن الدنيا وشأن الآخرة فإذا جمع الله بينهما صارت حياته في الارض لانه نزل من شأن السماء إلى الدنيا فإذا فرق الله بينهما صارت تلك الفرقة الموت ترد شأن الاخرى إلى السماء، فالحياة في الارض والموت في السماء، وذلك انه يفرق بين الارواح والجسد، فردت الروح والنور إلى القدرة الاولى وترك الجسد لانه من شأن الدنيا

So, like this is the human being, Created from the realm of the world and the realm of the Hereafter. So when Allah-azwj Gathered between these two, his life came to be in the earth, because he descended from the realm of the sky to the world. So when Allah-azwj Separates between the two, that section become the death, and the other returns to the sky. Thus, the life in the earth, and the death in the sky, and that is because there was a separation of the souls from the body. So the soul and the light return to the first order, and the body is left because it is from the realm of the world.

وإنما فسد الجسد في الدنيا لان الريح تنشف الماء فييبس فيبقى الطين فيصير رفاتا ويبلى ويرجع كل إلى جوهره الاول وتحركت الروح بالنفس والنفس حركتها من الريح فما كان من نفس المؤمن فهو نور مؤيد بالعقل وما كان من نفس الكافر فهو نار مؤيد بالنكراء له

But rather, the body is spoilt in the world because the wind would wipe out the water, so it would dry, and there would remain the clay. Thus it would decay and everything would revert back to its first essence. And the soul moves with the breath, and the movement of the breath is from the wind. So what was from the soul of the Believer so it is supported with the intellect, and what was from the soul of the Infidel, so it is a fire supported by the rejection of it.

فهذه صورة نار وهذه صورة نور والموت رحمة من الله لعباده المؤمنين ونقمة على الكافرين، ولله عقوبتان أحديهما أمر الروح والاخرى تسليط بعض الناس على بعض،

So this is the image of fire, and this is the image of light. And the death is a Mercy from Allah-azwj to His-azwj Believing servants, and a Vengeance upon the infidels. And the two Punishments are (from) Allah-azwj – one of these is the matter of the soul, and the other is the overcoming of some people over the others.

فما كان من قبل الروح فهو السقم والفقر وما كان من تسليط فهو النقمة، وذلك قوله تعالى: (وكذلك نولي بعض الظالمين بعضا بما كانوا يكسبون من الذنوب) فما كان من ذنب الروح من ذلك سقم وفقر وما كان تسليط فهو النقمة وكان ذلك للمؤمن عقوبة له في الدنيا، وعذاب له فيها،

So what was faced by the soul, so it is the illness and the poverty, and what was from the overcoming, so it is the vengeance. And these are the Words of the High [6:129] And thus do We make some of the unjust to attach to others on account of what they earned from the sins. So what was from the sins of the soul, it would be from that illness and the poverty, and what was from the overcoming, so it is the vengeance, and what was for the Believer, a Retribution for him in the world, and a Punishment for him in it.

واما الكافر فنقمته عليه في الدنيا وسوء العذاب في الآخرة ولا يكون ذلك إلا بذنب، والذنب من الشهوة، وهى من المؤمن خطأ ونسيان، وان يكون مستكرها وما لا يطيق، وما كان في الكافر فعمد وجحود واعتداء وحسد وذلك قول الله عز وجل: (كفارا حسدا من عند أنفسهم).

And as for the Infidel, so the Retribution is upon him in the world and the evil Punishment in the Hereafter, and that does not happen except due to the sins, and the sins are from the desires. And from the Believer it is the error and the forgetfulness, and what transpire from what he cannot endure. And what was in the Infidel, so it is his resorting to the denial, and the aggression, and the envy. And these are the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [2:109] (Turn you into Infidels) out of envy from themselves.[163]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن بعض أصحابنا يرفعه قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام عرفان المرء نفسه ان يعرفها باربع طبايع واربع دعايم واربعة أركان، وطبايعه: الدم والمرة والريح والبلغم، ودعائمه الاربع العقل ومن العقل: الفطنة والفهم والحفظ والعلم، واركانه النور والنار والروح والماء

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkil narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from one of our companions, raising it, said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The recognition of oneself can be known by four natures, and four pillars, and four corners. And his natures are – the blood, and the bitter/dust, and the wind, and the phlegm. And his four pillars are (based on) the intellect, and from the intellect are – the discernment, and the understanding, and the memorisation, and the knowledge. And his corners are – The light, and the fire, and the spirit, and the water’.

فابصر وسمع وعقل بالنور واكل وشرب بالنار وجامع وتحرك بالروح ووجد طعم الذوق والطعم بالماء فهذا تأسيس صورته

So he sees, and hears, and understands with the light, and eats and drinks by the fire, and copulates and moves by the spirit, and finds the taste of the food by the water. So these are the foundations of his image.

فإذا كان عالما حافظا ذكيا فطنا فهما عرف فيما هو ومن اين تأتيه الاشياء ولاي شئ هو هاهنا إلى ما هو صاير باخلاص الوحدانية والاقرار بالطاعة وقد جرى فيه النفس وهى حارة وتجرى فيه وهى باردة

So if he was knowledgeable, a memoriser, an intellectual, and understanding one, he would recognise in what (state) he is in, and from where the things come from, and for which he is here for, to what he is going to, by the sincerity of the Oneness and the acceptance of the obedience (to Allah-azwj), and the soul has flowed in him and it is hot, and it flows in him and it is cold.

فإذا حلت به الحرارة أشر وبطر وارتاح وقتل وسرق وبهج واستبشر وفجر وزنا واهتز وبذخ،

So if it is replaced by the heat, he would be arrogant, and self-conceited, and accusing, and murder, and theft, and getting excited, and rejoicing, and being immoral, and commiting adultery, and exhilaration, and being extravagant.

وإذا كانت باردة اهتم وحزن واستكان وذبل ونسى وأيس، فهي العوارض التي يكون منها الاسقام فانه سبيلها ولا يكون أول ذلك إلا لخطيئة عملها فيوافق ذلك مأكل أو مشرب في احد ساعات لا تكون تلك الساعة موافقة لذلك المأكل والمشرب بحال الخطيئة فيستوجب الالم من الوان الاسقام.

And if it was cold, he would care, and sorrowful, and refreshing, and withered, and forgotten, and despairing. These are the symptoms which happen to be from these illnesses, for it is its way, and the first one of that does not happen except due to the erroneous deeds. So these would be in accordance with eating and drinking in a particular time, when that time is not appropriate for that, the eating and the drinking, in an erroneous state. Thus these various types of illnesses are obligated upon the world’.

وقال جوارح الانسان وعروقه وأعضائه جنود لله مجندة عليه فإذا أراد الله به سقما سلطها عليه فاسقمه من حيث يريد به ذلك السقم.

And he-asws said: ‘The body parts of the human being, and his veins, and his organs are armies for the Sake of Allah-azwj, Conscripted. So when Allah-azwj Intends an illness with it, He-azwj Makes it to overcome him. So He-azwj Makes him sick from wherever He-azwj so Intends to by that very illness’.[164]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى البرقى قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد ما جيلويه، عن احمد ابن أبى عبد الله، عن ابيه، عن محمد بن سنان باسناده يرفعه إلى أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” انه قال: أعجب ما في الانسان قلبه وله موارد من الحكمة واضداد من خلافها فان سنح له الرجاء اذله الطمع وان هاج به الطمع أهلكه الحرص وان ملكه الياس قتله الاسف وان عرض له الغضب اشتد به الغيظ وان سعد بالرضا نسى التحفظ وان ناله الخوف شغله الحذر وان اتسع له الامن استلبته الغفلة وان حدثت له النعمة اخذته العزة وان أصابته مصيبة فضحه الجزع وان استفاد مالا أطغاه الغنى وان عضته فاقة شغله البلاء وان جهده الجوع قعد به الضعف وان أفرط في الشبع كظته البطنة فكل تقصير به مضر وكل افراط به مفسد.

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Barqy narrated to us, from Ali Bin Muhammad Majaylawiya, from Ahmad Ibn Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, by his chain,

It has been narrated from Amir Al-Momineen-asws: ‘The strangest of what is in the human being, is his ‘قلبه’ heart. And for him it is a resource of the wisdom and its antibodies of its disputes. If the hope comes to his mind, the greed humiliates him; and if he is stimulated by the greed, jealousy destroys him; and if despairs comes to him, the regret kills him; and if anger is presented to him, his rage is intensified; and if he is happy by the satisfaction, he forgets the preservation of it; and if the fear grabs him, the caution occupies him; and if the security is widened for him, the neglect crucifies it; and if the favour occurs for him, the pride seizes him; and if a difficulty hits him, so he shrieks in panic; and if he is benefitted by the wealth, the riches make him rebellious; and if destitution bites him, the affliction keeps him occupied; and if the hunger faces him, weakness sits with him; and if he over eats, the indigestion arrests him. Thus, every deficiency is harmful, and every extravagance is a spoiler’.[165]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن سنان عن بعض أصحابه عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سمعته يقول لرجل: إعلم يا فلان ان منزلة القلب من الجسد بمنزلة الامام من الناس الواجب الطاعة عليهم، الا ترى ان جميع جوارح الجسد شرط للقلب وتراجمة له مؤدية عنه الاذنان والعينان والانف والفم واليدان والرجلان والفرج

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from one of his companions,

(The narrator says) ‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying to a man: ‘Know, O so and so, that the status of the heart from the body is at the status of the Imam-asws from the people, the one-asws who is obligatory to obey, upon them. Do you not see that all of the parts of the body are unconditionally for the heart and are translators for it, being led by it – the two ears, and the two eyes, and the nose, and the mouth, and the two hands, and the two legs, and the private parts.

فان القلب إذا هم بالنظر فتح الرجل عينيه، واذاهم بالاستماع حرك اذنيه وفتح مسامعه فسمع، وإذا هم القلب بالشم استنشق بانفه فادى تلك الرايحة إلى القلب وإذا هم بالنطق تكلم باللسان، واذاهم بالبطش عملت اليدان، وإذا هم بالحركة سعت الرجلان، واذاهم بالشهوة تحرك الذكر، فهذه كلها مؤدية عن القلب بالتحريك وكذلك ينبغى للامام أن يطاع للامر منه.

So if the heart, when it wishes to look, the man opens his eyes; and if it wishes to listen, his ears move and open their hearings, so he hears; so when the heart wishes to smell, the nose sniffs, so that particular aroma is invited to the heart; and if it wishes to speak, it does so by the tongue; and if it wishes to seize (something) the two hands work towards it; and if it wishes to move, the two feet walk; and when it is with desires, the manhood stirs. So all these are supported from the heart by the movement, and similar to that is the Imam-asws, that they (people) should be obedient to the commands from him-asws’.[166]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى، عن علي بن حديد، عن سماعة بن مهران قال قال: كنت عند أبي عبد الله عليه السلام وعنده عدة من مواليه فجرى ذكر العقل والجهل فقال عليه السلام: اعرفوا العقل وجنده واعرفوا الجهل وجنده تهتدوا،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Ali Bin Hadeed, from Sama’at Bin Mahran who said, ‘

‘I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws, and in his-asws presence were a number of his-as loyalists. So there flowed a mention of the intellect and the ignorance. So he-asws said: ‘Get to know, the intellect and its army, and the ignorance and its army, and you would be Guided’.

قال سماعة: فقلت: جعلت فداك لا نعرف إلا ما عرفتنا، فقال أبو – عبد الله عليه السلام: إن الله خلق العقل وهو أول خلق خلقه من الروحانيين عن يمين العرش من نوره، فقال له: ” أدبر ” فأدبر، ثم قال له: ” أقبل ” فأقبل، فقال الله عزوجل له: ” خلقتك خلقا عظيما وأكرمتك على جميع خلقي “،

Sama’at said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! We do not understand except what you-asws make us to understand’. So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Created the intellect, and it is the first of the creatures to be Created from the spiritual realm from the right of the Throne, from His-azwj Light. So He-azwj Said to it: “Turn back!” so it turned back. Then Said to it: “Come forward!” So it came. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to it: ‘I-azwj have Created you as a magnificent creature, and Honoured you over all of My-azwj creatures”.

قال: ثم خلق الجهل من البحر الاجاج الظلماني فقال له: ” أدبر ” فأدبر ثم قال له: ” أقبل ” فلم يقبل، فقال الله له: ” أستكبرت “؟ فلعنه، ثم جعل للعقل خمسة وسبعين جندا فلما رأى الجهل ما أكرم الله به العقل وما أعطاه أضمر له العداوة فقال الجهل: يا رب هذا خلق مثلي، خلقته وكرمته وقويته وأنا ضده ولا قوة لي به، فأعطني من الجند مثل ما أعطيته، فقال: نعم، فان عصيت بعد ذلك أخرجتك وجندك من رحمتي، قال: قد رضيت، فأعطاه خمسة وسبعين جندا

He-asws said: ‘Then He-azwj Created the ignorance from the salty dark ocean. So He-azwj Said to it: “Turn back” So it turned back. Then Said to it: “Come forward!” But it did not come forward. So Allah-azwj Said to it: “Are you being arrogant?” So He-azwj Cursed it. Then He-azwj Made seventy-five armies for the intellect. So when the ignorance saw what Prestige Allah-azwj has Honoured the intellect with, and what He-azwj had Given it, harboured enmity towards it. So the ignorance said: ‘O Lord-azwj! This is a creature similar to me. You-azwj Created it, and Honoured it, and Strengthened it. And I am opposite to it, and there is no strength for me by it. Therefore Give me the army similar to what You-azwj have Given it’. So Allah-azwj Said: “Yes. But, if you were to disobey Me-azwj after that, I-azwj will Throw you and your army out from My-azwj Mercy”. It said, ‘I have agreed’. Thus, Allah-azwj Gave it seventy-five armies.

فكان مما أعطى الله العقل من الخمسة والسبعين الجند الخير، وهو وزير العقل، وجعل ضده الشر، وهو وزير الجهل،

So from what Allah-azwj Gave the intellect from the seventy five armies, the army of goodness is its Vizier, and Made its opposite to be (the army of) evil, and it is the Vizier of the (armies of) the ignorance.

والايمان، وضده الكفر، والتصديق، وضده الجحود، والرجاء، وضده القنوط، والعدل، وضده الجور، والرضى، وضده السخط، والشكر، وضده الكفران،

And the ‘Imaan’ (belief), its opposite is the disbelief; and the ratification, and its opposite is ingratitude; and the hope, and its opposite is the despair; and the justice, and its opposite is injustice; and the satisfaction, and its opposite is the resentment; and the thankfulness, and its opposite is ungratefulness;

والطمع، وضده الياس، والتوكل، وضده الحرص، والرأفة، وضدها العزة، والرحمة، وضدها الغضب، والعلم، وضده الجهل، والفهم، وضده الحمق، والعفة، وضدها الهتك، والزهد، وضده الرغبة،

And the expectation, and its opposite is helplessness; and the reliance, and its opposite is the greed; and the compassion, and its opposite is the harshness; and the mercy, and its opposite is the anger; and the knowledge, and its opposite is the ignorance; and the understanding, and its opposite is the stupidity; and the chastity, and its opposite is immorality; and the asceticism, and its opposite is the yearning;

والرفق، وضده الخرق، والرهبة، وضده الجراءة، والتواضع، وضده التكبر، والتؤدة، وضده التسرع، والحلم، وضده السفه، والصمت، وضده الهذر، والاستسلام، وضده الاستكبار، والتسليم، وضده التجبر

And the gentleness, and its opposite is the relentlessness; and the awe, and its opposite is audacity; and the humbleness, and its opposite is pride; and the relaxedness, and its opposite is haste; and the forbearance, and its opposite is foolishness; and the contentment, and its opposite is the bluffing; and the peacefulness, and its opposite is the arrogance; and the acceptance, and its opposite is the compulsion;

والعفو، وضده الحقد، والرقة، وضدها الشقوة، واليقين، وضده الشك، والصبر، و ضده الجزع، والصفح، وضده الانتقام، والغنى، وضده الفقر، والتفكر، وضده السهو، والحفظ، وضده النسيان، والتعطف، وضده القطيعة،

And the pardoning, and its opposite is the rancour (bitterness); and the tenderness, and its opposite is the callousness (cruelty); and the conviction, and its opposite is the doubt; and the patience, and its opposite is the anxiety; and the forgiveness, and its opposite is the revenge; and the richness, and its opposite is the poverty; and the pondering, and its opposite is the omission; and the memorising, and its opposite is the forgetfulness; and the sympathy, and its opposite is the detachment;

والقنوع، وضده الحرص، والمواساة، وضدها المنع، والمودة، وضدها العداوة، والوفاء، وضده الغدر، والطاعة، وضدها المعصية، والخضوع، وضده التطاول، والسلامة، وضدها البلاء، والحب، وضده البغض، والصدق، وضده الكذب، والحق، وضده الباطل،

And the contentment, and its opposite is the greed; and the equality, and its opposite is the prevention; and the cordiality, and its opposite is the enmity; and the loyalty, and its opposite is the betrayal, and the obedience, and its opposite is the disobedience, and the subservience, and its opposite is the supremacy; and the security, and its opposite is the affliction; and the love, and its opposite is the hatred, and the truthfulness, and its opposite is the lying; and the truth, and its opposite is the falsehood;

والامانة، وضدها الخيانة، والاخلاص، وضده الشوب، والشهامة، وضدها البلادة، والفهم، وضده الغباوة، والمعرفة، وضدها الانكار، والمداراة، وضدها المكاشفة، وسلامة الغيب، وضدها المماكرة، والكتمان، وضده الافشاء،

And the trustworthiness, and its opposite is the treachery; and the sincerity, and its opposite is the dishonesty; and magnanimity, and its opposite is the apathy; and the understanding, and its opposite is the stupidity; and the recognition, and its opposite is the denial; and the politeness, and its opposite is the rudeness; and the safety of the unseen, and its opposite is the intemperance; and the concealment, and its opposite is the publicising;

والصلوة، وضدها الاضاعة والصوم، وضده الافطار، والجهاد، وضده النكول، والحج، وضده نبذ الميثاق، وصون الحديث، وضده النميمة، وبر الوالدين، وضده العقوق، والحقيقة، وضدها الرياء، والمعروف، وضده المنكر،

And the Salat (Prayer), and its opposite is the wasting of it; and the Fasting, and its opposite is the breaking of it; and the Jihad, and its opposite is the withdrawal from (running away); and the Hajj, and its opposite is the renouncement of the Covenant; and the conservation of the Hadeeth, and its opposite is the scandal; and the goodness to the parents, and its opposite is the disowning; and the reality, and its opposite is the showing off; and the goodness, and its opposite is the evil;

والستر، وضده التبرج، والتقية، وضدها الاذاعة، والانصاف، وضده الحمية والتهيئة، وضدها البغى، والنظافة، وضدها القذارة، والحياء، وضده الخلع، والقصد، وضده العدوان، والراحة، وضدها التعب، والسهولة، وضدها الصعوبة،

And the veil, and its opposite is the shamelessness; and the dissimulation, and its opposite is the broadcasting; and the fairness, and its opposite partiality; and the peacefulness, and its opposite is the rebellion; and the cleanliness, and its opposite is the filth; and the modesty, and its opposite is the impropriety; and the intent, and its opposite is the aggression; and the rest, and its opposite is the exhaustion; and the ease, and is opposite is the difficulty;

والبركة، وضدها المحق، والعافية، وضدها البلاء، والقوام، وضدها المكاثرة، والحكمة، وضدها الهوى، والوقار، وضده الخفة، والسعادة، وضدها الشقاوة، والتوبة، وضدها الاصرار، والاستغفار، وضده الاغترار، والمحافظة، وضدها التهاون،

And the Blessings, and its opposite is the annihilation; and the good health, and its opposite is the suffering; and the stability, and its opposite is the wavering; and the wisdom, and its opposite is the desire; and the dignity, and its opposite is the meanness; and the happiness, and its opposite is the misery; and the repentance, and its opposite is the persistence; and the seeking Forgiveness, and its opposite is the keeping pride; and conservativeness, and its opposite is the recklessness;

والدعاء، وضده الاستنكاف، والنشاط، وضده الكسل، والفرح، وضده الحزن، والالفة، وضدها العصبية، والسخاء، وضده البخل،

And the supplication, and its opposite is the withholding it; and the vitality, and its opposite is the lethargy (dullness); and the happiness, and its opposite is the grief; and the intimacy, and its opposite is the prejudice; and the generosity, and its opposite is the stinginess.

ولا تكمل هذه الخصال كلها من أجناد العقل إلا في نبي أو وصي نبي، أو مؤمن امتحن الله قلبه للايمان وأما سائر ذلك من موالينا فان أحدهم لا يخلو من أن يكون فيه بعض هذه الجنود حتى يستكمل ويتقى من الجهل،

And these armies of the intellect are not complete in anyone except in a Prophet-as or a successor-as of a Prophet-as, or a Believer whose heart Allah-azwj has Tested for the Eman (faith). As for the rest of those who are in our-asws Wilayah, so if one of the them is not free from some of these armies becoming in him until they are competed in him, he should be fearing from the ignorance.

فعند ذلك يكون في الدرجة العليا مع الانبياء والاوصياء وإنما يدرك الفوز بمعرفة العقل وجنوده، وبمجانبة الجهل وجنوده،

Thus, during that, they would come to be in the high Levels along with the Prophets-as and the successors-as. But rather, the success can be realised with the understanding of the intellect and is armies, and keeping away from the ignorance and its armies.

وفقنا الله وإياكم لطاعته ومرضاته.

May Allah-azwj Cause us-asws and you all to achieve His-azwj obedience and His-azwj Pleasure’.[167]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبى اسحاق ابراهيم بن الهيثم الخفاف، عن رجل من أصحابنا، عن عبد الملك بن هشام، عن علي الاشعري رفعه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ما عبد الله بمثل العقل، وماتم عقل امرء حتى يكون فيه عشر خصال: الخير منه مأمول والشر منه مأمون، يستقل كثير الخير من عنده ويستكثر قليل الخير من غيره، ولا يتبرم بطلاب الحوايج إليه ولا يسأم من طلب العلم طول عمره، الفقر أحب إليه من الغنى والذل أحب إليه من العز، نصيبه من الدنيا القوت والمعاشرة، واما المعاشرة لابرى احدا إلا قال: هو خير مني واتقى

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Abu Is’haq Ibrahim Bin Al Haysam Al Khafaf, from a man from our companions, from Abdul Malik Bin Hisham, from Ali Al Ash’ary, raising it, said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj has not been worshipped with the likes of the intellectual, and the intellect of a person is not complete until there happen to be ten qualities in it – (1) The good from him is expected; (2) The evil from him is secured (not expected); (3) He belittles the goodness which is within him; (4) And he magnifies the good which is from others; (5) He does not complain of those that seek the needs from him; (6) And he does not get tired of seeking the knowledge for the length of his life; (7) The poverty is more beloved to him than the riches; (8) And the humbleness is more beloved to him than the honour; (9) His share from the world is his livelihood and the society; (10) And as for the society (he lives such that) he does not see anyone except that he says, ‘He is better than I am, and more pious’.

إنما الناس رجلان: فرجل هو خير منه واتقى، وآخر هو شر منه وادنى، فإذا التقى الذي هو خير منه واتقى تواضع له ليحلق به، وإذا التقى الذي هو شرمنه وادنى قال: عسى ان يكون خير هذا باطنا وشره ظاهرا وعسى ان يختم له بخير، فإذا فعل ذلك فقد علا مجده وساد أهل زمانه.

But rather, the people are of two types – A man who is better than him and more pious, and another who is more evil than him and lower. So when he meets the one who is better than him and more pious, he humbles himself to him to ascend to him. And when he meets the one who is more evil than himself and lower, he says, ‘Perhaps the goodness in him is hidden, and his evil is apparent, and perhaps his ending would be with goodness’. So when he does that, he would prevail in his glory, and would be the chief of the people of his era’.[168]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي الحسين السعد آبادي عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى، عن أبيه، عن أبى نهشل، عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن أبيه، عن أبى حمزة، قال: سمعت أبا جعفر ” ع ” يقول: ان الله عزوجل خلقنا من أعلى عليين، وخلق قلوب شيعتنا مما خلقنا منه، وخلق ابدانهم من دون ذلك فقلوبهم تهوى الينا لانها خلقت مما خلقنا منه ثم تلا هذه الآية: (كلا ان كتاب الابرار لفي عليين، وما ادريك ما عليون، كتاب مرقوم، يشهده المقربون).

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Abu Nahshal, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from his father, from Abu Hamza who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created us-asws from the high Illiyeen, and Created the hearts of our-asws Shiah from what He-azwj Created us-asws from, and Created their bodies from (clay) besides that. Thus, their hearts incline towards us-asws because these have been Created from what we-asws have been Created from’. Then he-asws recites this Verse [83:18] Nay! Most surely the record of the righteous shall be in the Iliyeen. [83:19] And what will make you know what the highest Iliyeen is? [83:20] It is a written book, [83:21] Those of Proximity witness it’.[169]

حدثنا احمد بن هارون قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله الحميري، عن أبيه عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن أبى نعيم الهذلي، عن رجل، عن علي ابن الحسين ” ع ” قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق النبيين من طينة عليين قلوبهم وابدانهم، وخلق قلوب المؤمنين من تلك الطينة، وخلق ابدان المؤمنين من دون ذلك، وخلق الكفار من طينة سجين قلوبهم وابدانهم، فخلط بين الطينتين، فمن هذا يلد المؤمن الكافر ويلد الكافر المؤمن، ومن هاهنا يصيب المؤمن السيئة، ومن هاهنا يصيب الكافر الحسنة، فقلوب المؤمنين تحن إلى ما خلقوا منه، وقلوب الكافرين تحن إلى ما خلقوا منه.

Ahmad Bin Haroun narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al Humeyri, from his father, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Abu Naeem Al Hazly, from a man,

Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the Prophets-as from the clay of Illiyeen, their hearts (as well as) their bodies, and Created the hearts of the Believes from that very clay, and Created the bodies of the Believers from (clay) besides that. And He-azwj Created the Infidel from the clay of Sijjeen, their hearts and their bodies. So He-azwj Mixed the two clays. So from this the Believer begets the Infidel, and the Infidel begets the Believer, and it is from over here that the Believer commits the sins, and from over here the Infidel does the good deeds. So the hearts of the Believers incline towards what they have been Created from, and the hearts of the Infidels incline towards what they have been Created from’.[170]

حدثنا علي بن احمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي، عن محمد ابن اسماعيل رفع إلى محمد بن سنان، عن زيد الشحام، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال ان الله تبارك وتعالى خلقنا من نور مبتدع من نور رسخ ذلك النور في طينة من أعلا عليين وخلق قلوب شيعتنا مما خلق منه ابداننا وخلق ابدانهم من طينة دون ذلك فقلوبهم تهوى الينا لانها خلقت مما خلقنا منه، ثم قرأ (كلا ان كتاب الابرار لفى عليين وما ادريك ما عليون كتاب مرقوم يشهده المقربون)

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail, raising it to Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Zayd Al Shahaam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created us-asws from the Original Light. He-azwj Embedded that Light in the clay from the high Illiyeen, and Created the hearts of our-asws Shiah from what our-asws bodies had been Created from, and Created their bodies from the clay besides that. Thus, their hearts incline towards us-asws because it was Created from what we-asws have been Created from. Then he-asws recited [83:18] Nay! Most surely the record of the righteous shall be in the Iliyeen. [83:19] And what will make you know what the highest Iliyeen is? [83:20] It is a written book, [83:21] Those of Proximity witness it.

وان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق قلوب اعدائنا من طينة من سجين، وخلق ابدانهم من طينة من دون ذلك، وخلق قلوب شيعتهم مما خلق منه ابدانهم فقلوبهم تهوى إليهم، ثم قرأ: (ان كتاب الفجار لفى سجين وما ادريك ما سجين كتاب مرقوم ويل يؤمئذ للمكذبين)

And that Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the hearts of our-asws enemies from the clay of Sijjeen, and Created their bodies from clay besides that, and Created the hearts of their adherents from what their bodies had been Created from, Thus, their hearts incline towards them. Then he-asws recited [83:7] Nay! Most surely the record of the wicked is in the Sijjeen. [83:8] And what will make you know what the Sijjeen is? [83:9] It is a written book [83:10] Woe on that day to the beliers’.[171]

حدثنا أبى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن أبى يحيى الواسطي رفعه قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” ان الله عزوجل خلقنا من عليين وخلق أرواحنا من فوق ذلك، وخلق أرواح شعيتنا من عليين، وخلق أجسادهم من دون ذلك، فمن أجل ذلك كانت القرابة بيننا وبينهم ومن ثم تحن قلوبهم الينا.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abu Yahya Al Wasity, raising it, said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created us-asws from Illiyeen, and Created our-asws Spirits from higher than that, and Created the spirits of our-asws Shiah from Illiyeen, and Created their bodies from besides that. So it is from that reason there will always be nearness between us-asws and our-asws Shiah, and from then on their hearts have been inclining towards us-asws’.[172]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد بن محمد، عن أبيه، عن ابن العرزمى، عن أبيه عن جابر الجعفي، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: إذا أردت ان تعلم ان فيك خيرا فانظر إلى قلبك، فان كان يحب أهل طاعة الله عزوجل ويبغض أهل معصيته ففيك خير والله يحبك، وان كان يبغض أهل طاعة الله ويحب أهل معصيته فليس فيك خير والله يبغضك والمرء مع من أحب.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Ibn Al Arzamy, from his father, from Jabir Al Ju’fy,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘If you intend to know that there is good within you, look at your heart. So if it was such that is love the people who are obedient to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic and hates the people who are disobedient to Him-azwj, so within you is good, and Allah Loves you. And it was that it hates the people who are obedient to Allah-azwj and loves the people who are disobedient to Him-azwj, so there is no good within you, and Allah-azwj Hates you. And the person is with the one whom he loves’.[173]

(باب 97 – علة المعرفة والجحود)

Chapter 97 – The reason for the recognition and ingratitude

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن ابن بكير، عن زرارة قال: سألت أبا جعفر ” ع ” عن قول الله عزوجل: (وإذ أخذ ربك من بني آدم من ظهورهم ذريتهم واشهدهم على انفسهم ألست بربكم؟ قالوا: بلى) قال ثبتت المعرفة ونسوا الموقت وسيذكرونه يوما،، ولولا ذلك لم يدر أحد من خالقه ولا من رازقه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Zarara who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [7:172] And when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their backs, their descendants, and made them testify against their own souls: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes! He-asws said: ‘The recognition was affirmed, and it had been forgotten temporarily, and they would be remembering it one day, and if it were not for that, no one would realise Who Created him nor Who Sustains him’.[174]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن احمد بن محمد، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن عبد الرحمان بن كثير، عن داود الرقى عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لما أراد الله عزوجل ان يخلق الخلق خلقهم ونشرهم بين يديه ثم قال لهم من ربكم؟ فاول من نطق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وأمير المؤمنين والائمة صلوات عليهم أجمعين فقالوا: أنت ربنا،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Mutawakkil narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer, from Dawood Al Raqy,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Intended to Create the creatures, Created them, and Displayed them in front of Him-azwj, then Said to them: “Who is your Lord-azwj?” So the first ones to speak were Rasool-Allah-saww and Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and the Imams-asws. So they-asws said: ‘You-azwj are our-asws Lord-azwj!’

فحملهم العلم والدين، ثم قال للملائكة هؤلاء حملة ديني وعلمي وامنائي في خلقي وهم المسئولون، ثم قيل لبني آدم أقروا لله بالربوبية ولهؤلاء النفر بالطاعة والولاية فقالوا نعم ربنا اقررنا، فقال الله جل جلاله للملائكة اشهدوا، فقالت الملائكة شهدنا على ان لا يقولوا غدا إنا كنا عن هذا غافلين أو يقولوا إنما أشرك آباؤنا من قبل وكنا ذرية من بعدهم أفتهلكنا بما فعل المبطلون، يا داود، الانبياء مؤكدة عليهم في الميثاق.

Thus, Allah-azwj Blessed them-asws with the Knowledge and the Religion, then Said to the Angels: “They-asws are carrying My-azwj Religion, and My-azwj Knowledge, and My-azwj Trustees among My-azwj creatures, and they-asws would be Questioned”. Then Allah-azwj Said to the Children of Adam-as: ‘Do you all accept Allah-azwj for the Lordship, and for these persons for the obedience and the Wilayah?’ So they said, ‘Yes, our Lord-azwj, we accept!’ So Allah-azwj Mighty is His-azwj Majesty Said to the Angels: “Bear witness upon that lest tomorrow they say Surely, we were heedless of this [7:173] Or you should say: But rather, only our fathers associated others (with Allah) before, and we were an offspring after them: Will You then Destroy us for deeds of the wrong-doers?’ O Dawood! The Prophets-as confirmed against them with regards to the Covenant’.[175]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد، عن محمد ابن اسماعيل بن بزيغ، عن صالح بن عقبة، عن عبد الله بن محمد الجعفي وعقبة جميعا عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: ان الله عزوجل خلق الخلق فخلق من أحب مما أحب وكان ما أحب ان خلقه من طينة الجنة، وخلق من أبغض مما أبغض وكان ما أبغض أن خلقه من طينة النار، ثم بعثهم في الظلال، فقلت وأي شئ الظلال؟ فقال ألم ترإلى ظلك في الشمس شئ وليس بشئ، ثم بعث منهم النبيين فدعوهم إلى الاقرار بالله وهو قوله عزوجل: (ولئن سئلتهم من خلقهم ليقولن الله)

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail Bin Bazi’e, from Salih Bin Uqba, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Ju’fy and Uqba altogether,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created the creatures, so Allah-azwj Created the ones He-azwj Loved from what He-azwj Loved, and what He-azwj Loved was the clay of the Paradise. And He-azwj Created the one He-azwj Hated from what He-azwj Hated, that He-azwj Created him from the clay of the Fire, then Sent them into the shadows’. So I said, ‘And which thing is the shadow?’ So he-asws said: ‘Have you not seen your own shadow in the sun, it is a thing (an image) but it is not something (on its own)? Then Allah-azwj Sent the Prophets-as from them, so they-as invited them (the people) to the acceptance of Allah-azwj and these are the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [43:87] And if you should ask them who created them, they would certainly say: Allah.

ثم دعوهم إلى الاقرار بالنبيين فأنكر بعض وأقر بعض ثم دعوهم إلى ولايتنا فاقر بها والله من أحب وانكرها من أبغض وهو قوله عزوجل: (ما كانوا ليؤمنوا بما كذبوا به من قبل) ثم قال أبو جعفر ” ع “: كان التكذيب ثم.

Then Allah-azwj invited them to the acceptance of the Prophets-as. So some of them rejected and some of them accepted. Then invited them to our-asws Wilayah, so by Allah-azwj, the only ones who were Beloved (to Allah-azwj) accepted it, and the ones who were Hated, rejected it. And these are the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [10:74] but they would not believe in what they had belied before’. Then Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘The belying is from then’.[176]

(باب 98 – علة احتجاب الله جل جلاله عن خلقه)

Chapter 98 – The reason for the Veiling of Allah-azwj Mighty is His-azwj Majesty, from His-azwj creatures

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا محمد بن بندار، عن محمد ابن علي، عن محمد بن عبد الله الخراساني خادم الرضا قال: قال بعض الزنادقة لابي الحسن ” ع “: لم احتجب الله؟ فقال أبو الحسن عليه السلام: ان الحجاب عن الخلق لكثرة ذنوبهم فاما هو فلا تخفى عليه خافية في آناء الليل والنهار، قال فلم، لا تدركه حاسة البصر؟ قال للفرق بينه وبين خلقه الذين تدركهم حاسة الابصار ثم هو أجل من أن تدركه الابصار أو يحيط به وهم أو يضبطه عقل،

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Bandaar, from Muhammad Ibn Ali, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah

Al-Khurasany, a servant of Al-Reza-as, said, ‘One of the Atheists said to Abu Al-Hassan-asws, ‘Why is Allah-azwj Veiled?’ So Abu Al-Hassan-asws said: ‘The Veil is from the creatures due to the frequency of their sins. He-azwj is not Concealed from them out of fear, neither day or the night’. He said, ‘So why can’t the vision visualise Him-azwj?’ He-asws said: ‘The difference between Him-azwj and His-azwj creatures to be able to see Him-azwj by the sense of the vision. He-azwj is Higher than to be Visualised by the vision, or imagined by the imaginations, or to be grasped by the intellect’.

قال: فحده لي؟ قال انه لا يحد، قال لم؟ قال: لانه كل محدود منتاه إلى حد، فإذا احتمل التحديد احتمل الزيادة، وإذا احتمل الزيادة احتمل النقصان، فهو غير محدود ولا متزايد ولا متجزئ ولا متوهم.

He said, ‘So (define) His-azwj limits to me’. He-asws said: ‘He-azwj has no limits’. He said, ‘Why not?’ He-asws said: ‘Because His-azwj every limit is limited to a certain extent, so if the limitation is defined, the increase is defined, and if the increase is defined, the deficiency is defined. Thus He-azwj is without limitations. Neither can there be an increase, nor can He-azwj be exceeded, nor imagined’.[177]

اخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين، عن الحسين بن الوليد، عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبى حمزة الثمالي قال: قلت لعلي بن الحسين عليهما السلام لاي علة حجب الله عزوجل الخلق عن نفسه؟ قال: لان الله تبارك وتعالى بناهم بنية علي الجهل فلو انهم كانوا ينظرون الله عزوجل لما كانوا بالذي يهابونه ولا يعظمونه، نظير ذلك أحدكم إذا نظر إلى بيت الله الحرام أول مرة عظمه فإذا آتت عليه أيام وهو يراه لا يكاد أن ينظر إليه إذا مر به ولا يعظمه ذلك التعظيم.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Abdullah Bin Sinan, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘I said to Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, ‘For which reason has Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Veiled Himself-azwj from the creatures?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Built their foundations upon the ignorance. So, if they had been able to see Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, they would have neither Revered (Honoured) Him-azwj nor Magnified Him-azwj. That is like one of you looking at the House of Allah-azwj (Kabah) for the first time, he reveres it, but if he comes to it every day and he sees it, or even barely sees it when he passes by it, he would not revere it with that reverence (which he had the first time)’.[178]

(باب 99 – علة إثبات الانبياء والرسل صلى الله عليهم وعلة إختلاف دلايلهم)

Chapter 99 – Reason for the affirmation of the Prophets-as and the Mursils-as, and reason for the difference in their-as evidences (Miracles)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد ابن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن علي، عن عمرو بن أبى المقدام، عن اسحاق بن غالب، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” في كلام له يقول فيه: الحمد لله المتحجب بالنور دون خلقه، في الافق الطامح والعز الشامخ والملك الباذخ، فوق كل شئ علا ومن كل شئ دنا فتجلى لخلقه من غير ان يكون يرئ، وهو يرى وهو بالمنظر الاعلى، فاحب الاختصاص بالتوحيد إذا إحتجب بنوره، وسما في علوه واستتر عن خلقه ليكون له الحجة البالغة وابتعث فيهم النبيين مبشرين ومنذرين ليهلك من هلك عن بينة ويحيى من حيى عن بينة وليعقل العباد، عن ربهم ما جهلوا وعرفوه بربوبيته بعدما أنكروا، ويوحدوه بالالهية بعد ماعندوا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Asffar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Ali, from Amro Bin Abu Al Maqdam, from Is’haq Bin Ghalib,

From Abu Abdullah-asws in a speech of his-asws, saying in it: ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj, the Veiled by the Light besides His-azwj creatures, in the high horizons, and the lofty splendour, and the Grand King, Exalted above everything, and near to everything. So His-azwj Manifestation to His-azwj creatures is from without being seen, and He-azwj Sees, and He-azwj is at the Exalted Station. Thus, He-azwj Loves the Specialisation in the Oneness when He-azwj is Veiled by His-azwj Light, and His-azwj Towering Elevation and Veiling from His-azwj creatures in order for the Evident Proof to be for Him-azwj. And He-azwj Established the Prophets-as, and the Heralds of good news, and warners among them, so that the destroyed one would be destroyed by the proofs, and the revived one would be revived by the proof and it would make sense to the servants, from their Lord-azwj, what they were ignorant of, and they would recognise Him-azwj by His-azwj Lordship after what they had denied, and they would accept His-azwj Oneness after having turned away from it’.[179]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن النضر بن سويد، عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: سئل أبو عبد الله ” ع ” عن قول الله عزوجل: (ولو شاء ربك لجعل الناس أمة واحدة ولا يزالون مختلفين إلا من رحم ربك) ولذلك خلقهم فقال: كانوا أمة واحدة فبعث الله النبيين ليتخذ عليهم الحجة

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhamad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws was asked about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [11:118] And if your Lord had so Desired it, He would have Made people as a single nation, and they will not stop differing [11:119] Except for those on whom your Lord has Mercy; and it is for that did He Create them. So he-asws said: ‘They were one community, so Allah-azwj Sent the Prophets-asws in order to take the argument against them’.[180]

حدثنا حمزة بن محمد العلوي قال: أخبرني علي بن ابراهيم، عن أبيه، عن العباس بن عمرو الفقيمي، عن هشام بن الحكم، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” انه قال للزنديق الذي سأله من أين أثبت الرسل والانبياء فقال: انا لما أثبتنا ان لنا خالقا صانعا متعاليا عنا وعن جميع ما خلق وكان ذلك الصانع حكيما متعاليا لم يجز أن يشاهده خلقه ويلامسوه ويباشرهم ويباشروه ويحاجهم ويحاجوه

Hamza Bin Muhammad Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Al Abbas Bin Amro Al Faqeymi, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said to the atheist who asked him-asws, from where would he-asws be proving the Mursils-as and the Prophets-as, so he-asws said: ‘When we-asws have proved that there is a Creator for us, a Maker, Exalted from us, and for all that He-azwj Created, and that Maker is Wise, Exalted, not permissible for the creatures to see Him-azwj and to feel Him-azwj, and He-azwj Holds discussion with them and they hold discussions with Him-azwj, and He-azwj Argues with them and they argue with Him-azwj.

ثبت ان له سفراء في خلقه يعبرون عنه إلى خلقه وعباده ويدلونهم على مصالحهم ومنافعهم وما به بقائهم وفي تركه فنائهم

It is thereby proved that there are ambassadors for Him-azwj among His-azwj creatures, bringing Messages from Him-azwj to His-azwj creatures and His-azwj servants, and pointing them towards their own correctness, and their benefits, and what their remaining would be due to, and what destruction would be for them in its neglect.

فثبت الآمرون والناهون عن الحكيم العليم في خلقه والمعبرون عنه عزوجل وهم الانبياء وصفوته من خلقه حكماء مؤدبون بالحكمة مبعوثون بها غير مشاركين للناس في شئ من أحوالهم، مؤيدين من عند الحكيم العليم بالحكمة،

So, it is proved that the enjoiners and the forbidders (coming) from the Wise, the All-Knowledgeable, are among His-azwj creatures, and the bringers of the Messages from Him-azwj, the Mighty and Majestic, and they-as are the Prophets-as, and His-azwj Elites from His-azwj creatures, educating with the wisdom, having Sent with it, not association with the people in anything from their conditions, teaching from the Presence of the All-Wise, the All-Knowing, with the wisdom.

ثم ثبت ذلك في كل دهر وزمان ما أتت به الرسل والانبياء من الدلايل والبراهين لكيلا تخلو أرض الله من حجة يكون معه علم على صدق مقالته وجواز عدالته.

Then that is affirmed in every time period and era, what the Rasools-as and the Prophets-as came with, from the evidences and the proofs, so that the earth of Allah-azwj would not be devoid of a Proof to be with it, a knower of the truthfulness of His-azwj Speech and having Reasons for His-azwj Justice’.[181]

حدثنا علي بن احمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران، عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد، عن علي بن أبى حمزة، عن أبى بصير عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” أنه سأله رجل فقال: لاي شئ بعث الله الانبياء والرسل إلى الناس فقال لئلا يكون للناس على الله حجة من بعد الرسل ولئلا يقولوا ما جائنا من بشير ولا نذير وليكون حجة الله عليهم ألا تسمع الله عزوجل يقول: (حكاية عن خزنة جهنم واحتجاجهم على أهل النار بالانبياء والرسل (ألم يأتكم نذير قالوا بلى قد جائنا نذير فكذبنا وقلنا ما نزل الله من شئ ان انتم إلا في ضلال كبير).

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having been asked by a man, so he said, ‘For which thing did Allah-azwj Send the Prophets-as and the Mursils-as to the people?’ So he-asws said: ‘So that there would not be an argument for the people against Allah-azwj from after the Apostles (having been Sent) that perhaps they would be saying, ‘There did not come to us any Herald, nor a warner’, and it would become an Argument of Allah-azwj against them. Have you not heard Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Saying, Relating from the keeper of Hell, and the pleading of the inhabitants of the Fire, regarding the Prophets-as and the Rasools-as [67:8] Did there not come to you a warner? [67:9] They shall say: Yes! Indeed there came to us a warner, but we rejected (him) and said: Allah has not Revealed anything, you are only in a great error’.[182]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله عن أبيه، عن غير واحد، عن الحسين بن نعيم الصحاف قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام أيكون الرجل مؤمنا قد ثبت له الايمان ينقله الله بعد الايمان ألى الكفر؟ قال ان الله هو العدل وإنما بعث الرسل ليدعوا الناس إلى الايمان بالله ولا يدعوا أحد إلى الكفر، قلت فيكون الرجل كافرا قد ثبت له الكفر عند الله فينقله الله بعد ذلك من الكفر إلى الايمان؟ قال: ان الله عزوجل خلق الناس على الفطرة التي فطرهم الله عليها لا يعرفون أيمانا بشريعة ولا كفرا بجحود ثم ابتعت الله الرسل إليهم يدعونهم إلى الايمان بالله حجة الله عليهم فمنهم من هداه الله ومنهم من لم يهده.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from someone else, from Al Husayn Bin Naeem Al Sahaaf who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Can it happen that the Believing man for whom the belief has been affirmed for, Allah-azwj would Turn him to the disbelief after the belief?’ He-asws said: ‘Verily, Allah-azwj, He-azwj is Just. But rather, He-azwj Sent the Rasools-as to invite the people to the belief in Allah-azwj, and did not invite anyone to the disbelief’. I said, ‘So, can it happen than the disbelieving man, for whom the disbelief has been affirmed for with Allah-azwj, so Allah-azwj would Turn him, after that, from the disbelief to the belief?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created the people upon the nature which Allah-azwj has Natured them upon that they neither recognised the belief with a Law, nor disbelief with ingratitude. Then Allah-azwj Sent the Rasools-as to them inviting them to the belief in Allah-azwj, as an Argument of Allah-azwj against them. Thus, among them was one whom Allah-azwj Guided, and among them was one whom Allah-azwj did not Guide’.[183]

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسين بن محمد بن علي قال حدثنا أبو عبد الله السياري عن أبى يعقوب البغدادي قال: قال ابن السكيت لابي الحسن الرضا ” ع ” لماذا بعث الله عزوجل موسى بن عمران بالعصا ويده البيضاء وآلة السحر وبعث عيسى بالطب وبعث محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله بالكلام والخطب

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Ali, from Abu Abdullah Al Sayari, from Abu Yaqoub Al Baghdady who said,

‘Ibn Al-Sakeet said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, ‘Why did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Send Musa-as Bin Imran-as with the (miracles of) the staff, and the white hand, and Miracles of the magic, and Sent Isa-as with the medicine, and Sent Muhammad-as with the ‘بالكلام والخطب’ speech and the sermons?’

فقال: أبو الحسن ” ع ” ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما بعث موسى عليه السلام كان الاغلب على أهل عصره السحر فأتاهم من عند الله عزوجل بما لم يكن في وسع القوم مثله وبما أبطل به سحرهم واثبت به الحجة عليهم

So Abu Al-Hassan-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent Musa-as, the magic was pre-dominant over the people of his-as era. So he-as came to them from the Presence of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic with what the people did not have the happening of something similar to it, and with that he-as invalidated their magic, and proved by it the argument against them.

وان الله تبارك وتعالى بعث عيسى عليه السلام في وقت ظهرت فيه الزمانات وأحتاج الناس إلى الطب فأتاهم من عند الله عزوجل بما لم يكن عندهم مثله وبما احيى لهم الموتى وابرء لهم الاكمه والابرص باذن الله عزوجل واثبت به الحجة عليهم

And that Allah-azwj Sent Isa-as during a time in which such diseases had become apparent that the people were needy for the medicine. So he-as gave to them, from the Presence of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic with that, the similar to it was not with them, and with what he-as revived for them the dead, and cured the blindness for them, and the leprosy, by the Permission of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and proved the argument against them.

وان الله تبارك وتعالى بعث محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله في وقت كان الاغلب على أهل عصره الخطب والكلام واظنه قال والشعر فأتاهم من كتاب الله عزوجل ومواعظه واحكامه ما أبطل به قولهم واثبت به الحجة عليهم

And that Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent Muhammad-saww during a time during which the sermons and the speeches and eloquence were pre-dominant over the people, and the poetry. So he-saww gave to them from the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and its Sermons and its Ordinances, by which their speech was invalidated, and by it he-saww proved the argument against them’.

فقال ابن السكيت تالله ما رأيت مثلك اليوم قط فما الحجة على الخلق اليوم فقال ” ع ” العقل يعرف به الصادق على الله فيصدقه، والكاذب على الله فيكذبه فقال ابن السكيت هذا هو والله الجواب.

So Ibn Al-Sakeet said, ‘Exalted is Allah-azwj! I have not seen the likes of you-asws today, at all. So what is the Proof over the people today?’ So he-asws said: ‘The intellect by which the truthful can be recognised so he-asws (the Proof of Allah-azwj) can be ratified (approved), and the liar to Allah-azwj, so that he can be belied’. So Ibn Al-Sakeet said, ‘By Allah-azwj! This is the answer’.[184]

(باب 100 – علة المعجزة)

Chapter 100 – Reason for the Miracle

حدثنا علي بن احمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله عن موسى بن عمران عن عمه، عن علي بن أبى حمزة، عن أبى بصير قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” لاي علة اعطى الله عزوجل أنبيائه ورسله وأعطاكم المعجزة؟ فقال: ليكون دليلا على صدق من أتى به والمعجزة علامة لله لا يعطيها إلا أنبيائه ورسله وحججه ليعرف به صدق الصادق من كذب الكاذب.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Musa Bin Imran, from his uncle, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason did Allah-azwj Give to His-azwj Prophets-as and His-azwj Rasools-as, the Miracles?’ So he-asws said: ‘In order for there to be an evidence to the truthfulness of the one who comes with it. And the Miracle, it is a Sign of Allah-azwj, been Given to His-azwj Prophets-as, and His-azwj Rasools-as in order for the truthfulness of the truthful can be recognised, from the lies of the liars’.[185]

(باب 101 العلة التى من أجلها سمى أولوا العزم أولى العزم)

Chapter 101 – The reason due to which the Determined Ones (Ul Al Azam) were named as ‘The Determined Ones’ (Ul Al Azam)

أبى رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله بن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي ابن الحكم عن المفضل بن صالح بن جابر بن يزيد عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” في قول الله عزوجل ولقد عهدنا إلى آدم من قبل فنسى ولم نجد له عزما قال عهد إليه في محمد والائمة من بعده فترك ولم يكن له عزم فيهم انهم هكذا وانما سمى أولوا العزم لانهم عهد إليهم في محمد والاوصياء من بعده والمهدي وسيرته فاجمع عزمهم ان ذلك كذلك والاقرار به.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Ibn Hakam, from Al Mufazzal Bin Salih Bin Jabir Bin Yazeed,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [20:115] And We had Given a Covenant to Adam before, but he forgot; and We did not find determination in him. He-asws said: ‘Covenanted with him-as in regards to Muhammad-saww and the Imams-asws from after him-saww, and there was no determination for him-saww regarding them-asws that they-asws are like this. But rather, the Determined Ones (Ul Al-Azam) have been named as such because a Covenant was Taken with them in regards to Muhammad-saww and the successors-asws after him-saww, and Al-Mahdi-asws, and his-asws way, so they-as unanimously agreed that, that is like that, and the acceptance by it’.[186]

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Hamdany, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Fazaal, from his father,

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنهم قال حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد الهمداني قال حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن فضال عن أبيه عن أبى الحسن الرضا ” ع ” قال: انما سمى اولوا العزم اولى العزم لانهم كانوا أصحاب العزايم والشرايع وذلك ان كل نبي كان بعد نوح ” ع ” كان على شريعته ومنهاجه وتابعا لكتابه إلى زمان إبراهيم الخليل ” ع ”

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws has said: ‘But rather, the Determined Ones (Ul Al-Azam) have been named as ‘The Determined Ones’ (Ul Al-Azam), because they used to be the owners of the Resolutions and the Law, and that is that every Prophet-saww who was after Noah-as was upon his-as Law and his-as Manifesto and the follower of his-as Book up until the era of Ibrahim the Friend-as.

وكل نبي كان في أيام إبراهيم وبعده كان على شريعة إبراهيم ومنهاجه وتابعا لكتابه إلى زمن موسى ” ع ” وكل نبي كان في زمن موسى ” ع ” وبعده كان على شريعة موسى ومنهاجه وتابعا لكتابه إى أيام عيسى ” ” وكل نبي كان في أيام عيسى ” ع ” وبعده كان على منهاج عيسى وشريعته وتابعا لكتابه إلى زمن نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله

And a Prophet-as who was during the days of Ibrahim-as, and after him-as was upon the Law of Ibrahim-as and his-as Manifesto, and a follower of his-as Book up until the era of Musa-as. And every Prophet-as during the era of Musa-as and after him-as was upon the Law of Musa-as and his-as Manifesto, and a follower of his-as Book up until the days of Isa-as. And every Prophet-as who was during the days of Isa-as and after him-as was upon the Manifesto of Isa-as, and his-as Law, and a follower of his-as Book up until the era of our Prophet-saww.

فهؤلاء الخمسة هم اولوا العزم وهم أفضل الانبياء والرسل ” ع ” وشريعة محمد صلى الله عليه وآله لا تنسخ إلى يوم القيامة ولا نبي بعده إلى يوم القيامة فمن ادعى بعد نبينا أو أتى بعد القرآن بكتاب فدمه مباح لكل من سمع ذلك منه.

Thus, these are the five who are ‘The Determined Ones’ (Ul Al-Azam), and they are the highest of the Prophets-as and the Rasools-as, and the Law of Muhammad-saww would not get Abrogated until the Day of Judgement, nor will there be a Prophet-saww after him-saww up to the Day of Judgement. So the one who claims (to be a Prophet-as) after our Prophet-saww, or comes with a Book after the Quran, so his blood is Permissible (to be shed) by everyone who hears that from him’.[187]

(باب 102 – العلة التى من أجلها أمر الله تعالى بطاعة الرسل) (والائمة صلوات الله عليهم)

Chapter 102 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Commanded for the obedience to the Rasool-saww and the Imams-asws

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله عن أبيه عن حماد بن عيسى عن ابن اذينة عن ابان بن أبى عياش عن سليم بن قيس قال سمعت أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” يقول انما الطاعة لله عزوجل ولرسوله ولولاة الامر وانما أمر بطاعة أولى الامر لانهم معصومون مطهرون ولا يأمرون بمعصيته.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abdu Abdullah, from his father, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Ibn Azina, from Aban Bin Abu Ayyash, from Suleym Bin Qays who said,

‘I heard Amir Al-Momineen-asws saying: ‘But rather, the obedience is to Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww and the Masters-asws of the Command (Wali Al-Amr). But rather, He-azwj Commanded for the obedience to the Masters-asws of the Command because they-asws are Infallible, Purified, and they are not enjoining for the disobedience’.[188]

(باب 103 – العلة التى من أجلها يحتاج إلى النبي والامام عليهما السلام)

Chapter 103 – The reason due to which there is a need to the Prophet-saww and the Imam-asws

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا عبد العزيز بن يحيى قال حدثنا المغيرة بن محمد قال حدثنا رجاء بن سلمة عن عمرو ابن شمر، عن جابر بن يزيد الجعفي، قال: قلت لابي جعفر محمد بن علي الباقر عليهما السلام لاي شئ يحتاج إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله والامام؟ فقال لبقاء العالم على صلاحه وذلك ان الله عزوجل يرفع العذاب عن أهل الارض إذا كان فيها نبي أو أمام قال الله عزوجل وما كان الله ليعذبهم وأنت فيهم

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya, from Al Mugheira Bin Muhammad, from Raja’a Bin Salma, from Amro Ibn Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed Al Ju’fy who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws Bin Ali Al-Baqir-asws, ‘For which thing is there a need to the Prophet-saww and the Imam-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘For the remaining of the knowledgeable one for his correctness, and that is the (reason that) Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Raised the Punishment from the people of the earth if there was a Prophet-as or an Imam-asws in it. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said [8:33] But Allah was not going to Punish them whilst you were among them.

وقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله النجوم أمان لاهل السماء وأهل بيتي أمان لاهل الارض فإذا ذهبت النجوم اتى اهل السماء ما يكرهون وإذا ذهب اهل بيتي اتى أهل الارض ما يكرهون يعني باهل بيته الائمة الذين قرن الله عزوجل طاعتهم بطاعته فقال (يا أيها الذين آمنوا اطيعوا الله واطيعوا الرسول وأولى الامر منكم) وهم المعصومون المطهرون الذين لا يذنبون ولا يعصون وهم المؤيدون الموفقون المسددون بهم يرزق الله عباده وبهم تعمر بلاده وبهم ينزل القطر من السماء وبهم يخرج بركات الارض وبهم يمهل اهل المعاصي ولا يعجل عليهم بالعقوبة والعذاب لا يفارقهم روح القدس ولا يفارقونه ولا يفارقون القرآن ولا يفارقهم صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين.

And the Prophet-saww said: ‘The stars are a security for the inhabitants of the sky, and the People-asws of my-saww Household are a security for the inhabitants of the earth. So if the stars were to go away, there would come to the inhabitants of the sky what they dislike, and if the People-asws of my-saww Household go away, there would come to the inhabitants of the earth what they dislike’ – meaning by the People-asws of the Household, the Imams-asws, the obedience to whom Allah-azwj has Paired as being obedience to Him-azwj, so He-azwj Said [4:59] O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Rasool and those in authority from among you, and they-asws are the Infallible, the Purified who are not committing any sins nor are they-asws disobeying (Allah-azwj), and they-asws are the supporters, the conciliators, the Guides due to whom Allah-azwj Sustains His-azwj servants. It is due to them-asws that His-azwj Countries survive, and it is due to them-asws that there are drops (of rain) from the sky, and it is due to them-asws that the Blessings come out from the earth, and it is due to them-asws that the Torment and the Punishment is delayed and is not hastened upon the people of the disobedience. Neither will the Holy Spirit separate from them nor would they-asws separate from it. Neither will they-asws separate from the Quran, nor would it separate from them-asws’.[189]

(104 – العلة التى من أجلها صار النبي صلى الله عليه وآله) (أفضل الانبياء عليهم السلام)

Chapter 104 – The reason due to which the Prophet-saww came to be higher than the (rest of the) Prophets-as

حدثنا الحسن بن علي بن احمد الصايغ رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد ابن محمد بن سعيد الكوفي قال: حدثنا جعفر بن عبيدالله عن الحسن بن محبوب عن صالح بن سهل عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال ان بعض قريش قال لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله باي شئ سبقت الانبياء وفضلت عليهم وأنت بعثت آخرهم وخاتمهم قال انى كنت أول من أقر بربي جل جلاله واول من أجاب حيث اخذ الله ميثاق النبيين واشهدهم على انفسهم الست بربكم قالوا بلى فكنت اول نبي قال بلى فسبقتهم إلى الاقرار بالله عزوجل.

Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Ahmad Al Sani’e narrated to us, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Kufy, from Ja’far Bin Ubeydullah, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Salih Bin Sahl,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘One of the Qureysh said to Rasool-Allah-saww, ‘With what thing do you-asws preceded the (other) Prophets-as and have preference over them-as, and you-saww have been Sent at the end of them-as, and as their-as last one?’ He-saww said: ‘I-saww was the first one who accepted my-saww Lord-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, and the first one who answered when He-azwj Took the Covenant from the Prophets-as, [7:172] and made them testify against their own souls: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes! We testify. So I-saww preceded them all to the acceptance of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[190]

(باب 105 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله الامي)

Chapter 105 – The reason due to which the Prophet-saww was called ‘Al-Ummy’

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن عبد الله محمد بن خالد البرقى عن جعفر بن محمد الصوفى قال: سألت ابا جعفر محمد بن علي الرضا عليهما السلام فقلت يا بن رسول الله لم سمي النبي الامي؟ فقال: ما يقول الناس قلت يزعمون انه انما سمى الامي لانه لم يحسن ان يكتب

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Abdullah Muhammad Bin Khalid Al Barqy, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al Sowfy who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Al-Reza-asws, ‘O son-asws of the Rasool-Allah-saww, why has the Prophet-saww been called ‘Al-Ummy?’. He-asws said: ‘What are the people saying?’ I said, ‘They are alleging that he-saww has been called ‘Al-Ummy’ because he-asws could not write well.’

فقال (عليه السلام): «كذبوا عليهم لعنة الله، أنى ذلك و الله يقول في محكم كتابه: هُوَ الَّذِي بَعَثَ فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ رَسُولًا مِنْهُمْ يَتْلُوا عَلَيْهِمْ آياتِهِ وَ يُزَكِّيهِمْ وَ يُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتابَ وَ الْحِكْمَةَ فكيف كان يعلمهم ما لم يحسن؟ و الله لقد كان رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله) يقرأ و يكتب باثنين- أو قال بثلاثة- و سبعين لسانا، و إنما سمي الأمي لأنه كان من أهل مكة، و مكة من أمهات القرى، و ذلك قول الله عز و جل: لِتُنْذِرَ أُمَّ الْقُرى وَ مَنْ حَوْلَها.

He-asws said: ‘They lie! Upon them be the Curse of Allah-azwj, I-asws for that, say that Allah-azwj has Said in the Decisive (Verse) of His-azwj Book [62:2] He is the One Who Sent among the inhabitants of Mecca a Rasool from among themselves, reciting to them His Communications and purifying them, and teaching them the Book and the Wisdom, How does he-saww teach them whilst not been well learned? By Allah-azwj, the Rasool-Allah-saww was able to read and write seventy two’ – (or said) – ‘seventy three languages, and He-asws has been called ‘Al-Ummy’ because he-saww was from the inhabitants of Mecca, and Mecca is the mother of all towns, and that is in the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [6:92] And that you may warn the mother of towns (أُمَّ الْقُرى) and those around it’.[191]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا الحسن بن موسى الخشاب، عن علي بن حسان وعلي بن اسباط وغيره رفعه عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قلت ان الناس يزعمون ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لم يكتب ولا يقرأ فقال كذبوا لعنهم الله أنى يكون ذلك وقد يكون وقد قال الله عزوجل (وهو الذي بعث في الاميين رسولا منهم يتلو عليهم آياته ويزكيهم ويعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة وان كانوا من قبل لفى ضلال مبين) فكيف يعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة وليس يحسن ان يقرأ ويكتب، قال قلت فلم سمي النبي الامي قال لانه نسب إلى مكة وذلك قول الله عزوجل لتنذر أم القرى ومن حولها قام القرى مكة فقيل أمي لذلك.

And it has been narrated from Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan, from Sa’d Bin Abdullah, from Al-Hassan Bin Musa Al-Khashaab, from Ali Bin Hasaan, and Ali Bin Asbaat, and someone else, with a chain going up to,

It was asked from Abu Ja’far-asws that, ‘The people claim that Rasool-Allah-saww could not write or read.’ He-asws said: ‘They lie! Curse of Allah-azwj be upon them. I-asws for that say that Allah-azwj has Said [62:2] He it is Who Sent among the inhabitants of Mecca a Rasool from among themselves, reciting to them His Communications and purifying them, and teaching them the Book and the Wisdom, although they were from before in clear error. How did he-saww teach them the Book and the Wisdom, without being good at reading and writing?’ I said, ‘Why was the Prophet-saww called ‘Al-Ummy?’ He-asws said: ‘He-asws was established in Mecca, and that is the Statement of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [6:92] And that you may warn the mother of towns and those around her, and the mother of towns is Mecca. Thus, he-saww was Referred to as Ummy because of that.’[192]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن يحيى العطار رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن عامر عن عبد الرحمان بن أبى نجران عن يحيى بن عمران الحلبي عن ابيه عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: سئل عن قول الله عزوجل (وأحى إلى هذا القرآن لا نذركم به ومن بلغ) قال بكل لسان

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Yahya Bin Imran Al Halby, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having been asked about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [6:19] and this Quran has been Revealed to me that with it I may warn you, and whomsoever it reaches. He-asws said: ‘By every language’.[193]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله بن محمد ابن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب عن شريف بن سابق التفليسي، عن الفضل بن ابى قرة عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” في قول يوسف أجعلني على خزائن الارض انى حفيظ عليم، قال حفيظ بما تحت يدي عليم بكل لسان.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Shareef Bin Sabiq Al Tafleysi, from Al Fazal Bin Abu Qarat,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the words of Yusuf-as [12:55] He said: Place me (in authority) over the treasures of the land, I am a good keeper, knowing well. He-asws said: ‘A keeper of whatever was under his-as hand (control), and a knower of every language’.[194]

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أبو العباس احمد بن اسحاق الماذرانى بالبصرة قال: حدثنا أبو قلابة عبد الملك بن محمد قال حدثنا غانم بن الحسن السعدي قال: حدثنا مسلم بن خالد المكي عن جعفر ابن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: ما أنزل الله تعالى كتابا ولا وحيا إلا بالعربية فكان يقع في مسامع الانبياء عليهما السلام بألسنة قومهم وكان يقع في مسامع نبينا بالعربية فإذا كلم به قومه كلمهم بالعربية فيقع في مسامعهم بلسانهم وكان احدنا لا يخاطب رسول الله باي لسان خاطبه إلا وقع في مسامعه بالعربية كل ذلك يترجم جبرئيل ” ع ” عنه تشريفا من الله عزوجل له.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abu Al Abbas Ahmad Bin Is’haq Al Maazarany at Al Basra, from Abu Qalba Abdul Malik Bin Muhammad, from Ghanim Bin Al Hassan Al Sa’ady, from Muslim Bin Khalid Al Makky,

from Ja’far Ibn Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj did not Send down a Book, nor a Revelation except in Arabic. So it used to occur in the hearing of the Prophets-as in the language of their-as people, and it used to occur in the hearing of our Prophet-saww in Arabic. So whenever they-as used to speak to their-as people, did so in Arabic, and it used to occur in their hearings in their own language. And one of us would not address Rasool-Allah-azwj in whichever language except that it would occur in his-saww hearing in Arabic. All that was translated by Jibraeel-as in his-saww honour, from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[195]

(باب 106 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله محمد وأحمد) (وأبا القاسم وبشيرا ونذيرا وداعيا وماحيا وعاقبا وحاشرا) (واحيد وموقفا ومعقبا)

Chapter 106 – The reason due to which the Prophet-saww was named as ‘Muhammad’, and ‘Ahmad’, and ‘Abu Al Qasim’, and ‘Basheer’, and ‘Nazeer’, and ‘Da’aiy’, and ‘Mahiya’, and ‘Aaqib’, and ‘Haashira’, and ‘Aheed’, and ‘Moqafa’, and ‘Maqaba’

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عمي محمد بن أبى القاسم عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله، عن ابى الحسن علي بن الحسين البرقى، عن عبد الله بن جبلة، عن معاوية بن عمار، عن الحسن بن عبد الله بن آبائه عن جده الحسن بن علي بن أبى طالب ” ع ” قال: جاء نفر من اليهود إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فسأله اعلمهم فيما سأله فقال لاي شئ سميت محمد وأحمد وابا القاسم وبشيرا ونذيرا وداعيا؟

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from an uncle of Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Barqy, from Abdullah Bin Jabala, from Muawiya, from Amaar, from Al Hassan Bin Abdullah, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather-asws Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘There came a number of Jews to Rasool-Allah-saww. So they asked him-saww, and he-saww let them know with regards to what they had asked him-saww. So (one of them) asked, ‘For which thing (reason) have you-saww been named as ‘Muhammad’, and ‘Ahmad’, and ‘Abu Al-Qasim’, and ‘Basheer’, and ‘Nazeer’, and ‘Da’aiy’?’

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أما محمد فإنى محمود في الارض وأما احمد فإنى محمود في السماء وأما أبو القاسم فإن الله عزوجل يقسم يوم القيامة قسمة النار فمن كفربي من الاولين والآخرين ففى النار ويقسم قسمة الجنة فمن آمن بى واقر بنبوتي ففي الجنة وأما الداعي فإنى أدعوا الناس إلى دين ربى عزوجل وأما النذير فإنى انذر بالنار من عصاني وأما البشير فإنى ابشر بالجنة من أطاعني.

So the Prophet-saww said: ‘As for ‘Muhammad’, so I-saww am the praised one in the earth; and as for ‘Ahmad’, so I-saww am the praised one in the sky; and as for ‘Abu Al-Qasim’, so Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Divide the Fire on the Day of Judgement, so the one who rejected me-saww, from the former ones and the later ones, so he would be in the Fire. And He-azwj would Divide a division of the Paradise, so the one who believe in me-saww, and accepted with my-saww Prophet-hood, so he would be in the Paradise. And as for ‘Al Da’aiy’, so I-saww call the people to the Religion of my-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic. And as for ‘Al-Nazeer’, so I-saww warn of the Fire to the one who disobeys me-saww. And as for ‘Al-Basheer’, so I-saww give the good news of the Paradise to the one who obeys me-saww’.[196]

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد الكوفي قال حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن فضال عن أبيه قال سألت ابا الحسن ” ع ” فقلت له لم كنى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله بابى القاسم؟ فقال لانه كان له ابن يقال له قاسم فكنى به

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Kufy, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Fazaal, from his father who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘Why was the Prophet-saww teknonymed with ‘Abu Al-Qasim’?’ So he-asws said to him: ‘Because he-saww had a son called ‘Qasim’, thus he-saww was teknonymed due to him’.

قال فقلت له يابن رسول الله فهل تراني أهلا للزيادة؟ فقال نعم، أنا علمت ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: أنا وعلي ابوا هذه الامة قلت بلى، قال اما علمت ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أب لجميع أمته وعلي ” ع ” فيهم بمنزلته؟ فقلت بلى

He (the narrator) said, ‘So I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So do you-asws see me as one deserving of the increase (in the information)?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes. Do you know that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww and Ali-asws are the two fathers of this community?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘But, do you know that Rasool-Allah-saww is the father of the entirety of his-saww community, and Ali-asws is among them, is of his-saww status?’ So I said, ‘Yes’.

قال اما علمت ان عليا قاسم الجنة والنار قلت بلى قال فقيل له أبو القاسم لانه أبو قسيم الجنة والنار فقلت له وما معنى ذلك؟ فقال ان شفقة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله على أمته شفقة الآباء على الاولاد وأفضل امته علي ” ع ” ومن بعده شفقة علي ” ع ” عليهم كشفقته صلى الله عليه وآله لانه وصيه وخليفته والامام بعده فلذلك قال صلى الله عليه وآله انا وعلى أبوا هذه الامة،

He-asws said: ‘But, do you know that Ali-asws is the Distributor of the Paradise and the Fire?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘So he-saww was referred to as ‘Abu Al-Qasim’ because he-saww is the father of the Distributor of the Paradise and the Fire’. So I said to him-asws, ‘And what is the meaning of that?’ So he-asws said: ‘The compassion of the Prophet-saww upon his-saww community is that of the compassion of the fathers upon the children, and the best of his-saww community is Ali-asws. And after him-saww, is the compassion of Ali-asws upon them, just like his-saww compassion, because he-asws is his-saww successor-asws, and his-saww Caliph, and the Imam-asws from after him-saww. Thus, it is due to that, he-saww said: ‘I-saww and Ali-asws are the two fathers of this community’.

وصعد النبي صلى الله عليه وآله المنبر فقال من ترك دينا أو ضياعا فعلي والي، ومن ترك مالا فلورثته فصار بذلك أولى بهم من آبائهم وأمهاتهم وصار أولى بهم منهم بانفسهم وكذلك امير المؤمنين ” ع ” بعده جرى ذلك له مثل ما جرى لرسول الله صى الله عليه وآله وسلم.

And the Prophet-saww ascended the Pulpit and said: ‘The one who leaves debts or losses, so it (responsibility) is upon me-saww and to me-saww, and the one who leaves wealth, so it is for his inheritors’. Thus, by that he-saww became closer to them than their own (biological) fathers and mothers, and became closer to them than their own selves. And like that is Amir Al-Momineen-asws after him-saww. That flowed for him-asws like what flowed for Rasool-Allah-saww’.[197]

Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Shah narrated to us, from Abu Bakr Muhammad Bin Ja’far Bin Ahmad Al Baghdady, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Al Sakht, from Muhammad Bin al Aswad Al Waraq, from Ayoub Bin Suleyman, from Hafs Bin Al Bakhtary, from Muhammad Bin Hameed, from Muhammad Bin Am Mankadar, from Jabir Bin Abdullah who said,

حدثنا أبو الحسين محمد بن علي بن الشاه قال: حدثنا أبو بكر محمد بن جعفر بن احمد البغدادي بآمد قال: حدثنا ابى قال: حدثنا احمد بن السخت قال حدثنا محمد بن الاسود الوراق عن أيوب بن سليمان عن حفص بن البختري عن محمد بن حميد عن محمد بن المنكدر عن جابر بن عبد الله قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انا اشبه الناس بآدم وإبراهيم أشبه الناس بى خلقه وخلقه وسماني الله من فوق عرشه عشرة اسماء وبين الله وصفي وبشرني على لسان كل رسول بعثه الله إلى قومه وسماني ونشر في التوراة اسمى وبث ذكري في اهل التوراة والانجيل وعلمني كتابه ورفعني في سمائه

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww am the one who resembles Adam-as the most from the people, and Ibrahim-as resembles me-saww the most from the people, in his-as creation and his-as manners, and Allah-azwj has Named me-as from above His-azwj Throne with ten names and Described me-saww, and Gave my-saww glad tidings upon the tongues of every Rasool-saww that Allah-azwj Sent to his-as people, and Named me-saww, and Publicised my-saww name in the Torah, and Broadcast my-saww remembrance among the people of the Torah, and the Evangel, and Taught me-saww His-azwj Book, and Raised me-saww to His-azwj sky.

وشق لي أسما من اسمائه فسماني محمدا وهو محمود وأخرجني في خير قرن من أمتي وجعل اسمي في التوراة احيد فبالتوحيد حرم اجساد امتي على النار وسماني في الانجيل احمد فانا محمود في اهل السماء وجعل أمتي الحامدين وجعل اسمي في الزبور ماحي محى الله عزوجل بي من الارض وعبادة الاوثان وجعل اسمي في القرآن محمدا فانا محمود في جميع القيامة في فصل القضاء لا يشفع احد غيري

And He-azwj Endowed for me-saww a Name from His-azwj Names, so He-azwj Named me-saww as ‘Muhammad’, and He-azwj is the Praised One, and Raised me-saww among the best generation of my-saww communities. And He-azwj Made my-saww name to be in the Torah as ‘Aheed’. So, it was due to the Oneness that He-azwj Forbade the bodies of my-saww community upon the Fire. And He-azwj Named me-saww in the Evangel as ‘Ahmad’. Thus, I-saww am the praised one among the inhabitants of the sky, and He-azwj Made my-saww community to be the praising ones. And He-azwj Made my-saww name in the Psalms to be ‘Mahiya’, so Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Obliterate (Mahou) the worshipping of the idols from the earth. And He-azwj Made my-saww name in the Quran to be ‘Muhammad’, so I-saww am the praised one among the gathered ones on the Day of Judgement with regards to the Decision and the Judgement. No one would intercede apart from me-saww.

وسماني في القيامة حاشرا يحشر الناس على قدمى وسماني الموقف أوقف الناس بين يدي الله عز وجل وسماني العاقب انا عقب النبيين ليس بعدي رسول وجعلني رسول الرحمة ورسول الملاحم والمقتفى قفيت النبيين جماعة وانا المقيم الكامل الجامع

And He-azwj Named me-saww for the Day of Judgement as ‘Haashira’, the people being crammed to be in front of me-saww. And He-saww Named me-saww as ‘Al-Mowqaf’, for I-saww would be pausing the people in front of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. And He-azwj Named me-saww as ‘Al-Aaqib’, (because) I-saww am the end result of the Prophets, there not being any Rasool-as to come after me-saww. And He-azwj Made me-saww to be the Rasool-saww of the Mercy, and a Rasool-saww of the epic (after a long series of Prophets-as), and ‘Al-Muqtafi’, being similar to the group of the Prophets-as. And I-saww am ‘Al-Muqeem’, and I-saww am a fully inclusive resident.

ومن علي ربي وقال لي يا محمد صلى الله عليك فقد ارسلت كل رسول إلى أمته بلسانها وارسلتك إلى كل احمر واسود من خلقي ونصرتك بالرعب الذي لم انصر به احدا واحللت لك الغنيمة ولم تحل لاحد قبلك واعطيتك لك ولامتك كنزا من كنوز عرشي فاتحة الكتاب وخاتمة سورة البقرة وجعلت لك ولأمتك الارض كلها مسجداو ترابها طهورا واعطيت لك ولامتك التكبير وقرنت ذكرك بذكري حتى لا يذكرنى احد من امتك إلا ذكرك مع ذكري فطوبى لك يا محمد ولامتك.

And my-saww Lord-azwj Favoured upon me-saww and Said to me-saww: “O Muhammad-saww! May Blessings be upon you-saww, I-azwj have Sent every Rasool-as to his-as community with its language, and Sent you-saww to every red one, and black one from My-azwj creatures, and Helped you-saww with the awe (wonder) which I-azwj did not Help anyone (else) with, and Made Permissible for you-saww, the war booty, and have not Made it Permissible to anyone before you-saww and Given you-saww, for you-saww and for your-saww community, a treasure from the treasures of My-azwj Throne – the Opening of the Book (Surah Al-Fatiha) and the end part of the Surah Al-Baqarah. And I-azwj have Made the earth, to be for you-saww and for your-saww community, all of it, as a Masjid (a place of Prostration), and its dust to be a means of purification. And I-azwj Gave to you-saww and to your-saww community, the Exclamation of Greatness (Takbeer), and Paired your-saww mention and My-azwj Mention, to the extent that no one from your-saww community would mention Me-azwj, except that he would (have to) mention you-saww along with My-azwj Mention. So Good News be to you-saww, O Muhammad-saww, and to your-saww community’.[198]

(باب 107 – العلة التى من أجلها قال الله عز وجل لنبيه صلى الله) (عليه وآله فان كنت في شك مما أنزلنا اليك فاسأل الذين) (يقرؤن الكتاب من قبلك)

Chapter 107 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to His-azwj Prophet-saww [10:94] But if you are in doubt as to what We have Revealed to you, ask those who read the Book before you

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي (رضي الله عنه)، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد ابن مسعود، عن أبيه، قال: حدثنا علي بن عبد الله، عن بكر بن صالح، عن أبي الخير، عن محمد بن حسان، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن إسماعيل الداري، عن محمد بن سعيد الإذخري- و كان ممن يصحب موسى بن محمد بن علي الرضا (عليه السلام)- أن موسى أخبره، أن يحيى بن أكثم كتب إليه يسأله عن مسائل، فيها: و أخبرني عن قول الله عز و جل: فَإِنْ كُنْتَ فِي شَكٍّ مِمَّا أَنْزَلْنا إِلَيْكَ فَسْئَلِ الَّذِينَ يَقْرَؤُنَ الْكِتابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ من المخاطب‏ بالاية؟ فإن كان المخاطب بها النبي (صلى الله عليه و آله) أليس قد شك فيما أنزل الله عز و جل إليه؟ و إن كان المخاطب غيره فعلى غيره إذن أنزل القرآن؟

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Ibn Masoud, from his father, from Ali Bin Abdullah, from Bakr Bin Salih, from Abu Al Khayr, from Muhammad Bin Hisan, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Dary,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Saeed Al-Azkhary – and he was from the ones who were the companions of Musa Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Reza-asws – that Musa informed him that Yahya Bin Aksam wrote to him asking him about a problem, and in it was, ‘And inform me about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [10:94] But if you are in doubt as to what We have Revealed to you, ask those who read the Book before you, who is being Addressed by this Verse? For, if it was the Prophet-saww who was being Addressed, did he-saww have doubt in what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic had Revealed unto him-saww? And if it was someone else, so is it upon someone else that the Quran had been Revealed?’

قال موسى: فسألت أخي علي بن محمد (عليهما السلام) عن ذلك، فقال: «أما قوله: فَإِنْ كُنْتَ فِي شَكٍّ مِمَّا أَنْزَلْنا إِلَيْكَ فَسْئَلِ الَّذِينَ يَقْرَؤُنَ الْكِتابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ فإن المخاطب بذلك رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله)، و لم يكن في شك مما أنزل الله عز و جل، و لكن قالت الجهلة: كيف لا يبعث إلينا نبيا من الملائكة؟ إنه لم يفرق بينه و بين غيره في الاستغناء عن المأكل و المشرب و المشي في الأسواق.

Musa said, ‘So I asked my brother-asws, Ali-asws Bin Muhammad-asws about that, so he-asws said: ‘As for His-azwj Words [10:94] But if you are in doubt as to what We have Revealed to you, ask those who read the Book before you, so the one Addressed by that is Rasool-Allah-saww, and it was not the doubt about what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic had Revealed unto him-saww, but the ignoramuses said, ‘How come there has not been Sent to us a Prophet-as from the Angels?’ They could not differentiate between him-saww and others with regards to being self-sufficient from the eating, and the drinking, and the walking in the markets.

فأوحى الله عز و جل إلى نبيه (صلى الله عليه و آله): فَسْئَلِ الَّذِينَ يَقْرَؤُنَ الْكِتابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ بمحضر من الجهلة، هل بعث الله رسولا قبلك إلا و هو يأكل الطعام و يمشي في الأسواق؟ و لك بهم أسوة، و إنما قال: فَإِنْ كُنْتَ فِي شَكٍّ و لم يكن ، و لكن لينصفهم، كما قال له (صلى الله عليه و آله): فَقُلْ تَعالَوْا نَدْعُ أَبْناءَنا وَ أَبْناءَكُمْ وَ نِساءَنا وَ نِساءَكُمْ وَ أَنْفُسَنا وَ أَنْفُسَكُمْ ثُمَّ نَبْتَهِلْ فَنَجْعَلْ لَعْنَتَ اللَّهِ عَلَى الْكاذِبِينَ و لو قال: تعالوا نبتهل فنجعل لعنة الله عليكم.

So, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto His-azwj Prophet-saww ask those who read the Book before you in the presence of the ignorance, ‘Has Allah-azwj ever Sent a Rasool-as except that he-as ate the food, and walked in the markets? And for you-saww they-as were examples. But rather, He-azwj Said [10:94] But if you are in doubt, and did not Say, ‘But in order to do justice to them’, just as He-azwj Said to him-saww [3:61] then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our selves and your selves, then imprecate, so let the Curse of Allah be upon the liars. And He-azwj could have Said: “Come, let us imprecate, so let the Curse of Allah-azwj be upon the liars”.

لم يكونوا يجيبون للمباهلة و قد عرف أن نبيه (صلى الله عليه و آله) مؤد عنه رسالته، و ما هو من الكاذبين، و كذلك عرف النبي (صلى الله عليه و آله) أنه صادق فيما يقول، و لكن أحب أن ينصف من نفسه».

They (the Christians of Najran) would not have been able to answer to the imprecation and would have recognised that he-saww is indeed Allah-azwj Prophet-saww, a performer in accordance with His-azwj Message, and he-saww is not from the liars, and thus recognise the Prophet-saww that he-saww is a truthful with regards to what he-saww is saying, but I-azwj Loved it that he-saww should do justice from himself’.[199]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن ابن أبان، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن إبراهيم بن عمير رفعه إلى أحدهما في قول الله عز وجل لنبيه صلى الله عليه وآله (فان كنت في شك مما انزلنا اليك فاسأل الذين يقرؤن الكتاب من قبلك) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا أشك ولا أسأل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Abaan, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Ibrahim Bin Umar,

It was asked from the one of the two (5th or 6th Imam-asws) regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to His-azwj Prophet-saww [10:94] But if you are in doubt as to what We have Revealed to you, ask those who read the Book before you. He-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww do not doubt, nor do I-saww Question’.[200]

(باب 108 – علة تسليم النبي صلى الله عليه وآله على الصبيان)

Chapter 108 – Reason for the Prophet-saww greeting the children

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي السمرقندي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود عن أبيه ابى النصر محمد بن مسعود العياشي قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال قال: حدثنا محمد بن الوليد عن العباس ابن هلال عن علي بن موسى الرضا ” ع ” عن أبيه موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه جعفر ابن محمد عن ابيه محمد بن علي عن أبيه علي بن الحسين عن أبيه الحسين بن علي عن أبيه علي بن أبى طالب عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله خمس لا أدعهن حتى الممات الاكل على الحضيض مع العبيد وركوبي الحمار مؤكفا وحلبي العنز بيدي ولبس الصوف والتسليم على الصبيان ليكون ذلك سنة من بعدي.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy Al Samarqandy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Abu Al Nasar Muhammad Bin Masoud Al Ayyashi, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Muhammad Bin Al Waleed, from Al Abbas Ibn Hilal,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘There are five (characteristics) that I-saww shall not leave till the death – Eating upon the low ground along with the slaves, and riding the donkey with the saddle, and milking the goat with my-saww own hands, and wearing wool, and the greeting to the children, in order for that to be a Sunnah from after me-saww’.[201]

(باب 110 – العلة التى من أجلها أيتم الله عز وجل نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله)

Chapter 110 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made His-azwj Prophet-saww to be an orphan

حدثنا حمزة بن محمد العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أبو العباس احمد ابن محمد الكوفي، عن علي بن الحسن بن فضال عن اخيه عن احمد بن محمد ابن عبد الله بن مروان عن ابن أبى عمير عن بعض أصحابه عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال ان الله عز وجل أيتم نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله لئلا يكون لاحد عليه طاعة.

Hamza Bin Muhammad Al Alawy narrated to us, from Abu Al Abbas Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Al Kufy, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Fazaal, from his brother, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Bin Marwan, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from one of his companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made His-azwj Prophet-saww to be an orphan that there would not happen to be anyone he-saww had to be obedient to’.[202]

(باب 111 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يبق لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ولد)

Chapter 111 – The reason due to which a son did not remain for Rasool-Allah-saww

أخبرنا علي بن حاتم القزويني فيما كتب إلى قال: اخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن عبد الله بن حماد عن عبد الله ابن سنان عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قلت له لاي علة لم يبق لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ولد قال لان الله عز وجل خلق محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله نبينا وعليا عليه السلام وصيا فلو كان لرسول الله ولد من بعده لكان أولى برسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من امير المؤمنين فكانت لا تثبت وصية امير المؤمنين عليه السلام.

Ali Bin Haatim Al Qazwiny informed us with regards to what was written to him, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad, from Abdullah Ibn Sinan,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why did there not remain a son for Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created Muhammad-saww as our Prophet-saww, and Ali-asws as a successor-asws. So if there was a son for Rasool-Allah-saww from after him-saww, he would have been closer with Rasool-Allah-saww than Amir Al-Momineen-asws, so the successorship of Amir Al-Momineen-asws would not have been affirmed’.[203]

(باب 112 – علة المعراج)

Chapter 112 – Reason for the Ascension (Mi’raaj)

حدثنا محمد بن احمد بن السنانى وعلي بن احمد بن محمد الدقاق والحسين ابن إبراهيم بن احمد بن هشام المؤدب وعلى بن عبد الله الوراق رضى الله عنهم قالوا حدثنا محمد بن ابى عبد الله الكوفي الاسدي، عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن على بن سالم عن أبيه عن ثابت بن دينار قال سألت زين العابدين على بن الحسين بن على بن أبى طالب ” ع ” عن الله جل جلاله هل يوصف بمكان فقال تعالى عن ذلك

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al-Sanany narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad Daqaq, and Al-Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Hisham Al-Mowdab, and Ali Bin Abdullah Al-Waraq, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al-Kufy Al-Asady, from Musa Bin Umran Al-Nakha’ie, from his uncle Al-Husayn Bin Yazeed Al-Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Salim, from his father, from Sabit Ibn Dinar who said,

‘I asked Zayn Al-Abideen-asws Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws about Allah-azwj Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, can He-azwj be described with a place?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj is Higher than that’.

قلت: لم أسرى بنبيه (صلى الله عليه و آله) إلى السماء؟ قال: «ليريه ملكوت السماوات و ما فيها من عجائب صنعه و بدائع خلقه». قلت: فقول الله عز و جل: ثُمَّ دَنا فَتَدَلَّى فَكانَ قابَ قَوْسَيْنِ أَوْ أَدْنى؟ قال: «ذاك رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله)، دنا من حجب النور، فرأى ملكوت السماوات، ثم تدلى (صلى الله عليه و آله) فنظر من تحته إلى ملكوت الأرض، حتى ظن أنه في القرب من الأرض كقاب قوسين أو أدنى».

I said, ‘Why did He-azwj Make His-azwj Prophet-saww to ascend to the sky?’ He-asws said: ‘To Make him-saww see the Kingdoms of the skies and whatever is in these from the wonders of His-azwj Making and His-azwj creatures’. I said, ‘So (what about) the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [53:8] Then he approached, so he bowed [53:9] So he was the measure of two bows or even closer?’ He-asws said: ‘That is Rasool-Allah-saww, approaching the Veils of the Light. So he-saww saw the Kingdoms of the skies, then he-asws bowed, so he-saww looked underneath him-saww to the kingdoms of the earth until he-saww thought he-saww was near to the earth [53:9] the measure of two bows or even closer’.[204]

حدثنا الحسين بن إبراهيم بن احمد بن هشام المؤدب وعلي بن عبد الله الوراق واحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنهم قالوا حدثنا على بن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن يحيى بن أبى عمران وصالح بن السندي عن يونس ابن عبد الرحمان قال: قلت لابي الحسن موسى بن جعفر عليهما السلام لاي علة عرج الله بنبيه صلى الله عليه وآله إلى السماء ومنها إلى سدرة المنتهى ومنها إلى إلى حجب النور وخاطبه وناجاه هناك والله لا يوصف بمكان فقال ان الله لا يوصف بمكان ولا يجرى عليه زمان ولكنه عز وجل أراد ان يشرف به ملائكته وسكان سمواته ويكرمهم بمشاهدته ويريه من عجايب عظمته ما يخبر به بعد هبوطه وليس ذلك على ما يقوله المشبهون سبحان الله وتعالى عما يصفون.

Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Ahmad Bin Hisham Al Mo’dab, and Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraaq and Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Yahya Bin Abu Umran and Salih Bin Al Sandy, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, ‘What was the reason for Allah-azwj to Ascend His-azwj Prophet-saww to the sky, and from it to the Lote Tree, and from it to Veils of Light. And He-azwj Addressed him-saww and he-saww whispered to Him-azwj over there, and Allah-azwj cannot be described by a place?’

فقال (عليه السلام): «إن الله لا يوصف بمكان، و لا يجري عليه زمان، و لكنه عز و جل أراد أن يشرف به ملائكته و سكان سماواته، و يكرمهم بمشاهدته، و يريه من عجائب عظمته ما يخبر به بعد هبوطه، و ليس ذلك على ما يقوله المشبهون، سبحانه و تعالى عما يصفون».

So he-asws said: ‘Surely, Allah-azwj cannot be described to be in a place, nor does the time flow for Him-azwj, but the Mighty and Majestic Intended that He-azwj should Grant the Nobility to His-azwj Angels and the inhabitants of the skies, and Honour them by looking at him-saww. And He-azwj Showed him-saww from the great wonders what he-saww informed of after his-saww descent. And that is not as per what the resemblers (who make resembles of Allah-azwj) are saying. Glorious is He-azwj from what they are describing Him-azwj to be’.[205]

(باب 113 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يسأل النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ربه) (عز وجل التخفيف عن أمته من خمسين صلاة حتى سأله) (موسى والعلة التى من أجلها لم يسأل التخفيف) (عنهم من خمس صلوات)

Chapter 113 – The reason due to which the Prophet-saww did not ask his-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic for the lessening from his-saww community, from fifty Prayers, until Musa-as asked him-saww to do so; and the reason due to which he-as did not ask for the lessening them from the five Prayers

حدثنا محمد بن محمد بن عصام رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن سليمان عن اسماعيل بن إبراهيم عن جعفر بن محمد التميمي عن الحسين بن علوان عن عمرو بن خالد عن زيد بن علي عليه السلام قال: سألت أبى سيد العابدين ” ع ” فقلت له يا ابة اخبرني عن جدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما عرج به إلى السماء وأمره ربه عز وجل بخمسين صلاة كيف لم يسأله التخفيف عن أمته حتى قال له موسى بن عمران ارجع إلى ربك فاسأل التخفيف فإن أمتك لا تطيق ذلك

Muhammad Bin Muhammad Aasim narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Suleyman, from Ismail Bin Ibrahim, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al Tameemi, from Al Husayn Bin Alwaan, from Amro Bin Khalid,

(It has been narrated) from Zayd son of Ali-asws who said, ‘I asked my father-asws, the Chief of the Worshippers, so I said, ‘O father-asws! Inform me about our grandfather Rasool-Allah-saww, when he-saww was ascended with to the sky, and his-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded him-saww with fifty Prayers, why did he-saww not ask for the lessening from his-saww community until Musa-as Bin Imran-as said to him-saww: ‘Return to your-saww Lord-azwj, and ask Him-azwj for the lessening, for your-saww community would not be able to bear that’.

فقال يا بني ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كان لا يقترح على ربه عز وجل ولا يراجعه في شئ يأمره به فلما سأله موسى عليه السلام ذلك فكان شفيعا لامته إليه لم يجز له رد شفاعة اخيه موسى فرجع إلى ربه فسأله التخفيف إلى ان ردها إلى خمس صلوات

So he-asws said: ‘O my-asws son! Rasool-Allah-saww never used to suggest (anything) to his-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic, nor did he-saww ever had it reviewed anything that he-saww had been Commanded with. So when Musa-as asked that, he-as was an interceder for his-saww community to him-saww. It was not permissible for him-saww to turn down the intercession of his-saww brother-as Musa-as. Therefore, he-saww returned to his-saww Lord and asked for the lessening up to he-saww got it down to five Prayers.

قال: قلت له يا أبة فلم لا يرجع إلى ربه عز وجل ويسأله التخفيف عن خمس صلوات وقد سأله موسى ” ع ” ان يرجع إلى ربه ويسأله التخفيف؟ فقال له: يا بني اراد صلى الله عليه وآله ان يحصل لامته التخفيف مع أجر خمسين صلاة يقول الله عز وجل من جاء بالحسنة فله عشر أمثالها ألا ترى انه صلى الله عليه وآله لما هبط إلى الارض نزل عليه جبرئيل عليه السلام فقال يا محمد ان ربك يقرئك السلام ويقول انها خمس بخمسين ما يبدل القول لدى وما انا بظلام للعبيد

I said to him -asws, ‘Why did he-saww not return to his-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic and ask Him-azwj for the lessening from five Prayers, although Musa-as had asked him-saww to return to his-saww Lord-azwj and ask Him-azwj for the lessening?’ So he-asws said: ‘O my-asws son! He-saww wanted to achieve for his-saww community, the Recompense of fifty Prayers with the five Prayers. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [6:160] Whoever comes with a good deed, he shall have ten like it. Do you not see that when he-saww descended to the earth, Jibraeel-as descended unto him-saww, so he-as said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! Your-saww Lord-azwj Conveys the Greetings to you-saww, and is Saying: “It is five for the fifty. My-azwj Words have not Changed, and I-azwj am not the least unjust to the servants”.

قال: فقلت له يا أبة اليس الله تعالى ذكره لا يوصف بمكان قال تعالى الله عن ذلك علوا كبيرا قلت فما معنى قول موسى ” ع ” لرسول الله أرجع إلى ربك؟ فقال معناه: معنى قول إبراهيم عليه السلام انى ذاهب إلى ربى سيهدين ومعنى قول موسى وعجلت اليك رب لترضى ومعنى قوله عز وجل ففروا إلى الله يعني حجوا إلى بيت الله

So I said to him-asws, ‘O father-asws! Is it not that Allah-azwj cannot to be Described with a place?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj is Higher than that, Exalted, Great’. I said, ‘So what is the Meaning of the words of Musa-as: ‘Return to your-saww Lord-azwj’?’ So he-asws said: ‘The meaning of it is the meaning of the words of Ibrahim-as [37:99] And he said: Surely I am going to my Lord; He will Guide me; and the meaning of the words of Musa-as [20:84] and I hastened on to You, Lord, so that You would be Pleased; and the Meaning of the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [51:50] Therefore flee to Allah – Meaning go to Hajj of the House of Allah-azwj (Kabah).

يا بني ان الكعبة بيت الله فمن حج بيت الله فقد قصد إلى الله والمساجد بيوت الله فمن سعى إليها فقد سعى إلى الله وقصد إليه والمصلى مادام في صلاته فهو واقف بين يدي الله جل جلاله وأهل موقف عرفات هم وقوف بين يدي الله عز وجل وان لله تعالى بقاعا في سماواته فمن عرج به إلى بقعة منها فقد عرج به إليه ألا تسمع الله عز وجل يقول تعرج الملائكة والروح إليه ويقول في قصة عيسى ” ع ” بل رفعه الله إليه ويقول عز وجل واليه يصعد الكلم الطيب والعمل الصالح يرفعه.

O my-asws son! The Kabah is the House of Allah-azwj, so the one who does the Hajj of the House of Allah-azwj, so he has headed towards Allah-azwj. And the Masajids are the Houses of Allah-azwj, so the one who runs towards these, so he has run to Allah-azwj and headed towards Him-azwj. And the Praying one, for as long as he is in the Prayer, so he has paused in front of Allahzwj, Mighty is His-azwj Majesty. And the people paused at Arafat, they have paused in front of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. And Allah-azwj the High has Locations in the skies, so the one who ascends to a location from it, so he has ascended to Him-azwj. Have you not hear Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Saying [70:4] To Him ascend the Angels and the Spirit; and He-azwj is Saying regarding the story of Isa-as [4:158] But! Allah Raised him up to Himself; and is Saying [35:10] To Him do ascend the good words; and the good deeds lift them up’.[206]

(باب 114 – علة محبة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لعقيل بن أبى طالب حبين)

Chapter 114 – Reason for the love of the Prophet-saww for Aqeel Bin Abu Talib-as with two loves

حدثنا أبو محمد الحسن بن محمد بن يحيى بن الحسن بن جعفر بن عبيدالله ابن الحسين بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن ابى طالب ” ع ” قال: حدثني جدي يحيى ابن الحسن قال حدثني إبراهيم بن محمد بن يوسف الفريابى المقدسي قال: حدثنا علي ابن الحسن، عن إبراهيم بن رستم عن أبى حمزة السكري عن جابر بن يزيد الجعفي عن عبد الرحمان بن ساباط قال: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله يقول لعقيل إنى لاحبك يا عقيل حبين لك وحبا لحب أبى طالب لك.

Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Bin Al Hassan Bin Ja’far Bin Ubeydullah Ibn Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Abu Talib -asws narrated to us saygin, ‘My grandfather Yahya Ibn Al Hassan narrated to me, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Bin Yusuf Al Faryabi Al Mqadasy, from Ali Bin Al Hassan, from Ibrahim Bin Rustam, from Abu Hamaza Al Askary, from Jabir Bin Yazeed Al Ju’fy, from Abdul Rahman Bin Sabat who said,

‘The Prophet-saww was saying to Aqeel: ‘I-saww love you, O Aqeel, with two loves – a love for you and a love for the love for Abu Talib-as for you’.[207]

(باب 115 – العلة التى من أجلها كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يحب) (الذراع اكثر من حبه لسائر أعضاء الشاة)

Chapter 115 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww used to love (eating) the arm (of the sheep) much more than the rest of the parts of the sheep

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد، عن علي بن الريان عبيدالله بن عبد الله الواسطي عن واصل بن سليمان أو عن درست يرفعه إلى أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قلت له لم كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يحب الذراع اكثر من حبه لسائر اعضاء الشاة قال: فقال لان آدم قرب قربانا عن الانبياء من ذريته فسمى لكل نبي عضوا وسمى لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الذارع فمن ثم كان يحب الذراع ويشتهيها ويحبها ويفضلها.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ali Bin Al Rayan Ubeydullah Bin Abdullah Al Wasity, from Wasil Bin Suleyman, or from Darast,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why was it that Rasool-Allah-azwj loved (eating) the arm (of the sheep) much more than he-saww loved the rest of the parts of the sheep?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because Adam-as offered an offering (sacrifice) on behalf of the Prophets-as from his-as offspring, so he-as named a part for every Prophet-as, and named the arm for Rasool-Allah-azwj. Thus, from then on, he-saww used to love (eating) the arm. He-saww coveted (desired) it, and loved it, and preferred it’.[208]

وفي حديث آخر ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كان يحب الذراع لقربها من المرعى وبعدها من المبال.

And in another Hadeeth –

‘Rasool-Allah-saww used to love (eating) the arm (of the sheep) due to its proximity from the pastures and its remoteness from the private parts’.[209]

(باب 116 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى الاكرمون على الله تعالى) (محمدا وعليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين صلوات الله عليهم)

Chapter 116 – The reason due to which the most prestigious names to Allah-azwj the High are Muhammad-saww, and Ali-asws, and Fatima-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws

حدثنا أبو نصر احمد بن الحسين بن احمد بن عبيد النيسابوري المروانى بنيسابور وما لقيت أنصب منه قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسحاق بن ابراهيم بن مهران السراج قال: حدثنا الحسن بن عرفة العبدي قال حدثنا وكيع بن الجراح عن محمد ابن اسرائيل عن ابى صالح عن أبى ذر رحمه الله قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وهو يقول خلقت أنا وعلي بن ابى طالب من نور واحد نسبح الله يمنة العرش قبل ان يخلق آدم بالفى عام

Abu Nasr Ahmad Bin Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Ubeyd Al Neysabouri Al Marwany narrated to us at Naysabour, and focussed at what was received from him, from Muhammad Bin Is’haq Bin Ibrahim Bin Mahran Al Siraj, from Al Hassan Bin Arfat Al Abady, from Waki’e Bin Al Jarah, from Muhammad Ibn Israil, from Abu Salih,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Zarr-as having said, ‘I-as heard Rasool-Allah-saww and he-saww was saying: ‘I-saww and Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws were Created from One Light. We-asws were Glorifying Allah-azwj on the right of the Throne before He-azwj Created Adam-as by two thousand years.

فلما ان خلق الله آدم جعل ذلك النور في صلبه ولقد سكن الجنة ونحن في صلبه ولقد هم بالخطيئة ونحن في صلبه ولقد ركب نوح في السفينة ونحن في صلبه ولقد قذف إبراهيم في النار ونحن في صلبه فلم يزل ينقلنا الله عز وجل من أصلاب طاهرة إلى ارحام طاهرة حتى انتهى بنا إلى عبد المطلب فقسمنا بنصفين فجعلني في صلب عبد الله وجعل عليا في صلب أبى طالب وجعل في النبوة والبركة وجعل في علي الفصاحة والفروسية وشق لنا اسمين من اسمائه فذو العرش محمود وانا محمد والله الاعلى وهذا علي.

So when Allah-azwj Created Adam-as, He-azwj Made that Light to be in his-as ‘صلبه’. And he-as had settled in the Paradise, and we-asws were in his-as ‘صلبه’, and he-as was with the error and we-asws were in his-as صلبه, and Noah-as had embarked in the ship and we-asws were in his-as صلبه, and Ibrahim-as had been thrown in the fire and we-asws were in his-as صلبه. Thus, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic did not cease to Transfer us-asws from a pure صلبه to a pure mothers until it ended up with us-asws to Abdul Muttalib-as. So He-azwj Divided us into two parts, and Made me-saww to be in the صلبه of Abdullah-asws and Made Ali-asws to be in the صلبه of Abu Talib-asws, and Made the Prophet-hood and the Blessings to be in me-saww, and Made the eloquence and the horsemanship to be in Ali-asws. And He-azwj Chose two names for us from His-azwj Names. Thus, the One with the Throne is ‘Mahmood’ (The Most Praised One), and I-saww am ‘Muhammad’ (The praised one), and Allah-azwj is ‘A’ala’ (The most Exalted One), and this is Ali-asws (The exalted one)’.[210]

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن سعيد الهاشمي الكوفي قال: حدثنا فرات بن ابراهيم الكوفي قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي بن الحسين بن محمد قال حدثنا إبراهيم ابن الفضل بن جعفر بن على بن ابراهيم بن سليمان بن عبد الله بن العباس قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي الزعفراني البصري قال: حدثنا سهل بن يسار قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر محمد بن علي الطايفي قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله مولى بني هاشم عن محمد ابن اسحاق عن الواقدي عن الهذيل عن مكحول عن طاوس عن ابن عباس قال: قال رسول الله لعلي بن أبى طالب ” ع ” لما خلق الله تعالى ذكره آدم ونفخ فيه من روحه واسجد له ملائكته واسكنه جنته وزوجه حواء امته فوقع طرفه نحو العرش فإذا هو بخمس سطور مكتوبات

Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Hashimy Al Kufy narrated to us, from Furat Bin Ibrahim Al Kufy, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Ibrahim Ibn Al Fazal Bin Ja’far Bin Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin suleyman Bin Abdullah Bin Al Abbas, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Za’frany Al Basry, from Sahl Bin Yasaar, from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Al Taify, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, a slave of the Clan of Hashim -as, from Muhammad Ibn Is’haq, from Al Waqidy, from Al Hazeyl, from Makhoul, from Tawoos, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws: ‘When Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, Created Adam-as, and Blew into him-as from His-azwj Spirit, and the Angels Prostrated to him-as, and Settled him-as in His-azwj Paradise, and Married His-azwj Maid Hawwa-as to him-as, he-as was near to the Throne and there were five Inscribed lines of writing.

قال آدم يا رب ما هؤلاء؟ قال تعالى هؤلاء الذين إذا شفعوا بهم إلى خلقي شفعتهم فقال آدم يا رب بقدر هم عندك ما اسمهم؟ فقال أما الاول فانا المحمود وهو محمد، والثاني فانا العالي وهذا علي والثالث فانا الفاطر وهذه فاطمة والرابع فانا المحسن وهذا الحسن والخامس فانا ذو الاحسان وهذا الحسين كل يحمد الله تعالى.

Adam-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! What are these?’ The High Said: “They are the ones, when My-azwj creatures seek intercession by them-asws, I-azwj shall Intercede”. So Adam-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! By their-asws value in Your-azwj Presence, what are their-asws names?’ He-azwj Said: “As for the first, so I-azwj am the Praised One (Al-Mahmoud) and he-saww is Muhammad-saww; and the second – so I-azwj am the High and this is Ali-asws; and as for the third, so I-azwj am the Originator (Faatir), and this is Fatima-asws; and the fourth, so I-azwj am the Bountiful (Al-Mohsin) and this is Al-Hassan-asws; and the fifth, so I-azwj am with the Favours (Zul-hsaan) and this is Al-Husayn-asws. All of them-asws are Glorifying Allah-azwj the High”.[211]

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا عبد العزيز بن يحيى الجلودي قال: حدثني المغيرة بن محمد بن قال حدثنا رجاء بن سلمة عن عمرو بن شمر عن جابر الجعفي في حديث طويل يذكر اسماء أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” في التوراة والانجيل والزبور وعند الهند وعند الروم وعند الفرس وعند الترك وعند الزنج وعند الكهنة وعند الحبشة وعند ابيه وعند امه وعند ظئره وعند العرب

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya Al Jaloudy, from Al Mugheira Bin Muhammad, from Raja’a Bin Salma, from Amro Bin Shimr,

(It has been narrated) from Jabir Al Ju’fy in a lengthy Hadeeth (from the 6th Imam-asws) mentioning the names of Amir Al-Momineen-asws in the Torah, and the Evangel, and the Psalms, and among the Indians, and among the Romans, and among the Persians, and among the Turks, among the people of Al-Zanj (East Africa), and among the sooth-sayers, and among the Ethiopians, and with his-asws father-as, and with his-asws mother-as, and among his-asws adherents, and among the Arabs.

ثم يفسر كل اسم بمعناه ويقول في آخره اختلف الناس من أهل المعرفة لم سمى علي عليا فقالت طائفة لم يسم أحد من ولد آدم قبله بهذا الاسم في العرب ولا في العجم إلا ان يكون الرجل من العرب يقول ابني هذا على يريد من العلو لا انه اسمه وانما سمى به الناس بعده وفي وقته

Then he-asws explained every name along with its meaning, and was saying at the end of it: ‘There is a differing among the people of the understanding, why Ali-asws was named as ‘Ali’. So a group said, ‘No one from the Children of Adam-as had been named before him-asws with this name, neither among the Arabs nor among the non-Arabs, except that the man from the Arabs was saying, ‘This son of mine is ‘Ali’, intending by it the highness, not that it was his name. But rather, the people named by it after him-asws, and during his-asws time.

وقالت طائفة سمى عليا لعلوه على كل من بارزه، وقالت طائفة سمى عليا لان داره في الجنان تعلو حتى تحاذي منازل الانبياء، وقالت طائفة سمى عليا لانه علا على ظهر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بقدميه طاعة لله تعالى ولم يعل أحد على ظهر نبي غيره عند حط الاصنام من وسط الكعبة، وقالت طائفة إنما سمي عليا لانه زوج في أعلا السموات، ولم يزوج احد من خلق الله في ذلك الموضع غيره، وقالت طائفة إنما سمي عليا لانه أعلي الناس علما بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.

And a group said, ‘He-asws was named as ‘Ali’ due to his-asws highness over every one who duelled (against) him-asws. And a group said, ‘He-asws was named as Ali-asws because of his-asws house in the Paradise being so high that it would be parallel to the houses of the Prophets-as. And a group said, ‘He-asws was named as ‘Ali’ because he-asws was high above the shoulders of Rasool-Allah-saww by his-asws feet, in obedience to Allah-azwj the High, and no one was elevated upon the shoulders of His-azwj Prophet-saww apart from him-asws, during the felling of the idols from the middle of the Kabah. And a group said, ‘But rather, he-asws was named as Ali-asws because he-asws was married in the high skies, and no one from the creatures of Allah-azwj was ever married in that place apart from him-asws. And a group said, ‘But rather, he-asws was the highest of the people in knowledge after Rasool-Allah-saww’.[212]

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا أبو سعيد الحسن بن علي بن الحسين السكري قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن زكريا بن دينار الغلابى قال: حدثنا علي بن حكيم قال: حدثنا الربيع بن عبد الله، عن عبد الله بن الحسن، عن محمد بن على عن أبيه عليهما السلام، عن جابر بن عبد الله الانصاري، قال الغلابى وحدثني شعيب بن واقد قال: حدثني اسحاق بن جعفر بن محمد، عن الحسين بن عيسى بن زيد بن علي، عن أبيه عليه السلام عن جابر بن عبد الله، قال الغلابى: وحدثنا العباس بن بكار قال: حدثنا حرب بن ميمون عن أبى حمزة الثمالي عن زيد ابن علي عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: لما ولدت فاطمة صلى الله عليها الحسن ” ع ” قالت لعلى سمه فقال ما كنت لاسبق باسمه رسول الله

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Abu Saeed Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sakary, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Bin dinar Al Ghalaby, from Ali Bin Hakee,, from Al Rabie Bin Abdullah, from Abdullah Bin Al Hassan, from Muhammad Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Jabir Bin Abdullah Al Ansary, from Al Ghalaby and Shuayb Bin Waqad, from Is’haq Bin Ja’far Bin Muhammad, from Al Husayn Bin Isa Bin Zayd son of Ali-asws, from his father-asws, from Jabir Bin Abdullah, from Al Abbas Bin Bakaar, from Harn Bin Maymoun, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly, from Zayd son of Ali-asws,

(It has been narrated) from his father-asws having said: ‘When Fatima-asws was blessed with Al-Hassan-asws, she-asws said to Ali-asws: ‘Name him-asws’. So he-asws said: ‘It was never for me-asws to preceded Rasool-Allah-saww with naming him-asws’.

فجاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فاخرج إليه في خرقة صفراء فقال: الم أنهكم ان تلفوه في خرقة صفراء ثم رمى بها وأخذ خرقة بيضاء فلفه فيها ثم قال لعلى عليه السلام هل سميته؟ فقال ما كنت لاسبقك باسمه فقال صلى الله عليه واله وما كنت لاسبق باسمه ربى عز وجل،

So when Rasool-Allah-saww came over, he-asws brought him-asws out (wrapped up) in a yellow cloth. So he-saww said: ‘Have I-saww not forbidden you-asws to wrap him-asws in a yellow cloth?’ Then he-saww threw away and grabbed a white cloth and wrapped him-asws up in it. Then he-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘Have you-asws named him-asws yet?’ So he-asws said: ‘It was never for me-asws to precede you-saww with naming him-asws’. So he-saww said: ‘And it was never for me-saww to preceded my-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic with naming him-asws’.

فأوحى الله تبارك وتعالى إلى جبرئيل انه ولد لمحمد ابن فاهبط فاقرأه السلام وهنه وقل له ان عليا منك بمنزلة هارون من موسى فسمه باسم ابن هارون، فهبط جبرئيل فهناه من الله تعالى ثم قال ان الله جل جلاله يأمرك ان تسميه باسم ابن هارون قال: وما كان اسمه؟ قال شبر قال لساني عربي، قال سمه الحسن فسماه الحسن،

So Allah-azwj Blessed and High Revealed unto Jibraeel-as that there has been a gift for Muhammad-saww, so go down and Convey the Greetings to him-saww, and congratulate him-saww and say to him: “Ali-asws from you-saww is of the status of Haroun-as from Musa-as, therefore name him with the name of the son of Haroun-as”. So Jibraeel-as descended and congratulated him-saww from Allah-azwj the High, then said: ‘Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty Commands you-saww that you-saww should name him-as with the name of a son of Haroun-as’. He-saww said: ‘And what was his name?’ He-as said: ‘Shabbar’. He-saww: ‘My-saww language is Arabic’. He-as said: ‘Name him-asws as ‘Al-Hassan’. So he-saww named him-asws as ‘Al-Hassan’.

فلما ولد الحسين ” ع ” أوحي الله تعالى إلى جبرئيل ” ع ” أنه قد ولد لمحمد ابن فاهبط إليه فهنه وقل له ان عليا منك بمنزلة هارون من موسى فسمه باسم ابن هارون فهبط جبرئيل ” ع ” فهناه من الله تعالى ثم قال: ان الله عز وجل يامرك ان تسميه باسم ابن هارون، فقال وما كان اسمه؟ قال: شبيرا، قال: لساني عربي، قال: سمه الحسين.

So when Al-Husayn-asws came (to the holy family-asws), Allah-azwj Revealed unto Jibraeel-as: “There has been a son-asws for Muhammad-saww, so descend unto him-saww, and congratulate him-saww, and say to him-saww that Ali-asws from you-saww is at the status of Haroun-as from Musa-as, therefore name him-asws with the name of the son of Haroun-as”. So Jibraeel-as descended, and congratulated him-saww from Allah-azwj the High, then said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commands you-saww that you-saww should name him-asws with the name of a son of Haroun-as’. So he-saww said: ‘And what was his name?’ He-as said: ‘Shabeer’. He-saww said: ‘My-saww language is Arabic’. He-as said: ‘Name him-asws as ‘Al-Husayn’.[213]

وبهذا الاسناد عن العباس بن بكار قال حدثنا عباد بن كثير وابو بكر الهذلي، عن ابن الزبير، عن جابر قال: لما حملت فاطمة بالحسن فولدت وقد كان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أمرهم ان يلفوه في خرقة بيضاء فلفوه في صفراء وقالت فاطمة عليها السلام يا علي سمه فقال: ما كنت لاسبق باسمه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فجاء النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فاخذه وقبله وادخل لسانه في فيه فجعل الحسن ” ع ” يمصه

And by this chain, from Al Abbas Bin Bakaar, from Abaad Bin Kaseer and Abu Bakr Al Hazaly, from Ibn Al Zubeyr, from Jabir who said,

‘When Fatima-asws was blessed with Al-Hassan-asws, and the Prophet-saww had ordered them-asws that they-asws should wrap him-asws in a white wrapping, but they wrapped him-asws in yellow, and Fatima-asws said: ‘O Ali-asws! Name him-as’. So he-asws said: ‘It was not for me-asws that I-asws should preceded Rasool-Allah-saww with naming him-asws’. So the Prophet-as came over and took him-asws, and kissed him-asws, and entered his-saww tongue into his-asws mouth. So Al-Hassan-asws went on to touch him-saww.

ثم قال لهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الم اتقدم اليكم إلا تلفوه في خرقة صفراء فدعا بخرقة بيضاء فلفه ورمى الصفراء واذن في اذنه اليمنى وأقام في اليسرى ثم قال لعلى ” ع ” ما سميته قال: ما كنت لاسبقك باسمه

Then Rasool-Allah-saww said to them-asws: ‘Did I-saww not send (my-saww instructions) forward to you-asws not to wrap him-asws in a yellow wrapping?’ So he-saww called for a white wrapping, and wrapped him-asws in it, and threw away the yellow, and recited ‘Azaan’ (Call for the Prayer) in his-asws right ear, and ‘Iqamah’ (Call for the establishment of the Prayer) in his-asws left’. Then he-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘What have you-asws named him-asws as?’ He-asws said: ‘It was never for me-asws that I-asws should precede you-saww with naming him-asws’.

فأوحى الله تعالى ذكره إلى جبرئيل ” ع ” انه قد ولد لمحمد ابن فاهبط إليه فاقرأه السلام وهنه مني ومنك وقل له ان عليا منك بمنزلة هارون من موسى فسمه باسم ابن هارون فهبط جبرئيل فهناه من الله تعالى ثم قال: ان الله جل جلاله يامرك ان تسميه باسم ابن هارون قال: ماكان اسمه؟ قال: شبر، قال: لساني عربي قال: سمه الحسن فسماه الحسن

So Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, Revealed unto Jibraeel-as: “There has been a son for Muhammad-saww, therefore go down to him-saww, and Convey the Greetings and congratulation from Me-azwj and from you-as, and say to him-saww: ‘Ali-asws is from you-asws at the status of Haroun-as from Musa-as, so name him-asws with the name of a son of Haroun-as’”. So Jibraeel-as descended and congratulated him-saww from Allah-azwj the High, then said: ‘Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Commands you-saww that you-saww should name him-asws the name of a son of Harounsa’. He-saww said: ‘What was his name?’ He-as said: ‘Shabar’. He-saww said: ‘My-saww language is Arabic’. He-as said: ‘Name him-asws as ‘Al-Hassan’. So he-saww named him-asws as ‘Al-Hassan’.

فلما ولد الحسين جاء إليهم النبي ففعل به كما فعل بالحسن ” ع ” وهبط جبرئيل على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال ان الله تعالى يقرئك السلام ويقول لك ان عليا منك بمنزلة هارون من موسى فسمه باسم ابن هارون قال: وما كان أسمه؟ قال شبيرا قال لساني عربي قال فسمه الحسين فسماه الحسين.

So when Al-Husayn-asws was blessed, the Prophet-saww came over to them-asws, so he-saww did with him-asws as he-saww had done with Al-Hassan-asws, and Jibraeel-as descended unto the Prophet-saww and said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Conveys the Greetings to you-saww and is Saying to you-saww that Ali-asws is from you-saww of the status of Haroun-as from Musa-as, therefore name him-asws with the name of a son of Haroun-as’. He-saww said: ‘And what was his name?’ He-as said: ‘Shabeera’. He-saww said: ‘My-saww language is Arabic’. He-as said: ‘So name him-asws as ‘Al-Husayn’. So he-saww named him as ‘Al-Husayn’.[214]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الغلابى قال: حدثنا الحكم بن اسلم قال حدثنا وكيع عن الاعمش عن سالم قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انى سميت ابني هذين باسم ابني هارون شبرا وشبيرا.

And by this chain, from Al Ghalaby, from Al Hakam Bin Aslam, from Wakie, from Al Amsh, from Salim who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww named my-saww two sons-asws with the names of the two sons of Haroun-as, Shabra, and Shabeera’.[215]

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن يحيى العلوي رحمه الله قال حدثني جدي قال حدثني احمد بن صالح التميمي قال حدثنا عبد الله بن عيسى عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال أهدى جبرئيل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اسم الحسن بن علي ” ع ” وخرقة حرير من ثياب الجنة واشتق اسم الحسين من اسم الحسن عليهما السلام.

Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Alawy narrated to us, from his grandfather, from Ahmad Bin Salih Al Tameemi, from Abdullah Bin Isa,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Jibraeel-as gifted to Rasool-Allah-saww the name of Al-Hassan Bin Ali-asws, and a silk cloth from the clothing of the Paradise, and the name of Al-Husayn-asws was derived from the name of Al-Hassan-asws’.[216]

(باب 117 – العلة التى من أجلها وجبت محبة الله تبارك وتعالى) (ومحبة رسوله وأهل بيته صلوات الله عليهم على العباد)

Chapter 117 – The reason due to which the love of Allah-azwj Blessed and High, and the love for His-azwj Rasool-saww, and the People-asws of his-saww Household is Obligated upon the servants

حدثنا أبو سعيد محمد بن الفضل بن محمد بن اسحاق المذكر النيسابوري قال حدثنا احمد بن العباس بن حمزة قال: حدثنا احمد بن يحيى الصوفي الكوفي قال حدثنا يحيى بن معين قال حدثنا هشام بن يوسف عن عبد الله بن سليمان النوفلي عن محمد بن علي بن عبد الله بن عباس عن أبيه عن جده قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله احبوا الله لما يغدوكم به من نعمه واحبوني لحب الله واحبوا أهل بيتي لحبي.

Abu Saeed Muhammad Bin Al Fazal Bin Muhammad Bin Is’haq Al Mazkar Al Naysabouri narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Al Abbas Bin Hamza, from Ahmad Bin Yahya Al Sowfy Al Kufy, from Yahya Bin Maeen, from Hisham Bin Yusuf, from Abdullah Bin Suleyman Al Nowfaly, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Bin Abbas, from his father, from his grandfather who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Love Allah-azwj when you come to be with His-azwj Bounties, and love me-saww for the love of Allah-azwj, and love the People-asws of my-saww Household for my-asws love’.[217]

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أبو احمد القاسم بن بندار المعروف بابى صالح الحذاء قال: حدثنا أبو حاتم محمد بن إدريس الحنظلي قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن المثنى بن عبد الله بن أنس بن مالك الانصاري قال: حدثنا حميد الطويل عن أنس مالك قال: جاء رجل من أهل البادية، وكان يعجبنا ان يأتي الرجل من أهل البادية يسأل النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال يارسول الله متى قيام الساعة فحضرت الصلاة فلما قضى صلاته قال: اين السائل عن الساعة قال أنا يارسول الله قال فما أعددت لها؟ والله ما اعددت لها من كثير عمل لا صلاة ولاصوم إلا انى أحب الله ورسوله فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وآله، المرء مع من أحب

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abu Ahmad Al qasim Bin Bandar well known as Abu Salih Al Haza’a, from Abu Hatim Muhammad Bin Idrees Al Hanzaly, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Al Masny Bin Abdullah Bin Ana Bin Malik Al Ansary, from Hameed Al Taweel, from Anas Malik who said,

‘A man from the people of Badiya (a Bedouin) came over, we found it to be strange that a man from the people of Al-Badiya (a Bedouin) would come to ask the Prophet-saww. So he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! When will the Hour be Established?’ So the time for the Prayer came up. So when he-saww had fulfilled his-saww Prayer, said, ‘Where is the questioner who asked about the Hour?’ He said, ‘I did, O Rasool-Allah-saww!’ Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘So what have you prepared for it?’ He said, ‘By Allah-azwj! I have not prepared for it from the frequency of the good deeds, nor Prayers, nor Fasts, except that I love Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww’. So the Prophet-saww said to him: ‘The person is with the one whom he loves’.

قال أنس فما رأيت المسلمين فرحوا بعد الاسلام بشئ أشد من فرحهم بهذا.

Anas said, ‘So the Muslim were never seen to be more happy after Al-Islam with anything, more intensely happy than their happiness with this’.[218]

حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد بن عبد الوهاب القرشي قال: حدثنا أبو نصر منصور بن عبد الله بن إبراهيم الاصبهاني قال: حدثنا على بن عبد الله قال حدثنا عثمان بن خرذاذ قال: حدثنا محمد بن عمران قال: حدثنا سعيد بن عمرو عن عبد الرحمان بن أبى ليلى عن ابيه ابى ليلى قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا يؤمن عبد حتى اكون أحب إليه من نفسه وتكون عترتي إليه أعز من عترته ويكون أهلي أحبه إليه من اهله وتكون ذاتي أحب إليه من ذاته.

Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Al Qarshy narrated to us, from Abu Nasr Mansour Bin Abdullah Bin Ibrahim Al Isbahany, from Ali Bin Abdullah, fro mUsman Bin Kharzaz, from Muhammad Bin Imran, from Saeed Bin Amro, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Layli, from his father Abu Layli who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘A servant has not believed until he happens to love me-saww more than himself, and my-saww family happens to be more dear to him than his own relatives, my-saww self happens to be more beloved to him than his own self’.[219]

(باب 118 – علة عشق الباطل)

Chapter 118 – The Reason why falsehood is adored

حدثنا محمد بن على ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عمي محمد بن أبى القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد بن سنان عن المفضل بن عمر قال: سألت أبا عبد الله جعفر بن محمد الصادق ” ع ” عن العشق فقال قلوب خلت من ذكر الله فاذاقها الله حب غيره.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majalawiya narrated to us, from an unlce of Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘Abu Abdullah Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws was asked about the adoration, so he-asws said: ‘The hearts which are empty from the Remembrance of Allah-azwj, so Allah-azwj Makes them to taste the love of other than Him-azwj’.[220]

(باب 119 – علة وجوب الحب في الله والبغض فيه والموالاة)

Chapter 119 – Reason for the love for the Sake of Allah-azwj, and the hatred with regards to it, and the friendship to be Made to be Obligatory

حدثنا محمد بن القاسم الاسترابادي قال: حدثنا يوسف بن محمد بن زياد وعلي بن محمد بن يسار عن أبويهما عن الحسن بن على بن محمد بن موسى بن جعفر ابن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبى طالب عن أبيه، عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لبعض أصحابه ذات يوم يا عبد الله احب في الله وابغض في الله ووال في الله وعاد في الله فإنه لا تنال ولاية الله إلا بذلك

Muhammad Bin Al Qasim Al Astarabady narrated to us, from Yusuf Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad and Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Yasaar, from their two fathers,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Hassan Bin Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws Ibn Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said:

‘One day Rasool-Allah-saww said to one of his-saww companions: ‘O servant of Allah-azwj! Love for the Sake of Allah-azwj and hate for the Sake of Allah-azwj, and befriend for the Sake of Allah-azwj and be inimical for the Sake of Allah-azwj, for the Wilayah of Allah-azwj cannot be achieved except by that.

ولا يجد رجل طعم الايمان وان كثرت صلاته وصيامه حتى يكون كذلك وقد صارت مواخاة الناس يومكم هذا اكثرها في الدنيا، عليها يتواددون وعليها يتباغضون وذلك لا يغني عنهم من الله شيئا

And a man cannot find (taste) the food of the man (faith) even if he is frequent in his Prayers, and his Fasting, until he becomes like that. Most of the brotherhood that takes place among the people today is for the sake of the world. They are being cordial for the sake of it and being hateful for its sake, and that they would not benefit anything from Allah-azwj’.

فقال له: وكيف لي ان اعلم انى قد واليت وعاديت في الله عز وجل ومن ولى الله تعالى حتى اواليه، ومن عدوه حتى أعاديه فاشارله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إلى علي ” ع ” فقال أترى هذا فقال بلى فقال ولى هذا ولى الله فواله وعدو هذا عدوالله فعاده

So he said to him-saww, ‘And how can I know that I have befriended and been inimical for the Sake of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and who is a friend of Allah-azwj the High until I go and befriend him, and who is His-azwj enemy so that I can go and be inimical to him?’ So, Rasool-Allah-saww indicated towards Ali-asws and said, ‘Do you see this one?’ So he said, ‘Yes’. So he-saww said: ‘A friend of his-asws is a friend of Allah-azwj, so befriend him-asws. And an enemy of his-asws is an enemy of Allah-azwj, so be inimical to him’.

ثم قال: وال ولى هذا ولو انه قاتل أبيك وولدك وعاد عدو هذا ولو انه أبوك وولدك.

Then he-saww said: ‘Befriend the friend of his-asws even though he may have killed your father and your son, and be inimical to an enemy of his-asws even though he may be your father and your son’.[221]

(باب 120 – في ان علة محبة أهل البيت ” ع ” طيب الولادة) (وان علة بعضهم خبث الولادة)

Chapter 120 – The reason that the love for the People-asws of the Household is due to the goodness of the birth, and that the reason for hatred for them-asws is due to the evilness of the birth

حدثنا أبى ومحمد بن الحسن رحمهما الله قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن خالد قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الرحمان الكوفي وابو يوسف يعقوب بن يزيد الانباري عن أبى محمد عبد الله بن محمد الغفاري عن الحسين بن زيد عن الصادق أبى عبد الله جعفر بن محمد عن ابيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من أحبنا اهل البيت فليحمد الله على أول النعم قيل وما اول النعم؟ قال: طيب الولادة ولا يحبنا إلا مؤمن طابت ولادته.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan both said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Abu Al Qasim Abdul Rahman Al Kufy, and Abu Yusuf Yaqoub Bin Yazeed Al Anbary, from Abu Muhammd Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Ghafary, from Al Husayn Bin Zayd,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Abu Abdullah Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who loves us-asws, the People-asws of the Household, so let him Praise Allah-azwj over the first Bounty’. It was said, ‘And what is the first Bounty?’ He-saww said: ‘The good birth; and there would not love us-asws (anyone) except a Believer of good birth’.[222]

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن عبد الله بن احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقى قال: حدثنا أبى عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى عن أبى محمد الانصاري عن غير واحد عن ابن جعفر ” ع ” قال: من أصبح يجد برد حبنا على قلبه فليحمد الله على بادى النعم قيل ومابادي النعم قال طيب المولد.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhamamd Bin Isa, from Abu Muhammad Al Ansary, from someone else,

(Imam) Ibn Ja’far-asws having said: ‘The one who finds the coolness of our-asws love upon his heart in the morning, so let him Praise Allah-azwj over the initial Bounty’. It was said, ‘And what is the initial Bounty?’ He-asws said: ‘The good birth’.[223]

حدثنا الحسين بن إبراهيم بن ناتانة رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه ابراهيم بن هاشم عن محمد بن ابى عمير عن ابى زياد الهندي عن عبيدالله بن صالح عن زيد بن علي، عن أبيه علي بن الحسين عن أبيه الحسين بن علي عن ابيه أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبى طالب عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا علي من أحبني وأحبك وأحب الائمة من ولدك فليحمد الله على طيب مولده فانه لا يحبنا الا مؤمن طابت ولادته ولا يبغضنا إلامن خبثت ولادته.

Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Natanah narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Abu Ziyad Al Hindi, from Ubeydullah Bin Salih,

(It has been narrated) from Zayd son of Ali-asws, from his father, Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Amir Al-Momineen Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! The one who loves me-saww, and loves you-asws, and loves the Imams-asws from your-asws sons-asws, so let him Praise Allah-azwj over the goodness of his birth, for (no one) would love us except a Believer whose birth has been made to be good, nor would anyone hate us-asws except for the one whose birth is evil’.[224]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عمي محمد بن أبى القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي القرشي، عن محمد بن سنان عن المفضل بن عمر عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” أنه قال: من وجد برد حبنا على قلبه فليكثر الدعاء لامه فانها لم تخن أباه.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy Al Qarshy, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The one who finds the coolness of our-asws love upon his heart, so he should frequent in supplicating for his mother, for she has not betrayed his father’.[225]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال حدثني احمد بن الحسين بن سعيد عن علي بن الحكم عن المفضل بن صالح عن جابر الجعفي، عن إبراهيم القرشي قال: كنا عند أم سلمة رضى الله عنها فقالت سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول لعلي ” ع ” لا يبغضكم إلا ثلاثة ولد زنا ومنافق ومن حملت به أمه وهى حائض.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Al Mufazzal Bin Salih, from Jabir Al Ju’fy, from Ibrahim Al Qarshy who said,

‘I was in the presence of Umm Salma-as, so she-as said: ‘I-as heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying to Ali-asws: ‘None would hate you-asws except for three – One born of adultery (bastard), a hypocrite, and one who mother became pregnant with him whilst she was menstruating’.[226]

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن سعيد الهاشمي قال: حدثنا فرات بن إبراهيم ابن فرات الكوفي قال: حدثنا محمد بن علي بن معمر قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله احمد ابن علي بن محمد الرملي قال: حدثنا احمد بن موسى قال: حدثنا يعقوب بن اسحاق المروزي قال: حدثنا عمرو بن منصور قال: حدثنا اسماعيل بن أبان، عن يحيى بن ابى كثير عن ابيه عن ابى هارون العبدي، عن جابر بن عبد الله الانصاري قال: كنا بمنى مع رسول الله إذ بصرنا برجل ساجد وراكع ومتضرع فقلنا يا رسول الله ما أحسن صلاته فقال ” ع ” هو الذي اخرج اباكم من الجنة

Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin saeed Al Hashimy narrated to us, from Furat Bin Ibrahim Ibn Furat Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Moamar, from Abdullah Ahmad Ibn Ali Bin Muhammad Al Ramly, from Ahmad Bin Musa, from Yaqoub Bin Is’haq Al Mrouzy, from Amro Bin Mansour, from Ismail Bin Aban, from Yahya Bin Abu Kaseer, from his father, from Abu Haroun Al abady,

(It has been narrated) from Jabir Bin Abdullah Al-Ansary who said, ‘I was at Mina with Rasool-Allah-saww when we saw a man Prostrating, and Bowing, and beseeching (in Prayer). So we said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! How good his Prayer is.’ So he-saww said: ‘He is the one who got your father (Adam-as) exited from the Paradise’.

فمضى إليه علي ” ع ” غير مكترث فهزه هزة ادخل اضلاعه اليمني في اليسري، واليسرى في اليمني، ثم قال: لاقتلنك ان شاء الله فقال: لن تقدر على ذلك إلى أجل معلوم من عند ربي مالك تريد قتلي فوالله ما أبغضك احد إلا سبقت نطفتي إلى رحم امه قبل نطفة ابيه ولقد شاركت مبغضيك في الاموال والاولاد وهو قول الله عز وجل في محكم كتابه (وشاركهم في الاموال والاولاد)

So Ali-asws went over to him without paying any attention to it, so he-asws shook him with such a shaking that his right ribs entered into his left, and the left into his right. Then he-asws said: ‘I-asws shall kill you-asws, if Allah-azwj so Desires it’. So he said, ‘You-asws will never be able to do that until the known term from my Lord-azwj. What is the matter with you-asws that you-asws intend to kill me? By Allah-azwj, no one hates you-asws except that I have preceded my seed into the womb of his mother before the seed of his father and I have participated with the one who hates you-asws in the wealth, and the children of his. And these are the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic in the Decisive of His-azwj Book [17:64] and share with them in wealth and the children’.

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله صدق يا على لا يبغضك من قريش إلا سفاحي، ولا من الانصار إلا يهودي، ولا من العرب إلا دعي، ولا من سائر الناس إلا شقي، ولا من السناء إلا سلقلقية – وهى التي تحيض من دبرها –

The Prophet-saww said: ‘It is true, O Ali-asws! None shall hate you-asws from the Qureysh except for the one born of adultery, nor from the Helpers except for a Jew, nor from the Arabs except for one referred to someone other than his biological father, nor from the rest of the people except for a wretch, nor from the women except for a ‘Salaqiya’ – and she is one who menstruates from her behind.

ثم أطرق مليا ثم رفع رأسه فقال: معاشر الانصار اعرضوا أولادكم على محبة علي فإن أجابوا فهم منكم وان أبوا فليسوا منكم قال جابر بن عبد الله فكنا نعرض حب على ” ع ” على أولادنا فمن أحب عليا علمنا انه من اولادنا ومن ابغض عليا انتفينا منه.

Then Rasool Allah-saww remained silent for a while, then raised his-saww head, so he-saww said: ‘O group of the Helpers! Present the love for Ali-asws to your children. So the one who loves Ali-asws, then know that he is from your children, and the one who hates Ali-asws, be exiled from him’.[227]

حدثنا أبو عبد الله الحسين بن محمد بن علي بن عبد الله بن جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن ابى طالب قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن على بن احمد بن موسى قال: حدثنا احمد بن علي قال: حدثني أبو على الحسن بن إبراهيم بن علي العباسي قال حدثني أبو سعيد عمير بن مرداس الدوانقي قال حدثني جعفر بن بشير المكي قال: حدثنا وكيع عن المسعودي رفعه إلى سلمان الفارسي رحمة الله عليه قال: مر إبليس لعنه الله بنفر يتناولون أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” فوقف امامهم فقال القوم من الذي وقف امامنا؟ فقال أنا أبو مرة

Abu Abdullah Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Abdullah son of Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws narrated to us, from Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Musa, from Ahmad Bin Ali, from Abu Ali Al Hassan Bin Ibrahim Bin Ali Al Abbasy, from Abu Saeed Umer Bin Mardaas Al Dawanaqy, from Ja’far Bin Baheer Al Makky, from Wakie, from Al Masoudy,

(It has been narrated) raising to Salman Al-Farsy-as having said, ‘Iblees-la the Accurse passed by a number of people who were jibing Amir Al-Momineen-asws. So he-la paused in front of them. So the people said, ‘Who is this one pausing in front of us?’ So he-la said: ‘I-la am Abu Mara’.

فقالوا ابا مرة اما تسمع كلامنا فقال سوأة لكم تسبون مولاكم علي بن ابى طالب فقالوا له من أين علمت انه مولانا؟ قال من قول نبيكم صلى الله عليه وآله: من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه، اللهم وال من والاه، وعاد من عاداه، وانصر من نصره، واخذل من خذله.

So they said, ‘Abu Mara! What makes you to listen to our speech?’ So he-la said: ‘Evil be upon you for insulting your Mawla (Master) Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws!’ So they said to him-la, ‘From where did you know that he-asws is our Mawla? He-la said, ‘From the words of your Prophet-saww: ‘The one whom I-saww am the Master of, so Ali-asws is his Master. O Allah-azwj! Befriend the one who befriends him-asws, and be inimical to the one who is his-asws enemy, and Help the one who helps him-asws, and Abandon the one who abandons him-asws’.

فقالوا له: فانت من مواليه وشيعته؟ فقال: ما أنا من مواليه ولا من شيعته ولكني أحبه، وما يبغضه احد إلا شاركته في المال والولد،

So they said to him-la, ‘So, are you from his-asws friends and his-asws Shiah?’ So he-la said: ‘I-la am neither from his-asws friends nor from his-asws Shiah, but I-la love him-asws, and there is no one who would hate him-asws except that I-la participate in the wealth and the children’.

فقالوا له: يا ابا مرة، فتقول في علي شيئا؟ فقال لهم: إسمعوا مني معاشر الناكثين والقاسطين والمارقين، عبدت الله عزوجل في الجان اثنى عشر الف سنة، فلما اهلك الجان شكوت إلى الله عزوجل الوحدة فعرج بي إلى السماء الدنيا فعبدت الله في السماء الدنيا اثنى عشر الف سنة أخرى في جملة الملائكة

So they said to him-la, ‘O Abu Mara! So are you (going to) say anything regarding Ali-asws?’ So he-la said to them, ‘Listen from me-la, O group of breakers (of the allegiance), and the deceitful, and the renegades! I-la worshipped Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic among the Jinn for twelve thousand years. So when the Jinn perished, I-la complained to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic of the loneliness. So He-azwj Made me-la to ascend to the sky of the world. So I-la worshipped in the sky of the world for another twelve thousand years among the totality of the Angels.

فبينا نحن كذلك نسبح الله تعالى ونقدسه إذ مربنا نور شعشعانى فخرت الملائكة لذلك النور سجدا، فقالوا: سبوح قدوس هذا نور ملك مقرب أو نبي مرسل، فإذا بالنداء من قبل الله تعالى: ما هذا نور ملك مقرب ولا نبي مرسل، هذا نور طينة علي بن أبى طالب.

So whilst we were like that, we were Glorifying Allah-azwj the High and Extolling His-azwj Holiness, when a beam of Light passed by us. So the Angels fell down in Prostration to that Light, and said: ‘Glorious! Holy! This Light is a light of an Angel of Proximity or a Mursil Prophet-saww!’ So, immediately a Call came from Allah-azwj: ‘This is not a Light of an Angel of Proximity, nor a Mursil Prophet-saww. This is a Light of the clay of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws’.[228]

حدثنا محمد بن علي بن مهرويه قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن علي بن حسان ابن معيدان الاصفهانى قال: حدثنا أبو حاتم قال: حدثنا احمد بن عبدة قال: حدثنا أبو الربيع الاعرج قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن عمران، عن علي بن زيد بن جدعان، عن سعيد بن المسيب عن زيد بن ثابت قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من احب عليا في حياتي وبعد موتى كتب الله له الامن والايمان ما طلعت الشمس أو غربت ومن أبغضه في حياتي وبعد موتى مات ميتة جاهلية وحوسب بما عمل.

Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Mahrawiya, from Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Hasaan Ibn Maidaan Al Isfahany, from Abu Haatim, from Ahmad Bin Abdat, from Abu Al Rabie Al Araj, from Abdullah Bin Imran, from Ali Bin Zayd Bin Jad’an, from Saeed Bin Al Musayyab, from Zayd Bin Sabit who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who loves Ali-asws during my-saww lifetime, and after my-saww passing away, Allah-azwj would Write for him the security (from the Fire), and the faith, (of those upon whom) the sun emerges or sets; and the one who hates him-asws during my-saww lifetime and after my-saww passing away, would die the death of the Pre-Islamic period, and would be Reckoned with what he has done’.[229]

حدثنا علي بن محمد بن الحسن القزويني المعروف بابن مقبرة قال: أخبرنا محمد بن عبد الله بن عامر قال: حدثنا عصام بن يوسف قال حدثنا محمد ابن أيوب الكلابي قال حدثنا عمرو بن سليمان عن عبد الله بن عمران عن علي بن زيد عن سعيد بن المسيب عن زيد بن ثابت قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من أحب عليا في حياته وبعد موته كتب الله عزوجل له الامن والايمان ما طلعت شمس وغربت.

Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Qazwiny well known as Ibn Maqbara narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Asaam Bin Yusuf, from Muhammad Ibn Ayoub Al Kalaby, from Amro Bin Suleyman, from Abdullah Bin Imran, from Ali Bin Zayd, from Saeed Bin Al Musayyab, from Zayd Bin Sabit who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who loves Ali-asws during his-saww lifetime, and after his-saww death, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Write for him the security (from the Fire), and the faith (of those upon whom) the sun emerges and sets’.[230]

حدثني محمد بن المظفر بن نفيس المصري رحمه الله قال: حدثني أبو اسحاق إبراهيم بن محمد بن احمد بن أخي سياب العطار الكوفي رضى الله عنه بالكوفة قال: حدثنا احمد بن الهذيل أبو العباس الهمداني قال: حدثنا أبو نصر الفتح بن قرة السمرقندي قال: حدثنا محمد بن خلف المروزي قال: حدثنا يوسف بن إبراهيم قال: حدثنا ابن لهيعة عن أبى الزبير، عن جابر قال: قال أبو ايوب الانصاري اعرضوا حب علي على أولادكم، فمن احبه فهو منكم، ومن لم يحبه فاسألوا امه من اين جاءت به، فإنى سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول لعلي بن ابى طالب: لا يحبك إلا مؤمن، ولا يبغضك إلا منافق أو ولد زنية أو حملته أمه وهى طامث.

Muhammad Bin Al Muzaffar Bin Mafeys Al Masry narrated to me, from Abu Is’haq Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Akhay Sayaab Al Ataar Al Kufy, at Al Kufa, from Ahmad Bin Al Hazeyl Abu Al Abbas Al Hamdany, from Abu nasr Al Fatah Bin Qarda Al Samarqandy, from Muhammad Bin Khalaf Al Marouzy, from Yusuf Bin Ibrahim, from IBn Lahiya, from Abu Al Zubeyr, from Jabir who said,

‘Abu Ayoub Al-Ansary said, ‘Present the love for Ali-asws to your children. So the one who loves him-asws, so he is from you, and the one who does not love him-asws, so ask his mother, from where did she bring him, from I have heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws: ‘None would love you-asws except for a Believer, and not would hate you-asws except for a hypocrite, or a son of adultery, or his mother became pregnant with him whilst she was menstruating’.[231]




(باب 121 – العلة التى من أجلها ترك الناس عليا عليه السلام) (وعدلوا عنه إلى غيره مع معرفتهم بفضله)

Chapter 121 – The reason due to which the people neglected Ali-asws and turned away from him-asws to someone else, despite of their recognition of his-asws merits

حدثنا أبو احمد الحسن بن عبد الله بن سعيد بن الحسن بن اسماعيل ابن حكيم العسكري قال: اخبرنا أبو إسحاق إبراهيم رعل العبشمي قال حدثنا ثبيت ابن محمد قال: حدثني أبو الاحوص عمن حدثه، عن آبائه، عن ابى محمد الحسن بن علي ” ع ” قال: بينما أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” في أصعب موقف بصفين إذ أقبل عليه رجل من بني دودان، فقال له لم دفعكم قومكم عن هذا الامر وكنتم أفضل الناس علما بالكتاب والسنة؟

Abu Ahmad Al Hassan Bin Abdullah Bin Saeed Bin Al Hassan Bin Ismail Ibn Hakeem Al Askary, from Abu Is’haq Ibrahim Ra’al Ak Abshamy, from Sabeyt Ibn Muhammad, from Abu Al Ahows, from the one who narrated it, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Muhammad Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws having said: ‘While Amir Al-Momineen-asws was in the middle of a difficult phase of (the battle of) Siffeen, a man from the Clan of Dowdaan came over, so he said to him-asws, ‘Why are the people driving you away from this command, and you are the best of the people in knowledge of the Book (the Quran) and the Sunnah?’

فقال: يا أخا بني دودان ولك حق المسألة وذمام الصهر فإنك قلق الوضين، ترسل في غير سدد، كانت إمرة شحت عليها نفوس قوم، وسخت عنها نفوس آخرين، ولنعم الحكم الله، والزعيم محمد صلى الله عليه وآله.

So he-asws said: ‘O brother of the Clan of Dowdaan! And for you is the right to question, and the brother-in-law (of the Prophet-saww) reins. So the worries are two – you have been sent in a time period in which the hearts have been dried up, and another group’s hearts have hardened. And the best of the Judges is Allah-azwj, and the leader Muhammad-saww.

(ودع عنك نهيا صيح في حجراته) وهلم الخطب في ابن ابى سفيان. – فقد أضحكني الدهر بعد ابكائه -. ولاغر وإلا جارتي وسؤالها * ألا هل لنا أهل سألت كذلك بئس القوم من خفضني، وحاولوا الادهان في دين الله، فإن ترفع عنا محن البلوى أحملهم من الحق على محضه، وان تكن الاخرى فلا تأس على القوم الفاسقين اليك عني يا أخا بني دودان.

And leave around you, the sins in its lap, and the speeches of the son of Abu Sufyan. So the time would laugh along with me-asws after its weeping. And there is no deserving for me-asws, or a neighbour that I-asws can ask him what you have asked. Such is the case that evil are the people who have cut-off from me-asws, and sweetness was attempted in the Religion of Allah-azwj. So if the afflictions are Raised from us, I-asws would carry them purely upon the truth. And if it happens to be otherwise, so there should not be despair upon the mischievous people, from you to me-asws, O brother of the Clan of Dowdan’.[232]

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد الكوفي قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن أبيه عن ابى الحسن ” ع ” قال: سألته عن امير المؤمنين ” ع ” كيف مال الناس عنه إلى غيره وقد عرفوا فضله وسابقته ومكانه من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: إنما مالوا عنه إلى غيره لانه كان قد قتل آبائهم واجدادهم واعمامهم واخوالهم وأقربائهم المحاربين لله ولرسوله عددا كثيرا، فكان حقدهم عليه لذلك في قلوبهم فلم يحبوا أن يتولى عليهم، ولم يكن في قلوبهم على غيره مثل ذلك، لانه لم يكن له في الجهاد بين يدي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله مثل ما كان له فلذلك عدلوا عنه ومالوا إلى غيره

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Kufy, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from his father,

(The narrator says) ‘I asked Abu Al Hassan-asws about Amir Al-Momineen-asws, how did the people come to be inclined away from him-asws towards someone else, and they had know his-asws merits, and his-asws precedent, and his-asws status from Rasool-Allah-saww?’ So he-asws said: ‘But rather, they inclined away from him-asws to others because he-asws had killed their fathers, and their grandfathers, and their paternal uncles, and their maternal uncles, and their relatives, in battles for the Sake of Allah-azwj and for His-azwj Rasool-saww, in huge numbers. Thus, it was due to their grudge in their hearts with regards to that. So they did not like it that he-asws should rule over them, and there did not happen in their hearts for someone else, similar to that. This is because no one did Jihaad in front of Rasool-Allah-saww similar to what he-asws did. Therefore, they turned away from him and inclined towards others’.[233]

(باب 122 – العلة التى من أجلها ترك أمير المؤمنين) (مجاهدة أهل الخلاف)

Chapter 122 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not fight against his-asws adversaries

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن الهيثم بن ابى مسروق النهدي عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي بن رئاب، عن زرارة قال: سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام يقول: إنما سار علي ” ع ” بالكف عن عدوه من أجل شيعتنا، لانه كان يعلم سيظهر عليهم بعده، فاحب ان يقتدي به من جاء بعده فيسير فيهم بسيرته ويقتدي بالكف عنهم بعده.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Haysam Bin Abu Masrouq Al Nahdy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Ra’ib, from Zarara who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘But rather, Ali-asws restrained his-asws hand from his-asws enemies for the protection of our-asws Shiah, because he-asws knew what would be appearing against them (evil rulers) after him-asws. So he-asws loved it that the ones who would come after him-asws should follow it. Thus he-asws dealt among them (the general population) by his-asws way, so that (the evil rulers) would follow the restraining of the hand from them (Shiah), after him-asws’.[234]

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن محمد ابن عامر، عن عمه عبد الله بن عامر عن محمد بن ابى عمير عمن ذكره عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت له ما بال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” لم يقاتل فلانا وفلانا وفلانا؟ قال لآية في كتاب الله عزوجل: (لو تزيلوا لعذابنا الذين كفروا منهم عذابا اليما) قال قلت وما يعني بتزايلهم؟ قال ودائع مؤمنين في أصلاب قوم كافرين وكذلك القائم ” ع ” لن يظهر ابدا حتى تخرج ودائع الله تعالى فإذا خرجت ظهر على من ظهر من اعداء الله فقتلهم.

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Ibn Aamir, from his uncle Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from the one who mentioned it,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What is the matter that Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not fight against so and so, and so and so, and so and so?’ He-asws said: ‘Due to a Verse in the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [48:25] had they been widely separated one from another, We would surely have Punished those who disbelieved from among them with a painful Punishment’. I said, ‘What is the meaning of being separated from them?’ He-asws said: ‘Deposits of the Believers in the backs of the disbelieving people. And such is the case that Al-Qaim-asws would never appear, ever, until Allah-azwj the High Extracts the deposits. So when these come out, there would appear the ones who would appear, from the enemies of Allah-azwj, so he-asws would kill them’.[235]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه، عن علي بن محمد، عن احمد بن محمد، عن الحسن بن محبوب عن إبراهيم الكرخي قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” أو قال له رجل اصلحك الله الم يكن علي ” ع ” قويا في دين الله عزوجل؟ قال بلى، قال فكيف ظهر عليه القوم وكيف لم يدفعهم وما منعه من ذلك؟

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ibrahim Al Karkhy who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, or a man said to him-asws, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! Did Ali-asws not happen to be stronger in the Religion of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. He said, ‘So how come the people overcame him-asws, and how come he-asws did not repulse them, and what is the meaning from that?’

قال آية في كتاب الله عزوجل منعته قال: قلت واي آية؟ قال قوله تعالى: (لو تزيلوا لعذبنا الذين كفروامنهم عذابا اليما) انه كان لله عز وجل ودائع مؤمنين في أصلاب قوم كافرين ومنافقين فلم يكن علي ” ع ” ليقتل الآباء حتى تخرج الودائع فلما خرج الودائع ظهر علي على من ظهر فقاتله وكذلك قائما أهل البيت لن يظهر ابدا حتى تظهر ودائع الله عز وجل فإذا ظهرت ظهر على من ظهر فقتله.

He-asws said: ‘A Verse in the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic prevented him-as’. He said, ‘I said, ‘And which Verse?’ He-asws said: ‘The Words of the High [48:25] had they been widely separated one from another, We would surely have Punished those who disbelieved from among them with a painful Punishment’. For the Sake of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and the deposits of the Believers in the backs of the disbelieving people and the hypocrites. So Ali-asws did not kill the fathers until the deposits come out. So when the deposits came out, Ali-asws appeared upon the one who appeared, so he-asws killed him. And similar to that, Al-Qaim-asws of the People-asws of the Household would never appear, ever, until Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Manifests the deposits. So when they appear, he-asws would appear to the one who appears, so he-asws would kill him’.[236]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا جعفر ابن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه قال: حدثنا جبرئيل بن احمد قال: حدثني محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان، عن منصور بن حازم، عن أبي عبد الله ” ع ” قال، في قول الله عزوجل: (لو تزيلوا لعذبنا الذين كفروا منهم عذابا اليما) لو أخرج الله ما في اصلاب المؤمنين من الكافرين وما في أصلاب الكافرين من المؤمنين لعذب الذين كفروا.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Jibraeel Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Mansour Bin Haazim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [48:25] had they been widely separated one from another, We would surely have Punished those who disbelieved from among them with a painful Punishment’. He-asws said: ‘If Allah-azwj Brings out whatever is in the backs of the believers from the Infidels, and whatever is in the backs of the Infidels, from the Believers, the ones who disbelieved would be Punished’.[237]

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أبو سعيد الحسن بن علي العدوي قال: حدثنا الهيثم بن عبد الله الرماني قال: سألت علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام فقلت له يابن رسول الله اخبرني عن علي بن أبى طالب لم لم يجاهد اعدائه خمسا وعشرين سنة بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ثم جاهد في ايام ولايته؟ فقال لانه اقتدى برسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في تركه جهاد المشركين بمكة ثلاثة عشرة سنة بعد النبوة، وبالمدينة تسعة عشر شهرا، وذلك لقله أعوانه عليهم وكذلك علي عليه السلام ترك مجاهدة اعدائه لقله اعوانه عليهم،

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abu Saeed Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Adawy, from Al Haysam Bin Abdullah Al Ramany who said,

‘I asked Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Inform me about Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, why did he-asws not fight against his-asws enemies for twenty five years after Rasool-Allah-saww, then fought during the days of his-asws rule?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because he-asws had followed Rasool-Allah-saww regarding his-saww neglecting of the Jihad against the Polytheists of Makkah for thirteen years after the Prophet-hood, and at Al-Medina for nineteen months, and that was due to the scarcity of his-saww supporters against them, and similar to that, Ali-asws left the fighting against his-asws enemies due to the scarcity of his-asws supporters against them.

فلما لم تبطل نبوة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله مع تركه الجهاد ثلاثة عشر سنة وتسعة عشر شهرا كذلك لم تبطل إمامة علي عليه السلام مع تركه الجهاد خمسا وعشرين سنة إذ كانت العلة المانعة لهما من الجهاد واحدة.

So when the Prophet-hood of Rasool-Allah-saww did not get invalidated with the staying away of the Jihad for thirteen years, and nineteen months, similar to that the Imamate of Ali-asws did not get invalidated with his-asws staying away of the Jihad for twenty five years, when the reason for the reason for the prevention from the Jihad was one and the same’.[238]

حدثنا احمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن إبراهيم، عن ابيه، عن ابن أبى عمير، عن بعض اصحابنا انه سأل أبو عبد الله عليه السلام ما بال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” لم يقاتلهم؟ قال الذي سبق في علم الله ان يكون وما كان له ان يقاتلهم وليس معه إلا ثلاثة رهط من المؤمنين.

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws was asked ‘What was the matter that Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not fight against them?’ He-asws said: ‘That which preceded in the Knowledge of Allah-azwj that it would be so that it was not for him-asws that he should be fighting against them, and there were not with him-asws except for three persons from the Believers’.[239]

حدثنا حمزة بن محمد العلوي قال: اخبرنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد قال: حدثني الفضل بن خباب الجمحي قال: حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم الحمصي قال: حدثني محمد بن احمد بن موسى الطائى، عن ابيه، عن ابن مسعود قال: احتجوا في مسجد الكوفة فقالوا ما بال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” لم ينازع الثلاثة كما نازع طلحة والزبير وعايشة ومعاوية، فبلغ ذلك عليا ” ع ” فامرأن ينادي بالصلاة جامعة فلما اجتمعوا صعد المنبر فحمد الله واثنى عليه ثم قال: معاشر الناس، انه بلغني عنكم كذا وكذا قالوا صدق أمير المؤمنين قد قلنا ذلك،

Hamza Bin Muhammad Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed, from Al Fazal Bin Khabab Al Jamhy, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Hamsy, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Musa Al Ta’aiy, from his father, from Ibn Masoud who said,

‘There was an argument in the Masjid of Al-Kufa, so they said, ‘What was the matter that Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not contest (fight) against the three (Abu Bakr, Umar, and Usman) just as he-asws did against Talha, and Al-Zubeyr, and Ayesha, and Muawiya?’ So that reached Ali-asws, and he-asws ordered a caller to call for the congregational Prayer. So when they gathered, he-asws ascended the Pulpit. So he-asws Praised Allah-azwj and Extolled Him-azwj, then said: ‘Group of the people! It has reached me-asws from you, such and such’. They said, ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws speaks the truth. We have spoken that’.

قال فان لي بسنة الانبياء اسوة فيما فعلت قال الله عز وجل في كتابه: (لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة) قالوا ومن هم يا أمير المؤمنين؟ قال أولهم إبراهيم ” ع ” إذ قال لقومه: (واعتزلكم وما تدعون من دون الله) فإن قلتم ان إبراهيم اعتزل قومه لغير مكروه أصابه منهم فقد كفرتم وان قلتم اعتزلهم لمكروه رآه منهم فالوصي اعذر.

He-asws said: ‘For me-asws there is the Sunnah of the Prophets-saww as an example with regards to what I-asws do. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Says in His-azwj Book [33:21] Certainly you have in the Rasool-Allah an excellent exemplar’. They said, ‘And who are they (Prophets-as), O Amir Al-Momineen-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Ibrahim-saww when he-as said to his-as people [19:48] And I will withdraw from you and what you call on besides Allah. So if you all are saying that Ibrahim-as withdrew from his-as people without anything abhorrent hitting him-as from them so you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that he-as withdrew from them due to the abhorrence of what he-as saw from them, then the successor-asws (of the Prophet-saww) has more of an excuse for it.

ولي بابن خالته لوط أسوة إذ قال لقومه: لو أن لي بكم قوة أو آوي إلى ركن شديد، فان قلتم ان لوطا كانت له بهم قوة فقد كفرتم، وان قلتم لم يكن له قوة فالوصي اعذر،

And for me-asws is an example in his-as maternal cousin Lut-as when he-as said to his-as people [11:80] Or I shall have recourse to a strong support. So if you were to say that Lot-as had strength over them, you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that there was not strength for him-as, so the successor-asws (of Muhammad-saww has more of a justification for it’.

ولي بيوسف ” ع ” أسوة إذ قال: (رب السجن أحب إلى مما يدعونني إليه) فان قلتم ان يوسف دعا ربه وسأله السجن لسخط ربه فقد كفرتم، وان قلتم انه أراد بذلك لئلا يسخط ربه عليه فاختار السجن فالوصي أعذر،

And for me-asws is an example with Yusuf-as, when he-as said [12:33] He said: Lord! The prison is dearer to me than that to which they are calling me to. So if you are saying that Yusuf-as supplicated to his-as Lord-azwj and asked Him-azwj for the imprisonment for Anger His-azwj Lord-azwj, you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that what he-as intended by that was perhaps his-as Lord-azwj would be Angered against him-as, so he-as chose the prison, then the successor-asws (of Muhammad-saww) has more of a justification for it’.

ولي بموسى ” ع ” أسوة إذ قال: (ففررت منكم لما خفتكم) فإن قلتم ان موسى فر من قومه بلا خوف كان له منهم فقد كفرتم، وان قلتم ان موسى خاف منهم فالوصي اعذر،

And for me-asws is an example with Musa-as when he-as said [26:21] So I fled from you when I feared you. So if you were to say that Musa-as fled from his-as people without fear for him-as, from them, so you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that Musa-as feared from them, so the successor-asws (of Muhammad-saww) has more of an excuse for it’.

ولي بأخي هارون ” ع ” أسوة إذ قال لاخيه: (يابن أم ان القوم استضعفوني وكادوا يقتلونني) فإن قلتم لم يستضعفوه ولم يشرفوا على قتله فقد كفرتم وان قلتم استضعفوه واشرفوا على قتله فلذلك سكت عنهم فالوصي اعذر.

And for me-asws is an example with Haroun-as when he-as said to his-as brother-as [7:150] He said: Son of my mother! Surely the people reckoned me weak and had well-nigh slain me. So if you were to say that they had not weakened him-as and did not resolve upon killing him-as, so you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that they did weaken him-as, and did resolve upon killing him-as, and so it was due to that, that he-as was silent from them, so the successor-as (of Muhammad-saww) has more of a justification for it’.

ولي بمحمد صلى الله عليه وآله أسوة حين فر من قومه ولحق بالغار من خوفهم وانامني على فراشه، فإن قلتم فر من قومه لغير خوف منهم فقد كفرتم وان قلتم خافهم وانامني على فراشه ولحق هو بالغار من خوفهم فالوصي اعذر.

And for me is an example of Muhammad-saww when he-saww fled from his-saww people, and went to the cave out of fear from them, and made me-asws to sleep upon his-saww bed. So if you were to say that he-saww fled from his-saww people without any fear from them, so you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that he-saww did fear them, and made me-asws to sleep upon his-saww bed, and went to the cave out of fear from them, so the successor-asws (of Muhamamd-saww) has more of a justification for it’.[240]

اخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن موسى النوفلي قال حدثنا محمد بن حماد الشاشي عن الحسين بن راشد، عن علي بن اسماعيل الميثمي قال: حدثني ربعي عن زرارة قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” ما منع أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ان يدعو الناس إلى نفسه، قال خوفا ان يرتدوا.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Musa Al Nowfaly, from Muhammad Bin Hamaad Al Shashy, from Al Husayn Bin Rashid, from Ali Bin Ismail Al Maysami, from Rabi’e, from Zarara who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What prevented Amir Al-Momineen-asws from calling the people to himself-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Fear that they (all who refused) would become apostates’.

قال علي بن حاتم واحسب في الحديث ولا يشهدوا أن محمدا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم.

Ali Bin Hatim (the narrator) said, ‘And I reckon that, in the Hadeeth was, ‘And they would not testify that Muhammad-saww is Rasool-Allah-saww’.[241]

وعنه قال: حدثنا أبو العباس محمد بن جعفر الرازي قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب، عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيغ عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان عن بكاربن ابى بكر الحضرمي قال: سمعت ابا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول، لسيرة علي ابن ابى طالب في أهل البصرة كانت خيرا لشيعته مما طلعت عليه الشمس انه علم ان للقوم دولة فلو سباهم سبيت شيعته،

And from him who said, ‘Abu Al Abbas Muhammad Bin Ja’far Al Raazy narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khataab, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazi’e, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Bakarban Abu Bakr Al Hazramy who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The way of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws with regards to the people of Al-Basra was better for his-asws Shiah from what the sun emerges upon. For the people were a government, and had he-asws insulted them, they would have insulted his-asws Shiah’.

قال: قلت فاخبرني عن القائم ” ع ” يسير بسيرته قال: لا، ان عليا ” ع ” سار فيهم بالمن لما علم من دولتهم ان القائم يسير فيهم بخلاف تلك السيرة لانه لا دولة لهم.

(The narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘So inform me about Al-Qaim-asws. Would he-asws be walking upon his-asws way?’ He-asws said: ‘No. Ali-asws dealt with them with the favours for he-asws knew that they would be in government. Al-Qaim-asws would deal with them opposite to that way, because there would not be any government for them (Power to harm the Shiah)’.[242]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد ابن عيسى، عن العباس بن معروف، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن حريز، عن بريد بن معاوية، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: ان عليا ” ع ” لم يمنعه من ان يدعو الناس إلى نفسه إلا انهم ان يكونوا ضلالا لا يرجعون عن الاسلام أحب إليه من ان يدعوهم فيأبوا عليه فيصيرون كفارا كلهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Abbas Bin marouf, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Bureyd Bin Muawiya,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Nothing prevented Ali-asws from calling the people to himself-asws except that they would have ended up straying from Al-Islam and not returning. It was more beloved to him-asws than calling them, so they would refuse him-asws, thus they would have become Infidels, all of them’.

قال حريز وحدثني زرارة عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: لو لا ان عليا عليه السلام سار في أهل حربه بالكف عن السبي والغنيمة للقيت شيعته من الناس بلاء عظيما،

Hareyz said, ‘And Zarara narrated to me,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘If Ali-asws had not dealt with the people of his-asws battles with the restraint from the captivating them, and the war booty, his-asws Shiah would have faced a grievous affliction from the people’.

ثم قال: والله لسيرته كانت خيرا لكم مما طلعت عليه الشمس.

Then he-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj! His-asws way was better for them (Shiah) than what the sun emerges upon’.[243]

حدثنا احمد بن الحسين، عن ابيه، عن محمد بن أبى الصهبان، عن محمد ابن ابى عمير، عن بعض أصحابنا قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” لم كف علي ” ع ” عن القوم؟ قال: مخافة ان يرجعوا كفارا.

Ahmad Bin Al Husayn narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Al Sahban, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Umeyr, from one of our companions who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why did Ali-asws restrain himself-asws from the people?’ He-asws said: ‘Out of fear that they would be turning to be Infidels’.[244]

حدثنا محمد بن على ماجيلويه، عن عمه محمد بن ابى القاسم، عن احمد ابن أبى عبد الله البرقى، عن ابيه عن ابن ابى عمير، عن ابان بن عثمان، عن أبان ابن تغلب عن عكرمة، عن ابن عباس قال: ذكرت الخلافة عند أمير المؤمنين علي ابن ابى طالب ” ع ” فقال: أما والله لقد تقمصها ابن ابى قحافة أخوتيم وانه ليعلم ان محلي منها محل القطب من الرحى

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Ibn Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Aban Bin Usman, from Aban Ibn Taghlub, from Akrama, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘The Caliphate was mentioned in the presence of Amir Al-Momineen Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, so he-asws said: ‘But, by Allah-azwj! The son of Abu Qohafa (Abu Bakr) brother of Taym, wore it like a shirt, and he knew full well of my-asws place from it being like what the pole is from the millstone.

ينحدر عني السيل ولا يرقى الي الطير فسدلت دونها ثوبا وطويت عنها كشحها، وطفقت ارتأى بين ان أصول بيد جذاء أو أصبر على طخية عمياء، يشيب فيها الصغير، ويهرم فيها الكبير، ويكدح فيها مؤمن حتى يلقى ربه،

The torrent (of knowledge and wisdom) would have flowed down from me-asws, and the birds could not have ascended up to me-asws (to the levels I would have taken it). So I-asws dropped a garment over it and folded away from it, and considered whether I-asws should work with hands cut-off, or observe patience upon the blinding darkness, in which the young would be grey-haired, and the older ones would be feeble, and in which a Believer would toil until he meets his Lord-azwj.

فرأيت ان الصبر على هاتا احجى، فصبرت وفي العين قذى، وفي الحلق شجى، أرى تراثي نهبا، حتى إذا مضى لسبيله فادلى بها لاخي عدي بعده، فيا عجبا بينا هو يستقيلها في حياته إذ عقدها لآخر بعد وفاته

So I-asws viewed that the patience over here would be better. So I-asws was patient, and in the eye was a speck, and in the throat was a bone (stuck). I-asws saw my-asws inheritance being looted, until he (Abu Bakr) went on his way, so he turned it to a brother of (the Clan of) Udayy (Umar) after him. How strange was his (Abu Bakr’s) wishing to be released from it during his lifetime, when he ended up contracting it to another one after his own death.

فصيرها في حوزة خشناء يخشن مسها ويغلظ كلمها، ويكثر العثار فيها والاعتذار منها فصاحبها كراكب الصعبة ان عنف بها حرن وان اسلس بها غسق، فمنى الناس بتلون واعتراض وبلوا، وهو مع هن وهن،

So it (Caliphate) came to be seized in such a way that it was painful to touch it and tough to speak of it. And he (Umar) frequently kept making excuses from it. So its owner was like the one riding the stubborn camel, that if you are strict with it, it would split its nostril, and if you let it loose, it strays into the darkness. Thus, the people became indulged in objections over immaterial matters.

فصبرت على طول المدة وشدة المحنة حتى إذا مضى لسبيله جعلها في جماعة زعم انى منهم، فيا لله وللشورى متى اعترض الريب في مع الاول منهم، حتى صرت أقرن إلى هذه النظاير، فمال رجل لضغنه واصغى آخر لصهره، وقام ثالث القوم نافجا حضنيه بين نثيله ومعتلفه، وقام معه بنو أبيه يخضمون مال الله خضم الابل نبت الربيع، حتى اجهز عليه، عمله، وكبت به مطيته،

So I-asws observed patience over a lengthy period and the severity of the ordeal until when his (Umar’s) way passed, so he made it to be in a group, claiming that I was from them. So it is for Allah-azwj (to Deal with) and the consultative council. Where was the doubt with regards to me-asws with the first from them, until I-asws came to be paired to these ones. So a man inclined towards being venomous, and the other inclined to his brother in law, and a third stood up having his breasts in between his dung and the fodder. So the sons of his father (Umayya) arose swallowing up Allah-azwj’s wealth like the swallowing of a camel of the spring vegetation, to the extent that it (devouring) finished him off, and his gluttony felled him down.

فما راعني إلا والناس إلي كعرف الضبع قد انثالوا علي من كل جانب حتى لقد وطئ الحسنان، وشق عطفاي، حتى إذا نهضت بالامر نكثت طائفة وفسقت اخرى، ومرق آخرون كأنهم لم يسمعوا الله تبارك وتعالى يقول: (تلك الدار الآخرة نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علوا في الارض ولا فسادا والعاقبة للمتقين) بلى والله لقد سمعوها ووعوها لكنهم احلولت الدنيا في اعينهم، وراقهم زبرجها

So what appalled me-asws was that the people rushing to me-asws like a pack of hyenas, and they had flocked to me from every side, to the extent that Al-Hassanaan-asws (Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws) were trampled, and (the garment) on my-asws two shoulders was torn. Until I-asws took the command, so a group reneged, and another was disobedient, and another became such that as if they had never heard Allah-azwj Blessed and High Saying [28:83] That House of the Hereafter, We Assign it to those who have no desire to exalt themselves in the earth nor to make mischief and the good end is for the pious. Yes, by Allah-azwj! They had heard it, and understood it, but the world became sweet in their eyes, and its embellishments seduced them.

أما والذي فلق الحبة وبرأ النسمة لولا حضور الحاضر وقيام الحجة بوجود الناصر وما أخذ الله على العلماء ألا يقروا على كظة ظالم، ولا سغب مظلوم، لالقيت حبلها على غاربها ولسقيت آخرها بكأس أولها ولالفيتم دنياكم هذه عندي أزهد من عفطة عنز.

But, by the One-azwj Who Split the seed and Began the life! Had the gatherers not gathered and established the argument of finding of the supporters, and had Allah-azwj not Taken a Pledge upon the knowledgeable ones-asws that they-asws would neither acquiesce to the gluttony of the unjust, nor the starvation of the oppressed, I-asws would have thrown its (Caliphate’s) rope upon its own shoulders and would have made the last of them drink the cup of its first one, and you would have seen that this world is more renounced in my-asws presence than the sneeze of a goat’.

قال: وناوله رجل من أهل السواد كتابا فقطع كلامه وتناول الكتاب، فقلت يا أمير المؤمنين لو أطردت مقالتك إلى حيث بلغت، فقال: هيهات هيهات يابن عباس، تلك شقشقة هدرت ثم قرت.

He (Ibn Abbas) said, ‘And a man from the black people grabbed a paper, so he-asws cut-off his-asws speech and seized the paper. So I said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! If only you-asws would return to your-asws speech to where it has reached’. So he-asws said: ‘Far be it! Far be it! O Ibn Abbas, that was the foam (from the mouth) of a camel which flowed down, then it subsided’.

قال ابن عباس: فما أسفت على كلام قط كأسفي على كلام أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام إذ لم يبلغ به حيث أراد.

Ibn Abbas said, ‘So I had never regretted upon a speech at all like I regretted upon this speech of Amir Al-Momineen-asws, when he-asws did not preach with it where he-asws had intended to’.[245]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن حماد بن عيسى عن ربعي عن فضيل بن يسار قال: قلت لابي جعفر أو لابي عبد الله عليهما السلام حين قبض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لمن كان الامر بعده؟ فقال لنا أهل البيت قلت: فكيف صارفي غيركم؟ قال انك قد سألت فافهم الجواب ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما علم انه يفسد في الارض وتنكح الفروج الحرام ويحكم بغير ما انزل الله تبارك وتعالى اراد ان يلي ذلك غيرنا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al saffar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Rabie, from Fazeyl Bin Yasaar who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws or to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘When Rasool-Allah-saww passed away, for who was the command after him-saww?’ So he-asws said: ‘For us-asws, the People-asws of the Household’. I said, ‘So how did it come to be in the others?’ He-asws said: ‘You have asked, so understand the answer. When Allah-azwj Knew that there would be a mischief in the earth, and the forbidden marriages would take place, and there would be judgements with other than what Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Revealed, He-azwj Intended that others should be doing that’.[246]

(باب 123 – العلة التى من أجلها قاتل أمير المؤمنين ” ع “) (أهل البصرة وترك أموالهم)

Chapter 123 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws fought the people of Al-Basra but left their wealth alone

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن علي بن الحكم، عن الربيع بن محمد، عن عبد الله ابن سليمان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ان الناس يروون ان عليا ” ع ” قتل أهل البصرة وترك أموالهم، فقال: ان دار الشرك يحل ما فيها، ودار الاسلام لا يحل ما فيها

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Rabie Bin Muhammad, from Abdullah Ibn Suleyman who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah, ‘The people are reporting that Ali-asws fought the people of Al-Basra but left alone their wealth’. So he-asws said: ‘In the house of the Polytheism (Mushriqeen), whatever is therein, is Permissible, and the house of Al-Islam, whatever is therein, is not Permissible’.

فقال: ان عليا ” ع ” إنما من عليهم كما من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله على أهل مكة وإنما ترك علي ” ع ” أموالهم لانه كان يعلم انه سيكون له شيعة وان دولة الباطل ستظهر عليهم فاراد ان يقتدى به في شيعته وقد رأيتم آثار ذلك هو ذا يسار في الناس بسيرة علي عليه السلام ولو قتل علي ” ع ” أهل البصرة جميعا واخذ اموالهم لكان ذلك له حلالا لكنه من عليهم ليمن على شيعته من بعده.

He-asws said: ‘But rather, Ali-asws did a favour upon them, just as Rasool-Allah-saww had done upon the people of Makkah. So, Ali-asws left alone their wealth because he-asws knew that there would be Shiah for him-asws (in the future) and that the government of the Falsehood would be overcoming them. Therefore, he-asws intended that this (policy) should be followed with regards to his-asws Shiah. And you have seen the effects of that that this policy of Ali-asws flowed among the people. And, had Ali-asws killed the people of Al-Basra altogether, and seized their wealth, and that was Permissible unto him-asws, but he-asws favoured upon them, so that his-asws Shiah would be favoured upon from (the rulers to come) after him-asws’.[247]

وقد روي ان الناس اجتمعوا إلى أمير المؤمنين يوم البصرة فقالوا: يا أمير المؤمنين أقسم بيننا غنايمهم؟ قال: أيكم يأخذ أم المؤمنين في سهمه؟.

And it has been reported that the people gathered to Amir Al Momineen -asws on the day of Al Basra, so they said,

(The narrator says it was asked, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! Would you-asws be dividing their wealth as war booty in between us?’ He-asws said: ‘Which ones of you would take ‘The mother of the Believers’ (Ayesha) in his share?’[248]

(باب 124 – العلة التى من أجلها ترك أمير المؤمنين فدك لما ولى الناس)

Chapter 124 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws left Fidak when he-asws ruled the people

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد الدقاق قال: حدثني محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي، عن علي بن سالم عن ابيه، عن ابى بصير عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قلت له لم لم يأخذ أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” فدك لما ولى الناس ولاي علة تركها؟ فقال: لان الظالم والمظلوم كانا قدما على الله عزوجل، وأثاب الله المظلوم، وعاقب الظالم. فكره ان يسترجع شيئا قد عاقب الله عليه غاصبه وأثاب عليه المغصوب.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad al Daqaq narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Saalim, from his father, from Abu Baseer,

(The narrator) says ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why did Amir Al-Momineen-asws not seize Fadak when he-asws ruled the people, and what is the reason for leaving it?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because the oppressor and the oppressed would be preceding to Allah-azwj Might and Majestic, and Allah-azwj would Reward the oppressed, and Punish the oppressor. Therefore, he-asws disliked that he-asws should retrieve something and Allah-azwj would be Punishing its usurper over it, and Rewarding the usurped over it’.[249]

حدثنا احمد بن علي بن إبراهيم بن هاشم رحمه الله قال حدثنا أبى، عن ابيه إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن محمد بن ابى عمير، عن إبراهيم الكرخي قال: سألت ابا عبد الله ” ع ” فقلت له لاي علة ترك علي بن ابى طالب ” ع ” فدك لما ولى الناس فقال: للاقتداء برسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما فتح مكة وقد باع عقيل بن ابى طالب داره فقيل له يارسول الله ألا ترجع إلى دارك؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وآله وهل ترك عقيل لنا دارا إنا أهل بيت لا نسترجع شيئا يؤخذ منا ظلما. فلذلك لم يسترجع فدك لما ولى.

Ahmad Bin Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim narrated to us, from his father, from his father Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Ibrahim Al Karkhy who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘For which reason did Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws leave Fadak when he-asws ruled the people?’ He-asws said: ‘For (the sake of) following Rasool-Allah-saww, when he-saww conquered Makkah, and Aqeel son of Abu Talib-as had sold his-saww house. So it was said to him-saww, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Will you-saww not go to your-saww house?’ So he-saww said: ‘And has Aqeel left a house for us-saww? We-asws, the People-asws of the Household, do not retrieve anything which has been seized from us-asws unjustly’. Thus, it was due to that, he (Ali-asws) did not retrieve Fadak when he-asws ruled’.[250]

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا احمد بن سعيد الهمداني قال حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن ابيه عن ابى الحسن ” ع قال: سألته عن أمير المؤمنين لم لم يسترجع فدكا لما ولى الناس؟ فقال: لانا أهل بيت لا نأخذ حقوقنا ممن ظلمنا الا هو ونحن أولياء المؤمنين إنما نحكم لهم ونأخذ حقوقهم ممن ظلمهم ولا نأخذ لانفسنا.

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Saeed Al hamdany, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from his father,

(The narrator says) ‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws about Amir Al-Momineen-asws. Why did he-asws not retrieve Fadak when he-asws ruled the people?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because we-asws, the People-asws of the Household, do not seize our-asws rights from the ones who oppress us-asws, as he (Amir Al-Momineen-asws) and us-asws are the Guardians of the Believers. But rather, we-asws pass judgement for them and we-asws take their right from the ones who oppress them, but we do not take for ourselves-asws’.[251]

(باب 125 – العلة التى من أجلها كنى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أمير المؤمنين) (على بن أبى طالب: أبا تراب)

Chapter 125 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-azwj teknonymed Amir Al-Momineen Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws as ‘Abu Turaab’ (Father of the earth)

لكني اعتمد في ذلك على ما حدثني به احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا أبو العباس احمد بن يحيى بن زكريا قال: حدثنا بكر بن عبد الله بن حبيب قال: حدثنا تميم بن بهلول، عن ابيه قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن العبدي، عن سليمان بن مهران عن عباية ابن ربعي قال: قلت لعبدالله بن عباس، لم كنى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عليا عليه السلام أبا تراب؟ قال لانه صاحب الارض وحجة الله على أهلها بعده وبه بقاؤها واليه سكونها ولقد سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول: انه إذا كان يوم القيامة ورأى الكافر ما أعد الله تبارك وتعالى لشيعة علي من الثواب والزلفى والكرامة قال يا ليتني كنت ترابا – يعني من شيعة علي – وذلك قول الله عزوجل: (ويقول الكافر ياليتني كنت ترابا).

But, what is reliable with regards to that, is what was narrated to me by – Ahmad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Qataan, from Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Zakariya, from Bakr Bin Abdullah Bin Habeeb, from Tameem Bin Bahloul, from his father, from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Abdy, from Suleyman Bin Mahran, from Abaya Bin Rabi’e who said:

‘I said to Abdullah Bin Ibn Abbas, ‘Why did Rasool-Allah-saww teknonym Ali-asws as ‘Abu Turaab’?’ He said, ‘Because he-asws is the Master of the earth, and Proof of Allah-azwj over its people after him-saww, and its tranquillity is due to him-asws. And I heard the Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘When it will be the Day of Judgement, and the Infidel would see what Allah-azwj has Prepared for the Shiah of Ali-asws, from the Rewards and the Nearness, and the Prestige, he would say O! I wish I were dust! i.e., from the Shiah of Ali-asws and that is in the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [78:40] and the unbeliever shall say: O! I wish I were dust!’.[252]

حدثني الحسين بن يحيى بن ضريس، عن معاوية بن صالح بن ضريس البجلي قال: حدثنا أبو عوانة قال: حدثنا محمد بن يزيد وهشام الزراعي قال: حدثني عبد الله بن ميمون الطهوي قال: حدثنا ليث، عن مجاهد، عن ابن عمر قال بينا أنا مع النبي صلى الله عليه وآله في نخيل المدينة وهو يطلب عليا عليه السلام إذا إنتهى إلى حايط فاطلع فيه فنظر إلى علي ” ع ” وهو يعمل في الارض وقد اغبار، فقال ما ألوم الناس إن يكنوك أبا تراب،

Al Husayn Bin Yahya Bin Zareys narrated to me, from Muawiya Bin Salih Bin Zareys Al Bajaly, from Abu Awana, from Muhammad Bin Yazeed and Hashim Al Zarai’e, from Abdullah Bin Maymoun Al Tahouwi, from Lays, from Mujahid, from Ibn Umar who said,

‘While I was with the Prophet-saww among the palm trees of Al-Medina, and he-asws was looking for Ali-asws, when he-saww ended up to a garden. So he-saww noticed Ali-asws therein working on the ground, and he-asws was covered in dust. So he-saww said: ‘What blame would people place upon me-saww if I-saww were to teknonym you-asws as ‘Abu Turaab’’.

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ألا ارضيك يا على قال: نعم يارسول الله فاخذ بيده فقال: أنت اخى ووزيري وخليفتي في أهلي تقضى ديني وتبرئ ذمتي، من احبك في حياة مني فقد قضى له بالجنة، ومن احبك في حياة منك بعدى ختم الله له بالامن، والايمان، ومن احبك بعدك ولم يرك ختم الله له بالامن والايمان وآمنه يوم الفزع الاكبر، ومن مات وهو يبغضك يا علي مات ميتة جاهلية يحاسبه الله عز وجل بما عمل في الاسلام.

. So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Shall I-asws please you-asws, O Ali-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, O Rasool-Allah-saww’. So he-saww grabbed him-asws by his-asws hand and said: ‘You-asws are my-saww brother, and my-saww Vizier, and my-saww Caliph among my-saww family. You-asws will fulfill my-saww debts, and my-saww responsibilities. The one who loves you-asws during my-saww lifetime, I-saww shall judge the Paradise for him, and the one who loves you-asws after my-saww lifetime, Allah-azwj would Seal the security, and the faith for him. And the one who loves you-asws after you-asws, and he-asws has not seen you-asws, Allah-azwj would Seal the security and the faith for him, and Give him security on the Day of the great terror. And the one who dies and he has hated you-asws, O Ali-asws, died the death of the Pre-Islamic period. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would only Reckon the one with what he had done during Al-Islam’.[253]



(باب 126 – العلة التى من أجلها كان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام) (يتختم بأربعة خواتيم)

Chapter 126 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws used to wear four rings

حدثنا أبو سعيد محمد بن الفضل بن محمد بن اسحاق المذكر المعروف بابى سعيد المعلم النيسابوري بنيسابور قال: اخبرنا أبو جعفر محمد بن احمد بن سعيد قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن مسلم بن زرارة الرازي قال: حدثنا محمد بن يوسف الفريابى قال: حدثنا سفيان الثوري، عن اسماعيل السندي، عن عبد خير قال: كان لعلى بن ابى طالب أربعة خواتيم يتختم بها ياقوت لنبله، وفيروزج لنصره والحديد الصيني لقوته، وعقيق لحرزه. وكان نقش الياقوت: لا إله إلا الله الملك الحق المبين، ونقش الفيروزج: الله الملك الحق المبين، ونقش الحديد الصيني: العزة لله جميعا، ونقش العقيق ثلاثة أسطر: ما شاء الله لاقوة إلا بالله استغفر الله.

Abu Saeed Muhammad Bin Al Fazal Bin Muhammad Bin Is’haq Al Mazkar well known as Abu Saeed Al Ma’lam Al Neysabouri narrated to us at Neysabour, from Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Saeed, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Muslim Bin Zarara Al Razy, from Muhammad Bin Yusuf Al Faryabi, from Sufyan Al Sowry, from Ismail Al Sindy, from Abd Khayr who said,

‘Ali-asws had four rings which he-asws used to wear – Sapphire for his-asws nobility, and Turquoise for his-asws victory, and the Chinese Iron for his-asws strength, and Garnet for his-asws protection. And it was engraved upon the Sapphire: ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj, the King, the Evident Truth’; and it was engraved upon the Turquoise: ‘Allah-azwj, the King, the Evident Truth’; and it was engraved upon the Chinese Iron: ‘All Honour is for Allah-azwj’; and three lines were engraved upon the Garnet: ‘Whatever Allah-azwj so Desires, There is no Strength except by Allah-azwj, I seek Forgiveness of Allah-azwj’.[254]

(باب 127 – علة تختم أمير المؤمنين صلوات الله عليه في يمينه)

Chapter 127 – Reason for Amir Al-Momineen-asws wearing his-asws ring in his-asws right hand

حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس العطار النيسابوري رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن قتيبة النيسابوري قال: حدثنا الفضل بن شاذان عن محمد بن أبى عمير قال: قلت لابي الحسن موسى عليه السلام اخبرني عن تختم أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” بيمينه لاي شئ كان؟ فقال: إنما كان يتختم بيمينه لانه إمام أصحاب اليمين بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وقد مدح الله تعالى أصحاب اليمين وذم أصحاب الشمال، وقد كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يتختم بيمينه وهو علامة لشيعتنا يعرفون به وبالمحافظة على أوقات الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة، ومواساة الاخوان، والامر بالمعروف والنهى عن المنكر.

Abdul Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdous Al Ataar Al neysabouri narrated to us, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Quteyba Al Neysabouri, from Al Fazal Bin Shazaan, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws, ‘Inform me about the rings of Amir Al-Momineen-asws being in his-asws right hand, for which reason was it?’ So he-asws said: ‘But rather he-asws wore the rings in his-asws right hand, because he-asws is the Imam-asws of the Companions of the right hand, after Rasool-Allah-saww, and Allah-azwj has Praised the Companions of the right hand, and has Condemned the companions of the left hand. And Rasool-Allah-saww used to wear rings in his-saww right hand, and it is a sign for our-asws Shiah to be recognised by, and by the preservation of the timings of the Prayer, and the giving of the Zakat, and equalisation with the brethren, and the enjoining of the good, and the forbidding of the evil’.[255]

حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد بن عبد الوهاب القرشي قال: حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم القايني قال: حدثنا أبو قريش قال: حدثنا عبد الجبار ومحمد بن منصور الخزاز قالا: حدثنا عبد الله بن ميمون القداح، عن جعفر بن محمد، عن أبيه ” ع ” عن جابر بن عبد الله: ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله كان يتختم بيمينه.

Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Al Qarshy narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Qainy, from Abu Qureysh, from Abdul Jabbar and Muhammad Bin Mansour Al Khazaz, from Abdullah Bin Maymoun Al Qadah,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Jabir Bin Abdullah having said, ‘The Prophet-saww used to wear rings in his-saww right hand’.[256]

حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد بن عبد الوهاب القرشى قال: حدثنا منصور بن عبد الله بن إبراهيم الاصفهانى قال: حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الاسكندرانى قال: حدثنا عباس بن العباس القانعي قال: حدثنا سعيد الكندي عن عبد الله بن حازم الخزاعي، عن إبراهيم بن موسى الجهني، عن سلمان الفارسي قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لعلي ” ع ” يا علي تختم باليمين تكن من المقربين قال: يارسول الله وما المقربون؟ قال جبرئيل وميكائيل قال: بما أتختم يارسول الله؟ قال بالعقيق الاحمر فإنه أقر لله عز وجل بالوحدانية ولي بالنبوة ولك يا علي بالوصية ولولدك بالامامة ولمحبيك بالجنة، ولشيعة ولدك بالفردوس

Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Al Qarshy, from Mansour Bin Abdullah Bin Ibrahim Al Isfahany, from Ali Bin Abdullah Al Askandarany, from Abbas Bin Al Abbas Al Qani’e, from Saeed Al Kindy, from Abdullah Bin Hazim Al Khazai’e, from Ibrahim Bin Musa Al Jahny,

(It has been narrated) from Salman Al-Farsy-as having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘O Ali-asws! Wear the rings in your-asws right hand to become one of the Proximity ones’. He-asws said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! And who are the Proximity ones?’ He-saww said: ‘Jibraeel-as and Mikaeel-as’. He-asws said: ‘With what (type of ring) shall I-asws wear, O Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘With the red Sapphire, for it accepted for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, with the Oneness, and (accepted) me-saww with the Prophet-hood, and for you-asws, O Ali-asws, with the successorship, and for your-asws sons-asws with the Imamate, and for those that love you-asws with the Paradise, and for the Shiah of your-asws sons-asws with the Firdows’.[257]

(باب 128 – علة الصلع في رأس أمير المؤمنين ” ع “، والعلة التى) (من أجلها سمى الانزع البطين)

Chapter 128 – Reason for the Higher Hairline of Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and the reason due to which he-asws was called ‘Al-Anza’a Al Bateen’

حدثنا أبى ومحمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنهما قالا: حدثنا احمد بن إدريس ومحمد بن يحيى العطار جميعا عن محمد بن احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري باسناد متصل لم احفظه، ان أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” قال: إذ أراد الله بعبد خيرا رماه بالصلع فتحات الشعر عن رأسه وها أنا ذا.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees and Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar together, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ash’ary, by an unbroken chain which I did not memorise,

(It has been narrated) from Amir Al-Momineen-asws having said: ‘If Allah-azwj Intends good with a servant, Casts him with the higher headline in openings of the hair from his head, and see, I-asws am like that’.[258]

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا احمد بن يحيى بن زكريا القطان قال: حدثنا بكر بن عبد الله بن حبيب عن تميم بن بهلول عن عباية بن ربعي قال: جاء رجل إلى ابن عباس فقال له: اخبرني عن الانزع البطين علي بن أبى طالب فقد اختلف الناس فيه؟ فقال له ابن عباس: أيها الرجل والله لقد سألت عن رجل ما وطئ الحصى بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أفضل منه وانه لاخو رسول الله وابن عمه ووصيه وخليفته على أمته وانه الانزع من الشرك، بطين من العلم، ولقد سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول: من أراد النجاة غدا فليأخذ بحجزة هذا الانزع يعني عليا عليه السلام.

Ahmad Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Zakariyya Al Qataan, from Bakr Bin Abdullah Bin Habeeb, from Tameem Bin Bahloul, from Abaya Bin Rabie who said,

‘A man went to Ibn Abbad, so he said to him, ‘Inform me about the ‘Al Anza’a Al Bateen’ Ali -asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, for the people are differing with regards to it?’ So Ibn Abbas said to him, ‘O you man! By Allah-azwj, you have asked me about a man, none has trodden the gravel after Rasool-Allah-saww more meritorious than him-asws, for he-asws is a brother of Rasool-Allah-saww, and a son of his-asws uncle-as, and his-saww successor-asws, and his-saww Caliph over his-saww community, and he-asws is removed from the Polytheism, full up from the knowledge. And I have heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘Whoever wants the salvation tomorrow, so let him hold on to a part of this ‘Al Anza’a’, meaning Ali-asws’.[259]

(باب 129 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى علي بن أبى طالب أمير المؤمنين) (والعلة التى من أجلها سمى سيفه: ذاالفقار، والعلة التى من أجلها) (سمى القائم قائما، والمهدى مهديا)

Chapter 129 – The reason due to which Ali -asws Bin Abu Talib-asws was named as ‘Amir Al-Momineen’, and the reason due to which his-asws sword was named as ‘Zulfiqar’, and the reason due to which Al-Qaim-asws has been named as ‘Qaim’, and Al-Mahdi-asws as ‘Mahdi’

حدثنا على بن احمد بن محمد الدقاق ومحمد بن محمد بن عصام رضى الله عنهما قالا: حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب الكليني قال: حدثنا القاسم بن العلا قال حدثنا اسماعيل الفزاري قال: حدثنا محمد بن جمهور العمى، عن ابن ابى نجران عمن ذكره عن أبى حمزة ثابت بن دينار الثمالي قال: سألت ابا جعفر محمد بن علي الباقر ” ع ” يابن رسول الله لم سمي علي عليه السلام أمير المؤمنين وهو إسم ما سمي به احد قبله ولا يحل لاحد بعده؟ قال: لانه ميرة العلم يمتار منه ولا يمتار من احد غيره،

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Daqaq and Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Asaam both narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub Al Kulayni, from Al Qasim Bin Al A’ala, from Ismail Al Fazary, from Muhammad Bin Jamhour Al A’ama, from Ibn Abu Najran, from the one who mentioned, from Abu Hamza Sabit Bin Dinaar Al Sumaly who said,

‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Why was Ali-asws named as ‘Amir Al-Momineen’, and it is a name which no one has been named before him-asws, and it is not permissible for anyone to be named as such after him-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he-asws is a ‘Meerat’ (Treasure trove) of the knowledge which is being supplied from him-asws, and it is not supplied from anyone apart from him-asws’.

قال فقلت يابن رسول الله فلم سمي سيفه ذاالفقار؟ فقال ” ع “: لانه ما ضرب به احد من خلق الله إلا افقره من هذه الدنيا من اهله وولده وافقره في الآخرة من الجنة

He (Abu Hamza) said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So why was his-asws sword named as ‘Zulfiqaar’?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because he-asws did not strike any one from the creatures of Allah-azwj with it, except that he was deprived (Afqar) of this world, from his family, and his children, and deprived in the Hereafter from the Paradise’.

قال: فقلت يابن رسول الله فلستم كلكم قايمين بالحق؟ قال: بلى قلت فلم سمي القايم قائما؟ قال: لما قتل جدي الحسين عليه السلام ضجت عليه الملائكة إلى الله تعالى بالبكاء والنحيب وقالوا: إلهنا وسيدنا أتغفل عمن قتل صفوتك وابن صفوتك وخيرتك من خلقك، فأوحى الله عز وجل إليهم قروا ملائكتي فوعزتي وجلالي لانتقمن منهم ولو بعد حين،

He (Abu Hamza) said, ‘So I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Are you-asws all not standing with the Truth?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So why has Al-Qaim-asws been named as ‘Qaim’ (The one making a stand)?’ He-asws said: ‘When my-asws grandfather-asws Al-Husayn-asws was killed, the Angels were in uproar to Allah-azwj the High with the crying and the wailing, and they said, ‘Our God-azwj, and our Master-asws! Are You-azwj Oblivious from the one who killed Your-azwj elite, and son-asws of Your-azwj elite, and Your-azwj Chosen one from Your-azwj creatures?’ So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed until them: “Calm down My-azwj Angels, for I-azwj Swear by My-azwj Mighty and My-azwj Majesty that I-azwj shall be Exacting revenge from them, even though it may be after a while”.

ثم كشف الله عز وجل عن الائمة من ولد الحسين ” ع ” للملائكة فسرت الملائكة بذلك فإذا احدهم قايم يصلى فقال الله عز وجل بذلك القائم انتقم منهم.

Then Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Uncovered (the veil) from the Imams-asws from the sons-asws of Al-Husayn -asws for the Angels (to see). So the Angels were in cheerfulness due to that. So there was one of them (Imams-asws) standing, Praying. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “It is by that standing one-asws, I-azwj shall be Exacting Revenge from them”.[260]

حدثنا محمد بن محمد بن عصام الكليني قال: حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب عن علان الكليني رفعه إلى ابى عبد الله ” ع ” انه قال: إنما سمي سيف أمير المؤمنين ذاالفقار لانه كان في وسطه خط في طوله، فشبه بفقار الظهر فسمى ذاالفقار بذلك وكان سيفا نزل به جبرئيل ” ع ” من السماء، وكانت حلقته فضة، وهو الذي نادى به مناد من السماء: لا سيف إلا ذو الفقار ولافتى إلا علي.

Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Asaam Al Kulayni, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Alaan Al Kulayni,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘But rather, the sword of Amir Al-Momineen-asws was named as ‘Zulfiqar’, be there was in the middle of it, a line written along its length, so it resembles with the backbone, thus it was named as Zulfiqar due to that. And it was a sword which Jibraeel-as descended with from the sky, and its enclosure was of silver, and it is that which a Caller Called out with from the sky: ‘There is no sword except for Zulfiqar, and there is no youth (Believer) except for Ali-asws’’.[261]

حدثنا أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الحسن بن على الكوفي، عن عبد الله بن المغيرة عن سفيان بن عبد المؤمن الانصاري، عن عمرو ابن شمر، عن جابر قال: أقبل رجل إلى ابى جعفر ” ع ” وانا حاضر، فقال رحمك الله اقبض هذه الخمسمائة درهم فضعها في موضعها فإنها زكاة مالي، فقال له أبو جعفر عليه السلاام: بل خذها أنت فضعها في جيرانك والايتام والمساكين، وفي اخوانك من المسلمين، إنما يكون هذا إذا قام قائمنا فإنه يقسم بالسوية ويعدل في خلق الرحمان، البر منهم والفاجر، فمن اطاعه فقد اطاع الله، ومن عصاه فقد عصى الله

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Al Hassan Bin Ali AL Kufy, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from Sufyan Bin Abdul Momin Al Ansary, from Amro Ibn Shimr, from Jabir who said,

‘A man came over to Abu Ja’far-asws, and I was present, so he said, ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you-asws! Capture these five hundred Dirham, and place this in its (appropriate) place, for this is Zakat of my wealth’. So Abu Ja’far-asws said to him: ‘But, you take it, and place it (give it out) among your neighbours, and the orphans, and the poor, and among your brethren from the Muslims. But rather, this would become (for us-asws), when our-asws Qaim-asws makes a stand, he-asws would distribute with the equality and justice among the creatures of the Beneficent, the righteous from them as well as the immoral. So the one who obeys him-asws has obeyed Allah-azwj, and the one who disobeys him-asws, so he has disobeyed Allah-azwj.

فإنما سمي المهدى لانه يهدى لامر خفي، يستخرج التوراة وسائر كتب الله من غار بانطاكية فيحكم بين أهل التوراة بالتوراة، وبين اهل الانجيل بالانجيل، وبين اهل الزبور بالزبور، وبين اهل الفرقان بالفرقان، وتجمع إليه أموال الدنيا كلها ما في بطن الارض وظهرها،

But rather, he-asws has been named as ‘Al-Mahdi’ because would be Guided to the hidden matters. He-asws would bring out the Torah and the rest of the Books of Allah-azwj from a cave at Antioch. Thus he-asws would Judge between the people of the Torah by the Torah, and between the people of the Evangel by the Evangel, and between the people of the Psalms by the Psalms, and between the people of the Quran by the Quran. And all of the wealth of the world would be gathered to him-asws, whatever is in the belly of the earth and upon its back.

فيقول للناس تعالوا إلى ما قطعتم فيه الارحام وسفكتم فيه الدماء وركبتم فيه محارم الله، فيعطي شيئا لم يعط احدا كان قبله.

So he-asws would be saying to the people: ‘Come to what with regards to which you cut off the relationships, and shed blood with regards to it, and for which you rode upon the Prohibitions of Allah-azwj. So he-asws would give something which no one had given before him-asws’.

قال: وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وهو رجل مني إسمه كاسمي يحفظني الله فيه ويعمل بسنتي يملا الارض قسطا وعدلا ونورا بعد ما تمتلي ظلما وجورا وسوءا.

He-asws said: ‘And Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘And he-asws is a man-asws from me-saww, his-asws name is like my-saww name. May Allah-azwj Save me-saww with regards to it. And he-asws would be acting in accordance with my-saww Sunnah. He-asws would fill the earth with equity, and justice, and Light, after it having being filled with injustice, and tyranny, and darkness’.[262]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا جعفر ابن محمد بن مسعود قال: حدثنا جبرئيل بن احمد قال: حدثني الحسن بن خرذاد عن محمد بن موسى بن الفرات، عن يعقوب بن سويد، عن جعفر ” ع ” قال: قلت له جعلت فداك لم سمي أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” أمير المؤمنين؟ قال: لانه يميرهم العلم أما سمعت كتاب الله عز وجل (ونمير أهلنا).

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Ibn Muhammad Bin Masoud, from Jibraeel Bin Ahmad, from Al Hassan Bin Kharzad, from Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Furat, from Yaqoub Bin Suweyd,

(The narrator says), ‘I said to (Imam) Ja’far-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws: ‘Why was Amir Al-Momineen-asws named as ‘Amir Al-Momineen’?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he-asws supplied them (brought them) the knowledge. But have you not heard the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [12:65] and we will bring grain for our family’.[263]

(باب 130 – العلة التى من أجلها صار علي بن أبى طالب) (قسيم الله بين الجنة والنار)

Chapter 130 – The reason due to which Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws became the Distributor of Allah-azwj between the Paradise and the Fire

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا احمد بن يحيى بن زكريا أبو العباس القطان قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن داهر قال: حدثنا أبى، عن محمد بن سنان عن المفضل بن عمر قال: قلت لابي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد الصادق ” ع ” لم صار أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبى طالب قسيم الجنة والنار؟ قال: لان حبه إيمان وبغضه كفر، وإنما خلقت الجنة لاهل الايمان، وخلقت النار لاهل الكفر، فهو عليه السلام قسيم الجنة والنار، لهذه العلة فالجنة لا يدخلها إلا أهل محبته، والنار لا يدخلها إلا أهل بغضه.

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Zakariyya Abu Al Abbas Al Qatan, from Muhammad Bin Isamil Al Barmakky, from Abdullah Bin Dahar, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad Al-Sadiq-asws, ‘Why did Amir Al-Momineen Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws come to be Distributor of the Paradise and the Fire?’ He-asws said: ‘Because, love for him-asws is faith, and hate for him-asws is Disbelief. But rather, the Pardise was Created for the people of the Eman (faith), and the Fire was Created for the people of the disbelief. Therefore, he-asws is the Distributor of the Paradise and the Fire, due to this reason. So the Paradise, none shall enter it except for the people who love him-asws, and the Fire, none shall enter it except for the people who hate him-asws’.

قال المفضل: فقلت يابن رسول الله فالانبياء والاوصياء عليهم السلام كانوا يحبونه واعدائهم كانوا يبغضونه؟ قال نعم قلت فكيف ذلك؟ قال: أما علمت ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال يوم خيبر: لاعطين الراية غدا رجلا يحب الله ورسوله ويحبه الله ورسوله ما يرجع حتى يفتح الله على يديه، فدفع الراية إلى علي عليه السلام ففتح الله تعالى على يديه. قلت بلى،

Al-Mufazzal narrates, ‘So I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So the Prophets-as, and the successors-as used to love him-asws, and their-as enemies used to hate him-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So how can that be?’ He-asws said: ‘But do you not know that the Prophet-saww said on the Day of Khyber: ‘I-saww shall be giving the flag tomorrow to a man who loves Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww, and Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww love him-asws. He-asws would not return Allah-azwj Grants him-asws victory by his-asws hands’? So he-saww handed over the flag to Ali-asws. Thus Allah-azwj Granted victory by his-asws hands’. I said, ‘Yes’.

قال: أما علمت ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما أتى بالطائر المشوي قال صلى الله عليه وآله اللهم إئتني بأحب خلقك اليك وإلي يأكل معي من هذا الطائر – وعنى به عليا ” ع ” – قلت بلى،

He-asws said: ‘But, do you know that when Rasool-Allah-saww was brought a grilled chicken, he-saww said: ‘O Allah-azwj! Get the one most Beloved to You-azwj and to me-saww to come and eat with me-saww, from this bird’ – and he-saww meant Ali-asws by it?’ I said, ‘Yes’.

قال فهل يجوز أن لا يحب انبياء الله ورسله واوصيائهم عليهم السلام رجلا يحبه الله ورسوله ويحب الله ورسوله. فقلت له لا، قال: فهل يجوز ان يكون المؤمنون من اممهم لا يحبون حبيب الله وحبيب رسوله، وانبيائه عليهم السلام؟ قلت لا،

He-asws said: ‘So is it Permissible that the Prophets-as of Allah-azwj, and their-as successors-as did not love a man who is Loved by Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww, and he-asws loved Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww?’ So I said to him-asws, ‘No’. So is it Permissible that the Believers who happened to be in their-as communities were not loving the Beloved one of Allah-azwj, and a beloved one of His-azwj Rasools-as, and the His-azwj Prophets-as?’ I said, ‘No’.

قال: فقد ثبت ان اعدائهم والمخالفين لهم كانوا لهم ولجميع أهل محبتهم مبغضين، قلت نعم، قال: فلا يدخل الجنة إلامن أحبه من الاولين والآخرين ولا يدخل النار إلا من أبغضه من الاولين والآخرين فهو إذن قسيم الجنة والنار.

He-asws said: ‘It has thus been proved that their-as enemies and the adversaries, it would be that for them, and for the entirety of those that loved them-as, and the hateful ones’. I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘Therefore, none shall enter the Paradise except the one who loves him-asws, from the former ones and the later ones; and none shall enter the Fire except the one who hates him-asws, from the former ones and the later ones. Thus, then, he-asws is the Distributor of the Paradise and the Fire’.

قال المفضل بن عمر: فقلت له يابن رسول الله فرجت عني فرج الله عنك فزدني مما علمك الله، قال: سل يا مفضل فقلت له يابن رسول الله فعلي بن أبى طالب عليه السلام يدخل محبه الجنة ومبغضه النار؟ أو رضوان ومالك؟

Al-Mufazzal Ibn Umar said, ‘So I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Relieve from me (the understanding of matters), may Allah-azwj Relieve you-asws’. He-asws said: ‘Ask, O Mufazzal!’ So I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So Ali-asws would be entering those that love him-asws into the Paradise, and those that hate him-asws into the Fire? Or would it be Rizwaan and Maalik (the two Keepers)?’

فقال يا مفضل أما علمت ان الله تبارك وتعالى بعث رسول صلى الله عليه وآله وهو روح إلى الانبياء عليهم السلام، وهم أرواح قبل خلق الخلق بالفي عام، قال: أما علمت انه دعاهم إلى توحيد الله وطاعته واتباع أمره ووعدهم الجنة على ذلك واوعد من خالف ما اجابوا إليه وانكره النار قلت بلى

So he-asws said: ‘O Mufazzal! But, know that Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent Rasool-saww to the Prophets-as, and he-saww was a spirit, and they-as were spirits, before the Creation of the creation by two thousand years. But know, that he-saww called them-as to the Oneness of Allah-azwj, and being obedient to Him-azwj, and the following of His-azwj Commands, and promised them-as the Paradise upon that, and promised the ones who opposed and did not respond to them-as, and rejected them-as, (promised) the Fire’. I said, ‘Yes’.

قال: أفليس النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ضامنا لما وعد واوعد عن ربه عزوجل، قلت بلى قال: أو ليس علي بن ابى طالب خليفته وإمام امته؟ قلت بلى، قال: اوليس رضوان وملك من جملة الملائكة والمستغفرين لشيعته الناجين بمحبته؟ قلت بلى، قال: فعلي ابن ابى طالب إذن قسيم الجنة والنار عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ورضوان ومالك صادران عن أمره بامر الله تبارك وتعالى،

He-asws said: ‘So, is not the Prophet-saww therefore responsible, when he-saww promised and promise on behalf of his-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘Or is not Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws his-saww Caliph and an Imam-asws of his-saww community?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘Or are not Rizwan and Maalik (the two Keepers), from the totality of the Angels, and the seekers of Forgiveness for his-asws Shiah, the salvaged ones due to his-asws love?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘Therefore Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws is the Distributor of the Paradise and the Fire, from Rasool-Allah-saww, and Rizwan and Maalik (the two Keepers) are the implementers of his-asws orders by the Command of Allah-azwj Blessed and High.

يا مفضل خذ هذا فإنه من مخزون العلم ومكنونه لا تخرجه إلا إلى أهله.

O Mufazzal! Take this, for it is from the treasured knowledge, and conceal it. Do not bring it out (to anyone) except to the one who is deserving of it’.[264]

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى وعبد الله بن عامر بن سعيد، عن محمد بن سنان عن المفضل بن عمر عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” أنا قسيم الله بين الجنة والنار، وانا الفاروق الاكبر وانا صاحب العصا والميسم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, and Abdullah Bin Aamir Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘I-asws am the Distributor of Allah-azwj between the Paradise and the Fire, and I-asws am the Great Differentiator, and I-asws am the owner of the staff and the branding (‘He is a Believer and he is an Infidel’)’.[265]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن ابى الخطاب، عن موسى بن سعدان عن عبد الله بن القاسم الحضرمي، عن سماعة بن مهران قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” إذا كان يوم القيامة وضع منبر يراه جميع الخلايق يقف عليه رجل يقوم ملك عن يمينه وملك عن يساره فينادي الذي عن يمينه يقول: يا معشر الخلايق هذا علي بن ابى طالب صاحب الجنة يدخل الجنة من شاء، وينادي الذي عن يساره يا معشر الخلايق هذا على بن ابى طالب صاحب النار يدخلها من شاء.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khataab, from Musa Bin Sa’dan, from Abdullah Bin Al Qasim Al Hazramy, from Sama’at Bin Mahran who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘When it will be the Day of Judgement, a Pulpit would be placed which the entirety of the creatures would see. A man would stand upon it, and an Angel would stand on the right of it, and an Angel would stand upon its left. So the one upon the right of it would call out: ‘O group of creatures! This is Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, Owner of the Paradise, and he-asws would be entering into the Paradise whoever he-asws so desires to!’ And the one on the left of it would call out: ‘O group of creatures! This is Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, Owner of the Fire, and he-asws would be entering into the Paradise whoever he-asws so desires to!’[266]

ابى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا إبراهيم ابن محمد الثقفي قال: حدثنا محمد بن داود الدينوري قال: حدثنا منذر الشعرانى قال حدثنا سعد بن زيد قال حدثنا أبو قبيل، عن ابى الجارود رفعه إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال: ان حلقة باب الجنة من ياقوتة حمراء على صفائح الذهب فإذا دقت الحلقة على الصفيحة طنت وقالت: يا علي:

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Al Saqafy, from Muhammad Bin Dawood Al Daynouri, from Manzar Al sha’rany, from Sa’ad Bin Zayd, from Abu Qabeel, from Abu Al Jaroud,

(It has been narrated) raising it to the Prophet-saww having said: ‘The door of the Paradise has been Created from red rubies upon gold plates. So when its ring (knob) is knocked upon the plates, it rings and says: ‘O Ali-asws! (يا علي)’.[267]

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن العباس بن معروف، عن عبد الله بن المغيرة الخزاز، عن أبى حفص العبدي عن ابى هارون العبدي عن ابى سعيد الخدري قال: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله يقول إذا سألتم الله لي فاسألوه الوسيلة، فسألنا النبي صلى الله عليه وآله عن الوسيلة فقال: هي درجتي في الجنة، وهى الف مرقاة بين المرقاة إلى المرقاة حضر الفرس، فرس الجواد شهرا، وهى مابين مرقاة جوهر إلى مرقاة زبرجد إلى مرقاة ياقوت إلى مرقاة ذهب إلى مرقاة فضة فيؤتى بها يوم القيامة حتى تنصب مع درجة النبيين فهي في درج النبيين كالقمر بين الكواكب فلا يبقى يومئذ نبي ولا صديق ولا شهيد إلا قال: طوبى لمن كانت هذه الدرجة درجته، فينادى مناد يسمع النداء جميع النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والمؤمنين هذه درجة محمد.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Abbas Bin marouf, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira Al Khazaz, from Abu Hafs Al Abady, from Abu Haroun Al Abdy, from Abu Saeed Al Khudry who said,

‘The Prophet-saww was saying: ‘When you all supplicate to Allah-azwj for me-saww, so ask Him-azwj for the Means (الوسيلة)’. So we asked the Prophet-saww about the Means. So he-saww said: ‘It is my-saww Level in the Paradise, and it is of a thousand stepping stones. In between a stepping stone and a stepping stone would take a racing horse a month to travel. And in between a stepping stone and another stepping stone are links of Aquamarine, to another stepping stone of Sapphire, and to a stepping stone of gold, to a stepping stone of silver.

So I-saww would be give it, on the Day of Judgement, until it is established with the Levels of the Prophets-as. So it would be among the Levels of the Prophets like the full moon is in between the stars. Thus, not a single Prophet-saww would remain on the Day, nor a Truthful, nor a Martyr, except that he would say: ‘Congratulations to the one for whom this Level is as a Level’. So a Caller would Call out which the entirety of the Prophets-as, and the Truthful, and the Martyrs, and the Believers would hear: ‘This is the Level of Muhammad-saww!’

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فأقبل أنا يومئذ متزرا بريطة من نور على تاج الملك، واكليل الكرامة والملائكة الكرام وعلي بن ابى طالب أمامى ولوائي بيده وهو لواء الحمد مكتوب عليه: (لا إله إلا الله المفلحون هم الفائزون بالله)

Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘So I-saww would come on that Day, wearing robes of Light and a royal crown upon me-saww, and a crown of dignity, flanked with the honourable Angels. And Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws would be in front of me-saww, and my-saww flag would be in his-asws hand, and it is the flag of Praise (لواء الحمد), upon which would be inscribed: ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj. The successful ones are the winners with Allah-azwj’.

فإذا مررنا بالنبيين قالوا ملكين مقربين، وإذا مررنا بالملائكة قالوا هذان ملكان ولم نعرفهما ولم نرهما، وإذا مررنا بالمؤمنين قالوا هذان نبيان مرسلان حتى أعلو الدرجة وعلي يتبعني حتى إذا صرف في أعلا درجة منها وعلي أسفل مني بدرجة وبيده لوائى فلا يبقى يومئذ نبي ولا وصى ولا مؤمن إلا رفعوا رؤوسهم إلى يقولون طوبى لهذين العبدين ما اكرمهما على الله تعالى فيأتى النداء من عند الله تعالى يسمع النبيون وجميع الخلق: هذا حبيبي محمد وهذا وليي علي طوبى لمن أحبه وويل لمن ابغضه وكذب عليه،

So the Prophets-as would pass by us-asws, so they-as would say: ‘These two are Angels of Proximity. And when the Angels pass by us-asws, they would say: ‘These are two Angels whom we do not recognise, nor have we seen these two before. And when the Believers pass by us-asws, they would say, ‘These are two Prophets-as, two Mursils-as’, until I-saww go a Level higher, and Ali-asws would follow me-saww, and I-saww reach the highest Level, and Ali-asws being a Level lower than mine-saww, and in his-asws hand would be my-saww flag, so there would not remain on that Day, a single Prophet-as, nor a successor-as, nor a Believer, except that they would all raise their heads and would be saying: ‘Congratulations to these two servants. How prestigious are these two to Allah-azwj’. So there would come the Call from the Presence of Allah-azwj the High, which the Prophets and all the creatures would hear: “This is My-azwj Beloved Muhammad-saww, and this is his-as Guardian Ali-asws! Congratulations to the one who loved him-asws, and woe be unto the one who hated him-asws and belied against him-asws”.

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لعلي عليه السلام يا علي فلا يبقى يومئذ في مشهد القيامة احد يحبك إلا استروح إلى هذا الكلام وابيض وجهه وفرح قلبه ولا يبقى احد ممن عاداك أو نصب لك حربا أو جحد لك حقا إلا أسود وجهه واضطربت قدماه،

The Prophet-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘O Ali-asws! So there would not remain on that Day in the spectacle of the Day of Judgement, anyone who loves you-asws except that he would be cheerful upon this speech, and his face would be whitened, and his heart would be joyful. And there would not remain anyone from your-asws enemies, or one who established a war against you-asws, or fought against you-asws of your-asws rights, except that his face would be blackened, and his legs would tremble’.

ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فبينا أنا كذلك إذا ملكان قد اقبلا إلي اما احدهما فرضوان خازن الجنة، وأما الآخر فمالك خازن النار فيدنو رضوان فيسلم علي فيقول السلام عليك يا رسول الله فارد عليه السلام، وأقول أيها الملك الطيب الريح الحسن الوجه الكريم على ربه من أنت؟ فيقول انا رضوان خازن الجنة امرني ربى آتيك بمفاتيح الجنة فادفعها اليك فخذها يا احمد فاقول قد قبلت ذلك من ربى فله الحمد على ما أنعم به علي فادفعها إلى أخي علي بن ابى طالب فيدفعها إلى علي ويرجع رضوان

Then Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘So during that, two Angels would come forward towards me-saww. As for one of the two, so it would be Rizwan, the Keeper of the Paradise, and as for the other, so it would be Malik, the Keeper of the Fire. So Rziwan would approach and greet me-saww, and he would be saying: ‘Peace be upon you-saww, O Rasool-Allah-saww’. So I-saww would greet him in return, and I-saww would be saying: ‘O you Angel! With such aromatic fragrance and beauty of the face, prestigious to his Lord-azwj, who are you?’ So he would be saying: ‘I am Rizwan, Keeper of the Paradise. My Lord-azwj Commands me that I should give you-saww the keys of the Paradise, and hand these over to you-saww. So take these, O Ahmad-saww!’ So I-saww would say, ‘I-saww accept that from my-saww Lord-azwj. For Him-azwj is the Praise upon what He -azwj has Favoured me-saww with. Hand over these over to my-saww brother Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws’. So he would hand these over to Ali-asws, and Rizwan would return.

ثم يدنو مالك فيقول السلام عليك يا احمد فاقول السلام عليك ايها الملك ما أنكر رؤيتك وأقبح وجهك من أنت؟ فيقول: انا مالك خازن النار امرني ربى ان آتيك بمقاليد النار، فاقول قد قبلت ذلك من ربي فله الحمد على ما فضلني به، ادفعها الى أخي علي ابن أبي طالب فيدفعها إليه، ثم يرجع مالك

Then Malik would approach, so he would say: ‘Peace be upon you-saww, O Ahmad-saww!’ So I-saww would say: ‘And Peace be upon you, O Angel! How harsh is your appearance, and how threatening is your face, who are you?’ So he would say: ‘I am Malik, the Keeper of the Fire. My Lord-azwj Commands me that I should come to you-saww with the shackles of the Fire’. So I-saww would say: ‘I have accepted that from my-saww Lord-azwj. For Him-azwj is the Praise upon what He-azwj has Graced me-saww with. Hand these over to my-saww brother Ali-asws Ibn Abu Talib-asws’. So he would hand these over to him-asws. Then Malik would return.

فيقبل علي ومعه مفاتيح الجنة ومقاليد النار حتى يقف على عجزة جهنم فيأخذ زمامها بيده وقد علا زفيرها واشتد حرها وتطاير شررها فتنادي جهنم جزنى يا علي فقد أطفأ نورك لهبي فيقول لها علي: قري يا جهنم خذي هذا واتركى هذا، خذي هذا عدوي واتركى هذا وليى،

So Ali-asws would go across, and with him-asws would be the keys of the Paradise and the shackles of the Fire, until he-asws pauses upon the brink of Hell. So he-asws would grab its reins by his-asws hand, and its exhalation would be high, and its heat would be intense, and its flames would be flying out. So Hell would call out: ‘Be far from me, for your-asws Light is extinguishing my flames’. So Ali-asws would be saying to it: ‘Calm down, O Hell! Take this one and leave this one. Take this enemy of mine-asws, and leave this friend of mine-asws’.

فلجهنم يومئذ اشد مطاوعة لعلي من غلام احدكم لصاحبه فان شاء يذهبها يمنة، وان شاء يذهبها يسرة، ولجهنم يومئذ اشد مطاوعة لعلي فيما يأمرها به من جميع الخلايق.

So, on that Day, hell would be more obedient to Ali-asws than a slave of yours would be to his master. So if he-asws so desires, it would make him go rightwards, or if he-asws so desires, it would make him go leftwards. And on that Day, Hell would be more obedient to Ali-asws with regards to he-asws orders it with, than the entirety of the creatures’.[268]


(باب 131 – العلة التى من أجلها أوصى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله) (إلى علي ” ع ” دون غيره)

Chapter 131 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww bequeathed to Ali-asws besides others

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Admy, from Muhammad Bin Al Waleed Al Sayrafi, from Aban Bin Usman,

حدثنا محمد بن على ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال: حدثنا سهل بن زياد الآدمي قال: حدثنا محمد بن الوليد الصيرفي، عن ابان بن عثمان، عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام عن ابيه عن جده عليهما السلام قال: لما حضرت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الوفاة دعا العباس بن عبد المطلب وأمير المؤمنين علي ابن ابى طالب عليه السلام فقال للعباس: يا عم محمد، تأخذ تراث محمد وتقضي دينه وتنجز عداته؟ فرد عليه وقال: يارسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انا شيخ كبير كثير العيال قليل المال من يطيقك وأنت تباري الريح،

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws having said: ‘When death approached Rasool-Allah-saww, he-saww called Al-Abbas Bin Abdul Muttalib and Amir Al-Momineen Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws. So he-saww said to Al-Abbas: ‘O uncle of Muhammad-saww! Will you take the inheritance of Muhammad-saww, and fulfil his-saww debts and fulfil his-saww promises made?’ So he responded to him-saww and said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! I am old of age, lot of family, and little wealth. Who can endure you-saww, and you-saww are even generous to the winds passing by’.

قال فاطرق صلى الله عليه وآله هنيئة قال يا عباس اتأخذ تراث رسول الله وتنجز عداته وتؤدي دينه؟ فقال بأبي أنت وامى انا شيخ كبير كثير العيال قليل المال من يطيقك وأنت تباري الريح،

He-asws said: ‘So he-saww patted him and blessed, and said (again): ‘O Abbas! Will you take the inheritance of Rasool-Allah-saww, and fulfil his-saww promises made, and pay off his-saww debts?’ So he said, ‘May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you-saww! I am old of age, lot of family, and little wealth. Who can endure you-saww, and you-saww are even generous to the winds passing by’.

فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اما انى سأعطيها من يأخذ بحقها، ثم قال: يا علي يا اخا محمد أتنجز عداة محمد وتقضي دينه وتأخذ تراثه؟ قال: نعم بأبي أنت وأمي،

So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘But, I-saww will give it to the one who is deserving of it’. Then he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! O brother of Muhammad-saww! Will you-asws fulfill the promises made by Muhammad-saww, and pay off his-saww debts, and take his-saww inheritance?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, may my-asws father-as and my-asws mother-as be sacrificed for you-saww’.

قال فنظرت إليه حتى نزع خاتمه من اصبعه فقال تختم بهذا في حياتي، قال: فنظرت إلى الخاتم حين وضعه علي ” ع ” في إصبعه اليمنى فصاح رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا بلال علي بالمغفر والدرع والراية وسيفي ذي الفقار وعمامتي السحاب والبرد والابرقة والقضيب (يقال له: الممشوق) فوالله ما رأيتها قبل ساعتي تيك – يعني الابرقة – كادت تخطف الابصار فإذا هي من ابرق الجنة، فقال يا علي: ان جبرئيل اتانى بها فقال يا محمد اجعلها في حلقة الدرع واستوفر بها مكان المنطقة،

He-asws said: ‘So he-saww looked at him-asws until he-saww removed his-saww ring from his-saww finger, so he-saww said: ‘Wear this ring during my-saww lifetime’. He-asws said: ‘So he-saww looked at the ring when Ali-asws put it on his-asws right fingers, and cried out: ‘O Bilal! Bring to me-saww the helmet, and the shield, and the flag, and my-saww sword Zulfiqar, and my-saww turban ‘Al-Sahaab, and the cloak, and the belt, and the walking stick (called Al-Mamshouq), for by Allah-azwj! I-saww have not seen during my-saww time a thing’ – meaning the belt – ‘which almost snatches the vision away, for it is from the pitchers of the Paradise’. Then he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Jibraeel-as came to me aww with it, so he-as said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! Make it to be in a ring of the shield, and wear it around your-asws waist’.

ثم دعا بزوجي نعال عربيين احدهما: مخصوفة والاخرى غير مخصوفة، والقميص الذي اسرى به فيه، والقميص الذي خرج فيه يوم (أحد) والقلانس الثلاث: قلنسوة السفر وقلنسوة العيدين وقلنسوة كان يلبسها ويقعد مع أصحابه، ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا بلال علي بالبغتلين: الشهباء والدلدل، والناقتين: العضباء والصهباء، والفرسين: الجناح الذي كان يوقف بباب مسجد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لحوايج الناس، يبعث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الرجل في حاجة فيركبه، وحيزوم وهو الذي يقول اقدم حيزوم والحمار اليعفور،

Then he-saww called for a pair of slippers, one of which was sewn and the other was un-sewn; and the shirt which he-saww had worn during the Ascension, and the shirt with which he-saww had come out on the Day of Ohad, and the three hoods – a hood for the travel, and a hood for the two Eids, and a hood which he-saww used to wear whenever he-saww was seated with his-saww companions. Then Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O Bilal! Come to me with the two mules – Al Shahba’a and Al Dul Dul; and the two camels – Al Azba’a, and Al Sahba’a; and the two horses – Al Janaaah which used to be paused at the door of the Masjid of Rasool-Allah-saww for the needs of the people, whenever Rasool-Allah-saww used to send the man during a need, so he would ride it, and Heyzoum to which he-saww used to say: ‘Com forward Heyzoum!’; and the donkey Al Yafour’.

ثم قال: يا علي اقبضها في حياتي لا ينازعك فيها أحد بعدي.

Then he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Take control of these during my-saww lifetime, and let no one snatch it away from you-asws after me-saww’.

ثم قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” ان أول شئ مات من الدواب حماره اليعفور توفي ساعة قبض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قطع خطامه، ثم مر يركض حتى وافى بئر بنى حطمه بقبا فرمى بنفسه فيها فكانت قبره

Then Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The first thing which died from the animals was his-saww donkey Al Yafour which died at the time Rasool-Allah-saww passed away. It cut off its halter, then ran over to the well of Hatma at Quba and smashed itself against it and fell down into it. So that was its grave’.

ثم قال أبو عبد الله ” ع “: ان يعفور كلم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: بأبي أنت وأمي ان ابي حدثني عن أبيه عن جده: انه كان مع نوح في السفينة فنظر إليه يوما نوح ” ع ” ومسح يده على وجهه، ثم قال: يخرج من صلب هذا الحمار حمار يركبه سيد النبيين وخاتمهم والحمد لله الذي جعلني ذلك الحمار.

Then Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Yafour had spoken to Rasool-Allah-saww saying, ‘May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you-saww! My father used to narrate to me, from his father, from his grandfather that he was with Noah-as in the ship. So, one day Noah-as looked at him and wiped his-as hand upon his face, then said: ‘There will be coming out from the back of this donkey, a donkey upon which the Chief of the Prophets-as, and their-as Seal’. And the Praise is for Allah-azwj who Made me to be that donkey’.[269]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد ابن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن خالد، عن إبراهيم بن إسحاق الازدي، عن أبيه قال: أتيت الاعمش سليمان بن مهران أسأله عن وصية رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: إيت محمد ابن عبد الله فاسأله، قال: فاتيته فحدثني عن زيد بن علي ” ع ” فقال: لما حضرت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الوفاة ورأسه في حجر علي ” ع ” والبيت غاص بمن فيه من المهاجرين والانصار والعباس قاعد قدامه، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا عباس أتقبل وصيتي وتقضى ديني وتنجز موعدي؟ فقال: انى امرؤ كبير السن كثير العيال لامال لي فاعادها عليه ثلاثا كل ذلك يردها عليه،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Azady, from his father who said,

‘I came over to Al-Amsh Suleyman Bin Mahran to ask him about the bequest of Rasool-Allah-saww, so he said, ‘Go to Muhammad Bin Abdullah and ask him’. So I went over to him, so he narrated to me from Zayd son of Ali-asws, so he said, ‘When death presented itself to Rasool-Allah-saww, and his-saww head was in the lap of Ali-asws, and the house was full up with the ones who were in it from the Emigrants and the Helpers, and Al-Abbas was seated at his-saww feet. Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O Abbas! Do you accept my-saww bequest and to pay off my-saww debts, and fulfill my-as promises made?’ So he said, ‘I am a person of old age, with a large family with no wealth to me’. So he-saww repeated it three times to him, and for each of that, that was his response.

فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: سأعطيها رجلا يأخذها بحقها لا يقول مثل ما تقول، ثم قال يا علي: أتقبل وصيتي وتقضى ديني وتنجز موعدي؟

So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww shall give it to a man who would take it rightfully, and would not be saying what you are saying’. Then he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Do you-asws accept my-saww bequest, and to pay off my-saww debts, and fulfill my-saww promises made?’

قال: فخنقته العبرة ولم يستطع ان يجيبه ولقد رأى رأس رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يذهب ويجئ في حجره، ثم اعاد عليه، فقال له علي ” ع ” نعم بأبي أنت وأمي يارسول الله،

He-asws said: ‘So the grief choked him-asws and he-asws could not answer him-saww, and he-asws saw the head of Rasool-Allah-saww, going and coming (falling unconscious and waking up intermittently) in his-asws lap. Then he-saww repeated to him-asws, so Ali-asws said to him-saww: ‘Yes, may my-asws father-as and my-asws mother-as be sacrificed for you-saww, O Rasool-Allah-saww!

فقال يا بلال: إيت بدرع رسول الله فأتى بها ثم قال يا بلال: إيت براية رسول الله فأتى بها، ثم قال يا بلال: إيت ببغلة رسول الله بسرجها ولجامها فأتى بها، ثم قال يا علي قم فاقبض هذا بشهادة من في البيت من المهاجرين والانصار كي لا ينازعك فيه أحد من بعدي،

So he-saww said: ‘O Bilal! Bring the shield of Rasool-Allah-saww! So he came up with. Then he-saww said: ‘Bring the flag of Rasool-Allah-saww’. So he came with it. Then he-saww said: ‘O Bilal! Bring the mule of Rasool-Allah-saww along with its saddle and its bridle’. So he came with it. Then he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Arise, and take (control of) these in the sight of the ones in the house, from the Emigrants and the Helpers, so that no one should snatch these away from you-asws from after me-saww’.

قال: فقام علي ” ع ” وحمل ذلك حتى استودع جميع ذلك في منزله ثم رجع.

He (the narrator) said: ‘So Ali-asws arose, and carried those until entrusted all of that in his-asws house, then returned’.[270]

Muhammad Bin Ali Al Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Abu Ismail Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Azdy, from his father, from Abu Khalid Amro Bin Khalid Al Wasity,

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله، عن عمه محمد بن ابي القاسم عن احمد بن محمد بن خالد، عن أبيه، عن ابي إسماعيل إبراهيم بن اسحاق الازدي عن أبيه، عن ابى خالد عمرو بن خالد الواسطي، عن زيد بن علي ” ع ” قال: لما حضرت رسول صلى الله عليه وآله الوفاة قال للعباس أتقبل وصيتي وتقضى ديني وتنجز موعدي؟ قال انى امرؤ كبير السن ذوعيال لا مال لي، فأعاده ثلاثا فردها، فقال رسول الله لاعطينها رجلا يأخذها بحقها لا يقول ما تقول،

(It has been narrated) from Zayd son of Ali-asws who said, ‘When death presented itself to Rasool-Allah-saww, he-saww said to Al-Abbas: ‘Do you accept my-saww bequest, and pay off my-saww debts, and fulfill my-saww promises made?’ He said, ‘I am a person of old age with a family and no wealth for me’. So he-saww repeated it three times to him. So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww shall give it to a man who would take these rightfully and would not be saying what you are saying’.

ثم قال يا علي: تقبل وصيتي وتقضى ديني وتنجز موعدي؟ قال فخنقته العبرة ثم أعاد عليه، فقال علي ” ع ” نعم يا رسول الله، فقال يا بلال: إيت بدرع رسول الله، فأتى بها، ثم قال: يا بلال بسيف رسول الله فاتى به، ثم قال يا بلال: إيت براية رسول الله فاتى بها، قال حتى تفقد عصابة كان يعصب بها بطنه في الحرب فاتى بها،

Then he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Do you-asws accept my-saww bequest, and pay off my-saww debts, and fulfill my-saww promises made?’ He (the narrator) said, ‘So the grief choked him-asws. Then he-saww repeated it to him-asws, so Ali-asws said: ‘Yes, O Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he-saww said: ‘O Bilal! Bring the shild of Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he came with it. Then he-saww said: ‘O Bilal! (Bring) the sword of Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he came with it. Then he-saww said: ‘Bring the flag of Rasool-Allah-saww’. So he came with it. He-saww even got him to bring the belt which he-saww used to wear around his-saww waist during the wars, so he came with it.

ثم قال يا بلال: إيت ببغلة رسول الله بسرجها ولجامها فاتى بها، ثم قال لعلي قم فاقبض هذا بشهادة من هنا من المهاجرين والانصار حتى لا ينازعك فيه أحد من بعدي،

Then he-saww said: ‘O Bilal! Bring the mule of Rasool-Allah-saww along with its saddle and its bridle’. So he came with it. Then he-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘Arise, and take (control of) these in the sight of the ones who are here, from the Emigrants and the Helpers, so that no one would snatch these from you-asws from after me-saww’.

قال فقام علي ” ع ” وحمل ذلك حتى استودعه منزله ثم رجع.

He (the narrator) said, ‘So Ali-asws arose, and carried that until he-asws entrusted these in his-asws house, then returned’.[271]

(باب 133 العلة التى من أجلها ورث على بن أبى طالب ” ع “) (رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله دون غيره)

Chapter 133 – The reason due to which Ali-asws inherited from Rasool-Allah-saww among others

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya Al Jaloudy at Al Basra, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya, from Abdul Wahid Ibn Gayas, Abu Abaya, from Amro Bin Al Mugheira, from Abu Sadiq, from Rabi’e Ibn Najad that,

حدثنا محمد بن إبراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رحمه الله قال: حدثني عبد العزيز بن يحيى الجلودي بالبصرة قال حدثنا محمد بن زكريا قال حدثنا عبد الواحد ابن غياث قال: حدثنا أبو عباية، عن عمرو بن المغيرة، عن ابى صادق، عن ربيعة ابن ناجد، ان رجلا قال لعلي عليه السلام يا أمير المؤمنين بما ورثت ابن عمك دون عمك؟ فقال: يا معشر الناس، فافتحوا آذانكم واستمعوا. فقال عليه السلام جمعنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بني عبد المطلب في بيت رجل منا أوقال: اكبرنا.

‘A man said to Ali-asws, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! By what reason did you-asws inherit your-asws cousin-saww, besides your-asws uncle?’ So he-asws said: ‘O group of people! Unblock your ears and listen carefully!’ So he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww gathered us, the Clan of Abd Al-Muttalib-as, in a house of a man from us’ – or said: ‘An elderly one of us’.

فدعا بمد ونصف من طعام وقدح له يقال له الغمر فاكلنا وشربنا وبقى الطعام كما هو والشراب كما هو وفينا من ياكل الجذعة ويشرب الفرق فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان قد ترون هذه فايكم يبايعني على انه اخي ووارثى ووصيي؟ فقمت إليه وكنت اصغر القوم وقلت أنا، قال اجلس، ثم قال ذلك ثلاث مرات، كل ذلك اقوم إليه فيقول: اجلس، حتى كان في الثالثة: فضرب بيده على يدي فبذلك ورثت ابن عمي دون عمي.

So he-saww called for a Mudd and a half of food in a bowl of his-saww called Al-Ghamr. So we ate and drank, and the food still remained as it was before, and the drink remained just as it was before, and among us were ones who used to eat a whole animal, and drink a pail (bucket) of water. So, Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Have you been seeing this? So which one of you would pledge his allegiance to me-saww upon that he would be my-saww brother, and my-saww inheritor, and my-saww successor?’ So I-asws stood up, and I-asws was the smallest (in age) of the people, and I-asws said: ‘I-asws will!’ He-saww said: ‘Be seated!’ Then he-saww said that three times, and for each of that, I-asws stood up, he-saww was saying: ‘Be seated!’, to the extent that during the third (time), he-saww struck his-saww hand upon my-asws hand. Thus, by that, I-asws inherited from my-asws uncle-saww among my uncle (Al Abbas)’.[272]

وعنه قال: حدثنا عبد العزيز قال: حدثنا المغيرة بن محمد قال: حدثنا إبراهيم بن محمد بن عبد الرحمان الازدي قال: حدثنا قيس بن الربيع وشريك بن عبد الله بن الاعمش، عن المنهال بن عمرو، عن عبد الله بن الحارث بن نوفل، عن علي بن ابى طالب ” ع ” قال: لما نزلت (وانذر عشيرتك الاقربين ورهطك المخلصين) دعا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بنى عبد المطلب وهم إذ ذاك اربعون رجلا يزيدون رجلا أو ينقصون رجلا فقال أيكم يكون اخي ووصيي ووارثى ووزيري وخليفتي فيكم بعدي؟

And from him who said, ‘Abdul Aziz narrated to us, from Al Mugheira Bin Muhammad, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Rahman Al Azdy, from Qays Bin Al Rabi’e and Shareek Bin Abdullah Bin Al Amsh, from Al Minhal Bin Amro, from Abdullah Bin Al Haris Bin Nowfal,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘When the Verse [26:214] And warn your nearest relations and your group of sincere ones, was Revealed, Rasool-Allah-saww invited the Clan of Abdul Muttalib-as, and they were forty men, one more or one less. So he-saww said: ‘Which one of you would like to become my-saww brother, and my-saww inheritor, and my-saww Vizier, and my-saww successor, and my-saww Caliph among you all, after me-saww?’

فعرض ذلك عليهم رجلا رجلا، كلهم يأبى ذلك، حتى أتي علي، فقلت: أنا، يا رسول الله. فقال: يا بني عبد المطلب، هذا أخي و وارثي، و وزيري، و خليفتي فيكم بعدي.

So, heaww presented that to man by man. All of them refused that, until it came to me-asws, so I-asws said: ‘Me-asws! O Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he-saww said: ‘O Clan of Abdul Muttalib-as! This is my-saww brother, and my-saww inheritor, and my-saww Vizier, and my-saww Caliph among you all after me-saww’.

فقام القوم يضحك بعضهم إلى بعض، و يقولون لأبي طالب: قد أمرك أن تسمع و تطيع لهذا الغلام!».

So the people arose laughing with each other, and they were saying to Abu Talib-as, ‘He-saww has ordered you-as that you-as should listen and be obedient to this boy (of yours-as)!’[273]

(باب 134 – العلة التى من أجلها دخل أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” في الشورى)

Chapter 134 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws entered into the consultation

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا على بن إبراهيم بن هاشم، عن ابيه باسناده رفعه إلى ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لما كتب عمر كتاب الشورى بدأ بعثمان في اول الصحيفة وأخر عليا أمير المؤمنين ” ع “! فجعله في آخر القوم، فقال العباس: يا أمير المؤمنين يا ابا الحسن أشرت عليك في يوم قبض رسول الله ان تمد يدك فنبايعك فإن هذا الامر لمن سبق إليه فعصيتني حتى بويع أبو بكر

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim narrated to us, from his father, by his chain raising it to

Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When Umar wrote the list (of the participants) for the consultation, he began by Usman on the first page, and Ali Amir Al-Momineen-asws as the last one. So he made him-asws to be the last of the people. So Al-Abbas said, ‘O Amir Al Momineen-asws! O Abu Al Hassan-asws! I indicated to you on the day Rasool-Allah-saww passed away, to extend your-asws hand, so that we would pledge our allegiances to you-asws, for this matter (Caliphate) is for the one who precedes to it, but you-asws disobeyed me until allegiances were pledged to Abu Bakr.

وانا أشير عليك اليوم ان عمر قد كتب أسمك في الشورى وجعلك آخر القوم وهم يخرجونك منها فاطعني ولا تدخل في الشورى فلم يجبه بشئ

And I indicated to you-asws on the day that Umar had written your-asws name (to be) in the consultation, and made you-asws to be at the last of the people, and they were taking you-asws out from it. So if only you-asws had obeyed me and not entered into the consultation’. But, he-asws did not answer him with anything.

فلما بويع عثمان قال له العباس: الم أقل لك، قال له يا عم انه قد خفى عليك امر، أما سمعت قوله على المنبر ماكان الله ليجمع لاهل هذا البيت الخلافة والنبوة فاردت ان يكذب نفسه بلسانه فيعلم الناس ان قوله بالامس كان كذبا باطلا وإنا نصلح للخلافة، فسكت العباس.

So when allegiances were pledge to Usman, Al-Abbas said to him-asws, ‘Did I not tell you-asws?’ He-asws said to him: ‘O uncle! A matter has been hidden from you. Have you not heard his own speech upon the Pulpit, ‘Allah-azwj would not gather the Prophet-hood and the Caliphate together for the People-asws of this Household’? So I-asws intended him to belie himself by his own tongue, so that the people would know that his speech yesterday was a lie, false, and that we-asws are the correct ones for the Caliphate’. So Al-Abbas was silent’.[274]

(باب 135 – العلة التى من أجلها خرج بعض الائمة عليهم السلام) (بالسيف، وبعضهم لزم منزله وسكت، وبعضهم أظهر أمره) (وبعضهم أخفى أمره، وبعضهم نشر العلوم وبعضهم لم ينشرها)

Chapter 135 – The reason due to which one of the Imams-asws came out with the sword, and one-asws of them-asws necessitated sitting at his-asws house, and one-asws of them-asws manifested his-asws command, and one-asws of them-asws concealed his-asws command, and one-asws of them-asws publicised the knowledges, and one-asws of them-asws did not publicise it

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن ابى القاسم الهاشمي، عن عبيد بن قيس الانصاري قال: حدثنا الحسن بن سماعة عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: نزل جبرئيل ” ع ” على رسول صلى الله عليه وآله بصحيفة من السماء لم ينزل الله تعالى كتابا قبله ولا بعده وفيه خواتيم من الذهب فقال له: يا محمد هذه وصيتك إلى النجيب من أهلك، فقال له يا جبرئيل من النجيب من أهلي؟ قال علي بن أبي طالب مره إذا توفيت ان يفك خاتمها ويعمل بما فيه

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Abu Al Qasim Al Hashimy, from Ubeyd Bin Qays Al Ansary, from Al Hassan Bin Sama’at,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Jibraeel-as descended unto Rasool-Allah-saww with a Parchment from the sky. Allah-azwj had not Send down a writing before it nor after it, and in it were seals of gold. So he-as said to him-saww: ‘O Muhammad-saww! This here is your-saww bequest to the most excellent one of your-saww family’. So he-saww said to him-as: ‘O Jibraeel-as! Who is the most excellent one from my-saww family?’ He-as said: ‘Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-as. Order him-asws, that when you-saww pass away, he-asws should break its seal and act in accordance with whatever is in it’.

فلما قبض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فك علي ” ع ” خاتما ثم عمل بما فيه وما تعداه، ثم دفعها إلى الحسن بن علي عليه السلام ففك خاتما وعمل بما فيه وما تعداه، ثم دفعها إلى الحسين بن علي ” ع ” ففك خاتما فوجد فيه: اخرج بقوم إلى الشهادة لهم معك واشر نفسك لله فعمل بما فيه وما تعداه

So when Rasool-Allah-saww passed away, Ali-asws broke its seal, then acted in accordance with what was in it, and did not exceed it. Then he-asws handed it over to Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws. So he-as broke its seal and acted in accordance with what was in it, and did not exceed it. Then he-asws handed it over to Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, so he-asws broke its seal, and found in it (written): ‘Go out with a people to the martyrdom for them along with you-asws, and sacrifice your-asws self for the Sake of Allah-azwj’. So he-asws acted in accordance with what was in it, and did not exceed it.

ثم دفعها إلى رجل بعده ففك خاتما فوجد فيه أطرق واصمت والزم منزلك واعبد ربك حتى يأتيك اليقين، ثم دفعها إلى رجل بعده ففك خاتما فوجد فيه: ان حدث الناس وافتهم وانشر علم آبائك، فعمل بما فيه وما تعداه.

Then he-asws handed it over to a man from after him-asws, so he-asws broke its seal, and found (written in it): ‘Remain silent, and be quiet, [15:99] And worship your Lord until there comes to you certainty’. Then he-asws handed it over to a man from after him-asws, so he-asws broke its seal, and found (written) in it: ‘Narrate to the people, and meet with them, and publicise the Knowledge of your-asws forefathers-asws’. So he-asws acted in accordance with what was in it, and did not exceed it.

ثم دفعها إلى رجل بعده ففك خاتما فوجد فيه: ان حدث الناس وافتهم وصدق آبائك ولا تخافن إلا الله فإنك في حرز من الله وضمان. وهو يدفعها إلى رجل بعده ويدفعها من بعده إلى من بعده إلى يوم القيامة.

Then he-asws handed it over to a man from after him-asws, so he-asws broke its seal and found (written) in it: ‘Narrate to the people, and meet with them, and ratify your-asws forefathers-asws, and do not fear except Allah-azwj, for you-asws are in the Protection of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Responsibility’. And it would be handed it over to a man from after him-asws, and handed over to a man from after him-asws, to a man from after him-asws, until the Day of Judgement’.[275]

(باب 136 – العلة التى من أجلها دفع النبي صلى الله عليه وآله إلى على ” ع “) (سهمين وقد استخلفه على أهله بالمدينة)

Chapter 136 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww handed over two portions for Ali-asws (from the war booty), and he-saww had left-asws to look after his-saww family at Al-Medina

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا عبد الرحمان بن محمد الحسنى قال حدثني فرات بن إبراهيم الكوفي قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن الحسن اللؤلؤئى قال: حدثنا علي بن نوح قال حدثنا أبي، عن محمد بن مروان، عن ابى داود، عن معاذ بن سالم، عن بشر بن إبراهيم الانصاري، عن خليفة بن سليمان الجهمى، عن أبى سلمة بن عبد الرحمان، عن ابى هريرة قال: فلما رجع النبي إلى المدينة وكان علي قد تخلف على أهله قسم المغانم فدفع إلى علي بن أبى طالب ” ع ” سهمين وهو بالمدينة متخلف وقال: معاشر الناس، ناشدتكم بالله وبرسوله ألم تروا إلى الفارس الذي حمل على المشركين من يمين العسكر فهزمهم ثم رجع إلي فقال: يا محمد ان لي معك سهما وقد جعلته لعلي بن ابى طالب وهو جبرئيل ” ع ”

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qataan narrated to us, from Abdul Rahman Bin Muhammad Al Hasny, from Furat Bin Ibrahim Al Kufy, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Lu’lui, from Ali Bin Nuh, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Marwan, from Abu Dawood, from Ma’az Bin Saalim, from Bishr Bin Ibrahim Al Ansary, from Khalifat Bin Suleyman Al Jahmy, from Abu Salma Bin Abdul Rahman,

from Abu Hureyra who said, ‘So when the Prophet-saww returned to Al Medina, and Ali-asws had been left behind to look after his-saww family, he-saww divided the war booty and handed over two portion to Ali Bin Abu Talib-asws, and he-asws was behind Al Medina to look at them, and he-saww said: ‘Group of people! We adjure you all with Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww! did you not see the horse rider who was attacking the Polytheists on the right of the army, so he defeated them and returned to me-saww, and said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! For me, with you-saww is one portion (of the war booty), and I have made to be for Ali Bin Abu Talib-saww’. And it was Jibraeel-as’.

معاشر الناس ناشدتكم بالله وبرسوله هل رأيتم الفارس الذي حمل على المشركين من يسار العسكر ثم رجع فكلمني فقال لي يا محمد ان لي معك سهما وقد جعلته لعلي بن ابى طالب فهو ميكائيل والله ما دفعت إلى علي عليه السلام إلا سهم جبرئيل وميكائيل عليهما السلام فكبر الناس باجمعهم.

Group of the people! We adjure you all with Allah-azwj and with His-azwj Rasool-saww! Did you see the horse rider who was attacking the Polytheists from the left of the army, then he returned to me-saww and spoke to me saying: ‘For me, O Muhammad-saww, is one portion (of war booty) with you-saww, and I have made it to be for Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws’. So it was Mikaeel-as. By Allah-azwj! I-saww have not handed over to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws except for the portions of Jibraeel-as and Mikaeel-as’. So all of the people exclaimed Takbeer (Greatness of Allah-azwj)’.[276]

وحدثني بهذا الحديث الحسن بن محمد الهاشمي الكوفي، عن فرات بن إبراهيم، باسناد مثله سواء.

And Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Hashimy Al Kufy narrated to me, by this chain, from Furat Bin Ibrahim, by a chain similar to it, same (Hadeeth) as this (above)’.[277]

(باب 37 – العلة التى من أجلها صار على بن أبى طالب أول من يدخل الجنة)

Chapter 137 – The reason due to which Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws would become the first one to enter the Paradise

حدثنا الحسين بن علي الصوفى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أبو العباس عبد الله ابن جعفر الحميري قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله القرشي قال: حدثنا علي بن احمد التميمي قال: حدثنا محمد بن مروان قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن يحيى قال حدثنا محمد ابن الحسين بن علي بن الحسين، عن ابيه، عن جده عن الحسين بن علي عن ابيه علي ابن ابى طالب عليهم السلام قال: قال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أنت أول من يدخل الجنة، فقلت يارسول الله ادخلها قبلك؟ قال: نعم صاحب لوائى في الآخرة كما إنك صاحب لوائى في الدنيا وحامل اللواء هو المتقدم،

Al Husayn Bin Ali Al Sowfy narrated to us, from Abu Al Abbas Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Al Humeri, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al Qarshy, from Ali Bin Ahmad Al Tameemy, from Muhammad Bin Marwaan, from Abdullah Bin Yahya,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Ibn Al-Husayn, son of Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws, from Al-Husayn Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said to me-asws: ‘You-asws would be the first one to enter the Paradise’. So I-asws said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! I-asws shall enter before you-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘Yes. You-asws would be the flag bearer in the Hereafter just as you-asws are the flag bearer in the world, and the flag bearer (always) precedes’.

ثم قال صلى الله عليه وآله: يا علي كانى بك وقد دخلت الجنة وبيدك لوائى وهو لواء الحمد تحته آدم فمن دونه.

Then he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! (I-saww am seeing) as if I-asws and with you-asws, entering the Paradise, and in your-asws hand is my-saww flag, and it is the Flag of Praise (لواء الحمد), and under it is Adam-as, and the ones (Prophets-as besides him-as’.[278]

(باب 138 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يخضب أمير المؤمنين)

Chapter 138 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws did no dye (hair & beard)

حدثنا محمد بن احمد السنانى رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن ابى عبد الله الكوفي قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابى بشر قال حدثنا الحسين بن الهيثم عن سليمان بن داود عن علي بن غراب قال حدثنا ثابت بن ابى صفية، عن سعد بن ظريف عن الاصبغ ابن نباتة قال: قلت لامير المؤمنين ” ع ” ما منعك من الخضاب وقد اختضب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: انتظر اشقاها ان يخضب لحيتي من دم رأسي بعد عهد معهود أخبرني به حبيبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sinany narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Abu Bishr, from Al Husayn Bin Al Haysam, from Suleyman Bin Dawood, from Ali Bin Guraab, from Sabit Bin Abu Safiya, from Sa’ad Bin Zareyf, from Al Asbagh Bin Nabata who said,

‘I said to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, ‘What prevents you-asws from dyeing (your-asws hair and beard) and Rasool-Allah-saww had dyed?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws am awaiting the miserable wretch to dye my-asws beard from my-asws head, after the era which my-asws beloved Rasool-Allah-saww has informed me-asws of’.[279]

(باب 139 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يطق أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” حمل) (رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما أراد حط الاصنام من سطح الكعبة)

Chapter 139 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not carry Rasool-Allah-saww upon his-asws shoulders, when he-saww intended to bring down the idols from the roof of the Kaaba

حدثنا أبو علي احمد بن يحيى المكتب قال حدثنا احمد بن محمد الوراق قال حدثنا بشر بن سعيد بن قلبويه المعدل بالرافقه قال حدثنا عبد الجبار بن كثير التميمي اليماني قال سمعت محمد بن حرب الهلالي أمير المدينة يقول: سألت جعفر بن محمد ” ع ” فقلت له يابن رسول الله في نفسي مسألة أريد ان اسألك عنها فقال: ان شئت أخبرتك بمسألتك قبل أن تسألني وان شئت فسل،

Abu Ali Ahmad Bin Yahya Al Maktab narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Waraq, from Bishr Bin Saeed Bin Qalbawayh, the revisionist at Rafaqa, from Abdul Jabbar Bin Kaseer Al Tameemi who said, ‘I heard Muhammad Bin Al Hilali, the Emir of Al Medina saying,

‘I asked Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! I have within myself, a certain question which I want to ask you about’. So he-asws said; ‘If you like I-asws would inform you of your questions before you even ask me-asws , and if you so like, then ask’.

قال: قلت له يابن رسول الله وبأي شئ تعرف ما في نفسي قبل سؤالي؟ فقال بالتوسم والتفرس أما سمعت قول الله عزوجل (ان في ذلك لآيات للمتوسمين) وقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اتقوا فراسة المؤمن فإنه ينظر بنور الله، قال: فقلت له يابن رسول الله فاخبرني بمسألتي

I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! And by which thing do you-asws recognise what is within myself before I even ask you-asws ?’ He-asws said: ‘By expectation and insight. Have you not heard the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [15:75] Surely in this are signs for those who examine, and the words of Rasool-Allah-saww: ‘Fear the insight of a Believer for he looks by the Light of Allah-azwj?’ I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww, so inform me regarding my questions’.

قال: أردت ان تسألني عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لم لم يطق حمله علي ” ع ” عند حط الاصنام من سطح الكعبة مع قوته وشدته وما ظهر منه في قلع باب القموص بخيبر والرمي به إلى ورائه اربعين ذراعا وكان لا يطيق حمله اربعون رجلا وقد كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يركب الناقة والفرس والحمار، وركب البراق ليلة المعراج وكل ذلك دون علي في القوة والشدة، قال: فقلت له عن هذا والله اردت ان اسألك يابن رسول الله فاخبرني

He-asws said: ‘You intend to ask me about Rasool-Allah-saww as to why did he-saww carry Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws to bring down the idols from the surface of the Kabah, when he-asws had the strength and the intensity which he-asws displayed when he-asws ripped off the door of the fort of Khaybar and threw it behind him to a distance of forty cubits, and it was not being carried by forty men, and Rasool-Allah-saww had ridden upon the camel, and the horse, and the mule, and rode upon Al-Buraaq on the night of the Ascension (المعراج), and all that was lower than Ali-asws in strength and intensity?’ I said, ‘By Allah-azwj, this is what I intended to ask you-asws, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww, so inform me’.

فقال: ان عليا عليه السلام برسول الله تشرف وبه ارتفع وبه وصل إلى ان اطفأ نار الشرك وابطل كل معبود من دون الله عزوجل ولو علاه النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لحط الاصنام لكان عليه السلام بعلي مرتفعا وتشريفا وواصلا إلى حط الاصنام ولو كان ذلك كذلك لكان أفضل منه ألا ترى ان عليا عليه السلام قال: لما علوت ظهر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله شرفت وارتفعت حتى لو شئت ان انال السماء لنلتها

So he-asws said: ‘Ali-asws had nobility with Rasool-Allah-saww, and by it he-asws was raised to extinguish the fire of Polytheism, and invalidate every worshipped one besides Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. And had the Prophet-saww been raised for the bringing down of the idols, it would have been by Ali-asws that he-saww would have been raised, and been ennobled, and arrived to the bringing down of the idols. And that was like that, he-asws would have been higher than him-saww. Have you not seen that Ali-asws said: ‘When I-asws was raised upon the shoulders of Rasool-Allah-saww, I-asws was ennobled and raised to the extent that if I-asws had so desire to, I-asws would have touched the sky.

أما علمت ان المصباح هو الذي يهتدى به في الظلمة وانبعاث فرعه من أصله، وقد قال علي عليه السلام أنا من احمد كالضوء من الضوء،

But, do you know that the Lantern it which guides in the darkness, and its emission is a branch of the original source. And Ali-asws said: ‘I-asws am from Ahmad-saww like the Illumination is from the illumination’.

أما علمت ان محمدا وعليا صلوات الله عليهما كانا نورا بين يدي الله عزوجل قبل خلق الخلق بألفي عام وان الملائكة لما رأت ذلك النور رأت له اصلا قد تشعب منه شعاع لامع فقالت: إلهنا وسيدنا ماهذا النور؟ فأوحى الله تبارك وتعالى إليهم هذا نور من نوري أصله نبوة وفرعه إمامة، أما النبوة فلمحمد عبدي ورسولي واما الامامة فلعلي حجتي ووليى ولولاهما ما خلقت خلقي،

But, do you know that Muhammad-saww and Ali-asws were two Lights in front of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic before the Creation of the creatures, by two thousand years, and that the Angels, when they saw that Light, saw it as original from which was radiating a blinding radiance, so they said: ‘Our Allah-azwj, and our Master-azwj! What is this Light?’ So Allah-azwj Blessed and High Revealed unto them: “This is a Light from My-azwj Light. Its root is Prophet-hood and its branch is Imamate. As for the Prophet-hood, so it is for Muhammad-saww, My-azwj servant, and My-azwj Rasool-saww. And as for the Imamate, so it is for Ali-asws, My-azwj Proof, and My-azwj Guardian. And had it not been for these two-asws, I-azwj would not have Created My-azwj creation”.

اما علمت ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله رفع يد علي ” ع ” بغدير خم حتى نظر الناس إلى بياض إبطيهما فجعله مولى المسلمين وإمامهم

But do you know that Rasool-Allah-saww raised the hand of Ali-asws at Ghadeer Khumm, to the extent that the people looked at the whiteness of his-asws two arms. So he-asws was made to be a Master of the Muslims and their Imam-asws.

وقد احتمل الحسن والحسين عليهما السلام يوم حظيرة بني النجار فلما قال له بعض أصحابه ناولني احدهما يارسول الله قال: نعم الراكبان وابوهما خير منهما،

And he-saww had carried Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws on the day of Hazeera of the Clan of Najjar. So when one of his-saww companions said, ‘Let me carry one-asws of them-asws, O Rasool-Allah-saww’, he-saww said: ‘These two-asws are the best of the riders and the father-asws of these two-asws is better than these two-asws’.

وانه صلى الله عليه وآله كان يصلي باصحابه فاطال سجدة من سجداته فلما سلم قيل له يارسول الله لقد اطلت هذه السجدة فقال صلى الله عليه وآله ان ابني ارتحلني فكرهت ان اعاجله حتي ينزل، وإنما أراد بذلك صلى الله عليه وآله رفعهم وتشريفهم فالنبي صلى الله عليه وآله إمام ونبي وعلي ” ع ” إمام ليس بنبي ولا رسول فهو غير مطيق لحمل اثقال النبوة.

And he-saww was Praying with his-as companions, so he-saww prolonged a Prostration from his-saww Prostrations. So when he-saww greeted (at the end of the Prayers), it was said to him-as, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! You-saww have prolonged this Prostration’. So he-saww said: ‘My-saww two son-asws were riding upon me-saww, so I-saww disliked that I-asws should hasten them-asws, until they-asws descended (by themselves)’. But rather, what he-saww intended by that was to raise them-asws, and their-asws nobility. So the Prophet-saww was an Imam-asws and a Prophet-saww, and Ali-asws was an Imam-asws and neither a Prophet-as nor a Rasool-as.

قال محمد بن حرب الهلالي: فقلت له زدنى يابن رسول الله فقال إنك لاهل للزيادة

Muhammad Bin Harb Al-Hilaly said, ‘So I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Increase it for me’. So he-asws said: ‘You are indeed deserving of the increase’.

ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حمل عليا عليه السلام على ظهره يريد بذلك أنه أبو ولده وإمام الائمة من صلبه كما حول ردائه في صلاة الاستسقاء واراد ان يعلم أصحابه بذلك انه قد تحول الجدب خصبا،

Rasool-Allah-saww carried Ali-asws upon his-saww shoulders, intending by that, that he-asws was the father-asws of his-saww (grand) sons, and an Imam-asws from the Imams-asws from his-asws back, just as overturning of his-saww cloak during the Prayer of Al-Istiqsa’a (the rain), it is intended by that it be known by his-saww companions, that he-saww had overturned the famine’.

قال: قلت له زدنى يابن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Increase it for me, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww’.

فقال: احتمل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عليا ” ع ” يريد بذلك ان يعلم قومه انه هو الذي يخفف عن ظهر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ما عليه من الدين والعدات والاداء عنه من بعده،

So he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww carried Ali-asws, intending by that to let his-saww people know that he-asws would lighten from the shoulders of Rasool-Allah-saww, what is upon him-saww from the debts and the fulfilment of the promised made, from after him-saww’.

قال: فقلت له يابن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله زدني

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said to him -asws, ‘O son -asws of Rasool-Allah -saww, Increase it for me’.

فقال: احتمله ليعلم بذلك انه قد احتمله وما حمل إلا لانه معصوم لا يحمل وزرا فتكون افعاله عند الناس حكمة وصوابا وقد قال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لعلي يا علي ان الله تبارك وتعالى حملني ذنوب شيعتك ثم غفرها لي وذلك قوله تعالى (ليغفر لك ما تقدم من ذنبك وما تأخر)

So he-asws said: ‘He-saww carried him-asws, to it would be known by that he-saww has carried him-asws, and has not carried except that he-asws was Infallible (sinless), and he-saww has not carried a burden, so that his-asws action would become one of wisdom, and correct. And the Prophet-saww had said to Ali-asws: ‘O Ali-asws! Allah-azwj Blessed and High Loaded me-saww with the sins of your-asws Shiah, then Forgave them for me-saww, and these are the Words of the High [48:2] That Allah may Forgive you what has preceded from your sins and what is to follow.

ولما أنزل الله عزوجل إذا اهتديتم وعلي نفسي وأخى اطيعوا عليا فإنه مطهر معصوم لا يضل ولا يشقى ثم تلا هذه الآية: (قل أطيعو الله واطيعوا الرسول فإن تولوا فإنما عليه ما حمل وعليكم ما حملتم وان تطيعوه تهتدوا وما على الرسول إلا البلاغ المبين).

And when Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed [5:105] when you are on the right way, and Ali-asws is my-saww own self, and my-saww brother. Obey Ali-asws, for he-asws is Purified, Infallible, does not stray nor has he-asws a parallel’. Then he-saww recited this Verse [24:54] Say: Obey Allah and obey the Rasool; but if you turn back, then on him rests that which is imposed on him and on you rests that which is imposed on you; and if you obey him, you are on the right way; and nothing rests on the Rasool except for the clear delivery’.

قال محمد بن حرب الهلالي: ثم قال جعفر بن محمد ” ع ” أيها الامير لو اخبرتك بما في حمل النبي صلى الله عليه وآله عليا عند حط الاصنام من سطح الكعبة من المعاني التي أرادها به لقلت ان جعفر بن محمد لمجنون فحسبك من ذلك ما قد سمعت

Muhammad Bin Harb Al-Hilaly said, ‘Then Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws said: ‘O you Emir! If I-asws were to inform you with what (all) the intended meanings were with regards to the Prophet-saww carrying Ali-asws during the bringing down of the idols from the roof of the Kaaba, you would say that Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws is insane. Therefore, let it suffice, what you have heard’.

فقمت إليه وقبلت رأسه وقلت الله أعلم حيث يجعل رسالته.

So he stood up and kissed his-asws forehead and said, [6:124] Allah Knows best where He Places His Message’.[280]

(باب 140 – العلة التى من أجلها قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله) (من بشرني بخروج آذار فله الجنة)

Chapter 140 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who give me-saww the good news of the going out of ‘Azaar’, for him would be the Paradise’.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sinany and Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan and Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Ahmad Bin Hisham Al Mowdab and Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq, and Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Daqaq, from Abu Al Abbas Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Zakariyya Al Qatan, from Bakr Bin Abdullah Bin Habeeb, from Tameem Bin Bahloul, from his father, from Abu Al Hassan Al Abady, from Suleyman Bin Mahran, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr,

حدثنا محمد بن احمد السنانى واحمد بن الحسن القطان والحسين بن إبراهيم بن احمد بن هشام المؤدب وعلي بن عبد الله الوراق وعلي بن احمد بن محمد الدقاق رضى الله عنهم قالوا: حدثنا أبو العباس احمد بن يحيى بن زكريا القطان قال حدثنا بكر بن عبد الله بن حبيب، عن تميم بن بهلول، عن ابيه، عن ابى الحسن العبدي، عن سليمان بن مهران، عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس قال: كان النبي، صلى الله عليه وآله ذات يوم في مسجد (قبا) وعنده نفر من أصحابه فقال اول من يدخل عليكم الساعة رجل من أهل الجنة فلما سمعوا ذلك قام نفر منهم فخرجوا وكل واحد منهم يحب ان يعود ليكون هو أول داخل فيستوجب الجنة

(It has been narrated) from Ibn Abbas who said, ‘One day the Prophet-saww was in Masjid Quba, and in his-saww presence were a number of his-saww companions, so he-saww said: ‘The first one to enter here (where) you all are this time would be a man from the inhabitants of the Paradise’. So when they heard that, a number of them got up and went out, and each one from them loved that he would return in order for himself to become the first one to enter, therefore obligating the Paradise for himself.

فعلم النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ذلك منهم فقال لمن بقى عنده من أصحابه سيدخل عليكم جماعة يستبقون فمن بشرني بخروج آذار فله الجنة، فعاد القوم ودخلوا ومعهم أبو ذر رحمه الله فقال لهم في أي شهر نحن من الشهور الرومية فقال أبو ذر قد خرج آذار يارسول الله، فقال صلى الله عليه وآله قد علمت ذلك يا ابا ذر ولكن احببت ان يعلم قومي إنك رجل من اهل الجنة وكيف لا تكون كذلك وأنت المطرود من حرمى بعدي لمحبتك لاهل بيتي فتعيش وحدك وتموت وحدك ويسعد بك قوم يتولون تجهيزك ودفنك أولئك رفقائي في الجنة الخلد التي وعد المتقون.

So the Prophet-saww came to know that from them, so he-saww said to the remaining ones of his-saww companions: ‘There would be entering upon you, a group, in anticipation, so the one who give me the good news of the going out of Azaar, so for him would be the Paradise’.

So the people returned and entered, and with them was Abu Zarr-as. So he-saww said: ‘In which month are we, from the Roman months?’ So Abu Zarr-as said: ‘Azaar had gone, O Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he-saww said: ‘I-saww knew that, O Abu Zarr-as, but I-saww loved it that my-saww people know that you-as are a man from the inhabitants of the Paradise. And how can it not be like that and you-as would be expelled from my-saww campuses after me-saww due to your-as love for the People -asws of my-saww Household. So you-as would end up living alone, and die alone, and a people would be happy to befriend you-as, and Shroud you-as, and bury you-as. They would be your-as friends in the eternal Paradise which the pious have been Promised for’.[281]

(باب 141 – العلة التى من أجلها قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: ما أظلت) (الخضراء ولا أقلت الغبراء على ذى لهجة أصدق من أبى ذر)

Chapter 141 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Neither has the green (sky) shaded, nor the dust (of the ground) touched anyone with a tone more truthful than that of Abu Zarr-as’.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Amro Bin Ali Al Basry, from Abdul Salaam Ibn Muhammad Bin Haroun Al Hashimy, Muhammad Bin Muhammad Uqba Al Shaybani, from Abu Al Qasim Al Khaza Bin Abaan, from Abu Hudba, from Anas Bin Maalik who said,

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمرو بن علي البصري قال: حدثنا عبد السلام ابن محمد بن هارون الهاشمي قال: حدثنا محمد بن محمد عقبة الشيباني قال حدثنا أبو القاسم الخضر بن ابان، عن ابى هدبة، عن أنس بن مالك قال: اتى أبو ذر يوما إلى مسجد رسول صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: ما رأيت كما رأيت البارحة قالوا: وما رأيت البارحة؟ قال رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ببابه فخرج ليلا فاخذ بيد علي بن ابى طالب وقد خرجا إلى البقيع فمازلت أقفوا اثرهما إلى ان اتيا مقابر مكة

‘One day Abu Zarr-as came over to Masjid of Rasool-Allah-saww, so he-as said, I-as have not seen the like of what I-as saw yesterday’. They (people) said, ‘And what did you-as see yesterday?’ He-as said: ‘I-as saw that Rasool-Allah-saww was at his-saww door. So he-saww went out during the night, having grabbed the hand of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, and they-asws both went out to Baqie (graveyard). So I-as did not cease to be in their-as footsteps until they-asws came to the graveyard of Makkah.

فعدل إلى قبر أبيه فصلى عنده ركعتين فإذا بالقبر قد انشق وإذا بعبدالله جالس وهو يقول: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وان محمدا عبده ورسوله فقال له من وليك يا أبة فقال: وما الولي بابني قال: هو هذا علي قال: وان عليا وليى قال فارجع إلى روضتك

So he-saww turned towards the grave of his-saww father-as and Prayed two Cycles of Prayer. So the grave burst open and there was Abdullah-as seated, and he-as was saying: ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj and Muhammad-saww is His-azwj Rasool-saww’. So he-saww said to him-as: ‘Who is your-as Guardian, O father-as?’ So he-as said: ‘And who is my-as Guardian, O my-as son-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘He-as is this one, Ali-asws’. He-as said: ‘And (I-as testify) that Ali-asws is my-as Guardian’. He-saww said: ‘So return to your-as Garden’.

ثم عدل إلى قبر أمه فصنع كما صنع عند قبر أبيه فإذا بالقبر قد انشق فاذاهى تقول: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وانك نبي الله ورسوله فقال لها من وليك يا أماه، فقالت ومن الولي يا بنى؟ فقال هو هذا علي بن أبى طالب فقالت: وان عليا وليي فقال أرجعي إلى حفرتك وروضتك.

Then he-saww turned towards the grave of his-saww mother-as, and did what he-saww had done in the presence of the grave of his-saww father-as. So the grave burst open, and there she-as was, saying: ‘I-as testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and you-saww are the Prophet-saww of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww’. So he-saww said: ‘Who is your-as Guardian, O mother?’ So she-as said: ‘And who is my-as Guardian, O my-as son-saww?’ So she-as said: ‘He is this one, Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws’. So she-azwj said: ‘And (I-as testify) that Ali-asws is my-as Guardian’. So he-saww said: ‘Return to your-as grave and your-as Garden’.

فكذبوه ولببوه وقالوا يارسول الله كذب عليك اليوم فقال وما كان من ذلك. قال ان جندب حكى عنك كيت وكيت فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله: ما أظلت الخضراء ولا أقلت الغبراء علي ذي لهجة أصدق من أبى ذر.

So they (people) belied him-as and ridiculed him-as, and they said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Today you-saww have been belied against’. So he-saww said: ‘And it was not from that’. He said, ‘Jundab-as (Abu Zarr-as), told such and such about you-saww’. So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Neither has the green (sky) shaded, nor the dust (of the ground) touched anyone with a tone more truthful than that of Abu Zarr-as’.

قال عبد السلام بن محمد: فعرضت هذا الخبر على الهجني محمد بن عبد الاعلى فقال: أما علمت ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال: اتانى جبرئيل فقال: ان الله عزوجل حرم النار على ظهر أنزلك، وبطن حملك، وثدي أرضعك، وحجر كفلك.

Abd Al-Salaam Bin Muhammad said, ‘So I presented this Hadeeth to Al-Hajny Muhammad Bin Abdul A’ala, so he said, ‘But do you not know that the Prophet-saww said: ‘Jibraeel-as came unto me-saww, so he-as said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Forbidden the Fire unto the loin from which you-saww descended, and the lab which bore you-saww, and the breasts which fed you-saww, and the lap which (took over) your-saww responsibility’.[282]

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qataan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sakary, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowfary Al Ghalaby Al Basry, from usman Ibn Umran, from Abaad Bin Saheyb who said,

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي بن الحسين السكري قال: حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهري الغلابى البصري قال: حدثنا عثمان ابن عمران قال: حدثنا عباد بن صهيب قال: قلت للصادق جعفر بن محمد ” ع ” اخبرني عن أبى ذر أهو أفضل أم أنتم أهل البيت؟ فقال: يابن صهيب كم شهور السنة فقلت اثنى عشر شهرا فقال: وكم الحرم منها؟ قلت أربعة أشهر، قال فشهر رمضان منها؟ قلت لا، قال فشهر رمضان أفضل أم اشهر الحرم؟ فقلت بل شهر رمضان

‘I said to Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, ‘Inform me about Abu Zarr-as, is he-as higher, or you-asws the People-asws of the Household?’ So he-asws said: ‘O ibn Saheyb! How many months are there in a year?’ So I said, ‘Twelve months’. So he-asws said: ‘And how many from these are sacred?’ I said, ‘Four months’. He-asws said: ‘So is the Month of Ramazan from these?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘So is the Month of Ramazan higher or the sacred months?’ So I said, ‘But, (it is) the Month of Ramazan’.

قال فكذلك نحن أهل البيت لا يقاس بنا احد وان أبا ذر كان في قوم من اصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فتذاكروا فضايل هذه الامة فقال أبو ذر أفضل هذه الامة علي بن أبى طالب وهو قسيم الجنة والنار وهو صديق هذه الامة وفاروقها وحجة الله عليها

He-asws said: ‘So we-asws, the People-asws of the Household are like that, and let no one analogise with us-asws. And Abu Zarr-as was among a people from the companions of Rasool-Allah-saww, and they were mentioning the merits of this community, so Abu Zarr-as said: ‘The highest of this community is Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, and he-asws is the Distributor of the Paradise and the Fire, and he-asws is the Truthful of this community, and its Differentiator, and Proof of Allah-azwj over it.

فما بقي من القوم احد إلا اعرض عنه بوجهه وانكر عليه قوله وكذبه فذهب أبو امامة الباهلي من بينهم إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فاخبره بقول أبى ذر واعراضهم عنه وتكذيبهم له، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: ما أظلت الخضراء ولا أقلت الغبراء – يعنى منكم يا أبا أمامة من ذي لهجة أصدق من أبى ذر.

So there did not remain anyone from the people except that he turned his face away from him, and denied his-as speech against him-as, and belied him-as. So Abu Amama Al-Bahily went out from among them, to Rasool-Allah-saww and informed him-saww of the speech of Abu Zarr-as and the turning away of the people from him-as and their belying him-as. So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Neither has the green (sky) shaded, nor the dust (ground) touched’ – meaning from you all, O Abu Amama’ – ‘than one who is more truthful of tone than Abu Zarr-as’.[283]

(باب 142 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت فاطمة ” ع ” فاطمة)

Chapter 142 – The reason due to which Fatima-asws was named as ‘Fatima’

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم، عن محمد بن عيسى قال: حدثنا محمد بن زياد مولى بني هاشم قال: حدثنا شيخ لنا ثقة يقال له نجية بن اسحاق الفزاري قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن الحسن بن الحسن قال: قال لى أبو الحسن لم سميت فاطمة فاطمة، قلت: فرقا بينه وبين الاسماء قال ان ذلك لمن الاسماء ولكن الاسم الذي سميت به ان الله تبارك وتعالى علم ماكان قبل كونه فعلم ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يتزوج في الاحياء وانهم يطمعون في وراثة هذا الامر فيهم من قبله فلما ولدت فاطمة سماها الله تبارك وتعالى فاطمة لما اخرج منها وجعل في ولدها فقطعهم عما طمعوا، فبهذا سميت فاطمة، لانها فطمت طمعهم. ومعنى فطمت: قطعت.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from Muhamamd Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Ziyad, a slave of the Clan of Hashim -as, from a reliable elder of ours called Najeet Bin Is’haq Al Fazary, from Abdullah Bin Al Hassan Bin Al Hassan who said,

‘Abu Al-Hassan-asws said to me: ‘Why was Fatima-asws named as ‘Fatima’?’ I said, ‘Is there a difference between it and the (other) names?’ He-asws said: ‘That is a name from the names, but the name which she-asws was named with, that Allah-azwj Blessed and High Knew what was to be before it transpires, so He-azwj knew that Rasool-Allah-saww would be getting married during the lifetime, and that they (people) would be coveting with regards to his-saww inheritance of this command from beforehand. So when Fatimasws was Gifted (to Rasool Allah-saww), Allah-azwj Blessed and High Named her as ‘Fatima’ (Enforced discontinuance), due to what (Inheritance) was to come out from her-asws and Made it to be in her-asws sons-asws, thus cutting off their coveting from them. So, it is due to this, she-asws was named as ‘Fatima’, because she-asws cut-off (discontinued) their greed. And the meaning of ‘Fatima’ – ‘Cutting-off’’.[284]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادى عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقي، عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني قال: حدثني الحسن بن عبد الله بن يونس بن ظبيان قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” لفاطمة عليها السلام تسعة اسماء عند الله عزوجل فاطمة والصديقة والمباركة والطاهرة والزكية والراضية والمرضية والمحدثة والزهراء،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al has any, from Al Hassan Bin Abdullah Bin Yunus Bin Zibyan who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘For Fatima-asws there are nine names in the Presence of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic – Fatima, and Al-Siddiqua, and Al-Mubaraka, and Al-Tahira, and Al-Zakiyya, and Al-Raziyya, and Al-Marziyya, and Al-Muhaddisa, and Al-Zahra’.

ثم قال: أتدري أي شئ تفسير فاطمة عليها السلام؟ قلت إخبرنى يا سيدي قال: فطمت من الشر

Then he-asws said: ‘Do you know which thing is the interpretation of (name of) Fatima-asws?’ I said, ‘Inform me, O my Master?’ He-asws said: ‘She-asws is cut-off from the evil’.

قال: ثم قال، لو لا ان أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” تزوجها ماكان لها كفوا إلى يوم القيامة على وجه الارض، آدم فمن دونه.

He (the narrator) said, ‘Then he-asws said: ‘Had she (Fatima-asws) been not married to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, there would not have been a match for her-asws up to the Day of Judgement upon the face of the earth, (including) Adam-as and the ones besides him-as’.[285]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن علوية الاصبهاني عن ابراهيم بن محمد الثقفي، عن جندل بن والق قال: حدثنا محمد بن عمر البصري عن جعفر بن محمد بن علي، عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا فاطمة أتدرين لم سميت فاطمة؟ فقال علي ” ع ” يا رسول الله لم سميت؟ قال: لانها فطمت هي وشيعتها من النار.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Alawiya Al Asbahany, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Al Saqafy, from Jandal Bin Walaq, from Muhammad Bin Umar Al Basry,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O Fatima-asws! Do you-asws know why you-asws have been named as ‘Fatima’?’ So Ali-asws said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww, why was she-asws named as such?’ He-saww said: ‘Because she-asws and her-asws Shiah are cut-off from the Fire’.[286]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن سنان، عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن محمد بن مسلم الثقفي قال: سمعت أبا جعفر ” ع ” يقول لفاطمة عليها السلام، وقفة على باب جهنم، فإذا كان يوم القيامة كتب بين عيني كرجل مؤمن أو كافر فيؤمر بمحب قد كثرت ذنوبه إلى النار فتقرأ فاطمة بين عينيه محبا فيقول: إلهى وسيدي سميتني فاطمة وفطمت بى من تولاني وتولى ذريتي من النار ووعدك الحق وأنت لا تخلف الميعاد،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Muhammad Bin Muslim Al Saqafy who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying for Fatima-asws that she would be pausing at the Gateway of Hell. So when it will be the Day of Judgement, there would be written in between the two eyes whether the man is a Believer or an Infidel. So they would pass with a loving one to the Fire due to the abundance of his sins. So Fatima-asws would read ‘Loving one’, in between his eyes, so she-asws would be saying: ‘My-asws God-azwj, and my-asws Master! You-azwj Named me-asws as ‘Fatima’, and would be Cutting off by me-asws, the one who would be with my-asws Wilayah and the Wilayah of my-asws children, (Cutting-off) from the Fire, and Your-azwj Promise is the Truth, and You-azwj do not Default on Your-azwj Promise’.

فيقول الله عزوجل، صدقت يا فاطمة إنى سميتك فاطمة وفطمت بك من أحبك وتولاك وأحب ذريتك وتولاهم من النار ووعدي الحق وأنا لا اخلف الميعاد، وإنما أمرت بعبدي هذا إلى النار لتشفعي فيه فاشفعك وليتبين لملائكتي وانبيائي ورسلي وأهل الموقف موقفك مني ومكانتك عندي

So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would be Saying: “You-asws have spoken the Truth, O Fatima-asws! I-azwj Named you-asws as ‘Fatima’, and I-azwj will Cut-off from the Fire, by you-asws, the one who loves you-asws and be with your-asws Wilayah, and loves your-asws offspring and is with their-asws Wilayah, and My-azwj Promise is the Truth, and I-azwj do not Default from My-azwj Promise. But rather, I-azwj Commanded for this servant of Mine to the Fire so that you-asws would intercede to Me-azwj with regards to him and I-azwj will Intercede for your-asws sake, so that it would be manifested to My-azwj Angels, and My-azwj Prophets-as, and My-azwj Rasools-as, and the people of the status, of your-asws status from Me-azwj, and your-asws position in My-azwj Presence”.

فمن قرأت بين عينيه مؤمنا فخذي بيده وادخليه الجنة.

Thus, for the one whom she-asws reads in between his eyes ‘Believer’, so he would be taken by the hand and made to enter into the Paradise’.[287]

(باب 143 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت فاطمة الزهراء ” ع ” زهراء)

Chapter 143 – The reason due to which Fatima Al-Zahra-asws was named as ‘Al Zahra’

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن معقل القرمسينى، عن محمد بن زيد الجزرى، عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق النهاوندي، عن عبد الله بن حماد، عن عمرو بن شمر، عن جابر، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قلت له لم سميت فاطمة الزهراء زهراء؟ فقال لان الله عزوجل خلقها من نور عظمته فلما أشرقت أضاءت السموات والارض بنورها وغشيت أبصار الملائكة وخرت الملائكة ساجدين وقالوا: إلهنا وسيدنا ما لهذا النور فأوحى الله إليهم هذا نور من نوري اسكنته في سمائي خلقته من عظمتي أخرجه من صلب نبي من أنبيائي أفضله على جميع الانبياء وأخرج من ذلك النور أئمة يقومون بامري يهدون إلى حقي واجعلهم خلفائي في أرضى بعد انقضاء وحيى.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Ma’aqal Al Qarmasayni narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Zayd Al Jazry, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Nahawandy, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why was Fatima Al-Zahra-asws named as ‘Fatima’?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created her-asws from a Light of His-azwj Magnificence. So when she-asws shone, the skies and the earth were illuminated by her-asws Light, and the visions of the Angels were overwhelmed, and the Angels fell down Prostrating, and they said: ‘Our God-azwj and our Master! What is this Light due to?’

So Allah-azwj Revealed unto them: “This is a Light from My-azwj Light. I-azwj Settled it in My-azwj sky. I-azwj Created it from My-azwj Magnificence, and will be Extracting from it from the sulb of a Prophet-saww from My-azwj Prophets (who-saww would be) higher than the entirety of the Prophets-as, and would be Extracting from that Light, the Imams-asws who would be standing with My-azwj Commands, Guiding to My-azwj Truth, and I-azwj would Make them-asws to be My-azwj Caliphs, in My-azwj earth, after the expiration of My-azwj Revelation”.[288]

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Sahl Al Sayqal, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Darami, from the one who narrated it, from Muhammad Bin Ja’far Al Harmany, from Aban Bin Taghlub who said,

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثني جعفر بن سهل الصيقل، عن محمد بن اسماعيل الدارمي عمن حدثه، عن محمد بن جعفر الهرمرانى عن أبان بن تغلب قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” يابن رسول الله لم سميت الزهراء عليها السلام زهراء؟ فقال: لانها تزهر لامير المؤمنين ” ع ” في النهار ثلاث مرات بالنور، كان يزهر، نور وجهها صلاة الغداة والناس في فرشهم فيدخل بياض ذلك النور إلى حجراتهم بالمدينة فتبيض حيطانهم فيعجبون من ذلك فيأتون النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فيسألونه عما رأوا فيرسلهم إلى منزل فاطمة عليها السلام فيأتون منزلها فيرونها قاعدة في محرابها تصلي والنور يسطع من محرابها من وجهها فيعلمون ان الذي رأوه كان من نور فاطمة،

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Why was Al-Zahra-asws named as ‘Al-Zahra’?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because she-asws glowed with the Light, for Amir Al Momineen-asws, three times during the day. Her-asws face glowed at the time of the Dawn Prayer, and the people would in their beds, so that whiteness of that Light would enter into their chambers at Al-Medina, and enlighten their walls. So they would be astounded from that, and they would come to the Prophet-saww to ask him-saww about what they had observed, and he-asws would send them to the House of Fatima-asws. So they would come to her-asws house, and they would see her-asws seated in her-asws Prayer Niche, Praying, and the Light shining from her-asws Prayer Niche, from her-asws face. So they would come to know that, that which they saw was from the Light of Fatima-asws.

فإذا نصف النهار وترتبت للصلاة زهر وجهها ” ع ” بالصفرة فتدخل الصفرة حجرات الناس فتصفر ثيابهم وألوانهم فيأتون النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فيسألونه، عما رأوا فيرسلهم إلى منزل فاطمة عليها السلام فيرونها قايمة في محرابها وقد زهر نور وجهها عليها السلام بالصفرة فيعلمون ان الذي رأوا كان من نور وجهها

So when it would be the middle of the day, and she-asws would make arrangements for the Prayer, her-asws face would glow with the yellow (Light). So the yellowness would enter into the chambers of the people, so their clothes and their colours would turn yellow. So they would come to the Prophet-saww to ask him-saww about what they had observed. So he-saww would send them to the house of Fatima-asws. So they would see her-asws standing in her-asws Prayer Niche, and Light glowing from her-asws face, with the yellowness. So they would know that, that which they saw was from the Light of her-asws face’.

فإذا كان آخر النهار وغربت الشمس احمر وجه فاطمة عليها السلام فاشرق وجهها بالحمرة فرحا وشكرا لله عزوجل فكان يدخل حمرة وجهها حجرات القوم وتحمر حيطانهم فيعجبون من ذلك ويأتون النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ويسألونه عن ذلك فيرسلهما الى منزل فاطمة فيرونها جالسة تسبح الله وتمجده ونور وجهها يزهر بالحمرة فيعلمون ان الذي رأوا كان من نور وجه فاطمة عليها السلام

So when it would be the end of the day, and the sun would set, the face of Fatima-asws would turn red. So her-asws face would shine with the redness in happiness and gratitude for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So the redness from her-asws face would enter into the chamber of the people and turn their walls red. So they would be astounded from that, and they would come to the Prophet-saww and ask him-saww about that. So he-saww would send them to the House of Fatima-asws, and they would see her-asws to be seated, Glorifying Allah-azwj, and Extolling Him-azwj, and the Light from her-asws face glowing with the redness. So they would know that, that which they saw, was from the Light of the face of Fatima-asws.

فلم يزل ذلك النور في وجهها حتى ولد الحسين ” ع ” فهو يتقلب في وجوهنا إلى يوم القيامة في الائمة منا أهل البيت إمام بعد إمام.

Thus, that Light did not cease to be in her-asws face until she-asws was Blessed with Al-Husayn-asws. So, it has been transferred into our-asws faces until the Day of Judgement, in the Imams-asws from us-asws, the People-asws of the Household’.[289]

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسحاق رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد العزيز ابن يحيى الجلودي قال: حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهري، عن جعفر بن محمد بن عمارة عن أبيه قال: سألت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” عن فاطمة لم سميت الزهراء؟ فقال لانها كانت إذا قامت في محرابها زهر نورها لاهل السماء كما تزهر نور الكواكب لاهل الارض.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq narrated to us, from Abdul Aziz Ibn Yahya Al Jaloudy, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhary, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Amara, from his father who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about Syeda Fatima-asws, ‘Why was she-asws named as ‘Al-Zahra’?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because whenever she-asws stood in her-asws Prayer Niche, her-asws Light glowed upon the inhabitants of the sky, just as the stars flow upon the inhabitants of the earth’.[290]

(باب 144 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت فاطمة عليها السلام البتول) (وكذلك مريم عليها السلام)

Chapter 144 – Reason due to which Fatima-asws was named as ‘Al Batoul’, and similar to that is Maryam-as

حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن عيسى بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبى طالب قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسباط قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن زياد القطان قال: حدثني أبو الطيب احمد بن محمد بن عبد الله قال: حدثني عيسى بن جعفر بن محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن عمر بن علي بن أبى طالب ” ع ” عن آبائه عن عمر بن علي بن أبيه علي بن أبى طالب ” ع ” ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله سئل ما البتول فانا سمعناك يارسول الله تقول ان مريم بتول وفاطمة بتول؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وآله: البتول التي لم تر حمرة قط أي لم تحض فان الحيض مكروه في بنات الانبياء.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, son of Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Abu Talib-asws narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Asbat, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad Al Qatan, from Abu Al Tayyib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Isa Bin Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Umar, son of Ali Bin Abu Talib-asws, from his forefathers, from Umar, son of Ali-asws,

(It has been narrated) from his father Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘The Prophet-saww was asked, ‘What is ‘Al-Batoul’, for we have heard you-saww O Rasool-Allah-saww, saying that Maryam-as is ‘Batoul’, and Fatima-asws is ‘Batoul’?’ So he-saww said: ‘Al Batoul is that (woman) who does not see redness at all, i.e., she does go through as women do, which is abhorrent in the daughters of the Prophets-as’.[291]

(باب 145 العلة التى من أجلها كانت فاطمة عليها السلام تدعو) (لغيرها، ولا تدعو لنفسها)

Chapter 145 – The reason due to which Fatima-asws used to supplicate for others, and did not supplicate for herself-asws

حدثنا علي بن محمد بن الحسن القزويني المعروف بابن مقبرة قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله الحضرمي قال: حدثنا جندل بن والق قال: حدثنا محمد بن عمر المازنى عن عبادة الكليي عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن علي بن الحسين عن فاطمة الصغرى، عن الحسين بن علي، عن إخيه الحسن بن علي بن أبى طالب عليهم السلام قال: رأيت أمي فاطمة عليها السلام قامت في محرابها ليلة جمعتها فلم تزل راكعة ساجدة حتى اتضح عمود الصبح وسمعتها تدعو للمؤمنين والمؤمنات وتسميهم وتكثر الدعاء لهم ولا تدعو لنفسها بشئ، فقلت لها يا أماه لم لا تدعون لنفسك كما تدعون لغيرك؟ فقالت يا بني: الجار ثم الدار.

Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Qazwiny, well known as Ibn Maqbara, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al Hazramy, from Jandal Bin Walaq, from Muhammad Bin Umar Al Mazany, from Abadat Al Kalay,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from Fatima Al-Sughra-asws, from Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws brother-asws Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘I-as saw my-asws mother-asws standing in her-asws Prayer Niche on the night of Friday. So she-asws did not cease Bowing and Prostrating until the light of the morning. And I-asws heard her-asws supplicating for the believing men and the believing women, and frequently naming them and supplicating for them, and did not supplicate for her-asws own self with anything. So I-asws said to her-asws: ‘Why are you-asws not supplicating for yourself-asws just like you-asws supplicating for the others?’ So she-asws said: ‘O my-asws son-asws! The neighbour (first) then the house’.[292]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن عبد الرحمان الحاكم المروزى المقرى قال: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر المقرى أبو عمرو قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الموصلي ببغداد قال: حدثنا محمد بن عاصم قال: حدثنا أبو زيد الكحال، عن أبيه، عن موسى ابن جعفر، عن أبيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: كانت فاطمة عليها السلام إذا دعت تدعو للمؤمنين والمؤمنات ولا تدعو لنفسها فقيل لها يا بنت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انك تدعون للناس ولا تدعون لنسفك؟ فقالت الجار ثم الدار.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Rahman Al Hakim Al Marouzy Al Maqry narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ja’far Al Maqry Abu Amro, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Mowsaly at Baghdad, from Muhammad Bin Aasim, from Abu Zayd Al Kahaal, from his father,

(It has been narrated) Musa-asws Ibn Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Whenever Syed Fatima-asws used to supplicate, she-asws would supplicate for the believing men and the believing women, and would not supplicate for herself-asws. So it was said to her-asws, ‘O daughter-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! You-asws are supplicating for the people and are not supplicating for yourself-asws?’ So Syeda-asws said: ‘The neighbour (first), then the house’.[293]

(باب 146 – العلة التى من أجلها سميت فاطمة ” ع ” محدثة)

Chapter 146 – The reason due to which Syeda Fatima-asws was named a ‘Muhaddisa’.

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي السكرى، عن محمد بن زكريا الجوهري قال: حدثنا شعيب بن واقد قال: حدثني اسحاق بن جعفر بن محمد بن عيسى بن زيد بن علي قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول إنما سميت فاطمة عليها السلام محدثه لان الملائكة كانت تهبط من السماء فتناديها كما تنادي مريم بنت عمران فتقول: يا فاطمة الله اصطفاك وطهرك واصطفاك على نساء العالمين يا فاطمة إقنتي لربك واسجدي واركعي مع الراكعين،

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Sakry, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhary, from Shuayb Bin Waqad, from Is’haq Bin Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Zayd son of Ali-asws who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘But rather, Syeda Fatima-asws was named as Muhaddisa because the Angels used to descend from the sky, so they would call out to her-asws just as they used to call out to Maryam-as daughter of Imran-as, so they were saying: ‘O Fatima-asws! [3:42] Allah has Chosen you and Purified you and Chosen you above the women of the worlds. O Fatima-asws! [3:43] Be obedient to your Lord and humble yourself, and bow down with those who bow.

فتحدثهم ويحدثونها فقالت لهم ذات ليلة: أليست المفضلة على نساء العالمين مريم بنت عمران؟ فقالوا: ان مريم كانت سيدة نساء عالمها، وان الله عز وجل جعلك سيدة نساء عالمك وعالمها وسيدة نساء الاولين والآخرين.

So she-asws would discuss with them, and they would discuss with her-asws. One night, she-asws said to them: ‘Am I-asws not more meritorious over the (Chieftess) of the women of the worlds, Maryam-as daughter of Imran-as?’ So they said: ‘Maryam-as was Chieftess of the women of her-asws world (era), and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Made you-asws the Chieftess of the women of her-as era, and Chieftess of the women of the former ones and the later ones’.[294]




(باب 147 – العلة التى من أجلها كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يكثر) تقبيل فاطمة عليها السلام

Chapter 147 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww frequently used to kiss Syeda Fatima-asws

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي السكري قال: أخبرنا محمد بن زكريا قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن عمارة الكندي قال: حدثنى أبى، عن جابر عن أبى جعفر محمد بن علي ” ع ” عن جابر بن عبد الله قال: قيل يارسول الله انك تلثم فاطمة وتلتزمها وتدنيها منك وتفعل بها مالا تفعله باحد من بناتك؟ فقال: ان جبرئيل ” ع ” اتانى بتفاحة من تفاح الجنة فاكلتها فتحولت ماء في صلبي، ثم واقعت خديجة فحملت بفاطمة فانا اشم منها رائحة الجنة.

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qataan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Sakry, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Amaar Al Kindy, from his father, from Jabir,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, from Jabir Bin Abdullah having said: ‘It was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! You-saww tend to kiss Fatima-asws, and revere her-asws, and be close to her-asws, and deal with her-asws with what you-saww do not deal with any of your-saww (other step daughters)?’ So he-saww said: ‘Jibraeel-as came unto me-saww with an apple from the apples of the Paradise. So I-saww ate it, and it converted to the water in my-saww back. Then I-saww went to Khadeeja-as, so she-as was Blessed with Syeda Fatima-asws. So I-saww keep smelling the aroma of the Paradise from her-asws’.[295]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن زكريا قال: حدثنا عمر بن عمران قال: حدثنا عبيدالله بن موسى العبسي قال: اخبرني جبلة المكي، عن طاووس اليماني عن ابن عباس قال: دخلت عايشة على رسول الله وهو يقبل فاطمة فقالت له: أتحبها يارسول الله؟ قال أما والله لو علمت حبي لها لازددت لها حبا،

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya, narrated by Umar Bin Umran, from Ubeydullah Bin Musa Al Absy, from Jabalat Al Makky, from Tawoos Al Yamani, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘Ayesha came over to Rasool-Allah-saww and he-saww was kissing (his daughter Syeda) Fatima-asws. So she said to him-saww: ‘You-saww seem to love her-asws a lot, O Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘By Allah-azwj! If you knew my-saww love for her-asws, it would increase your love for her-asws.

انه لما عرج بى إلى السماء الرابعة اذن جبرئيل وأقام ميكائيل ثم قيل لي اذن يا محمد، فقلت: أتقدم وانت بحضرتي يا جبرئيل؟ قال نعم ان الله عز وجل فضل أنبيائه المرسلين على ملائكته المقربين وفضلك أنت خاصة، فدنوت فصليت باهل السماء الرابعة ثم إلتفت عن يميني فإذا أنا بابراهيم ” ع ” في روضة من رياض الجنة وقد اكتنفها جماعة من الملائكة

When I-saww ascended to the fourth sky, Jibraeel-as called the call for Prayer (Azan) and Mikaeel-as for establishing of it (Iqama), then said to me-saww: ‘O Muhammad-saww, proceed (to lead the Prayer)’. So I-saww said: ‘I-saww proceed, and you-as are in my-saww presence, O Jibraeel-as?’ He-as said: ‘Yes! Allah-azwj Preferred His-azwj Prophets-as, the Rasools-as over the Angels of Proximity, and Preferred you-saww in particular’. So I-saww approached, and Prayed with the inhabitants of the fourth sky. Then I-saww turned to my-saww right, and there I-saww was with Ibrahim-as in a Garden from the Gardens of the Paradise, and a group of the Angels had surrounded him-as.

ثم أنى صرت إلى السماء الخامسة ومنها إلى السادسة فنوديت يا محمد نعم الاب أبوك إبراهيم ونعم الاخ أخوك علي

Then I-saww went to the fifth sky, and from it to the sixth. So, there was a Call: ‘O Muhammad-saww! The best of the fathers is your-saww father Ibrahim-as, and the best of the brothers is your-saww brother Ali-asws’.

فلما صرت إلى الحجب أخذ جبرئيل ” ع ” بيدي فادخلني الجنة فإذا أنا بشجرة من نور أصلها ملكان يطويان الحلل والحلى، فقلت حبيبي جبرئيل لمن هذه الشجرة؟ فقال هذه لاخيك علي بن أبى طالب وهذان الملكان يطويان له الحلى والحلل إلى يوم القيامة،

So when I-saww went to the Veils, Jibraeel-as grabbed my-saww hand and entered me-saww into the Paradise. So there I-saww was, by a tree whose roots were of Light, two Angels folding garments and ornaments. So I-saww said: ‘My-saww beloved Jibraeel-as! For whom is this tree?’ So he-as said: ‘This is for your-saww brother-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, and these are two Angels folding for him-asws, the garments and the ornaments up to the Day of Judgement’.

ثم تقدمت أمامى فإذا أنا برطب ألين من الزبد وأطيب رائحة من المسك واحلى من العسل فاخذت رطبة فاكلتها فتحولت الرطبة نطفة في صلبى فلما ان هبطت إلى الارض واقعت خديجة بفاطمة ففاطمة حوراء انسية فإذا اشتقت إلى الجنة شممت رائحة فاطمة (عليها السلام).

Then I-saww proceeded in front of me-saww, so there I-saww was by dates softer than the butter, and more aromatic in fragrance than musk, and sweeter than the honey. So I-saww took a date and ate it. So the date transformed into a Gift within me-saww. So when I-saww descended to the earth, Khadeeja-as was Blessed with Fatima-asws. Thus, Fatima-asws is a human Hourie. So when I-saww desire for the Paradise, I-saww smell the fragrance of Fatima-asws’.[296]

(باب 148 – العلة التى من أجلها غسل فاطمة أمير المؤمنين لما توفيت)

Chapter 148 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws washed Syeda Fatima-asws when she-asws was Martyred

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنى احمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد ابن عيسى، عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر، عن عبد الرحمان بن سالم، عن المفضل ابن عمر قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” جعلت فداك من غسل فاطمة عليها السلام قال ذاك أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” قال فكأني استعظمت ذلك من قوله فقال كأنك ضقت مما اخبرتك به قلت قد كان ذلك جعلت فداك قال: لا تضيقن فانها صديقة لا يغسلها إلا صديق أما علمت ان مريم لم يغسلها إلا عيسى عليه السلام.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Abdul Rahman Bin Salim, from Al Mufazzal Ibn Umar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Who washed Fatima-asws’. He-asws said: ‘That was Amir Al-Momineen-asws’. He (the narrator) said, ‘I was aggrieved by that, from his-asws words’. So he-asws said: ‘It is as if you are constricted from what I-asws have informed you with’. I said, ‘It was like that, may I be sacrificed for you-asws’. He-asws said: ‘Do not be constricted, for she-asws was a Truthful, none could wash her-asws except for a Truthful. But, do you know that Maryam-as, none washed her-asws except for Isa-as?’[297]

(باب 151 – العلة التى من أجلها أمر خالد بن الوليد بقتل أمير المؤمنين ” ع “)

Chapter 151 – The reason due to which Khalid Bin Waleed was ordered with the murder of Amir Al Momineen-asws

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبى عمير عمن ذكره عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لما منع أبو بكر فاطمة عليها السلام فدكا وأخرج وكيلها جاء أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” إلى المسجد وأبو بكر جالس وحوله المهاجرون والانصار

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Abu Bakr prevented Fadak from Syeda Fatima-asws and threw out her-asws representatives (from it), Amir Al-Momineen-asws came to the Masjid, and Abu Bakr was seated, and around him were the Emigrants and the Helpers.

فقال يا أبا بكر لم منعت فاطمة عليها السلام ما جعله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لها ووكيلها فيه منذ سنين؟ فقال أبو بكر: هذا فئ للمسلمين فإن أتت بشهود عدول وإلا فلا حق لها فيه قال يا أبا بكر تحكم فينا بخلاف ما تحكم في المسلمين؟ قال، لا قال اخبرني لو كان في يد المسلمين شئ فادعيت انا فيه ممن كنت تسأل البينة؟ قال إياك كنت أسأل قال فإذا كان في يدي شئ فادعى فيه المسلمون تسألني فيه البينة؟ قال فسكت أبو بكر،

So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Bakr! Why did you prevent Fatima-asws from what Rasool-Allah-saww had made it to be for her-asws, and she-asws had her-asws representatives there since the last two years?’ So Abu Bakr said, ‘This is ‘Fey’ (war booty) for the Muslims. So if she-asws were to come with just witnesses (then fine) or else there is no right for her-asws with regards to it’. He-asws said: ‘O Abu Bakr! You are judging regarding us opposite to what you judge with regards to the (rest of the) Muslims?’ He said, ‘No’.

He-asws said: ‘Inform me, if something were to be in the hands of the Muslims, and I-asws were to make a claim with regards to it, so from whom would you be asking for the proof?’ He said, ‘It is from you-asws that I shall ask’. He-asws said: ‘So if there was something which was in my-asws hands, and the Muslims are making a claim on it, you are now asking me-asws for the proof?’ He-asws said: ‘So Abu Bakr was silent.

فقال عمر هذا فئ للمسلمين ولسنا من خصومتك في شئ، فقال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” لابي بكر يا أبا بكر تقر بالقرآن؟ قال بلى، قال فاخبرني عن قول الله عز وجل: (إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا) أفينا أو في غيرنا نزلت؟ قال فيكم،

So Umar said, ‘This is ‘Fey’ (war booty) for the Muslims, and we are not going to dispute with you-asws anything with regards to it’. So Amir Al-Momineen-asws said to Abu Bakr: ‘Do you acknowledge the Quran?’ He said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘So, inform me-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [33:33] But rather, Allah Desires to Keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to Purify you a with a Purification, was it Revealed regarding us-asws or others?’ He said, ‘Regarding you-asws’.

قال فاخبرني لو ان شاهدين من المسلمين شهدا على فاطمة عليها السلام بفاحشة ما كنت صانعا؟ قال كنت أقيم عليها الحد كما أقيم على نساء المسلمين، قال كنت اذن عند الله من الكافرين قال ولم؟ قال لانك كنت ترد شهادة الله وتقبل شهادة غيره لان الله عز وجل قد شهد لها بالطهارة فإذا رددت شهادة الله وقبلت شهادة غيره كنت عند الله من الكافرين،

He-asws said: ‘If two witnesses from the Muslims were to testify against Fatima-asws for the immorality, what would you do?’ He said, ‘I shall establishment the Limit (punishment) upon her-asws just as I would against the Muslim women’. He-asws said: ‘Then you are from the Infidels, in the Presence of Allah-azwj’. He said, ‘And why?’ He-asws said: ‘Because you would have refuted the Testimony of Allah-azwj and would be accepting the testimony of others, because Allah-azwj has already Testified for her-asws Purification. So if you were to refute the Testimony of Allah-azwj and accept the testimony of others, you would be, in the Presence of Allah-azwj, from the Infidels’.

قال فبكى الناس وتفرقوا ودمدموا، فلما رجع أبو بكر إلى منزله بعث إلى عمر فقال ويحك يابن الخطاب اما رأيت عليا وما فعل بنا والله لئن قعد مقعدا آخر ليفسدن هذا الامر علينا ولا نتهنأ بشئ مادام حيا قال عمر: ماله إلا خالد بن الوليد

He-asws said: ‘So the people wept, and dispersed with tears in their eyes. So when Abu Bakr returned to his house, sent for Umar, so he said, ‘Woe be unto you, O son of Khataab! But, did you not see Ali-asws and what he-asws did with us? By Allah-azwj! If he-asws were to sit in another gathering, he-asws would spoil this matter (Caliphate) against us, and we would not be welcome with anything for as long as we are alive’. Umar said, ‘What is for him-asws except for Khalid Bin Waleed’.

فبعثوا إليه فقال له أبو بكر نريد أن نحملك على أمر عظيم قال احملني على ما شئت ولو على قتل علي، قال فهو قتل علي، قال فصر بجنبه فإذا أنا سلمت فاضرب عنقه

So they sent for him, and Abu Bakr said to him, ‘We want to burden you with a great matter’. He said, ‘Burden me whatever you so desire to, even for the murder of Ali-asws’. He said, ‘So it is the murder of Ali-asws’. He said, ‘So be at his-asws side. When I greet (finish the Prayer), so strike his-asws neck’.

فبعثت اسماء بنت عميس وهي أم محمد بن أبى بكر خادمتها فقالت اذهبي إلى فاطمة فاقرئيها السلام فإذا دخلت من الباب فقولي (ان الملا يأتمرون بك ليقتلوك فاخرج إنى لك من الناصحين) فإن فهمتها وإلا فاعيديها مرة أخرى فجاءت فدخلت وقالت ان مولاتي تقول: يا بنت رسول الله كيف أنتم، ثم قرأت هذه الآية (ان الملا يأتمرون بك ليقتلوك) الاية

So Asma Bint Umays, and she is the mother of Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr-ra, called her maid and said, ‘Go to Fatima-asws and convey my greetings to her-asws. So when she-asws enters you into the door, so say, ‘[28:20] Surely the assembly is ordering for killing you, therefore depart; surely I am of those who wish well to you’. So if she-asws understands it, (fine), or otherwise repeat it to her-asws once again’. So she came, and entered, and said, ‘My mistress is saying, ‘O daughter-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! How are you-asws?’ Then she recited this Verse [28:20] Surely the assembly is ordering for killing you – the Verse.

فلما أرادت ان تخرج قرأتها فقال لها أمير المؤمنين اقرأي مولاتك منى السلام وقولي لها ان الله عز وجل يحول بينهم وبين ما يريدون ان شاء الله،

So when she wanted to leave, she recited it (again). So Amir Al-Momineen-asws said to her: ‘Convey greetings from me-asws to your mistress, and say to her, ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Turn around what is between them and between what they are intending for, if Allah-azwj so Desires it’.

فوقف خالد بن الوليد بجنبه فلما أراد ان يسلم لم يسلم وقال يا خالد لا تفعل ما أمرتك السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته فقال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” ماهذا الامر الذي أمرك به ثم نهاك قبل ان يسلم: قال أمرنى بضرب عنقك وإنما امرني بعد التسليم، فقال أو كنت فاعلا؟ فقال إي والله لو لم ينهنى لفعلت،

So Khalid Bin Al-Waleed paused by his-asws side, intending him (Abu Bakr) to greet (for finishing the Prayer). But he did not greet, and said, ‘O Khalid! Do not do what I had ordered you with! (and greeted) Peace be upon you, and Mercy of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Blessings’. So Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘What is this order which he had ordered you with, then prevented you before he greeted?’ He said, ‘He had ordered me with the striking of your-asws neck. But rather, he had ordered me (to do it) after the greeting’. So he-asws said: ‘Or you would have done it?’ So he said, ‘Yes, by Allah-azwj! Had he not prevented me, I would have done it’.

قال: فقام أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” فاخذ بمجامع ثوب خالد ثم ضرب به الحائط وقال لعمر: يابن صهاك والله لو لا عهد من رسول الله وكتاب من الله سبق لعلمت اينا اضعف جندا وأقل عددا.

The Imam-asws said: ‘So Amir Al-Momineen-asws stood up, seized the clothes of Khalid, then hit him at the wall, and said to Umar; ‘O son of Zahaak! By Allah-azwj! Had I-asws not taken an oath from Rasool-Allah-saww, and had the Book of Allah-azwj not been in front of me-asws, you would have known where the weaker armies and the fewer numbers are’.[298]

(باب 152 – علة إثبات الائمة صلوات الله عليهم)

Chapter 152 – Reason for the affirmation of the Imams-asws (as being Proofs of Allah-azwj)

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن صفوان بن يحيى، عن منصور بن حازم قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” انى ناظرت قوما فقلت ألستم تعلمون ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله هو الحجة من الله على الخلق فحين ذهب رسول الله من كان الحجة من بعده فقالوا القرآن فنظرت في القرآن فإذا هو يخاصم فيه المرجئ، والحروري والزنديق الذي لا يؤمن حتى يغلب الرجل خصمه فعرفت ان القرآن لا يكون حجة إلا بقيم فما قال فيه من شى كان حقا

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Mansour Bin Hazim who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I looked at a group of people, so I said, ‘Are you all not knowing that Rasool-Allah-saww, he-saww is the Proof from Allah-azwj over His-azwj creatures. So when Rasool-Allah-saww went away, who was the Proof from after him-saww?’ So they said, ‘The Quran’. So I looked into the Quran, so it is that with regards to which the Murjiites, and the Harouriya, and the Zindeeq (Atheists) are disputing, and they do not believe until the man who is disputing, overcomes. So I recognised that the Quran cannot become a Proof except with a caretaker for it, so that whatever he would say with regards to anything in it, it would be true.

قلت لهم فمن قيم القرآن؟ قالوا قد كان عبد الله بن مسعود وفلان يعلم وفلان، قلت كله؟ قالوا لا فلم أجد أحدا يقال له انه يعرف ذلك كله إلا علي بن أبى طالب ” ع ” وإذا كان الشئ بين القوم، قال هذا لاأدرى وقال هذا لا أدرى وقال هذا لا أدرى وقال هذا أنا أدرى، فاشهد ان علي بن أبى طالب كان قيم القرآن وكانت طاعته مفروضة وكان حجة بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله على الناس كلهم وانه ما قال في القرآن فهو حق، فقال رحمك الله،

I said to them, ‘So who is the caretaker of the Quran?’ They said, ‘Abdullah Bin Masoud used to know, and so and so (also) knew, and so and so’. I said, ‘(They knew) all of it?’ They said, ‘No. We did not find anyone who said that he knew all of that except for Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws. So when there used to be something in between the people, this one said, ‘I don’t know’, and this one said, ‘I don’t know’, and this one (Ali-asws) said, ‘I do know’. So I testified that Ali-asws in Abu Talib-asws was the caretaker of the Quran, and that obedience to him-asws was Obligatory, and he-asws was the Proof after Rasool-Allah-saww upon the people, all of them, and whatever he-asws said with regards to the Quran, so it is truth’. So he-asws (the Imam-asws) said: ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you’.

فقبلت رأسه، وقلت: ان علي بن أبى طالب لم يذهب حتى ترك حجة من بعده كما ترك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حجة من بعده، وان الحجة من بعد علي ” ع ” الحسن بن علي ” ع ” واشهد على الحسن بن علي ” ع ” انه كان الحجة وان طاعته مفترضة فقال رحمك الله

So I kissed his-asws forehead and said, ‘Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws did not go away until he-asws left a Proof from after him-asws, just as Rasool-Allah-saww left a Proof from after him-saww, and that the Proof from after Ali-asws, is Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws, and that I testify upon Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws that he-asws was the Proof, and that obedience to him-asws was Obligatory’. So he-asws (the Imam-asws) said: ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you’.

فقبلت رأسه وقلت: اشهد على الحسن بن علي انه لم يذهب حتى ترك حجة من بعده كما ترك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وأبوه صلى الله عليهما وان الحجة من بعد الحسن الحسين بن علي عليهما السلام وكانت طاعته مفترضة فقال رحمك الله

So I kissed his-asws forehead and said, ‘I testify that Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws did not go away until he-asws left a Proof from after him-asws just as Rasool-Allah-saww and his-asws father-asws had left, and that the Proof from after Al-Hassan-asws, is Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, and that obedience to him-asws was Obligatory’. He-asws said: ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you’.

فقبلت رأسه وقلت واشهد على الحسين ابن علي ” ع ” انه لم يذهب حتى ترك حجة من بعده وكان الحجة من بعده علي ابن الحسين ” ع ” وكانت طاعته مفترضة، فقال رحمك الله

So I kissed his-asws forehead, and said, ‘And I testify that Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws did not go away until he-asws left a Proof from after him-asws and that the Proof from after him-asws was Ali-asws` Bin Al-Husayn-asws, and that obedience to him-asws was Obligatory’. So he-asws (the Imam-asws) said: ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you’.

فقبلت رأسه وقلت أشهد على علي بن الحسين انه لم يذهب حتى ترك حجة من بعده وان الحجة من بعده محمد بن على أبو جعفر وكانت طاعته مفترضة فقال رحمك الله

So I kissed his-asws forehead and said, ‘I testify that Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws did not go away until he-asws left a Proof from after him-asws, and that the Proof from after him-asws was Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Abu Ja’far-asws, and that obedience to him-asws was Obligatory’. So he-asws (the Imam-asws) said: ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you’.

قلت اصلحك الله اعطني رأسك فقبلت رأسه فضحك فقلت اصلحك الله قد علمت ان أباك لم يذهب حتى ترك حجة من بعده كما ترك أبوه فاشهد بالله إنك أنت الحجة من بعده وان طاعتك مفترضة، فقال: كف رحمك الله، قلت: اعطني رأسك اقبله فضحك، قال: سلنى عما شئت فلا انكرك بعد اليوم ابدا.

I said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! Give me your-asws forehead’. So I kissed his-asws forehead. So he-asws smiled. So I said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! You-asws know that your-asws father-asws did not go away until he-asws had left a Proof from after him-asws, just as his-asws father had left. So I testify that you-asws are the Proof from after him-asws, and that obedience to you-asws is Obligatory’.

So he-asws (the Imam-asws) said: ‘Restrain (yourself)! May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you’. I said, ‘Give me your-asws forehead, so that I can kiss it’. So he-asws smiled, and said: ‘Ask me-asws about whatever you so like to, so I-asws will not deny you after today, ever’.[299]

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub who said,

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاشم قال: حدثنا اسماعيل بن مرار قال: حدثنى يونس بن عبد الرحمان، عن يونس بن يعقوب قال: كان عند أبى عبد الله ” ع ” جماعة من أصحابه فيهم: حمران بن أعين، ومؤمن الطاق، وهشام بن سالم، والطيار، وجماعة من أصحابه فيهم: هشام بن الحكم وهو شاب، فقال أبو عبد الله يا هشام قال: لبيك يابن رسول الله، قال: ألا تخبرني كيف صنعت بعمرو بن عبيد وكيف سألته؟ قال هشام: جعلت فداك يابن رسول الله انى اجلك واستحييك ولا يعمل لساني بين يديك فقال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” إذا امرتكم بشئ فافعلوه.

‘In the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws, there was group of his-asws companions. Among them were – Hamran Bin Ayn, and Momin Al-Taaq, and Hisham Bin Saalim, and Al-Tayaar, and a (another) group of his-asws companions among who was Hisham Bin Al-Hakam, and he was a youth. So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘O Hisham!’ He said, ‘At your service, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! He-asws said: ‘Will you not inform me-asws how you dealt with Amro Bin Ubeyd, and how you asked him?’ Hisham said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws, O son-asws Rasool-Allah-saww! I am all for you-asws, but I was embarrassed from you-asws and my tongue does not work in front of you-asws’. So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘When I-asws order you for something, so do it’.

قال هشام: بلغني ماكان فيه عمرو بن عبيد وجلوسه في مسجد البصرة وعظم ذلك علي فخرجت إليه ودخلت البصرة يوم الجمعة فاتيت مسجد البصرة فإذا أنا بحلقة كبيرة وإذا انا بعمرو بن عبيد وعليه شملة سوداء متزر بها من صوف وشملة مرتد بها والناس يسألونه فاستفرجت الناس فافرجوا لي ثم قعدت في آخر القوم على ركبتي ثم قلت: أيها العالم انارجل غريب تأذن لي فاسألك عن مسأله؟ فقال نعم، قلت له: اولك عين يا بنى أي شئ هذا من السؤال وشئ تراه كيف تسأل عنه فقلت هكذا مسألتي فقال يا بنى سل وان كانت مسألتك حمقاء قلت أجبني فيها قال: فقال لي سل

Hisham said, ‘(The news) reached me that Amro Bin Ubeyd and his gathering were in Masjid Al-Basra, and that was grievous upon me. So I went out to him and entered Al-Basra on the day of Friday. So I came up to Masjid Al-Basra, and there was a large circle, and upon him was a black woollen gown, and black trousers, and the people were asking him. I asked the people to make way for me, so they made a way for me. Then I seated myself upon my knees at the end of the people. Then I said, ‘O you scholar! I am a stranger. Do you permit me so that I can ask you a question?’ So he said, ‘Yes’. I said to him, ‘Have you got eyes?’ So he said, ‘O my son! Which thing is this, from the questions, and it is a thing you can see it, how come you are questioning about it?’ So I said, ‘My question is like this’. So he said, ‘O my son! Ask, even though your question is foolish’. I said, ‘Answer me with regards to it’. So he said, ‘Ask’.

قال: قلت ألك عين قال نعم قال قلت فما ترى بها قال ارى بها الالوان والاشخاص قال: قلت فلك أنف قال نعم قلت فما تصنع به قال اشم به الرائحة قال: قلت ألك فم قال نعم قال: قلت فما تصنع به قال أعرف به المطاعم على اختلافها قال: قلت ألك لسان قال نعم قلت فما تصنع به قال اتكلم به قال: قلت ألك اذن قال نعم قال: قلت فما تصنع بها قال اسمع بها الاصوات قال قلت ألك يدان قال نعم قال: قلت فما تصنع بهما قال أبطش بهما واعرف بهما اللين من الخشن قال: قلت ألك رجلان قال نعم قال: قلت فما تصنع بهما قال انتقل بهما من مكان إلى مكان قال: قلت ألك قلب قال نعم قال: قلت فما تصنع به قال اميز به كلما ورد على هذه الجوارح

He (Hisham) said, ‘I said, ‘Do you have eyes?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So what do you see with these?’ He said, ‘I see the colours and the persons with these’. I said, ‘Do you have a nose?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So what do you do with it?’ He said, ‘I smell the fragrances with it’. I said, ‘Do you have a mouth?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So what do you do with it?’ He said, ‘I recognise the food upon its varieties’. I said, ‘Do you have a tongue?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘What do you do with it?’ He said, ‘I speak by it’. I said, ‘Do you have ears?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So what do you do with these?’ He said, ‘I hear the sounds with these’. I said, ‘Do you have two hands?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So what do you do with these two?’ He said, ‘I differentiate the soft and the harsh from these two’. I said, ‘Do you have two feet?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So what do you do with these two’. He said, ‘I move from a place to a place with these two’. I said, ‘Do you have a heart?’ He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So what do you do with it?’ He said, ‘I differentiate by it, everything which these body parts refer to me’.

قال: قلت أفليس في هذه الجوارح غنى عن القلب قال لا، قلت: وكيف ذلك وهي صحيحة سليمة قال يا بنى إن الجوارح إذا شكت في شئ شمته أو رأته أو ذاقته أو سمعته ردته إلى القلب فيستيقن اليقين ويبطل الشك قال: قلت فانما اقام الله القلب لشك الجوارح قال نعم قال: قلت فلابد من القلب وإلا لم تستيقن الجوارح قال نعم

I said, ‘So, are these body parts not needless of heart?’ He said, ‘No’. I said, ‘And how can that be, and it is true and sound’. He said, ‘O my son! The body parts, if there is any doubt regarding something I smell, or see, or taste, or hear, it gets referred to the heart, so it gives it certainty and invalidates the doubt’. I said, ‘So, it looks like Allah-azwj has Established the heart (to invalidate) the doubts of the body parts’. He said, ‘Yes’. I said, ‘Thus, it is inevitable for the heart to be there, otherwise the body parts would not achieve certainty’. He said, ‘Yes’.

قال قلت له يا أبا مروان ان الله لم يترك جوارحك حتى جعل لها إماما يصحح لها الصحيح وتتيقن به ما شككت فيه ويترك هذا الخلق كلهم في حيرتهم وشكهم واختلافهم لا يقيم لهم إماما يردون إليه شكهم وحيرتهم ويقيم لك إماما لجوارحك ترد إليه حيرتك وشكك قال فسكت، ولم يقل لي شيئا

I said to him, ‘O Abu Marwan! Allah-azwj has not Left the body parts until He-azwj Made an Imam to correct these and certainty can be achieved by it from what is doubtful, and He-azwj would Leave this creation, all of them, in their confusion, and their doubts, and their differing, and would not Establish an Imam-asws for them, for they to refer their doubts, and their confusions, and He-azwj has Established an Imam for your body parts for your to refer your confusion, and your doubt?’ He was silent, and did not say anything to me’.

قال ثم التفت إلي فقال: أنت هشام فقلت لا فقال لي بالله ألست هو فقلت لا فقال أمن جلسائه قلت لا، قال فمن أين انت؟ قلت من أهل الكوفة قال: فإذا انت هو قال ثم ضمنى إليه واقعدني في مجلسه وزال عن مجلسه وما نطق حتى قمت:

He (Hisham) said, ‘Then he turned towards me, so he said, ‘Are you Hisham?’ So I said, ‘No’. So he said, so me, ‘Swear by Allah-azwj that you are not him?’ So I said, ‘No’. So he said, ‘Are you from those who sit with him?’ I said, ‘No’. He said, ‘So, where are you from?’ I said, ‘From the people of Al-Kufa’. He said, ‘So then, you are him’. Then he embraced me, and made me to be seated in his seat, and moved away from his seat, and did not speak until he arose and left’.

فضحك أبو عبد الله ” ع ” ثم قال يا هشام من علمك هذا؟ قال: فقلت يابن رسول الله جرى على لساني، قال يا هشام هذا والله مكتوب في صحف إبراهيم وموسى.

So, Abu Abdullah-asws smiled, then said: ‘O Hisham! Who has taught you this?’ He said, ‘I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! It flowed upon my tongue’. He-asws said: ‘O Hisham! By Allah-azwj! This is written in the Parchments of Ibrahim-as and Musa-as’.[300]

(باب 153 – العلة التى من أجلها لا تخلو الأرض من حجة) (الله عز وجل على خلقه)

Chapter 153 – The reason due to which the earth would not be empty from a Proof-asws of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic over His-azwj creatures

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن سنان، عن نعمان الرازي قال: كنت جالسا انا وبشير الدهان عند أبى عبد الله ” ع ” فقال: لما انقضت نبوة آدم وانقطع اكله أوحى الله عز وجل إليه ان يا آدم قد انقضت نبوتك وانقطع اكلك فانظر إلى ما عندك من العلم والايمان وميراث النبوة واثرة العلم والاسم الاعظم فاجعله في العقب من ذريتك عند هبة الله فانى لم ادع الارض بغير عالم يعرف به طاعتي وديني ويكون نجاة لمن أطاعه،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Noman Al Razy who said,

‘I and Bashir Al-Dahaan were seated in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws, so he-asws said: ‘When the Prophet-hood of Adam-as expired, and his-as eating (consumption) was cut-off, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “O Adam-as! Your-as Prophet-hood has expired, and your-as consumption has been cut-off, so look as what is in your-as presence, from the Knowledge, and the Eman (belief), and the inheritance of the Prophet-hood, and the effects of the Knowledge (Ahadeeth), and the Magnificent Name – so make these to be in the posterity from your-as offspring, with Hibbatullah-as, for I-azwj never Leave the earth without a Scholar-as by whom obedience to Me-azwj would be recognised, and My-azwj Religion, and for there to be salvation for the one who obeys him-as”.[301]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن هشام بن سالم عن أبى اسحاق الهمداني قال: حدثنى الثقة من أصحابنا انه سمع أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” يقول: اللهم لاتخل الارض من حجة لك على خلقك ظاهر أو خاف مغمور لئلا تبطل حججك وبيناتك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Hisham Bin Saalim, from Abu Is’haq Al Hamdany who said,

‘The reliable one from our companions narrated to me having heard Amir Al-Momineen-asws saying: ‘O Allah-azwj! Do not Leave the earth to be devoid of one who is a Proof for You-azwj over Your-azwj creatures, be it apparent, or obscured out of fear, lest Your-saww Arguments and Proofs be invalidated’.[302]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى، عن محمد بن الحسن بن أبى الخطاب عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن يعقوب السراج قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” تبقى الارض بلا عالم حي ظاهر يفزع إليه الناس في حلالهم وحرامهم؟ فقال لي إذا لا يعبد الله يا أبا يوسف.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Yaqoub Al Siraj who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Does the earth ever remain without a living Scholar-asws in the apparent, the people can refer to him-asws with regards to their Permissibles and their Prohibitions?’ So he-asws said to me: ‘If that (is the case), Allah-azwj would not be worshipped, O Abu Yusuf!’[303]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن محمد بن سنان وصفوان بن يحيى وعبد الله بن المغيرة وعلي بن النعمان كلهم عن عبد الله بن مسكان، عن أبى بصير، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الله لا يدع الارض إلا وفيها عالم يعلم الزيادة والنقصان فإذا زاد المؤمنون شيئا ردهم وإذا نقصوا أكمله لهم

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Muhammad Bin Sinan and Safwan Bin Yahya and Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira and Ali Bin Al Noman, all of them, from Abu Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj does not Leave the earth except that there is a Scholar-asws therein who knows the excesses and the deficiencies. So when the Believers exceed in something, he-asws returns them, and when they are deficient (in something) he-asws completes it for them’.

فقال: خذوه كاملا ولو لاذلك لالتبس على المؤمنين أمرهم، ولم يفرق بين الحق والباطل.

So he-asws said: ‘Take these (Ahadeeth) completely, otherwise the Believers would be confused over their affairs, and they would not be able to differentiate between the truth and the falsehood’.[304]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن الفضل، عن أبى حمزة قال قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” تبقى الارض بغير إمام؟ قال لو بقيت الارض بغير إمام لساخت.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazal, from Abu Hamza who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Does the earth remain without an Imam-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘If the earth were to remain without an Imam-asws, it would submerge’.[305]

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس، عن عبد الله بن محمد، عن ابن الخشاب، عن جعفر بن محمد، عن كرام قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” لو كان الناس رجلين لكان أحدهما الامام،

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Al Khashab, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad, from Karam who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Even if the people (entire human race) would be two men, one of them would be an Imam-asws’.

وقال: ان آخر من يموت الامام لئلا يحتج احدهم على الله عز وجل تركه بغير حجة لله عليه.

And he-asws said: ‘The last one to die would be the Imam-asws, lest the other one would argue that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Left him without a Proof-asws of Allah-azwj over him’.[306]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن الحسن بن موسى الخشاب عن عبد الرحمان بن أبى نجران، عن عبد الكريم وغيره عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” ان جبرئيل نزل على محمد صلى الله عليه وآله يخبر عن ربه عز وجل فقال له يا محمد لم اترك الارض إلا وفيها عالم يعرف طاعتي وهداي، ويكون نجاة فيما بين قبض النبي إلى خروج النبي الآخر ولم اكن اترك ابليس يضل الناس وليس في الارض حجة وداع إلي وهاد إلى سبيلى وعارف بامرى وانى قد قضيت لكل قوم هاديا أهدى به السعداء ويكون حجة على الاشقياء.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Musa Al Khashab, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Abdul Kareem and someone else,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Jibraeel-as descended unto Muhammad-saww with news from his-saww Lord-azwj, so he-as said to him-saww: ‘O Muhammad-saww! I-azwj never Leave except that therein is a Scholar-asws by whom obedience to Me-azwj is recognised and My-azwj Guidance, and he-asws becomes a saviour with regards to what is between the passing away of a Prophet-as to the coming out of another Prophet-as, and I-azwj cannot Leave Iblees-la to stray the people and there is no Proof-asws in the earth who calls to Guidance and My-azwj Way, and by whom My-azwj Commands are recognised, and I-azwj have Judged for there to be a Guide for every people, Guiding the happy ones and becoming a Proof over the wretched’.[307]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن سعد بن أبى خلف، عن الحسن بن زياد عن أبى عبد الله ” ع “: قال: الارض لا تكون إلا وفيها عالم يصلحهم ولا يصلح الناس إلا ذلك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Sa’ad Bin Abu Khalaf, from Al Hassan Bin Ziyad,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The earth will not be in a state that there would not be a Scholar-asws therein, who corrects (the affairs of) the people, and the people cannot be corrected except by that’.[308]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسين رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، محمد بن عيسى، عن صفوان بن يحيى، عن ابن مسكان، عن الحسن بن زياد، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لا يصلح الناس إلا بامام ولا تصلح الارض إلا بذلك.

Muhammad Bin Al Husayn narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Safwann Bin Yahya, from Ibn Muskan, from Al Hassan Bin Ziyad,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The (affairs of the) people cannot be corrected except by an (Infallible) Imam-asws, and the earth cannot be corrected except by that’.[309]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن سنان عن أبى عمارة بن الطيار قال: سمعت ابا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول: لو لم يبق في الارض إلا رجلان لكان احدهما الحجة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bi nSinan, from Abu Amar Bin Al Tayar who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘If there do not remain in the earth except for two men, one of the two would be the Proof-asws’.[310]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عيسى رفعه إلى أبى حمزة، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: والله ما ترك الله الارض منذ قبض الله آدم إلا وفيها إمام يهتدى به إلى الله وهو حجة الله على عباده، ولا تبقى الارض بغير حجة لله على عباده.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, raising it to Abu Hamza,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘By Allah-azwj! Allah-azwj has not left the earth, since Allah-azwj Caused Adam-as to pass away, except that therein is an Imam-as who Guides to Allah-azwj, and he-as was the Proof of Allah-azwj over His-azwj creatures, and the earth does not remain without a Proof of Allah-azwj over His-azwj creatures’.[311]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن السندي بن محمد، عن العلا بن رزين، عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: لا تبقى الارض بغير إمام ظاهر أو باطن.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al humeyri narrated to us, from Al Siindy Bin Muhammad, from Al A’ala Bin Razeyn, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘The earth does not remain without an Imam-asws, apparent or hidden’.[312]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن محمد بن حفص عن ميثم بن اسلم عن ذريح المحاربي عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: سمعته يقول، والله ما ترك الله الارض منذ قبض آدم إلا وفيها إمام يهتدى به إلى الله عز وجل وهو حجة الله عز وجل على العباد، من تركه هلك ومن لزمه نجا، حقاعلى الله عز وجل.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Muhammad Bin Hafs, from Maysam Bin Aslam, from Zareeh Al Mahariby,

(The narrator says), ‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘By Allah-azwj! Allah-azwj did not Leave the earth, since the passing away of Adam-as, except that therein is an Imam-as Guiding to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and he-as was the Proof of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic over the servants. The ones who left him-asws perished and the ones who necessitated him-asws (achieved) salvation, (this) being a right upon Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[313]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن عبد الله بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن ابراهيم عن زيد الشحام عن داود بن العلا عن أبى حمزة الثمالى قال: قال ما خلت الدنيا منذ خلق الله السموات والارض من امام عدل إلى ان تقوم الساعة حجة لله فيها على خلقه.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim, from Zayd Al Shaham, from Dawood Bin Al’ala, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘He-asws said: ‘Since Allah-azwj Created the skies and the earth, the world has not been devoid of a Just Imam-asws, and would not be so, until the Establishment of the Hour, not having a Proof of Allah-azwj over His-azwj creatures’.[314]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب والهيثم بن أبى مسروق النهدي، عن ابى داود سليمان ابن سفيان المسترق عن احمد بن عمر الخلال عن ابى الحسن قال: قلت تبقى الارض بغير إمام فانا نروى عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام انه قال: لا تبقي إلا ان يسخط الله على العباد، فقال لا، لا تبقى لو بقيت إذا لساخت.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khattab and Al Haysam Bin Abu Masrouq Al Nahdy, from Abu Dawood Suleyman Ibn Sufyan Al Mastaraq, from Ahmad Bin Umar Al Khalal,

(The narrator says) I said to Abu Al-Hassan-asws, ‘Does the earth remain without an Imam-asws, for we are reporting from Abu Abdullah-asws that he-asws said: ‘It (the earth) will not remain, except that Allah-azwj would be Wrathful over His-azwj creatures?’ So he-asws said: ‘No! It will not remain. If it were to remain, then it would submerge’.[315]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد ابن الحسين بن ابى الخطاب ومحمد بن عيسى بن عبيد، عن محمد بن الفضيل الصيرفي عن ابى حمزة الثمالى قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” تبقى الارض بغير إمام؟ قال لو بقيت بغير إمام لساخت.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab and Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl Al Sayrafi, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Would the earth remain without an Imam-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘If it were to remain without an Imam-asws, it would submerge’.[316]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى وعلي بن اسماعيل بن عيسى عن العباس بن معروف، عن علي بن مهزيا عن محمد بن القاسم عن محمد بن الفضيل عن أبى الحسن الرضا ” ع ” قال: قلت له تكون الارض ولا إمام فيها؟ فقال: لا، إذا لساخت بأهلها.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa and Ali Bin Ismail Bin Isa, from Al abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziya, from Muhammad Bin Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, ‘Will the earth ever become such that there would not be an Imam-asws in it?’ So he-asws said: ‘No! Then it would submerge along with its inhabitants’.[317]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب عن النضر بن سويد عن محمد بن الفضيل عن ابى حمزة الثمالي قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” تبقى الارض بغير إمام؟ فقال: لا، لو بقيت الارض بغير إمام لساخت

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Would the earth remain without an Imam-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘If the earth were to remain without an Imam-asws, it would submerge’.[318]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن عباد بن سليمان عن سعد بن سعد الاشعري عن احمد بن عمر عن ابى الحسن الرضا ” ع ” قال: قلت له هل تبقى الارض بغير إمام؟ قال لا، قلت: فانا نروي عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” انه قال: لا تبقى الارض بغير إمام إلا أن يسخط الله على العباد، فقال لا تبقى اذن لساخت.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Abaad Bin Suleyman, from Sa’ad Bin Sa’ad Al Ash’ary, from Ahmad Bin Umar,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, ‘Would the earth remain without an Imam-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘No!’ I said, ‘As, we are reporting from Abu Abdullah-asws that he-asws said: ‘The earth would not remain without an Imam-asws except that Allah-azwj would be Wrathful over the servants’. So he-asws said: ‘It ‘would not remain’, then it would submerge’.[319]

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور قال: حدثنا الحسين بن عامر، عن المعلى بن محمد النصرى عن الحسن بن علي الوشا قال: قلت لابي الحسن الرضا ” ع ” هل تبقى الارض بغير إمام؟ فقال لا فقلت إنا نروي انها لا تبقى إلا ان يسخط الله على العباد، فقال لا تبقى اذن لساخت.

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masrour narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Amaar, from Al Moala Bin Muhammad Al Nasry, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, ‘Would the earth remain without an Imam-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘No!’ So I said, ‘We are reporting that it would not remain except that Allah-azwj would be Wrathful over the servants’. So he-asws said: ‘It ‘would not remain’, but would be submerged’.[320]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الحسن بن علي الدينوري ومحمد بن احمد بن أبى قتادة، عن احمد بن هلال، عن سعيد بن سليمان ابن جعفر الجعفري قال: سألت الرضا ” ع ” فقلت تخلو الارض من حجة فقال: لو خلت الارض طرفة من حجة لساخت بأهلها.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Daynoury and Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Abu Qatada, from Ahmad Bin Hilal, from Saeed Bin Suleyman Ibn Ja’far Al Ja’fary who said,

‘I asked Al-Reza-asws, so I said, ‘Can the earth be empty from a Proof-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘If the earth were to be empty from a Proof-asws even for the blink (of an eye), it would submerge along with its inhabitants’.[321]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى ومحمد بن الحسين بن ابى الخطاب ومحمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن محمد بن سنان وعلي بن النعمان عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن أبى بصير عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الله عز وجل لم يدع الارض إلا وفيها عالم يعلم الزيادة والنقصان في الارض فإذا زاد المؤمنون شيئا ردهم وإذا نقصوا اكمله لهم فقال خذوه كاملا ولولا ذلك لالتبس على المؤمنين امورهم ولم يفرقوا بين الحق والباطل.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa and Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab and Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Muhammad Bin Sinan and Ali Bin Al Noman, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic never Leaves the earth except that there is in it a Scholar-asws who knows the excesses and the deficiencies in the earth. So if the Believers exceed in something, he-asws returns them, and if they are deficient (in something), he-asws completes it for them’. And he-asws said: ‘Take these (Ahadeeth) completely, and had it not been for these, the affairs of the Believers would be confusing upon them, and they would not be able to differentiate between the truth and the falsehood’.[322]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن ابى عمير عن منصور بن يونس عن اسحاق بن عمار عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: سمعته يقول ان الارض لا تخلو إلا وفيها عالم كلما زاد المؤمنون شيئا ردهم وان نقصوا شيئا تممه لهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Mansour Bin Yunus, from Is’haq Bin Amaar,

(The narrator says) ‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The earth would not be empty except that therein is a Scholar-asws. Every time the Believers exceed in something, he-asws returns them, and if they are deficient in something, he-asws completes it for them’.[323]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد رحمه الله، عن ابيه عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى ومحمد بن عبد الجبار عن عبد الله بن محمد الحجال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن اسحاق ابن عمار عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال إن الارض لا تخلو من ان يكون فيها من يعلم الزيادة والنقصان فإذا جاء المسلمون بزيادة طرحها وإذا جاؤا بالنقصان اكمله لهم فلولا ذلك اختلط على المسلمين أمورهم.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa and Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Hajaal, from Sa’albat Bin Maymoun, from Is’haq Ibn Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The earth would not be empty from the one-asws who would be knowing the excesses and the deficiencies. So if the Muslims come with an excess, he-asws would reduce it, and if they came with the deficiency, he-asws would complete it for them. So, had it not been for that, the affairs of the Muslims would be muddled up to them’.[324]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد ومحمد ابن عبد الجبار عن محمد بن خالد البرقى عن فضالة بن أيوب عن شعيب عن أبى حمزة قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” لن تبقى الارض إلا وفيها من يعرف الحق فإذا زاد الناس فيه قال قد زادوا وإذا نقصوا منه قال قد نقصوا وإذا جاؤا به صدقهم ولو لم يكن كذلك لم يعرف الحق من الباطل.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad and Muhammad Ibn Abdul Jabbar, from Muhammad Bin Khalid Al Barqy, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Shuayb, from Abu Hamza who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The earth would never remain except that therein is the one-asws who recognises the truth. So, when the people exceed in it, he-asws would say: ‘You have exceeded’, and when they are deficient, he-asws would say: ‘You are deficient’, and when they come with it (truth), he-asws would ratify them. And had it not been like that, the truth would not be recognised from the falsehood’.[325]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن معبد عن النضر بن سويد عن يحيى بن عمران الحلبي عن شعيب الحذاء عن أبى حمزة الثمالي عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: ان الارض لا تبقى إلا ومنا فيها من يعرف الحق فإذا زاد الناس قال: قد زادوا، وإذا نقصوا منه قال: قد نقصوا، ولولا ان ذلك كذلك لم يعرف الحق من الباطل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Ma’bad, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Yahya Bin Imran Al Halby, from Shuayb Al Haza’a, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘The earth would not remain except that from us-asws would be in it, one-asws who recognises the truth. So when the people exceed (in something), he-asws would say: ‘You have exceeded’. And when the people are deficient (in something), he-asws would say: ‘You have been deficient’. And had that not been like that, the truth would not be recognised from the falsehood’.[326]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن يحيى بن أبى عمران الهمداني عن يونس عن اسحاق بن عمار عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبى مسلم عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: ان الله لم يدع الارض إلا وفيها عالم يعلم الزيادة والنقصان من دين الله تعالى فإذا زاد المؤمنون شيئا ردهم وإذا نقصوا اكمله ولولا ذلك لا لتبس على المسلمين أمرهم.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Yahya Bin Abu Imran Al Hamdany, from Yunus, from Is’haq Bin Amaar, from Muhammad Bin Muslim, from Abu Muslim,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj does not Leave the earth except that therein is a Scholar-asws who knows the excesses and the deficiencies, from the Religion of Allah-azwj the High. So when the Believers exceed in something, he-asws returns them, and when they are deficient (in something), he-asws completes it for them. And had it not been like, the affairs of the Muslims would be confusing over them’.[327]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن علي بن أسباط عن سليم مولى طربال عن اسحاق ابن عمار قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول: ان الارض لن تخلو إلا وفيها عالم كلما زاد المؤمنون شيئا ردهم وإذا انقصوا أكمله لهم فقال خذوه كاملا ولولا ذلك لا لتبس على المؤمنين أمورهم ولم يفرقوا بين الحق والباطل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated o us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ali Bin Asbaat, from Suleym, a slave of Tarbal, from Is’haq ibn Amaar who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The earth would never be empty except that therein would be a Scholar-asws. Every time the Believers exceed in something, he-asws would return them, and when they are deficient (in something), he-asws would complete it for them’. Then he-asws said: ‘Take these (Ahadeeth) completely. And had it not been that, the affairs of the Believers would be confusing to them, and they would not be able to differentiate in between the truth and the falsehood’.[328]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد ومحمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن محمد بن أبى عمير، عن منصور بن يونس عن اسحاق ابن عمار عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال سمعته يقول ان الارض لا تخلو إلا وفيها عالم كلما زاد المؤمنون شيئا ردهم وان نقصوا شيئا تممه لهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed and Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Mansour Bin Yunus, from Is’haq Ibn Amar,

(The narrator says) ‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The earth would not be empty except that there would be in it a Scholar-asws. Every time the Believers exceed in something, he-asws would return them, and if they are deficient (in something) he-asws would re-establish it for them’.[329]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى ومحمد بن عبد الجبار، عن عبد الله بن محمد الحجال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن اسحاق بن عمار قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” الارض لا تخلو من ان يكون فيها من يعلم الزيادة والنقصان فإذا جاء المسلمون بزيادة طرحها وإذا جاؤا بالنقصان اكمله لهم ولو لا ذلك لاختلط على المسلمين امورهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa and Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Hajal, from Sa’alba Bin Maymoun, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The earth would not be empty from one who would be knowing the excesses and the deficiencies. So when the Muslims come with an excess, he-asws would reduce it, and when they come with the deficiency, he-asws would complete it for them. And had it not be for that, the affairs of the Muslims would be muddled up to them’.[330]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى ومحمد بن عبد الجبار، عن محمد بن خالد البرقي، عن فضالة بن أيوب، عن شعيب الحذاء، عن أبى حمزة الثمالى قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” لن تبقى الارض إلا وفيها رجل منا يعرف الحق، فإذا زاد الناس فيه قال قد زادوا، وإذا نقصوا قال قد نقصوا، وإذا جاؤا به صدقهم، ولو لم يكن كذلك لم يعرف الحق من الباطل.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa and Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Muhammad Bin Khalid Al Barqy, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Shuayb Al Haza’a, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The earth would never remain except that therein would be a man from us-asws who recognises the truth. So when the people exceed in it, he-asws would say: ‘You have exceeded’. And when they are deficient, he-asws would say: ‘You are deficient’. And when they come with it (truth), he-asws would ratify them. And had it not been like that, the truth would not be recognised from the falsehood’.[331]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن عيسى ابن عبيد عن علي بن اسماعيل الميثمى، عن ثعلبة بن ميمون، عن عبد الاعلى مولى آل سام عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: سمعته يقول، ما ترك الله الارض بغير عالم ينقص ما زاد الناس، ويزيد ما نقصوا، ولولا ذلك لاختلط على الناس امورهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Ibn Ubeyd, from Ali Bin Ismail Al Maysam, from Sa’alba Bin Maymoun, from Abdul A’la, a slave of the progeny of Saam,

(The narrator says) ‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj does not Leave the earth without a Scholar-asws who reduces what the people exceed it, and increases what they are deficient it. And had it not been for that, the affairs of the people would be muddled up to them’.[332]

(باب 154 – العلة التى من أجلها سد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الابواب كلها) (إلى المسجد، وترك باب علي عليه السلام)

Chapter 154 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww closed all the doors to the Masjid, and left the door of Ali-asws (open)

حدثنا محمد بن احمد الشيباني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله الكوفي قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكى قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن احمد عن سليمان بن حفص المروزى، عن عمرو بن ثابت، عن سعد بن طريف، عن سعيد بن جبير، عن ابن عباس قال: لما سد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الابواب الشارعة إلى المسجد إلا باب علي ” ع ” ضج أصحابه من ذلك فقالوا يارسول الله لم سددت ابوابنا وتركت باب هذا الغلام؟ فقال ان الله تبارك وتعالى أمرنى بسد أبوابكم وترك باب علي، فانما انا متبع لما يوحى إلي من ربى.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Shaybani narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad, from Suleyman Bin Hafs Al Marouzy, from Amro Bin Sabit, from Sa’ad Bin Tareyf, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘When Rasool-Allah-saww closed the doors of the way to the Masjid except for the door of Ali-asws, his-saww companions were in uproar due to that, so they said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Why did you-saww close our doors and left the door of this boy to be open?’ So he-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Commanded me-saww with the closure of your doors, and to leave open the door of Ali-asws. But rather, I-saww only follow whatever is Revealed unto me-saww from my-saww Lord-azwj’.[333]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا جعفر ابن محمد بن مسعود عن ابيه قال حدثنا نصر بن احمد البغدادي قال: حدثنا عيسى ابن مهران قال: حدثنا محول قال: اخبرنا عبد الرحمان بن الاسود، عن محمد بن عبيدالله بن أبى رافع، عن ابيه وعمه، عن أبيهما، عن أبى رافع قال: ان رسول صلى الله عليه وآله خطب الناس فقال: يا أيها الناس، ان الله عز وجل أمر موسى وهارون ان يبنيا لقومها بمصر بيوتا وامرهما ان لا يبيت في مسجد هما جنب ولا يقرب فيه النساء إلا هارون وذريته، وان عليا ” ع ” مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى فلا يحل لاحد ان يقرب النساء في مسجدي ولا يبيت فيه جنب إلا علي وذريته فمن ساءه ذلك فهاهنا، وضرب بيده نحو الشام.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Masoud, from his father, from Nasr Bin Ahmad Al Baghdady, from Isa Ibn Mahran, from Mahoul, from Abdul Rahma Bin Al Aswad, from Muhammad Bin Ubeydullah Bin Abu Rafi’e, from his father and his uncle, from both their fathes, from Abu Raf’a who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww addressed the people, so he-saww said: ‘O you people! Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded Musa-as and Haroun-as that they-as should build a house in Egypt, and Commanded both of them-as that no one should sleep in this Masjid of theirs-as, one who is in requirement of a major ablution, nor should anyone go near to the women in it, except for Haroun-as and his-as offspring, and that Ali-asws is from me-saww at the status Haroun-as was from Musa-as. Therefore, is not Permissible for anyone that he should go near to the women in My-azwj Masjid, nor sleep in it one who is in requirement of major ablution, with the exception for Ali-asws and his-asws offspring. So the one who is stung by it, so over there!’ – and he-saww pointed towards Syria’.[334]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن ابيه قال: حدثنا نصر بن احمد البغدادي قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبيد بن عتبة قال: حدثنا اسماعيل بن أبان عن سالم بن أبى عمرة عن معروف بن خربوذ، عن ابى الطفيل، عن حذيفة بن اسيد الغفاري قال: ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قام خطيبا فقال: ان رجالا لا يجدون في انفسهم ان اسكن عليا في المسجد واخرجهم، والله ما اخرجتهم واسكنته بل الله اخرجهم واسكنه،

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his father, from Nasr Bin Ahmad Al Baghdady, from Muhammad Bin Ubeyd Bin Utba, from Ismail Bin Aban, from Salim Bin Abu Umra, from Marouf Bin Jarbouz, from Abu Al Tufayl, from Hufayza Bin Aseyd Al Ghafary who said,

‘The Prophet-saww arose to sermon, so he-saww said: ‘Men should not find it in themselves that it was I-saww who settled Ali-asws in the Masjid and threw them out. By Allah-azwj! It was not I-saww who threw them out and settled him-asws, but it was Allah-azwj who Threw them out and settled him-asws!

ان الله عز وجل أوحى إلى موسى وأخيه ان تبوؤا لقومكا بمصر بيوتا واجعلوا بيوتكم قبلة واقيموا الصلاة، ثم أمر موسى ان لا يسكن مسجده ولا ينكح فيه ولا يدخله جنب إلا هارون وذريته، وان عليا مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى وهو أخى دون أهلي ولا يحل لاحد أن ينكح فيه النساء، إلا علي وذريته فمن ساءه فهاهنا واشار بيده نحو الشام.

Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Musa-as and his-as brother-as: “Build houses for your-as people in Egypt, and make your houses as a direction (Qiblah), and establish the Prayer”. Then He-azwj Commanded Musa-as that no one would settle (to live) in His-azwj Masjid, not sleep (with a woman) in it, nor should one who is in requirement of major ablution should enter in it, except for Haroun-as and his-as offspring, and that Ali-asws is from me-saww at the status which Haroun-as had from Musa-as, and he-asws is my-saww brother-asws besides my-saww family. And it is not Permissible for anyone that he should sleep with the women in it, except for Ali-asws and his-asws offspring. So the one who is stung by it, so over there!’ – and he-saww gestured by his-saww hand towards Syria’.[335]



(باب 156 – العلة التى من أجلها صارت الامامة في ولد الحسين) (دون الحسن صلوات الله عليهما)

Chapter 156 – The reason due to which the Imamate came to be in the sons-asws of Al-Husayn-asws besides Al-Hassan-asws

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الحسن بن موسى الخشاب عن علي بن حسان الواسطي، عن عمه عبد الرحمان بن كثير قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” ماعنى الله عز وجل بقوله (إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا) قال: نزلت في النبي وأمير المؤمنين والحسن والحسين وفاطمة عليهم السلام

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Bin Al Hassan Bin Musa Al Khashab, from Ali Bin Hisan Al Wasity, from his uncle Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What does Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Mean by His-azwj Words [33:33] But rather, Allah Desires to Keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to Purify you a with a Purification?’ He-asws said: ‘It was Reveled regarding the Prophet-saww, and Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws, and Fatima-asws.

فلما قبض الله عز وجل نبيه كان أمير المؤمنين ثم الحسن ثم الحسين عليهم السلام ثم وقع تأويل هذه الآية (واولوا الارحام بعضهم أولى ببعض في كتاب الله) وكان علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام إماما ثم جرت في الائمة من ولده الاوصياء عليهم السلام فطاعتهم طاعة الله ومعصيتهم معصية الله عز وجل.

So when Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Caused His-azwj Prophet-saww to pass away, there was Amir Al-Momineen-asws, then Al-Hassan-asws, then Al-Husayn-asws. Then, there occurred the explanation of this Verse [33:6] and the possessors of relationships some of them are closer to others in the Book of Allah. And Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws was an Imam-asws. Then if flowed in the Imams-asws from his-asws sons-asws, the successors. Thus, obedience to them-asws is obedience to Allah-azwj, and disobedience to them-asws is disobedience to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[336]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد وعبد الله أبنى محمد ابن عيسى عن أبيهما عن عبد الله بن المغيرة عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن عبد الرحيم القصير عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: سألته عن قول الله عز وجل (النبي أولى بالمؤمنين من أنفسهم وازواجه امهاتهم واولوا الارحام بعضهم أولى بعض في كتاب الله) فيمن نزلت؟

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad and Abdullah the son of Muhammad Ibn Isa, from both their fathers, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abdul Raheem Al Qusayr,

(The narrator says) ‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [33:6] The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers; and the possessors of relationships some of them are closer to others in the Book of Allah, so for whom was it Revealed?’

قال نزلت في الامرة ان هذه الآية جرت في الحسين بن علي وفي ولد الحسين من بعده فنحن أولى بالامر وبرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من المؤمنين والمهاجرين فقلت لولد جعفر فيها نصيب؟ قال: لا، قال فعددت عليه بطون بني عبد المطلب كل ذلك يقول لا، ونسيت ولد الحسن فدخلت عليه بعد ذلك فقلت هل لولد الحسن فيها نصيب فقال لا يا ابا عبد الرحمان ما لمحمدي فيها نصيب غيرنا.

He-asws said: ‘It was revealed regarding the command/authority, and that this Verse flows in Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws and in the sons-asws of Al-Husayn-asws from after him-asws. Thus, we-asws are the closer to the Command and with Rasool-Allah-saww than the Believers and the Emigrants’.

So I said, ‘Is there a share in it for the sons of Ja’far-as?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. He (the narrator) said, ‘So I numbered to him the relatives of the Clan of Abd Al-Muttalib-as, for each of that he-asws said: No!’, and I forgot the sons of Al-Hassan-asws. So I included to him-asws, after that, so I said, ‘Is there a share in it for the sons of Al-Hassan-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘No! O Abu Abdul Rahman! There is no share in it for any Mohammedan, apart from us-asws’.[337]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن عبدالعلى بن أعين قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول، ان الله عز وجل خص عليا ” ع ” بوصية رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وما يصيبه له، فاقر الحسن والحسين له بذلك ثم وصيته للحسن وتسليم الحسين للحسن ذلك حتى افضى الامر إلى الحسين لا ينازعه فيه احد له من السابقة مثل ماله واستحقها علي بن الحسين لقول الله عز وجل (واولوا الارحام بعضهم أولى ببعض في كتاب الله) فلا تكون بعد علي بن الحسين إلا في الاعقاب واعقاب الاعقاب.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Abdul A’ala Bin Ayn who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Specialised Ali-asws for getting the successorship of Rasool-Allah-saww, and Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws accepted that for him-asws. Then the successorship was for Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws submitted to Al-Husayn-asws, until the Command passed to Al-Husayn-asws, and no one disputed with him-asws with regards to it for preceding him-asws to it similar to what was for him-asws, and its rightful one was Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws due to the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [33:6]; and the possessors of relationships some of them are closer to others in the Book of Allah. Thus, after Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, it would not come to be in anyone except in the posterity, and the posterity, and the posterity’.[338]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسين بن سعيد عن محمد بن سنان عن أبى سالم عن سودة بن كليب عن أبى بصير، عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” في قول الله عز وجل: (وجعلها كلمة باقية في عقبه) قال: في عقب الحسين ” ع ” فلما يزل هذا الامر منذ افضى إلى الحسين ينتقل من ولد إلى ولد لا يرجع إلى أخ ولاعم ولم يتم، يعلم احد منهم إلا وله ولد وان عبد الله خرج من الدنيا ولا ولد له ولم يمكث بين ظهراني أصحابه إلا شهرا.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Abu Saalim, from Sowda Bin Kaleyb, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [43:28] And He Made it a Word to continue in his posterity. He-asws said: ‘Abu Ja’far-asws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [43:28] And He Made it a Word to continue in his posterity, so he-asws said: ‘In the posterity of Al-Husayn-asws. So this matter will not cease to be in Al-Husayn-asws, from son-asws to son-asws, not going to a brother or an uncle, and not taking place from anyone among them-asws except a son-asws is Given to him-asws’. And that Abdullah (son of 6th Imam-asws) exited from the world and there was no son for him, and did not remain in the midst of his companions, except for a month’.[339]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان، عن الحسين بن سعيد عن القاسم بن محمد عن عبد الصمد بن بشير عن فضيل بن سكرة قال: دخلت على أبى عبد الله ” ع ” فقال يا فضيل أتدرى في أي شئ كنت أنظر قبل؟ فقلت لا، قال كنت أنظر في كتاب فاطمة عليها السلام فليس ملك يملك إلا وهو مكتوب باسمه واسم أبيه فما وجدت لولد الحسن فيه شيئا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Abdul Samad Bin Basheer, from Fazeyl Bin Sakra who said,

‘I came over to Abu Abdullah-asws, so he-asws said: ‘O Fazeyl! Do you know in which thing I-asws was looking into just before?’ So I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘I-asws was looking into a Book of (Syeda) Fatima-asws. So there is no king who would be ruling except that he is mentioned by his name and the name of his father, and I-asws did not find in it anything for the sons of Al-Hassan-asws’.[340]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن ابراهيم بن عمر اليماني، عن أبى الطفيل عن أبى جعفر ” ع ” قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لامير المؤمنين اكتب ما أملي عليك قال يا نبي الله أو تخاف علي النسيان فقال لست اخاف عليك النسيان وقد دعوت الله لك ان يحفظك ولا ينسيك ولكن اكتب لشركائك

My father said, ‘My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Ibrahim Bin Umar Al Yamani, from Abu Al Tufayl,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said that Rasool-Allah-saww said to Amir Al-Momineen-asws: ‘Write what I-saww dictate to you-asws’. He-asws said: ‘O Prophet-saww of Allah-azwj! Or are you-saww fearing the forgetfulness to me-asws?’ So he-saww said: ‘I-saww am not fearing the forgetfulness over you-asws, and I-saww have supplicated to Allah-azwj for you-asws that you-asws would memorise and will not forget, but write for your-asws associates’.

قال: فقلت ومن شركائي يا نبي الله؟ قال الائمة من ولدك بهم تسقى امتى الغيث وبهم يستجاب دعائهم وبهم يصرف الله عنهم البلاء وبهم تنزل الرحمة من السماء وهذا أولهم وأومى إلى الحسن ثم أومى بيده إلى الحسين ثم قال: الائمة من ولده.

He-asws said: ‘And who are my-asws associates, O Prophet-saww of Allah-azwj?’ He-saww said: ‘The Imams-asws from your-asws sons-asws, due to whom-asws my-saww community would quench itself from the rain, and due to them-asws their supplications would be Answered, and due to them-asws Allah-azwj would Exchange the afflictions, and due to them-asws the Mercy would descend from the sky, and this one is the first of them-asws’ – and he-saww gestured by his-saww hand towards Al-Husayn-asws, then said: ‘The Imams-asws from his-asws sons-asws’.[341]

ابى رحمه ا لله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن احمد عن علي ابن محمد عن القاسم بن محمد عن سلمان بن داود المنقر عن محمد بن يحيى عن الحسين الواسطي عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان عن ابى فاختة عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: لا تكون الامامة في اخوين بعد الحسن والحسين وهي جارية في الاعقاب في عقب الحسين عليه السلام.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ali Ibn Muhammad, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Suleyman Bin Dawood Al Manqar, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Al Husayn Al Wasity, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Abu Fakhta,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Imamate will not happen to be in two brothers after Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws, and it flows in the posterities in the posterity of Al-Husayn-asws’.[342]

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن عبد الله البرقي عن ابيه عن جده عن احمد ابن ابى عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن ابى يعقوب البلخى قال: سألت أبا الحسن الرضا ” ع ” قلت له لاي علة صارت الامامة في ولد الحسين دون ولد الحسن عليهما السلام؟ قال: لان الله عز وجل جعلها في ولد الحسين ولم يجعلها في ولد الحسن والله لا يسأل عما يفعل.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Barqy narrated to us, from his father, from his grandfather, from Ahmad Ibn Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Yaqoub Al Balkhy who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, saying to him-asws, ‘For which reason did the Imamate come to be in the sons-asws of Al-Husayn-asws besides the sons of Al-Hassan-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made it to be in the sons-asws of Al-Husayn-asws, and did not Make it to be in the sons of Al-Hassan-asws, and Allah-azwj cannot be questioned about what He-azwj Does’.[343]

حدثنا ابراهيم بن هارون الهاشمي قال: حدثنا محمد بن احمد بن ابى الثلج قال حدثنا عيسى بن مهران قال: حدثنا منذر الشراك قال حدثنا اسماعيل ابن عليه قال أخبرني اسلم بن ميسرة العجلى عن انس بن مالك عن معاذ بن جبل: ان رسول الله قال: ان الله عز وجل خلقني وعليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين قبل ان يخلق الدنيا بسبعة آلاف عام

Ibrahim Bin Haroun Al Hashimy narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Abu Al Salj, from Isa Bin Mahran, from Manzar Al Sharaak, from Ismail Ibn Aleyh,from Aslam Bin Maysara Al Ajaly, from Anas Bin Malik, from Ma’az Bin Jabal who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created me-saww, and Ali-asws, and Fatima-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws, seven thousand years before He-azwj Created the world’.

قلت فاين كنتم يارسول؟ قال: قدام العرش نسبح الله تعالى ونحمده ونقدسه ونمجده قلت: على أي مثال؟ قال اشباح نور حتى إذا أراد الله عز وجل ان يخلق صورنا صيرنا عمود نور ثم قذفنا في صلب آدم ثم أخرجنا إلى أصلاب الآباء وأرحام الامهات ولا يصيبنا نجس الشرك ولاسفاح الكفر يسعد بنا قوم ويشق بنا آخرون،

I said, ‘So where were you-asws all, O Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘In front of the Throne. We-asws were Glorifying Allah-azwj the High, and Praising Him-azwj, and Extolling His-azwj Holiness, and Cherishing Him-azwj’. I said, ‘Over which resemblances (were you-asws all)?’ He-saww said: ‘Resembling the Light, until when Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Intended to Created our-asws images (faces), Rendered us-asws as beams of Light. Then He-azwj Cast us-asws to be in the ‘صلب’ of Adam-as. Then He-azwj Extracted us-asws to the صلب of our-asws forefathers-as and the laps of our-asws mothers-as, and we-asws were neither hit by the filth of Polytheism, nor by the foolishness of the disbelief. And one group of people are happy due to us-asws, and another group of people are miserable due to us-asws.

فلما صيرنا إلى صلب عبد المطلب أخرج ذلك النور فشقه نصفين فجعل نصفه في عبد الله ونصفه في ابى طالب ثم أخرج النصف الذي لي إلى آمنة والنصف إلى فاطمة بنت أسد فاخرجتني آمنة واخرجت فاطمة عليا

So when we-asws went into the صلب of Abdul Muttalib-as, that Light came out and split into two pieces, so half of it went into Abdullah-as, and half of it went into Abu Talib-as. Then that half which was for me-saww went into Aamina-as, and the (other) half went into Fatima Bint Asad-as. So Aamina-as brought me-saww out, and Fatima-as brought Ali-asws out.

ثم أعاد عز وجل العمود إلي فخرجت منى فاطمة ثم أعاد عز وجل العمود إلى علي فخرج منه الحسن والحسين – يعنى من النصفين جميعا فما كان من نور علي فصار في ولد الحسن، وما كان من نوري صار في ولد الحسين فهو ينتقل في الائمة من ولده إلى يوم القيامة.

Then the Mighty and Majestic Repeated the beams to me, so Fatima-asws came out from me-saww. Then the Mighty and Majestic Repeated the beams to Ali-asws, so there came out from him-asws, Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws – meaning from all the halves together. So whatever was from the Light of Ali-asws, so it came to be in the sons of Al-Hassan-asws, and whatever was from my-saww Light came to be in the sons of Al-Husayn-asws. So it would be transferring in the Imams-asws from his-asws sons-asws up to the Day of Judgement’.[344]

(باب 157 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يسع الامة إلا معرفة الامام) (بعد النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ويسعهم أن لا يعرفوا الائمة الذين كانوا قبله)

Chapter 157 – The reason due to which there is no leeway for the community except for recognising the Imam-asws after the Prophet-saww, and they have the leeway not to recognise the Imams-as who are before him-saww

أخبرني علي بن حاتم رضى الله عنه فيما كتب إلي قال: أخبرني القاسم ابن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين قال حدثنا الحسين بن الوليد عن ابن بكير عن حنان بن سدير قال: قلت لابي عبد الله لاي علة لم يسعنا إلا أن نعرف كل إمام بعد النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ويسعناان لا نعرف كل إمام قبل النبي صلى الله عليه وآله؟ قال لاختلاف الشرايع

Ali Bin Hatim infromed me with regards to what he wrote to me, from Al Qasim Ibn Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason we have not been given the leeway except that we should recognise every Imam-asws after the Prophet-saww, and we have been given the leeway not to recognise every Imam-as who was before the Prophet-saww?’ He-asws said: ‘Due to the differing in the Laws’.[345]


(باب 158 – العلة التى من أجلها سار أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” بالمن) (والكف ويسير القائم بالبسط والسبي)

Chapter 158 – The reason due to which Amir Al Momineen-asws was dealing with the favours and the restraint and Al Qaim-asws would be dealing with the unleashed hand and the captivating (taking prisoners)

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن الحسن بن هارون قال كنت عند ابى عبد الله ” ع ” جالسا فسأله المعلى بن خنيس أيسير القائم بخلاف سيرة أمير المؤمنين فقال نعم وذلك ان عليا ” ع ” سار فيهم بالمن والكف لانه علم ان شيعته سيظهر عليهم عدوهم من بعده وان القائم ” ع ” إذا قام سار فيهم بالبسط والسبي وذلك انه يعلم ان شيعته لن يظهر عليهم من بعده ابدا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Sa’alba Bin Maymoun, from Al Hassan Bin Haroun who said,

‘I was seated in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws, so Moala Bin Khunays asked him-asws, ‘Would Al-Qaim-asws be dealing in a way differently to Amir Al-Momineen-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes’, and that is Ali-asws dealt among them with the favours and the restraint, because he-asws knew that his-asws Shias would be overcome by their enemies from after him-asws, and that Al-Qaim-asws, when he-asws arises, would deal with them with the unleashed hand and the taking of prisoners, and that is because he-asws would know that his-asws Shias would not be overcome (by their enemies) from after him-asws, ever’.[346]

(باب 159 – العلة التى من أجلها صالح الحسن بن على صلوات الله عليه) (معاوية بن أبى سفيان وداهنه ولم يجاهده)

Chapter 159 – The reason due to which Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws reconciled with Muawiya Bin Abu Sufyan and did not fight against him

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله عن ابن فضال عن ثعلبة عن عمر بن أبى نصر عن سدير قال: قال أبو جعفر ” ع ” ومعنا ابني، يا سدير اذكر لنا أمرك الذي أنت عليه فان كان فيه اغراق كففناك عنه وان كان مقصرا ارشدناك قال فذهبت ان اتكلم فقال أبو جعفر ” ع ” امسك حتى اكفيك ان العلم الذي وضع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عند علي ” ع ” من عرفه كان مؤمنا ومن جحده كان كافرا، ثم كان من بعده الحسن ” ع ”

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ibn Fazaal, from Sa’alba, from Umar Bin Abu Nasr, from Sudeyr who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said, and with us was my son: ‘O Sudeyr! Mention to us-asws your matter (belief) which you are upon. So if there is drowning in it, I-asws will restrain you, and if you were deficient, I-asws will Guide you’. He said, ‘I went on to speak, so Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘Hold on, until I-asws suffice you with the Knowledge which Rasool-Allah-saww placed in the presence of Ali-asws. The one who recognised it would be a Believer, and one who fights against it would be a disbeliever. Then after him-asws was Al-Hassan-asws’.

قلت: كيف يكون بذلك المنزلة وقد كان منه ماكان دفعها إلى معاوية؟ فقال: اسكت فانه أعلم بما صنع لولا ما صنع لكان أمر عظيم.

I said, ‘How can there be a status due to that, and what had been from him-asws whatever it was, he-asws handed it over to Muawiya?’ So he-asws said: ‘Silence! He-asws knew full well with what he-asws was doing, and had he-asws not done that, it would have been a grievous matter (situation)’.[347]

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Dawood Al Daqaq, from Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Lays, from Muhammad Bin Hameed, from Yahya Bin Abu Bakeyr, from Abu Al A’ala Al Khafaf, from Abu Ssaeed Aqeysa who said,

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن داود الدقاق قال حدثنا الحسن بن احمد بن الليث قال: حدثنا محمد بن حميد قال حدثنا يحيى بن ابى بكير قال: حدثنا أبو العلا الخفاف، عن ابى سعيد عقيصا قال قلت للحسن بن علي بن ابى طالب يابن رسول الله لم داهنت معاوية وصالحته وقد علمت ان الحق لك دونه وان معاوية ضال باغ؟ فقال: يا أبا سعيد ألست حجة الله تعالى ذكره على خلقه وإماما عليهم ابى ” ع “؟ قلت بلى قال: ألست الذي قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لي ولاخى الحسن والحسين إمامان قاما أو قعدا؟ قلت بلى قال فانا إذن إمام لو قمت وأنا إمام إذ لو قعدت،

‘I said to Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Why did you-asws discuss with Muawiya and reconciled with him, and you-asws had know that the right (of the Caliphate) is for you-asws, beside him, and that Muawiya was erroneous and a rebel?’ So he-asws said: ‘O Abu Saeed! Was my-asws father-asws not a Proof of Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, over His-azwj Creatures, and an Imam-asws over them?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘Am I-asws not the one for whom Rasool-Allah-saww to me-asws and to my-asws brother-asws: ‘Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws are two Imams-asws, be they arisen or seated?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘So then, I-asws am an Imam-asws, whether I-asws arise (by the sword) and I-asws am an Imam-asws, if I-asws were to be seated (and not raise the sword).

يا أبا سعيد علة مصالحتي لمعاوية علة مصالحة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لبني ضمرة وبني اشجع ولاهل مكة حين انصرف من الحديبية أولئك كفار بالتنزيل ومعاوية وأصحابه كفار بالتأويل،

O Abu Saeed! The reason for my-asws reconciliation with Muawiya was the (same) reason for the reconciliation of Rasool-Allah-saww with the Clan of Zamra and the Clan of Ashja’a, and the people of Makkah, when he-saww turned back from Al-Hudaybiyya. Those (people) were disbeliever in the Revelation, and Muawiya and his companions are disbelievers in the explanation (of it).

يا أبا سعيد إذا كنت إماما من قبل الله تعالى ذكره لم يجب ان يسفه رأيى فيما أتيته من مهادنة أو محاربة وان كان وجه الحكمة فيما أتيته ملتبسا ألا ترى الخضر ” ع ” لما خرق السفينة وقتل الغلام وأقام الجدار سخط موسى ” ع ” فعله لاشتباه وجه الحكمة عليه حتى أخبره فرضى هكذا أنا، سخطتم علي بجهلكم بوجه الحكمة فيه ولولا ما أتيت لما ترك من شيعتنا على وجه الارض أحد إلا قتل.

O Abu Saeed! Since I-asws am an Imam-asws from Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, then there is no foolishness involved whether I-asws approach it with a truce or war, and it was with the aspect of wisdom in what I-asws approached it with, (which appeared to be) confusing (to you). Have you not see Al-Khizr-as when he-as made a hole in the ship, and killed the boy, and straightened the wall, Musa-as was angered, for the aspect of wisdom appeared confusing to him-as until he (Al-Khizr-as) informed him-as, so he (Musa-as) was pleased with it.

This is how I-asws am. They are angry with me-asws due to their ignorance of the aspect of the wisdom in it, and had I-asws not approached it the way I-asws did, not one of our-asws Shias would have been left on the face of the earth, except that he would have been killed.[348]

(باب 161 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يدفن الحسن بن على بن) (أبى طالب ” ع ” مع رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله)

Chapter 161 – The reason due to which Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws was not buried alongside Rasool-Allah-saww

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن ابن أبان، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن النضر بن سويد، عن هشام بن سالم، عن سليمان بن خالد، عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الحسين بن علي ” ع ” أراد ان يدفن الحسن بن علي عليهما السلام مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وجمع جمعا فقال رجل سمع الحسن بن علي ” ع ” يقول: قول للحسن ألا يهرق في دما لولا ذلك مانتهى الحسين ” ع ” حتى يدفنه مع رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله).

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Ibn Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Hisham Bin Saalim, from Suleyman Bin Khalid,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws intended to bury Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws alongside Rasool-Allah-saww, and a group (in opposition) gathered. So a man said, ‘I heard Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws saying: ‘Say to Al-Husayn-asws not to spill blood with regards to me-asws’. Had it not been for that, we would not have prevented Al-Husayn-asws until he (Al-Hassan-asws) would have been buried alongside Rasool-Allah-saww’.

وقال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” أول إمرأة ركبت البغل بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عائشة جاءت إلى المسجد فمنعت ان يدفن الحسن بن علي مع رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله).

Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The first woman to ride the mule after Rasool-Allah-saww was Ayesha. She came to the Masjid and prevented the burial of Al-Hassan Bin Ali-asws alongside Rasool-Allah-saww’.[349]

(باب 162 – العلة التى من أجلها صار يوم عاشوراء أعظم الايام مصيبة)

Chapter 162 – The reason due to which the day of Ashura came to be the day of the greatest difficulties

Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Bashaar Al Qazwimy narrated to us, from Abu Al Faraj Al Muzaffar Bin Ahmad Al Qazwiny, from Muhammad Bin Ja’far Al Kufy Al Asady, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Admy, from Suleyman Bin Abdullah Al Khazaz Al Kufy, from Abdullah Bin Al Fazal Al Hashmy who said,

حدثنا محمد بن علي بن بشار القزويني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا ابو الفرج المظفر بن احمد القزويني قال: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر الكوفي الاسدي قال: حدثنا سهل بن زياد الآدمى قال: حدثنا سليمان بن عبد الله الخزاز الكوفي قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن الفضل الهاشمي قال: قلت لابي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد الصادق ” ع ” يابن رسول الله كيف صار يوم عاشوراء يوم مصيبة وغم وجزع وبكاء دون اليوم الذي قبض منه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله واليوم الذي ماتت فيه فاطمة عليها السلام واليوم الذي قتل فيه أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” واليوم الذي قتل فيه الحسن ” ع ” بالسم؟

‘I said to Abu Abdullah Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad Al-Sadiq-asws: ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! How did the day of Ashura come to be a day of difficulties, and gloom, and distress, and wailing, besides the day in which Rasool-Allah-saww passed away, and the day in which Fatima-asws passed away, and the day in which Amir Al-Momineen-asws was murdered, and the day in which Al-Hassan-asws was murdered by the poison?’

فقال: ان يوم الحسين” ع ” أعظم مصيبة من جميع سائر الايام، وذلك ان أصحاب الكساء الذي كانوا أكرم الخلق على الله تعالى كانوا خمسة فلما مضى عنهم النبي صلى الله عليه وآله بقى أمير المؤمنين وفاطمة والحسن والحسين عليهم السلام فكان فيهم للناس عزاء وسلوة

So he-asws said: ‘The day of Al-Husayn-asws was the day of the greatest difficulties from the entirety of the days, and that is that the Companions of the Cloak (As’haab Al-Kisaa) were the most prestigious of the creatures to Allah-azwj the High, and they-asws were five of them. So when the Prophet-saww passed away from among them-asws, there remained Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and Fatima-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws. So there was among them, for the people was a condolence and a comfort.

فلما مضت فاطمة عليها السلام كان في أمير المؤمنين والحسن والحسين للناس عزاء وسلوة فلما مضى منهم أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” كان للناس في الحسن والحسين عزاء وسلوة فلما مضى الحسن ” ع ” كان للناس في الحسين ” ع ” عزاء وسلوة، فلما قتل الحسين ” ع ” لم يكن بقى من أهل الكساء أحد للناس فيه بعده عزاء وسلوة فكان ذهابه كذهاب جميعهم كما كان بقاؤه كبقاء جميعهم فلذلك صار يومه أعظم مصيبة.

So when Fatima-asws passed away, in Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws there used to be condolence and comfort for the people. So when Amir Al-Momineen-asws passed away, in Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws, there used to be condolence and comfort for the people. So when Al-Hassan-asws passed away, there used to be for the people, in Al-Husayn-asws, a condolence and comfort for the people. So when Al-Husayn-asws was killed, there did not remain anyone from the Companions of the Cloak for the people, to be a condolence and comfort for the people. So, his-asws going away was like the going away of all of them-asws, and his-asws remaining was like the remaining of all of them-asws. Thus, it is due to that, his-asws day became the day of the greatest difficulties’.

قال عبد الله بن الفضل الهاشمي: فقلت له يابن رسول الله فلم لم يكن للناس في علي بن الحسين عزاء وسلوة مثل ما كان لهم في آبائه عليهم السلام؟ فقال بلى ان علي بن الحسين كان سيد العابدين وإماما وحجة على الخلق بعد آبائه الماضين ولكنه لم يلق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ولم يسمع منه وكان علمه وراثة عن ابيه عن جده عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله

Abdullah Al-fazal Al-Hashimy said, ‘So I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So did not there become a condolence and comfort in Ali-asws Bin Al-Husyan-asws, the like of what was for them in his-asws forefathers-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes, Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws was the Chief of the worshippers, and an Imam-asws, and a Proof-asws over the creatures after his-asws past forefathers-asws, but he-asws did not meet Rasool-Allah-saww, and did not hear from him-saww, and his-asws Knowledge and inheritance was from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws, from the Prophet-saww.

وكان أمير المؤمنين وفاطمة والحسن والحسين عليهم السلام قد شاهدهم الناس مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في أحوال في آن يتوالى فكانوا متى نظروا إلى أحد منهم تذكروا حاله مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وقول رسول الله له وفيه، فلما مضوا فقد الناس مشاهدة الاكرمين على الله عز وجل ولم يكن في أحد منهم فقد جميعهم إلا في فقد الحسين ” ع ” لانه مضى آخرهم فلذلك صار يومه أعظم الايام مصيبة.

And Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and Fatima-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws, the people had seen them-asws with Rasool-Allah-saww in various situations in a steady stream. So whenever they used to look at any one of them-asws, they would remember his-asws state with Rasool-Allah-saww, and the words of Rasool-Allah-saww for him-asws and with regards to him-saww.

So when they passed, the people lost the witnessing the most prestigious ones-asws to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and losing one of them-asws did not amount to losing all of them-asws except in the case of losing Al-Husayn-asws because he-asws passed away at the end of them. Thus, it is due to that, his-asws day became the day of the greatest difficulties’.

قال عبد الله بن الفضل الهاشمي: فقلت له يابن رسول الله فكيف سمت العامة يوم عاشوراء، يوم بركة فبكى ” ع ” ثم قال: لما قتل الحسين ” ع ” تقرب الناس بالشام إلى يزيد فوضعوا له الاخبار وأخذوا عليه الجوائز من الاموال فكان مما وضعوا له أمر هذا اليوم وانه يوم بركة ليعدل الناس فيه من الجزع والبكاء والمصيبة والحزن إلى الفرح والسرور والتبرك والاستعداد فيه حكم الله مما بيننا وبينهم

Abdullah Bin Al Fazal Al-Hashimy said, ‘So I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So how come the general Muslims call the day of Ashura as a day of Blessing?’ So he-asws wept, then said: ‘When Al-Husayn-asws was killed, the people tried to get closer to Yazeed -la and placed the news (whatever was pleasing to him-la), and took parts of the wealth from him-la. So, from whatever they placed to him-la was the matter of this day that is a day of Blessing so that the people, instead of being distress, and weeping, and difficulties, and the grief, would take to happiness, and the cheerfulness, and the exchanging of gifts, and celebrating it as a festival (Eid). Allah-azwj will Judge between us-asws and them’.

قال: ثم قال ” ع ” يابن عم وان ذلك لاقل ضررا على الاسلام واهله وضعه قوم انتحلوا مودتنا وزعموا أنهم يدينون بموالاتنا ويقولون بامامتنا زعموا ان الحسين ” ع ” لم يقتل وانه شبه للناس أمره كعيسى بن مريم فلا لائمة اذن على بنى امية ولا عتب على زعمهم،

He (the narrator) said, ‘Then he-asws said: ‘O cousin! And that was the least harmful to Al-Islam and its people, but the people who assumed our-asws cordiality, and assumed that they are actually making a Religion by our-asws Wilayah and are speaking with our-asws Imamate, (began) claiming that Al-Husayn-asws was not killed and that it just appeared to be so to the people, and that his-asws matter was like that of Isa-as Bin Mayram-as. So now there is no authorisation for the Imams-asws against the Clan of Umayya, nor any blame upon them, upon what they-asws were claiming.

يابن عم من زعم ان الحسين ” ع ” لم يقتل فقد كذب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وعليا وكذب من بعده الائمة عليهم السلام في أخبارهم بقتله، ومن كذبهم فهو كافر بالله العظيم ودمه مباح لكل من سمع ذلك منه.

O cousin! The one who claims that Al-Husayn-asws was not killed, so he has belied Rasool-Allah-saww, and Ali-asws, and belied the ones after him-asws from the Imams-asws, in their news of him-asws being killed. And the one who belies them-asws, so he is a disbeliever in Allah-azwj the Magnificent, and his blood is Permissible (to be shed) for everyone who hears than from him’.

قال عبد الله بن الفضل: فقلت له يابن رسول الله فما تقول في قوم من شيعتك يقولون به؟ فقال ” ع ” ما هؤلاء من شيعتي وانى برئ منهم (كذاوكذا وكذا وكذا إبطال القرآن والجنة والنار)

Abdullah Bin Al-Fazal said, ‘So I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So what are you saying regarding a people from your-asws Shias who are speaking by it?’ So he-asws said: ‘They are not from my-asws Shias, and I-asws am away from them. Such, and such, and such, and such invalidates the Quran, and the Paradise, and the Fire’.

قال: فقلت فقول الله تعالى (ولقد علمتم الذين اعتدوا منكم في السبت فقلنا لهم كونوا قردة خاسئين) قال: ان اولئك مسخوا ثلاثة ايام ثم ماتوا ولم يتناسلوا، وان القردة اليوم مثل أولئك، وكذلك الخنازير وساير المسوخ، ما وجد منها اليوم من شئ فهو مثله لا يحل ان يؤكل لحمه.

He (the narrator) said, ‘So I said, ‘(What about) The words of Allah-azwj the High [2:65] And you have known those among you who exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, so We Said to them: Become apes, despised?’ They were metamorphosed for three days, then died, and did not produce offspring, and that the monkeys today are similar to those ones, and such is the case of the pigs and the rest of the metamorphosed ones. Nothing can be found from these. Since they are similar to it, it is not Permissible to eat their flesh’.

ثم قال ” ع “: لعن الله الغلاة والمفوضة فانهم صغروا عصيان الله وكفروا به وأشركوا وضلواو أضلوا قرار من إقامة الفرايض واداء الحقوق.

Then he-asws said: ‘May Allah-azwj Curse the exaggerators (Ghulaat) and the ‘Mufawwiza’ (Believers in delegation of Authority), for they have belittled the disobedience to Allah-azwj and have disbelieved in it, and they have associated, and strayed and have strayed others from establishing the Obligations and fulfilment of the rights’.[350]

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسحاق قال: اخبرنا احمد بن محمد الهمداني عن علي بن الحسن بن فضال، عن ابيه، عن أبى الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا ” ع ” قال: من ترك السعي في حوايجه يوم عاشوراء قضى الله له حوايج الدنيا والآخرة ومن كان يوم عاشوراء يوم مصيبته وحزنه وبكائه يجعل الله عز وجل يوم القيامة يوم فرحه وسروره وقرت بنا في الجنان عينه، ومن سمى يوم عاشوراء يوم بركة وادخر لمنزله شيئا لم يبارك له فيما ادخر وحشر يوم القيامة مع يزيد وعبيدالله ابن زياد وعمر بن سعد (لعنهم الله) إلى اسفل درك من النار.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Hamdany, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Fazal, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws having said: ‘The one who abstains the running around with regard to his needs on the day of Ashura, Allah-azwj would Fulfil his needs of the world and the Hereafter. And the one for whom the day of Ashura was a day of his difficulties, and his grief, and his crying, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Make the Day of Judgement for him as a day of his happiness, and his joy, and would Delight his eyes in the Gardens. And the one who call the day of Ashura as a day of Blessing, and stashes something for his house, Allah-azwj would not Bless it for him with regards to what he had stashed away, and he would be Resurrected on the Day of Judgement along with Yazeed-la, and Ubeydullah Ibn Ziyad-la, and Umar Bin Sa’ad-la (may Allah-azwj Curse them-la) to the lowest Level from the Fire’.[351]

(باب 163 – علة إقدام أصحاب الحسين ” ع ” على القتل)

Chapter 163 – The reason for the proceeding of the companions of Al Husayn-asws towards the killing

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسحاق رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد العزيز ابن يحيى الجلودي قال: حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهري قال حدثنا جعفر بن محمد ابن عمارة عن أبيه عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قلت له اخبرني عن أصحاب الحسين ” ع ” واقدامهم على الموت فقال انهم كشف لهم الغطاء حتى رأوا منازلهم من الجنة فكان الرجل منهم يقدم على القتل ليبادر إلى حوراء يعانقها والى مكانه من الجنة.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq narrated to us, from Abdul Aziz Ibn Yahya Al Jaloudy, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhry, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Ibn Amara, from his father,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Inform me about the companions of Al-Husayn-asws, and their proceeding to the death’. So he-asws said: ‘The covering was removed from them to the extent that they saw their houses in the Paradise. So the man from among them used to proceed towards the killing to hasten to the Houries and embracing them, and to his place in the Paradise’.[352]

(باب 164 – العلة التى من أجلها يقتل القائم ” ع ” ذرارى قتلة) (الحسين عليه السلام بفعال آبائها)

Chapter 164 – The reason due to which Al Qaim-asws would kill the offspring of the ones who killed Al Husayn-asws due to the actions of their forefathers

حدثنا احمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن ابراهيم، عن ابيه عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروي قال: قلت لابي الحسن علي ابن موسى الرضا ” ع ” يابن رسول الله ما تقول في حديث روي عن الصادق ” ع ” انه قال: إذا خرج القائم قتل ذرارى قتلة الحسين ” ع ” بفعال آبائها فقال ” ع ” هو كذلك

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Ibn Ibrahim, from his father, from Abdul Salaam Bin Salih Al Harawy who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, ‘What are you-asws saying regarding a Hadeeth being reported from Al-Sadiq-asws that when Al-Qaim-asws rises, he-asws would kill the offspring of those who killed Al-Husayn-asws for the deeds of their forefathers?’ So he-asws said: ‘It is like that’.

فقلت فقول الله عز وجل (ولا تزر وازرة وزر أخرى) ما معناه؟ فقال صدق الله في جميع أقواله لكن ذرارى قتلة الحسين يرضون أفعال آبائهم ويفتخرون بها ومن رضى شيئا كان كمن أتاه ولو أن رجلا قتل في المشرق فرضي بقتله رجل في المغرب لكان الراضي عند الله شريك القاتل وانما يقتلهم القايم إذا خرج لرضاهم بفعل آبائهم،

So, I said, ‘And the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [17:15] nor can the bearer of a burden bears the burden of another, what is its Meaning?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj is Truthful in all of His-azwj Words, but the offspring of those who killed Al-Husayn-asws would be pleased with the actions of their forefathers and would be priding over it. And the one who is pleased with anything is like the one who has come to it (done it). And even if a man is killed in the east, and a man is pleased with his killing in the west, in the Presence of Allah-azwj he is associated with the killing. But rather, Al-Qaim-asws would be killing them when he-asws rises, due to them being pleased with the actions of their forefathers’.

قال: قلت له بأى شئ يبدء القايم فيهم إذا قام؟ قال يبدأ ببنى شيبة ويقطع ايديهم لانهم سراق بيت الله عزوجل.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘By which thing would Al-Qaim-asws begin among them when he-asws arises?’ He-asws said: ‘He-asws would begin by the Clan of Shayba and cut off their hands, because they are thieves of the House of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[353]

(باب 165 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى على بن الحسين زين العابدين)

Chapter 165 – The reason due to which Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws is called ‘Zayn Al Abideen’ (Adornment of the worshippers)

حدثنا عبد الله بن النضر بن سمعان التميمي الخرقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم جعفر بن محمد المكى قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن عبد الله بن محمد بن عمر الاطروش الحرانى قال: حدثنا صالح بن زياد أبو سعيد الشونى قال: حدثنا ابو عثمان عبد الله بن ميمون السكري قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن معن الاودي قال: حدثنا عمران بن سليم قال: كان الزهري إذا حدث عن علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام قال حدثني زين العابدين علي بن الحسين، فقال له سفيان بن عيينة: ولم تقول له زين العابدين؟ قال: لانى سمعت سعيد بن المسيب يحدث عن ابن عباس، ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: إذا كان يوم القيامة ينادي مناد أين زين العابدين فكأني انظر إلى ولدي علي بن الحسين بن علي بن ابى طالب يخطو بين الصفوف.

Abdullah Bin Al Nazar Bin Sam’an Al Tameemy Al Kharqany, from Abu Al Qasim Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al Makky, from Abu Al Hassan Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Umar Al Taroush Al harany, from Salih Bin Ziyad Abu Saeed Al Shouny, from Abu Usman Abdullah Bin Manmoun Al Sakry, from Abdullah Bin Ma’an Al Awdy, from Imran Bin Saleym, said,

‘When Al-Zuhry narrated from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, said, ‘Zayn Al-Abideen Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws narrated to me’. So, Sufyan Bin Ayayna said to him, ‘And why are you saying ‘Zayn Al-Abideen’?’ He said, ‘I heard Saeed Bin Al-Musayyab narrating from Ibn Abbas, that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When it would be the Day of Judgement, a Caller would Call out: ‘Where is Zayn Al-Abideen?’ So it is as if I-saww am looking at my-saww son Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws stepping (forward) in between the rows’.[354]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري قال: حدثني العباس ابن معروف عن محمد بن سهل الحرانى، عن بعض أصحابنا عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ينادي مناد يوم القيامة أين زين العابدين فكأني انظر إلى علي بن الحسين ” ع ” يخطو بين الصفوف.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin yahya Bin Imran Al Ash’ary, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Muhammad Bin Sahl Al Harany, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘A Caller would Call out on the Day of Judgement: ‘Where is Zayn Al-Abideen?’ So it is as if I-asws am looking at Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws stepping (forwards) between the rows’.[355]

وبهذا الاسناد عن سفيان بن عيينة قال: رأى الزهري علي بن الحسين ليلة باردة مطيرة وعلى ظهره دقيق وحطب وهو يمشي فقال له يابن رسول الله ماهذا؟ قال: اريد سفرا أعد له زادا أحمله إلى موضع حريز فقال الزهري: فهدا غلامي يحمله عنك فأبى، قال انا احمله عنك فأني ارفعك عن حمله فقال علي بن الحسين لكنى لا أرفع نفسي عما ينجيني في سفري ويحسن ورودي على ما أرد عليه اسألك بحق الله لما مضيت لحاجتك وتركتني،

And by this chain, from Sufyan Bin Ayayna who said,

‘Al-Zuhry saw Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws on a cold and rainy night, and upon his-asws back was some flour and firewood, and he-asws was walking. So he said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! What is this?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws intend for a journey and am preparing provisions for it. I-asws am carrying it to a safe place’. So Al-Zuhry said, ‘So this is my slave, he would carry it for you-asws’. But he-asws refused. So he said, ‘I will carry it from you-asws, for I am more appropriate than you-asws for carrying it’. So Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws said: ‘But I-asws do not consider myself-asws higher from what would save me-asws in my-asws journey, and that my-asws return should be good upon what I-asws am intending for. I-asws ask you for the Sake of Allah-azwj, go and fulfil your need and leave me-asws’.

فانصرفت عنه فلما كان بعد أيام قلت له: يابن رسول الله لست أرى لذلك السفر الذي ذكرته أثرا، قال بلى يا زهري ليس ما ظننته ولكنه الموت وله كنت استعد، إنما الاستعداد للموت تجنب الحرام وبذل الندى والخير.

So he left from him-asws. So when it was a few days later, he said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! I did not see you-asws go on that journey which you-asws had previously mentioned?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, O Zuhry! It is not what you are thinking of, but it is the death, and it is for it that I-asws was preparing. But rather, the preparation for the death is to stay away from the Prohibition, and stay on the generosity, and the goodness’.[356]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد (رض) قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن علي بن اسماعيل، عن محمد بن عمر عن ابيه، عن علي بن المغيرة عن ابان بن تغلب قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” إنى رأيت علي بن الحسين ” ع ” إذا قام في الصلاة غشى لونه لون آخر: فقال لي والله ان علي بن الحسين كان يعرف الذي يقوم بين يديه.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Ismail, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from his father, from Ali Bin Al Mugheira, from Abab Bin Taghlub who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I saw Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws when he-asws stood for the Prayer, his-asws colour was overcome by another colour’, so he-asws said to me: ‘By Allah-azwj! Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws used to recognise the One in front of Whom he-asws was standing for’.[357]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن حماد بن عيسى قال: حدثني بعض أصحابنا، عن ابى حمزة الثمالى قال: رأيت علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام يصلى فسقط رداؤه عن احد منكبيه قال: فلم يسوه حتى فرغ من صلاته قال: فسألته عن ذلك فقال ويحك أتدرى بين يدي من كنت ان العبد لا يقبل من صلاته إلا ما أقبل عليه منها بقلبه

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from one of our companions, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘I saw Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Praying, so his-asws cloak fell off from one of his-asws shoulder, so he-asws did not straighten it until he-asws was free from his-asws Prayer. So, I asked him-asws about that, so he-asws said: ‘Woe be unto you! Do you know in front of Whom I-asws was? Nothing is Acceptable from the Prayer of a servant except for what he performs from it by his heart’.

وكان علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام ليخرج في الليلة الظلماء فيحمل الجراب فيه الصرر من الدنانير والدراهم حتى يأتي بابا بابا فيقرعه ثم يناول من يخرج إليه فلما مات علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام فقدوا ذلك فعلموا أن علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام الذي كان يفعل ذلك.

And Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws used to go out in the darkness of the night, so he-asws would carry the bags of Dinaar and Dirhams until he-asws would come to a door after a door and know upon it. So the one who would come out to him-asws would take it. So, when Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws passed away, that was lost, and they came to know that it was Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws who used to do that’.[358]

(باب 166 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى علي بن الحسين ” ع ” السجاد)

Chapter 166 – The reason due to which Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws was named as ‘Al-Sajaad’ (The Prostrating one)

حدثنا محمد بن محمد بن عصام الكليني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب الكليني رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن الحسني وعلي بن محمد ابن عبد الله جميعا عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق الاحمر، عن عبد الرحمان بن عبد الله الخزاعى عن نصر بن مزاحم المنقري، عن عمرو بن شمر، عن جابر بن يزيد الجعفي قال: قال أبو جعفر محمد بن الباقر ” ع ” ان ابى علي بن الحسسين ” ع ” ما ذكر نعمة الله عليه إلا سجد، ولاقرأ آية من كتاب الله عز وجل وفيها سجود إلا سجد ولادفع الله تعالى عنه سوء يخشاه أو كيد كايد إلا سجد، ولافرغ من صلاة مفروضة إلا سجد، ولاوفق لاصلاح بين اثنين إلا سجد، وكان اثر السجود فجميع مواضع سجوده فسمى السجاد لذلك.

Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Asaam Al Kulayni narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub Al Kulayni, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Al Hasany and Ali Bin Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, together from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Ahmar, from Abdul Rahma Bin Abdullah Al Khazai’e, from Nasr Bin Mazaham Al Manqary, from umaro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed Al Ju’fy who said,

‘Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali Al-Baqir-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws would not remember a Bounty of Allah-azwj except that he-asws would Prostrate, nor read a Verse from the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and in it would be Prostration, except that he-asws would Prostrate, nor would Allah-azwj Repel an evil from him-asws which he-asws feared, or a plot of a plotter, except that he-asws would Prostrate, nor being free from an Obligatory Prayer, except that he-asws would Prostrate, nor effect reconciliation between two (persons), except that he-asws would Prostrate. And the effects of the Prostrations were on all of his-asws places (body parts) of Prostrations. Thus, he-asws was named as ‘Sajaad’ due to that’.[359]

(باب 167 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى علي بن الحسين ” ع ” ذا الثفنات)

Chapter 167 – The reason due to which Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws was named as ‘Zul-Safanaat’ (One with Callusses)

حدثنا محمد بن محمد بن عصام الكليني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب الكليني قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد عن أبى علي محمد بن اسماعيل بن موسى بن جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن ابى طالب عن ابيه، عن آبائه عن محمد بن علي الباقر ” ع ” قال كان لابي ” ع ” في موضع سجوده آثار ناتية وكان يقطعها في السنة مرتين في كل مرة خمس ثفنات، فسمي ذا الثفنات لذلك.

Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Asaam Al Kulayni narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub Al Kulayni, from Ali Bin Muhammad,

from Abu Ali Muhammad Bin Ismail son of Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Muhammad-asws Bin Ali Al-Baqir-asws having said: ‘There used to be for my-asws father-asws, in a place of his-asws Prostrations (forehead), effects of swelling, and he-asws used to have it cut off twice during the year, in each time, five calluses. Thus, he-asws was named as ‘Zul-Safanaat’ due to that’.[360]

(باب 168 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى أبو جعفر محمد بن على ” ع ” الباقر)

Chapter 168 – The reason due to which Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws was named as ‘Al-Baqir’ (The Expounder)

حدثنا أبو العباس محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد العزيز بن يحيى البصري بالبصرة قال حدثنى المغيرة بن محمد قال حدثنا رجاء بن سلمة عن عمرو بن شمر قال: سألت جابر بن يزيد الجعفي فقلت له لم سمي الباقر باقرا؟ قال: لانه بقر العلم بقرا – أي شقه شقا واظهره إظهارا

Abu Al Abbas Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya Al Basry at Al basra, from Al Mugheira Bin Muhammad ,from Raja’a Bin Salma,

(It has been narrated) from Amro Bin Shimr who said, ‘I asked Jabir Bin Yazeed Al-Ju’fy, so I said to him, ‘Why was Al-Baqir-asws named as ‘Baqir’?’ He said, ‘Because he-asws expounded the Knowledge with an expansion – i.e. he-asws cleft it asunder with a cleaving, and manifested it with a manifestation.

ولقد حدثنى جابر بن عبد الله الانصاري انه سمع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول: يا جابر إنك ستبقى حتى تلقى ولدي محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن ابى طالب المعروف في التوراة بباقر فإذا لقيته فاقرأه منى السلام، فلقيه جابر بن عبد الله الانصاري في بعض سكك المدينة فقال له يا غلام من أنت؟ قال: انا محمد بن علي بن الحسين ابن علي بن ابى طالب،

An Jabir Bin Abdullah Al Ansary had narrated to me that he had heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘O Jabir! You will be remaining until you meet my-saww son Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, well known in the Torah as ‘Baqir’. So when you meet him-asws, convey the greetings from me-saww. So Jabir Bin Abdullah Al-Ansary met him-asws in one of the markets of Al-Medina, so he said to him-asws, ‘O boy! Who are you?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws am Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Ibn Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws’.

قال له جابر يا بني إقبل فاقبل ثم قال له ادبر فادبر، فقال: شمائل رسول الله ورب الكعبة، ثم قال يا بنى رسول الله يقرؤك السلام فقال على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله السلام مادامت السماوات والارض وعليك يا جابر بما بلغت السلام

Jabir said to him-asws, ‘O my son! Face me’. So he-asws faced him. Then he said, ‘Turn around!’ So he-asws turned around. So he said, ‘By the Lord-azwj of the Kabah! You resemble Rasool-Allah-saww’. Then he said, ‘O my son! Rasool-Allah-saww sent the greetings to you-asws’. So he-asws said: ‘The greetings be upon Rasool-Allah-saww for as long as the skies and the earth exist, and upon you O Jabir, due to your delivery of the greetings’.

فقال له جابر يا باقر أنت الباقر حقا أنت الذي تبقر العلم بقرا ثم كان جابر يأتيه فيجلس بين يديه فيعلمه وربما غلط جابر فيما يحدث به عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فيرد عليه ويذكره فيقبل ذلك منه ويرجع إلى قوله وكان يقول يا باقر يا باقر يا باقر أشهد بالله إنك قد أوتيت الحكم صبيا.

Jabir said to him-asws, ‘O Baqir-asws! You-asws are truly Al-Baqir-asws who would be expounding the Knowledge with an expansion’. Then Jabir used to come to him-asws, and he would be seated in front of him-asws, so he would let him-asws know (Ahadeeth), and wherever Jabir used to get it wrong with regards to what he had narrated with from Rasool-Allah-saww, so he-asws would repudiate it back to him, and he-asws would remind him, so he would accept that from him-asws, and he would return to his-asws words, and he used to be saying, ‘O Baqir! O Baqir! O Baqir! I testify by Allah-azwj that you-asws have been Given the Wisdom whilst a child’.[361]

(169 – العلة التى من أجلها سمى أبو عبد الله جعفر بن محمد) (عليهما السلام: الصادق)

Chapter 169 – The reason due to which Abu Abdullah Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws was named as ‘Al-Sadiq’ (The Truthful)

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن هارون الصوفى قال: حدثنا أبو بكر عبيدالله بن موسى الحبال الطبري قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسين الخشاب قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحصين قال: حدثنا المفضل بن عمر عن ابن حمزة ثابت بن دينار الثمالى عن علي بن الحسين عن ابيه عن جده عليهما السلام قال: قال رسول صلى الله عليه وآله إذ ولد إبني جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي ابن ابى طالب فسموه الصادق، فانه سيكون في ولده سمي له يدعي الاءمامة بغير حقها ويسمى كذابا.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Haroun Al Sowfy, from Abu Bakr Ubeydullah Bin Musa Al Habaal Al Tabary, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Al Khashaab, from Muhammad Bin Al Haseyn, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar, from Ibn Hamza Sabit Bin Dinaar Al Sumaly,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When my-saww son-asws Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Ibn Abu Talib-asws is appears (to the World), so name him-asws as ‘Al-Sadiq’, for there would be a child in his-asws son with a name of his-asws, who would be calling to the Imamate without having its right to do so, and he should be called ‘Kazaaba’ (The liar)’.[362]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادى عن احمد بن محمد بن خالد عن ابيه قال: حدثنا أبو احمد محمد بن زباد الازدي قال سمعت مالك بن أنس فقيه المدينة يقول كنت ادخل إلى الصادق جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام فيقدم لى مخدة ويعرف لى قدرا ويقول يا مالك إنى أحبك فكنت اسر بذلك واحمد الله تعالى عليه قال وكان ” ع ” لا يخلو من احد ثلاث خصال أما صايما واما قايما واما ذاكرا وكان من عظماء العباد واكابر الزهاد الذين يخشون الله عزوجل وكان كثير الحديث طيب المجالسة كثير الفوائد

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Abu Ahmad Muhammad Bin Zabaad Al Azdy who said,

‘I heard Maalik Bin Anas, a jurist of Al Medina saying, ‘I used to go over to Al Sadiq Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, so he-asws would provide a pillow for me, and exalt my worth for me, and he-asws was saying: ‘O Maalik! I-asws love you’. I used to rejoice due to that and Praise Allah-azwj the High over it. And he-asws was never devoid of one of the three qualities – either he-asws was Fasting, or standing (in Prayer), or in Remembrance (of Allah-azwj). And he-asws was one of the greatest worshippers, and of great ascetism, who used to fear Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and he-asws was of numerous Ahadeeth, goodly gatherings, and abundant benefits.

فإذا قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أخضر مرة واصفر أخرى حتى ينكره من يعرفه ولقد حججت معه سنة فلما استوت به راحلته عند الاحرام كان كلماهم بالتلبية انقطع الصوت في حلقه وكاد ان يخر من راحلته فقلت قل يابن رسول الله ولا بذلك من ان تقول فقال يابن ابى عامر كيف اجسر ان اقول لبيك اللهم لبيك واخشى ان يقول تعالى لى لالبيك ولاسعديك.

So whenever he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said’ – (his-asws colour would change) sometimes green, sometimes yellow, to the extent that the one who knew him-asws would deny him-asws. And I performed Hajj with him-asws one year, so when I prepared his-asws ride for him-asws whilst in Ihraam, when he-asws exclaimed Talbiyya (Allahumma Labbayk), his-asws voice got cut-off in his-asws throat, and he-asws almost fell off from his-asws ride’. So I said, ‘Say it, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww, and that cannot be without saying it’. So he-asws said: ‘O cousin! How can I-asws have the audacity that I-asws should say: ‘Here I-asws am at Your-azwj service O Allah-azwj, here I-asws am!, (I-asws fear) that the High-azwj would be Saying to me-asws: “I-azwj am her for you-asws and for your-asws Assistance”.[363]

(باب 171 – العلة التى من أجلها قيل بالوقف على موسى بن جعفر ” ع “)

Chapter 171 – The reason due to which it was said with the pausing over Musa Bin Ja’far-asws

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن جمهور عن احمد بن حماد قال: احد القوم عثمان بن عيسى وكان يكون بمصر وكان عنده مال كثير وستة جواري قال: فبعث إليه أبو الحسن الرضا عليه السلام فيهن وفي المال، قال: فكتب إليه ان أباك لم يمت قال فكتب إليه أن أبى قد مات وقد اقتسمنا ميراثه وقد صحت الاخبار بموته واحتج عليه فيه

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Jamhour, from Ahmad Bin Hamaad who said,

‘One of the people, was Usman Bin Isa, and he was situated at Egypt, and with him was a lot of wealth and six maids (which belonged to the 7th Imam-asws). So Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws sent a message to him regarding them and the wealth. So he wrote back, ‘You-asws father-asws has not died’. So he-asws wrote back: ‘My-asws father-asws has indeed passed away, and we have distributed his-asws inheritance, and the news of his-asws passing away is correct’, and argued against him with regards to it.

قال فكتب إليه ان لم يكن ابوك مات فليس لك من ذلك شئ وان كان قد مات على ما تحكي فلم يأمرنى بدفع شئ اليك وقد اعتقت الجوارى وتزوجتهن.

He (the narrator) said, ‘So he wrote back to him-asws that, ‘If your-asws father-asws had not died, so there is nothing for you-asws from that, and if he-asws had indeed died, as you-asws are telling me, so he-asws did not order me to hand over anything to you-asws, and I have freed the maids and got them married already’.[364]

(باب 172 العلة التى من أجلها سمى على بن موسى الرضا ” ع “)

Chapter 172 – The reason due to which Ali Bin Musa Al-Reza was named as ‘Al-Reza’ (The Satisfaction)

حدثنا احمد بن علي بن ابراهيم رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنى ابى، عن جدى إبراهيم بن هاشم عن احمد بن ابى نصر البزنطى قال: قلت لابي جعفر محمد ابن علي الثاني عليهما السلام ان قوما من مخالفيكم يزعمون ان أباك صلوات الله عليه إنما سماه المأمون الرضا لما رضيه لولاية عهده، فقال، كذبوا والله وفجروا بل الله تعالى سماه الرضا لانه كان ” ع ” رضى الله تعالى ذكره في سمائه ورضى لرسوله والائمة بعده عليهم السلام في أرضه

Ahmad Bin Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from his grandfather Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Ibn Ali-asws, the Second (9th Imam-asws), that, ‘A group of adversaries are alleging that your-asws father-asws was named by Al-Mamoun as ‘Al-Reza’ when he-asws was satisfied with the mandate of his reign’. So he-asws said: ‘They are lying, By Allah-azwj, and slandering! But, it was Allah-azwj the High Who Named him-asws as ‘Al-Reza’ because he-asws was satisfied with Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, with regards to Him-azwj Naming him-asws, and was satisfied with His-azwj Rasool-saww, and with the Imams-asws from after him-saww, with His-azwj satisfaction’.

قال: فقلت له ألم يكن كل واحد من آبائك الماضين عليهم السلام رضى الله تعالى ولرسوله والائمة بعده؟ فقال بلى، فقلت له فلم سمى اباك ” ع ” من بينهم الرضا؟ قال لانه رضى به المخالفون من اعدائه، كما رضى الله الموافقون من أوليائه ولم يكن ذلك لاحد من آبائه عليهم السلام، فلذلك سمي من بينهم الرضا عليه السلام.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Were not each one-asws of your-asws past fathers-asws satisfied with Allah-azwj the High and His-azwj Rasool-saww, and the Imams-asws from after him-saww?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes’. So I said, ‘So why was your-asws father-asws (in particular) named as ‘Al-Reza’, from in between them-asws all?’ He-asws said: ‘Because even the adversaries from his-asws enemies were satisfied just as the conformists from his-asws friends were, and that had never happened for anyone from his-asws forefathers-asws. Thus, it is due to that, he-asws was named, from in between them, as ‘Al-Reza’.[365]

(باب 173 – العلة التى من أجلها قبل الرضا ” ع ” من المأمون ولاية عهده)

Chapter 173 – The reason due to which Al-Reza-asws accepted the mandate of the reign from Al-Mamoun

حدثنا الحسين بن ابراهيم بن ناتانة قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم، عن ابيه ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن ابى الصلت الهروي قال: ان المأمون قال للرضا علي بن موسى ” ع ” يابن رسول الله قد عرفت فضلك وعلمك وزهدك وورعك وعبادتك وأراك أحق بالخلافة منى، فقال الرضا ” ع ” بالعبودية لله عز وجل أفتخر، وبالزهد في الدنيا أرجو النجاة من شر الدنيا، وبالورع عن المحارم أرجو الفوز بالمغانم وبالتواضع في الدنيا أرجو الرفعة عند الله تعالى،

Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Natana narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Abu Al Salt Al Harawy who said,

‘Al-Mamoun said to Al-Reza Ali-asws Bin Musa-asws, ‘O son of Rasool-Allah-saww! I do recognise your-asws merits, and your-asws Knowledge, and your-asws asceticism (abstaining from world desires), and your-asws piety, and your-asws worship, and I see you-asws as being more rightful for the Caliphate than I am’. So Al-Reza-asws said: ‘And as for the worship for the Sake of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, I-asws take pride in it; and with the asceticism in the world, I-asws hope to be saved from the evil of the world; and with the (observance of) piety from the Prohibitions I-asws hope for the success; and with the modesty in the world I-asws hope for the elevation in the Presence of Allah-azwj the High’.

فقال له المأمون: انى قد رأيت أن أعزك نفسي عن الخلافة واجعلها لك وأبايعك! فقال له الرضا ان كانت هذه الخلافة لك وجعلها الله لك فلا يجوز لك أن تخلع لباسا ألبسكه الله وتجعله لغيرك وان كانت الخلافة ليست لك فلا يجوز لك تجعل لي ما ليس لك فقال له المأمون يابن رسول الله لابد لك من قبول هذا الامر فقال لست أفعل ذلك طايعا ابدا

So Al-Mamoun said to him-asws, ‘It is my view that I cherish you-asws myself about the Caliphate and make it to be for you-asws and pledge the allegiance to you!’ So Al-Reza-asws said: ‘If this Caliphate was for you, and Allah-azwj had Made it to be for you, so then there is no permission for you that you should take off its clothes which Allah-azwj has Clothed you with, and make it to be for someone else. However, if this Caliphate was not for you, then there is no permission for you that you should make it to be for me-asws what was not for you (in the first place)’. So Al-Mamoun said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! It is inevitable for you-asws to accept this command’. So he-asws said: ‘I-asws will not be doing that willingly, ever’.

فما زال يجهد به اياما حتى يئس من قبوله له فان لم تقبل الخلافة ولم تحب مبايعتي لك فكن ولى عهدي لتكون لك الخلافة بعدى فقال الرضا ” ع ” والله لقد حدثنى ابى عن آبائه عن أمير المؤمنين عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انى اخرج من الدنيا قبلك مقتولا بالسم مظلوما تبكى على ملائكة السماء وملائكة الارض وادفن في أرض غربة إلى جنب هارون الرشيد

So he-asws did not cease to argue against it for days, until he despaired from his-asws acceptance of it. He said, ‘So if you-asws do not accept the Caliphate, and do not like the pledging of my allegiance to you-asws, so let the mandate of my reign of the Caliphate come to be for you-asws, after me’. So Al-Reza-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj! My-asws father-asws has narrated to me-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Amir Al-Momineen-asws, from Rasool-Allah-saww, that I-asws would be exiting from the world before you, having been murdered by the poison, as an oppressed one. The Angels of the sky and the Angels of the earth would weep over me-asws, and I-asws would be buried in a foreign land, by the side of Haroun Al-Rashid’.

فبكى المأمون ثم قال له يابن رسول الله ومن الذي يقتلك أو يقدر على الاساءة اليك وانا حى قال الرضا ” ع ” اما انى لو اشاء ان أقول من الذي يقتلى لقلت فقال المأمون يابن رسول الله انما تريد بقولك هذا التخفيف عن نفسك ودفع هذا الامر عنك ليقول الناس انك زاهد في الدنيا فقال الرضا ” ع ” والله ما كذبت منذ خلقني ربى تعالى وما زهدت في الدنيا للدنيا وانى لا علم ما تريد

So Al-Mamoun wept, then said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! And who is the one who would be killing you, or be able to do some evil to you-asws and I am still alive?’ Al-Reza-asws said: ‘But, if I-asws so desire, I-asws would tell who it is who would be killing me, and I-asws would say it’. So Al-Mamoun said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! But rather, you-asws are intending by this speech of yours-asws, the lightening from yourself-asws and the handing over this command away from you, so that the people would be saying that you-asws an ascetic in the world’. So Al-Reza-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj! I-asws have never lied since my-asws Lord-azwj the High Created me-asws, and I-asws am not an ascetic in the world for the sake of the world, and I-asws am well away from what you are intending’.

قال المأمون وما أريد قال الامان على الصدق قال لك الامان قال تريد بذلك ان يقول الناس ان علي بن موسى الرضا لم يزهد في الدنيا بل زهدت الدنيا فيه الا ترون كيف قبل ولاية العهد طمعا في الخلافة فغضب المأمون

Al-Mamoun said, ‘And what do I intend?’ He-asws said: ‘(would there be) the safety (for me-asws) upon the (speaking of) the truth?’ He said, ‘For you-asws is the safety’. He-asws said: ‘You are intending by that, that the people would be saying that Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws was not an ascetic in the world, but he-asws was an ascetic for the sake of the world contained in it. Are you all not seeing how he-asws accepted the reign, out of greed with regards to the Caliphate?’ So Al-Mamoun got angered.

ثم قال انك تتلقاني ابدا بما اكرهه وقد آمنت سطوتي فبالله أقسم لئن قبلت ولاية العهد وإلا أجبرتك على ذلك فان فعلت وإلا ضربت عنقك فقال الرضا ” ع ” قد نهانى الله عزوجل ان القى بيدى إلى التهلكة فان كان الامر على هذا فافعل مابدا لك وانا أقبل ذلك على ان لا أولى احدا ولا أعزل احدا ولا انقض رسما ولا سنة واكون في الامر بعيدا مشيرا فرضى منه بذلك وجعله ولى عهده على كراهة منه ” ع ” لذلك.

Then he said, ‘You-asws always make me face what I dislike and have believed in my reign. So it is by Allah-azwj that I swear, if you-asws were to accept the mandate for the reign, then I shall inform you-asws of it upon that, so if you were to do it (fine), or else I shall strike off your-asws neck’. So Al-Reza-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Forbidden me-asws to go towards the destruction by my-asws own hands, therefore if the matter was upon this (striking off of my-asws neck), so do whatever comes to you, and I-asws shall accept that upon (the stipulations) that I-asws shall neither bring anyone closer (appoint anyone for a post), nor disarm anyone (remove anyone from a post), nor break any tradition or any Sunnah, and that I-asws shall be a remote advisor with regards to the matters (of the state). So, he was pleased from it by that and made him-asws to be mandated for the reign upon abhorrence from him-asws, for that’.[366]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا جعفر بن محمد ابن مسعود، عن ابيه قال حدثنا محمد بن نصير، عن الحسن بن موسى قال روى اصحابنا عن الرضا ” ع ” انه قال له رجل اصلحك الله كيف صرت إلى ما صرت إليه من المأمون فكان انكر ذلك عليه فقال له أبو الحسن ” ع ” يا هذا انما افضل النبي أو الوصي؟ فقال لا بل النبي قال فايما أفضل مسلم أو مشرك؟ قال لا بل مسلم قال فان العزيز عزيز مصر كان مشركا وكان يوسف ” ع ” نبيا وان المأمون مسلم وانا وصى ويوسف سأل العزيز ان يوليه حين قال اجعلني على خزائن الارض انى حفيظ عليم والمأمون اجبرني ما أنا فيه

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Al Muzaffar narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Ibn Masoud, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Naseyr, from Al Hassan Bin Musa who said,

‘Our companions reported from Al-Reza-asws, that a man said to him-asws, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! How did you-asws come to what Al-Mamoun wanted you-asws to come to, and you-asws kept on denying that to him?’ So Abu Al-Hassan-asws said to him: ‘O you! But rather, is a Pophet-as higher or a successor-as?’ So he said, ‘No, but the Prophet-as is’. He-asws said: ‘So which one is higher, a Muslim or a Polytheist?’ He said, ‘No, but, a Muslim is’. He-asws said: ‘Al-Aziz the ruler of Egypt was a Polytheist, and Yusuf-as was a Prophet-as, and Al-Mamoun is a Muslim and I-asws am a successor-asws, and Yusuf-asws asked Al-Aziz to mandate him-as for the reign where he-as said [12:55] He said: Place me (in authority) over the treasures of the land, I am a good keeper, knowing well, and Al-Mamoun informed me-asws of what I-asws was to be’.

وقال ” ع ” في قوله تعالى (اجعلني على خزائن الارض انى حفيظ عليم) قال حافظ لما في يدى عالم بكل لسان.

And he-asws said with regards to the Words of the High 12:55] Place me (in authority) over the treasures of the land, I am a good keeper, knowing well: ‘A keeper of whatever is in my-as hands (under my-as control), and a knower of every language’.[367]

حدثنا احمد بن زياد الهمداني رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن ابيه عن الريان بن الصلت قال دخلت على علي موسى بن الرضا ” ع ” فقلت له يابن رسول الله ان الناس يقولون انك قبلت ولاية العهد مع اظهارك الزهد في الدنيا

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Al Rayan Bin Al Salt who said,

‘I came to Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! The people are saying that you-asws accepted the rule (to be the heir apparent – ولاية العهد) along with your display of asceticism of the world’.

فقال ” ع ” قد علم الله كراهتي لذلك فلما خيرت بين قبول ذلك وبين القتل اخترت القبول على القتل ويحهم أما علموا ان يوسف ” ع ” كان نبيا رسولا فلما دفعته الضرورة إلى تولى خزائن العزيز قال له اجعلني على خزائن الارض انى حفيظ عليم ودفعتني الضرورة إلى قبول ذلك على اكراه واجبار بعد الاشراف على الهلاك على انى ما دخلت في هذا الامر إلا دخول خارج منه فالى الله المشتكى وهو المستعان.

He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Knows of my-asws abhorrence to that. So when I-asws chose between the acceptance of that and the killing, I-asws chose to accept rather than be killed. Woe be unto them all! Yusuf-as was a Prophet-as and a Rasool-as, and when it became necessary to rule over the treasury of the king, he-as said to him [12:55] He said: Place me (in authority) over the treasures of the land, I am a good keeper, knowing well, and it led me-asws to the acceptance of that over my-asws abhorrence and compulsion. After having overlooked the destruction, I-asws did not enter into this matter except for the entering from the peripheries of it. So, it is to Allah-azwj that I-asws complain, and He-azwj is the Support’.[368]

(باب 174 – علة قتل المأمون للرضا ” ع ” بالسم)

Chapter 174 – Reason for Al-Mamoun murdering Al-Reza-asws by the poison

حدثنا الحسين بن ابراهيم بن هشام المؤدب وعلي بن عبد الله الوراق واحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني رضى الله عنهم قالوا: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن ابيه عن محمد بن سنان قال: كنت عند مولاي الرضا ” ع ” بخراسان وكان المأمون يقعده على يمينه إذا قعد للناس يوم الاثنين ويوم الخميس فرفع إلى المأمون ان رجلا من الصوفية سرق فامر باحضاره فلما نظر إليه وجده متقشفا بين عينيه اثر السجود

Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Hisham Al Mowdab narrated to us, and Ali Bin Abdulla Al Waraq, and Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan who said,

‘I was in the presence of my Master-asws Al-Reza-asws at Khurasaan, and Al-Mamoun had him-asws seated on his right, whenever he used to have a gathering for the people on Mondays and Thursdays. A matter was raised to Al-Mamoun in the case of a man from the Sufis who had committed theft. So he ordered for him to be presented. So when he looked at him, he found austerity in between his eyes, the effects of the Prostrations.

فقال سواة لهذه الآثار الجميلة وهذا الفعل القبيح تنسب إلى السرقة مع ما أرى من جميع آثارك وظاهرك قال: فقال ذلك اضطرارا لا إختيارا حين منعتني حقى من الخمس والفئ قال المأمون: وأي حق لك في الخمس والفى؟ قال إن الله تعالى قسم الخمس ستة اقسام فقال: (واعلموا إنما غنمتم من شئ فان لله خمسة وللرسول ولذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين وابن السبيل ان كنتم آمنتم بالله وما أنزلنا على عبدنا يوم الفرقان يوم التقى الجمعان) وقسم الفئ على ستة اسهم فقال الله تعالى: (ما أفاء الله على رسوله من أهل القرى فلله وللرسول ولذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين وابن السبيل كيلا يكون دولة بين الاغنياء منكم)

So he said, ‘Besides all these beautiful effects, this is an ugly deed been attached to you, of the theft, along with what I see from the entirety of your effects and your apparent appearance’.

He said, ‘That is from the restlessness, not by choice, when you prevented me from Al-Khums and Al-Fey’. Al-Mamoun said, ‘And which right is there for your from Al-Khums and Al-Fey?’ He said, ‘Allah-azwj the High as Divided Al-Khums into six divisions, so He-azwj Said [8:41] And know that whatever war booty you gain, a fifth of it is for Allah and for the Rasool and for the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, if you believe in Allah and in that which We Revealed to Our servant, on the Day of Distinction, the day on which the two parties met. And He-azwj Divided Al-Fey over six portions, so He-azwj Said [59:7] Whatever Allah has restored to His Rasool from the people of the towns, it is for Allah and for the Rasool, and for the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the sons of the Way, so that it may not be a thing taken by turns among the rich ones of you.

فمنعتني حقى وانا ابن السبيل منقطع بى ومسكين لا ارجع إلى شئ ومن حملة القرآن فقال المأمون: أعطل حدا من حدود الله وحكما من احكامه في السارق من أجل اساطير هذه؟ فقال الصوفي إبدا بنفسك فطهرها ثم طهر غيرك واقم حد الله عليها، فالتفت المأمون إلى أبى الحسن ” ع ” فقال: ما يقول؟ فقال انه يقول سرقت فسرق،

Thus, you have prevented from me, my rightful (allocation), and I am a wayfarer, cut off from my dwelling, a poor one, not having anything to return to, and I am from the bearers (Memorisers) of the Quran’. So Al-Mamoun said, ‘(You wish me to) withhold a Limit from the Limits of Allah-azwj, and a Judgement from His-azwj Judgements with regards to the theft, from such stories as these?’ So the Sufi said, ‘Begin with your own self, so purify it, then purify others and establish a Limit of Allah-azwj over it’. So Al-Mamoun turned towards Abu Al-Hassan-asws, so he said, ‘What is he saying?’ So he-asws said: ‘He is saying that you are a thief and he is a thief’.

فغضب المأمون غضبا شديدا ثم قال للصوفي والله لاقطعنك فقال الصوفي أتقطعني وأنت عبد لى فقال: المأمون ويلك ومن أين صرت عبدا؟ لك قال لان أمك اشتريت من مال المسلمين فانت عبد لمن في المشرق والمغرب حتى يعتقوك وأنا لم اعتقك ثم بلعت الخمس بعد ذلك فلا أعطيت آل الرسول حقا ولا اعطيتني ونظرائي حقا، واخرى ان الخبيث لا يطهر خبيثا انما يطهره طاهر، ومن في جنبه الحد فلا يقيم الحدود على غيره حتى يبدأ بنفسه أما سمعت الله تعالى يقول: (أتأمرون الناس بالبر وتنسون انفسكم وانتم تتلون الكتاب أفلا تعقلون)

So Al-Mamoun got angry with an intense anger, then said to the Sufi, ‘By Allah-azwj! I shall cut (your hands) off!’ So the Sufi said, ‘You will cut (my hands) off, and you are a slave of mine?’ So Al-Mamoun said, ‘Woe be unto you! And from where did I become a slave for your?’ He said, ‘Because your mother was bought from the wealth of the Muslims, therefore you are a slave of the ones in the east and the west until they free you, and I will never set you free.

Then you swallowed up Al-Khums after that, so you did not give the Progeny-asws of the Rasool-saww their-asws right, nor did you give it to me, nor my peers their right. And another thing, the evil one does not purify the evil one, but rather it is the pure one who purifies him, and the one in whose side is the Limit cannot establish the Limit upon others until he begins with himself. But, have you not heard Allah-azwj the High Saying [2:44] Are you ordering the people to be good and neglecting your own souls while you read the Book; have you then no sense?’.

فالتفت المأمون إلى ابى الحسن ” ع ” فقال ما ترى في أمره؟ فقال ” ع “: قل فلله الحجة البالغة وهى التى تبلغ الجاهل فيعلمها بجهله كما يعلمها العالم بعلمه والدنيا والآخرة قايمتان بالحجة وقد احتج الرجل بالقرآن

So Al-Mamoun turned towards Abu Al-Hassan-asws, so he said, ‘What is your-asws view regarding his matter?’ So he-asws said: ‘[6:149] Say: Then Allah’s is the conclusive Argument – and it is which the ignorant one delivers it, so he learns it by his ignorance, just as the knowledgeable one learns it by his knowledge, and the world and the Hereafter are both standing by the Proofs, and the man has argued by the Quran’.

فأمر المأمون عند ذلك باطلاق الصوفي واحتجب عن الناس واشتغل بابى الحسن ” ع ” حتى سمه فقتله وقتل الفضل بن سهل وجماعة من الشيعة.

So, during that, Al-Mamoun ordered for the Sufi to be set free, and veiled himself from the people, and kept himself occupied with Abu Al-Hassan-asws to the extent that he poisoned him-asws, and killed Al-Fazal Bin Sahl, and a group from the Shiah’.[369]

(باب 179 – علة الغيبة)

Chapter 179 – Reason for the occultation

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه، عن ابيه، عن ابيه احمد بن ابى عبد الله البرقى عن محمد بن ابى عمير عن ابان وغيره عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لابد للغلام من غيبة فقيل له ولم يارسول الله قال: يخاف القتل.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his father, from his father Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Aban and others,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The occultation is inevitable for the boy-asws’. So it was said, ‘And why, O Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘He-asws would fear the murder’.[370]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن يحيى العطار عن ابيه عن محمد بن احمد بن يحيى عن احمد بن الحسين بن عمر بن محمد بن عبد الله عن مروان الانباري قال: خرج من ابى جعفر ” ع ” ان الله إذا كره لنا جوار قوم نزعنا من بين اظهرهم.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Al Husayn Bin Umar Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Marwan Al Anbary who said,

‘It came out from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Whenever Allah-azwj Dislikes for us-asws to be in the vicinity of a people, (Allah-azwj) Removes us-asws from in between their sight’.[371]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر، عن احمد بن هلال، عن عبدالرحما بن ابى نجران عن فضالة بن ايوب عن سدير قال: سمعت ابا عبد الله ” ع ” يقول: ان في القائم سنة من يوسف قلت كأنك تذكر خبره أو غيبته قال لي وما تنكرمن هذه الامة اشباه الخنازير ان اخوة يوسف كانوا أسباطا اولاد انبياء تاجروا بيوسف وباعوه وخاطبوه وهم اخوته وهو اخوهم فلم يعرفوه حتى قال لهم يوسف: انا يوسف

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Hilal, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Sudeyr who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘In Al-Qaim-asws there is a Sunnah from Yusuf-asws’. I said, ‘It looks like you-asws are about to mention his-asws news or his-asws occultation’. He-asws said to me: ‘And what are they denying, the ones from this community who resemble the pigs? The brothers of Yusuf-asws were tribes, children of the Prophets-as. They traded with Yusuf-as and sold him-as, and addressed him-as, and they were his-as brothers, and he-as was their brother. But, they did not recognise him-as until Yusuf-as said to them: ‘I-as am Yusuf-as’.

فما تنكر هذه الامة الملعونة ان يكون الله عز وجل في وقت من الاوقات يريد أن يستر حجته لقد كان يوسف احب إليه من ملك مصر وكان بينه وبين والده مسيرة ثمانية عشر يوما فلو اراد الله عز وجل ان يعرف مكانه لقدر على ذلك والله لقد سار يعقوب وولده عند البشارة تسعة أيام من بدوهم إلى مصر

So what is this Accursed community denying that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Intend to Veil His-azwj Proof-asws, during a time period, from the time period. Yusuf-as was more Beloved to Him-azwj than the king of Egypt, and there was between him-as and his-as father a journey of eighteen days. So, had Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Intended him-as Yaqoub-as to know his-as place, He-azwj had the Power over that, and Allah-azwj had Given the Good News to Yaqoub-as and his-as sons and Made them travel (that journey) in nine days (instead), from the beginning of their journey to Egypt.

فما تنكر هذه الامة ان يكون الله ان يفعل بحجته ما فعل بيوسف وان يكون يسير في أسواقهم ويطأ بسطهم وهم لا يعرفونه حتى يأذن الله عز وجل ان يعرفهم نفسه كما أذن ليوسف حين قال: هل علمتم ما فعلتم بيوسف وأخيه إذ أنتم جاهلون قالوا: إنك لانت يوسف، قال: أنا يوسف وهذا أخى.

So what is this community denying, that Allah-azwj would be Dealing with His-azwj Proof-asws how He-azwj had Dealt with Yusuf-as? And that he-asws would be travelling in their markets and treading (walking) upon their carpets and they would not be recognising him-asws until Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic so Permits him-asws to introduce himself-asws just as He-azwj had previously Permitted Yusuf-as where [12:89] He said: Do you know how you treated Yusuf and his brother when you were ignorant? [12:90] They said: Are you indeed Yusuf? He said: I am Yusuf and this is my brother’.[372]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن الحسن بن عيسى بن محمد بن علي بن جعفر، عن جده محمد بن علي بن جعفر، عن اخيه موسى بن جعفر ” ع ” قال: إذا فقد الخامس من ولد السابع فالله الله في أديانكم لا يزيلكم أحد عنها، يا بنى انه لابد لصاحب هذا الامر من غيبته حتى يرجع عن هذا الامر من كان يقول به إنما هي محنة من الله عز وجل امتحن بها خلقه ولو علم آباءكم واجدادكم دينا أصح من هذا لاتبعوه،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Isa Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Ja’far, from his grandfather Muhammad Bin Ali,

(It has been narrated from) the son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws having said: ‘When the (the people) lose the fifth one-asws from the son-asws of the seventh-asws, so Allah-azwj! Allah-azwj! With regards to your Religions. No one of you should go away from it. O my-asws son! Occultation is inevitable for the Master of this Command, to the extent that the one who would be speaking by it would return from it. But rather it is a Trial from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Testing His-azwj creatures by it. And had your forefathers-asws found a Religion more correct than this, they-asws would have followed it’.

فقلت يا سيدي من الخامس من ولد السابع؟ قال يا بني عقولكم تصغر عن هذا، واحلامكم تضيق عن حمله، ولكن ان تعيشوا فسوف تدركوه.

So I said, ‘O my Master-asws! Who is the fifth one from the son of the seventh?’ He-asws said: ‘O my-asws son! Your intellects are too small about this, and your dreams are constricted from bearing this, but if you were to live (long enough), so very soon you will see him-asws’.[373]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن احمد العلوي، عن ابى هاشم الجعفري قال: سمعت أبا الحسن العسكري ” ع ” يقول: الخلف بن بعدي الحسن ابني فكيف لكم بالخلف من بعد الخلف قلت: ولم؟ جعلني الله فداك فقال لانكم لاترون شخصه ولا يحل لكم ذكره باسمه، قلت فكيف نذكره فقال: قولوا الحجة من آل محمد صلوات الله وسلامه عليه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Alawy, from Abu Hashim Al Ja’fary who said,

‘I heard Abu Al-Hassan Al-Askary-asws (9th Imam-asws) saying: ‘The Caliph from after me-asws is my-asws son-asws Al-Hassan-asws. So how would it be for you all with the Caliph from after the Caliph?’ I said, ‘And why? May Allah-azwj Make me to be sacrificed for you-asws’. So he-asws said: ‘Because you all would not be seeing this-asws person, nor would it be Permissible for you all to mention him-asws by his-asws name’. I said, ‘So how would we mention him-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘You should be saying, ‘The Proof-asws (الحجة) from the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww’.[374]

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن إسحاق رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد الهمداني قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن ابيه عن ابى الحسن علي ابن موسى الرضا ” ع ” انه قال كأنى بالشيعة عند فقدهم الثالث من ولدي يطلبون المرعى فلا يجدونه، قلت له: ولم ذلك يابن رسول الله؟ قال: لان إمامهم يغيب عنهم فقلت ولم؟ قال: لئلا يكون في عنقه لاحد حجة إذا قام بالسيف.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Hamdany, from Ali Bin Al Hasaan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from his father,

Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Ibn Musa Al-Reza-asws has said: ‘It is as if I-asws am with the Shiah during their losing the third from my-asws sons-asws, seeking the pasture, but they are not finding it’. I said to him-asws, ‘And why would that be, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-asws said: ‘Because their Imam-asws would be hidden from them’. So, I said, ‘And why?’ He-asws said: ‘So that there should not remain any argument for anyone upon his-asws neck, when he-asws rises by the sword’.[375]

حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا جعفر بن مسعود وحيدر بن محمد السمرقندى جميعا قالا: حدثنا محمد بن مسعود قال: حدثنا جبرئيل بن احمد عن موسى بن جعفر البغدادي قال: حدثنى الحسن بن محمد الصيرفي، عن حنان بن سدير، عن ابيه عن اخيه عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قال: ان للقايم مناغيبة يطول أمدها فقلت له ولم ذاك يابن رسول الله؟ قال: ان الله عز وجل أبى إلا ان يجرى فيه سنن الانبياء عليهم السلام في غيباتهم وانه لا بد له ياسدير من استيفاء مدد غيباتهم قال الله عز وجل (لتركبن طبقا عن طبق) أي سننا على سنن من كان قبلكم.

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Al Muzaffar Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ja’far Bin Masoud and Haydar Bin Muhammad Al Samarqandy together, from Muhammad Bin Msoud, from Jibraeel Bin Ahmad, from Musa Bin Ja’far Al Baghdady, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Al Sayrafi, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from his father, from his brother,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘For our-asws Al-Qaim-asws there would be an occultation of a lengthy period’. So I said to him-asws, ‘And why would that be, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Refused except that He-azwj Make to flow in him-asws the Sunnah of the Prophets-as with regards to their occultation(s), and it is inevitable for him-asws, O Sudeyr, to satisfy (be equal to) the terms of (all) their-as occultation(s). Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said [84:19] That you shall most certainly enter one state after another, i.e., a Sunnah from the Sunnahs for the ones who were before you’.[376]

حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس النيسابوري العطار رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن قتيبة النيسابوري قال: حدثنا حمدان بن سليمان النيسابوري قال: حدثنا احمد بن عبد الله بن جعفر المدايني، عن عبد الله بن الفضل الهاشمي قال: سمعت الصادق جفعر بن محمد ” ع ” يقول: ان لصاحب هذا الامر غيبة لابد منها يرتاب فيها كل مبطل فقلت له ولم جعلت فداك؟ قال لامر لم يؤذن لنا في كشفه لكم قلت فما وجه الحكمة في غيبته؟ قال وجه الحكمة في غيبته، وجه الحكمة في غيبات من تقدمه من حجج الله تعالى ذكره ان وجه الحكمة في ذلك لا ينكشف إلا بعد ظهوره، كما لا ينكشف وجه الحكمة لما اتاه الخضر ” ع ” من خرق السفينة، وقتل الغلام، وإقامة الجدار لموسى ” ع ” إلا وقت إفتراقهما

Abdul Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdous Al Neysabouri Al Ataar narrated to us, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Quteyba Al Neysabouri, from Hamdan Bin Suleyman Al Neysabouri, from Ahmad Bin Abfullah Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany, from Abdullah Bin Al Fazal Al Hashimy who said,

‘I heard Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws saying: ‘For the Master of this Command, occultation is inevitable. During it, every false one would doubt’. So I said to him-asws, ‘And why, may I be sacrificed for you-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘The matter, it is not Permitted for us-asws in uncovering it from you all’. I said, ‘So what is the aspect of the wisdom regarding his-asws occultation?’ He-asws: ‘The aspect of Wisdom regarding his-asws occultation, is the (same) aspect of Wisdom regarding the occultations of the ones-as who preceded him-asws, from the Proofs-as of Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, that the aspect of Wisdom regarding his-asws cannot be uncovered except after its manifestation, just as the aspect of Wisdom was not uncovered when Al-Khizr-as came and made a hole in the ship, and killed the boy, and straightened the wall, in front of Musa-as, until the time of their-as separation.

يابن الفضل: ان هذا الامر أمر من أمر الله وسر من سر الله وغيب من غيب الله ومتى علمنا انه عز وجل حكيم صدقنا بان افعاله كلها حكمة وان كان وجهها غير منكشف لنا.

O Ibn Fazal! This matter, is a matter from the Matters of Allah-azwj, and a secret from the Secrets of Allah-azwj, and a hidden from the Hidden of Allah-azwj. And when we know that He-azwj is the Mighty and Majestic, Wise, we ratify that He-azwj is Wise in all of His-azwj Deeds, and that its aspects are not Uncovered for us (at the moment)’.[377]

حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس النيسابوري العطار رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن قتيبة، عن حمدان بن سليمان عن محمد بن الحسين عن ابن محبوب عن علي بن رياب عن زرارة قال سمعت أبا جعفر ” ع ” يقول ان للقايم غيبة قبل ظهوره قلت ولم؟ قال يخاف وأومى بيده إلى بطنه قال زرارة يعنى القتل.

Abdul Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdous Al Neysabouri Al Ataar narrated to us, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Quteyba, from Hamdan Bin Suleyman, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Ibn Mahboub, from Ali Bin Rayaab, from Zarara who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘For Al-Qaim-asws there is an occultation before his-asws appearance’. I said, ‘And why?’ He-asws said: ‘He-asws would fear’ – and he-asws gestured by his-asws hand to his-asws chest’. Zurara said, ‘It means, the murder’.[378]

(باب 180 – علة دفاع الله عز وجل عن أهل المعاصي)

Chapter 180 – Reason for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Repelling (the Punishment) from the people of the disobedience

حدثنا احمد بن هارون الفامى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله ابن جعفر الحميرى قال: حدثنى ابى عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة، عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد، عن ابيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: ان الله عز وجل إذا رأى اهل قرية قد اسرفوا في المعاصي وفيها ثلاث نفر من المؤمنين ناداهم جل جلاله وتقدست اسماؤه يا أهل معصيتى لولا فيكم من المؤمنين المتحابين بجلالي العامرين بصلاتهم ارضى ومساجدي والمستغفرين بالاسحار خوفا منى لانزلت بكم عذابي ثم لا ابالي.

Ahmad Bin Haroun Al Famy narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Al Humeyri, from his father, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Whenever Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sees the people of a town to have been excessive in their disobedience, and therein are three persons from the Believers, He-azwj Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Calls out to them and Sanctifies their names: “O people who are disobedient to Me-azwj! Had there not been among you the Believers who are admirers of My-azwj Majesty, utilising My-azwj earth and My-azwj Masjids for their Prayers, and seeking Forgiveness with the wakefulness in fear from Me-azwj, I-azwj would have Sent down My-azwj Punishment, then I-azwj would not Care!”[379]

(باب 182 – علل الشرايع واصول الاسلام)

Chapter 182 – Reason for the Laws and the Principles of Al Islam

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن مهزيار، عن اخيه علي عن حماد بن عيسى عن ابراهيم بن عمر باسناده يرفعه إلى علي بن ابى طالب ” ع ” انه كان يقول: ان افضل ما توسل به المتوسلون الايمان بالله ورسوله والجهاد في سبيل الله وكلمة الاخلاص فانها الفطرة وتمام الصلاة فانها الملة وايتاء الزكاة فانها من فرايض الله وصوم رمضان فانه جنة من عذابه وحج البيت فانه منفاة للفقرومدحضة للذنب

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Ibrahim Bin Umar, by his chain,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, that he-asws was saying: ‘The best of what the beseeching ones beseech with is the Eman (belief) in Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww, and the Jihaad in the Way of Allah-azwj, and the sincere word, for these are the nature; and the complete Prayers for these are the faith, and giving the Zakat, for these are from the Obligations of Allah-azwj; and Fasting of (Month) of Ramazan, for it is a shield from His-azwj Punishment; and Hajj of the House (Kabah), for these are beneficial for the poverty and the cancellation of the sins;

وصلة الرحم فانه مثراة للمال ومنساة للاجل وصدقة السر فانها تطفى الخطيئة وتطفئ غضب الرب وصنايع المعروف فانها تدفع ميتة السوء وتقى مصارع الهوان

And the maintenance of relationships, for it increases the wealth and is a repellent of the accidents; and charity, for it extinguishes the errors (sins) and extinguishes the Anger of the Lord-azwj; and the doing of the good, so it repels the evil death and saves from the humiliation.

ألا فتصدقوا فان الله مع من تصدق وجانبوا الكذب فان الكذب مجانب الايمان ألا ان الصادق على شفا منجاة وكرامة ألا وان الكاذبين على شفا مخزاة وهلكة ألا وقولوا خيرا تعرفوا به واعلموا به تكونوا من أهله وادوا الامانة إلى من إئتمنكم عليها وصلوا أرحام من قطعكم وعودوا بالفضل على من سألكم.

Indeed! Speak the truth, for Allah-azwj is with the one who speaks the truth, and keep aside from the lies, for the lie keeps aside the faith. Indeed! The truthful is upon verge of salvation and prestige (notability). Indeed! The liars are on the verge of disgrace and destruction. Indeed! And speak goodly to be recognised by it, and known by it in order to become from its people. And fulfil the entrustment to the one who has entrusted it to you, and maintain the relationship with the one who has cut it off from you, and repeat the grace over the one who asks you (beggar)’.[380]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا على بن الحسين السعد آبادى عن احمد بن عبد الله البرقى عن اسماعيل بن مهران، عن احمد بن محمد بن جابر عن زينب بنت على قالت: قالت فاطمة عليها السلام في خطبتها: (لله فيكم عهد قدمه اليكم، وبقية استخلفها عليكم كتاب الله بينة بصائره وآي منكشفة سرايره، وبرهان متجلية ظواهره، مديم للبرية استماعه، وقايد إلى الرضوان اتباعه، ومؤد إلى النجاة اشياعه فيه تبيان حجج الله المنيرة ومحارمه المحرمة، وفضائله المدونة، وجمله الكافية، ورخصه الموهوبة وشرايعه المكتوبة وبيناته الجلية،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Barqy, from Ismail Bin Mahran, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Jabir,

(It has been narrated) from Syeda Zaynab-asws daughter of Ali-asws having said: ‘Syeda Fatima-asws said in a speech of hers-asws: ‘Allah-azwj has Oathed regarding you all and Sent if forward to you all, and it would remain behind over you all – Book of Allah-azwj. Get acquainted with its insights and its secrets are about to be unveiled. Its proofs are bright and clear, it is sharpening for the one who hears it, and following it Guides to the Pleasure (of Allah-azwj), and accompanying it leads to the salvation. In it are explanations of the radiant Arguments of Allah-azwj, and its Prohibitions are Prohibited (forever), and its Merits are the code (of practice), and its sentences are sufficient, and its Permissions are a gift, and its Laws are Written, and its Proofs are obvious.

ففرض الايمان تطهيرا من الشرك، والصلاة تنزيها عن الكبر والزكاة زيادة في الرزق والصيام تثبيتا للاخلاص، والحج تسنية للدين، والعدل تسكينا للقلوب والطاعة نظاما للملة، والامامة لما من الفرقة، والجهاد عزا للاسلام والصبر معونة على الاستيجاب، والامر بالمعروف مصلحة للعامة، وبر الوالدين وقاية عن السخط وصلة الارحام منماة للعدد

Thus, it is obligatory to purify from the Polytheism, and the Prayer removes one from the arrogance, and the Zakat increases the sustenance, and the Fasts are an affirmation of the sincerity, and the Hajj is an establishment for the Religion, and the justice is tranquillity for the hearts, and the obedience (to Allah-azwj) is a system for the nation, and the Imamate saves from the sectarianism, and the Jihad is an honour for Al-Islam, and the patience is an aid over the Recompense to be Obligated, and the enjoining of the good is a corrector for the general public, and righteousness with the patents is a protection from the Anger (of Allah-azwj), and maintenance of the relationships is beneficial for the (increasing of the) numbers;

والقصاص حقنا للدماء والوفاء للنذر تعرضا للمغفرة، وتوفيه المكائيل والموازين تغييرا للبخسة، واجتناب قذف المحصنات حجبا عن اللعنة، ومجانبة السرقة إيجابا للعفة واكل أموال اليتامى إجارة من الظلم، والعدل في الاحكام ايناسا للرعية.

And the punishment saves from the blood-shed, and the fulfilling of the vows makes one prone to Forgiveness, and loyalty with the measurement and the weighing changes the losses (into profits), and keeping away from throwing accusations as the chaste women is a veil from the Curse, and avoidance of the theft is positive for the chastity, and devouring the wealth of the orphans flows from the injustice, and the justice in the judgements brings cordiality among the citizens.

وحرم الله عز وجل الشرك إخلاصا للربوبية فاتقوا الله حق تقاته فيما أمركم به وانتهوا عما نهاكم عنه).

And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Forbidden the Polytheism, purely for the Lordship. Therefore [3:102] Fear Allah with the piety which is due to Him with regards to what He-azwj has Commanded you all with, and stay away from what He-azwj has Forbidden from’.[381]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسلم قال: حدثنى عبد الجليل الباقلانى قال: حدثنى الحسن بن موسى الخشاب قال حدثنى عبد الله بن محمد العلوي عن رجال من أهل بيته عن زينب بنت علي، عن فاطمة عليها السلام بمثله.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Muhammad Bin Aslam, from Abdul Jaleel Al Balaqany, from Al Hasan Bin Musa Al Khashab who said, ‘Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Alawy, from a man of his family,

Also (It has been narrated) from Syeda Zaynab-asws daughter of Ali-asws, from Syeda Fatima-asws, similar to it.[382]

واخبرني علي بن حاتم أيضا قال حدثنى محمد بن ابى عمير قال: حدثنى محمد بن عمارة قال: حدثنى محمد بن ابراهيم المصري قال: حدثنى هارون بن يحيى الناشب قال: حدثنا عبيدالله بن موسى العبسى عن عبيدالله بن موسى العمري عن حفص الاحمر، عن زيد بن علي عن عمته زينب بنت علي، عن فاطمة عليها السلام بمثله، وزاد بعضهم على بعض في اللفظ.

And Ali Bin Hatim has informed me as well, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Muhammad Bin Amara, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Misry, frmo Haroun Bin Yahya Al Nashab, from Ubeydullah Bin Musa Al Absy, from Ubeydullah Bin Musa Al Amiry, from Hafs Al Ahmar,

Also (It has been narrated) from Zayd son Ali-asws, from his aunt Syeda Zaynab-asws daughter of Ali-asws, from Fatima-asws, similar to it. And some of them have increased the wordings over the others’.[383]

حدثنا علي بن احمد رحمه الله: قال حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب عن علي بن محمد عن اسحاق بن اسماعيل النيسابوري ان العالم كتب إليه يعنى الحسن بن علي ” ع ” ان الله تعالى بمنه ورحمته لما فرض عليكم الفرائض لم يفرض ذلك عليكم لحاجة منه إليه بل رحمة منه اليكم لا إله إلا هو ليميز الخبيث من الطيب وليبتلى ما في صدوركم وليمحص مافى قلوبكم ولتتسابقوا إلى رحمته، ولتتفاضل منازلكم في جنته

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from Is’haq Bin Ismail Al Neysabouri who said,

‘The Knowledgeable one-asws wrote to him, meaning Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws that, ‘Allah-azwj the High, it was by His-azwj Favour and His-azwj Mercy that He-azwj Necessitated the Obligations upon you. He-azwj did not Obligate that upon you due to a need of His-azwj from it, but it was a Mercy from it to you, there being no god except for Him-azwj, in order to Differentiate the bad from the good, and in order to Test what is in your chests and in order to Examine what is in your hearts, and that you would be preceding each other to His-azwj Mercy, and to make your houses in the Paradise to be more preferential.

ففوض عليكم الحج والعمرة وإيقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة والصوم والولاية وجعل لكم بابا لتفتحوا به أبواب الفرايض، ومفتاحا إلى سبيله، ولولا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله والاوصياء من ولده كنتم حيارى كالبهائم لا تعرفون فرضا من الفرايض وهل تدخل قرية إلا من بابها،

Thus, He-azwj Authorised the Hajj and the Umrah upon you, and the establishment of the Salat (Prayer), and giving of the Zakat, and the Soam (Fasting), and the Wilayah, and Made doors for you in order to open the doors of the Obligations for you, and the keys to His-azwj Way. And had it not been for Muhammad-saww and the successors-asws from his-saww sons-asws, you all would have been confused like the animals are, not recognising a single Obligation from the Obligations. And is a town entered into except by its gate?’

فلما من الله عليكم باقامة الاولياء بعد نبيكم صلى الله عليه وآله قال الله عز وجل (اليوم اكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الاءسلام دينا) وفرض عليكم لاوليائه حقوقا فامركم بادائها إليهم ليحل لكم ما وراء ظهوركم من أزواجكم وأموالكم ومأكلكم ومشربكم ويعرفكم بذلك البركة والنماء والثروة وليعلم من يطيعه منكم بالغيب

So when Allah-azwj Favoured upon you by the establishment of the Guardians-asws after your Prophet-saww, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said [5:3] This day I have Perfected for you your Religion and Completed My Favour on you and Chosen for you Islam as a Religion. And He-azwj Necessitated upon you certain rights for His-azwj Guardians-asws, so He-azwj Commanded you all to fulfill these to them-asws in order to Make Permissible for you what was behind your backs from your wives, and your wealth, and your eating, and your drinking, and Made you recognise by that, the Blessings, and the development, and the resources, and He-azwj would Know the ones among you who are obedient to Him-azwj with the hidden.

وقال الله تبارك وتعالى (قل لااسئلكم عليه اجرا إلا المودة في القربى) فاعلموا ان من يبخل فإنما يبخل على نفسه ان الله هو الغني وأنتم الفقراء إليه لا إله إلا هو فاعملوا من بعد ما شئتم فسيرى الله عملكم ورسوله والمؤمنون ثم تردون إلى عالم الغيب والشهادة فينبئكم بما كنتم تعملون والعاقبة للمتقين والحمد لله رب العالمين.

And Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said [42:23] Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives. Therefore, know that the one who is niggardly, so he has been niggardly against himself, and that Allah-azwj is the Self-sufficient, and you all are poor to Him-azwj, there being no god except for Him-azwj. So do whatever you like afterwards, [9:105] so Allah will See your work and (so will) His Rasool and the Believers; and you shall be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what (you) were doing and the end result is for the pious. And the Praise of for Allah-azwj the Lord-azwj of the Worlds’.[384]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله عن عمه محمد بن أبى القاسم عن يحيى بن علي الكوفي عن محمد بن سنان عن صباح المدايني عن المفضل بن عمر أن أبا عبد الله ” ع ” كتب إليه كتابا فيه ان الله تعالى لم يثبت نبيا قط يدعو الى معرفة الله ليس معها طاعة في أمر ولانهى وانما يقبل الله من العباد العمل بالفرايض التى فرضها الله على حدودها مع معرفة من دعا إليه ومن اطاع حرم الحرام ظاهره وباطنه وصلى وصام وحج واعتمر وعظم حرمات الله كلها ولم يدع منها شيئا وعمل بالبر كله ومكارم الاخلاق كلهاو تجنب سيئها،

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Yahya Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Sabah Al Madainy,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Mufazzal Bin Umar that Abu Abdullah-asws wrote a letter to him, in which was: ‘Allah-azwj the High never Sent a Prophet-as at all but to call to the recognition of Allah-azwj and there was no obedience to him-as with regards to neither enjoining nor forbidding. But rather, Allah-azwj Accepts the deeds from the servants with the Obligations which Allah-azwj has Obligated upon its Limits along with the recognition of the one-as who calls to Him-azwj and obeys him-as, prohibits himself from the Prohibitions, its apparent as well as its hidden, and Prays, and Fasts, and performs Hajj, and Umrah, and magnifies the Sanctities of Allah-azwj, all of them, and does not leave anything from these, and works with righteousness, all of it, and displays noble manners, all of them, and avoids its evil.

ومن زعم انه يحل الحلال ويحرم الحرام بغير معرفة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لم يحل الله حلالا ولم يحرم له حراما وان من صلى وزكى وحج واعتمر وفعل كله بغير معرفة من افترض الله عليه طاعته فلم يفعل شيئا من ذلك لم يصل ولم يصم ولم يزك ولم يحج ولم يعتمر ولم يغتسل من الجنابة ولم يتطهر ولم يحرم لله وليس له صلاة وان ركع وان سجد ولاله زكاة ولا حج وانما ذلك كله يكون بمعرفة رجل من الله تعالى على خلقته بطاعته وأمر بالاخذ عنه

And the one who alleges that he allows for himself the Permissibles, and prohibits from himself the Prohibitions without having the recognition of the Prophet-saww, Allah-azwj will not Permit for him his Permissibles, and will not Prohibit for him his Prohibitions, and that the one who Prays, and gives Zakat, and performs Hajj and Umra, and does all of these without recognition of the one-asws the obedience to whom Allah-azwj has Necessitated to him, so he has not done anything from that.

He has not Prayed, and not Fasted, and not given Zakat, and did not perform Hajj, and did not perform Umrah, and did not wash from the impurity (Janaabat), and did not purify himself, and did not Prohibit himself for the Sake of Allah-azwj, and there is no Prayer for him, even if he bowed and prostrated, nor is there Zakat for him, nor Hajj. But rather, all of these come to be with the recognition of a man-asws whom Allah-azwj, over His-azwj creatures with being obedient to him-asws, and Commanded to take from him-asws.

فمن عرفه واخذ عنه اطاع الله ومن زعم ان ذلك انما هي المعرفة وانه إذا عرف اكتفى بغير طاعة فقد كذب واشرك وانما قيل اعرف واعمل ما شئت من الخير فانه لا يقبل منك ذلك بغير معرفة فإذا عرفت فاعمل لنفسك ما شئت من الطاعة قل أو كثر فانه مقبول منك.

So the one who recognised him-asws and took from him-asws, obeyed Allah-azwj, and the one who claims of that, but rather it is only the recognition, and that if he were to recognise it would suffice without being obedient, so he has belief and associated. But rather, it is said that, ‘recognise and do whatever you so like to, from the good deeds’. Thus, that is not Acceptable from you without recognition, so when you have recognise, then act for yourself whatever you so like to, from the obedience, little or more, for it would be Acceptable from you’.[385]

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Hassa Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Barqy, from Abdullah Bin Jabala, from Muawiya Ibn Amaar, from Al Hassan Bin Abdullah, from his forefathers,

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبى القاسم عن احمد بن أبى عبد الله عن أبى الحسن علي بن الحسين البرقى عن عبد الله بن جبلة عن معاوية ابن عمار عن الحسن بن عبد الله عن آبائه عن جده الحسن بن علي بن أبى طالب صلى الله عليه وآله قال جاء نفر من اليهود إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فسأله اعلمهم فقال له اخبرني عن تفسير سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله اكبر

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather-asws Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘A number of Jews came to Rasool-Allah-saww. So their knowledgeable one asked him-saww, ‘Inform me about the interpretation of

‘سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله اكبر’

‘Glory be to Alah-azwj and the Praise is for Allah-azwj, and there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and Allah-azwj is the Greatest’.

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله علم الله عز وجل ان بنى آدم يكذبون على الله عز وجل فقال سبحان الله براءة مما يقولون،

So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Knew that the son of Adam-as would be belying to Allah-azwj Might and Majestic, so He-azwj Said: “Glory be to Allah-azwj (سبحان الله) to disavow from what they are saying.

وأما قوله الحمد لله فانه علم ان العباد لا يؤدون شكر نعمته فحمد نفسه قبل ان يحمده العباد وهو أول كلام لولا ذلك لما انعم الله تعالى على احد بنعمته

And as for His-azwj Words: “The Praise is for Allah-azwj” (الحمد لله), so He-azwj Knew that the servants would not be paying their gratitude for His-azwj Bounties, so He-azwj Praised Himself-azwj before the servants Praised Him-azwj, and it is the first Speech. Had it not been for that, Allah-azwj would not have Endowed anyone with His-azwj Bounties’.

وقوله لا إله إلا الله – يعني وحدانيته – لا يقبل الاعمال إلا بها وهي كلمة التقوى يثقل الله بها الموازين يوم القيامة

And His-azwj Words: “There is no god except for Allah-azwj” (لا إله إلا الله) – Meaning the Oneness – He-azwj does not Accept the deeds except by it, and it is the Pious Word by which Allah-azwj would be Increase the weight of the Scales on the Day of Judgement.

وأما قوله الله اكبر فهى كلمة اعلى الكلمات وأحبها إلى الله عز وجل يعنى انه ليس شئ اكبر منه ولا تصح الصلاة إلا بها لكرامته على الله عز وجل وهو الاسم الاعز الاكرم،

And as for His-azwj Words: “Allah-azwj is the Greatest” (الله اكبر), so it is the Elevated Speech and to most Beloved to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, Meaning that there is nothing Greater than Him-azwj, and the Prayer is not correct except by it, due to its Prestige to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and it is the most Revered and Prestigious of the Names’.

قال اليهودي صدقت يا محمد فما جزاء قائلها قال: إذا قال العبد سبحان الله سبح معه ما دون العرش فيعطى قايلها عشر أمثالها

The Jew said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth, O Muhammad-saww! So what is the Recompense of its sayer?’ He-saww said: ‘When the servant says ‘سبحان الله’ Glory to You O Allah!, everything which is underneath the Throne Glorifies with him, and its speaker is Given ten of its like.

وإذا قال الحمد لله انعم الله عليه بنعم الدنيا موصولا بنعم الاخرة وهى الكلمة التى يقولها أهل الجنة إذا دخلوها وينقطع الكلام الذي يقولونه في الدنيا ماخلا الحمد لله وذلك قوله تعالى (دعواهم فيها سبحانك اللهم وتحيتهم فيها سلام وآخر دعواهم ان الحمد لله رب العالمين)

And when he says, ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj (الحمد لله) Allah-azwj Favours upon him the bounties of the world attaching these with the Bounties of the Hereafter, and it is the Word which would be spoken by the people of the Paradise when they enter it. And the speech is cut-off in the world except for ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj, and these are the Words of the High [10:10] Their call in it shall be: Glory to You O Allah! And their greeting in it shall be: Peace; and the last of their calls shall be: The Praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

وأما قوله لا إلا إلا الله فثمنها الجنة وذلك قول الله تعالى هل جزاء الاحسان إلا الاحسان

And as for his words, ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj’ (لا إلا إلا الله), so its value is the Paradise, and these are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [55:60] Is the Recompense of goodness except for the goodness?

قال هل جزاء من قال لا إله إلا الله إلا الجنة، فقال اليهودي صدقت يا محمد.

He-saww said: ‘Is the Recompense of the one who says, ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj, anything but the Paradise?’ So the Jew said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth, O Muhammad-saww’.[386]

(باب 183 – علة الغائط ونتنه)

Chapter 183 – Reason for the faeces and its stinking

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال سألته عن الغائط فقال تصغيرا لابن آدم لكيلا يتكبر وهو يحمل غائطه معه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the faeces, so he-asws said: ‘It is for belittling the son of Adam-as, perhaps he would be arrogant, and he is carrying his faeces along with him’.[387]

(باب 184 – علة نظر الانسان إلى سفله وقت التغوط)

Chapter 184 – Reason for the human being looking below him at the time of defecation

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس، عن محمد ابن احمد بن يحيى، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبى جعفر عن داود الجمال عن العيص ابن أبى مهينة قال: شهدت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” وسأله عمرو بن عبيد فقال ما بال الرجل إذا أراد ان يقضى حاجة إنما ينظر إلى سفله وما يخرج منه ثم فقال انه ليس احد يريد ذلك إلا وكل الله عز وجل به ملكا ياخذ بعنقه ليريه مايخرج منه أحلال أو حرام.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Abu Ja’far, from Dawood Al Jamal, from Al Ays Ibn Abu Muhayna who said,

‘I witnessed Abu Abdullah-asws, and Amro Bin Umeyd asked him-asws, so he said, ‘What is the matter that when the man want to fulfil a need, so he looks below him (to see) what is coming out from him?’ So he-asws said: ‘There is no one who wants to do that except that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Allocates an Angel with him who seizes him by his neck to make him see what is coming out from him, is it (from) Permissible or Prohibited (means)?’[388]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ايوب بن نوح عن محمد بن ابى عمير عن غير واحد عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” عن ابيه عن جده عليهم السلام قال أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” عجبت لابن آدم أوله نطفة وآخره جيفة وهو قايم بينهما وعاء للغائط، ثم يتكبر

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from someone else,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘I-asws wonder at the son of Adam-as, his beginning is a seed, and his end is a carcass, and he is standing in between these two, and he is a container of faeces, then he is being arrogant’.[389]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه، عن عمه محمد بن ابى القاسم، عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد بن عن المفضل بن عمر عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال وقع بين سلمان وبين رجل كلام فقال له من انت وما انت؟ فقال سلمان: اما أولاى وأوليك فنطفة قذرة وأما اخراى واخراك فجيفة منتنة فإذا كان يوم القيامة ونصبت الموازين فمن خف ميزانه فهو الليثم ومن ثقل ميزانه فهو الكريم.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Al Mufazzal Bin Umar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘A heated discussion occurred in between Salman-as and a man. So he said, ‘Who are you-as, and what are you-as?’ So Salman-as said: ‘As for my-as beginning and your beginning, so it is a seed, and as for my-as ending and your ending, so it is a stinking carcass. So when it will be the Day of Judgement and the Scales are set up, so the one whose Scale is light, so he would ignoble (dishonourable), and the one whose Scale is heavy, so he would be benevolent’.[390]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد عن صالح ابن السندي عن جعفر بن بشير عن صالح الحذاء عن ابى اسامة قال كنت عند ابى عبد الله ” ع ” فسأله رجل من المغيرية عن شئ من السنن فقال ما من شئ من عرفها وانكرها من انكرها، قال: فما السنة في دخول الخلاء؟ قال تذكر الله وتتعوذ من الشيطان وإذا فرغت قلت الحمدالله على ما أخرج منى من الاذى في يسر وعافية،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Salih Ibn Al Sindy, from Ja’far Bin Basheer, from Salih Al Haza’a, from Abu Asama who said,

‘I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws, so a man from Al-Mugheira asked him-asws about something from the Sunnahs. So he-asws said: ‘There is none from the things (without a Sunnah). The one who recognises it (does so) and the one who denies it, denies it’. He said, ‘So what is the Sunnah with regards to entering the toilet?’ He-asws said: ‘Mention Allah-azwj and seek Refuge from the Satan-la. And when you are free, say, ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj over what has come out from me, from the harmful, with such ease and good health’.

قال الرجل: فالانسان يكون على تلك الحال ولا يصبر حتى ينظر إلى مايخرج منه، فقال انه ليس في الارض آدمى إلا ومعه ملكان موكلان به فإذا كان على تلك الحال ثنيا رقبته ثم قالا يابن آدم انظر إلى ماكنت تكدح له في الدنيا إلى ما هو صاير.

The man said, ‘So the human being who tends to be in that situation is not patient until he looks at what is coming out from him’. So he-asws said: ‘There is no human in the earth except that with him are two Angels Allocated with him. So when he was in that situation, they turn his neck, then they both said, ‘O son of Adam-as! Look at what you were toiling for in the world and what it has become’.[391]

(باب 187 – العلة التى من أجلها يكره طول الجلوس على الخلاء)

Chapter 187 – The reason due to which it is dislike to prolong the sitting upon the defecation

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن الفضل بن عامر، عن موسى بن القاسم البلخي، عمن ذكره، عن محمد بن مسلم قال: سمعت أبا جعفر ” ع ” يقول طول الجلوس على الخلاء يورث البواسير.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Fazal Bin Aamir, from Musa Bin Al Qasim Al Balkhy, from the one who mentioned it, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Prolonged sitting upon the defecation inherits the haemorrhoids’.[392]


(باب 188 – العلة التى من أجلها يكره صب الماء على المتوضى)

Chapter 188 – The reason due to which it is disliked for the water to be poured (by another) for the ablution

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال حدثنا محمد بن احمد قال حدثنا أبو اسحاق ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن عبد الله بن حماد عن ابراهيم بن عبد الحميد عن شهاب بن عبد ربه عن ابى عبد الله قال: كان أمير المؤمنين إذا توضأ لم يدع احدا يصب عليه الماء، قال: لا أحب أشرك في صلاتي أحدا.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Is’haq Ibrahim Bin Is’hhaq, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad, from Ibrahim Bin Abdul Hameed, from Shahaab Bin Abd Rabih,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Whenever Amir Al-Momineen-asws performed ablution, never called anyone to pour the water for him-asws. He-asws said: ‘I-asws do not like anyone to associate in my-asws Prayer’.[393]

(باب 189 – العلة التى من أجلها جعل الوضوء)

Chapter 189 – The reason due to which the ablution was Made (to be performed)

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن بعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد ابن عيسى عن حريز بن عبد الله عن زراره ومحمد بن مسلم عن ابى جعفر ” ع ” قال: إنما الوضوء حد من حدود الله ليعلم الله من يطيعه ومن يعصيه، وان المؤمن لا ينجسه شئ وإنما يكفيه مثل الدهن.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Ibn Isa, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah, from Zarara and Muhammad Bin Muslim,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘But rather, the ablution is a Limit from the Limits of Allah-azwj, in order to Allah-azwj to Determine who obeys Him-azwj and who disobeys Him-azwj, and that the Believer, nothing defiles him. But rather, (a little water) is sufficient for him, like the oil’.[394]

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: من تعدى في الوضوء كان كناقصه.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The one who exceeds in the ablution is like the one who was deficient in it’.[395]




(باب 190 – العلة التى من أجلها صار المسح ببعض الرأس وبعض الرجلين)

Chapter 190 – The reason due to which the wiping (Masa’h) came to be for part of the head and part of the two feet

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد، عن حريز، عن زرارة قال: قلت لابي جعفر ” ع ” إلا تخبرني من أين علمت وقلت ان المسح ببعض الرأس وبعض الرجلين؟ فضحك ثم قال: يا زرارة قاله رسول الله ” ص ” ونزل به الكتاب من الله لان الله عز وجل يقول: فاغسلوا وجوهكم فعرفنا ان الوجه كله يبنغى له ان يغسل

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Will you-asws inform me, from where you-asws know and said that the wiping (Al-Masaah) is for part of the head and part of the two feet?’ So he-asws smiled and said: ‘O Zarara! Rasool-Allah-saww said it, and the Book came down from Allah-azwj, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying: “[5:6] wash your faces, and so we understand that the face, the whole of it is to be washed.

ثم قال وايديكم إلى المرافق ثم فصل بين الكلامين فقال وامسحوا برؤوسكم فعرفنا حين قال برؤوسكم ان المسح ببعض الرأس لمكان الباء ثم وصل الرجلين بالرأس كما وصل اليدين بالوجه فقال وأرجلكم إلى الكعبين فعرفنا حين وصلها بالرأس ان المسح على بعضها

Then He-azwj Said and your hands as far as the elbows. Then He-azwj Detailed between the two Speeches, so He -azwj Said , and wipe your heads, so we understand where He-azwj Said your heads, that the wiping is for part of the head, due to the placing of the (letter) ‘Ba’ (الباء). Then He-azwj Linked the two feet with the head just as He-azwj Linked the two hands with the face, so He-azwj Said and your feet to the ankles, so we understand where He-azwj Linked it with the wiping upon parts of it.

ثم فسر ذلك رسول صلى الله عليه وآله للناس فضيعوه ثم قال: فلم تجدوا ماء فتيمموا صعيدا طيبا فامسحوا بوجوهكم فلما وضع عمن لم يجد الماء اثبت مكان الغسل مسحا لانه قال بوجوهكم، ثم وصل بها وأيديكم

Then Rasool-Allah-saww interpreted that to the people, so they wasted its. Then He-saww Said and you cannot find water, betake yourselves to pure earth and wipe your faces. So when He-azwj Replaced from the one who could not find the water, and Affirmed in the place of washing, with the wiping, because He-azwj Said wipe your faces. Then He-azwj Linked by it and your hands’.

ثم قال منه – أي من ذلك التيمم – لانه علم ان ذلك اجمع لم يجر على الوجه لانه يعلق من ذلك الصعيد ببعض الكف ولا يعلق ببعضها ثم قال ما يريد الله ليجعل عليكم في الدين من حرج، والحرج الضيق.

Then he-asws said from it: ‘What it Means by that is the Tayammum – because it is known that, that would not flow upon the face, because the earth would attach itself to parts of the palm and not attach to (other) parts of it’. Then He-azwj Said Allah does not desire to put on you any difficulty in the Religion. And the difficulty, it is the hardship’.[396]

(باب 191 – العلة التى من أجلها توضأ الجوارح الاربع دون غيرها)

Chapter 191 – The reason due to which ablution is on four parts besides others

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادى، عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله، عن أبيه عن فضالة عن الحسن بن ابى العلاء عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: جاء نفر من اليهود إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فسألوه عن مسائل فكان فيما سألوه اخبرنا يا محمد لاي علة توضأ هذه الجوارح الاربع وهى انظف المواضع في الجسد، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لما ان وسوس الشيطان إلى آدم دنا من الشجرة ونظر إليها ذهب ماء وجهه ثم قام ومشى إليها وهى اول قدم مشت إلى الخطيئة ثم تناول بيده منها مما عليها فاكل فطار الحلى والحلل عن جسده فوضع آدم يده على رأسه وبكى

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah -asws, from his father, from Fazalat, from Al Hassan Bin Abu A’la,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘A number of Jews came over to Rasool-Allah-saww, so they asked him-saww certain questions. So among what they asked was, ‘Inform us, O Muhammad-saww! For which reason are these four parts to be washed during ablution, and these are the cleanest of the places in the body?’ So the Prophet-saww said: ‘When Satan-la suggested to Adam-as, he-as approached the tree and looked towards it, the water of his-as face went. Then he-as stood to walk towards it, and it was the first step taken to the error. Then he-as took it by his-as hands from what was upon it, so he-as ate it and the ornaments and the robes flew away from his-as body. So Adam-as placed his-as hands upon his-as head and wept.

فلما تاب الله عليه فرض عليه وعلى ذريته غسل هذه الجوارح الاربع وأمره بغسل الوجه لما نظرالى الشجرة وأمره بغسل اليدين إلى الموفقين لما تناول منها وأمره بمسح الرأس لما وضع يده على أم رأسه وأمره بمسح القدمين لما مشى بهما الى الخطيئة.

So when Allah-azwj Turned to him-as (with Mercy), He-azwj Obligated upon him-as and his-as offspring, washing of these four parts. And He-azwj Commanded him-as with the washing of his-as face for having looked at the tree, and Commanded him-as to wash the two hands up to the two elbows for having taken from it, and Commanded him-as with the wiping of the head for having placed his-as hands upon the top of his-as head, and Commanded him-as with the wiping of the two feet for having walked by these two towards the error’.[397]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه، عن عمه محمد بن ابى القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي، عن محمد بن سنان ان ابا الحسن الرضا ” ع ” كتب إليه في جواب كتابه ان علة الوضوء التى من أجلها صار غسل الوجه والذراعين ومسح الرأس والرجلين فلقيامه بين يدي الله تعالى واستقباله اياه بجوارحه الظاهرة وملاقاته بها الكرام الكاتبين فغسل الوجه للسجود والخضوع وغسل اليدين ليقلبهما ويرغب بهما ويرهب ويتبتل ومسح الرأس والقدمين لانهما ظاهران مكشوفان مستقبل بهما في كل حالاته وليس فيها من الخضوع والتبتل ما في الوجه والذراعين.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Sinan who said,

‘Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in a reply to his letter that: ‘The reason due to which ablution came to be the washing of the face, and the two arms, and the wiping of the head and the two feet, for he stands in front of Allah-azwj the High, and faces towards Him-azwj with his apparent body parts and meets by these the two Honourable Recorders (Angels). So he washes the face for the Prostration and the submission; and the washing of the two hands for turning these two (away from the world), and wishing by these (to Allah-azwj, and beseeching; and the wiping of the head and the two feet is because these two are apparent uncovered facing by these two in all situations, and there isn’t the submission and beseeching what is in the face and the two hands’.[398]

(باب 194 – العلة التى من أجلها يكره استعمال الماء الذى تسخنه الشمس)

Chapter 194 – The reason due to which it is abhorrent to utilise the water which the sun has warmed up

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن عيسى عن درست عن ابراهيم بن عبد الحميد عن ابى الحسن عليه السلام قال: دخل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله على عائشة وقد وضعت قمقمتها في الشمس فقال: يا حميراء ماهذا؟ قالت اغسل رأسي وجسدى قال لاتعود فانه يورث البرص.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Darast, from Ibrahim Bin Abdul Hameed,

Abu Al-Hassan-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww came over to Ayesha and she had placed it to be warmed up in the sun. So he-saww said: ‘O Humeyra! What is this?’ She said, ‘I washed my head and my body’. He-saww said: ‘Do not repeat it, for it inherits the vitiligo’.[399]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر ابن محمد عن ابيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الماء الذي تسخنه الشمس لا تتوضؤا به ولا تغسلوا به ولا تعجنوا به فانه يورث البرص.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al-Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al-Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al-Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Ibn Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The water which has been warmed up by the sun, do not perform ablution with it, neither bathe with it, nor knead (dough) with it, for it inherits the vitiligo’.[400]

(باب 195 – العلة التى من أجلها وجب الغسل من الجنابة) (ولم يجب من البول والغائط)

Chapter 195 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory to bathe from the (sexual) impurity, and it is not Obligatory (to bathe) from the urination and defecation’.

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه، عن عمه، عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد ابن سنان: ان الرضا ” ع ” كتب إليه فيما كتبه من جواب مسائله علة غسل الجنابة للنظافة وتطهير الانسان نفسه مما أصابه من اذاه وتطهير سائر جسده لان الجنابة خارجة من كل جسده فلذلك وجب عليه تطهير جسده كله

Muhammad Bin Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Ibn Sinan that,

‘Al-Reza-asws wrote to him with regards to what he had written to him-asws, in answer to his question, ‘The reason for the bathing (major ablution) for the cleanliness, and the human being purifies himself from what has hit him upon his body part, to clean the rest of the body is because the sexual impurity comes out from the whole of his body. Therefore, it is due to that it is Obligatory upon him.

وعلة التخفيف في البول والغائط لانه اكثر وأدوم من الجنابة فرضى فيه بالوضوء لكثرته ومشقته ومجيئه بغير إرادة منه ولا شهوة والجنابة لا تكون إلا بالاستلذاذ منهم والاكراه لانفسهم

And the reasoning for the lightening with regards to the urine and the faeces is because it is more frequent and persistent (in its occurrence) than the sexual impurity. Thus (Allah-azwj) is Pleased with regards to it by the ablution, due to its frequency, and it would be difficult, and it comes without intention from him nor any desire for it, while the sexual impurity does not happen except by the (seeking of the) pleasures and the compelling upon their own selves’.[401]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه، عن عمه عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله عن ابى الحسن علي بن الحسن البرقى، عن عبد الله بن جبلة، عن معاوية بن عمار عن الحسن بن عبد الله، عن آبائه عن جده الحسن بن علي بن ابى طالب عليه السلام قال: جاء نفر من اليهودي إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فسأله أعلمهم عن مسائل فكان فيما سأله أن قال: لاى شئ أمر الله بالاغتسال من الجنابة ولم يأمر من الغائط والبول؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان آدم لما اكل من الشجرة دب ذلك في عروقه وشعره وبشره فإذا جامع الرجل اهله خرج الماء من كل عرق وشعرة في جسده فاوجب الله عز وجل على ذريته الاغتسال من الجنابة إلى يوم القيامة والبول يخرج من فضلة الشراب الذي يشربه الانسان والغائط يخرج من فضلة الطعام الذي يأكله الانسان فأوجب عليهم في ذلك الوضوء، قال اليهودي: صدقت يا محمد.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from his uncle, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Al Hassan Al Barqy, from Abdullah Bin Jabala, from Muawiya Bin Amaar Bin Al Hassan Bin Abdullah, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather-asws Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘A number of Jews came to Rasool-Allah-saww, so their scholar asked him-saww certain questions. So among what he asked was that he said, ‘For which reason did Allah-azwj Command with the washing from the sexual impurities, and did not Commanded it, from the defecation and the urine?’ So Rsaool-Allah-saww said: ‘When Adam-as ate from the tree, that was borne on his-as veins, and his-as hair, and his-as skin. So when the man copulates with his wife, the water comes out from every vein and hair in his body. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated upon his-as offspring, the washing from the sexual impurities up to the Day of Judgement. And the urine comes out from the remnants of the drinks which the human being drinks, and the faeces comes out from the remnants of the food which the human being eats, thus He-azwj Obligated the ablution with regards to that’. The Jew said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth, O Muhammad-saww!’[402]



(باب 197 – العلة التى من أجلها يجب الوضوء مما يخرج ولا يجب مما يدخل)

Chapter 197 – The reason due to which the ablution is Obligatory from what comes out (from the body) and is not Obligatory from what enters (the body i.e. food & drink)

حدثنا ابى ومحمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنهما قالا: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن محمد بن أورمة عن احمد بن محمد بن أبى نصر البزنطى وعبد الرحمن بن ابى نجران عن مثنى الحناط عن منصور بن حازم عن سعيد بن احمد عن ابن عباس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله توضؤا بما يخرج ولا تتوضؤا مما يدخل فانه يدخل طيبا ويخرج خبيثا.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hammas Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed both narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty and Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Masny Al Hanaat, from Mansour Bin Hazim, from Saeed Bin Ahmad, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Perform ablution due to what comes out (from your bodies, and do not perform ablution from what enters (food and drink), for the good enters and the bad comes out’.[403]

(باب 198 – علة الوضوء قبل الطعام وبعده)

Chapter 198 – Reason for the ablution before the food and after it

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله البرقى عن ابيه، عن القاسم بن محمد وغيره عن صفوان بن مهران الجمال عن ابى نميرة قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام الوضوء قبل الطعام وبعده يذهبان الفقر قال: قلت يذهبان الفقر؟ قال يذهبان الفقر.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad and others, from Safwan Bin Mahran Al Jamaal, from Abu Numeyra who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The (performing of) the ablution before the food and after it both do away the poverty’. I said, ‘They both (ablutions) do away with the poverty?’ He-asws said: ‘They both (ablutions) do away with the poverty’.[404]

(باب 199 – العلة التى من أجلها يغسل بالاشنال من الغمر) (خارج الفم دون داخله)

Chapter 199 – The reason due to which the washing from the immersion is for the outside of the mouth besides the inside of it

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن موسى بن جعفر ابن ابى جعفر الكميدانى، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن عبد العزيز، عن الرضا ” ع ” قال: إنما يغسل بالاشنان خارج الفم فاما داخل الفم فلا يقبل الغمر.

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Musa Bin Ja’far Ibn Abu Ja’far Al Kameydani, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abdul Aziz,

Al-Reza-asws has said: ‘But rather, washing by the immersion is for outside of the mouth. As for the inside of the mouth, so the immersion would not be accepted’.[405]

(باب 200 – علة النهى عن البول في الماء النقيع)

Chapter 200 – The reason for the Prohibition of urinating in the clean water

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن ابى عمير، عن حماد عن الحلبي، عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا تشرب وأنت قائم ولا تطف بقبر ولا تبل في ماء نقيع فانه من فعل ذلك فأصابه شئ فلا يلومن إلا نفسه ومن فعل شيئا من ذلك لم يكن يفارقه إلا ما شاء الله.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad, from Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Neither drink whilst you are standing, nor walk around a grave, nor urinate in clean water. So the one who does that, and is hit by something, so he should not blame anyone except for himself, and the one who does something from that, would not (be able to) separate (cured) from it except what Allah-azwj so Desires’.[406]

(باب 201 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز الكلام على الخلاء)

Chapter 201 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to speak upon defecation

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن ابى عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن علي بن سالم عن ابيه عن ابى بصير قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام لا تتكلم على الخلاء، فان من تكلم على الخلاء لم تقض له حاجة.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhai’e, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Salim, from his father, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Do not speak whilst being upon the defecation, for the one who speaks whilst being upon the defecation, the need would not be fulfilled for him’.[407]

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد بن ادريس رضى الله عنه، عن ابيه، عن محمد ابن احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم وغيره، عن صفوان ابن يحيى عن ابى الحسن الرضا عليه السلام انه قال: نهى رسول الله ان يجيب الرجل أحدا وهو على الغائط ويكلمه حتى يفرغ.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim and someone else, from Safwan Ibn Yahya,

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww forbade the man to answer anyone or speak to him whilst he was upon the defecation, until he was free from it’.[408]

(باب 202 – العلة التى من أجلها يجوز أن يقول المتغوط وهو) (على الخلاء كما يقول المؤذن، ويذكر الله عز وجل)

Chapter 202 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the defecator to be saying just as what the Muezzin is saying, and mention Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, whilst being on defecation

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابى عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن علي بن سالم عن ابيه عن ابى بصير قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” ان سمعت الاذان وأنت على الخلاء فقل مثل ما يقول المؤذن ولا تدع ذكر الله عز وجل في تلك الحال لان ذكر الله حسن على كل حال.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhaie, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Salim, from his father, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘When you hear the Azan (Call to Prayer) and you are upon the defecation, so say the like of what the Muezzin (Caller to Prayer) is saying, and do not leave the mention of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic during that situation, because the mention of Allah-azwj is good upon every situation’.

ثم قال عليه السلام لما ناجى الله تعالى موسى بن عمران ” ع ” قال موسى: يا رب ابعيد أنت منى فاناديك ام قريب فاناجيك؟ فأوحى الله عز وجل إليه يا موسى انا جليس من ذكرني، فقال موسى يا رب اني اكون في حال اجلك ان اذكرك فيها، فقال: يا موسى اذكرني على كل حال.

The he-asws said: ‘When Musa-as Bin Imran-as whispered to Allah-azwj, Musa-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! Are You-azwj remote from me-as so that I-as call upon You-azwj, or are You-azwj nearby so that I-as should whisper to You-azwj?’ So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “O Musa-as! I-azwj am a ‘Jalyes’ (one who is with someone) of the one who mentioned Me-azwj”. So Musa-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! Shall I-as mention You-azwj in every situation of mine-as?’ So He-azwj Said: “O Musa-as! Mention Me-azwj upon every situation”.[409]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز بن عبد الله عن محمد بن مسلم قال: قال لي يابن مسلم لا تدعن ذكر الله عز وجل على كل حال فلو سمعت المنادي ينادي بالآذان وأنت على الخلاء فاذكر الله عز وجل وقل كما يقول.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘He-asws said to me: ‘O Ibn Muslim! Do not leave the mention of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic upon every situation. So, even if you were to hear the caller calling out with the Azan, and you are upon the defecation, so mention Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic and say just like what he is saying’.[410]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن سعيد عن محمد ابن ابى عمير عن عمير بن اذينة عن زرارة قال: قلت لابي جعفر ” ع ” ما أقول إذا سمعت الاذان؟ قال: اذكر الله مع كل مع ذاكر.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Umeyr Bin Azina, from Zarara who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘What should I be saying when I hear the Azan?’ He-asws said: ‘Mention Allah-azwj along with each mention of the mentioner’.[411]

حدثنا محمد بن احمد السنانى رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا حمزة بن القاسم العلوي قال: حدثنا جعفر بن مالك الكوفي قال: حدثنا جعفر بن سليمان المروزى عن سليمان بن مقبل المدايني قال: قلت لابي الحسن موسى بن جعفر عليه السلام لاي علة يستحب للانسان إذا سمع الآذان أن يقول كما يقول المؤذن وان كان على البول والغائط؟ قال ان ذلك يزيد في الرزق.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sanany narrated to us, from Hamza Bin Al Qasim Al Alawy, from Ja’far Bin Malik Al Kufy, from Ja’far Bin Suleyman Al Marouzy, from Suleyman Bin Maqbal Al Madainy who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, ‘For which reason is it recommended for the human being, when he hears the Azan that he should be saying just as what the Muezzin is saying, even if he was upon the urination and the defecation?’ He-asws said: ‘That increases the sustenance’.[412]

(باب 203 – علة وجوب غسل يوم الجمعة)

Chapter 203 – Reason for the Obligation of the washing on the day of Friday

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا إبراهيم بن هاشم عن علي بن معبد عن الحسين بن خالد الصيرفى قال: سألت ابا الحسن الاول عليه السلام كيف صار غسل الجمعة واجبا؟ قال: فقال ان الله تبارك وتعالى أتم صلاة الفريضة بصلاة النافلة واتم صيام الفريضة بصيام النافلة واتم وضوء الفريضة بغسل يوم الجمعة فيما كان من ذلك من سهواو تقصيراو نسيان.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ali Bin Ma’bad, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid Al Sayrafi who said,

‘I asked Abu Al Hassan-asws the First, ‘How did the washing on the day of Friday become Obligatory?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Completed the Obligatory Prayer with the Optional Prayer, and Completed the Obligatory Fast with the Optional Fast, and Completed the Obligatory ablution with the washing on the day of the Friday, in what was from that, from mistakes, or deficiencies, or forgetfulness’.[413]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد، عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق، عن عبد الله بن حماد الانصاري، عن صباح المزني عن الحارث عن الاصبغ بن نباتة قال: كان علي ” ع ” إذا أراد ان يوبخ الرجل يقول له أنت أعجز من تارك الغسل يوم الجمعة، فانه لا يزال في طهر إلى الجمعة الاخرى.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad Al Ansary, from Sabah Al Mazny, from Al Haris, from Al Asbagh Bin Nabata who said,

‘Whenever Ali-asws intended to embrace the man, he-asws would be saying to him: ‘Are you frustrated from leaving the washing on the day of Friday, for it does not cease to purify until the next Friday’.[414]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد ابن سنان ان الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة غسل العيدين والجمعة وغير ذلك من الاغسال لما فيه من تعظيم العبد ربه واستقباله الكريم الجليل وطلبه المغفرة لذنوبه وليكون لهم يوم عيد معروف يجتمعون فيه على ذكر الله فجعل فيه الغسل تعظيما لذلك اليوم وتفضيلا له على سائر الايام وزيادة في النوافل والعبادة، وليكون ذلك طهارة له من الجمعة إلى الجمعة.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Ibn Sinan that,

‘Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written asking him-asws about the reason for the washing for the two Eids, and the Friday, and other than that from the washings. (He-asws wrote): ‘So that (it would be known from it) the reverence placed by the servant to his Lord-azwj, and is facing the Benevolent, the Majestic, and is seeking the Forgiveness for his sins; and the day of Eid would become well known for them, in which they would be gathering for the Mentioning of Allah-azwj. Therefore, He-azwj Made the washing in it as a reverence for that day, and Gave it the preference over the rest of the days, and that they would be (Praying the) optional Prayers and worshipping more; and that would become a purification for a person, from a Friday to a Friday’.[415]

(باب 204 – العلة التى من أجلها رخص للنساء في السفر في ترك غسل الجمعة)

Chapter 204 – The reason due to which an allowance has been given for the women, during travel, for leaving of the washing on the day of Friday

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد بن يحيى رفعه قال: غسل الجمعة واجب على الرجال والنساء في السفر والحضر إلا انه رخص للنساء في السفر لقلة الماء.

My father said, Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, raising it, said,

‘He-asws said: ‘The washing on the day of Friday is Obligatory upon the men and the women, (even) during the travel and the hazards, except that it has been allowed for the women (not to wash) during the travel, due to (if there is) the scarcity of the water’.[416]

(باب 205 – العلة التى من أجلها كان الناس يستنجون بثلاثة) (أحجار، والعلة التى من أجلها صاروا يستنجدون بالماء)

Chapter 205 – The reason due to which the people used to clean themselves (after defecation) with three stones, and the reason due to which they came to be cleaning themselves with the water

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله الحسين عن عبد الرحمان بن هاشم البجلى عن أبى خديجة عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: كان الناس يستنجون بثلاثة أحجار لانهم كانوا يأكلون البسر فكانوا يبعرون بعرا فأكل رجل من الانصار الدبا فلان بطنه واستنجى بالماء بعث إليه النبي صلى الله عليه وآله

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al Husayn, from Abdul Rahman Bin Hashim Al Bajaly, from Abu Khadeeja,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The people used to clean themselves (after defecation) by three stones, because they were eating dates, and they used to defecate like the camels. So a man from the Helpers ate the locust, so his excretion was soft, and he cleaned himself with the water. So the Prophet-saww sent for him’.

قال: فجاء الرجل وهو خائف يظن ان يكون قد نزل فيه أمر يسوؤه في استنجائه بالماء فقال له هل عملت في يومك هذا شيئا؟ فقال: نعم يارسول الله انى والله ما حملني على الاستنجاء بالماء إلا انى أكلت طعاما، فلان بطني فلم تغن عنى الحجارة شيئا فاستنجيت بالماء فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله هنيئا لك فان الله تعالى قدانزل فيك آية فابشر ان الله يحب التوابين المتطهرين فكنت أول من صنع هذا أول التوابين وأول المتطهرين.

He-asws said: ‘So the man came over, and he was fearing, thinking that a Revelation might have come down regarding him which was bad for him, with regards to cleaning with the water. So he-saww said: ‘Do you know of anything in this day of yours?’ So he said, ‘Yes, O Rasool-Allah-saww! By Allah-azwj! I would not have washed myself with the water except that I ate such food, so my inside was soft. Thus nothing from the stones was appropriate for me, therefore I washed myself with the water’. So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Congratulations to you, for Allah-azwj the High has Revealed a Verse with regards to you, so receive good news that [2:222] surely Allah Loves the repentant, and He Loves those who purify themselves’. He was first one who did this (cleaning with the water), and the first of the repentants, and the purifiers (with the water)’.[417]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميرى، عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن زياد، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال لبعض نسائه: مرى نساء المؤمنين ان يستنجين بالماء ويبالغن فانه مطهرة للحواشي ومذهبة للبواسير.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Ziyad,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said to one of his-saww wives: ‘Pass by the wives of the Believers and tell them to clean themselves with the water, for it is a purifier for the surrounding areas, and it does away with the haemorrhoids’.[418]

(باب 206 – العلة في المضمضة والاستنشاق وانهما ليسا من أو ضوء)

Chapter 206 – The reason for the rinsing of the mouth and the nose both not being part of the ablution

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان، عمن أخبره عن أبى بصير عن أبى جعفر وأبى عبد الله عليهم السلام انهما قالا: المضمضة والاستنشاق ليسا من الوضوء لانهما من الجوف.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from the one who informed him, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws and Abu Abdullah-asws both having said: ‘The rinsing of the mouth and the nose, both are not from the ablution, because they are both from the inside (to do with the interior of the body)’.[419]

(باب 207 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجب غسل الثوب الذى) (يقع في الماء الذى يستنجى به)

Chapter 207 – The reason due to which it is not Obligatory to wash the cloth which falls in the water which has been used to cleaning oneself

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسين عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان، عن رجل من أهل المشرق عن العنزا عن الاحول قال: دخلت على ابى عبد الله عليه السلام فقال: سل عما شئت فارتجت علي المسائل فقال لي سل مابدا لك فقلت جعلت فداك الرجل يستنجى فيقع ثوبه في الماء الذي يستنجى به فقال لا باس به فسكت فقال أو تدري لم صار لا بأس به؟ قلت لا والله جعلت فداك فقال: لان الماء اكثر من القذر.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazie, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from a man from the people of Al Mashraq, from Al Anza, from Al Ahowl who said,

‘I went over to Abu Abdullah-asws, so he-asws said: ‘Ask whatever you like to’. So the questions moved me (hesitated). So he-asws said to me: ‘Ask whatever occurs to you’. So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! The man cleans himself (from defecation), so his cloth falls in the water which he has used to clean himself with’. So he-asws said: ‘There is no problem with it’. So I was quiet. So he-asws said :’Or do you know why it became such that there is no problem with it?’ I said, ‘No, by Allah-azwj, may I be sacrificed for you-asws’. So he-asws said: ‘Because the water is far more than the filth (in it)’.[420]


(باب 208 – العلة التى من أجلها لم تجب المضمضة والاستنشاق في غسل الجنابة)

Chapter 208 – The reason due to which rinsing of the mouth and the nose are not Obligatory in the major ablution (Ghusl Janabat)

ابى رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن ابى يحيى الواسطي، عمن حدثه قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام الجنب يتمضمض فقال: لا إنما يجنب الظاهر ولا يجنب الباطن والفم من الباطن.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abu Yahya Al Wasity, from the one who mentioned it who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Does the one who is in requirement of a major ablution have to rinse his mouth?’ So he-asws said: ‘But rather, he has (sexual impurity) on the exterior (of his body) and not the interior, and the mouth is from the interior’.[421]

وروى في حديث آخر ان الصادق عليه السلام قال في غسل الجنابة ان شئت ان تتمضمض وتستنشق فافعل وليس بواجب لان الغسل على ما ظهر لاعلى ما بطن

And it has been reported in a Hadeeth that Al-Sadiq-asws said with regards to the major ablution (Ghusl Janabat) that: ‘If you like to rinse your mouth and your nose, so do it, but it is not an Obligation, because the washing is upon what is apparent, and not upon what is hidden’.[422]

(باب 209 – العلة التى من أجلها إذا اغتسل الرجل من الجنابة) (قبل ان يبول ثم خرج منه شئ أعاد الغسل والمرأة) (إذا خرج منها شئ بعد الغسل لم تعد الغسل)

Chapter 209 – The reason due to which when the man washes from the sexual impurity before he urinates, then something comes out from him, he has to repeat the washing, and the woman, when something comes out from her after she has washed, does not have to repeat the washing

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن عثمان بن عيسى عن ابن مسكان عن سليمان بن خالد عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن رجل أجنب فاغتسل قبل ان يبول فخرج منه شئ، قال: يعيد الغسل، قلت: فامرأة يخرج منها شئ بعد الغسل قال: لا تعيد قلت: فما الفرق بينهما؟ قال: لان مايخرج من المرأة إنما هو من ماء الرجل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Usman Bin Isa, from Ibn Muskan, from Suleyman Bin Khalid,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who had sexual impurity, so he washed before he urinated, and something came out from him (a discharge)’. He-asws said: ‘He should repeat the washing’. I said, ‘So the woman, something comes out from her after the washing?’ He-asws said: ‘She does not have to repeat it’. I said, ‘So what is the difference between the two of them?’ He-asws said: ‘Because what comes out from the woman, but rather it is from the water of the man’.[423]

(210 – العلة التى من أجلها يجوز للحايض والجنب ان يجوزا) (في المسجد، ولا يضعا فيه شيئا)

Chapter – 210 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the (woman) menstruating and the (man) with sexual impurity to pass through the Masjid, and not place anything in it

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن زرارة ومحمد بن مسلم عن ابى جعفر عليه السلام قالا: قلنا له الحائض والجنب يدخلان المسجد أم لا؟ قال الحائض والجنب لا يدخلان المسجد إلا مجتازين ان الله تبارك وتعالى يقول: (ولاجنبا إلا عابري سبيل حتى تغتسلوا) ويأخذان من المسجد ولا يضعان فيه شيئا

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Zarara and Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, both of them said, ‘We said to him-asws, ‘Can the menstruating (woman), and the sexually impure (man) both enter the Masjid, or not?’ He-asws said: ‘The menstruating (woman) and the sexually impure (man) cannot enter the Masjid except when passing by. Allah-azwj Blessed and High is Saying [4:43] nor when you are under an Obligation to perform a bath – unless (you are) travelling on the road, both can be taking something from the Masjid, and not placing anything in it’.

قال زرارة: قلت له فما بالهما ياخذان منه ولا يضعان فيه؟ قال: لانهما لا يقدران على أخذ ما فيه إلا منه ويقدران على وضع ما بيدهما في غيره

Zurara said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘So what is the matter with both of them to be taking (something) from it, and not place anything in it?’ He-asws said: ‘Because both of them have no ability (choice) upon taking whatever is in it except (to take) from it, and they are able to place whatever in their hands, somewhere else’.

قلت فهل يقرآن من القرآن شيئا قال: نعم ما شاءا إلا السجدة ويذكران الله على كل حال.

I said, ‘So can they both be reciting anything from the Quran?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, whatever they like, except for the Prostration (Verses), and they can both mention Allah-azwj upon every situation’.[424]

(باب 211 – العلة في الفرق بين مايخرج من الصحيح وبين) (مايخرج من المريض من الماء الرقيق)

Chapter 211 – The reason regarding the difference between what comes out from the healthy (person) and what comes out from the sick (person), from the thick water

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن ابن المغيرة عن حريز عن ابن أبى يعفور قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام الرجل يرى في المنام انه يجامع ويجد الشهوة فيستيقظ وينظر فلا يرى شيئا ثم يمكث بعد فيخرج قال: ان كان مريضا فليغتسل وان لم يكن مريضا فلا شئ عليه قال: قلت فما الفرق بينهما قال: لان الرجل إذا كان صحيحا جاء الماء بدفقة قوية، وان كان مريضا لم يجئ إلا بضعف.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Al Mugheira, from Hareyz, from Ibn Abu Yafour who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The man sees in his dream that he is copulating and finds the desire. So he wakes up and looks, but he does not see anything. Then he remains for a while afterwards, so it comes out’. He-asws said: ‘If he was sick, so he should wash, and if he was not sick, so there is nothing upon him’. I said, ‘So what is the difference between the two of them?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the man, when he was healthy, his water comes strongly spurting out, but if he was sick, it would not come except with the weakness’.[425]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه، عن حماد عن حريز عن زرارة عن أبى جعفر عليه السلام قال: إذا كانت مريضا فاصابتك شهوة فانه ربما كان هو الدافق لكنه يجئ مجيئا ضعيفا ليست له قوة لمكان مرضك ساعة بعد ساعة قليلا قليلا فاغتسل منه.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘When you are sick and are hit by desire, so perhaps it was the continuously coming out with a weak flowing, not having any strength to it, due to your illness, time after time, little by little, so you should wash (major ablution) from it’.[426]

(باب 212 – النوادر)

Chapter 212 – The Miscellaneous

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن الحسن بن علي الكوفي عن عبد الله بن جبلة عن رجل، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: ان الرجل ليعبد الله أربعين سنة وما يطيعه في الوضوء.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated o us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Abdullah Bin Jabala, from a man,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The man worships Allah-azwj for forty years, and does not obey Him-azwj with regards to the ablution, (it would not be Acceptable from him)’.[427]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبى الخطاب عن الحكم بن مسكين عن محمد بن مروان قال: قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” يأتي على الرجل ستون أو سبعون سنة ما يقبل الله منه صلاة قال: قلت فكيف ذاك؟ لانه يغسل ما أمر الله بمسحه.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Al Hakam Bin Maskeyn, from Muhammad Bin Marwan who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The man comes to be of sixty or seventy years, and Allah-azwj does not Accept the Prayer from him’. I said, ‘So how can that be?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he washes, what Allah-azwj has Commanded him with the wiping’.[428]

(باب 213 – العلة التى من أجلها يجب أن يسمى الله تعالى عند الوضوء)

Chapter 213 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory to Name Allah-azwj the High (saying Bismillah) during the ablution

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال حدثنا محمد بن احمد عن محمد بن اسماعيل، عن علي بن الحكم، عن داود العجلى مولى أبى المغيرة، عن أبى بصير، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قال يا أبا محمد من توضأ فذكر إسم الله طهر جميع جسده وكان الوضوء إلى الوضوء كفاره لما بينهما من الذنوب ومن لم يسم لم يطهر من جسده إلا ما أصابه الماء.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Dawood Al Ajaly, a slave of Abu Al Mugheira, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘O Abu Muhammad! The one who performs the ablution, so he mentioned the Name of Allah-azwj, would purify his entire body, and it would be an expiation from the sins, from one ablution to the other. And the one who does not mention (Bismillah), does not purify his body except for (the parts which) are hit by the water’.[429]

(باب 214 – العلة التى من أجلها إذا نسى المتوضئ الذراع) (والرأس كان عليه أن يعيد الوضوء)

Chapter 214 – The reason due to which the performer of the ablution forgets (washing) the arms, and (wiping) the head, it would be upon him to repeat the ablution

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنى الحسين بن محمد بن عامر عن معلى بن محمد عن الحسن بن علي الوشاء، عن حماد بن عثمان، عن حكم بن حكيم قال: سألت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” عن رجل نسى من الوضوء الذراع والرأس؟ قال: يعيد الوضوء ان الوضوء يتبع بعضه بعضا.

My father said, ‘Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Aamir narrated to us, from Moala Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Hakam Bin Hakeym who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who forgets the arms and the head from the ablution?’ He-asws said: ‘He should repeat the ablution. The Ablution, parts of it follow each other (it is sequential)’.[430]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن فضالة بن أيوب، عن سماعة، عن أبى بصير، عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: إذا توضأت بعض وضوءك فعرضت لك حاجة حتى يبس وضوءك فاعد وضوءك فان الوضوء لايبعض.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Sama’at, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When you have performed part of your ablution, and a need presents itself to you to the extent that your ablution dries out, so repeat your ablution, for the ablution is continuous (sequential)’.[431]

(باب 215 – علة الطمث)

Chapter 215 – Reason for the menstruation

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al barqy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abu Ayoub Al Khazaz, from Abu Ubeyda Al Haza’a,

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادى قال حدثنا احمد بن أبى عبد الله البرقي قال حدثنا الحسن بن محبوب عن أبى أيوب الخزاز عن أبى عبيدة الحذاء عن أبى جعفر محمد بن علي ” ع ” قال: الحيض من النساء نجاسة رماهن الله بها، قال: وقد كن النساء في زمن نوح إنما تحيض المرأة في كل سنة حيضة حتى خرجن نسوة من حجابهن وهن سبعمائة امرأة فانطلقن فلبس المعصفرات من الثياب وتحلين وتعطرن ثم خرجن فتفرقن في البلاد فجلسن مع الرجال وشهدن الاعياد معهم وجلسن في صفوفهم فرماهن الله بالحيض عند ذلك في كل شهر أولئك النسوة باعيانهن فسالت دمائهن فخرجن من بين الرجال وكن يحضن في كل شهر حيضة، قال: فاشغلهن الله تبارك وتعالى بالحيض وكثر شهوتهن،

Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws has said: ‘The menstruation from the women is an impurity which Allah-azwj has Thrown at the women. And the women in the era of Noah-saww used to menstruate in every year, only once, until the women came out from their veils, and there were seven hundred women. So they wore yellow dresses, and made up, and applied perfume, then went out dispersing in the cities. So they gathered with the men and participated in the festivals with them, and sat in their rows. Therefore, Allah-azwj Cast the menstruation at them during that to be once every month. Those were the women who used to sell themselves. So their blood flowed, and they went out from in between the men, and it became so that their menstruation occurred once in every month’. He-asws said: ‘So Allah-azwj Blessed and High got them to be occupied with the menstruation due to the frequency of their lustful desires’.

قال: وكان غيرهن من النساء اللواتى لم يفعلن مثل فعلهن كن يحضن في كل سنة حيضة قال فتزوج بنو اللاتى يحضن في كل شهر حيضة بنات اللاتى يحضن في كل سنة حيضة، قال: فامتزج القوم فحضن بنات هؤلاء وهؤلاء في كل شهرحيضة، قال: وكثر أولاد اللاتى يحضن في كل شهر حيضة لاستقامة الحيض، وقل أولاد اللاتى لا يحضن في السنة إلا حيضة لفساد الدم قال: فكثر نسل هؤلاء وقل نسل أولئك.

He-asws said: ‘And the other women who did not do the like of what they had done, their menstruation occurred once in every year. So the sons of those who menstruated every month married the daughters of those who were menstruating once every year with a menstruation. Thus, the people intermingled, and the daughters of these ones and those ones menstruated every month with a menstruation. And the children of those who menstruated once in every month with a menstruation were numerous due to the occurrence of the menstruation, and the children of those that did not menstruate in a year except for one menstruation were less due to the spoiling of the blood. Thus, the offspring of these ones were numerous, and the offspring of those ones were a few’.[432]

(باب 216 – العلة التى من أجلها يبدأ صاحب البيت بالوضوء قبل الطعام)

Chapter 216 – The reason due to which the owner of the house should begin with the ablution (washing) before the meal

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادى عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله البرقى عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن عثمان ابن عيسى عن محمد بن عجلان عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: الوضوء قبل الطعام يبدأ صاحب البيت لئلا يحتشم أحد فأذا فرغ من الطعام يبدأ من عن يمين الباب حرا كان أو عبدا.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Usman Ibn Isa, from Muhammad Bin Ajlan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The ablution (washing of the hands) before the meal, the owner of the house should begin, perhaps there is someone who would be embarrassed. So when (everyone) is free from the meal, he should begin (providing water for washing of the hands) from his right of the door, be it a free one or a slave’.[433]

وفي حديث آخر فليغسل أولا رب البيت يده ثم يبدأ بمن عن يمينه وإذا رفع الطعام بدأ بمن على يسار صاحب المنزل ويكون آخر من يغسل يده صاحب المنزل لانه أولى بالغمر ويتمندل عند ذلك.

And in another Hadeeth: ‘So let the owner of the house be the first one to wash his hands, then begin from his right, (providing water for the washing). And when the food is lifted, he should begin with the one on the left of the owner of the house, so that the owner of the house would be the last one to wash his hands, because he would be the first one with the immersion and wiping with the hand towel during that’.[434]

(باب 217 – العلة التى من أجلها أعطيت النفساء ثمانية عشر يوما) (ولم تعط أقل منها ولا أكثر)

Chapter 217 – The reason due to which the bleeding after childbirth have been given eighteen days, and not been given less from it or more

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرني القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثنا حمدان ابن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن حنان بن سدير قال: قلت لاي علة اعطيت النفساء ثمانية عشر يوما ولم تعط أقل منها ولا أكثر؟ قال: لان الحيض أقله ثلاثة أيام وأوسطه خمسة أيام، واكثره عشرة أيام، فاعطيت أقل الحيض وأوسطه واكثره.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Ibn Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr who said,

‘I said, ‘For which reason has the bleeding after childbirth been given eighteen days and was not give any less from it, nor any more?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the menstruation, its minimum is three days, and its median is of five days, and its maximum is of ten days. Thus is has been given the minimum of the menstruation, and its median, and its maximum’.[435]

(218 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز للحايض أن تختضب)

Chapter 218 – The reason due to which the menstruating (woman) is not allowed to apply dye (hair colour)

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن احمد ابن يحيى، عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله، عن علي بن اسباط، عن عمه يعقوب، عن أبى بكر الحضرمي، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن الحائض هل تختضب؟ قال: لا، لانه يخاف عليها من الشيطان.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Ibn Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ali Bin Asbaat, from his uncle Yaqoub, from Abu Bakr Al Hazramy,

(The narrator says): ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the menstruating (woman), can she apply dye (hair colour?’ He-asws said: ‘No, because she should fear from the Satan-la overcoming her’.[436]

(باب 219 – العلة التى من أجلها لا ترى الحامل الحيض)

Chapter 219 – The reason due to which the pregnant woman does not see the menstruation

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابى القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمان الاصم، عن الهيثم بن واقد، عن مقرن، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سأل سلمان رحمة الله عليه عليا صلوات الله عليه عن رزق الولد في بطن أمه، فقال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى حبس عليه الحيضة فجعلها رزقه في بطن أمه.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Abdullah Bin Abdul Rahman Al Asim, from Al Haysam Bin Waqad, from Maqran,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Salman-as asked Ali-asws about the sustenance of the child in the belly of its mother. So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Withholds her menstruation, so He-azwj Makes it to be sustenance for it in the belly of its mother’.[437]

(باب 220 – آداب الحمام)

Chapter 220 – Etiquettes of the bathroom

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن الحسن بن علي عن عبد الله بن بكير عن عبد الله بن أبى يعفور قال: لا حاني زرارة بن أعين في نتف الابط وحلقه فقلت نتفه أفضل من حلقه وطليه أفضل منهما جميعا فاتينا باب ابى عبد الله ” ع ” فطلبنا الاذن عليه فقيل لنا هو في الحمام

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from Al Hassan Bin Ali, from Abdullah Bin Bakeyr, from Abdullah Bin Abu Yafour who said,

‘Zarara Bin Ayn did not agree with me with regards to plucking (the hair) from the armpits and shaving it. So I said, ‘Plucking it is preferable to shaving it, and waxing it is better than both of these’. So we came over to the door of Abu Abdullah-asws. We sought permission to (see) him-asws, but it was said to us, ‘He-asws is in the (Public) baths’.

فذهبنا إلى الحمام فخرج صلى الله عليه علينا وقد اطلى ابطه فقلت لزرارة يكفيك؟ قال: لا لعله إنما فعله لعلة به فقال فيما اتيتما فقلت لاحانى زرارة بن أعين في نتف الابط وحلقه، فقلت نتفه أفضل من حلقه وطليه أفضل منهما، فقال أما انك أصبت السنة واخطأها زرارة اما ان نتفه أفضل من حلقه وطليه أفضل منهما،

So we went over to the baths, and he-asws came out to us, and he-asws had applied wax to his-asws armpits. So I said to Zarara, ‘Is it sufficient for you (now)?’ He said, ‘No. But rather, perhaps he-asws has done it due to a reason for it’. So he-asws said: ‘Regarding what have you both come over?’ So I said, ‘Zarara Bin Ayan did not agree with me with regards to plucking the hair from the armpits and its shaving. So I said that plucking is better than shaving it, and waxing it is better than both of these’. So he-asws said: ‘But, you have hit the Sunnah, and Zarara has erred in it. Plucking it is better than shaving it, and waxing it is better than both of these’.

ثم قال لنا اطليا فقلنا فعلنا منذ ثلاث فقال أعيدا فان الاطلاء طهور ففعلنا فقال لي تعلم يابن أبى يعفور فقلت جعلت فداك علمني

Then he-asws said to us: ‘Wax it’. So we said, ‘We have done it three days ago’. So he-asws said: ‘Repeat it, for the waxing is a purifier’. So we did it. So he-asws to us: ‘Learn, O Ibn Abu Yafour!’ So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws, teach me’.

فقال إياك والاضطجاع في الحمام فانه يذيب شحم الكليتين وإياك والاستلقاء على القفاء في الحمام فانه يورث داء الدبيلة، وإياك والتمشط في الحمام فانه يورث وباء الشعر، واياك والسواك في الحمام فانه يورث وباء الاسنان، وإياك ان تغسل رأسك بالطين فانه يسمج الوجه، وإياك ان تدلك رأسك ووجهك بميزر فانه يذهب بماء الوجه، وإياك ان تدلك تحت قدمك بالخزف فانه يورث البرص،

So he-asws said: ‘Beware of lying down in the bath, for it melts the fat of the two kidneys. And beware of lying down upon your right in the bath, for it inherits the illness of empyema (pus in the chest). And beware of combing in the bath, for it inherits the plague of hair. And beware of brushing in the bath, for it inherits the plague of the teeth. And beware washing your head with (Egyptian) mud, for it disfigures the face. And beware of rubbing your head and your face with leather for it takes away the water of the face. And beware of rubbing your feet with (Syrian) clay under it, for it inherits the vitiligo.

وإياك ان تغتسل من غسالة الحمام ففيها يجتمع غسالة اليهودي والنصراني والمجوسي والناصب لنا أهل البيت وهو شرهم فان الله تبارك وتعالى لم يخلق خلقا انجس من الكلب وان الناصب لنا أهل البيت انجس منه. (قال مصنف هذا الكتاب) رويت في خبر آخر أن هذا الطين هو طين مصر وان هذا الخزف هو خزف الشام.

And beware of washing from the washer of the bath, for therein gather the bathers from the Jews, and the Christians, and the Magians, and the Nasibis, hostile ones to us-asws, the People-asws of the Household, and they are the most evil of them, for Allah-azwj Blessed and High did not Create a creature filthier than the dog, and the one who is hostile to us-asws, the People-asws of the Household is filthier than it’.[438]

(باب 221 – العلة التى من أجلها لم يأمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله) (بالسواك مع كل صلاة)

Chapter 221 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww did not order for the brushing (of the teeth) along with every Prayer

أبى رحمه قال: حدثنا على بن ابراهيم، عن ابيه عن عبد الله بن ميمون عن ابى جعفر ” ع ” قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لولا ان اشق على أمتي لامرتهم بالسواك مع كل صلاة.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Abdullah Bin Maymoun,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Had it not been too difficult upon my-saww community, I-saww would have ordered them with the brushing of the teeth along with every Prayer’.[439]

(باب 222 – العلة التى من أجلها سن السواك وقت القيام باليل)

Chapter 222 – The reason due to which the brushing of the teeth is Sunnah at the time of standing at night (for the Prayer)

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عمن ذكره عن عبد الله بن حماد بن ابى بكر بن ابى سماك قال قال أبو عبد الله ” ع ” اذاقمت باليل فاستك فان الملك يأتيك فيضع فاه على فيك فليس من حرف تتلوه وتنطق به إلا صعد به إلى السماء فليكن فوك طيب الريح.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from the one who mentioned it, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad Bin Abu Bakr Bin Abu Samaak who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘When you stand at night (for the Prayer), so brush your teeth, for an Angel comes to you and places its mouth upon your mouth. Thus, there is none from a letter recited and spoken with, except that it ascends with it to the sky. So let your mouth be with aromatic wind’.[440]

(باب 224 – العلة التى من أجلها تقضى الحايض الصوم ولا تقضى الصلاة)

Chapter 224 – The reason due to which the menstruating woman fulfills the (missed) Fast and does not fulfill the (missed) Prayer

حدثنا علي بن احمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابى عبد الله قال: حدثنا موسى ابن عمران عن عمه عن علي بن ابى حمزة عن أبى بصير قال: سألت ابا عبد الله ” ع ” ما بال الحائض تقضي الصوم ولا تقضي الصلاة؟ قال: لان الصوم إنما هو في السنة شهر، والصلاة في كل يوم وليلة، فاوجب الله عليها قضاء الصوم ولم يوجب عليها قضاء الصلاة لذلك.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Musa Ibn Imran, from his uncle, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What is the matter that the menstruating woman fulfils the Fast (missed out) and does not fulfil the Prayers (missed out)?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the Fast is a month from the year, and the Prayer is in every day and night. Therefore, Allah-azwj Obligated upon her the fulfilment of the Fast and did not Obligate upon her the fulfilment of the Prayer, due to that’.[441]

(باب 225 – العلة التى من أجلها يغسل الثوب من لبن الجارية وبولها) (ولا يغسل من لبن الغلام وبوله)

Chapter 225 – The reason due to which the cloth is to be washed from the milk and urine of the girl child on milk, and need not be washed from the milk and urine of the boy child on milk

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي، عن اسماعيل بن مسلم السكوني، عن جعفر بن محمد عن ابيه عليهما السلام ان عليا ” ع ” قال: لبن الجارية وبولها يغسل منه الثوب قبل ان تطعم لان لبنها يخرج من مثانة أمها ولبن الغلام لا يغسل منه الثوب ولابوله قبل ان يطعم، لان لبن الغلام يخرج من المنكبين والعضدين.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ismail Bin Muslim Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws said: ‘The girl, before she has started eating (only drinks milk), the cloth would be washed from her milk and her urine, because her milk comes out from the gall bladder of her mother, and the milk of the boy (child) before he has started eating (only drinks milk), the cloth need not be washed from it, nor from his urine, because the milk of the boy child comes out from the two shoulder and the two upper arms (of its mother)’.[442]

(باب 227 – العلة التى من أجلها كانت الازد أعذب الناس أفواها)

Chapter 227 – The reason due to which (the people of) Azd tend to be the people with the freshest of the mouths

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد، عن محمد بن حسان الرازي، عن محمد بن يزيد الرازي، عن ابى البختري عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما دخل الناس في الدين أفواجا اتتهم الازد أرقها قلوبا واعذبها أفواها، قيل يارسول الله هذه أرقها قلوبا عرفناه فلم صارت أعذبها أفواها؟ قال: لانها كانت تستاك في الجاهلية قال: وقال جعفر ” ع ” لكل شئ طهور وطهور الفم السواك

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Hasaan Al Razy, from Muhammad Bin Yazeed Al Razy, from Abu Al Bakhtary,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When the people entered into the Religion in droves, the (people of) Azd came over, who were softer of hearts and fresher of mouths. It was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! These ones are softer of hearts, we understand it, so why did they become fresher of the mouths?’ He-saww said: ‘because they used to brush their teeth during the Pre-Islamic period’. And Ja’far-asws said: ‘For everything is a purifier, and the purifier of the mouth is the brushing of the teeth’.[443]

(باب 230 – العلة التى من أجلها يستحب ان يكون الانسان) (في جميع الاحوال على وضوء)

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن عيسى اليقطينى، عن القاسم بن يحيى، عن جده الحسن بن راشد عن أبى بصير عن أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال حدثنى أبى عن جدي عن آبائه أمير المؤمنين ” ع ” قال: لاينام المسلم وهو جنب ولا ينام إلا على طهور فان لم يجد الماء فليتيمم بالصعيد فان روح المؤمن تروح إلى الله تعالى فيلقيها ويبارك عليها فان كان أجلها قد حضر جعلها في مكنون رحمته وان لم يكن أجلها قد حضر بعث بها مع امنائه من الملائكة فيردوها في جسده.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Al Yaqteeny, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws, from his forefather-asws Amir Al-Momineen-asws having said: ‘The Muslim should not sleep whilst he is with sexual impurity, and he should not sleep unless his is clean. So if he cannot find the water, so let him perform Tayammum with the clean earth, for the soul of the Believer goes to Allah-azwj. So it is met with, and it is Blessed upon. Thus, if its term has presented itself, it is Made to be in innermost Mercy, and if its term has not yet come, it is Sent along with the trustworthy ones from the Angels, who return it back into its body’.[444]

(231 – العلة التى من أجلها صار المذى والودى لا ينقضان الوضوء)

Chapter 231 – The reason due to which seminal fluid and the blood (discharge) are not breakers of the ablution

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن حماد عن حريز عن زرارة عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان سال من ذكرك شئ من مذي أو ودي وأنت في الصلاة فلا تقطع الصلاة ولا تنقض له الوضوء وان بلغ عقبك، إنما ذلك بمنزلة النخامة وكل شئ خرج منك بعد الوضوء فانه من الحبائل اومن البواسير فليس بشئ فلا تغسله من ثوبك إلا ان تقذره.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘If something flows from your manhood, seminal fluid or blood (discharge), and you are in the Prayers, so do not cut off the Prayer even if it reaches your heel. But rather, that is at the status of the phlegm, and everything which comes out from you after the ablution, so it is from the veins or from the haemorrhoids. Thus, it is not with anything, so you do not (have to) wash it from your clothes unless it attaches itself to it’.[445]

وبهذا الاسناد عن حريز قال: سألت أبا جعفر عليه السلام عن المذي يسيل حتى يبلغ الفخذ قال: لا يقطع صلاته ولا يغسله من فخذه لانه لم يخرج من مخرج المنى إنما بمنزلة النخامة.

And by this chain from Hareyz who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about the seminal fluid flowing until it reaches the thigh. He-asws said: ‘He should not cut off his Prayer nor wash it from his thigh, because it does not come out from the exit place of the sperms. But rather, it is at the status of the phlegm’.[446]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن ابن أبى عمير عن عمر بن أذينة عن يزيد بن معاوية قال سألت أحدهما عليهما السلام عن المذي فقال: لا ينقضن الوضوء ولا يغسل منه ثوب ولاجسد إنما هو بمنزلة البصاق والمخاط.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Umar Bin Azina, from Yazeed Bin Muawiya who said,

‘I asked one of the two (5th Imam-asws or 6th Imam-asws) about the seminal fluid discharge, so he-asws said: ‘It does not break the ablution, and do not wash the cloth from it nor the body. But rather, it is at the status of the phlegm and the mucus’.[447]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن احمد بن محمد عن ابن فضال عن ابن بكير عن عمر بن حنظلة قال: سألت ابا عبد الله عن المذي قال: ما هو والنخامة إلا سواء.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Fazal, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Umar Bin Hanzala who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the seminal fluid discharge. He-asws said: ‘It and the phlegm are the same’.[448]

(باب 232 – العلة التى من أجلها يحمل أهل الكتاب موتاهم إلى الشام)

Chapter 232 – The reason due to which the People of the Book carry their dead ones to Syria

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد عن الحسن ابن علي بن فضال عن ابى الحسن عليه السلام انه قال: احتبس القمر عن بنى اسرائيل فأوحى الله إلى موسى ان اخرج عظام يوسف من مصر ووعده طلوع القمر إذا أخرج عظامه، فسئل موسى عمن يعلم موضع قبر يوسف فقيل له هاهنا عجوز تعلم علمه

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Ibn Ali Bin Fazal,

Abu Al-Hassan-asws has said: ‘The moonlight was Withheld from the Chidlren of Israel. So Allah-azwj Revealed unto Musa-as: “Extract the bones of Yusuf-as from Egypt and I-azwj Promise you-as the moonrise”. When he-as extracted his-as bones, so Musa-as asked around about the one who would know the place of the grave of Yusuf-as. So it was said to him-as, ‘Over there is an old woman, she has the knowledge of it’.

فبعث إليها فاتى بعجوز مقعدة عمياء فقال لها أتعرفين موضع قبر يوسف! قالت نعم، قال فاخبريني به قالت: لا، حتى تعطيني أربع خصال: تطلق لي رجلى وتعيد إلي بصرى وتعيد إلي شبابى وتجعلنى معك في الجنة

So he-as sent for her, so they came with the old woman who was crippled and blind. So he-as said to her: ‘Do you recognise the place of the grave of Yusuf-as?’ She said, ‘Yes’. He-as said: ‘So inform me of it’. She said, ‘No, until you-as give me four characteristics – Fire up my feet for me, and return my eyesight to me, and return to me my youth, and make me to be with you-as in the Paradise’.

قال: فكبر ذلك على موسى قال فأوحى الله عز وجل إليه يا موسى إعطها ما سألت فانك انما تعطى على فعل فدلته عليه فاستخرجه من شاطئ النيل في صندوق مرمر، فلما أخرجه طلع القمر فحمله إلى الشام، فلذلك تحمل أهل الكتاب موتاهم إلى الشام.

He-asws said: ‘So that was grievous upon Musa-as, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto him-as: “O Musa-as! Give her what she is asking for, for you-as would be giving her upon a deed, so she would direct you-as to it”. So he-as extracted him-as from the shores of the Nile in a gypsum box. So when he-as extracted him-as, the moon rose. So he-as carried him-as to Syria. Thus, it is due to that, the People of the Book tend to carry their dead to Syria’.[449]

(باب 233 – العلة التى من أجلها صارحمى ليلة كفارة سنة)

Chapter 233 – The reason due to which the fever of one night came to be an expiation (for the sins) for a year

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن القاسم بن محمد، عن سليمان بن داود عن سفيان بن عيينة عن الزهري قال: سمعت ابا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: حمى ليلة كفارة سنة، وذلك لان ألمها يبقى في الجسد سنة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Suleyman Bin dawood, from Sufyan Bin Ayayna, from Al Zuhryy who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Fever for a night is an expiation for a year (for the sins), and that is because the pain remains in the body for a year’.[450]

(باب 234 – علة توجيه الميت إلى القبلة)

Chapter 234 – Reason for facing the dead (dying ones) towards the Qiblah

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن احمد، عن ابى جعفر احمد بن ابى عبد الله، عن أبى الجوزاء المنبه بن عبد الله عن الحسين بن علوان عن عمرو بن خالد، عن زيد بن علي، عن آبائه، عن علي عليه السلام قال: دخل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله على رجل من ولد عبد المطلب فإذا هو في السوق وقد وجه إلى غير القبلة فقال: وجهوه إلى القبلة فانكم إذا فعلتم ذلك أقبلت عليه الملائكة واقبل الله عليه بوجهه فلم يزل كذلك حتى يقبض.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Ja’far Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Jowza Al Manbah Bin Abdullah, from Al Husayn Bin Alwan, from Amro Bin Khalid,

(It has been narrated) from Zayd son of Ali-asws, from his forefathers-asws, from Ali-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww went over to a man from the Clan of Abdul Muttalib-as, and he was in the market, and his face was towards other than the Qiblah. So he-saww said: ‘Face him towards the Qiblah, for when you do that, the Angels would face him, and Allah-azwj would Face him by His-azwj Face’. So he did not cease to be like that until he (his soul) was captured’.[451]

(باب 235 – علة سهولة النزع وصعوبته على المؤمن والكافر)

Chapter 235 – Reason for the easing of the pangs of the death and its difficulties upon the Believer and the Infidel

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن أبى القاسم ماجيلويه عن محمد ابن علي الكوفى عن محمد بن سنان عن المفضل بن عمر قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام يا مفضل اياك والذنوب وحذرها شيعتنا فوإلله ماهى إلى احد اسرع منها اليكم ان أحدكم لتصيبه المعرة من السلطان وما ذاك الا بذنوبه وانه ليصيبه السقم وما ذاك إلا بذنوبه وانه ليحبس عنه الرزق وما هو إلا بذنوبه وانه ليشدد عليه عند الموت وما هو إلا بذنوبه حتى يقول من حضره لقد غم بالموت

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘O Mufazzal! Beware of the sins and caution our-asws Shias of it. By Allah-azwj! It is not except one of the quickest from it towards you, is his enduring of difficulties from the authorities, and what is that, except due to his own sins; and he is hit by the illness, and what is that except due to his own sins; and it is the withholding of the sustenance from him, and what is it except due to his own sins; and it is the difficulties during the death, and what is it except due to his own sins, to the extent that the ones present are saying, ‘He has been anguished by the death’.

فلما رأى ما قد دخلنى قال اتدرى لم ذاك يا مفضل؟ قال: قلت لاأدرى جعلت فداك قال ذاك والله انكم لا تؤاخذون بها في الآخرة وعجلت لكم في الدنيا.

So when he-asws saw what had entered into me (my mind), said: ‘Do you know why that is, O Mufazzal?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, may I be sacrificed for you!’ He-asws said: ‘That, by Allah-azwj, (is because) you all (Shias) would not be Seized for it in the Hereafter, and it (Punishment) has been Hastened to you all in the world’.[452]

حدثنا محمد القاسم المعروف بابى الحسن الجرجاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد بن الحسن الحسينى، عن الحسن بن علي الناصر عن ابيه عن محمد ابن علي عن ابيه الرضا عن ابيه موسى بن جعفر عليهما السلام قال: قيل للصادق عليه السلام صف لنا الموت؟ قال: للمؤمن كأطيب ريح يشمه فينعس لطيبه وينقطع التعب والالم كله عنه، وللكافر كلسع الافاعى ولذع العقارب أو أشد،

Muhammad Al Qasim well known as Abu Al Hassan Al Jarjany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Husayni, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Nasir, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad-asws Ibn Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws having said, ‘It was said to Al-Sadiq-asws, ‘Describe for us, the death?’ He-asws said: ‘For the Believer it is like an aromatic fragrance which he smells, so he dozes due to its aroma, and the exhaustion and the pains, all of them are cut off from him. And for the Infidel, it is like the stinging of the snakes and the scorpions, or more intense’.

قيل فان قوما يقولون انه أصعب من نشر بالمناشير وقرض بالمقاريض ورضخ بالاحجار وتدوير قطب الارحية في الاحداق، قال: كذلك هو على بعض الكافرين والفاجرين بالله عز وجل ألا ترون منهم من يعانى الشدائد فذلكم الذي هو أشد من هذا ألاان من عذاب الآخرة فانه أشد من عذاب الدنيا،

It was said, ‘But there are a people who are saying that it is more difficult than being sawed by the chainsaws, and being cut by the scissors, and being crushed by the stones, and being grinded by the rotation of the swivel upon the millstones’. He-asws said, ‘It is like that, upon some of the disbelievers in Allah-azwj and the immoral. Have you not seen among them one who is suffering from the adversities? So those ones would be in more torment from the Punishment of the Hereafter, for it is more intense than the punishment of the world’.

قيل فما بالنا نرى كافرا يسهل عليه النزاع فينطفى وهو يحدث ويضحك ويتكلم، وفي المؤمنين أيضا من يكون كذلك وفي المؤمنين والكافرين من يقاسى عند سكرات الموت هذه الشدائد فقال: ماكان من راحة للمؤمن هناك فهو عاجل ثوابه وما كان من شديدة فتمصيحه من ذنوبه ليرد الآخرة نقيا نظيفا مستحقا لثواب الابد لامانع له دونه

It was said, ‘So what is the matter than we see ease upon the Infidel, from the pangs of death, and he is discussing and laughing and speaking, and among the Believers as well, there are ones who are like that. And among the Believers and the Infidels are ones who suffer a great deal during the pangs of death, from these difficulties?’ So he-asws said: ‘Whatever was from the comfort for the Believers over here, so it is the hastening of his Rewards, and whatever was from the difficulties, so it is a cleansing from his sins, in order for him to return to the Hereafter clean and spotless, being deserving of the everlasting Rewards with no sins being upon him to prevent these from him.

وما كان من سهولة هناك على الكافر فليوف أجر حسناته في الدنيا ليرد الاخرة وليس له إلا ما يوجب عليه العذاب وما كان من شدة على الكافر هناك فهو إبتداء عذاب الله له بعد حسناته ذلكم بان الله عدل لايجور.

And whatever was from the ease over here upon the Infidel, so it is a fulfilment of a Recompense of his good deeds in the world, in order for him to be returned to the Hereafter, and there would be nothing for him except what Obligates the Punishment upon him. And whatever was from the difficulties upon the Infidel over here, so it is the beginning of the Punishment of Allah-azwj for him, after his good deeds. That is because Allah-azwj is Just, He-azwj is not Unjust’.[453]

وبهذا الاسناد قال: قيل للصادق عليه السلام اخبرنا عن الطاعون فقال عذاب لقوم ورحمة لآخرين، قالوا: وكيف تكون الرحمة عذابا؟ قال أما تعرفون ان نيران جهنم عذاب على الكافر وخزنة جهنم معهم فيها فهى رحمة عليهم.

And by this chain, said,

‘It was said to Al-Sadiq-asws, ‘Inform us about the plague’. So he-asws said: ‘It is a Punishment for a people and a Mercy for another (people)’. They said, ‘And how can the Mercy be a Punishment?’ He-asws said: ‘But are you not recognising that the Fires of Hell are a Punishment upon the Infidel, and Keepers of Hell are along with them therein, so it is a Mercy upon them’.[454]

(باب 236 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز للحايض والجنب) (الحضور عند تلقين الميت)

Chapter 236 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the menstruating (woman) and the sexually impure (man) to be present during the ‘Talqeen’ of the dead

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه باسناد متصل يرفعه إلى الصادق عليه السلام انه قال: لا تحضر الحايض والجنب عند التلقين، ان الملائكة تتأذى بهما.

My father narrated to us, by a consecutive chain,

(It has been asked) from Al-Sadiq-asws having said: ‘The menstruating (woman) and the sexually impure (man) should not be present during the ‘Talqeen’, for the Angels are harmed by these two’.[455]

(237 – علة الريح بعد الروح، وعلة السلوة بعد المصيبة) (وعلة الدابة التى تقع في الطعام)

Chapter 237 – Reason for the (pungent) wind after the soul (departs), and reason for the comfort after the difficulties, and reason for the vermin (insects) which occur in the foodstuff

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن ابيه عن محمد بن أبى عمير عن هشام بن سالم عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الله تعالى تطول على عباده بثلاث: القى عليهم الريح بعد الروح ولولا ذلك ما دفن حميم حميما والقى عليهم السلوة بعد المصيبة ولولا ذلك لانقطع النسل، والقى عليه هذه الحبة الدابة ولولا ذلك لكنزتها ملوكهم كما يكنزون الذهب والفضة.

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Conferred a benefit upon His-azwj servants, by three – He-azwj Cast the (pungent) wind after the (departure) of the soul, and had it not been for that, a friend would not have buried a friend; and Cast upon them the comfort after the difficulties, and had it not been for that, the lineages would have been cut off; and Cast the vermin to be upon the grains, and had it not been for that, their kings would have hoarded them just as they are hoarding the gold and the silver’.[456]

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا أحمد ابن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن الحكم عن أبى أيوب الخزاز عن ابى حمزة الثمالى قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام ان الله عزوجل تطول على عبادة بالحبة فسلط عليها القملة ولولا ذلك لخزنتها الملوك كما يخزنون الذهب والفضة.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Abu Ayoub Al Khazaz, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Conferred a benefit upon the servant with the grains, so He-azwj Made the vermin to overcome it, and had it not been for that, the kings would have hoarded it just as they are hoarding the gold and the silver’.[457]

(باب 238 – العلة التى من أجلها يغسل الميت، والعلة التى) (من أجلها يغتسل الذى يغسله وعلة الصلاة عليه)

Chapter 238 – The reason due to which the dead body is washed, and the reason due to which the one who washes it has to wash (himself), and the reason for the Praying over it

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا محمد بن احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري قال: حدثنا حمدان بن سليمان، وحدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس النيسابوري العطار رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن قتيبة النيسابوري عن حمدان بن سليمان النيسابوري عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن هارون بن حمزة عن بعض أصحابنا عن علي بن الحسن عليهما السلام قال: ان المخلوق لا يموت حتى تخرج منه النطفة التى خلقه الله تعالى منها من فيه أو من غيره.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees said, ‘Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Hamdan Bin Suleyman; and Abdul Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdous Al Neysabouri Al Ataar narrated o us, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Quteyba Al neysabouri, from Hamdan Bin Suleyman Al Neysabouri, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from Haroun Bin Hamza, from one of our companions,

Ali-asws Bin Al-Hassan-asws has said: ‘The creature does not die until there exits from him the seed which Allah-azwj the High Created him from, (either) from his mouth, or from other’.[458]

اخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: اخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثنا ابراهيم ابن مخلد قال حدثنا ابراهيم بن محمد بن بشير عن محمد بن سنان عن ابى عبد الله القزويني قال: سألت ابا جعفر محمد بن علي عليهما السلام عن غسل الميت لاي علة يغسل ولاي علة يغتسل الغاسل؟ قال: يغسل الميت لانه جنب ولتلاقيه الملائكة وهو طاهر وكذلك الغاسل لتلاقيه المؤمنين.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Ibrahim Ibn Makhlad, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Bin Basheer, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Abu Abdullah Al Qazwiny who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws about the washing of the dead body, for which reason is it to be washed, and for reason does the washer has to wash (himself)?’ He-asws said: ‘The dead body is washed because it is in a state of impurity and would be meeting the Angels, and he would be clean; and similar to that is the washer, he would be meeting the Believers’.[459]

أخبرنا ابى رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن أبى عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن ربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه في جواب مسائله علة غسل الميت انه يغسل لان يطهر وينظف من ادناس أمراضه وما أصابه من صنوف علله لانه يلقى الملائكة ويباشر أهل الآخرة فيستحب إذا ورد على الله عز وجل وأهل الطهارة ويماسونه ويماسهم ان يكون طاهرا نظيفا موجها به إلى الله عز وجل ليطلب وجهه وليشفع له،

My father informed us saying, ‘Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Rabi’e Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan, that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to his question about the reason for washing the dead body: ‘He (the dead) is washed because he has to be purified and cleaned from the diseases, and whatever had hit him from the types of illnesses, because he would be meeting the Angels and be received by the inhabitants of the Hereafter. Therefore it is recommended that when he Returns to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic and the People-asws of the Purity, and he touches them-asws, and they touch him, he should happen to be clean and spotless, so that he can be faced towards Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic in order seek His-azwj Face (Forgiveness) and he can be interceded for.

وعلة اخرى انه يقال يخرج منه القذى الذي خلق منه فيكون غسله له، وعلة اخرى اغتسال من غسله أو لامسه لظاهر ما أصابه من نضح الميت، لان الميت إذا خرج الروح منه بقي اكثر آفته فلذلك يتطهر له ويطهر.

And the other reason is that the speck which he had been Created from, comes out from him, so the washing has to be done to him. And the other reason for the washing of the one who washed him (the dead body), or touches what is apparent, what hits him from the fluids of the body, because the dead, when the soul exits from it, most of his afflictions remain. Therefore, it is due to that, the one who purifies him, should purify (himself)’.[460]

وعنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن عمر بن ابى عمير قال: حدثنا محمد بن عمار البصري عن عباد بن صهيب عن جعفر بن محمد عن ابيه عليهما السلام انه سئل ما بال الميت يغسل؟ قال: للنطفة التى خلق منها يرمى بها.

And from him who said, Muhammad Bin Umar Bin Abu Umeyr narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Amaar Al Basry, from Abaad Bin Saheyb,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having been asked, ‘What is the matter of the dead to be washed?’ He-asws said: ‘Due to the seed which he had been Created from, being thrown out (at the time of death)’.[461]

حدثني االحسين بن احمد رحمه الله، عن ابيه قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن احمد بن محمد بن ابى نصر عن عبد الرحمن بن حماد قال: سألت أبا ابراهيم عليه السلام عن الميت لم يغسل غسل الجنابة؟ قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى أعلا واخلص من ان يبعث اشياء بيده، ان لله تبارك وتعالى ملكين خلاقين فإذا أراد ان يخلق خلقا أمر أولئك الخلاقين فاخذوا من التربة التى قال الله عز وجل في كتابه (منها خلقناكم وفيها نعيدكم ومنها نخرجكم تارة أخرى)

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to me, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Abdul Rahman Bin Hamaad who said,

‘I asked Abu Ibrahim-asws (7th Imam-asws), about the dead body, why it is to be washed with a major ablution (غسل الجنابة)?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High is Higher and Purer that He-azwj would Send things by His-azwj Hands. Allah-azwj Blessed and High has two creating Angels. So whenever He-azwj intends that He-azwj should Create a creature, Commands those two creating Angels, so they grab from the soil for which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Said in His-azwj Book [20:55] From it We Created you and into it We shall be Sending you back and from it will We Bring you out once again.

فعجنوها بالنطفة المسكنة في الرحم فإذا عجنت النطفة بالتربة قالا: يا رب ما نخلق؟ قال فيوحي الله تبارك وتعالى اليهما ما يريد من ذلك ذكرا أو أنثى مؤمنا أو كافرا أسود أو أبيض شقيقا أو سعيدا، فإذا مات سالت منه تلك النطفة بعينها لاغيرها، فمن ثم صار الميت يغسل غسل الجنابة.

So these two (creating Angels) knead it (the soil) with the seed which has settled in the womb. So when they have kneaded the seed with the soil, they both said: ‘O Lord-azwj! What shall we create?’ So Allah-azwj Blessed and High Revealed unto them both whatever He-azwj Intends from that – male or female, Believer or Infidel, black or white, wretched or happy. So when he dies, that seed flows away from him, that very one, not any other. Thus, from then, the dead becomes such that is requires the washing of the major ablution (غسل الجنابة)’.[462]

(باب 239 – العلة التى من أجلها إذا دفن الميت يجعل وجهه إلى القبلة)

Chapter 239 – The reason due to which when the dead is buried, its face is made to (face) the Qiblah

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله عن ابيه عن حماد بن عيسى عن معاوية بن عمار عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كان البراء بن معرور الانصاري بالمدينة، وكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بمكة، والمسلمون يصلون إلى بيت المقدس فأوصى إذا دفن ان يجعل وجهه إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فجرت فيه السنة ونزل به الكتاب.

My father said, Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Al-Bara’a Bin Marour, the Helper was at Al-Medina, and Rasool-Allah-saww was at Makkah, and the Muslims were Praying (facing) towards Bayt Al-Maqdas. So when he died, he bequeathed that when he is buried, his face be turned to face towards Rasool-Allah-saww. So the Sunnah flowed with regards to it, and the Book was Revealed with regards to it’.[463]

(باب 240 – العلة التى من أجلها ينبغى لاولياء الميت ان يؤذنوا الاخوان)

Chapter 240 – The reason due to which it befits the guardians of the dead (person) to announce it among the brethren

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر عن أحمد بن محمد، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن ابى ولاد، وابن سنان جميعا، عن أبى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ينبغى لاولياء الميت ان يؤذنوا اخوان الميت بموته فيشهدون جنازته ويصلون عليه فيكسب لهم الاجر ويكسب لميته الاستغفار ويكسب هو الاجر فيهم وفيما اكتسبه لميته من الاستغفار.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abu Walaad, and Ibn Sinan together,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘It is befitting for the guardians of the dead (person) to announce it among the brethren of the dead (person) of his death, so they would be witnessing his funeral and be Praying over him. Thus, they would be attaining the Recompense for themselves and attaining the Forgiveness for the dead (person), and he (the announcer) would attain the Recompense among them and with regards to what Forgiveness has been attained by the dead (person)’.[464]

(باب 241 – العلة التى من أجلها يستحب تجويد الاكفان)

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن إدريس قال: حدثنا محمد بن احمد عن احمد بن محمد، عن بعض أصحابنا يرفعه إلى أبى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: أجيدوا اكفان موتاكم فانها زينتهم.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from one of our companions,

It has been narrated from Abu Abdullah-asws: ‘(Use) better shrouds for your dead ones, for these are an adornment for them’.[465]

وعنه، عن احمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنى احمد بن محمد بن علي بن الحكم عن يونس بن يعقوب، عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: اوصاني ابي بكفنه فقال لي يا جعفر اشتر لي بردا وجوده، فان الموتى يتباهون باكفانهم.

And from him, from Ahmad Bin Idrees who said, ‘Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Hakam narrated to me, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws bequeathed to me-asws of his-asws shroud, so he-asws said to me-asws: ‘O Ja’far-asws! Buy for me-asws one of good quality, for the dead would be showing off with their shrouds’.[466]

(باب 243 – العلة التى من أجلها يجعل للميت الجريدة)

Chapter 243 – The reason due to which the branch is made to be for the dead

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن زرارة عن أبى جعفر عليه السلام قال: قلت له أرأيت الميت اذا مات لم تجعل معه الجريدة؟ قال تجافي عنه العذاب والحساب مادام العود رطبا انما الحساب والعذاب كله في يوم واحد وفي ساعه واحدة قدر ما يدخل القبر ويرجع الناس عنه، فانما جعل السعفتان لذلك، ولاعذاب ولاحساب بعد جفوفهما ان شاء الله.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘What is your-asws view about the dead when he dies, and the branch is not made to be with him?’ He-asws said: ‘(Both these branches) would defy the Punishment and the Reckoning for as long as the sticks are wet. But rather, the Reckoning and the Punishment, all of it is in one day, and in one time, in a measurement of what enters the grave and the people return from him. But rather, the two palms (branches) are made to be for that, and there would neither be a Punishment, nor a Reckoning after they both having dried out, Allah-azwj Willing’.[467]

(باب 244 – العلة التى من أجلها يكبر على الميت خمس تكبيرات)

Chapter 244 – The reason due to which one exclaims fives exclamations (of Greatness of Allah-azwj) upon the dead

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا احمد بن محمد عن علي بن الحكم عن عثمان بن عبد الملك عن ابى بكر الحضرمي عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: يا أبا بكر أتدرى كم الصلاة على الميت؟ قلت: لا، قال: خمس تكبيرات ثم قال أفتدرى من أين اخذت؟ قلت: لا، قال: أخذت الخمس من الخمس صلوات من كل صلاة تكبيرة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Hakam, from usman Bin Abdul Malik, from Abu Bakr Al Hazramy,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘O Abu Bakr! Do you know how many Prayers are to be upon the dead?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Five exclamations’. Then he-asws said: ‘So, do you know from where I-asws have taken?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘I-asws have taken the five from the five Prayers, from every Prayer, one exclamation’.[468]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن الفضل ابن عامر عن موسى بن القاسم عن سليمان بن جعفر عن ابيه عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان الله فرض الصلاة خمسا وجعل للميت من كل صلاة تكبيرة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Fazal Ibn Aamir, from Musa Bin Al Qasim, from Suleyman Bin Ja’far, from his father,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Obligated the five Prayers and Made one exclamation to be from each Prayer’.[469]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال حدثنا علي بن محمد قال: حدثنا العباس بن محمد عن ابيه عن ابن ابى عمير عن محمد بن المهاجر، عن أمه أم سلمة، قالت: خرجت إلى مكة فصحبتي إمرأة من المرجئة فلما أتينا الربذة أحرم الناس وأحرمت معهم فاخرت احرامي إلى العقيق فقالت يا معشر الشيعة تخالفون في كل شئ يحرم الناس من الربذة وتحرمون من العقيق وكذلك تخالفون في الصلاة على الميت يكبر الناس أربعا وتكبرون خمسا وهى تشهد على ان التكبير على الميت أربع

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from Al Abbas Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Muhammad Bin Al Muhajir, from his mother Umm Salma who said,

‘I went out to Makkah and I was accompanied by a woman from the Murjiites. So when we came to Al-Rabza, the people wore their Ihraam, and she wore her Ihraam along with them, but I delayed my Ihraam up to Al-Aqeeq. So she said, ‘O group of Shias! You are differing in everything. The people wore their Ihraam from Al-Rabza and you are wearing Ihraam from Al-Aqeeq, and similar to that you are differing in the Prayer upon the dead. The people exclaim four Takbeers and you are exclaiming five’. And she testified that the exclamations upon the dead are four.

قال: فدخلت على ابى عبد الله عليه السلام فقلت له أصلحك الله صحبتني امرأة من المرجئة فقالت كذا وكذا فاخبرته بمقالتها فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إذا صلى على الميت كبر فتشهد ثم كبر فصلى على النبي ودعا ثم كبر واستغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات ثم كبر فدعا للميت ثم كبر وينصرف

He (the narrator) said, ‘She went to Abu Abdullah-asws, so she said, to him-asws, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! A woman from the Murjiites accompanied me, so she said such and such’ – and she informed him-asws of her speech. So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Whenever Rasool-Allah-saww Prayed upon the dead, exclaimed, and he-saww testified, then exclaimed. So he-saww sent ‘Salawaat’ upon the Prophet-saww and supplicated, then exclaimed; and sought Forgiveness for the Believing men and the Believing women, then exclaimed; so he-saww supplicated for the dead, then exclaimed; and he-saww left.

فلما نهاه الله تعالى عن الصلاة على المنافقين كبر وتشهد ثم كبر فصلى على النبي ثم كبر فدعا للمؤمنين والمؤمنات ثم كبر الرابعة وانصرف ولم يدع للميت.

So when Allah-azwj the High Forbade from the Prayer upon the hypocrites, he-saww exclaimed, then sent ‘Salawaat’ upon the Prophet-saww, then exclaimed; so he-saww supplicated for the Believing men and the Believing women, then exclaimed the fourth, then left, and did not supplicate for the dead (because he was a hypocrite)’.[470]

(باب 245 – العلة التى من أجلها يكبر المخالفون على الميت أربعا)

Chapter 245 – The reason due to which the adversaries exclaim upon the dead, four (Takbeers)

حدثنا علي بن احمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابى عبد الله، عن موسى بن عمران عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد عن علي بن ابى حمزة عن ابى بصير قال قلت لابي عبد الله ” ع ” لاى علة يكبر على الميت خمس تكبيرات ويكبر مخالفونا باربع تكبيرات قال لان الدعائم التى بنى عليها الاسلام خمس الصلاة والزكاة والصوم والحج والولاية لنا أهل البيت فجعل الله عز وجل للميت من كل دعامة تكبيرة وانكم أقررتم بالخمس كلها واقر مخالفوكم باربع وانكروا واحدة فمن ذاك يكبرون على موتاهم أربع تكبيرات وتكبرون خمسا.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhmamad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Musa Bin Imran, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason do we exclaim with five Takbeers upon the dead and our adversaries are exclaiming with four Takbeers?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the foundational pillars upon which Al-Islam is based are five – The Salat (Prayer), and the Zakat, and the Soam (Fast), and the Hajj, and the Wilayah for us-asws, the People-asws of the Household. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made for the dead, from each pillar, one exclamation. And you all (Shias) are reciting with all the five, and your adversaries are reciting with four and denying one. Thus, from that, they are exclaiming upon their dead ones, four exclamations, and you are exclaiming five’.[471]

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا على بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن ابن ابى عمير عن هشام بن سالم، عن ابى عبد الله ” ع ” قال: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يكبر على قوم خمسا وعلى قوم أربعا فإذا يكبر على رجل أربعا أتهم الرجل.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww used to exclaim five upon a people, and four upon a people. So whenever he-saww exclaimed four upon a man, the man (was considered to be) denounced’.[472]

محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن محمد بن يحيى العطار عن جعفر بن محمد بن مالك قال: حدثنا احمد بن هيثم عن علي بن خطاب الخلال عن ابراهيم بن محمد ابن حمران قال: خرجنا إلى مكة فدخلنا على ابى عبد الله ” ع ” فذكر الصلاة على الجنايز فقال كان يعرف المؤمن والمنافق بتكبير رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله على المؤمن خمسا وعلى المنافق أربعا.

(It has been narrated from) Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Ahmad Bin Haysam, from Ali Bin Khatab Al Khalal, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Ibn Hamran who said,

‘We went out to Makkah, so we went over to Abu Abdullah-asws. So the Prayer upon the funeral was mentioned, so he-asws said: ‘The Believer and the hypocrites used to be recognised by the exclamations of Rasool-Allah-saww – five upon the Believer, and four upon the hypocrite’.[473]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن عيسى عمن ذكره قال: قال الرضا ” ع ” ما العلة في التكبيرة على الميت خمس تكبيرات؟ قلت رووا انها قد اشتقت من خمس صلوات فقال هذا ظاهر الحديث فاما باطنه فان الله عز وجل فرض على العباد خمس فرائض الصلاة والزكاة والصيام والحج والولاية فجعل للميت من كل فريضه تكبيرة واحدة فمن قبل الولاية كبر خمسا ومن لم يقبل الولاية كبر أربعا فمن أجل ذلك تكبرون خمسا ومن خالفكم يكبر أربعا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from the one who mentioned it who said,

‘Al-Reza-asws said: What is the reason with regards to the exclamation upon the dead with five exclamations?’ I said, ‘It is reported that it has been derived from the five Prayers’. So he-asws said: ‘This is the apparent Hadeeth. As for its esoteric, so Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated upon the servants with five Obligations – The Salat (Prayer), and the Zakat, and the Soam (Fasts), and the Hajj, and the Wilayah, So He-azwj Made one exclamation to be for the dead, from each of the Obligations. Thus, the one who accepted the Wilayah would exclaim five, and the one who does not accept the Wilayah would exclaim four. Therefore, it is due to that, that you are exclaiming five, and the ones from your adversaries are exclaiming four’.[474]

(باب 246 – العلة التى من أجلها يكره المشى امام جنازة المخالف)

Chapter 246 – The reason due to which it is disliked to walk in front of the funeral of the adversary

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا عمى محمد بن ابى القاسم عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله عن وهب عن علي بن ابى حمزة قال سألت أبا عبد الله ” ع ” كيف اصنع إذا خرجت مع الجنازة امشى أمامها أو خالفها أو عن يمينها أو عن شمالها؟ قال ان كان مخالفا فلا تمش امامه فان ملائكة العذاب يستقبلونه بالوان العذاب.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Wahab, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘How should we act when we go out with a funeral pyre, walk in front of it, or behind it, or on its right or on its left?’ He-asws said: ‘If he was an adversary, so do not walk in front of it, for the Angels of the Punishment are receiving him with varieties of the Punishment’.[475]

(باب 247 – العلة التى من أجلها نهى عن حثو التراب) (في قبور ذوى الارحام)

Chapter 247 – The reason due to which it is forbidden for the relatives to put the soil in the grave

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال حدثنا ابو الفضل العباس بن محمد بن القاسم العلوي قال، حدثنا الحسن بن سهل عن محمد بن سهل عن محمد بن حاتم عن يعقوب ابن يزيد قال: حدثني علي بن اسباط عن عبيد بن زرارة قال: مات لبعض اصحاب أبي عبد الله (ع) ولد فحضر أبو عبد الله جنازته فلما الحد تقدم أبوه ليطرح عليه التراب فأخذ أبو عبد الله (ع) بكتفه وقال: لا تطرح عليه من التراب، ومن كان منه ذا رحم فلا يطرح عليه التراب فقلنا: يابن رسول الله أتنهى عن هذا وحده؟ فقال: أنهاكم ان تطرحوا التراب على ذوي الارحام فان ذلك يورث القسوة في القلب، ومن قسا قبله بعد من ربه عز وجل.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Abu Al Fazal Al Abbas Bin Muhammad Bin Al Qasim Al Alawy, from Al Hassan Bin Sahl, from Muhammad Bin Sahl, from Muhammad Bin Hatim, from Yaqoub Ibn Yazeed, from Ali Bin Asbaat, from Ubeyd Bin Zarara who said,

‘A child of one of the companions of Abu Abdullah-asws died, so Abu Abdullah-asws was present at his funeral. So when his body was placed in the grave, his father moved forward to place the soil upon him. So Abu Abdullah-asws grabbed his shoulder and said: ‘Do not lay the soil upon him, and the ones who were his relatives (also) should not place the soil upon him’. So we said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Are you-asws forbidding from this one alone?’ So he-asws said: ‘I-asws am forbidding you all to place the soil upon the relatives, for that inherits the hardness in the heart; and the one who is hard of heart is remote from his Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[476]

(باب 248 – العلة التي من أجلها يربع القبر)

Chapter 248 – The reason due to which the grave is four sided

اخبرنا علي بن حاتم قال: اخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين، عن الحسين بن الوليد، عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت لاي علة يربع القبر؟ قال: لعلة البيت لانه ترك مربعا.

Ali Bin Hatim informed us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from the one who mentioned it,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason is the grave four sided?’ He-asws said: ‘For the reason that the house he has left, is four sided’.[477]

(باب 249 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره دخول القبر بالحذاء)

Chapter 249 – The reason due to which it is abhorrent to enter into the graves with the shoes

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن أبي عمير عن علي بن يقطين قال: سمعت أبا الحسن الاول (ع) لا تنزل في القبر وعليك العمامة ولا القلنسوة ولا الحذاء ولا الطيلسان وحل ازررارك فذلك سنة من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، قلت: فالخف؟ قال: لا أرى به بأسا، قلت لم يكره الحذاء؟ قال: مخافة أن يعثر برجيله فيهدم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Ali Bin Yaqteen who said,

‘I heard Abu Al-Hassan-asws The First (saying: ‘Do not descend into the grave and upon you is the turban, nor the hat, nor the shoes, nor the mantle, and loosen your trouser, so that is a Sunnah from Rasool-Allah-saww’. I said, ‘So what about the socks?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws do not see a problem with it’. I said, ‘Why are the shoes disliked?’ He-asws said: ‘Fear that he would stumble by his feet and fall’.[478]

(باب 250 – العلة التي من أجلها إذا إجتمع الميت والجنب) (يغتسل الجنب ويترك الميت)

Chapter 250 – The reason due to which if the (washing for) the dead and for the sexual impurity gather together, one should wash for the sexual impurity and leave the dead

حدثنا الحسين بن أحمد رحمه الله، عن أبيه، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن الحسن بن النضر قال: سألت أبا الحسن الرضا (ع) عن القوم يكونون في السفر فيموت منهم ميت ومعهم جنب ومعهم ماء قليل قدر ما يكفى أحدهما أيهم يبدأ به؟ قال يغتسل الجنب ويترك الميت لان هذا فريضة وهذا سنة.

Al Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Al Nazar who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws about the people who happen to be in the journey, so someone from among them dies, and with them is one with sexual impurity, and with them is little water to the measurement of what would suffice one of them. Which of them should they begin with?’ He-asws said: ‘The one with the sexual impurity should wash, and leave the dead, because this is an Obligation, and this is Sunnah’.[479]


(باب 251 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يفاجأ بالميت القبر)

Chapter 251 – The reason due to which the dead should not be brought to the grave without pausing

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين عن محمد بن سنان عن محمد بن عجلان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: إذا جئت باخيك إلى القبر فلا تفدحه به، ضعه أسفل من القبر بذراعين أو ثلاثة حتى يأخذ لذلك أهبته ثم ضعه في لحده وان استطعت ان تلصق خده بالارض وتحسر عن خده فافعل

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Muhammad Bin Ajlan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When you come with your (dead) brother to the grave do not dump him like a burden. Place him at the bottom of the grave by two cubits or three until due to that he prepares himself for it. Then place him in his grave. And if you are able to stick his cheek upon the earth and sigh upon his cheek, so do it.

وليكن أولى الناس به مما يلى رأسه وليتعوذ بالله من الشيطان وليقرأ (فاتحة الكتاب) (والمعوذتين) (وقل هو الله أحد) (وآية الكرسي) ثم ليقل ما يعلم حتى ينتهى إلى صاحبه.

So let the closest of the people from his head seek Refuge from the Satan-la, and let him recite (Surah Al-Fatiha – Chapter 1), and (Surah Al-Naas and Surah Al-Falaq (Chapters 114 & 113), and Surah Al-Ikhlaas (Chapter 112), and Ayat Al-Kursy (Chapter 2:255). Then he should say whatever he knows until ends up to his companions’.[480]

وروي في حديث آخر: إذا أتيت بالميت القبر فلا تفدح به القبر فان للقبر أهوالا عظيمة وتعوذ من هول المطلع، ولكن ضعه قرب شفير القبر واصبر عليه هنيئة ثم قدمه قليلا واصبر عليه ليأخذ أهبته ثم قدمه إلى شفير القبر.

And it has been reported in another Hadeeth, (he-asws having) said: ‘When you come with the dead to the grave, so do not dump him in the grave, for the grave is a grievous horror, and you should seek Refuge from the emerging horrors. But, place him near the pit of the grave and be patient over him, welcoming. Then move him forward a little and be patient over him, for him to prepare for it. Then move him forward to the pit of the grave’.[481]

(باب 253 – العلة التي من أجلها تدمع عين الميت عند موته)

Chapter 253 – The reason due to which the eye of the dead is tearful during his death

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن إبراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه علي بن مهزيار عن فضالة بن أيوب عن معاوية بن وهب عن يحيى بن سابور قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: الميت تدمع عينه عند الموت، فقال ذلك عند معاينة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يرى ما يسره، قال، ثم قال: ترى الرجل يرى ما يسره فتدمع عينه ويضحك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Muawiya Bin Wahab, from Yahya Bin Sabour who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The dead, his eyes sheds tears during his death. That is during his seeing Rasool-Allah-saww is what cheers him up’. Then he-asws said: ‘You have seen the man when he sees what cheers him up, so his eyes fill up with tears and he laughs’.[482]

(باب 254 – العلة التي من أجلها ينبغي لصاحب المصيبة ان يلبس الرداء)

Chapter 254 – The reason due to which it is befitting for the owner of the difficulty (the bereaved) that he should (not) wear the robe

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن سعدان بن مسلم، عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي عبد الله أو عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله قال: ينبغي لصاحب المصيبة أن لا يلبس الرداء وأن يكون في قميص حتى يعرف وينبغي لجيرانه أن يطمعوا عنه ثلاثة أيام.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Sa’dan Bin Muslim, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, or from Abu Baseer, from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘It is befitting for the bereaved (grieving) that he should not wear the robe and be in a shirt until he is recognised (to be as such), and it is befitting for his neighbours that they should feed him for three days’.[483]

وروي عن الصادق عليه السلام انه قال: ملعون من وضع رداءه في مصيبة غيره.

And it has been reported,

(Imam) Al-Sadiq-asws has said: ‘Accursed is the one who places his robe in the difficulties of others’.[484]

(باب 255 – العلة التي من أجلها يرش الماء على القبر)

Chapter 255 – The reason due to which the water is sprinkled upon the grave

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير عن بعض اصحابه قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن رش الماء على القبر قال: يتجافى عنه العذاب مادام الندا في التراب.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from one of his companions who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about sprinkling the water upon the grave. He-asws said: ‘The Punishment is defied from him for as long as the wetness is in the soil’.[485]

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد، عن أبيه، عن أحمد بن محمد عن بكر بن صالح عن الحسين بن علي الرافقي عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام ان قبر النبي صلى الله عليه وآله رفع شبرا من الارض، وان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أمر برش القبور.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Bakr Bin Salih, from Al Husayn Bin Ali Al Rafiqy,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘The grave of the Prophet-saww was raised by a palms width from the ground, and that the Prophet-saww ordered for the sprinkling (of the water) upon the graves’.[486]

(باب 257 – العلة التي من أجلها يستحب أن يتخلف عند قبر الميت) (أولى الناس به بعد إنصراف الناس عنه ويلقنه ويرفع صوته)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم، عن أبيه عن بعض أصحابنا عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ينبغي أن يتخلف عند قبر الميت اولى الناس به بعد انصراف الناس عنه ويقبض على التراب بكفيه ويلقنه ويرفع صوته فإذا فعل ذلك كفى الميت المسألة في قبره.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘It is befitting that he should remain behind at the grave, the one closest of the people to him after the dispersal of the people from him, and he should grab the soil with his palm and recite Talqeen in a raised voice. So when he does that, it would suffice for the dead, the questioning in his grave’.[487]

(باب 258 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجمر الاكفان ولا يمس الموتى بالطيب)

Chapter 258 – The reason due to which the incense is not to be burnt upon the shrouds, nor is the perfume to be applied upon the dead

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن القاسم بن يحيى عن جده الحسين بن راشد عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: حدثني أبي عن جده عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان أمير المؤمنين (ع) قال: لا تجمروا الاكفان ولا تمسحوا أمواتكم بالطيب إلا الكافور فان الميت بمنزلة المحرم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Husayn Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Do not burn incense upon the shrouds nor wipe your dead ones with the perfume except for the camphor, for the dead are at the status of the one in Ihraam’.[488]

(باب 259 – العلة التي من أجلها يولد الانسان في أرض ويموت في أخرى)

Chapter 259 – The reason due to which the human being is born in a land and he dies in another (land)

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرني القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثني حمدان قال حدثني ابراهيم بن مخلد عن احمد بن ابراهيم، عن محمد بن بشير، عن محمد بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله القزويني قال: سألت أبا جعفر محمد بن علي (ع) فقلت لاي علة يولد الانسان هاهنا ويموت في موضع آخر؟ قال: لان الله تبارك وتعالى لما خلق خلقه خلقهم من أديم الارض فمرجع كل إنسان إلى تربته.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan, from Ibrahim Bin Makhlad, from Ahmad Bin Ibrahim, from Muhammad Bin Basheer, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Abu Abdullah Al Qazwiny who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, so I said, ‘For which reason is the human being born over here and he dies in another place?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High, when He-azwj Created His-azwj creatures, Created them from the crust of the earth. Thus, every human being would return to his soil’.[489]

(باب 260 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يكتم موت المؤمن)

Chapter 260 – The reason due to which the (news of the) death of the Believer is not to be concealed

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن ابن محبوب عن عبد الرحمان بن سيابة قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول: لا تكتموا موت ميت من المؤمنين مات في غيبته لتعتد زوجته ويقسم ميراثه.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated from us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ibn Mahboub, from Abdul Rahman Bin Sayaba who said,

‘I head Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Do not conceal the death of a dead one from the Believers who died in his absence, in order for his wife to undergo the waiting period and his inheritance to be distributed’.[490]






(باب 261 – العلة التي من أجلها يجد الانسان للروح إذا) (خرجت منه مسا. ولا يجد ذلك إذا ركبت فيه)

Chapter 261 – The reason due to which the human being finds the feeling for the soul when it exits from him, and does not find that when it resides in him

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثنا حمدان ابن الحسين، عن الحسين بن الوليد، عن عمران بن الحجاج، عن عبد الرحمن عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت لاي علة إذا خرج الروح من الجسد وجد له مسا وحيث ركبت لم يعلم به؟ قال: لانه؟ نما؟ عليه البدن.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Ibn Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Imran Bin Al Hajajj, from Abdul Rahman,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘ when I asked, ‘For which reason, when the soul comes out from the body, a feeling is found for it, and when it is inside, he does not even know of it?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the body grew upon it’.[491]

(باب 262 – العلة التي من أجلها يكون عذاب القبر)

Chapter 262 – The reason for the occurrence of the Punishment of the grave

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن السندي بن محمد عن صفوان بن يحيى عن صفوان بن مهران بن الحسن عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: اقعد رجل من الاحبار في قبره فقيل له إنا جالدوك مائة جلدة من عذاب الله فقال لا اطيقها فلم يفعلوا حتى انتهوا إلى جلده واحدة فقالوا ليس منها بد قال فيما تجلدونيها قالوا نجلدك لانك صليت يوما بغير وضوء ومررت على ضعيف فلم تنصره، قال: فجلدوه جلدة من عذاب الله تعالى فامتلى قبره نارا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Sindy Bin Muhammad, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Safwan Bin Mahran Bin Al Hassan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘A man from the priests was made to sit in his grave, so it was said to him: ‘I will whip you with one hundred lashes from the Punishment of Allah-azwj’. So he said, ‘I cannot bear it’. So they did not do it until they ended up to one lash of the whip. So they said, ‘There is no escape from it’. He said, ‘With regards to what are you going to be whipping me?’ They said, ‘We are whipping you because you Prayed one day without ablution, and you passed by a weak one but did not help him’. He-asws said: ‘So they whipped him with one lash from the Punishment of Allah-azwj the High, and his grave filled up with the fire’.[492]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد الهمداني قال أخبرني المنذر بن محمد قراءة قال: حدثني الحسين بن محمد قال: حدثنا علي بن القاسم عن أبي خالد عن زيد بن علي عن أبيه عن جده عن علي (ع) قال: عذاب القبر يكون من النميمة، والبول، وعزب الرجل عن أهله.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Hamdany, from Al Manzar Bin Muhammad Qarat, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al Qasim, from Abu Khalid, from Zayd Bin Ali, from his father, from his grandfather,

(Imam) Ali-asws has said: ‘Punishment of the grave occur from the slandering, and the urine (impurity), and the melting (hiding away) of the man from his family’.[493]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن أبيه عن الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن إسماعيل بن مسلم السكوني، عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد، عن أبيه، عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ضغطة القبر للمؤمن كفارة ة لما كان منه من تضييع النعم.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim narrated to us, from his father, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ismail Bin Muslim Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Squeezing of the grave for the Believer is an expiation of what was from him, from the wasting of the Bounties’.[494]

حدثنا أبو الحسن علي بن الحسين بن سفيان بن يعقوب بن الحارث ابن إبراهيم الهمداني في منزله بالكوفة قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله جعفر بن أحمد ابن يوسف الازدي قال: حدثنا علي بن نوح الحناط قال: حدثنا عمرو بن اليسع عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله الصادق جعفر بن محمد (ع) قال: أتى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقيل ان سعد بن معاذ قد مات فقام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وقام اصحابه فحمل فأمر فغسل على عضادة الباب فلما أن حنط وكفن وحمل على سريره تبعه رسول الله ثم كان يأخذ يمنه السرير مرة ويسرة السرير مرة حتى انتهى به إلى القبر

Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Sufyan Bin Yaqoub Bin Al Haris Ibn Ibrahim Al Hamdany narrated to us in his house at Al Kufa, from Abu Abdullah Ja’far Bin Ahmad Ibn Yusuf Al Azdy, from Ali Bin Nuh Al Hanaat, from Amro Bin Al Yas’a, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws has said: ‘Someone came to Rasool-Allah-azwj and said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Muaz has died’. So Rasool-Allah-saww arose and his-saww companions arose. So he-saww (participated) in carrying him, and ordered for him to be washed him upon the door post. So when he had been embalmed and shrouded and carried upon his coffin, Rasool-Allah-azwj followed him. Then he-saww was taking to be at the right of the coffin, and sometimes being at the left of it, until they ended up with him to the grave.

فنزل به رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حتى لحده وسوى عليه اللبن وجعل يقول: ناولنى حجرا ناولنى ترابا رطبا يسد به مابين اللبن فلما ان فرغ وحثا التراب عليه وسوى قبره قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إنى لاعلم انه سيبلى ويصل إليه البلى ولكن الله تعالى يحب عبدا إذا عمل عملا فاحكمه،

So Rasool-Allah-saww descended with him until he was placed in it, and the rocks were levelled upon him, and he-saww went on saying: ‘Give me stones! Give me-saww wet soil to fill in the gaps with what is between the rocks’. So when he-saww was free from placing the soil upon him and levelling his grave, Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww know that he would be afflicted and the afflictions would arrive to him, but Allah-azwj the High Loves a servant when he does a deed, so He-azwj would Judge him’.

فلما ان سوى التربة عليه قالت أم سعد من جانب هنيئا لك الجنة فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا أم سعد مه لا تجزمى على ربك فان سعدا قد اصابته ضمة

So when he-saww had evened the soil upon him, the mother of Sa’ad said from the side, ‘Congratulations to you of the Paradise!’ So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O mother of Sa’ad! Shh! Do not assume (anything) to your Lord-azwj, for Sa’ad has been hit by a squeezing’.

قال ورجع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ورجع الناس فقالوا يا رسول الاله لقد رأيناك صنعت على سعد ما لم تصنعه على أحد انك تبعت جنازته بلا رداء ولا حذاء فقال صلى الله عليه وآله: ان الملائكة كانت بلا حذاء ولا رداء فتأسيت بهما

He-asws said: ‘So when Rasool-Allah-saww returned, and the people returned, so they said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Indeed, we have seen you-saww do upon Sa’ad what you did not do upon anyone else. You-saww followed his coffin with neither a robe nor shoes’. So he-saww said: ‘The Angels were without shoes and robes, therefore I-saww did the same as them regarding these two things’.

قالوا وكنت تأخذ يمنة السرير مرة ويسرة السرير مرة قال: كانت يدي في يد جبرئيل آخذ حيث ما أخذ

They said, ‘And you-saww were taking to the right of the coffin sometimes, and sometimes to the left of it?’ He-saww said: ‘My-saww hand was in the hand of Jibraeel-as. I-saww took to wherever he-as took me-saww’.

فقالوا أمرت بغسله وصليت على جنازته ولحدته ثم قلت ان سعدا قد اصابته ضمة قال: فقال صلى الله عليه وآله نعم انه كان في خلقه مع أهله سوء.

So they said, ‘You-saww ordered for washing him, and Prayed upon his body, and placed him in his grave, then you-saww said: ‘Sa’ad had been hit by a squeezing’?’ So he-saww said: ‘Yes. He used to behave badly with his family’.[495]



تم الجزء الاول ويتلوه الجزء الثاني إن شاء الله وصلى الله على سيدنا وشفيعنا محمد وآله الطاهرين

The first volume is complete and would be followed by its second volume, Allah-azwj Willing. And Blessings be upon our Master and our Intercessor Muhammad-saww, and his-saww Purified Progeny-asws









علل الشرائع



الشيخ الصدوق أبي جعفر محمد بن علي ابن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه القمي ره المتوفى سنة 381 ه‍




الجزء الثاني


Note – This is an extract from the original. We have not included reports and certain Ahadeeth narrated by the Nasibis and those which contained elements of insults to the People-asws of the Household.





Chapter 1 – Reasons for the ablution, and the Azaan (Call to the Prayer), and the Prayer 23

Chapter 2 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated the Prayer 26

Chapter 3 – Reason for the Qiblah and the distortion to the left 28

Chapter 4 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Commanded for the reverence of the Masajids, and reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Caused Bakht Nasar to overcome upon Bayt Al-Maqdas. 29

Chapter 6 – The reason due to which it is disliked, the noise, and announcing for the lost (property), and to sharpen the weapons in the Masjid. 30

Chapter 7 – The reason for Amir Al-Momineen-asws breaking the Prayer Niches. 30

Chapter 8 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to ennoble the Masjid. 31

Chapter 9 – The reason due to which the one who extracts the pebbles from the Masjid should either return it back in its place or in another Masjid. 31

Chapter 10 – Reason for extending the neck during the Bowing (Rukoo) 31

Chapter 11 – Reason for the allowance regarding the gathering between two Prayers. 32

Chapter 12 – The reason due to which the recitation is loudly in Al-Zohr Prayer on the day of Friday, and the Prayers of Al-Maghrib, and Al-Isa the last, and the morning, and it is not (to be recited loudly) in Al-Zohr and Al-Asr during the rest of the days; and the reason due to which the Glorification (Tasbeeh) in the two last Cycles came to be preferable than the recitation. 34

Chapter 13 – The reason due to which the loud (recitation of Surahs) is in Al Fajr Prayer besides it from the day Prayers. 35

Chapter 14 – The reason due to which Al-Maghrib is to be Prayed with three Cycles during the journey and the hazards, and the rest of the Prayers, two Cycles, two Cycles. 36

Chapter 15 – The reason due to which there is no shortening in Al-Maghrib Prayer and its Optional during the journey and the hazard. 36

Chapter 16 – The reason due to which Al-Fajr Prayer was left upon its state. 37

Chapter 17 – The reason due to which the follower (Al-Mamoum) should stand upon the right of the leader (Al-Imam), if the follower (Al-Mamoun) was one. 38

Chapter 18 – Reason for the congregation. 38

Chapter 19 – The reason due to which one should not recite (Surahs) behind the imam (Prayer leader) 39

Chapter 20 – The reason due to which one cannot Pray behind the fool and the evil-doer 39

Chapter 21 – The reason due to which the Prayer in the marshland is not allowed. 40

Chapter 24 – The reason due to which the Optional (Prayers) were Placed. 41

Chapter 25 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should Pray with a people, or alone, and he is wearing weapons (a bow upon his shoulders or a sword around his waist); and the reason due to which it is not allowed for the sick to leave (recitation of) the Azan and the Iqama. 43

Chapter 26 – The reason due to which two Cycles get Prayed after Al-Isha, whilst seated. 44

Chapter 27 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww did not use to Pray two Cycles whilst seated, after Al-Isha the last, and he-saww ordered for it 45

Chapter 28 – The reason due to which it is recommended for the two palms to be directly upon the ground during the Prostrations. 45

Chapter 29 – Reason for placing the two hands upon the ground in the Prostrations before the two knees. 46

Chapter 30 – The reason due to which it is said during the Bowing, ‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Magnificent, and with His-azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى العظيم وبحمده); and during the Prostrations, ‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Exalted, and with His-azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده) 46

Chapter 31 – The reason due to which it suffices for the Imam (Prayer leader) that he should exclaim once in the opening of the Prayer 48

Chapter 32 – The reason due to which the Prayer came to be of two Cycles and four Prostrations. 48

Chapter 33 – Reason for the recommendation of preparations and the abundance of the clothes in the Prayer 52

Chapter 34 – The reason due to which it is recommended that one should Pray the morning Prayer at dawn. 52

Chapter 35 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to leave the Azan and the Iqama during Al-Fajr and Al-Magrib, neither during the travel nor a hazard. 53

Chapter 36 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated five Prayers upon the people during five timings. 53

Chapter 37 – The reason due to which a neglecter of the Prayers is named as a disbeliever 56

Chapter 38 – The reason due to which Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir-asws Prayed with his-asws companions, so he-asws recited (Surah) Al-Hamd (Chapter 1), and a Verse from Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) 57

Chapter 39 – The reason due to which it is recommended to prolong the Prostrations. 57

Chapter 40 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww did not delay Al-Isha to the middle of the night 58

Chapter 41 – The reason due to which the Prostration is allowed upon the back of the palm due to the scorching heat 58

Chapter 42 – The reason due to which the Prostration is not allowed except upon the earth, or upon what the earth grows, except for what is eaten or worn. 59

Chapter 43 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should Pray in hair and fur of the (animal) whose flesh it not eaten. 60

Chapter 45 – The reason due to which it is recommended to Pray the Optional Prayer during the time of the inattention. 61

Chapter 46 – The reason due to which it is recommended to separate the Optional Prayer into the (different) places. 61

Chapter 48 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should Pray and upon his moustache is henna. 61

Chapter 49 – The reason due to which the women during the era of Rasool-Allah-saww had been ordered that they should not be raising their heads except after the men. 62

Chapter 50 – The reason due to which the two hands are raised towards the sky in supplication, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is in every place. 62

Chapter 51 – The reason due to which it is not allowed that the man should Pray in the ‘Darish’ skins. 63

Chapter 52 – The reason due to which drinking the wine, when it is drunk, one’s Prayer is not Counted for forty mornings (days) 63

Chapter 53 – The reason due to which the puffing is abhorrent in the place of Prostrations. 64

Chapter 55 – The reason due to which the robe is turned during the Prayer for the rain. 64

Chapter 56 – The reason due to which the Prayer is not allowed in the black (clothes) 65

Chapter 57 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should wear an iron ring, nor Pray in it, nor is it allowed for him that he should wear the gold, nor Pray in it 67

Chapter 58 – The reason due to which the Prayer of the Praying one is not cut-off by something which passes by in front of him.. 68

Chapter 59 – The reason due for the placing of one arm and two arms (Shadow’s length) 68

Chapter 60 – The reason due to which the time for Al-Maghrib came to be when the redness goes away from the east 69

Chapter 61 – The reason due to which Amir Al Momineen-asws neglected Al Asr Prayer during the lifetime of Rasool-Allah-saww until it expired; and the reason due to which he-asws neglected it after its expiration until the sun was returned for him-asws, once again. 70

Chapter 62 – The reason due to which the dyed one should not Pray. 72

Chapter 63 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should be Praying, and in front of him is his sword in the Qiblah. 72

Chapter 64 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should be Pray and the sleep is overcoming him.. 73

Chapter 65 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww was saying, whenever it was morning and when it was evening: ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj, Lord-azwj of the Words’, abundantly upon every situation, three hundred and sixty times. 73

Chapter 66 – The reason due to which two men tend to enter the Masjid, one of the two being a worshipper, and the other, an immoral. So they both come out, and the worshipper is an immoral, and the immoral is a truthful 74

Chapter 67 – The reason due to which the two Cycles which Rasool-Allah-saww had increased were placed aside (removed) for the Day of Friday. 74

Chapter 68 – The reason due to which there is neither the Azan nor the Iqama upon the woman. 75

Chapter 69 – The reason due to which it is recommended to recite Surah Al Jumma (Chapter 62) and (Surah) Al Munafiqeen (Chapter 63) during the day of Friday. 76

Chapter 70 – Reason for the forbidding from belittling the Prayer and the urine. 77

Chapter 71 – Reason for the allowance in the Prayer regarding wearing the water-weasel skin. 78

Chapter 72 – The reason for the allowance with regards to the Prayer in a cloth which has been hit by wine and flesh of the swine. 78

Chapter 73 – Reason for the hastening to the Prayer 79

Chapter 74 – Reason for the enthusiasm upon the Prayer, and reason for the Forbiddance from the atonement, and reason for the Forbiddance from the standing to the Prayer upon other than the tranquillity and dignity. 79

Chapter 75 – The reason due to which the graves are not to be taken as a direction for Prayer 80

Chapter 76 – The reason due to which the one who recites the (Verses of) Prostration, should perform the Prostration, and he is upon the back of his animal, wherever he is heading by it 81

Chapter 77 – Reason for the greeting in the Prayer (at the end) 81

Chapter 78 – The reason due to which the Praying one exclaims (Takbeer) three times after the greeting, and raises one’s hands with it 83

Chapter 79 – Reason for the Prostration of Gratitude. 83

Chapter 80 – Reason for the washing of the semen if it hits the cloth. 84

Chapter 81 – Reason for the standing of the man alone in the row. 85

Chapter 82 – The reason due to which the fulfilment of the Optional (Prayers) is not Obligatory upon the one who leaves it due to illness. 85

Chapter 83 – The reason due to which the man is deprived of the Night Prayer 86

Chapter 84 – Reason for the Night Prayer 87

Chapter 85 – The reason due to which it is befitting for the man when he Prays at night that he should raise his voice. 89

Chapter 86 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Praises the seekers of Forgiveness at dawn. 90

Chapter 87 – The reason due to which the diligent ones at night became the best of the people in the day. 92

Chapter 89 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Prayer 92

Chapter 90 – Reason for the Zakat 94

Chapter 91 – The reason due to which the Zakat came to be twenty five Dirhams in every one thousand Dirhams (1/40) 95

Chapter 92 – The reason due to which Zakat is Permissible for the one who has seven hundred Dirhams, and it is not Permissible for the one who has fifty Dirhams. 96

Chapter 93 – The reason due to which Zakat is not Obligated upon the bullion and the jewellery. 96

Chapter 94 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for one to give from the Zakat, to the children, and the parents, and the wife, and the slaves. 97

Chapter 95 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to hand over the Zakat to other than the poor 98

Chapter 96 – The reason due to which the charity of the shoes and the hooves (animals) would be handed over to the adorned ones, and the charity of the gold and the silver, and the wheat and the barley to the poor 98

Chapter 97 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the man that he should take the Zakat and in his presence is livelihood for a month, or livelihood for a year 99

Chapter 98 – The reason due to which the Believer is to be given from the Zakat, three thousand, and ten thousand, and the immoral, measurably. 99

Chapter 99 – The reason due to which the inheritance of those bought one (slave) from the Zakat, would be for those deserving of the Zakat 100

Chapter 100 – The reason due to which Zakat is not Obligatory upon wealth of the owned (slave) 100

Chapter 101 – The reason due to which the Zakat, being five from two hundred, came to be seven by weight 100

Chapter 102 – The reason due to which it is not Obligatory upon the one who happens to be upon another way, then he recognises and repents, that he should fulfil anything from his Prayers, and his Fasts, and his Hajj, except for the Zakat alone. 101

Chapter 103 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Zakat 102

Chapter 104 – The reason due to which the tribute (tax) is exempted from the women, and the disabled, and the blind, and the very aged, and the children, and it has been lifted from them.. 105

Chapter 105 – The reason due to which the harvesting, and the ploughing, and the planting is prohibited at night 106

Chapter 106 – The reason due to which the Shiah were Made to be Pardoned from Al-Khums. 107

Chapter 107 – Reason for taking Al-Khums. 108

Chapter 108 – The reason due to which the Fasts were Made to be upon the people. 108

Chapter 109 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Obligated the Fast upon the community of Muhammad-saww for thirty days, and Obligated upon the previous communities more than that 109

Chapter 110 – The reason due to which the bed wetting of the Fasting ones does not break (his Fast), and the copulation breaks it 110

Chapter 112 – The reason due to which it is a Sunnah of Rasool-Allah-saww to Fast two Thursdays in a month, in between the two, a Wednesday. 110

Chapter 113 – The reason due to which the breaking of the Fast is Obligatory upon the sick and the travellers. 111

Chapter 114 – The reason for the abhorrence of the smelling of the basil for the Fasting one. 114

Chapter 115 – The reason due to which it is not befitting for the guest that he should Fast voluntary (Fast) except by the permission of his host, nor for the host that he should Fast voluntary (Fast) except by the permission of his guest 115

Chapter 116 – The reason due to which Al-Baqir-asws dislike Fasting on the day of Arafaat (9th Zihajj) 117

Chapter 117 – The reason due to which Al-Hassan-asws was not Fasting on the day of Arafaat (9th Zilhajj), and Al-Husayn-asws was Fasting during it 117

Chapter 119 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the traveller upon whom the shortening (of the Prayer) is Obligated, that he should copulate during the day. 118

Chapter 120 – The reason due to which one who comes over to his brother and he is Fasting a voluntary (Fast), so he should break (the Fast), there would be double Recompense for him.. 118

Chapter 121 – The reason due to which it came to be for one who vows that he would Fast for a season, should Fast for six months’. 119

Chapter 122 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the Fasting man that he can soak in the water, and it is not allowed for the woman. 120

Chapter 123 – The reason due to which the Night of Pre-destination (ليلة القدر) came to be in every year 120

Chapter 124 – The reason due to which the Forgiveness upon the one who Fasts the Month of Ramazan, on the night of Eid. 120

Chapter 125 – The reason due to which the general Muslims would neither reconcile upon (Eid) Al-Fitr, nor upon (Eid) Al-Az’ha. 121

Chapter 126 – The reason due to which it is renewed for the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww, in every Eid, a renewed grief 122

Chapter 127 – Reason for taking out the Fitra. 122

Chapter 128 – The reason due to which the dates in the Fitra came to be more preferable than something else. 123

Chapter 129 – The reason due to which the people amended in the Fitra, from one Sa’a to half a Sa’a. 123

Chapter 130 – The reason due to which it is reported that the neighbour is more deserving of the Fitra than others. 124

Chapter 131 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High has Forbidden the major sins. 124


Chapter 132 – The reason due to which the Kabah was Made to be the Sacred House Standing for the people. 132

Chapter 133 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) was Placed. 132

Chapter 134 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) was Placed in the middle of the earth. 133

Chapter 135 – The reason due to which it is not befitting that gates should be placed for the houses of Makkah. 133

Chapter 136 – The reason due to which Makkah was named as Makkah. 134

Chapter 137 – The reason due to which Makkah was named as Bakkah. 134

Chapter 138 – The reason due to which the Kabah was named as Kabah. 135

Chapter 139 – The reason due to which the House of Allah -azwj (Kabah) was named as Al-Haram (The Sacred) 136

Chapter 140 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) was named as Al-Ateeq (The Emancipated) 136

Chaptr 141 – The reason due to which Al-Hateym was named as Al-Hateym.. 138

Chapter 142 – Reason for the Obligation of the Hajj, and the Circumambulation of the House (Kabah), and the entirety of the rituals. 138

Chapter 143 – The reason due to which the circumambulation came to be of seven circuits. 148

Chapter 144 – The reason due to which the Umrah came to be Obligatory upon the people at the status of the Hajj 150

Chapter 145 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the one in Ihraam to brush his teeth. 150

Chapter 147 – The reason due to which due to which it is not recommended to gift to the Kabah, and what it Obligates upon the one who does make a gift to the Kabah. 150

Chapter 148 – The reason due to which the Hajj is named as Hajj 154

Chapter 149 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory upon the Pilgrim (to perform) Umrah Tamatto, besides the pairing (Hajj & Umrah) and the individual 154

Chapter 151 – Reason for bathing for entering the House (Kabah) 154

Chapter 152 – Reason for trotting by the House (Kabah) 155

Chapter 153 – The reason due to which the Prophet-saww did not (combine) the Umrah Tamatto with the Hajj, and ordered with the (performance of Umrah) Tamatto. 156

Chapter 154 – The reason due to which the water of Zamzam is not fresh, and became sunken. 159

Chapter 155 – The reason due to which the water of Zamzam freshens time to time. 160

Chapter 156 – The sanctity of the Masjid and the Sanctuary, and the Obligation of the Ihraam.. 160

Chapter 157 – Reason for the Talbiyyah (لبيك اللهم لبيك) 161

Chapter 158 – The reason due to which there becomes among the people, one who performs one Hajj, and among them is one who performs Hajj twice or more, and among them is one who does not perform Hajj, ever 166

Chapter 159 – The reason due to which the Sanctuary came to be of the measurement what it is. 167

Chapter 160 – Reason for the impact of the two feet of Ibrahim-as in the place (المقام), and reason for the transference of the place from its (original) place to where it is at the moment 171

Chapter 161 – Reason for the touching (with reverence) of the Black Stone, and reason for touching (with reverence) Al-Yamani corner and Al-Mustajaar 172

Chapter 162 – The reason due to which the (Black) Stone became black after it having been white; and the reason due to which the one with disabilities no longer gets cured when he touches it 177

Chapter 163 – The reason due to which the people came to be kissing the (Black) Stone, and Al-Yamani corner, and were not kissing the other two corners; and the reason due to which the Standing Place of Ibrahim-as came to be upon the left of the Throne. 177

Chapter 164 – The reason due to which the (Black) Stone is placed in the corner in which it is and is not placed in another; and the reason due to which it is kissed; and the reason due to which it was brought out from the Paradise, and the reason due to which the Covenant was Made to be in it 179

Chapter 165 – The reason due to which Al-Safa was named as Safa, and Al-Marwa as Marwa. 182

Chapter 166 – The reason due to which the Sa’ee was Made to be in between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa. 182

Chapter 168 – The reason due to which the place of Sa’ee is the most beloved of spots to Allah-azwj the High. 184

Chapter 169 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww wore Ihraam from Masjid Al-Shajara, and did not wear Ihraam from besides that 184

Chapter 170 – The reason for the marking and the collaring (the sacrificial camel) 185

Chapter 171 – The reason due to which the day of Al-Tarwiya has been named as the day of Al-Tarwiyya. 187

Chapter 172 – The reason due to which Mina was named as Mina. 187

Chapter 173 – The reason due to which Arafaat was named as Arafaat 188

Chapter 174 – The reason due to which Al-Kheef was named as Kheef 188

Chapter 175 – The reason due to which Al-Muzdalifa was named as Muzdalifa. 188

Chapter 176 – The reason due to which Muzdalifa has been named as Jam’a. 189

Chapter – 177 – Reason for pelting the stones. 189

Chapter 178 – Reason for the sacrifice. 190

Chapter 179 – The reason due to which it is recommended to look after the sacrificial animal 191

Chapter 180 – The reason due to which it is allowed to feed the poor with regards to the expiation of the oath, from flesh of the sacrificed animal 191

Chapter 181 – The reason due to which it is forbidden to withhold the flesh of the sacrificial animal more than three days, then released during that 192

Chapter 182 – The reason due to which it is allowed to give the skin of the sacrificial animal to the one who skins it 193

Chapter 183 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory upon the one who cannot find the price of the sacrificial animal, that he should borrow. 193

Chapter 184 – The reason due to which the sacrificial camel suffices for one, and the cow suffices for five souls. 194

Chapter 185 – The reason due to which the two year old lamb suffices regarding the sacrifice and the two year old goat does not suffice. 195

Chapter 186 – The reason due to which the one who is performing the (Umrah) Tamatto on behalf of his mother and puts on Ihraam for the Hajj on behalf of his father, the slaughter is dropped (he is exempt) 195

Chapter 188 – The reason due to which the Hajj was named as The Greatest (الاكبر) 196

Chapter 189 – The reason due to which Al-Taif was named as Taif 196

Chapter 190 – The reason due to which one has to come to the Pausing Station by the Mash’ar, and not come by the Sanctuary. 197

Chapter 191 – The reason due to which the sins are not Written for the Pilgrim for four months. 198

Chapter 192 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww proceeded from Al Mash’ar, in opposition to the people of the Pre-Islamic period. 198

Chapter 193 – The reason due to which the Limit (Punishment) is established upon the offender inside the Sanctuary and is not established upon the offender in other than the Sanctuary when he flees to the Sanctuary. 199

Chapter 194 – The reason due to which Al-Abtah was named as Abtah. 199

Chapter 195 – The reason due to which the one in Ihram can eat the game when he is desperate for it; and reason, from a report, that he can eat the dead (animals/fish etc.) 200

Chapter 196 – Reason for the disliking the staying at Makkah. 201

Chapter 197 – The reason due to which Al-Ihtiba’a (sitting with knees tied up) in the Sacred Masjid. 202

Chapter 198 – The reason due to which the riding with regards to the Hajj is preferable than the walking. 202

Chapter 199 – The reason due to which the exclamation of the Greatness of Allah-azwj (Takbeer) came to be after fifteen Prayers during the days of Al-Tashreek at Mina, and at the cities at the end of ten Prayers. 204

Chapter 200 – The reason due to which Al-Shamy corner moves in the winter and the summer 204

Chapter 201 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) became so high that one has to ascend to it with the stairs. 205

Chapter 204 – The reason due to which the days of Mina came to be three. 206

Chapter 205 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should apply oil (in his hair) when he intends to wear the Ihraam, with the oil in which is musk or amber 207

Chapter 206 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to seize the domesticated bird if it enters the Sanctuary. 207

Chapter 207 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww allowed for Al-Abbas that he may remain at Makkah on the nights of Mina. 208

Chapter 208 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not sleep at Makkah after having emigrated from it, until he-asws passed away. 208

Chapter 209 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the one in Ihraam that he shades himself without a reason. 209

Chapter 210 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Hajj 209

Chapter 211 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory to be near (Mount) Al-Hazbaat at Arafaat 213

Chapter 212 – Reason for the prohibition for the hunting. 214

Chapter 213 – Reason for the abhorrence of the (application of) Kohl for the woman in Ihraam.. 214

Chapter 214 – Reason for the Obligation of the camel (as a penalty) upon the one in Ihraam who looks at the leg of the woman or at her private part, so his semen comes out 215

Chapter 215 – The reason due to which the Hajj came to be superior than the Prayer and the Fast 215

Chapter 216 – The reason due to which it has been relaxation for one in Ihraam that he can get rid of the mite and the bug. 216

Chapter 217 – The reason due to which there does not happen any quarrelling in some of the cases. 217

Chapter 218 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the one in Ihraam that he should look in the mirror 217

Chapter 220 – The reason due to which Masjid Al Fazeeh was named as Masjid Al Fazeeh. 218

Chapter 221 – The reason due to which the visitation of the Prophet-saww and the Imams-asws is Obligatory after the Hajj 218

Chapter 222 – The Miscellaneous. 220

Chapter 223 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Obligated the Fire upon the committers of the major sins. 235

Chapter 224 – Reason for the Prohibition of the wine. 237

Chapter 225 – The reason due to which drinker of the wine came to be more evil than the one who neglects the Prayer 239

Chapter 226 – The reason due to which what returns to be a third from ‘Al-Tala’a’ (burned wine juice) is Permissible. 239

Chapter 227 – The reason for the prevention from drinking the wine in the state of desperation. 240

Chapter 228 – The reason due to which the killing of soul came to be corruption of the people. 241

Chapter 229 – The reason due to which the disobedience to the two parents is Forbidden. 241

Chapter 230 – The reason due to which the adultery is Prohibited. 242

Chapter 231 – The reason due to which the slandering of the chaste woman is Prohibited. 243

Chapter 232 – The reason due to which it is Prohibited to consume the wealth of the orphans unjustly. 243

Chapter 233 – The reason due to which it is Prohibited to flee from the arm, and the adoption of the practices of the Pre-Islamic period Arabs after the Emigration. 244

Chapter 234 – Reason for the Prohibition of what is slaughtered for other than Allah-azwj 245

Chapter 235 – Reason for the Prohibition of (eating) predatory birds and the wild animals. 246

Chapter 236 – Reason for the Prohibition of the interest (Usury) 246

Chapter 237 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Prohibited the wine, and the dead, and the blood, and flesh of the swine, and the monkey, and the bear, and the elephant, and the spleen. 248

Chapter 238 – The reason due to which it is abhorrent to eat the flesh of the raven. 251

Chapter 239 – Reason for the mutants (metamorphosed ones) and their types. 251

Chapter 241 – Reason for the perfume and its cause. 259

Chapter 242 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Refuses (to Accept) the repentance of the one with evil manners. 260

Chapter 243 – The reason due to which the repentance of the innovator is not Accepted. 260

Chapter 244 – The reason due to which a swallow does not walk upon the ground and dwells in the houses. 262

Chapter 245 – The reason due to which then ox came to be lowering the gaze, not raising its head towards the sky. 262

Chapter 246 – The reason due to which the goats came to be raising its tail exposing its embarrassment and the genitals, and the sheep came to be veiling the embarrassment and the genitals. 263

Chapter 247 – Reason for the marking upon the hands of the animal, and the result of the mule. 264

Chapter 249 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Created the flies. 264

Chapter 250 – Reason for the Creation of the dog. 265

Chapter 251 – Reason for the Creation of the (dust) Particles. 266

Chapter 252 – Reason for the worn out face without old age. 266

Chapter 253 – Reason for the signs of the patience. 267

Chapter 255 – The reason due to which the witnessing has been Made to be regarding the marriage. 267

Chapter 256 – The reason due to which it is Forbidden to gather two sisters (as two wives for one man) 268

Chapter 257 – The reason due to which it is Forbidden to marry the woman on top of her paternal aunt and her maternal aunt 268

Chapter 258 – The reason due to which the Sunnah dowry came to be of five hundred Dirhams. 269

Chapter 259 – The reason due to which the dowry of the women came to be of forty thousand Dirhams, among the adversaries. 270

Chapter 260 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the man to look at the woman intending to be married to her 270

Chapter 261 – The reason due to which when the man says to his wife, you did not come to me as a virgin, there would not be a Limit (Punishment) upon him.. 271

Chapter 262 – Reason for the dowry and its Obligation upon the men. 271

Chapter 263 – The reason due to which it is disliked that the dowry happens to be less than ten Dirhams. 271

Chapter 266 – The reason due to which it is allowed (for the man) to marry into the sceptics (about Religion), and it is not allowed (for the woman) to marry into them.. 272

Chapter 267 – The reason due to which it is not allowed that the man should copulate and in the house is a child. 272

Chapter 269 – The reason due to which if there are two women for the man, it is allowed for him that he prefers one of the two over the other 273

Chapter 270 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the captive man that he should get married for as long as he is in the hands of the Polytheists. 274

Chapter 271 – The reason due to which it is Permissible for the man that he marries four women, and it is not allowed for him more than that; and the reason due to which it is not allowed that the woman marries except for one husband; and the reason due to which the slave can marry two (women) 274

Chapter 272 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Made the jealousy (Ghayrat) for the man and did not Make it for the women. 275

Chapter 273 – Reason for the shaving of the hair of the new born. 275

Chapter 275 – The reason due to which the divorce does not take effect unless (if it is) upon the Book and the Sunnah. 275

Chapter 276 – Reason for the divorce waiting period; and the reason due to which the woman is not Permissible for her husband after nine divorces; and the reason due to which the divorce of the slaves came to be twice. 276

Chapter 277 – The reason due to which the waiting period of the divorced woman came to be of three months or three menstruations; and the waiting period of the one widowed from her husband (came to be of) four months and ten days. 277

Chapter 278 – The reason due to which the cursed woman is not Permissible for her husband who cursed her, for ever 279

Chapter 279 – The reason due to which the testimony of the woman is not acceptable with regards to the divorce, nor with regards to sighting of the moon. 279

Chapter 281 – The reason due to which the (start of the) waiting period of divorced woman is from the day her husband divorces her, and the waiting period of woman widowed from her husband is from when the news (of his death) reaches her 280

Chapter 282 – The reason due to which four witnesses have been Made to be for adultery, and two witnesses for the murder, 280

Chapter 285 – Reason for the fortification of the slave girl with the free (man) 281

Chapter 286 – The reason due to which is the preference of the man over the woman. 282

Chapter 287 – The reason due to which the temporary marriage does not reckon a free man to be married. 283

Chapter 288 – The reason due to which (men) been Forbidden from obeying the women. 283

Chapter 289 – Miscellaneous reasons for the marriage. 284

Chapter 290 – The reason due to which it is disliked to blow into a mug. 291

Chapter 291 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he recompenses (pays a wage) of (farming of) the land by barley and he farmed wheat and barley, and it is allowed for him that he recompenses it with the gold and the silver 292

Chapter 292 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to lengthen the moustache, and the armpit hair, and the pubic (hair) 292

Chapter 293 – The reason due to which the slave of the man came to be understood as being from him.. 293

Chapter 294 – Reason for the Prohibition of pairing between the fruits. 293

Chapter 295 – Reason for the abhorrence of the garlic, and the onions, and the leeks. 294

Chapter 296 – The reason due to which Tab’a was named as Tab’a (follow) 295

Chapter 297 – The reason due to which it is forbidden to flee from the epidemic. 295

Chapter 298 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Delays the Punishment from the servants. 296

Chapter 299 – The reason due to which the one who abides in the Paradise would abide eternally, and the one who abides in the Fire would abide eternally. 299

Chapter 300 – The reason due to which the Believer has been named as ‘Believer’ 299

Chapter 301 – The reason due to which the intention of the Believer came to be better than his deed. 300

Chapter 302 – The reason of the Permissibility of the wealth of the son for the parent 301

Chapter 303 – The reason due to which the slave girl of the son is Prohibited unto the man, and the slave girl of his daughter is Permissible unto him.. 302

Chapter 304 – The reason due to which the physician is named as ‘Tabeeb’ (One who makes feel better) 302

Chapter 305 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Respited Iblees-la up to the Day of known time. 303

Chapter 307 – The reason due to which the ‘Al-Khannaas’ (Satan-la) was named as a withdrawer 303

Chapter 308 – The reason due to which it is Forbidden from intermingling with the Inconsiderate people. 304

Chapter 309 – The reason due to which it is disliked to have dealings with the ones with deformities. 304

Chapter 310 – The reason due to which it is disliked to mingle with the Kurds. 304

Chapter 311 – The reason due to which it is disliked to intermingle with the lowly people (riff raff) 305

Chapter 312 – The reason due to which the debt is disliked. 305

Chapter 313 – The reason due to which the house and the servant cannot be sold with regards to (settling) the debt 308

Chapter 314 – Reason for the abhorrent industries (professions) 309

Chapter 315 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory to take by opposite of what the general Muslims are saying. 311

Chapter 316 – Reason for uncovering of the veil 312

Chapter 317 – Reason for the Prohibition from eating the clay. 313

Chapter 318 – The reason due to which tooth-picking with the twigs of the basil and the pomegranate is disliked. 314

Chapter 319 – The reason due to which it is disliked to wear the smooth shoes /slippers. 315

Chapter 320 – The reason due to which the woman with whom a young boy committed adultery with, would not be stoned even if she was a married woman. 315

Chapter 321 – The reason due to which the slanderer of the compelled woman would be lashed. 315

Chapter 323 – The reason due to which hands would not be cut off of the one who acknowledges the theft under the beating if the stolen goods are not found on him.. 316

Chapter 324 – The reason due to which (the hands) of the employee and the guest would not be cut-off if they steal 316

Chapter 325 – The reason due to which it came to be that the cutting of the thief would not exceed the (one) hand and the (one) leg. 318

Chapter 326 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Limits. 320

Chapter 327 – The reason due to which there does not happen to be a stronghold with the people under responsibility (Ahl Al-Zimma) 325

Chapter 328 – The reason due to which the (burden of the) proof is upon the claimant, and the swearing (oath) is upon the defendant with regards to the wealth, whereas with regards to the blood, the (burden of the) proof is upon the defendant, and upon him is the compurgation (sworn endorsements) 325

Chapter 329 – The reason due to which the one who kills the insane would not be killed. 327

Chapter 330 – The reason due to which the blood money of the dead, if its head was cut off is made to be in the category of performing good deeds for the dead and will not be made to be for the inheritors, just as the blood money of the foetus is made to be. 328

Chapter 331 – The reason due to which the adulterer would be whipped with one hundred lashes, and the drinker of the wine, eighty (lashes) 329

Chapter 332 – The reason due to which the hands of the scoundrel and the pilferer would not be cut 329

Chapter 333 – The reason due to which the shadow would be lashed, of the one who claims that he had an erotic dream with the mother of someone else. 330

Chapter 334 – The reason due to which the Limit would not be established in the land of the enemy. 330

Chapter 335 – The reason due to which the Limit upon the slanderer and the drinker of the wine came to be eighty (lashes) 331

Chapter 336 – The reason due to which when the husband slanders his wife, his testimony would amount to four testimonies, and if other than her husband were to slander her, would be whipped the Limit 331

Chapter 337 – The reason due to which the slave would be hit by half the Limit what the free one would be hit by. 332

Chapter 338 – The reason due to which the Muslim sorcerer would be killed, and the Infidel sorcerer would not be killed. 333

Chapter 339 – The reason due to which the Limit of the killing would be applied in the case of the adultery and drinking of the wine during the third (offence) 333

Chapter 340 – Reason for the Prohibition of the sodomy and the lesbianism.. 334

Chapter 341 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Commanded His-azwj servants that when they have dealings, they should be writing an agreement in between them.. 342

Chapter 342 – Reason for the high and low tide. 343

Chapter 343 – Reason for the earthquake. 344

Chapter 344 – The reason due to which the children are (not to be) washed from the immersion (in Saffron) 346

Chapter 345 – The reason due to which the backbiting came to be more grievous than the adultery. 347

Chapter 346 – The reason due to which the Believer tends to be most intense in something, most miserly in something, sometimes most copulating; and the reason due to which he becomes more tougher than the mountain regarding his Religion. 347

Chapter 347 – The reason due to which months are deficient 348

Chapter 348 – The reason due to which Ja’far Bin Abu Talib -as never drank wine at all, and never lied, and never committed adultery, and never worshipped idols. 349

Chapter 349 – The reason due to which it is disliked to consult the slave and the lowly regarding the matters. 349

Chapter 350 – The reason due to which it is dislike to consult with the coward, and the miser, and the greedy. 350

Chapter 351 – The reason due to which it is dislike to frequently place the hand in the beard. 350

Chapter 352 – The reason due to which the human being has been Commanded to look at the one who is below him, and not to look at the one who is above him.. 351

Chapter 353 – The reason due to which the Believer is ‘Mukaffir’ (people never acknowledge his favours) 351

Chapter 354 – The reason due to which the Punishment is hastened to the Believer in the world. 353

Chapter 355 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Permitted the flesh of the cow, and the sheep, and the camel, and other such varieties from what is eaten. 353

Chapter 356 – The reason due to which eating the glands is disliked. 354

Chapter 357 – The reason due to which the bone marrow, and the spleen, and the two testicles are Prohibited (to eat) 354

Chapter 358 – The reason due to which eating of the two kidneys is disliked. 355

Chapter 359 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah -saww forbade from eating the flesh of the domesticated donkey on the day of Khyber; and reason for the Prohibition of the mules. 356

Chapter 360 – The reason due to which the whistling is disliked. 357

Chapter 361 – The reason due to which it is disliked to encumber the adversaries for the needs. 357

Chapter 362 – The reason due to which the people would be called by the names of their mothers on the Day of Judgement 358

Chapter 363 – The reason due to which the son of adultery (bastard) would not enter the Paradise. 358

Chapter 364 – Reason for the Prohibition of looking at the hair of the veiled women. 359

Chapter 365 – The reason due to which it is free (allowed) to look at the heads of the people of Tahama, and the Bedouins, and the black people from the ones under responsibility (Ahl Al Zimma) 360

Chapter 366 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to kill the captive who he has captured if he is frustrated from the walking. 360

Chapter 367 – Reason for the prolongation of the term of the (ruling) authority, and the shortening of his term.. 361

Chapter 368 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he takes a guardian or a helper from the Nabateans. 361

Chapter 369 – The reason due to which the bequest came to be with the third. 362

Chapter 370 – The reason due to which there would be no reduction in the shares of the inheritors. 363

Chapter 371 – The reason due to which the inheritance came to be for the males similar in portion to two females. 364

Chapter 372 – The reason due to which the woman will not inherit anything from what her husband leaves from the real estate, and (would inherit) from what he leaves besides that 365

Chapter 373 – The reason due to which Qum was named. 366

Chapter 378 – The reason due to which when the top of the palm tree is cut, it does not germinate. 367

Chapter 379 – The reason due to which every palm tree grows in the swamp except for the Ajwa (date) tree. 368

Chapter 380 – The reason due two which the sun came to be scorching hot, and the moon opposite to it 368

Chapter 382 – The reason due to which the North wind was named (as such) 369

Chapter 383 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to insult the winds, and the mountains, and the times, and the days, and the nights. 369

Chapter 384 – The reason due to which Al-Tariq (a star) is named as Tariq. 369

Chapter 385 – Miscellaneous reasons. 370


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله الطاهرين، وسلم تسليما.

In the Name of Allah-azwj the Beneficent, the Merciful. The Praise is for Allah-azwj Lord-azwj of the Worlds, and Blessing be upon our Chief Muhammad-saww and his-saww Purified Progeny-asws, and greetings with abundant greetings.

(باب 1 – علل الوضوء، والاذان، والصلاة)

Chapter 1 – Reasons for the ablution, and the Azaan (Call to the Prayer), and the Prayer

قال الشيخ الفقيه أبو جعفر محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه القمي مصنف هذا الكتاب: حدثنا أبي ومحمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رض) قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد، عن محمد بن أبي عمير ومحمد بن سنان، عن الصباح السدي، وسدير الصيرفي ومحمد بن النعمان مؤمن الطاق، وعمر بن اذينة، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام، وحدثنا محمد بن الحسن ابن احمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار وسعد ابن عبد الله قالا: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أبي الخطاب، ويعقوب بن يزيد ومحمد بن عيسى، عن عبد الله بن جبلة، عن الصباح المزني، وسدير الصيرفي ومحمد بن النعمان الاحول، وعمر بن اذينة عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام، انهم حضروه فقال: يا عمر بن اذينة ما ترى هذه الناصبة في آذانهم وصلاتهم، فقلت جعلت فداك انهم يقولون ان أي بن كعب الانصاري رآه في النوم فقال كذبوا والله ان الله تبارك وتعالى اعز من أنت يرى في النوم،

Al Sheykh Al Faqih Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Musa Bin Babuwayh Al Qumyy, the author of this book, said, ‘My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed both narrated o us, from Sa’a Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr and Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Sabah Al Sady, and Sudeyr Al Sayrafi and Muhammad Bin Al Noman Momin Al Taaq, and Umar Bin Azina, from Abu Abdullah-asws.

And Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Ibn Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar and Sa’ad Ibn Abdullah, both from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Abu Al Khatab, and Yaqoub Bin Yazeed and Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abdullah Bin Jabala, from Al Sabah Al Mazny, and Sudeyr Al Sayrafi and Muhammad Bin Al Noman Al Ahowl, and Umar Bin Azina,

(The narrator says) some of us were there in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws, so he-asws said: ‘O Umar Bin Hazina! What do you see these Nasibis with regards to their Azan and their Prayers?’ So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! They are saying that Ubay Bin Ka’ab, the Helper, saw Him-azwj in his sleep (a dream) (Detailing the Azan and the Prayers)’. So he-asws said: ‘They are lying! By Allah-azwj! Allah-azwj Blessed and High is more Honourable than you see Him-azwj in the sleep (dream)’.

وقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام ان الله العزيز الجبار عرج بنبيه صلى الله عليه وآله إلى سمائه سبعا اما أولهن فبارك عليه والثانية علمه فيها فرضه فانزل الله العزيز الجبار عليه محملا من نور فيه أربعون نوعا من انواع النور كانت محدقة حول العرش عرشه تبارك وتعالى تغشى أبصار الناظرين أما واحد منها فاصفر فمن أجل ذلك اصفرت الصفرة، وواحد منها أحمر فمن أجل ذلك احمرت الحمرة، وواحد منها أبيض فمن اجل ذلك ابيض البياض، والباقي على عدد سائر ما خلق من الانوار والالوان في ذلك المحمل حلق وسلاسل من فضة فجلس عليه،

And Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj, the Mighty, the Compeller, Ascended His-azwj Prophet-saww to His-azwj seventh sky. As for in the first of these (skies), so He-azwj Blessed upon him-saww, and at the second, Taught him-saww his-saww Obligations therein. So the Mighty, the Compeller Sent down a palanquin of Light, in which were forty types from the types of Lights which used to hover around the Throne, the Throne of the Blessed and the High, overwhelming the visions of the onlookers. As for one of these (Lights), so it was a yellow (Light), thus it is due to it that the yellow gets its yellowness. And one of these was a red (Light), thus it is due to that the red gets it redness. And one of these was a white (Light), thus it is due to that, the white gets its whiteness. And the rest were upon a number of what Allah-azwj Created from the Lights and the colours. In that palanquin were reins and chains of silver. So he-saww sat upon it.

ثم عرج إلى السماء الدنيا فنفرت الملائكة إلى أطراف السماء ثم خرت سجدا فقالت: سبوح قدوس ربنا ورب الملائكة والروح ما أشبه هذا النور بنور ربنا فقال جبرئيل عليه السلام الله اكبر الله اكبر فسكتت الملائكة وفتحت ابواب السماء واجتمعت الملائكة ثم جاءت فسلمت على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله افواجا ثم قالت يا محمد كيف اخوك؟ قال بخير قالت: فان ادركته فاقرأه منا السلام فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أتعرفونه؟ فقالوا: كيف لم نعرفه وقد أخذ الله عزوجل ميثاقك وميثاقه منا وانا لنصلي عليك وعليه

Then he-saww was ascended with to the sky of the world, so the Angels alienated themselves to the outskirts of the sky, then fell down prostrate. So they said: ‘Glorious, Holy is our Lord-azwj, and the Lord-azwj of the Angels and the (Holy) Spirit! How this Light resembles the Light of our Lord-azwj!’ So Jibraeel-as said: ‘Allah-azwj is the Greatest! Allah-azwj is the Greatest!’ So the Angels were silenced, and the gateways of the sky were opened up, and the Angels gathered around. Then they came over and greeted to the Prophet-saww in droves. Then they said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! How is your-saww brother-asws?’ He-saww said: ‘With goodness’. They said: ‘So if you-saww see him-asws next, so convey the greetings from us’. So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Do you recognise him-asws?’ So they said: ‘How can we not recognise him-asws, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Taken your-saww Covenant and his-asws Covenant from us, and we have been sending Blessings upon you-saww and upon him-asws (ever since)’.

ثم زاده أربعين نوعا من أنواع النور لا يشبه شئ منه ذلك النور الاول وزاده في محمله حلقا وسلاسل ثم عرج به إلى السماء الثانية فلما قرب من باب السماء تنافرت الملائكة إلى اطراف السماء وخرت سجدا وقالت سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح ما أشبه هذا النور بنور ربنا فقال جبرئيل عليه السلام أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله فاجتمعت الملائكة وفتحت أبواب السماء وقالت: يا جبرئيل من هذا الذي معك؟ فقال هذا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله قالوا وقد بعث؟ قال نعم

Then forty types from the types of Lights were increased, with nothing resembling that from the first types of Lights, and the reins and chains were increased in the palanquin. Then he-saww was ascended with to the second sky. So when he-saww came near to the gateway of the sky, the Angels alienated themselves to the outskirts of the sky and fell down prostrate, and said: ‘Glorious, Holy is the Lord-azwj of the Angels and the (Holy) Spirit! How this Light resembles with the Light of our Lord-azwj!’ So Jibraeel-as said: ‘I-as testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj! I-as testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj!’ So the Angels gathered around, and the gateway of the sky was opened up, and they said : ‘O Jibraeel-as! Who is this one-saww with you-as?’ So he-as said: ‘This is Muhammad-saww!’ They said: ‘And he-as has (already) been Sent (to the world)?’ He-as said: ‘Yes’.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فخرجوا إلى شبه المعانيق فسلموا علي وقالوا: إقرأ أخاك السلام فقلت هل تعرفونه؟ قالوا: نعم وكيف لا نعرفته وقد أخذ الله ميثاقك وميثاقه وميثاق شيعته إلى يوم القيامة علينا وانا لنتصفح وجوه شيعته في كل يوم خمسا يعنون في كل وقت صلاة

Rasool-Allah-as said: ‘So they all came over to me-saww in between the curtains, so they greeted me-saww and said: ‘Convey the greetings to your-saww brother!’ So I-saww said: ‘Do you all recognise him-asws?’ They said: ‘Yes, and how can we not recognise him-asws and Allah-azwj has Taken your-saww Covenant, and his-asws Covenant, and a Covenant of his-asws Shias up to the Day of Judgement, against us, and we browse through the faces of his-asws Shias, in every day, five times’ – meaning during every time of the Prayer’.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ثم زادني ربي تعالى أربعين نوعا من أنواع النور لا تشبه الانوار الاول وزادني حلقا وسلاسل ثم عرج به إلى السماء الثالثة فنفرت الملائكة إلى اطراف السماء خرجت سجدا وقالت سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح ما هذا النور الذي يشبه نور ربنا، فقال جبرئيل عليه السلام: اشهد أن محمدا رسول الله، أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله فاجتمعت الملائكة وفتحت ابواب السماء وقالت: مرحبا بالاول ومرحبا بالآخر ومرحبا بالحاشر ومرحبا بالناشر، محمد خاتم النبيين وعلى خير الوصيين،

Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Then my-saww Lord-azwj Increased for me-saww, forty types from the types of the Light, not resembling the first Lights, and Increased for me-saww reins and chains (of silver in the Palanquin). Then I-saww was ascended with to the third sky. So the Angels alienated themselves to the outskirts of the sky, falling down prostrate, and said: ‘Glorious, Holy is Lord-azwj of the Angels and the (Holy) Spirit! What is this Light which resembles the Light of our Lord-azwj?’ So Jibraeel-as said: ‘I-as testify that Muhammad-saww is Rasool-Allah-saww! I-as testify that Muhammad-saww is Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So the Angels gathered around and the gateway of the sky was opened up, and they said: ‘Welcome to the first (of the people), and welcome to the last (of the Prophets-as), and welcome to the one with whom we will be Resurrected, and welcome to the publisher (of the deeds), Muhammad-saww, the seal of the Prophets-as, and Ali-asws the best of the successors-as’.

فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله سلموا علي وسألوني عن علي أخي فقلت هو في الارض خليفتي أو تعرفونه؟ قالوا: نعم وكيف لا نعرفه وقد نحج البيت المعمور في كل سنة مرة وعليه رق أبيض فيه اسم محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وعلي والحسن والحسين والائمة وشيعتهم إلى يوم القيامة وإنا لنبارك على رؤسهم بايدينا،

So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘They greeted to me-saww, and asked me-saww about Ali-asws, my-saww brother-asws. So I-saww said: ‘He-asws is in the earth, as my-saww Caliph. Do you all recognise him-asws?’ They said: ‘Yes, and how can we not recognise him-asws, and we perform Hajj of The Oft-Frequented House (Bayt Al-Mamour) once in every year, and upon it is a white parchment in which are the names of Muhammad-saww, and Ali-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws, and the Imams-asws, and their-asws Shias up to the Day of Judgement, and we attain Blessings by touching our hands upon these (names)’.

ثم زادني ربى تعالى أربعين نوعا من انواع النور لا تشبه شيئا من تلك الانوار الاول وزادني حلقا وسلاسل ثم عرج بي إلى السماء الرابعة فلم تقل الملائكة شيئا وسمعت دويا كأنه في الصدور واجتمعت الملائكة ففتحت أبواب السماء وخرجت إلى معانيق فقال جبرئيل (ع) حي على الصلاة حي على الصلاة حي على الفلاح حي على الفلاح فقالت الملائكة صوتين مقرونين بمحمد تقوم الصلاة وبعلي الفلاح فقال جبرئيل قد قامت الصلاة قد قامت الصلاة، فقالت الملائكة هي لشيعته اقاموها إلى يوم القيامة،

Then my-saww Lord-azwj Increased for me-as forty types from the types of the Light, not resembling anything from the first Lights, and Increased for me-saww reins and chains (of silver for the Palanquin). Then I-saww was ascended with to the fourth sky. The Angels did not say anything and I-saww heard sounds as if it were in the chests, and the Angels gathered around. So the gateways of the sky were opened, and they came out to the curtains (of the Palanquin). So Jibraeel-as said: ‘Hasten to the Prayer! Hasten to the Prayer! Hasten to the success! Hasten to the success!’ So the Angels said: ‘Two voices repeated twice. By Muhammad-saww the Prayer is established, and by Ali-asws is the success’. So Jibraeel-as said: ‘The Prayer is established! The Prayer is established!’ So the Angels said: ‘This is for his-asws Shias who will be establishing it up to the Day of Judgement’.

ثم اجتمعت الملائكة فقالوا للنبي أين تركت أخاك وكيف هو؟ فقال لهم: أتعرفونه؟ فقالوا نعم نعرفه وشيعته وهو نور حول عرش الله وان في البيت المعمور لرقا من نور فيه كتاب من نور فيه اسم محمد وعلى الحسن والحسين والائمة وشيعتهم لا يزيد فيهم رجل ولا ينقص منهم رجل انه لميثاقنا الذي أخذ علينا وانه ليقرء علينا في كل يوم جمعة،

Then the Angels gathered, so they said to the Prophet-saww: ‘Where did you-saww leave your-saww brother-asws, and how is he-asws?’ So he-saww said to them: ‘Do you all recognise him-asws?’ So they said: ‘Yes, we do recognise him-asws and his-asws Shias, and it is upon a parchment of Light around the Throne of Allah-azwj, and in the Oft-Frequented House (Bayt Al-Mamour), in which is an inscription of Light, in which is the name of Muhammad-saww, and Ali-asws, and Al-Hassan-asws, and Al-Husayn-asws, and the Imams-asws, and their-asws Shias. Not a man would increase in them, nor would a man decrease from them. It is a Covenant which has been Taken from us, and it is being recited to us during every Friday’.

فسجدت لله شكرا فقال يا محمد ارفع رأسك فرفععت رأسي فإذا أطناب السماء قد خرقت والحجب قد رفعت ثم قال لي طأطئ رأسك وانظر ما ذا ترى فطأطأت رأسي فنظرت إلى بيتكم هذا وحرمكم هذا فإذا هو مثل حرم ذلك البيت يتقابل لو ألقيت شيئا من يدي لم يقع إلا عليه فقال لي يا محمد هذا الحرم وأنت الحرام لكل مثل مثال، ثم ققال لي ربي تعالى يا محمد مد يدك فيتلقاك ماء يسيل من ساق العرش الايمن، فنزل الماء فتلقيته

So I-saww prostrated to Allah-azwj in gratitude, so He-azwj Said: “O Muhammad-saww! Raise your-saww head”. So I-saww raised my-saww head, and I-saww saw the sky to have been cleft (split) asunder (open) and the Veils to have been Lifted. Then He-azwj Said to me-saww: “Lower your-saww head and look at what you-saww see”. So I-saww lowered my-saww head, so I-saww was looking at this House (Kabah) of yours, and this Sanctuary (Haram) of yours, so it was like the Sanctuary of that House facing it. Had I-saww thrown anything from my-saww hand, it would not have fallen anywhere except upon it. So He-azwj Said to me-saww: “O Muhammad-saww! This is the sanctuary, and you-saww are sanctimonious. For every example is an example”. Then my-saww Lord-azwj the Exalted Said to me-saww: “O Muhammad-saww! Extend your-saww hand, so you-saww will receive water which flows from the Right Base of the Throne”. So the water descended, and I-saww received it’.[496]

(باب 2 – العلة التي من أجلها فرض الله عزوجل الصلاة)

Chapter 2 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated the Prayer

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن محمد بن اسماعيل البرقى قال: حدثنا علي بن العباس، عن عمر بن عبد العزيز قال حدثنا هشام بن الحكم قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن علة الصلاة فان فيها مشغلة للناس عن حوائجهم ومتعبة لهم في ابدانهم، قال فيها علل وذلك ان الناس لو تركوا بغير تنبيه ولا تذكر للنبي صلى الله عليه وآله باكثر من الخبر الاول وبقاء الكتاب في أيديهم فقط لكانوا على ما كان عليه الاولون

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barqy, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the reason for the Salat (Prayer), for in it is an occupation for the people about their needs, and tiredness with regard to their bodies’. He-asws said: ‘Regarding it is a reason, and that is that the people, had they been left, with neither a stimulation nor mentioning of the Prophet-saww, like most of the former ones, only the Book (Quran) would have been left in their hands, and they would have been what the former ones have been on.

فانهم قد كانوا اتخذوا دينا ووضعوا كتبا ودعوا اناسا إلى ما هم عليه وقتلوهم على ذلك فدرس امرهم وذهب حين ذهبوا واراد الله تبارك وتعالى أن لا ينسيهم امر محمد صلى الله عليه وآله ففرض عليهم الصلاة يذكرونه في كل يوم خمس مرات ينادون باسمه وتعبدوا بالصلاة وذكر الله لكيلا يغفلوا عنه وينسوه فيندرس ذكره.

So they used to take to a Religion and wasted the Books, and invited the people to what they were upon, and killed them upon that. Thus, their affairs became extinct and it went away when they went away (died), and Allah-azwj Blessed and High Intended that they (people) should not forget the matter of Muhammad-saww, therefore Allah-azwj Obligated the Prayer upon them, mentioning him-saww five times a day, calling him-saww by his-saww name, and worshiping (Allah-azwj) with the Salat (Prayer), and remembering Allah-azwj, otherwise they would be oblivious (unmindful) from Him-azwj, and forget Him-azwj, so that His-azwj mentioning is not to become extinct (as well)’.[497]

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن محمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن يعقوب قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن ربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان: ان ابا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله ان علة الصلاة انها إقرار بالربوبة لله عزوجل وخلع الانداد، وقيام بين يدي الجبار جل جلاله بالذل والمسكنة، والخضوع والاعتراف والطلب للاقالة من سالف الذنوب، ووضع الوجه على الارض كل يوم خمس مرات اعظاما لله عزوجل

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Rabi’e Al Sahaf, from Muhammad Bin Sinan who said,

‘Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written to him-asws of his question, that: ‘The reason for the Prayer is that it is an acknowledgment of the Lordship of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic and staying away from the false gods, and of standing in front of the Compeller, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, with humbleness and the needfulness, and the submissiveness, and the recognition, and the seeking for the dismissal of the past sins, and placing of the face upon the ground five times a day, in reverence to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic.

وأن يكون ذاكرا غير ناس ولا بطر ويكون خاشعا متذللا راغبا طالبا للزيادة في الدين والدنيا مع ما فيه من الانزجار والمداومة على ذكر الله عزوجل بالليل والنهار لئلا ينسى العبد سيده ومدبره وخالفه فيبطر ويطغى ويكون في ذكره لربه وقيامه بين يديه زاجرا له عن المعاصي ومانعا من انواع الفساد.

And he would become a mentioner (of Allah-azwj), not a forgetter, nor arrogant, and he would become fearful, humble, hopeful, seeking for the increase in the Religion and the world along with that he is in from the audacities (braveries), and be pre-occupied upon the mentioning of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic by the night and the day, otherwise the servant would forget his Master-azwj, and his Organiser, and may end up opposing him, thus he would be arrogant, and he would rebel, and would become audacious in his mentioning his Lord-azwj, and his standing in front of Him-azwj, audacious to Him-azwj about the disobedience, and (the Prayer) would prevent him from various types of the mischief’.[498]

(باب 3 – علة القبلة والتحريف إلى اليسار)

Chapter 3 – Reason for the Qiblah and the distortion to the left

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن ادريس رحمه الله عن أبيه عن محمد بن حسان عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن علي بن حسان الواسطي عن عمه عبد الرحمان بن كثير عن المفضل بن عمر قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن التحريف لاصحابنا ذات اليسار عن القبلة وعن السبب فيه؟ فقال: ان الحجر الاسود لما أنزل به من الجنة ووضع في موضعه جعل انصاب الحرم من حيث لحقه النور نور الحجر فهي عن يمين الكعبة اربعة اميال وعن يسارها ثمانية اميال كله اثنا عشر ميلا فإذا انحرف الانسان ذات اليمين خرج عن حد القببلة لعلة انصاب الحرم، وإذا انحرف ذات اليسار لم يككن خارجا عن حد القبلة.

Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Hisan, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Ali Bin Hasaan Al Wasity, from his uncle Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the distortion for our companions (slightly) towards the left from the Qiblah, and about the cause with regards to it?’ So he-asws said: ‘When the Black Stone (الحجر الاسود) was descended with from the Paradise and placed in its place, the Sanctuary was made to be established from where the Light of the Black Stone reached. So it is four miles from the right of the Kaaba, and from its left it is eight miles, all of it being twelve miles. So when the human being deviates towards the right, he would exit from a Limit of the Qiblah due to the reason of the establishment of the Sanctuary. And when he deviates towards the left, he would not end up exiting from a Limit of the Qiblah’.[499]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس بن معروف، عن علي بن مهزيار، عن الحسن ابن سعيد عن إبراهيم بن أبي البلاد عن أبي غرة قال: قال لي أبو عبد الله عليه السلام البيت قبلة المسجد والمسجد قبلة مكة ومكة قبلة الحرم والحرم قبلة الدنيا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Hassan Ibn Saeed, from Ibrahim Bin Abu A Bilad, from Abu Garat who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said to me: ‘The House (Kabah) is a Qiblah of the Masjid, and the Masjid is a Qiblah of Makkah, and Makkah is a Qiblah of the ‘الحرم’ Sanctuary, and the Sanctuary is a Qiblah of the world’.[500]


(باب 4 – العلة التي من أجلها أمر الله بتعظيم المساجد، والعلة) (التي من أجلها سلط الله تعالى بخت نصر على بيت المقدس)

Chapter 4 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Commanded for the reverence of the Masajids, and reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Caused Bakht Nasar to overcome upon Bayt Al-Maqdas

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران، عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي، عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي بصير قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن العلة في تعظيم المساجد فقال: إنما أمر بتعظيم المساجد لانها بيوت الله في الارض.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfal, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the reason regarding the reverence of the Masajids, so he-asws said: ‘But rather, Allah-azwj Commanded for the revering of the Masaajids because these are the Houses of Allah-azwj in the earth’.[501]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسين، عن صفوان بن يحيى عن كليب الصيداوي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: مكتوب في التوراة: ان بيوتي في الارض المساجد، فطوبى لمن تطهر في بيته ثم زارني في بيتى وحق المزور أن يكرم الزائر.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Kaleyb Al Saydawi,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘It is written in the Torah: “My-azwj Houses in the earth are the Masaajids, so congratulations for the one purifies himself in his house, then visits Me-azwj in My-azwj House, and it is a right upon the visited one that he should honour the visitor’.[502]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن احمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس بن معروف، عن موسى بن بكر، عن أبي الحسن الاول عليه السلام قال: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ان الله اوحى إلى موسى إنى منزل عليك من السماء نارا فاسرج منها في بيت المقدس فقال: لما خرب بخت نصر البيت والقى فيه الكناسات اتخذ فيه حشا فشكت تلك البقعة إلى الله عزوجل فقالت: يا رب عمرتني بملائكتك وجعلتني بيتك وجعلت في مواضع خيار أنبيائك ورسلك وسلطت على مجوسيا يعبد النيران ففعل في ما فعل، قال: فأوحى الله عزوجل إليها إنما فعلت بك هذا ليعلم أهل القرى انهم إذا عصوني كانوا على اهون.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Musa Bin Bakr,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws the First having said: ‘The Prophet-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Revealed unto Musa-as: ‘I-azwj shall be Sending down to you-as, a Fire from the sky, so illuminate Bayt Al-Maqdas from it’. So he-as said: ‘When Bakht Nasr ruined the Bayt (Al-Maqdas), and demolished the churches, took the wild animals in it, that spot complained to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so it said: ‘O Lord-azwj! You-azwj Had me to be built by Your-azwj Angels, and Made me to be Your-azwj House, and Made to be in my place, the best of Your-azwj Prophets-as, and Your-azwj Rasools-as, and (now) the Magians have overcome and are worshipping the fires, so they did what they did’. He-asws said: ‘So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto it: “But rather, this was done with you in order for the people of the town to know that if they were to disobey Me-azwj, they would end up being weakened’.[503]

(باب 6 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره الصوت وانشاد الضالة وبرى) (المشاقص في المسجد)

Chapter 6 – The reason due to which it is disliked, the noise, and announcing for the lost (property), and to sharpen the weapons in the Masjid

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد باسناده رفعه: ان رجلا جاء إلى المسجد ينشد ضالة له، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قولوا له لارد الله عليك فانها لغير هذا بنيت،

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, by his chain, raising it,

He-asws (the Imam-asws) said: ‘A man came to the Masjid and announced for something which he had lost, so Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Say to him, ‘May Allah-azwj not return it to you, for it (Masjid) has been built for other than this’.

قال: ورفع الصوت في المجالس يكره وان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله مر برجل يبرى مشاقص له في المسجد فنهاه وقال: انها لغير هذا بنيت.

He-asws said: ‘And the raising of the voices is dislike in the gathering, and that Rasool-Allah-saww passed by a man who was sharpening weapons/tools of his in the Masjid. So he-saww forbade him and said: ‘It (Masjid) has been built for other than this’.[504]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن احمد عن الحسن بن موسى الخشاب عن علي ابن اسباط عن بعض رجاله قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام جنبوا مساجدكم الشراء والبيع والمجانين والصبيان والضالة والاحكام والحدود ورفع الصوت.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Hassan Bin Musa Al Khashab, from Ali Ibn Asbat, from one of his men who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Keep aside from your Masjids – the buying, and the selling, and the insane, and the children, and the (announcement) for lost items, and the judgement, and the Limits (punishments), and raising of the voices’.[505]

(باب 7 – العلة التي في كسر أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام المحاريب)

Chapter 7 – The reason for Amir Al-Momineen-asws breaking the Prayer Niches

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن يحيى الخزاز عن طلحة بن زيد عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه (ع) ان عليا (ع) كان يكسر المحاريب إذا رآها في المساجد ويقول: كأنها مذابح اليهود.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Khazaz, from Talha Bin Zayd,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws used to break the Prayer Niches whenever he-asws saw it in the Masajids, and he-asws was saying: ‘It is like the altars of the Jews’.[506]

(باب 8 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز ان تشرف المساجد)

Chapter 8 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to ennoble the Masjid

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن يحيى الخزاز عن طلحة بن زيد، عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه (ع) ان عليا عليه السلام رأى مسجدا بالكوفة قد شرف فقال: كأنها بيعة، وقال: ان المساجد لا تشرف تبنى جما.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Khazaz, from Talha Bin Zayd,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws saw a Masjid at Al-Kufa which had been ennobled (dignified), so he-asws said: ‘It is like a church’. And he-asws said: ‘The Masjid should not be ennobled with an intensely (decorative) built’.[507]

(باب 9 – العلة التي من أجلها يجب على من أخرج الحصاة) (من المسجد أن يردها في مكانها أو في مسجد آخر)

Chapter 9 – The reason due to which the one who extracts the pebbles from the Masjid should either return it back in its place or in another Masjid

حدثنا محمد بن علي ما جيلويه، عن أبيه عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن ابيه، عن وهب بن وهب عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه (ع) قال: إذا اخرج احدكم الحصاة من المسجد فليردها مكانها أو في مسجد آخر فانها تسبح.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Wahab Bin Wahab,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘If one of you were to take any pebbles from the Masjid, he should either return it in its place or in another Masjid, for it Glorifies (Allah-azwj)’.[508]

(باب 10 – علة مد العنق في الركوع)

Chapter 10 – Reason for extending the neck during the Bowing (Rukoo)

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال حدثنا ابراهيم بن علي قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد الانصاري قال حدثنا الحسين بن علي العلوي عن ابي حكيم الزاهد عن احمد ابن عبد الله قال: قال رجل لامير المؤمنين عليه السلام يابن عم خير خلق الله ما معنى رفع يديك في التكبيرة الاولى؟ فقال (ع) قوله: الله اكبر – يعنى الواحد الاحد الذي ليس كمثله شئ لا يقاس بشئ ولا يلتبس بالاجناس ولا يدرك بالحواس قال الرجل: ما معنى مد عنقك في الركوع؟ قال: نأويله، آمنت بواحدانيتك ولو ضربت عنقي.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Ibrahim Bin Ali, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Ansary, from Al Husayn Bin Ali Al Alawy, from Abu Hakeem Al Zahid, from Ahmad Ibn Abdullah who said,

‘A Man said to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, ‘O cousin-asws of the best of Allah-azwj’s creatures! What is the meaning of raising your (one’s) hand during the first exclamation (Takbeer)’ ? So he-asws said: ‘His Words – ‘Allah-azwj is the Greatest!’ – mean the One, the Alone, Who cannot be resembled by anything, nor Analogised with anything, nor confused with any species, nor can be grasped by the senses’. The man said, ‘What is the meaning of extending your (one’s) neck during the Bowing (Rukoo)?’ He-asws said: ‘We take Shelter to Him-azwj, i.e., ‘I have believed in Your-azwj Oneness even if my neck is struck off’.[509]

(باب 11 – علة الرخصة في الجميع بين الصلاتين)

Chapter 11 – Reason for the allowance regarding the gathering between two Prayers

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد بن ادريس رحمه الله عن أبيه قال: حدثنا أحمد ابن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن الحكم، عن اسحاق بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله صلى الظهر والعصر في مكان واحد من غير علة ولا سبب فقال له عمر: – وكان أجرأ القوم عليه – أحدث في الصلاة شئ؟ قال لا ولكن أردت أن أوسع على أمتى.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Is’haq Bin Amaar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww Prayed Al-Zohar and Al-Asr in one place without any reason nor any cause. So Umar said to him-saww, ‘And the people would (become) bolder over it. Has anything new (Revealed) with regards to the Prayer?’ He-saww said: ‘No, but I-saww wanted that I-saww should grant leeway upon my-saww community’.[510]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن أبيه عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن سنان عن عبد الملك القمي، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت جمع بين الصلاتين من غير علة؟ قال: قد فعل ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله واراد التخفيف على أمته.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Abdul Malik Al Qummy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said, ‘Can there be a gathering between the two Prayers without a reason?’ He-asws said: ‘That was done by Rasool-Allah-saww, and he-saww intended the lightening upon his-saww community’.[511]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد عن علي ابن الحكم، عن عبد الله بن بكير، عن زرارة، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: صلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بالناس الظهر والعصر حين زالت الشمس في جماعة من غير علة، وصلى بهم المغرب والعشاء الآخرة بعد سقوط الشفق من غير علة في جماعة، وان فعل ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ليتسع الوقت على أمته.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Ibn Al Hakam, from Abdullah Bin Bakeyr, from Zarara,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww Prayed Al-Zohar and Al-Asr with the people in a congregation, when the sun set, without a reason, and Prayed with them Al-Maghrib and Al-Isha the last, in a congregation, after the declining of the sun, without a reason, and Rasool-Allah-saww did that in order to expand the timings over his-saww community’.[512]

حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الوراق وعلي بن محمد بن الحسن القزويني المعروف بابن قبرة قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا العباس بن سعيد الازرق قال: حدثنا زهير بن حرب عن سفيان بن عيينة عن أبي الزبير عن سعيد ابن جبير عن ابن عباس قال: جمع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بين الظهر والعصر من غير خوف ولا سفر، فقال: أراد أن لا يحرج على أحد من أمته.

Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq, and Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Qazwiny, well knows as Ibn Qabra, both narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Al Abbas Bin Saeed Al Azraq, from Zuhayr Bin Harb, from Sufyan Bin Ayayna, from Abu Al Zubayr, from Saeed Ibn Jubeyr, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww gathered between Al-Zohr and Al-Asr (Prayers) without there being any fear nor being on any journey, so he-saww said: ‘I-saww wanted that there should not be any constraint upon anyone from his (my)-saww community’.[513]

حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الوراق وعلي بن محمد بن الحسن القزويني قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن أبي خلف قال: حدثنا أبو يعلى بن الليث أخو محمد بن الليث والى قم قال: حدثنا عون بن جعفر المخزومي عن داود بن قيس الفراء، عن صالح مولى التوأمة، عن ابن عباس: ان رسول الله جمع بين الظهر والعصر والمغرب والعشاء من غير مطر ولا سفر قال: فقيل لابن عباس، ما أراد به؟ قال أراد التوسع لامته.

Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq, and Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Qazwiny both narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abu Khalaf, from Abu Ya’la Bin Al Lays, brother of Muhammad Al Lays, a ruler of Qum, from Awn Bin Ja’far Al Makhzoumy, from Dawood Bin Qays Al Fara’a, from Salih, a slave of Al Tawamat, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-azwj gathered between Al-Zohr & Al-Asr, and Al-Maghrib & Al-Isha, without there being any rain or being on a journey’. So it was said to Ibn Abbas, ‘What was intended by it?’ He said, ‘The leeway for his-saww community’.[514]

حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الوراق قال: حدثنا أبو خيثمة زهير بن حرب قال: حدثنا اسماعيل بن علية عن ليث عن طاوس عن ابن عباس: ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله جمع بين الظهر والعصر والمغرب والعشاء في السفر والحضر.

Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq narrated to us, from Abu Khameesa Zuhayr Bin Harb, from Ismail Bin Alayt, from Lays Bin Tawoos, from Ibn Abbas who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww gathered between Al-Zohr & Al-Asr, and Al-Maghrib & Al-Isha, during the journey and the danger’.[515]

حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الوراق وعلي بن محمد بن الحسن القزويني قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا العباس بن سعيد الازرق قال: حدثنا سويد ابن سعيد الانباري، عن محمد بن عثمان عن الجمحي عن الحكم بن أبان عن عكرمة عن ابن عباس وعن نافع عن عبد الله بن عمر: ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله صلى بالمدينة مقيما غير مسافر جمعا وتماما.

Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq and Ali Bin Muhammad Al Hassan Al Qazwiny both narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Al Abbas Bin saeed Al Azraq, from Suweyd Ibn Saeed Al Anbary, from Muhammad Bin Usman, from Al Jami’e, from Al Hakam Bin Aban, from Akrama, from Ibn Abbas, and from Nafau, from Abdullah Bin Umar who said,

‘The Prophet-saww Prayed staying at Al Medina without being on a journey, (two Prayers) together and both complete’.[516]

(باب 12 – العلة التي من أجلها يجهر بالقراءة في صلاة الظهر) يوم الجمعة وصلاة المغرب والعشاء الآخرة والغداة ولا) (يجهر في الظهر والعصر في سائر الايام، والعلة التي من أجلها) (صار التسبيح في الركعتين الاخيرتين أفضل من القراءة)

Chapter 12 – The reason due to which the recitation is loudly in Al-Zohr Prayer on the day of Friday, and the Prayers of Al-Maghrib, and Al-Isa the last, and the morning, and it is not (to be recited loudly) in Al-Zohr and Al-Asr during the rest of the days; and the reason due to which the Glorification (Tasbeeh) in the two last Cycles came to be preferable than the recitation

حدثنا حمزة بن محمد العلوي رحمه الله قال: أخبرنا علي بن ابراهيم ابن هاشم عن ابيه عن عي بن معبد عن الحسن بن خالد عن محمد بن حمزة قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام لاي علة يجهر في صلاة الفجر وصلاة المغرب والعشاء الآخرة وسائر الصلوات مثل الظهر والعصر لا يجهر فيها ولاي علة صار التسبيح في الركعتين الاخيرتين أفضل من القراءة؟

Hamza Bin Muhammad Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Ib Hashim, from his father, from Ayy Bin Ma’bad Al Hassan Bin Khalid, from Muhammad Bin Hamza who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason is loud (recitation) to be in Al-Fajr Prayer, and the Prayers of Al-Maghrib, and Al-Isha the last, and the rest of the Prayers like Al-Zohra and Al-Asr, there is no loud (recitation of Surahs) in these. And for which reason did the Glorification (Tasbeeh) in the two last Cycles come to be preferable that the recitation (of the Surahs)?’

قال: لان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لما أسري به إلى السماء كان أول صلاة فرضها الله عليه صلاة الظهر يوم الجمعة فاضاف الله تعالى إليه الملائكة تصلى خلفه وأمر الله عزوجل نبيه أن يجهر بالقراءة ليبين لهم فضله

He-asws said: ‘Because the Prophet-saww, when he-saww was ascended with to the sky, the first Prayer which Allah-azwj Obligated upon him-saww was Al-Zohr Prayer on the day of Friday. So Allah-azwj Added to him-saww, the Angels to Pray behind him-saww, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded His-azwj Prophet-saww that he-saww loud in the recitation in order to manifest its merit to them.

ثم، افترض عليه العصر ولم يضف إليه أحدا من الملائكة وأمره أن يخفي القراءة لانه لم يكن وراءه أحد ثم افترض عليه المغرب ثم أضاف إليه الملائكة فأمره بالاجهار وكذلك العشاء الآخرة، فلما كان قرب الفجر افترض الاله تعالى عليه الفجر فأمره بالاجهار وليبين للناس فضله كما بين للملائكة فلهذه العلة يجهر فيها،

Then Allah-azwj Obligated upon him-saww, Al-Asr, and did not Add anyone from the Angels (to Pray behind him-saww), and Commanded him-saww that he-saww should hide the recitation (lower voice recitation), because there did not happen to be anyone behind him-saww. Then He-azwj Obligated upon him-saww Al-Maghrib, then Added the Angels to (Pray behind) him-saww, so He-azwj Commanded him-saww for the loudness (in the recitation). And similar to that is Al-Isha the last. So when it was near to the dawn, Allah-azwj the High Obligated Al-Fajr upon him-saww, so He-azwj Commanded for the loudness (in the recitation), in order to manifest its merit to the people just as he-saww had manifested to the Angels beforehand. Thus, this is the reason for the loud (recitation) in it’.

فقلت لاى شئ صار التسبيح في الاخيرتين أفضل من القراءة؟ قال: لانه لما كان في الاخيرتين ذكر ما يظهر من عظمة الله عزوجل فدهش وقال: سبحان الله والحمد الله ولا إله إلا الله والله اكبر فلذلك العلة صار التسبيح أفضل من القراءة.

So I said, ‘For which reason did the Glorification (Tasbeeh) in the last two Cycles (of Prayer) come to be preferable than the recitation (of the Surahs)?’ He-asws said: ‘So when you are in the last two (Cycles of Prayer), mention what is apparent from the Greatness of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so be amazed and say, ‘Glory be to Allah-azwj, and the Praise is for Allah-azwj, and there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and Allah-azwj is the Greatest’. Thus, due to that is the reason for the Glorification come to be preferable that the recitation (of the Surahs)’.[517]

(باب 13 – العلة التي من أجلها يجهر في صلاة الفجر دون غيرها) (من صلوات النهار)

Chapter 13 – The reason due to which the loud (recitation of Surahs) is in Al Fajr Prayer besides it from the day Prayers

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن علي بن بشار عن موسى عن أخيه، عن علي بن محمد عليه السلام انه أجاب في مسائل يحيى بن اكثم القاضي أما صلاة الفجر وما يجهر فيها بالقراءة وهي من صلاة النهار وإنما يجهر في صلاة الليل قال: جهر فيها بالقراءة لان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله كان يغلس فيها لقربها بالليل.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Ali Bin Bashar, from Musa, from his brother, from Ali Bin Muhammad -asws that he -asws answered a question of Yahya Bin Aksam Al Qazy,

‘As for Al-Fajr Prayer and what is loud in it with the recitation, and it is a Prayer of the day, but rather the loudness is in the Night Prayer?’ He-asws said: ‘Be loud in it with the recitation, because the Prophet-saww used to (Pray at) dusk in it due to its proximity to the night’.[518]



(باب 14 – العلة التي من أجلها تصلى المغرب في السفر) (والحضر ثلاث ركعات وسائر الصلوات ركعتين ركعتين)

Chapter 14 – The reason due to which Al-Maghrib is to be Prayed with three Cycles during the journey and the hazards, and the rest of the Prayers, two Cycles, two Cycles

أخبرني علي بن حاتم فيما كتب إلى قال: أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسن بن ابراهيم يرفعه إلى محمد بن مسلم قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام لاي علة تصلى المغرب في السفر والحضر ثلاث ركعات وسائر الصلوات ركعتين؟ قال: لان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فرض عليه الصلاة مثنى مثنى وأضاف إليها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ركعتين ثم نقض من المغرب ركعة ثم وضع رسول الله ركعتين في السفر وترك المغرب وقال: اني استحي ان انقض منها مرتين، فلذلك العلة تصلى ثلاث ركعات في الحضر والسفر.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me with regards to what he wrote to me, narrating from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Hassan Bin Ibrahim, raising it to Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason is Al-Maghrib to be Prayed with three Cycles during the journey and the hazards, and the rest of the Prayers are of two Cycles? ‘ He-asws said: ‘Because the Prayers were Obligated upon Rasool-Allah-saww two by two, and Rasool-Allah-saww increase two Cycles over it, then reduced one Cycle from Al-Maghrib. Then, Rasool-Allah-saww displayed two Cycles during the journey and left Al-Maghrib (as three Cycles), and said: ‘I-asws am embarrassed that I-saww should reduce from it, twice’. Thus, it is due to that reason, you have to Pray three Cycles during the hazard and the journey’.[519]

(باب 15 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تقصير في صلاة المغرب) (ونوافلها في السفر والحضر)

Chapter 15 – The reason due to which there is no shortening in Al-Maghrib Prayer and its Optional during the journey and the hazard

حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن يحيى العطار عن أبيه قال: حدثنى أبو محمد العلوى الدينوري باسناده رفع الحديث إلى الصادق عليه السلام قال: قلت له لم صارت المغرب ثلاث ركعات وأربعا بعدها ليس فيها تقصير في حضر ولا سفر؟ فقال: ان الله عزوجل أنزل على نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله لكل صلاة ركعتين في الحضر فاضاف إليها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لكل صلاة ركعتين في الحضر وقصر فيها في السفر إلا المغرب والغداة

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from his father, from Abu Muhammad Al Alawy Al Deynawary, by his chain,

In a Hadeeth referred to, the narrator says, ‘I said to Al-Sadiq-asws, ‘Why did Al-Maghrib come to be of three Cycles, and four after it, not being any reduction in it neither during the hazard nor in a journey?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto His-azwj Prophet-saww, two Cycles for each Prayer, so Rasool-Allah-saww increased upon it, two (more) Cycles for every Prayer. During hazards being present, and during the journey, reduced it, except for Al-Maghrib and the morning.

فلما صلى المغرب بلغه مولد فاطمة عليها السلام فاضاف إليها ركعة شكرا لله عزوجل، فلما أن ولد الحسن عليه السلام أضاف إليها ركعتين شكرا لله عزوجل فلما أن ولد الحسين (ع) أضاف إليها ركعتين شكرا لله عزوجل

So when he-saww Prayed Al-Maghrib, it (news) reached him of the ‘Zahoor’ Syeda Fatima-asws, so he-saww increase one Cycle in it as gratitude to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So when (the Holy Ahl Al-Bayt-asws) were blessed with Al-Hassan-asws, he-saww increased two Cycles in gratitude to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So when (the Holy Ahl Al-Bayt-asws) were blessed with Al-Husayn-asws, he-saww increased two Cycles in gratitude for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic.

فقال للذكر مثل حظ الانثيين فتركها على حالها في الحضر والسفر.

So he-asws said: ‘For the male, a portion of two females (double), and he-saww left it upon its state (no increased) during the hazard and the journey’.[520]

(باب 16 – العلة التي من أجلها تركت صلاة الفجر على حالها)

Chapter 16 – The reason due to which Al-Fajr Prayer was left upon its state

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب قال: حدثنا هشام بن سالم، عن أبي حمزة، عن سعيد عن المسيب قال: سألت علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام فقلت له متى فرضت الصلاة على المسلمين على ماهم اليوم عليه؟ قال: فقال بالمدينة حين ظهرت الدعوة وقوى الاسلام وكتب الله عزوجل على المسلمين الجهاد

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Hisham Bin Saalim, from Abu Hamza, from Saeed, from Al Musayyab who said,

‘I asked Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘When was the Prayer Obligated upon the Muslims, what they are upon today?’ He-asws said: ‘At Al-Medina, when the Invitation (to Al-Islam) was made apparent, and Al-Islam was strong, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Prescribed the Jihad upon the Muslims.

زاد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في الصلاة سبع ركعات: في الظهر ركعتين وفي العصر ركعتين وفي المغرب ركعة وفي العشاء الآخرة ركعتين، وأقر الفجر على ما فرضت بمكة لتعجيل عروج ملائكة الليل إلى السماء ولتعجيل نزول ملائكة النهار إلى الارض فكان ملائكة النهار وملائكة الليل يشهدون مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله صلاة الفجر فلذلك قال الله تعالى: (وقرآن الفجر إن قرآن الفجر كان مشهودا) ليشهده المسلمون وليشهده ملائكة النهار وملائكة الليل.

Rasool-Allah-saww increase seven Cycles in the Prayer – two Cycles in Al-Zohr, and two Cycles in Al-Asr, and one Cycle in Al-Maghrib, and two Cycles in Al-Isha the last, and acknowledged Al-Fajr upon what was Obligated at Makkah, due to expediting the ascension of the Angels of the night to the sky, and for expediting the descent of the Angels of the day to the earth, for the Angels of the day and Angels of the night were witnessing Al-Fajr with Rasool-Allah-saww. Therefore, it was due to that, Allah-azwj the High Said [17:78] surely the recitation at dawn was always witnessed. The Muslims were witnessing it, and the Angels of the day and the Angels of the night were witnessing it’.[521]


(باب 17 – العلة التي من أجلها يقوم المأموم عن يمين الامام) (إذا كان المأموم واحدا)

Chapter 17 – The reason due to which the follower (Al-Mamoum) should stand upon the right of the leader (Al-Imam), if the follower (Al-Mamoun) was one

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرني القاسم بن محمد قالل: حدثنا حمدان ابن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن أحمد بن رباط، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت له لاي علة إذا صلى اثنان صار التابع على يمين المتبوع؟ قال: لانه أمامه وطاعته للمتبوع وان الله تبارك وتعالى جعل أصحاب اليمين المطيعين فلهذه العلة يقوم على يمين الامام دون يساره.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Ibn Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Ahmad Bin Rabat,

(The narrator says), ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason, when two (people) Pray, the follower comes to the right of the followed one?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he is his imam (leader), and obedience to him is for the follower, and that Allah-azwj Blessed and High Made the companions of the right as the obedient ones. So this is the reason he stands upon the right of the Imam, rather than being on his left’.[522]

(باب 18 – علة الجماعة)

Chapter 18 – Reason for the congregation

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد بن ادريس رحمه الله قال: حدثنى أبي قال حدثنا محمد بن علي بن محبوب عن محمد بن الحسين بن ذبيان بن حكيم الازدي عن موسى النميري عن ابن أبي يعفور عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: إنما جعل الجماعة والاجتماع إلى الصلاة لكى يعرف من يصلى ممن لا يصلى ومن يحفظ مواقيت الصلاة ممن يضيع ولو لا ذلك لم يكن احدا أن يشهد على احد بصلاح لان من لم يصل في جماعة فلا صلاة له بين المسلمين، لان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: لا صلاة لمن لم يصل في المسجد مع المسلمين إلا من علة.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Mahboub, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Zibyan Bin Hakeem, from Musa Al Numeyri, from Ibn Abu Yafour,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws: ‘But rather, the congregation and the gathering to the Prayer has been Made to be in order to recognise the one who Prays and the one who does not Pray, and the one who preserves the timings of the Prayers and the one who wastes them, and had it not been for that, no one would become a testifier upon anyone with the righteousness, because the one who does not Pray in a congregation, so there is no Prayer for him in between the Muslims, because Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘There is no Prayer for the one who does not Pray in the Masjid along with the Muslims, except for a reason’.[523]




(باب 19 – العلة التي من اجلها لا يقرأ خلف الامام)

Chapter 19 – The reason due to which one should not recite (Surahs) behind the imam (Prayer leader)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، واحمد بن ادريس جميعا قالا: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الجبار عن صفوان بن يحيى عن عبد الرحمان بن الحجاج قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن الصلاة خلف الامام أيقرأ خلقه؟ قال: أما الصلاة التي لا يجهر فيها بالقراءة فان ذلك جعل إليه ولا يقرأ خلفه وأما الصلاة التي يجهر فيها بالقراءة، فانما أمر بالجهر لينصت من خلفه، فان سمعت فانصت وان لم تسمع القراءة فاقرأ.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah and Ahmad Bin Idrees together narrated to us, from Muhammad BIin Abdul Jabbar, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Abdul Rahman Bin Al Hajjaj who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Prayer behind the imam (Prayer leader), shall one recite behind him?’ He-asws said: ‘As for the Prayer is which there is no loud recitation, so that is Made for him and he should not recite behind him; and as for the Prayer in which there is loud recitation, so rather it has been Commanded for the loudness in order for the ones behind him to hear it. So if you were to hear it, so listen, and if you cannot hear the recitation, so recite it (yourself)’.[524]

(باب 20 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يصلى خلف السفيه والفاسق)

Chapter 20 – The reason due to which one cannot Pray behind the fool and the evil-doer

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن محمد بن سنان عن طلحة بن زيد قال حدثنا ثور بن غيلان عن أبي ذر رحمة الله عليه قال: ان إمامك شفيعك إلى الله تعالى، فلا تجعل شفيعك إلى الله سفيها ولا فاسقا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Talha Bin Zayd, from Sowr Bin Gaylan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Zarr-as who said, ‘Your Imam (Prayer leader) is your intercessor to Allah-azwj the High, so neither make a fool nor an evil-doer as your intercessor to Allah-azwj’.[525]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن الهيثم بن أبي مسروى؟ عن الحسين بن محبوب عن علي بن رئاب عن أبي عبيدة قال بعضنا: سألت أبا عبد الله عن القوم من أصحابنا يجتمعون فتحضر الصلاة فيقول بعضهم لبعض: تقدم يا فلان، فقال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يتقدم من القوم أقرأهم للقرآن فان كانوا في القراءة سواء فاقدمهم هجرة، فان كانوا في الهجرة سواء فأكبرهم سنا فان كانوا في السن سواء فليؤمهم أعلمهم بالسنة وأفقههم في الدين، ولا يتقدم أحدكم الرجل في منزله، ولا صاحب سلطان في سلطانه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Haysam Bin Abu Masrour, from Al Husayn Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Raib, from Abu Ubeyda who said,

‘One of us asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the people from our companions who are gathering, so the Prayer (time) presents itself, so they are saying to each other, ‘Proceed (to lead) O so and so’. So he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘He should proceed (to lead the Prayer) from the people, the one who has read of the Quran than others. So if they are equal in recitation, so an emigrant should proceed. So if they were equal in migration, so the one who is greater in age. So they were equal in age, so let him lead the Prayer who is most knowledgeable of them by the age, and the most understanding of them regarding the Religion. And let not one of you precede the man in his status, and not the one with authority in his goverance’.

وروي في حديث آخر: فان كانوا في السن سواء فأصبحهم وجها:

And it has been reported in another Hadeeth: ‘(He-saww having said): ‘So they are equal in age, so the most comely of the faces’.[526]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد يرفعه عن علي بن سليمان عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان سركم ان تزكوا صلاتهم فقدموا خياركم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, raising it from Ali Bin Suleyman, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘If it delights you to purify your Prayers, so the best one of you should proceed (to lead)’.[527]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ايوب بن نوح عن العباس بن عامر عن داود بن الحصين عن سفيان الحريزى عن العزرمى عن أبيه رفع الحديث إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال: من أم قوما وفيهم من هو أعلم منه لم يزل أمرهم إلى سفال إلى يوم القيامة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Al Abbas Bin Aamir, from Dawood Bin Al Haseyn, from Sufyan Al Hareyzi, from Al Azramy, from his father,

The Prophet-saww having said in a Hadeeth: ‘One who leads a people and (despite that) therein is one who is more knowledgeable than him, their affairs would not cease to decline to the bottom, up to the Day of Judgement’.[528]

(باب 21 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز الصلاة في السبخة)

Chapter 21 – The reason due to which the Prayer in the marshland is not allowed

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن الحكم عن أبان بن عثمان عن داود بن الحصين بن السرى قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) لم حرم الله الصلاة في السبخة؟ قال: لان الجبهة لا تتمكن عليها قلت: وان كان الارض مستوية؟ قال: لا بأس.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Aban Bin Usman, from Dawood Bin al Haseyn Bin al Sary who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why did Allah-azwj Forbid the Prayer in the marshes?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the forehead (Prostration) is not possible upon it’. I said, ‘And if the ground was flat?’ He-asws said: ‘No problem’.[529]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن صفوان بحيى عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته عن الصلاة في السبخة فكرهه لان الجبهة لا تقع مستوية عليها، فقلنا: فان كانت أرضا مستوية؟ قال لا بأس.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Abdullah Bin Muskam, from Al Halby,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Prayer in the marshes, so he-asws disliked it because the forehead cannot occur upon its (uneven) surface. So we said, ‘So if the ground was flat?’ He-asws said: ‘No problem’.[530]

(باب 24 – العلة التي من أجلها وضعت النوافل)

Chapter 24 – The reason due to which the Optional (Prayers) were Placed

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رض) قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن الحكم عن عثمان ابن عبد الملك عن أبي بكر قال: قال لي أبو جعفر (ع) أتدرى لاي شئ وضع التطوع؟ قلت ما أدري جعلت فداك، قال: إنه تطوع لكم ونافلة للانبياء. أو تدرى لم وضع التطوع؟ قلت لا أدري جعلت فداك قال: لانه ان كان في الفريضة نقصان قضيت النافلة على الفريضة حتى تتم، إن الله تعالى يقول لنبيه صلى الله عليه وآله: (ومن الليل فتهجد به نافلة لك).

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ail Bin Al Hakam, from Usman Ibn Abdul Malik, from Abu Bakr who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said to me: ‘Do you know for which reason the Voluntary (Prayers) have been Placed?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, may I be sacrificed for you-asws’. He-asws said: ‘It is voluntary for you all and an optional (Nafila) for the Prophets -as. Or, do you know why the Voluntary (Prayer) was placed?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, may I be sacrificed for you-asws’. He-asws said: ‘Because, if there was any deficiency in the Obligatory (Prayer), the Optional (Prayer) would fulfil it until it becomes complete. Allah-azwj the High is Saying to His-azwj Prophet-saww [17:79] And from the night, keep vigil by the optional Prayer of yours’.[531]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن سالم عن محمد بن مسلم قال: أبو عبد الله (ع) ان العبد ليرفع له من صلاته نصفها أو ثلثها أو ربعها أو خمسها وما يرفع له إلا ما أقبل عليه منها بقلبه وانما أمروا بالنوافل لتتم لهم بها ما نقصوا من الفريضة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘For the servant, either half of his Prayer is Raised up, or a third of it, or a quarter of it, or a fifth of it. And it is not Raised for him except what is acceptable to him, from it, by his own heart. But rather the Optional (Prayer) is Commanded for in order to complete what is deficient from the Obligatory (Prayer)’.[532]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرني القاسم بن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان ابن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن عبد الله بن حماد عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت لاي علة أوجب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله صلاة الزوال ثمان قبل الظهر وثمان قبل العصر، ولاي علة رغب في وضوء المغرب كل الرغبة ولاي علة أوجب الاربع ركعات من بعد المغرب ولاي علة كان يصلى صلاة الليل في آخر الليل ولا يصلى في أول الليل؟

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Ibn Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Abdullah Bin Hamad, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I said, ‘For which reason did Rasool-Allah-saww Obligate upon himself-saww the Praying of eight Cycles before Al-Zohr, and eight Cycles before Al-Asr; and for which did he-saww aspire with regards to the ablution of Al-Magrib with all the aspiration; and for which reason did he-saww Obligate upon himself-saww four Cycles after Al-Maghrib; and for which reason did he-saww used to Pray the Night Prayer during the end part of the night and not Pray during its earlier part?’

قال: لتأكيد الفرايض لان الناس لو لم تكن صلاتهم إلا أربع ركعات الظهر لكانوا مستخفين بها حتى كاد يفوتهم الوقت فلما كان شيئا غير الفريضة اسرعوا إلى ذلك لكثرته، وكذلك التي من قبل العصر ليسرعوا إلى ذذلك لكثرته وذلك لانهم يقولون ان سوفنا ونريد أن نصلى الزوال يفوتنا الوقت

He-asws said: ‘In order to assert the Obligatory (Prayers), because the people, if their Prayers were not to be expected for the four Cycles of Al-Zohr, they would have taken it lightly to the extent that they would have almost expired the timing of it. So when there was something which was without the Obligation, they would hasten to that due to its abundance. And similar to that is which was before the Al-Asr, they would hasten to that due to its abundance, and that is because they would be saying that, ‘Because we procrastinated that we should Pray before the noon, our time would expire’.

وكذلك الوضوء في المغرب يقولون حتى نتوضأ يفوتنا الوقت فيسرعوا إلى القيام، وكذلك الاربع ركعات التي من بعد المغرب وكذلك صلاة الليل في آخر الليل ليسرعوا القيام إلى صلاة الفجر فلتلك العلة وجب هذا هكذا.

And, similar to that, is the ablution during Al-Maghrib. They would be saying, ‘We should perform ablution (quickly) in case our timing expires’. Thus, they would hasten to the standing (for the Prayer). And similar to that are the four Cycles which are from after Al-Maghrib; and similar to that is the Night Prayer at the end part of the night, so that they would hasten to the standing for the Dawn Prayer. Thus, this is the reason for the Obligating of this, like this’.[533]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثني محمد بن يحيى العطار عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد، عن حريز عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال إنما جعلت النافلة ليتم بها ما يفسد من الفريضة.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘But rather, the Optional (Prayer) has been Made to complete by what is spoilt (failed) from the Obligatory (Prayer)’.[534]

(باب 25 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يصلى بقوم) (أو وحده وهو متوشح والعلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز) (للمريض ترك الاذان والاقامة)

Chapter 25 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should Pray with a people, or alone, and he is wearing weapons (a bow upon his shoulders or a sword around his waist); and the reason due to which it is not allowed for the sick to leave (recitation of) the Azan and the Iqama

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن الحسن بن علي ابن فضال عن عمرو بن سعيد عن مصدق بن صدقة عن عمار الساباطيى قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن الرجل يؤم بقوم يجوز له أن يتوشح قال لا لا يصلى الرجل بقوم وهو متوشح فوق ثيابه وإن كان عليه ثياب كثيرة لان الامام لا يجوز له الصلاة وهو متوشح

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Ibn Fazaal, from Amro Bin Saeed, from Masdaq Bin Sadaqa, from Amaar Al Sabity who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the man who leads the Prayer with a people, it is allowed for him that he should wear weapons?’ He-asws said: ‘No! The man should not Pray with a people and he is wearing weapons, even if there were a lot of clothes upon him, because the (Imam) Prayer leader, the Prayer is not allowed for him and he is wearing weapons’.

وقال لا بد للمريض أن يؤذن ويقيم إذا أراد الصلاة ولو في نفسه إن لم يقدر على أن يتكلم به بسبيل فان كان شديد الوجع فلا بد له من أن يؤذن ويقيم لانه لا صلاة إلا باذان وإقامة.

And he-asws said: ‘It is a must for the sick person that he should call the Azan and the Iqama when he intends for the Prayer, even if it is within himself, if he is not able to speak by his tongue. So if he was in intense pain, so it is a must for him that he should call the Azan and the Iqama, because there is no Prayer except with the Azan and the Iqama’.[535]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الهيثم بن أبي مسروق النهدي عن الحسن بن محبوب عى الهيثم بن واقد عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال أنما كره التوشح فوق القميص لانه من فعل الجبابرة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Haysam Bin Abu Masrouq Al Nahdy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Al Haysam Bin Waqad,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘But rather, it is abhorrent to carry weapons over the shirt, because it is from the deeds of the tyrants’.[536]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد (رض) قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان عن جماعة من أصحابه عن أبي جعفر وأبي عبد الله عليهما السلام انه سئل ما العلة التي من أجلها لا يصلى الرجل وهو متوشح فوق القميص؟ قال لعلة التكبر في موضع الاستكانة والذلة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Safaar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from a group of his companions,

Abu Ja’far-asws and Abu Abdullah-asws, being asked, ‘What is the reason due to which the man should not Pray and he is wearing weapons upon the shirt?’ He-asws said: ‘For the reason of the arrogance in a place of submissiveness and humbleness’.[537]

(باب 26 – العلة التي من أجلها تصلى الركعتان بعد العشاء) (الآخرة من قعود)

Chapter 26 – The reason due to which two Cycles get Prayed after Al-Isha, whilst seated

وعنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن حمدان قال حدثنى الحسن بن محمد بن سماعة عن جعفر بن سماعة عن المثنى عن المفضل عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت اصلى العشاء الآخرة فإذا صليت: صليت ركعتين وانا جالس فقال أما أنها واحدة ولو مت مت على وتر.

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Hamdan, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Sama’at, from Ja’far Bin Sama’at, from Al Masny, from Al Mufazzal,

(The narrator says), ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I Prayed Al-Isha the last, so when I Pray, I Pray two Cycles and I am seated’. So he-asws said: ‘But rather, it is one Cycle, and if you were to die, you would die upon a solitary (Cycle) (وتر)’.[538]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد ابن اسماعيل بن بزيع عن عمر بن أذينة عن حمدان عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا يبيتن الرجل وعليه وتر

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail Bin Bazi’e, from Umar Bin Azina, from Hamdan,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The man should not pass the night and upon his is a (the Praying of) a solitary Cycle of Prayer (وتر)’.[539]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد عن حريز عن زرارة بن أعين قال: قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فلا يبيتن إلا بوتر.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara Bin Ayn who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘The one who was a Believer in Allah-azwj and the Last Day, so he should not pass the night except by a ‘Witr’ (Solitary Cycle of Prayer)’.[540]

(باب 27 – العلة التي من أجلها كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله) (لا يصلى الركعتين من جلوس بعد العشاء الآخرة ويأمر بهما)

Chapter 27 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww did not use to Pray two Cycles whilst seated, after Al-Isha the last, and he-saww ordered for it

حدثنا علي بن احمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن موسى بن عمران عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فلا يبيتن إلا بوتر. قال قلت يعنى الركعتين بعد العشاء الآخرة قال نعم انهما بركعة فمن صلاهما ثم حدث به حدث الموت مات على وتر فان لم يحدث به حدث الموت يصلى الوتر في آخر الليل

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Musa Bin Imran, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The one who was a believer in Allah-azwj and the Last Day, so he should not pass the night except with ‘Witr’ (Solitary Cycle of Prayer)’. I said, ‘Meaning the two Cycles after Al-Isha the last?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. These two are one Cycle, so the one who Prays these two, then there occurs with him the occurrence of death, would die upon (having Prayed) ‘Witr’, and if there does not occur with him the occurrence of death, he should Pray ‘Al-Witr’ in the last part of the night’.

فقلت له هل صلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله هاتين الركعتين؟ قال لا قلت ولم قال لان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كان يأتيه الوحي وكان يعلم أنه هل يموت في هذه الليلة أو لا، وغيره لا يعلم فمن أجل ذلك لم يصلهما وأمر بهما.

So I said to him-asws, ‘Did Rasool-Allah-saww Pray these two Cycles?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘And why?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Rasool-Allah-saww, the Revelation used to come unto him-saww, and he-saww used to know whether he-saww would be passing away during this night or not, and others, they do not know. Thus, it is due to that, he-saww did not Pray these two (Cycles), and ordered for these two (to be Prayed)’.[541]

(باب 28 – العلة التي من أجلها يستحب مباشرة الارض بالكفين في السجود)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم ابن هاشم عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: إذا سجد أحدكم فليباشر بكفيه الارض لعل الله يصرف عنه الغل يوم القيامة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Ibn Hashim, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘When one of you Prostrates, so let him place his palms upon the ground, in order for Allah-azwj to Exchange from him the rancour (bitterness) on the Day of Judgement’.[542]

(باب 29 – علة وضع اليدين على الارض في السجود قبل الركعتين)

Chapter 29 – Reason for placing the two hands upon the ground in the Prostrations before the two knees

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد عن حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن طلحة السلمى عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت لاى علة توضع اليدان على الارض في السجود قبل الركبتين قال لان اليدين هما مفتاح الصلاة.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Talha Al Salmy,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘For which reason the two hands are place upon the ground in the Prostration before the two knees are?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the two hands, these two are the openers of the Prayer’.[543]

(باب 30 – العلة التي من أجلها يقال في الركوع سبحان ربى) (العظيم وبحمده، وفي السجود سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده)

Chapter 30 – The reason due to which it is said during the Bowing, ‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Magnificent, and with His-azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى العظيم وبحمده); and during the Prostrations, ‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Exalted, and with His-azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده)

وبهذا الاسناد، عن الحسين بن سعيد عن فضالة، عن حسين عن زيد الشحام، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال قلت له ما الافتتاح؟ فقال تكبيرة تجزيك قلت فالسبع قال ذلك الفضل.

And by this chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat, from Husayn, from Zayd Al Hisham,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘What is the opening (of the Prayer)?’ So he-asws said: ‘One exclamation would suffice for you’. I said, ‘So (what about) the seven?’ He-asws said: ‘That is the preferable’.[544]

حدثنا علي بن حاتم قال أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن الحسين بن ابراهيم عن محمد بن زياد، عن هشام بن الحكم عن أبي الحسن موسى (ع) قال: قلت له لاي علة صار التكبير في الافتتاح سبع تكبيرات افضل ولاى علة يقال في الركوع سبحان ربي العظيم وبحمده ويقال في السجود سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده

Ali Bin Hatim narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim, from Muhammad Bin Ziyad, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam,

Abu Al-Hassan Musa-as, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘For which reason did the exclamations (Takbeers) came to be in the opening (of the Prayer) as seven exclamations being preferable, and for which reason is it said during the Bowing ‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Magnificent, and with His-azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى العظيم وبحمده); and during the Prostrations, ‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Exalted, and with His-azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده)?’

قال يا هشام ان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق السموات سبعا والارضين سبعا والحجب سبعا، فلما أسرى بالنبي صلى الله عليه وآله وكان من ربه كقاب قوسين أو أدنى رفع له حجاب من حجبه فكبر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وجعل يقول الكلمات التي تقان في الافتتاح

He-asws said: ‘O Hisham! Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the seven skies and the seven Veils. So when the Ascension occurred with the Prophet-saww, and he-saww was from his-saww Lord-azwj [53:9] So he was the measure of two bows or even closer, a Veil from his-saww Veils was Lifted for him-saww. So Rasool-Allah-saww exclaimed (the Greatness of Allah-azwj) and went on saying the words which are in the opening (of the Prayer).

فلما رفع له الثاني كبر فلم يزل كذلك حتى بلغ سبع حجب وكبر سبع تكبيرات فلذلك العلة يكبر في الافتتاح في الصلاة سبع تكبيرات

So when the second (Veil) was Lifted for him-saww, he-saww exclaimed (again). So it did not cease to be like that until it reached seven Veils, and he-saww exclaimed seven exclamations (of the Greatness of Allah-azwj). Thus, it is due to that reason, one exclaims in the opening of the Prayer, seven exclamations.

فلما ذكر ما رأى من عظمة الله ارتعدت فرائضه فابترك على ركبتيه وأخذ يقول سبحان ربي العظيم وبحمده فلما اعتدل من ركوعه قائما نظر إليه في موضع أعلى من ذلك الموضع خر على وجهه وجعل يقول سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده فلما قال سبع مرات سكن ذلك الرعب فلذلك جرت به السنة.

So when he-saww remembered what he-saww saw from the Magnificence of Allah-azwj, his-saww body parts trembled, so he-saww bowed (to stabilise himself-saww by placing his-saww hands) upon his-saww knees, and took to saying: ‘‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Magnificent, and with His-azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى العظيم وبحمده). So when he-saww straightened himself-saww from his-saww bowing, to stand, he-saww looked to (his-azwj own position to be in a) place higher than that place, he-saww fell down upon his-saww face, and went on saying ‘I Glorify my Lord-azwj, the Exalted, and with His -azwj Praise’ (سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده)’. So when he-saww said it seven time, that awe settled down. Thus, it is due to that, the Sunnah flowed by it’.[545]

وعنه قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن علي قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد الانصاري قال حدثنا الحسين بن علي العلوي، عن أبي حكيم الزاهد، عن احمد بن عبد الله قال: قال رجل لامير المؤمنين (ع) يابن عم خير خلق الله ما معنى رفع يديك في التكبيرة الاولى؟ فقال (ع) الله اكبر الواحد الاحد الذي ليس كمثله شئ لا يقاس بشئ ولا يلمس بالاخماس ولا يدرك بالحواس قال الرجل ما معنى مد عنقك في الركوع قال تأويله آمنت بوحدانيتك ولو ضربت عنقي.

And from him who said, ‘Ibrahim Bin Ali narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Ansary, from Al Husayn Bin Ali Al Alawy, from Abu Hakeem Al Zahid, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah who said,

‘A man said to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, ‘O cousin-asws of the best of the creatures of Allah-azwj! What is the meaning of raising your hand in the first exclamations (Takbeers)?’ So he-asws said : ‘Allah-azwj is the Greatest, the One, the Alone, the One Whom nothing resembles, nor can He-azwj be analogised with anything, nor can He-azwj be touched by the five senses, nor can the five sensory perceptions realise Him-azwj’. The man said, ‘What is the meaning of extending your neck in the Bowing (during the Prayer)?’ He-asws said: ‘Its explanation is – ‘I believe in Your-azwj Oneness, even if my neck were to be struck off’’.[546]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن احمد عن يوسف ابن الحارث عن عبد الله بن يزيد المقري عن موسى بن أيوب الغافقي عن عقبة ابن عامر الجهني انه قال لما نزلت فسبح باسم ربك العظيم قال لنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اجعلوها في ركوعكم. ولما نزلت سبح إسم ربك الاعلى قال لنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: اجعلوها في سجودكم.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Yusuf Ibn Al Haris, from Abdullah Bin Yazeed A lMaqry, from Musa Bin Ayoub Al Gafaty, from Uqba Ibn Aamir Al Jahny who said,

‘When [56:96] Therefore Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Magnificent was Revealed, Rasool-Allah-saww said to us: ‘Make it to be in your Bowings (during the Prayer). And when [87:1] Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High, Rasool-Allah-saww said to us: ‘Make it to be in your Prostrations’.[547]

(باب 31 – العلة التي من أجلها يجزي للامام تكبيرة واحدة) (في افتتاح الصلاة)

Chapter 31 – The reason due to which it suffices for the Imam (Prayer leader) that he should exclaim once in the opening of the Prayer

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن فضالة عن معاوية بن عمار، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال يجزيك إذا كنت وحدك ثلاث تكبيرات وإذا كنت اماما اجزاك تكبيرة واحدة لان معك ذا الحاجة والضعيف والكبير.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘It suffices for you, if you were alone, three exclamations, and if you are a Prayer leader, one exclamation would suffice for you, because along with you are ones with the needs, and the weak, and the elderly’.[548]

(باب 32 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت الصلاة ركعتين وأربع سجدات)

Chapter 32 – The reason due to which the Prayer came to be of two Cycles and four Prostrations

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن صباح الحذاء عن اسحاق بن عمار قال سألت أبا الحسن موسى ابن جعفر (ع) كيف صارت الصلاة ركعة وسجدتين وكيف إذا صارت سجدتين لم تكن ركعتين فقال إذا سألت عن شئ ففرغ قبلك لتفهم ان أول صلاة صلاها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انما صلاها في السماء بين يدى الله تبارك وتعالى قدام عرشه جل جلاله وذلك انه لما أسري به وصار عند عرشه تبارك وتعالى

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Sabah Al haza, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws Ibn Ja’far-asws, ‘How did the Prayer come to be of one Cycle and two Prostration, and why was it that when it did become of two Prostrations, it did not happen to be of two Cycles?’ So he-asws said: ‘As you have asked about something, so free your heart in order to understand that the first Prayer which Rasool-Allah-saww Prayed, he-saww did so in the sky in front of Allah-azwj Blessed and High facing His-azwj Throne, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty. And that (took place) when he-saww was ascended with and came to be in the presence of His-azwj Throne, the Blessed and High.

فتجلى له عن وجهه حتى رآه بعينه قال يا محمد ادن من صاد فاغسل مساجدك وطهرها وصل لربك فدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إلى حيث أمره الله تبارك وتعالى فتوضأ فاسبغ وضوءه ثم استقبل الجبار تبارك وتعالى قائما،

So He-azwj Manifested for him-saww, from His-azwj until he-saww saw Him-azwj with his-saww own eyes. He-azwj Said: “O Muhammad-saww! Approach Saad (a river), so wash your-saww body parts of Prostration and purify these and Pray to your-saww Lord-azwj”. So, Rasool-Allah-saww approached to where Allah-azwj Blessed and High had Commanded him-saww to, so he-saww performed ablution and completed his-saww ablution, then faced the Compeller, Blessed and High, standing.

فأمره بافتتاح الصلاة ففعل فقال يا محمد اقرأ (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد الله رب العالمين إلى آخرها ففعل ذلك ثم أمره أن يقرأ نسبة ربه تبارك وتعالى، بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (قل هو الله أحد الله الصمد) ثم أمسك عنه القول فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله (قل هو الله احد الله الصمد فقال قل لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد) فامسك عنه القول فقال رسول الله كذلك الله ربى كذلك الله ربى كذلك الله ربى

So He-azwj Commanded him-saww with the opening of the Prayer. So he-azwj did it. So He-azwj Said: “O Muhammad-saww! Recite: [1:1] In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful [1:2] The praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds – up to its end (Chapter 1). So he-saww did that. Then He-azwj Commanded him-saww that he-saww should recite the attribution of his-saww Lord-azwj Blessed and High [112:1] Say: He, Allah, is One. [112:2] Allah is He on Whom all depend, then Withheld the Speech from him-saww. So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘[112:1] Say: He, Allah, is One. [112:2] Allah is He on Whom all depend. So He-azwj Said: “Say [112:3] He begets not, nor is He begotten. [112:4] And none is like Him”. So the Speech was Withheld from him-saww. So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘My-saww Lord-azwj is like that! My-saww Lord-azwj is like that! My-saww Lord-azwj is like that!’

فلما قال ذلك قال اركع يا محمد لربك فركع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال له وهو راكع قل (سبحان ربي العظيم) وبحمده ففعل ذلك ثلاثا ثم قال ارفع رأسك يا محمد ففعل ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقام منتصبا بين يدى الله عزوجل

So when he-saww said that, He-azwj Said: “Bow down, O Muhammad-saww, to your-saww Lord-azwj!” So Rasool-Allah-saww bowed down. So He-azwj Said to him-saww whilst he-saww was bowing: “Say: ‘I Glorify my-saww Lord-azwj, the Magnificent, and with His-azwj Praise”. So he-saww did that three (times)’. Then He-azwj Said: “Raise your-saww head, O Muhammad-saww!” So Rasool-Allah-saww did that, so he-saww stood upright in front of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic.

فقال اسجد يا محمد لربك فخر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ساجدا فقال: قل سبحان ربى الاعلى وبحمده ففعل ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ثلاثا فقال له استو جالسا يا محمد ففعل فلما استوى جالسا ذكر جلال ربه جل جلاله فخر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ساجدا من تلقاء نفسه لا لامر أمره ربه عزوجل فسبح أيضا ثلاثا

So He-azwj Said: “Prostrate, O Muhammad-saww, to your-saww Lord-azwj!” So Rasool-Allah-saww fell Prostrate. So He-azwj Said: “Say: ‘Iaww Glorify my-saww Lord-azwj, the Elevated, and with His-azwj Praise’”. So, Rasool-Allah-saww did that, three (times). So He-azwj Said to him-saww: “Sit straight, O Muhammad-saww!” So he-saww did it. So when he-saww sat straight, remembered the Majesty of his-saww Lord-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, so Rasool-Allah-saww fell down Prostrate, from his-saww own self, not for the Command of his-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So he-saww Glorified three (times) as well.

فقال انتصب قائما ففعل فلم ير ما كان رأى من عظمة ربه جل جلاله فقال له اقرأ يا محمد وافعل كما فعلت في الركعة الاولى ففعل ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ثم سجد سجدة واحدة فلما رفع رأسه ذكر جلالة ربه تبارك وتعالى الثانية فخر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ساجدا من تلقاء نفسه لا لامر أمره ربه عزوجل فسبح أيضا

So He-azwj Said: “Stand upright!” So he-saww did. So when he-saww saw what was from the Magnificence of his-saww Lord-azwj Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, He-azwj Said to him-saww: “Read, O Muhammad-saww, and do just as what you-saww did in the first Cycle”. So Rasool-Allah-saww did that. Then he-saww Prostrated one Prostration. So when he-saww raised his-saww head, remembered the Majesty of his-saww Lord-azwj, Blessed and High for a second time, so Rasool-Allah-saww fell Prostrate from his-saww own self, not for the Command of his-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So he-saww Glorified as well.

ثم قال له ارفع رأسك ثبتك الله واشهد أن لاإله إلا الله وان محمدا رسول الله وان الساعة آتية لا ريب فيها وان الله يبعث من في القبور، اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد وارحم محمدا وآل محمد كما صليت وباركت وترحمت ومننت على ابراهيم وآل ابراهيم إنك حميد مجيد اللهم تقبل شفاعته في أمته وارفع درجته

Then He-azwj Said to him-saww: “Raise your-saww head! Allah-azwj will Affirm you-saww, and testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and that Muhammad-saww is Rasool-Allah-saww, and that the Hour is coming, there is no doubt in it, and that Allah-azwj would Resurrects the ones in the graves. O Allah-azwj! Send Blessings upon Muhammad-saww and the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww, and be Merciful to Muhammad-saww and the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww just as You-azwj had Sent Blessings, and Blessed, and were Merciful, and Favoured upon Ibrahim-as and the Progeny of Ibrahim-as. You-azwj are a Praised One, Glorious. Accept his-saww intercession with regards to his-saww community and Elevate his-saww status’”. So he-saww did it.

فقال سلم يا محمد استقبل فاستقبل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ربه تبارك وتعالى وتقدس وجهه مطرقا فقال: السلام عليك فاجابه الجبار جل جلاله فقال وعليك السلام يا محمد بنعمتي قويتك على طاعتي وبعصمتي اياك اتخذتك نبيا وحبيبا،

So He-azwj Said: “Greet, O Muhammad-saww, facing (Me-azwj)”. So, Rasool-Allah-saww faced his-saww Lord-azwj, Blessed and High, and Sanctified His-azwj Face, Bowing. So he-saww said: ‘Peace be upon You-azwj!’ So the Compeller, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Answered him-saww, so He-azwj Said: “And peace be upon you-saww, O Muhammad-saww! With My-azwj Favour I-azwj shall Strengthen you-saww upon My-azwj obedience, and by Infallibility for you-saww, I-azwj hereby Take you-saww as a Prophet-saww, and as a Beloved”.

ثم قال أبو الحسن عليه السلام وانما كانت الصلاة التي أمر بها ركعتين وسجدتين وهو صلى الله عليه وآله انما سجد سجدتين في كل ركعة عما اخبرتك من تذكره لعظمة ربه تبارك وتعالى فجعله الله عزوجل فرضا

Then, Abu Al-Hassan-asws said: ‘But rather, the Prayer which he-saww had been Commanded with was of two Bowings and two Prostrations, and he-saww Prostrated with two Prostration in every Cycle, (was due to) about what I-asws informed you, from remembering Him-azwj due to the Magnificence of his-saww Lord-azwj Blessed and High. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made it to be Obligatory’.

قلت جعلت فداك وما صار الذي أمر أن يغسل منه فقال عين تنفجر من ركن من اركان العرش يقال له ماء الحياة وهو ما قال الله عزوجل (ص والقرآن ذي الذكر) انما أمره أن يتوضأ ويقرأ ويصلى.

I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And what became of the Command that he-saww should wash (body parts of Prostration) from it?’ So he-asws said: ‘A river which gushed out from a part from the parts of the Throne, called ‘the water of life’, and it is what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Speaks of [38:1] Saad. I Swear by the Quran, full of Remembrance. But rather, He-azwj Commanded him-saww that he-saww should perform ablution, and recite, and Pray’.[549]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن موسى بن عمران عن الحسين بن يزيد عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي بصير قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام لم صارت الصلاة ركعتين وأربع سجدات؟ قال لان ركعة من قيام بركعتين من جلوس.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Musa Bin Imran, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer, said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why did the Prayer come to be of two Cycles and four Prostrations?’ He-asws said: Because one Cycle standing (equates) to two Cycles whilst seated’.[550]

أخبرنا علي بن سهل قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن علي قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد الانصاري عن الحسن بن علي العلوي قال: حدثنى أبو حكيم الزاهد قال: حدثنى أحمد بن علي الراهب قال: قال رجل لامير المؤمنين عليه السلام يابن عم خير خلق الله ما معني السجدة الاولى فقال تأويله اللهم انك منها خلقتني – يعنى من الارض – ورفع رأسك ومنها اخرجتنا والسجدة الثانية واليها تعيدنا ورفع رأسك من الثانية ومنها تخرجنا تارة أخرى

Ali Bin Sahl informed us, from Ibrahim Bin Ali, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Anasry, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Alawy, from Abu Hakeem Al Zahid, from Ahmad Bin Ali Al Rahib who said,

‘A man said to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, ‘O cousin-asws of the best of creatures of Allah-azwj! What is the meaning of the first Prostration?’ So he-asws said: ‘Its explanation is, ‘O Allah-azwj! You-azwj Created me from it’ – meaning from the earth – and raise your head, ‘And from it You-azwj Extracted us’. And the second Prostration – ‘And to it You-azwj Take us back’ – and raise your head from the second (Prostration), ‘And from it you would be Extracting us another time’.

قال الرجل ما معنى رفع رجلك اليمنى وطرحك اليسرى في التشهد؟ قال تأويله اللهم أمت الباطل وأقم الحق.

The man said, ‘What is the meaning of putting your right foot upon your left leg during the ‘Tashahhud’ (testimonies)?’ He-asws said: ‘Its explanation is, ‘O Allah-azwj! Kill the falsehood, and establish the Truth’’.[551]

(باب 33 – علة استحباب الآلات والاكثار من الثياب في الصلاة)

Chapter 33 – Reason for the recommendation of preparations and the abundance of the clothes in the Prayer

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن عبد الله بن ميمون القداح عن جعفر بن محمد، عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال ان كان شئ عليك تصلى فيه يسبح معك قال وكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إذا اقيمت الصلاة لبس نعليه وصلى فيهما.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Abdullah Bin Maymoun Al Qadah,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws who said, ‘If there was anything upon you, which you are Praying in, it would Glorify along with you. And Rasool-Allah-saww, whenever he-saww used to establish the Prayer, wore his-saww socks and Prayed in these two’.[552]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن متيل قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن، عن محمد ابن يحيى عن طلحة بن يزيد عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن علي عليهم السلام قال ان الانسان إذا كان في الصلاة فان جسده وثيابه وكل شئ حوله يسبح.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Mateyl narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from Muhammad Ibn Yahya, from Talha Bin Yazeed,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Ali-asws having said: ‘Whenever the human being is in the Prayer, his body, and his clothes, and everything around him, Glorifies (Allah-azwj)’.[553]

(باب 34 – العلة التي من أجلها يستحب أن يصلي صلاة الصبح مع الفجر)

أبي رحمه الله تعالى قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن احمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر عن عبد الرحمان بن سالم عن اسحاق بن عمار قال قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) اخبرنا عن أفضل المواقيت في صلاة الفجر؟ قال مع طلوع الفجر ان الله تبارك وتعالى يقول ان قرآن الفجر كان مشهودا – يعنى صلاة الفجر تشهدها ملائكة الليل وملائكة النهار فإذا صلى العبد صلاة الصبح مع طلوع الفجر اثبتت له مرتين اثبتها ملائكة الليل وملائكة النهار.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Abdul Rahman Bin Salim, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Inform us about the most preferable of the timing regarding the dawn Prayer?’ He-asws said: ‘With the emergence of the dawn. Allah-azwj Blessed and High is Saying [17:78] surely the recitation at dawn was always witnessed – Meaning the dawn Prayer. The Angels of the night and the Angels of the day are witnessing it. So when the servant Prays the morning at the emergence of the dawn, it gets affirmed to him twice – the Angels of the night and the Angels of the day affirm it’.[554]

(باب 35 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز ترك الاذان والاقامة) (في الفجر المغرب، في سفر، ولا حضر)

Chapter 35 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to leave the Azan and the Iqama during Al-Fajr and Al-Magrib, neither during the travel nor a hazard

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن عبد الحميد العطار واحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن احمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر البزنطى عن صفوان بن مهران عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: الاذان مثنى مثنى والاقامة مثنى مثنى ولا بد في الفجر والمغرب من اذان واقامة في الحضر والسفر، لانه لا بقصر فيهما في حضر ولا سفر ويجزيك اقامة بغير أذان في الظهر والعصر والعشاء الآخرة، والاذان والاقامة في جميع الصلوات أفضل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Hameed Al Ataar, and Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty, from Safwan Bin Mahran,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Azan it two by two, and the Iqama is two by two, and it is a must during Al-Fajr and Al-Magrib, during the hazard and the journey, because it is not with shortening with regards to these two, neither during a hazard, nor a journey, and it suffices you with an Iqamah without Azan during Al-Zohr and Al-Asr, and Al-Isha the last, and the Azan and the Iqamah in the entirety of the Prayers, is preferable’.[555]

(باب 36 – العلة التي من أجلها فرض الله عزوجل على الناس) (خمس صلوات في خمس مواقيت)

Chapter 36 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated five Prayers upon the people during five timings

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه، عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم، عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن أبي الحسن علي بن الحسين البرقي، عن عبد الله بن جبلة، عن معاوية بن عمار، عن الحسن بن عبد الله، عن آبائه، عن جده الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب (عليهما السلام)، قال: «جاء نفر من اليهود إلى رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله)، فسأله أعلمهم عن مسائل، فكان فيما سأله، [أن‏] قال: أخبرني عن الله عز و جل، لأي شي‏ء فرض هذه الخمس صلوات، في خمس مواقيت على أمتك، في ساعات الليل و النهار؟

‘Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al-Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al-Hassan Ali Bin Al-Husayn Al-Barqy, from Abdullah Bin Jabalat, from Muawiya Bin Amaar, from Al-Hassan Bin Abdullah, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather-asws Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘A number of Jews came up to Rasool-Allah-saww, so they asked him-asws to know about certain issues. From what they questioned him-saww was, ‘Inform me about Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, for which thing did He-azwj Obligate these five (daily) Prayers during the five times, upon your-saww community, in the hours of the night and the day?’

فقال النبي (صلى الله عليه و آله): إن الشمس عند الزوال لها حلقة تدخل فيها، فإذا دخلت فيها زالت الشمس فيسبح كل شي‏ء دون العرش بحمد ربي جل جلاله، و هي الساعة التي يصلي علي فيها ربي، ففرض الله عز و جل علي و على أمتي فيها الصلاة، و قال: أَقِمِ الصَّلاةَ لِدُلُوكِ الشَّمْسِ إِلى غَسَقِ اللَّيْلِ ، و هي الساعة التي يؤتى فيها بجهنم يوم القيامة، فما من مؤمن يوافق تلك الساعة أن يكون ساجدا، أو راكعا، أو قائما، إلا حرم الله جسده على النار.

So the Prophet-saww said: ‘The sun, during its meridian, a ring enters into it. So when it enters the ring, the sun sets. So everything underneath the Throne Glorifies my-saww Lord-azwj Majestic is His-azwj Majesty. And this is the times in which my-saww Lord-azwj Sends Blessings upon me-saww. Therefore Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Obligated the Prayer upon me-saww and my-saww community, and Said [17:78] Establish Prayer from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night. And this is the time in which the Hell would be Brought on the Day of Judgement. So there is none from the Believers who would fall down into Prostration, of bowing, or standing, except that Allah-azwj would Prohibit his body to the Fire.

و أما صلاة العصر، فهي الساعة التي أكل فيها آدم من الشجرة فأخرجه الله من الجنة، فأمر الله عز و جل ذريته بهذه الصلاة إلى يوم القيامة، و اختارها لامتي، فهي من أحب الصلوات إلى الله عز و جل، و أوصاني أن أحفظها من بين الصلوات.

And as for the mid-afternoon (العصر) Prayer, so it is the time in which Adam-as ate from the tree. So Allah-azwj Exited him-as from the Paradise. Thus, Allah-azwj Commanded his-as descendants by this Prayer (العصر) up to the Day of Judgement, and Chose it for my-saww community. This is the most beloved Prayer to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and He-azwj Bequeathed to me-saww that I-saww should preserve it, from between the Prayers.

و أما صلاة المغرب، فهي الساعة التي تاب الله عز و جل فيها على آدم، و كان بين ما أكل من الشجرة و بين ما تاب الله عليه ثلاث مائة سنة من أيام الدنيا، و في أيام الآخرة يوم كألف سنة ما بين العصر و العشاء، فصلى آدم ثلاث ركعات: ركعة لخطيئته، و ركعة لخطيئة حواء، و ركعة لتوبته،

And as for the Evening (المغرب) Prayer, so it is the time in which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Turned (Mercifully) to Adam-as. And there was a duration of three hundred years from the days of the world between what he-as ate from the tree and Allah-azwj having Turned Mercifully to him-as. And in the days of the Hereafter, a day is like a thousand years of what is between the ‘Asr’ and the ‘Isha’. So, Adam-as Prayed three Cycles – one Cycle for his-as error, and a Cycle for the error of Hawwa-as, and a Cycle for repenting to Him-azwj.

فافترض الله عز و جل هذه الركعات الثلاث على امتي، و هي الساعة التي يستجاب فيها الدعاء، فوعدني ربي عز و جل أن يستجيب لمن دعاه فيها، و هي الصلاة التي أمرني بها ربي في قوله عز و جل: فَسُبْحانَ اللَّهِ حِينَ تُمْسُونَ وَ حِينَ تُصْبِحُونَ.

So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated these Cycles upon my-saww community, and it is the time in which He-azwj Answers the supplication. My-saww Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Promised me-saww that He-azwj would Answer the one who supplicates in it. And it is the time in which my-saww Lord-azwj Commanded me-saww for it, in the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [30:17] Therefore Glorify Allah when you come up to the evening and when you come up to the morning’.

و أما صلاة العشاء الآخرة، فإن للقبر ظلمة، و ليوم القيامة ظلمة، فأمرني الله عز و جل و امتي بهذه الصلاة في ذلك الوقت لتنور القبور، و ليعطيني و امتي النور على الصراط، و ما من قدم مشت إلى صلاة العتمة إلا حرم الله جسدها على النار، و هي الصلاة التي اختارها الله للمرسلين قبلي.

And as for the last Evening (العشاء) Prayer – so there would be darkness in the graves, and darkness on the Day of Judgement. Thus Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded me-saww and my-saww community for this Prayer, in that time for the heat of the graves, and He-azwj would be Giving me-saww and my-saww community, the light upon the Bridge (الصراط), and there is none from the feet which would walk to the last Evening (العشاء) Prayer, except that Allah-azwj would Prohibit its body upon the Fire. And this is the Prayer which Allah-azwj had Chose for the Mursil Prophets-as before me-saww’.

و أما صلاة الفجر، فإن الشمس إذا طلعت تطلع على قرني شيطان، فأمرني الله عز و جل أن اصلي صلاة الغداة قبل طلوع الشمس، و قبل أن يسجد لها الكافر، فتسجد امتي لله عز و جل، و سرعتها أحب إلى الله عز و جل، و هي الصلاة التي تشهدها ملائكة الليل، و ملائكة النهار. قال اليهودي: صدقت، يا محمد».

And as for the Dawn Prayer, so when the sun emerges, Satan-la emerges upon my-saww companions. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded me-saww that I-saww should Pray the Dawn Prayer before the emergence of the sun. Beforehand, the Infidels used to prostrate to it, but my-saww community prostrates to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and it is easily the most beloved to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. And it is the Prayer which is witnessed by the Angels of the night, and Angels of the day’. The Jew said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth, O Muhammad-saww’.[556]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادى عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عن فضالة بنأيوب عن الحسين بن أبي العلا، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لما أهبط الله آدم من الجنة ظهرت فيه شامة سوداء في وجهه (و) من قرنه إلى قدمه إلى قدمه فطال حزنه وبكائه على ما ظهر به فاتاه جبرئيل عليه السلام فقال له ما يبكيك يا آدم فقال: لهذه الشامة التي ظهرت بى،

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Al Husayn Bin Abu Al A’ala,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Allah-azwj Caused Adam-as to descend from the Paradise, a black mole appeared in his face and from his-as head to his-as feet. So he-as prolonged his-as grief and his-as wailing upon what had appeared with him-as. So, Jibraeel-as came over to him-as, and said to him-as: ‘What makes you-as to cry, O Adam-as?’ So he-as said: ‘For these moles which have appeared upon me-as’.

قال قم فصل فهذا وقت الصلاة الاولى فقام فصلى فانحطت الشامة إلى عنقه، فجاءه في وقت الصلاة الثانية فقال يا آذم قم فصل فهذا وقت الصلاة الثانية فقام فصلى فانحطت الشامة إلى سرته فجاءه وقت الصلاة الثالثة فقال يا آدم قم فصل فهذا وقت الصلاة الثالثة فقام فصلى فانحطت الشامة إلى ركبته فجاءه في الصلاة الرابعة فقال يا آدم قم فصل فهذا وقت الصلاة الرابعة فقام فصلى فانحطت الشامة إلى رجليه فجاءه في الصلاة الخامسة فقال يا آدم قم فصل فهذا وقت الصلاة الخامسة فقام فصلى فخرج منها فحمد الله واثنى عليه،

He-as said: ‘Arise and Pray, from this is a time for the first Prayer’. So he-as arose, and Prayed, so the moles went down to his-as neck. So he-as came to him-as at the time of the second Prayer, so he-as said: ‘O Adam-as! Arise and Pray, for this is a time for the second Prayer!’ So he-as arose and Prayed, and the moles went down to his-as navel. So he-as came to him-as at the time of the third Prayer and said: ‘O Adam-as! Arise and Pray, for this is a time for the third Prayer!’ So he-as arose and Prayed, and the moles went down to his-as knees. So he-as came to him-as at the fourth Prayer and said: ‘O Adam-as! Arise and Pray, for this is a time for the fourth Prayer’. So he-as arose and Prayed, so the moles went down to his feet. So he-as came to him-as at the fifth Prayer, so he-as said: ‘O Adam-as! Arise and Pray, for this is a time for the fifth Prayer’. So he-as arose and Prayed. So (the moles) went out from him-as (completely)’.

فقال جبرئيل: يا آدم مثل ولدك في هذه الصلاة كمثلك في هذه الشامة من صلى من ولدك في كل يوم وليلة خمس صلوات خرج من ذنوبه كما خرجت من هذه الشامة.

So Jibraeel-as said: ‘O Adam-as! The example for your-as children in these Prayers is like your-as example of being in these moles. The ones from your-as children who Pray, five Prayers during the day and the night, his sins would come out from him just as you-as have come out from these moles’.[557]

(باب 37 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى تارك الصلاة: كافرا)

Chapter 37 – The reason due to which a neglecter of the Prayers is named as a disbeliever

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميرى عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة قال: سمعت ابا عبد الله عليه السلام وسئل ما بال الزانى لا تسميه كافرا وتارك الصلاة قد تسميه كافرا وما الحجة في ذلك؟ قال: لان الزانى وما اشبهه إنما يعمل ذلك لمكان الشهوة لانها تغلبه وتارك الصلاة لا يتركها إلا استخفافا بها وذلك لا تجد الزاني الذي يأتي المرأة إلا وهو مستلذ لاتيانه إياها قاصدا إليها وكل من ترك الصلاة قاصدا لتركها فليس يكون قصده لتركها اللذة فإذا انتفت اللذة وقع الاستخفاف وإذا وقع الاستخفاف وقع الكفر،

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws and he was asked, ‘What is the matter that the adulterer is not named as a disbeliever, but a neglecter of the Prayer has been named as a disbeliever, and what is the proof with regards to that?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the adulterer, and what resembles it, he does that at the place of desire, because it has overcome him, but the neglecter of the Prayer does not leave it except for belittling by it, and that is, the adulterer does not find for which he comes to the woman except that he derives pleasure when coming to it, diverting himself towards it, and everyone who neglects the Prayer, diverts himself to leave it, but there does not happen to be derivation of any pleasure to neglect it. So when there is no pleasure, the belittling occurs, and when the belittling occurs, the disbelief occurs’.

قيل ما الفرق بين الكفر إلى من اتى امرأة فزنى بها أو خمرا فشربها وبين من ترك الصلاة حتى لا يكون الزانى وشارب الخمر مستخفا كما استخف تارك الصلاة وما الحجة في ذلك وما العلة التي تفرق بينما؟ قال: الحجة ان كلما ادخلت أنت نفسك فيه ولم يدعك إليه داع ولم يغلبك عليه غالب شهوة مثل الزنا وشرب الخمر وأنت دعوت نفسك إلى ترك الصلاة وليس ثم شهوة فهو الاستخفاف بعينه فهذا فرق بينهما.

It was said, ‘What is the difference between the disbelief to the one who comes to a woman and commits adultery with her, or wine, so he drinks it, and between the one who neglects the Prayer to the extent that the adulterer and the drinker of the wine is a disregarder of (Allah-azwj) like the belittling which the neglecter of the Prayer does, and what is the proof with regards to that, and what is the reason which differentiated between these two?’ He-asws said: ‘The proof is that, every time you enter yourself in it, and there is no inviter to invite you, and desire does not overcome you, like the adultery, and drinking the wine, and you are inviting yourself to the neglecting of the Prayer, and there is no desire in it, so it is nothing except for the belittling, very much so. Thus, this is the difference between the two’.[558]

(باب 38 – العلة التي من أجلها صلى أبو جعفر الباقر عليه السلام) (بأصحابه فقرأ: الحمد، وآية من سورة البقرة)

Chapter 38 – The reason due to which Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir-asws Prayed with his-asws companions, so he-asws recited (Surah) Al-Hamd (Chapter 1), and a Verse from Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الوليد عن محمد ابن الفضل، عن سليمان بن أبي عبد الله قال: صليت خلف أبي جعفر فقرأ بفاتحة الكتاب وآي من البقرة فجاء أي فسئل فقال يا بنى إنما صنع ذلك ليفقهكم ويعلمكم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Waleed, from Muhammad Ibn Al Fazal, from Suleyman Bin Abu Abdullah who said,

‘I Prayed behind Abu Ja’far-asws, so he-asws recited the Opening of the Book (Chapter 1), and a Verse from Al-Baqarah. So my father went and asked, so he-asws said: ‘O my-asws son! But rather, I-asws did that to make you understand and to teach you’ (Out of dissimulation – Taqeeya).[559]

(باب 39 – العلة التي من أجلها يستحب طول السجود)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس ابن معروف عن سعدان بن مسلم عن أبي بصير قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام يا أبا محمد عليك بطول السجود فان ذلك من سنن الاوابين.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Sa’adan Bin Muslim, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘O Abu Muhammad! It is upon you to prolong the Prostrations, for that is from the Sunnah of the penitents (repentants)’.[560]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن القاسم بن يحيى، عن جده الحسن بن راشد، عن أبي بصير (رض)، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: حدثنى أبي، عن جدي عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: اطيلوا السجود فما من عمل أشد على ابليس من أن يرى ابن آدم ساجدا لانه أمر بالسجود فعصى، وهذا أمر بالسجود فأطاع فيما أمر.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from my-asws grandfather-asws, from his forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Prolong the Prostrations, so there is none from a deed which is more grievous upon Iblees-la than him-la seeing a son of Adam-as Prostrating, because he-la had been Commanded for the Prostration, but he-la refused, and this one has been Commanded with the Prostration, so he is obedient with regards to what he has been Commanded for’.[561]

(باب 40 – العلة التي من أجلها لم يؤخر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله (العشاء إلى نصف الليل)

Chapter 40 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww did not delay Al-Isha to the middle of the night

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله بن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن سعيد، عن احمد بن عبد الله القروي، عن أبان بن عثمان، عن أبي بصير عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لو لا ان أشق على أمتى لاخرت العشاء إلى نصف الليل.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Qarawy, from Aban Bin Usman, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Had it not been difficult upon my-saww community, I-saww would have delayed Al-Isha to the middle of the night’.[562]

(باب 41 – العلة التي من أجلها يجوز السجود على ظهر) (الكف من حر الرمضاء)

Chapter 41 – The reason due to which the Prostration is allowed upon the back of the palm due to the scorching heat

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن احمد عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن عبد الله بن حماد عن أبي بصير قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام جعلت فداك الرجل يكون في السفر فيقطع عليه الطريق فيبقى عريانا في سراويل ولا يجد ما يسجد عليه يخاف إن سجد على الرمضاء احترقت وجهه، قال: يسجد على ظهر كفه فانها أحد المساجد.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! The man happens to be in a journey, so his way gets cut off (by bandits), so he remains naked in a trouser (only), and he does not find what to Prostrate upon. He fears that if he were to Prostrate upon the scorching sand, his face would burn’. He-asws said: ‘He should Prostrate Upon the back of his palm, for it is one of the ‘Masaajids’ Prostration places’.[563]


(باب 42 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز السجود إلا على الارض) (أو على ما أنبتت الارض، إلا ما أكل أو لبس)

Chapter 42 – The reason due to which the Prostration is not allowed except upon the earth, or upon what the earth grows, except for what is eaten or worn

حدثنا علي بن احمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس، عن عمر بن عبد العزيز، عن هشام بن الحكم قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام أخبرني عما يجوز السجود عليه وعما لا يجوز؟ قال: السجود لا يجوز إلا على الارض أو ما أنبتت الارض إلا ما أكل أو لبس فقلت له جعلت فداك ما العلة في ذلك؟ قال: لان السجود هو الخضوع لله عزوجل فلا ينبغى أن يكون على ما يؤكل ويلبس لان أبناء الدنيا عبيد ما يأكلون ويلبسون، والساجد في سجوده في عبادة الله تعالى فلا ينبغى أن يضع جبهته في سجوده على معبود ابناء الدنيا الذين اغتروا بغرورها. والسجود على الارض أفضل لانه أبلغ في التواضع والخضوع لله عزوجل.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Inform me about what the Prostrations are allowed upon, and about what it is not allowed?’ He-asws said: ‘The Prostrations are not allowed except upon the earth or what the earth grows, except for what is eaten or worn’. So I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! What is the reason with regards to that?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the Prostration, it is the humbleness to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so it is not befitting that it should happen upon what is eaten or worn, because the sons of the world are enslaved to what they are eating and they are wearing, and the prostrator in his Prostration, is in the worship of Allah-azwj the High, therefore it is not befitting that he should place his forehead during his Prostration upon a thing which the sons of the world are enslaved to, and have been deceived by its deception. And the Prostration upon the earth is the most preferable, because it reaches in the reverence and the humbleness to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.[564]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد، عن يعقوب بن يزيد رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: السجود على الارض فريضة وعلى غير ذلك سنة.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Prostration upon the earth is an Obligation, and upon other than that is a Sunnah’.[565]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن محمد بن يحيى الصيرفي عن حماد بن عثمان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سمعته يقول، السجود على ما أنبتت الارض إلى ما أكل أو لبس.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Bin Yahya Al Sayrafi, from Hamad Bin Usman,

(The narrator says), ‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The Prostration is to be upon what the earth grows except for what is eaten and worn’.[566]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن علي ابن الحسن عن احمد بن اسحاق القمي، عن ياسر الخادم قال مربي أبو الحسن (ع) وأنا أصلى على الطبري وقد القيت عليه شيئا فقال لي مالك لا تسجد عليه أليس هو من نبات الارض؟

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ali Ibn Al Hassan, from Ahmad Bin Is’haq Al qummy, from Yaser Al Khadim who said,

‘Abu Al-Hassan-asws passed by me, and I was Praying upon the mat and I had cast something over it, so he-asws said to me: ‘What is the matter with you that you do not Prostate upon it. Is it not from a growth of the earth?’[567]

ابى رحمه الله عن محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن احمد عن السيارى ان بعض أهل المداين كتب إلى أبي الحسن القاضي عليه السلام يسأله عن الصلاة على الزجاج قال فلما نفذ كتابي إليه فكرت فقلت هو مما أنبتت الارض وما كان لي ان اسأل عنه قال: فكتب لا تصل على الزجاج فان حدثتك نفسك انه مما أنبتت الارض فانه مما أنبتت الارض ولكنه من الرمل والملح وهما ممسوخان.

My father narrated, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Sayari who said,

‘One of the people of Al-Madain wrote to Abu Al-Hassan-asws asking him-asws about the Prayer upon the glass. He said, ‘So when I had written my letter to him-asws, so I thought to myself, ‘It is from what the earth grows, and it was not for me that I should be asking him-asws about it’. He said, ‘So he-asws wrote back: ‘Do not Pray upon the glass, for you have discussed it within yourself that it is from the growth of the earth. So it is, from what the earth grows, but it is from the sand and the salt, and they have both been transformed’.[568]

(باب 43 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يصلى في) (شعر ووبر ما لم يؤكل لحمه)

Chapter 43 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should Pray in hair and fur of the (animal) whose flesh it not eaten

حدثنا علي بن احمد رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن اسماعيل باسناد يرفعه إلى ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال لا يجوز الصلاة في شعر ووبر ما لا يؤكل لحمه لان اكثرها مسوخ.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Ismail, by a chain,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Prayer is not allowed in hair and fur of what (animal’s) flesh is not eaten, because most of these (animals) are metamorphosed ones’.[569]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن الحسن ابن علي الوشاء يرفعه قال: كان أبو عبد الله (ع) يكره الصلاة في وبر كل شئ لا يؤكل لحمه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad in Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Al Hassan Ibn Ali Al Washa, raising it, said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws used to dislike the Prayer in fur, and everything whose flesh is not eaten’.[570]

(باب 45 – العلة التي من أجلها يستحب التنفل في ساعة الغفلة)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله عن ابيه عن زرعة عن سماعة عن جعفر بن محمد عن ابيه عليهما السلام قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله تنفلوا في ساعة الغلة ولو بركعتين خفيفتين فانهما يورثان دار الكرامة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Zarara, from Sama’at,

Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Perform the Optional Prayer during the time of inattentiveness (between two Prayers, like Maghrib and Isha), even though it may be two Cycles, two light ones, for these two would (make you to) inherit the House of the Prestige’.[571]

(باب 46 – العلة التي من أجلها يستحب تفريق النوافل في البقاع)

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين بن ابى الخطاب عن الحكم بن مسكين عن عبد الله بن علي الزرداد قال: سأل أبو كهمس ابا عبد الله عليه السلام فقال: يصلي الرجل نوافله في مواضع أو يفرقها؟ قال لا بل هاهنا وهاهنا فانها تشهد له يوم القيامة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Al Hakam Bin Miskeen, from Abdullah Bin Ali Al Zardad who said,

‘Abu Kahmas asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so he said, ‘Should the man Pray the Optional Prayers in one place or separate them?’ He-asws said: ‘No, but over here, and over there, for these (places) would testify for him on the Day of Judgement’.[572]

(باب 48 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يصلى وعلى شاربه الحناء)

Chapter 48 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should Pray and upon his moustache is henna

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم، عن أبيه عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان عن جماعة من اصحابنا قال: سئل أبو عبد الله (ع) ما العلة التي من أجلها لا يحل للرجل أن يصلى وعلى شاربه الحناء؟ قال: لانه لا يتمكن من القراءة والدعاء.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from a group of our companions who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws was asked, ‘What is the reason due which it is not Permissible for the man that he should Pray, and upon his moustache is henna?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it is not possible for him for the recitation and the supplication’.[573]

(باب 49 – العلة التي من أجلها أمر النساء في زمن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله) (أن لا يرفعن رؤسهن إلا بعد الرجال)

Chapter 49 – The reason due to which the women during the era of Rasool-Allah-saww had been ordered that they should not be raising their heads except after the men

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن عبد الله بن ميمون عن جعفر بن محمد عن ابيه عليهما السلام قال كن يؤمرن النساء في زمن الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله ان لا يرفعن رؤسهن إلا بعد الرجال لقصر ازرهن قال وكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يسمع صوت الصبى يبكى وهو في الصلاة فيخفف الصلاة فتصير إليه أمه.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Abdullah Bin Maymoun,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘The women were ordered, during the era of Rasool-Allah-saww, that they should not be raising their heads except after the men due to the shortness of their burdens. And Rasool-Allah-saww, whenever he-saww used to hear the child crying, and he-saww was in the Prayer, so he-saww would lighten it, so that its mother can go to it quicker’.[574]

(باب 50 – العلة التي من أجلها ترفع اليدين في الدعاء إلى السماء) (والله عزوجل في كل مكان)

Chapter 50 – The reason due to which the two hands are raised towards the sky in supplication, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is in every place

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد ابن عيسى عن القاسم بن يحيى عن جده الحسن بن راشد عن ابى بصير عن ابى عبد الله (ع) قال حدثنى أبى، عن ابيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) إذا فرغ أحدكم من الصلاة فليرفع يديه إلى السماء ولينصب في الدعاء فقال ابن سبا يا أمير المؤمنين اليس الله في كل مكان؟ قال: بلى قال فلم يرفع يديه إلى السماء فقال أو ما تقرأ (وفي الاسماء رزقكم وما توعدون) فمن أين يطلب الرزق إلا من موضع الرزق، وموضع الرزق وما وعد الله السماء.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Whenever one of you is free from the Prayer, so let him raise his hands towards the sky, and he should focus in the supplication’. So Ibn Saba said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! Is Allah-azwj not in every place?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. He said, ‘So why should he raise his hands towards the sky?’ So he-asws said: ‘Or have you not read [51:22] And in the sky is your sustenance and what you are threatened with? So, from when should he seek the sustenance except from the place of the sustenance, and the place of the sustenance, and what Allah-azwj has Promised, the sky?’[575]

(باب 51 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز أن يصلى الرجل في جلود الدارش)

Chapter 51 – The reason due to which it is not allowed that the man should Pray in the ‘Darish’ skins

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن احمد بن محمد السيارى عن ابى يزيد القسمى -: حي من اليمن بالبصرة – عن أبي الحسن الرضا (ع) انه سأله عن جلود الدارش التي يتخذ منها الخفاف قال: فقال، لا تصل فيها فانها تدبغ بخرؤ الكلاب.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sayyyari, from Abu Yazeed al Qasmy – and it is a tribe of Al Yemen in at Al Basra –

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws having been asked about the skins of Darish (a type of hide) from which the shoes are taken to be. He-asws said: ‘Do not Pray in it, for these have been tanned by the vapour of the dogs’.[576]

(باب 52 – العلة التي من أجلها شارب الخمر إذا شربها لم تحسب) (صلاته أربعين صباحا)

Chapter 52 – The reason due to which drinking the wine, when it is drunk, one’s Prayer is not Counted for forty mornings (days)

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد رحمه الله عن أبيه قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد ابن عيسى، عن الحسين بن خالد قال قلت للرضا (ع) إنا روينا، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أن من شرب الخمر لم تحسب صلاته أربعين صباحا فقال: صدقوا، فقلت وكيف لا تحسب صلاته أربعين صباحا لا أقل من ذلك ولا أكثر؟ قال: لان الله تبارك وتعالى قدر خلق الانسان فصير النطفة أربعين يوما ثم نقلها فصيرها علقة أربعين يوما ثم نقلها فصيرها مضغة أربعين يوما وهكذا إذا شرب الخمر بقيت في مثانته على قدر ما خلق منه وكذلك يجتمع غذاؤه واكله وشربه تبقى في مثانته أربعين يوما.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Ahman Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid who said,

‘I said to Al-Reza-asws, ‘We are reporting from the Prophet-saww that the one who drinks the wine, his Prayer is not Counted for forty mornings (days)’. So he-asws said: ‘They speak the truth’. So I said, ‘And how come the Prayer is not Counted for forty mornings (days), not any less from that, nor more?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Measure the Creation of the human being, so the seed came to be for forty days, then it was transformed, so it became a clot for forty days, then it was transformed, so it became a lump for forty days. And this is how, when the wine is drunk, it remains in his (gall) bladder upon a measurement of what is Created from it. And similar to that, his nourishment, and his eating and his drinking, remain in his (gall) bladder for forty days’.[577]


(باب 53 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره النفخ في موضع السجود)

Chapter 53 – The reason due to which the puffing is abhorrent in the place of Prostrations

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن صفوان بن يحيى عن ابن مسكان عن ليث المرادى قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) الرجل يصلي فينفخ في موضع جبهته، قال: ليس به باس إنما يكره ذلك ان يؤذي من إلى جانبه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Ibn Muskan, from Lays Al Murady who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The man Prays, so he puffs in the place of his forehead (during Postration). He-asws said: ‘There is no problem with it. But rather, that is abhorrent if he harms the one to his side’.[578]

(باب 55 – العلة التى من أجلها يحول الرداء في صلاة الاستسقاء)

Chapter 55 – The reason due to which the robe is turned during the Prayer for the rain

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن ابى طالب عبد الله بن الصلت قال: حدثنا أبو حمزة انس بن عياض الليثى، عن جعفر ابن محمد عن ابيه عليهما السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كان إذا استسقيى ينظر إلى السماء ويحول ردائه عن يمينه إلى يساره، ومن يساره إلى يمينه، قال: قلت له ما معنى ذلك؟ قال: علامة بينه وبين أصحابه يحول الجدب خصباء.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Abu Talib Abdullah Bin Al Salt, from Abu Hamza Ans Bin Ayaz Al Lays,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Ibn Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, that Rasool-Allah-saww, whenever he-saww used to pray for the rain, looked towards the sky and turned his-saww robe from his-saww right to his-saww left, and from his-saww left to his-saww right’. I said, ‘And what is the meaning of that?’ He-asws said: ‘A sign between him-saww and his-saww companions, for the transformation of the aridity (dryness) to the greenery’.[579]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجلويه، عن عمه محمد بن ابى القاسم عن احمد بن ابى عبد الله عن ابيه، عن ابن ابى عمير عمن ذكره عن ابى عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته لاي علة حول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في صلاة الاستسقاء ردائه الذي على يمينه على يساره والذي على يساره على يمينه؟ قال: أراد بذلك تحول الجذب خصبا.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from the one who mentioned it,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason did Rasool-Allah-saww turn his-saww robe during the prayer for the rain, that which was upon his-saww right to his-saww left, and that which was upon his-saww left to his-saww right?’ He-asws said: ‘He-saww intended by that to transform the aridity to the greenery’.[580]

(باب 56 – العلة التى من أجلها لا تجوز الصلاة في سواد)

Chapter 56 – The reason due to which the Prayer is not allowed in the black (clothes)

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن سهل بن زياد عن محمد بن سليمان عن رجل عن ابى عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت له اصلى في قلنسوة السوداء؟ قال: لا تصل فيها فانها لباس أهل النار.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman, from a man,

(The narrator says), ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Can I Pray in the black headgear (turban)?’ He-asws said: ‘Do not Pray in it, for it is an apparel of the inhabitants of the Fire’.[581]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن احمد عن محمد بن عيسى اليقطينى عن القاسم ابن يحيى عن جده الحسن بن راشد عن ابى بصير عبد الله (ع) قال: حدثنى ابى، عن جدى، عن ابيه عن أمير المؤمنين (ع) قال: فيما علم اصحابه لا تلبسوا السواد فانه لباس فرعون.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Isa Al Yaqteeny, from Al Qasim Ibn Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from my-asws grandfather-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Amir Al-Momineen-asws having said in what he-asws taught his-asws companions: ‘Do not wear the black, for it is a clothing of Pharaoh-la’.[582]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن احمد باسناده يرفعه إلى ابى عبد الله (ع) قال: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يكره السواد إلا في ثلاثة العمامة والخف والكساء.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, by his chain,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww used to dislike the black (clothes) except in three – the turban, and the socks, and the cloak’.[583]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن احمد عن الحسن بن الحسين اللؤلؤي عن محمد بن سنان، عن حذيفة بن منصور قال: كنت عند ابى عبد الله بالحيرة فاتاه رسول ابى العباس الخليفة يدعوه فدعا بممطرة له أحد وجهيه أسود والآخر أبيض فلبسه، ثم قال أبو عبد الله (ع): اما انى البسه وانا أعلم انه من لباس أهل النار.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Al Lului, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Huzeyfa Bin Mansour who said,

‘I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws, when a messenger of the Caliph Abu Al-Abbas came over, calling him-asws. So he-asws call for a rain coat of his-asws. One aspect of it was black, and the other was white. So he-asws wore it. Then Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘But, I-asws am (compelled to) wear it, and (although) I-asws know that it is a dress of the inhabitants of the Fire’.[584]

حدثنى محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنى محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن علي بن ابراهيم الجعفري عن محمد بن الفضل عن داود الرقى قال: كانت الشيعة تسأل أبا عبد الله (ع) عن لبس السواد، قال: فوجدناه قاعدا عليه جبة سوداء وقلنسوة سوداء وخف أسود مبطن بسواد قال ثم فتق ناحية منه وقال اما ان قطنه أسود واخرج منه قطن أسود ثم قال بيض قلبك والبس ما شئت.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Al Ja’fary, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazal, from Dawood Al Raqy who said,

‘The Shias had asked Abu Abdullah-asws about wearing the black (clothes). So we found him-asws seated, and upon him-asws was a black overcoat, and a black hat, and black socks with black internal lining. Then he-asws put his-asws hand inside it (sock), and extracted a piece of cotton from it, then said: ‘Whiten your heart and wear what you like’.[585]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن السكوني، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: أوحى الله عزوجل إلى نبي من أنبيائه قل للمؤمنين لا تلبسوا لباس اعدائي ولا تطعموا طعام أعدائي ولا تسلكوا مسالك أعدائي فتكونوا أعدائي كما هم أعدائي.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed to a Prophet-as from His-azwj Prophets-as: “Say to the Believers, ‘Neither wear the apparels of My-azwj enemies, nor eat the food of My-azwj enemies, nor travel upon the ways of My-azwj enemies, for you (also) would end upon being My-azwj enemies just as they are My-azwj enemies’.[586]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن احمد عن علي بن ابراهيم الجعفري عن محمد ابن معاوية باسناده رفعه قال هبط جبرئيل عليه السلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وعليه قباء أسود ومنطقة فيها خنجر قال: فقال له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا جبرئيل ما هذا الزى قال زي ولد عمك العباس يا محمد ويل لولدك من ولد العباس فخرج النبي صلى الله عليه وآله إلى العباس فقال: يا عم ويل لولدي من ولدك فقال: يا رسول الله افاجب نفسي؟ قال جف القلم بما فيه.

An by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Al Ja’fary, from Muhammad Ibn Muawiya, by his chain, raising it, said:

‘Jibraeel-as descended unto Rasool-Allah-saww wearing a black turban (قباء) and a belt in which was a dagger. So Rasool-Allah-saww said to him-as: ‘O Jibraeel-as! What is this outfit?’ He-as said: ‘This is an outfit of the sons of your-saww uncle Al-Abbas, O Muhammad-saww! Woe be unto the children of Al-Abbas as they will (kill) your-saww children’. So the Prophet-saww went out to Al-Abbas, so he-saww said: ‘O uncle! There would be harm to my-saww children from your children’. So he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Shall I destroy myself?’ He-saww said: ‘The Pen has dried up with was regards to it (Such is a matter Ordained)’.[587]

(باب 57 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يتختم بخاتم) (حديد ولا يصلى فيه ولا يجوز له ان يلبس الذهب ولا يصلى فيه)

Chapter 57 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should wear an iron ring, nor Pray in it, nor is it allowed for him that he should wear the gold, nor Pray in it

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن الحسن بن علي ابن فضال عن عمرو بن سعيد المدايني عن مصدق بن صدقة عن عمار بن موسى عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في الرجل يصلى وعليه خاتم حديد؟ قال: لا، ولا يتختم به الرجل لانه من لباس اهل النار، وقال: لا يلبس الرجل الذهب ولا يصلى فيه لانه من لباس اهل النار.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Ibn Fazal, from Amro Bin Saeed Al Madainy, from Masdaq Bin Sadaqa, from Amaar Bin Musa,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws with regards to the man who Prays an upon him is an iron ring?’ He-asws said: ‘No, and the man should not wear it for it is an apparel (gear) from the people of the Fire’. And he-asws said: ‘The man should not wear the gold, nor Pray in it, because it is from an apparel of the people of the Fire’.[588]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا يصلى الرجل في خاتم حديد

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The man should not Pray in (wearing) an iron ring’.[589]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن احمد عن محمد ابن الحسن عن عبد الله بن جبلة عن ابى الجارود عن ابى جعفر عليه السلام قال: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لعلي عليه السلام انى أحب لك ما أحب لنفسي واكراه لك ما أكره لنفسي فلا تتختم خاتم ذهب فانه زينتنا في الآخرة، ولا تلبسوا القرمز فانه من اردية إبليس، ولا تركبوا مثيرة حمراء فانها من مراكب إبليس، ولا تلبس الحرير فيحرق الله عزوجل جلدك يوم القيامة.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan, from Abdullah Bin jabala, from Abu Al Jaroud,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘The Prophet-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘I-saww love for you-asws what I-saww love for myself-saww, and dislike for you-asws what I-saww dislike for myself-saww. Thus, do not wear a gold ring for it is an adornment of ours-asws in the Hereafter, and do not wear the scarlet (bright orange/red) for it is a robe of Iblees-la, and do not ride upon a red ride (مثيرة) for it is from the rides of Iblees-la, and do not wear the silk, for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Incinerate your-asws skin on the Day of Judgement’.[590]

(باب 58 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يقطع صلاة المصلى شئ يمر بين يديه)

Chapter 58 – The reason due to which the Prayer of the Praying one is not cut-off by something which passes by in front of him

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن احمد عن علي ابن ابراهيم الجعفري عن ابى سليمان مولى ابى الحسن العسكري (ع) قال: سأله بعض مواليه وانا حاضر عن الصلاة يقطعها شئ يمر بين يدى المصلى؟ فقال لا ليست الصلاة تذهب هكذا بحيال صاحبها إنما تذهب مساوية لوجه صاحبها.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Ahmad, from Ali Ibn Ibrahim Al Ja’fary, from Abu Suleyman,

A slave of Abu Al-Hassan Al-Askary-asws who said, ‘One of those in his-asws Wilayah asked him-asws about the Prayer, and I was present, ‘Can it be cut-off by something which passes by in front of the Praying one?’ So he-asws said: ‘No! The Prayer does not go away (gets invalidated) like this, by (passing) about him, but rather, it goes away (gets invalidated), when it is equal to his face (of the Praying one)’.[591]

(باب 59 – العلة التى من أجلها وضع الذراع والذراعان)

Chapter 59 – The reason due for the placing of one arm and two arms (Shadow’s length)

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن عبد الرحمن بن عبد الله بن سنان عن اسحاق بن عمار عن اسماعيل عن ابى جعفر (ع) قال: أتدرى لم جعل الذراع والذراعان؟ قلت: لا، قال: حتى لا تكون تطوع في وقت مكتوبة

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abdullah Bin Sinan, from Is’haq Bin Amaar, from Ismail,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Do you know why one arms and two arms (Shadow’s length) have been made to be?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘So that you would not be Praying the voluntary (Prayer) during the time of the Prescribed (Prayer)’.[592]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن فضالة عن حسين عن ابن مسكان عن زرارة قال: قال لي اتدرى لم جعل الذراع والذراعان؟ قلت لم قال: لمكان الفريضة لان لك ان تتنقل من زوال الشمس إلى ان تبلغ فيئك ذراعا فإذا بلغت ذراعا بدأت بالفريضة وتركت النافلة وإذا بلغ فيئك ذراعين بدأت بالفريضة وترك النافلة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat, from Husayn Ibn Muskan, from Zarara who said,

‘He-asws (6th Imam-asws) said to me: ‘Do you know why the arm and the two arms (shadow’s length) have been made to be:’ I said, ‘Why?’ He-asws said: ‘Due to the placing of the Obligatory (Prayers), because for you is the movement of your shadow from the (start of the) declining of the sun until your shadow reaches one arm’s length. So when it reaches one arm’s length, begin with the Obligatory (Al-Zohr) and leave the Optional. And when your shadow reaches two arms length, begin with the Obligatory (Al-Asr) and leave the Optional’.[593]

(باب 60 – العلة التى من اجلها صار وقت المغرب إذا ذهب الحمرة من المشرق)

Chapter 60 – The reason due to which the time for Al-Maghrib came to be when the redness goes away from the east

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن احمد ابن محمد عن علي بن احمد، عن بعض اصحابنا رفعه قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول وقت المغرب إذا ذهبت الحمرة من المشرق وتدرى كيف ذاك قلت لا قال لان المشرق مطل على المغرب هكذا، ورفع يمينه فوق يساره فإذا غابت هاهنا ذهبت الحمرة من هاهنا.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad, from Ali Bin Ahmad, from One of our companions, raising it, said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The time of Al-Maghrib is when the redness goes away from the east; and do you know how that is?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Because the east emerges from the west like this’ – and he-asws raised his-asws right hand above his-asws left – ‘So when it (the sun) disappears over here, the redness goes away from over here’.[594]

حدثنا محمد بن الححسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف رفعه، عن محمد بن حكيم، عن شهاب بن عبد ربه قال: قال لي أبو عبد الله (ع) يا شهاب انى أحب إذا صليت المغرب ان ارى في السماء كوكبا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, raising it, from Muhammad Bin Hakeem, from Shahaab Bin Abd Rabbihi who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said to me: ‘O Shahaab! I would love it, if you were to Pray Al-Maghrib when you see the stars in the sky’.[595]

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد ابن ابى عمير عن ابراهيم بن عبد الحميد عن ابى اسامة زيد الشحام قال: قال رجل لابي عبد الله (ع) اؤخر المغرب حتى تستبين النجوم؟ قال فقال خطابية: ان جبرئيل نزل بها على محمد صلى الله عليه وآله حين سقط القرص.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated o us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Ibrahim Bin Abdul Hamed, from Abu Asama Zayd Al Hashim who said,

‘A man said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Shall I delay Al-Maghrib until the stars are evident?’ So he-asws said, addressing: ‘Jibraeel-as descended with it upon Muhammad-saww when the disc (sun) fell (set)’.[596]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد عن ابيه عن محمد بن احمد عن محمد بن السندي عن علي بن الحكم رفعه عن أحدهما انه سأل عن وقت المغرب فقال: إذا غابت كرسيها قال: وما كرسيها؟ قال: قرصها قال متى يغيب قرصها؟ قال: إذا نظرت فلم تره.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Al Sindy, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, raising it,

(It has been narrated) from one of them-asws (5th or 6th Imam-asws), that he-asws had been asked about the timing for Al-Maghrib, so he-asws said: ‘When its (sun’s) chair disappears’. He said, ‘And what is its chair?’ He-asws said: ‘Its disc’. He said, ‘When does its disc disappear?’ He-asws said: ‘When you look, so you do not see it’.[597]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن معاوية بن حكيم عن عبد الله بن المغيرة عن ابن مسكان عن ليث عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا يؤثر على صلاة المغرب شيئا، إذا غربت الشمس حتى يصلها.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muawiya Bin hakeem, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from Ibn Muskan, from Lays,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww did not use to prefer anything over Al-Maghrib Prayer, when the sun set, until he-saww had Prayed it’.[598]

ابى رحمه الله ومحمد بن الحسن قالا: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد ابن احمد عن احمد بن محمد عن علي بن احمد عن محمد بن ابى حمزة عمن ذكره عن ابى عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ملعون من اخر المغرب طلبا لفضلها.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan both said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, form Muhammad Ibn Ahmad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Abu Hamza, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Accursed is the one who delays Al-Maghrib in order to seek his livelihood’.[599]

(باب 61 – العلة التى من أجلها ترك أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام صلاة العصر) (في حياة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حتى فاتته، والعلة التى من أجلها) (تركها بعد وفاته حتى ردت عليه الشمس مرتين)

Chapter 61 – The reason due to which Amir Al Momineen-asws neglected Al Asr Prayer during the lifetime of Rasool-Allah-saww until it expired; and the reason due to which he-asws neglected it after its expiration until the sun was returned for him-asws, once again

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد ابن صالح قال حدثنا عمر بن خالد المخزومى قال حدثنا ابن نباته عن محمد بن موسى عن عمارة بن مهاجر، عن أم جعفر وأم محمد بنتي محمد بن جعفر، عن اسماء بنت عميس وهي جدتهما قالت: خرجت مع جدتى اسماء بنت عميس وعمي عبد الله ببن جعفر حتى إذا كنا بالصهباء قالت: حدثتني اسماء بنت عميس قالت يا بنية كنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في هذا المكان فصلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الظهر ثم دعا عليا (ع) فاستعان به في بعض حاجته ثم جاءت العصر فقام النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فصلى العصر فجاء علي (ع) فقعد إلى جنب رسول الله

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Ibn Salih, from Umar Bin Khalid Al Makhzouny, from Ibn Nabata, from Muhammad Bin Musa, from Amarat Bin Mahajir, from Umm Ja’far and Umm Muhammad, daughters of Muhammad Bin Ja’far, from Asma Bint Umays, and she was their grandmother.

She said, ‘I went out with my grandmother Asma Bin Umays, and my uncle Abdullah Bin Ja’far until we were at Al-Sahba’a. She said, ‘Asma Bint Umays narrated to me saying, ‘O daughter! We were with Rasool-Allah-saww in this very place. So, Rasool-Allah-saww Prayed Al-Zohr, then called Ali-asws. So he-saww sought his-asws assistance with regards to some need. Then Al-Asr came. So the Prophet-saww arose, and he-saww Prayed Al-Asr. Then Ali-asws came over, so he-asws sat by the side of Rasool-Allah -saww

فأوحى الله تعالى إلى نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله فوضع رأسه في حجر علي (ع) حتى غابت الشمس لا يرى منها شئ لا على أرض ولا على جبل ثم جلس رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال لعلي (ع) هل صليت العصر؟ فقال: لا يا رسول الله انبئت انك لم تصل فلما وضعت رأسك في حجري لم اكن لاحركه فقال: اللهم ان هذا عبد على احتبس نفسه على نبيك فرد عليه شرقها فطلعت الشمس فلم يبق جبل ولا أرض إلا طلعت عليه الشمس ثم قام علي عليه السلام وصلى ثم انكسفت.

So Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto His-azwj Prophet-saww, so he-saww placed his-saww head in the lap of Ali-asws until the sun disappeared, and nothing could be seen from it, neither upon the ground, nor upon a mountain. Then Rasool-Allah-saww sat up, so he-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘Have you-asws Prayed Al-Asr?’ So he-asws said: ‘No, O Rasool-Allah-saww! I-asws have been given the news that you-saww have not Prayed (as well). So when you-saww placed your-saww head in my-asws lap, I-asws could not get myself-asws to move it’. So he-saww said: ‘O Allah-azwj! This servant, Ali-asws, retained himself-asws upon (serving) Your-azwj Prophet-saww, therefore Return to him-asws, Your-azwj east’. So the sun emerged, and there did not remain a mountain, nor a ground except that the sun emerged upon it. Then Ali-asws arose and Prayed. Then it was eclipsed’.[600]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنى سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن احمد بن عبد الله القزويني عن الحسين بن المختار القلانسى عن ابى بصير عن عبد الواحد بن المختار الانصاري عن أم المقدام الثقفية قالت: قال لي جويرية بن مسهرة قطعنا مع أمير المؤمنين علي بن ابى طالب (ع) جسر الصراة في وقت العصر فقال: ان هذه أرض معذبة لا ينبغى لنبي ولا وصي نبي أن يصلي فيها فمن أراد منكم أن يصلي فيها فليصل

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Qazwiny, from Al Husayn Bin Al Mukhtar Al Qalanisy, from Abu Baseer, from Abdul Al Wahid Bin Al Mukhtar Al Ansary, from Umm Al Maqdam Al Saqafy who said,

‘Juweyriya Bin Mas’harat said to me, ‘We crossed over a bridge of Al-Sirat at the time of Al-Asr, so he-asws said: ‘This land is a Punished one, it is not befitting for a Prophet-as nor a successor-as of a Prophet-as that he-as should Pray in it. Thus, whoever from you intends to Pray in it, so let him do so’.

فتفرق الناس يمنة ويسرة وهم يصلون فقلت انا والله لاقلدن هذا الرجل صلاتي اليوم ولا أصلى حتى يصلى فسرنا وجعلت الشمس تسفل وجعل يد خلنى من ذلك أمر عظيم حتى وجبت الشمس وقطعنا الارض فقال يا جويرية اذن فقلت تقول اذن وقد غابت الشمس؟ فقال اذن فاذنت ثم قال قال لي أقم فاقمت فلما قلت قد قامت الصلاة رأيت شفتيه يتحركان وسمعت كلاما ما كأنه كلام العبرانية

So the people dispersed to the right and left, and they were Praying. So I said (to myself), ‘By Allah-azwj! I will emulate this man-asws in my Prayer today, and I will not Pray until he-asws Prays’. So we travelled and the sun went low, and that entered into me as a grievous matter, until the sun set, and we cut across the land. So he-asws said: ‘O Juweyriya! Call out the Azan!’ So I said, ‘You-asws are telling me to call the Azan and the sun has already set?’ So he-asws said: ‘Call out the Azan!’ So I called out the Azan. Then he-asws said to me: ‘Call out the Iqama!’ So I called out the Iqama. So when I said, ‘The Prayer has been established (قد قامت الصلاة), I saw his-asws two lips moving, and I heard words as if they were Hebrew words.

فارتفعت الشمس حتى صارت في مثل وقتها في العصر فصلى فلما انصرفنا هوت إلى مكانها واشتبكت النجوم فقلت فانا اشهد انك وصي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: يا جويرية اما سمعت الله عزوجل يقول (فسبح باسم ربك العظيم، فقلت: بلى، قال فانى سألت الله باسمه العظيم فردها على.

So the sun arose until it became similar to its time during Al-Asr. So he-asws Prayed. So when we finished, it returned to its place, and the stars twinkled. So I said, ‘I hereby testify that you-asws are the successor-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww’. So he-asws said: ‘O Juweyriya! But have you not heard Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Saying [56:74] Therefore Glorify by the Name of your Lord, the Magnificent?’ So I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘So I-asws asked Allah-azwj by His-azwj Magnificent Name, so He-azwj Returned it for me-asws’.[601]

(باب 62 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يصلى المختضب)

Chapter 62 – The reason due to which the dyed one should not Pray

ابى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد عن البزنطى غيره، عن أبان عن مسمع بن عبد الملك قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول لا يصلى المختضب، قلت: جعلت فداك ولم؟ قال انه محتصر.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Bazanty or someone else, from Aban, from Masma Bin Abdul Malik who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The dyed one should not Pray’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And why?’ He-asws said: ‘He is restricted’.[602]

(Note – In those days the one who dyed his beard or moustache used to wear a wrapping over it.)

(باب 63 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يصللى وبين) (يديه سيف في القبلة)

Chapter 63 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should be Praying, and in front of him is his sword in the Qiblah

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن عيسى اليقطينى عن القاسم بن يحيى عن جده الحسن بن راشد، عن ابى بصير، عن أبى عبد الله (ع) قال: حدثنى ابى عن جدي عن آبائه ان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: لا تخرجوا بالسيوف إلى الحرم ولا يصلى أحدكم وبين يديه سيف، فان القبلة امن.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Al Yaqteeny, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from my-asws grandfather-asws, from his-asws forefathers, that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Do not go out to the Sanctuary with your swords, nor should any one of you be Praying and in front of him is a sword, for the Qiblah is a secure (place)’.[603]

(باب 64 – العلة التى من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يصلى والنوم يغلبه)

Chapter 64 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should be Pray and the sleep is overcoming him

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن القاسم بن يحيى عن جده الحسن بن راشد عن ابى بصير عن ابى عبد الله (ع) قال: حدثنى ابن عن جدي عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان أمير المؤمنين (ع) قال: إذا غلبتك عينك وأنت في الصلاة فاقطع الصلاة ونم فانك لا تدري لعلك أن تدعو على نفسك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from my-asws grandfather-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘When your eyes overcome you (with sleep), and you are in the Prayer, so cut off the Prayer and sleep, for you do not know perhaps you would supplicate against yourself’.[604]

(باب 65 – العلة التى من أجلها كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول إذا أصبح وإذا) (أمسى: الحمد الله رب العالمين كثيرا على كل حال ثلاثمائة وستين مرة)

Chapter 65 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww was saying, whenever it was morning and when it was evening: ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj, Lord-azwj of the Words’, abundantly upon every situation, three hundred and sixty times

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد بن الحسن الميثمى عن يعقوب بن شعيب قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان في بنى آدم ثلاثمائة وستين عرقا، ثمانين ومائة متحركة وثمانين ومائة ساكنة، فلو سكن المتحرك لم ينم أو تحرك الساكن لم ينم، فكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إذا أصبح قال: الحمد الله رب العالمين كثيرا على كل حال ثلاثمائة وستين مرة وإذا أمسى قال: مثل ذلك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Maysami, from Yaqoub Bin Shuayb who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘There are three hundred and sixty veins in the son of Adam-as – one hundred and eighty moving, and one hundred and eighty calm. If the moving one were to be calm, he would not be able to sleep, or if the calm one were to move. So, Rasool-Allah-saww, whenever it was morning, said: ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj Lord of the Words’, abundantly upon every situation, three hundred and sixty times, and when it was evening, he said similar to that’.[605]

(باب 66 – العلة التى من أجلها قد يدخل الرجلان المسجد أحدهما) (عابد والآخر فاسق فيخرجان والعابد فاسق والفاسق صديق)

Chapter 66 – The reason due to which two men tend to enter the Masjid, one of the two being a worshipper, and the other, an immoral. So they both come out, and the worshipper is an immoral, and the immoral is a truthful

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن احمد، عن احمد بن محمد رفعه قال: قال الصادق (ع) يدخل رجلان المسجد أحدهما عابد والآخر فاسق فيخرجان من المسجد والفاسق صديق والعابد فاسق وذلك انه يدخل العابد المسجد وهو مدك بعبادته وفكرته في ذلك ويكون فكرة الفاسق في التندم على فسقه فيستغفر الله من ذنوبه.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, raising it, said,

‘Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘Two men enter the Masjid, one of them being a worshipper and the other, an immoral. So they both come out from the Masjid, and the immoral is a truthful, and the worshipper is an immoral; and that is because the worshipper entered the Masjid and he prides over his worship and thinks about it with regards to that, and the thinking of the immoral is with regards to remorse over his immorality, so he seeks Forgiveness of Allah-azwj from his sins’.[606]

(باب 67 – العلة التى من أجلها وضعت الركعتان اللتان أضافهما) (النبي صلى الله عليه وآله يوم الجمعة)

Chapter 67 – The reason due to which the two Cycles which Rasool-Allah-saww had increased were placed aside (removed) for the Day of Friday

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن حديد وعبد الرحمان بن ابى نجران عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز بن عبد الله السجستاني، عن زرارة بن اعين قال: سئل أبو جعفر (ع) عما فرض الله عزوجل من الصلاة؟ قال خمس صلوات في الليل والنهار قال: قلت هل سماهن الله وبينهن في كتابه؟ قال نعم قال الله تبارك وتعالى لنبيه صلى الله عليه وآله أقم الصلاة لدلوك الشمس إلى غسق الليل) ودلوكها زوالها ففيما بين دلوك الشمس إلى غسق الليل أربع صلوات سماهن الله وبينهن ووقتهن وغسق الليل انتصافه ثم قال (وقرآن الفجر إن قرآن الفجر كان مشهودا) فهذه الخامسة

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Hadeed and Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Hamad Bin Isa, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah Al Sajastany, from Zarara Bin Ayn who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws was asked about what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Obligated from the Prayers? He-asws said: ‘Five Prayers during the night and the day’. I said, ‘Has Allah-azwj Named these and Manifested these in His-azwj Book?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said to His-azwj Prophet-saww [17:78] Establish the Prayer from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night. And its declining is from its meridian. So in what is the between the declining of the sun up to the darkness of the night there are four Prayers. Allah-azwj has Named these, and Manifested these, and their timings. And the darkness of the night is the middle of it. The He-azwj Said and the morning recitation; surely the recitation at dawn was always witnessed. So this is the fifth.

وقال في ذلك اقم الصلاة طرفي النهار وزلفا من الليل وطرفاه المغرب والغداة وزلفا من الليل وهى صلاة العشاء الآخرة وقال: حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وهي صلاة الظهر وهى اول صلاة صلاها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وهى وسط صلاتين بالنهار صلاة الغداة وصلاة العصر

And He-azwj Said with regards to that [11:114] And establish Prayer in the two parts of the day. And its parts are the evening and the morning and in the first hours of the night and it is the ‘Al-Isha’ Prayer. And [2:238] Guard strictly your Prayers, (especially) the Middle Prayer. And it is the ‘Al-Zohar Prayer’, and it is the first Prayer which Rasool-Allah-saww Prayed, and it is in the middle of the day, and in the middle of the two day Prayers – The morning Prayers, and the ‘Al-Asr’ Prayer’

وقال في بعض القراءة حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وصلاة العصر وقوموا لله قانتين في صلاة العصر

And He-azwj Said in one of the recitations [2:238] Guard strictly your Prayers, (especially) the Middle Prayer, and Al-Asr Prayer, and arise for the Sake of Allah, devoutly in Al-Asr Prayer.

قال وانزلت هذه الآية يوم الجمعة ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في سفر فقنت فيها وتركها على حالها وأضاف للمقيم ركعتين وانما وضعت الركعتان أضافهما رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يوم الجمعة لمكان الخطبتين فمن صلاها وحده ففليصلها أربعا كصلاة الظهر في ساير الايام.

He-asws said: ‘And these Verses were Revelaed on the day of Friday, and Rasool-Allah-saww was in a journey, so he-saww devout with regards to it and left it upon its state, and increase it by two Cycles for those who stayed (did not travel). But rather, the two Cycles were placed aside for the Firday, those two which Rasool-Allah-saww had increased, to replace the two sermons. So the one who Prays it alone, so let him Pray four Cycles like Al-Zohr in the rest of the days’.

قال وقت العصر يوم الجمعة في وقت الظهر في ساير الايام.

He-asws said: ‘The timing for Al-Asr on the day of Friday is at the time of Al-Zohr in the rest of the days’.[607]

(باب 68 – العلة التى من أجلها ليس على المرأة أذان ولا اقامة)

Chapter 68 – The reason due to which there is neither the Azan nor the Iqama upon the woman

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنى سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن عيسى ابن محمد عن محمد بن ابى عمير عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز بن عبد الله عن زرارة ابن اعين، عن ابى جعفر (ع) قال قلت له المرأة عليها اذان واقامة؟ فقال ان كانت تسمع اذان القبيلة فليس عليها شئ وإلا فليس عليها اكثر من الشهادتين لان الله تبارك وتعالى قال للرجال اقيموا الصلاة وقال للنساء واقمن الصلاة واتين الزكاة واطعن الله ورسوله،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to me, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Isa Ibn Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah, from Zarara Ibn Ayn,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘The woman, is there (recitation of) Azan and the Iqama upon her?’ So he-asws said: ‘If she has heard the Azan of her nation, so there is nothing upon her, otherwise there is nothing more upon her than the two testimonies, because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said to the men [2:43] And establish the Prayer; and Said to the women [33:33] and keep up the Prayer, and pay the Zakat, and obey Allah and His Rasool.

قال ثم قال: إذا قامت المرأة في الصلاة جمعت بين قدميها ولا تفرج بينهما وتضم يديها إلى صدرها لمكان ثدييها فإذا ركعت وضعت يديها فوق ركبتيها على فخذيها لئلا تطأطأ كثير افترتفع عجيزتها وإذا جلست فعلى إليتيهما ليس كما يقعد الرجل وإذا سقطت إلى السجود بدأت بالقعود بالركبتين قبل اليدين ثم تسجد لاطية بالارض فإذا كانت في جلوسها ضمت فخذيها ورفعت ركبتيها من الارض وإذا نهضت انسلت انسلالا لا ترفع عجيزتها أولا.

Then he-asws said: ‘When the woman stands in the Prayer, she should gather her feet and not release them freely, and includes her hands to her chest at the place of her breasts. So when she Bows, she should place her hands above her knees upon her thighs, lest she would lose a lot of respect if her rear were to be raised. And when she sits, so it is upon her back, not like what the man sits. And when she falls to the Prostrations, she begins with the sitting by the two knees before the two hands, then she Prostrates, flattening herself with the ground. So when she is in her sitting, so she should gather her thighs, and raise her knees from the ground. And when she gets up, she should do so sneakily, not raising her rear first’.[608]

(باب 69 – العلة التى من أجلها ينبغى قراءة سورة الجمع) (والمنافقين في يوم الجمعة)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن حريز، عن زرارة بن أعين، عن أبي جعفر (ع) في حديث طويل يقول: اقرء سورة الجمعة والمنافقين فان قراءتهما سنة في يوم الجمعة في الغداة والظهر والعصر ولا ينبغى لك ان تقرأ بغيرهما في صلاة الظهر – يعنى يوم الجمعة – إماما كنت أو غير إمام.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from zarara Bin Ayn,

(It has been narrated) from Abu ja’far-asws in a lengthy Hadeeth, saying: ‘Recite Surah Al-Jummah (Chapter 62) and Al-Munifiqeen (Chapter 63), for in the recitation of both these is Sunnah on the Day of Friday, in the morning (Prayer), and Al-Zohr, and Al-Asr. And it is not befitting for you that you should recite with other than these in Al-Zohr Prayer – meaning the day of Friday – whether you are leading (the Prayer) or are not leading it’.[609]




(باب 70 – علة النهي عن الاستخفاف بالصلاة والبول)

Chapter 70 – Reason for the forbidding from belittling the Prayer and the urine

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن حديد وعبد الرحمان بن أبي نجران، عن حماد بن عيسى الجهنى عن حريز بن عبد الله السجستاني عن زرارة عن ابى جعفر (ع) قال لا تستخفن بالبول ولا تتهاون به ولا بصلاتك فان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: عند موته ليس منى من استخف بصلاته لا يرد علي الحوض لا والله ليس منى من شرب مسكرا لا يرد علي الحوض لا والله.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Hadeed and Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Hamaad Bin Isa Al Jahny, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah Al Sajastany, from Zarara,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Do not belittle with the urine, nor be complacent with it, nor with your Prayer, for Rasool-Allah-saww said during his-saww passing away: ‘He is not from me-saww, the one who belittles his Prayer, nor would he return to me-saww at the Fountain. No, by Allah-azwj! He is not from me-saww, the one who drinks wine, he would not be returning to me-saww at the Fountain. No, by Allah-azwj!’[610]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنى سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب، عن محمد بن أي عمير عن الحسن بن زياد العطار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ليس منى من استخف بالصلاة لا يرد علي الحوض لا والله.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to me, from Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Umeyr, from Al Hassan Bin Ziyad Al Ataar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘He is not from me-saww, the one who belittles with the Prayer. He would not be returning to me-saww at the Fountain’.[611]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم، عن ابيه عن صفوان بن يحيى، عن موسى بن بكر عن زرارة، عن ابى جعفر (ع) قال ملك موكل يقول من نام عن العشاء إلى نصف الليل فلا انام الله عينيه.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Musa Bin Bakr, from Zarara,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘An Allocated Angel is saying to the one who sleeps from Al-Isha up to the middle of the night: ‘May Allah-azwj not Let his eyes to sleep’.[612]

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن محمد بن ابى عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد الله بن علي الحلبي عن ابى عبد الله (ع) ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال الموتور أهله وماله من ضيع صلاة العصر قلت ما الموتور أهله وماله؟ قال لا يكون له في الجنة أهل ولا مال يضيعها فيدعها متعمدا حتى تصفر الشمس وتغيب.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws (has narrated) that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who wastes Al-Asr Prayer would be away from his family and his wealth’. I said, ‘What is ‘Away from his family and his wealth’?’ He-saww said: ‘There would neither be a family for him in the Paradise, nor wealth. He wasted it, so he left it deliberately until the sun turned yellow and set’.[613]

(باب 71 – علة الرخصة في الصلاة في لبس الخز)

Chapter 71 – Reason for the allowance in the Prayer regarding wearing the water-weasel skin

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن صفوان بن يحيى عن عبد الرحمان بن الحجاج قال: سأل رجل أبا عبد الله (ع) وأنا عنده عن جلود الخز فقال: ليس به باس فقلت جعلت فداك انها علاجي وانما هي كلاب تخرج من الماء فقال إذا خرجت تعيش خارجا من الماء قلت لا قال ليس به بأس.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Abdul Rahman Bin Al Hajaj who said,

‘A man asked Abu Abdullah-asws, and I was in his-asws presence, about the skins of water-weasels. So he-asws said: ‘There is no problem with it’. So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! But rather, it is for my cure, and these are dogs which come out from the water’. So he-asws said: ‘When they come out, do they live outside from the water?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘There is no problem with it’.[614]

أبى رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى واحمد بن ادريس جميعا عن أحمد ابن محمد بن عيسى ومحمد بن عيسى عن أيوب بن نوح رفعه قال: قال أبو عبد الله الصلاة في الخز الخالص لا بأس به واما الذي يخلط فيه الارانب أو غيرها مما يشبه هذا فلا تصل فيه.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin yahya and Ahmad Bin Idrees both together narrated to us, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, raising it, said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The Prayer in the pure water-weasel skin, there is no problem with it, and as for that which is mixed with the rabbit, or other than it, from what resembles this, so do not Pray in it’.[615]

(باب 72 – علة الرخصة في الصلاة في ثوب اصابه خمر وودك الخنزير)

Chapter 72 – The reason for the allowance with regards to the Prayer in a cloth which has been hit by wine and flesh of the swine

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسين وعلي ابن اسماعيل ويعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز قال: قال بكير، عن ابى جعفر (ع) وابو الصباح وابو سعيد والحسن النبال عن ابى عبد الله (ع) قالوا: قلنا لهما إنما نشترى ثيابا يسيبها الخمر وودك الخنزير عند حاكتها انصلي فيها قبل أن نغسلها؟ قال نعم لا بأس بها إنما حرم الله أكله وشربه ولم يحرم لبسه ومسه والصلاة فيه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn and Ali Ibn Ismail and Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Bakeyr,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws,

And Abu Al Sabah, and Abu Saeed, and Al Hassan Al Nabaal,

They said, ‘We said to them both-asws, ‘But rather, we buy clothes which have been hit by the wine and flesh of the swine during its weaving. Shall we Pray in these before having washed them?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, there is no problem with it. But rather, Allah-azwj has Forbidden eating it and drinking it, and did not Forbid wearing it, and touching it, and the Praying in it’.[616]

(باب 73 – علة السعي إلى الصلاة)

Chapter 73 – Reason for the hastening to the Prayer

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسين بن محمد ابن عامر عن عبد الله بن عامر عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: إذا فمت إلى الصلاة ان شاء الله فأتها سعيا وليكن عليك السكينة والوقار فما أدركت فصل وما سبقت به فاتمه فان الله عزوجل يقول: (يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا نودي للصلاة من يوم الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله) ومعنى قوله: فاسعوا، وهو الانكفاء.

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Ibn Aamir, from Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad, from Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When you intend to the Prayer, if Allah-azwj so Desires, so coming to it is ‘making haste’. And let there be tranquillity and the dignity upon you. So whatever you attain, so Pray, and whatever has preceded by, so complete it, for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [62:9] O you who believe! When the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the Remembrance of Allah and leave off trading. And the Meaning of His-azwj Word ‘Hasten’, is the retreating’.[617]

(باب 74 – علة الاقبال على الصلاة وعلة النهي عن التكفير) (وعلة النهى عن القيام إلى الصلاة على غير سكون ووقار)

Chapter 74 – Reason for the enthusiasm upon the Prayer, and reason for the Forbiddance from the atonement, and reason for the Forbiddance from the standing to the Prayer upon other than the tranquillity and dignity

حدثنا محمد بن على ماجيلويه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن حماد عن حريز عن زرارة عن أبى جعفر (ع) قال: عليك بالاقبال على صلاتك فانما يحسب لك منها ما أقبلت عليه منها بقلبك ولا تعبث فيها بيدك ولا برأسك ولا بلحيتك ولا تحدث نفسك ولا تتثأب ولا تتمط ولا تكفر فانما يفعل ذلك المجوس ولا تقولن إذا فرغت من قرائتك آمين فان شئت قلت الحمد الله رب العالمين

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘It is upon you for the enthusiasm upon your Prayer, for it would be Reckoned for you from it what your heart accept from it. And during it, do not tamper with your hands, nor with your head, nor with your beard, nor discuss with yourself, nor yawn, nor stretch your muscles, nor blaspheme. But rather, these are the action of the Magians. And do not be saying, when you are free from the recitation, ‘Amen’, for it you so like to, say, ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj Lord-azwj of the Worlds’.

وقال لا تلثم ولا يختفر ولا تقع على قدميك ولا تفترش ذراعيك ولا تفرقع أصابعك فان ذلك كله نقصان في الصلاة

And he-asws said: ‘Neither veil yourself, nor display shyness, nor fall upon your feet, nor stretch your arms out upon the ground, nor pop your fingers, for it (all of) these are faults in the Prayer’.

وقال لا تقم إلى الصلاة متكاسلا ولا متناعسا ولا متثاقلا فانها من خلال النفاق وقد نهى الله عزوجل المؤمنين ان يقوموا إلى الصلاة وهم سكارى – يعنى من النوم – وقال للمنافقين (وإذا قاموا إلى الصلاة قاموا كسالى يراؤن الناس ولا يذكرون الله إلا قليلا).

And he-asws said: ‘Do not stand to the Prayer slouching, nor shuffling, nor sluggishly, for these are from the hypocrisy, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Forbidden the Believers that they should be standing to the Prayer and they are intoxicated – Meaning from the sleep – and Said for the hypocrites [4:142] and when they stand up for the Prayer they stand up sluggishly; they do it only to be seen of men and do not remember Allah except for a little’.[618]

(باب 75 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تتخذ القبور قبلة)

Chapter 75 – The reason due to which the graves are not to be taken as a direction for Prayer

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن حماد عن حريز عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: قلت له الصلاة بين القبور قال: صل في خلالها ولا تتخذ شيئا منها قبلة فان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله نهى عن ذلك

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

The narrator says, ‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘The Prayer between the graves?’ He-asws said: ‘Pray in its empty spaces (between the graves) and do not take anything from these as a Qiblah (direction for the Prayer), for Rasool-Allah-saww has forbidden from that’.

وقال: ولا تتخذوا قبري قبلة ولا مسجدا فان الله تعالى لعن الذين اتخذوا قبور أنبيائهم مساجد.

And he-asws said: ‘And do not take my-saww grave as a Qiblah, nor as a Masjid, for Allah-azwj the High has Cursed the one who took graves of their Prophets-as as Masajids’.[619]

(باب 76 – العلة التي من أجلها يسجد من يقرأ السجدة وهو) على ظهر دابته حيث توجهت به)

Chapter 76 – The reason due to which the one who recites the (Verses of) Prostration, should perform the Prostration, and he is upon the back of his animal, wherever he is heading by it

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسين بن محمد ابن عامر عن عمه عبد الله بن عامر عن محمد بن ابي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته عن الرجل يقرأ السجدة وهو على ظهر دابته قال: يسجد حيث توجهت به فان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كان يصلى على ناقته وهو مستقبل المدينة، يقول الله تعالى: (فاينما تولوا فثم وجه الله).

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Ibn Aamir, from his uncle Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad, from Halby,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the man who recites the Prostration (Verse) and he is upon the back of his animal’. He-asws said: ‘He should Prostrate wherever he is heading with it, for Rasool-Allah-saww used to Pray upon his-saww camel and he-saww was facing Al-Medina. Allah-azwj is Saying [2:115] therefore wherever you turn would be the Face of Allah’.[620]

(باب 77 – علة التسليم في الصلاة)

Chapter 77 – Reason for the greeting in the Prayer (at the end)

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الاسدي الكوفي قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي عن علي بن ابن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان عن المفضل ابن عمر قال: سألت ابا عبد الله (ع) عن العلة التي من أجلها وجب التسليم في الصلاة قال لانه تحليل الصلاة قلت فلاى علة يسلم على اليمين ولا يسلم على اليسار قال لان الملك الموكل الذي يكتب الحسنات على اليمين والذي يكتب السيئات على اليسار والصلاة حسنات ليس فيها سيئات فلهذا يسلم على اليمين دون اليسار

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Asady Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ali Bin Ibn Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Ibn Umar who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the reason due to which the greeting is Obligated in the Prayer (at the end of it). He-asws said: ‘It is the legitimisation of the Prayer’. I said, ‘So, for which reason one has to greet to the right and not to greet to the left?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the Angel who has been Allocated to write the good deeds is upon the right, and the one who write the evil deeds is upon the left, and the Prayer is a good deed, with no evil deed being therein. Therefore, it is due to that, one has to greet to the right instead of the left’.

قلت فلم لا يقال السلام عليك والملك على اليمين واحد ولكن يقال السلام عليكم قال ليكون قد سلم عليه وعلى من على اليسار وفضل صاحب اليمين عليه بالايماء إليه قلت فلم لا يكون الايماء في التسليم بالوجه كله ولكن لا بالانف لمن يصلى وحده وبالعين لمن يصلى بقوم، قال: لان مقعد الملكين من ابن آدم الشدقين فصاحب اليمين على الشدق الايمن وتسليم المصلى عليه ليثبت له صلاته في صحيفته

I said, ‘So why is it not said, ‘Peace be upon you (Singular)’, and the Angel upon the right is one, but it is said, ‘Peace be upon you all (Plural)’?’ He-asws said: ‘In order for there to be greetings upon him (on the right) and upon him on the left, and that is a merit of the one on the right by the gesture being towards him’. I said, ‘So why did there not happen to be a gesture in the greeting with the face, all of it, but it is not with the nose for the one who Prays alone, and with the eye for the one who Prays with the people?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the sitting of the two Angels is upon the two cheeks of the son of Adam-as. So the one of the right is upon the right cheek, and the greeting of the Praying one is upon him in order to affirm to him, his Prayer in his Parchment’.

قلت: فلم يسلم المأموم ثلاثا قال تكون واحدة ردا على الامام وتكون عليه وعلى ملكيه وتكون الثانية على من على يمينه والملكين الموكلين به وتكون الثالثة على من على يساره وملكيه الموكلين به ومن لم يكن على يساره أحد لم يسلم على يساره إلا أن يكون يمينه إلى الحائط ويساره إلى مصلى معه خلف الامام فيسلم على يساره

I said, ‘So why does the follower greet thrice?’ He-asws said: ‘One of these happens to be in response to the Prayer leader, and happens to be upon him, and upon his Angel; and the second one happens to be upon the one who is upon his right and the two Angels Allocated with him, and the third one happens to be upon the one who is upon his left and the two Angels Allocated with him. And the one who does not happen to have anyone upon his left, will not greet upon his left, except that he greets upon his right, up to the wall, and to his left up to the Praying one who is with him, behind the Prayer leader. So he greets to his left’.

قلت فتسليم الامام على من؟ يقع قال على ملكيه والمأمومين يقول لملائكته اكتبا سلامة صلاتي لما يفسدها ويقول لمن خلفه سلمتم وأمنتم من عذاب الله عزوجل

I said, ‘So the greeting of the Prayer leader, upon whom does it occur?’ He-asws said: ‘Upon his two Angels, and the two following Angels are saying to his Angels: ‘Write greetings of my Prayer, what has been spoilt of it’; and are saying to the ones behinds him: ‘You are peaceful and secure from the Punishment of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.

قلت: فلم صار تحليل الصلاة التسليم؟ قال: لانه تحية الملكين، وفي اقامة الصلاة بحدودها وركوعها وسجودها وتسليمها سلامة للعبد من النار وفي قبول صلاة العبد يوم القيامة قبول سائر اعماله فإذا سلمت له صلاته سلمت جميع اعماله، وان لم تسلم صلاته وردت عليه رد ما سواها من الاعمال الصالحة.

I said, ‘So how did the greeting come to be the legitimisation of the Prayer?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it is a salutation to the two Angels, and in the establishment of the Prayer by its Limits, and its Bowings, and its Prostrations, and its Greetings, is a safety for the servant from the Fire, and in the Acceptance of the Prayer of the servant on the Day of Judgement is the Acceptance of the rest of his deeds. So if his Prayer is safe, the entirety of his deeds, and if his Prayer is not safe, what is besides it from the righteous deeds is returned back to him’.[621]

(باب 78 – العلة التي من أجلها يكبر المصلى بعد التسليم ثلاثا) (ويرفع بها يديه)

Chapter 78 – The reason due to which the Praying one exclaims (Takbeer) three times after the greeting, and raises one’s hands with it

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا حمزة بن القاسم العلوى قال حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مالك الفزارى الكوفي قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن زيد الزيات قال حدثنا محمد بن سنان عن المفضل بن عمر قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) لاي علة يكبر المصلي بعد التسليم ثلاثا يرفع بها يديه فقال لان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لما فتح مكة صلى باصحابه الظهر عند الحجر الاسود فلما سلم رفع يديزه وكبر ثلاثا وقال: لا إله إلا الله وحده، وحده أنجز وعده ونصر عبده واعز جنده وغلب الاحزاب وحده فله الملك وله الحمد يحيى ويميت ويميت ويحيى وهو على كل شئ قدير،

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Hamza Bin Al Qasim Al Alawy, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik Al Fazary Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Zayd Al Ziyat, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason does the Praying one exclaim after the Greeting, three (times) and raises his hands with it?’ Because the Prophet-saww, when he-saww conquered Makkah, Prayed Al-Zohr with his-saww companions near the (Black) Stone. So when he-saww Greeted, raised both his hands and exclaimed (Takbeer) three times, and said: ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj, One, One, Fulfilled His-azwj Promise, and Helped His-azwj servant, and Strengthened His-azwj army, and Overcame the allies (those allied against Him-azwj) alone. For Him-azwj is the Kingdom, and for Him-azwj is the Praise. He-azwj Revives and Causes to die, and Causes to die and Revives, He-azwj has Power over everything’.

ثم أقبل على اصحابه فقال: لا تدعوا هذا التكبير وهذا القول في دبر كل صلاة مكتوبة فان من فعل ذلك بعد التسليم، وقال هذا القول كان قد أدى ما يجب عليه من شكر الله تعالى ذكره على تقوية الاسلام وجنده.

Then he-saww faced to his-saww companions, so he-saww said: Do not leave this exclamation, and this speech at the end of every Prescribed Prayer, for the one who does that after the Greeting, and says this speech, would have fulfilled what was Obligated upon him from thanking Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, upon the Strengthening of Al-Islam and His-azwj army’.[622]

(باب 79 – علة سجدة الشكر)

Chapter 79 – Reason for the Prostration of Gratitude

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا احمد بن محمد بن سعيد الكوفي قال حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن أبي الحسن الرضا (ع) قال: السجدة بعد الفريضة شكرا لله تعالى ذكره على ما وفق العبد من اداء فرضه وادنى ما يجزى فيها من القول ان يقال شكرا لله شكرا لله ثلاث مرات، قلت: فما معنى قوله شكرا لله؟ قال: يقول هذه السجدة منى شكرا لله على ما وفقني له من خدمته واداء فرضه والشكر موجب للزيادة فان كان في الصلاة تقصير تم بهذه السجدة.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Kufy, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal,

Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws has said: ‘The Prostration after the Obligatory, is for thanking Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, upon what the servant was inclined towards from the fulfilment of his Obligatory (Prayer) and the lowest of what suffices with regards to it from the speech is that he should say, ‘Thanks be to Allah-azwj! Thanks be to Allah-azwj! – three times’. I said, ‘So what is the Meaning of his words, ‘Thanks be to Allah-azwj’?’ He-asws said: ‘He would be saying, ‘This is the Prostration from me, as thanks to Allah-azwj upon what He-azwj has Inclined me towards from serving Him-azwj, and fulfilling His-azwj Obligations’; and the thanks Obligates the increase, so if there was any deficiency in the Prayer, it would be completed by this Prostration’.[623]

(باب 80 – علة غسل المنى إذا أصاب الثوب)

Chapter 80 – Reason for the washing of the semen if it hits the cloth

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن حماد عن حريز عن زرارة قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام انه أصاب ثوبي دم من ارعاف أو غيره أو شئ من مني فعلمت أثره إلى أن اصيب له ماء فاصبت الماء وحضرت الصلاة ونسيت أن بثوبي شيئا فصليت ثم اني ذكرت بعد؟ قال: تعيد الصلاة وتغسله قال: قلت فان لم اكن رأيت موضعه وقد علمت انه قد اصابه فطلبته فلم اقدر عليه فلما صليت وجدته؟ قال تغسله وتعيد،

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Zarara who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘My clothes were struck with blood from either nose-bleed, or other than it, from something from semen, so I know its effect that I need to water upon it. So I found water, and the Prayer presented itself and I forgot that there was something upon my clothes. So I Prayed, then I remembered it afterwards?’ He-asws said: ‘Repeat the Prayer, and wash it’.

قال: قلت فان ظننت انه قد اصابه ولم اتيقن ذلك فنظرت فلم ار شيئا ثم طلبت فرأيته فيه بعد الصلاة؟ قال: تغسله ولا تعيد الصلاة، قال: قلت ولم ذاك؟ قال: لانك كنت على يقين من نظافته ثم شككت فليس ينبغى لك أن تنقض اليقين بالشك ابدا،

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘I thought that something had struck it, and I did not ascertain that. So I look, but I did not see anything. Then I sought it later one, so I saw it after the Prayer?’ He-asws said: ‘Wash it and do not repeat the Prayer’. I said, ‘And why is that so?’ He-asws said: ‘Because you were upon the certainty of it‘s cleanliness, then you doubted, therefore it is not befitting for you that you cancel out your conviction with the doubt, ever’.

قلت فانى قد علمت انه قد اصابه ولم ادراين هو فاغسله قال: تغسل من ثوبك الناحية التى ترى انه اصابها حتى تكون على يقين من طهارته،

I said, ‘So I had known that it has been struck, and I did not know where it was, so that I should wash it?’ He-asws said: ‘Wash your cloth from the surrounding area which you see that it has been struck to the extent that it you become certain of its cleanliness’.

قال: قلت فهل على إن شككت في انه اصابه شئ ان انظر فيه فاقلبه، قال: لا ولكنك إنما تريد بذلك ان تذهب الشك الذي وقع في نفسك

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘So, is there upon me that I should doubt regarding that something could have struck it, that I look in it, so I turn it over?’ He-asws said: ‘No, but you rather intended by that, that the doubt which has occurred in yourself should go away’.

قال: قلت فانى رأيته في ثوبي وانا في الصلاة، قال: تنقض الصلاة وتعيد إذا شككت في موضع منه ثم رأيته فيه وان لم تشك ثم رأيته رطبا قطعت وغسلته ثم بنيت على الصلاة فانك لا تدري لعله شئ وقع عليك فليس ينبغى لك ان تنقض بالشك اليقين.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘So I saw it in my clothes, and I was in the Prayer?’ He-asws said: ‘Break the Prayer and repeat it, when you doubted in a place from it, then saw it in it. And if you did not doubt, then saw it as being wet, broke it (Prayer) and washed it (cloth), then built upon the Prayer, so you did not know that perhaps something occurred upon you, then it is not befitting for you that you should cancel out the conviction (certainty) with the doubt’.[624]

(باب 81 – علة قيام الرجل وحده في الصف)

Chapter 81 – Reason for the standing of the man alone in the row

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ايوب بن نوح عن محمد ابن الفضل عن أبي الصباح الكناني قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن الرجل يقوم في الصف وحده؟ قال: لا بأس إنما تبدأ الصفوف واحدا بعد واحد.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Muhammad Ibn Al Fazal, from Abu Al Sabah Al Kanany who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the man who is standing in the row, alone?’ He-asws said: ‘There is no problem. But rather, the row begins with one after the (another) one’.[625]

(باب 82 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجب قضاء النوافل على من تركها بمرض)

Chapter 82 – The reason due to which the fulfilment of the Optional (Prayers) is not Obligatory upon the one who leaves it due to illness

أبى رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعيد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن حديد و عبد الرحمن بن أبي نجران، عن حماد عن حريز عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قلت له رجل مرض فتوحش فترك النافلة، فقال يا محمد انها ليست بفريضة ان قضاها فهو خير له وان لم يفعل فلا شئ عليه.

My father said, ‘Saedd Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Hadeed and Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(The narrator says), ‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘A man is sick, so he is alone and neglects the Optional (Prayer)’. So he-asws said: ‘O Muhammad! It is not with an Obligation, so if he were to fulfil it, it would be better for him, and if he does not do it, so there is nothing upon him’.[626]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم، عن ابيه، عن محمد بن أبي عمير، عن مرازم قال: سأل اسماعيل بن جابر أبا عبد الله عليه السلام فقال اصلحك الله ان علي نوافل كثيرة فكيف أصنع؟ فقال: إقضها فقال له: انها اكثر من ذلك قال: إقضها قال: لا أحصيها قال: توخه

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Marazim who said,

‘Ismail Bin Jabir asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so he said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! There are a lot of Optional Prayers (to be fulfilled) upon me, so how should I deal with it?’ So he-asws said: ‘Fulfil these’. So he said to him-asws, ‘But rather, these are more than that (can be fulfilled)’. He-asws said: ‘Fulfil these’. He said, ‘I cannot (even) number these’. He-asws said: ‘Estimate it’.

قال مرازم فكنت مرضت اربعة اشهر ولم أصل نافلة فقال ليس عليك قضاء ان المريض ليس كالصحيح كلما غلبت عليه فالله اولى بالعذر فيه.

Marazim said, ‘I was sick for four months and did not Pray the Optional (Prayer)?’ So he-asws said: ‘The fulfilment is not upon you. The sick one is unlike the healthy one, every time he is overcome by it, for Allah-azwj is the Closest with the Excusing with regards to it’.[627]

(باب 83 – العلة التي من أجلها يحرم الرجل صلاة الليل)

Chapter 83 – The reason due to which the man is deprived of the Night Prayer

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن عمران بن موسى عن الحسن بن علي النعمان، عن أبيه، عن بعض رجاله قال: جاء رجل إلى أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين إني قد حرمت الصلاة بالليل؟ قال: فقال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام انت رجل قد قيدتك ذنوبك.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Imran Bin Musa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Noman, from his father, from one of his men who said,

‘A man came over to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, so he said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! I have deprived myself the Night Prayer?’ So Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘You are a man, such that your sins have restricted you’.[628]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن هارون بن مسلم عن علي بن الحكم عن حسين بن الحسن الكندي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الرجل ليكذب الكذبة فيحرم بها صلاة الليل فإذا حرم صلاة الليل حرم بها الرزق.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Haroun Bin Msulim, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Haseyn Bin Al Hassan Al Kindy,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The man lies with a falsity, so due it he is deprived of the Night Prayer. So when he is deprived of the Night Prayer, so due to it he is deprived of the sustenance’.[629]

(باب 84 – علة صلاة الليل)

Chapter 84 – Reason for the Night Prayer

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن أبي زهير النهدي عن آدم بن اسحاق عن بعض اصحابه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال عليكم بصلاة الليل فانها سنة نبيكم ودأب الصالحين قبلكم ومطردة الداء عن اجسادكم

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Zaheyr Al Nahdy, from Adam Bin Is’haq, from one of his companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘It is upon you with the Night Prayer, for it is a Sunnah of your Prophet-saww, and it is the behaviour of the righteous ones before you, and it repels the illnesses from your bodies’.

وقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: صلاة الليل تبيض الوجه، وصلاة الليل تطيب الريح وصلاة الليل تجلب الرزق.

And Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The Night Prayer whitens the face, and the Night Prayer perfumes the wind, and the Night Prayer bring the sustenance’.[630]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمي عن أبيه قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام يا سليمان لا تدع قيام الليل فان المغبون من حرم قيام الليل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Daylami, from his father who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘O Suleyman! Do not leave standing for the Night (Prayer), for it is the loss bearer, the one who is deprived of standing for the Night (Prayer)’.[631]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن علي بن اسباط عن محمد بن علي بن أبي عبد الله عن أبي الحسن عليه السلام في قول الله عزوجل (ورهبانية ابتدعوها ما كتبناها عليهم إلا ابتغاء رضوان الله) قال صلاة الليل.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ali Bin Asbat, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Abu Abdullah,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [57:27] and (as for) monasticism, they innovated it – We did not prescribe it to them (We Prescribed for them) only to seek Allah’s Pleasure. He-asws said: ‘The Night Prayer’.[632]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن حسان الرازي عن محمد بن علي رفعه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من صلى بالليل حسن وجهه بالنهار.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Hasaan Al Razy, from Muhammad Bin Ali, raising it, said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who Prays at night, beautifies his face by the day’.[633]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن هشام بن سالم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في قول عزوجل (ان ناشئة الليل هي أشد وطأ وأقوم قيلا) قال يعنى بقوله وأقوم قيلا قيام الرحل عن فراشه بين يدي الله عزوجل لا يريد به غيره.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [73:6] Surely the rising by night is the firmest way to tread and the best speech, he-asws said: ‘Meaning by His-azwj Words and the best speech is the rising of the man from his bed intending Allah-azwj by it, and not intending by it other than Him-azwj’.[634]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسحاق بن خزيمة النسابوري قال حدثنا حريش بن محمد بن حريش قال سمعت جدي يقول سمعت انس بن مالك يقول سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول لركعتان في جوف الليل احب إلى من الدنيا وما فيها.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Is’haq Bin Khuzeyman Al Neyshapouri, from Hareysh Bin Muhammad Bin Hareysh from his grandfather, from Anas Bin Malik who said,

‘I heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘Two Cycles in the middle of the night are more beloved to me-saww that the world and whatever is in it’.[635]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن حماد بن عيسى عن ابراهيم بن عمر عمن حدثه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في قول الله عزوجل (ان الحسنات يذهبن السيئات) قال صلاة المؤمن بالليل يذهبن بما عمل من ذنب النهار.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Ibrahim Bin Umar, from the one who narrated it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [11:114] surely good deeds take away evil deeds. He-asws said: ‘The Prayer of the Believer at night does away with what he had done from the sins of the day’.[636]

وبهذا الاسناد عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال قلت آناء الليل ساجدا وقائما يحذر الآخرة ويرجو رحمة ربه (قل هل يستوى الذين يعلمون والذين لا يعلمون) قال: يعنى – صلاة الليل.

And by this chain, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

(The narrator says) I asked from Abu Ja’far-asws, (regarding), ‘[39:9] Safe is He who is obedient during the hours of the night, prostrating himself and standing, cautious of the Hereafter and hopes for the Mercy of his Lord. Say: Are those who know and those who do not know alike? He-asws said: ‘Meaning – the Night Prayer’.[637]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد ابن احمد عن موسى بن جعفر البغدادي عن محمد بن الحسن بن شمون عن علي بن محمد النوفلي قال: سمعته يقول ان العبد ليقوم في الليل فيميل به النعاس يمينا وشمالا وقد وقع ذقنه على صدره فيأمر الله تبارك وتعالى ابواب السماء فتفتح ثم يقول لملائكته انظروا إلى عبدي ما يصيبه في التقرب إلى بما لم افرض عليه راجيا منى لثلاث خصال ذنب اغفره أو توبة اجددها أو رزق أزيده فيه اشهدكم ملائكتي اني قد جمعتهن له.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Ibn Ahmad, from Musa Bin Ja’far Al Baghdady, from Muhammad Bin Al Hsaan Bin Shamoun, from Ali Bin Muhammad Al Nowfaly who said,

‘I heard him-asws saying: ‘The servant arises in the night (to Pray), so he wavers to the right and the left due to drowsiness, and his chin falls upon his chest, so Allah-azwj Blessed and High Commands the Gateways of the sky, so they open up. Then He-azwj Says to His-azwj Angels: “Look at My-azwj servant, what he is going through to be closer to Me-azwj with what I-azwj did not Obligate upon him, hoping from Me-azwj of three qualities – sins that I-azwj would Forgive him, or repentance that I-azwj restore him, or sustenance that I-azwj Increase for him. Be witnesses, My-azwj Angels! I-azwj have Gathered these for him”’.[638]

(باب 85 – العلة التي مط؟ أجلها ينبغى للرجل إذا صلى بالليل أن يرفعه صوته)

Chapter 85 – The reason due to which it is befitting for the man when he Prays at night that he should raise his voice

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن خالد عن علي بن اسباط عن عمه يعقوب بن سالم انه سئل أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن الرجل يقوم في آخر الليل يرفع صوته بالقراءة؟ قال: ينبغي للرجل إذا صلى بالليل ان يسمع أهله لكي يقوم النائم ويتحرك المتحرك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Ali Bin Asbat,

(It has been narrated) from his uncle Yaqoub Bin Salim, who asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the man who is standing at the end of the night (for Prayer), should he raise his voice with the recitation?’ He-asws said: ‘It is befitting for the man when he Prays at night that his family would hear, perhaps the sleeping one would move with the movement’.[639]

(باب 86 – العلة التي من أجلها مدح الله عزوجل المستغفرين بالاسحار)

Chapter 86 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Praises the seekers of Forgiveness at dawn

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن الحسن بن محبوب عن معاوية بن عمار قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: في قول الله تعالى (وبالاسحار هم يستغفرون) قال: كانوا يستغفرون الله في آخر الوتر في آخر الليل سبعين مرة.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Muawiya Bin Amaar who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying regarding the Words of Allah-azwj [51:18] And in the morning they sought Forgiveness. The Imam-asws said: ‘During the solitary (الوتر) Prayer, at the end of the night, seventy times’.[640]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد عن محمد ابن اسماعيل بن بزيع عن أبي اسماعيل السراج عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن عبد الله ابن أبي يعفور عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: استغفر الله في الوتر سبعين مرة تنصب يدك اليسرى وتعد باليمنى.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail Bin Bazie, from Abu Ismail Al Siraj, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abdullah Ibn Abu Yafour,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Seek Forgiveness (استغفر الله) seventy times in Al-Witr (Prayer), focussing with your left hand and counting with your right’.[641]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد قال حدثنى أبو سعيد الآدمي عن أحمد بن عبد العزيز الرازي، عن بعض أصحابنا عن أبي الحسن الاول عليه السلام قال: كان إذا استوى من الركوع في آخر ركعته من الوتر قال: اللهم انك قلت في كتابك المنزل (كانوا قليلا من الليل ما يهجعون وبالاسحار هم يستغفرون) طال والله هجوعي وقل قيامى وهذا السحر وانا استغفرك لذنوبي استغفار من لا يملك لنفسه ضرا ولا نفعا ولا موتا ولا حياة ولا نشورا ثم نحر ساجدا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Saeed Al Admy, from Ahmad Bin Abdul Aziz, from one of our companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws the First having said: ‘When you straighter yourself from the Bowing at the end of the Cycle of Al-Witr (Prayer), said, ‘O Allah-azwj! You-azwj have Said in Your-azwj Revealed Book [51:17] They used to sleep but little in the night [51:18] And at dawn they sought Forgiveness. By Allah-azwj! My sleep is prolonged and little is my standing, and this is the dawn, and I am seeking Forgiveness to You-azwj for my sins; a seeking of Forgiveness of the one who has no control over himself, neither for harm nor benefit, nor death, nor life, nor Resurrection’. Then fall down Prostrate’.[642]

حدثنا جعفر بن علي بن الحسن بن علي بن عبد الله بن المغيرة عن جده الحسن بن علي، عن العباس بن عامر، عن جابر، عن أبي عبيدة الحذاء، عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: تتجافي جنوبهم عن المضاجع يدعون ربهم خوفا وطمعا لعلك ترى ان القوم لم يكونوا ينامون، قال: قلت الله ورسوله وابن رسوله اعلم،

Ja’far Bin Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira narrated to us, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Ali, from Al Abbas Bin Umar, from Jabir, from Abu Ubeyda Al Haza’a,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘[32:16] Their sides forsake their beds, supplicating to their Lord in fear and in hope – ‘Perhaps you think that the people would not be going to sleep?’ So I said, ‘Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww know and the son of His-azwj Rasool-saww know more’.

قال فقال لابد لهذا البدن من ان تريحه حتى يخرج نفسه فإذا خرج النفس استراح البدن ورجع الروح فيه قوة على العمل فانما ذكرهم تتجافي جنوبهم عن المضاجع يدعون ربهم خوفا وطمعا انزلت في أمير المؤمنين (ع) واتباعه من شيعتنا ينامون في أول الليل فإذا ذهب ثلثا الليل أو ما شاء الله فزعوا إلى ربهم راغبين مرهبين طامعين فيما عنده

So he-asws said: ‘It is inevitable for this body that it should get relief until its spirit comes out. So when its spirit comes out, the body find rest, and the soul returns into it, and in it is the strength to work. So Allah-azwj the High Reminded it, so He-azwj Said [32:16] Their sides forsake their beds, supplicating to their Lord in fear and in hope. It was Revealed regarding Amir-ul-Momineen-asws, and the ones who follow him-asws from our-asws Shias. They are sleeping in the first part of the night. So when a third of the night passes by, or whatever Allah-azwj so Desires, they resort to their Lord-azwj, regularly, wishing, hopeful regarding what is in His-azwj Presence.

فذكرهم الله عز و جل في كتابه لنبيه (صلى الله عليه و آله)، و أخبره بما أعطاهم، و أنه أسكنهم في جواره، و أدخلهم جنته، و آمن خوفهم، و سكن روعتهم».

So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Mentioned them in His-azwj Book to His-azwj Prophet-saww, and informed him-saww of what He-azwj has Given them, and that He-azwj would be Settling them in His-azwj Nearness, and Entering them into His-azwj Paradise, and Secure them from their fears, and calm their traumas’.

قال: قلت جعلت فداك إن انا قمت في آخر الليل أي شئ اقول إذا قمت قال: قل الحمد الله رب العالمين وآله المرسلين والحمد الله الذي يحيى الموتى ويبعث من في القبور، فانك إذا قلتها ذهب عنك رجز الشيطان وسواسه ان شاء الله.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! When I stand at the end part of the night, which thing should I be saying when I stand?’ He-asws said: ‘The Praise is due to Allah-azwj the Lord-azwj of the Worlds, and the God of the Messengers. The Praise is due to Allah-azwj Who Revives the death, and Resurrects the ones who are in the graves’. So when you say it, the uncleanness (doubt) of the Satan-la and his-la whisperings would go away from you, if Allah-azwj so Desires it’.[643]


(باب 87 – العلة التي من أجلها صار المتهجدون بالليل أحسن) (الناس وجها في النار)

Chapter 87 – The reason due to which the diligent ones at night became the best of the people in the day

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن اسماعيل بن موسى بن جعفر عن أخيه علي بن موسى الرضا عن أبيه عن جده عليهم السلام قال: سئل علي بن الحسين (ع) ما بال المتهجدين بالليل من أحسن الناس وجبا؟ قال: لانهم خلوا بالله فكساهم الله من نوره.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed,

(It has been narrated) from Ismail son of Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his brother Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws having said, ‘Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws was asked, ‘What is the matter that the diligent ones at night from the people with the best of faces?’ He-asws said: ‘Because they are alone with Allah-azwj, so Allah-azwj Drapes them from His-azwj Light’.[644]

(باب 89 – نوادر علل الصلاة)

Chapter 89 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Prayer

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد بن أسلم الجبلي عن صباح الحذاء عن اسحاق بن عمار قال: سألت أبا الحسن موسى بن جعفر عليه السلام عن قوم خرجوا في سفر لهم فلما انتهوا إلى الموضع الذي يجب عليهم فيه التقصير قصروا فلما ان صاروا على رأس فرسخين أو ثلاثة أو أربعة فراسخ تخلف عنهم رجل لا يستقيم لهم السفر إلا بمجيئه إليهم فاقاموا على ذلك اياما لا يدرون هل يمضون في سفرهم أو ينصرفون هل ينبغي لهم أن يتموا الصلاة أو يقيموا على تقصيرهم؟

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Aslam Al Jabaly, from Sabah Al Haza’a, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws about a people who went out on a journey for them. So when they ended up to the place at which the shortening (of the Prayer) was Obligated upon them, they shortened it. Then they moved on. So when they had gone over two Farsakhs, or three, or four Farsakhs, a man from among them stayed back, and it was not for them to continue the journey except with him coming to them. So they stayed upon that for days, not knowing whether they would be going on in their journey, or they would be dispersing (turning back). Is it befitting for them that they should complete the Prayer, or remain upon their shortening?’

فقال ان كانوا بلغوا مسيرة أربعة فراسخ فليتموا على تقصيرهم أقاموا أم انصرفوا، وان ساروا اقل من أربعة فراسخ فليقيموا الصلاة ما اقاموا فإذا مضوا فليقصروا.

So he-asws said: ‘If their journey had reached four Farsakhs, so they should be completing (their stay) upon their shortening, whether they stay on or they go. And if they had travelled less than four Farsakhs, so they should establish the Prayer what they (normally) establish, so if they leave they shouuld shorten’.

ثم قال عليه السلام وهل تدرى كيف صارت هكذا؟ قلت لا أدرى قال لان التقصير في بريدين ولا يكون التقصير في أقل من ذلك فلما كانوا قد ساروا بريدا وأرادوا أن ينصرفوا بريدا كانوا قد ساروا سفر التقصير وان كانوا قد ساروا اقل من ذلك لم يكن لهم إلا تمام الصلاة،

Then he-asws said:’ And do you know how it came to be like that?’ I said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘Because the shortening is regarding two ‘Bareyds’, and the shortening does not take place in less than that. So when they had gone for one Bareyd, and they wanted to leave after one Bareyd, they had gone on a journey of the shortening (of the Prayer). And if they had gone less than that, it would not be for them except for the complete Prayer’.

قلت أليس قد بلغوا الموضع الذي لا يسمعون فيه إذا مصرهم الذي خرجوا منه؟ قال بلى إنما قصروا في ذلك الموضع لانهم لم يشكوا في مسيرهم وان السير سيجد بهم في السفر فلما جاءت العلة في مقامهم دون البريد صاروا هكذا.

I said, ‘They had not reached the place in which they could not hear in it (the Call for the Prayer) of their city from which they had come out?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. But rather, they shortened in that place, because they did not doubt in their travelling, and that they would be walking in their journey. So when the reason came with regards to their staying besides Al-Bareyd, it came to be like this’.[645]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضى الله عنه تعالى عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن الحسن بن أبي الخطاب، عن علي بن فضال، عن أبي المعزاء حميد بن المثنى العجلى عن سماعة، عن أبي نصير، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لو لا نوم الصبي وعلة الضعيف لاخرت العتمة إلى ثلث الليل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Safaar, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ali Bin Fazal, from Abu Al Magra Hameed Bin Al Masny Al Ajaly, from Sama’at, from Abu Naseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws says that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Had it not been for the sleep of the children, and the illness of the weak (elderly), I-saww would delay (Al-Isha Prayer) to the darkness of a third of the night’.[646]

حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس النيسابوري رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا علي بن قتيبة عن الفضل بن شاذان قال: حدثني محمد بن أبي عمير انه سأل أبا الحسن عليه السلام عن حي على خير العمل لم تركت من الاذان؟ فقال تريد العلة الظاهرة أو الباطنة قلت اريدهما جميعا فقال: أما العلة الظاهرة فلئلا يدع الناس الجهاد إتكالا على الصلاة، واما الباطنة فان خير العمل الولاية فاراد من أمر بترك حي على خير العمل من الاذان ألا يقع حثا عليها ودعا إليها.

Abu Al Wahid Bin Muhammad Bin Abdous Al neyshapouri narrated to us, from Ali Bin Quteyba, from Al fazal Bin Shazan, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr,

(The narrator) asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws about (the recitation of) ‘Hasten to the best of the deeds (حي على خير العمل), why was it left out from the Azan?’ So he-asws said: ‘Do you want the apparent reason or the hidden (esoteric) one?’ I said, ‘I want both of these together’. So he-asws said: ‘As for the apparent reason, so perhaps the people would leave the Jihad, having relied upon the Prayer (as being the best of the deeds). And as for the hidden (esoteric reason), so the best of the deeds is the Wilayah, so the one who ordered for the leaving of ‘Hasten to the best of the deeds (حي على خير العمل)’ from the Azan, lest (the people) are encouraged towards it and call towards it’.[647]

حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الوراق وعلي بن محمد بن الحسن المعروف بابن مقبرة القزويني قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا العباس بن سعيد الازرق قال: حدثنا أبو بصير عيسى بن مهران عن الحسن بن عبد الوهاب، عن محمد بن مروان عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: أتدرى ما تفسير حي على خير العمل؟ قال: قلت لا قال: دعاك إلى البر أتدرى بر من؟ قلت لا قال دعاك إلى بر فاطمة وولدها (ع).

Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq and Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, well known as Ibn Maqbara Al Qazwimy both narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Al Abbas Bin Saeed Al Azraq, from Abu Baseer Isa Bin Mahran, from Al Hassan Bin Abdul Wahab, from Muhammad Bin Marwan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Do you know what is the interpretation of ‘Hasten to the best of the deeds (حي على خير العمل)’?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Your calling for the righteousness. Do you know who is righteous?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘You calling to righteousness of Syeda Fatima-asws and her-asws sons-asws?’[648]

(باب 90 – علة الزكاة)

Chapter 90 – Reason for the Zakat

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن ابن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان عن مبارك العقرقوفي قال: سمعت ابا الحسن (ع) يقول: إنما وضعت الزكاة قوتا للفقراء وتوفيرا لاموال الاغنياء.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Ibn Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazie, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Mubarak Al Aqarquqy who said,

‘I heard Abu Al-Hassan-asws saying: ‘But rather, the Zakat has been placed at a livelihood for the poor, and as a multiplier of the wealth of the rich’.[649]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النضر بن سويد عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان الله تعالى قرض الزكاة كما فرض الصلاة، فلو أن رجلا حمل الزكاة فاعطاها علانية لم يكن عليه في ذلك عتب وذلك ان الله عزوجل فرض للفقراء في اموال الاغنياء مما يكتفون به ولو علم الله ان الذي فرض لهم لم يكفهم لزادهم، فانما يؤتي الفقراء فيما أوتوا من منع من منعهم حقوقهم لا من الفريضة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, form Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn Bin Saaed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Obligated the Zakat just as He-azwj Obligated the Prayer. So if a man were to carry the Zakat and give it in the open, there would not be any reproach against him with regards to that, and that is because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Obligated it (to be given) to the poor in the wealth of the rich from what they (the poor) can be content with, and if Allah-azwj had Known that, that which He-azwj has Obligated for them is not going to suffice for them, He-azwj would have Increased it. But rather, it is unimportant for the poor, that which is prevented by the one who prevents from their rights, not from the Obligatory.[650]

حدثنا علي بن احمد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد ابن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله ان علة الزكاة من أجل قوت الفقراء وتحصين أموال الاغنياء لان الله تعالى كلف اهل الصحة القيام بشأن أهل الزمانة من البلوى كما قال عزوجل: (لنبلونكم في أموالكم وانفسكم) في أموالكم إخراج الزكاة وفي انفسكم توطين النفس على الصبر مع ما في ذلك من اداء شكر نعم الله عزوجل والطمع في الزيادة مع ما فيه من الزيادة والرأفة والرحمة لاهل الضعف والعطف على أهل المسكنة والحث لهم على المساواة وتقوية الفقراء والمعونة لهم على أمر الدين

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdulla, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Ibn Sinan that, Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he has asked him of, that: ‘The reason for the Zakat is a livelihood for the poor, and a preservation of the wealth of the rich, because Allah-azwj the High has Tasked the well-to-do people to stand by the afflicted ones of their era, as Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Said [3:186] You shall certainly be Tested respecting your wealth and your selves. In their wealth it is extraction of the Zakat, and in their selves it is the settling of the self upon the patience along with what is in that from the fulfilling the appreciation for the Bounties of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and the coveting with regards to the increase along with what is in it from the increase, and the kindness and the mercy for the weak people, and the sympathy upon the needy people, and the urging for them upon the equality, and strengthening of the poor and assistance for them upon the matters of Religion.

وهي عظة لاهل الغنى رعبرة لهم ليستدلوا على فقر الآخرة بهم ومالهم من الحث في ذلك على الشكر لله تبارك وتعالى لما خولهم وأعطاهم والدعاء والتضرع والخوف أن يصيروا مثلهم في أمور كثيرة في اداء الزكاة والصدقات وصلة الارحام واصطناع المعروف.

And it is an exhortation (encouragement) for the rich people and a lesson for them evidencing upon the poverty of the Hereafter and what would be for them, from the urging with regards to that, upon the appreciation for Allah-azwj Blessed and High for what He-azwj has Authorised for them, and Given them, and their supplication and the restlessness and the fear that they could (also) become like them (poor) in the affairs. A lot of the fulfilment of the Zakat, and the charities, and maintenance of good relations, is synthesised with the goodness’.[651]

(باب 91 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت الزكاة من كل الف درهم) (خمسة وعشرين درهما)

Chapter 91 – The reason due to which the Zakat came to be twenty five Dirhams in every one thousand Dirhams (1/40)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن ابراهيم بن محمد عن محمد بن حفص عن صباح الحذاء عن ق‍؟ م عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت له جعلت فداك اخبرني عن الزكاة كيف صارت من كل الف درهم خمسة وعشرين درهما لم يكن أقل منها أو أكثر ما وجهها؟ قال: ان الله تعالى خلق الخلق كلهم فعلم صغيرهم وكبيرهم وعلى غنيهم وفقيرهم فجعل من كل الف إنسان خمسة وعشرين مسكينا فلو علم ان ذلك لا يسعهم لزادهم لانه خالقهم وهو أعلم بهم.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Hafs, from Sabah Al Haza’a, from Qasam,

(The narrator says) ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Inform me about the Zakat, how it came to be twenty-five Dirhams from every one thousand Dirhams, and did not become any less from it, or more. What is its reason?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the creatures, all of them, so He-azwj Knows their smaller ones, and their greater ones, and their rich ones, and their poor ones. So, He-azwj Made twenty five poor ones from every thousand human beings. Thus, had He-azwj Known that, that is not sufficient for them, He-azwj would have Increased it for them, because He-azwj is their Creator, and He-azwj is a Knower of them’.[652]

(باب 92 – العلة التي من أجلها قد تحل الزكاة لمن له سبعمائة (درهم ولا تحل لمن له خمسون درهما)

Chapter 92 – The reason due to which Zakat is Permissible for the one who has seven hundred Dirhams, and it is not Permissible for the one who has fifty Dirhams

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن معاوية بن حكيم عن علي ابن الحسن بن رباط عن العلا بن رزين عن محمد بن مسلم وغيره عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: تحل الزكاة لمن له سبعمائة درهم إذا لم يكن له حرفة ويخرج زكاتها منها ويشترى منها بالبعض قوتا لعياله ويعطى البقية أصحابه ولا تحل الزكاة لمن له خمسون درهما وله حرفة يقوت بها عياله.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muawiya Bin Hakeem, from Ali Ibn Al Hassan Bin Rabaat, from Al A’ala Bin Razeyn, from Muhammad Bin Muslim, and someone else,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Zakat is Permissible for the one who has seven hundred Dirhams and there is no profession for him, and he takes out its Zakat from it and buys from it some livelihood (foodstuff etc.) for his family, and gives some of it to his companions, and the Zakat is not Permissible for the one who has fifty Dirhams, and he has a profession to earn livelihood by it for his family’.[653]

(باب 93 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تجب الزكاة على السبايك والحلى)

Chapter 93 – The reason due to which Zakat is not Obligated upon the bullion and the jewellery

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن قال: حدثني أبو الحسن عن أبي ابراهيم (ع) قال: لا تجب الزكاة فيما سبك قلت فان كان سبكه فرارا من الزكاة؟ فقال: ألا تدرى ان المنفعة قد ذهبت منه لذلك لا تجب عليه الزكاة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Abu Al Hassan,

Abu Ibrahim-asws (7th Imam-asws) has said: ‘The Zakat is not Obligatory upon the ingots’. I said, ‘So if it is cast as ingots, it would flee from the Zakat?’ So he-asws said: ‘Do you not know that the benefit has gone away from it, due to that the Zakat is not Obligatory upon it’.[654]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميرى عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار، عن أخيه علي عن اسماعيل بن سهل، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن حريز عن هارون بن خارجة، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت ان أخي يوسف ولي باهواز أعمالا أصاب فيها أموالا كثيرة وانه جعل ذلك المال حليا اراد أن يفر به من الزكاة أعليه زكاة؟ قال: ليس على الحلى زكاة ولا ما أدخل على نفسه من النقصان في وضعه ومنعه نفسه اكثر مما خاف من الزكاة.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali, from Ismail Bin Sahl, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Haroun Bin Kharjat,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘ (when) I asked, ‘My brother Yusuf is my guardian at Ahwaaz doing some works due to which he attained a lot of wealth, and he made that wealth as ornaments intending that he would escape by it from the Zakat. Is there Zakat upon him?’ He-asws said: ‘There is no Zakat upon the ornaments, nor what he included upon himself in placing it (making ornaments), and the loss of preventing himself (escaping from Zakat) is more than what he feared from the Zakat’.[655]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان، عن أبي الحسن علي بن يقطين، عن أبي الحسن موسى (ع) قال: لا تجب الزكاة فيما سبك فرارا من الزكاة أترى ان المنفعة قد ذهبت فلذلك لا تجب الزكاة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Yaqteen,

Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws has said: ‘The Zakat is not Obligatory in what is (forged) as an ingot to escape from the Zakat. Do you see that the profit has gone. Thus, it is due to that, the Zakat is not Obligatory’.[656]

(باب 94 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز أن يعطى من الزكاة) (الولد والولدان والمرأة والمملوك)

Chapter 94 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for one to give from the Zakat, to the children, and the parents, and the wife, and the slaves

حدثنا محمد بن علي ما جيلويه رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبي طالب عن عدة من اصحابنا يرفعونه إلى أبي عبد الله (ع) انه قال: خمسة لا يعطون من الزكاة الولد والوالدان والمرأة والمملوك لانه يجبر على النفقة عليهم.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin hashim, from Abu Talib,, from a number of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Five are not to be given from the Zakat – The child, and the two parents, and the wife, and the slave, because he is compelled for the maintenance upon them’.[657]

(باب 95 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز دفع الزكاة إلى غير الفقراء)

Chapter 95 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to hand over the Zakat to other than the poor

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسن بن أبي الخطاب، عن عثمان بن عيسى، عن أبي المغرا، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال ان الله تبارك وتعالى اشرك بين الاغنياء والفقراء في الاموال فليس لهم يصرفوها إلى غير شركائهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Usman Bin Isa, from Abu Al Magra,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Made Participation to be in between the rich and the poor with regards to the wealth. Thus, it is not for them (the rich) to pay this to other than their participants’.[658]

(باب 96 – العلة التي من أجلها تدفع صدقة الخف والظلف إلى المتجملين) (وصدقة الذهب والفضة والحنطة والشعير إلى الفقراء)

Chapter 96 – The reason due to which the charity of the shoes and the hooves (animals) would be handed over to the adorned ones, and the charity of the gold and the silver, and the wheat and the barley to the poor

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمي عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) ان صدقة الظلف والخف تدفع إلى المتجملين من المسلمين فاما صدقة الذهب والفضة وما كيل بالقفيز مما اخرجت الارض فالى الفقراء المدقعين.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Dulaymi, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Charity of the hooves (animals) and the shoes, you should hand these over to the adorned ones from the Muslim. As for the charity of the gold and the silver, and what is eaten measured from what comes out from the earth, so it is for the extremely poor’.

قال ابن سنان: قلت فكيف صار هذا هكذا؟ قال: لان هؤلاء متجملون من الناس فيدفع إليهم اجمل الامرين عند الناس وكل صدقة.

Ibn Sinan said, ‘I said, ‘So how come this came to be like this?’ He-asws said: ‘Because those adorned ones from the people, so the nicer of the two things in the presence of the people would be handed over to them, and all of it is charity’.[659]


(باب 97 – العلة التي من أجلها يجوز للرجل أن يأخذ الزكاة) (وعنده قوت شهر أو قوت سنة)

Chapter 97 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the man that he should take the Zakat and in his presence is livelihood for a month, or livelihood for a year

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن صفوان بن يحيى عن علي بن اسماعيل الدغشى قال: سألت أبا الحسن (ع) عن السائل وعنده قوت يوم أيحل له ان يسئل وان أعطى شيئا من قبل أن يسئل يحل له أن يقبله؟ قال: يأخذه وعنده قوت شهر وما يكفيه لسنة من الزكاة لانها إنما هي من سنة إلى سنة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Ali Bin Ismail Al Dagshy who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws about the beggar, and with him is livelihood or a day. Is it Permissible for him that he should be begging, and if he is given something from before he asks, is it Permissible for him that he should accept it?’ He-asws said: ‘He should take it and with him is livelihood for a month, and what suffices him for a year from the Zakat, because, rather it is from a year to a year’.[660]

(باب 98 – العلة التي من أجلها يعطى المؤمن من الزكاة ثلاثة) (آلاف وعشرة آلاف ويعطى الفاجر بقدر)

Chapter 98 – The reason due to which the Believer is to be given from the Zakat, three thousand, and ten thousand, and the immoral, measurably

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس ومحمد بن يحيى العطار جميعا عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى عن علي بن محمد عن بعض أصحابنا عن بشر بن بشار قال: قلت للرجل – يعنى أبا الحسن (ع) ماحد المؤمن الذي يعطى الزكاة؟ قال: يعطى المؤمن ثلاثة آلاف، ثم قال: أو عشرة آلاف ويعطي الفاجر بقدر لان المؤمن ينفقها في طاعة الله عزوجل والفاجر في معصية الله تعالى.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees and Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar together, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from one of our companions, from Bishr Bin Bashaar who said,

‘I said to the Iman-asws – meaning to Abu Al-Hassan-asws, ‘What is the limit of the Believer who is given the Zakat?’ He-asws said: ‘The Believer is given three thousand’. Then he-asws said: ‘Or (even) ten thousand, but the immoral is given in measurement, because the Believer would spend it in obedience to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and the immoral (would spend it) in disobedience to Allah-azwj the High’.[661]





(باب 99 – العلة التي من أجلها يكون ميراث المشتري) (من الزكاة لاهل الزكاة)

Chapter 99 – The reason due to which the inheritance of those bought one (slave) from the Zakat, would be for those deserving of the Zakat

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن هارون بن مسلم عن أيوب بن الحر أخي أديم بن الحر قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) مملوك يعرف هذا الامر الذي نحن عليه اشتريه من الزكاة فاعتقه؟ قال: فقال أشتره واعتقه قلت فان هو مات وترك مالا؟ قال: فقال ميراثه لاهل الزكاة لانه الذي اشتري بسهمهم وفي حديث آخر بمالهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Ayoub Bin Al Hurr, brother of Adeym Bin Al Hurr who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘A slave who recognises this matter which we are upon (Al-Wilayah), I buy him from the Zakat, so I free him?’ So he-asws said: ‘Buy him, free him’. I said, ‘So if he were to die and leaves wealth?’ So he-asws said: ‘His inheritance is for the ones deserving of the Zakat because he is the one who was bought with their portion’. And in another Hadeeth: ‘With their wealth’.[662]

(باب 100 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجب على مال المملوك زكاة)

Chapter 100 – The reason due to which Zakat is not Obligatory upon wealth of the owned (slave)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا احمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن احمد عن الحسن ابن موسى الخشاب عن علي بن الحسن، عن محمد بن حمزة، عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) مملوك في يده مال أعليه زكاة؟ قال: لا قلت ولا على سيده؟ قال: لا، ان لم يصل إلى سيده وليس هو للمملوك

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Hassan Ibn Musa Al Khashab, from Ali Bin Al Hassan, from Muhammad Bin Hamza, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘An owned one (slave), in his hand is wealth, is there Zakat upon him?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘And (also) not upon his master?’ He-asws said: ‘No, it has not arrived to his master, and it is not for the owned one (slave)’.[663]

(باب 101 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت الخمسة في الزكاة) (من المائتين وزن سبعة)

Chapter 101 – The reason due to which the Zakat, being five from two hundred, came to be seven by weight

أبي رحمه الله ومحمد بن الحسن رحمهما الله قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله وعبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله عن سلمة بن الخطاب عن الحسين بن راشد عن علي بن اسماعيل الميثمي، عن حبيب الخثعمي قال: كتب أبو جعفر الخليفة إلى محمد بن خالد بن عبد الله القسرى وكان عامله على المدينة ان اسأل أهل المدينة عن الخمسة في الزكاة من المائتين كيف صارت وزن سبعة ولم يكن هذا على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وأمره ان يسأل فيمن يسأل عبد الله بن الحسن وجعفر بن محمد عليه السلام

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan both said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdulla and Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri both narrated to us, from Ahman Bin Abu Abdullah, from Salma Bin Al Khatab, from Al Husayn Bin Rashid, from Ali Bin Ismail Al Maysami, from Habeeb Al Khash’amy who said, said,

‘Abu Ja’far the Caliph wrote to Muhammad Bin Khalid Bin Abdullah Al-Qasry, and he was his office bearer over Al-Medina, that he should ask the people of Al-Medina about the five from two hundred in the Zakat, how it came to be seven by weight, and this did not happen in the era of Rasool-Allah-saww, and (also) ordered him that he should ask, among the ones he asks, Abdullah son Al-Hassan-asws, and Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws.

فسأل أهل المدينة فقالوا: ادركنا من كان قبلنا على هذا، فبعث إلى عبد الله بن الحسن وجعفر بن محمد (ع) فسأل عبد الله فقال كما قال المستفتون من أهل المدينة قال: فما تقول أنت يا أبا عبد الله، فقال ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله جعل في كل أربعين اوقية اوقية فإذا حسبت ذلك كان على وزن سبعة،

So he asked the people of Al-Medina, so they said, ‘We realised the ones before us to be upon this’. So he sent for Abdullah son of Al-Hassan-asws and Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws. So he asked Abdullah, and he said just as what the Fatwa issuers of the people of Al-Medina had said. So he said, ‘So what are you-asws saying, O Abu Abdullah-asws! So he-asws said: ‘The Prophet-saww made one ounce to be in every forty ounces. So when you count that, it would be seven upon the weighing’.

قال حبيب فحسبناه فوجدناه كما قال فاقبل عليه عبد الله بن الحسن فقال من أن أخذت هذا؟ فقال: قرأته في كتاب أمك فاطمة (ع)

Habeeb (the narrator) said, ‘So we counted it, and we found it to be just as he-asws had said it to be. So Abdullah Bin Al-Hassan turned to face him-asws, so he said, ‘From where did you take this?’ So he-asws said: ‘I-asws read it in a Book of your mother-asws Syeda Fatima-asws’.

ثم انصرف فبعث إليه محمد ابعث إلي بكتاب فاطمة فارسل إليه أبو عبد الله الجواب اني إنما اخبرتك اني قرأته ولم اخبرك انه عندي، قال حبيب: فجعل محمد يقول ما رأيت مثل هذا قط.

Then he-asws left, So Muhammad sent a message to him-asws, ‘Send to me the Book of Fatima-asws’. So Abu Abdullah-asws sent the answer to him: ‘But rather, I-asws told you that I-asws read it, and did not inform you that it was in my-asws possession’. Habeeb said, ‘So Muhammad went on saying, ‘I have not seen the like of this, at all’.[664]

(باب 102 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجب على الذي يكون) (على غير الطريقة ثم يعرف ويتوب أن يقضى شيئا من) (صلاته وصيامه وحجه إلا الزكاة وحدها)

Chapter 102 – The reason due to which it is not Obligatory upon the one who happens to be upon another way, then he recognises and repents, that he should fulfil anything from his Prayers, and his Fasts, and his Hajj, except for the Zakat alone

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف، عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسن بن سعيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن عمر ابن اذينة عن زرارة وبكير وفضيل ومحمد بن مسلم وبريد بن معاوية، عن أبي جعفر (ع) وأبي عبد الله (ع) انهما قالا: في الرجل يكون في بعض هذه الاهواء الحرورية والمرجئة والعثمانية والقدرية ثم يتوب ويعرف هذا الامر ويحسن رأيه أيعيد كل صلاة صلاها أو صوم أو زكاة أو حج؟ قال: ليس عليه اعادة شئ من ذلك غير الزكاة فانه لابد أن يؤديها لانه وضع الزكاة في غير موضعها، وانما موضعها أهل الولاية.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Umar Ibn Azina, from Zarara and Bakeyr, and Fazeyl, and Muhammad Bin Muslim, and Bureyd Bin Muawiya,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws and Abu Abdullah-asws both having said regarding the man who happened to be in one of these (personal) desires – the Haruriyya, and the Murjiites, and the Usmaniya, and the Qadiriyya, then he repents and recognises this matter (Al-Wilayah), and improves his view, should he repeat every Prayer he had Prayed, or Fast, or Zakat, or Hajj?’ He-asws said: ‘There is no fulfilment upon him of anything from that apart from the Zakat, for it is a must that it should be fulfilled, and Zakat had been placed (in other than its (appropriate) place (given to other than its deserving ones). But rather, it’s (appropriate) place is the people of Al-Wilayah’.[665]

(باب 103 – نوادر علل الزكاة)

Chapter 103 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Zakat

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن احمد عن محمد ابن معروف، عن أبي الفضل، عن علي بن مهزيار عن اسماعيل بن سهل، عن حماد ابن عيسى، عن حريز، عن زرارة قال: قلت لابي جعفر (ع) رجل كانت عنده دراهم اشهرا فحولها دنانير فحال عليها منذ يوم ملكها دراهم حول ايزكيها؟ قال لا ثم قال أرايت لو ان رجلا دفع اليك مائة بعير واخذ منك مائتي بقرة فلبثت عنده اشهرا ولبثت عندك اشهرا فموتت عندك ابله وموتت عنده بقرك اكنتما تزكيانها؟ فقلت لا قال كذلك الذهب والفضة

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Ibn Marouf, from Abu Al Fazal, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Ismail Bin Sahl, from Hamaad Ibn Isa, from Hareyz, from Zarara who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘A man has some Dirhams with him for months, so he changed them over to Dinaars. So a year had passed since he owned the Dirhams, shall he purify these (pay Zakat)?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. Then he-asws said: ‘Do you see, if a man were to hand over to a hundred camels, and take from you a hundred cows, so these remain with him for months, and these remain with you for months. So his camel dies with you and your cow dies with him, would you both be purifying these (by Zakat)?’ So I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Similar to that is the gold and the silver’.

ثم قال: وان حولت برا أو شعيرا ثم قلبته ذهبا أو فضة فليس عليك فيه شئ إلا أن يرجع ذلك الذهب أو تلك الفضة بعينها أو عينه فان رجع ذلك اليك فان عليك الزكاة لانك قد ملكتها حولا قلت له: فان لم يخرج ذلك الذهب من يدي يوما قال ان خلط بغيره فيها فلا بأس ولا شئ فيما رجع اليك منه ثم قال ان رجع اليك باسره بعد أياس منه فلا شئ عليك فيه إلا حولا،

Then he-asws said: ‘And if you were to change land or barley, then turn it into gold or silver, so there would not be anything upon you with regards to it, except that very gold or that very silver were to be returned. So if that were to return to you, there would be Zakat upon you as you would have owned it for a year’. I said to him-asws, ‘So if that did not go out from my hand for a day?’ He-asws said: ‘If it has been mixed with something else in it, so there is no problem, and nothing with regards to what returns to you from it’. Then he-asws said: ‘It returned to you with difficulty after you having despaired from it, so there is nothing upon you with regards to it except (after a) year’.

قال: فقال زرارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) ليس في النيف شئ حتى يبلغ ما يجب فيه واحد ولا في الصدقة والزكاة كسور ولا تكون شاة ونصف ولا بعير ونصف ولا خمسة دراهم ونصف ولا دينار ونصف ولكن يؤخذ الواحد ويطرح ما سوى ذلك حتى يبلغ ما يؤخذ منه واحد فيؤخذ من جميع ماله،

(The narrator) said, ‘Zarara said, from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘There is nothing upon a half until it reaches what is Obligated in it, one, neither regarding the charity not the Zakat is there breaking, nor can it be a sheep and a half, nor a camel and a half, nor five Dirhams and a half, nor a Dinar and a half, but the one (whole) would be taken, and what is besides that would be subtracted until it reaches what can be taken from it as one (whole), so it would be taken from the entirety of his wealth’.

قال: قال زرارة وابن مسلم قال أبو عبد الله (ع) أيما رجل كان له مال وحال عليه الحول فانه يزكيه، قلت له فان وهبه قبل حوله بشهر أو بيوم، قال ليس عليه شئ اذن،

(The narrator) said, ‘Zarara and Ibn Muslim said, ‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Whichever man has wealth for himself, and a year passes by over it, so he should purify it (by Zakat)’. I said to him-asws, ‘So if he were to gift it before a year, by a month of a day before?’ He-asws said: ‘There would be nothing upon him, then’.

قال: وقال زرارة عنه انه قال انما هذا بمنزلة رجل أفطر في شهر رمضان يوما في إقامته ثم خرج في آخر النهار في سفر فاراد بسفره ذلك ابطال الكفارة التي وجبت عليه وقال انه حين رأي الهلال الثاني عشر وجبت عليه الزكاة ولكنه لو كان يوهبها قبل ذلك لجاز ولم يكن عليه شئ بمنزلة من خرج ثم أفطر إنما لا يمنع الحال عليه فاما ما لم يحل عليه فله منعه ولا يحل له منع مال غيره فيما قد حل عليه،

(The narrator) said, ‘Zarara said from him-asws, that he-asws said: ‘But rather, this is at the status of a man who breaks his Fast in the Month of Ramazan one day due to his staying, then goes out at the end of the day on a journey. So, he intended by that journey of his to invalidate the expiation payable which would have been Obligated upon him’. And he-asws said: ‘He had seen twelve new moons, and the Zakat is Obligated upon him, but if it was before that by a day, then it is allowed and there would not be anything upon him, being at the status of the one who went out, then broke his Fast. But rather, he cannot prevent from that upon which a year has passed by. As for what a year has not passed by upon, so he can prevent it (Zakat), and it is not Permissible for him to prevent the wealth other that it, upon which a year has passed upon’.

قال زرارة: قلت مائتا درهم بين خمس اناس أو عشرة حال عليه الحول وهي عندهم ايجب عليهم زكاتها؟ قال لا، هي بمنزلة تلك – يعنى جوابه في الحرث – ليس عليهم شئ حتى يتم لكل انسان منهم مائتا درهم قلت وكذلك في الشاة والابل والبقر والذهب والفضة وجميع الاموال قال نعم،

Zarara said, ‘I said, ‘Two hundred Dirhams in between five people or ten, a year passes by over it, and it is with them, is the Zakat Obligated upon them?’ He-asws said: ‘No, it is at that status – meaning his-asws answer with regards to the harvesting – there would be nothing upon them until each human being from them has complete two hundred Dirhams’. I said, ‘And similar to that is with regards to the sheep, and the camel, and the cow, and the gold, and the silver, and the entirety of the wealth?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’.

قال زرارة، وقلت له رجل كانت عنده مائتا درهم فوهبها لبعض اخوانه أو ولده أو لاهله فرارا بها من الزكاة فعل ذلك قبل حلها بشهر قال إذا دخل الشهر الثاني عشر فقد حال عليه الحول ووجبت عليه فيها الزكاة قلت له فان احدث فيها قبل الحول قال جاز ذلك له، قلت له فانه فربها من الزكاة قال ما ادخل على نفسه اعظم مما منع من زكاتها فقلت له أنه يقدر عليها فقال وما علمه أنه يقدر عليها وقد خرجت من ملكه

Zarara said, ‘And I said to him-asws, ‘A man who had two hundred Dirhams with him, so he gifted it to some of his brothers, or his children, or to his family, in order to escape from the Zakat, so that is a month before a year passes by?’ He-asws said: ‘If the twelfth month has entered, so the year has passed over it and the Zakat would be Obligated upon him’. I said to him-asws, ‘So if he were to do it before the year?’ He-asws said: ‘That is allowed for him’. I said to him-asws, ‘So he would have escaped by it, from the Zakat’. He-asws said: ‘What he included upon himself is more grievous and what he prevent from its Zakat’. So I said to him-asws, ‘He has control over it’. So he-asws said: ‘And what would make him know that he has control over it, and it has gone out from his ownership’.

قلت فانه دفعها إليه على شرط فقال انه إذا سماها هبة جازت الهبة وسقط الشرط وضمن الزكاة، قلت له كيف يسقط الشرط ويمضى الهبة ويضمن وتجب الزكاة؟ قال هذا شرط فاسد والهبة المضمونة ماضية والزكاة لازمة عقوبة له ثم قال: إنما ذلك له إذا اشترى بها دارا وارضا أو متاعا

I said, ‘So he handed it over conditionally’. So he-asws said: ‘If he has named it as a gift, the gift is allowed, and the condition is invalidated, and he is responsible for the Zakat’. I said to him-asws, ‘How was the condition invalidated, and the gift is ensured, and he is responsible and the Zakat is Obligated upon him?’ He-asws said: ‘This condition is spoilt and the gift is condemnable, and the Zakat is necessitated as a Punishment for him’. Then he-asws said: ‘But rather, that is for him if he were to buy a house with it, or a land, or chattels’.

قال زرارة قلت له ان اباك قال لي من فربها من الزكاة فعليه أن يؤديها فقال صدق أبي (ع) عليه أن يؤدي ما وجب عليه وما لم يجب فلا شئ عليه فيه

Zarara said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Your-asws father-asws said to me: ‘The one who escaped by it from the Zakat, so upon him is its paying it’. So he-asws said: ‘My-asws father-asws spoke the truth. Upon him would be the fulfilment of what was Obligated upon him, and what was not Obligated, so there is nothing upon him with regards to it’.

ثم قال (ع) أرأيت لو أن رجلا اغمى عليه يوما ثم مات قبل أن يؤديها أعليه شئ؟ قلت لا إنما يكون ان افاق من يومه ثم قال لو ان رجلا مرض في شهر رمضان ثم مات فيه اكان يصام عنه؟ قلت لا، قال وكذلك الرجل لا يؤدي عن ماله إلا ما حل عليه.

Then he-asws said: ‘What is your view that a man fainted for a day, then died before he paid it, is there anything upon him?’ I said, ‘No. But rather, it would happen when he had fainted during his day’. Then he-asws said: ‘Had the man been sick in the Month of Ramazan, then died in it, would there be Fasts for him?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Similar to that is the man who does not pay from his wealth except when a year passes by over it’.[666]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى رحمه الله عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد ابن محمد عن الحسن بن محبوب عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول: باع أبي (ع) من هشام بن عبد الملك ارضا له بكذا وكذا الف دينار واشترط عليه زكاة ذلك المال عشر سنين وانما فعل ذلك لان هشاما كان هو الوالي.

Muhammad Bin Musa narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘My-asws father-asws agreed to sell a piece of his-asws land to Hisham Bin Al-Malik for such and such thousand Dinars, and placed a condition over it of the Zakat of that wealth for ten years (to be paid by him). But rather, he-asws did that because Hisham was the governor’.[667]

(باب 104 – العلة التي من أجلها سقطت الجزية عن النساء) (والمقعد والاعمى والشيخ الفاني والولدان ورفعت عنهم)

Chapter 104 – The reason due to which the tribute (tax) is exempted from the women, and the disabled, and the blind, and the very aged, and the children, and it has been lifted from them

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن القاسم بن محمد الاصبهاني، عن سليمان بن داود المنقري، عن عيسى بن يونس، عن الاوزاعي عن الزهري عن علي بن الحسين (ع) قال، سألته عن النساء كيف سقطت الحزية ورفعت عنهن؟ فقال لان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله نهى عن قتل النساء والولدان في دار الحرب الا أن تقاتل وان قاتلت ايضا فامسك عنها ما امكنك ولم تخف خللا فلما نهي عن قتلهن في دار الحرب كان ذلك في دار الاسلام اولى ولو امتنعت ان تؤدي الجزية لم يمكن قتلها، فلما لم يمكن قتلهما رفعت الجزية عنها ولو منع الرجال وابوا أن يؤدوا الجزية كانوا ناقضين للعهد وحلت دماؤهم وقتلهم لان قتل الرجال مباح في دار الشرك وكذلك المقعد من أهل الشرك والذمة والاعمى والشيخ الفاني والمرأة والولدان في ارض الحرب فمن اجل ذلك رفعت عنهم الجزية.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Al Asbahany, from Suleyman Bin Dawood Al Manqary, from Isa Bin Yunus, from Al Awzaie, from Al Zuhry,

(The narrator says) ‘I asked Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws about the women, how was the tax exempted from the women and raised from them?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because Rasool-Allah-saww prohibited from killing the women and the children in the house of war (battlefield) except if they are fighting, and even if they are fighting as well. Therefore, restrain your hand from them as far as possible, and do not fear the confusion. So when he-saww prohibited from killing them in the house of war (battlefield), and that was in the house of Al-Islam first, and if they were to refuse to pay the tax, it was not possible to kill them. So when it was not possible to kill them, the tax was lifted from them. And if the men were to prevent and refuse to pay the tax, they would have been contradicting the covenant, and shedding of their blood and killing them would be Permissible, because killing the men is Permissible in the house of Polytheism. And similar to that are the disabled from the people of Polytheism, and Al-Zimma (ones under responsibility), and the blind, and the very aged, and the women and the children, in the land of war. Thus, it was due to that, the tax was lifted from them’.[668]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن أحمد عن سهل بن زياد عن علي بن الحكم عن فضيل بن عثمان الاعور قال: سمعت ابا عبد الله (ع) يقول ما من مولود ولد إلا على الفطرة فابواه يهود انه وينصر انه ويمجسانه وانما أعطى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الذمة وقبل الجزية عن رؤس اولئك باعيانهم على ان لا يهودوا ولا ينصروا ولا يمجسوا فاما الاولاد واهل الذمة اليوم فلا ذمة لهم.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Fazeyl Bin Usman al Awr who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘There is none from a child born except that it is upon the nature, So it is their parents who make them into Jews, and Christians, and Magians. But rather, Rasool-Allah-saww gave them the protection and accepted the tribute (tax) from their chiefs by their pledging that they would not be turning them to Judaism, nor Christianity, nor Magianism. So, as for the children of the people of responsibility (اهل الذمة) today, so there is no responsibility for them’.[669]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميرى عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي بن رياب عن زرارة عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان رسول الله قبل الجزية من أهل الذمة على ان لا يأكلوا الربى ولا يأكلوا لحم الخنزير ولا ينكحوا الاخوات ولا بنات الاخ ولا بنات الاخت فمن فعل ذلك منهم برءت ذمة الله وذمة رسوله وقال ليست اليوم لهم ذمة.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Rayab, from Zarara,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said that Rasool-Allah-saww accepted the tax from the people of the responsibility (أهل الذمة) upon (the condition that) they would not consume the interest, nor eat the flesh of the swine, nor marry sisters, not daughters of the brother, nor daughters of the sister. So the one who did that, from among them, would be free from the responsibility of Allah-azwj, and responsibility of His-azwj Rasool-saww’. And he-asws said: ‘There is no responsibility today’.[670]

(باب 105 – العلة التي من أجلها نهي عن الحصاد والجذاذ والبذر بالليل)

Chapter 105 – The reason due to which the harvesting, and the ploughing, and the planting is prohibited at night

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميرى عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن أبي بصير قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) لا تجذ بالليل ولا تحصد بالليل قال وتعطى الحفنة بعد الحفنة والقبضة إذا حصدته، وكذلك عن الصرام وكذلك البذر ولا تبذر بالليل لانك تعطى في البذر كما تعطي في الحصاد.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Neither plough at night nor harvest at night’. He-asws said: ‘And you should give (away, i.e., charity) a handful after the handful, and the fistful, when you harvest it. And similar to that is about the reaping of dates, and similar to that is the sowing at night, because you give during the sowing just as you give during the harvesting’.[671]

(باب 106 – العلة التي من أجلها جعلت الشيعة في حل من الخمس)

Chapter 106 – The reason due to which the Shiah were Made to be Pardoned from Al-Khums

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن رزارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) انه قال: ان أمير المؤمنين (ع) حللهم من الخمس – يعني الشيعة – ليطيب مولدهم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Zarara,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws pardoned them from Al-Khums – meaning the Shiah – in order to purify their births’.[672]

وبهذا الاسناد عن زرارة ومحمد بن مسلم وأبي بصير عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) هلك الناس في بطونهم وفروجهم لانهم لا يؤدون الينا حقنا، ألا وان شيعتنا من ذلك وابنائهم في حل.

And by this chain, from Zarara and Muhammad Bin Muslim; and Abu Baseer,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘The people are destroyed with regards to their bellies and their private parts, because they are not paying to us our-asws rights, except for our-asws Shiah and their sons, are pardoned from that’.[673]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد رضي الله عنه، عن أبيه عن محمد بن احمد عن الهيثم النهدي، عن السندي بن محمد عن يحيى بن عمران الزيات، عن داود الرقى قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول: الناس كلهم يعيشون في فضل مظلمتنا إلا انا أحللنا شيعتنا من ذلك.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Haysam Al Nahdy, from Al Sindy Bin Muhammad, from Yahya Bin Imran Al Ziyat, from Dawood Al Raqy who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The people, all of them, are living in the grace of oppressing us-asws, except that we have pardoned our-asws Shiah from that’.[674]




(باب 107 – علة أخذ الخمس)

Chapter 107 – Reason for taking Al-Khums

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن عبد الله بن بكير قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول، اني لاخذ من أحدكم الدرهم واني لمن أكثر أهل المدينة مالا ما أريد بذلك إلا أن تطهروا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Abdullah Bin Bakeyr who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘I-asws take the Dirham from one of you, and I-asws am one of the most wealthy ones of Al-Medina. I-asws do not intend by that except that I-asws purify you’.[675]

(باب 108 – العلة التي من أجلها جعل الصيام على الناس)

Chapter 108 – The reason due to which the Fasts were Made to be upon the people

حدثنا علي بن احمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله قال حدثنا محمد بن اسماعيل، عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف، عن محمد بن سنان، ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة الصوم لعرفان مس الجوع والعطش ليكون العبد ذليلا مستكينا مأجورا محتسبا صابرا فيكون ذلك دليلا على شدائد الآخرة مع ما فيه من الانكسار له عن الشهوات واعظا له ما في العاجل دليلا على الآجل ليعلم شدة مبلغ ذلك من أهل الفقر والمسكنة في الدنيا والآخرة.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to his question of the reason for the Fast: ‘In order to recognise the touch of hunger and the thirst, so that the servant would become humble, submissive, Recompensed, reckoning (his own deeds), patient. So that would become evidence upon the difficulties of the Hereafter along with what is therein from the breaking from the desires, and an admonition for him what is in the present, evidencing him of the difficulties which reach the poor and the needy in the world and the Hereafter’.[676]

وعنه قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن البرمكي عن علي بن العباس، عن عمر بن عبد العزيز قال: حدثنا هشام بن الحكم قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن علة الصيام قال العلة في الصيام ليستوي به الفقير والغنى وذلك لان الغني لم يكن ليجد مس الجوع فيرحم الفقير لان الغني كلما أراد شيئا قدر عليه فاراد الله أن يسوى بين خلقه وأن يذيق الغني مس الجوع والا لم ليرق على الضعيف ويرحم الجائع – فأجابني بمثل جواب ابيه -.

And from him who said, ‘Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy narrated to us, from Al Barmakky, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the reason for the Fasts. He-asws said: ‘The reason for the Fasts is for the equalisation by it of the poor and the rich, and that is because the rich do not happen to find the touch of hunger, so they would be merciful to the poor, because every time a rich person wants something, he has the power over it (to get it). Therefore, Allah-azwj Intended that He-azwj should equalise between His-azwj creatures, and that the rich should taste the touch of hunger or else he would not be pitiful upon the weak and merciful to the hungry’ – Thus, he replied to me similar to the answer of his-asws father-asws’.[677]

(باب 109 – العلة من أجلها فرض الله تعالى الصوم على أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وآله) (ثلاثين يوما وفرض على الامم السالفة أكثر من ذلك)

Chapter 109 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Obligated the Fast upon the community of Muhammad-saww for thirty days, and Obligated upon the previous communities more than that

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه، عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم، عن أحمد ابن أبي عبد الله عن أبي الحسن علي بن الحسين البرقي عن عبد الله بن جبلة عن معاوية بن عمار عن الحسن بن عبد الله عن آبائه عن جده الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب (ع) قال: جاء نفر من اليهود إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فسأله أعلمهم عن مسائل فكان فيما سأله ان قال له: لاي شئ فرض الله عزوجل الصوم على أمتك بالنهار ثلاثين يوما وفرض على الامم السالفة اكثر من ذلك؟ فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ان آدم لما أكل من الشجرة بقي في بطنه ثلاثين يوما ففرض الله على ذريته ثلاثين يوما الجوع والعطش والذي يأكلونه تفضل من الله تعالى عليهم وكذلك كان على آدم ففرض الله ذلك على أمتى ثم تلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله هذه الآية: (كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون اياما معدودات)

Muhammad Bin Ali Al Majaylawiya, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Ibn Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Barqy, from Abdullah bin Jabala, from Muawiya Bin Amaar, from Al Hassan Bin Abdullah, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather-asws Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘A number of Jews came to Rasool-Allah-saww. So their scholar asked certain questions, and among what he asked was that he said to him-saww, ‘For which thing did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Obligated the Fast upon your-saww community by the day for forty days, and Obligated upon the previous communities more than that?’ So the Prophet-saww said: ‘When Adam-as ate from the tree, it remain in his-as belly for thirty days, so Allah-azwj Obligated upon his-as offspring thirty days of hunger and thirst, and that which they are eating is Grace from Allah-azwj the High upon them. And such was upon Adam-as, so Allah-azwj Obligated that upon my-saww community’. Then Rasool-Allah-saww recited this Verse [2:183] O you who believe! Fasting is Prescribed for you, as it was Prescribed for those before you, so that you may fear [2:184] For a certain number of days’.

قال اليهودي، صدقت يا محمد فما جزاء من صامها؟ فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ما من مؤمن يصوم شهر رمضان احتسابا إلا أوجب الله سبع خصال أولها يذوب الحرام من جسده، والثانية يقرب من رحمة الله، والثالثة يكون قد كفر خطيئة أبيه آدم (ع)، والرابعة يهون الله عليه سكرات الموت، والخامسة امان من الجوع والعطش يوم القيامة والسادسة يعطيه الله براءة من النار، والسابعة يطعمه الله من طيبات الجنة، قال صدقت يا محمد.

The Jew said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth, O Muhammad-saww. So what is the Recompense of the one who Fasts these?’ So the Prophet-saww said: ‘There is none from a Believer who Fasts for the Month of Ramazan in anticipation (for the Rewards), except that Allah-azwj would Obligate upon him seven qualities. The first of these – the Forbidden (consumed) would melt from his body; and the second – he would get closer to the Mercy of Allah-azwj; and the third – it would become an expiation of the error of his father-as Adam-as; and the fourth – Allah-azwj would Ease for him the pangs of death; and the fifth – he would be secure from the hunger and thirst on the Day of Judgement; and the sixth – Allah-azwj would Give him freedom from the Fire; and the seventh – Allah-azwj would Feed him from the nicest (meals) from the Paradise’. He said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth, O Muhammad-saww’.[678]

(باب 110 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يفطر الاحتلام الصائم والنكاح يفطره)

Chapter 110 – The reason due to which the bed wetting of the Fasting ones does not break (his Fast), and the copulation breaks it

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرني القاسم بن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان ابن الحسن عن الحسين بن الوليد عن عمر بن يزيد قال قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) لاي علة لا يفطر الاحتلام الصائم، والنكاح بفطر الصائم قال: لان النكاح فعله والاحتلام مفعول به.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Ibn Al Hassan, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Umar Bin Yazeed who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason the bed-wetting of the Fasting one does not break (his Fast), and the copulation breaks (the Fast of) the Fasting one?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the copulation is what he does it, and the bed-wetting happens to him (without his intension)’.[679]

(باب 112 – العلة التي من أجلها سن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في كل) (شهر صوم خميسين بينهما أربعاء)

Chapter 112 – The reason due to which it is a Sunnah of Rasool-Allah-saww to Fast two Thursdays in a month, in between the two, a Wednesday

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد رحمه الله، عن أبيه، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النصر بن سويد بن هاشم بن الحكم عن الاحول عن ابن سنان عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله سئل عن صوم خميسين بينهما أربعاء فقال أما الخميس فيوم تعرض فيه الاعمال وأما الاربعاء فيوم خلقت فيه النار وأما الصوم فجنة من النار.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nasr Bin Suweyd Bin Hisham Bin Al Hakam, from Al Ahowl, from Ibn Sinan, from the one who mentioned it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww was asked about Fasting the two Thursdays, between these two, a Wednesday, so he-saww said: ‘As for the Thursday, so it is a day in which the deeds are presented, and as for the Wednesdays, so it is a day in which the Fire was Created, and as for the Fast, so it is a shield from the Fire’.[680]

وعنه، عن أبيه، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن عثمان بن عيسى رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: الاربعاء يوم نحس مستمر، لانه أول يوم وآخر يوم من الايام التي قال الله تعالى (سخرها عليهم سبع ليال وثمانية أيام حسوما).

And from him, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Usman Bin Isa, raising it to,

Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The Wednesday is a day of constant inauspiciousness (not favourable); because Allah-azwj the High Said regarding the first day and the last days from the days (of a month) [69:7] Which He made to prevail against them for seven nights and eight days unremittingly’.[681]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن علي بن اسباط عن عبد الصمد عن عبد الملك عن عنبسة العابد قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول آخر خميس في الشهر ترفع فيه الاعمال.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ali Bin Asbat, from Abdul Samad, from Abdul Malik, from Anbasa Al Aabid who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The last Thursday in the month, the deeds are Raised during it’.[682]

وعنه، عن محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن اسماعيل ابن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن اسحاق بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال انما يصام يوم الاربعاء لانه لم يعذب الله عزوجل أمة فيما مضى من الايام إلا يوم الاربعاء وسط الشهر فيستحب أن يصام ذلك اليوم.

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ismail Ibn Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Is’haq Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘But rather, one should Fast on the day of Wednesday because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic did not Punish a community of the past in the days, except for the day of Wednesday in the middle of the month, therefore it is recommended that one Fasts during that day’.[683]

(باب 113 – العلة التي من أجلها وجب الافطار على المريض والمسافر)

Chapter 113 – The reason due to which the breaking of the Fast is Obligatory upon the sick and the travellers

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان الله عزوجل أهدى إلى وإلى أمتى هدية لم يهدها إلى أحد من الامم كرامة من الله لنا قالوا وما ذلك يا رسول الله؟ قال: الافطار في السفر والتقصير في الصلاة فمن لم يفعل ذلك فقد رد على الله عزوجل هديته.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Gifted to me-saww and to my-saww community, a Gift which He-azwj did not Gift to anyone from the communities; a Prestige from Allah-azwj to us’. They (the people) said, ‘And what is that, O Rasool-Allah-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘The breaking of the Fast during the journey, and the shortening in the Prayer. So the one who does not do that, so he has rebuffed (rejected) to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, His-azwj Gift’.[684]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين ابن سعيد عن سليمان بن عمرو عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: اشتكت ام سلمة عينها في شهر رمضان فأمرها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان تفطر وقال: عشاء الليل لعينك ردئ.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Ibn Saeed, from Suleyman Bin Amro,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Umm Salma-as complained about her-as eye during the Month of Ramazan, so Rasool-Allah-saww ordered her-as to break the Fast, and said: ‘The dinner tonight would be served to the poor for your-as eye’.[685]

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد، عن أبيه عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن علي ابن الحكم، عن عبد الملك بن عتبة، عن اسحاق بن عمار، عن يحيى بن أبي العلاء عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان رجلا أتى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال يا رسول الله أأصوم شهر رمضان في السفر؟ فقال لا، قال يا رسول الله انه علي يسير؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان الله عزوجل تصدق على مرضى أمتى ومسافريها بالافطار في شهر رمضان أيعجب أحدكم إذا تصدق بصدقه ان ترد عليه صدقته.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Ibn Al Hakam, from Abdul Malik Bin Utba, from Is’haq Bin Amaar, from Yahya Bin Abu Al A’ala,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘A man came over to Rasool-Allah-saww, so he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Shall I Fast the Month of Ramazan during the journey?’ So he-saww said: ‘No’. He said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! (Although) it is easy upon me?’ So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic was Charitable upon the sick ones of my-saww community and its travellers with the breaking of the Fast during the Month of Ramazan. Would it not astound (shock) one of you when he gives something in charity and his charity is returned back to him?’[686]

وبهذا الاسناد عن علي بن الحكم عن محمد بن يحيى عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته، عن امرأة مرضت في شهر رمضان وماتت في شوال فاوصتني ان أقضى عنها قال هل برءت من مرضها؟ قلت لا ماتت فيه قال فلا يقضى عنها فان الله تعالى لم يجعله عليها، قلت فانى اشتهى ان أقضيه؟ قال فان اشتهيت ان تصوم لنفسك فصم.

And by this chain, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Abu Baseer,

(The narrator says) ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a sick woman in the Month of Ramazan, and she died in (the month of) Shawwal, so she bequeathed to me that I should fulfil (the missed Fasts) for her. He-asws said: ‘Was she free from her illness?’ I said, ‘No. She died in it’. He-asws said : ‘So there is no fulfilment of these, for Allah-azwj the High did not Make it to be upon her’. I said, ‘So if I desire to I should fulfil it?’ He-asws said: ‘So if you so desire to Fast for your own self, so do it’.[687]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد بن اسلم الجبلي عن صباح الحذاء عن اسحاق بن عمار قال: سألت أبا الحسن موسى بن جعفر (ع) عن قوم خرجوا في سفر لهم فلما انتهوا إلى الموضع الذي يجب عليهم فيه التقصير قصروا فلما صاروا على فرسخين أو ثلاثة أو أربعة فراسخ تخلف عنهم رجل لا يستقيم لهم السفر إلا بمجيئه إليهم فاقاموا على ذلك اياما لا يدرون يمضون في سفرهم أو ينصرفون هل ينبغي لهم أن يتموا الصلاة أم يقيموا على تقصيرهم؟

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Aslam Al Jabaly, from Sabah Al Haza’a, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws about a people who went out on a journey for them. So when they ended up to the place at which the shortening (of the Prayer) was Obligated upon them, they shortened it. Then they moved on. So when they had gone over two Farsakhs, or three, or four Farsakhs, a man from among them stayed back, and it was not for them to continue the journey except with him coming to them. So they stayed upon that for days, not knowing whether they would be going on in their journey, or they would be dispersing (turning back). Is it befitting for them that they should complete the Prayer, or remain upon their shortening?’

فقال ان كانوا بلغوا مسيرة أربعة فراسخ فليتموا على تقصيرهم أقاموا أم انصرفوا، وان ساروا اقل من أربعة فراسخ فليقيموا الصلاة ما اقاموا فإذا مضوا فليقصروا.

So he-asws said: ‘If their journey had reached four Farsakhs, so they should be completing (their stay) upon their shortening, whether they stay on or they go. And if they had travelled less than four Farsakhs, so they should establish the Prayer what they (normally) establish, so if they leave they should shorten’.

ثم قال عليه السلام وهل تدرى كيف صارت هكذا؟ قلت لا أدرى قال لان التقصير في بريدين ولا يكون التقصير في أقل من ذلك فلما كانوا قد ساروا بريدا وأرادوا أن ينصرفوا بريدا كانوا قد ساروا سفر التقصير وان كانوا قد ساروا اقل من ذلك لم يكن لهم إلا تمام الصلاة،

Then he-asws said:’ And do you know how it came to be like that?’ I said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘Because the shortening is regarding two ‘Bareyds’, and the shortening does not take place in less than that. So when they had gone for one Bareyd, and they wanted to leave after one Bareyd, they had gone on a journey of the shortening (of the Prayer). And if they had gone less than that, it would not be for them except for the complete Prayer’.

قلت أليس قد بلغوا الموضع الذي لا يسمعون فيه إذا مصرهم الذي خرجوا منه؟ قال بلى إنما قصروا في ذلك الموضع لانهم لم يشكوا في مسيرهم وان السير سيجد بهم في السفر فلما جاءت العلة في مقامهم دون البريد صاروا هكذا.

I said, ‘They had not reached the place in which they could not hear in it (the Call for the Prayer) of their city from which they had come out?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. But rather, they shortened in that place, because they did not doubt in their travelling, and that they would be walking in their journey. So when the reason came with regards to their staying besides Al-Bareyd, it came to be like this’.[688]


(باب 114 – العلة في كراهة شم الرياحين للصائم)

Chapter 114 – The reason for the abhorrence of the smelling of the basil for the Fasting one

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادى عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي قال: حدثنا داود بن اسحاق الحذاء عن محمد بن الفيض التيمي عن ابن رئاب قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) ينهى عن النرجس للصائم فقلت جعلت فداك فلم؟ قال: لانه ريحان الاعاجم، وذكر محمد ابن يعقوب، عن بعض اصحابنا ان الاعاجم كانت تشمه إذا صاموا ويقولون انه يمسك من الجوع.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Dawood Bin Is’haq Al Haza’a, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl Al Taymi, from Ibn Ra’ib who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws had forbidden the (smelling) of the flowers for the Fasting one’. So I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws, but why?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it is an aroma which (helps in overcoming) hunger’.[689]

وبهذا الاسناد عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله عن عبد الله بن الفضل النوفلي الحسن بن راشد قال: كان أبو عبد الله (ع) إذا صام لا يشم الريحان فسألته ذلك فقال: اكره ان اخلط صومي بلذة.

And by this chain, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abdullah Bin Al Fazal Al Nowfaly Al Hassan Bin Rashid who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws, whenever he-asws Fasted, did not smell the basil. So I asked him-asws about that, so he-asws said: ‘I-asws do not like to mix pleasures with my-asws Fast’.[690]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن بعض أصحابنا بلغ به حريز قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن المحرم يشم الريحان؟ قال لا قلت فالصائم قال لا قلت له يشم الصائم الغالية والدخنة قال نعم، قلت كيف حل له شم الطيب ولا يشم الريحان؟ قال لان الطيب سنة والريحان بدعة للصائم.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abadyy narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from one of our companions, delivered to him by Hareyz who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the one in Ihraam (to use) the perfumes?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So (what about) the Fasting one?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said to him-asws, ‘Can the Fasting one smell the musk and amber and the sandalwood ?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘How come it is Permissible for him to smell the perfumes and not to smell the basil?’ He-asws said: ‘Because, the perfume is a Sunnah, and the basil is an innovation for the Fasting one?’[691]



(باب 115 – العلة التي من أجلها لا ينبغي للضيف أن يصوم تطوعا إلا) (باذن صاحبه ولا لصاحبه أن يصوم تطوعا إلا باذن ضيفه)

Chapter 115 – The reason due to which it is not befitting for the guest that he should Fast voluntary (Fast) except by the permission of his host, nor for the host that he should Fast voluntary (Fast) except by the permission of his guest

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي، عن أحمد بن محمد السياري، عن محمد ابن عبد الله الكوفي عن رجل ذكره قال: سمعت ابا جعفر (ع) يروي عن أبيه عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: إذا دخل الرجل بلدة فهو ضيف على من بها أهل من دينه حتى يرحل عنهم ولا ينبغي للضيف أن يصوم إلا باذنهم لئلا يعملوا له الشئ فيفسد عليهم ولا ينبغي لهم أن يصوموا إلا باذن ضيفهم لئلا يحتشمهم فيشتهى الطعام فيتركه لمكانهم.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sayyari, from Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Al Kufy, from a man who mentioned it, said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws narrating from his-asws father-asws, from Rasool-Allah-saww having said: ‘When the man entered a city, so he is a guest of ones who are in it, from the people of his Religion, until he leaves from them, and it is not befitting for the guest that he should be Fasting except by their permission, perhaps they would have made something for him so it would spoil upon them, and it is not befitting for them that they should be Fasting except by the permission of their guest, perhaps he would be too embarrassed (to speak) when he is coveting the food, so he would leave their place’.[692]

حدثنا علي بن بندار عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق باسناده عمن ذكره عن الفضل ابن يسار عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إذا دخل رجل بلدة فهو ضيف على من بها من أهل دينه حتى يرحل عنهم ولا ينبغي للضيف أن يصوم إلا باذنهم لئلا يعملوا له الشئ فيفسد عليهم ولا ينبغي لهم أن يصوموا إلا باذن الضيف لئلا يحتشمهم فيشتهي الطعام فيتركه لمكانهم.

Ali Bin Bandar narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, by his chain from the one who mentioned if, from Al Fazal Ibn Yasar,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When a man enters a city, so he is a guest upon the ones in it from the people of his Religion until he leaves from there, and it is not befitting for the guest that he should be Fasting except by their permission, perhaps they would have made something for him, and it would spoil upon them; and it is not befitting for them that they should be Fasting except by the permission of the guest, perhaps he would be too embarrassed (to speak), when he would be coveting the food, so he would leave from their place’.[693]

أخبرنا الحسين بن محمد عن أحمد بن محمد عن محمد بن عبد الله الكوفي عن رجل ذكره قال بلغني ان بعض أهل المدينة يروي حديثا عن أبي جعفر (ع) فاتيته فسألته عنه فزبرنى وحلف لي بايمان غليظة لا يحدث به أحدا فقلت أجل الله هل سمعه معك احد غيرك قال نعم سمعه رجل يقال له الفضل فقصدته حتى إذا صرت إلى منزل استأذنت عليه فسألته عن الحديث فزبرنى وفعل بي كما فعل المدايني فاخبرته بسفري وما فعل بى المدايني

Al Husayn Bin Muhammad informed us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al Kufy, from a man who mentioned it, said,

‘It reached me that one of the people of Al-Medina was reporting a particular Hadeeth from Abu Ja’far-asws, so I went over to him, and asked him-asws about it. He was rude to me and swore to me with a grievous oath that he has not narrated by it to anyone. So I said, ‘For Allah-azwj’s Sake! Has anyone else heard it apart from you?’ He said, ‘Yes, a man called Al-Fazal heard it. So I diverted myself to him until I came to his house. I sought permission to see him, and asked him about the Hadeeth. But he was rude to me and dealt with me just as Al-Madainy has dealt with me. So I informed him about by journey and what Al-Madainy had done to me.

فرق لي وقال: نعم سمعت أبا جعفر محمد ابن علي (ع) يروي، عن أبيه، عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: إذا دخل رجل بلدا فهو ضعيف على من بها من أهل دينه حتى يرحل عنهم، ولا ينبغى للضيف أن يصوم إلا باذنهم لئلا يعملوا له الشئ فيفسد عليهم ولا ينبغي لهم أن يصوموا إلا باذنه لئلا يحتشمهم فيترك لمكانهم،

So he was pitiful to me and said, ‘Yes, I head Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Ibn Ali-asws reporting it, from his-asws father-asws, from Rasool-Allah-saww having said: ‘When a man enters a city, so he is a guest upon the ones who are in it from the people of his Religion until he leaves from them, and it is not befitting for the guest that he should be Fasting except by their permission, perhaps they would have made something for him and it would spoil upon them; and it is not befitting for them that they should be Fasting except by his permission, perhaps he would be too embarrassed (to speak) when he covets the food, so he would leave their place’.

ثم قال لي أين نزلت فاخبرته، فلما كان من الغد إذا هو قد بكر علي ومعه خادم له على رأسه خوان عليها من ضروب الطعام فقلت له ما هذا رحمك الله؟ فقال: سبحان الله ألم أرو لك الحديث بالامس عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام ثم انصرف.

The he said to me, ‘Where are you staying?’ So I informed him. So when it was the next day early morning, he came over to me, and with him as an attendant, upon his head was a basket of various types of food. So I said to him, ‘May Allah-azwj Mercy on you, what is this?’ So he said, ‘Glory be to Allah-azwj! Did I not report to you the Hadeeth yesterday from Abu Ja’far-asws?’ Then he left’.[694]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس، عن محمد بن احمد عن أحمد ابن هلاك، عن متروك بن عبيد، عن نشيط بن صالح، عن الحكم بياع الكرابيس عن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من فقه الضيف أن لا يصوم تطوعا إلا باذن صاحبه ومن طاعة المرأة لزوجها أن لا تصوم تطوعا إلا باذنه وأمره ومن صلاح العبد ونصحه لمولاه أن لا يصوم تطوعا إلا باذن مواليه وأمرهم ومن بر الولد أن لا يصوم تطوعا ولا يحج تطوعا ولا يصلي تطوعا إلا باذن أبويه وأمرهما وإلا كان الضيف جاهلا، والمرأة عاصية وكان العبد فاسدا عاصيا غاشا، وكان الولد عاقا قاطعا للرحم.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Ibn Halaak, from Matrouk Bin Ubeyd, from Nasheet Bin Salih, from Al Hakam the salesman of Al Karabeys,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘From the jurisprudence of the guest is that he should not be Fasting the voluntary (Fast) except by the permission of his companion (host), and from the obedience of the woman to her husband is that she should not Fast voluntary (Fast) except by his permission and his order, and from the righteousness of the slave and his correctness to his master is that he should not Fast voluntary (Fast) except by the permission of his master and his order, and from the righteousness of the child is that he should not be Fasting voluntary (Fast), nor perform voluntary Hajj, nor Pray voluntary (Prayer), except by the permission of his parents and their orders except if they are weak, ignorant. Otherwise the woman is disobedient, and the slave would be corrupt, sinner, deceptive, and the child would be disobedient, breaker of the relationship’.[695]

(باب 116 – العلة التي من أجلها كره الباقر (ع) أن صوم يوم عرفة)

Chapter 116 – The reason due to which Al-Baqir-asws dislike Fasting on the day of Arafaat (9th Zihajj)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسين عمن ذكره، عن حنان بن سدير، عن أبيه قال: سبألته عن صوم يوم عرفة فقلت جعلت فداك أنهم يزعمون انه يعدل صوم سنة قال: كان أبي (ع) لا يصوم، قلت ولم جعلت فداك؟ قال: يوم عرفه يوم دعاء ومسألة فاتخوف أن يضعفني عن الدعاء وأكره ان أصومه واتخوف أن يكون يوم عرفة يوم الاضحى وليس بيوم صوم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from the one who mentioned it, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from his father who said,

‘I asked him-asws (5th Imam-asws) about Fasting on the day of Arafaat (9th Zilhajj), so I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! They are claiming that it is equal to a year’s Fast’. He-asws said: ‘My-asws father-asws did not Fast’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And why not?’ He-asws said: ‘The day of Arafaat is a day of supplications and asking, so I-asws fear that it would weaken me-asws from the supplications, and I-asws dislike it that I-asws should Fast it, and I-asws fear that the day of Arafa should be the day of Al-Azha (sacrifice), and it is not a day of Fasting’.[696]

(باب 117 – العلة التي من أجلها كان لا يصوم الحسن (ع)) (يوم عرفة ويصومه الحسين (ع))

Chapter 117 – The reason due to which Al-Hassan-asws was not Fasting on the day of Arafaat (9th Zilhajj), and Al-Husayn-asws was Fasting during it

حدثنا جعفر بن علي عن أبيه، عن جده الحسن بن علي الكوفي، عن جده عبد الله بن المغيرة عن سالم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: أوصى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إلى علي (ع) وحده وأوصى علي إلى الحسن والحسين جميعا وكان الحسن امامه فدخل رجل يوم عرفة على الحسن (ع) وهو يتغدى الحسين (ع) صائم ثم جاء بعد ما قبض الحسن (ع) فدخل على الحسن (ع) يوم عرفة وهو يتغدى وعلي ابن الحسين صائم فقال له الرجل اني دخلت على الحسن وهو يتغدى وانت صائم ثم دخلت عليك وانت مطر! فقال: ان الحسن (ع) كان إماما لئلا يتخذ صومه سنة وليتأسى به الناس فلما ان قبض كنت الامام فاردت أن لا يتخذ صومي سنة فيتأسى الناس بى.

Ja’far Bin Ali, from his father, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Kufy, from his grandfather Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from Salim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww bequeathed to Ali-asws alone, and Ali-asws bequeathed to Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Husayn-asws both together. Al-Hassan-asws was the Imam, so a man came over on the day of Arafaat to Al-Hassan-asws, and he-asws was eating, and Al-Husayn-asws was Fasting. Then he came after Al-Hassan-asws had passed away, so he came over to Al-Husayn-asws and he-asws was eating and Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws was Fasting. So the man said to him-asws, ‘I went over to Al Hassan-asws and he-asws was eating and you-asws were Fasting. Then I came over to you-asws, and you-asws are not (Fasting)?’ So he-asws said: ‘Al-Hassan-asws was an Imam (at the time), perhaps his-asws Fast would be taken as a Sunnah, and the people would abide by it. So when he-asws passed away, I-asws was an Imam, so I-asws intended that my-asws (fasting) not to be taken as a Sunnah, so the people would abide by it’.[697]

(باب 119 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للمسافر الذي يجب) (عليه التقصير أن يجامع بالنهار)

Chapter 119 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the traveller upon whom the shortening (of the Prayer) is Obligated, that he should copulate during the day

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب، عن محمد بن عبد الله بن هلال، عن العلاء، عن محمد بن مسلم، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: إذا سافر الرجل في شهر رمضان فلا يقرب النساء بالنهار ان ذلك محرم عليه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khattab, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Hilal, from Al A’ala, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When the man travels during the Month of Ramazan, so he should not go near the women at daytime, that is a Prohibition unto him’.[698]

(باب 120 – العلة التي من أجلها من دخل على أخيه وهو صائم) تطوعا فافطر كان له أجران)

Chapter 120 – The reason due to which one who comes over to his brother and he is Fasting a voluntary (Fast), so he should break (the Fast), there would be double Recompense for him

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد، عن محمد ابن الحسن بن علان، عن محمد بن عبد الله، عن عبد الله بن جندب، عن بعض الصادقين عليهم السلام قال: من دخل على اخيه وهو صائم تطوعا فافطر كان له اجران أجر لنيته لصيامه، وأجر لادخال السرور عليه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan Bin Alaan, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Abdullah Bin Jundab,

(It has been narrated) from one of the two truthful ones-asws (5th or 6th Imam-asws), having said: ‘The one who comes over to his brother, and he is Fasting a voluntary (Fast), so he should break it, and there would be double Recompense for him – one Recompense for his intention for his Fast, and one Recompense for making enter the cheerfulness unto him’.[699]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن ابراهيم عن سفيان عن داود الرقي قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول: لافطارك في منزل أخيك المسلم افضل من صيامك سبعين ضعفا أو تسعين ضعفا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ibrahim, from Sufyan, from Dawood Al Raqy who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Your breaking of your Fast in a house of your Muslim brother is better than your own Fast seventy fold, or ninety fold’.[700]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسين عن صالح بن عقبة، عن جميل بن دراج قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) من دخل على أخيه وهو صائم فافطر عنده ولم يعلمه بصومه فيمن عليه كتب الله له عزوجل صوم سنة.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Salih Bin Uqba, from Jameel Bin Daraaj,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The one who goes over to his brother and he is Fasting, so he should break his Fast with him, and not to let him know of his Fast. Thus, he would be from the ones upon who Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would Write for him the Fasts for a year’.[701]

(باب 121 – العلة التي من أجلها صار على من نذر أن) (يصوم حينا صوم ستة أشهر)

Chapter 121 – The reason due to which it came to be for one who vows that he would Fast for a season, should Fast for six months’.

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام ان عليا (ع) قال في رجل نذر أن يصوم زمانا، قال: الزمان خمسة اشهر، والحين ستة اشهر، لان الله تعالى يقول: (تؤتي أكلها كل حين باذن ربها).

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated0 from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws that Ali-asws said regarding a man who vowed that he would Fast for a ‘time’ (unspecified). He-asws said: ‘The time (unspecified) is for five months, and the season is of six months, because Allah-azwj the High is Saying [14:25] Yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord’.[702]



(بالب 122 – العلة التي من أجلها يجوز للرجل الصائم) (أن يستنقع في الماء ولا يجوز للمرأة)

Chapter 122 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the Fasting man that he can soak in the water, and it is not allowed for the woman

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن أحمد، عن احمد السياري، عن محمد بن علي الهمداني، عن حنان بن سدير قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن الصائم يستنقع في الماء؟ قال: لا بأس، ولكن لا ينغمس، والمراة لا تستنقع في الماء لانها تحمل الماء بقبلها.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Al Sayyari, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Hamdany, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Fasting one who soaks in the water?’ He-asws said: ‘No problem, but he should not immerse (completely), and the woman should not soak in the water because she would take in the water from her front’.[703]

(باب 123 – العلة التي من أجلها تكون ليلة القدر في كل سنة)

Chapter 123 – The reason due to which the Night of Pre-destination (ليلة القدر) came to be in every year

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن أحمد ابن محمد السياري، عن بعض اصحابنا عن داود بن فرقد قال: سمعت رجلا سأل أبا عبد الله (ع) عن ليلة القدر فقال اخبرني عن ليلة القدر كانت أو تكون في كل عام؟ فقال له أبو عبد الله (ع): لو رفعت ليلة القدر لرفع القرآن.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Al Sayyari, from one of our companions, from Dawood Bin Farqad who said,

‘I heard a man ask Abu Abdullah-asws about the Night of Pre-destination (ليلة القدر), so he said, ‘Inform me about the Night of Pre-destination, it was, or will it be occurring in every year?’ So Abu Abdullah-asws said to him: ‘If the Night of Pre-destination were to be Raised up, the Quran would be Raised up’.[704]

(باب 124 – العلة التي من أجلها تنزل المغفرة على) (من صام شهر رمضان ليلة العيد)

Chapter 124 – The reason due to which the Forgiveness upon the one who Fasts the Month of Ramazan, on the night of Eid

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن أحمد عن أحمد بن محمد السياري عن القاسم بن يحيى، عن جده الحسن بن راشد قال: قلت جعلت فداك ان الناس يقولون ان المغفرة تنزل على من صام شهر رمضان ليلة القدر فقال: يا حسن ان الفار يجار إنما يعطى اجرته عند فراغه وذلك ليلة العيد

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sayyari, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid who said,

‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! The people are saying that the Forgiveness descends upon the one who Fasts the Month of Ramazan, on the Night of the Pre-determination’. So he-asws said: ‘O Hassan! The free one is recompensed. But rather, his recompense is given to him during his being free from it (his work), and that is the night of Eid’.

قلت جعلت فداك فما ينبغي لنا أن نعمل فيها؟ فقال إذا غربت الشمس فاغتسل وإذا صليت ثلاث ركعات من المغرب فارفع يديك وقل: يا ذا الطول يا ذا الحول يا ذا الجود يا مصطفى محمد وناصره صل على محمد وعلى أهل بيته واغفر لي كل ذنب احصيته علي ونسيته وهو عندك في كتاب مبين، وتخر ساجدا وتقول مائة مرة اتوب إلى الله وأنت ساجد وسل حوائجك.

May I be sacrificed for you-asws! So what is befitting for us that we should do in it?’ So he-asws said: ‘So he-asws said: ‘When the sun sets, so wash. And when you have Prayed the three Cycles of Al-Maghrib, so raise your hands and say, ‘O One with the Leniency! O One with the Awe! O One with the Benevolence! O One Who Chose Muhammad-saww and Assisted him-saww! Send Blessings upon Muhammad-saww, and upon the People-asws of his-saww Household, and Forgive my every sin that I remember and have forgotten, and it is all with You-azwj in a Manifest Book’; and fall down Prostrate, and say one hundred times, ‘I repent to Allah-azwj’, and you are Prostrating, and ask your need’.[705]

(باب 125 – العلة التي من أجلها لا توفق العامة لفطر ولا أضحى)

Chapter 125 – The reason due to which the general Muslims would neither reconcile upon (Eid) Al-Fitr, nor upon (Eid) Al-Az’ha

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن أحمد عن السياري عن محمد بن إسماعيل الرازي، عن أبي جعفر الثاني (ع) قال: قلت جعلت فداك ما تقول في العامة فانه قد روي انهم لا يوفقون لصوم! فقال لي: اما انه قد اجيبت دعوة الملك فيهم، قال: قلت وكيف ذلك جعلت فداك؟ قال: ان الناس لما قتلوا الحسين بن علي صلوات الله عليه أمر الله عزوجل ملكا ينادي أيتها الامة الظالمة القاتلة عترة نبيها لا وفقكم الله لصوم ولا فطر، وفي حديث آخر لفطر ولا اضحى.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Sayyari, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Razy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws the Second, said, ‘I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! What are you-asws saying regarding the general Muslims, for it has been reported that they would never be reconciling for Fasting?’ So he-asws said to me: ‘But, it is the Answering of the supplication of the Angel with regards to them’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And how is that?’ He-asws said : ‘When the people killed Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded an Angel who called out: ‘O you oppressive community, the ones who have killed the Family-asws of its Prophet-saww! May Allah-azwj never let you to reconcile over the Fast nor (Eid) Al-Fitr!’ And in another Hadeeth: ‘Nor (Eid) Al-Azha!’[706]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال حدثنى محمد بن يعقوب عن علي بن محمد عمن ذكره عن محمد بن سليمان عن عبد الله بن الجنيد التفليسي عن رزين قال قال أبو عبد الله (ع) لما ضرب الحسين بن علي صلوات الله وسلامه عليه بالسيف فسقط ثم ابتدر ليقطع رأسه نادى مناد من بطنان العرش ألا أيتها الامة المتجبرة الضالة بعد نبيها لا وفقكم الله لا ضحى ولا فطر،

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Muhammad, from the one who mentioned it, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman, from Abdullah Bin Al Juneyd Al Tafleysi, from Razeyyn who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘When Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws was struck by the sword, so he-asws fell. So they began with cutting off his-asws head. A Caller Called out from the Middle of the Throne: “O you tyrannous community, the strayed one after its Prophet-saww! May Allah-azwj not let you reconcile (Eid) Al-Azha nor (Eid) Al-Fitr!’

قال: ثم قال أبو عبد الله (ع) فلا جرم والله ما وفقوا ولا يوفقون حتى يثور ثائر الحسين عليه السلام.

He (the narrator) said, ‘Then Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘So, by Allah-azwj! For no (other) guilt, they have neither reconciled, nor would they be reconciling, until the revolution of Al-Husayn-asws erupts (Rising of Al-Qaim-asws)’.[707]

(باب 126 – العلة من أجلها يتجدد لآل محمد صلوات الله) (عليهم في كل عيد حزن جديد)

Chapter 126 – The reason due to which it is renewed for the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww, in every Eid, a renewed grief

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن الحسن، عن عمرو بن عثمان عن حنان بن سدير عن عبد الله بن دينار عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: يا عبد الله مامن عيد للمسلمين أضحى ولا فطر إلا وهو يتجدد فيه لآل محمد حزن، قلت فلم؟ قال: لانهم يرون حقهم في يد غيرهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hassan, from Amro Bin Usman, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from Abdullah Bin Dinar,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘O Abdullah! There is none from the Eids of the Muslims, neither Azha nor Fitr, except that the grief of the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww is renewed in it’. I said, ‘So why?’ He-asws said: ‘Because they-asws are seeing their-asws rights being in the hands of the others’.[708]

(باب 127 – علة إخراج الفطرة)

Chapter 127 – Reason for taking out the Fitra

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عبد الجبار، عن صفوان بن يحيى، عن اسحاق بن عمار، عن معتب عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: اذهب فاعط عن عيالنا الفطرة واعط عن الرقيق باجمعهم ولا تدع منهم احدا فانك ان تركت منهم إنسانا تخوفت عليه الفوت، فقلت وما الفوت؟ قال: الموت.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Is’haq Bin Amaar, from Motab,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Go and give the Fitra on behalf of our family, and give for the slaves, all of them, and do not leave any one of them, for if you were to leave a human being from them, I-asws fear the expiry upon him’. So I said, ‘And what is the expiry?’ He-asws said: ‘The death’.[709]

(باب 128 – العلة التي من أجلها صار التمر في الفطرة أفضل من غيره)

Chapter 128 – The reason due to which the dates in the Fitra came to be more preferable than something else

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابن هاشم وأيوب بن نوح ومحمد بن عبد الجبار ويعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد ابن أبي عمير، عن هشام بن الحكم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: التمر في الفطر افضل من غيره لانه أسرع منفعة وذلك انه إذا وقع في يد صاحبه اكل منه وقال نتزلت الزكاة وليس للناس أموال، وإنما كانت الفطرة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibn Hashim and Ayoub Bin Nuh and Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar and Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisahm Bin Al Hakam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The dates in the Fitra is preferable than something else, because it is quick to the benefit, and that is when it reaches in the hand of its owner, he would eat from it’. And he-asws said: ‘And the Zakat was Revealed, there was not (much) wealth for the people, but rather, the Fitra was there’.[710]

(باب 129 – العلة التي من أجلها عدل الناس في الفطرة) (من صاع إلى نصف صاع)

Chapter 129 – The reason due to which the people amended in the Fitra, from one Sa’a to half a Sa’a

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان، عن الحسين بن سعيد عن فضالة عن أبي المغراء عن الحسن الحذاء عن أبي عبد الله (ع) انه ذكر صدقة الفطرة انها على كل صغير وكبير من حر أو عبد ذكر أو انثى صاع من زبيب أو صاع من شعير أو صاع من ذرة، قال: فلما كان في زمن معاوية وخصب الناس عدل الناس ذلك إلى نصف صاع من حنطة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat, from Abu Al Magra, from Al Hassan Al Haza’a,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having mentioned charity of Al-Fitra: ‘It is upon every small and big, or a male or a female slave, a Sa’a (Unit of measurement) of raisins, or Sa’a of barley, or a Sa’a of corn’. He-asws said: ‘So when it was the era of Muawiya and the people were fertile (lot of harvest), so the people amended that to half a Sa’a of wheat’.[711]

وعنه عن حماد بن عيسى عن معاوية بن وهب قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول، في الفطرة جرت السنة بصاع من تمر أو صاع من زبيب أو صاع من شعير فلما كان في زمن عثمان وكثرت الحنطة قومه الناس فقال نصف صاع من بر بصاع من شعير.

And from him, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Muawiya Bin Wahab who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying regarding the Fitra, the Sunnah flowed by a Sa’a of dates, or a Sa’a of raisins, or a Sa’a of barley. So when it was the era of Usman, and the wheat was plentiful, the people evaluated it, so he said, ‘Half a Sa’a of wheat for a Sa’a of barley’.[712]

وعنه عن علي بن الحسن بن فضال، عن عباد بن يعقوب، عن ابرهيم ابن أبي يحيى، عن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عليهما السلام ان اول من جعل مدين من البر عدل صاع من تمر عثمان.

And from him, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Fazal, from Abad Bin Yaqoub, from Ibrahim Ibn Abu Yahya,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘The first one from the mainland who modified a Sa’a of dates was Usman’.[713]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن يعقوب ابن يزيد، عن ياسر القمي، عن أبي الحسن الرضا (ع) قال: الفطرة صاع من حنطة أو صاع من تمر أو صاع من زبيب وإنما خفف الحنطة معاوية.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Ibn Yazeed, from Yasaar Al qummy,

Abu Al Hassan Al Reza-asws has said: ‘The Fitra is a Sa’a of wheat, or a Sa’a of dates, or a Sa’a of raisins. But rather, Muawiya underestimated the wheat’.[714]

(باب 130 – العلة التي من أجلها روى أن الجيران أحق بالفطرة من غيرهم)

Chapter 130 – The reason due to which it is reported that the neighbour is more deserving of the Fitra than others

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن محمد بن عيسى عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان عن اسحاق بن عمار، عن أبي ابراهيم (ع) قال: سألته، عن صدقة الفطرة اعطيها غير أهل ولايتى من فقراء جيراني؟ قال نعم الجيران احق بها لمكان الشهرة.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Is’haq Bin Amaar,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Ibrahim-asws (7th Imam-asws) about the charity of Al-Fitra, ‘Shall I give it to other than the people of other than my wilayah (non-Shiah), from the poor of my neighbours?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. The neighbour is more deserving of it in the place of publicity’.[715]

(باب 131 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم الله تعالى الكبائر)

Chapter 131 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High has Forbidden the major sins

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي قال حدثنا احمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسنى قال حدثنى أبو جعفر محمد بن علي الرضا قال: حدثنى أبي الرضا علي بن موسى قال سمعت أبا الحسن موسى بن جعفر (ع) يقول دخل عمرو بن عبيد على أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام)، فلما سلم و جلس تلا هذه الآية الَّذِينَ يَجْتَنِبُونَ كَبائِرَ الْإِثْمِ وَ الْفَواحِشَ ثم أمسك، فقال له أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): ما أسكتك؟ قال: أحب أن أعرف الكبائر من كتاب الله عز و جل.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abdul Zaeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Reza Ali-asws Bin Musa-asws, who-asws said: ‘I-asws heard Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Amro Bin Ubeyd came up to Abu Abdullah-asws. So when he had greeted, and was seated, he recited this Verse [53:32] Those who keep aloof from the great sins and the immoralities, then held back. So Abu Abdullah-asws said to him: ‘What made you withhold?’ He said, ‘I would love to understand the major sins from the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.

فقال: نعم- يا عمرو- و أكبر الكبائر الشرك بالله، يقول الله: (و من يشرك بالله فقد حرم الله عليه الجنة) ، و بعده اليأس من روح الله، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: إِنَّهُ لا يَيْأَسُ مِنْ رَوْحِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْكافِرُونَ

So he-asws said: ‘Yes – O Amro – And the biggest of the major sins is the Polytheism (الشرك) with Allah-azwj. Allah-azwj is Saying; “And the one who Associates with Allah-azwj, so Allah-azwj has Prohibited the Paradise unto him”, and after it is the despair from the Mercy of Allah-azwj, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [12:87] and despair not of Allah’s Mercy; surely none despairs of Allah’s Mercy except the unbelieving people.

ثم الأمن من مكر الله، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: فَلا يَأْمَنُ مَكْرَ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْخاسِرُونَ،

Then is the security from the Scheme of Allah-azwj, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [7:99] What! do they then feel secure from Allah’s plan? But none feels secure from Allah’s plan except the people who lose out.

و منها عقوق الوالدين، لأن الله سبحانه جعل العاق جبارا شقيا، و قتل النفس التي حرم الله إلا بالحق، لأن الله عز و جل يقول فَجَزاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خالِداً فِيها ، إلى آخر الآية،

And from it is the disobedience to the parents, because Allah-azwj, the Glorious, Made the disobedient as a tyrant, a wretch. And the killing of a soul (person) whom Allah-azwj has Prohibited to kill except with the right to do so, because Allah-azwj the Mighty and Majestic is Saying [4:93] And whoever kills a Believer intentionally, his Punishment is Hell; he shall abide in it – up to the end of the Verse.

و قذف المحصنة، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: لُعِنُوا فِي الدُّنْيا وَ الْآخِرَةِ وَ لَهُمْ عَذابٌ عَظِيمٌ،

And accusing the chaste woman, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [24:23] Surely those who accuse chaste believing women, unaware (of the evil), are cursed in this world and the Hereafter, and they shall have a grievous Punishment.

و أكل مال اليتيم، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: إِنَّما يَأْكُلُونَ فِي بُطُونِهِمْ ناراً وَ سَيَصْلَوْنَ سَعِيراً،

And the devourer of the wealth of the orphan, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [4:10] (As for) those who swallow the property of the orphans unjustly, surely they only swallow fire into their bellies and they shall enter Blazing Fire.

و الفرار من الزحف، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: وَ مَنْ يُوَلِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ دُبُرَهُ إِلَّا مُتَحَرِّفاً لِقِتالٍ أَوْ مُتَحَيِّزاً إِلى فِئَةٍ فَقَدْ باءَ بِغَضَبٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَ مَأْواهُ جَهَنَّمُ وَ بِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ،

And the fleer from the battlefield, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [8:16] If any do turn his back to them on such a day – unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own)- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed)!

و أكل الربا، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: الَّذِينَ يَأْكُلُونَ الرِّبا لا يَقُومُونَ إِلَّا كَما يَقُومُ الَّذِي يَتَخَبَّطُهُ الشَّيْطانُ مِنَ الْمَسِّ ،

And the consumer of the usury (interest) because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [2:275] Those who swallow down usury cannot arise except as one whom Shaitan has prostrated by (his) touch does rise.

و السحر، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: وَ لَقَدْ عَلِمُوا لَمَنِ اشْتَراهُ ما لَهُ فِي الْآخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلاقٍ،

And the sorcery, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [2:102] And they knew that the buyers of (sorcery) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter.

و الزنا، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: وَ مَنْ يَفْعَلْ ذلِكَ يَلْقَ أَثاماً يُضاعَفْ لَهُ الْعَذابُ يَوْمَ الْقِيامَةِ وَ يَخْلُدْ فِيهِ مُهاناً،

And the adultery, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [25:68] and whosoever does this shall pay the penalty [25:69] The Penalty on the Day of Judgement will be doubled to him, and he will dwell therein in ignominy.

و اليمين الغموس الفاجرة، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: الَّذِينَ يَشْتَرُونَ بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ وَ أَيْمانِهِمْ ثَمَناً قَلِيلًا أُولئِكَ لا خَلاقَ لَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ،

The immersing oath in the immorality, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [3:77] (As for) those who take a small price for the Covenant of Allah and their own oaths – surely they shall have no portion in the Hereafter.

و الغلول ، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: وَ مَنْ يَغْلُلْ يَأْتِ بِما غَلَّ يَوْمَ الْقِيامَةِ،

And the embezzlement (cheating), because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [3:161] Whosever embezzles will bring what he embezzled with him on the Day of Judgement.

و منع الزكاة المفروضة لأن الله عز و جل يقول: فَتُكْوى بِها جِباهُهُمْ وَ جُنُوبُهُمْ وَ ظُهُورُهُمْ،

The prevention (Non-payment) of the obligatory Zakat [9:35] then their foreheads and their sides and their backs shall be branded with it.

و شهادة الزور و كتمان الشهادة، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: وَ مَنْ يَكْتُمْها فَإِنَّهُ آثِمٌ قَلْبُهُ،

And perjury and the concealment of the testimony, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [2:283] and do not conceal testimony, and whoever conceals it, his heart is surely sinful.

و شرب الخمر، لأن الله عز و جل نهى عنها، كما نهى عن عبادة الأوثان، و ترك الصلاة متعمدا، أو شيئا مما فرض الله، لأن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله) قال: من ترك الصلاة متعمدا فقد برى‏ء من ذمة الله‏ و ذمة رسوله،

And drinking of the intoxicants, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Prohibited from it just as He-azwj has Prohibited from worshipping the idols. And the deliberate avoidance of the Prayer, or anything from what Allah-azwj has Obligated, because Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who deliberately leaves the Prayer, so he is remote from the Responsibility of Allah-azwj and the responsibility of His-azwj Rasool-saww’.

و نقض العهد و قطيعة الرحم، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: أُولئِكَ لَهُمُ اللَّعْنَةُ وَ لَهُمْ سُوءُ الدَّارِ.

And the breaking of the Covenant, and the boycotting of the relatives, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [13:25] For them is the Curse and theirs the ill abode’.

قال: فخرج عمرو و له صراخ من بكائه، و هو يقول: هلك من يقول برأيه، و نازعكم في الفضل و العلم».

He (the narrator) said, ‘Amro went out screaming from his crying, and he was saying, ‘Destroyed is the one who is speaking from his opinion, and disputes with regards to your-asws merits and the Knowledge’.[716]

حدثنا أحمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا أحمد بن يحيى قال: حدثنا بكر بن عبد الله بن حبيب قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا علي بن حسان عن عبد الرحمان بن بكير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان الكبائر سبع.

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Bakr Bin Abdullah Bin Habeeb, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Ali Bin Hasaan, from Abdul Rahman Bin Bakeyr,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The major sins are seven’.[717]


أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميرى عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة عن جعفر بن محمد عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: تاركوا الترك ما تركوكم، فان كلبهم شديد، وكلبهم خسيس.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Leave the Turks as much as you can leave them, for (even) their dogs are harsh, and their dogs are despicable’.[718]

أبي رحمه الله قال: سعد بن عبد الله، عن إبراهيم بن هاشم عن عبد الله ابن حماد، عن شريك عن جابر، عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا تسبوا قريشا، ولا تبغضوا العرب، ولا تذلوا الموالي، ولا تساكنوا الخوز ولا تزوجوا إليهم، فان لهم عرقا يدعوهم إلى غير الوفاء.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Abdullah Ibn Hamaad, from Shareek, from Jabir,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Neither insult the Qureysh, nor begrudge the Arabs, nor humiliate the slaves, nor co-habit with (people of) Al-Khowz, nor get married to them, for there is a vein for them which calls them to other than loyalty’.[719]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف، عن محمد بن سنان، عن طلحة بن زيد، عن عبدوس بن أبي عبيدة قال: سمعت الرضا عليه السلام يقول: أول من ركب الخيل اسماعيل وكانت وحشية لا تركب فسخرها الله تعالى على اسماعيل من جبل منى، وإنما سميت الخيل العراب لان أول من ركبها اسماعيل.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Talha Bin Zayd, from Abdous Bin Abu Ubeyda who said,

‘I heard Al-Reza-asws saying: ‘The first one to ride the cavalry horse was Ismail-as, and it was wild, never been ridden before. So Allah-azwj Caused it to be submissive to Ismail-as from a mountain of Mina. But rather, the cavalry horse was named as ‘Al-Araab’ because the first one to ride it was Ismail-as’.[720]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن عاصم عن أبي بكر الحضرمي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته عن الرجل يفتري على الرجل من جاهلية العرب، قال: يضرب حدا، قلت: حدا؟ قال نعم، انه يدخل على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Aasim, from Abu Bakr Al Hazramy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the man who slanders upon man as being from the ignorant Arabs’. He-asws said: ‘Strike him a Limit (lashing)’. I said, ‘A Limit?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, for he has included Rasool-Allah-saww’.[721]

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد رحمه الله عن أبيه، عن محمد بن احمد بن محمد عن الاصبغ، عن بعض اصحابنا، عمن رواه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سمع أبو عبد الله رجلا من قريش يكلم رجل من أصحابنا فاستطال عليه القرشي بالقرشية واستخزى الرجل لقرشيته، فقال له أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: أجبه فانك بالولاية اشرف منه نسبا.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Asbagh, from one of our companions, from the one who reported it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘Abu Abdullah-asws head a man of Qureysh speaking to a man from our companions. So the Qureyshi was priding over him of being Qureyshi, and the man was ashamed due to his (the other guy) being Qureyshi. So Abu Abdullah-asws said to him: ‘Answer him, for you are nobler than him in descent due to being in Al-Wilayah’.[722]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن احمد، عن ابراهيم بن هاشم، عن جعفر بن محمد بن ابراهيم الهمداني عن العباس بن العاص، عن اسماعيل بن دينار يرفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إفتخر رجلان عند أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فقال: اتفتخران باجساد بالية وأرواح في النار، إن يكن لك عقل فان لك خلقا، وإن لم يكن لك تقوى فان لك كرما، وإلا فالحمار خير منك، ولست بخير من أحد.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Hamdany, from Al Abbas Bin Al Aas, from Ismail Bin Dinar,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Two men prided in the presence of Amir Al-Momineen, so he-asws said: ‘These two are priding over the worn out bodies and the souls are in the Fire. If there is intellect for you, so there are morals for you, and if there is no strength for you so there would be benevolence for you, otherwise the donkeys are better than you, and you are no better than anyone’.[723]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم ابن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار، عن يونس بن عبد الرحمان رفعه قال: قال لقمان لابنه يا بني، اختر المجالس على عينيك، فان رأيت قوما يذكرون الله عزوجل فاجلس معهم فانك ان تك عالما ينفعك علمك ويزيدونك علما، وإن كنت جاهلا علموك، ولعل الله أن يصلهم برحمة فتعمك معهم،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Ibn Hashim, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, raising it, said,

‘Luqman-as said to him-as son: ‘Chose the gathering upon (reliance on) your eyes. So if you were to see a people mentioning Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so sit with them. So if you are knowledgeable, your knowledge would benefit you and they would increase your knowledge, and if you are ignorant, they would teach you. And perhaps Allah-azwj’s Mercy would arrive upon them, so you would be included with them.

وإذا رأيت قوما لا يذكرون الله فلا تجلس معهم، فانك ان تك عالما لا ينفعك علمك، وان تك جاهلا يزيدونك جهلا، ولعل الله أن يصلهم بعقوبة فتعمك معهم.

And when you see a people who are not mentioning Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so do not sit with them, for it you are knowledgeable, your knowledge would not benefit you, and if you are ignorant, it would increase your ignorance. And perhaps the Punishment of Allah-azwj would arrive to then, so you would be included along with them’.[724]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز بن عبد الله عن زرارة ومحمد بن مسلم وبريد العجلي قالوا قال رجل لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: ان لي إبنا قد أحب ان يسألك عن حلال وحرام لا يسألك عما لا يعينه؟ قال: فقال، وهل يسأل الناس عن شئ أفضل من الحلال والحرام.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah, from Zarara and Muhammad Bin Muslim and Bureyd Al Ajaly who both said,

‘A man said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I have a son who would love to ask you about the Permissibles and the Prohibitions. He would not ask you that which has no meaning?’ So he-asws said: ‘And can the people ask about anything more preferable than the Permissibles and the Prohibitions?’[725]

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد، عن أبيه عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن يونس ابن عبد الرحمان عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إذا كان يوم القيامة بعث الله عزوجل العالم والعابد فإذا وقفا بين يدي الله عزوجل قيل للعابد انطلق إلى الجنة وقيل للعالم قف تشفع للناس بحسن تأديبك لهم.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus Ibn Abdul Rahman, from the one who mentioned it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When it will be the Day of Judgement, Allah-azwj would Resurrect the scholar and the worshipper. So when both of them are Paused in front of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, it will be said to the worshipper: ‘Go to the Paradise’, and it will be said to the scholar, ‘Wait, intercede for the people by the goodness of your education for them’.[726]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن علي بن محمد القاساني عن القاسم بن محمد الاصفهاني، عن سليمان بن داود المنقرى عن حفص بن غياث عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إذا رأيتم العالم محبا للدنيا فاتهموه على دينكم فان كل محب يحوط بما أحب،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Muhammad Al Qasany, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Al Isfahany, from Suleyman Bin Dawood Al Manqary, from Hafs Bin Gayas,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When you see the scholar with love for the world, criticise him upon your Religion, for every lover walks around what he loves’.

وقال أوحى الله عزوجل إلى داود عليه السلام لا تجعل بينى وبينك عالما مفتونا بالدنيا فيصدك عن طريق محبتى فان أولئك قطاع طريق عبادي المريدين، ان ادنى ما انا صانع بهم ان انزع حلاوة مناجاتي من قلوبهم.

And he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Dawood-as: “Do not keep between Me-azwj and you-as a scholar infatuated with the world, for he would stop you-as from the way of My-azwj Love. They cut-off the way of My-azwj servants, the devotees. The lowest of what I-azwj would Do with them is that I-azwj would Remove the sweetness of My-azwj Whispering from their hearts’.[727]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع، عن جعفر بن بشير، عن أبي حصين، عن أبي بصير، عن أحدهما عليهما السلام قالوا: لا تكذبوا بحديث أتاكم به مرجئي ولا قدري ولا خارجي نسبه الينا، فانكم لا تدرون لعله شئ من الحق فتكذبوا الله عزوجل فوق عرشه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazie, from Ja’far Bin Basheer, from Abu Haseyn, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from one of the two-asws (5th or 6th Imam-asws), both having said: ‘Do no belie a Hadeeth which comes to you by the way of a Murjiite, nor a Qadirite, nor a Kharijite, linking it to us-asws, for you do not know, perhaps it is something from the Truth, so you would belied Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic above His-azwj Throne’.[728]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الوليد والسندي ابن محمد عن أبان بن عثمان الاحمر عن محمد بن بشير وحريز عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت له أنه ليس شئ أشد علي من اختلاف اصحابنا قال ذلك من قبلي.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdulla narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Waleed, and Al Sindy Ibn Muhammad, from Aban Bin Usman Al Ahmar, from Muhammad Bin Basheer, and Hareyz,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘There is none from the things which is more difficult upon me than the differing of our companions’. He-asws said: ‘That is by me-asws’.[729]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد ابن محمد عن ابن سنان عن أبي أيوب الخزاز عمن حدثه عن أبي الحسن عليه السلام قال اختلاف اصحابي لكم رحمة، وقال: إذا كان ذلك جمعتكم على أمر واحد،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad, from Ibn Sinan, from Abu Ayoub Al Khazaz, from the one who narrated it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws having said: ‘Differing of my-asws companions is a mercy for you’. And he-asws said: ‘When it would be that, I-asws would gather you all upon one matter’.

وسئل عن اختلاف اصحابنا فقال عليه السلام: انا فعلت ذلك بكم لو اجتمعتم على أمر واحد لاخذ برقابكم.

And he-asws was asked about differing of our companions, so he-asws said: ‘I-asws did that with you all. Had you all convened upon one matter, your necks would have been seized’.[730]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عبد الجبار عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون عن زرارة، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: سألته عن مسألة فأجابني قال: ثم جاء رجل فسأله عنها فاجابه بخلاف ما أجابني ثم جاء رجل آخر فاجابه بخلاف ما اجابني واجاب صاحبي، فلما خرج الرجلان قلت يابن رسول الله رجلان من أهل العراق من شيعتك قد ما يسألان فاجبت كل واحد منها بغير ما أجبت به الآخر!

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from Sa’alba Bin Maymoun, from Zarara,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws a question, so he-asws answered me. Then a man came over, so he asked him-asws about it, so he-asws answered him differently to what he-asws had answered him. Then another man came over, so he-asws answered him differently to what he-asws had answered me and answered my companion. So when the two men went out, I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww, two men from Al-Iraq from your-asws Shiah had both asked, so you-asws answered each one of them with other than what you-asws answered the other one by!’

قال: فقال يا زرارة ان هذا خير لنا وابقى لنا ولكم ولو اجتمعتم على أمر واحد لقصدكم الناس ولكن اقل لبقائنا وبقائكم، قال: فقلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام شيعتكم لو حملتموهم على الاسنة أو على النار لمضوا وهم يخرجون من عندكم مختلفين قال: فسكت فاعدت عليه ثلاث مرات فأجابني بمثل أبيه.

He-asws said: ‘O Zarara! This is better for us-asws and preservation for us-asws and for you all (Shiah). Had you all convened upon one matter, the people would divert their attention towards you, but I-asws said it for preservation for us-asws and preservation for you all’. So I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Your-asws Shiah are such that if you-asws were to charge them upon spike or upon the fire, they would walk, and they are going out from your-asws presence, differing’. He-asws was silent. So I repeated to him-asws three times, and he-asws answered to me similar with what his-asws father-asws had’.[731]

(باب 132 – العلة التي من أجلها جعل الله الكعبة البيت الحرام قياما للناس)

Chapter 132 – The reason due to which the Kabah was Made to be the Sacred House Standing for the people

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن أحمد، عن الحسن بن الحسين الؤلؤي، عن الحسين بن علي بن فضال، عن أبي المغراء، عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا يزال الدين قائما ما قامت الكعبة.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Al Lului, from Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from Abu Al Magra, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The Religion would not cease to be standing for as long as the Kabah is standing’.[732]

(باب 133 – العلة التي من أجلها وضع البيت)

Chapter 133 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) was Placed

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا الحسين ابن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النضر بن سويد عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال لو عطل الناس الحج لوجب على الامام أن يجبرهم على الحج ان شاؤا وان ابوا، لان هذا البيت انما وضع للحج.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Al Husayn Ibn Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Zanar Bin Suweyd, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah having said: ‘If the people fail to perform the Hajj, it would be an Obligation upon the Imam-asws that he-asws should compel them upon the Hajj, whether they like it or they refuse, because this House (Kabah), but rather it has been Placed for the Hajj’.[733]



(باب 134 – العلة التي من أجلها وضع البيت وسط الارض)

Chapter 134 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) was Placed in the middle of the earth

حدثنا علي بن احمد بن موسى رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان: ان ابا الحسن الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة وضع البيت وسط الارض لانه الموضع الذي من تحته دحيت الارض وكل ريح تهب في الدنيا فانها تخرج من تحت الركن الشامي وهي اول بقعة وضعت في الارض لانها الوسط ليكون الفرض لاهل المشرق والمغرب سواء.

Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Musa narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written to ask, the reason for Placing of the House (Kabah) in the middle of the earth: ‘(This is) because it is the place from underneath which the land was rolled out, and every wind which blows in the world, so it comes out from underneath Al-Shamy corner; and it is the first spot in the earth, because it is in the middle in order to become an equidistant terminal for the people of the east and the west’.[734]

(باب 135 – العلة التي من أجلها لم يكن ينبغي أن يوضع لدور مكة أبواب)

Chapter 135 – The reason due to which it is not befitting that gates should be placed for the houses of Makkah

أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير، عن حماد بن عثمان الناب، عن عبيد الله ابن علي الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته عن قول الله تعالى (سواء العاكف فيه والباد) فقال: لم يكن ينبغي أن يصنع على دور مكة ابواب لان الحجاج ان ينزلوا معهم في دورهم في ساحة الدار حتى يقضوا مناسكهم، وان اول من جعل لدور مكة ابوابا معاوية.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad and Abdullah the two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman Al Naab, from Ubeydullah Ibn Ali Al Halby,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj the High [22:25] We have made equally for the people, (for) the dweller therein and (for) the visitor. So he-asws said: ‘It was never befitting that gates should be placed around Makkah because the Pilgrims, could encamp with them in the courtyards of the house until they fulfill their rituals, and that the first one who made gates for the houses of Makkah was Muawiya’.[735]




(باب 136 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت مكة مكة)

Chapter 136 – The reason due to which Makkah was named as Makkah

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضى الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم ابن الربيع الصحاف، عن محمد بن سنان: ان ابا الحسن الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه في ما كتب من جواب مسائله سميت مكة مكة لان الناس كانوا يمكون فيها وكان يقال لمن قصدها قد مكا وذلك قول الله عزوجل: (وما كان صلاتهم عند البيت إلا مكاء وتصدية) فالمكاء: التصفير، والتصدية: صفق اليدين.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Ibn Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written asking him-asws: ‘Makkah was named as Makkah because the people used to whistle therein, and it used to be said to the one who intended to it, ‘He has (gone to) whistle’, and these are the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [8:35] And what is their prayer before the House except for whistling and clapping of hands. So the whistling – (It is) the beeping; and the clapping – it is the clapping of the hands’.[736]

(باب 137 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت مكة بكة)

Chapter 137 – The reason due to which Makkah was named as Bakkah

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن محمد بن الحسن، عن جعفر بن بشير عن العزرمي، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إنما سميت مكة بكة لان الناس يتباكون فيها.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from Ja’far Bin Basheer, from Al Azramy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘but rather, Makkah was named as Bakkh because the people used to be weeping (Buka’a) therein’.[737]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي، عن الحسن بن محبوب عن عبد الله ابن سنان قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام لم سميت الكعبة بكة؟ فقال: لبكاء الناس حولها وفيها.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Barqy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abdullah Ibn Sinan who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why was the Kabah named as Bakka?’ So he-asws said: ‘Due to the weeping (Buka’a) of the people around it and in it’.[738]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا ادريس قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن سعيد عن علي بن النعمان، عن سعيد بن عبد الله الاعرج عن أبي عبد الله قال: موضع البيت بكة، والقرية مكة.

My father said, ‘Idrees narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ali Bin Al Noman, from Saeed Bin Abdullah Al Araj,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Place of the House (Kabah) is Bakka, and the town is Makkah’.[739]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس ابن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن فضالة عن أبان عن الفضيل عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: إنما سميت مكة بكة لانه يبك بها الرجال والنساء والمراة تصلى بين يديك وعن يمينك وعن شمالك (وعن يسارك) ومعك ولا بأس بذلك إنما يكره في سائر البلدان.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from fazalat, from Aban, from Al Fazeyl,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘But rather, Makka was named as Bakka because the men and the women were weeping at it, Praying in front of it, and on its right, and on its north (and on its left), and with it; and there is no problem with that, but rather, it is dislike in the rest of the cities’.[740]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن احمد وعبد الله ابني محمد ابن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد الله بن علي الحلبي قال سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام لم سميت مكة بكة؟ لان الناس يبك بعضهم بعضا فيها بالايدي.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali Al Halby who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why was Makka named as Bakka?’ (He-asws said): ‘Because the people were jostling (Yabak) each other with their hands’.[741]

(باب 138 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت الكعبة كعبة)

Chapter 138 – The reason due to which the Kabah was named as Kabah

حدثنا محمد بن علي ما جيلويه رضي الله عنه عن عمه محمد بن القاسم عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبي الحسين البرقي عن عبد الله بن جبلة عن معاوية ابن عمار عن الحسن بن عبد الله عن آبائه عن جده الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام قال: جاء نفر من اليهود إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فسألوه عن اشياء فكان فيما سألوه عنه ان قال له احدهم لاي شئ سميت الكعبة كعبة؟ فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله لانها وسط الدنيا.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Husayn Al barqy, from Abdullah Bin Jabala, from Muawiya Ibn Amaar, from Al Hassan Bin Abdullah, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather-asws Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘A number of Jews came to Rasool-Allah-saww. So they asked him-asws about a few things. So, among what they asked him-saww was that one of them said, ‘For which thing was the Kabah named as Kabah?’ So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Because it is in the middle of the world’.[742]

وروى عن الصادق عليه السلام انه سئل لم سميت الكعبة كعبة؟ قال: لانها مربعة فقيل له ولم صارت مربعة؟ قال: لانها بحذاء البيت المعمور وهو مربع فقيل له ولم صار البيت المعمور مربعا؟ قال لانه بحذاء العرش وهو مربع فقيل له ولم صار العرش مربعا؟ قال: لان الكلمات التي بنى عليها الاسلام اربع وهي: سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله اكبر.

And it is reported from Al-Sadiq-asws that he-asws was asked why the Kabah was named as Kabah? So he-asws said: ‘Because it is square?’ So it was said to him-asws, ‘And why did it come to be a square?’ He-asws said: ‘Because by the shoe (Aligned at the bottom) of the Oft-Frequented House (البيت المعمور) and it is square’. So it was said to him-asws, ‘And why did the Oft-Frequented House (البيت المعمور) come to be square?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it is by the shoe of the Throne, and it is square’. So it was said to him-asws, ‘And why did the Throne come to be a square?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the Words upon which Al-Islam is based, are four, and these are – Glory be to Allah-azwj, and the Praise is for Allah-azwj, and there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and Allah-azwj is the Greatest (سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله اكبر)’.[743]

(باب 139 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى بيت الله الحرام)

Chapter 139 – The reason due to which the House of Allah -azwj (Kabah) was named as Al-Haram (The Sacred)

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد عن حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد، عن حنان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام لم سمي بيت الله الحرام؟ قال: لانه حرم على المشركين ان يدخلوه.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Hanan who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why was the House of Allah-azwj (Kabah) named as Al-Haraam (The Sacred)?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it is Prohibited (Haraam) upon the Polytheists that they should enter into it’.[744]

(باب 140 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى البيت العتيق)

Chapter 140 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) was named as Al-Ateeq (The Emancipated)

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن ابن علي الوشاء عن احمد بن عائذ عن أبي خديجة عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت له لم سمي البيت العتيق؟ قال: ان الله عزوجل انزل الحجر الاسود لآدم من الجنة وكان البيت درة بيضاء فرفعه الله إلى السماء وبقي اسه فهو بحيال هذا البيت يدخله كل يوم سبعون الف ملك لا يرجعون إليه ابدا فامر الله ابراهيم واسماعيل يبنيان على القواعد، وإنما سمي البيت العتيق لانه اعتق من الغرق.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Ibn Ali Al Washa, from Ahmad Bin A’aiz, from Abu Khadeeja,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why was the House (Kabah) named as Al-Ateeq (The Emancipated)?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent down the Black Stone (الحجر الاسود) to Adam-as from the Paradise; and the House (Kabah) was a white pearl. So Allah-azwj Raised it to the sky and its name remained. So it is around this House that seventy thousand Angels enter it, not returning to Him-azwj ever. So Allah-azwj Commanded Ibrahim-as and Ismail-as to build upon its foundations. But rather, the House (Kabah) was named as Al-Ateeq (The Emancipated) because it was emancipated from the drowning (At the time of Prophet Noah-as)’.[745]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار وأحمد بن ادريس جميعا عن محمد بن أحمد عن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن الحسن بن علي عن مروان بن مسلم عن أبي حمزة الثمالي قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام في المسجد الحرام لاي شئ سماه الله العتيق؟ قال ليس من بيت وضعه الله على وجه الارض إلا له رب وسكان يسكنونه غير هذا البيت فانه لا يسكنه أحد ولا رب له إلا الله وهو الحرام، وقال ان الله خلقه قبل الخلق ثم خلق الله الارض من بعده فدحاها من تحته.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar and Ahmad Bin Idrees both together, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Al Hassan Bin Ali, from Marwan Bin Muslim, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws regarding the Sacred Masjid, for which thing (reason) did Allah-azwj Name it as Al-Ateeq (The Ancient)?’ He-asws said: ‘There is no house which Allah-azwj Placed upon the earth except that there was a lord for it, and settled who settled in it, apart from this House (Kabah). No one settled in it, nor is there a lord for it except for Allah-azwj, and it is the Sacred’. And he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Created it before the creatures (people), then Allah-azwj Created the land from after it, so He-azwj Spread it from underneath it’.[746]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه عن حماد عن أبان بن عثمان عمن أخبره، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قلت له لم سمي البيت العتيق؟ قال لانه بيت حر عتيق من الناس ولم يملكه احد.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother, from Hamaad, from Aban Bin Usman, from the one who informed him,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why was the House (Kabah) named as Al-Ateeq (The Emancipated)?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it is a free House, emancipated from the people, and no one would own it, ever’.[747]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن (أبيه) عن علي بن النعمان عن سعيد الاعرج عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال إنما سمي البيت العتيق لانه اعتق من الغرق واعتق الحرم معه، كف عنه الماء.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Ali Bin Al Noman, from Saeed Al A’raj,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘But rather, the House (Kabah) was named as Al-Ateeq (the Emancipated), because it was emancipated from the drowning (The flood of Noah-as), and the Sanctuary was emancipated along with it. The water restrained itself from it’.[748]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن علي بن الحسن الطويل، عن عبد الله بن المغيرة، عن ذريح بن يزيد المحاربي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان الله عزوجل اغرق الارض كلها يوم نوح إلا البيت فيومئذ سمي العتيق لانه اعتق يومئذ من الغرق فقلت له: له أصعد إلى السماء؟ فقال لا لم يصل إليه الماء ورفع عنه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Al Taweel, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from Zareeh Bin Yazeed Al Maharaby,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Drowned the land, all of it, on the day of (the flood of) Noah-as, except for the House (Kabah). So, since that day it is called Al-Ateeq (The Emancipated), because it was emancipated in those days from the drowning’. So I said to him-asws, ‘Was it Raised to the sky?’ So he-asws said: ‘No, the water did not arrive to it, and was Raised (Kept away) from it’.[749]

(باب 141 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى الحطيم حطيما)

Chaptr 141 – The reason due to which Al-Hateym was named as Al-Hateym

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن أحمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون، عن معاوية بن عمار قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن الحطيم؟ فقال: هو ما بين الحجر الاسود وباب البيت،

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al-Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from Sa’alba Bin Maymoun, from Muawiya Bin Amaar who said, ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about Al-Hateym? So he-asws said: ‘It is in between the Black Stone (الحجر الاسود) and Gate of the House (Kabah)’.

قال: وسألته لم سمي الحطيم؟ قال لان الناس يحطم بعضهم بعضا هنا لك.

He (the narrator) said, ‘And I asked him about Al-Hateym? He-asws said: ‘Because the people squash (يحطم) each other over there’.[750]

(باب 142 – علة وجوب الحج والطواف بالبيت وجميع المناسك)

Chapter 142 – Reason for the Obligation of the Hajj, and the Circumambulation of the House (Kabah), and the entirety of the rituals

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن سليمان الرازي قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب قال: حدثنا محمد بن سنان عن اسماعيل بن جابر وعبد الكريم بن عمر عن عبد الحميد بن أبي الديلم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما أراد أن يتوب على آدم (ع) أرسل إليه جبرئيل فقال له السلام عليك يا آدم الصابر على بليته التائب عن خطيئته ان الله تبارك وتعالى بعثنى اليك لاعلمك المناسك التي يريد أن يتوب عليك بها، وأخذ جبرئيل بيده وانطلق به حتى اتى البيت

My father narrated to me, from Ali Bin Suleyman Al Razy, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail Bin Jabir and Abdul Kareem Bin Umar, from Abd Al Hameed Bin Abu Al Daylam,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When Allah-azwj Blessed and High Intended that He-azwj Turn to Adam-as (with Mercy), Sent Jibraeel-as to him-as. So he-as said: ‘Peace be upon you-as, O Adam-as! O patient one upon his afflictions, O repentant one upon his-as error! Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent me-as to you-as, to teach you-as the rituals which He-azwj Wants you-as to turn to Him-azwj by’. And Jibraeel-as grabbed by his-as hand and went with him-as until he-as came to the House (Kabah)

فنزلت عليه غمامة من السماء فقال له جبرئيل خط برجلك حيث اظلك هذا الغمام ثم انطلق به حتى اتى به منى فاراه موضع مسجد منى فخطه وخط المسجد الحرام بعد ما خط مكان البيت ثم انطلق به إلى عرفات فاقامه على العرفة وقال له: إذا غربت الشمس فاعترف بذنبك سبع مرات ففعل ذلك آدم ولذلك سمي العرفة لان آدم (ع) اعترف عليه بذنبه فجعل ذلك سنة في ولده يعترفون بذنوبهم كما اعترف ابوهم ويسألون الله عزوجل التوبة كما سألها أبوهم آدم

So the clouds descended upon him-as from the sky. So Jibraeel-as said to him-as: ‘Draw a line with your-as leg where this cloud is shading you-as’. Then he-as went with him-as until he-as came with him-as to Mina. So he-as showed him-as a place of a Masjid of Mina. So he-as drew a line, and the line of the Sacred Masjid, after having drawn the line of the place of the House (Kabah). Then he-as went with him-as to Arafaat. So he-as made him-as stand upon the Arafaat and said: ‘When the sun goes down, so acknowledge your sin seven times’. So Adam-as did that, and it was due to that, Al-Arafaat was named as such, because Adam-as acknowledged (اعترف) his-as sin at it. So, that flowed as a Sunnah in his-as offspring who are acknowledging their sins just as their father-as acknowledge his-as, and they are asking Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, the repentance just as their father-as Adam-as had asked it.

ثم أمره جبرئيل (ع) فافاض عن عرفات فمر على الجبال السبعة فأمره ان يكبر على كل جبل اربع تكبيرات ففعل ذلك آدم ثم انتهى به إلى جمع ثلث الليل فجمع فيها بين صلاة المغرب وبين صلاة العشاء الآخرة فلذلك سمى جمعا لان آدم جمع فيها بين صلاتين فوقعت العتمة في تلك الليلة ثلث الليل في ذلك الموضع

Then Jibraeel-as ordered him-as, so they went from Arafaat. So they passed by seven mountain, and he-as ordered him-as that he-as should exclaim four exclamations (of the Greatness of Allah-azwj) upon each mountain. So Adam-as did that. Then he-as ended up with him-as at Jama’a in the third of the night, wherein they gathered together between Al-Magrib Prayer, and Al-Isha the last Prayer. Thus, it is due to that, Jama’a was named as such, because Adam-as gathered together therein between two Prayers. So the darkness occurred in that night, a third of the night, in that place.

ثم أمره أن يتبطح في بطحاء جمع، فاتبطح حتى انفجر الصبح ثم امره أن يصعد على الجبل جبل جمع، وأمره إذا طلعت الشمس أن يعترف بذنبه سبع مرات ويسأل الله تعالى التوبة والمغفرة سبع مرات ففعل ذلك آدم كما أمره جبرئيل وأنما جعل اعترافين ليكون سنة في ولده فمن لم يدرك عرفات وادرك جمعا فقد وفي بحجه

Then he-as ordered him-as that he-as should collect pebbles in Jama’a, so he-as collected, until the dawn broke. Then he-as ordered him-as that he-as should climb upon a mountain, a mountain of Jama’a, and ordered him-as, when the sun emerges that he-as should acknowledge his-as sin seven times, and ask Allah-azwj the High for (Accepting) the repentance and the Forgiveness, seven times. So Adam-as did that just as Jibraeel-as had ordered him-as to. But rather, the two acknowledgements became a Sunnah in his-as children. So the one who did not see Arafaat, and saw Jama’a, so he has fulfilled his Hajj.

فافاض آدم من جمع إلى منى فبلغ منى ضحي فأمره أن يصلي ركعتين في مسجد منى ثم أمره أن يقرب إلى الله تعالى قربانا ليتقبل الله منه ويعلم ان الله قد تاب عليه ويكون سنة في ولده القربان فقرب آدم (ع) قربانا فقيل الله منه قربانه وأرسل الله عزوجل نارا من السماء فقبضت قربان آدم فقال له جبرئيل ان الله تبارك وتعالى قد احسن اليك إذا علمك المناسك التي تاب عليك بها وقبل قربانك فاحلق رأسك تواضعا لله تعالى إذ قبل قربانك، فحلق آدم رأسه تواضعا لله تبارك وتعالى،

So Adam-as went from Jama’a to Mina (for the sacrifice). So he-as (Jibraeel-as) ordered him that he-as should Pray two Cycle in a Masjid of Mina. Then he-as ordered him-as that he-as offer to Allah-azwj the High a sacrifice, for Allah-azwj to Accept it from him-as, and he-as would know that Allah-azwj has Turned towards him-as, and it became a Sunnah in his-as children, the sacrifice. So Adam-as offered a sacrifice, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent a flame from the sky, so it seized the sacrifice of Adam-as. So Jibraeel-as said to him-as that Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Favoured upon you-as that He-azwj Taught you-as the rituals which you-as can repent to Him-azwj by, and Accepted your-as sacrifice, therefore shave your-as head in reverence for Allah-azwj the High, since your-as sacrifice has been Accepted’. So Adam-as shaved off his-as head in reverence to Allah-azwj Blessed and High.

ثم اخذ جبرئيل بيد آدم فانطلق به إلى البيت فعرض له إبليس عند الجمرة العقبة فقال له يا آدم أين تريد؟ قال جبرئيل يا آدم ارمه بسبع حصيات وكبر مع كل حصاة تكبيرة ففعل ذلك آدم كما أمره جبرئيل، فذهب إبليس

Then Jibraeel-as grabbed the hand of Adam-as, so he-as went with him-as to the House (Kabah). Iblees-la appeared to him-as at al-Jamarat of Al-Aqaba. So he-la said to him-as, ‘O Adam-as! What are you intending?’ Jibraeel-la said: ‘O Adam-as! Pelt him-la, with seven pebbles, and exclaim with each pebbles, an exclamation (of the Greatness of Allah-azwj)’. So Adam-as did that just as Jibraeel-as had ordered him-as to do. So Iblees-la went away.

ثم أخذ جبرئيل بيده في اليوم الثاني فانطلق به إلى الجمرة الاولى فعرض له إبليس، فقال له جبرئيل ارمه بسبع حصيات وكبر مع كل حصاة تكبيرة ففعل آدم ذلك فذهب إبليس، ثم عرض له عند الجمرة الثانية فقال له يا آدم أين تريد؟ فقال جبرئيل: ارمه بسبع حصيات وكبر مع كل حصاة ففعل ذلك آدم فذهب إبليس

The Jibraeel-la grabbed his-as hand on the second day, so he-as went with him-as to the first Al-Jamarat. So Iblees-la appeared to him-as, and Jibraeel-as said to him-as: ‘Pelt him-la with seven pebbles, and exclaim with each pelting, an exclamation (of the Greatness of Allah-azwj)’. So Adam-as did that, and Iblees-la went away. Then he-la appeared to him at the second Al-Jamarat, so he-la said to him-as, ‘O Adam-as! What are you intending?’ So Jibraeel-la said: ‘Pelt him-la with seven pebbles, and exclaim with each pebble, an exclamation (of the Greatness of Allah-azwj)’. So Adam-as did that.

ثم عرض له عند الجمرة الثالثة فقال له يا آدم أين تريد؟ فقال له جبرئيل ارمه بسبع حصيات وكبر مع كل حصاة تكبيرة ففعل ذلك آدم فذهب إبليس ثم فعل ذلك به في اليوم الثالث والرابع فذهب إبليس فقال له جبرئيل انك لن تراه بعد مقامك هذا أبدا،

Then he-la appeared to him-as at the third Al-Jamarat, so he-la said to him-as, ‘O Adam-as! What are you-as intending?’ So Jibraeel-as said to him-as: ‘Pelt him-la with seven pebbles, and exclaim with each pebble, an exclamation (of the Greatness of Allah-azwj)’. So Adam-as did that, and Iblees-la went away. So that happened with him on the third day, and the fourth, and Iblees-la went away. So Jibraeel-as said to him-as: ‘You-as will never seen him-la after this place of yours-as, ever’.

ثم انطلق به إلى البيت فأمره أن يطوف بالبيت سبع مرات ففعل ذلك آدم فقال له جبرئيل ان الله تبارك وتعالى قد غفر لك وقبل توبتك وحلت لك زوجتك.

Then he-as went with him-as to the House (Kabah). So he-as ordered him-as that he-as should circumambulate the House (Kabah) seven times. So Adam-as did that. Jibraeel-as said to him-as: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Forgiven you-as, and Accepted your-as repentance, and Made your-as wife to be Permissible for you-as’.[751]

أخبرنا علي بن حبشي بن قونى رحمه الله فيما كتب إلى قال: حدثنا جميل بن زياد قال: حدثنا القاسم بن اسماعيل قال حدثنا محمد بن سلمة عن يحيى بن أبي العلا الرازي ان رجل دخل على أبي عبد الله (ع) فقال: جعلت فداك أخبرني عن قول الله تعالى (ن والقلم وما يسطرون) وأخبرني عن قول الله عزوجل لابليس (فانك من المنظرين إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم) وأخبرني عن هذا البيت كيف صار فريضة على الخلق أن يأتوه؟

Ali Bin Habashy Bin Qawny informed us regarding what was written to him, from Jameel Bin Ziyad, from Al Qasim Bin Ismail, from Muhammad Bin Salma, from Yahya Bin Abu Al A’ala Al Razy who said,

‘A man came over to Abu Abdullah-asws, so he said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Inform me about the Words of Allah-azwj the High [68:1] Noon, and I swear by the Pen and what it would be writing; and inform me about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to Iblees-la [15:37] He said: So you are from the Respited ones [15:38] Till the Day of the known time; and inform me about this House (Kabah), how it came to be an Obligation upon the people that they should come to it?’

قال فالتفت أبو عبد الله (ع) إليه وقال ما سألني عن مسألتك أحد قط قبلك ان الله عزوجل لما قال للملائكة اني جاعل في الارض خليفة ضجت الملائكة من ذلك وقالوا: يا رب ان كنت لا بد جاعل في الارض خليفة فاجعله منا ممن يعمل في خلقك بطاعتك فرد عليهم انى اعلم مالا تعلمونت، فظنت الملائكة ان ذلك سخط من الله تعالى عليهم فلا ذوا بالعرش يطوفون به،

He (the narrator) said, ‘So, Abu Abdullah-asws turned, and said: ‘No one has ever asked me-asws what you asked, at all, before you. When Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to the Angels [2:30] And when your Lord Said to the Angels, I am going to Make a Caliph in the earth, the Angels were in uproar from that and said: ‘O Lord-azwj! If it was inevitable to Make a Caliph in the earth, so Make him to be from us, from the ones who work among Your-azwj creatures by being obedient to You-azwj’. So Allah-azwj Rebuffed them He said: I know what you are not knowing. So the Angels thought that, that was an Anger from Allah-azwj the High, against them. So there was nothing by the Throne that they could circumambulate by.

فامر الله تعالى لهم ببيت من مرمر سقفه ياقوتة حمراء واساطينة الزبرجد يدخله كل يوم سبعون ألف ملك لا يدخلونه بعد ذلك إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم قال ويوم الوقت المعلوم يوم ينفخ في الصور نفحة واحدة فيموت إبليس ما بين النفخة الاولى والثانية

So, Allah-azwj the High Commanded for a House to be built, from marble, its ceiling being of red rubies, and its pillars being of aquamarine. Every day, seventy thousand Angels enter into it. They would be entering into it after that, up to the day of a known time’. He-asws said: ‘And the day of the known time is the day during which the Trumpet would be blown into with one blowing. So, Iblees-la would be dying, in what is in between the first blowing and the second blowing.

واما نون فكان نهرا في الجنة أشد بياضا من الثلج واحلى من العسل قال الله تعالى له: كن مدادا فكان مدادا، ثم أخذ شجرة فغرسها بيده ثم قال: واليد القوة وليس بحيث تذهب إليه المشبهة تم قال لها كونى قلما ثم قال له اكتب فقال له يا رب وما اكتب قال: اكتب ما هو كائن إلى يوم القيامة ففعل ذلك ثم ختم عليه وقال: لا تنطقن إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم.

And as for [68:1] Noon, so it is a river in the Paradise, more intensely whiter than the snow, and sweeter than the honey’. Allah-azwj the High Said to it: “Be ink!” So it was ink. Then He-azwj Took and tree and Planted it by His-azwj Hands’. Then He-azwj Said: ‘And the Hand, is the Power, and it is not where you are going with it to the resemblances’. Then He-azwj Said to it: “Become a pen!” Then He-azwj Said to it: “Write!” So it said to Him-azwj: ‘Lord-azwj! What shall I write?’ He-azwj Said: ‘Write what is going to happen up to the Day of Judgement’. So it did that. Then He-azwj Placed a seal upon it, and Said: “Do not speak up to the day of known time”.[752]

حدثنا أبي رضى الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن علي بن حديد عن ابن أبي عمير عن أصحابنا عن أحدهما انه سئل عن ابتداء الطواف فقال ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما أراد خلق آدم (ع) قال للملائكة اني جاعل في الارض خليفة فقال ملكان من الملائكة أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Ali Bin Hadeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from our companions,

(It has been narrated) from one of the two-asws (5th or 6th Imam-asws), having been asked about the beginning of the circumambulation. So he-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Blessed and High Intended to Create Adam-as, Said to the Angels [2:30] I am going to Make a Caliph in the earth. So two Angels from the Angels said: ‘Are You going to Make in it one as shall make mischief therein and shed the blood?’

فوقعت الحجب فيما بينهما وبين الله عزوجل وكان تبارك وتعالى نوره ظاهرا للملائكة فلما وقعت الحجب بينه وبينهما علما انه قد سخط قولهما فقالا للملائكة ما حيلتنا وما وجه توبتنا؟ فقالوا: ما نعرف لكما من التوبة إلا ان تلوذا بالعرش،

So there occurred a Veil in between these two and between Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. And the Blessed and High, His-azwj Light was Manifested to the Angels. So when the Veil occurred between Him-azwj and these two, they both came to know that their words have Angered Him-azwj. So they both said to the Angels: ‘What resources do we have, and what is His-azwj Perspective for our repentance?’ So they said: ‘We do not know the repentance for the two of you except that you should both take shelter by the Throne’.

قال: فلاذا بالعرش حتى انزل الله تعالى توبتهما ورفعت الحجب فيما بينه وبينهما واجب الله تبارك وتعالى أن يعبد بتلك العبادة فخلق الله البيت في الارض وجعل على العباد الطواف حوله وخلق البيت المعمور في السماء يدخله كل يوم سبعون الف ملك لا يعودون إليه إلى يوم القيامة.

He-asws said: ‘So they took shelter with the Throne until Allah-azwj the High Sent down (the Acceptance of) the repentance of both of them, and Raised the veil which was between Him-azwj and these two, and Allah-azwj Blessed and High Obligated that He-azwj be worshipped by that very worship, so Allah-azwj Created the House (Kabah) in the earth, and Made the circumambulation around it to be (obligatory) upon the servants, and Created the Oft-Frequented House (Bayt Al-Mamoor) in the sky. Seventy thousand Angels enter into it every day, not returning to Him-azwj up to the Day of Judgement’.[753]

حدثنا أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمداني والحسين بن ابراهيم بن أحمد ابن هشام المؤدب الرازي وعلي بن عبد الله الوراق رضي الله عنهم قالوا حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه، عن الفضل بن يونس قال كان ابن أبي العوجاء من تلامذة الحسن البصري فانحرف عن التوحيد فقيل له ترك مذهب صاحبك ودخلت فيما لا أصل له ولا حقيقة فقال ان صاحبي كان مخلطا كان يقول طورا بالقدر وطورا بالجبر وما اعلمه اعتقد مذهبا دام عليه

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al hamdany and Al Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Ahmad Ibn Hisham Al Mowdab Al Razy and Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Al Fazal Bin Yunus who said,

‘Ibn Abu Al Awja was a pupil of Al Hassan Al Basry, so he deviated from the Oneness (Tawheed). So it was said to him, ‘Leave the sect of your master and you have entered into what has neither any origin for it, nor any reality’. So he said, ‘My master is muddled up. Sometimes he was speaking of Pre-destination, sometimes of compulsion, and I do not know of a belief of a sect that he was firm upon’.

قال ودخل مكة تمردا وانكارا على من يحج وكان يكره العلماء مسائلته اياهم ومجالسته لهم لخبث لسانه وفساد سريرته فاتى جعفر بن محمد (ع) فجلس إليه في جماعة من نظرائه ثم قال له يا أبا عبد الله ان المجالس امانات ولا بد لكل من به سعال أن يسعل افتأذن لي في الكلام فقال أبو عبد الله (ع) تكلم بما شئت

He (the narrator) said, ‘And he entered Makkah in rebellion and denial upon the one who argued, and he-asws dislike this scholar to come and ask him-asws, and sit in his-asws gatherings, due to the malicious tongue of his, and spoilt mannerisms. So he came to Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, and sat among a group of his counterparts. Then he said to him-asws, ‘O Abu Abdullah-asws! The gatherings are a safe place, and it is a must for each one, if he has to cough, he coughs. Do you-asws allow me to speak?’ So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Speak with whatever you so desire to’.

فقال إلى كم تدسون هذا البيدر وتلوذون بهذا الحجر وتعبدون هذا البيت المرفوع بالطوب والمدر وتهرولون هرولة البعير إذا نفر ان من فكر في الامر قد علم ان هذا فعل اسسه غير حكيم ولا ذي نظر فقل فانك رأس هذا الامر وسنامه وأبوك اسمه ونظامه

So he said, ‘For how long will you all be walking around these valleys, and taking shelter with this stone (Haj Al-Aswad) , and worshipping this House (Kabah) raised by the bricks and mortar, and trotting around like the trotting of the camels. If a number of people were to think about the matter, they would come to know that this deed was founded by the one who was not wise, nor one with any vision. So speak, for you-asws are the head of this matter, and its peak, and your-asws father-saww (Rasool-Allah-saww) founded it, and its system’.

فقال أبو عبد الله (ع) ان من أضله الله وأعمى قلبه استوخم الحق فلم يستعذبه صار الشيطان وليه يورده مناهل الهلكة ثم لا يصدره وهذا بيت استعبد الله تعالى به خلقه ليختبر به طاعتم في اتيانه فحثهم على تعظيمه وزيارته وجعله محل انبيائه وقبلة للمصلين له فهو شعبة من رضوانه وطريق يؤدى إلى غفرانه منصوب على استواء الكمال ومجتمع العظمة والجلال خلقه الله تعالى قبل دحو الارض بالفى عام واحق من اطيع فيما امر وانتهى عما نهى عنه وزجر، الله المنشئ للارواح والصور

So, Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The one whom Allah-azwj Lets to stray and Blinds his heart, is blackened out from the Truth and does not taste it. The Satan-la becomes his guardian, turning him towards the fountains of destruction. Then he does not come out of it. And this House (Kabah), His-azwj creatures worship Allah-azwj the High by it, in order to Test their obedience by it with regards to their coming to it, and the urging for its reverence, and its visitation, and Made it a place for His-azwj Prophets-as, and a Qiblah (direction) for the Praying ones to Him-azwj.

So it is a section of His-azwj Pleasure, and a way leading to His-azwj Forgiveness, established upon Perfection, and the entirety of the Magnificence and Majesty. Allah-azwj the High Created it two thousand years before the spreading of the land. And He-azwj is more deserving to be obeyed with regards to what He-azwj has Commanded, and to refrain from what He-azwj has Forbidden from, and Enjoined. Allah-azwj is the Originator of the Spirits and the images’.

فقال ابن أبي العوجاء ذكرت يا أبا عبد الله فاحلت على غائب فقال ويلك وكيف يكون غائبا من هو في خلقه شاهد واليهم اقرب من حبل الوريد يسمع كلامهم ويرى أشخاصهم ويعلم اسرارهم وانما المخلوق إذا انتقل عن مكان اشتغل به مكان وخلا منه مكان فلا يدرى في المكان الذي صار إليه ما حدث في المكان الذي كان فيه

So, Ibn Ali Al-Awja said, ‘You-asws have mentioned, O Abu Abdullah-asws, so you-asws are imposing upon One Who is hidden’. So he-asws said: ‘Woe be unto you! And how can He-azwj be hidden, the One Who is among His-azwj creatures as a Witness, and is closer to them than the jugular vein? He-azwj Hears their speech, and Sees their persons, and Knows their secrets. But rather, when the creatures transfer from one place, a place is occupied by him and a place is emptied from him, so he does not know in the place which he has come to be, what is occurring in the place in which he used to be.

فاما الله العظيم الشأن الملك الديان فانه لا يخلو منه مكان ولا يشتغل به مكان ولا يكون إلى مكان اقرب منه إلى مكان والذي بعثه بالايات المحكمة والبراهين الواضحة وايده بنصره واختاره لتبليغ رسالاته صدقنا قوله بان ربه بعثه وكلمه

So, as for Allah-azwj the Magnificence, the Glorious, the King, the Judge. There is no place which is empty from Him-azwj, nor does He-azwj Occupy a place, nor does a place become closer than Him-azwj to another place. And He-azwj is the One Who Sent him-saww with the Signs, the Decisive, and the clear Proofs, and Aided him-saww with His-azwj Help, and Chose him-saww to deliver His-azwj Message. We-asws hereby ratify his-saww words as being from his-saww Lord-azwj Who Sent him-saww, and Made him-saww speak’.

فقام عنه ابن أبي العوجاء فقال لاصحابه من القانى في بحر هذا سألتكم أن تلتمسوا إلى خمرة فالقيتموني إلى جمرة قالوا ما كنت في مجلسه إلا حقيرا قال انه ابن من حلق رؤس من ترون.

So Ibn Abu Awja arose from him-asws, so he said to his companion, ‘Who cast me in this ocean? I asked you all to take me to seek the enjoyable discussion, but you cast me into the fiery embers’. They said, ‘You were not in his-asws gathering except as despicable’. He said, ‘He-asws is a son-asws from the chieftains of the people, the ones you are looking at’.[754]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله بن محمد ابن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن ربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله ان علة الحج الوفادة إلى الله تعالى وطلب الزيادة والخروج من كل ما قترف وليكون تائبا مما مضى مستأنفا لما يستقبل وما فيه من استخراج الاموال وتعب الابدان وحظرها عن الشهوات واللذات والتقرب في العبادة إلى الله عزوجل والخضوع والاستكانة والذل شاخصا في الحر والبرد والامن والخوف دائبا في ذلك دايما

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Bin Muhammad Ibn Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written asking him-asws of the reason for the Hajj: ‘The delegation to Allah-azwj the High, and seeking for the increase, and the going out from everything which one has done and repenting from what has passed, resuming to what is to be faced, and what is therein from the extraction of the wealth, and the tiredness of the bodies, and its cautions from the lustful desires, and the pleasures, and the getting closer to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and the subordination and the submissiveness, and the humbleness of the person in the heat and the cord, and the security and the fear, consistently and forever.

وما في ذلك لجميع الخلق من المنافع والرغبة والرهبة إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى ومنه ترك قساوة القلب وخساسة الانفس ونسيان الذكر وانقطاع الرجا والامل وتجديد الحقوق وخطر الانفس عن الفساد ومنفعة من في المشرق والمغرب ومن في البر والبحر ممن يحج وممن لا يحج من تاجر وجالب وبايع ومشتري وكاسب ومسكين وقضاء حوائج أهل الاطراف والمواضع الممكن لهم الاجتماع فيها كذلك ليشهدوا منافع لهم.

And what is in that for the entirety of the people, from the benefits, and the hoping and the dreading to Allah-azwj Glorious and High, and from it is leaving the hardness of the heart, and nastiness of the selves, and the forgetfulness of the remembrance (of Allah-azwj), and cutting off of the hope, and the wishes, and the renewal of the rights, and the danger of earning from corrupt ways.

And the benefits of the ones who are in the east and the west, and the land and the sea, from the one who performs Hajj and the one who does not perform Hajj, the one who is a business man, and the dealers, and the seller, and the buyer, and the waged and the unwaged, and fulfilment of the needs of the people on the road, and the people of the surrounding areas, and the place in which for people to gather therein. Similar to that, they witness the benefits for them.

وعلة فرض الحج مرة واحدة لان الله تعالى وضع الفرائض على ادنى القوم قوة فمن تلك الفرائض الحج المفروض واحد ثم رغب أهل القوة على قدر طاعتهم.

And reason for the Obligating the Hajj for one time is because Allah-azwj the High Placed the Obligations upon the lowest of the people in strength. So from these Obligations is the Hajj, being Obligatory once. Then the people of strength wish in accordance to their obedience’.

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن يعقوب ابن يزيد عن ابن أبي عمير عن أبي جرير القمي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: الحج فرض على أهل الجدة في كل عام.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Ibn Yazeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abu Jareer Al Qummy,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Hajj is Obligatory upon the people of Jeddah in every year’.

حدثنا أحمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن أحمد عن أحمد ابن محمد عن علي بن مهزيار عن عبد الله بن الحسين الميثمى رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان في كتاب الله تعالى فيما انزل (ولله على الناس حج البيت في كل عام – من استطاع إليه سبيلا).

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Abdullah Bin Al Husayn Al Maysami,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘It has been Revealed in the Book of Allah-azwj the High with regards to it [3:97] and Pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon the people for the Sake of Allah, in every year(upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it’.[755]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رحمه الله ومحمد بن أحمد السناني والحسين ابن ابراهيم بن أحمد بن هشام المؤدب قالوا حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن محمد بن اسماعيل قال حدثنا علي بن العباس عن عمر بن عبد العزيز عن رجل قال حدثنا هشام بن الحكم قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) فقلت له ما العلة التي من أجلها كلف الله العباد الحج والطواف والبيت؟

Ali Bin Muhammad narrated to us and Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sinany, and Al Husayn Ibn Ibrahim Bin Ahmad Bin Hisham Al Mowdab narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from a man, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘What is the reason due to which Allah-azwj Assigned the Hajj for the servant, and the circumambulating of the House (Kabah)?’

فقال ان الله تعالى خلق الخلق لا لعلة إلا إنه شاء ففعل فخلقهم إلى وقت مؤجل وأمرهم ونهاهم ما يكون من أمر الطاعة في الدين ومصلحتهم من أمر دنياهم فجعل فيه الاجتماع من المشرق والمغرب ليتعارفوا وليتربح كل قوم من التجارات من بلد إلى بلد ولينتفع بذلك المكارى والجمال ولتعرف آثار رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وتعرف أخباره ويذكر ولا ينسى ولو كان كل قوم انما يتكلون على بلادهم وما فيها هلكوا وخرجت البلاد وسقط الجلب والارباح وعميت الاخبار ولم يقفوا على ذلك فذلك علة الحج.

So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Created the creatures, not for a reason except that He-azwj so Desired it, so He-azwj Did it. So He-azwj Created them for a definite term, and Commanded them and Prohibited them from matter pertaining to obedience in the Religion and for the correction of the matters of their world. Thus, He-azwj Made in it the gathering from the east and the west, in order for them to recognise (each other) and profit (from each other) from the businesses from a city to a city, and to benefit by that the hirers of the camels, and to recognise the effects (Ahadeeth) of Rasool-Allah-saww, and to recognise his-saww news, and to remember and not forget. And if every people were to rely upon their own cities and what is therein, they would have perished, and they would have gone out from the cities, and their profits would have fallen, and they would have been blind to the news (Ahadeeth), and would not have pondered upon that. So, that is the reason for the Hajj’.[756]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد ابن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد ابن سنان ان الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة الطواف بالبيت ان الله تبارك وتعالى قال للملائكة اني جاعل في الارض خليفة قالوا أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء فردوا على الله تبارك وتعالى هذا الجواب فعلموا انهم اذنبوا فندموا فلاذوا بالعرش فاستغفروا فاحب الله تعالى أن يتعبد بمثل ذلك العباد فوضع في السماء الرابعة بيتا بحذاء العرش يسمى الضراح ثم وضع في السماء الدنيا بيتا يسمى البيت المعمور بحذاء الضراح ثم وضع هذا البيت بحذاء البيت المعمور ثم أمر آدم فطاف به فتاب الله عليه وجرى ذلك في ولده إلى يوم القيامة.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Ibn Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to his question of the reason for the Circumambulation of the House: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said to the Angels [2:30] I am going to Make a Caliph in the earth, they said: Are You going to Make in it one as shall make mischief therein and shed the blood? So they responded to Allah-azwj with this answer. So they knew that they had sinned. So they were regretful and took shelter by the Throne and sough Forgiveness. So Allah-azwj Loved that He-azwj be worshipped by similar to that worship, so He-azwj Placed a House in the fourth sky, at the base of the Throne called Al-Zaraah. Then He-azwj Placed a House in the sky of the world, called Bayt Al-Mamoor, at the base of A-Zaraah. Then He-azwj Placed this House (Kabah) at the base of Bayt Al-Mamoor. Then He-azwj Commanded Adam-as, so he-as circumambulated by it. So He-azwj Turned towards him -as (Mercifully), and that flowed as a Sunnah in his-as children up to the Day of Judgement’.[757]

أخبرنا علي بن حاتم قال حدثنا حميد بن زياد قال حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن سماعة قال حدثنى الحسين بن هاشم عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن أبي حمزة الثمالي قال دخلت على أبي جعفر (ع) وهو جالس على الباب الذي إلى المسجد وهو ينظر إلى الناس يطوفون فقال يا أبا حمزة بما أمروا هؤلاء؟ قال فلم ادر ما أرد عليه قال انما أمروا أن يطوفوا بهذه الاحجار ثم يأتونا فيعلمونا ولا يتهم.

Ali Bin Hatim informed us, from Hameed Bin Ziyad, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Sama’at, from Al Husayn Bin hashim, from Abdullah Bin Muskan, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly who said,

‘I went over to Abu Ja’far-asws, and he-asws was seated at the door leading to the (Sacred) Masjid, and he-asws was looking at the people circumambulating, so he-asws said: ‘O Abu Hamza! With what have these (people) been Commanded with?’ He (Abu Hamza) said, ‘I did not know what to respond to him-asws with. He-asws said :’But rather, they have been Commanded that they should circumambulate by these stones, then come to us-asws, so they would let us-asws know of their Wilayah (love) for us-asws’.[758]


(باب 143 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الطواف سبعة أشواط)

Chapter 143 – The reason due to which the circumambulation came to be of seven circuits

حدثنا علي بن حاتم قال حدثنا القاسم بن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن أبي بكر عن حنان بن سدير عن أبي حمزة الثمالي عن علي بن الحسين (ع) قال قلت لم صار الطواف سبعة اشواط؟ قال لان الله تبارك وتعالى قال للملائكة اني جاعل في الارض خليفة فردوا على الله تبارك وتعالى وقالوا اتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء قال الله اني اعلم ما تعملون وكان لا يحجبهم عن نوره فحجبهم عن نوره سبعة آلاف عام فلاذوا بالعرش سبعة آلاف سنة فرحمهم وتاب عليهم وجعل لهم البيت المعمور الذي في السماء الرابعة وجعله مثابة ووضع البيت الحرام تحت البيت المعمور فجعله مثابة للناس وامنا فصار الطواف سبعة اشواط واجبا على العباد لكل الف سنة شوطا واحدا.

Ali Bin Hatim narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Abu Bakr, from hanan Bin Sudeyr, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, said, ‘I said, ‘Why did the circumambulation come to be of seven circuits?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said to the Angels [2:30] I am going to Make a Caliph in the earth. So they responded to Allah-azwj Blessed and High and said: ‘Are You going to Make in it one as shall make mischief therein and shed the blood?’ Allah-azwj Said I know what you are not knowing. And they were not Veiled from His-azwj Light. So they were (from then on) Veiled from His-azwj Light for seven thousand years. So they took shelter by the Throne for seven thousand years. So He-azwj was Merciful to them and Turned towards them (Mercifully), and Made for them the Bayt Al-Mamoor which is in the fourth sky, and Made it as a refuge, and Placed the Sacred House (Kabah) underneath the Bayt Al-Mamoor. So He-azwj Made it a refuge for the people, and a security for them. Thus, the circumambulation of seven circuits is Obligated upon the servants, for every thousand years, one circuit’.[759]

وعنه قال حدثنى أبو القاسم حميد بن زياد قال حدثنا عبد الله بن احمد عن علي بن الحسين الطاطرى، عن محمد بن زياد عن أبي خديجة قال سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول مر بأبي (ع) رجل وهو يطوف فضرب بيده على منكبه ثم قال اسألك عن خصاك ثلاث لا يعرفهن غيرك وغير رجل آخر فسكت عنه حتى فرغ من طوافه ثم دخل الحجر فصلى ركعتين وانا معه فلما فرغ نادى أين هذا السائل؟ فجاء فجلس بين يديه فقال له سل فسأله عن (ن والقلم وما يسطرون) فاجابه

And he said, ‘Abu Al Qasim Hameed Bin Ziyad narrated to me, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al tatary, from Muhammad Bin Ziyad, from Abu Khadeeja who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘A man passed by my-asws father-asws, and he-asws was circumambulating. So he struck his hand upon his-asws shoulder, then said: ‘I ask you-asws about three qualities which no one apart from you-asws recognises, or another man’. So he-asws remained silent from him, until he-asws was free from his-asws circumambulation. Then he-asws entered towards the (Black) Stone, so he-asws Prayed two Cycles, and I was with him-asws. So when he-asws was free, he-asws called out: ‘Where is the questioner?’ So he came, and was seated in front of him-asws. So he-asws said to him: ‘Ask’. So he asked him-asws about [68:1] Noon, and I swear by the Pen and what it will be writing. So he-asws answered him.

ثم قال حدثنى عن الملائكة حين ردوا على الرب حيث غضب عليهم وكيف رضى عنهم فقال ان الملائكة طافوا بالعرش سبعة آلاف سنة يدعونه ويستغفرونه ويسألونه أن يرضى عنهم فرضى عنهم بعد سبع سنين فقال صدقت

Then he-asws said: ‘Narrate to me about the Angels when they responded to the Lord-azwj where He-asws was Angered against them, and how He-azwj was Pleased from them’. So he-asws said: ‘The Angels circumambulated the Throne for seven thousand year, supplicating to Him-azwj, and seeking His-azwj Forgiveness, and asking Him-azwj, and He-azwj should be Pleased with them. So He-azwj was Pleased from them after seven years’. So he said, ‘You have spoken the truth’.

ثم قال حدثنى عن رضى الرب عن آدم فقال ان آدم انزل فنزل في الهند وسأل ربه تعالى هذا البيت فأمره أن يأتيه فيطوف به اسبوعا ويأتي منى وعرفات فيقضى مناسكه كلها فجاء من الهند وكان موضع قدميه حيث يطأ عليه عمران وما بين القدم إلى القدم صحارى ليس فيها شئ

Then he said, ‘Narrate to me about the Pleasure of the Lord-azwj about Adam-as’. So he-asws said: ‘Adam-as descended, so he-as descended in India, and asked his-as Lord-azwj the High for this House (Kabah). So He-azwj Commanded him-as that he-as should come to it, and he-as should circumambulate by it for a week, then go over to Mina and Arafaat, so he-as should fulfill his-as rituals, all of them. So he-as came from India, and the place of his-as feet where he-as trod upon, became populated, and what was between the step to the step, was desert and there was nothing in it.

ثم جاء إلى البيت فطاف اسبوعا واتى مناسكه فقضاها كما أمره الله فقبل الله منه التوبة وغفر له

Then he-as came to the House (Kabah), so he-as circumambulated it for a week, and was Given his-as rituals, so he fulfilled these just as He-azwj had been Commanded with. So the repentance was Accepted from him-as, and there was Forgiveness for him-as’.

قال فجعل طواف آدم لما طافت الملائكة بالعرش سبع سنين فقال جبرئيل هنيئا لك يا آدم قد غفر لك لقد ظفت بهذا البيت قبلك بثلاثة آلاف سنة فقال آدم يا رب اغفر لي ولذريتي من بعدى فقال نعم من آمن منهم بى وبرسلي

He-asws said: ‘So the circumambulation of Adam-as was Made to be when the Angels circumambulated by the Throne for seven years. So Jibraeel-as said: ‘Congratulations to you-as, O Adam-as! You-as have been Forgiven, for I-as have circumambulated by this House before you-as, by three thousand years. So Adam-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! Forgive me-as, and my-as offspring from after me-as’. So He-azwj Said: “Yes, the one who believes in Me-azwj, and in My-azwj Rasool-as’.

فقال صدقت ومضى فقال أبي (ع) هذا جبرئيل اتاكم يعلمكم معالم دينكم.

So he (the questioner) said, ‘You-asws have spoken the truth’, and left. So my-asws father-asws said: ‘This was Jibraeel-as, coming to you in order to teach the matters of your Religion (to people)’.[760]




(باب 144 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت العمرة على الناس) (واجبة بمنزلة الحج)

Chapter 144 – The reason due to which the Umrah came to be Obligatory upon the people at the status of the Hajj

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسين بن سعيد عن ابن أبي عمير وحماد وصفوان بن يحيى وفضالة بن أيوب عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال العمرة واجبة على الخلق بمنزلة الحج من استطاع لان الله تعالى يقول واتموا الحج والعمرة لله وانما نزلت العمرة بالمدينة، وافضل العمرة عمرة رجب.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad iBn Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn, from Ibn Abu Umeyr and Hamaad and Safwan Bin Yahya and Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Umrah is an Obligation upon the people at the status of the Hajj, for the one who has the ability for it, because Allah-azwj the High is Saying [2:196] And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. But rather, it was Revealed at Al-Medina, and the most preferable Umrah, is Umrah of (month of) Rajab’.[761]

(باب 145 – العلة التي من أجلها يجوز للمحرم أن يستاك)

Chapter 145 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the one in Ihraam to brush his teeth

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن ابن أبي عمير عن معاوية عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت المحرم يستاك؟ قال نعم قلت فان أدمى يستاك؟ قال نعم هو من السنة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Muawiya,

(The narrator says I asked) from Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Can the one in Ihraam brush his teeth?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘So, (what) if blood flows when he brushes his teeth?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, it is (in order as it is) from the Sunnah’.[762]

(باب 147 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يستحب الهدى إلى) (الكعبة وما يجب أن يعمل بما قد جعل هديا للكعبة)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم ابن هاشم عن عبد الله بن المغيرة عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن علي (ع) قال لو كان لي واديان يسيلان ذهبا وفضة ما أهديت إلى الكعبة شيئا لانه يصير إلى الحجبة دون المساكين.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Ibn Hashim, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from Al Sakkuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Ali-asws having said: ‘If there were two valleys for me-asws streaming with gold and silver, I-asws would not gift anything to the Kabah, because it goes to the guards (at the Kabah) rather than the poor’.[763]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن بنان بن محمد عن موسى ابن القاسم عن علي بن جعفر عن أخيه أبي الحسن عليهم السلام قال: سألته عن رجل جعل جاريته هديا للكعبة كيف يصنع بها؟ فقال ان أبي عليه السلام أتاه رجل قد جعل جاريته هديا للكعبة فقال له قوم الجارية أو بعها ثم مر مناديا يقوم على الحجر فينادي ألا من قصرت نفقته أو قطع به طريقه أو نفذ طعامه، فليأت فلان بن فلان، ومره أن يعطى أولا فأولا حتى ينفذ ثمن الجارية.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Banan Bin Muhammad, from Musa Ibn Al Qasim Ibn Al Qasim, from Ali Bin Ja’far,

(It has been narrated) from his brother-asws Abu Al-Hassan-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about a man who made a slave girl as a gift to the Kabah, what should be done with her?’ So he-asws said: ‘A man came to my-asws father-asws, having made his slave girl as a gift to the Kabah. So he-asws said: ‘Evaluate the slave girl or sell her, then order a caller to stand at the Black Stone, so he should call out, ‘Indeed! The one who is short of expenses, or his way has been cut-off (by bandits), or his food is insufficient, so let him come to so and so, son of so and so’; and order him that he should give on a first come first served basis until the value of the slave girl is spent’.[764]

حدثنى محمد بن علي ماجيلويه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز قال أخبرني ياسين قال سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام يقول: ان قوما أقبلوا من مصر، فمات رجل فأوصى إلى رجل بألف درهم للكعبة، فلما قدم مكة سأل عن ذلك فدلوه على بني شيبة، فأتاهم فأخبرهم الخبر فقالوا قد برءت ذمتك ادفعها الينا،

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to me, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Yaseen who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘A group of people came from Egypt, and a man died. So he bequeathed to a man with a thousand Dirhams for the Kabah. So when he proceeded to Makkah, he asked about that. So they pointed him to the Clan of Sheyba. So he went to them and informed them of the news. So they said, ‘You are free from your responsibility. Hand it over to us’.

فقام الرجل فسأل الناس فدلوه على أبي جعفر محمد بن علي عليهما السلام، قال أبو جعفر محمد بن علي عليهما السلام فأتاني فسألني فقلت له: ان الكعبة غنية عن هذا أنظر إلى من أم هذا البيت وقطع أو ذهبت نفقته أو ضلت راحلته أو عجزان يرجع إلى أهله فادفعها إلى هؤلاء الذين سميت لك،

So the man arose and asked the people (again). So they pointed him to Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws. Abu Ja’far Muhammad Bin Ali-asws said: ‘So he came over to me-asws and asked me-asws. So he-asws said to him: ‘The Kabah is needless from this. Look around to the ones (visitors) of this House (Kabah), and the one who has been cut-off, or his expenses have gone, or his ride has strayed, or he is frustrated and is returning to his family, so hand it over to those ones whom I-asws have named for you’.

قال: فأتى الرجل بني شيبة فأخبرهم بقول أبي جعفر عليه السلام فقالوا هذا ضال مبتدع ليس يؤخذ عنه ولا علم له، ونحن نسألك بحق هذا البيت وبحق كذا وكذا لما أبلغته عنا هذا الكلام

He (the narrator) said: ‘So the man went to the Clan of Sheyba and informed them of the words of Abu Ja’far-asws. So they said, ‘This one is a strayed one, an innovator. There is no one taking (as Verdicts) from him-asws, and there is no knowledge to him-asws, while we ask you by the right of this House, and by the right of such and such, when you deliver this speech of ours to him-asws’.

قال فأتيت أبا جعفر عليه السلام فقلت له لقيت بني شيبة فأخبرتهم فزعموا انك كذا وكذا وانك لا علم لك ثم سألوني بالله العظيم لما ابلغك ما قالوا قال وأنا اسألك بما سألوك لما أتيتهم فقلت لهم، ان من علمي لو وليت شيئا من أمور المسلمين لقطعت أيديهم ثم علقتها في أستار الكعبة، ثم أقمتهم على المصطبة، ثم أمرت مناديا ينادي ألا ان هؤلاء سراق الله فاعرفوهم.

He said, ‘So I came over to Abu Ja’far-asws and said to him-asws, ‘I met the Clan of Sheyba, so I informed them, and they claim that you-asws are such and such, and that you-asws are such that there is no knowledge with you-asws. Then they asked me, by Allah-azwj the Magnificent, to deliver what they have said’. He-asws said: ‘And I-asws ask you with what you have been asked by, when you go to them, so say to them, ‘From my-asws knowledge is, if I-asws had the slightest control from the affairs of the Muslims, I-asws would cut-off their hands, then hang them in the curtains of the Kabah. Then I-asws would make them stand upon the bench, then order a caller to call out, ‘Indeed! These are thieves of Allah-azwj, so recognise them!’[765]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسن بن متيل عن محمد ابن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن جعفر بن بشير، عن ابان عن ابن الحر عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال جاء رجل إلى أبي جعفر فقال: إنى أهديت جارية إلى الكعبة فأعطيت بها خمسمائة دينار فما ترى؟ قال: بعها ثم خذ ثمنها ثم قم على هذا الحائط يعني الحجر ثم نادواعط كل منقطع به وكل محتاج من الحاج.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Mateyl, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ja’far Bin Basheer, from Aban, from Ibn Al Hurr,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘A man came over to Abu Ja’far-asws, so he said, ‘I have gifted a slave girl to the Kabah and she was given five hundred Dinaars, so what is your-asws view?’ He-asws said: ‘Sell her, take her value, then stand upon this wall, meaning the (Black) Stone, then call out, and give to every cut-off person and every needy one from the Pilgrims’.[766]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن علي ابن الحسين الميثمي عن أخويه محمد وأحمد عن علي بن يعقوب الهاشمي عن مروان ابن مسلم عن سعيد بن عمر الجعفي عن رجل من أهل مصر قال: أوصى أخي بجارية كانت له مغنية فارهة وجعلها هديا لبيت الله الحرام، فقدمت مكة فسألت فقيل لي ادفعها إلى بني شيبة وقيل لي غير ذلك من القول فاختلف على فيه، فقال لي رجل من أهل المسجدا ألا ارشدك إلى من يرشدك في هذا إلى الحق، قلت: بلى قال فأشار إلى شيخ جالس في المسجد فقال هذا جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام فاسأله

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Ibn Al Husayn Al Maysami, from his two brothers Muhammad and Ahmad, from Ali Bin Yaqoub Al Hashimy, from Marwan Ibn Muslim, from Saeed Bin Umar Al Ju’fy, from a man from the people of Egypt who said,

‘My brother bequeathed to me with a slave girl who was a skilful singer of his, and made her as a gift to the House of Allah-azwj (Kabah), the Sacred. So I proceeded to Makkah, and asked around, so it was said to me, ‘Hand her over to the Clan of Sheyba’, and it was said to me other than that from the word (in town). Thus, there was an uneasiness to me with regards to it. A man from the Masjid said to me, ‘Shall I guide you to the one who will Guide you to the Truth with regards to it?’ I said, ‘Yes’. So he gestured towards a Sheykh seated in the Masjid, and said, ‘This is Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, so ask him-asws’.

قال: فأتيته فسألته وقصصت عليه القصة، فقال: ان الكعبة لا تأكل ولا تشرب وما أهدى لها فهو لزوارها، فبع الجارية، وقم على الحجر فناد هل من منقطع به؟ وهل من محتاج من زوارها؟ فإذا أتوك فسل عنهم واعطهم واقسم فيهم ثمنها قال: فقلت له ان بعض من سألته أمرني بدفعها إلى بني شيبة، فقال: أما ان قائمنا لو قد قام لقد أخذهم وقطع أيديهم وطاف بهم وقال: هؤلاء سراق الله.

He said, ‘So I went over to him-asws, and I asked him-asws, and related to him-asws, the story. So he-asws said: ‘The Kabah neither eats nor does it drink, and whatever is gifted to it, so it is for its visitors. Therefore, sell the slave girl, and stand at the (Black) Stone, and call out, ‘Is there anyone who has been cut-off (by bandits)? And is there anyone who is needy, from the visitors to it? So if they come to you, ask about them, and give to them, and distribute among them, her price’. I said, ‘Someone I asked ordered me to hand it over to the Clan of Sheyba’. So he-asws said: ‘But, our-asws Qaim-asws, when he-asws arises, would seize them, and cut-off their hands, and circumambulate with them, and said: ‘These are the thieves (stealing from) Allah-azwj!’[767]

حدثني محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال حدثني علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن أبيه باسناده عن بعض أصحابنا قال: دفعت إلى امرأة غزلا وقالت لي ادفعه بمكة ليخاط به كسوة الكعبة، فكرهت ان ادفعه إلى الحجبة وأنا اعرفهم فلما صرت إلى المدينة دخلت على أبي جعفر عليه السلام فقلت له جعلت فداك ان امرأة أعطتني غزلا وأمرتني ان ادفعه بمكة ليخاط به كسوة لكعبة فكرهت ان ادفعه إلى الحجبة فقال اشتر به عسلا وزعفرانا وخذ طين قبر أبي عبد الله عليه السلام واعجنه بماء السماء واجعل فيه شيئا من العسل والزعفران وفرقه على الشيعة ليداووا به مرضاهم.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkl narrated to me, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, by his chain, from one of our companions who said,

‘A woman handed over an embroidered material and said to me, ‘Hand it over for it to be sewn to the covering of the Kabah. I disliked that I should hand it over to the guards (at the Kabah), and I knew them (what type of people they are). So when I went to Al-Medina, I went over to Abu Ja’far-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! A woman gave me an embroidered material and asked me that I should hand it over at Makkah for it to be sewn to the covering of the Kabah, but I disliked it to be handed over to the guards (at the Kabah)’. He-asws said: ‘Buy some honey with it, and saffron, and take some clay from the grave of my-asws father-asws Abu Abdullah-asws (Al-Husayn-asws), and knead it with the water from the sky (rain), and put some of the honey into it and the saffron, and distribute it among the Shias for them to cure their sick ones with it’.[768]


(باب 148 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى الحج حجا)

Chapter 148 – The reason due to which the Hajj is named as Hajj

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن حماد بن عيسى عن أبان ابن عثمان عمن أخبره عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال قلت له لم سمي الحج حجا؟ قال: حج فلان أي أفلح فلان.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Aban Ibn Usman, from the one who informed him,

(It has been narrated), ‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘Why was the Hajj named as Hajj?’ He-asws said: ‘So and so has (performed) Hajj, it means so and so has succeeded’.[769]

(باب 149 – العلة التي من أجلها يجب التمتع بالعمرة إلى الحج) دون القران والافراد

Chapter 149 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory upon the Pilgrim (to perform) Umrah Tamatto, besides the pairing (Hajj & Umrah) and the individual

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن محمد ابن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد الله بن علي الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الحج متصل بالعمرة، لان الله عزوجل يقول: (فإذا أمنتم فمن تمتع بالعمرة إلى الحج فما استيسر من الهدى) فليس ينبغي لاحد إلا أن يتمتع لان الله عزوجل أنزل ذلك في كتابه وسنه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله.

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Hajj is linked with the Umrah, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [2:196] then when you are secure, whoever benefits by combining the Umrah with the Hajj (should take) what offering is easy to obtain. Thus, it is not befitting for any except that he should (perform Umrah) Tamatto, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed that in His-azwj Book, and it is a Sunnah of Rasool-Allah-saww’.[770]

(باب 151 – علة غسل دخول البيت)

Chapter 151 – Reason for bathing for entering the House (Kabah)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن احمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد الله بن الحلبي قال سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام أتغتسل النساء إذا أتين البيت؟ قال: نعم ان الله عزوجل يقول: (ان طهرا بيتي للطائفين والعاكفين والركع السجود)، فينبغي للعبد أن لا يدخل إلا وهو طاهر قد غسل عنه العرق والاذي وتطهر.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad and Abdullah, the two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeydullah Bin Al Halby who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Should the women bathe when they come to the House?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [2:125] Purify My House for those who visit (it) and those who abide (in it) for devotion and those who bow down (and) those who prostrate themselves. Thus, it is befitting that the servant should not enter Makka unless he is clean, and has washed his sweat, and his body parts, and is clean’.[771]

(باب 152 – علة الرمل بالبيت)

Chapter 152 – Reason for trotting by the House (Kabah)

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن ابن فضال عن ثعلبة عن زرارة أو محمد بن مسلم قال: سألت أبا جعفر عليه السلام عن الطواف أيرمل فيه الرجل؟ فقال ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما ان قدم مكة وكان بينه وبين المشركين الكتاب الذي قد علمتم، أمر الناس أن يتجلدوا وقال: أخرجوا أعضادكم وأخرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عضديه ثم رمل بالبيت ليريهم انهم لم يصبهم جهد، فمن أجل ذلك يرمل الناس واني لامشي مشيا، وقد كان علي بن الحسين يمشي مشيا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ibn Fazaal, from Sa’ajba, from Zarara or Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about the circumambulation, should the man walk briskly in it?’ So he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww, when he-saww proceeded to Makka, and there was in between him-saww and the Polytheists was the writing (agreement) which you know, ordered the people that they should become firm. And he-saww said: ‘Bring out your shoulders!’ And Rasool-Allah-saww brought out his-saww shoulder, then trotted (walked briskly) by the House (Kabah), in order to show them they had not been struck by strain (i.e., the circumambulations is effortless for them). So, it is due to that the people are trotting, and I-asws walk a middle pace, and Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws used to walk a middle pace’.[772]

وبهذا الاسناد عن ثعلبة عن يعقوب الاحمر قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام كان في غزوة الحديبية وادع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أهل مكة ثلاث سنين ثم دخل فقضي نسكه، فمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بنفر من أصحابه جلوس في فناء الكعبة فقال هؤلاء قومكم على رؤس الجبال لا يرونكم فيروا فيكم ضعفا، قال فقاموا فشدوا أزرهم وشدوا ايديهم على اوساطهم ثم رملوا.

And by this chain, from Sa’alba, from Yaqoub Al-Ahmar who said, ‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘And it was in the military expedition of Hudeybiyya, and Rasool-Allah-saww left the people of Makkah for three years. Then he-saww entered and fulfilled his-saww rituals. So, Rasool-Allah-saww passed by a number of his-saww companions sitting in the courtyard of the Kabah. So he-saww said: ‘They are your people on top of the mountain looking at you, so they would see you as weakened’. He-asws said: ‘So they arose, tightened their trousers, and pulled their hands around their midst, then trotted’.[773]



(باب 153 – العلة التي من أجلها لم يتمتع النبي صلى الله عليه وآله) (بالعمرة إلى الحج، وأمر بالتمتع)

Chapter 153 – The reason due to which the Prophet-saww did not (combine) the Umrah Tamatto with the Hajj, and ordered with the (performance of Umrah) Tamatto

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حين حج حجة الوداع خرج في أربع بقين من ذي القعدة حتى أتى مسجد الشجرة فصلى بها ثم قاد راحلته حتى أتى البيداء فأحرم منها وأهل بالحج وساق مائة بدنة وأحرم الناس كلهم بالحج لا يريدون عمرة، ولا يدرون ما المتعة،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Umeyr, from hamaad, from Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww went out for Hajj, the Farewell Pilgrimage, in the four days remaining from (month of) Ziqaad, until he-saww came to a Masjid Al-Shajara. So he-saww Prayed at it. Then he-saww guided his-saww camel until he-saww came to Al-Bayda. So he-saww wore his-saww Ihraam, and started with the Hajj, and ushered one hundred camels. And the people put on their Ihraams, all of them for the Hajj, neither intending Umrah, nor knowing what Al-Tamatto was.

حتى إذا قدم رسول الله مكة طاف بالبيت وطاف الناس معه ثم صلى ركعتين عند مقام ابراهيم واستلم الحجر ثم أتى زمزم فشرب منها وقال لو لا أن اشق على امتي لاستقيت منها ذنوبا أو ذنوبين

When Rasool-Allah-saww set foot in Makkah, circumambulated by the House (Kabah), and the people circumambulated with him-saww. Then he-saww Prayed two Cycles at the standing place of Ibrahim-as (مقام ابراهيم), and kissed the (Black) Stone. Then he-saww came to Zamzam, so he-saww drank from it, and said: ‘Had it not been difficult upon my-saww community, I-saww would have drunk a bucket or two buckets from it’.

ثم قال ابدؤا بما بدء الله عزوجل به فأتى الصفا فبدأ به ثم طاف بين الصفا والمروة سبعا، فلما قضي طوافه عند المروة قام فخطب اصحابه وأمرهم أن يحلوا ويجعلوها عمرة وهو شئ أمر الله عزوجل به فأحل الناس وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لو كنت استقبلت من أمرى ما استدبرت لفعلت كما أمرتكم ولكن لم يكن يستطيع أن يحل من أجل الهدى الذي معه ان الله عزوجل يقول: (ولا تحلقوا رؤسكم حتى يبلغ الهدي محله)

Then he-saww said: ‘Begin with what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic began with. So he-saww came to Al-Safa, so he-saww began with it. Then he-saww circumambulated by it seven times. So when he-saww completed his-saww circumambulation at Al-Marwa, he-saww stood to sermon his-saww companions, and ordered them that they should free (themselves from the Ihraam, and make it an Umrah, and it was something which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Commanded with. So the people freed (themselves from the Ihraam), and Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Had I-saww faced from my-saww affairs what I-saww did from my-saww past, I-saww would have done just as what I-saww am ordering you to do, but I-saww do not have the leeway for it that I-saww should free myself-saww (from Ihraam), due to the sacrificial animals which are with me-saww, that Allah-azwj is Saying [2:196] and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches its destination’.

فقام سراقة بن مالك بن جشعم الكناني فقال: يا رسول الله علمنا ديننا كأنا خلقنا اليوم، أرأيت هذا الذي أمرتنا به لعامنا هذا أم لكل عام؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: لا بل للابد، وان رجلا قام فقال يا رسول الله نخرج حجابا ورؤسنا تقطر من النساء؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إنك لن تؤمن بها ابدا

So Saraqat Bin Maalik Bin Ja’asham Al-Kanany stood up and said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! You-saww are teaching us our Religion as if we have been Created today. What is your-saww view of this which you-saww are ordering us with. Is this for this year of ours or for every year?’ So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘No, but it is forever’. And a man stood up, so he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! We should emerge from our veils and our heads are dripping (with water) from the women?’ So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘You all will never believe in it, ever!’

وأقبل علي عليه السلام من اليمن حتى وافي الحج فوجد فاطمة عليها السلام قد أحلت ووجد ريح الطيب فانطلق إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عليها السلام فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: يا علي بأي شئ اهللت؟ فقال أهللت بما أهل النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال لا تحل أنت، وأشركه في هديه وجعل له من الهدى سبعا وثلاثين ونحر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ثلاثا وستين نحرها بيده،

And Ali-asws came over from Yemen until he-asws fulfilled the Hajj. So he-asws found Syeda Fatima-asws who had freed (herself-asws from the Ihraam), and found the smell of perfume. So he-asws went to Rasool-Allah-saww,. So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! By which thing will you-asws free (yourself-asws from the Ihraam)?’ So he-asws said: ‘By what the Prophet-saww will free (himself-saww from the Ihraam)’. So he-saww said: ‘You-saww, don’t free (yourself-asws from the Ihraam)’. And he-saww participated him-asws in his-saww sacrifice, and made for him-asws, from the sacrifice, thirty seven (sacrificial animals), and Rasool-Allah-saww sacrificed sixty three animals with his-saww own hands.

ثم أخذ من كل بدنة بضعة فجعلها في قدر واحد ثم أمر به فطبخ فأكلا منها وحسوا من المرق فقال قد أكلنا الآن منها جميعا فالمتعة أفضل من القارن السايق الهدى وخير من الحج المفرد، وقال: إذا استمتع الرجل بالعمرة، فقد قضى ما عليه من فريضة المتعة.

Then he-saww took, from every (sacrificed) camel, a part, and made it one saucepan, then ordered for it to be cooked. So they-asws both ate from it, and a little bit of the gravy. So he-saww said: ‘We-asws have eaten now from all of these. Thus, the Tamatto is preferable than the Qaaran (pairing), the usher of the sacrificial animals, and better than the singular Hajj’. And he-saww said: ‘So when the man has satisfied himself with the Umrah, so he has fulfilled what is (obligated) upon him from the Obligation of the Mata’to (umrah)’.[774]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن يعقوب ابن يزيد عن محمد بن أبي عمير وصفوان بن يحيى عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في حجة الوداع لما فرغ من السعي قام عند المروة فخطب الناس فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ثم قال يا معشر الناس هذا جبرئيل وأشار بيده إلى خلفه يأمرني ان آمر من لم يسق هديا أن يحل، ولو استقبلت من أمري ما استدبرت لفعلت كما أمرتكم ولكني سقت الهدى وليس لسايق الهدى أن يحل حتى يبلغ الهدى محله

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Ibn Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr and Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said during the Farewell Pilgrimage, when he-saww was free from the Sa’ee, stood at Al-Marwa, and preached the people. So He-saww Praised Allah-azwj and Extolled Him-azwj, then said: ‘O group of the people! This is Jibraeel-as’ – and he-saww gestured by his-as hand to his-saww back – ‘He-as is ordering me-saww that I-saww should order then one who did not usher a sacrificial animal that he should free (himself from Ihraam), and Had I-saww faced from my-saww affairs what I-saww did from my-saww past, I-saww would have done just as what I-saww am ordering you to do, but, I-saww am ushering the sacrificial animals, and it is not for the usherer of the sacrificial animals that he should free (himself from the Ihraam) until the sacrifice reaches its place’.

فقام إليه سراقة بن مالك بن جشعم الكناني فقال يا رسول الله علمنا ديننا فكأنا خلقنا اليوم أرأيت هذا الذي أمرتنا به لعامنا أم لكل عام؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: لا بل للابد، وان رجلا قام فقال يا رسول الله نخرج حجابا ورؤسنا تقطر من النساء؟ فقال له رسول الله إنك لن تؤمن بها ابدا

So Saraqat Bin Maalik Bin Ja’asham Al-Kanany stood up and said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! You-saww are teaching us our Religion as if we have been Created today. What is your-saww view of this which you-saww are ordering us with. Is this for this year of ours or for every year?’ So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘No, but it is forever’. And a man stood up, so he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! We should emerge from our veils and our heads are dripping (with water) from the women?’ So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘You all will never believe in it, ever!’[775]

حدثنا أبي ومحمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رض) قالا حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن القاسم بن محمد الاصبهاني عن سليمان بن داود المنقري عن فضيل بن عياض قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن اختلاف الناس في الحج فبعضهم يقول: خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله مهلا بالحج، وقال بعضهم مهلا بالعمرة وقال بعضهم خرج قارنا، وقال بعضهم خرج ينتظر أمر الله عزوجل،

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed both narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Al Asbahany, from Suleyman Bin Dawood Al Manqary, from Fazeyl Bin Ayaaz who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the differing of the people with regards to Hajj, so some of them are saying, ‘Rasool-Allah-saww went out only for the Hajj’, and some of them say, ‘Only for the Umrah’, and some of them say, ‘Went out for both’ and some of them say, ‘Went out awaiting the Command of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’.

فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام علم الله عزوجل أنها حجة لا يحج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بعدها ابدا فجمع الله عزوجل له ذلك كله في سفرة واحدة ليكون جميع ذلك سنة لامته، فلما طاف بالبيت وبالصفا والمروة أمره جبرئيل عليه السلام أن يجعلها عمرة إلا من كان معه هدي فهو محبوس على هديه لا يحل لقوله عزوجل (حتى يبلغ الهدي محله)

So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Knew that it was a Hajj, and Rasool-Allah-saww would not be performing a Hajj after it, ever. So, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Gathered all of that for him-saww in one journey in order for all of that to become a Sunnah for his-saww community. So when he-saww circumambulated by the House (Kabah), and by Al-Safa and Al-Marwa, Jibraeel-as (came with an) Order for him-as that he-saww should make it an Umrah, except for the one who had a sacrificial animal with him. Thus, he-saww was restricted due to his-saww sacrificial animal, not freeing himself-saww (from the Ihraam), due to the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [2:196] until the offering reaches its destination.

فجمعت له العمرة والحج وكان خرج على خروج العرب الاول، لان العرب كانت لا تعرف إلا الحج وهو في ذلك ينتظر أمر الله تعالى وهو يقول عليه السلام: ” الناس على أمر جاهليتهم إلا ما غيره الاسلام ” وكانوا لا يرون العمرة في أشهر الحج

So He-saww Gathered together the Umrah and the Hajj for him-saww, and he-saww had gone away from (the norms of) the previous Arabs, because the previous Arabs did not recognise except for the Hajj, and he-saww, with regards to that, was awaiting the Commands of Allah-azwj the High, and these are his-saww words: ‘The people are upon the affairs of their (era of) ignorance except for what Al-Islam changed, and they did not use to see the Umrah to be in the month of the Hajj.

فشق على اصحابه حين قال اجعلوها عمرة لانهم كانوا لا يعرفون العمرة في أشهر الحج، وهذا الكلام من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إنما كان في الوقت الذي أمرهم فيه بفسخ الحج فقال دخلت العمرة في الحج إلى يوم القيامة وشبك بين اصابعه – يعني في اشهر الحج –

So, that was grievous upon his-saww companions where he-saww said: ‘Make it to be an Umrah’, because they were not used to recognising the Umrah to be in the month of Al-Hajj. And this is the speech from Rasool-Allah-saww. But rather, it was during the time which he-saww ordered them to revoke the Hajj, so he-saww said: ‘I-saww have entered to Umrah to be in the Hajj up to the Day of Judgement’ – and he-saww clasped his-saww fingers – meaning in the month of the Hajj’.

قلت أفيعتد بشئ من أمر الجاهلية؟ فقال ان اهلك الجاهلية ضيعوا كل شئ من دون ابراهيم عليه السلام إلا الختان والتزويج والحج فانهم تمسكوا بها ولم يضيعوها.

I said, ‘Is there anything significant from the matters of the era of ignorance (Pre-Islamic period)?’ So he-saww said: ‘The ignorant one destroyed and wasted everything from Ibrahim-as except for the circumcision, the marriage, and the Hajj, so they had attached themselves to these and did not waste these’.[776]

(باب 154 – العلة التي من أجلها لم يعذب ماء زمزم وصار غورا)

Chapter 154 – The reason due to which the water of Zamzam is not fresh, and became sunken

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن عقبة عمن رواه عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال كانت زمزم أبيض من اللبن وأحلى من الشهد وكانت سايحة فبغت على المياه، فأغارها الله عزوجل، وأجرى إليها عينا من صبر.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Uqba, from the one who reported it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Zamzam used to be whiter than the milk, and sweeter than the honey, and it was flowing over the ground. So it overcame the (other) waters surprisingly. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sunk it and Caused a bitter spring of to flow over it’.[777]

(باب 155 – العلة التي من أجلها يعذب ماء زمزم في وقت دون وقت)

Chapter 155 – The reason due to which the water of Zamzam freshens time to time

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثني محمد بن يحيى العطار عن احمد بن محمد عن ابن فضال عن ابن عقبة عن بعض أصحابنا عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ذكر ماء زمزم فقال: تجري إليها عين من تحت الحجر فإذا غلب ماء العين عذب ماء زمزم.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Fazaal, from Ibn Uqba, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘The water of Zamzam was mentioned, so he-asws said: ‘A spring comes from underneath the (Black) Stone and flows over it, so when the water of the spring overcomes, it freshens the water of Zamzam’.[778]

(باب 156 – علة تحريم المسجد والحرم ووجوب الاحرام)

Chapter 156 – The sanctity of the Masjid and the Sanctuary, and the Obligation of the Ihraam

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن العباس بن معروف عن بعض اصحابنا عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: حرم المسجد لعلة الكعبة، وحرم الحرام لعلة المسجد، ووجب الاحرام لعلة الاحرام.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from one of our companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The sanctity of the Masjid is for the reason of the Kabah, and sanctity of the Sanctuary is for the reason of the Masjid, and the Obligation of the Ihraam is due to the sanctity’.[779]

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد ابن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن الحسن بن الحسين اللؤلؤي عن عبد الله بن محمد الحجال عن بعض رجاله عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى جعل الكعبة قبلة لاهل المسجد، وجعل المسجد قبلة لاهل الحرم، وجعل الحرم قبلة لاهل الدنيا.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Ibn Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Lului, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Hajal, from one of his men,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Made the Kabah as a Qiblah (Direction) for the people of the Masjid, and Made the Masjid as a Qiblah for the people of the Sanctuary, and Made the Sanctuary as a Qiblah for the people of the world’.[780]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا محمد ابن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن عثمان بن عيسى عن أبي المغرا حميد بن المثنى العجلي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: كانت بنو اسرائيل إذا قربت القربان تخرج نارا فتأكل القربان من قبل منه، وإن الله تبارك وتعالى جعل الاحرام مكان القربان.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Usman Bin Isa, from Abu Al Magra Hameed Bin Al Masny Al Ajaly,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Children of Israel, whenever they offered an offering, a flame used to come out and it would consume the offering from in front of them, and Allah-azwj Blessed and High Made the Sanctuary as a place of the offerings’.[781]

(باب 157 – علة التلبية)

Chapter 157 – Reason for the Talbiyyah (لبيك اللهم لبيك)

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا الحسين بن محمد بن عامر عن عمه عبد الله بن عامر عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد الله بن علي الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته لم جعلت التلبية؟ فقال ان الله عزوجل أوحى إلى ابراهيم (ع) (واذن في الناس بالحج يأتوك رجالا) فنادى فأجيب من كل فج عميق يلبون.

My father narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Aamir, from his uncle Abdullah Bin Aamir, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin usman, from Ubeydullah Ali Al Halby,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why was the Talbiyya Made to be?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto Ibrahim-as [22:27] And proclaim among the people for the Pilgrimage: they will come to you on foot. So he-as called out, so they were coming from every remote path, answering’.[782]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا أبو الحسين محمد ابن جعفر الاسدي عن سهل بن زياد الآدمي عن جعفر بن عثمان الدارمي عن سليمان بن جعفر قال: سألت أبا الحسن (ع) عن التلبية وعلتها؟ فقال ان الناس إذا أحرموا ناداهم الله تعالى ذكره فقال: عبادي وامائي لاحر منكم علي النار كما احرمتم لي، فيقولون: لبيك اللهم لبيك، اجابة لله عزوجل على ندائه إياهم.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Ibn Ja’far Al Asady, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Admy, from Ja’far Bin Usman Al Daramy, from Suleyman Bin Ja’far who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws about the Talbiyya and its reason?’ So he-asws said: ‘When the people had worn their Ihraam, Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, Called out to them, so He-azwj Said: “My-azwj servants and My-azwj maids! I-azwj Forbid the Fire from you just as you have forbidden (certain things) for Me-azwj”. Thus they are saying, ‘Here I am, O Allah-azwj, here I am! (لبيك اللهم لبيك), Answering to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic upon His-azwj Calling out to them’.[783]

Muhammad Bin Al Qasim Al Astarabady, the commentator, narrated to us, from Yusuf Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad and Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Yasar, from their two fathers,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Ibn Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘

حدثنا محمد بن القاسم الاسترابادي المفسر رضي الله عنه قال حدثني يوسف بن محمد بن زياد وعلي بن محمد بن يسار عن أبويهما عن الحسن بن علي ابن محمد بن علي بن موسى بن جعفر بن محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام قال جاء رجل إلى الرضا (ع) فقال يابن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أخبرني عن قول الله عزوجل الحمد الله رب العالمين ما تفسيره؟ فقال: لقد حدثني أبي عن جدي عن الباقر عن زين العابدين عن أبيه عليهم السلام ان رجلا جاء إلى أمير المؤمنين (ع) فقال أخبرني عن قول الله عزوجل الحمد الله رب العالمين ما تفسيره؟ فقال: الحمد الله هو ان عرف عباده بعض نعمه عليهم جملا، إذ لا يقدرون على معرفة جميعها بالتفصيل لانها أكثر من أن تحصى أو تعرف

‘A man came to Al-Reza-asws and said: ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww, inform me about the Words of Allah-azwj (الحمد لله رب العالمين) “The Praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds”, what is its explanation?’ He-asws said: ‘My father-asws narrated to me-asws from my forefather Al-Baqir-asws from Zayn-ul-Abideen-asws that a person came to Amir-ul-Momineen-asws and said: ‘Inform me about the Words of Allah-azwj ‘الحمد لله رب العالمين’, what is its explanation?’ He-asws said: “The Praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds”, it is the recognition by him of some of Allah-azwj’s Bounties to him, in summary, as he does not have the ability to recognise all of them in detail, because they are too numerous to list and know.

فقال لهم: قولوا الحمد لله على ما انعم به علينا رب العالمين، وهم الجماعات من كل مخلوق من الجمادات والحيوانات، أو الحيوانات فهو يقلبها في قدرته ويغذوها من رزقه ويحوطها بكنفه ويدبر كلا منها بمصلحته، وأما الجمادات فهو يمسكها بقدرته يمسك المتصل منها ان يتهافت ويمسك المتهافت منها أن يتلاصق ويمسك السماء أن تقع على الارض إلا باذنه ويمسك الارض ان تنخسف إلا بأمره انه بعباده لرؤف رحيم

He-asws said to them: ‘Say the Words “The Praise is for Allah for the Bounties that have been bestowed. “Lord of the Worlds” includes the communities of all creatures from the vegetation and animals. As for the animals, he has placed in their hearts ability to fend for themselves and also all about for their betterment. And as for the vegetation, He-azwj Maintains it by His-azwj Power, and Maintains it, and Holds the sky so that it does not fall down on the earth except by His-azwj Permission, and the earth does not collapse except by His-azwj Command, He-azwj is Gracious and Merciful to His-azwj servants.’

قال (ع) رب العالمين مالكهم وخالقهم وسايق أرزاقهم إليهم من حيث هم يعلمون ومن حيث لا يعلمون، والرزق مقسوم وهو يأتي ابن آدم على أي سيرة سارها من الدنيا ليس تقوى متقى بزايدة ولا فجور فاجر بناقصة وبيننا وبينه ستر وهو طالبه ولو ان احدكم يفر من رزقه لطلبه رزقه كما يطلبه الموت،

He-asws said: ‘And “Lord of the worlds” means that He-azwj is their Master and their Creator and gives them sustenance from whether they know whether they know not. Sustenance has been categorized, and He-azwj gives to the son of Adam-asws equally regardless of which way he adopts. The pious does not get more due to his piety nor does the mischief maker get less due to his mischief. Between him and his sustenance that he strives for there is a veil. If any of you do not go and seek his sustenance, then sustenance will seek him out like death seeks him out.

فقال الله جل جلاله: قولوا الحمد الله على ما أنعم به علينا، وذكرنا به من خبر في كتب الاولين قبل أن نكون، ففي هذا إيجاب على محمد وآل محمد وعلى شيعتهم أن يشكروه بما فضلهم

So Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Said: “Keep saying ‘The Praise is for Allah-azwj for the Blessings that have been Favoured upon us, we have been Mentioned by it with the goodness in the previous Books beforehand before we came into being’”. Thus, it is with regards to this it is an Obligation to Muhammad-saww and his-saww Pure Progeny-asws and their-asws Shias that they should thank Him-azwj with what He-azwj has Graced them.

وذلك ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: لما بعث الله عزوجل موسى بن عمران عليه السلام واصطفاه نجيا وفلق له البحر ونجى بني اسرائيل وأعطاه التوراة والالواح ورأي مكانه من ربه عزوجل فقال يا رب لقد أكرمتني بكرامة لم تكرم بها احدا قبلي فقال الله جل جلاله: يا موسى أما علمت ان محمدا أفضل عندي من جميع ملائكتي وجميع خلقي

And that is, that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When Allah-azwj Mighty and Majesti Sent Musa-as Bin Imran-as and Chose him-as for salvation and Parted for him -as the sea and Rescued the Children of Israel, and Gave him-as Torah and the Tablets, he-as surveyed his own position and said to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and said: ‘O Lord -azwj! You-azwj have Honoured me -as and my -as community like none other before me -as.’ So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: ‘O Musa! Do you know that Muhammad-saww is higher in My-azwj Presence than the entirety of My-azwj Angels and the entirety of My-azwj creation?’

قال موسى: يا رب فان كان محمد أكرم عندك من جميع خلقك فهل في آل الانبياء أكرم من آلي؟ قال الله جل جلاله يا موسى أما علمت ان أفضل آل محمد على جميع النبيين كفضل محمد على جميع المرسلين،

Musa-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! If Muhammad-saww is higher than all that You-azwj have Created, is there any progeny higher than my-as progeny?’ Allah-azwj Said: ‘Do you know that the loftiness of the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww over the progeny of all the Prophets-as is like the loftiness of Muhammad-saww above all the Mursils-as?

فقال موسى يا رب فان كان آل محمد كذلك فهل في أمم الانبياء افضل عندك من أمتي، ظللت عليهم الغمام وأنزلت عليهم المن والسلوى وفلقت لهم البحر؟ فقال الله جل جلاله يا موسى أما علمت ان فضل امة محمد على جميع الامم كفضله على جميع خلقي

So Musa-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! So if the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww are like that, so is there among the communities of the Prophets-as anyone preferable in You-azwj Presence than my-as community, You-azwj Shaded the cloud upon them, and Sent down upon them the Manna and the Quails, and Parted the sea for them?’ So Allah-azwj Mighty is His-azwj Majesty, Said: “O Musa-as! But, do you-as know that the preference of the community of Muhammad-saww over the entirety of the communities is like his-saww preference over the entirety of My-azwj creatures?’

فقال موسى: يا رب ليتني كنت أراهم فأوحى الله عزوجل إليه يا موسى إنك لن تراهم وليس هذا أو ان ظهورهم وكن سوف تراهم في الجنان جنات عدن والفردوس بحضرة محمد في نعيمها يتقلبون وفي خيراتها يتحبحون، افتحب ان اسمعك كلامهم؟ قال نعم يا إلهي

So Musa-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! If only I-as could see them’. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to him-as: “O Musa-as! You-as will never see them, and they have not yet appeared, and very soon you-as will see then in the Gardens, the Garden of Eden and Al-Firdows in the presence of Muhammad-as in its Bounties, turning in its resources. Would you-as like to hear their speech?” He-as said: ‘Yes, O my-as God-azwj!’

قال الله جل جلاله قم بيدي واشدد ميزرك قيام العبد الذليل بين يدي الملك الجليل ففعل ذلك موسى (ع) فنادى ربنا عزوجل: يا امة محمد فأجابوه كلهم وهم في أصلاب آبائهم وأرحام امهاتم لبيك اللهم لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك ان الحمد والنعمة لك والملك لا شريك لك، قال فجعل الله عزوجل تلك الاجابة شعار الحج،

Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “Stand in from of Me-azwj like a disgraced servant stands before his majestic master”. Musa-as did that. Our Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic Called out: “O community of Muhammadsaw”. And they answered Him-azwj, all of them, and they were in the loins of their fathers and the wombs of their mothers, ‘Here we are, O Allah-azwj here we are! There is no Partner with You-azwj we are here! Surely the Praise and Goodness and Kingship is for You with no Partner!’ So Allahsaw Mighty and Majestic that answer as a slogan for the Hajj’.

ثم نادى ربنا تعالى: يا امة محمد إن قضائي عليكم ان رحمتي سبقت غضبي وعفوي قبل عقابي فقد استجبت لكم من قبل أن تدعوني واعطيتكم من قبل أن تسألوني من لقيني منكم بشهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وان محمدا عبده ورسوله صادق في أقواله محق في أفعاله، وان علي بن أبي طالب أخوه ووصيه من بعده ووليه ملتزم طاعته كما يلزم طاعة محمد، وان أوليائه المصطفين المطهرين الميامين بعجائب آيات الله ودلائل حجج الله من بعدهما أوليائه أدخله جنتي وإن كانت ذنوبه مثل زبد البحر،

Then our Lord-azwj the High Called out: “O community of Muhammad-saww! I-azwj have Decreed it that for you My-azwj Mercy will overcome My-azwj Anger, and My-azwj Forgiveness will overcome My-azwj Punishment, I-azwj Will Answer you before you even supplicate to Me-azwj, and I-azwj will Give you before you even ask for it. Whoever of you testifies that there is no god but Allah-azwj, One without any partner, and that Muhammad-saww is His-azwj servant and Rasool-saww, being true in his-saww speech, correct in his-saww deeds and that Ali-asws Ibn Abi Talib-asws is his-saww brother and his-saww successor and his-saww guardian from after him-saww and has a commitment to obey him-asws just like the obedience to Muhammad-saww; and their children-saww are the chosen ones, Purified, are Signs of Allah-azwj and Proofs of Allah-azwj and are their-asws successors after them-asws, I shall make him enter Paradise even though his sins may be as numerous as the foam of the sea.

قال فلما بعث الله تعالى محمد صلى الله عليه وآله قال يا محمد وما كنت بجانب الطور إذ نادينا امتك بهذه الكرامة، ثم قال عزوجل لمحمد قل: الحمد الله رب العالمين على ما اختصني به من هذه الفضيلة، وقال لامته وقولوا أنتم: الحمد الله رب العالمين على ما اختصنا به من هذه الفضائل.

He-asws said: ‘So when Allah-azwj Sent our Prophet-saww, Said [28:46] And you were not on the side of the Toor when We Called out with these Honours’. Then the Mighty and Majestic Said to Muhammad-saww: “Say: [1:2] The praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, upon what He-azwj has Specialised me-saww from these merits’” And He-azwj Said to his-saww community: “And you all should be saying, ‘[1:2] The praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and what we have been Specialised by, from these merits’”.[784]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار، عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار، عن حماد بن عيسى، عن أبان بن عثمان عمن أخبره عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قلت له لم سميت التلبية تلبية؟ قال: إجابة اجاب موسى (ع) ربه.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Aban Bin Usman, from the one who informed him,

Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why was the Talbiyya named as Talbiyya?’ He-asws said: ‘In response to the answer of Musa-as to his-as Lord-azwj’.[785]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال حدثنا الحسين بن اسحاق التاجر، عن علي بن مهزيار، عن الحسين بن سعيد عن عثمان بن عيسى وعلي بن الحكيم عن الفضل بن صالح عن جابر عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: أحرم موسى (ع) من رملة مصر ومر بصفائح الروحاء محرما يقود ناقته بخطام من ليف فلبى تجيبه الجبال.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Bin Is’haq Al Tajar, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Usman Bin Isa and Ali Bin Al Hakeem, from Al Fazal Bin Salih, from Jabir,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘Musa-as wore Ihraam from Ramla of Egypt, and passed by Safa’ih Al-Rawha (still) wearing Ihraam, guided his-as camel by its bridle, so the mountain exclaimed Talbiyya in response to him-as’.[786]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن حماد بن عيسى عن الحسين ابن المختار عن أبي بصير قال سمعت أبا جعفر (ع) يقول مر موسى بن عمران (ع) في سبعين نبيا على فجاج الروحاء على جمل احمر خطامه ليف عليهم العباء القطوانية يقول: لبيك عبدك وابن عبدك لبيك.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Ibn Al Mukhtar, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Musa Bin Imran-as passed among seventy Prophets upon al Rawha saddle, upon a red camel, holding its bridle, wearing a Qatwany cloak, saying: ‘Here I-as am Your-azwj servant, son of Your-azwj servant, here I-as am!’[787]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه علي بن مهزيار عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن الحكم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: مر موسى النبي (ع) بصفائح الروحاء على جمل احمر خطامه من ليف عليه عبايتان قطوانيتان وهو يقول لبيك يا كريم لبيك،

My father narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja;far Al Humeyri, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Prophet-as Musa-as passed by the glens, upon a red camel, holding its bridle, and upon him-as were two Qatwany cloaks, and he-as was saying: ‘Here I-as am, O benevolent, here I-as am!’.

ومر يونس بن متى (ع) بصفايح الروحاء وهو يقول: لبيك كشاف الكرب العظام لبيك،

And Yunus Bin Mata-as passed by the glens, and he-as was saying: ‘Here I-as am, Remover of anguish of the bones, here I-as am!’

ومر عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام بصفائح الروحاء وهو يقول لبيك عبدك وابن امتك لبيك،

And Isa-as Bin Maryam-as passed by the glens, and he-as was saying: ‘Here I-as am, Your-azwj servant, and son-as of Your-azwj maid-as, here I-as am!’

ومر محمد صلى الله عليه وآله بصفائح الروحاء وهو يقول: لبيك ذا المعارج لبيك.

And Muhammad-saww passed by the glens, and he-saww was saying: ‘Here I-saww am, O Lofty One, here I-saww am!’[788]

(باب 158 – العلة التي من أجلها يكون في الناس من يحج حجة) (وفيهم من يحج حجتين أو اكثر، وفيهم من لا يحج أبدا)

Chapter 158 – The reason due to which there becomes among the people, one who performs one Hajj, and among them is one who performs Hajj twice or more, and among them is one who does not perform Hajj, ever

أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال لما أمر الله عزوجل ابراهيم واسماعيل عليهم السلام ببنيان البيت وتم بناءه أمره أن يصعدر كنا ثم ينادي في الناس ألا هلم الحج هلم الحج فلو نادى هلموا إلى الحج لم يحج إلا من كان يومئذ إنسيا مخلوقا ولكنه نادى هلم الحج فلبى الناس في أصلاب الرجال لبيك داعي الله لبيك داعي الله، فمن لبى عشرا حج عشرا، ومن لبى خمسا حج خمسا ومن لبى اكثر فبعدد ذلك ومن لبى واحدا حج واحد ومن لم يلب لم يحج.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded Ibrahim-as and Ismail-as with the (Re-)building of the House (Kabah), and it’s building was complete, Commanded him-as that he-as should ascend at one of its corners, then call out among the people: ‘Indeed! Come for Hajj! Come for Hajj!’ Had he-as said: ‘Come you all for Hajj!’, nobody would have performed Hajj except for the one who was in those days, the humans, people’. But he-as called out: ‘Come for Hajj!’ So the people who were in the loins of the men, exclaimed, ‘Here I am, Inviter to Allah-azwj, here I am!’ So the one who responded with ten exclamations performs ten Hajj, and the one who exclaimed five, performs five Hajj, and the one who exclaimed more, so he performs by the number of that, and the one who exclaimed once, so he performs Hajj once, and the one who did not exclaim, does not perform Hajj’.[789]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا احمد وعلي وابناء الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن أبيهما عن غالب بن عثمان عن رجل من أصحابنا عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: ان الله جل جلاله لما أمر ابراهيم (ع) ينادي في الناس بالحج قام على المقام فارتفع به حتى صار بازاء أبي قبيس فنادى في الناس بالحج فأسمع من في اصلاب الرجال وارحام النساء إلى أن تقوم الساعة.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad and Ali, the two sons of Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from their two fathers, from Ghalib Bin Usman, from a man, from our companions,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘When Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, Commanded Ibrahim-as to call out among the people for the Hajj, he-as stood upon the standing place (المقام). So he-as raised his-as voice until he-as faced the Mount Abu Qubays, and called out among the people with the Hajj. So it was heard by the ones who were in the loins of the men and the wombs of the women up to the Establishment of the Hour’.[790]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن علي بن سالم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: من لم يكتب له في الليلة التي يفرق فيها كل أمر حكيم لم يحج تلك السنة وهي ليلة ثلاث وعشرين من شهر رمضان لان فيها يكتب وفد الحاج وفيها يكتب الارزاق والآجال وما يكون من السنة إلى السنة قال قلت فمن لم يكتب في ليلة القدر لم يستطع الحج فقال لا قلت كيف يكون هذا؟ قال لست في خصومتكم من شئ هكذا الامر.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhaie, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from ali Bin Salim,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The one for whom it is not Ordain during the Night in which [44:4] every wise affair is made distinct, would not be performing Hajj during that year, and it is the night of the twenty third from the Month of Ramazan, because, in it are Ordained, the delegations of the Hajj, and in it are Ordained, the livelihoods and the terms (of life), and what would be happening during the year up to the year’. I said, ‘If it is not Ordained during the Night of Pre-destination (ليلة القدر), he would not have the ability for the Hajj?’ So he-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘How can this happen?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws am not going to be indulging in disputes with you all for anything. The matter is like this’.[791]

(باب 159 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الحرم مقدار ما هو)

Chapter 159 – The reason due to which the Sanctuary came to be of the measurement what it is

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر البزنطي قال سألت أبا الحسن الرضا (ع) عن الحرم واعلامه كيف صار بعضها اقرب من بعض وبعضها أبعد من بعض؟ فقال ان الله تعالى لما اهبط آدم من الجنة اهبطه على أبي قبيس فشكى إلى ربه عزوجل الوحشة وانه لا يسمع ما كان يسمع في الجنة فأهبط الله تعالى عليه ياقوتة حمراء فوضعها في موضع البيت فكان يطوف بها آدم عليه السلام وكان ضوؤها يبلغ موضع الاعلام فعلمت الاعلام على ضوئها فجعله الله عزوجل حرما.

My father narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws about the Sanctuary and its markings, how come so of it came to be near to some, and some remote from some?’ So he-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj the High Sent down Adam-as from the Paradise, Sent him-as down upon Mount Abu Qubays. So he-as complained to his-as Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic, of the loneliness, and he-as could no longer hear what he-as used to hear in the Paradise. So, Allah-azwj the High Sent down unto him-as, a red sapphire, so he-as placed it in the place of the House. So, Adam-as used to circumambulate by it, and its illumination reached the place of the markings. Thus, he-as knew the markings to be up to its illumination. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made it to be a sanctuary’.[792]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رض) قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن أبي همام اسماعيل بن همام عن أبي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام نحو هذا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abu Hamam Ismail Bin Hamam,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws, approximately this (the above Hadeeth)’.[793]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل (رض) قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن محمد ابن اسحاق عن أبي جعفر عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان الله تعالى أوحى إلى جبرئيل أنا الله الرحمان الرحيم انى قد رحمت آدم وحواء لما شكيا إلي ما شكيا فأهبط عليهما بخيمة من خيم الجنة فانى قد رحمتهما لبكائهما ووحشتهما ووحدتهما

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Muhammad Ibn Is’haq,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto Jibraeel-as: “I-azwj am Allah-azwj, the Beneficent, the Merciful! I-azwj am being Merciful to Adam-as and Hawwa-as, when they-as both complained to Me-azwj, what they-as complained. So, descend unto them-as both with a tent from the tents of the Paradise, so I-azwj am being Merciful to them-as both due to both their-as strangeness of environment, and their loneliness.

فأضرب الخيمة على الترعة التي بين جبال مكة قال: والترعة مكان البيت وقواعده التي رفعتها الملائكة قبل آدم فهبط جبرئيل على آدم (ع) بالخيمة على مقدار مكان البيت وقواعده فنصبها

So the tent was struck at the canal which was between the mountains of Makkah – and the canal is at the place of the House and it foundation which the Angels raised before Adam-as. So Jibraeel-as descended unto Adam-as with the tent at the measurement of the place of the House (Kabah) and its foundations. So he-as established it.

قال وأنزل جبرئيل (ع) آدم من الصفا وأنزل حواء من المروة وجمع بينهما في الخيمة قال: وكان عمود الخيمة قضيبا من ياقوت أحمر فأضاء نوره وضوءه جبال مكة وما حولها قال: فامتد ضوء العمود فهو مواضع الحرم اليوم من كل ناحية من حيث بلغ ضوءه قال فجعله الله تعالى حرما لحرمة الخيمة والعمود لانهما من الجنة قال ولذلك جعل الله تعالى: الحسنات في الحرم مضاعفات والسيئات مضاعفة

He-asws said: ‘And Jibraeel-as made Adam -as descend from Al-Safa, and Hawwa-as descend from Al-Marwa, and got them both -as together in the tent. And the pillars of the tent was of a red rod of red Sapphire, and its light and its illumination illuminated the mountains of Makkah and what surrounded it. So the range of the illumination of the pillar is the place of the Sanctuary today, from every direction when its illumination reached. Therefore, Allah-azwj the High Made it a Sanctuary due to the sanctity of the tent and the pillar, because these two were from the Paradise. And, due to that, Allah-azwj the High Made the good deeds performed in the Sanctuary to be multiplied manifold, and the sins to be multiplied manifold’.

قال: ومدت اطناب الخيمة حولها فمنتهى أوتادها ما حول المسجد الحرام قال: وكانت أوتادها صخرا من عقيان الجنة وأطنابها من ضفاير الارجوان قال وأوحى الله تعالى إلى جبرئيل (ع) بعد ذلك أهبط على الخيمة بسبعين الف ملك يحرسونها من مردة الشيطان ويؤنسون آدم ويطوفون حول الخيمة تعظيما للبيت والخيمة

He-asws said: ‘And the cords of the tent was extended about it, so its pegs ended what is (now) the Sacred Masjid’. He-asws said: ‘And its pegs were from pure gold of the Paradise, and its cords were intertwined (tangled) with purple material’. He-asws said: ‘And Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto Jibraeel-as after that: “Descend upon the tent with seventy thousand Angels, fortifying it from the Accursed Satan-la, and reassuring Adam-as, and they were circumambulating around the tent in reverence to the House and the tent’.

قال: فهبط بالملائكة فكانوا بحضرة الخيمة يحرسونها من مردة الشيطان ويطوفون حول أركان البيت والخيمة كل يوم وليلة كما كانوا يطوفون في السماء حول البيت المعمور قال وأركان البيت الحرام في الارض حيال البيت المعمور الذي في السماء

He-asws said: ‘So he-as descended with the Angels. So they were in the presence of the tent, fortifying it from the Accursed Satan-la, and circumambulating around the corners of the House (Kabah) and the tent, every day and night, just as they used to circumambulate in the sky about the Oft-Frequented House (Bayt Al-Mamoor)’. He-asws said: ‘And the corners of the Sacred House in the earth is about (the same as) the Bayt Al-Mamoor which is in the sky’.

قال ثم ان الله تبارك وتعالى أوحى إلى جبرئيل (ع) بعد ذلك ان اهبط إلى آدم وحواء فتحهما عن موضع قواعد بيتي وارفع قواعد بيتي ولملائكتي لخلقي من ولد آدم فهبط جبرئيل (ع) على آدم وحواء فأخرجهما من الخيمة ونحاهما عن ترعة البيت ونحى الخيمة عن موضع الترعة،

He-asws said: ‘Then Allah-azwj Blessed and High Revealed unto Jibraeel-as after that: “Descend unto Adam-as and Hawwa-as, and move both of them-as from the place of the foundation of My-azwj House and raise the foundation of My-azwj House, for My-azwj Angels, and My-azwj creatures from the children of Adam-as”. So Jibraeel-as descended unto Adam-as and Hawwa-as, so he-as brought both of them-as from the tent, and turned both of them-as away from the canal of the House, and moved the tent away from the place of the canal’.

قال ووضع آدم على الصفا وحوراء على المروة فقال آدم (ع) يا جبرئيل: ابسخط من الله تعالى جل ذكره حولتنا وفرقت بيننا أم برضى وتقدير علينا؟ فقال لهما لم يكن بسخط من الله تعالى ذكره عليكما ولكن الله تعالى لا يسئل عما يفعل

He-asws said: ‘And Adam-as was placed upon Al-Safa, and Hawwa-as was placed upon Al-Marwa. So Adam-as said: ‘O Jibraeel-as! Is it by the Anger of Allah-azwj, Majestic is His-azwj Mention that you-as are moving us-as and separating between us-as, or is it by the Pleasure and Ordainment upon us-as?’ So he-as said: ‘For both of you-as, it is not by the Anger of Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, upon you-as, but Allah-azwj the High will not be questioned about what He-azwj Does.

يا آدم ان السبعين الف ملك الذين أنزلهم الله تعالى إلى الارض ليؤنسوك ويطوفوا حول اركان البيت والخيمة سألوتا الله تعالى أن يبني لهم مكان الخيمة بيتا على موضع الترعة المباركة حيال البيت المعمور فيطوفون حوله كما كانوا يطوفون في السماء حول البيت المعمور فأوحى الله تبارك وتعالى إلي ان انحيك وارفع الخيمة فقال آدم (ع): رضينا بتقدير الله تعالى ونافذ أمره فينا

O Adam-as! The seventy thousand Angels whom Allah-azwj the High Sent down to the earth to assure you-as, and were circumambulating around the corners of the House and the tent, they asked Allah-azwj the High that He-azwj should Build for them, in the place of the tent, a House upon the place of the Blessed canal, beneath the Bayt Al-Mamoor, so that they would be circumambulating around it just as they used to be circumambulating in the sky around the Bayt Al-Mamoor. Therefore, Allah-azwj Blessed and High Revealed unto me-as, that I-as should move you-as, and raise the tent’. So Adam-as said: ‘We-as are pleased with the Ordainment of Allah-azwj the High, and the establishment of His-azwj Command with regards to us-as’.

فرفع قواعد البيت الحرام بحجر من الصفا وحجر من المروة وحجر من طور سيناء وحجر من جبل السلام وهو ظهر الكوفة فأوحى الله تعالى إلى جبرئيل (ع) ان ابنه واتمه، فاقتلع جبرئيل (ع) الاحجار الاربعة بأمر الله تعالى من مواضعها بجناحه فوضعها حيث امره الله تعالى في اركان البيت على قواعدها التي قدرها الجبار جل جلاله ونصب اعلامها، ثم اوحى الله إلى جبرئيل ابنه واتمه من حجارة من أبي قبيس واجعل له بابين بابا شرقا وبابا غربا،

So he-as raised the foundation of the Sacred House, by a stone from Al-Safa and an stone from Al-Marwa, and a stone from (Mount) Toor of Sinai, and a stone from Mount Al-Salaam, and it is at the back of Al-Kufa. So Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto Jibraeel-as that he-as should build it and complete it. So Jibraeel-as pulled out four trees by the Command of Allah-azwj the High, from their places, by his-as wings. So he-as placed them where Allah-azwj the High Commanded him-as to, in the corners of the House, upon its foundations which the Compeller, Majestic is His-azwj Majesty, has Measured, and established its markings. Then Allah-azwj Revealed unto Jibraeel-as that he-as should build it and complete it by the trees from (Mount) Abu Qubays, and made two doors for it – an eastern door and a western door’.

قال فأتمه جبرئيل فلما فرغ طافت الملائكة حوله فلما نظر آدم وحواء إلى الملائكة يطوفون حول البيت انطلقا فطافا سبعة اشواط ثم خرجا يطلبان ما يأكلان.

He-asws said: ‘Jibraeel-as completed it. So when he-as was free, the Angels circumambulated around it. So when Adam-as and Hawwa-as looked at the Angels circumambulating around the House, they both-as went, and circumambulated it by seven circuits. Then they-as both went out seeking what they should eat’.[794]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رض) قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن صفوان بن يحيى قال سئل الحسن (ع) عن الحرم واعلامه فقال: ان آدم (ع) لما هبط من الجنة هبط على أبي قبيس والناس يقولون بالهند، فشكى إلى ربه الوحشة وانه لا يسمع ما كان يسمع في الجنة فأهبط الله تعالى عليه ياقوته حمراء فوضعت في موضع البيت فكان يطوف بها آدم (ع) وكان يبلغ ضؤوها الاعلام فعلمت الاعلام على ضوئها فجعله الله عزوجل حرما.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin marouf, from Safwan Bin Yahya who said,

‘Al-Hassan-asws was asked about the Sanctuary and its markings, so he-asws said: ‘When Adam -as descended from the Paradise, descended upon (Mount) Abu Qubays, and the people are saying with India. So he-as complained to his-as Lord-azwj of the loneliness, and he-as could no longer hear what he-as used to hear in the Paradise. So Allah-azwj the High Sent down unto him-as, a red sapphire. So he-as placed it in the place of the House (Kabah). So, Adam-as used to circumambulate by it, and the range of its illumination was the markings (boundary). Thus, he-as came to know the markings upon its illumination. Therefore, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made it a Sanctuary’.[795]

(باب 160 – علة تأثير قدمي ابراهيم (ع) في المقام، وعلة) (تحويل المقام من مكانه إلى حيث هو الساعة)

Chapter 160 – Reason for the impact of the two feet of Ibrahim-as in the place (المقام), and reason for the transference of the place from its (original) place to where it is at the moment

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا أحمد وعلي ابنا الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن عمرو بن سعيد المدائني عن موسى بن قيس بن أخي عمار بن موسى الساباطي عن مصدق بن صدقة، عن عمار بن موسى، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) أو عن عمار عن سليمان بن خالد عن أبي عبد الله قال: لما أوحى الله تعالى إلى ابراهيم (ع) ان اذن في الناس بالحج أخذ الحجر الذي فيه اثر قدميه وهو المقام فوضعه بحذاء البيت لاصقا بالبيت بحيال الموضع الذي هو فيه اليوم

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad and Ali, two sons of Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Amro Bin Saeed Al Madainy, from Musa Bin Qays Bin Akhay Amaar Bin Musa Al Sabaty, from Musaddaq Bin Sadaqa, from Amaar Bin Musa,

from Abu Abdullah-asws;

or from Amaar, from Suleyman Bin Khalid,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Allah-azwj the High Revealed until Ibrahim-as that he-as should proclaim to the people with the Hajj, he-as took the stone in which is the impact of his-as two feet, and it is the (standing) place. So he-as placed it at the base of the House (Kabah), sticking to the House (Kabah), about where it is today.

ثم قام عليه فنادى بأعلى صوته بما أمره الله تعالى به فلما تكلم بالكلام لم يحتمله الحجر فغرقت رجلاه فيه فقلع ابراهيم (ع) رجليه من الحجر قلعا فلما كثر الناس وصاروا إلى الشر والبلاء ازدحموا عليه فرأوا أن يضعوه في هذا الموضع الذي هو فيه اليوم ليخلو المطاف لمن يطوف بالبيت،

Then he-as stood upon it, and called out in a high voice with what Allah-azwj the High had Commanded him-as with. So when he-as spoke with the speech, the stone could not bear it, so his-as feet sunk in it. So Ibrahim-as lifted up his-as feet from the stone. So when the people became abundant and they became evil and they was overcrowding, so they opined that they should place it in this place which it is in today, in order to empty (the space) for the ones who circumambulate the House (Kabah).

فلما بعث الله تعالى محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله رده إلى الموضع الذي وضعه فيه ابراهيم (ع) فما زال فيه حتى قبض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وفي زمن أبي بكر وأول ولاية عمر، ثم قال عمر قد ازدحم الناس على هذا المقام فأيكم يعرف موضعه في الجاهلية؟ فقال له رجل: انا اخذت قدره بقدر قال والقدر عندك قال نعم قال فائت به فجاء به فأمر بالمقام فحمل ورد إلى الموضع الذي هو فيه الساعة.

So when Allah-azwj the High Sent Muhammad-saww, he-saww returned it back to its place where Ibrahim-as had placed it. So it did not cease to be therein until Rasool-Allah-saww passed away, and during the era of Abu Bakr and the beginning of the rule of Umar. Then Umar said, ‘The people are overcrowding at this place, so is there anyone who recognises its place during the Pre-Islamic period?’ So a man said to him, ‘I can roughly estimate it, and (the rest of the) estimate is up to you’. He said, ‘Yes’. So they brought him, and he went with it and ordered it to be place in a place. So they carried it, and returned it back to the place in which it is at the moment’.[796]

(باب 161 – علة استلام الحجر الاسود، وعلة استلام) (ركن اليماني والمستجار)

Chapter 161 – Reason for the touching (with reverence) of the Black Stone, and reason for touching (with reverence) Al-Yamani corner and Al-Mustajaar

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثني علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن محمد ابن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد الله بن علي الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته لم يستلم الحجر قال لان مواثيق الخلايق فيه،

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim narrated to me, from his father, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali Al Halby,

(The narrator says) ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why does one touch (with reverence) the (Black) Stone?’ He-asws Because Covenants of the people are in it’.

وفي حديث آخر قال لان الله تعالى لما اخذ مواثيق العباد أمر الحجر فالتقمها فهو يشهد لمن وافاه بالموافاة.

And in another Hadeeth, he-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj the High, when He-azwj Took the Covenants of the servants, Commanded the (Black) Stone, so it devoured these. Thus, it would testify for the ones who fulfil it with the loyalty’.[797]

حدثنا علي بن محمد (ره) قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي عن علي بن عباس عن القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف، عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة استلام الحجر، ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما أخذ مواثيق بني آدم التقمه الحجر فمن ثم كلف الناس بمعاهدة ذلك الميثاق ومن ثم يقال عند الحجر أمانتي أديتها وميثاقي تعاهدته لتشهد لي بالموافاة ومنه قول سلمان (رض) ليجيئن الحجر يوم القيامة مثل جبل أبي قبيس له لسان وشفتان يشهد لمن وافاة بالموافاة.

Ali Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ali Bin Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he has asked him or the reason for the touching of the (Black) Stone: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High, when He-azwj Took the Covenants of the Children of Adam -as, the (Black) Stone devoured it. So, from then on, the people have been assigned with taking an oath to that Covenant. And from then on it is said in the presence of the (Black) Stone, ‘I have fulfilled my trust and have taken an oath to my Covenant, therefore testify for me with the loyalty’; and from it, is the speech of Salman-as, ‘The (Black) Stone would be coming on the Day of Judgement, like the mount of Abu Qubays, having a tongue for it and two lips, testifying for the ones who were loyal to it with the loyalty’.[798]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رض) قال حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن حسان عن الوليد بن أبان عن علي بن جعفر عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله طوفوا بالبيت واستلموا الركن فانه يمين الله في أرضه يصافح بها خلقه مصافحة العبد أو الدخيل ويشهد لمن استلمه بالموافاة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin hasaan, from Al Waleed Bin Aban, from Ali Bin Ja’far, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Circumambulate by the House (Kabah), and touch (with reverence) the corner, for it is the Right Hand of Allah-azwj in His-azwj earth, which the servants shake with a shaking of the slaves or the stranger, and it would testify for the one who touches it (with reverence), with the loyalty (to the Covenant)’.[799]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد (رض) قال حدثنا الحسين ابن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن ابن فضال عن يونس عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال سألته عن الملتزم لاي شئ يلتزم وأي شئ يذكر فيه فقال عنده نهر من الجنة يلقي فيه أعمال العباد كل خميس.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Al Husayn Ibn Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ibn Fazaal, from Yunus, from the one who mentioned it,

(The narrator says) Abu Abdullah-asws, replied when asked him-asws about Al-Multazam (the wall in between Black Stone and Al-Yamani corner), for which thing is it an Obligation (to touch it), and which thing is mentioned during it?’ So he-asws said: ‘In its presence is a river from the Paradise in which the deeds of the servants are cast in, every Thursday’.[800]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن أبي بصير وزرارة ومحمد بن مسلم كلهم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الله تعالى خلق الحجر الاسود ثم أخذ الميثاق على العباد، ثم قال للحجر التقمه، والمؤمنون يتعاهدون ميثاقهم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Abu Baseer and Zarara and Muhammad Bin Muslim, all of them,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Created the Black Stone. Then He-azwj Took the Covenant upon the servants. Then He-azwj Said to the (Black) Stone: “Devour it”. And the Believers are coming over to renew their Covenant’.[801]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن زياد القندي عن عبد الله ابن سنان قال: بينا نحن في الطواف إذ مر رجل من آل عمر فأخذ بيده رجل فاستلم الحجر فانتهره وأغلظ له وقال له بطل حجك ان الذي تستلمه حجر لا ينفع ولا يضر، فقلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام جعلت فداك أما سمعت قول العمري لهذا الذي استلم الحجر فأصابه ما أصابه فقال وما الذي قال؟ قلت قال له يا عبد الله بطل حجك ثم إنما هو حجر لا يضر ولا ينفع فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام كذب ثم كذب ثم كذب ان للحجر لسانا ذلقا يوم القيامة يشهد لمن وافاه بالموافاة

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Ziyad Al Qindy, from Abdullah Ibn Sinan who said,

‘While we were in the circumambulation, when a man from the progeny of Umar passed by. So he seized the hand of a man who was touching the (Black) Stone (with reverence). So he rebuked him and spoke harshly to him, and said to him, ‘That which you have touched (with reverence) has invalidated your Hajj. A stone neither benefits nor harms’. So I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! But, did you-asws hear the speech of the ‘Umary’ (follower of Umar Bin Al-Khattab) for this one who touched the (Black) Stone, so it hit him what hit him?’

So he-asws said: ‘What is that which he said?’ I said, ‘He said to him, ‘O servant of Allah-azwj, your Hajj is invalidated. But rather it is a stone, it neither benefits nor harms’. So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘He lied, then lied, then lied!’ The (Black) Stone has an eloquent tongue. On the Day of Judgement it will testify for the one who was loyal to it (the Covenant) with the loyalty’.

ثم قال ان الله تبارك وتعالى لما خلق السماوات والارض خلق بحرين بحرا عذبا وبحرا اجاجا فخلق تربة آدم من البحر العذب وشن عليها من البحر الاجاج، ثم جبل آدم فعرك عرك الاديم فتركه ما شاء الله فلما أراد أن ينفخ فيه الروح أقامه شبحا فقبض قبضه من كتفه الايمن فخرجوا كالذر فقال هؤلاء إلى الجنة وقبض قبضة من كتفه الايسر وقال هؤلاء إلى النار

Then he-asws said: ‘When Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the skies and the earth, Created two oceans – a fresh (sweet) ocean, and a salty ocean. So He-azwj Created the clay of Adam-as from the fresh, and launched the salty ocean over it. Then He-azwj Scrubbed the crust of Adam-as with a Scrubbing. So it was left (like that) for as long as Allah-azwj so Desired. So when He-azwj Intended to Blow the Spirit into him-as, Caused him-as to stand as a resemblance. So He-azwj Grabbed a Handful from his-as right shoulder, so particle-like (creatures) came out. So He-azwj Said: “These are to My-azwj Paradise”. And He-azwj Grabbed a Handful from his-as left shoulder and Said: “These are to My-azwj Fire”.

فأنطق الله تعالى أصحاب اليمين وأصحاب اليسار فقال أهل اليسار يا رب لم خلقت لنا النار ولم تبين لنا ولم تبعث الينا رسولا؟ فقال الله عزوجل لهم: ذلك لعلمي بما أنتم صابرون إليه واني سأبليكم، فأمر الله تعالى النار فأسعرت ثم قال لهم تقحموا جميعا في النار فاني أجعلها عليكم بردا وسلاما فقالوا يا رب إنما سألناك لاي شئ جعلتها لنا هربا منها ولو أمرت أصحاب اليمين ما دخلوا،

So, Allah-azwj the High Caused the companions of the right and the companions of the left to speak. So the (companions of) the left said, ‘O Lord-azwj! Why did You-azwj Created the Fire for us, and did not Explain to us and did not Sent Rasools-as to us?’ So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Said: “That is in My-azwj Knowledge, with what you all would be patient upon and I-azwj shall Test you”. So He-azwj Commanded the Fire, so it flared up. Then He-azwj Said to them: “Plunge into the Fire, so I-azwj would Make it a coolness and safety upon you”. So they said, ‘O Lord-azwj! But rather, You-azwj Ask us for something from which we have no escape from it. If You-azwj would Command the companions of the right, they (also) would not be entering it’.

فأمر الله عزوجل النار فأسعرت ثم قال لاصحاب اليمين تقحموا جميعا في النار فتقحموا جميعا فكانت عليهم بردا وسلاما فقال لهم جميعا ألست بربكم؟ قال أصحاب اليمين بلى طوعا، وقال أصحاب الشمال بلى كرها، فأخذ منهم جميعا ميثاقهم وأشهدهم على انفسهم،

So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Commanded the Fire, so it flared up. Then He-azwj Said to the companions of the right: “Plunge altogether into the Fire”. So they all plunged into it, and it was a coolness and a safety over them. So He-azwj Said to all of them [7:172] Am I not your Lord? The companions of the right said, ‘Yes’, willingly, and the companions of the left said, ‘Yes’, unwillingly. Thus, He-azwj Took the Covenant from the entirety of them, and and Made them testify against their own souls.

قال وكان الحجر في الجنة فأخرجه الله عزوجل فالتقم الميثاق من الخلق كلهم فذلك قوله تعالى (وله أسلم من في السموات والارض طوعا وكرها واليه ترجعون)

He-asws said: ‘And the (Black) Stone was in the Paradise. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Brought it out, so it devoured the Covenant from the people, all of them. So these are the Words of the High [3:83] and to Him submits whoever is in the skies and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him shall they be returning.

فلما أسكن الله تعالى آدم الجنة وعصى أهبط الله تعالى الحجر فجعله في ركن بيته وأهبط آدم على الصفا فمكث ما شاء الله ثم رآه في البيت فعرفه وعرف ميثاقه وذكره فجاء إليه مسرعا فأكب عليه وبكى عليه أربعين صباحا تائبا من خيطيئته ونادما على نقضه ميثاقه،

So when Allah-azwj the High Settled Adam-as in the Paradise, and he-as disobeyed, Allah-azwj Sent down the (Black) Stone. So He-azwj made it to be in a corner of His-azwj House (Kabah), and Adam-as descended upon Al-Safa. So he-as remained for as long as Allah-azwj so Desired. Then he-as saw it in the House, and recognised his-as Covenant. So he-as quickly went to it, and fell upon it, and wept over it for forty mornings, repentant from his-as error, and remorseful upon his-as breaking of the Covenant’.

قال فمن اجل ذلك أمرتم أن تقولوا إذا استلمتم الحجر أمانتي أديتها وميثاقي تعاهدته لتشهد لي بالموافاة يوم القيامة.

He-asws said : ‘Thus, it is from that, that you have been ordered to touch (with reverence) the (Black) Stone, you should be saying, ‘My entrustment I have fulfilled, and my Covenant I have been loyal to, so that you would testify for me with the loyalty on the Day of Judgement’.[802]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثني سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين ابن أبي الخطاب عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر عن عبد الكريم بن عمرو الخثعمي عن عبد الله بن أبي يعفور عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الارواح جنوده مجنده فما تعارف منها في الميثاق ايتلف هاهنا وما تناكر منها في الميثاق هو في هذا الحجر الاسود، أما والله ان له لعينين واذنين وفما ولسانا ذلقا، ولقد كان أشد بياضا من اللبن ولكن المجرمين يستلمونه والمنافقين فبلغ كمثل ما ترون.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Ibn Abu Al Khatab, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Abdul Kareem Bin Amro Al Khash’amy, from Abdullah Bin Abu Yafour,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Spirits, its army was one army. So whichever from these had recognition during the Covenant in between them, they interconnect over here, and whichever of these had disregard in between them, (so they are like that over here). It is (all) in the (Black) Stone. But, by Allah-azwj, it has two eyes for it, and two ears, and a mouth, and an eloquent tongue, and it used to more intensely whiter than the milk, but the criminals and the hypocrites have been kissing it, so it reached to be like what you are seeing it as’.[803]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن الصفار عن علي بن حسان الواسطي عن عمه عبد الرحمان بن كثير الهاشمي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: مر عمر بن الخطاب على الحجر الاسود فقال والله يا حجر إنا لنعلم انك حجر لا تضر ولا تنفع إلا انا رأينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يحبك فنحن نحبك، فقال له أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام كيف يابن الخطاب فو الله ليبعثنه الله يوم القيامة وله لسان وشفتان فيشهد لمن وافاه وهو يمين الله في أرضه يبايع بها خلقه، فقال عمر: لا أبقانا الله في بلد لا يكون فيه علي بن أبي طالب.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Hisan Al Wasity, from his uncle Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer Al Hashimy,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Umar Bin Al-Khattab passed by the Black Stone, so he said, ‘By Allah-azwj! O Stone! I know that you are a stone. Neither do you benefit nor do you harm. Indeed! We saw Rasool-Allah-saww love you, so we love you’. So, Amir Al-Momineen-asws said to him: ‘How, O son of Khattab? By Allah-azwj! Allah-azwj would be Resurrecting it on the Day of Judgement, and for it would be a tongue, and two lips, so it would testify for the ones who were loyal to it (the Covenant), and it is the Right Hand of Allah-azwj in His-azwj earth, for the people to pledge their allegiances with’. So Umar said, ‘May Allah-azwj not Cause us to remain in a city in which there is no Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws’.[804]

اخبرني علي بن حاتم فيما كتب إلي قال: حدثنا جميل بن زياد قال: حدثنا أحمد بن الحسين النخاس عن زكريا أبي محمد المؤمن عن عامر بن معقل عن أبان بن تغلب قال قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: أتدري لابي شئ صار الناس يلثمون الحجر؟ قلت لا قال ان آدم عليه السلام شكى إلى ربه عزوجل الوحشة في الارض فنزل جبرئيل عليه السلام بياقوتة من الجنة كان آدم إذا مر عليها في الجنة ضربها برجله فلما رآها عرفها فبادر يلثمها فمن ثم صار الناس يلثمون الحجر.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me regarding what he wrote to me, from Jameel Bin Ziyad, from Ahmad Bin Al Husayn Al Nakhaas, from Zakariyya Abu Muhammad Al Momin, from Aamir Bin Ma’qal, from Aban Bin Taghlub who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said : ‘Do you know for which thing (reason) the people came to be kissing the (Black) Stone?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Adam-as complained to his-as Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic of the loneliness in the earth. So Jibraeel-as descended with a sapphire from the Paradise. When Adam-as passed by it in the Paradise, struck it by his-as leg. So when he-as saw it, recognised it. So he-as hastened to kiss it. Thus, from then on, the people came to be kissing the (Black) Stone’.[805]





(باب 162 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الحجر أسود بعد ما كان أبيض) (والعلة التي من أجلها لا يبرء ذو عاهة يمسه الآن)

Chapter 162 – The reason due to which the (Black) Stone became black after it having been white; and the reason due to which the one with disabilities no longer gets cured when he touches it

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن عبد الرحمان بن أبي نجران والحسين بن سعيد جميعا عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز بن عبد الله عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال كان الحجر الاسود أشد بياضا من اللبن فلو لا ما مسه من أرجاس الجاهلية ما مسه ذو عاهة إلا برء.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran and Al Husayn Bin Saeed together, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz Bin Abdullah,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The (Black) Stone was intensely whiter than the milk. Had it not been touched by the filth of the ignorant (of the pre-Islamic period), the one with disabilities would not have touched it except that he would have been cured from it’.[806]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن اسماعيل بن محمد التغلبي عن أبي طاهر الوراق عن الحسن ابن أيوب عن عبد الكريم بن عمرو عن عبد الله بن أبي يعفور عن أبي عبد الله (ع) أنه ذكر الحجر فقال: أما أن له عينين وأنفا ولسانا، ولقد كان أشد بياضا من اللبن، أما ان المقام كان بتلك المنزلة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ismail Bin Muhammad Al Taglaby, from Abu Tahir Al Waraq, from Al Hassan Ibn Ayoub, from Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, from Abdullah Bin Abu Yafour,

Abu Abdullah-asws having mentioned the (Black) Stone, so he-asws said: ‘For it are two ears, and a neck, and a tongue, and it used to be intensely whiter than the milk. As for the Standing Place (of Ibrahim-as), it used to be at that very status’.[807]

(باب 163 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الناس يستلمون الحجر) (والركن اليماني ولا يستلمون الركنين الآخرين، والعلة التي) (من أجلها صار مقام ابراهيم (ع) على يسار العرش)

Chapter 163 – The reason due to which the people came to be kissing the (Black) Stone, and Al-Yamani corner, and were not kissing the other two corners; and the reason due to which the Standing Place of Ibrahim-as came to be upon the left of the Throne

أخبرنا علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين النحوي، عن أحمد ابن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن فضال عن ثعلبة بن ميمون وغيره عن بريد بن معاوية العجلي قال قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: كيف صار الناس يستلمون الحجر والركن اليماني ولا يستلمون الركنين الآخرين؟ فقال قد سألني عن ذلك عباد بن صهيب البصري فقلت له لان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله استلم هذين ولم يستلم هذين فانما على الناس أن يفعلوا ما فعل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسأخبرك بغير ما أخبرت به عبادا ان الحجر الاسود والركن اليماني عن يمين العرش وإنما أمر الله تبارك وتعالى ان يستلم ما عن يمين عرشه،

Ali Bin Hatim informed us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Nahawi, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Fazaal, from Sa’alba Bin Maymoun and someone else, from Bureyd Bin Muawiya Al Ajaly who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘How come the people came to be kissing the (Black) Stone, and Al-Yamani corner, and are not (kissing) the two other corners?’ So he-asws said: ‘Abaad Bin Sayh had asked me-asws about that, so I-asws said to him: ‘Because Rasool-Allah-saww kissed these two, and did not kiss those two. Thus, it is upon the people that they should be doing what Rasool-Allah-saww did, and I-asws will be informing you with other than what I-asws had informed Abaad with, that the (Black) Stone, and Al-Yamani corner are from the right of the Throne. But rather, Allah-azwj Blessed and High Commanded that he-saww should kiss what is from the right of His-azwj Throne’.

قلت فكيف صار مقام ابراهيم عن يساره؟ فقال لان لابراهيم عليه السلام مقاما في القيامة ولمحمد صلى الله عليه وآله مقاما فمقام محمد عن يمين عرش ربنا عزوجل، ومقام ابراهيم عن شمال عرشه، فمقام ابراهيم في مقامه يوم القيامة، وعرش ربنا مقبل غير مدبر.

I said, ‘So how come the Standing Place of Ibrahim-as came to be on the left of it?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because Ibrahim-as has a place during the Day of Judgement, and for Muhammad-saww and his-saww Progeny-asws have a place. So the place of Muhammad-saww is on the right of the Throne of our Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic, and the place of Ibrahim-as is on the left of His-azwj Throne. Thus, the Standing Place of Ibrahim-as would be in its place on the Day of Judgement, and the Throne of our Lord-azwj, is facing forward, not backward’.[808]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن صفوان بن يحيى عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال بينا أنا في الطواف إذا رجل يقول ما بال هذين الركنين يمسحان – يعني الحجر والركن اليماني – وهذين لا يمسحان؟ قال فقلت لان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كان يمسح هذين ولم يمسح هذين فلا نتعرض لشئ لم يتعرص له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘While I-asws was in the circumambulation, when a man started saying, ‘What is the matter with these two corners both get touched’ meaning the (Black) Stone and Al-Yamani corner – ‘and these two do not get touched?’ He-asws said: ‘So I-asws said: ‘Because Rasool-Allah-saww used to touch these two, and did not touch those two. Thus, we (also) do not occupy ourselves with something which Rasool-Allah-saww did not occupy himself-saww with’.[809]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا محمد ابن عبد الجبار قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد الكوفي عن رجل من أصحابنا رفعه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لما انتهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إلى الركن الغربي فقال له الركن يا رسول الله ألست قعيدا من قواعد بيت ربك فما لي لا أستلم؟ فدنا منه النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال له اسكن عليك السلام غير مهجور.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Ibn Abdul Jabbar, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al Kufy, from a man from our companions, raising it,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When Rasool-Allah-saww ended up at the western corner, so the corner said to him-saww, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Am I not a part from the parts of the House of your-saww Lord-azwj? So what is the matter with me that I do not get kissed?’ So the Prophet-saww approached it and said to it: ‘The greeting is settled over you. You are not abandoned’.[810]

(باب 164 – العلة التي من أجلها وضع الله الحجر في الركن) (الذي هو فيه ولم يضعه في غيره، والعلة التي من أجلها) يقبل، والعلة التي من أجلها اخرج من الجنة) (والعلة التي من أجلها جعل الميثاق فيه)

Chapter 164 – The reason due to which the (Black) Stone is placed in the corner in which it is and is not placed in another; and the reason due to which it is kissed; and the reason due to which it was brought out from the Paradise, and the reason due to which the Covenant was Made to be in it

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد قال حدثنا موسى عن عمر عن ابن سنان عن أبي سعيد القماط عن بكير بن اعين قال سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام لاي علة وضع الله الحجر في الركن الذي هو فيه و؟ يوضع في غيرة ولاي علة يقبل، ولاي علة اخرج من الجنة، ولاي علة وضع فيه ميثاق العباد والعهد ولم يوضع في غيره، وكيف السبب في ذلك تخبرني جعلت فداك فان تفكري فيه لعجب؟

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Musa, from Umar, from Ibn Sinan, from Abu Saeed Al Qamaat, from Bakeyr Bin Ayn who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason did Allah-azwj Place the (Black) Stone in the corner in which it is, and did not place it in another? And for which reason it is kissed? And for which reason was it brought out from the Paradise? And for which reason were the Covenants and the oaths of the servants Placed inside it and were not Placed somewhere else? And how were the reasons with regards to these, you-asws inform me, may I be sacrificed for you-asws, for I think with regards to it and I wonder?’

قال فقال سألت وأعضلت في المسألة واستقصيت فافهم وفرغ قلبك واصغ سمعك أخبرك إن شاء الله، إن الله تبارك وتعالى وضع الحجر الاسود وهو جوهرة أخرجت من الجنة إلى آدم فوضعت في ذلك الركن لعلة الميثاق وذلك انه لما أخذ من بني آدم من ظهورهم ذريتهم حين أخذ الله عليهم الميثاق في ذلك المكان وفي ذلك المكان تراءى لهم ربهم، ومن ذلك الركن يهبط الطير على القائم فأول من يبايعه ذلك الطير وهو والله جبرئيل عليه السلام وإلى ذلك المقام يسند ظهره وهو الحجة والدليل على القائم وهو الشاهد لمن وافى ذلك المكان والشاهد لمن أدى إليه الميثاق والعهد الذي أخذ الله (به) على العباد

So he-asws said: ‘You ask, and are puzzled in the questioning, and the probing. So understand and free your heart, and listen carefully, Allah-azwj Willing I-asws shall inform you. Allah-azwj Blessed and High Placed the Black Stone, and it was a jewel Brought out from the Paradise to Adam-as. So it was Placed in that corner due to the Covenant, and that is when it was Taken from the Children of Adam-as from the backs of their offspring, and the Covenant was Taken from them in that very place, their Lord-azwj (His-azwj Light) having Appeared to them. And, it is from that corner that the bird would descend upon Al-Qaim-asws. So the first one to pledge his allegiance would be that bird, and by Allah-azwj, it is Jibraeel-as; and it is upon that place that he-asws would be leaning by his-asws back, and it is the proof and the evidence upon him-asws being Al-Qaim-asws, and it (the Black Stone) is the witness for the one who was loyal (to the Covenant), at that place, and the witness for the one who fulfilled the Covenant to him-asws, and the oath which Allah-azwj Had Taken upon the servants.

وأما القبلة والالتماس فلعلة العهد تجديدا لذلك العهد والميثاق وتجديدا للبيعة وليؤدوا إليه في ذلك العهد الذي أخذ عليهم في الميثاق فيأتونه في كل سنة وليؤدوا إليه ذلك العهد، ألا ترى انك تقول أمانتي أديتها وميثاقي تعاهدته لتشهد لي بالموافاة والله ما يؤدي ذلك أحد غير شيعتنا، ولا حفظ ذلك العهد والميثاق أحد غير شيعتنا

And as for the kissing and the touching, so it is for the reason of the oath, the renewal of that oath and the Covenant, and the renewal of the allegiance and the fulfilment to him-asws (Al-Qaim-asws) with regards to that oath which was Taken against them during the Covenant. Thus, they come to it during every year, and to fulfill that oath to it. Have you not seen your saying (at the Black Stone), ‘My entrustment I have fulfilled it, and my Covenant I have oathed to in order for you to testify for me with the loyalty’? By Allah-azwj! No one fulfils that oath apart from our-asws Shias, and no one preserves that oath and the Covenant, anyone apart from our-asws Shia.

وانهم ليأتونه فيعرفهم ويصدقهم ويأتيه غيرهم فينكرهم ويكذبهم وذلك انه لم يحفظ ذلك غيركم فلكم والله يشهد وعليهم والله يشهد بالخفر والجحود والكفر وهو الحجه البالغة من الله عليهم يوم القيامة يجئ وله لسان ناطق وعينان في صورته الاولى يعرفه الخلق ولا ينكرونه يشهد لمن وافاه وجدد العهد والميثاق عنده بحفظ الميثاق والعهد واداء الامانة ويشهد على كل من أنكر وجحد ونسى الميثاق بالكفر والانكار،

And they (Shias) are coming to it, so it recognises them, and ratifies them. And when others come to it, so it denies them and belies them, and that is because that (Covenant) has not been preserved by others than you. Therefore, by Allah-azwj, it would testify for you, and upon them, by Allah-azwj, it would testify with the wariness and the ingratitude and the infidelity. And it is the proof delivered from Allah-azwj against them on the Day of Judgement. It would come, and for it would be a speaking tongue, and two eyes in its first (original) face. The people would recognise it and will not deny him. It would testify for the one who fulfilled and renewed the oath and the Covenant in its presence, by the preservation of the Covenant, and the oath, and the fulfilment of the entrustment. And it would testify upon everyone who denied, and was ungrateful, and forgot the Covenant with the infidelity and the denial.

وأما علة ما أخرجه الله من الجنة فهل تدري ما كان الحجر؟ قال قلت لا قال كان ملكا عظيما من عظماء الملائكة عند الله تعالى فلما أخذ الله من الملائكة الميثاق كان أول من آمن به وأقر ذلك الملك فاتخذه الله أمينا على جميع خلقه فألقمه الميثاق وأودعه عنده واستعبد الخلق أن يجددوا عنده في كل سنة الاقرار بالميثاق والعهد الذي أخذ الله (به) عليهم

And as for the reason why Allah-azwj Brought it out from the Paradise, so do you know what was the (Black) Stone?’ I said, ‘No’. It was a magnificent Angel from the magnificent ones of the Angels in the Presence of Allah-azwj the High. So when Allah-azwj Took the Covenant from the Angels, the first one to believe in it and accept was that Angel. Therefore, Allah-azwj Took him as a trustee upon the entirety of His-azwj creatures. So it devoured the Covenant and it is deposited inside it, and the creatures have been enslaved that they should be renewing in its presence, during every year, the acceptance of the Covenant and the oath which Allah-azwj has Taken against them.

ثم جعله الله مع آدم في الجنة يذكره الميثاق ويجدد عنده الاقرار في كل سنة فلما عصى آدم فأخرج من الجنة أنساه الله العهد والميثاق الذي أخذ الله عليه وعلى ولد لمحمد ووصيه، وجعله باهتا حيرانا،

Then Allah-azwj Made it to be with Adam-as in the Paradise, reminding him-as of the Covenant, and he-as used to renew the acceptance in its presence during every year. So, when Adam-as disobeyed, so he-as came out from the Paradise, Allah-azwj Caused him-as to forget the oath and the Covenant which Allah-azwj had Taken against him-as and upon the sons-asws Bestowed unto Muhammad-saww and his-saww successor-asws, and Made him-as to be lacklustre and perplexed.

فلما تاب على آدم حول ذلك الملك في صورة درة بيضاء فرماه من الجنة إلى آدم وهو بأرض الهند فلما رآه أنس إليه وهو لا يعرفه بأكثر من أنه جوهره فأنطقها الله عزوجل فقال يا آدم أتعرفني. قال لا قال أجل استخوذ عليك الشيطان فأنساك ذكر ربك وتحول إلى الصورة التي كان بها في الجنة مع آدم فقال لآدم أين العهد والميثاق؟ فوثب إليه آدم وذكر الميثاق وبكى وخضع له وقبله وجدد الاقرار بالعهد والميثاق،

So, when He-azwj Turned to Adam-as (Mercifully), Transferred that Angel to be in an image of a white jewel. So He-azwj Threw it from the Paradise to Adam-as at the land of India. So, when he-as saw it, he-as was affectionate towards it, and he-as did not recognise it, mostly due to it being his-as jewel. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Caused it to speak, so it said: ‘O Adam-as! Do you-as recognise me?’ He-as said: ‘No’. It said, ‘It means the Satan-la has overcome you, so you-as forgot the mentioned of your-as Lord-azwj’. And it (Black Stone) transformed back into the image in which it used to be in the Paradise with Adam-as. So, it said to Adam-as: ‘Where is your oath and the Covenant?’ So Adam-as leapt up at it and remembered the Covenant, and cried, and hugged it, and kissed it, and renewed the acceptance of the oath and the Covenant.

ثم حوله الله تعالى إلى جوهر الحجر درة بيضاء صافية تضئ فحمله آدم على عاتقه إجلالا له وتعظيما فكان إذا أعيا حمله عنه جبرئيل حتى وافى به مكة فما زال يأنس به بمكة ويجدد الاقرار له كل يوم وليلة

Then Allah-azwj the High Transformed it into a jewel of a white stone gem, clear, illuminating. So Adam-as carried it upon his-as shoulder, due to its majesty, and reverence for it. So whenever he-as was exhausted, Jibraeel-as carried if from him-as until he-as came with it to Makkah. So he-as did not cease to be affectionate to it at Makkah, and kept on renewing the acceptant (of the Covenant) to it during every day and night.

ثم ان الله تعالى لم أهبط جبرئيل إلى أرضه وبني الكعبة هبط إلى ذلك المكان بين الركن والباب وفي ذلك المكان تراءى لآدم حين أخذ الميثاق وفي ذلك الموضع القم الملك الميثاق فلتلك العلة وضع في ذلك الركن ونحى آدم من مكان البيت إلى الصفا وحواء إلى المروة

Then when Allah-azwj the High Caused Jibraeel-as to descend to His-azwj earth and build the Kabah, he-as descended to that very place in between the corner and the Door, and it is in that place that it was shown to Adam-as where the Covenant was Taken, and in that place the Angel (Black Stone) devoured the Covenant. Thus, it is due to that reason it was placed in that corner, and Adam-as was Made to leave the place of the House (Kabah) to Al-Safa, and Hawwa-as to Al-Marwa.

فأخذ الله الحجر فوضعه بيده في ذلك الركن فلما ان نظر آدم من الصفا وقد وضع الحجر في الركن كبر الله وهلله ومجده فلذلك جرت السنة بالتكبير في استقبال الركن الذي فيه الحجر من الصفا، وان الله عزوجل أودعه العهد والميثاق وألقمه إياه دون غيره من الملائكة لان الله تعالى لما أخذ الميثاق له بالربوبية ولمحمد بالنبوة ولعلي عليه السلام بالوصية اصطكت فرايص الملائكة وأول من أسرع إلى الاقرار بذلك الملك ولم يكن فيهم أشد حبا لمحمد وآل محمد منه فلذلك اختاره الله تعالى من بينهم وألقمه الميثاق فهو يجئ يوم القيامة وله لسان ناطق وعين ناظرة ليشهد لكل من وافاه إلى ذلك المكان وحفظ الميثاق.

So, Allah-azwj Took the (Black) Stone, and Placed it by His-azwj Hands (Power) in that corner. So when Adam-as looked from Al-Safa, and the (Black) Stone had been place in the corner, he-as exclaimed the Greatness of Allah-azwj, and extolled Him-azwj, and Praised Him-azwj. Therefore, it is due to that, the Sunnah flowed with the Takbeers during the kissing of the corner in which is the (Black) Stone, from Al-Safa. And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Deposited with it, the oath, and the Covenant, and Made it to devour these, besides the other from the Angels, because when Allah-azwj the High Took the Covenant for Himself-azwj for the Lordship, and for Muhammad-saww for the Prophet-hood, and for Ali-asws with the successorship, the Angels trembled, and the first one who hastened to the acceptance was that Angel. And there was not among them anyone with more intense love to Muhammad-saww and the Progeny-asws of Muhammad, than him. Thus, it was due to that Allah-azwj the High Chose him from between them, and Made him to devour the Covenant. So he would be coming on the Day of Judgement, and for him would be a speaking tongue, and two seeing eyes, to testify for each one who was loyal to that place, and preserved the Covenant’.[811]

(باب 165 – العلة التي من أجلها سمي الصفا صفا والمروة مروة)

Chapter 165 – The reason due to which Al-Safa was named as Safa, and Al-Marwa as Marwa

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد ابن خالد عن أبيه عن محمد بن سنان عن اسماعيل بن جابر وعبد الكريم بن عمرو عن عبد الحميد بن أبي الديلم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سمي الصفا صفا لان المصطفى آدم هبط عليه فقطع للجبل إسم من إسم آدم عليه السلام يقول الله تعالى: (ان الله اصطفى آدم ونوحا وآل ابراهيم وآل عمران على العالمين) وهبطت حواء على المروة وإنما سميت المروة لان المرأة هبطت عليها فقطع للجبل إسم من إسم المرأة

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Khalid, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail Bin Jabir and Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, from Abdul Hameed Bin Abu Al Daylam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Al-Safa was named as ‘Safa’ because the Chosen one (المصطفى) descended upon it, the name of the mount was cut from the name of Adam-as. Allah-azwj the High is Saying Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [3:33] Surely Allah Chose Adam and Noah and the Progeny of Ibrahim and the Progeny of Imran above the nations. And Hawwa-as descended upon the Marwa, and it has been named as Marwa because the woman (Al-Imra’) descended upon it, so the name of the mountain is from the name ‘Al-Imra’a’ (the woman)’.[812]

(باب 166 – العلة التي من أجلها جعل السعي بين الصفا والمروة)

Chapter 166 – The reason due to which the Sa’ee was Made to be in between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa

حدثنا أبي (رضي الله عنه)، قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد ابن أبي عمير، عن معاوية بن عمار، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام)، قال: «إن إبراهيم (عليه السلام) لما خلف إسماعيل (عليه السلام) بمكة عطش الصبي، و كان فيما بين الصفا و المروة شجر، فخرجت امه حتى قامت على الصفا، فقالت: هل بالوادي من أنيس؟ فلم يجبها أحد، فمضت حتى انتهت إلى المروة، فقالت: هل بالوادي من أنيس؟ فلم يجبها أحد، ثم رجعت إلى الصفا، فقالت كذلك حتى صنعت ذلك سبعا، فأجرى الله ذلك سنة.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Ibrahim-as, when he-as left Ismail-as behind at Makkah, the young boy became thirsty, and there used to be a tree in between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa. So his-as mother went out until she-as stood upon Al-Safa, so she-as said: ‘Is there any kind person in the valley?’ But, no one answered her-as. So she-as went until she-as ended up at Al-Marwa, so she-as said: ‘Is there any kind person in the valley?’ But, no one answered her-as. So she-as returned back to Al-Safa. She-as said similar to that, to the extent that she-as did that seven times. Therefore, Allah-azwj Caused that to be a Sunnah.

فأتاها جبرئيل، فقال لها: من أنت؟ فقالت: أنا ام ولد إبراهيم، فقال لها: إلى من وكلكم؟ فقالت: أما إذا قلت ذلك، فقد قلت له حيث أراد الذهاب: يا إبراهيم، إلى من تكلنا؟ فقال: إلى الله عز و جل، فقال جبرئيل: لقد وكلكم إلى كاف.

Jibraeel-as came to her-as and said to her-as, ‘Who are you-as?’ She-as said: ‘I-as am the mother of the son-as of Ibrahim-as’. So he-as said to her-as: ‘To whom did he-as entrust you-as?’ So she-as said: ‘I-as had said that. I-as asked him-as when he-as intended to leave: ‘To whom do you-as entrust us-as?’ So he-as said: ‘To Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic’. So Jibraeel-as said: ‘He-as has entrusted you to the One who is Sufficient’.

قال: «و كان الناس يتجنبون الممر بمكة لمكان الماء، ففحص الصبي برجله فنبعت زمزم، و رجعت من المروة إلى الصبي و قد نبع الماء، فأقبلت تجمع التراب حوله مخافة أن يسيح الماء، و لو تركته لكان سيحا».

The Imam-asws said: ‘And the people used to avoid the passageway at Makkah for a place for the water. So the young boy (Ismail-as) struck (the ground) with his-as feet, so the Zamzam (spring) gushed forth, and she-as returned from Al-Marwa to the boy, and (saw that) the water had sprung. So she gathered the sand around it fearing that the water would evaporate, and had she-as left it so it would have evaporated’.

قال: «فلما رأته الطير حلقت عليه- قال-: فمر ركب من اليمن، فلما رأوا الطير حلقت عليه، قالوا: ما حلقت‏ إلا على الماء، فأتوهم ليستقوهم فسقوهم من الماء، و أطعمهم الركب من الطعام، و أجرى الله عز و جل لهم بذلك رزقا، فكان الركب يمر بمكة فيطعمونهم من الطعام، و يسقونهم من الماء».

The Imam-asws said: ‘So when the birds saw it, they flew towards it. Riders from Yemen passed by, so when they saw the birds to have encircled it, they said, ‘They would not have encircled except upon the water’. So they came over to them-as to be quenched (from the thirst). So they-as quenched them from the water, and the riders fed them-as from the food. And Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made that to flow for them-as as sustenance. The riders used to pass by Makkah, and they would feed them-as from the food, and they-as would quench them from the water’.[813]



(باب 168 – العلة التي من أجلها صار المسعى أحب البقاع إلى الله تعالى)

Chapter 168 – The reason due to which the place of Sa’ee is the most beloved of spots to Allah-azwj the High

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن ابن أبي عمير عن معاوية بن عمار قال قال أبو عبد الله (ع) ما لله تعالى منسك أحب إلى الله تبارك وتعالى من موضع المسعى وذلك انه يذل فيه كل جبار عنيد.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Muawiya Bin Amaar who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘There is no ritual more Beloved to Allah-azwj Blessed and High than the place of the Sa’ee, and that is because therein is humbled every obstinate tyrant’.[814]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار وأحمد بن ادريس جميعا عن محمد بن احمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن أسلم عن يونس عن أبي بصير قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول ما من بقعة أحب إلى الله عزوجل من المسعى لانه يذل فيه كل جبار.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar and Ahmad Bin Idrees both together, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Aslam, from Yunus, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘There is none from the spots more Beloved to Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic than the Sa’ee place, because therein every tyrant is humbled’.[815]

(باب 169 – العلة التي من أجلها أحرم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله) (من مسجد الشجرة ولم يحرم دون ذلك)

Chapter 169 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww wore Ihraam from Masjid Al-Shajara, and did not wear Ihraam from besides that

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عمن ذكره قال قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) لاي علة أحرم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من مسجد الشجرة ولم يحرم من موضع دونه؟ قال: لانه لما أسرى به إلى السماء وصار بحذاء الشجرة وكانت الملائكة تأتي إلى البيت المعمور بحذاء المواضع التي هي مواقيت سوى الشجرة.

Ali Bin Hatim narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from the one who mentioned it who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason did Rasool-Allah-saww wear Ihraam from Masjib Al Shajara and did not wear Ihraam from a place besides it?’ He (a.s.) said: ‘Because when he-saww was ascended with to the sky and went to the Base of the Throne, and the Angels used to come to the Bayt Al Mamoor by the Base of the places which are the junctures, except for Al Shajara.[816]

أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن صفوان بن يحيى عن معاوية بن عمار قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) إعلم ان من تمام الحج والعمرة ان تحرم من الوقت الذي وقته رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تتجاوز إلا وأنت محرم فانه وقت لاهل العراق ولم يكن يومئذ عراق بطن العقيق من قبل العراق ووقت لاهل الطائف قرن المنازل ووقت لاهل المغرب الجحفة وهي مكتوبة عندنا مهيعة ووقت لاهل المدينة ذا الحليفة ووقت لاهل اليمين يلملم ومن كان منزله بخلف هذا المواقيت مما يلي مكة فوقته منزله.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muawiya Bin Amaar who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Know that from the completion of the Hajj and the Umrah is that you should wear Ihraam from the juncture at which Rasool-Allah-saww wore it, not exceeding it until you have worn Ihraam, for it is a juncture for the people of Al-Iraq, and in those days there did not happen to be any Iraq in the middle of Al-Ateeq, from before Al-Iraq; and a juncture for the people of Al-Taif being Qaran Al-Manaazil; and the juncture of Al-Johfa for the people of the west (north Africans), and it is written with us-asws as Mahiya; and a juncture for the people of Al-Medina is Zul Haleyfa; and a juncture for the people of Al-Yemen is Yalmalam. And for the one who house is different from these junctures, from what is adjoining Makkah, so his juncture would be his house’.[817]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن صفوان بن يحيى عن أبي ايوب الخزاز قال قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) حدثني عن العقيق وقت وقته رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أو شئ صنعه الناس؟ فقال ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وقت لاهل المدينة ذا الحليفة، ووقت لاهل المغرب الجحفة، وهي عندنا مكتوبة مهيعة، ووقت لاهل اليمن يلملم، ووقت لاهل الطايف قرن المنازل، ووقت لاهل نجد العقيق وما أنجدت.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Abu Ayoub Al Khazaz who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Narrate to me about Al-Ateeq juncture, did Rasool-Allah-saww make it to be a juncture or is it something which the people have made?’ So he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww made Zul Halyefa to be a juncture for the people of Al-Medina, and Al-Johfa for the people of Al-Magrib (North Africa), and with us it is written as Mahiya, and Yalmam as a juncture for the people of Al-Yemen, and Qaran Al-Manaazil for the people of Al-Taif, and Al-Ateeq as a juncture for the people of Najd, whoever comes to Najd’.[818]

(باب 170 – علة الاشعار والتقليد)

Chapter 170 – The reason for the marking and the collaring (the sacrificial camel)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد (ع) انه سئل ما بال البدنة تقلد النعل وتشعر؟ قال أما النعل فتعرف انها بدنة ويعرفها صاحبها بنعله، وأما الاشعار فانه يحرم ظهرها على صاحبها من حيث اشعرها ولا يستطيع الشيطان أن يمسها.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws having been asked, ‘What is the matter that the (sacrificial) camel is collared by the soles and coloured?’ He-asws said: ‘As for (collaring) the soles, so it is for recognising that it is a sacrificial camel, and its owner can recognise it by its soles, and as for the colouring, so its back is forbidden upon its owner from where he colours it, and the Satan-la does not have the ability to touch it’.[819]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن فضالة عن سيف بن عميرة عن عمرو ابن شمر عن جابر عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: إنما استحسنوا الاشعار للبدن لانه أول قطرة تقطر من دمها يغفر الله له على ذلك.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Fazalat, form Sayf Bin Umeyra, from Amro Ibn Shimr, from Jabir,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘But rather, improve the colouring of the sacrificial camel, because the first drop which drops from its blood, Allah-azwj would Forgive a person upon that’.[820]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد و عبد الله ابني محمد ابن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: أي رجل ساق بدنة فانكسرت قبل أن تبلغ محلها أو عرض لها موت أو هلاك فلينحرها ان قدر على ذلك ليلطخ نعلها التي قلدت به بدم حتى يعلم من مر بها انها قد ذكيت فيأكل من لحمها ان اراد، وان كان الهدي الذي انكسر أو هلك مضمونا فان عليه أن يبتاع مكان الذي انكسر أو هلك، والمضمون هو الشئ الواجب عليك في نذر أو غيره، وإن لم يكن مضمونا وإنما هو شئ تطوع به فليس عليه أن يبتاع مكانه إلا ان يشاء أن يتطوع.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad, from Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Whichever man ushers his sacrificial camel, so it breaks (a leg) before it reaches its destination, or the death presents itself to it, or it gets destroyed, so he should sacrifice it to that extent, and colouring its soles which it has been collared with blood to the extent that passer-by by would know that it has been purified (Slaughtered), so he can eat from its flesh if he so intends, and the sacrificial animal who has broken (a leg), or has perished, its owner is responsible over it that he should buy (another one) in place of which is broken or perished, and responsibility is something which is Obligatory upon you with regards to a vow or something else, and if it does not happen to be under responsibility, but rather it is something which is voluntary, so there is nothing upon him that he should buy (another one) in its place, except if he so desires to, voluntarily’.[821]




(باب 171 – العلة التي من أجلها سمي يوم التروية يوم التروية)

Chapter 171 – The reason due to which the day of Al-Tarwiya has been named as the day of Al-Tarwiyya

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد الله بن علي الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال سألته لم سمي يوم التروية يوم التروية؟ قال لانه لم يكن بعرفات ماء وكانوا يستقون من مكة من الماء لريهم وكان يقول بعضهم لبعض ترويتم ترويتم فسمي يوم التروية لذلك.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali Al Halby,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws, ‘Why has the day of Al-Tarwiyya been named as the day of Al-Tarwiyya?’ He-asws said: ‘Because there did not use to be any water at Arafaat, and they were drawing water from Makkah, from the water for their irrigation, and some of them were saying to each other, ‘You have been irrigated (Tarwiyyatum), you have been irrigated (Tarwiyyatum). Thus, the day of Al-Tarwiyya was named due to that’.[822]

(باب 172 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت منى منى)

Chapter 172 – The reason due to which Mina was named as Mina

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن فضالة بن أيوب عن معاوية ابن عمار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان جبرئيل أتى ابراهيم (ع) فقال تمن يا ابراهيم فكانت تسمى منى فسماها الناس منى.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Muawiya Ibn Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Jibraeel-as came to Ibrahim-as, so he-as said: ‘(Make a) wish (تمن), O Ibrahim-as! Thus, it was named as Mina, and the people called it Mina’.[823]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان أبا الحسن الرضا (ع) كتب إليه العلة التي من اجلها سميت منى منى ان جبرئيل (ع) قال هناك يا ابراهيم تمن على ربك ما شئت فتمنى ابراهيم في نفسه ان يجعل الله مكان ابنه اسماعيل كبشا يأمره بذبحه فداء له فأعطى مناه.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him: ‘The reason due to which Mina is named as Mina is that Jibraeel-as said: ‘Over there, O Ibrahim-saww! Make a wish to your-as Lord-azwj whatever you-as so desire to’. So Ibrahim-as wished within himself-as that Allah-azwj should Make a ram to be in place of his-as son-as Ismail-as, He-azwj had Commanded him-as to slaughter. So he-as supplicated to Him-azwj, and his-as wish was Granted’.[824]

(باب 173 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت عرفات عرفات)

Chapter 173 – The reason due to which Arafaat was named as Arafaat

حدثنا حمزة بن محمد العلوي قال اخبرنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن معاوية بن عمار قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن عرفات لم سميت عرفات؟ فقال ان جبرئيل (ع) خرج بابراهيم صلوات الله عليه يوم عرفة فلما زالت الشمس قال له جبرئيل يا ابراهيم اعترف بذنبك واعرف مناسكك فسميت عرفات لقول جبرئيل (ع) إعترف فاعترف.

Hamza Bin Muhammad Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Muawiya Bin Amaar who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about Arafaat, why was it named as Arafaat?’ So he-asws said: ‘Jibraeel-as went out with Ibrahim-saww on the Day of Arafaat, so when the sun was still (midday), he-as said to him-as: O Ibrahim-as! Acknowledge your-as sin, and recognise your-as rituals’. Thus, Arafaat was named due to the words of Jibraeel-as, ‘Acknowledge (إعترف), so he-as acknowledged’.[825]

(باب 174 – العلة التي من أجلها سمي الخيف خيفا)

Chapter 174 – The reason due to which Al-Kheef was named as Kheef

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن صفوان بن يحيى عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت له لم سمي الخيف خيفا؟ قال: إنما سمي الخيف لانه مرتفع عن الوادي وكل ما ارتفع عن الوادي سمي خيفا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin saeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why was Al-Kheef named as ‘Kheef’?’ He-asws said: ‘But rather Al-Kheef was named as such because it is raised from the valley, and every place which is raised from the valley is named as Kheef’.[826]

(باب 175 – العلة التي من اجلها سميت المزدلفة مزدلفة)

Chapter 175 – The reason due to which Al-Muzdalifa was named as Muzdalifa

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن صفوان عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: في حديث ابراهيم (ع) ان جبرئيل (ع) انتهى به إلى الموقف فأقام به حتى غربت الشمس ثم افاض به فقال: يا ابراهيم ازدلف إلى المشعر الحرام فسميت مزدلفة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Safwan, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘In a Hadeeth of Ibrahim-as is that Jibraeel-as ended up with him-as to the Pausing station. So he-as stood there with him-as until the sun set, then he-as said to him-as: ‘O Ibrahim-as! Get closer (Azdalaf) to the sacred consciousness’. Thus, it was named as Muzdalifa’.[827]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه علي بن مهزيار عن فضالة بن أيوب عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: إنما سميت مزدلفة لانهم ازدلفوا إليها من عرفات.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘But rather, Muzdalifa was named because get closer (Muzdalifu) to it from Arafaat’.[828]

(باب 176 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت المزدلفة جمعا)

Chapter 176 – The reason due to which Muzdalifa has been named as Jam’a

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن أبيه عن محمد بن سنان عن اسماعيل بن جابر وعبد الكريم بن عمرو، عن عبد الحميد بن أبي الديلم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال سميت المزدلفة جمعا لان آدم جمع فيها بين الصلاتين المغرب والعشاء.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail Bin Jabir and Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, from Abdul Hameed Bin Abu Al Daylam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said :’Al-Muzdalifa was named as Jam’a because Adam-as gathered (Jam’a) two Prayers together therein – Al Magrib and Al Isha’.[829]

(باب 177 – علة رمي الجمار)

Chapter – 177 – Reason for pelting the stones

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن العمركي الخراساني عن علي بن جعفر عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر (ع) قال: سألته عن رمي الجمار لم جعل؟ قال: لان إبليس اللعين كان يتراءى لابراهيم (ع) في موضع الجمار فرجمه ابراهيم فجرت السنة بذلك.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Al Amraky Al Khurasany,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about pelting the stones, why was it Made to be?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Iblees-la the accursed appeared to Ibrahim-as in the place of the stones, so Ibrahim-as pelted him-la. Thus, it flowed as the Sunnah due to that’.[830]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن صفوان بن يحيى عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: أول من رمى الجمار آدم (ع) وقال أني جبرئيل (ع) ابراهيم فقال إرم يا ابراهيم، فرمي جمرة العقبة، وذلك ان الشيطان تمثل له عندها.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The first one to pelt the stones was Adam-as’. And he-asws said: ‘Jibraeel-as came to Ibrahim-as and said: ‘Pelt, O Ibrahim-as!’ So he-as pelted at the rocks of Al-Aqaba, and that is that the Satan-la physically represented himself-la for him-as, at it’.[831]

(باب 178 – علة الاضحية)

Chapter 178 – Reason for the sacrifice

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن اسماعيل بن مسلم السكوني، عن جعفر بن محمد عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إنما جعل الله هذا الاضحى لتتسع مساكينكم من اللحم فاطعموهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ismail Bin Muslim Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘But rather, Allah-azwj Made this sacrifice to make it easy for your poor ones to get hold of the meat, therefore feed them’.[832]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي الاسدي عن موسى بن عمران النخعي عن عمه الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال قلت له ما علة الاضحية فقال: انه يغفر لصاحبها عند أول قطرة تقطر من دمها إلى الارض وليعلم الله تعالى من يتقيه بالغيب قال الله تعالى: (لن ينال الله لحومها ولا دماؤها ولكن يناله التقوى منكم)، ثم قال: انظر كيف قبل الله قربان هابيل، ورد قربان قابيل.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy Al Asady, from Musa Bin Imran Al Nakhaie, from his uncle Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer,

(The narrator says), ‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What is the reason of the sacrifice?’ So he-asws said: ‘It is a (means) of Forgiveness for its doer during the first drop of blood which drops from it to the ground, and for Allah-azwj to Know who fears Him-azwj being unseen. Allah-azwj the High Says [22:37] There does not reach Allah their flesh nor their blood, but to Him reaches the piety from you’. Then he-asws said: ‘Look at how Allah-azwj Accepted the offering of Habeel-as, and Turned down the offering of Qabeel-la’.[833]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن أبي جميلة عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته عن لحم الاضاحي فقال كان علي بن الحسين وابنه محمد عليهما السلام يتصدقان بالثلث على جيرانهما وبثلث على المساكين وثلث يمسكانه لاهل البيت.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Abu Jameela,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about flesh of the sacrifice, so he-asws said: ‘Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, and his-asws son-asws Muhammad-asws, used to give it in charity – a third to their-asws neighbours, and a third to the poor, and a third for their-asws own families’.[834]

(باب 179 – العلة التي من أجلها يستحب استفراه الضحايا)

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن موسى بن جعفر البغدادي عن عبيد الله بن عبد الله عن موسى بن ابراهيم عن أبي الحسن موسى (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: استفرهوا ضحاياكم فانها مطاياكم على الصراط.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ash’ary, from Musa Bin Ja’far Al Baghdady, from Ubeydullah Bin Abdullah, from Musa Bin Ibrahim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Look after your sacrificial animals, for these are your mounts upon the Way (Al-Siraat), (to the Paradise)’.[835]

(باب 180 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز اطعام المساكين) (في كفارة اليمين من لحوم الاضاحي)

Chapter 180 – The reason due to which it is allowed to feed the poor with regards to the expiation of the oath, from flesh of the sacrificed animal

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن سهل بن زياد عن الحسين بن يزيد عن اسماعيل بن أبي زياد عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه (ع) ان عليا سئل هل يطعم المساكين في كفارة اليمين من لحوم الاضاحي؟ قال لا لانه قربان لله تعالى.

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed, from Ismail Bin Abu Ziyad,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws that Ali-asws was asked, ‘Can one feed the poor with regards to an expiation for the vow, from flesh of the sacrificial animal?’ He-asws said: ‘No, because an offering is for (the Sake of) Allah-azwj the High’.[836]

(باب 181 – العلة التي من أجلها نهي عن حبس لحوم الاضاحي) (فوق ثلاثة ايام ثم اطلق في ذلك)

Chapter 181 – The reason due to which it is forbidden to withhold the flesh of the sacrificial animal more than three days, then released during that

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن عبد الرحمان بن أبي نجران عن محمد بن حمران عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال كان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله نهي أن يحبس لحوم الاضاحي فوق ثلاثة ايام من أجل الحاجة، فأما اليوم فلا بأس به.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Muhammad Bin Hamran, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘The Prophet-saww used to forbid that the flesh of the sacrificial animal be withheld for more than three days for the need. As for today, so there is no problem with it’.[837]

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن يحيى العطار رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا أبي عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع عن يونس عن جميل ابن دراج قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن حبس لحوم الاضاحي فوق ثلاثة أيام بمنى قال لا بأس بذلك اليوم ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إنما نهى عن ذلك أولا لان الناس كانوا يومئذ مجهودين فأما اليوم فلا بأس،

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khataab, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazie, from Yunus, from Jameel Ibn Daraj who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about withholding the flesh of the sacrificial animal for more than three days at Mina. He-asws said: ‘There is no problem with that today. But rather, Rasool-Allah-saww forbid from that at first, because the people in those days used to be labourers, but as for today, so there is no problem’.

وقال أبو عبد الله (ع) كنا ننهي الناس عن اخراج لحوم الاضاحي بعد ثلاثة أيام لقلة اللحم وكثرة الناس فأما اليوم فقد كثر اللحم وقل الناس فلا بأس باخراجه.

And Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The people were forbidden from taking out the flesh of the sacrificial animal after three days due to the scarcity of the flesh and the abundance of the people, but as for today, to the flesh is abundant and the people are few, so there is no problem with it being taken out’.[838]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن العباس العلوي قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن موسى بن عبد الله عن أبيه عن خاله زيد بن علي عن أبيه عن جده عن علي (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله نهيتكم عن ثلاث نهيتكم عن زيارة القبور ألا فزوروها ونهيتكم عن اخراج لحوم الاضاحي من منى بعد ثلاث ألا فكلوا وادخروا، ونهيتكم عن النبيذ الا فانبذوا وكل مسكر حرام – يعني الذي ينبذ بالغداة ويشرب بالعشى وينبذ بالعشى ويشرب بالغداة فإذا غلى فهو حرام.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Al Abbas Al Alawy, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Musa Bin Abdullah, from his father, from his uncle Zayd Bin Ali, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather-asws Ali-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘I-saww had forbidden you from three – I-saww had forbidden you from visiting the graves, but (now) you can visit these; and I-saww had forbidden you from taking out the flesh of the sacrificed animal from Mina after three (days), but (now), you can eat it and hoard it; and I-saww had forbidden you from Al-Nabeez (grape juice) but (now), you can drinking it, but every intoxicant is Prohibited – meaning that juice which is made during the day and drunk in the evening, and made during the evening and drunk by the day. So, when it simmer (froth/ferments), so it is prohibited’.[839]

(باب 182 – العلة التي من أجلها يجوز أن يعطي الاضحية) (من يسلخها بجلدها)

Chapter 182 – The reason due to which it is allowed to give the skin of the sacrificial animal to the one who skins it

أبي رحمه الله ومحمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رحمهما الله قالا: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن علي ابن اسماعيل عن صفوان بن يحيى الازرق قال قلت لابي ابراهيم (ع): الرجل يعطي الضحية من يسلخها بجلدها؟ قال لا بأس به إنما قال عزوجل: (فكلوا منها واطعموا) والجلد لا يؤكل ولا يطعم.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed both said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Ali Ibn Ismail, from Safwan Bin Yahya Al Azraq who said,

‘I said to Abu Ibrahim-asws (7th Imam-asws), ‘Can the man give the skin of the sacrificed animal to the one who skins it?’ He-asws said: ‘There is no problem with it. But rather, the Mighty and Majestic Says [22:36] eat from these and feed – and skin is neither eaten nor fed’.[840]

(باب 183 – العلة التي من أجلها يجب على من لا يجد) (ثمن الاضحية أن يتسقرض)

Chapter 183 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory upon the one who cannot find the price of the sacrificial animal, that he should borrow

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري، عن موسى بن جعفر البغدادي عن عبيد الله بن عبد الله، عن موسى بن ابراهيم، عن أبي الحسن موسى (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لام سلمة وقد قالت له يا رسول الله نحضر الاضحى وليس عندي ما اضحي به فأستقرض واضحي؟ قال فاستقرضي فانه دين مقضى.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Musa Bin Ja’far Al Baghdady, from Ubeydullah Bin Abdullah, from Musa Bin Ibrahim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said to Umm Salma-as, and she-as had said to him-saww, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! The (time for) sacrifice has presented itself, and there is nothing with me-as that I-as can offer it with. So, shall I-as borrow and make a sacrifice?’ He-saww said: ‘Borrow, for it would get paid back’.[841]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن أحمد بن يحيى المقرى عن عبد الله بن موسى عن اسرائيل عن أبي اسحاق عن شريح بن هاني عن علي (ع) انه قال لو علم الناس ما في الاضحية لاستدانوا وضحوا انه ليغفر لصاحب الاضحية عند أول قطرة تقطر من دمها.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Ahmad Bin Yahya Al Maqr, from Abdullah Bin Musa, from Israil, from Abu Is’haq, from Shareeh Bin Hany,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws having said: ‘Had the people known what is in the sacrifice, they would borrow and sacrifice, for it is a Forgiveness for its doer at the first drop which drops from its blood’.[842]

(باب 184 – العلة التي من أجلها تجزى البدنة عن نفس) (واحدة وتجزي البقرة عن خمسة أنفس)

Chapter 184 – The reason due to which the sacrificial camel suffices for one, and the cow suffices for five souls

حدثنا بذلك محمد بن الحسن بن احمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن وهيب بن حفص عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: البقرة والبدنة تجريان عن سبعة إذا اجتمعوا من أهل بيت ومن غيرهم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us with that, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khattab, from Waheyb Bin Hafs, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The cow and the sacrificial camel both flow for seven, if they are gathering together from one family, and from others’.[843]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن بنان بن محمد عن محمد بن الحسن عن يونس بن يعقوب قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن البقرة يضحى بها؟ قال فقال تجزى عن سبعة متفرقين.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Banan Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub who said, ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the cow sacrificed by it?’ So he-asws said: ‘It suffices for seven separate ones’.[844]



(باب 185 – العلة التي من أجلها يجزي في الهدى الجذع) (من الضأن ولا يجزى الجذع من المعز)

Chapter 185 – The reason due to which the two year old lamb suffices regarding the sacrifice and the two year old goat does not suffice

حدثنا محمد بن موسى المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن محمد بن يحيى الخزاز عن حماد بن عثمان قال قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) ادنى ما يجزى في الهدى من اسنان الغنم قال فقال الجذع من الضأن قال: قلت الجذع من الماعز قال فقال: لا يجزى قال فقلت له جعلت فداك ما العلة فيه قال فقال لان الجذع من الضأن يلقح والجذع من العز لا يلقح.

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Khazaz, from Hamaad Bin Usman who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The lowest of what suffices regarding the sacrifice from the years of the sheep?’ So he-asws said: ‘The two year old lamb’. I said, ‘(What about) the two year old from the goat?’ So he-asws said: ‘It does not suffice’. So I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! What is the reason for it?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because the two year old lamb impregnates, and the two year old goat does not impregnate’.[845]

(باب 186 – العلة التي من أجلها سقط الذبح عن تمتع) عن أمه وأهل بحجه عن أبيه)

Chapter 186 – The reason due to which the one who is performing the (Umrah) Tamatto on behalf of his mother and puts on Ihraam for the Hajj on behalf of his father, the slaughter is dropped (he is exempt)

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس قال حدثنا محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد ابن اسماعيل بن بزيع بن صالح بن عقبة عن الحارث بن المغيرة عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته عن رجل تمتع عن امه وأهل بحجه عن أبيه قال ان ذبح فهو خير له وان لم يذبح فليس عليه شئ لانه تمتع عن أمه وأهل بحجه عن أبيه.

My father narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khattab, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail Bin Bazie Bin Salih Bin Uqba, from Al Haris Bin Al Mugheira,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, I asked him-asws about a man who is performing (Umrah) Tamatto on behalf of his mother, and puts on Ihraam for performing Hajj on behalf of his father. He-asws said: ‘If he slaughters, it would be better for him, and if he does not slaughter, so there is nothing upon him, because he is performing (Umrah) Tamatto on behalf of his mother, and puts on Ihraam for performing Hajj on behalf of his father’.[846]


(باب 188 – العلة التي من أجلها سمي الحج الاكبر)

Chapter 188 – The reason due to which the Hajj was named as The Greatest (الاكبر)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن علي بن محمد القاشاني عن القاسم بن محمد الاصبهاني عن سليمان بن داود المنقري عن حفص بن غياث النخعي القاضي قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن قول الله تعالى: (واذان من الله ورسوله إلى الناس يوم الحج الاكبر) فقال: قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) كنت أنا الاذان في الناس، قلت: فما معنى هذه اللفظة الحج الاكبر؟ قال: إنما سمي الاكبر لانها كانت سنة حج فيها المسلمون والمشركون ولم يحج المشركون بعد تلك السنة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Muhammad Al Qashany, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Al Asbahany, from Suleyman Bin Dawood Al Manqary, from Hafs Bin Gayas Al Nakhaie Al Qazy who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj the High [9:3] And a proclamation from Allah and His Rasool to the people on the day of the Greatest Pilgrimage, so he-asws said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘I-asws was the Proclamation (Azaan) among the people’. I said, ‘So what is the meaning of these words, ‘The Greatest Pilgrimage’?’ He-asws said: ‘But rather, it has been named as ‘the greatest’, because it was a year in which the Muslims and the Polytheists performed Hajj, and the Polytheists did not perform Hajj after that year’.[847]

(باب 189 – العلة التي من أجلها سمي الطائف طائفا)

Chapter 189 – The reason due to which Al-Taif was named as Taif

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه علي باسناده قال قال أبو الحسن (ع) في الطائف أتدري لم سمي الطايف؟ قلت لا فقال إن ابراهيم (ع) دعا ربه أن يرزق أهله من كل الثمرات فقطع لهم قطعة من الاردن فأقبلت حتى طافت بالبيت سبعا ثم أقرها الله في موضعها فانما سميت الطائف لطوافه بالبيت.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali, by his chain, said,

‘Abu Al-Hassan-asws said with regards to Al-Taif: ‘Do you know why it is named as Al-Taif?’ I said, ‘No’. So he-asws said : ‘Ibrahim-as supplicated to his-as Lord-azwj that He-azwj should Sustain his-as family from every (type of) fruit. So a piece of land from Jordan was cut-off for him-as, until it circumambulated by the House (Kabah) seven (circuits). Then Allah-azwj Settled it in its place. So it was named as Al-Taif due to it circumambulating of the House (Kabah)’.[848]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر وعلي بن سليمان قالا حدثنا أحمد بن محمد قال قال الرضا (ع) أتدري لم سميت الطائف طائفا؟ قلت: لا قال: لان الله تعالى لما ادعاه ابراهيم (ع) أن يرزق أهله من كل الثمرات أمر بقطعة من الاردن فسارت بثمارها حتى طافت بالبيت ثم أمرها ان تنصرف إلى هذا الموضع الذي سمي الطائف فلذلك سمي الطائف.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Muhammad Bin Ja’far and Ali Bin Suleyman who both said it was narrated by Ahmad Bin Muhammad who said,

‘Al-Reza-asws said: ‘Do you know why Al-Taif was named as Taif?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Because when Allah-azwj the High was supplicated to by Ibrahim-as that He-azwj should Sustain his-as family from every fruit, Commanded a piece of land from Jordan, so it came with its fruits and circumambulated the House (Kabah). Then He-azwj Commanded it that it should leave to be at this place which is called Al-Taif. Thus, it was due to that (Tawaaf), it was named as Taif’.[849]

(باب 190 – العلة التي من أجلها صير الموقف) (بالمشعر ولم يصير بالحرم)

Chapter 190 – The reason due to which one has to come to the Pausing Station by the Mash’ar, and not come by the Sanctuary

حدثنا الحسين بن علي بن أحمد الصايغ رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسين بن الحجال عن سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثني محمد بن الحسن الهمداني قال سألت ذاالنون المصري قلت يا أبا الفيض لم صير الموقف بالمشعر ولم يصير بالحرم؟ قال: حدثني من سأل الصادق عليه السلام ذلك فقال: لان الكعبة بيت الله والحرم حجابه والمشعر بابه فلما أن قصده الزائرون وقفهم بالباب حتى أذن لهم بالدخول، ثم وقفهم بالحجاب الثاني وهو مزدلفة

Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Ahmad Al Sa’ig narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hajaal, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Hamdany who said, ‘I asked Zalnoon the Egyptian. I said, ‘O Abu Al-Fayz! Why does one come to the Pausing Station by the Mash’ar and does not come by the Sanctuary?’ He said, ‘The one who asked that to Al-Sadiq-asws narrated to me, so he-asws said, ‘Because the Kabah is the House of Allah-azwj and the Sanctuary is its Guard, and the Mash’ar is its Gate. So when the visitors intend for it, they are paused at the Gate until permission is granted to them for the entering. Then they are paused at the second guard, and it is Muzdalifa.

فلما نظر إلى طول تضرعهم أمرهم بتقريب قربانهم فلما قربوا قربانهم وقضوا تفثهم وتطهروا من الذنوب التي كانت لهم حجابا دونه أمرهم بالزيارة على طهارة

So when He-azwj Looks at their prolonged supplications, Commands them with the offering of their sacrifices, and purify themselves and be clean from the sins, which were a veil for them from Him-azwj, Commands them with the visitation upon the cleanliness’.

قال فقلت فلم كره الصيام في أيام التشريق فقال لان القوم زوار الله وهم (أضيافه) وفي ضيافته ولا ينبغي للضيف أن يصوم عند من زاره وأضافه

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘So why is the Fasting disliked during the days of Al-Tashreeq?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because the people are visitors of Allah-azwj, and they as His-azwj guests, and in them being His-azwj Guests it is not befitting for the guests that they should be Fasting when they are visiting Him-azwj and are being His-azwj guests’.

قلت فالرجل يتعلق بأستار الكعبة ما يعني بذلك قال مثل ذلك مثل الرجل يكون بينه وبين الرجل جناية فيتعلق بثوبه يستخذي له رجاء أن يهب له جرمه.

I said, ‘So the men who hand by the curtains of the Kabah, what do they mean by that?’ He-asws said: ‘The example of that is an example of the man who happens to be in between him and the men (as an arbitrator) for a crime, so he tends to hang on to his clothes, beseeching him in hope for his crime to be gifted (forgiven)’.[850]

(باب 191 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يكتب على الحاج) (ذنب أربعة أشهر)

Chapter 191 – The reason due to which the sins are not Written for the Pilgrim for four months

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن أبيه عن الحسين بن خالد قال قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام لاي شئ صار الحاج لا يكتب لهم ذنب أربعة اشهر؟ قال: لان الله تبارك وتعالى أباح للمشركين أشهر الحرم أربعة أشهر إذ يقول فسيحوا في الارض اربعة اشهر فمن ثم وهب لم حج من المؤمنين البيت الذنوب اربعة أشهر.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from his father, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which thing did the Pilgrim came to be such that no sin is Written for him for four months (after the performance of Hajj)?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Permitted for the Polytheists sacred months, four months when He-azwj Said [9:2] So go about in the land for four months. So from then onwards He-azwj Gifted (Forgave) the Believers who perform the Hajj of the House (Kabah), sins for four months’.[851]

(باب 192 – العلة التي من أجلها افاض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله) (من المشعر خلاف أهل الجاهلية)

Chapter 192 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww proceeded from Al Mash’ar, in opposition to the people of the Pre-Islamic period

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن صفوان بن يحيى وابن أبي عمير وفضالة عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال كان أهل الجاهلية يقولون أشرق ثبير يعنون الشمس كيما نغير وإنما افاض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من المشعر لانهم كانوا يفيضون بايجاف الخيل وإيضاع الابل فأفاض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله السكينة والوقار والدعة وأفاض بذكر الله تعالى والاستغفار وحركة لسانه.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya and Ibn Abu Umeyr and Fazalat, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The people in the Pre-Islamic period were saying, ‘Shine, Subeyr!’ – meaning the sun – ‘So we can go (for Hajj)’. But rather, Rasool-Allah-saww proceeded from Al-Mash’ar because they used to be proceeding with the horses and the camels. So Rasool-Allah-saww proceeded with the tranquillity, and the dignity, and the tenderness, and proceeded by the Mentioning of Allah-azwj the High and the Forgiveness and moved his-saww tongue’.[852]

(باب 193 – العلة التي من أجلها يقام الحد على الجاني في الحرم) (ولا يقام على الجاني في غير الحرم إذا فر إلى الحرم)

Chapter 193 – The reason due to which the Limit (Punishment) is established upon the offender inside the Sanctuary and is not established upon the offender in other than the Sanctuary when he flees to the Sanctuary

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن اخيه علي عن ابن أبي عمير عن حفص بن البختري قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن الرجل يجني الجناية في غير الحرم ثم يلجأ إلى الحرم يقام عليه الحد؟ قال: لا ولا يطعم ولا يسقى ولا يكلم ولا يبايع فانه إذا فعل ذلك به يوشك ان يخرج فيقام عليه الحد، وإذا جنى في الحرم جناية أقيم عليه الحد في الحرم لانه لم ير للحرم حرمة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali , from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hafs Bin Al-Bakhtary who said, ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the man who commits an offence outside the Sanctuary, then goes into the Sanctuary, is the Limit to be established upon him?’ He-asws said: ‘No, by Allah-azwj, and neither should he be fed, nor watered, nor spoken to, nor sold to. So when this is done with him, he would come out and the Limit would be established upon him. And when he commits the offence inside the Sanctuary, the Limit would be established upon him inside the Sanctuary, because he does not view the Sanctuary as sanctimonious’.[853]

(باب 194 – العلة التي من أجلها سمي الابطح أبطح)

Chapter 194 – The reason due to which Al-Abtah was named as Abtah

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن أبيه عن محمد بن سنان عن اسماعيل بن جابر وعبد الكريم بن عمرو عن عبد الحميد بن أبي الديلم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال سمي الابطح أبطح لان آدم امر أن ينبطح في بطحاء جمع فانبطح حتى انفجر الصبح ثم امر ان يصعد جبل جمع وأمر إذا طلعت الشمس ان يعترف بذنبه ففعل ذلك آدم فأرسل الله تعالى نارا من السماء فقبضت قربان آدم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail Bin Jabir and Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, from Abdul Hameed Bin Abu Al Daylam,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Al-Abtah was named as Abtah (valley basin) because Adam-as because Adam-as was Commanded that he-as should be flat (prostrate) at Bat’ha Jam’a. So he-as remained like that until the break of dawn. Then he-as was Commanded that he-as ascend a mountain of Jam’a, and was Commanded that when the sun emerges, he-as should acknowledge his-as sins. So Adam-as did that. So, Allah-azwj the High Sent a Flame from the sky, so it seized the offering of Adam-as’.[854]

(باب 195 – العلة التي من أجلها يأكل المحرم الصيد إذا اضطر إليه) (وعلة من روى انه يأكل الميتة)

Chapter 195 – The reason due to which the one in Ihram can eat the game when he is desperate for it; and reason, from a report, that he can eat the dead (animals/fish etc.)

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن العمركي عن علي بن جعفر عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر عليه السلام قال: سألته عن المحرم إذا اضطر إلى أكل صيد وميتة وقلت ان الله تعالى حرم الصيد وأحل الميتة قال يأكل ويفديه فانما يأكل من ماله.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Al Amraky,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the one in Ihraam when he is desperate to eat game (hunted animal/fish), and dead. And I said, that Allah-azwj the High has Forbidden the hunting and allowed the dead’. He-asws said: ‘He can eat, and pay the redemption of it. But rather, he would be eating from his own wealth’.[855]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن فضالة عن أبان عن أبي أيوب قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن رجل اضطر وهو محرم إلى صيد وميتة من أيهما يأكل؟ قال يأكل من الصيد قلت فان الله قد حرمه عليه وأحل له الميتة قال يأكل ويفدي فانما يأكل من ماله.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Fazalat, from Aban, from Abu Ayoub who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who is desperate to the hunt and the dead, and he is in Ihraam, which of these two should he eat?’ He-asws said: ‘He can eat from the hunt’. I said, ‘But Allah-azwj had Forbidden it upon him, and Permitted the dead for him?’ He-asws said: ‘He should eat, and pay the redemption. But rather, he would be eating from his own wealth’.[856]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الحميد عن يونس بن يعقوب عن منصور بن حازم قال قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) محرم قد اضطر إلى صيد وإلى ميتة فمن أيهما يأكل؟ قال: يأكل من الصيد قلت أليس قد أحل الله الميتة لمن اضطر إليها قال بلى ولكن يفدي، أال ترى انه إنما يأكل من ماله ويأكل الصيد وعليه فداؤه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Hameed, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub, from Mansour Bin Hazim who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘One in Ihraam is desperate to hunt or to (eat from) a dead, so from which of these two should he eat?’ He-asws said: ‘He should eat from the hunt’. I said, ‘Has Allah-azwj not Permitted the dead to the one who is desperate to it?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, but he should pay the redemption. Can you not see that he would be eating from his own wealth, and he eats the hunt and upon his is its redemption’.

وروى انه يأكل الميتة لانها احلت له ولم يحل له الصيد.

And it has been reported that he can eat the dead because it is Permissible for him, and the game (hunt) is not Permissible for him’.[857]

(باب 196 – علة كراهة المقام بمكة)

Chapter 196 – Reason for the disliking the staying at Makkah

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا احمد بن أدريس قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن محمد بن الفضل عن أبي الصباح الكناني قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن قول الله تعالى (ومن يرد فيه بالحاد بظلم نذقه من عذاب أليم) فقال: كل ظلم يظلم به الرجل نفسه بمكة من سرقة أو ظلم أحد أو شئ من الظلم فاني أراه إلحادا ولذلك كان ينهي أن يسكن الحرم.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazal, from Abu Al Sabah Al Kanany who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj the High [22:25] and whoever shall incline therein to wrong unjustly, We will Make him taste of a painful Punishment. So he-asws said: ‘Every injustice that the man does himself at Makkah, from theft, or being unjust to anyone, or something from the injustices, for I-asws see it as the Atheism, and it is due to that it has been forbidden to settle in the Sanctuary’.[858]

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال حدثنا الحسين بن محمد ابن عامر قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد السيارى قال روي جماعة من أصحابنا رفعوه إلى أبي عبد الله (ع) انه كره المقام بمكة وذلك ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أخرج عنها والمقيم بها يقسو قلبه حتى يأتي في غيرها.

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Ibn Aamir, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sayyari, from a group of his companions,

(It has been) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws that he-asws disliked the staying at Makkah, and that is that Rasool-Allah-saww came out from it, and the one staying in it, his heart would be hardened until he goes elsewhere’.[859]

وعنه قال حدثنا الحسين بن محمد عن أحمد بن محمد السياري عن محمد ابن جمهور رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال إذا قضي أحدكم نسكه فليركب راحلته وليلحق بأهله فان المقام بمكة يقسي القلب.

And from him who said, ‘Al Husayn Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sayyari, from Muhammad Ibn Jamhour,

(It has been) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When one of you has fulfilled his rituals, so let him ride upon his animal, and meet up with his family, for the staying at Makkah tends to harden the heart’.[860]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن سليمان الرازي قال حدثنا محمد بن خالد الخزاز عن العلا عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: لا ينبغي للرجل أن يقيم بمكة سنة قلت فكيف يصنع قال يتحول عنها إلى غيرها، ولا ينبغي لاحد أن يرفع بناءه فوق الكعبة.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Suleyman Al-Razy narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Khalid Al-Khazaz, from Al-A’ala, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘It is not befitting for a person that he should stay at Makkah for a year’. I said, ‘So what should he do?’ He-asws said: ‘He should move to somewhere else. And it is not befitting for anyone that one should raise his construction above the (height of the) Kabah’.[861]

(باب 197 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره الاحتباء في المسجد الحرام)

Chapter 197 – The reason due to which Al-Ihtiba’a (sitting with knees tied up) in the Sacred Masjid

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن يحيى عن حماد ابن عثمان قال: رأيت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يكره الاحتباء للمحرم قال: ويكره الاحتباء في المسجد الحرام إعظاما للكعبة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Hamaad Ibn Usman who said,

‘I saw Abu Abdullah-asws disliking Al-Ihtiba’a (sitting with knees tied up) for the one in Ihraam. And he-asws disliked Al-Ihtibaa in the Sacred Masjid for the reverence to the Kabah’.[862]

(باب 198 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الركوب في الحج أفضل من المشى)

Chapter 198 – The reason due to which the riding with regards to the Hajj is preferable than the walking

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن رفاعة بن موسى النخاس عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام انه سئل عن الحج ماشيا أفضل أم راكبا؟ قال: بل راكبا فان رسول الله عليه السلام حج راكبا.

My father said, ‘Alli Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Rafa’at Bin Musa Al Nakhaas,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having been asked about the Hajj, is walking (to it) better or riding?’ He-asws said: ‘But, riding, for Rasool-Allah-saww went for Hajj riding’.[863]

وأخبرني علي بن حاتم قال أخبرني الحسن بن علي بن مهزيار عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن رفاعة وعبد الله بن بكير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام مثله.

And Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Mahziyar, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Rafa’at, and Abdullah Bin Bakeyr,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, similar to it (the above Hadeeth)’.[864]

وعنه قال حدثنا محمد بن حمدان قال حدثنا عبد الله بن أحمد عن ابن أبي عمير وعن رفاعة بن موسى النخاس مثله.

And from him, said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamdan narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, and from Rafa’at Bin Musa Al Nakhas – similar to it’.[865]

وعنه قال حدثنا محمد بن حمدان الكوفي قال حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن سماعة عن صفوان بن يحيى عن سيف التمار قال قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) إنا كنا نحن مشاة فبلغنا عنك شئ فما ترى؟ قال ان الناس يحجون مشاة ويركبون قلت ليس ذلك أسألك فقال عن أي شئ تسألني؟ قلت أيما أحب اليك ان نصنع قال تركبون أحب إلي فان ذلك أقوى لكم على العبادة والدعاء.

And from him who said, ‘Muhammad Bin Hamdan Al Kufy narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Sama’at, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Sayf Al Tamaar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘We used to walk (to Hajj), so something from you-asws reached us. So what is your-asws view?’ He-asws said: ‘The people are going for Hajj walking and riding’. I said, ‘That is not what I asked you-asws’. So he-asws said: ‘About which thing did you ask me-asws?’ I said, ‘Which of these two is more beloved to you-asws that we should do?’ He-asws said: ‘Your riding is more beloved to me-asws, for that is more strengthening for you upon the worshipping and the supplications’.[866]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال حدثنا أحمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي قال حدثنا سهل بن زياد عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي بصير قال سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن المشي أفضل أو الركوب؟ فقال إذا كان الرجل موسرا فمشى ليكون أقل لنفقته فالركوب أفضل.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the walking (to Hajj), is it better or the riding?’ So he-asws said: ‘If the man was financially straitened so he should walk for it would be less for his expenses, but the riding is preferable’.[867]

وعنه عن محمد بن أبي عبد الله قال حدثنا موسى بن عمران عن الحسين بن سعيد عن الفضل بن يحيى عن سليمان قال قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام أنا نريد أن نخرج إلى مكة مشاة فقال لا تمشوا اخرجوا ركبانا فقلنا أصلحك الله انا بلغنا عن الحسن بن علي صلوات الله عليه انه حج عشرين حجة ماشيا فقال ان الحسن بن علي (ع) كان يحج وتساق معه الرحال.

And (narrated) from him, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Musa Bin Imran, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Fazal Bin Yahya, from Suleyman who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘We are intending to go out to Makkah walking’. So he-asws said :’Do not walk, go out riding’. So we said, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! It has reached us that Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws went to Hajj twenty times, walking’. So he-asws said: ‘Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws was going to Hajj, and with him-asws were the backpackers (lots of other men)’.[868]

(باب 199 – العلة التي من أجلها صار التكبير أيام التشريق) (بمنى في دبر خمس عشرة صلاة وبالامصار) (في دبر عشر صلوات)

Chapter 199 – The reason due to which the exclamation of the Greatness of Allah-azwj (Takbeer) came to be after fifteen Prayers during the days of Al-Tashreek at Mina, and at the cities at the end of ten Prayers

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد ومحمد ابن الحسين وعلي بن اسماعيل عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن زرارة قال: قلت لابي جعفر (ع) التكبير ايام التشريق في دبر الصلاة قال: التكبير بمنى في دبر خمس عشر صلاة من صلاة الظهر يوم النحر إلى صلاة الغداة فقال: تقول فيه (الله اكبر الله اكبر لا إله إلا الله والله اكبر الله اكبر على ما هدانا والله اكبر على ما رزقنا من بهيمة الانعام والحمد الله على ما أبلانا) وإنما جعل في ساير الامصار في دبر عشر صلوات التكبير لانه إذا نفر الناس في النفر الاول امسك أهل الامصار عن التكبير وكبر أهل منى ماداموا بمنى إلى النفر الاخير.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed and Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn and Ali Bin Ismail, from Hammad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Zarara who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘(What about) the Takbeer on the days of Al-Tashreeq and the end of the Prayer?’ He-asws said: ‘The Takbeer at Mina at the end of the fifteen Prayers, from Al-Zohr Prayer on the day of the sacrifice up to the morning Prayer. So you should be saying in it, ‘Allah-azwj is the Greatest! Allah-azwj is the Greatest! There is no god except for Allah-azwj, and Allah-azwj is the Greatest upon what He-azwj has Guided us, and Allah-azwj is the Greatest upon what He-azwj has Sustained us from beasts, the cattle, and the Praise is for Allah-azwj upon what He-azwj has Tested us

)الله اكبر الله اكبر لا إله إلا الله والله اكبر الله اكبر على ما هدانا والله اكبر على ما رزقنا من بهيمة الانعام والحمد الله على ما أبلانا(.

But rather, the Takbeer has been Made to be in the rest of the cities, at the end of ten Prayers, because when a number of the people among the first of the persons to proceed, then the people of the cities would refrain from the Takbeer, and the people of Mina would exclaim Takbeer for as long as they are at Mina, up to the last of the persons’.[869]

(باب 200 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الركن الشامي متحركا) (في الشتاء والصيف)

Chapter 200 – The reason due to which Al-Shamy corner moves in the winter and the summer

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن الحسين بن اسحاق التاجر وعن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسن بن الحصين عن محمد بن فضيل عن العزرمي قال كنت مع أبي عبد الله (ع) جالسا في الحجر تحت الميزاب ورجل يخاصم رجلا وأحدهما يقول لصاحبه والله ما ندرى من أين تهب الريح فلما أكثر عليه قال له أبو عبد الله (ع) هل تدري من أي تهب الريح؟ فقال لا ولكني اسمع الناس يقولون فقلت: انا لابي عبد الله (ع) من أين تهب الريح؟ فقال ان الريح مسجونة تحت هذا الركن الشامي فإذا أراد الله تعالى أن يرسل منها شيئا أخرجه أما جنوبا فجنوب وأما شمالا فشمال واما صباء فصباء واما دبورا فدبور

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Is’haq Al Tajir, and from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Hassan Bin Al Haseyn, from Muhammad Bin Fazeyl, from Al Azramy who said,

‘I was seated with Abu Abdullah-asws near the (Black) Stone under the groove, and a man was disputing with a man, and one of the two was saying to his companion, ‘By Allah-azwj! I don’t know where the wind blows’. So when there was a lot (of talk) over it, Abu Abdullah-asws said to him: ‘Do you know from where the wind blows?’ So he said, ‘No, but I heard the people saying’. So I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘From where does the wind blow?’ So he-asws said: ‘The wind is imprisoned beneath this Al-Shamy corner. So, whenever Allah-azwj Intends that He-azwj should Send something from it, Brings it out. As for the south (wind), so it is the south, and as for the north (wind) so it is the north, and as for Saba’a for it is Saba’a, and as for Dabour, so it is Dabour’.

ثم قال وآية ذلك إنك لا تزال ترى هذا الركن متحركا ابدا في الشتاء والصيف والليل والنهار.

Then he-asws said: ‘And the sign of that is you will not cease to see this corner moving ever, in the winter, and the summer, and the night, and the day’.[870]

(باب 201 – العلة التي من أجلها صار البيت مرتفعا يصعد إليه بالدرج)

Chapter 201 – The reason due to which the House (Kabah) became so high that one has to ascend to it with the stairs

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن أبي عمير عن أبي علي صاحب الانماط عن أبان بن تغلب قال: لما هدم الحجاج الكعبة فرق الناس ترابها فلما صاروا إلى بنائها وارادوا ان يبنوها خرجت عليهم حية فمنعت الناس البناء حتى انهزموا فأتوا الحجاج فأخبروه فخاف أن يكون قد منع بناءها فصعد المنبر، ثم انشد الناس وقال انشد الله عبدا عنده مما ابتلينا به علم لما أخبرنا به قال فقام إليه شيخ فقال ان يكن عند أحد علم فعند رجل رأيته جاء إلى الكعبة فأخذ مقدارها ثم مضى فقال الحجاج من هو؟ فقال علي بن الحسين (ع) فقال: معدن ذلك

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abu Ali Sahib Al Anmaat,

(It has been narrated) from Aban Bin Tablugh who said, ‘When Al-Hajjaj demolished the Kabah, the people dispersed with its sand. When the people came to re-build it, and intended that its building work should start, a snake came out to them. So the people were prevented from the building until they were defeated. So they came to Al-Hajjaj and informed him of it. So he feared that it may so happen that its building would be prevented. So he ascended the pulpit, then adjured the people and said, ‘I adjure with Allah-azwj, if there is a servant who has knowledge with him of how to get out from our trial, so he should inform us of it’. So an old man stood up and said, ‘ If there happens to be knowledge with anyone, so it would be with a man whom I saw come to the Kabah, so he-asws took its measurements, then went away’. So Al-Hajjaj said, ‘Who is he?’ So he said, ‘Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws’. So he said, ‘Bring that one near’.

فبعث إلى علي بن الحسين (ع) فأتاه فاخبره بما كان من منع الله اياه البناء، فقال له علي بن الحسين: يا حجاج عمدت إلى بناء ابراهيم واسماعيل فالقيته في الطريق وانتهبته كانك ترى انه تراث لك، اصعد المنبر فانشد الناس أن لا يبقى أحد منهم أخذ منه شيئا إلا رده،

So he sent message to Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws. So he-asws came to him. So he informed him-asws with what Allah-azwj had Prevented him from the construction. So Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws said to him: ‘O Hajjaj! You proceeded to start the building of Ibrahim-as and Ismail-as, so you cast it in the middle of the road (left it unfinished), and dealt with it as if you viewed it as being an inheritance for you. Ascend the pulpit, so adjure the people that there should not remain anyone from among them who has taken anything from it, so he should return it’.

قال: ففعل فانشد الناس أن لا يبقى أحد منهم أخذ منه شيئا إلا رده، قال: فردوه فلما رأي جميع التراب أتى علي بن الحسين فوضع الاساس وأمرهم أن يحفروا،

He (the narrator) said, ‘So he did it. He adjured the people that there should not remain anyone from them who had taken anything from it (Kabah) except that he should return it. So they returned it. So when he-asws saw all the sand, Ali-asws Bin Al Husayn-asws came over, so he-asws placed the foundation and ordered them that they should dig.

قال: فتغيبت الحية عنهم وحفروا حتى انتهوا إلى موضع القواعد، فقال لهم علي بن الحسين: تنحوا، فتنحوا فدنا منها فغطاها بثوبه، ثم بكى، ثم غطاها بالتراب بيد نفسه ثم دعا الفعلة، فقال: ضعوا بناءكم، فوضعوا البناء، فلما ارتفعت حيطانه أمر بالتراب فالقى في جوفه، فلذلك صار البيت مرتفعا يصعد إليه بالدرج.

He (the narrator) said, ‘The snake disappeared from them, and they dug until they ended up to the place of the base. So Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws said to them: ‘Step aside!’ So they stepped aside. So he-asws approached and covered it with his-asws clothes, then wept. Then he-asws covered it with the sand by his-asws own hand, then invited the labourers, so he-asws said: ‘Place the building up’. So they place the building. So when its walls were raised, he-asws ordered for the sand, and he-asws cast it in the middle of it. Thus, it was due to that, the House came to be so high that it has to be climbed up to it with the stairs’.[871]

(باب 204 – العلة التي من أجلها جعلت ايام مني ثلاثة)

Chapter 204 – The reason due to which the days of Mina came to be three

حدثنا أبي ومحمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاشم قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عمير عن بعض اصحابه عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال لي أتدري لم جعلت أيام منى ثلاثا؟ قال قلت لاي شئ جعلت فداك، ولماذا؟ قال لي من ادرك شيئا منها أدرك الحج.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hasssan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed both narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umer, from one of his companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘He-asws said to me: ‘Do you know why the day Mina have been Made to be three?’ I said, ‘For which thing, may I be sacrificed for you-asws, and why?’ He-asws said to me: ‘One who comprehends something from it, has comprehended the Hajj’.[872]

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed who said, ‘Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Jameel Bin Daraaj,

from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The one who comprehends the Sacred signs on the day of the sacrifice before the declining of the sun, so he has comprehended the Hajj. And the one who comprehends it on the day of Arafaat before the declining of the sun, so he has comprehended the Mata’ato (Umrah)’.[873]

(باب 205 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يدهن) (حين يريد الاحرام بدهن فيه مسك أو عنبر)

Chapter 205 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he should apply oil (in his hair) when he intends to wear the Ihraam, with the oil in which is musk or amber

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان الناب عن عبيد الله بن علي الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا تدهن حين تريد ان تحرم بدهن فيه مسك ولا عنبر من أجل أن ريحه تبقى في رأسك من بعد ما تحرم وادهن بما شئت من الدهن حين تريد أن تحرم، فإذا أحرمت فقد حرم عليك الدهن حتى تحل.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman Al Naab, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali Al Halby,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘You should not apply oil when you intend that you would be wearing Ihraam, with the oil (in your hair) in which is musk or amber, due to the reason that the aroma would remain in your head from after you wear the Ihraam, and you can apply with whatever you so like from the oil when you intend to wear the Ihraam. So when you have put on the Ihraam, so the application of oil would become prohibited unto you until you are free from it (Ihraam)’.[874]

(باب 206 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يؤخذ الطير الاهلى إذا دخل الحرم)

Chapter 206 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to seize the domesticated bird if it enters the Sanctuary

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن صفوان بن يحيى عن معاوية بن عمار عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام انه سئل عن طير أهلي اقبل فدخل الحرم، قال: لا يمس لان الله تعالى يقول: ” ومن دخل كان آمنا “.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muawiya Bin Amaar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having been asked about a domesticated bird comes, so it enters the Sanctuary. He-asws said: ‘Do not touch (it) because Allah-azwj the High is Saying [3:97] and whoever enters it shall be secure’.[875]

(باب 207 – العلة التي من أجلها اذن رسول الله للعباس) (ان يلبث بمكة ليالى منى)

Chapter 207 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah-saww allowed for Al-Abbas that he may remain at Makkah on the nights of Mina

أبي ومحمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنهما قالا: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الهيثم بن أبي مسروق النهدي عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي ابن رئاب عن مالك بن أعين عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام ان العباس استأذن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان يلبث بمكة ليالي منى فاذن له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من اجل سقاية الحاج.

My father and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed both said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Haysam Bin Abu masrouq Al Nahdy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Ibn Ra’ib, from Maalik Bin Ayn,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws that Al-Abbas sought permission from Rasool-Allah-saww that he could remain at Makkah on the nights of Mina, so Rasool-Allah-saww permitted for him due to him being the provider of the water to the pilgrims’.[876]

(باب 208 – العلة التي من أجلها لم يبت أمير المؤمنين (ع)) (بمكة بعد إذ هاجر منها حتى قبض)

Chapter 208 – The reason due to which Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not sleep at Makkah after having emigrated from it, until he-asws passed away

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن أحمد ابن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن محمد بن معروف عن أخيه عمر عن جعفر بن عقبة عن أبي الحسن عليه السلام قال: ان عليا عليه السلام لم يبت بمكة بعد إذ هاجر منها حتى قبضه الله عزوجل إليه، قال: قلت له ولم ذاك؟ قال: يكره ان يبيت بارض قد هاجر منها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فكان يصلي العصر ويخرج منها ويبيت بغيرها.

My father narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Ibn Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Marouf, from his brother Umar, from Ja’far Bin Uqba,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws did not sleep at Makkah after having emigrated from it until Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Caused him-asws to pass away’. I said, ‘And why is that?’ He-asws said: ‘He-asws disliked that he should sleep in the land from which Rasool-Allah-saww had to emigrate from. So he-asws used to Pray Al-Asr (Prayer) and go out from it, and spend the night elsewhere’.[877]




(باب 209 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للمحرم أن يظلل) (على نفسه من غير علة)

Chapter 209 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the one in Ihraam that he shades himself without a reason

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن حماد عن عبد الله بن المغيرة، قال: قلت لابي الحسن الاول عليه السلام أظلل وأنا محرم؟ قال: لا، قلت: فاظلل واكفر؟ قال: لا، قلت: فان مرضت، قال: ظلل وكفر، ثم قال: أما علمت ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: ما من حج يضحى ملبيا حتى تغيب الشمس إلا غابت ذنوبه معها.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin saeed, from Hamaad, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan-asws the First, ‘Can I shade (myself) and I am in Ihraam?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So, can I shade (myself) and pay the redemption?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So if I am sick?’ He-asws said: ‘Shade (yourself) and pay the redemption’. Then he-asws said: ‘But, do you know that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘There is none from a pilgrim who remains in the open until the setting of the sun, except that his sins disappear along with it (sunset)’.[878]

(باب 210 – نوادر علل الحج)

Chapter 210 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Hajj

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن حماد عن ربعي عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي عبد الله قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) ان ناسا من هؤلاء القصاص يقولون إذا حج رجل حجة ثم تصدق ووصل كان خيرا له، فقال: كذبوا لو فعل هذا الناس لعطل هذا البيت ان الله تعالى جعل هذا البيت قياما للناس.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad, from Rabie, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Abdullah who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The people from the story tellers are saying that when a man performs Hajj once, then gives in charity, and maintains relationships, it would be better for him’. So he-asws said: ‘They are lying! If the people were to do this, it would counteract this House (Kabah). Allah-azwj the High has Made this House (Kabah) to Stand for the people’.[879]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن ابن عمير عن عمر بن اذينة قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن قول الله تعالى ” ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا ” يعنى به الحج دون العمرة، فقال: لا ولكنه يعني الحج والعمرة جميعا لانهما مفروضان.

And by this chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ibn Umeyr, from Umar Bin Azina who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj the High [3:97] and Pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon the people for the Sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it – Meaning by it the Hajj besides the Umrah’. So he-asws said: ‘No. But it Means the Hajj and the Umrah both together, because they are both Obligatory’.[880]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن محبوب عن خالد بن جرير عن أبي الربيع الشامي قال: سئل أبو عبد الله (ع) عن قول الله عزوجل: ” ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا ” قال: فما يقول الناس؟ قال: فقيل له الزاد والراحلة، فقال: هلك الناس إذن لئن كان من له زاد وراحلة قدر ما يقوت على عياله ويسغني به عن الناس ينطلق إليه فيسألهم اياه، لقد هلكوا إذن

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Khalid Bin Jareyr, from Abu Al Rabie Al Shamy who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws was asked about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [3:97] and Pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon the people for the Sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who is able to undertake the journey to it. He-asws said: ‘So what are the people saying?’ So it was said, ‘The provision and the ride’. So he-asws said: ‘The people are destroyed then, for it there was one who had provisions for it and a ride, to the measurement of what he provides upon his family, and he then becomes needless of the people by it, so his dependents then would have to go and beg from them (the people). So they have been destroyed then’.

فقيل له: فما السبيل؟ قال: فقال السعة في المال إذا كان يحج ببعض ويبقى بعضا يقوت به عياله اليس قد فرض الله الزكاة فلم يجعلها إلا على من يملك مأتى درهم.

So it was said to him-asws, ‘So what is the ‘way’ (ability to undertake the journey?’ So he-asws said: ‘The extensiveness in the wealth, if he were to go for Hajj with some of it, and some of it were to remain to provide for his family. Has Allah-azwj not Obligated the Zakat, so He-azwj did not Make it except upon the one who possesses two hundred Dirhams?’[881]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن ابن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان ومعاوية بن حفص عن منصور جميعا عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: كان أبو عبد الله عليه السلام في المسجد الحرام، فقيل له: ان سبعا من سباع الطير على الكعبة ليس يمر به شئ من حمام الحرم إلا ضربه، فقال: انصبوا له واقتلوه فانه قد الحد في الحرم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman and Muawiya Bin Hafs, from Mansour both together,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘Abu Abdullah-asws was in the Sacred Masjid, so it was said to him-asws, ‘A wild one from the predatory bird comes upon the Kabah, and there does not pass by it anything from the doves except that it strikes it’. So he-asws said: ‘Capture it and kill it, for it’s the Limit in the Sanctuary’.[882]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن محمد بن أبي عمير وفضالة قال قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: شجرة أصلها في الحرم وفرعها في الحل، فقال: حرم فرعها لمكان اصلها.

And by this chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr and Fazalat who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘A tree whose roots are in the Sanctuary and its branches are in the loose’. So he-asws said: ‘Its branches are sanctimonious due to the place of its roots’.[883]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن صفوان بن يحيى عن ابن مسكان عن ابراهيم بن ميمون قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع): رجل نتف ريش حمامة من حمام الحرم، قال: يتصدق بصدقة على مسكين ويعطى باليد التي نتف بها فانه قد اوجعه بها.

And by this chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Ibn Muskan, from Ibrahim Bin Maymoun who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘A man plucks the feathers of a dove from the doves of the Sanctuary’. He-asws said : ‘He should give (something) in charity to the poor, and give it by the very hand with which he plucked it, for it (that very hand) has pained it (the dove)’.[884]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن فضالة وحماد عن معاوية، قال سألت ابا عبد الله عليه السلام عن طير اهلي اقبل فدخل الحرم، فقال: لا يمس ان الله تعالى يقول ” ومن دخله كان آمنا “.

And by this chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat and Hamaad, from Muawiya who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a domesticated bird which comes and enters the Sanctuary (Kabah). So he-asws said: ‘Do not touch (it), for Allah-azwj the High is Saying [3:97] and whoever enters it shall be secure’.[885]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسين بن سعيد عن صفوان عن عبد الرحمن ابن الحجاج قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن رجل رمى صيدا في الحل وهو يؤم الحرم فيما بين البريد والمسجد فأصابه في الحل فمضى يرميه حتى دخل الحرم، فمات من رميه، هل عليه جزاء؟ فقال: ليس عليه جزاء وانما مثل ذلك مثل رجل نصب شركا في الحل إلى جانب الحرم، فوقع فيه صيد فاضطرب حتى دخل الحرم، فمات فليس عليه جزاء لانه نصب وهو حلال، ورمى حيث رمى وهو حلال فليس عليه فيما كان بعد ذلك شئ، فقلت: هذا عند الناس القياس، فقال: انها شبهت لك شيئا بشئ لتعرفه.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Safwan, from Abdul Rahman Ibn Al Hajjaj who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who threw (an arrow) at a hunted creature (e.g. a dove) in Al-Hal, and he was facing the Sanctuary in what is between Al-Bareyd and the Masjid. So it was hit in Al-Hal, so it went by the hit until it entered the Sanctuary, and it died from its strike. Is there a penalty upon him?’ So he-asws said: ‘There is no penalty upon him. But rather, his example is like the example of a man who established a trap by the side of the Sanctuary. So a game (e.g., dove) got trapped by it, so it wavered until it entered the Sanctuary and died inside it. So there is no penalty upon him because he had set the trap and it is Permissible; and he (also) threw (the arrow) where he threw and it was Permissible. Therefore, there is nothing upon him with regards to anything after that’. So I said, ‘In the presence of the people, this is an analogy’. So he-asws said: ‘I-asws compared a thing for you with a thing, so that you would understand it’.[886]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن خلاد عن أبي عبد الله (ع) في رجل ذبح حمامة من حمام الحرم، قال: عليه الفداء قال: فيأكله، قال: لا، قال: فيطرحه، قال: اذن يكون عليه فداء آخر، قال: فما يصنع به، قال: يدفنه.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Jalad,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding a man who slaughtered a dove from the doves of the Sanctuary, he-asws said: ‘Upon him is the redemption to pay’. He said, ‘So can he eat it (after having paid)?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. So should discard it?’ He-asws said: ‘Then, there would be another redemption upon him to pay’. He said, ‘So what should he do with it?’ He-asws said: ‘He should bury it’.[887]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن معاوية بن وهب قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام مكة والمدينة كسائر البلدان؟ قال: نعم، قلت قد روى عنك بعض اصحابنا إنك قلت لهم اتموا بالمدينة بخمس، فقال: ان اصحابكم هؤلاء كانوا يقدمون فيخرجون من المسجد عند الصلاة فكرهت ذلك لهم فلذلك قلته.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Muawiya Bin Wahab who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Are Makkah and Al-Medina like the rest of the cities?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘It has been reported from you-asws by some of our companions that you-asws said to them: ‘Accomplish five (Prayers) at Al-Medina’. So he-asws said: ‘These companions of your used to come, but they used to go out from the Masjid during Prayer (time). So I-asws disliked that for them, therefore it was due to that, I-asws said it’.[888]

وبهذا الاسناد عن حماد بن عيسى وفضالة عن معاوية قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع): ان معي والدتي وهي وجعة، فقال: قل لها فلتحرم من آخر الوقت فان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وقت لاهل المدينة ذا الحليفة ولاهل المغرب الجحفة، قال: فاحرمت من الجحفة.

And by this chain, from Hamaad Bin Isa and Fazalat, from Muawiya who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘With me is my mother and she is restless (in pain)’. So he-asws said: ‘Say to her to put on her Ihraam at the last juncture, for Rasool-Allah-saww (made) Zul-Haleyfa to be a juncture for the people of Al Medina, and Al Juhfa for the people of Al-Magrib (West Africa)’. He said, ‘So she put on her Ihraam from Al-Juhfa’.[889]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر الحميرى عن أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن محبوب قال: قال ابراهيم الكرخي: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن رجل احرم بحجة في غير اشهر الحج من دون الوقت الذي وقت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: ليس احرامه بشئ ان احب أن يرجع إلى منزله فليرجع ولا أرى عليه شيئا وان احب يمضى فليمض، فإذا انتهى إلى الوقت فليحرم منه ويجعلها عمرة، فان ذلك افضل من رجوعه لانه اعلن الاحرام بالحج.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ibrahim Al Karkhy who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who put on his Ihraam for Hajj in other than the month of Al-Hajj at a place which was besides the juncture of Rasool-Allah-saww. So he-asws said : ‘His Ihraam is not with anything. If he likes, to return back to his house, so let him return and I-asws do not see anything (penalty) upon him. And if he likes to go (for Hajj), so let him go. So when he ends up to the juncture, so let him put on the Ihraam at it, and make it to be an Umra, for that is better than returning back, because he had already announced the Ihraam for the Hajj’.[890]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النضر بن عاصم عن أبي بصير، قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن المحرم يشد على بطنه المنطقة التي فيها نفقته، قال: يستوثق منها، فانها تمام الحجة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Aasim, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the one in Ihraam who tightens the belt upon his waist in which is (money) for his expenses. He-asws said: ‘He should ensure it, for it is a completion of the Hajj’.[891]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد بن حريز عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) في المحرم يأتي اهله ناسيا قال: لا شئ عليه انما هو بمنزلة من اكل في شهر رمضان وهو ناس.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Hareyz, from Zarara,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding the one in Ihraam who comes to his wife out of forgetfulness. He-asws said: ‘There is nothing upon him. But rather, he is as the status of the one who eats in the Month of Ramazan and he forgets (that he was Fasting)’.[892]

(باب 211 – العلة التي من أجلها يجب الدنو من الهضبات بعرفات)

Chapter 211 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory to be near (Mount) Al-Hazbaat at Arafaat

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيدالله بن علي الحلبي قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع): إذا وقفت بعرفات فادن من الهضبات وهي الجبال فان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: اصحاب الاراك لا حج لهم – يعني الذين يقفون عند الاراك.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeydullah Bin Ali Al Halby who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘When you pause at Arafaat, so be near Al-Hazbaat, and it is the mountain, for Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The companions of Al-Araak, there is no Hajj for them’ – meaning those who are pausing at Al-Araak’.[893]

(باب 212 – علة منع الصيد)

Chapter 212 – Reason for the prohibition for the hunting

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن قول الله تعالى ” يا ايها الذين آمنوا ليبلونكم الله بشئ من الصيد تناله ايديكم ورماحكم ” قال: حشر عليهم الصيد من كل مكان حتى دنا منهم ليبلوهم الله

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad, from Al Halby who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj the High [5:94] O you who believe! Allah will certainly Try you in respect of some game which your hands and your lances can reach. He-asws said: ‘The game used to come to them from every place until it was near them, for Allah-azwj to Test them’.[894]

(باب 213 – علة كراهية الكحل للمرأة المحرمة)

Chapter 213 – Reason for the abhorrence of the (application of) Kohl for the woman in Ihraam

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد ابن عيسى عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن المرأة تكتحل وهي محرمة، قال: لا تكتحل، قلت: بسواد ليس فيه طيب، قال: فكرههه من اجل انه زينة، وقال: إذا أضطرت إليه فلتكتحل.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umer, from Hamaad, from Al Halby who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the woman who applies Kohl (in her eyes) as she is in Ihraam. He-asws said: ‘She should not apply Kohl’. I said, ‘It is with blackness, and there is no perfume in it’. He-asws said: ‘It is disliked due to the reason of it being an adornment’. And he-asws said: ‘When she is desperate for it, so let her apply Kohl’.[895]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن عن الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن حريز عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا تكتحل المرأة بالسواد، ان السواد من الزينة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Abaan, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The woman should not apply Kohl with the blackness. The blackness is from the adornment’.[896]

(باب 214 – علة وجوب البدنة على الحرم ينظر إلى ساق) (امرأة أو إلى فرجها فيمنى)

Chapter 214 – Reason for the Obligation of the camel (as a penalty) upon the one in Ihraam who looks at the leg of the woman or at her private part, so his semen comes out

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن خالد بن اسماعيل عمن ذكره عن أبي بصير قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن محرم نظر إلى ساق امرأة أو إلى فرجها حتى امني، قال: إن كان موسرا فعليه بدنة وإن كان متوسطا فعليه بقرة، وإن كان فقيرا فشاة، ثم قال: أما انى لم اجعلها عليه لمنيه إلا لنظره إلى ما لا يحل له النظر إليه.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Khalid Bin Ismail, from the one who mentioned it, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the one in Ihraam who looks at a leg of a woman, or to her private part until his semen discharges. He-asws said: ‘If he has financial ease, so upon him is a camel (as a penalty), and if he was moderate (financially), so upon him is a cow, and if he was poor, so a lamb’. Then he-asws said: ‘I-asws did not make it upon him due to his semen (discharging), but for him looking at what is not Permissible for him to look at’.[897]

(باب 521 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الجج أفضل من الصلاة والصيام)

Chapter 215 – The reason due to which the Hajj came to be superior than the Prayer and the Fast

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن صفوان عن سيف التمار عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: كان أبي يقول: الحج أفضل من الصلاة والصيام، إنما المصلي يشتغل عن أهله ساعة وان الصائم يشتغل عن أهله بياض يوم، وان الحاج يتعب بدنه ويضجر نفسه وينفق ماله ويطيل الغيبة عن أهله، لا في مال يرجوه، ولا إلى تجارة، وكان أبي يقول: وما أفضل من رجل يجئ يقود باهله والناس وقوف بعرفات يمينا وشمالا يأتي بهم الحج فيسأل بهم الله تعالى.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Safwan, from Sayf Al Tamaar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws was saying: ‘The Hajj is superior than the Prayer and the Fasts. But rather, the praying one is pre-occupied (in it) from his family, for a while’ and the fasting one is pre-occupied (in it) from his family for a day; and the pilgrim exhausts his body, and angers his own self, and spends his wealth, and prolongs the absence from his family. There is no hope for him in the wealth, nor for any business. And my-asws father-asws was saying: ‘And what is superior to a man who comes leading his family, and the people are pausing at Arafaat, to the right and the left, he comes with them for the Hajj, so he asked Allah-azwj the High with them’.[898]

وبهذا الاسناد عن صفوان وفضالة عن القاسم بن محمد عن الكاهلي قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يذكر الحج، فقال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: هو أحد الجهادين هو جهاد الضعفاء ونحن الضعفاء، أما انه ليس شئ أفضل من الحج إلا الصلاة في الحج، هاهنا صلاة وليس في الصلاة حج، لا تدع الحج وانت تقدر عليه، أما ترى انه يشعث فيه رأسك ويقشف فيه جلدك وتمتع فيه من النظر إلى النساء وإنا نحن هاهنا، ونحن قريب ولنا مياه متصلة ما نبلغ الحج حتى يشق علينا فكيف أنت في بعد البلاد وما من ملك ولا سوقه يصل إلى الحج إلا بمشقة في تغير مطعم ومشرب أو ريح أو شمس لا يستطيع ردها وذلك لقوله تعالى: (وتحمل أثقالكم إلى بلد لم تكونوا بالغيه إلا بشق الانفس ان ربكم لرؤف رحيم).

And by this chain, from Safwan and Fazalat, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Al Kahily who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws mention the Hajj, so he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘It (Hajj) is one of the two Jihads. It is the Jihad of the weak’, and we are the weak. But, there is nothing superior than the Hajj except for the Prayer during the Hajj. Over here is Prayer, and there is no Hajj in the Prayer. Do not leave the Hajj and you have the ability over it. But, do you see that during it your head is dishevelled, and during it your skin is peeled, and have been (prevented) from the enjoyment of looking at the women. And we are over here, and we are close by, and there is water for us, uninterrupted.

We do not reach for the Hajj until it is difficult upon us. So how would it be if you were to be in a remote city. And there is none from the kings nor his population who arrive to the Hajj except with difficulties with regards to the change of food and drinks, or wind or sun (weather), not having the ability to repulse it. And these are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [16:7] And they carry your heavy loads to regions which you could not reach but with distress of the souls; most surely your Lord is Kind, Merciful’.[899]

(باب 216 – العلة التي من أجلها أطلق للمحرم أن يطرح عنه) (القراد، والحلم)

Chapter 216 – The reason due to which it has been relaxation for one in Ihraam that he can get rid of the mite and the bug

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سأله رجل فقال: أرأيت ان كان علي قراد أو حلمة اطرحهما عني؟ قال: نعم وصغارا لهما لانهما رقيا في غير مرقاهما.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad, from Al Halby,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘A man asked, so he said, ‘What is your-asws view that if there was a mite a bug, can I get rid of these two from myself?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, and even smaller than these two, because they both ascend with anything to ascend with (support) for these two’.[900]




(باب 217 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يكون جدالا في بعض الاحيان)

Chapter 217 – The reason due to which there does not happen any quarrelling in some of the cases

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن خالد بن اسماعيل عمن ذكره عن أبي بصير قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن المحرم يريد أن يعمل العمل فيقول له صاحبه: والله لا تعمله، فيقول والله لاعملته، فيخالفه مرارا، أيلزم ما يلزم صاحب الجدال؟ قال: قال لا، لانه أراد بهذا إكرام أخيه إنما ذلك ما كان لله معصية،

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Khalid bin Ismail, from the one who mentioned it, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the one in Ihraam intending that he does some work, so his companions said to him, ‘By Allah-azwj! Do not do it’. So he was saying, ‘By Allah-azwj! I will do it!’ So he opposed him repeatedly. Does it necessitate what is necessitated upon the one the disputing one?’ He-asws said: ‘No, because he intended by this, as a benevolence for his brother. But rather, that is for what was not for the Sake of Allah-azwj, so it would be a disobedience’.

قال: وسأله عن محرم رمى ظبيا فاصاب يده فعرج منها، قال: ان كان الظبي مشى عليها ورعى فليس عليه شئ وان كان ذهب علي وجهه فلم يدر ما يصنع فعليه الفداء لانه لا يدري لعله هلك.

He (the narrator) said, ‘And he-asws was asked about the one in Ihraam who threw (an arrow) at an antelope, so it hit its front left, so it limped from it’. He-asws said: ‘If the antelope walked towards him and pastured, so there would not be anything upon him (no penalty), and if it went away upon its direction, so he does not know what happened to it, so upon it would be the redemption penalty, because he does not know, perhaps it has perished’.[901]

(باب 218 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للمحرم أن ينظر في المرآة)

Chapter 218 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the one in Ihraam that he should look in the mirror

بي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن حماد عن حريز عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: لا تنظر في المرآة وأنت محرم لانه من الزينة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin saeed, from Hamaad, from Hareyz,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws who said, ‘Do not look at the mirror and you are in Ihraam, because it is from the adornment’.[902]



(باب 202 – العلة التي أجلها سمي مسجد الفضيح مسجد الفضيخ)

Chapter 220 – The reason due to which Masjid Al Fazeeh was named as Masjid Al Fazeeh

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن المفضل بن صالح عن أبي بصير ليث المرادي قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: لم سمي مسجد الفضيح مسجد الفضيح؟ قال: النخل سمي الفضيح فلذلك سميه.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal Bin Salih, from Abu Baseer Lays Al Muradi who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why was Masjid Al-Fazeeh named as Masjid Al-Fazeeh?’ He-asws said: ‘The palm tree (in it) was called Al-Fazeeh, so it was due to that it was named as such’.[903]

(باب 221 – العلة التي من أجلها وجبت زيارة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله) (والائمة عليهم السلام بعد الحج)

Chapter 221 – The reason due to which the visitation of the Prophet-saww and the Imams-asws is Obligatory after the Hajj

حدثنا محمد بن أحمد السناني رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن يحيى بن زكريا القطان قال: حدثنا أبو بكر بن عبد الله بن حبيب قال: حدثنا تميم بن بهلول عن أبيه عن اسماعيل بن مهران عن جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام قال: إذا حج أحدكم فليختم حجه بزيارتنا لان ذلك من تمام الحج.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sinany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Bin Zakariyya Al qatan, from Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah Bin Habeeb, from Tameem Bin Bahlool, from his father, from Ismail Bin Mahran,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘Whenever one of you performs Hajj, so let him seal his Hajj with our-asws visitations, because that is from the completion of the Hajj’.[904]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن سنان عن عمار بن مروان عن جابر عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: تمام الحج لقاء الامام.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Amaar Bin Marwan, from Jabir,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘The Hajj is completed by meeting the Imam-asws’.[905]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي الوشاء قال: سمعت أبا الحسن الرضا عليه السلام يقول: ان لكل إمام عهدا في عتق أوليائه وشيعته وان من تمام الوفاء بالعهد وحسن الاداء زيارة قبورهم، فمن زارهم رغبة في زيارتهم وتصديقا بما رغبوا فيه كانوا أئمتهم شفعاءهم يوم القيامة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa who said,

‘I heard Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws saying: ‘For each Imam-asws is a Covenant with regards to the emancipation of his-asws friends and his-asws Shias, and it is from the completion of the loyalty with the Covenant and the best fulfilment of it is visitation of their-asws graves. So the ones who visit them-asws yearningly in their visitation of them-asws, and in ratification with what they are yearning for, their Imam-asws would interceded for them on the Day of Judgement’.[906]

حدثني أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن ابيه عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن عمر بن أذينة عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: انما أمر الناس ان يأتوا هذا الاحجار فيطوفوا بها، ثم يأتوا فيخبرونا بولايتهم ويعرضوا علينا نصرتهم.

My father narrated to me, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Umar Bin Azina, from Zarara,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said : ‘But rather, the people have been Commanded that they should come to these rocks, so they should circumambulate by these, then they should come to us and inform us of their love for us-asws, and present to us-asws their allegiance’.[907]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن عثمان بن عيسى عن المعلى ابن شهاب عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال الحسن بن علي (ع) لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يا ابتاه ما جزاء من زارك؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: يا بني من زارني حيا وميتا أو زار أباك أو زار أخاك أو زارك كان حقا علي ان ازوره يوم القيامة فأخلصه من ذنوبه.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Usman Bin Isa, from Al Moala Ibn Shahaab,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws said to Rasool-Allah-saww: ‘O (Grand) father-saww! What is the Recompense of the one who visits you-saww?’ So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O my-saww (Grand) son-asws! The one who visits me-saww, Whether I-saww am alive or having passed away, or visits your-asws father-asws, or visits your-asws brother-asws, or visits you-asws, would have a right upon me-saww that I-saww visit him on the Day of Judgement, so that I-saww would erase his sins for him’.[908]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع عن صالح بن عقبة عن زيد الشحام قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) ما لمن زار واحدا منكم؟ قال: كمن زار رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khataab, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazie, from Salih Bin Uqba, from Zayd Al Shahaam who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What is there for the one who visits anyone from you-asws all?’ He-asws said: ‘Like the one who visits Rasool-Allah-saww’.[909]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن عباد بن سليمان عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمي عن ابراهيم بن أبي حجر الاسلمي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من اتى مكة حاجا ولم يزرنى إلى المدينة جفاني، ومن جفاني جفوته يوم القيامة، ومن جاءني زائرا وجبت له شفاعتي ومن وجبت له شفاعتي وجبت له الجنة.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Abaad Bin Suleyman, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Daylami, from Ibrahim Bin Abu Hajar Al Aslamy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said : ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who comes to Makkah as a pilgrim and does not visit me-saww to Al-Medina has forsaken me-saww, and the one who forsakes me-saww, I-saww would forsake him on the Day of Judgement; and the one who comes to me-saww as a visitor, my-saww intercession would be Obligated upon him, and the one upon whom my-saww intercession is Obligated, the Paradise would be Obligated upon him’.[910]

(باب 222 – النوادر)

Chapter 222 – The Miscellaneous

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن محمد بن عامر عن المعلى بن محمد البصري عن بسطام بن مرة عن اسحاق بن حسان عن الهيثم ابن واقد عن علي بن الحسن العبدي عن أبي سعيد الخدري انه سئل، ما قولك في هذا السمك الذي يزعم اخواننا من أهل الكوفة انه حرام؟ فقال أبو سعيد: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول: الكوفة جمجمة العرب ورمح الله تبارك وتعالى وكنز الايمان

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Aamir, from Al Moala Bin Muhammad Al Basry, from Bastaan Bin Mara, from Is’haq Bin Hasaan, from Al Haysam Ibn Waqad, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Al Abady,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Saeed Al-Khudry having been asked, what is your word with regards to this fish which our brethren from the people of Al-Kufa are alleging that it is Prohibited?’ So Abu Saeed said, ‘I heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘Al-Kufa is the skull of the Arabs, and a spear of Allah-azwj Blessed and High, and a treasure of the faith’.

فخذ عنهم أخبرك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انه مكث بمكة يوما وليلة بذي طوى، ثم خرج وخرجت معه فمررنا برفقة جلوس يتغدون، فقالوا: يا رسول الله الغداء، فقال لهم: افرجوا لنبيكم فجلس بين رجلين وجلست وتناول رغيفا فصدع نصفه، ثم نظر إلى ادمهم، فقال: ما ادمكم؟ قالوا الجري يا رسول الله فرمى بالكسرة من يده وقام.

So take it (the Hadeeth) from them. I am informing you that Rasool-Allah-azwj remained at Makka for a day and a night at Zi Tuwwa. Then he-saww went out, and I went out with him-saww. So we passed by some friends being seated, eating. So they said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! The lunch’. So he-saww said: ‘Free (space) for your Prophet-saww’. So he-saww sat in between two men, and I sat (as well). He-saww took a loaf (of bread), and broke it in half. Then he-saww looked at their curry, so he-saww said: ‘What is your curry?’ They said, ‘Al-Jareeh fish’, O Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he-saww put down the broken loaf from his-saww hand, and arose’.

قال أبو سعيد: وتخلفت بعده لانظر ما رأي الناس فاختلف فيما بينهم، فقالت طائفة حرم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الجرى وقالت طائفة لم يحرمه ولكن عافه ولو كان حرمه نهانا عن اكله،

Abu Saeed said, ‘And after that I stayed behind to look at what view the people had, but the people were differing in between them. So a group said, ‘Rasool-Allah-saww has forbidden ‘Al-Jareeh’, and a group said, ‘He-saww has not forbidden it, but excused himself-saww from it, and had he-saww forbidden it, he-saww would have prevented us from eating it’.

قال: فحفظت مقالة القوم وتبعث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حتى لحقته، ثم غشينا رفقة أخرى يتغدون فقالوا: يا رسول الله الغداء، فقال: نعم افرجوا لنبيكم فجلس بين رجلين وجلست فلما تناول كسرة نظر إلى ادمهم فقال: ما ادمكم هذا؟ قالوا: ضب يا رسول الله فرمى الكسرة وقام.

He (Abu Saeed) said, ‘So I memorised the speech of the group, and went to Rasool-Allah-azwj until I caught up with him-saww. Then we went on and saw another group of friends eating lunch. So they said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! The lunch’. So he-saww said: ‘Yes, free (space) for your Prophet-saww’. So he-saww sat in between two men, and I sat (as well). So when he took a piece (of bread), he-saww looked at their curry, so he-saww said: ‘What is this curry of yours?’ They said, ‘Lizard (Common Basilisk), O Rasool-Allah-saww! So he-saww put down the piece (of bread) and arose’.

قال أبو سعيد: فتخلفت بعده فإذا بالناس فرقتان قالت فرقة حرم رسول الله الضب فمن هناك لم يأكله وقالت فرقة اخرى: انما عافه ولو حرمه لنهانا عنه،

Abu Saeed said, ‘So I stayed behind after it, and there were two divisions among the people. One division said, ‘Rasool-Allah-saww has forbidden the lizard (Common Basilisk), thus from here on one should not eat it’, and another division said, ‘But rather, he-saww excused himself-saww, and had he-saww forbidden it, he-saww would have prevented us from it’.

ثم قال تبعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حتى لحقته، فمررنا باصل الصفا وفيها قدور تغلي، فقالوا: يا رسول الله لو تكرمت علينا حتى تدرك قدورنا، قال لهم: ما في قدوركم؟ قالوا حمر لنا نركبها فقامت فذبحناها، فدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من القدور فاكفاها برجله ثم انطلق جوادا وتخلفت بعده، فقال بعضهم: حرم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لحم الحمير وقال بعضهم: كلام انما افرغ قدوركم حتى لا تعودوه فتذبحوا دوابكم،

The he (Abu Saeed) said, ‘I followed Rasool-Allah-saww until I caught up with him-saww. So we passed by (some people) by the base of Al-Safa and therein was a boiling pot. So they said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Honour upon us until our pot (meal) is ready’. He-saww said: ‘What is in your pot?’ They said, ‘A donkey of us we used to ride upon, so it stood still (could not walk), so we slaughtered it’. So Rasool-Allah-saww approached the pot, so he-saww thwacked it by his-saww leg, then went away charging, and I stayed behind after it. So some of them said, ‘Rasool-Allah-saww has forbidden the flesh of the donkey’, and some of them said, ‘Never! But rather he-saww upset your pot so that you would not repeat in slaughtering your rides’.

قال أبو سعيد: فتبعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال يا أبا سعيد داع بلالا، فلما جاءه بلال قال: يا بلال اعصد أبا قبيس فناد عليه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله حرم الجري والضب والحمر الاهلية ألا فاتقوا الله ولا تأكلوا من السمك إلا ما كان له قشر ومع القشر فلوس ان الله تبارك وتعالى مسخ سبعمائة امة عصوا الاوصياء بعد الرسل، فاخذ أربعمائة أمة منهم برا وثلاثمائة امة منهم بحرا، ثم تلا هذه الآية: (وجعلناهم أحاديث ومزقناهم كل ممزق).

Abu Saeed said, ‘So I followed Rasool-Allah-saww, so he-saww said: ‘O Abu Saeed! Call Bilal’. So when Bilal came over, he-saww said: ‘O Bilal! Ascend (mount) Abu Qubays and call out upon it that Rasool-Allah-saww has forbidden Al-Jareeh fish, and the lizard (Common Basilisk), and the domesticated donkey, and therefore fear Allah-azwj and do not eat from the fish except that it has peel for it, and with it is the peel. Allah-azwj Blessed and High Metamorphosed seven hundred communities which disobeyed the successor-as after the Rasool-as, so He-azwj. So He-azwj Seized four hundred communities among them (to be on the) land, and three hundred communities among them (to be in the sea)’. Then he-saww recited this Verse [34:19] so We made them as folklore and scattered them with a disintegration’.[911]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي بن رياب قال: سمعت أبا الحسن موسى (ع) يقول: إذا مات المؤمن بكت عليه الملائكة وبقاع الارض التي كانت يعبد الله عليها، وأبواب السماء التي كانت تصعد باعماله فيها وثلم في الاسلام ثلمة لا يسدها شئ لان المؤمنين حصون الاسلام كحصن سور المدينة لها.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Rayab who said,

‘I heard Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws saying: ‘When the Believer dies, and Angels weep over him, and there wails over him the land in which he used to worship Allah-azwj, and the gateways of the sky though which they used to ascend with his deeds, and such a crack appears in Al-Islam that cannot be closed over with anything, because the Believers are fortresses of Al-Islam like a fortress of the walls of the city for it’.[912]

وبهذا الاسناد عن العباس بن معروف عن ابن أبي عمير عن عبد الرحمن ابن الحجاج عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ما مر بالنبي صلى الله عليه وآله يوم كان اشد عليه من يوم خيبر، وذلك ان العرب تباغت عليه.

And by this chain, from Al Abbas Bin marouf, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abdul Rahman Ibn Al Hajaaj,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘There is no day which passed by the Prophet-saww more difficult upon him-saww than the day of (battle of) Khyber, and that is that the Arabs startled him-saww’.[913]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أبو الجوزاء المنبه بن عبد الله عن الحسين بن علوان عن عمر بن خالد عن زيد بن علي عن آبائه عن علي عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: إذا التقى المسلمان بسيفيهما على غير سنة فالقاتل والمقتول في النار، فقيل يا رسول الله هذا القاتل فما بال المقتول؟ قال: لانه أراد قتله.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Abu Al Jowza Al Manbah Bin Abdullah, from Al Husayn Bin Alwan, from Umar Bin Khalid, from Zayd Bin Ali, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When two Muslims meet (in battle) with their two swords are upon other than the Sunnah, so the killer and the killed, both would be in the Fire’. So it was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! This is a killer, so what is the matter with the killed one?’ He-saww: ‘Because he intended to kill him (his opponent)’.[914]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن محمد بن الفضيل عن أبي الصباح الكناني عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال كان صبيان في زمن علي عليه السلام يلعبون باخطار لهم فرمى أحدهم بخطره فدق رباعية صاحبه فرفع ذلك إلى علي (ع) فاقام الرامى البينة بانه قد قال: حذار فدرئ علي (ع) عنه القصاص، وقال: قد اعذر من حذر.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Al fazeyl, from Abu Al Sabah Al Kanany,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘In the era of Ali-asws, two children were playing with a pendulum (swinging stick) of theirs. So one of them threw his pendulum at his companions, and broke four (front teeth) of his companions. So the matter was raised to Ali-asws. So the hitter established the proof by which he said that it was a precaution. So Ali-asws warded off the (Law of) retaliation, and said: ‘he had an excuse from the danger’.[915]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن صفوان بن يحيى عن معاوية بن عمار قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع): الصاعقة لا تصيب المؤمن فقال له رجل: فانا قد رأينا فلانا يصلي في المسجد الحرام فاصابته فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: انه كان يرمى حمام الحرم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muawiya Bin Amaar who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The thunderbolt does not strike the Believer (who does not get Allah-azwj)’. So a man said to him-asws, ‘But we saw so and so Praying in the Sacred Masjid, so it struck him’. So Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘He used to pelt doves of the Sanctuary’.[916]

وبهذا الاسناد قال: الصاعقة تصيب المؤمن والكافر ولا تصيب ذاكرا.

And by this chain,

he-asws said, ‘The thunderbolt strikes the Believer and the Infidel, and does not strike the mentioner (Zaakir of Allah-azwj)’.[917]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهم السلام قال: كان علي عليه السلام يقوم في المطر أول مطر يمطر حتى يبتل رأسه ولحيته وثيابه فيقال له: يا أمير المؤمنين الكن الكن، قال: ان هذا ماء قريب العهد بالعرش،

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws stood in the rain, the first rain which rained until his-asws head, and his-asws beard and his-asws clothes were soaked’. So it was said to him-asws, ‘O Amir Al Momineen-asws! Take shelter, take shelter!’ He-asws said: ‘This water initiates from near the Throne’.

ثم أنشأ يحدث فقال: ان تحت العرش بحرا فيه ماء ينبت به ارزاق الحيوان، وإذا أراد الله أن ينبت ما يشاء لهم رحمة منه اوحى الله تعالى فمطر منه ما شاء من سماء إلى سماء حتى يصير إلى سماء الدنيا، فيلقيه السحاب، والسحاب بمنزلة الغربال،

Then he-asws elaborated, narrating, so he-asws said: ‘Underneath the Throne is an ocean in which is water by which springs the sustenance of the animals, and whenever Allah-azwj Intends to Provided whatever He-azwj so Desires to for them, as a Mercy from Himself-azwj, Allah-azwj the High Reveals to it, so it rains from it whatever He-azwj so Desires, from the sky to the sky, until it comes to the sky of the world, so it attaches itself to the clouds. And the clouds are at the status of the sieve.

ثم يوحي الله عزوجل إلى السحاب اطحنيه واذيبيه ذوبان الملح في الماء، ثم انطلقي به إلى موضع كذا وكذا عباب أو غير عباب فتقطر عليهم على النحو الذي يأمرها به، فليس من قطرة تقطر إلا ومعها ملك يضعها موضعها، ولم ينزل من السماء قطرة من مطر إلا بقدر معدود، ووزن معلوم إلا ما كان يوم الطوفان على عهد نوح فانه نزل منها منهمر بلا عدد ولا وزن.

Then Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Reveals unto the clouds: “Pulverises it and melt it like the melting of the salt in the water. Then go with it to such and such a place as a torrent or not as a torrent.” So it drops upon them upon the area which it had been Commanded with. So there is none from a drop which drops, except that with it is an Angel who places it in its place, and there does not descend from the sky a drop of rain except that it is by a measured number, and of a known weight, except what was on the Day of the flood in the era of Noah -as, for it descended from it, pouring out with a numbering or weight’.[918]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس قال حدثنا محمد بن أحمد عن علي بن الريان عن الحسين بن محمد عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي نجران عن عبد الرحمن بن حماد عن ذريح المحاربي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: جاء رجل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال يا رسول الله يسأل الله عما سوى الفريضة، فقال: لا، قال: فو الذي بعثك بالحق لا تقربت إلى الله بشئ سواها، قال: ولم؟ قال: لان الله قبح خلقي،

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ali Bin Al rayan, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Abdul Rahman Bin Hamaad, from Zareeh Al Mahary,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘A man came over to the Prophet-saww, so he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! Does Allah-azwj Ask for what is besides the Obligations?’ So he-asws said: ‘No’. He said, ‘By the One-azwj Who Sent you-saww with the Truth, I will not get closer to Allah-azwj with something besides it’. He-saww said: ‘And why (not)?’ He said, ‘Because Allah-azwj Created me as ugly’.

قال: فامسك النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ونزل جبرئيل (ع) فقال: يا محمد ربك يقرئك السلام ويقول: اقرأ عبدي فلانا السلام، وقل له: أما ترضى ان ابعثك غدا في الآمنين، فقال: يا رسول الله وقد ذكرني الله عنده! قال: نعم، قال: فو الذي بعثك بالحق لا بقي شئ يتقرب به إلى الله عنده إلا تقربت به.

He-asws said: ‘So the Prophet-saww remained silent, and Jibraeel-as descended, so he-as said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! Your-saww Lord-azwj Coveys the Greetings to you-saww, and is Saying: “Relate the Greetings to My-azwj so and so servant and say to him: ‘But are you not pleased that I-azwj would be Resurrecting you tomorrow among the secured ones?”’ So he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! And Allah-azwj has Mentioned me in His-azwj Presence!’. He-saww said: ‘Yes’. He said, ‘By the One-azwj Who Sent you-saww with the Truth, there will not remain anything by which one can get closer to Allah-azwj in His-azwj Presence, except that I will get closer (to Allah-azwj) with it’.[919]

حدثنا حمزة بن محمد العلوي قال أخبرنا أحمد بن محمد الهمداني قال: حدثنا المنذر بن محمد قال حدثنا الحسين بن محمد قال: حدثنا سليمان بن جعفر عن الرضا (ع) قال: اخبرني أبي عن أبيه عن جده، ان أمير المؤمنين صلوات الله عليه أخذ بطيخة ليأكلها، فوجدها مرة فرمى بها، فقال: بعدا وسحقا، فقيل له: يا أمير المؤمنين وما هذه البطيخة؟ فقال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان الله تبارك وتعالى أخذ عقد مودتنا على كل حيوان ونبت فما قبل الميثاق كان عذبا طيبا، وما لم يقبل الميثاق كان ملحا زعاقا.

Hamza Bin Muhammad Al Alawy narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Hamdany, from Al manzar Bin Muhammad, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Suleyman Bin Ja’far,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Reza-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws informed me-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws, that Amir Al-Momineen-asws took a watermelon in order to eat it, but he-asws found it to be bitter, so he-asws threw it’. So he-asws said: ‘Be away and crushed’. So it was said to him-asws, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws, and what is this watermelon?’ So he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Took a Contract for our-asws cordiality upon every animal and vegetation. So whatever accepted the Covenant was sweet, good, and whatever did not accept the Covenant was bitter, venomous’.[920]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ما جيلويه رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن محمد بن اورمة عن الحسن بن سعيد عن محمد بن اسحاق عن محمد بن الفيض قال: قلت جعلت فداك يمرض منا المريض فيأمره المعالجون بالحمية قال: لا ولكنا أهل البيت لا نحتمي إلا من التمر ونتداوى بالتفاح والماء البارد، قال: قلت ولم تحتمون من التمر؟ قال: لان نبي الله صلى الله عليه وآله حمى عليا عليه السلام منه في مرضه.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Muhammad Bin Awrama, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Is’haq, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl who said,

‘I said, May I be sacrificed for you-asws! One of us got sick with the fever, so the healer ordered him for the dieting’. He-asws said: ‘No, but we-asws, the People-asws of the Household do not diet (refrain) except from the dates, and we-asws heal by the apples and the cold water (for the fever)’. I said, ‘And why not from the dates?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the Prophet-saww got Ali-asws to diet (refrain) from it during his-asws illness’.[921]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن القاسم بن يحيى عن جده الحسن بن راشد عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: حدثني أبي عن جدي عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال امير المؤمنين (ع) قال: احسنوا صحبة النعم قبل فراقها، فانها تزول وتشهد على صاحبها بما عمل فيها.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from my-asws grandfather-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Be good in your dealings with the Bounties before their separation (from you), for these are declining (things), and would testify upon its owner with what he did with them’.[922]

وبهذا الاسناد قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) يخرج المسلم في الجهاد مع من لا يؤمن على الحكم ولا ينفذ في الفئ ما أمر الله عزوجل فانه إن مات في ذلك المكان كان معينا لعدونا في حبس حقنا والاشاطة بدمائنا وميتته ميتة جاهلية.

And by this chain, said,

‘Amir Al-Momineen said: ‘The Muslim who goes out regarding the Jihad with one who does not believe upon the Judgement of Allah-azwj, and does not implement with regards to Al-Fey (war booty) what Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Commanded for, and if he were to die in that place, he would have been a supporter of our-asws enemies in withholding our-asws rights, and burning our-asws blood, and his death would be the death of the Pre-Islamic period’.[923]

وبهذا الاسناد قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) سموا اولادكم قبل أن يولدوا فان لم تدروا أذكر أو انثى فسموهم بالاسماء التي تكون للذكر والانثى، فان اسقاطكم إذا لقوكم في القيامة ولم تسموهم يقول السقط لابيه ألا سميتني وقد سمى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله محسنا قبل أن يولد

And by this chain, said,

‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Name your children before they are born, so if you are not knowing whether they would be male or a female, so name them with the name which happens to be for the male and the female, for if they are miscarried, when they meet you during the (Day of) Judgement and you have not named them, the miscarried one will say to its father, ‘You did not name me’, and Rasool-Allah-saww named Mohsin-as before his-as coming to the world’.

وقال: وإياكم وشرب الماء قياما على أرجلكم فانه يورث الذي لا دواء له إلا أن يعافي الله عزوجل.

And he-asws said: ‘Beware of drinking the water standing upon your feet (at night) for it inherits that which there is no cure for it, except if Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Excuses’.

قال مؤلف هذا الكتاب رحمه الله: يعني بالليل، أما النهار فان شرب الماء من قيام ادر للعروق وأقوى للبدن كما قال الصادق (ع) وقال علي (ع) إذا أراد أحدكم النوم فليضع يده اليمنى تحت خده الايمن فانه لا يدرى أينه من رقدته أم لا

The author of this books says, ‘It means at night. As for the daytime, so if water is drunk standing, it spins (blood) for the veins and is strengthening for the body, just as Al Sadiq-asws said. And Ali-asws said: ‘Whenever one of you intends for the sleep, so let him place his right hand beneath his right cheek, for he does not know whether he would open his eyes (wake up) from his slumber or not’.[924]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن علي بن محمد القاشاني عن ابراهيم بن محمد الثقفي عن علي بن المعلى عن ابراهيم بن الخطاب بن الفراء رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: شكت اسافل الحيطان إلى الله تعالى من ثقل أعاليها، فأوحى الله عزوجل إليها يحمل بعضك بعضا وقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: إذا أفلتت من أحدكم كلمة حمقاء يخاف منها على نفسه فليتبعها بكملمة تعجب منها تحفظ وتنسى تلك.

Muhammad Bin Al Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ali Bin Muhammad Al Qashany, from Ibrahim Bin Muhammad Al Saqafy, from Ali Bin Al Moala, from Ibrahim Bin Al Khatab Bin Al Fara’a,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The bottom part of the wall complained to Allah-azwj of the weight of its higher part. So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed unto it that some of it should carry (the weight) of the other parts of it’. And Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘If a foolish word slips out from one of you, and he fears upon himself from it, so let him follow it with an admirable word, from that he would be preserved from it, and that one would be forgotten’.[925]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي بن رئاب عن محمد بن قيس قال، سمعت أبا جعفر (ع) يقول: ملكان هبط من السماء فالتقيا في الهواء، فقال أحدهما لصاحبه فيما هبطت، قال: بعثني الله عزوجل إلى بحر آيل احشر سمكة إلى جبار من الجبابرة اشتهى عليه سمكة في ذلك البحر، فأمرني ان احشر إلى الصياد سمكة البحر حتى يأخذها له ليبلغ الله عزوجل الكافر غاية مناه في كفره.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar narrated to us, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Ra’ib, from Muhammad Bin Qays who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Two Angels descended from the sky, so they met up in the atmosphere. One of them said to his companion: ‘Regarding what did you descend?’ He said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent me to Ayl sea to that I would cram the fish to a tyrant from the tyrants who is desirous over the fish in that sea. So He-azwj Commanded me that I should cram the fish of the sea towards the net in order for him to seize them in order for Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic to Deliver the fulfilment of his wishes during his infidelity’.

قال الآخر لصاحبه: ففيما بعثت انت: قال: بعثني الله عزوجل في أعجب من الذي بعثك فيه بعثني إلى عبده المؤمن الصائم القائم المعروف دعائه وصومه في السماء لا كفي قدره التي طبخها لافطاره ليبلغ الله في المؤمن من الغاية في أختبار ايمانه.

The other one said to his companion: ‘So, with regards to what have you been Sent?’ He said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Sent me with regards to what is even stranger that which He-azwj Sent you. He-azwj Sent me to His-azwj believing servant, the Fasting one, and standing one (in Prayer), well known for his supplications and his Fasting in the sky, in order to overturn his pot in which he is cooking his meal, so that Allah-azwj would Test the believer with regards for his belief to be known’.[926]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن بكر بن صالح الجعفري قال: سمعت موسى بن جعفر (ع) وهو يقول: ادفعوا معالجة الاطباء ما اندفع الداء عنكم فان بمنزلة قليله يجر إلى كثيرة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Bakr Bin Salih Al Ja’fary who said,

‘I heard Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws and he-asws was saying: ‘Pay the healing doctors for what diseases they repel from you, for it is at the status, that a little of it can lead to a lot’.[927]

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن العمركي عن علي بن جعفر عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يؤمر برجل إلى النار فيقول الله عزوجل جلاله لمالك قل للنار لا تحرقي لهم اقداما فقد كانوا يمشون إلى المساجد ولا تحرقي لهم أوجها فقد كانوا يسبغون الوضوء ولا تحرقي لهم أيديا فقد كانوا يرفعوها بالدعاء ولا تحرقي لهم ألسنا فقد كانوا يكثرون تلاوة القرآن،

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Al Amraky,

(It has been narrated) from Ali son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘(Some) men would be Commanded to the Fire, So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is His-azwj Majesty would Say to Maalik (Gatekeeper of Hell): “Say to the Fire that it should not burn their feet for they were walking to the Masjids, and not to burn their faces for they used to perform the ablution, and not to burn their hands for they used to raise these for the supplications, and not to burn their tongues for they used to frequent in the recitation of the Quran”.

قال: فيقول لهم خاززن النار يا اشقياء ما كان حالكم؟ قالوا: كنا نعمل لغير الله تعالى، فقيل لنا خذوا ثوابكم ممن عملتم له.

He-asws said: ‘So the Keepers of the Fires would be saying to them: ‘O wretches! What was your state?’ They would say, ‘We used to work for other than Allah-azwj the High, so it was said to us: ‘Take your rewards from the ones you had worked for’’.[928]


أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن عمرو عن صالح بن سعيد عن أخيه سهل الحلواني عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: بينا عيسي بن مريم عليه السلام في سياحته إذ مر بقرية فوجد أهلها موتى في الطريق والدور، قال: فقال ان هؤلاء مانوا بسخطة، ولو ماتوا بغيرها تدافنوا، قال: فقال أصحابه وددنا انا عرفنا قصتهم،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Amro, from Salih Bin Saeed, from his brother Sahl Al Halwany,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Isa Bin Maryam-as was on a tour when he-as passed by a town, so he-as found its inhabitant to have died on the road and in the houses. So he-as said: ‘They have died by Wrath (of Allah-azwj), and had they died by other (causes), they would have buried (each other)’. So his-as companions said, ‘We want to recognise their story’.

فقيل له: نادهم يا روح الله، قال: فقال يا أهل القرية، فاجابه مجيب منهم لبيك يا روح الله، قال ما حالكم وما قصتكم قال: أصبحنا في عافية وبتنا في الهاوية، قال: فقال وما الهاوية؟ قال: بحار من نار فيها جبال من نار،

So it was said to him-as, ‘Call out to them, O Spirit of Allah-azwj!’ So he-as said: ‘O people of the town!’ So an answerer from among them responded, ‘Here I am, O Spirit of Allah-azwj! He-as said: ‘What is the state of you all and what is your story?’ He said, ‘We were healthy in the morning and we slept in the abyss’. So he-as said: ‘And what is the abyss?’ He said, ‘A sea of Fire in which are mountains of fire’.

قال: وما بلغ بكم ما أرى؟ قال: حب الدنيا وعبادة الطاغوت، قال: وما بلغ من حبكم للدنيا، قال: حب الصبي لامه إذا أقبلت فرح وإذا أدبرت حزن، قال: وما بلغ من عبادتكم الطاغوت، قال: كانوا إذا امروا أطعناهم، قال: فكيف أجبتني أنت من بينهم، قال: لانهم ملجمون بلجم من نار عليهم ملائكة غلاظ شداد، وانى كنت فيهم ولم أكن منهم فلما أصابهم العذاب أصابني معهم، فانا معلق بشجرة أخاف اكبكب في النار،

And what delivered you all to what I-as see?’ He said, ‘Love for the world and worship of the tyrants’. He-as said: ‘And what was the extent of your love for the world?’ He said, ‘Love for the child for its mother, when she faces him he is happy, and when she is turned from him, he is in anguish’. And what was the extent of your worshipping of the tyrants?’ He said, ‘Whenever they used to order, we used to obey them’. He-as said: ‘So how come you answered me, from in between them (and they did not)?’ He said, ‘Because they are being reined by reins of Fire and upon them are Angels of intense cruelty, and I was among them, and was not from them. So when the Punishment hit them, it hit me along with them. So I attached myself to a tree in fear of being roasted in the fire’.

قال: فقال عيسى عليه السلام لاصحابه النوم على المزابل واكل خبز الشعير كثير من سلامة الدين.

He-asws said: ‘So Isa-as said to his-as companions: ‘The sleeping upon a garbage dump, and eating the barley bread is a lot from the safety of the Religion’.[929]

حدثنا احمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي السكوني قال حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهري عن جعفر بن محمد بن محمد بن عمارة عن أبيه قال سمعت الصادق جعفر بن محمد عليهما السلام يقول: المؤمن علوي لانه علا في المعرفة، والمؤمن هاشمي لانه هشم الضلالة، والمؤمن قرشي لانه أقر بالشئ المأخوذ عنا، والمؤمن عجمي لانه استعجم عليه ابواب الشر، والمؤمن عربي لان نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله عربي وكتابه المنزل بلسان عربي مبين، والمؤمن نبطي لانه استنبط العلم، والمؤمن مهاجري لانه هجر السيئات، والمؤمن أنصاري لانه نصر رسوله وأهل بيت رسول الله، والمؤمن مجاهد لانه يجاهد أعداء الله تعالى في دولة الباطل بالتقية وفي دولة الحق بالسيف.

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qataan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Sakuny, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhary, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Amara, from his father who said,

‘I heard Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws saying: ‘The Believer is an Alawite because he is high (A’la) in the understanding; and the Believer is a Hashimite because he shatters (Hasham) the straying; and the Believer is a Qureishite because he accepts (Aqar) with the thing which has been taken from us-asws; and the Believer is an Ajamy (non-Arab) because the doors of evil are opened up against him; and the Believer is an Arab because his Prophet-azwj is an Arab, and his Revealed Book is in the clear Arabic language; and the Believer is Nabatean because he educes the knowledge; and the Believer is an Emigrant because he flees from the evil deeds; and the Believer is a Helper because he helps Rasool-Allah-saww and the People-asws of the Household of Rasool-Allah-saww; and the Believer is a Holy warrior (Mujahid) because he struggles against the enemies of Allah-azwj in the government of the falsehood by the dissimulation, and in the government of the truth, by the sword’.[930]

حدثنا أحمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي السكري قال: حدثنا محمد بن زكريا الجوهري قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن عمارة عن أبيه قال: قال الصادق جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام: مطلوبات الناس في الدنيا الفانية أربعة: الغنى والدعة وقلة الاهتمام والعز، فاما الغنى فموجود في القناعة، فمن طلبه في كثرة المال لم يجده، وأما الدعة فموجودة في خفة المحمل، فمن طلبها في ثقلة لم يجدها، وأما قلة الاهتمام فموجودة في قلة الشغل فمن طلبها مع كثرته لم يجدها، وأما العز فموجود في خدمة الخالق، فمن طلبه في خدمة المخلوق لم يجده.

Ahamd Bin Al Hassan Al qataan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Sakary, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya Al Jowhary, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Amarat, from his father who said,

‘Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws said: ‘The temporal wishes of the people in the world are four – The riches, and the relaxation, and less worries, and the honour. So, as for the riches, so it exists in the contentment, so the one who seeks it in the abundance of the wealth would not find it; and as for the relaxation, so it exists in the lightness of the load (burden), so the one who seeks in a heavy, would not find it; and as for the less worries, so it exists in the less occupations, so the one who seeks it with abundant (occupations), would not find it; and as for the honour, so it exists in serving the Creator, so the one who seeks it in serving the people would not find it’.[931]

حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد بن عبد الوهاب قال: حدثنا منصور بن عبد الله ابن إبراهيم الاصبهاني قال حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الاسكندراني قال حدثنا سعد بن عثمان قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي القاسم قال حدثنا عباد بن يعقوب قال أخبرنا علي بن هاشم عن ناصح بن عبد الله عن سماك بن حرب عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: قال سلمان يا نبي الله ان لكل نبي وصيا، فمن وصيك؟ قال: فسكت عني،

Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahaab narrated to us, from Mansour Bin Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim Al Asbahany, from Ali Bin Abdullah Al Askandarany, from Sa’ad Bin Usman, from Muhammad Bin Abu Al qasim, from Abaad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Hashim, from Nasah Bin Abdullah, from Samaak Bin harb, from Abu Saeed Al Khudry who said,

‘Salman-as said, ‘O Prophet-saww of Allah-azwj! For every Prophet-as there is a successor-as, for who is your-saww successor-asws?’ He (the narrator) said, ‘So he-saww was silent from me (Salman-as).

فلما كان بعد غد رآني من بعيد، فقال: يا سلمان قلت لبيك واسرعت إليه فقال تعلم من كان وصى موسى قلت يوشع بن نون، ثم قال ذاك لانه يومئذ خيرهم واعلمهم ثم قال واني واشهد اليوم ان عليا خيرهم وافضلهم وهو وليى ووصيي ووارثي.

So when it was after the next morning, he-saww saw me-as from afar, so he-saww said: ‘O Salman-as! I-as said, ‘Here I-as am!’, and I-as hastened towards him-saww. So he-saww said: ‘Do you know who was the successor of Musa -as?’ I-assaid, ‘Yoshua Bin Noon-as’. He-saww said: ‘That was because in those days he-as was the best of them and the most knowledgeable of them’. Then he-saww said: ‘And I-saww testify that today, Ali-asws is the best of them, and their most meritorious, and he-asws is my-saww guardian, and my-saww successor-as, and my-saww inheritor’.[932]

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن يحيى العلوي رحمه الله قال حدثني جدي قال حدثني بكر بن عبد الوهاب قال حدثني عيسى بن عبد الله عن أبيه عن جده ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله دفن فاطمة بنت أسد بن هاشم وكانت مهاجرة مبايعة بالروحاء مقابل حمام أبي قطيعة قال وكفنها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في قميصه ونزل في قبرها وتمرغ في لحدها فقيل له في ذلك فقال: اني ابى هلك وانا صغير فاخذتني هي وزوجها فكانا يوسعان على ويؤثراني على أولادهما فاحببت ان يوسع الله عليها قبرها.

Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Alawy narrated to us, from his grandfather, from Bakr Bin Abdul Wahab, from Isa Bin Abdullah, from his father, from his grandfather that,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww buried Fatima Bint Asad Bin Hashim-as, and she-as had emigrated, pledged her allegiance at Al Rawha, in front of the baths of Abu Quteyba. And Rasool-Allah-saww shrouded her-as in his-saww own shirt, and descended in her-as grave, and lied down inside it. So it was said to him-saww with regards to that, so he-saww said: ‘My-saww father-as had passed away, and I-saww was small, so she-as took me-saww, her-as and her-ashusband. They-as were both lenient upon me-saww, and preferred me-saww over their-as own children, therefore I-saww loved it that Allah-azwj should Expand her-as grave upon her-as’.[933]

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد بن يحيى العلوي رضي الله عنه قال حدثنى جدي عن يعقوب قال: حدثني ابن أبي عمير عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان فاطمة بنت أسد بن هاشم أوصت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقبل وصيتها فقالت: يا رسول الله اني أردت اعتق جاريتي هذه، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: ما قدمت من خير فستجدينه،

Al Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Alawy narrated to us, from his grandfather, from Yaqoub, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Fatima-as Bint Asad-as Bin Hashim-as, bequeathed to Rasool-Allah-saww, so he-as accepted her-as bequest. So she-as said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! I-asintend to free this maid of mine-as’. So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Whatever good you-as send forward, so you-as would be finding it (in the Hereafter)’.

فلما ماتت رضوان الله عليها نزع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قميصه، قال: كفنوها فيه واضطجع في لحدها فقال: أما قميصي فامان لها يوم القيامة، وأما اضطجاعي في قبرها فليوسع الله عليها.

So when she-as passed away, Rasool-Allah-saww removed his-saww shirt and said: ‘Shroud her-as in it’, and he-saww lied down inside her-as grave. So he-saww said : ‘As for my-saww shirt, so it is a security for her-as on the Day of Judgement; and as for my-saww lying down in her-as grave, so Allah-azwj would Expand it upon her-as’.[934]

حدثنا الحسين بن يحيى بن ضريس البجلي قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر عمارة السكوني السرياني قال حدثنا ابراهيم بن عاصم بقزوين قال: حدثنا عبد الله ابن هارون الكرخي قال حدثنا أبو جعفر أحمد بن عبد الله بن يزيد بن سلام بن عبد الله مولى رسول الله قال حدثني أبي عبد الله بن بزيد قال: حدثني يزيد بن سلام انه سأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال له: لم سمي الفرقان فرقانا: قال لانه متفرق الآيات والسور أنزلت في غير الالواح وغيره من الصحف والتوراة والانجيل والزبور نزلت كلها جلمة في الالواح والورق

Al Husayn Bin Yahya Bin Zarees Al Bajaly narrated to us, from Abu Ja’far Amarat Al Sakuny Al siryani, from Ibrahim Bin Aasim at Qazwin, from Abdullah Ibn Haroun Al Karkhy, from Abu Ja’far Ahmad Bin Abdullah Bin Yazeed Bin Salaam Bin Abdullah,

A slave of Rasool-Allah-saww, from Abu Abdullah Bin Yazeed, from Yazeed Bin Salaam who asked Rasool-Allah-saww, so he said to him-saww, ‘Why was Al-Furqan named as Furqan?’ He-saww said: ‘Because it (consists of) separate Verses and Chapters, in other than the Tablets and other than the Parchments; and the Torah, and the Evangel, and the Psalms, all of these were Revealed in their entirety in the Tablets and the Leaves’.

قال: فما بال الشمس والقمر لا يستويان في الضوء والنور قال: لما خلقهما الله عزوجل اطاعا ولم يعصيا شيئا فامر الله تعالى جبرئيل عليه السلام أن يمحو ضوء القمر فمحاه فأثر المحو في القمر خطوطا سوداء ولو أن القمر ترك على حاله بمنزلة الشمس ولم يمح لما عرف الليل من النهار ولا النهار من الليل ولا علم الصائم كم يصوم ولا عرف الناس عدد السنين، وذلك قول الله عزوجل: ” وجعلنا الليل والنهار آيتين فمحونا آية الليل وجعلنا آية النهار مبصرة لتبتغوا فضلا من ربكم ولتعلموا عدد السنين والحساب ”

He said, ‘So what is the matter that the sun and the moon are not equal in the illumination and the light?’ He-saww said: ‘When Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Created these two, they obeyed and did not disobey anything. So Allah-azwj the High Commanded Jibraeel-as that he-as should erase the illumination of the moon. So he-as erased it. Thus the effects of the erasure are in the moon (in the form of) black lines, and had the moon been left upon its (original) state at the status of the sun, and had not been erased, neither the night would have been recognised from the day, nor the day from the night, nor would the Fasting one has known how many Fasts he has Fasted, nor would have the people recognised the number of the years. And these are the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [17:12] And We Made the night and the day as two Signs, then We Erased the Sign of the night and We Made the Sign of the day to be visible, so that you may seek Grace from your Lord, and that you might know the computation of the years and the accounting’.

قال: صدقت يا محمد، فاخبرني لم سمي الليل ليلا؟ قال: لانه يلايل الرجال من النساء جعله الله عزوجل الفه ولباسا وذلك قول الله تعالى: ” وجعلنا الليل لباسا وجعلنا النهار معاشا ”

He said, ‘You-saww speak the truth, O Muhammad-saww’. So, inform me, why was the night named as night (Layl)?’ He-saww said: ‘Because the man goes near the woman. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Made it an intimacy and a covering. And these are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [78:10] And We made the night to be a covering, [78:11] And We made the day for seeking livelihood’.

قال: صدقت يا محمد، فما بال النجوم تستبين صغارا وكبارا ومقدارها سواء؟ قال: لان بينها وبين السماء الدنيا بحرا يضرب الريح امواجها فلذلك تستبين صغارا وكبارا ومقدار النجوم كلها سواء

He said, ‘You-saww speak the Truth, O Muhammad-saww! So what is the matter with the stars which appear small and bid, and is their measurement the same?’ He-saww said: ‘Because in between it and the sky of the world is an ocean which is struck by the wind forming waves. Therefore, it is due to that they appear to be small and big, and the measurement of the stars, all of them, is the same’.

قال: فاخبرني عن الدنيا لم سميت الدنيا؟ قال: الدنيا دنية خلقت من دون الآخرة ولو خلقت مع الآخرة لم يفن أهلها كما لا يفنى أهل الآخرة

He said, ‘So inform me, about the world, why was it named as ‘Dunya’?’ He-saww said: ‘The world is a nearer creation from besides the Hereafter (Created after it), and had it been Created along with the Hereafter, its inhabitants would not perish just like the inhabitants of the Hereafter’.

قال: فاخبرني عن القيامة لم سميت القيامة؟ قال: لان فيها قيام الخلق للحساب

He said, ‘So Inform me about the (Day of) Judgement, why was it named as ‘Al-Qiyamat’?’ He-saww said: ‘Because therein the people would be standing (قيام) for the Reckoning’.

قال فأخبرني لم سميت الآخرة آخرة قال لانها متأخرة تجئ من بعد الدنيا لا توصف سنيها ولا تحصى ايامها ولا يموت سكانها،

He said, ‘So inform me, why was the Hereafter named as ‘Akhirat’?’ He-saww said: ‘Because it is delayed (متأخرة). It would come from after the world. Neither can its years be described nor can its days be numbered, nor would its dwellers die’.

قال: صدقت يا محمد اخبرني عن اول يوم خلق الله عزوجل؟ قال: يوم الاحد، قال: ولم سمي يوم الاحد قال: لانه واحد محدود قال: فالاثنين، قال: هو اليوم الثاني من الدنيا، قال: والثلاثاء، قال: الثالث من الدنيا، قال: فالاربعاء، قال: اليوم الرابع من الدنيا قال: فالخميس، قال هو يوم خامس من الدنيا وهو يوم انيس لعن فيه ابليس ورفع فيه ادريس،

He said, ‘You-saww speak the Truth, O Muhammad-saww! Inform me about the first day Created by Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic?’ He-saww said: ‘The day of Sunday’. He said, ‘And why was is named as the day of ‘Ahad’?’ He-saww said: ‘Because it is one (واحد) restricted (محدود)’. He said, ‘So the Monday?’ He-saww said: ‘It is the second day of the world’. He said, ‘And the Tuesday?’ He-saww said: ‘The third one of the world’. He said, ‘So the Wednesday?’ He-saww said: ‘The fourth day of the world’. He said, ‘So the Thursday?’ He-saww said: ‘He-saww said: ‘It is the fifth day of the world, and it is a social day. Iblees-la was Cursed in it, and in it Idrees-as was Raised’.

قال: فالجمعة وهو يوم مجموع له الناس وذلك يوم مشهود وهو شاهد ومشهود، قال: فالبست، قال: يوم مسبوت وذلك قوله عزوجل في القرآن: ” ولقد خلقنا السموات والارض وما بينهما في ستة أيام ” فمن الاحد إلى يوم الجمعة ستة أيام، والسبت معطل،

He-saww said: ‘So the Friday, and is it is the day, the people were gathered for it, and that is a day which is witnessed, and it is a witness and (as well as) a witnessed’. He said, ‘So the Saturday?’ He-saww said: ‘An inactive day, and that is (in) the Words of the Mighty and Majestic in the Quran [50:38] And We have Created the skies and the earth and what is between them in six days’. So, from the Sunday to the day of Friday are six days, and the Saturday is deactivated’.

قال: صدقت يا رسول الله، فأخبرني عن آدم لم سمى آدم؟ قال: لانه خلق من طين الارض وأديمها، قال: فآدم خلق من طين كله أو طين واحد، قال: بل من الطين كله، ولو خلق من طين واحد لما عرف الناس بعضهم بعضا وكانوا على صورة واحدة، قال: فلهم في الدنيا مثل؟ قال: التراب فيه ابيض وفيه أخضر وفيه أشقر وفيه أغبر وفيه أحمر وفيه أزرق وفيه عذب وفيه ملح وفيه خشن وفيه لين وفيه أصهب فلذلك صار الناس فيهم لين وفيهم خشن وفيهم أبيض وفيهم أصفر وأحمر وأصهب وأسود على الوان التراب،

He said, ‘You-saww speak the Truth, O Muhammad-saww. So inform me about Adam-as, why was he-as named as Adam?’ ‘He-saww said: ‘Because he-as was Created from clay of the earth, and its crust’. He said, ‘So Adam-as was Created from all of the clays, or one clay?’ He-saww said: ‘But, from all of the clays. And had he-as been Created from one clay, the people would not have recognised each other, and they would (all) have been of one image’. He said, ‘Is there an example for them in the world?’ He-saww said: ‘The sand, in it is white, and in it is green, and it is yellow, and in it is dusty, and in it is red, and in it is blue, and in it is sweet, and in it is salty, and in it is coarse, and in it is smooth, and in it is reddish ginger. Thus, it was due to that, the people, there came to be among them harsh, and among them are white, and among them are yellow, and red, and reddish ginger, and black, upon the types of the sand’.

قال: صدقت يا محمد فأخبرني عن الوادي المقدس، لم سمي القدس؟ قال: لانه قدست فيه الارواح وأصطفيت فيه الملائكة وكلم الله عزوجل موسى تكليما،

He said, ‘You-saww speak the Truth, O Muhammad-saww! So, inform me about the Holy Valley, why was it named as ‘Al-Quds’?’ He-saww said: ‘Because therein, the spirits were Hallowed, and therein the Angels were Chosen, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Spoke to Musa-as with a Conversation’.

قال: فلم سميت الجنة جنة؟ قال: لانها جنينة خيرة نقية وعند الله تعالى ذكره مرضية.

He said, ‘So why was the Paradise named as ‘Jannat’ (Garden)?’ He-saww said: ‘Because it is the finest, purest Garden, and in the Presence of Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, Satisfactory’.[935]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن فضالة بن أيوب عن أبان بن عثمان عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر الباقر عليه السلام قال: بعث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله خالد بن الوليد إلى حي يقال لهم بنو المصطلق من بني خزيمة وكان بينهم وبين بني مخزوم احنة في الجاهلية، وكانوا قد أطاعوا رسول الله وأخذوا منه كتابا لسيرته عليهم، فلما ورد عليهم خالد أمر مناديه ينادي بالصلاة فصلى وصلوا، ثم أمر الخيل فشنوا عليهم الغارة فقتل فاصاب فطلبوا كتابهم فوجوده فاتوا به النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وحدثوه بما صنع خالد بن الوليد فاستقبل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله القبلة، ثم قال اللهم اني أبرء اليك مما صنع خالد بن الوليد،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Aban Bin Usman,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Muslim, from Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww sent Khalid Bin Al-Waleed to Hayy, who were called the Clan of Al-Mastalaq, from the Clan of Khuzeyma. And there used to be grudges between them and the Clan of Makhzoum in the Pre-Islamic period, and they had obeyed Rasool-Allah-saww, and taken from him-saww a writing for his-saww ways. So when Khalid Bin Al-Waleed went over to them, ordered a caller to call out for the Prayer. So he Prayed, and they Prayed. Then he ordered the cavalry, so they staged a raid against them, killing and wounding. So they looked for their writing, so they found it, and they brought it to the Prophet-saww, and narrated to him-saww of what Khalid Bin Al-Waleed had done. So Rasool-Allah-saww faced towards the Qiblah, then said: ‘O Allah-azwj! I-saww disavow from what Khalid Bin Al-Waleed has done’.

قال: ثم قدم على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بتبر ومتاع، فقال لعلي عليه السلام يا علي أيت بني خزيمة من بني المصطلق فارضهم مما صنع خالد بن الوليد، ثم رفع صلى الله عليه وآله قدميه فقال يا علي أجعل قضاء أهل الجاهلية تحت قدميك،

Then Ali-asws brought forward to Rasool-Allah-saww some chattels and provisions, so he-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘O Ali-asws! Go to the Clan of Khuzeyman from the Clan of Al-Mustalaq, and get them to be pleased from what Khalid Bin Al-Waleed has done’. The Rasool-Allah-saww raised his-asws two feet, and said: ‘O Ali-asws! I-saww hereby make the judgement of the people of Ignorance to be beneath your-asws two feet’.

فأتاهم علي (ع) فلما انتهي اليكم حكم فيهم بحكم الله عزوجل، فلما رجع إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال: يا علي أخبرني بما صنعت فقال: يا رسول الله عمدت فاعطيت لكل دم رية، ولكل جنين غرة ولكل مال مالا وفضلت معي فضلة فاعطيتهم لميلغة كلابهم وحبلة رعاتهم وفضلت معي فضلة فاعطيتهم لروعة نسائهم وفزع صبيانهم وفضلت معي فضلة فاعطيتهم لما يعلمون ولما لا يعلمون وفضلت معي فضلة فاعطيتهم ليرضوا عنك يا رسول الله،

So Ali-asws went over to them. So when he-asws ended up to them, judged among them with the Judgement of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. So when he-asws returned to the Prophet-saww, he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Inform me-saww of what you-asws have done’. So he-asws said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! I-asws deliberated, so I-asws gave them for every (killed person) its blood money, and for every child and old person; and for every wealth (looted), wealth, and the leftover was with me-asws as a remnant. So I-asws gave them for the water troughs for their dogs and the cords for their sheep, and the leftover was with me-asws as a remnant. So I-asws gave them for the anxiety of their women, and the terror of their children, and the leftover is with me-asws as a remnant. So I-asws gave them for what they do not know, and the leftover is with me-asws as a remnant. So I-asws gave them (more) so that they would be pleased with you-saww, O Rasool-Allah-saww’.

فقال صلى الله عليه وآله: أعطيتهم ليرضوا عني رضي الله عنك. يا علي أنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلا انه لا نبي بعدي.

So he-saww said: ‘You-asws gave them for them to be pleased with me-saww, Allah-saww is Pleased with you-asws. O Ali-asws! You-asws are from me-saww at the status of Haroun-as from Musa-as, except that there is no Prophet-as after me-saww’.[936]

(باب 223 – العلة التي من أجلها أوجب الله على أهل الكبائر النار)

Chapter 223 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Obligated the Fire upon the committers of the major sins

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن علي بن حسان الواسطي عن عمه عبد الرحمن بن كثير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الكبائر سبع، فينا انزلت ومنا استحلت فاولها الشريك بالله العظيم وقتل النفس التي حرم الله قتلها وأكل مال اليتيم وعقوق الوالدين وقذف المحصنة والفرار من الزحف وانكار حقنا،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Hasaan Al Wasity, from his uncle Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The major sins are seven; to be committed against us-asws, and are legislated as: So the first one of these is the association with Allah-azwj, and killing of the soul which Allah-azwj has Forbidden to kill it, and consuming the wealth of the orphan, and disobedience to the two parents, and slandering the chaste woman, and the fleeing from the army, and the denial of our-asws rights.

واما الشرك بالله فقد انزل الله فينا ما انزل، وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فينا ما قال، فكذبوا الله ورسوله، وأشركوا بالله،

And as for the association with Allah-azwj, so Allah-azwj has Revealed regarding us-asws what He-azwj Revealed, and Rasool-Allah-saww said regarding us-asws what he-saww said. So they belie Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww, and they are associating with Allah-azwj.

وأما قتل النفس التي حرم الله قتلها فقد قتلوا الحسين بن علي صلوات الله عليه وأصحابه،

And as for the killing of the soul which Allah-azwj has Forbidden to kill it, so they killed Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws and his-asws companions.

وأما أكل مال اليتيم فقد ذهبوا بقيئنا الذي جعله الله لنا وأعطوه غيرنا،

And as for consuming the wealth of the orphans, so they made our-asws portion which Allah-azwj had Made it to be for us-asws (Khums), and gave it to others.

وأما عقوق الوالدين فقد انزل الله ذلك في كتابه، فقال: (النبي أولى بالمؤمنين من أنفسهم وأزواجه امهاتهم)، فعقوا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في ذريته وعقوا أمهم خديجة في ذريتها،

And as for the disobedience to the two parents, so Allah-azwj has Revealed it in His-azwj Book, so He-azwj Said [33:6] The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. So they disobeyed Rasool-Allah-saww in his-saww descendants-asws, and disobeyed their mother Khadeeja-as regarding her-as offspring-asws.

وأما قذف المحصنة فقد قذفوا فاطمة عليها السلام على منابرهم،

And as for the slandering the chaste woman, so they slandered (Syeda) Fatima-asws upon their pulpits.

وأما الفرار من الزحف فقد أعطوا أمير المؤمنين بيعتهم طائعين غير مكرهين، ففروا عنه وخذلوه،

And as for the fleeing from the army, so they gave their allegiances to Amir Al-Momineen-asws willingly without abhorrence. So they fled from him-asws and abandoned him-asws.

وأما انكار حقنا فهذا ما لا ينازعون فيه.

And as for the denial of our-asws rights, so this, there is no disputing with regards to it.[937]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن الصفار عن أيوب بن نوح وابراهيم بن هاشم عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن بعض أصحابه عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: وجدنا في كتاب علي عليه السلام الكبائر خمسة الشرك وعقوق الوالدين واكل الربا بعد البينة والفرار من الزحف والنعرب بعد الهجرة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ayoub Bin Nuh and Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from one of his companions,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘We-asws found in the Book of Ali-asws, the major sins are five – the Polytheism, and disobedience to the two parents, and consumption of the interest after the proof, and the fleeing from the army, and ‘Al No’rab’ (assumption of the characteristics of the Pre-Islamic period Arabs)’.[938]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن ابن محبوب عن عبد العزيز العبدي عن عبيد بن زرارة قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام اخبرني عن الكبائر، فقال: هن خمس وهن ما أوجب الله عليهن النار، قال الله تعالى (ان الذين يأكلون أموال اليتامي ظلما انما يأكلون في بطونهم نارا وسيصلون سعيرا) وقال: (يا ايها الذين آمنوا إذا لقيتم الذين كفروا زحفا فلا تولوهم الادبار) إلى آخر الآية وقوله عزوجل (يا ايها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وذروا ما بقي من الربوا) إلى آخر الآية ورمى المحصنات الغافلات المؤمنات وقتل مؤمن متعمدا على دينه

My father said, ‘Sa’d Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Ibn Mahboub, from Abdul Aziz Al Abady, from Ubeyd Bin Zarara who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Inform me about the major sins’. So he-asws said: ‘These are five, and these are what Allah-azwj has Obligated the Fire for. Allah-azwj the High Says [4:10] (As for) those who swallow the property of the orphans unjustly, but rather they only swallow fire into their bellies and they shall arriving at the Blazing Fire; and Said [8:15] O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve marching for war, then turn not your backs to them – up to the end of the Verse; and the Words of the Mighty and Majestic [2:278] O you who believe! Fear Allah and relinquish what remains (due) from the usury – up to the end of the verse; and throwing (slandering) the chaste women, the oblivious ones, the believing ones; and killing a Believer deliberately (for him being) upon his Religion’.[939]

(باب 224 – علة تحريم الخمر)

Chapter 224 – Reason for the Prohibition of the wine

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن أبيه عن محمد بن سنان قال: سمعت أبا الحسن علي بن موسى بن جعفر عليهم السلام يقول حرم الله عزوجل الخمر لما فيها من الفساد ومن تغييرها عقول شاربيها وحملها أياهم على انكار الله عزوجل والفرية عليه وعلى رسله وسائر ما يكون منهم من الفساد والقتل والقذف والزنا وقلة الاحتجاز عن شئ من المحارم

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Sinan who said,

‘I heard Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Forbade the wine due to the mischief being in it, and due to it changing the intellect of its drinker, and it carrying him upon the denial of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic fabricating lies against Him-azwj and upon His-azwj Rasools-as, and the rest of what happens to be from it, from the mischief, and the killing, and the slandering, and the adultery, and the lack of constraint about something from the incest.

فبذلك قضينا على كل مسكر من الاشربة انه حرام محرم لانه يأتي من عاقبته ما يأتي من عاقبة الخمر، فليجتنب من يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر ويتولانا وينتحل مودتنا كل شارب مسكر، فانه لا عصمة بيننا وبين شاربه.

Thus, it was due to that, we-asws Judged upon every intoxicant from the drinks, that it is Prohibited because there comes from its results what comes from the result of the wine. So let him keep himself away, the one who believes in Allah-azwj and the Last Day, and he is in our-asws Wilayah, and he adopts our-asws cordiality, from every intoxicating drink, for there is no bond between us-asws and the one who drinks it’.[940]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن عبد الرحمن بن سالم عن المفضل بن عمر قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام لم حرم الله الخمر؟ قال: حرم الله الخمر لفعلها وفسادها لان مدمن الخمر تورثه الارتعاش وتذهب بنوره وتهدم مروته وتحمله على أن يجترء على ارتكاب المحارم وسفك الدماء وركوب الزنا، ولا يؤمن إذا سكر أن يثب على حرمه ولا يعقل ذلك ولا يزيد شابها إلا كل شر.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Abdul Rahman Bin Salim, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Why did Allah-azwj Prohibit the wine?’ He-asws Said: ‘Allah-azwj Prohibited the wine due to its deeds and its mischief, because the one who is habitual of the wine would inherit the trembling, and his light would go away, and his manhood is demolished, and it carries him upon that he would be audacious upon indulging in the Prohibition, and shedding of the blood, and indulging in the adultery, and there is no security when he is drunk, that he would leap upon his female family members for incest, and that is inconceivable (for a normal person), and it does not increase its drinker except for every evil’.[941]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار رحمه الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن ابراهيم عن أبي يوسف عن أبي بكر الحضرمي عن أحدهما قال: الغناء عش النفاق والشرب مفتاح كل شر ومدمن الخمر كعابد الوثن مكذوب بكتاب الله لو صدق كتاب الله لحرم حرام الله.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Ibrahim, from Abu Yusuf, from Abu Bakr Al Hazramy,

(It has been narrated) from one of the two-asws (5th or 6th Imam-asws) having said: ‘The singing (music) is a nest of hypocrisy, and the (intoxicating) drink is a key to every evil, and the one habitual of (drinking) the wine is like a worshipper of the idols, a belier of the Book of Allah-azwj. Had he ratified the Book of Allah-azwj, he would have prohibited (himself) from the Prohibitions of Allah-azwj’.[942]



(باب 225 – العلة التي من أجلها صار شرب الخمر أشر من ترك الصلاة)

Chapter 225 – The reason due to which drinker of the wine came to be more evil than the one who neglects the Prayer

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن اسماعيل بن يسار قال: سأل رجل أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن شرب الخمر، أشر الخمر أم ترك الصلاة؟ فقال: شرب الخمر أشر من ترك الصلاة، وتدرى لم ذاك؟ قال لا قال يصير في حال لا يعرف الله تعالى ولا يعرف من خالقه.

My father narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Ismail Bin Yasaar who said,

‘A man asked Abu Abdullah-asws about drinking the wine, is the wine more evil or neglecting the Prayer?’ So he-asws said: ‘Drinking of the wine is more evil than neglecting the Prayer. And do you know why that is so?’ He said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘He becomes in a state in which he neither recognises Allah-azwj the High, nor does he recognise the one who Created him’.[943]

(باب 226 – العلة التي من أجلها أحل ما يرجع إلى الثلث من الطلاء)

Chapter 226 – The reason due to which what returns to be a third from ‘Al-Tala’a’ (burned wine juice) is Permissible

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن سهل بن زياد عن الحسن بن محبوب عن خالد بن حريز عن أبي الربيع الشامي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان آدم (ع) لما هبط من الجنة اشتهي من ثمارها، فأنزل الله تبارك وتعالى عليه قضيبين من عنب فغرسهما، فلما اورقا وأثمرا وبلغا جاء إبليس فحاط عليهما حائطا، فقال له آدم: مالك يا ملعون؟ فقال له ابليس: انهما لي، فقال: كذبت، فرضيا بينهما بروح القدس،

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Khalid Bin Hareyz, from Abu Al Rabie Al Shamy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When Adam-as descended from the Paradise, coveted (desired) its fruits. So Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent down two stems of grapes, so he-as planted these two. So when it bore leaves and fruits and was big, Iblees-la came over and built a wall against these two. So Adam-as said to him-la: ‘What is the matter with you-la, O Accursed?’ So Iblees-la said to him-as, ‘These two are mine-la’. So he-as said: ‘You-la are lying!’ So they were both please with the Holy Spirit (as an arbitrator) in between them.

فلما انتهيا إليه فقبض آدم عليه السلام قبضته فأخذ روح القدس شيئا من نار فرمى بها عليهما فالتهبت في أغصانهما حتى ظن آدم انه لم يبق منها شئ إلا احترق وظن ابليس مثل ذلك.

So when they both ended up to it (the Holy Spirit), So Adam-as grabbed a handful (of sand), and the Holy Spirit grabbed something from the fire, so he (the Holy Spirit) threw it at the two (trees). So it ignited in its branches to the extent that Adam-as thought that there would not remain anything from it except that it would burn, and Iblees-la thought similar to that.

قال: فدخلت النار حيث دخلت وقد ذهب منهما ثلثاهما وبقي الثلث فقال الروح، أما ما ذهب منهما فحظ لابليس وما بقي فلك يا آدم.

He-asws said: ‘So the fire entered into where it entered, and two thirds of these two (trees) had gone, and there remained a third. So the (Holy) Spirit said: ‘As for what has gone (burnt down) from these two, so it is a portion for Iblees-la, and what remains, so it is for you-as, O Adam-as’.[944]

حدثنا أحمد بن زياد بن جعفر الهمذاني رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي ابن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن أبيه عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن العلا عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: كان أبي عليه السلام يقول ان نوحا عليه السلام حين أمر بالغرس كان ابليس إلى جانبه، فلما أراد أن يغرس العنب قال: هذه الشجرة لي، فقال له نوح عليه السلام: كذبت، فقال ابليس، فما لي منها، فقال نوح لك الثلثان، فمن هنا طاب الطلاء على الثلث.

Ahmad Bin Ziyad Bin Ja’far Al Hamdany narrated to us, from Ali Ibn Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Al A’la, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws was saying: ‘When Noah-as was Commanded with the planting, Iblees-la was by his-as side. So when he-as intended to plant the grape, he-la said, ‘This tree is mine-la’. So Noah-as said: ‘You-la are lying!’ So Iblees-la said, ‘So what is there for me-la from it?’ So Noah-as said: ‘For you-la is the two thirds’. Thus, from here onwards, if two thirds of the grapes get burnt, (the remaining one third) is Permissible’.[945]

(باب 227 – علة منع شرب الخمر في حال الاضطرار)

Chapter 227 – The reason for the prevention from drinking the wine in the state of desperation

أخبرني علي بن حاتم فيما كتب إلى قال حدثنا محمد بن عمر قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد بن زياد قال حدثنا أحمد بن الفضل المعروف بأبي عمر، طيبة عن يونس ابن عبد الرحمن عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال المضطر لا يشرب الخمر لانها لا تزيده إلا شرا ولانه إن شربها قتلته فلا يشرب منها قطرة،

Ali Bin Hatim informed me regarding what was written to him, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad, from Ahmad Bin Al Fazal, well known as Abu Umar Tayba, from Yunus Ibn Abdul Rahman, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The desperate one should not drink the wine because it does not increase (in anything) except for the evil, and if it is drunk, it would kill him. Therefore, do not drink a single drop from it’.

وروي لا تزيده إلا عطشا.

And it has been reported: ‘It does not increase (in anything) except for the thirst’.[946]


(باب 228 – العلة التي من أجلها صار قتل النفس لفساد الخلق)

Chapter 228 – The reason due to which the killing of soul came to be corruption of the people

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم قتل النفس لعلة فساد الخلق في تحليله لو أحل وفنائهم وفساد التدبير.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaab,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Ali-as Bin Musa Al-Reza-as wrote to him in answer to what he had written to his question to him-asws: ‘The killing of the soul is Prohibited for the reason of the corruption of the people in its permissibility. Had it been permissible they would have been annihilated, and the system would have been corrupted (disrupted)’.[947]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله قال: حدثني محمد بن علي عن أبيه عن جده قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول قتل النفس من الكبائر لان الله تعالى يقول: (ومن يقتل مؤمنا متعمدا فجزاؤه جهنم خالدا فيها وغضب الله عليه ولعنه وأعدله عذابا عظيما).

Muhammad Bin Musa narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from his father, from his grandfather who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Killing of the soul is from the major sins, because Allah-azwj the High is Saying [4:93] And whoever kills a Believer intentionally, his Punishment is Hell; he shall abide in it eternally, and Allah will Send His Wrath on him and Curse him and Prepare for him a Painful Punishment’.[948]

(باب 229 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم عقوق الوالدين)

Chapter 229 – The reason due to which the disobedience to the two parents is Forbidden

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان: ان الرضا (ع) كتب إليه: حرم الله عقوق الوالدين لما فيه من الخروج من التوفيق لطاعة الله تعالى والتوقير للوالدين وتجنب كفر النعمة وابطال الشكر، وما يدعو من ذلك إلى قلة النسل وانقطاعه لما في العقوق من قلة توقير الوالدين والعرفان بحقهما، وقطع الارحام، والزهد من الوالدين في الولد، وترك التربية، لعلة ترك الولد برهما.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him: ‘Allah-azwj has Forbidden the disobedience to the two parents for what is in it from the exit from the inclination for the obedience to Allah-azwj the High and the reverence for the two parents, and the indulgence in the ungratefulness of the Bounties, and the invalidation of the thankfulness, and what it leads to from that to the scarcity of the offspring and it being cut-off, due to what is in the disobedience, from the scarcity of the reverence for the two parents and recognition of both their rights, and cutting-off of relationship, and the abstaining from the two parents regarding the child, and the neglect of the upbringing, due to the neglect of the child for being righteous to them both’.[949]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى عن علي بن الحسن السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسنى عن محمد بن علي عن أبيه عن جده قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: عقوق الوالدين من الكبائر لان الله تعالى جعل العاق عصيا شقيا.

Muhammad Bin Musa narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from his father, from his grandfather who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The disobedience to the two parents is from the major sins, because Allah-azwj the High Made the ingrate to be a sinner, a wretch’.[950]

(باب 230 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم الزنا)

Chapter 230 – The reason due to which the adultery is Prohibited

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس عن القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسي الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم الزنا لما فيه من الفساد من قتل الانفس وذهاب الانساب وترك التربية للاطفال وفساد المواريث، وما أشبه ذلك من وجود الفساد

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had asked him: ‘The adultery is Prohibited for what is in it from the mischief, from the killing of the soul, and lineages disappear, and the upbringing of the children is neglected, and the inheritances are corrupted, and whatever resembles that from the existence of the corruption’.[951]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا أبو محمد النوفلي قال حدثنا أحمد بن هلال عن علي بن اسباط عن ابن اسحاق الخراساني عن أبيه: ان عليا عليه السلام قال: إياكم والزنا فان فيه ست خصال، ثلاث في الدنيا وثلاث في الآخرة فاما اللواتي في الدنيا، فيذهب بالبهاء ويقطع الرزق الحلال ويعجل الفناء إلى النار، وأما اللواني في الآخرة فسوء الحساب وسخط الرحمان والخلود في النار.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Abu Muhammad Al Nowfaly, from Ahmad Bin Hilal, from Ali Bin Asbaat, from Ibn Is’haq Al Khurasany, from his father that,

‘Ali-asws said: ‘Beware of the adultery, for therein are six characteristics – three in the world and three in the Hereafter. So, as for those in the world, it does away (eliminates) with the beauty, and cuts-off the Permissible livelihood, and it hasten the annihilation to the Fire. And as for those in the Hereafter – so it is the evil Reckoning, and Anger of the Beneficent, and the eternity in the Fire’.[952]

(باب 231 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم قذف المحصنات)

Chapter 231 – The reason due to which the slandering of the chaste woman is Prohibited

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان أن أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم الله عزوجل قذف المحصنات لما فيه من فساد الانساب ونفي الولد وإبطال المواريث وترك التربية وذهاب المعارف، وما فيه من المساوئ والعلل التي تودي إلى فساد الخلق.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf, from

Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had asked him: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Prohibited slandering the chaste woman for what is in it from the corruption of the lineage, and denial of the child, and the invalidation of the inheritances, and neglect of the upbringing (of the child), and the goodness goes away, and what is in it from the drawbacks and the reasons which lead to corruption of the people’.[953]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد قال: حدثني عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني عن محمد بن علي (ع) قال: حدثني أبي قال سمعت أبي يقول سمعت جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام يقول قذف المحصنات من الكبائر لان الله عزوجل يقول (لعنوا في الدنيا والآخرة ولهم عذاب عظيم).

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws saying: ‘I-asws heard my-asws father-asws saying: ‘I-asws heard Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws saying: ‘Slandering the chaste woman is from the major sins, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying (slanderers) [24:23] are Cursed in the world and the Hereafter, and they shall have a grievous Punishment’.[954]

(باب 232 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم أكل مال اليتيم ظلما)

Chapter 232 – The reason due to which it is Prohibited to consume the wealth of the orphans unjustly

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم اكل مال اليتيم ظلما لعلل كثيرة من وجود الفساد اول ذلك إذا أكل مال اليتيم ظلما فقد أعان على قتله إذ اليتيم غير مستغن ولا محتمل لنفسه ولا قائم بشأنه ولا له من يقوم عليه ويكفيه كقيام والدين

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad in Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to his question: ‘The consumption of the wealth of the orphan unjustly is Prohibited for the reason of existence of a lot of mischief, the fist of that being, that when someone eats the wealth of the orphan unjustly, so he has aided upon his killing, if the orphan is neither needless of it, nor can he carry his own burden himself, nor can he establish his own affairs, nor does he have anyone who stands up for him, and suffices for him for the establishment (of his affairs) like the parents do.

فإذا أكل ماله فكأنه قد قتله وصيره إلى الفقر والفاقة مع ما خوف الله عزوجل من العقوبة في قوله: (ليخش الذين لو تركوا من خلفهم ذرية ضعافا فليتقوا الله) ولقول أبي جعفر عليه السلام ان الله عزوجل وعد في أكل مال اليتيم عقوبتين، عقوبة في الدنيا وعقوبة في الآخرة

So when he eats his wealth (unjustly), so it is as if he has killed him, and made him to travel to the poverty and the hunger. Furthermore, he has no fear of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic from the Punishment, with regards to His-azwj Words [4:9] And let those fear who, should they leave behind them weakly offspring, would fear on their account, so let them fear Allah, and the words of Abu Ja’far-asws that Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Promised two Punishments for everyone who eats the wealth of the orphans (unjustly) – a Punishment in the world, and a Punishment in the Hereafter.

ففي تحريم مال اليتيم استبقاء اليتيم واستقلاله بنفسه والسلامة للعقب أن يصيبه ما أصابهم لما وعد الله فيه من العقوبة مع ما في ذلك من طلب اليتيم بثأره إذا أدرك ووقوع الشحناء والعداوة والبغضاء حتى يتفانوا.

Therefore, in the Prohibition of the wealth of the orphans is the remaining for the orphan, and the independence for himself, and the safety in the future if the difficulties were to hit him what (these normally tend to) hit them. When Allah-azwj Promised in it from the Punishment, along with what is in that from the orphan seeking the revenge when he realises, and the occurrence of the grudge and the enmity, and the hatred, until they (wish to) annihilate each other’.[955]

(باب 233 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم الفرار من الزحف) (والتعرب بعد الهجرة)

Chapter 233 – The reason due to which it is Prohibited to flee from the arm, and the adoption of the practices of the Pre-Islamic period Arabs after the Emigration

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان ابا الحسن الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم الله تعالى الفرار من الزحف لما فيه من الوهن في الدين والاستخفاف بالرسل والائمة العادلة وترك نصرتهم على الاعداء والعقوبة لهم على انكار ما دعوا إليه من الاقرار بالربوبية وأظهار العدل وترك الجور وأمانة الفساد، ولما في ذلك من جرئة العدو على المسلمين وما يكون في ذلك من السبي والقتل، وابطال دين الله تعالى، وغيره من الفساد،

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to his question: ‘Allah-azwj the high has Prohibited the fleeing from the army due to what is in it from the weakness for the Religion, and the belittling with the Rasool-saww and the Just Imams-asws, and the neglecting of helping them-asws against the enemy, and the consequences for them-asws upon the denial of what they are inviting to, from the acceptance of the Lordship (of Allah-azwj) and the manifestation of the justice, and the neglecting of the tyranny, and safety from the corruption, and whatever is in that from the audacity of the enemy upon the Muslims, and what may happen in that from the captivity and the killing, and the invalidation of the Religion of Allah-azwj the High, etc. from the mischief.

وحرم التعرب بعد الهجرة للرجوع عن الدين وترك الموازرة للانبياء والحجج عليهم السلام، وما في ذلك من الفساد، وابطال حق كل ذي حق لا لعلة سكنى البدو، ولذلك لو عرف الرجل الدين كاملا لم يجز له مساكنة أهل الجهل والخوف عليه لا يؤمن أن يقع منه ترك العلم، والدخول مع أهل الجهل والتمادي في ذلك.

And the adoption of the practices of the Pre-Islamic Arabs after the emigration is Prohibited due to the returning from the Religion, and the neglecting of the preaching of the Prophets-as and the Proofs-asws, and what is in that from the corruption, and the invalidation of the rights of everyone with the right, not for the reason of dwelling of the Bedouin. And due to that, if the man understands the Religion completely, it is not allowed for him to dwell with the ignorant people, and the fear over him that he would not be safe that due to them he would end up neglecting the knowledge, and would enter to be among the ignorant people and persisting in that’.[956]

(باب 234 – علة تحريم ما أحل به لغير الله)

Chapter 234 – Reason for the Prohibition of what is slaughtered for other than Allah-azwj

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم ما أهل به لغير الله للذي أوجب على خلقه من الاقرار به وذكر اسمه على الذبايح المحللة ولئلا يساوي بين ما تقرب به إليه وما جعل عبادة الشياطين والاثان، لان في تسمية الله عزوجل الاقرار بربوبيته وتوحيده، وما في الاهلال لغير الله من الشرك والتقريب إلى غيره ليكون ذكر الله وتسميته على الذبيحة فرقا بين ما أحل وبين ما حرم.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to his question: ‘Forbidden is what is slaughtered for other than Allah-azwj due to Him-azwj having Obligated upon His-azwj creatures from the acceptance of Him-azwj, and Mentioning of His-azwj Name upon the slaughter for it to be Permissible and perhaps there may be considered to be equal in between what is for getting closer to Him-azwj and what is made for the worshipping of the devils and the idols; because in the Naming of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is the acceptance with His-azwj Lordship and His-azwj Oneness, and what is slaughtered for other than Allah-azwj, from the Polytheism and the getting closer to others, so that the Mentioning of Allah-azwj, and Naming Him-azwj upon the slaughter would be the differentiating criterion between what is Permissible and what is Prohibited’.[957]

(باب 235 – علة تحريم سباع الطير والوحش)

Chapter 235 – Reason for the Prohibition of (eating) predatory birds and the wild animals

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بهذا الاسناد ان الرضا (ع) كتب إلى محمد بن سنان حرم سباع الطير والوحش كلها، لاكلها من الجيف ولحوم الناس والعذرة وما اشبه ذلك، فجعل الله عزوجل دلائل ما أحل من الوحش والطير وما حرم كما قال أبي عليه السلام كل ذي ناب من السباع، وذي مخلب من الطير حرام، وكل ما كان له قانصة من الطير فحلال،

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us by this chain,

(It has been narrated) that Al-Reza-asws wrote to Muhammad Bin Sinan: ‘Forbidden are the predatory birds and the wild animals (to eat), all of them, for they eat from the carcass, and flesh of the people, and what resembles that. So, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Made evident what is Permissible from the wild animals and the birds and what is Prohibited, just as my-asws father-asws said: ‘Everything with canines from the predators, and with claws from the birds, is forbidden, and whatever has a gizzard from the birds, so it is Permissible.

وعلة أخرى تفرق بين ما أحل من الطير وما حرم قوله كل ما دف ولا تأكل كل ما صف وحرم الارانب لانها بمنزلة السنور ولها مخالب كمخالب السنور وسباع الوحش، فجرت مجريها في قذرها في نفسها وما يكون منها من الدم كما يكون من النساء لانها مسخ.

And another reason to differentiate between what is Permissible from the birds and what is Prohibited, are his-asws words: ‘Eat whatever flaps its wings (to fly), and do not eat every one which spans it wings (to fly). And the rabbits are forbidden because it is at the status of the cat, and it has claws for it like the claws of the cat and the predatory animals. So there flows in her flowing, in itself and what happens from it, from the (flow of) blood, just as what happens from the women (menstruation), because it is metamorphosed’.[958]

(باب 236 – علة تحريم الربا)

Chapter 236 – Reason for the Prohibition of the interest (Usury)

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي بشر عن علي بن العباس عن عمر بن عبد العزيز عن هشام بن الحكم قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن علة تحريم الربا، قال: انه لو كان الربا حلالا لترك الناس التجارات وما يحتاجون إليه فحرم الله الربا لنفر الناس عن الحرام إلى التجارات وإلى البيع والشراء فيفضل ذلك بينهم في القرض.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Abu Bishr, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the reason for the Prohibition of the interest. He-asws said: ‘Had the interest been Permissible, the people would have neglected the business for it and would have been needy for it. So Allah-azwj Prohibited the interest in order to alienated the people away from the Prohibition to the business, and to the selling and the buying. So He-azwj Preferred that between them with regards to the lending.[959]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن احمد بن ثابت قال: حدثنا عبيد عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن سالم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: انما حرم الله عزوجل الربا لئلا تمتنعوا عن اصطناع المعروف.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Sabit, from Ubeyd, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘But rather, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Forbidden the interest lest it prevents them from enjoining of the goodness (between people)’.[960]

وعنه قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم حميد قال حدثني عبد الله بن أحمد النهيكي عن علي بن الحسن الطاطري عن درست بن أبي منصور عن محمد بن عطية عن زرارة قال: قال أبو جعفر (ع): انما حرم الله الربا لئلا يذهب المعروف.

And from him, who said, ‘Abu Al Qasim Hameed narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad Al Nahyki, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Al Tatary, from Darast Bin Abu Mansour, from Muhammad Bin Atiya, from Zarara who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘but rather, Allah-azwj Prohibited the interest, lest the (enjoining of the) goodness goes away’.[961]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان أن ابا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة تحريم الربا انما نهي الله عزوجل عنه لما فيه من فساد الاموال لان الانسان إذا اشترى الدرهم بالدرهمين كان ثمن الدرهم درهما وثمن الآخر باطلا، فبيع الربا وشرائه وكس على كل حال، على المشتري وعلى البائع،

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him with regards to what he had written, in answer to his question of the reason for the Prohibition of the interest: ‘But rather, Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic has Forbidden from it due to what there is in it from the corruption of the wealth, because the human being, when he buys with one Dirham, the two Dirhams, the value of the Dirham was one Dirham, and the value of the other one is invalid. So the selling of the interest and its buying is a loss maker in every situation, upon the buyer and upon the seller.

فحظر الله تبارك وتعالى على العباد الربا لعلة فساد الاموال كما حظر على السفيه أن يدفع إليه ماله لما يتخوف عليه من إفساده حتى يؤنس منه رشدا، فلهذه العلة حرم الله الربا وبيع الدرهم بدرهمين يدا بيد،

Thus, Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Banned the interest upon the servants for the reason of the corruption of the wealth, just as He-azwj Banned upon the fool that his wealth be handed over to him when it is feared upon him from the spoiling of it until rationale is sensed from him. Therefore, it is for this reason Allah-azwj has Forbidden the interest, and selling the Dirham by two Dirhams, hand to hand.

وعلة تحريم الربا بعد البينة لما فيه من الاستخفاف بالحرام المحرم، وهي كبيرة بعد البيان وتحريم الله تعالى لها ولم يكن ذلك منه إلا استخفافا بالمحرم للحرام والاستخفاف بذلك دخول في الكفر،

And the reason for the Prohibition of the interest after the clarification (that is it indeed interest) is for what is therein from the belittling with the Prohibition of the Prohibitor, and it is a major sin after the clarification. And Allah-azwj the High has Prohibited it, and nothing of that happens from it except for the belittling with the Prohibitor of the Prohibition, and the belittling of that enters one into the infidelity.

وعلة تحريم الربا بالنسيئة لعلة ذهاب المعروف وتلف الاموال ورغبة الناس في الربح وتركهم القرض وصنايع المعروف ولما في ذلك من الفساد والظلم وفناء الاموال.

And reason for the prohibition of the interest for delaying the payment, is for the reason of the going away of the (enjoining of the) goodness, and deterioration of the wealth, and the people’s desire for the profit, and their neglecting the lending and making good, and for what is therein from the spoilage, and the injustice, and annihilation of the wealth’.[962]

(باب 237 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم الله تعالى الخمر والميتة) (والدم ولحم الخنزير والقرد والدب والفيل والطحال)

Chapter 237 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Prohibited the wine, and the dead, and the blood, and flesh of the swine, and the monkey, and the bear, and the elephant, and the spleen

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع عن محمد بن عذافر عن بعض رجاله عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قلت له لم حرم الله عزوجل الخمر والميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير؟ فقال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى لم يحرم ذلك على عباده وأحل لهم ما سوى ذلك من رغبة فيما أحل لهم ولا زهد فيما حرمه عليهم، ولكنه تعالى خلق الخلق فعلم ما يقوم به أبدانهم وما يصلحهم فاحله لهم وأباحه وعلم ما يضرهم فنهاهم عنه وحرمه عليهم ثم أحله للمضطر في الوقت الذي لا يقوم بدنه إلا به فأمره أن ينال منه بقدر البلغة لا غير ذلك

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin baize, from Muhammad Bin Azafar, from one of his men,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why did Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Prohibit the wine, and the dead, and the blood, and flesh of the swine?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High did not Prohibit that upon His-azwj servants and Permitted for them what is besides that from to Incline them towards what is Permissible for them, nor for them to abstain regarding what is Prohibited unto them. But, He-azwj, the Exalted, Created the creatures so He-azwj Knows what their bodies would be straightened with and what is correct for them, so He-azwj Permitted it for them and allowed it; and He-azwj Knows what is harmful for them, so Prevent it from them, and Prohibited it unto them. Then, He-azwj Permitted it for the desperate during the time which his body would not be able to stand except by it, so He-azwj Commanded it that he can take from it in a measure of the necessity, not other than that’.

ثم قال: أما الميتة فانه لم ينل أحد منها إلا لضعف بدنه أو وهنت قوته وانقطع نسله ولا يموت آكل الميتة إلا فجأة

Then he-asws said: ‘As for the dead, so no one would take from it except that it would weaken his body, or lessen his strength, and cut-off his offspring; and the eater of the dead would not be dying except suddenly.

وأما الدم فانه يورث آكله الماء الاصفر، ويورث القلب وقساوة القلب وقلة الرأفة والرحمة حتى لا يؤمن على حميمه ولا يؤمن على من صحبه،

And as for the blood, so its consumer inherits the yellow water, and inherit the heard diseases and harshness of the heart, and be of little kindness and mercy, to the extent that his intimate one would not be secure from him, nor would the one who accompanies him would be safe from him.

وأما لحم الخنزير فان الله تعالى مسخ قوما في صور شتى مثل الخنزير والقرد والدب، ثم نهى عن أكل المثلة لكيما ينتفع بها ولا يستخف بعقوبته،

And as for the flesh of the swine, so Allah-azwj the High Metamorphosed a people to be in the image like the pigs, and the monkeys, and the bears. Then He-azwj Prohibited from eating the mutilated ones so as not to underestimate His-azwj Punishment.

وأما الخمر فانه حرمها لفعلها وفسادها ثم قال: ان مدمن الخمر كعباد الوثن وتورثه الارتعاش وتهدم مروته وتحمله على ان يجسر على المحارم من سفك الدماء وركوب الزنا حتى لا يؤمن إذا سكران يثب على حرمه وهو لا يعقل ذلك، والخمر لن تزيد شاربها إلا كل شر.

And as for the wine, so He-azwj Prohibited it due to its workings and its corruption’. Then he-asws said: ‘The one habitual of the wine is like the worshipper of the idols, and he would inherit the trembling, and it would demolish his manhood, and carry him upon the audacity of committing the Prohibition from the shedding of the blood, and indulging in adultery, to the extent when he is drunk, it is not safe that he might leap upon his female family members, and he would not have the intellect for that. And the wine, it never increases its drinking one except for every evil’.[963]

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى وابراهيم بن هاشم جميعا عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن محمد بن عذافر عن أبيه عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام سواء.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, and Ibrahim Bin Hashim both together, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Muhammad Bin Azafar, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, same’.[964]

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي القاسم ماجيلويه عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن عبد الرحمن بن سالم عن المفضل بن عمر قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) أخبرني لم حرم الله تعالى لحم الخنزير؟ قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى مسخ قوما في صور شتى مثل الخنزير والقرد والدب، ثم نهى عن أكل المثلة لكيلا ينتفع بها ولا يستخف بعقوبته.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim Majaylawiya, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Abdul Rahman Bin Salim, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Inform me, why did Allah-azwj the High Prohibit the flesh of the swine?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High metamorphosed a people in the image of a type similar to the pigs, and the monkeys, and the bears. Then He-azwj Prohibited from eating the mutilated ones so as not to underestimate His-azwj Punishment.[965]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي عن محمد بن اسماعيل البرمكي عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم ابن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان الرضا كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم الخنزير لانه مشوه جعله الله تعالى عظة للخلق وعبرة وتخويفا ودليلا على ما مسخ على خلقته ولان غذاؤه أقذر الاقذار مع علل كثيرة وكذلك حرم القرد لانه مسح مثل الخنزير، جعل عظة وعبرة للخلق ودليلا على ما مسخ على خلقته وصورته وجعل فيه شبه من الانسان ليدل على انه من الخلق المغضوب عليهم.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Barmakky, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Ibn Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had asked him: ‘The swine is Forbidden because it has been transformed. Allah-azwj the High as a referent for the people, and as a lesson, and as an intimidation, and as an evidence upon what metamorphosis occurred upon His-azwj creatures, and because of its food is the filthiest of the filth, along with many reasons. And similar to that, He-azwj Forbade the monkey because its touch is like the pig, Making it as a referent, and as a lesson for the people, and as an evidence upon what metamorphosis has occurred upon His-azwj creatures and its faces, and made therein a resemblance from the human beings in order for it to evidence that it is from the people, upon whom was the Wrath (of Allah-azwj)’.

وكتب الرضا (ع) إلى محمد بن سنان فيما كتب إليه من جواب مسائله حرمت الميتة لما فيها من فساد الابدان والافة ولما أراد الله تعالى أن يجعل التسمية سببا للتحليل وفرقا بين الحلال والحرام، وحرم الله تعالى الدم كتحريم الميتة لما فيه من فساد الابدان ولانه يورث الماء الاصفر يبخر الفم وينتن الريح ويسيئ الخلق ويورث القسوة للقلب وقلة الرأفة والرحمة لا يؤمن ان يقتل ولده ووالده وصاحبه، وحرم الطحال لما فيه من الدم، ولان علته وعلة الدم والميتة واحدة لانه يجري مجريها في الفساد.

And Al-Reza-asws wrote to Muhammad Bin Sinan in answer to what he had written to ask him-asws: ‘The dead have been Forbidden due to what is therein from the spoilage of the bodies and the health, and due to what Allah-azwj the High Intended the Naming (Bismillah) as a cause for the Permissibility and a criterion between the Permissible and the Prohibited. And Allah-azwj the High Prohibited the blood like the Prohibition of the dead due to that is therein from the spoilage of the bodies, and because it inherits the yellow water, and vapour of the mouth, and stinking wind, and abusive manners, and it inherits the harshness of the heart, and the scarcity of the kindness and the mercy. It is not safe if he were to kill his children, or his parents, and his companion. And the spleen is Prohibited due to what is therein from the blood, and because its reason, and the reason for the blood, and the dead, is one; because it flows the (same) flowing in the mischief’.[966]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ما جيلويه رضي الله عنه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن محمد بن أسلم الجبلي عن الحسين بن خالد قال: سألت ابا الحسن (ع) هل يحل أكل لحم الفيل؟ فقال: لا فقلت: لم؟ قال: لانه مثله وقد حرم الله تعالى لحوم الامساخ ولحوم ما مثل به في صورتها.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Aslam Al Jabaly, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws, ‘Is it Permissible to eat the flesh of the elephant?’ So he-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘Why?’ he-asws said: ‘Because it has been transformed, and Allah-azwj the High has Forbidden the flesh of the metamorphosed ones, and flesh of what resembles it in its image’.[967]

(باب 238 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره اكل لحم الغراب)

Chapter 238 – The reason due to which it is abhorrent to eat the flesh of the raven

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن يحيى الخزاز عن غياث بن ابراهيم عن جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام انه كره أكل لحم الغراب لانه فاسق.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Khazaz, from Gayas Bin Ibrahim,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws that he-asws disliked eating of the flesh of the raven, because it is wicked’.[968]

(باب 239 – علل المسوخ وأصنافها)

Chapter 239 – Reason for the mutants (metamorphosed ones) and their types

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن اسماعيل بن مهران عن محمد بن الحسن بن علان قال: سألت أبا الحسن عليه السلام عن المسوخ فقال اثنى عشر صنفا ولها علل، فاما الفيل فانه مسخ لانه كان ملكا زناء لوطيا ومسخ الدب لانه كان رجلا ديوثا ومسخت الارانب لانها كانت امرأة تخون زوجها ولا تغتسل من حيض ولا جنابة

My father narrated to me, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ismail Bin Mahran, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin A’alan who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws about the mutants, so he-asws said: ‘There are twelve types and there are reasons for them. So, as for the elephant, so it was metamorphose because it was an adulterous king, a sodomist. And the bear was metamorphosed because it was an effeminate man (inviting other man to himself). And the rabbits have been metamorphosed because she was a woman who betrayed her husband, and did not used to wash from menstruation, nor sexual impurity.

ومسخ الوطواط لانه كان يسرق تمور الناس ومسخ سهيل لانه كان عشارا باليمين، ومسخت الزهرة لانها كانت امرأة فتن بها هاروت وماروت وأما القردة والخنازير فانهم قوم من بني اسرائيل اعتدوا في السبت،

And the bat was metamorphosed because he used to steal the date of the people. And Saheyl (a sea creature) was metamorphosed because he was collecting taxes (unlawfully) at Al-Yemen. And Al-Zohra (a sea creature) was metamorphosed because she was the one by whom Harout and Marout were bewitched by. And as for the monkey and the pigs, so they were a people from the Children of Israel who exceeded with regards to the Sabbath.

وأما الجري والضب ففرقة من بني اسرائيل حين نزلت المائدة على عيسى لم يؤمنوا به فتاهوا، فوقعت فرقة في البحر وفرقة البر، وأما العقرب فانه كان رجلا نمامه، وأما الزنبور فكان لحاما يسرق في الميزان.

And as for the common basilisk (sea lizard) and the (land) lizard so these were a sect from the Children of Israel, when the meal descended upon Isa-as, they did not believe in it, so they strayed. Thus, a sect fell into the sea, and a sect upon the land. And as for the scorpion, so it was a scandal mongering man. And as for the wasp, it was a butcher who stole with regards to the weighing’.[969]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن محمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي قال: حدثنا محمد بن أحمد بن اسماعيل العلوي: حدثني علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب قال: حدثنا علي بن جعفر عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر عن جعفر ابن محمد عليهم السلام قال: المسوخ ثلاثة عشر: الفيل والدب والارنب والعقرب والضب والعنكبوت والد عموص والجري والوطواط والقرد والخنزير والزهرة وسهيل، قيل يا ابن رسول الله ما كان سبب مسخ هؤلاء؟

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Ismail Al Alawy,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, from Ali son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘The mutants are thirteen – The elephant, and the bear, and the rabbit, and the scorpion, and the lizard, and the spider, and the triops australiensis (sea beetle), and the common basilisk (sea lizard), and the bat, and the monkey, and the pig, and Al-Zuhra (a sea creature), and Saheyl (a sea creature)’. It was said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! What was the cause for the metamorphosis of these?’

قال: أما الفيل فكان رجلا جبارا لوطيا لا يدع رطبا ولا يابسا، وأما الدب فكان رجلا مخنثا يدعو الرجال إلى نفسه، وأما الارانب فكانت امرأة قذرة لا تغتسل من حيض ولا جنابة، ولا غير ذلك، وأما العقرب فكان رجلا همازا لا يسلم منه أحد، وأما الضب فكان رجلا اعرابيا يسرق الحاج بمحجنه، وأما العنكبوت فكانت امرأة سحرت زوجها،

He-saww said: ‘As for the elephant, so it was a tyrannous man, gay, did not leave a wet nor a dry (went to everything); and as for the bear so it was a man who invited the men to himself; and as for the rabbits, so it was a dirty woman who did not wash from the menstruation, nor from sexual impurities, nor from other than that; and as for the scorpion, so it was a fault-finding man, no one was safe from him; and as for the lizard, so it was an Bedouin man stealing from the pilgrims by his crosier (stick); and as for the spider, so it was a woman who bewitched her husband;

وأما الدعموص فكان رجلا نماما يقطع بين الاحبة وأما الجري فكان رحلا ديوثا يجلب الرجال على حلائله، وأما الوطواط فكان رجلا سارقا يسرق الرطب من رؤس النخل وأما القردة فاليهود اعتدوا في السبت، وأما الخنازير فالنصارى حين سألوا المائدة فكانوا بعد نزولها أشد ما كانوا تكذيبا، وأما سهيل فكان رجلا عشارا باليمن، وأما الزهرة فانها كانت امرأة تسمى ناهيد وهي التي تقول الناس انه افتتن بها هاروت وماروت.

and as for the triops australiensis (sea beetle), he was a scandal mongering man cutting off (relationships) between loved ones; and as for the common basilisk (water lizard), so it was a wandering cuckold bringing men to his wife; and as for the bat, so these were men who used to steal the date from the top of the palm tree; and as for the monkey, so there were Jews who had exceeded the Sabbath; and as for the pigs, so they were Christians, who had asked for the meal (from Prophet Isa-as), so after it had descended, they were intense in their belying it; and as for Saheyl (a sea creature), so he used to collect taxes at Al-Yemen; and as for Al-Zuhra (a sea creature), so it was a woman called Naheed, and she was the one for whom the people are saying that she had Harout and Marout spellbound’.[970]

حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الوراق رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا عباد بن سليمان عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمي عن الرضا عليه السلام انه قال: كانت الخفاش امرأة سحرت ضرة لها فمسخها الله تعالى خفاشا، وإن الفأر كان سبطا من اليهود غضب الله عليهم فمسخهم فأرا، وان البعوض كان رجلا يستهزئ بالانبياء عليهم السلام ويشتمهم ويكلح في وجوههم ويصفق بيديه فمسخه الله تعالى بعوضا

Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Abaad Bin Suleyman, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Daylami,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Reza-asws having said: ‘The bat was a woman who enchanted her fellow wife, so Allah-azwj Metamorphosed her as a bat; and the mouse was a tribe from the Jews. Allah-azwj was Wrathful upon them, so He-azwj Metamorphosed them as mice; and the mosquito was a man who used to mock a Prophet-as from the Prophets-as and insult them and scowling in their faces and clapping his hands, so Allah-azwj the High Metamorphose him as a mosquito;

وان القملة هي من الجسد وان نبيا من انبياء بني اسرائيل كان قائما يصلي إذا أقبل إليه سفيه من سفهاء بني اسرائيل فجعل يهزأ به ويكلح في وجهه فما برح من مكانه حتى مسخه الله سبحانه وتعالى قملة، وان الوزغ كان سبطا من اسباط بني اسرائيل يسبون اولاد الانبياء ويبغضونهم، فمسخهم الله أوزاغا وأما العنقاء، فمن غضب الله تعالى عليه، فمسخه وجعله مثله فنعوذ بالله من غضب الله ونقمته.

And the louse, is from the body, and that a Prophet-as from the Prophets-as of the Children of Israel was standing, Praying, when a fool from the fools of the Children of Israel came over. So he went on to mock him-as and scowling in his face. So he did not move from his place until Allah-azwj, Glorious is He-azwj, Metamorphosed him as a louse. And the salamander (a lizard) was a tribe from the tribes of the Children of Israel who were insulting the children of the Prophets-as and begrudging them, so Allah-azwj Metamorphosed then into salamanders. And as for the phoenix, so it is from the Wrath of Allah-azwj the High upon it, so He-azwj Metamorphosed it and Made it to be an example. Therefore, we seek Refuge with Allah-azwj from the Wrath of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Retribution’.[971]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن علي بن اسباط عن علي بن جعفر عن مغيرة عن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عن جده عليهم السلام قال: المسوخ من بني آدم ثلاثة عشر صنفا منهم القردة والخنازير و الخفاش والضب والدب والفيل والدعموص والجري والعقرب وسهيل والقنفذ والزهرة والعنكبوت،

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khataab, from Ali Bin Asbaat, from Ali Bin Ja’far,from Mugheira,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws having said: ‘The metamorphosed ones from the Children of Adam-as are thirteen types – among them are the monkeys, and the pigs, and the bat and the lizard, and the bear, and the elephant, and the triops australiensis (sea beetle), and the common basilisk (water lizard), and the scorpion, and Saheyl (a sea creature), and the hedgehog, and Al-Zuhra (a sea creature), and the spider.

فاما القردة فكانوا قوما ينزلون بلدة على شاطئ البحر اعتدوا في السبت فصادوا الحيتان فمسخهم الله تعالى قردة، وأما الخنازير فكانوا قوم من بني اسرائيل دعا عليهم عيسى بن مريم (ع) فمسخهم الله تعالى خنازيرا، وأما الخشاف، فكانت امرأة مع ضرة لها فسحرتها فمسخها الله تعالى خشافا، وأما الضب فكاب اعرابيا بدويا لا يرع عن قتل من مر به من الناس فمسخه الله تعالى ضبا،

So, as for the monkey, so they used to be a people who encamped at the coast of the sea, exceeded in the Sabbath, so they fished the whales. Therefore, Allah-azwj the High Metamorphosed them as monkeys; and as for the pigs, so they used to be a people from the Children of Israel. Isa-as Bin Maryam-as supplicated against them, So Allah-azwj Metamorphosed them as pigs; and as for the bats, so it was a woman with a fellow wife of hers. So she spellbound her, therefore Allah-azwj the High Metamorphosed her as a bat; and as for the lizard, so he was an Arab Bedouin, not hesitating from killing everyone from the people who passed by, so Allah-azwj metamorphosed him as a lizard;

وأما الفيل فكان رجلا ينكح البهائم فمسخه الله تعالى فيلا وأما لدعموص فكان رجلا زاني الفرج لا يرع من شئ فمسخه الله تعالى دعموصا وأما الجري فكان رجلا نماما فمسخه الله تعالى جريا، وأما العقرب رجلا همازا لمازا فمسخه الله عقربا، وأما الدب فكان رجلا يسرق الحاج فمسخه الله تعالى دبا،

And as for the elephant, so it was a man who used to copulate with the animals, so Allah-azwj the High Metamorphosed him as an elephant; and as for the triops australiensis (sea beetle), so it was an adulterous man for the relief, not caring about anything, so Allah-azwj the High Metamorphosed him as a triops australiensis (sea beetle); and as for the common basilisk (water lizard), so it was a scandal mongering man, so Allah-azwj metamorphosed him as a common basilisk (water lizard); and as for the scorpion, it was a fault-finding man, for finding faults, so Allah-azwj Metamorphosed him as a scorpion; and as for the bear, so it was a man who used to steal from the pilgrims, so Allah-azwj Metamorphosed him as a bear;

وأما سهيل فكان رجلا عشارا صاحب مكاس فمسخه الله تعالى سهيلا، وأما الزهرة فكانت امرأة فتن بها هاروت وماروت فمسخها الله تعالى زهرة وأما العنكبوت فكانت امرأة سيئة الخلق عاصية لزوجها مولية عنه فمسخها الله تعالى عنكبوتا، وأما القنفذ فكان رجلا سيئ الخلق فمسخه الله تعالى قنذا.

and as for Saheyl (a sea creature), so it was a man who used to collect (unlawful) taxes, owner of (personal) gains, so Allahzwj the High Metamorphosed him as Saheyl (a sea creature); and as for Al-Zuhra (a sea creature), so it was a woman by whom Harout and Marout were spellbound, so Allah -azwj the High Metamorphosed has as Zuhra (a sea creature); and as for the spider, so it was a woman of evil manners, disobedient to her husband having turned her face away from him, so Allah-azwj the High Metamorphose her as a spider; and as for the hedgehog, so it was a man of evil manners, so Allah-azwj Metamorphosed him as a hedgehog’.[972]

حدثنا أبو الحسن علي بن عبد الله الاسواري قال: حدثنا مكي بن أحمد ابن سعدويه البرذعي قال: حدثنا أبو زكريا بن يحيى بن عبيد العطار بدمياط قال حدثنا القلانسى قال حدثنا عبد العزيز بن عبد الله الاويسي قال: حدثنا علي بن جعفر عن معتب مولى جعفر عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن جده عن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام قال: سئل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عن المسوخ قال: هم ثلاثة عشر. الفيل والدب والخنزير والقرد والجري والضب والوطواط والدعموص والعقرب والعنكبوت والارنب والزهرة وسهيل،

Abu Al Hassan Ali Bin Abdullah Al Aswary narrated to us, from Maky Bin Ahmad Ibn Sa’dawiya Al Bazdai’e, from Abu Zakariya Bin Yahya Bin Ubeyd Al Ataar at Damiyat, from Al Qalanasy, from Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Al Asay, from Ali Bin Ja’far,

(It has been narrated) from Mo’tab, a slave of Ja’far-asws, from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws, from Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww was asked about the mutants (Metamorphosed ones). He-saww said: ‘(These are) thirteen – the elephant, and the bear, and the pig, and the monkey, and the common basilisk (water lizard), and the (land) lizard, and the bat, and the triops australiensis (sea beetle), and the scorpion, and the spider, and the rabbit, and Al-Zuhra (a sea creature), and Saheyl (a sea creature)’.

فقيل: يا رسول الله ما كان سبب مسخهم؟ قال: أما الفيل فكان رجلا لوطيا لا يدع رطبا ولا يابسا وأما الدب فكان رجلا مخنثا يدعو الرجال إلى نفسه، وأما الخنزير فقوم نصارى سألوا ربهم تعالى ان ينزل المائدة عليهم، فلما نزلت عليهم كانوا أشد كفرا وأشد تكذيبا وأما القردة فقوم اعتدوا في السبت، وأما الجرى فكان ديوثا يدعوا الرجال إلى أهله، وأما الضب فكان اعرابيا يسرق الحاج بمحجنه،

So it was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! What was the cause for their being metamorphosed?’ He-saww said: ‘As for the elephant, so it was a sodomist man, neither leave anything wet nor dry; and as for the bear, so it was an effeminate man inviting the men unto himself; and as for the pig, so it was a Christian people who had asked their Lord-azwj to Send down the meal upon them. So when it descended upon them, they were the most intense in being ungrateful and belying it; and as for the money, so it was a people who had exceeded in the Sabbath; and as for the common basilisk (water lizard), so it was a cuckold inviting men to his own wife; and as for the (land) lizard, so it was a Bedouin who used to steal from the pilgrims with his crosier;

وأما الوطواط فكان يسرق الثمار من رؤس النخل، وأما الدعموص فكان نماما يفرق بين الاحبة، وأما العقرب فكان رجلا لذاعا لا يسلم من لسانه أحد، أما العنكبوت فكانت امرأة سحرت زوجها وأما الارنب فكانت امرأة لا تطهر من حيض ولا غيره، وأما سهيل فكان عشارا باليمن،

And as for the bat, so it was a thief stealing the fruits from the top of the palm tree; and as for the triops australiensis (sea beetle), so it was a scandal mongering man causing separation between loved ones; and as for the scorpion, so it was a fault finding man, no one was safe from his tongue; as for the spider, so it was a woman who bewitched her husband; and as for the rabbit, so it was a woman who did not clean herself from menstruation, nor from anything else; and as for Saheyl, so he was a tax collector at Al-Yemen;

وأما الزهرة فكانت امرأة نصرانية وكانت لبعض ملوك بني اسرائيل وهي التي فتن بها هاروت وماروت وكان اسمها ناهيل والناس يقولون ناهيد.

And as for Al-Zuhra, so it was a Christian woman, and she was for one of the kings of the Chidren of Israel, and she was the one by which Harout and Marout were spellbound by, and her name was Naheel, and the people are calling her Naheed’.

قال محمد بن علي بن الحسين مصنف هذا الكتاب: ان الناس يغلطون في الزهرة وسهيل، ويقولون انهما كوكبان، وليسا كما يقولون ولكنهما دابتان من دواب البحر سميتا بكوكبين، كما سمي الحمل والثور والسرطان والاسد والعقرب والحوت والجدي، وهذه حيوانات سميت على اسماء الكواكب، وكذلك الزهرة وسهيل وانما غلط الناس فيهما دون غيرهما لتعذر مشاهدتهما والنظر اليهما لانهما من البحر المطيف بالدنيا بحيث لا تبلغه سفينة ولا تعمل فيه حيلة،

Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al-Husayn the author of this book says, ‘The people are making the error with regards to Al-Zuhra and Saheyl, and they are saying that both of these are stars, and it is not as they are saying it to be. But, these two are two animals from the animals of the sea, named with the two stars, just as Al-Hamal (Aries – the ram), and Al-Sowr (Taurus – the bull), and Al-Sirtaan (Cancer), and Al-Asad (Leo – the lion) , and Al-Aqrab (Scorpio – scorpion), and Al-Hout (pisces – fish), and A- Jadiy (Capricorn – goat) have been named; and these are animals who have been named upon the names of the stars; and similar to that is Al-Zuhra, and Saheyl. But rather the people are wrong with regards to these two besides the others due to the excuse of not being able to witness these from and looking at them, because these two are from the sea, shaded from the world, with where neither a ship has reached, nor has a stratagem being worked upon them.

وما كان الله تعالى ليمسخ العصاة أنوارا مضيئة فيبقيهما ما بقيت الارض والسماء، والمسوخ لم تبق اكثر من ثلاثة أيام حتى ماتت، وهذه الحيوانات التي تسمى المسوخ فالمسوخية لها اسم مستعار مجازي، بل هي المسوخ الذي حرم الله تعالى ذكره أكل لحومها. لما فيه من المضار.

And it was not for Allah-azwj the High that He-azwj would Metamorphose the disobedience as rays of light illuminating, so that they would be remaining for as long was the earth and the sky remain, and the mutants did not remain more than three days until they died. And these are animals which are named as the mutants. Thus the mutants have for them a name which is a pseudonym, figurative. But these are the mutants which Allah-azwj, Elevated is His-azwj Mention, has Forbidden for its flesh to be eaten, due to what is therein from the harm’.

وقال أبو جعفر الباقر عليه السلام: نهي الله تعالى عن أكله المثلة لكيلا ينتفع بها ولا يستخف بعقوبته.

And Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High has Forbidden from eating the resemblances (of the mutants) lest it be underestimated by, and His-azwj Punishment be belittled’.[973]

(باب 240 – العلة التي من أجلها قد يرتكب المؤمن المحارم) (ويعمل الكافر الحسنات)

Chapter 240 – The reason due to which the Believer indulges in Prohibitions and the disbeliever does the good deeds

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه، قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد الهمداني عن اسحاق القمي قال: دخلت على أبي جعفر الباقر عليه السلام فقلت له: جعلت فداك اخبرني عن المؤمن بزنى، قال: لا، قلت: فيلوط، قال: لا، قلت: فيشرب المسكر، قال: لا، قلت: فيذنب، قال: نعم، قلت: جعلت فداك لا يزنى ولا يلوط ولا يرتكب السيئات، فأي شئ ذنبه؟ فقال: يا اسحاق قال الله تبارك وتعالى (الذين يجتنبون كبائر الاثم والفواحش إلا اللمم) وقد يلم المؤمن بالشئ الذي ليس فيه مراد،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al Hamdany, from Is’haq Al Qummy who said,

‘I came over to Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you! Inform me about the Believer, (does he indulge) in adultery?’. He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So does he (commit) sodomy?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So does he drink the wine?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So does he sin?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! He does not commit adultery, nor sodomy, nor does he indulges in the evil, so which this in his sin?’ So he-asws said: ‘O Is’haq! Allah-azwj Blessed and High Says [53:32] Those who keep aloof from the great sins and the immoralities except for the ‘Lamam’.[974] And the Believer commits something in which he had no intention with regards to it’.

قلت: جعلت فداك أخبرني عن الناصب لكم يطهر بشئ أبدا، قال: لا، قلت جعلت فداك قد أرى المؤمن الموحد الذي يقول بقولي ويدين بولايتكم وليس بيني وبينه خلاف، يشرب المسكر ويزني ويلوط وآتيه في حاجة واحدة فاصيبه معبس الوجه كالح اللوان ثقيلا في حاجتي بطيئا فيها،

I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you! Inform me about the hostile one (Nasibi) to you-asws. Can he be purified with anything, ever?’ He-asws said : ‘No’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! I have seen the Believer, (professing in) Oneness (of Allah-azwj), who says with what I am saying (same belief), and makes it a Religion with your-asws Wilayah, and there is no difference between me and him, (yet) he drinks the wine, and commits adultery, and sodomy, and I come to him with regards to one need, so I find him with a frown upon his face, grim, (changed) attitude, sluggish with regards to my need, slow regarding it.

وقد أرى الناصب المخالف لما آتي عليه ويعرفني بذلك فآتيه في حاجة فاصيبه طلق الوجه حسن البشر متسرعا في حاجتى فرحا بها يجب قضاءها، كثير الصلاة، كثير الصوم كثير الصدقة يؤدي الزكاة ويستودع فيؤدي الامانة، قال: يا اسحاق ليس تدرون من أين اوتيتم؟ قلت: لا والله جعلت فداك إلا أن تخبرني،

And I have seen the Hostile one (Nasibi), the adversary, when I come to him and he recognises me by that (as being a Shias). So I come to him regarding a need, and I find him with a loose face of a good human being, quick with regards to my need, happy with it to answer its fulfilment, frequent in the Prayers, frequent in the Fasting, frequent in the charity, paying the Zakat, and if entrusted with, so he fulfils the entrustment’. He-asws said: ‘O Is’haq! Are you not knowing from where you have been given (all this)?’ I said, ‘No, by Allah-azwj, except if you-asws were to inform me’.

فقال: اسحاق ان الله تعالى لما كان متفردا بالوحدانية ابتدأ الاشياء لا من شئ، فاجرى الماء العذب على ارض طيبة طاهرة سبعة ايام بلياليها، ثم نضب الماء عنها فقبض قبضة من صفوة ذلك الطين، وهي طينة أهل البيت، ثم قبض قبضة من أسفل ذلك الطين وهي طينة شيعتنا، ثم أصطفانا لنفسه، فلو ان طينة شيعتنا تركت كما تركت طينتنا لما زنى أحد منهم ولا سرق ولا لاط ولا شرب المسكر ولا اكتسب شيئا مما ذكرت،

So he-asws said: ‘Is’haq! When Allah-azwj Blessed and High was Singular in His-azwj Oneness, Began the (Creation of) things, not from a thing. So He-azwj Caused the sweet water to flow upon the good land, pure, for seven days and night. Then the water depleted from it, so He-azwj Grabbed a Handful from the elite of that clay, and it is the clay of the People-asws of the Household. Then He-azwj Grabbed a Handful of the clay from below that, and it is the clay of our-asws Shias. Then He-azwj Chose us-asws for Himself-azwj. So, had the clay of our Shias been left just as our-asws clay was left, not one of them would have committed adultery, nor theft, nor sodomy, nor drink the wine, no acquired anything from what you have mentioned.

ولكن الله تعالى أجرى الماء المالح على ارض ملعونة سبعة ايام ولياليها، ثم نضب الماء عنها، ثم قبض قبضة وهي طينة ملعونة من حمأ مسنون، وهي طينة خبال وهي طينة أعدائنا، فلو ان الله عزوجل ترك طينتهم كما أخذها لم تروهم في خلق الآدميين، ولم يقروا بالشهادتين ولم يصوموا ولم يصلوا ولم يزكوا ولم يحجوا البيت ولم تروا أحد منهم بحسن خلق، ولكن الله تبارك وتعالى جميع الطينتين طينتكم وطينتهم فخلطها وعركها عرك الاديم ومزجها بالمائين،

But, Allah-azwj the High Caused the salty water upon an accursed land for seven days and nights. Then the water depleted from it. Then He-azwj Grabbed a Handful, and it is the accursed clay from [15:26] black mud Fashioned into shape, and it is the clay of insanity, and it is the clay of our-asws enemies. So, if Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Had Left their clay just as He-azwj had Taken it, you would not have seen them with humanistic morals, and they would not have reciting the two testimonies, and would not be Fasting, and would not be Praying, and would not be giving Zakat, and would not be performing Hajj of the House (Kabah),and would not have seen anyone from them with good manners. But, Allah-azwj Blessed and High Gathered the two clays, your clay and their clay, so He-azwj Mixed the two and Scrubbed these with a Scrubbing of the crust, and Blended it with the two waters.

فما رأيت من أخيك المؤمن من شر لفظ أو زنا أو شئ مما ذكرت من شرب مسكر أو غيره، فليس من جوهريته، ولا من ايمانه، إنما هو بمسحة الناصب اجترح هذه السيئات التي ذكرت، وما رأيت من الناصب من حسن وجه وحسن خلق، أو صوم، أو صلاة أو حج بيت أو صدقة، أو معروف، فليس من جوهريته، انما تلك الافاعيل من مسحة الايمان، اكتسبها وهو اكتساب مسحة الايمان.

So what you see from your brother Believer, from the evil word, or adultery, or something from what you have mentioned, from drinking of wine, or other, so it is not from his essence, nor is it from his faith. But rather, it is by the touch of the Hostile one (Nasibi) that he does these evil (things) which you mentioned. And what you see from the Hostile one (Nasibi), from the beauty of his face, and goodness of his manners, or Fasting, or Prayer, or Hajj of the House (Kabah), or charity, or enjoining of the good, so it is not from his essence. But rather, these actions are from the touch of the faith, acquired, and it is the achievement of the touching of the faith’.

قلت: جعلت فداك فإذا كان يوم القيامة فمه؟ قال لي: يا اسحاق أيجمع الله الخير والشر في موضع واحد؟ إذا كان يوم القيامة نزع الله تعالى مسحة الايمان منهم فردها إلى شيعتنا ونزع مسحة الناصب بجميع ما اكتسبوا من السيئات فردها إلى أعدائنا وعاد كل شئ إلى عنصره الاول الذي منه ابتدأ،

I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you! So when it will be the Day of Judgement, so (then what)?’ He-asws said to me: ‘O Is’haq! Does Allah-azwj Gather the good and the evil in one place? When it will be the Day of Judgement, Allah-azwj the High would the touch of the faith from them, so He-azwj would Return it to our-asws Shias, and Remove the touch of the Hostile one (Nasibi) with the entirety of what had been acquired from the evil deeds, So He-azwj would Return these to our-asws enemies, and thus everything would return back to its first element from which it began.

أما رأيت الشمس إذا هي بدت، ألا ترى لها شعاعا زاجرا متصلا بها أو باينا منها، قلت: جعلت فداك الشمس إذا هي غربت بدأ إليها الشعاع كما بدأ منها ولو كان باينا منها لما بدأ إليها، قال: نعم يا اسحاق كل شئ يعود إلى جوهره الذي منه بدأ،

But, have you seen the sun when it begins (rises)? Do you see its rays being connected to it or separating from it?’ I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! The sun, when it sets, the rays originating from it just as they had originated from it before. And had they separated from it, they would not be arriving to it’. He-asws said: ‘Yes, O Is’haq! Everything returns to its essence which it began from’.

قلت جعلت فداك تؤخذ حسناتهم فترد الينا وتؤخذ سيئاتنا فترد إليهم؟ قال: أي والله الذي لا إله إلا هو. قلت: جعلت فداك أجدها في كتاب الله تعالى؟ قال: نعم يا اسحاق، قلت أي مكان؟ قال لي: يا اسحاق أما تتلو هذه الآية (اولئك يبدل الله سيئاتهم حسنات وكان الله غفورا رحيما) فلم يبدل الله سيئاتهم حسنات إلا لكم والله يبدل لكم.

I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Their good deeds would be taken, so they would be returned to us, and our evil deeds would be taken, so they would be returned to them?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, by Allah-azwj, the One besides Whom there is not god but Him-azwj’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Can it be found in the Book of Allah-azwj the High?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, O Is’haq’. I said, ‘In which place?’ He-asws said to me: ‘O Is’haq! Have you not recited this Verse [25:70] so these are they for whom Allah would Exchange their evil deeds to good ones; and Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. So, Allah-azwj will not Exchange their evil deeds to good ones except for you (Shias). By Allah-azwj! He-azwj will Exchange them!’[975]

(باب 241 – علة الطيب وسببه)

Chapter 241 – Reason for the perfume and its cause

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن علي بن حسان الواسطي عن بعض أصحابه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: أهبط آدم من الجنة على الصفا، وحواء على المروة وقد كانت امتشطت في الجنة، فلما صارت في الارض قالت: ما أرجو من المشط وأنا مسخوط علي، فحلت مشطتها فانتشر من مشطتها العطر الذي كانت امتشطت به في الجنة، فطارت به الريح فالقت أثره في الهند فلذلك صار العطر بالهند.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Hasaan Al Wasity, from one of his companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Adam-as descended from the Paradise upon Al-Safa, and Hawwa-as upon Al-Marwa, and she-as used to comb her-as hair in the Paradise. So when she-as came to be in the earth, she-as said: ‘I-as have no hope from the combing, and I-as am Angered upon (by Allah-azwj). So she-as freed her-as pleats, so the fragrance spread from her-as hair which she-as used to comb with in the Paradise. So the wind became aromatic by it, and its effects were cast in India. Thus, it is due to that the perfume came to be in India’.

وفي حديث آخر انها حلت عقيصتها فارسل الله تعالى على ما كان فيها من ذلك الطيب ريحا فهبت به في المشرق والمغرب.

And in another Hadeeth: ‘She-as freed her-as hair, so Allah-azwj the High Sent a wind upon what was in it from that perfume, so it descended with it in the east and the west’.[976]

(باب 242 – العلة التي من أجلها أبي الله عزوجل لصاحب) (الخلق السيئ بالتوبة)

Chapter 242 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Refuses (to Accept) the repentance of the one with evil manners

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال أبى الله تعالى لصاحب الخلق السيئ بالتوبة، قيل: وكيف ذاك؟ قال: لانه لا يخرج من ذنب حتى يقع فيها هو اعظم منه.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from the one who mentioned,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj the high Refuses (to Accept) the repentance of the one with evil manners’. It was said, ‘And how is that?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he does not come out from a sin until he falls into it (another one) which is greater than it (the first one)’.[977]

(باب 243 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يقبل توبة صاحب البدعة)

Chapter 243 – The reason due to which the repentance of the innovator is not Accepted

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن محمد ابن عامر عن معلى بن محمد عن محمد بن جمهور العمي باسناده رفعه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: أبي الله لصاحب البدعة بالتوبة، قيل: يا رسول الله وكيف ذاك؟ قال: انه قد اشرب قلبه حبها.

Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Ibn Aamir, from Moala Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Jamhour Al Amaa, by his chain, raising it, said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Refuses (to Accept) the repentance of the innovator’. It was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! How is that?’ He-saww said: ‘His heart has drunk its love’.[978]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال أيوب بن نوح قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عمير عن هشام بن الحكم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كان رجل في الزمن الاول طلب الدنيا من حلال فلم يقدر عليها وطلبها من حرام فلم يقدر عليها فاتاه الشيطان فقال له: يا هذا إنك قد طلبت الدنيا من حلال فلم تقدر عليها وطلبتها من حرام فلم تقدر عليها، أفلا أدلك على شئ تكثر به دنياك ويكثر به تبعك، قال: بلى، قال: تبتدع دينا وتدعو إليه الناس

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Noah, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘There was a man in the former times who sought the world from Permissible means, but was not able to, and he sought from Prohibited means, but he was not able to. So Satan-la came to him, and said to him, ‘O this! You have sought the world from Permissible means, but did not have the ability over it, and you sought is from Prohibited means, but did not have the ability over it. Shall I-la point you to something by which your world would be abundant, and by which there will be numerous who follow you?’ He said, ‘Yes’. He-la said, ‘You should begin a religion, and invite the people towards it’.

ففعل فاستجاب له الناس فاطاعوه وأصاب من الدنيا ثم انه فكر فقال: ما صنعت ابتدعت دينا ودعوت الناس ما أرى لي توبة إلا آتى من دعوته إليه فارده عنه فجعل يأتي اصحابه الذين اجابوه فيقول ان الذي دعوتكم إليه باطل وانما ابتدعته، فجعلوا يقولون كذبت وهو الحق ولكنك شككت في دينك فرجعت عنه فلما رأي ذلك عمد إلى سلسلة فوتد لها ئوتدا، ثم جعلها في عنقه وقال: لا احلها حتى يتوب الله تعالى علي، فأوحى الله تعالى إلى نبى من الانبياء قل لفلان وعزتي لو دعوتني حتى تنقطع اوصالك ما أستجبت لك حتى ترد من مات إلى ما دعوته إليه فيرجع عنه.

So he did it. The people responded to him. So they obeyed him, and he attained the world. Then he (himself) rejected it, so he said, ‘What I did, I innovated a Religion and invited the people. I do not see repentance for myself except that I should go to the ones I invited towards it, so I return them from it’. So he went to his companions who had responded to him and he said, ‘That which I invited you all to is false. But rather, I innovated it’. So they went on to say, ‘You are lying, and it is the truth. But, you are (now) doubting in your religion, therefore return from it’. So when he saw that, he tied himself to the chain and pegged himself with the pegs. Then he made it to be in his neck and said, ‘I shall not free it until Allah-azwj Turns towards me (with Forgiveness)’. So Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto a Prophet-as from the Prophets-as: “Say to so and so: “By My-azwj Honour, even if he were to supplicate to Me-azwj until your joints break down, I-azwj will not Answer to you until you return the ones who died upon what you have invited them to, so they may return back from it’.[979]





(باب 244 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الخطاف لا يمشى على) (الارض وسكن البيوت)

Chapter 244 – The reason due to which a swallow does not walk upon the ground and dwells in the houses

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمرو بن علي بن عبد الله البصري قال حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن جبلة الواعظ، قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الله بن أحمد بن عامر الطائي قال: حدثنا أبي قال: حدثنا علي بن موسى الرضا عن أبيه موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه محمد بن علي عن أبيه علي ابن الحسين عن أبيه الحسين بن علي عن أبيه علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام: ان رجلا من أهل الشام سأله عن مسائل فكان فيما سأله ان قال: ما بال الخطاف لا يمشى

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Amro Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Jabala Al Waiz, from Abu Al Qasim Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Aamir Al Ta’ai, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws Musa Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws Muhammad Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Husayn Bin Ali-asws, form his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws that: ‘A man from the people of Syria asked him-asws certain question, and in what he asked him-asws was that he said, ‘What is the matter that the swallow does not walk?’

قال لانه ناح على بيت القدس فطاف حوله اربعين عاما يبكى عليه ولم يزل يبكى مع آدم عليه السلام فمن هناك سكن البيوت ومعه تسع آيات من كتاب الله عزوجل مما كان آدم يقرأه في الجنة وهي معه إلى يوم القيامة ثلاث آيات من أول الكهف، وثلاث آيات من سبحان، وإذا قرأت القرآن، وثلاث آيات من يس (وجعلنا من بين أيديهم سدا ومن خلفهم سدا).

He-asws said :’Because it lamented upon the Holy House (بيت القدس), so it circumambulated around it for forty years, wailing over it, and it did not cease to wail along with Adam-as. So from there, it dwells in the houses, and with it are Verse from the Book of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic from what Adam-as had recited in the Paradise, and these would be with him -as up to the Day of Judgement – three Verses from the beginning of (Surah) Al-Kahf, and three Verses from Praise [17:45] And when you recite the Quran, and three Verses from (Surah) Yaseen [36:9] And We have made in front of them a barrier and a barrier behind them’.[980]

(باب 245 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الثور غاضا طرفه) (لا يرفع رأسه إلى السماء)

Chapter 245 – The reason due to which then ox came to be lowering the gaze, not raising its head towards the sky

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمرو بن علي بن عبد الله البصري قال حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن جبلة الواعظ، قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الله بن أحمد بن عامر الطائي قال: حدثنا أبي قال حدثنا علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام عن أبيه عن آبائه عن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام انه سأله رجل من أهل الشام عن مسائل فكان فيما سأله عن الثور ما باله غاض طرفه لا يرفع رأسه إلى السماء؟ قال: حياء من الله عزوجل لما عبد قوم موسى العجل نكس رأسه.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Amro Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Jabala Al Waiz, from Abu Al Qasim Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Aamir Al Ta’ai, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Ali Bin Abu Talib-asws. He-asws was asked certain question by a man from the people of Syria. So among what he asked him-asws was about the ox, ‘What is the matter that it lowers its gaze, not raising its head towards the sky?’ He-asws said: ‘Out of shame from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic, when the people of Musa-as worshipped the calf, it hanged its head (in shame)’.[981]

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمرو بن علي بن عبد الله البصري قال: حدثنا أبو إسحاق ابراهيم بن حماد بن عمر النهاوندي بنهاوند قال حدثنا أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد بن المستثنى بن أبي الخصيب بالمصيصة بالليل، قال: حدثنا موسى بن الحسن بمدينة الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن شريح الكندي قال: حدثنا ابن وهب عن يحيى بن ايوب عن جميل بن أنس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اكرموا البقر فانها سيد البهائم ما رفعت طرفها إلى السماء حياء من الله عزوجل منذ عبد العجل.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Amro Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Is’haq Ibrahim Bin Hamaad Bin Umar Al Nahawandy, at Nahawand, from Abu Bakr Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Al Mustasna Bin Abu Al Khazeyb at Al Masaya at night, from Musa Bin Al Hassan at Medina of the Rasool-saww, from Ibrahim Bin Shareeh Al Kindy, from Ibn Wahab, from Yahya Bin Ayoub, from Jameel Bin Anas who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Honour the cow for it is the chief of the animals. It does not raise its head towards the sky out of shame from Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic since the calf was worshipped’.[982]

(باب 246 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت الماعز مفرقعة الذنب) (بادية الحياء والعورة وصارت النعجة مستورة الحياء والعورة)

Chapter 246 – The reason due to which the goats came to be raising its tail exposing its embarrassment and the genitals, and the sheep came to be veiling the embarrassment and the genitals

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمرو بن علي بن عبد الله البصري قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن جبلة الواعظ قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الله بن أحمد بن عامر الطائي قال: حدثنا أبي قال حدثنا علي بن موسى الرضا عن أبيه عن آبائه عن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام انه سئل ما بال الماعز مفرقعة الذنب بادية الحياء والعورة؟ فقال: لان الماعز عصت نوحا عليه السلام لما أدخلها السفينة فدفعها فكسر ذنبها، والنعجة مستورة الحياء والعورة لان النعجة بادرت بالدخول إلى السفينة، فمسح نوح عليه السلام يده على حيائها وذنبها فاستوت الالية.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Amro Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Jabala Al Waiz, from Abu Al Qasim Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Aamir Al Ta’ai, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ali Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having been asked, ‘What is the matter the goat raising its tail, exposing its embarrassment and the genitals?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because the goat disobeyed Noah-as when he-as made it to enter into the ship, so he-as shoved it, so its tail broke. And the sheep is veils the embarrassment and the genitals, because the sheep took the initiative with the entering into the ship, so Noah-as wiped his-as hand upon its embarrassment and its tail, so it came to rest on top of it’.[983]

(باب 247 – علة الكى على أيدي الدواب ونتاج البغل)

Chapter 247 – Reason for the marking upon the hands of the animal, and the result of the mule

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا عن بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن أبيه عن محمد بن يحيى عن حماد بن عثمان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام إنا نرى الدواب في بطون أيديها الرقعتين مثل الكي، فمن أي شئ ذلك، فقال: ذلك موضع منخريه في بطن أمه وابن آدم منتصب في بطن أمه، وذلك قول الله تعالى (لقد خلقنا الانسان في كبد) وما سوى ابن آدم فرأسه في دبره ويداه بين يديه.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ibn Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Hamaad Bin Usman who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘We see the animal, in the middle of its hands are two patches like the marking. So from this is that?’ So he-asws said: ‘That is the place of its nostril in the womb of its mother, and the son of Adam-as is upright in the womb of its mother, and these are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [90:4] Certainly We have created man to be in distress, and it is only the son of Adam-as whose head is towards the backside (of its mother) and his hands are in front of him’.[984]

وبهذا الاسناد عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن أبيه عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الشئ إذا اختلف لم يلقح قلت فان الناس يزعمون ان الطير الراعبي أحد أبويه ورشان، وقد نراه يبيض ويفرخ قال: كذبوا انه قد يلقى الورشان على الطير، فيتزاوج ويبيض ويفرخ ولا يفرخ نسله أبدا.

And by this chain, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Abdullah Bin Muskan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The thing which is different, does not impregnate’. I said, ‘But the people are alleging that the Al-Ra’ib bird, one of its parents is a wood pigeon, and we have see it lay eggs and chicks’. He-asws said: ‘They are lying! The wood pigeon falls upon the bird, so it copulates, and (the bird) lays eggs and chicks, but its offspring does not reproduce, ever’.[985]

(باب 249 – العلة التي من أجلها خلق الله تعالى الذباب)

Chapter 249 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Created the flies

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رضي الله عنه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن أبيه عمن ذكره عن الربيع صاحب المنصور قال قال المنصور يوما لابي عبد الله عليه السلام وقد وقع على المنصور ذباب فذبه عنه ثم وقع عليه فذبه عنه، ثم وقع عليه فذبه عنه، فقال: يا أبا عبد الله لاي شئ خلق الله تعالى الذباب؟ قال: ليذل به الجبارين.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from the one who mentioned it, from Al Rabie a companions of Al Mansour, said,

‘One day, Al-Mansour (the Caliph) said to Abu Abdullah-asws, and a fly had fallen upon Al-Mansour, so he drove it away from himself. Then it fell upon him again, so he drove it away from himself. Then it fell upon him again, so he drove it away from himself. So he said, ‘O Abu Abdullah-asws! For which thing did Allah-azwj the High Create the flie?’ He-asws said: ‘In order to humiliate the tyrants by it’.[986]

حدثنا الحسين بن أحمد بن ادريس رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا أبي عن محمد بن أبي الصهبان عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن سالم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لو لا ما يقع من الذباب على طعام الناس ما وجد فيهم إلا مجذوما.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Al Sahban, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Saalim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘If the flies had not fallen upon the food of the people, you would not have found among them any except for the leprous’.[987]

(باب 250 – علة خلق الكلب)

Chapter 250 – Reason for the Creation of the dog

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن محمد بن عيسى العلوي الحسيني رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسباط قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن زياد القطان قال: حدثنا أبو الطيب أحمد بن محمد بن عبد الله قال حدثني عيسى بن جعفر العلوي العمري عن آبائه عن عمر بن علي عن أبيه علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام: ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله سئل مما خلق الله تعالى الكلب، قال: خلقه من بزاق ابليس، قيل: وكيف ذاك يا رسول الله؟

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Al Alawy Al Husayni narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Asbaat, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad Al Qatan, from Abu Al Tayyab Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Isa Bin Ja’far Al Alawy Al Umary, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from a son of Ali-asws, from his father Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘The Prophet-saww was asked from what did Allah-azwj the High Created the dog. He-saww said: ‘From saliva of Iblees-la’. It was said, ‘And how was that, O Rasool-Allah-saww?’

قال: لما أهبط الله تعالى آدم وحواء إلى الارض أهبطهما كالفرخين المرتعشين، فعدا ابليس الملعون إلى السباع وكانوا قبل آدم في الارض فقال لهم: ان طيرين قد وقعا من السماء لم ير الراؤن اعظم منهما، تعالوا فكلوهما فتعادت السباع معه وجعل ابليس يحثهم ويصيح ويعدهم بقرب المسافة فوقع من فيه من عجلة كلامه بزاق فخلق الله تعالى من ذلك البزاق كلبين أحدهما ذكر والآخر انثى فقاما حول آدم وحواء، الكلبة بجدة، والكلب بالهند فلم يتركوا السباع ان يقربوهما، ومن ذلك اليوم الكلب عدو السبع، والسبع عدو الكلب.

He-saww said: ‘When Allah-azwj the High Caused Adam-as and Hawwa-as to descend to the earth, they descended like two quivering chicks. So Iblees-la the Accursed sprinted to the predatory animals, and he-la was in the earth before Adam-as. So he-la said to them, ‘Two birds have fallen from the sky, such as the seeing ones have never seen greater than these two. Come, and eat these two’. So the predatory animals returned along with him-la, and Iblees-la went on urging them and yelling from a nearby distance. So there occurred spittle in his-la mouth, due to the hastiness of his-la speech. So Allah-azwj the High Created two dogs from that spittle – one of the two being male and the other one female. So these two stood around Adam-as and Hawwa-as – the female dog at Jeddah, and the male dog at India. So they did not leave the predatory animals to come near the two of them-as. And from that day onwards, the dog is the enemy of the predatory animals, and the predatory animals are the enemy of the dog’.[988]

(باب 251 – علة خلق الذر)

Chapter 251 – Reason for the Creation of the (dust) Particles

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى العلوي الحسيني رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسباط قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن زياد القطان قال: حدثني أبو الطيب أحمد بن محمد بن عبد الله قال حدثني عيسى بن جعفر العلوي العمري عن آبائه عن عمر بن علي عن أبيه علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام انه سئل مما خلق الله الذر الذي يدخل في كوة البيت؟ فقال: ان موسى عليه السلام: لما قال ربى أرنى انظر اليك، قال الله تعالى: ان استقر الجبل لنوري فانك ستقوى على أن تنظر إلي وان لم يستقر فلا تطيق أبصاري لضعفك،

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Al Alawy Al Husayni narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Asbaat, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad Al Qatan, from Abu Al Tayb Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Isa Bin Ja’far Al Alawy Al Amary, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from a son of Ali-asws, from his father-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, having been asked, from what Allah-azwj Created the particles which enter into the openings of the house?’ So he-asws said: ‘When Musa-as said: ‘My-as Lord-azwj! Show Yourself-azwj to me-as so that I-as can look at You-azwj’, Allah-azwj the High Said: “If the mountain were to remain stable due to My-azwj Light, so you-as would have the strength to look at Me-azwj, and if it does not remain stable, so your-as vision would not be able to tolerate visualising Me-azwj”.

فلما تجلى الله تبارك وتعالى للجبل تقطع ثلاث قطع، فقطعة ارتفعت في السماء، وقطعة غاصت تحت الارض، وقطعة تفتت فهذا الذر من ذلك الغبار، غبار الجبل.

So when Allah-azwj Blessed and High Manifested (the Noor/Light) to the mountain, it broke into three pieces – a piece which raised up into the sky, and a piece which submerged beneath the ground, and a piece which fragmented. So these are the particles from that dust, dust of the mountain’.[989]

(باب 252 – علة خلق الوجه من غير كبر)

Chapter 252 – Reason for the worn out face without old age

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى العلوي الحسيني رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسباط قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن زياد القطان قال: حدثني أبو الطيب أحمد بن محمد بن عبد الله قال: حدثني عيسى بن جعفر العلوي العمري عن آبائه عن عمر بن علي عن أبيه علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال مر أخي عيسى عليه السلام بمدينة وفيها رجل وامرأة يتصايحان، فقال: ما شأنكما؟ قال: يا نبي الله هذه امرأتي وليس بها بأس صالحة ولكني أحب فراقها، قال: فأخبرني على كل حال ما شأنها؟ قال: هي خلقة الوجه من غير بكر، قال يا امرأة أتحبين أن يعود ماء وجهك طريا، قالت: نعم، قال لها: إذا أكلت فاياك ان تشبعين لان الطعام إذا تكاثر على الصدر فزاد في القدر ذهب ماء الوجه، ففعلت ذلك فعاد وجهها طريا.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Al Alawy Al Husayni narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Asbaat, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad Al Qatan, from Abu Al Tayyib Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Isa Bin Ja’far Al Alawy Al Amary, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from a son of Ali-asws, from his father-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws that: ‘The Prophet-saww said: ‘My-saww brother-as, Isa-as passed by a city, and there was a man and a woman shouting (at each other). So he-as said: ‘What is the affair of the two of you?’ He said, ‘O Prophet-as of Allah-azwj! This is my wife, and there is no problem with her, righteous, but I would like to separate from her’. He-as said: ‘So inform me-as upon every state, what is her matter?’ He said, ‘She is of a worn out face without old age’. He-as said: ‘O woman! Would you like it that I-as return the water of your face to be soft?’ She said, ‘Yes’. He-as said: ‘Whenever you eat, so beware of satiating yourself (completely), because the food, when it is abundant upon the chest, so it increases in the measurement, and the water of the face goes away’. So she did that, and the softness returned to her face’.[990]

(باب 253 – علة علامات الصبر)

Chapter 253 – Reason for the signs of the patience

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى العلوي الحسيني رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسباط قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن زياد القطان قال: حدثنا أبو الطيب أحمد بن محمد بن عبد الله قال حدثني عيسى بن جعفر العلوي العمري عن آبائه عن عمر بن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام ان النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال: علامة الصابر في ثلاث، أولها أن لا يكسل، والثانية أن لا يضجر، والثالثة أن لا يشكو من ربه تعالى، لانه إذا كسل فقد ضيع الحق وإذا ضجر لم يؤد الشكر وإذا شكى من ربه عزوجل فقد عصاه.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Al Alawy Al Husayni narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Asbaat, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad Al Qataan, from Abu Al Tayyub Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abdullah, from Isa Bin Ja’far Al Alawy Al Amary, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from a son of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws that the Prophet-saww said: ‘The signs of patient are in three – the first is that he does not laze, and the second is that he does not get angry, and the third is that he does not complain from his Lord-azwj the High. This is because, when he is lazy so he has wasted the right (of the Given strength), and when he is angry, he does not fulfill the thanks, and when he complain from his Lord-azwj Mighty and Majestic, so he has disobeyed Him-azwj’.[991]

(باب 255 – العلة التي من أجلها جعل الشهادة في النكاح)

Chapter 255 – The reason due to which the witnessing has been Made to be regarding the marriage

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال حدثنا ابراهيم بن هاشم عمن ذكره عن درست بن أبي منصور عن محمد بن عطية عن زرارة قال: قال أبو جعفر (ع) انما جعل الشهادة في النكاح للميراث.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from the one who mentioned it, from Darast Bin Abu Mansour, from Muhammad Bin Atiya, from Zarara who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘But rather, the witnessing has been Made to be regarding the marriage due to the inheritance (involved)’.[992]

(باب 256 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم الجمع بين الاختين)

Chapter 256 – The reason due to which it is Forbidden to gather two sisters (as two wives for one man)

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثنا حمدان ابن الحسين عن الحسن بن الوليد عن مروان بن دينار قال: قلت لابي ابراهيم عليه السلام لاي علة لا يجوز للرجل أن يجمع بين الاختين، فقال: لتحصين الاسلام، سائر الاديان ترى ذلك.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Ibn Al Husayn, from Al Hassan Bin Al Waleed, from Marwan Bin Dinaar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason is it not allowed for the man that he should gather between the two sisters (as his wives)?’ So he-asws said: ‘For the fortification of Al-Islam. The rest of the religions view that (as well)’.[993]

(باب 257 – العلة التي من أجلها نهي عن تزويج المرأة) على عمتها وخالتها)

Chapter 257 – The reason due to which it is Forbidden to marry the woman on top of her paternal aunt and her maternal aunt

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس عن عبد الرحمن بن محمد الاسدي عن أبي أيوب الخزاز عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: انما نهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عن تزويج المرأة على عمتها وخالتها اجلالا للعمة والخالة فإذا اذنت في ذلك فلا بأس.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Isamil, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Abdul Rahman Bin Muhammmad Al Asady, from Abu Ayoub Al Khazaz, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘But rather, Rasool-Allah-saww forbade from marrying the woman on top of her paternal aunt and her maternal aunt due to the respect of the paternal aunt and the maternal aunt. So when she allows with regards to that, so there is no problem’.[994]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن ابن بكير عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال لا تنكح ابنة الاخ ولا ابنة الاخت على عمتها ولا على خالتها وتنكح العمة والخالة على ابنة الاخ والاخت بغير اذنهما.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Do not marry a daughter of the brother, nor a daughter of the sister upon her paternal aunt or upon her maternal aunt, and you can marry the paternal aunt and the maternal aunt upon a daughter of the brother and the sister, without the permission of these two’.[995]

(باب 258 – العلة التي من أجلها صار مهر السنة خمسمائة درهم)

Chapter 258 – The reason due to which the Sunnah dowry came to be of five hundred Dirhams

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن علي بن معبد عن الحسين بن خالد قال: سألت أبا الحسن (ع) عن مهر السنة كيف صار خمسمائة درهم؟ فقال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى اوجب على نفسه أن لا يكبر مؤمن مائة تكبيرة ويحمده مائة تحميدة ويسبحه مائة تسبيحة ويهلله مائة تهليلة ويصلي على محمد وآل محمد مائة مرة ثم يقول اللهم زوجني من الحور العين إلا زوجه الله حوراء من الجنة وجعل ذلك مهرها فمن ثم اوحى الله إلى نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله ان يسن مهر المؤمنات خمسمائة درهم ففعل ذلك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ali Bin Ma’bad, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws about the Sunnah dowry, how did it come to be of five hundred Dirhams?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Obligated upon Himself-azwj that a Believer would not Exclaim the Greatness (of Allah-azwj a hundred times, and Praise Him-azwj with a hundred Praises, and Glorify Him-azwj with a hundred Glorifications, and extol His-azwj Holiness a hundred times, and send Salawaat upon Muhammad-saww and the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww a hundred times, then says, ‘O Allah-azwj! Get me married to the Maiden Houries’, except that Allah-azwj Will get him to be married to the Houries from the Paradise, and Make that to be her dowry. Thus, from then Allah-azwj Revealed unto His-azwj Prophet-saww that he-saww make a Sunnah of the dowry of the believing women to be of five hundred Dirhams. So, Rasool-Allah-saww did that’.[996]

حدثنا الحسين بن أحمد بن ادريس عن أبيه عن احمد بن محمد عن عيسى عن ابن أبي نصر عن الحسين بن خالد قال: قلت لابي الحسن عليه السلام جعلت فداك كيف صار مهر النساء خمسمائة درهم اثنى عشر أوقية ونش، قال: ان الله اوجب على نفسه أن لا يكبره مؤمن مائة مرة، ويسبحه مائة مرة، ويحمده مائة مرة، ويهلله مائة مرة، ويصلى على محمد وآل محمد مائة مرة، ثم يقول: اللهم زوجني من الحور العين إلا زوجه الله فمن ثم جعل مهر النساء خمسمائة درهم وايما مؤمن خطب إلى أخيه حرم فبذل له خمسمائة درهم ولم يزوجه فقد عقه واستحق من الله تعالى أن لا يزوجه حوراء.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Isa, from Ibn Abu Nasr, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! How did the Sunnah dowry come to be of five hundred Dirhams, twelve ounces (of gold), nothing more nor less?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Obligated upon Himself-azwj that a Believer would not exclaim the Greatness (of Allah-azwj) one hundred times, and Glorify Him-azwj a hundred times, and extol His-azwj Holiness one hundred times, and send Salawaat upon Muhammad-saww and the Progeny-asws of Muhammad a hundred times, then says, ‘O Allah-azwj! Get me to be married to the Maiden Houries’, except that Allah-azwj Will get him married to them. So from then Allah-azwj Made the dowry of the women to be of five hundred Dirhams. And whichever Believer addresses to his brother and is denied, and he does have five hundred Dirhams and does not get him married, so he has been ungrateful to him, and he would be deserving from Allah-azwj the High that He-azwj does not get him to be married to the Houries’.[997]

(باب 259 – العلة التي من أجلها صار مهر النساء) (عند المخالفين أربعة آلاف درهم)

Chapter 259 – The reason due to which the dowry of the women came to be of forty thousand Dirhams, among the adversaries

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن السياري عمن ذكره عن حماد عن حريز عن محمد بن اسحاق قال: قال أبو جعفر أتدري من أين صار مهور النساء أربعة آلاف درهم؟ قلت: لا قال: ان أم حبيبة بنت أبي سفيان كانت بالحبشة فخطبها النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فساق عنه النجاشي أربعة آلاف درهم فمن ثم هؤلاء يأخذون به فاما المهر فاثنى عشر اوقية ونش.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Al Sayyari, from the one who mentioned it, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Muhammad Bin Is’haq who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘Do you know from where the dowries of the women came to be of forty thousand Dirhams?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘Umm Habeeba, daughter of Abu Sufyan was at Ethiopia, so the Prophet-saww addressed her, so Al-Najashi (the king) fixed the dower at forty thousand Dirhams. So from then on, they (the adversaries) are taking by it. So as for the dower, so it is twelve ounces of gold, nothing more or less’.[998]

(باب 260 – العلة التي من أجلها يجوز للرجل أن ينظر إلى) (امرأة يريد تزويجها)

Chapter 260 – The reason due to which it is allowed for the man to look at the woman intending to be married to her

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن البزنطي عن يونس بن يعقوب قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) الرجل يريد أن يتزوج المرأة يجوز أن ينظر إليها قال نعم وترفق له الثباب لانه يريدان يشتريها بأغلا ثمن

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Bazanty, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The man intending to marry the woman, is it allowed that he looks at her?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, and she may remove veil (from her face) for him, because he is wanting to buy her at an expensive price’.[999]





(باب 261 – العلة التي من أجلها إذا قال الرجل لامرأته) (ما أتيتني وأنت عذراء لم يكن عليه حد)

Chapter 261 – The reason due to which when the man says to his wife, you did not come to me as a virgin, there would not be a Limit (Punishment) upon him

أبي رحمه الله عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن صفوان عن موسى عن بن بكير زرارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) في رجل قال لامرأته ما اتيتني وانت عذراء قال: ليس عليه شئ قد تذهب العذرة من غير جماع.

My father, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Safwan, from Musa, from Bin Bakeyr Zarara,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding a man who says to his wife, ‘You did not come to me and you were a virgin’. He-asws said: ‘There is nothing upon him, for the virginity had gone from other than copulation’.[1000]

(باب 262 – علة المهر ووجوبه على الرجال)

Chapter 262 – Reason for the dowry and its Obligation upon the men

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد ابن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه في ما كتب من جواب مسائله قال: علة المهر ووجوبه على الرجال ولا يجب على النساء أن يعطين أزواحهن، قال: لان على الرجال مؤنة المرأة، لان المرأة بايعة نفسها، والرجل مشترى، ولا يكون البيع بلا ثمن ولا شراء بغير اعطاء الثمن مع النساء محظورات عن التعامل والمتجر مع علل كثيرة.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabi’e Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Ibn Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written asking him for the reason for the dowry and it being Obligatory upon the men and not being Obligatory upon the women to give it to their husbands. He-asws said: ‘Because the expenses of the women are upon the men, because the woman sells herself, and the man is a buyer. The selling cannot happen without a price, nor buying with giving of the price, along with the prohibition of the dealings (business) and the jobs for the women, and along with many reasons’.[1001]

(باب 263 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره أن يكون) (المهر أقل من عشرة دراهم)

Chapter 263 – The reason due to which it is disliked that the dowry happens to be less than ten Dirhams

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن صفوان بن يحيى عن ابن مسكان عن أبي ايوب الخراساني عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت ادنى ما يجزى من المهر، قال: تمثال من سكرة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Ibn Muskan, from Abu Ayoub Al Khurasay, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said, ‘The lowest of what is allowed from the dowry?’ He-asws said: ‘Some sugar’.[1002]

(باب 266 – العلة التي من أجلها يجوز أن يتزوج) (في الشكاك ولا يجوز أن يتزوجوا)

Chapter 266 – The reason due to which it is allowed (for the man) to marry into the sceptics (about Religion), and it is not allowed (for the woman) to marry into them

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أيوب بن نوح عن صفوان عن موسي بن بكير عن زرارة عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: تزوجوا في الشكاك ولا تزوجوهم لان المرأة تأخذ من ادب زوجها ويقهرها على دينه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ayoub Bin Nuh, from Safwan, from Musa Bin Bakeyr, from Zarara,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Marry into the people of ‘doubts’ (Muslims without adhering to the Wilayah) but do not get (the women) to be married into them, because the woman takes from the ethics of her husband, and he overwhelms her upon his religion’.[1003]

(باب 267 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز أن يجامع) الرجل وفي البيت صبي

Chapter 267 – The reason due to which it is not allowed that the man should copulate and in the house is a child

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن القاسم بن محمد الجوهري عن اسحاق بن ابراهيم عن حنان بن سدير عن أبيه قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول لا يجامع الرجل امرأته ولا جاريته وفي البيت صبي فان ذلك يورثه الزنا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Al Jowhary, from Is’haq Bin Ibrahim, from Hamam Bin Sudeyr, from his father who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘The man should not copulate with his wife, nor with a slave girl, and in the house is an (awake) child, for he would inherit the adultery’.[1004]




(باب 269 – العلة التي من أجلها إذا كان للرجل امرأتين كان) (جائزا له أن يفضل احديهما على الاخرى)

Chapter 269 – The reason due to which if there are two women for the man, it is allowed for him that he prefers one of the two over the other

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد ابن عيسى عن أبيه عن صفوان بن يحيى عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن الحسن بن زياد قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن الرجل له امرأتان احديهما احب إليه من الاخرى، أله أن يفضلها بشئ؟ قال: نعم له أن يأتيها ثلاث ليال والاخرى ليلة لان له أن يتزوج اربع نسوة فليلته يجعلها حيث يشاء.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Ibn Isa, from his father, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Abdullah Bin Muskaan, from Al Hassan Bin Ziyad who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the man for whom are two wives, one of the two being more beloved to him that the other. Can he prefer her with something?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. It is for him that he comes to her three nights, and the other one for one night, because it is for him if he were to marry four wives, so his night, he came make it to be wherever he so desires to’.[1005]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسن بن زياد عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: للرجل أن يفضل بعض نسائه على بعض ما لم يكن نسائه أربع.

And by this chain, form Al Hassan Bin Ziyad,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘It is for the man if he prefers one of his wives over the other, if he does not have four wives for him’.[1006]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن علي بن عقبة عن رجل عن أبي عبد الله عن الرجل يكون له امرأتان، أله أن يفضل احديهما بثلاث ليال قال نعم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazal, from Ali Bin Uqba, from a man,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, about the man who happens to have two wives, is it for him that he prefers one of the two by three nights to one?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’.[1007]






(باب 270 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للاسير أن يتزوج) (ما دام في أيدي المشركين)

Chapter 270 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the captive man that he should get married for as long as he is in the hands of the Polytheists

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن القاسم بن محمد عن سليمان بن داود عن عيسي بن يونس عن الاوزاعي عن الزهري عن علي بن الحسين عليه السلام قال: لا يحل للاسير أن يتزوج ما دام في أيدي المشركين مخافة ان يولد له فيبقى ولده كافرا في أيديهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Suleyman Bin Dawood, from Isa Bin Yunus, from Al Awzai’e, from Al Zuhry,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws having said: ‘It is not Permissible for the captive that he gets married for as long as he is in the hands of the Polytheists, in fear that he would be given a child, and his child would be an Infidel in their hands’.[1008]

(باب 271 – العلة التي من أجلها أحل للرجل أن يتزوج أربع) (نسوة ولم يحل له أكثر من ذلك. والعلة التي من أجلها) (لا يجوز أن تتزوج المرأة الا زوجا واحدا) (والعلة التي من أجلها يتزوج العبد باثنتين)

Chapter 271 – The reason due to which it is Permissible for the man that he marries four women, and it is not allowed for him more than that; and the reason due to which it is not allowed that the woman marries except for one husband; and the reason due to which the slave can marry two (women)

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة تزويج الرجل أربع نسوة وتحرم أن تتزوج المرأة أكثر من واحد لان الرجل إذا تزوج أربع نسوة كان الولد منسوبا إليه والمرأة لو كان لها زوجان أو أكثر من ذلك لم يعرف الولد لمن هو إذ هم المشتركون في نكاحها، وفي ذلك فساد الانساب والمواريث والمعارف.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Al Rabi’e Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written to him asking him: ‘The reason for the marrying of the man to four women, and the Prohibition for the woman to marry more than one, is because when the man marries four women, the child born would be linked to him, and if the woman were to have two men, or more than that, the child would not be recognised for whom he it, because there are participants in the marriage, and in that is the spoilage of the lineages and the inheritances and the goodness’.[1009]



(باب 272 – العلة التي من أجلها جعل الله تعالى الغير للرجال ولم يجعلها النساء)

Chapter 272 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Made the jealousy (Ghayrat) for the man and did not Make it for the women

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد ابن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن الحكم عن محمد بن الفضل عن سعد الجلاب عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الله تعالى لم يجعل الغيرة للنساء، انما تغار المنكرات منهن، فاما المؤمنات فلا، وانما جعل الله تعالى الغيرة للرجال لان الله قد أحل تعالى له أربعا، وما ملكت يمينه ولم يجعل للمرأة إلا زوجها وحده، فان بغت معه غيره كان زانية.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazal, from Sa’ad Al Jalaab,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj the High did not Make the ‘Ghayrat’ (protection via guardianship) for the women, but rather Ghayrat from them is an evil. So as for the Believing women, so no. But rather, Allah-azwj the High Made the Ghayrat to be for the men because Allah-azwj has Permitted four (wives) for him, and what his right hand possesses, and did not Make for the women except for one husband. So if she were to go to someone else apart from him, she would be an adulteress’.[1010]

(باب 273 – علة حلق شعر المولود)

Chapter 273 – Reason for the shaving of the hair of the new born

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الاشعري عن العباس بن معروف عن صفوان بن يحيى عمن حدثه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سئل ما العلة في حلق رأس المولود قال: تطهير من شعر الرحم.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin ahya Bin Imran Al Ashary, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from the one who narrated it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘He-asws was asked what the reason was regarding the shaving of the head of the new born’. He-asws said: ‘Purification from the hair of the womb’.[1011]

(باب 275 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يقع الطلاق إلا على الكتاب والسنة)

Chapter 275 – The reason due to which the divorce does not take effect unless (if it is) upon the Book and the Sunnah

حدثنا أحمد بن الحسن القطان قال: حدثنا بكر بن عبد الله بن حبيب قال حدثنا تميم بن بهلول عن أبيه عن اسماعيل بن الفضل الهاشمي قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع): لا يقع الطلاق إلا على الكتاب والسنة، لانه حد من حدود الله عزوجل يقول: (إذا طلقتم النساء فطقوهن لعدتهم وأحصوا العدة) ويقول: (وأشهدوا ذوي عدل منكم) ويقول: (وتلك حدود الله ومن يعتد حدود الله فقد ظلم نفسه) وان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله رد طلاق عبد الله بن عمر لانه كان خلافا للكتاب والسنة.

Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan narrated to us, from Bakr Bin Abdullah Bin Habeeb, from Tameem Bin Bahlool, from his father, from Ismail Bin Al Fazal Al Hashimiy who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The divorce does not take effect unless it is upon the Book and the Sunnah, because it is a Limit from the Limits of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic. He-azwj is Saying [65:1] O Prophet! When you divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed time, and calculate the number of the days prescribed; and He-azwj is Saying [65:2] and call to witness two men of justice from among you; and is Saying [65:1] and these are the limits of Allah, and whoever goes beyond the limits of Allah, he indeed does injustice to his own soul. And that Rasool-Allah-saww refuted the divorce of Abdullah Bin Umar because it was opposite to the Book and the Sunnah’.[1012]

(باب 276 – علة طلاق العدة والعلة التي من أجلها لا تحل) (المرأة لزوجها بعد تسع تطليقات. والعلة التي من أجلها (صار طلاق المملوك اثنتين)

Chapter 276 – Reason for the divorce waiting period; and the reason due to which the woman is not Permissible for her husband after nine divorces; and the reason due to which the divorce of the slaves came to be twice

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان أن ابا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة الطلاق ثلاثا لما فيه من المهلة فيما بين الواحدة إلى الثلاث لرغبة تحدث أو سكون غضب ان كان وليكون ذلك تخويفا وتأديبا للنساء وزجرا لهن عن معصية ازواجهن فاستحقت المرأة الفرقة والمباينة لدخولها فيما لا ينبغي من معصية زوجها.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Rabi’e Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan-asws Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written asking him-asws: ‘Reason for the three divorces is due to what is therein from the time gap with regards to what is between the one to the third in order for desire to be re-kindled, or the anger to be settled if there was any, and for that to be a scare and a discipline for the women from disobeying their husbands accruing the separation and the quarrelling which would enter her into what is not befitting from disobeying her husband.

وعلة تحريم المرأة بعد تسع تطليقات فلا تحل له أبدا عقوبة لئلا يتلاعب بالطلاق ولا تستضعف المرأة وليكون ناظرا في أموره متيقظا معتبرا وليكون يائسا لها من الاجتماع بعد تسع تطليقات.

And the reason for the Prohibition of the woman after nine divorces, so she would not be Permissible unto him, ever, as a punishment that perhaps he is playing with the divorce and belittling the woman, and that he would end up considering his affairs with more alertness, learning a lesson (from it), and he would become despaired from copulating with her after nine divorces.

وعلة طلاق المملوك اثنتين لان طلاق الامة على النصف وجعله اثنتين احتياطا لكمال الفرائض وكذلك في الفرق في العمدة للمتوفي عنها زوجها.

And reason for the divorces of the slaves, two, because a divorce of the slave girls is upon the half, and it has been made to be two, as a precaution in order to complete the Obligation. And similar to that is the difference regarding the waiting period of the widow whose husband has died’.[1013]

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم بن اسحاق الطالقاني رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا أحمد بن محمد الهمداني عن علي بن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن أبيه قال: سألت الرضا عليه السلام عن العلة التي من أجلها لا تحل المطلقة للعدة لزوجها حتى تنكح زوجا غيره فقال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى انما اذن في الطلاق مرتين فقال تعالى (الطلاق مرتان فامساك بمعروف أو تسريح باحسان) يعني في التطليقة الثالثة، ولدخوله فيما كره الله تعالى له من الطلاق الثالث حرمها عليه فلا تحل له حتى تنكح زوجا غيره لئلا يوقع الناس الاستخفاف بالطلاق ولا تضار النساء.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Bin Is’haq Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Hamdany, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from his father who said,

‘I asked Al-Reza-asws about the reason due to which the divorced woman is not Permissible for her husband until she married another husband, so he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Permitted with regards to the divorce, twice. So the High Said [2:229] Divorce (is only Permissible) twice, then keep (them) in good fellowship or let (them) go with kindness – Meaning in the third divorce, and due to the abhorrence for him to enter into the third divorce, Forbidden her unto him. Thus she would not be Permissible unto him until she marries another husband, lest the people fall upon belittling the divorce and hurt the women’.[1014]

(277 – العلة التي من أجلها صار عدة المطلقة ثلاثة أشهر) (أو ثلاث حيض. وعدة المتوفي عنها زوجها) (أربعة أشهر وعشرة أيام)

Chapter 277 – The reason due to which the waiting period of the divorced woman came to be of three months or three menstruations; and the waiting period of the one widowed from her husband (came to be of) four months and ten days

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد البرقي عن محمد بن خالد عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمي عن أبي الهيثم قال: سألت أبا الحسن الثاني عليه السلام كيف صارت عدة المطلقة ثلاث حيض أو ثلاثة أشهر وعدة المتوفى عنها زوجها أربعة أشهر وعشرا، قال: أما عدة المطلقة ثلاث حيض أو ثلاثة أشهر فلاستبراء الرحم من الولد، وأما المتوفي عنها زوجها، فان الله تعالى شرط للنساء شرطا فلم يحلهن فيه وفيما شرط عليهن، بل شرط عليهن مثل ما شرط لهن، فأما ما شرط لهن فانه جعل لهن في الايلاء أربعة أشهر لانه علم ان ذلك غاية صبر النساء

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Daylami, from Abu Al Haysam who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan-asws the second, how the waiting period of the divorced woman came to be of three menstruation, or three months, and the waiting period of the one widowed from her husband (came to be of) four months and ten days.

He-asws said: ‘As for the waiting period of the divorced woman being of three menstruations or three months, so it is for the purging of the womb from the child. And as for the one widowed from her husband, so Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Placed a condition upon the women, and there is no relaxation with regards to it and in what Condition has been Placed upon them. But, the condition against them is similar to what condition has been Placed for them. So as for the condition for them, so it has been Made for them regarding the swear (see Verse 2:226 below) is four months, because He-azwj Knows that is the limit of the patience of the woman (from staying away from the man).

فقال عزوجل: (للذين يؤلون من نسائهم تربص أربعة أشهر) فلم يجز للرجل أكثر من أربعة أشهر في الايلاء لانه علم ان ذلك غاية صبر النساء عن الرجال، وأما ما شرط عليهن، فقال: (عدتهن أربعة أشهر وعشرا) يعني: إذا توفى عنها زوجها فاوجب عليها إذا أصيبت بزوجها وتوفي عنها مثل ما أوجب عليها في حياته إذا آلى منها، وعلم ان غاية صبر المرأة أربعة أشهر في ترك الجماع فمن ثم اوجب عليها ولها.

So the Mighty and Majestic Said [2:226] Those who swear that they will not go in to their wives should wait four months. Thus, it is not Permissible for the man, more than four months regarding the swear, because He-azwj Knows that is the limit of the patience of the woman from (staying away) from the man. And as for the condition against them, so He-azwj Said [2:234] And (as for) those of you who die and leave wives behind, they should keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten days – Meaning, when her husband dies from her, so it is Obligatory upon her when she is hit by the death of her husband similar to what was Obligatory upon her during his lifetime when he swore from her, and He-azwj Knows the limit of the woman is of four months with regards to the neglecting of the copulation. So, from then, it is Obligated against her, and for her’.[1015]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: اخبرنا القاسم بن محمد عن حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن محمد بن بكير عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) لاي علة صار عدة المطلقة ثلاثة أشهر وعدة المتوفي عنها زوجها أربعة أشهر وعشرا، قال: لان حرقة المطلقة تسكن في ثلاثة أشهر، وحرقة المتوفى عنها زوجها لا تسكن إلا أربعة أشهر وعشرا.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Muhammad Bin Bakeyr, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘For which reason did the waiting period of the divorced woman came to be of three months, and the waiting period of the one widowed from her husband (came to be of) four months and ten days?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the sorrow of the divorced woman settles down in three months, and the sorrow of the widowed woman does not settle for four months and ten (days)’.[1016]





(باب 278 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تحل الملاعنة لزوجها الذي لا عنها أبدا)

Chapter 278 – The reason due to which the cursed woman is not Permissible for her husband who cursed her, for ever

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال أخبرنا القاسم بن محمد عن حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن مروان بن دينار عن أبي الحسن موسى بن جعفر (ع) قال: قلت لاي علة لا تحل الملاعنة لزوجها الذي لا عنها ابدا، قال: لتصديق الايمان لقولهما بالله.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Marwan Bin Dinaar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I said, ‘For which reason is the cursed woman not Permissible for her husband who cursed her, forever?’ He-asws said: ‘Due to the ratification of both their words for the swearing by Allah-azwj’.[1017]

(باب 279 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تقبل شهادة النساء في) (الطلاق ولا في رؤية الهلال)

Chapter 279 – The reason due to which the testimony of the woman is not acceptable with regards to the divorce, nor with regards to sighting of the moon

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان أن أبا الحسن الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة ترك شهادة النساء في الطلاق والهلال لضعفهن عن الرؤية ومحاباتهن النساء في الطلاق، فلذلك لا يجوز شهادتهن إلا في موضع ضرورة مثل شهادة القابلة، وما لا يجوز للرجال أن ينظروا إليه كضرورة تجويز شهادة أهل الكتاب إذا لم يوجد غيرهم، وفي كتاب الله تبارك وتعالى: (اثنان ذوا عدل منكم) مسلمين (أو آخران من غيركم) كافرين ومثل شهادة الصبيان على القتل إذا لم يوجد غيرهم.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he has asked him: ‘The reason for the neglecting the testimony of the women with regards to the divorce and the moon sighting is due to the weakness of the vision and their favouring the women regarding the divorce. So, it is due to that, their testimonies are not allowed except in the place of necessity, similar to the testimony of the midwife, and what is not allowed for the men that they should be looking at like the necessity of the testimony of the People of the Book when others cannot be found. And it is in the Book of Allah-azwj Blessed and High [5:106] two just persons from among you Muslims, or two others from among others than you, the unbelievers, and like the testimony of the children upon the murder, when others cannot be found’.[1018]


(باب 281 – العلة التي من أجلها تعتد المطلقة من يوم طلقها) (زوجها والمتوفى عنها زوجها تعتد حين يبلغها الخبر)

Chapter 281 – The reason due to which the (start of the) waiting period of divorced woman is from the day her husband divorces her, and the waiting period of woman widowed from her husband is from when the news (of his death) reaches her

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن أحمد ابن محمد بن أبي نصر البزنطي عن أبي الحسن الرضا (ع) في المطلقة ان قامت البينة انه طلقها منذ كذا وكذا وكان عدتها انقضت فقد بانت. والمتوفي عنها زوجها تعتد حين يبلغها (الخبر) لانها تريدان تحد له.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws regarding the divorced woman, if the proof is established that she is divorced since such and such a day, and her waiting period has passed, so she has been irrevocably divorced. And the woman widowed from her husband will start her waiting period when the news (of his death) reaches her, because she would want to restrict herself for him (wear black clothes, no adornments, etc.)’.[1019]

(باب 282 – العلة التي من أجلها جعل في الزنا أربعة من الشهود) (وفي القتل شاهدان)

Chapter 282 – The reason due to which four witnesses have been Made to be for adultery, and two witnesses for the murder,

أبي رحمه الله عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن اشيم عمن رواه من أصحابنا عن أبي عبد الله (ع) انه قيل له: لم جعل في الزنا أربعة من الشهود، وفي القتل شاهدان؟ فقال: ان الله تعالى أحل لكم المتعة وعلم انها ستنكر عليكم فجعل الاربعة الشهود احتياطا لكم لو لا ذلك لاتى عليكم وقل ما يجتمع أربعة على شهادة بامر واحد.

My father, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Asheym, from the one who reported it, from our companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, it having been said to him-asws, ‘Why have four witnesses been Made to be regarding adultery, and regarding murder, two witnesses?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Permitted for you the temporary marriage and Knew that it would be denied upon you, therefore He-azwj Made the four witnesses as a precaution for you. Had it not been for that, they (people) would have come to you and said (accusing you of adultery). Four (persons) will not gather upon one testimony with one matter’.[1020]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد قال حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان: أن الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله: جعلت شهادة أربعة في الزنا واثنان في سائر الحقوق لشدة حصب المحصن، لان فيه القتل فجعلت الشهادة فيه مضاعفة مغلظة لما فيه من قتل نفسه وذهاب نسب ولده ولفساد الميراث.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to his question: ‘The four testimonies have been Made to be with regards to the adultery, and two regarding the rest of the rights, due to the severity of (penalty involved) for the married ones, because therein is the killing (stoning to death), so the testimony was made to be more stricter due to what is therein from the killing of the soul, and the going away of the link to the child, and the spoilage of the inheritance’.[1021]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن علي بن أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن اسماعيل ابن حماد بن أبي حنيفة عن أبيه حماد عن أبيه أبي حنيفة قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام أيهما أشد الزنا أم القتل؟ قال: فقال القتل، قال: فقلت فما بال القتل جاز فيه شاهدان ولا يجوز في الزنا إلا أربعة؟ فقال لي: ما عندكم فيه يا أبا حنيفة، قال: قلت ما عندنا فيه إلا حديث عمر ان الله اخرج في الشهادة كلمتين على العباد قال: قال: ليس كذلك يا أبا حنيفة ولكن الزنا فيه حدان ولا يجوز أن يشهد كل أثنين على واحد لان الرجل والمرأة جميعا عليهما الحد، والقتل انما يقام الحد على القاتل ويدفع عن المقتول.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Ismail Ibn Hamaad Bin Abu Haneefa, from his father, from Hamaad, from his father Abu Haneefa who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Which of the two is more severe, the adultery or the murder?’ So he-asws said: ‘The murder’. So I said, ‘So what is the matter that for the murder, two testimonies are allowed, and it is not allowed regarding the adultery except for four?’ So he-asws said to me: ‘What is there with you, O Abu Haneefa?’ I said, ‘There is nothing with us except for a Hadeeth of Umar that Allah-azwj Took out two words regarding the testimony, upon the servants’. He-asws said : ‘It is not like that, O Abu Haneefa! But, there are two Limits (Punishments) in adultery, and it is not allowed that one would testify upon each of the two, because the Limit is upon both, the man and the woman. And the murder, the Limit would be established upon the murderer, and pushed away from the murdered (victim)’.[1022]

(باب 285 – علة تحصين الامة الحر)

Chapter 285 – Reason for the fortification of the slave girl with the free (man)

وما رواه أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النضر بن سويد عن عاصم بن حميد عن محمد بن مسلم قال: سألت أبا جعفر (ع) عن الرجل يزنى ولم يدخل بأهله يحصن، قال: لا ولا يحصن بالامة

And what my father reported, saying, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Aasim Bin Hameed, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about the man who committed adultery and did not copulate with his wife be considered married?’ He-asws said: ‘No, neither would he be considered married by having a slave girl’.

وما حدثني به محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن العلاء بن رزين وابن بكر عن محمد بن مسلم قال سألت أبا جعفر (ع) عن الرجل يأتي وليدة امرأته بغير اذنها فقال عليه السلام عليه ما على الزاني يجلد مائة جلدة

And what was narrated to me by Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Al A’ala Bin Razen and Ibn Bakr, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about the man who comes to the daughter of his wife without her permission. So he-asws said: ‘What is upon the adulterer, he would be whipped with one hundred lashes’.

(باب 286 – العلة التي من أجلها فضل الرجال على النساء)

Chapter 286 – The reason due to which is the preference of the man over the woman

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبي الحسن البرقي عن عبد الله بن جبلة عن معاوية بن عمار عن الحسن بن عبد الله عن آبائه عن جده الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام قال: جاء نفر من اليهود إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فسأله اعلمهم عن مسائل فكان فيما سأله ان قال له: ما فضل الرجال على النساء؟ فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله: كفضل السماء على الارض، وكفضل الماء على الارض، فالماء يحيى الارض، وبالرجال تحيى النساء لو لا الرجال ما خلقت النساء يقول الله عزوجل: (الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما انفقوا من أموالهم)

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Hassan Al Barqy, from Abdullah Bin Jabala, from Muawiya Bin Amaar, from Al Hassan Bin Abdullah, from his forefathers,

(It has been narrated) from his grandfather Al-Hassan-asws Bin Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘A number of Jews came to Rasool-Allah-saww. So, a scholar of theirs asked questions. Among what he asked him-saww was that he said to him-saww, ‘What is the preference of the man over the women?’ So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Like the preference of the sky over the earth, and like the preference of the water over the earth, for the water revives the earth, and by the men, the women are revived. Had it not been for the man, the women would not have been Created. Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [4:34] Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has Made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property’.

قال اليهودي: لاي شئ كان هكذا؟ فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله خلق الله تعالى آدم من طين، ومن فضلته وبقيته خلقت حواء، وأول من أطاع النساء آدم، فانزله الله تعالى من الجنة، وقد بين فضل الرجال على النساء في الدنيا ألا ترى إلى النساء كيف يحضن ولا يمكنهن العبادة من القذارة، والرجال لا يصيبهم شئ من الطمث، قال اليهودي صدقت يا محمد.

The Jew said, ‘For which thing was it like this?’ So the Prophet-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Created Adam-as from clay, and from its remnants and its remainder, Created Hawwa-as, and the first one to obey a woman was Adam-as, so Allah-azwj the High Caused him-as to descend from the Paradise. And the preference of the man over the women is evident in the world. Have you not seen the women how they menstruate and the worship is not possible for them due to the filth? And the men, nothing from the menstruation hits them’. The Jew said, ‘You-saww have spoken the truth, O Muhammad-saww’.[1023]

(باب 287 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تحصن المتعة الحر)

Chapter 287 – The reason due to which the temporary marriage does not reckon a free man to be married

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن هشام وحفص بن البختري عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: في الرجل يتزوج المتعة اتحصنه؟ قال: لا انما ذلك على الشئ الدائم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Hisham and Hafs Bin Al Bakhtary, from the one who mentioned it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said: ‘With regards to the man who marries temporarily, will he be considered married?’ He-asws said: ‘No. But rather, that (being considered married) is upon the thing permanent’.[1024]

(باب 288 – العلة التي من أجلها نهى عن طاعة النساء)

Chapter 288 – The reason due to which (men) been Forbidden from obeying the women

حدثنا علي بن أحمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي رحمه الله قال: حدثنى أبي عن جده أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن غير واحد عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: شكى رجل من أصحاب أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام نساءه، فقام علي (ع) خطيبا، فقال: معاشر الناس لا تطيعوا النساء على حال، ولا تأمنوهن على مال، ولا تذروهن يدبرن أمر العيال فانهن أن تركن وما أردن اوردنا المهالك، وعصين أمر المالك فانا وجدناهن لا ورع لهن عند حاجتهن ولا صبر لهن عند شهوتهن

Ali Bin Ahmad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al narrated to us, from his father, from his grandfather Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from someone else,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘A man from the companions of Amir Al-Momineen-asws complained about his womenfolk, so Ali-asws stood up to address. So he-asws said: ‘Group of the people! Do not obey the women upon (any) situation, and do not make them trustees upon wealth, and do not make them as viziers for the management of the dependants, for if they are left upon that they would revolve the affairs to the destruction, and disobey the orders of the Master-azwj, for we have found them that there is no piety for them during their (own personal) needs, nor any patience for them during their desires.

البذخ لهن لازم وان كبرن والعجب لهن لاحق وان عجزن يكون رضاهن في فروجهن لا يشكرن الكثير، إذا منعن القليل ينسين الخير ويذكرن الشر يتهافتن بالبهتان ويتمادين في الطغيان ويتصدين للشيطان فداروهن على كل حال وأحسنوا لهن المقال لعلهن يحسن الفعال.

Luxury is a necessity for them even if they are old, and the self-conceitedness is a certainty for them even if they are frustrated. Their pleasure lies in their private parts. They are not grateful for the abundance. Whenever they are prevented from the little, they would forget the goodness and remember the evil, they snap with the slanders and are deliberately tyrannous, and are haunted by the Satan-la. Therefore, dwell upon every situation, and talk good with them, perhaps their deeds would be good’.[1025]

(باب 289 – علل نوادر النكاح)

Chapter 289 – Miscellaneous reasons for the marriage

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضي الله عنه قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن هشام بن سالم عن الحسين بن زرارة عن أبيه قال: سألت أبا جعفر عليه السلام عن رجل تزوج امرأة على حكمها قال: فقال لا يتجاوز بحكمها مهور آل محمد عليهم السلام اثنتا عشرة أوقية ونش وهو وزن خمسمائة درهم من الفضة،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Hisham Bin Salim, from Al Husayn Bin Zarara, from his father who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about a man who marries a woman upon her judgment (stipulation of the dowry). So he-asws said: ‘Her ruling should not exceed the dowries of the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww being twelve ounces (of gold) no more no less, and it is a weight of five hundred Dirhams from the silver’.

قلت: أرأيت أن تزوجها على حكمه ورضيت بذلك، فقال: ما حكم بشئ فهو جايز عليها قليلا كان أو كثيرا، قال: فقلت له كيف لم تجز حكمها عليه واجزت حكمه عليها، قال: فقال لانه حكمها فلم يكن لها أن تجوز ما سن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وتزوج عليه نساؤه فرددتها إلى السنة واجزت حكم الرجل لانها هي حكمت وجعلت الامر في المهر إليه ورضيت بحكمه في ذلك فعليها أن تقبل حكمه في ذلك قليلا كان أم كثيرا.

I said, ‘What is your-asws view if he marries her upon his stipulation (condition) and she is happy with that?’ So he-asws said: ‘Whatever he decides so it is allowed upon her, be it little or a lot’. So I said to him-asws, ‘How come her stipulation upon him is not allowed whereas his stipulation upon her is allowed?’

So he-asws said: ‘Because he left the stipulation upon her and it is not for her that she should exceed what Rasool-Allah-saww had made a Sunnah of, and he-saww married his-saww wives upon, therefore she has to be returned to the Sunnah; and the stipulation of the man is allowed (even though it may exceed the Sunnah) because she is under the stipulation and the matter of the dowry has been made to be for him and she is happy with his stipulation with regards to that. Therefore, it is upon her to accept his stipulation with regards to that, whether it was little or a lot’.[1026]

وروي في خبر آخر أن الصادق عليه السلام قال: انما صار الصداق على الرجل دون المرأة وان كان فعلهما واحدا، فان الرجل إذا قضي حاجته منها قام عنها ولم ينتظر فراغها فصار الصداق عليه دونها لذلك.

And in has been reported in a Hadeeth that,

Al-Sadiq-asws said: ‘But rather, the dower has come to be upon the man besides the woman, although both their actions are one, for the man, when he has fulfilled his need from her, arises from her, and does not wait her to be free from it. Therefore, the dower is upon him besides her, due to that’.[1027]

حدثنا محمد بن علي (الشبامي) أبو الحسين الفقيه بمرو رذ، قال حدثنا أبو حامد أحمد بن محمد بن أحمد بن الحسين قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن أحمد بن خالد الخالدي قال حدثنا محمد بن أحمد بن صالح التميمي قال: حدثنا أبي أحمد بن صالح التميمي قال: حدثنا محمد بن حاتم العطار عن حماد بن عمرو عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن جده عن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام، في حديث طويل يذكر فيه وصية النبي صلى الله عليه وآله، ويقول فيها: ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله كره أن يغشى الرجل امرأته وهي حائض فان فعل وخرج الولد مجذوما، أو به برص فلا يلو من إلا نفسه وكره أن يأتي الرجل أهله وقد احتلم حتى يغتسل من الاحتلام، فان فعل ذلك. خرج الولد مجنونا فلا يلو من إلا نفسه.

Muhammad Bin Ali Abu Al Husayn(Al Shabamy), the jurist at Merouzad narrated to us, from Abu Haamid Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Al Husayn, from Abu Al Hassan Ahmad Bin Khalid Al Khalidy, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Salih Al Tameemy, from Abu Ahmad Bin Salih Al Tameemy, from Muhammad Bin Hatim Al Ataar, from Hamaad Bin Amro,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from grandfather-asws, from Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, in a lengthy Hadeeth mentioning in it the will of the Prophet-saww, and saying in it that: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww abhorred that the man overwhelms his wife and she is menstruating, for if he were to do it, and the child comes out with vitiligo or with leprosy, therefore he should not blame anyone except for himself; and he-saww abhorred that the man would come to his wife, and he has had seminal discharge, until he has washed from the seminal discharge, for if he were to do that, and the child comes out as insane, so he should not blame anyone except for himself’.[1028]

حدثنا محمد بن أحمد السناني رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله الكوفي قال: حدثنا سهل بن زياد الآدمي عن عبد العظيم عن عبد الله الحسنى قال حدثني علي بن محمد العسكري عن أبيه محمد بن علي عن أبيه الرضا علي بن موسي عن أبيه موسى عن أبيه جعفر عن أبيه عليهم السلام قال: يكره للرجل أن يجامع في أول ليلة من الشهر وفي وسطه وفي آخره فانه من فعل ذلك خرج الولد مجنونا ألا ترى ان المجنون أكثر ما يصرع في أول الشهر ووسطه وآخره.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Sanany narrated to us, Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Kufy, from Sahl Bin Ziyad Al Admay, from Abdul Azeem, from Abdullah Al Hasany,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Muhammad Al-Askary-asws, from his-asws father-asws Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Reza Ali-asws Bin Musa-asws, from his-asws father-asws Musa-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ja’far-asws, from his father-asws having said: ‘It is disliked for the man that he should copulate in the first night of the month, and in the middle of it, and at the end of it, for if he were to do that, the child would come out as insane. Have you not seen that the insane mostly have epileptic fits in the first of the month, and the middle of it, and the end of it?’

وقال عليه السلام: من تزوج والقمر في العقرب لم ير الحسنى.

And he-asws said: ‘The one who marries and the moon is in the scorpio, will never see goodness’.

وقال عليه السلام: من تزوج في محاق الشهر فليسلم لسقط الولد.

And he-asws said: ‘The one who marries during the ‘Mahaaq’ of the month (27th or 28th or 29th) so let him accept the miscarriage of the child’.[1029]

حدثنا محمد بن ابراهيم أبو العباس الطالقاني رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أبو سعيد الحسن بن علي العدوي قال حدثنا يوسف بن يحيى الاصبهاني أبو يعقوب قال حدثنا أبو علي اسماعيل بن حاتم قال: حدثنا أبو جعفر احمد بن صالح بن سعيد المكي قال حدثنا عمر بن حفص عن اسحاق بن نجيح عن حصين عن مجاهد عن ابي سعيد الخدري قال: اوصى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام فقال: يا علي إذا دخلت العروس بيتك فاخلع خفها حين تجلس وأغسل رجليها وصب الماء من باب دارك إلى أقصى دارك فانك إذا فعلت ذلك اخرج الله من دارك سبعين لونا من الفقر وأدخل فيها سبعين لونا من البركة وأنزل عليك سبعين رحمة ترفرف على رأس العروس حتى تنال بركتها كل زاوية في بيتك وتأمن العروس من الجنون والجذام والبرص أو يصيبها ما دامت في تلك الدار، وامنع العروس في اسبوعها من الالبان والخل والكزبرة و التفاحة الحامضة من هذه الاربعة الاشياء.

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Abu Al Abbas Al Talaqany narrated to us, from Abu Saeed Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Adawy, from Yusuf Bin Yahya Al Asbahany Abu Yaqoub, from Abu Ali Ismail Bin Hatim, from Abu Ja’far Ahmad Bin Salih Bin saeed Al Makky, from Umar Bin Hafs, from Is’haq Bin Naji’h, from Haseyn, from Mujahid, from Abu Saeed Al Khudry who said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww bequeathed to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, so he-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! When the bride enters your-asws house, so take off her shoes when she sits down, and wash her two feet, and sprinkle the water from the door of your-asws house to the remote places of your-asws house. So if you-asws were to do that, Allah-azwj would Extract from your-asws house, seventy types of poverty, and Enter into it seventy types of Blessings, and Send down upon you-asws seventy Mercies hovering upon the head of the bride, until you-asws would attain her Blessings in each nook and cranny in your-asws house, and the bride would be secure from the insanity, and the vitiligo, and the leprosy which may have hit her, for as long as she is in that house. And prevent the bride in her (first) week, from the dairy products, and the vinegar, and the coriander, and the sour apples, from these four things’.

فقال علي عليه السلام: يا رسول الله ولاي شئ امنعها هذه الاشياء الاربعة؟ قال: الرحم تعقم وتبرد من هذه الاربعة الاشياء عن الولد وحصيرة في ناحية البيت خير من امرأة لا تلد، فقال علي (ع): يا رسول الله فما بال الخل تمنع منها؟ قال: إذا حاضت على الخل لم تطهر أبدا بتمام، والكزبرة تثير الحيض في بطنها وتشدد عليها الولادة. والتفاحة الحامضة تقلع حيضها، فيصير داء عليها،

So Ali-asws said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! For which reason should I-asws prevent her from these four things?’ He-saww said: ‘The womb gets sterilised and cold due to these four things from the (giving of) birth, and a mat in the area of the house is better than a woman who does not give birth’. So Ali-asws said: ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! What is the matter with the vinegar, to be prevented from her?’ He-saww said: ‘Whenever she menstruates upon the vinegar, she does not get purified completely, ever, and the coriander stirs the menstruation (further) in her belly, and the birth would be difficult for her. And the sour apple takes off her menstruation, so it becomes an illness upon her’.

قال: يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك في أول الشهر ووسطه وآخره، فان الجنون والجذام والخبل يسرع إليها وإلى ولدها.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife during the first of the months, and the middle of it, and at the end of it, for the insanity, and the vitiligo, and the dementia would hasten towards her and to her child.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك بعد الظهر، فانه ان قضي بينكما ولد في ذلك الوقت يكون أحول والشيطان يفرح بالحول في الانسان.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife are the midday, for if a child is conceived for the two of you-asws during that time, it would be squint-eyed, and the Satan-la rejoices at the squint-eyed ones among the humans.

يا علي لا تتكلم عند الجماع كثيرا فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد لا يؤمن أن يكون أخرس، ولا تنظر إلى فرج امرأتك وغض بصرك عند الجماع، فان النظر إلى الفرج يورث العمى – يعني في الولد –

O Ali-asws! Do not speak a lot during the copulation, for if a child were to be conceived by both of you-asws, it is not safe that it would be dumb. And do not look at the private part of your-asws wife, and close your-asws eyes during the copulation, for in the looking at the private part inherits the blindness – meaning in the child.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك بشهوة امرأة غيرك فانني اخشى ان قضي بينكما ولد ان يكون مخنثا مؤنثا مخبلا.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife with the desire for another woman, for I-saww fear that if a child is conceived by both of you-asws, it would become a sissy (weak), effeminate, demented.

يا علي إذا كنت جنبا في الفراش مع امرأتك فلا تقرأ القرآن، فاني اخشى أن ينزل عليكما نار من السماء فتحرقكما.

O Ali-asws! If you-asws are at the side of the bed along with your-asws wife, so do not recite the Quran, for I-saww fear that a fire from the sky would descend upon the two of you-asws, so it would incinerate you-asws both’.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك إلا ومعك خرقة ومع امرأتك خرقة ولا تمسحا بخرقة واحدة، فتقع الشهوة على الشهوة، وإن ذلك يعقب العداوة بينكما ثم يؤديكما إلى الفرقة والطلاق.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife except with you is a towel, and with your-asws wife is a towel. And do not wipe with one towel, for the desire would fall upon the desire, and consequentially there would be enmity between the two of you, and it would invite the two of you to the separation and the divorce.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك من قيام فان ذلك من فعل الحمير وان قضى بينكما ولد يكون بوالا في الفراش كالحمير البوالة في كل مكان.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife while standing, for that is from the deeds of the donkeys, and if a child is conceived in between you two-asws, it would be urinating in the bed like the donkeys urinate in every place.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك في ليلة الفطر فانه ان قضي بينكما ولد فيكبر ذلك الولد ولا يصيب ولدا إلى على كبر السن.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife during the day of (Eid) Al-Fitr, of if a child is conceived in between you two-asws, so that child would grow up to be old, and he would not give birth up to the old age.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك ليلة الاضحى فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد يكون له ست أصابع أو أربع.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your wife on the night of (Eid) Al-Azha, for if a child is conceived in between you two-asws, it would have either six fingers for it, or four.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك تحت شجرة مثمرة فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد يكون جلادا قتالا عريفا.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife under a fruit bearing tree, for if a child is conceived in between you two-asws, it would be well known as an executioner, a killer.

يا علي لا تجامع امرأتك في وجه الشمس وتلالؤها إلا ان ترخى عليكما سترا، فان ان قضي بينكما ولد لا يزال في بؤس وفقر حتى يموت.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife in the face of the sun and its emergence except that you-asws loosen a veil upon the both of you-asws, for if a child is conceived in between you two-asws, it would not cease to be in (financial) straitness and poverty until it dies.

يا علي لا تجامع اهلك بين الاذان والاقامة، فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد يكون حريصا على اهراق الدماء.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife between the two Azans and the Iqamas, for if a child is conceived in between you two-asws, it would be keen for shedding the blood.

يا علي إذا حملت امرأتك فلا تجامعها إلا وأنت على وضوء، فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد يكون اعمى القلب، بخيل اليد.

O Ali-asws! When your-asws wife becomes pregnant, so do not copulate with her, except and you are upon ablution, for it a child is conceived in between you two-asws, it would be blind of heart, stingy of hand.

يا علي لا تجامع اهلك في النصف من شعبان، فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد يكون مشوها ذا شأمة في شعره ووجهه.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife during the middle of Shaban, for if a child is conceived in between you two-asws, it would be distorted, with a mole in its hair and its face.

يا علي لا تجامع اهلك في آخر درجة منه – يعني إذا بقى يومان – فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد كان مقدما.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your wife at the end point from it – meaning when there remain two days (of Shaban) – for if a child is conceived in between you two, it would be premature.

يا علي لا تجامع اهلك على شهوة اختها فان قضى بينكما ولد يكون عشارا أو عونا للظالم ويكون هلاك فئام من الناس على يديه.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife upon desire for her sister, for if a child is conceived in between you two, it would be either a tax collector, or a supporter of the unjust, and a lot of people would be destroyed upon his hands.

يا علي لا تجامع اهلك على سقوف البنيان فانه إذا قضى بينكما ولد يكون منافقا مماريا مبتدعا

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife upon the ceiling of the building, for if a child is conceived in between you two, it would be a hypocrite, argumentative, an innovator.

يا علي وإذا خرجت في سفر فلا تجامع اهلك تلك الليلة فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد، فانه ينفق ماله في غير حق. وقرأ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم (ان المبذرين كانوا اخوان الشياطين).

O Ali-asws! And when you go out on a journey, so do not copulate with your-asws wife during that night, for if a child is conceived in between you two, so it would spend his wealth other than rightfully’. And Rasool-Allah-saww recited [17:27] Surely the squanderers were always the brothers of the Satans’.

يا علي لا تجامع اهلك إذا خرجت إلى مسيرة ثلاثة أيام ولياليهن فانه إن قضى بينكما ولد يكون عونا لكل ظالم عليك.

O Ali-asws! Do not copulate with your-asws wife when you-asws go out on a trip, for three days and three nights, if a child is conceived in between you two, it would be a supporter of every unjust one against you-asws’.

يا علي عليك بالجماع ليلة الاثنين فانه إن قضى بينكما ولد يكون حافظا لكتاب الله راضيا بما قسم الله عزوجل

O Ali-asws! It is upon you-asws to copulate with your-asws wife on the day of Monday, for if a child is conceived in between you two, it would be a memoriser of the Book of Allah-azwj, happy with whatever Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Distributes to him.

يا علي ان جامعت اهلك في ليلة الثلاثاء، فانه يرزق الشهادة بعد شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله ولا يعذبه الله عزوجل مع المشركين ويكون طيب النكهة من الفم رحيم القلب سخى اليد طاهر اللسان من الغيبة، والكذب والبهتان

O Ali-asws! If you-asws were to copulate with your-asws wife on the night of Tuesday, so it (child born) would be given the sustenance of a testimony after the two testimonies of ‘There is no god except for Allah-azwj, and that Muhammad-saww is Rasool-Allah-saww’, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic would not Punish him with the Polytheists, and he would be good of flavour from the mouth, merciful of heart, generous of the hand, clean of the tongue from the backbiting, and the lying, and the slandering.

يا علي وان جامعت اهلك ليلة الخمس فقضى بينكما ولد فانه يكون حاكما من الحكام أو عالما من العلماء وان جامعتها يوم الخميس عند زوال الشمس عن كبد السماء فقضى بينكما ولد فان الشيطان لا يقربه حتى يشيب، ويكون فهما، ويرزقه الله السلامة في الدين والدنيا،

O Ali-asws! And if you-asws were to copulate with your-asws wife on the night of Thursday, and if a child is conceived in between you two, so the Satan-la would not get close to him until he is a youth, and becomes of understanding, And Allah-azwj would Grant him the safety in the world and the hereafter.

وان جامعتها ليلة الجمعة وكان بينكما ولد يكون خطيبا قوالا مفوها. وان جامعتها يوم الجمعة بعد العصر فقضى بينكما ولد فانه يكون معروفا مشهورا عالما. وان جامعتها ليلة الجمعة بعد العشاء الآخرة فانه يرجى أن يكون الولد بدلا من الابدال إن شاء الله.

And if you-asws were to copulate with her on the night of Friday, and there was to be a child in between you two, it would be a preachers, an eloquent orator. And if you-asws were to copulate on the day of Friday after Al-Asr, and a child is conceived in between you two, so it would be well know, famous scholar. And if you-asws were to copulate with her on the night of Friday after Al-Isha the last, so it is hoped that he would be the boy in substitution from the substituted (girl), if Allah-azwj so Desires it.

يا علي لا تجامع اهلك في أول ساعة من الليل فانه ان قضى بينكما ولد لا يؤمن أن يكون ساحرا مؤثرا للدنيا على الآخرة.

O Ali-asws, do not copulate with your-asws wife during the first time of the night, for it a child is conceived in between you two, it would be a magician, preferring for the world over the hereafter.

يا علي احفظ وصيتي هذه كما حفظتها عن جبرئيل عليه السلام.

O Ali-asws! Preserve this bequest of mine-saww, just as I-saww have preserved in from Jibraeel-as’.[1030]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار رحمه الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن صالح بن سعيد وغيره من أصحاب يونس عن يونس عن اصحابه عن أبي جعفر (ع) وأبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت رجل لحقت امرأته بالكفار، وقد قال الله عزوجل في كتابه (وإن فاتكم شئ من أزواجكم إلى الكفار فعاقبتم فأتوا الذين ذهبت ازواجهم مثل ما انفقوا) ما معنى العقوبة هاهنا؟ قال: ان الذي ذهبت امرأته فعاقب على امرأة اخرى غيرها – يعني تزوجها – فإذا هو تزوج امرأة اخرى غيرها فعلى الامام أن يعطيه مهر امرأته الذاهبة

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Salih Bin Saeed and another from the companions of Yunus, from Yusun, from his companion,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws and Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said, ‘A man’s wife attached herself with the Infidels, and Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Says in His-azwj Book [60:11] And if any of your wives has passed away from you to the unbelievers, then your turn comes (for sanctioning), give to those whose wives have gone away the like of what they have spent. What is the Meaning of the sanctioning over here?’ He-asws said: ‘The one who wife has gone away, so the sanction is upon another woman – meaning marrying her. So when he marries another woman, other than her, so it is upon the Imam-asws than he-asws gives the dower of his wife who has gone away’.

فسألته فكيف صار المؤمنون يردون على زوجها المهر بغير فعل منهم في ذهابها وعلى المؤمنين أن يردوا على زوجها ما انفق عليها مما يصيب المؤمنون، قال يرد الامام عليه أصابوا من الكفار أو لم يصيبوا لان على الامام أن ينجز حاجته من تحت يده وان حضرت القسمة فله أن يسد كل نائبة تنوبة قبل القسمة وان بقى بعد ذلك شئ قسمه بينهم وان لم يبق لهم شئ فلا شئ لهم.

So I asked him-asws, ‘So how did it become so that the Believers have to return the dower to her husband without a deed from them with regards to her going away, and it is upon the Believers that they should be returning to her husband what he had spent upon her, from whatever the Believers have achieved?’ He-asws said: ‘The Imam-asws would return to him, whether he has achieved anything (from the war booty) from the Infidels or has not achieved it, because it is upon the Imam-asws that he-asws recompenses his need from what is under his-asws hand (control), and if the distribution (of the war booty) presents itself, so it is for him-asws that he-asws plugs the hole of each loss before the distribution, and if something were to remain after that, he-asws would distribute it between them, and if there does not remain anything for them, so there would be nothing for them’.[1031]

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن جميل عن أبي عبيدة عن أبي عبد الله (ع) في الرجل يتزوج المرأة البكر أو الثيب فيرخي عليه وعليها الستر أو يغلق عليه وعليها الباب، ثم يطلقها فتقول: لم يمسني ويقول هو لم امسها، قال: لا يصدقان لانها تدفع عن نفسها العدة والرجل يدفع عن نفسه المهر.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Jameel, from Abu Ubeyda,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the man who marries the virgin woman, or divorced. So there was loosened a veil upon him and her, or a door was locked upon him and her, then he divorced her, so she was saying, ‘He did not touch me’, and he was saying, ‘I did not touch her’. He-asws said: ‘Do not ratify both of them because she wants to repel the waiting period from herself, and the man wants to repel the dowry from himself’.[1032]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا محمد بن أحمد عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن الحسين بن الحسن القزويني عن سليمان بن جعفر البصري عن عبد الله بن الحسين بن زيد بن علي بن أبي طالب عن أبيه عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إذا تجامع الرجل والمرأة فلا يتعريان فعل الحمارين فان الملائكة تخرج من بينهما إذا فعلا ذلك.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Al Qazwiny, from Suleyman Bin Ja’far Al Basry, from Abdullah Bin Al Husayn Bin Zayd, son of Ali Bin Abu Talib -asws, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When the man and the woman copulate, so they should not strip, and do the deed of two donkeys, for the Angels go out from between the two of them when they do that’.[1033]

(باب 290 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره النفخ في القدح)

Chapter 290 – The reason due to which it is disliked to blow into a mug

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر بن الحسين المخزومي قال: حدثنا محمد بن عيسى بن زياد عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن ثعلبة عن بكار بن أبي بكر الحضرمي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في الرجل ينفخ في القدح، قال: لا بأس وانما يكره ذلك معه غيره كراهية أن يعاقبه وعن الرجل يتفخ في الطعام: قال اليس انما يريد يبرده، قال: نعم، قال: لا بأس.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Muhammad Bin Ja’far Bin Al Husayn Al Makhzamy, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ziyad, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Sa’albat, from Bakaar Bin Abu Bakr Al Hazramy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding the man who blows into the mug. He-asws said: ‘There is no problem. But rather that is disliked when there is someone else (participating) with him (in drinking from it)’. And about the man who blows in the food, he-asws said: ‘But rather, does he not intend to cool it down?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said : ‘No problem’.[1034]

(باب 291 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يؤاجر) (الارض بحنطة وشعير ويزرعها الحنطة والشعير) (ويجوز له أن يؤاجرها بالذهب والفضة)

Chapter 291 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he recompenses (pays a wage) of (farming of) the land by barley and he farmed wheat and barley, and it is allowed for him that he recompenses it with the gold and the silver

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم ابن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن غير واحد عن أبي جعفر وأبي عبد الله عليهما السلام انهما سئلا: ما العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز أن يؤاجرها الارض بالطعام، ويؤاجرها بالذهب والفضة؟ قال: العلة في ذلك ان الذي يخرج منها حنطة وشعير ولا يجوز اجاره حنطة بحنطة ولا شعير بشعير.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Ibn Hashim, from Ismail Bin Marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from someone else,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws and Abu Abdullah-asws, both having been asked, ‘What is the reason due to which it is not allowed that one can recompense (the farming of) the land with the food, and can recompense it with the gold and the silver?’ He-asws said: ‘The reason with regards to that is that which comes out from it, wheat and barley, and it is not allowed to recompense it with wheat by wheat, and barley by barley’.[1035]

(باب 292 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز تطويل) (شعر الشارب والابط والعانة)

Chapter 292 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to lengthen the moustache, and the armpit hair, and the pubic (hair)

حدثني محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن الحسين بن يزيد عن اسماعيل بن مسلم عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا يطولن أحدكم شاربه ولا عانته ولا شعر أبطيه فان الشيطان يتخذها مخابئا بستتر بها.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to me, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed, from Ismail Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Let not one of you lengthen his moustache, nor his pubic (hair), nor the hair of his armpit, for the Satan-la takes it as a hideout to veil himself-la by’.[1036]

(باب 293 – العلة التي من أجلها صار مولى الرجل منه)

Chapter 293 – The reason due to which the slave of the man came to be understood as being from him

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: اخبرنا الحسين بن محمد قال: اخبرنا احمد بن محمد السياري عن العمركى عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت لم قلتم مولى الرجل منه، قال: لانه خلق من طينته، ثم فرق بينهما فرده السبي إليه فعطف عليه ما كان فيه منه فاعتقه فلذلك هو منه.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sayyari, from Al Amarky, from the one who mentioned it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said, ‘Why are you-asws saying the slave of the man as being from him?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he has been created from his clay, then separation was effected between the two of them, so the captive is referred to him, and he is kind towards him whatever was in it from him, so he frees him. Thus, it is due to that, he is from him’.[1037]

(باب 294 – علة النهي عن القرآن بين الفواكه)

Chapter 294 – Reason for the Prohibition of pairing between the fruits

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنى سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي قال: حدثنا موسى بن القاسم البجلي قال: حدثنا علي بن جعفر عن اخيه موسى بن جعفر عليه السلام قال: سألته عن القرآن بين التين والتمر وسائر الفواكه قال: نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عن القران، فان كنت وحدك فكل كيف احببت، وان كنت مع قوم مسلمين فلا تقرن.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Musa Bin Al Qasim Al Bajaly,

(It has been narrated) from Ali son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the pairing between the fig and the date (for eating), and the rest of the fruits. He-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww prohibited the pairing, so if you are alone, so eat howsoever you like to, and if you are with a group of Muslims, so do not pair’.[1038]




(باب 295 – علة كراهية الثوم والبصل والكراث)

Chapter 295 – Reason for the abhorrence of the garlic, and the onions, and the leeks

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن عن ابن أبي عمير عن ابن اذينة عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: سألته عن الثوم: فقال: انما نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عنه لريحه، فقال: من اكل هذه البقلة المنتنة فلا يقرب مسجدنا، فاما من اكله ولم يأت المسجد فلا بأس.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Ibn Azina, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the garlic, so he-asws said : ‘But rather, Rasool-Allah-saww prohibited from it due to its smell, so he-saww said: ‘The one who eats these fetid vegetables, so he should not come near our Masjid. So, as for the one who eats it and does not come to the Masjid, so there is no problem’.[1039]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر الرزاز قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن محمد بن خلف عن الحسن بن علي الوشاء عن محمد بن سنان، قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن اكل البصل والكراث، فقال: لا بأس بأكله مطبوخا وغير مطبوخ، ولكن ان اكل منه ماله اذى فلا يخرج إلى المسجد كراهية اذاه على من يجالس.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Muhammmad Bin Ja’far Al Razaz, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Khalaf, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Muhammad Bin Sinan who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about eating the onions and the leeks, so he-asws said : ‘There is no problem with eating it, cooked and uncooked, but eating from it is harmful (smell for others), so do not going out to the Masjid is disliked to be harmful upon the person one sits with’.[1040]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عن فضالة عن داود بن فرقد عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من اكل هذه البقلة فلا يقرب مسجدنا. ولم يقل انها حرام.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Fazalat, from Dawood Bin Farqad,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who eats these vegetables (garlic, onions and leeks), so he should not go near our Masjid’, and he-saww did not say it is Prohibited’.[1041]




(باب 296 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى تبع تبعا)

Chapter 296 – The reason due to which Tab’a was named as Tab’a (follow)

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمرو بن علي بن عبد الله البصري قال حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن جبلة الواعظ قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الله بن احمد بن عامر الطائي قال: حدثنا أبي عن علي بن موسى الرضا عن ابيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام سئل لم سمي تبع تبعا؟ قال: لانه كان غلاما كاتبا وكان يكتب لملك كان قبله وكان إذا كتب، كتب: بسم الله الذي خلق صبحا وريحا، فقال الملك: اكتب وابدأ باسم ملك الرعد، فقال: لا لا ابدأ إلا باسم إلهي، ثم اعطف على حاجتك، فشكر الله تعالى له ذلك فأعطاه ملك ذلك الملك فتابعه الناس على ذلك فسمي تبعا.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Amro Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Jabalat Al Wa’iz, from Abu Al Qasim Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Aamir Al Tai’y, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws was asked, ‘Why was Tab’a named as Tab’a?’ He-asws said: ‘Because there used to be a slave who was a scribe, and he used to write on behalf of the king who was before him, and whenever he used to write, wrote, ‘In the Name of Allah-azwj Who Created the morning and the winds’. So the king said, ‘Write, and begin with the name of the king of the thunder’. So he said, ‘No, No, never, except by the Name of my God, then (state) your need’. So Allah-azwj the High was Grateful to him for that, so He-azwj Gave the kingdom of that king to him. So the people followed him upon that, thus he was named as Tab’a’.[1042]

(باب 297 – العلة التي من أجلها نهى عن الفرار من الوباء)

Chapter 297 – The reason due to which it is forbidden to flee from the epidemic

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن ابن محبوب عن عاصم بن حميد عن علي ابن المغيرة قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام القوم يكونون في البلد يقع فيها الموت ألهم أن يتحولوا عنها إلى غيرها؟ قال: نعم، قلت: بلغنا ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عاب قوما بذلك، فقال اولئك كانوا رتبة بازاء العدو، فامرهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان يثبتوا في مواضعهم، ولا يتحولوا منه إلى غيره، فلما وقع فيهم الموت تحولوا من ذلك المكان إلى غيره، فكان تحويلهم من ذلك المكان إلى غيره كالفرار من الزحف

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ibn Mahboub, from Aasim Bin Hameed, from Ali Ibn Al Mugheira who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The people who happen to be in the city in which the death occurs (due to an epidemic), is it for them to transfer from it to another?’ He-asws said : ‘Yes’. I said, ‘It has reached us that Rasool-Allah-saww faulted a people by that’. So he-asws said: ‘Those were the rank who faced the enemy, so Rasool-Allah-saww ordered them that they remain steadfast in their places, and not to transfer from it to another. So when the death (by epidemic) occurred among them, they transferred from that place to another. So, their transference from that place to another would have been like the fleeing from the army’.[1043]

وبهذا الاسناد عن ابن محبوب عن جميل بن صالح عن أبي مريم عن أبي جعفر (ع) في قوله (وأرسل عليهم طيرا أبابيل ترميهم بحجارة من سجيل) فقال هؤلاء أهل مدينة كانت على ساحل البحر إلى المشرق فيما بين اليمامة والبحرين يخيفون السبيل ويأتون المنكر، فارسل عليهم طيرا جائتهم من قبل البحر رؤسها كامثال رؤس السباع، وأبصارها كابصار السباع من الطير مع كل طير ثلاثة أحجار، حجران في مخالبه، وحجر في منقاره، فجعلت ترميهم بها حتى جدرت أجسادهم

And by this chain, from Ibn Mahboub, from Jameel Bin Salih, from Abu Maryam,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding His-azwj Words [105:3] And send down (to prey) upon them birds in flocks, so he-asws said: ‘They were the people of a city which was at the coast of the sea to the east in what is between Al-Yamama and Al-Bahrain, frightening upon the way, and coming to the evil. So Allah-azwj Sent bird upon them, which came to them from the sea. Their heads were like the heads of the predators, and their claws were like the claws of the predatory birds. With every bird were three stones, two stones in their claws, and a stone in its beak. So they went on to pelt these until their bodies became blistered.

فقتلهم الله تعالى بها، وما كانوا قبل ذلك رأوا شيئا من ذلك الطير ولا شيئا من الجدري، ومن أفلت منهم انطلقوا حتى بلغوا حضر موت واد باليمن أرسل الله تعالى عليهم سيلا فغرقهم، ولا رأوا في ذلك الوادي ماء قبل ذلك فلذلك سمي حضر موت حين ما توافيه.

Thus, Allah-azwj Killed them by it, and there was not seen before that anything from those birds, nor anything from such blisters; and the ones who escaped from them, went away until they reached Hazramout, a valley at Yemen. Allah-azwj the High Sent against them a torrent, so they were drowned. And there had not been seen in that valley before that, therefore it was due to that is has been named as Hazramout, there they had died’.[1044]

(باب 298 – العلة التي من أجلها يؤخر الله عزوجل العقوبة عن العباد)

Chapter 298 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Delays the Punishment from the servants

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن العمركى عن علي بن جعفر عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه عن علي (ع) قال: ان الله تعالى إذا أراد أن يصيب أهل الارض بعذاب، قال: لولا الذين يتحابون بجلالي ويعمرون مساجدي ويستغفرون بالاسحار لانزلت عذابي.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Attar narrated to us, from Al Amraky,

(It has been narrated) from Ali son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Ali-asws having said : ‘Allah-azwj the High, whenever He-azwj Intends to Hit the people of the earth with Punishment, Says: “Had there not been those who are awed by My-azwj Majesty, and are populating My-azwj Masjid, and are seeking Forgiveness by wakefulness (at night), I-azwj would have Sent down My-azwj Punishment’.[1045]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن علي بن الحكم عن سيف بن عميرة عن سعد بن طريف عن الاصبع بن نباتة قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (ع): إن الله تعالى ليهم بعذاب أهل الارض جميعا حتى لا يريد ان يحاشي منهم احدا إذا عملوا بالمعاصى وأجترحوا السيئات، فإذا نظر إلى الشيب ناقلي اقدامهم إلى الصلوات والولدان يتعلمون القران رحمهم واخر عنهم ذلك.

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Sayf Bin Umeyra, from Sa’ad Bin Tareyf, from Al Asbagh Bin Nabata who said,

‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Affects the entire people of the earth with the Punishment until there does not remain any one excluded from among them, whenever they perform disobedient deeds and indulging in the evil deeds. But, when He-azwj Looks at the grey-haired wobbling upon their feet to the Prayers, and the children learning the Quran, He-azwj Shows Mercy upon them and Delays that (Punishment) from them’.[1046]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة عن جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام قال: قال أبي عليه السلام: قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ان الله جل جلاله إذا رأى أهل قرية قد أسرفوا في المعاصي وفيها ثلاثة نفر من المؤمنين ناداهم جل جلاله وتقدست اسماؤه يا أهل معصيتي لو لا ما فيكم من المؤمنين المتحابين بجلالي العامرين بصلاتهم ارضى ومساجدي المستغفرين بالاسحار خوفا مني لانزلت بكم عذابي ثم لا ابالي.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said that: ‘When Allah-azwj, Mighty is His-azwj Majesty Sees the people of a town to have exceeded in their disobedience, and therein are three persons from the Believers, (Allah-azwj) Majestic is His-azwj Majesty Calls out to (all) of them: “O people who are disobeying Me-azwj! Had there not been among you the Believers who are awed by My-azwj Majesty, and populating My-azwj Masjids in My-azwj earth with their Prayers, seeking Forgiveness with the wakefulness (at night) in fear from Me-azwj, I-azwj would have Sent down My-azwj Punishment, then I-azwj would not Care”.[1047]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن محمد بن علي الهمداني عن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبي بصير قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول أما ان الناس لو تركوا حج هذا البيت لنزل بهم العذاب وما أنظروا.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Hamdany, from Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘But rather, if the people had neglected Hajj of this House (Kaaba), the Punishment would have descended upon them and they would not have been Respited’.[1048]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن سالم عن ابن عباس عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان قوما أصابوا ذنوبا فخافوا منها واشفقوا فجائهم قوم آخرون، فقالوا لهم: مالكم؟ فقالوا: انا أصبنا ذنوبا فخفنا منها واشفقنا، فقالوا لهم: نحن نحملها عنكم، فقال: الله تبارك وتعالى يخافون ويجترؤن علي، فانزل الله عليهم العذاب.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim, from Ibn Abbas,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘A (group of) people committed sins, and they were afraid from it, so they were worried. So another (group of) people came and said to them, ‘What is the matter with you?’ So they said, ‘We have committed sins, so we are afraid from it, and are worried’. So they said to them, ‘We will bear from you’. Allah-azwj Blessed and High Said: “They are not fearing, and are being audacious (bold) to Me-azwj!” So Allah-azwj Sent down the Punishment upon them’.[1049]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر قال: حدثنا هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة عن جعفر بن محمد (ع) قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) ايها الناس ان الله تعالى لا يعذب العامة بذنب الخاصة إذا عملت الخاصة بالمنكر سرا من غير ان تعلم العامة، فإذا عملت الخاصة بالمنكر جهارا، فلم تغير ذلك العامة استوجب الفريقان العقوبة من الله تعالى.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘O you people! Allah-azwj does not Punish the generality with the Punishment of the particular ones, when the particular ones work the evil deeds privately without the generality knowing about it. So when He-azwj Knows that the particular ones are with the evil deeds in the open, and the generality are not different from that, the Punishment from Allah-azwj the High, is Obligated upon both the sections (of the community)’.[1050]

اخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد العاصمي وعلي بن محمد ابن يعقوب العجلي قالا: حدثنا علي بن الحسين عن العباس بن علي مولا لابي الحسن موسى (ع) قال: سمعت الرضا (ع) يقول: كلما احدث العباد من الذنوب ما لم يكونوا يعلمون احدث الله لهم من البلاء ما لم يكونوا يعرفون.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me from, Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Asamy and Ali Bin Muhammad Ibn Yaqoub Al Ajaly, from Ali Bin Al Husayn,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Abbas Bin Ali, a slave of Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws, said, ‘I heard Al-Reza-asws saying: ‘Every time the servant commit new sins what did not used to be known before, Allah-azwj Afflicts them with new types of afflictions what they did not used to recognise before’.[1051]


(باب 299 – العلة التي من أجلها يخلد من يخلد في الجنة) (ويخلد من يخلد في النار)

Chapter 299 – The reason due to which the one who abides in the Paradise would abide eternally, and the one who abides in the Fire would abide eternally

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال حدثنا القاسم بن محمد عن سليمان بن داود الشاذكوني عن أحمد بن يونس عن أبي هاشم قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن الخلود في الجنة والنار قال: انما خلد أهل النار في النار، لان نياتهم كانت في الدنيا لو خلدوا فيها ان يعصوا الله ابدا وإنما خلد أهل الجنة في الجنة لان نياتهم كانت في الدنيا لو بقوا أن يطعوا الله أبدا ما بقوا فالنيات تخلد هؤلاء وهؤلاء، ثم تلا قوله تعالى (قل كل يعمل على شاكلته) قال: على نيته.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Suleyman Bin Dawood Al Shazkown, from Ahmad Bin Yunus, from Abu Hashim who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the eternity in the Paradise and the Fire. He-asws said: ‘But rather eternity is for the people of the Fire in the Fire because their intentions when they were in the world was such that had they remained therein eternally, they would have disobeyed for ever; and the eternity for the people of the Paradise in the Paradise is because their intentions when they were in the world were such that had they remained they would have obeyed Allah-azwj forever, for as long as they had remained. Thus the intentions of those ones and these ones were eternal’. Then he-asws recited the Words of the High [17:84] Say: Every one acts according to his own disposition. He-asws said: ‘Upon his intention’.[1052]

(باب 300 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى المؤمن مؤمنا)

Chapter 300 – The reason due to which the Believer has been named as ‘Believer’

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب عن محمد بن سنان عن علي بن فضال عن المفضل بن عمر عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال انما سمي المؤمن مؤمنا لانه يؤمن على الله فيجيز امانه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ali Bin Fazal, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘But rather, the Believer has been named as a ‘Believer’ because having believed in Allah-azwj, he is in His-azwj Safety’.[1053]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر قال: حدثنا هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: من اكرم أخاه المؤمن بكلمة يلطفه بها أو قضى له حاجة أو فرج عنه كربة لم تزل الرحمة ظلا عليه ممدودا ما كان في ذلك من النظر في حاجته،

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who is benevolent to his believing brother to be kind with him, or fulfil a need of his, or relieve a worry from him, does not cease to be in the Extended Shade of the Mercy (of Allah-azwj) for as long as he was in the consideration with regards to his need’.

ثم قال: ألا انبئكم لم سمي المؤمن مؤمنا لايمانه الناس على انفسهم وأموالهم. ألا انبئكم من المسلم من سلم الناس يده ولسانه، ألا انبئكم بالمهاجر من هجر السيئات وما حرم الله عليه ومن دفع مؤمنا دفعة ليذله بها، أو لطمه لطمة أو أتى إليه امرا يكرهه لعنته الملائكة حتى يرضيه من حقه ويتوب ويستغفر فاياكم والعجلة، إلى احد فلعله مؤمن وأنتم لا تعلمون وعليكم بالاناة واللين، والتسرع من سلاح الشياطين. وما من شئ احب إلى الله من الاناة واللين.

Then he-asws said: ‘Shall I-asws inform you why the Believer has been named as a ‘Believer’? (This is) because the people are safe from him for their own selves and their wealth. Shall I-asws inform you who is the Muslim? The one who from whom the people are safe from his hands and his tongue. Shall I-asws inform you about the Emigrant? The one who emigrates from the evil deeds and whatever Allah-azwj has Forbidden unto him. And the one who repels a Believer with a repulsion in order to humiliate him, or slaps him with a slap, or comes to him with a matter which is abhorrent to him, the Angels curse him until he pleases him from his rights, and repents, and seeks Forgiveness. Therefore, beware of the hastiness to anyone, and you are not knowing. And it is upon you with the patience and the gentleness, whereas the impulsiveness is a weapon of the Satan-la. And there is nothing which is more Beloved to Allah-azwj than patience and the gentleness’.[1054]

(باب 301 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت نية المؤمن خيرا من عمله)

Chapter 301 – The reason due to which the intention of the Believer came to be better than his deed

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا حبيب بن الحسين الكوفي قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب قال: حدثنا أحمد بن صبيح الاسدي عن زيد الشحام قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) اني سمعتك تقول: نية المؤمن خير من عمله، فكيف تكون النية خيرا من العمل؟ قال: لان العمل ربما كان رياء للمخلوقين، والنية خالصة لرب العالمين، فيعطى تعالى على النية ما لا يعطي على العمل.

My father said, ‘Habeeb Bin Al Husayn Al Kufy narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn Bin Abu Al Khatab, from Ahmad Bin Sabeeh Al Asady, from Zayd Al Shahaam who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I heard you-asws saying: ‘Intention of the Believer is better than his deed’. So how did the intention happen to be better than the deed?’ He-asws said :’Because the deed, perhaps it is for showing off to the people, and the intention is sincere for the Lord-azwj of the Worlds. Thus, Allah-azwj the High Gives upon the intention what he does not Give upon the deed’.

قال أبو عبد الله (ع) ان العبد لينوي من نهاره أن يصلي بالليل فتغلبه عينه فينام فيثبت الله له صلاته ويكتب نفسه تسبيحا ويجعل نومه عليه صدقة.

Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The servant forms the intention that he would be Praying at night, but his eyes are overcome, so he sleeps. So Allah-azwj Affirms his Prayer for him, and Writes his breathing as a Glorification, and Makes his sleep as a charity for him’.[1055]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد قال: حدثنا عمران بن موسى عن الحسن بن علي النعمان عن الحسن بن الحسين الانصاري عن بعض رجاله عن أبي جعفر (ع) انه كان يقول: نية المؤمن أفضل من عمله وذلك لانه ينوي من الخير ما لا يدركه، ونية الكافر شر من عمله وذلك لان الكافر ينوي الشر ويأمل من الشر ما لا يدركه.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Umran Bin Musa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al No’man, from Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn Al Ansary, from one of his men,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘An intention of the Believer is superior than his deed, and that is because he intends from the good what he has not yet done; and an intention of the Infidel is more evil than his deed, and that is because the Infidel intends the evil and does from the evil what he has not yet done’.[1056]

(باب 302 – علة تحليل مال الولد للوالد)

Chapter 302 – The reason of the Permissibility of the wealth of the son for the parent

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عمير بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان أبا الحسن (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة تحليل مال الولد للوالد بغير اذنه وليس ذلك للولد لان الولد موهوب للوالد في قول الله تعالى (يهب لمن يشاء اناثا ويهب لمن يشاء الذكور) مع انه المأخوذ بمؤنته صغيرا وكبيرا والمنسوب إليه والمدعو له لقول الله عزوجل: (ادعوهم لآبائهم هو اقسط عند الله). وقول النبي صلى الله عليه وآله انت ومالك لابيك وليس الوالدة كذلك لا تأخذ من ماله إلا باذنه أو باذن الاب لان الاب مأخوذ بنفقة الولد ولا تؤخذ المرأة بنفقة ولدها.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Umeyr Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written asking him: ‘The reason for the Permissibility of the wealth of the son for the father without his permission, and it is not like that for the son, is because the son is a gift for the father in the Words of Allah-azwj the High [42:49] He Grants to whom He Desires daughters and Grants to whom He Desires, sons, along with that he was taking his expenses when he was small and bigger, and the linkage to him and the assertion to him due to the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [33:5] Assert their relationship to their fathers; this is more equitable with Allah; and the words of the Prophet-saww: ‘You and your wealth are for your father, and not the mother. Similar to that she cannot take from his wealth except by his permission, or the permission of the father, because the father was taking out the expenses for the son, and the wife was not taking out the expenses of her son’.[1057]


(باب 303 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم على الرجل جارية) (ابنه وأحل له جارية ابنته)

Chapter 303 – The reason due to which the slave girl of the son is Prohibited unto the man, and the slave girl of his daughter is Permissible unto him

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن محمد بن الحسين عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن صالح بن عقبة عن عروة الحناط عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت له لم يحرم على الرجل جارية ابنه وان كان صغيرا، وأحل له جارية ابنته قال: لان الابنة لا تنكح، والابن ينكح، ولا تدري لعله ينكحها ويخفي ذلك على ابنه ويشب ابنه فينكحها فيكون وزره في عتق أبيه.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Salih Bin Uqba, from Urwat Al Hanaat,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why is the slave girl of a son forbidden unto the man (father) even though he may be small, and a slave girl of his daughter is Permissible unto him?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the daughter cannot marry (her), and the son can marry (her), and it would not be known that perhaps he (father) might marry her and keeps it hidden from his son, and his son becomes a man, so he marries her, thus his burden (of sin) would be upon the neck of his father’.[1058]

(باب 304 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى الطبيب طبيبا)

Chapter 304 – The reason due to which the physician is named as ‘Tabeeb’ (One who makes feel better)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي باسناده يرفعه إلى أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: كان يسمى الطبيب المعالج فقال موسى بن عمران: يا رب ممن الداء؟ قال: مني، قال: ممن الدواء؟ قال: مني قال فما يصنع الناس بالمعالج؟ قال: يطيب بذلك انفسهم. فسمي الطبيب لذلك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, by his chain,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The ‘Tabeeb’ (Physician) used to be called ‘the healer’. So, Musa-asws Bin Imran-as said :’O Lord-azwj, from whom is the illness?’ He-azwj Said: “From Me-azwj’. He-as said: ‘From whom is the cure?’ He-azwj Said: “From Me -azwj’. He-as said: ‘So what do the people do with the healer?’ He-azwj Said: “They make themselves feel better”. Thus, he was named as ‘Tabeeb’ (One who makes feel better), due to that’.[1059]




(باب 305 – العلة التي من أجلها أنظر الله) (ابليس إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم)

Chapter 305 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj Respited Iblees-la up to the Day of known time

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الحسن بن عطية قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع): حدثني كيف قال الله لابليس فانك من المنظرين إلى يوم الوقت المعلوم قال: لشئ كان تقدم شكره عليه، قلت: وما هو؟ قال: ركعتان ركعهما في السماء في ألفى سنة، أو في أربعة آلاف سنة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Atiya who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Narrate to me, how come Allah-azwj Said to Iblees-la [15:37] He said: So you are from the Respited ones [15:38] Till the Day of the known time?’ He-asws said: ‘For a thing which had preceded of His-azwj Gratefulness upon him-la’. I said, ‘And what was it?’ He-asws said: ‘Two Cycles which he-la performed in the sky during two thousand years, or during four thousand years’.[1060]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى بن علي بن حسان عن علي بن عطية قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) أن ابليس عبد الله في السماء سبعة آلاف سنة في ركعتين، فاعطاه الله ما اعطاه ثوابا له بعبادته.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ali Bin Hasaan, from Ali Bin Atiya,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws that: ‘Iblees-la worshipped Allah-azwj in the sky for seven thousand years in two Cycles, so Allah-azwj Gave him-la what He-azwj Gave him-la, as a Reward for him-la for his-la worship’.[1061]

(باب 307 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى الخناس خناسا)

Chapter 307 – The reason due to which the ‘Al-Khannaas’ (Satan-la) was named as a withdrawer

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن الخناس قال: ان ابليس يلتقم القلب، فإذا ذكر الله خنس فلذلك سمي الخناس.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, I asked him-asws about the withdrawer (الخناس). He-asws said: ‘Iblees-la makes a morsel of the heart. So when Allah-azwj is Mentioned, he-la withdraws. Thus, it was due to that he-la was named as ‘Al-Khannaas’ (the withdrawer)’.[1062]




(باب 308 – العلة التي من أجلها نهى عن مخالطة المحارف)

Chapter 308 – The reason due to which it is Forbidden from intermingling with the Inconsiderate people

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن محبوب عن العباس بن الوليد عن صبيح عن أبيه انه قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع): يا وليد لا تشتري لي من محارف شيئا فان خلطته لا بركة فيها.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Al Abbas Bin Al waleed, from Sabeeh, from his father who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘O Waleed! Do not buy anything for me-asws from a inconsiderate one, for if you intermingle with him, there would be no Blessing in it’.[1063]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال عن ظريف بن ناصح قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام لا تخالطوا ولا تعاملوا إلا من نشأ في خير.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Al Hassan Bin Ali bin Fazaal, from Tareyf Bin Nasih who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Do not intermingle nor work with except the one who grew up in goodness’.[1064]

(باب 309 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره معاملة أصحاب العاهات)

Chapter 309 – The reason due to which it is disliked to have dealings with the ones with deformities

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى عن أحمد بن محمد باسناده رفعه قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) احذروا معاملة أصحاب العاهات فانهم أظلم شئ.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, by his chain, raising it, said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Be cautious of dealing with the ones with deformities, for they are the most unjust of things’.[1065]

(باب 310 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره مخالطة الاكراد)

Chapter 310 – The reason due to which it is disliked to mingle with the Kurds

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن علي ابن الحكم عمن حدثه عن أبي الربيع الشامي قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) فقلت له ان عندنا أقواما من الاكراد يجيئونا بالبيع ونبايعهم فقال: يا ربيع لا تخالطهم فان الاكراد حى من الجن كشف الله عنهم الغطاء فلا تخالطهم

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Ibn Al Hakam, from the one who narrated it, from Abu Al Rabie Al Shamy who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so I said to him-asws, ‘With us there are a people from the Kurds who come to us with the trading, so we trade with them’. So he-asws said: ‘O Rabie! Do not intermingle with them, for the Kurds are a district (tribe) from the Jinn. Allah-azwj Uncovered the covering from them, therefore do not intermingle with them’.[1066]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسن بن متيل عن محمد ابن الحسين عن جعفر بن بشير عن حفص عمن حدثه عن أبي الربيع الشامي قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) فقلت: ان عندنا قوما من الاكراد، وانهم لا يزالون يجئونا بالبيع فنخالطهم ونبايعهم، فقال: يا ابا الربيع لا تخالطهم فان الاكراد من الجن كشف الله عنهم الغطاء فلا تخالطهم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Mateel, from Muhammad Ibn Al Husayn, from Ja’far Bin Basheer, from Hafs, from the one who narrated it, from Abu Al Rabie Al Shamy who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, so I said, ‘With us there are a people from the Kurds, and they are not ceasing from coming to us with the trades. So we intermingle with them and trade with them’. So he-asws said : ‘O Abu Al Rabie! Do not mix with them, for the Kurds are from the Jinn. Allah-azwj Uncovered the covering from them. Therefore, do not intermingle with them’.[1067]

(باب 311 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره مخالطة السفلة)

Chapter 311 – The reason due to which it is disliked to intermingle with the lowly people (riff raff)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن أحمد عن محمد ابن عيسى عن الحسن بن علي بن يقطين عن الحسن بن مياح عن عيسى قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) اياك ومخالطة السفلة فان السفلة لا تؤل إلى خير.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Ibn Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Yaqteen, from Al Hassan Bin Mayaah, from Isa who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Beware of intermingling with the lowly people (riff raff), for the lowly people do not turn towards the good’.[1068]

(باب 312 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره الدين)

Chapter 312 – The reason due to which the debt is disliked

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد ابن محمد عن أبيه عن ابن المغيرة عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهم السلام، انه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اياكم والدين فانه هم بالليل وذل بالنهار.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad, from his father, from Ibn Al Mugheira, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Beware of the debts, for it causes worry at night and humiliates by the day’.[1069]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن عبد الله بن ميمون عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن علي (ع) قال: اياكم والدين فانه مذلة بالنهار ومهمة بالليل وقضاء في الدنيا وقضاء في الآخرة.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Abdullah Bin Maymoun,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Ali-asws having said : ‘Beware of the debts, for it causes humiliation during the day, and worries at night, and it has to be paid for in the world, and in the Hereafter’.[1070]

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن محمد بن أحمد عن يوسف بن الحارث عن عبد الله بن يزيد عن حياة بن شريح قال: حدثنى سالم بن غيلان عن دراج عن أبي الهيثم عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول: أعوذ بالله من الكفر والدين قيل يا رسول الله اتعدل الدين بالكفر، قال: نعم.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Yusuf Bin Al haris, from Abdullah Bin Yazeed, from Hayaat Bin Shareeh, from Saalim Bin Gaylaan, from Daraaj, from Abu Al Haysam, from Abu Saeed Al Khudry who said,

‘I heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘I-saww seek Refuge with Allah-azwj from the Infidelity and the debts’. It was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! You-saww are equating the debt with the Infidelity?’ He-saww said: ‘Yes’.[1071]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن الحسن بن محبوب عن حنان بن سدير عن أبيه أبي جعفر (ع) قال: كل ذنب يكفره القتل في سبيل الله إلا الدين لا كفارة له إلا اداؤه أو يقضى عن صاحبه أو يعفو الذي له الحق.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from hanan Bin Sudeyr, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘The expiation of every sin is the killing in the Way of Allah-azwj except for the debt. There is no expiation for it except to pay it, or it is fulfilled from his companion, or he forgives, the one for whom is the right to do so’.[1072]

حدثنا الحسين بن احمد عن أبيه عن محمد بن أحمد قال: حدثني أبو عبد الله الرازي عن الحسن بن علي بن أبي عثمان عن حفص بن غياث عن ليث قال: حدثني سعد بن عمر بن أبي سلمة عن أبي هريرة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال: لا تزال نفس المؤمن معلقة ما كان عليه الدين.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Abdullah Al Raazy, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Abu Usmaan, from Hafs Bin Gayaas, from Lays, from Sa’ad Bin Umar Bin Abu salma, from Abu Hureyra,

(It has been narrated) from the Prophet-saww having said: ‘The soul of the Believer does not cease to be pending so long as there is debt upon him’.[1073]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن بعض اصحابنا رفعه عن أحدهم عليه السلام قال: يؤتي يوم القيامة بصاحب الدين يشكو الوحشة فان كانت له حسنات اخذت منه لصاحب الدين قال: وان لم يكن له حسنات القي عليه من سيئات صاحب الدين.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from one of our companions, raising it,

(It has been narrated) from one of them-asws having said: ‘They would come on the Day of Judgement with the owner of the debt (lender) who would be complaining of the loneliness. So if there were any good deeds for him (the borrower) it would be seized from him for the owner of the debt (lender). And if there are not good deeds for him, the evils deeds of the owner of the debt (lender) would be attached to him (the borrower)’.

ان على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله مات رجل وعليه ديناران فاخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فأبي أن يصلى عليه، وانما فعل ذلك لكيلا يجترؤا على الدين.

In the era of Rasool-Allah-saww, a man died and there were two Dinaars (debt) upon him. So the Prophet-saww was informed, so he-saww refused to Pray over him. But rather, he-saww did that, perhaps they (people) would ponder upon the debt (before incurring it)’.

وقال: قد مات رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وعليه دين وقتل علي (ع) وعليه دين ومات الحسن (ع) وعليه دين، وقتل الحسين (ع) وعليه دين.

And he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww passed away, and upon him-saww was debt; and Ali-asws was killed, and upon him-asws was debt; and Al-Hassan-asws passed away, and upon him-asws was debt; and Al-Husayn-asws was killed, and upon him-asws was debt’.[1074]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد عن ابن عيسى عن عثمان بن سعيد قال حدثنا عبد الكريم الهمداني عن أبي ثمامة قال: دخلت إلى أبي جعفر (ع) وقلت له جعلت فداك اني رجل اريد ان الازم مكة وعلي دين للمرجئة فما تقول؟ قال: قال أرجع إلى مؤدي دينك وأنظر ان تلقى الله تعالى وليس عليك دين فان المؤمن لا يخون.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibn Isa, from Usman Bin Saeed, from Abdul Kareem Al Hamdany, from Abu Samama who said,

‘I went over to Abu Ja’far-asws and I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! I am a man for whom it is necessary to go to Makkah (for Hajj), and upon me is a debt for a Murjiite man. So, what are you-asws saying?’ He-asws said: ‘Return your debt to the claimant and wait, when you meet Allah-azwj the High, and there is no debt upon you, for the Believer renege (default on his debt)’.[1075]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن عيسى عن الهيثم عن ابن أبي عمير عن حماد بن عثمان عن الوليد بن صبيح قال: جاء رجل إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام يدعى على المعلى بن خنيس دينا عليه، قال: فقال ذهب بحقي، قال: فقال له ذهب بحقك الذي قتله، ثم قال للوليد: قم إلى الرجل فاقضه من حقه فانى أريد ان ابرد عليه جلده وإن كان باردا.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Haysam, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Bin Usmaan, from Al Waleed Bin Sabeeh who said,

‘A man came over to Abu Abdullah-asws claiming upon Al-Moala Bin Khunays of a debt which was upon him, so he said, ‘He went away with my debt’. So he-asws said to him: ‘It was the one who killed him who went away with your debt’. Then he-asws said to Al-Waleed: ‘Arise and go with the man, and fulfil his right, for I-asws intend that there should be coolness upon his skin, even though it is cold’.[1076]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن هارون بن مسلم عن سعدان قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن الليثي عن جعفر بن محمد عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: ما الوجع إلا وجع العين وما الجهد إلا جهد الدين.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Sa’dan, from Abu Al Hassan Al Laysi,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘What is the pain except for the pain of the eyes, and what is the exertion except for the exertion (for the fulfilment of the) debt’.[1077]

وبهذا الاسناد قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله الدين راية الله تعالى في الارض، فإذا أراد أن يذل عبدا وضعه في عنقه.

And by this chain, said, ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The debt is a Sign of Allah-azwj the High upon the earth. So, whenever He-azwj decides to Humilate a servant, places it upon his neck’.[1078]

(باب 313 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تباع الدار والخادم في الدين)

Chapter 313 – The reason due to which the house and the servant cannot be sold with regards to (settling) the debt

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن النضر بن سويد عن رجل عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: لاتباع الدار ولا الجارية في الدين وذلك انه لا بد للرجل المسلم من ظل يسكنه وخادم يخدمه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from a man, from Al Halby,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Do not sell the house nor the slave girl with regards to the debt, and that is because it is inevitable for the Muslim man to have a shade for his dwelling, and a servant who serves him’.[1079]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه قال: كان ابن أبي عمير رجلا بزازا، وكان له على رجل عشرة آلاف درهم فذهب ماله وافتقر، فجاء الرجل فباع دارا له بعشرة آلاف درهم وحملها إليه فدق عليه الباب فخرج إليه محمد بن أبي عمير رحمه الله فقال له الرجل هذا مالك الذي لك علي فخذه فقال ابن أبي عمير: فمن اين لك هذا المال ورثته؟ قال: لا، قال: وهب لك، قال: لا ولكني بعت داري الفلاني لا قضى ديني،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father who said,

‘Ibn Abu Umeyr was a cloth merchant and had a debtor of ten thousand Dirhams, but his wealth had gone and he had been impoverished. So the man went and sold his house for ten thousand Dirhams and carried it over to him and knocked upon the door. So Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr came out to him. The man said to him, ‘This is your wealth which is for you and was upon me (as a debt), therefore take it’. So, Ibn Abu Umyer said, ‘From where is this wealth for you, did you inherit it?’ He said, ‘No’. He said, ‘Was it gifted to you?’ He said, ‘No, but I sold my house in order to pay back my debt’.

فقال ابن أبي عمير رحمه الله حدثني ذريح المحاربي عن أبي عبد الله (ع) انه قال: لا يخرج الرجل من مسقط رأسه بالدين، ارفعها فلا حاجة لي فيها، والله اني محتاج في وقتي هذا إلى درهم وما يدخل ملكى منها درهم.

So Ibn Abu Umeyr said, ‘Zareeh Al Maharby narrated to me from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The man will not be thrown out from his birth place due to the debt’. Raise it, for there is no need for me with regards to it. By Allah-azwj, although I am currently needy for this for even a single Dirham, I will not enter a single Dirham of it into my possession’.[1080]

(باب 314 – علل الصناعات المكرهة)

Chapter 314 – Reason for the abhorrent industries (professions)

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد عن جعفر بن يحيى الخزاعي عن يحيى بن أبي العلاء عن اسحاق بن عمار قال: دخلت على أبي عبد الله (ع) فخبرته انه ولد لي غلام فقال: ألا سميته محمدا؟ قلت قد فعلت، قال فلا تضرب محمدا ولا تشتمه، جعله الله قرة عين لك في حياتك وخلف صدق بعدك،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ja’far Bin Yahya Al Khazai’e, from Yahya Bin Abu Al A’ala, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I went over to Abu Abdullah-asws, so I informed him-asws that a boy has been born unto me. So he-asws said: ‘Have you not named him as ‘Muhammad’?’ I said, ‘I had done it’. He-asws said: ‘So do not hit Muhammad nor insult him. Allah-azwj has Made him to be a delight for your eyes during your lifetime and as a true descendant after you’.

قال: قلت جعلت فداك وفي أي الاعمال اضعه قال إذا عزلته عن خمسة اشياء فضعه حيث شئت لا تسلمه إلى صيرفي فان الصيرفي لا يسلم من الربا ولا إلى بياع الاكفان فان صاحب الاكفان يسره الوبا ولا إلى صاحب طعام فانه لا يسلم من الاحتكار ولا إلى جزار فان الجزار تسلب منه الرحمة ولا تسلمه إلى نخاس فان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: شر الناس من باع الناس.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And in which profession shall I make him to be?’ He-asws said: ‘Isolate him from five things and place him wherever you so desire to. Do not hand him over to the money-changer (gold smith), so the money-changer is not safe from the interest; nor to the coffin (shroud) seller, for the coffin/shroud seller is pleased with the plague; nor to a food buyer, for he would not be safe from the hoarding; nor to a butcher, for the mercy is stripped of from him; nor to a slave trader, for Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The most evil of the people is one who sells the people’.[1081]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى عن عبيد الله الدهقان عن درست بن أبي منصور الواسطي عن ابراهيم بن عبد الحميد عن أبي الحسن موسى عليه السلام قال: جاء رجل إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: يا رسول الله قد علمت ابني هذه الكتابة ففي أي شئ اسلمه؟ فقال اسمله، لله ابوك ولا تسلمه في خمس لا تسلمه سباء ولا صايغا ولا قصابا ولا حناطا ولا نخاسا،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ubeydullah Al Dahqan, from Darast Bin Abu Mansour Al Wasity, from Ibrahim Bin Abdul Hameed,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws having said: ‘A man came over to the Prophet-saww, so he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! I have taught my son these (reading and) writings, so in which thing (profession) shall I submit him to?’ So he-saww said: ‘May Allah-azwj be Good to your father, do not submit him in five – Neither submit him to a ‘Saba’a’, nor a goldsmith, nor a butcher, nor a wheat dealer, nor a slave trader’.

فقال: يا رسول الله ما السباء؟ قال الذي يبيع الاكفان ويتمنى موت امتي ولمولود من أمتى أحب إلي مما طلعت عليه الشمس وأما الصايغ فانه يعالج دين امتي، وأما القصاب فانه يذبح حتى تذهب الرحمة من قلبه، وأما الحناط فانه يحتكر الطعام على امتي ولان يلقى الله العبد سارقا احب إلي من أن يلقاه قد احتكر طعاما أربعين يوما. وأما النخاس فان أتاني جبرئيل فقال: يا محمد ان شرار امتك الذين يبيعون الناس.

So he said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! What is ‘Al-Saba’a’?’ He-saww said: ‘The one who sells the coffins/shrouds, and wishes death upon my-saww community, and the births of my-saww community are more beloved to me-saww than what the sun emerges upon; and as for the goldsmith, so he handles the debts of my-saww community; and as for the butcher, so he slaughters (animals) until the mercy goes away from his heart; and as for the wheat dealer, so he hoards the foodstuff over my-saww community, and if the servant were to meet Allah-azwj as a thief, it would be more beloved to me-saww than one who meets Him-azwj having hoarded foodstuff for forty days; and as for the slave trader, so Jibraeel-as came over to me-asws and said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! The most evil of your-saww community are the ones who are selling the people’.[1082]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن محمد ابن يحيى الخزاز عن طلحة بن زيد عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: اني اعطيت خالتي غلاملا ونهيتها ان تجعله حجاما أو قصابا أو صايغا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Ibn Yahya Al Khazaz, from Talha Bin Zayd,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘My-saww maternal aunt had a boy and I-saww forbid her that she should make him as a cupper, or a butcher, or a goldsmith’.[1083]

(باب 315 – العلة التي من أجلها يجب الاخذ بخلاف ما تقوله العامة)

Chapter 315 – The reason due to which it is Obligatory to take by opposite of what the general Muslims are saying

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن أبي اسحاق الارجاني رفعه قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) أتدري لم امرتم بالاخذ بخلاف ما تقول العامة؟ فقلت: لا ندرى، فقال: ان عليا (ع) لم يكن يدين الله بدين الا خالف عليه الامة إلى غيره أرادة لابطال أمره وكانوا يسألون أمير المؤمنين (ع) عن الشئ الذي لا يعلمونه فإذا أفتاهم جعلوا له ضدا من عندهم ليلبسوا على الناس

My father narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Abu Is’haq Al Arjany, raising it, said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Do you know why I-asws ordered you all with the adoption of the opposite of what the general Muslims are saying?’ So I said, ‘I do not know’. So he-asws said: ‘Never did Ali-asws give the Religion of Allah-azwj to them except that the general Muslims opposed him-asws to the adoption of something else, intending to invalidate his-asws rule. And they were asking Amir Al-Momineen-asws about the things which they were not knowing of, so whenever he-asws issued a Verdict, they went on to issue one against it from their own selves, and clothed it upon the people’.[1084]

حدثنا جعفر بن علي عن علي بن عبد الله عن معاذ قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) اني اجلس في المجلس فيأتيني الرجل فإذا عرفت انه يخالفكم اخبرته بقول غيركم، وان كان ممن يقول بقولكم فان كان ممن لا ادري اخبرته بقولكم قول غيركم فيختار لنفسه، قال: رحمك الله هكذا فاصنع.

Ja’far Bin Ali narrated to us, from Ali Bin Abdullah, from Ma’az who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I sit in the gather, so the men come to me. So when I recognise that he is your-asws adversary, I inform him of the words of others, and if he was from the ones who are speaking with your-asws words (so I inform him of your-asws words), and if he was from the ones who does not know, I inform him with your-asws words (and) the words of others, so he can choose for himself’. He-asws said : ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy on you! It is like this, so do it’.[1085]

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن عمرو بن أبي المقدام عن علي بن الحسين عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: إذا كنتم في أئمة الجور فامضوا في أحكامهم، ولا تشهروا أنفسكم فتقتلوا، وان تعاملتم باحكامهم كان خيرا لكم.

My father narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Amro Bin Abu Al Maqdam, from Ali Bin Al Husayn,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Whenever you all are among the unfair imams, so drink in their judgements, and do not publicise yourselves, for you would be killed, and if you have to deal in accordance with their orders, so it would be better for you’.[1086]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله، عن علي بن اسباط قال قلت له – يعني الرضا (ع) – حدث الامر من أمري لا اجد بدا من معرفته، وليس في البلد الذي انا فيه احد استفته من مواليك، قال: فقال ايت فقيه البلد، فإذا كان ذلك فاستفيه في أمرك، فإذا افتاك بشئ فخذ بخلافه فان الحق فيه.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ali Bin Asbaat who said,

‘I said to him-asws – meaning Al-Reza-asws – The new matter occurs, from my matters which is a must that I find one who understands it, and there is no one from the ones who are in your-asws Wilayah in the city which I am in, whom I can ask the verdict for it’. He-asws said: ‘If it was like that, go over to the jurist of the city, so he would issue a verdict with regards to your matter. So when he issues a verdict with anything, so take to the opposite of it, for the Truth will be therein’.[1087]

(باب 316 – علة هتك الستر)

Chapter 316 – Reason for uncovering of the veil

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن الاصم البصري عن عبد الله بن مسكان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) رفع الحديث إلى أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: ما من عبد إلا وعليه اربعون جنة حتى يعمل أربعين كبيرة فإذا عمل أربعين كبيرة انكشفت عنه الجنن، فتقول الملائكة من الحفظة الذين معه يا ربا هذا عبدك قد انكشفت عنه الجنن، فيوحى الله تعالى إليهم ان استروا عبدي باجنحتكم

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Abdullah Bin Abdul Rahman Al Asam Al Basry, from Abdullah Bin Muskaan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, raising the Hadeeth to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, said: ‘There is none from a servant except that there are forty shields over him until he commits forty major sins. So when he commits forty major sins, the shields are uncovered from him, and the Protecting Angels who are with him say: ‘O Lord-azwj! This is Your-azwj servant, the shields have been uncovered from him’. So Allah-azwj the High Reveals unto them that: “Veil My-azwj servant with your wings”.

فتستره الملائكة باجنحتها، فما يدع شيئا من القبيح إلا قارفه حتى يتمدح إلى الناس بفعله القبيح، فتقول الملائكة يا رب هذا عبدك ما يدع شيئا إلا ركبه، وإنا لنستحي مما يصنع فيوحي الله إليهم أن ارفعوا اجنحتكم عنه،

So the Angels veil him with their wings. So he does not leave a thing from the ugly deeds except that he perpetrates it, to the extent that he boasts about it to the people. So the Angels say: ‘O Lord-azwj! This is Your-azwj servant. He has not left a thing except that he rode it, and we are embarrassed from what he does’. So Allah-azwj Reveals unto them: “Raise your wings from him”.

فإذا أخذ في بغضنا أهل البيت فعند ذلك يهتك الله ستره في السماء ويستره في الارض فتقول الملائكة يا رب هذا عبدك قد بقي مهتوك الستر فيوحى الله إليهم لو كان لي فيه حاجة ما أمرتكم ان ترافعوا اجنحتكم عنه.

So when he takes to having grudges against us-asws, the People-asws of the Household, during that Allah-azwj Tears apart his veil in the sky and Veils him (even more) in the earth. So the Angels say: ‘O Lord-azwj! This is Your-azwj servant! He has remained (in a state of) uncovered veils’. So Allah-azwj Reveals unto them: “If there was any need for Me-azwj with regards to it, I-azwj would not have Commanded you to raise your wings from him”.[1088]

(باب 317 – علة النهي عن أكل الطين)

Chapter 317 – Reason for the Prohibition from eating the clay

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن الحسن بن علي عن هشام بن الحكم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان الله تعالى خلق آدم من طين فحرم اكل الطين على ذريته.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Al Hassan Bin Ali, from Hisham Bin Al Hakam,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Created Adam-as from clay, so He-azwj Forbade from eating the clay upon his-as offspring’.[1089]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن أحمد بن عيسى عن أبي يحيى الواسطي عن رجل قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع): الطين حرام اكله كلحم الخنزير، ومن اكله ثم مات فيه لم اصل عليه إلا طين القبر، فمن اكله شهوة لم يكن فيه شفاء.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Isa, from Abu Yahya Al Wasity, from a man who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘The clay is forbidden to be eaten just like the flesh of the swine; and the one who eats it, then dies as a result of it, nothing will arrive to him except for the clay of the grave. So the one who eats it out of desire for it, there would not be any healing in it’.[1090]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر، قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن ابن محبوب عن ابراهيم بن مهزم عن طلحة عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال من انهمك في اكل الطين فقد شرك في دم نفسه.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Mahboub, from Ibrahim Bin Mahzam, from Talha,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The one who engages in eating of the clay, so he has participated in shedding of his own blood’.[1091]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن علي بن حسان الهاشمي قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن كثير عن يحيى بن عبد الله بن الحسن عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: من اكل طين الكوفة فقد أكل لحوم الناس لان الكوفة كانت اجمة، ثم كانت مقبرة ما حولها

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Hasaan Al Hashimy, from Abdullah Bin Kaseer, from Yahya Bin Abdullah Bin Al Hassan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The one who eats clay of Al-Kufa, so he has eaten the flesh of the people, because Al-Kufa used to be a thicket, and there were graves all around it’.

وقد قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من اكل الطين فهو ملعون.

And Abu Abdullah-asws had said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The one who eats the clay, so he is an accursed’.[1092]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن ابي عبد الله عن علي بن الحكم عن اسماعيل بن محمد بن أبي زياد عن جده زياد عن أبي جعفر (ع) ان من عمل الوسوسة واكثر مصائد الشيطان أكل الطين، ان اكل الطين يورث السقم في الجسد، ويهيج الداء ومن اكل الطين فضعفت قوته التي كانت قبل ان يأكله وضعف عن عمله الذي كان يعمله حوسب على ما بين ضعفه وقوته وعذب عليه.

Muhammad Bin Musa narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Ismail Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Ziyad, from his grandfather Ziyad,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws that: ‘Eating of the clay is from the deed of the uncertainties and most of the traps of the Satan-la. Eating of the clay inherits the sicknesses in the body and the irritations of the diseases; and the one who eats the clay, it would weaken his strength which he used to have before he ate it, and would weaken the works that he used to work, fluctuating in between his weakness and his strength, and would be tortured by it’.[1093]

(باب 318 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره التخلل بالريحان وبقضيب الرمان)

Chapter 318 – The reason due to which tooth-picking with the twigs of the basil and the pomegranate is disliked

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى عن درست الواسطي عن ابراهيم بن عبد الحميد عن أبي الحسن عليه السلام قال: لا تخللوا بعود الريحان ولا بقضيب الرمان فانهما يهيجان عرق الجذام.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Darsat Al Wasity, from Ibrahim Bin Abdul Hameed,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws having said: ‘Do not pick the teeth with a twig of the basil or a branch of the pomegranate, for these two agitate the veil of leprosy’.[1094]





(باب 319 – العلة من أجلها يكره لبس النعال الملس)

Chapter 319 – The reason due to which it is disliked to wear the smooth shoes /slippers

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن القاسم بن يحيى عن جده الحسن بن راشد عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال حدثني أبي عن جده عن آبائه ان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: لا تتخذوا الملس فانه حذاء فرعون وهو اول من أخذ الملس.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Do not take to (wearing) the smooth (shoes/slippers), for it is a shoe of Pharaoh-la, and he-la was the first one to take to the smooth’.[1095]

(باب 320 – العلة التي من أجلها لا ترجم المرأة إذا زنى بها) (غلام وان كانت محصنة)

Chapter 320 – The reason due to which the woman with whom a young boy committed adultery with, would not be stoned even if she was a married woman

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الهيثم بن أبي مسروق النهدي عن الحسن بن محبوب عن أيوب عن سليمان بن خالد عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام سئل في غلام صغير لم يدرك ابن عشر سنين زنا بامرأة، قال يجلد الغلام دون الحد، وجلد المرأة الحد كاملا قيل فان كانت محصنة قال لا ترجم لان الذي نكحها ليس بمدرك ولو كان مدركا لرجمت.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Haysam Bin Abu Masrouq Al Nahdy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ayoub, from Suleyman Bin Khalid, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having been asked regarding a young boy who had not attained awareness (puberty), a son of ten years of age, committed adultery with a woman. He-asws said: ‘The boy would be lashed less than the Limit, and the woman would be lashed by the complete Limit’. It was said, ‘So if she were a married woman?’ He-asws said: ‘She would not be stoned because the one who copulated was not aware (attained puberty), and had he been aware (attained puberty), she would have been stoned’.[1096]

(باب 321 – العلة التي من أجلها يجلد قاذف المستكرهة)

Chapter 321 – The reason due to which the slanderer of the compelled woman would be lashed

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن بعض اصحابه رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام انه سئل عن رجل وقع على جارية لامه فأولدها فقذف رجل ابنها، فقال يضرب القاذف الحد لانها مستكرهة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from one of his companions,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having asked about a man who fell upon (copulated with) a slave girl of his mother, so she gave birth. So he the man slandered her son (as not being his)’. He-asws said: ‘The slanderer would be struck by the Limit, because she was compelled’.[1097]

(باب 323 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يقطع المعترف بالسرقة) (تحت الضرب إذا لم يأت بالسرقة)

Chapter 323 – The reason due to which hands would not be cut off of the one who acknowledges the theft under the beating if the stolen goods are not found on him

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار رحمه الله عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسن بن سعيد عن النضر ابن سويد ومحمد بن خالد عن ابن أبي عمير جميعا عن هشام بن سالم عن سليمان بن خالد قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن رجل سرق سرقة، فكافر عنها فضرب فجاء بها بعينها، هل يجب عليه القطع؟ قال: نعم، ولكن لو اعترف ولم يجئ بالسرقة لم تقطع يده لانه اعترف على العذاب.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahiyar, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd and Muhammad Bin Khalid, both toghether from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham Bin Salim, from Suleyman Bin Khalid who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who stole something but he denied it. So he was beaten, so he came up with exactly it (the stolen goods). Is the cutting (of the hands) Obligatory upon him?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. Had he not come with the stolen goods his hands would not be cut-off because he acknowledged (the theft) upon the punishment’.[1098]

(باب 324 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يقطع الاجير والضعيف إذا سرقا)

Chapter 324 – The reason due to which (the hands) of the employee and the guest would not be cut-off if they steal

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن بعض اصحابنا عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا يقطع الاجير والضيف إذا سرق لانهما مؤتمنان.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from one of our companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Do not cut (the hands) of the employee and the guest if they steal because they are both fiduciaries’ (a person bound to act for another’s benefit, as a trustee in relation to his beneficiary).[1099]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد ابن محمد بن عيسى عن سماعة قال: سألته عن رجل استأخر أجيرا فاخذ الاجير متاعه، فقال: هو مؤتمن، ثم قال: الاجير والضيف أمينان ليس يقع عليهما حد السرقة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Sama’at who said,

‘I asked him-asws about a man who employed someone on a wage, and the employee took (stole) his belongings’. So he-asws said: ‘He was a trustee’. Then he-asws said : ‘The employee and the guest are both caretakers, the Limit of the theft does not fall upon the two of them’.[1100]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي رئاب عن محمد بن قيس عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: الضيف إذا سرق لم يقطع وان اضاف الضيف ضعيفا فسرق قطع ضيف الضيف.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Ra’ib, from Muhammad Bin Qays,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘The guest, if he were to steal, (his hands) would not be cut-off, and if a guest of the guest is a guest, so (the hands of) the guest of the guest would be cut’.[1101]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن ابن أبي عمير عن حماد عن الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: في رجل استأجر اجيرا فاقعده على متاعه فسرقه، قال: هو مؤتمن،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamaad Al Halby,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said regarding a man who employed someone on a wage, and made him sit upon his belonging, so he stole it. He-asws said: ‘He was a caretaker’.

وقال في رجل أتى رجلا فقال: ارسلني فلان اليك لترسل إليه بكذا وكذا فاعطاه وصدقه، قال: فلقى صاحبه فقال له: أن رسولك اتاني فبعثت معه بكذا وكذا فقال: ما ارسلته اليك وما اتاني بشئ وزعم الرسول انه قد ارسله، وقد دفعه إليه، قال ان وجد عليه بينة انه لم يرسله قطعت يده ومعنى ذلك أن يكون الرسول قد اقر مرة انه لم يرسله وان لم يجد بينة فيمينه بالله ما ارسلت ويستوفي الاخر من الرسول المال،

And he-asws said regarding a man, to whom a man came over and said, ‘So and so has sent me to you to send such and such to him. So he gives it to him and (accepts him as) truthful. So he meets his companion and says to him, ‘Your messenger came to me, so I sent such and such with him (to you)’. So he said, ‘I did not send him to you, and he did not come to me with anything, and the messenger claimed (for himself) that he had been sent, and it was handed over to him’.

The Imam-asws said: ‘If a proof is found against him that he did not send him, his (messenger’s) (hand) would be cut off, and meaning of that is that the messenger happens to accept once that he was not sent by him. And if a proof cannot be found, so he swears an oath by Allah-azwj that he did not send him, and the other one, messenger, has to pay back the wealth’.

قلت أرأيت ان زعم انه انما حمله على ذلك الحاجة، قال يقطع لانه سرق مال الرجل.

I said, ‘What is your-asws view that if he were to claim that he was driven upon that due to the need?’ He-asws said: ‘(His hands) would be cut off, because he stole the wealth of the man’.[1102]

(باب 325 – العلة التي من أجلها صار لا يزاد السارق على قطع اليد والرجل)

Chapter 325 – The reason due to which it came to be that the cutting of the thief would not exceed the (one) hand and the (one) leg

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن ابان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النضر بن سويد عن عاصم بن حميد عن محمد بن قيس عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قضي أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: في السارق إذا سرق قطعت يمينه وإذا سرق مرة أخرى قطعت رجله اليسرى، ثم إذا سرق مرة أخرى سجنه وتركت رجله اليمني يمشى عليها إلى الغائط ويده اليسرى ياكل بها ويستنجى بها

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Aasim Bin Hameed, from Muhammad Bin Qays,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws judged with regards to the thief: ‘When he steals, cur off his right hand, and if he were to steal once again, cut off his left leg; then if he were to steal again, imprison him; and his right leg so he can walk upon it to the toilet, and with his left hand he can eat and clean himself with it’.

وقال اني استحي من الله تعالى ان اتركه لا ينتفع بشئ ولكن اسجنه حتى يموت في السجن

And he-asws said: ‘I-asws am embarrassed from Allah-azwj the High I-asws would leave him and not cut off anything (else), but have him imprisoned until he dies in the prison’.

وقال ما قطع محمد صلى الله عليه وإله من سارق بعد قطع يده ورجله.

And he-asws said: ‘Muhammad-saww did not cut off from a thief after cutting of his (one) hand and his (one) leg’.[1103]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن فضالة بن أيوب عن أبان بن عثمان عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال كان أمير المؤمنين عليه لا يزيد على قطع اليد والرجل ويقول اني لا استحي من ربى ان ادعه ليس ما يستنجي به أو يتطهر به،

And by this chain, from Al Husayn Bin saeed, from Fazalat, from Aban Bin Usman, from Zarara,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not exceed upon the cutting off the hand and the leg, and he-asws was saying: ‘I-asws am embarrassed from my-asws Lord-azwj that I-asws should leave him without what he can wash himself with or purify himself with’.

قال: وسألته ان هو سرق بعد قطع اليد والرجل قال: استودعه السجن واغني عن الناس شره.

He-asws said: ‘And he-asws was asked, ‘If he were to steal after having the hand and the leg cut off?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws will leave him in the prison, and the people would be free from his evil’.[1104]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النضر بن سويد عن القاسم ابن سليمان عن عبيد بن زرارة قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام هل كان علي عليه السلام يحبس أحدا من أهل الحدود، فقال: لا، إلا السارق فانه كان يحبسه في الثالثة بعد ما يقطع يده ورجله.

And by the chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Al Qasim Ibn Suleyman, from Ubeyd Bin Zarara who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Did Ali-asws withhold (imprison) anyone from the people deserving of the Limit (of punishment)?’ So he-asws said: ‘No, except for the thief, for he-asws imprisoned him with regards to the third (offence) after having cut off his hand and his leg’.[1105]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسن بن سعيد عن عثمان بن عيسى عن سماعة قال: سألته عن السارق وقد قطعت يده، فقال: تقطع رجله بعد يده فان عاد حبس في السجن، واتفق عليه من بيت مال المسلمين.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Usman Bin Isa, from Sama’at who said,

‘I asked him-asws about the thief, and his hand had been cut off. So he-asws said: ‘You cut off his leg after his hand. So if he were to repeat it, withhold him in the prison, and spend upon him from the Public treasury of the Muslims’.[1106]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسين بن سعيد عن صفوان بن يحيى عن اسحاق بن عمار عن أبي ابراهيم عليه السلام قال: تقطع يد السارق ويترك ابهامه وصدر راحته، وتقطع رجله ويترك له عقبه يمشى عليها.

And by the chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Is’haq Bin Amaar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ibrahim-asws (7th Imam-asws) having said; ‘The hand of the thief is cut-off, and his thumb and his palm would be left, and his leg would be cut and his heel would be left for him to walk upon it’.[1107]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن ابن سنان عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في رجل اشد اليد اليمنى أو اشل الشمال سرق، قال: تقطع يده اليمنى على كل حال.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ibn Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws regarding a man whose right hand or his left hand is crippled, stole. He-asws said: ‘His right hand would be cut off upon every situation’.[1108]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسن بن محبوب عن العلا عن محمد بن مسلم وعلي ابن رئاب عن زرارة جميعا عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام في رجل أشل اليد اليمنى، سرق، قال: تقطع يمينه شلاء كانت أو صحيحة فان عاد فسرق قطعت رجله اليسرى فان عاد خلد في السجن وأجرى عليه طعامه من بيت مال المسلين، يكف عن الناس شره.

And by the chain, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboun, from Al A’la, from Muhammad Bin Muslim and Ali Ibn Ra’ib, from Zarara both together,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, regarding a man with a crippled right hand, steals. He-asws said: ‘Cut his right hand, be it crippled or correct. So if he were to repeat and steals, cut off his left leg. So if he were to repeat, forever in the prison, and spend upon him, his food, from the Public Treasury of the Muslims, desisting (protecting) the people from his evil’.[1109]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسن بن سعيد عن عثمان بن عيسى عن سماعة قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) أتى أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام برجال قد سرقوا فقطع ايديهم ثم قال: ان الذي من اجسادهم قد يصل إلى النار، فان تتوبوا تجروها، وإن لا تتوبوا تجركم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Usman Bin Isa, from Sama’at who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws came to Amir Al-Momineen-asws with men who had stolen. So he-asws cut off their hands, then said: ‘Those (parts) of their bodies have arrived to the Fire. So if you were to repent, I-asws shall pluck these back, and if you were not to repent, you would be plucked (into the Fire as well)’.[1110]

(باب 326 – علل نوادر الحدود)

Chapter 326 – Miscellaneous reasons for the Limits

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن فضالة عن موسى بن بكير عن علي بن سعيد قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن رجل اكترى حمارا، ثم اقبل به إلى اصحاب الثياب فابتاع منهم ثوبا أو ثوبين، وترك الحمار: قال: يرد الحمار إلى صاحبه ويتبع الذي ذهب بالثوبين وليس عليه قطع انما هي خيانة.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat, from Musa Bin Bakeyr, from Ali Bin Saeed who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who hired a donkey, then he went with it to the cloth merchants in order to buy a cloth or two clothes from them, and left the donkey (with them in exchange). He-asws said: ‘The donkey has to be returned to its owner and the one who bought the two clothes would be followed, and the cutting of the hands would not be applicable upon him. But rather, it is a betrayal (of trust)’.[1111]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه علي عن الحسين بن سعد عن صفوان بن يحيى عن اسحاق بن عمار عن أبي بصير قال: سمعته يقول من افترى على مملوك عزر لحرمة الاسلام.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali, from Al Husayn Bin sa’ad, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Is’haq Bin Amaar, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I heard him-asws (6th Imam-asws) saying: ‘The one who fabricates upon a slave would be reprimanded for the sanctity of Al-Islam’.[1112]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن اسحاق بن حريز عن سدير عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام في رجل يأتي البهيمة، قال: يجلد دون الحد ويغرم قيمة البهيمة لصاحبه لانه أفسدها عليه وتذبح وتحرق وتدفن ان كانت مما يؤكل لحمه وان كانت مما يركب ظهره اغرم قيمتها وجلد دون الحد واخرجها من البلد الذي فعل ذلك بها حيث لا تعرف فيبيعها فيها كي لا يعير بها.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Is’haq Bin Hareyz, from Sudeyr,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding a man who came (copulated with) the animal. He-asws said: ‘He would be lashed less than the Limit (of adultery), and would be fined the value of the animal for its owner because he corrupted it against him, and it would be slaughtered, and incinerated, and buried, if it was from what its flesh is eaten from; and if it was from what is ridden on upon its back, he would be fined its value, and be lashed less than the Limit (of adultery), and it (the animal) would be sent out from the city in which that deed was done with it, to where no one recognises it, so it would be sold in it, so that no one would reproach it’.[1113]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا العباس بن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن محمد بن يحيى عن حماد بن عثمان، قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام التعزير؟ فقال: دون الحد، قال: قلت دون ثمانين؟ قال: فقال لا ولكنه دون الاربعين فانها حد المملوك، قال: قلت وكم ذاك، قال: قدر ما يراه الوالي من ذنب الرجل وقوة بدنه.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Bin Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Hamaad Bin Usmaan who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘(What is) the discretionary Punishment?’ So he-asws said: ‘Less than the Limit’. I said, ‘Less that eighty (lashes)?’ So he-asws said: ‘no, but it is less than forty (lashes), for it is a Limit of the slaves’. I said, ‘And how much is that?’ He-asws said: ‘In accordance with what the ruler sees is, from the sin of the man and strength of his body’.[1114]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن مسلم قال: سألته عن الشارب، فقال ايما رجل كانت منه زلة فانى معزره، وأما الذي يدمن فانى كنت منهكة عقوبة لانه يستحل الحرمات كلها ولو ترك الناس في ذلك لفسدوا.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I asked him-asws (6th Imam-asws) about the drunkard, so he-asws said: ‘Whichever man from it was in error, so I-asws apply the discretionary Punishment; and as for the one who is habitual, so I-asws fully punish, because he has permitted the Prohibitions, all of it, and if the people were to be left in that, they would be corrupted’.[1115]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل عن اسحاق بن عمار قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن رجل شرب حسوة خمرة، قال يجلد ثمانين جلدة، قليلها وكثيرها حرام.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who drank a sip of wine. He-asws said: ‘He would be whipped eighty (lashes). A little of it, and a lot of it, is Forbidden’.[1116]

وعن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: اتي عمر بن الخطاب بقدامة بن مظعون قد شرب الخمر، فقامت عليه البينة فسأل عليا عليه السلام فأمره أن يجلده ثمانين جلدة، فقال قدامة: يا أمير المؤمنين ليس على جلد أنا من أهل هذه الآية (ليس على الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات جناح فيما طعموا) فقرء الآية حتى اتمها، فقال له علي عليه السلام فانت لست من أهل فيما طعم اهلها وهو لهم حلال،

And from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘They came to Umar Bin Al-Khattab with Qadama Bin Maz’oun who had drunk the wine. So the proof was established against him. So he asked Ali-asws, and he-asws ordered that he should be whipped eighty lashes. So Qadama said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws, there is no whipping upon me, for I am from the ones of this Verse [5:93] On those who believe and do righteous deeds there is no blame for what they eat. So he recited the Verse until he completed it. So Ali-asws said to him: ‘But you are not from the one with regards to what is eaten, and it is (referring to) the Permissible food’.

قال: وقال علي عليه السلام: ان الشارب إذا شرب لم يدر ما يأكل ولا ما يصنع فاجلدوه ثمانين جلدة.

He-asws said: ‘And Ali-asws said: ‘The drunkard, when he drinks, does not know what he is eating, nor what he is doing’. So he was whipped eighty lashes’.[1117]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن عن زرارة، قال: سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام وسمعتهم يقولون ان عليا عليه السلام قال: إذا شرب الرجل الخمر فسكر هذي، فإذا هذي أفترى، فإذا فعل ذلك فاجلدوه حد المفترى ثمانين.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Zarara who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws and heard them (people) saying that, Ali-asws said: ‘When the man drinks the wine, he gets intoxicated (and) babbles. So when he babbles, he fabricates. So when he does that, so whip him with the Limit of the fabricator, eighty lashes’.

قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام إذا سكر من النبيذ المسكر والخمر جلد ثمانين.

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘When one is intoxicated from Al-Nabeez the intoxicant, and the wine, whip him eighty lashes’.[1118]

وبهذا الاسناد عن أحدهما عليه السلام قال: كان علي عليه السلام يضرب في الخمر والنبيذ ثمانين جلدة، الحر والعبد واليهودي والنصراني، فقال: ليس لهم ان يظهروا شربه يكون ذلك في بيوتهم،

And by this chain,

(It has been narrated) from one of the two (5th or 6th Imam-asws) having said: ‘Ali-asws used to whip with regards to the wine and Al-Nabeez, eighty lashes, the free one and the slave, and the Jew and the Christian. So he-asws said : ‘It is not for them that they should openly drink it. That happens in their houses’.

قال: سمعته يقول من شرب الخمر فاجلدوه فان عاد فاجلدوه، فان عاد فاقتلوه في الثالثة.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I heard him-asws saying: ‘The one who drinks the wine, so whip him. So if he were to repeat it, so whip him. So if he were to repeat, so kill him with regards to the third (offence)’.[1119]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن عنبسة بن مصعب قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام كانت لي جارية فشربت فرأيت أحدها؟ قال: نعم ولكن ذلك في ستر بحال السلطان.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Anbasa Bin Mas’ab who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘There used to be a slave girl for me, so she drank (intoxicant). So what is your-asws view, shall I apply the Limit upon her?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, but that is in veil, by the permission of the authority’.[1120]

وروي عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام في قذف محصنة حرة قال يجلد ثمانين لانه انما يجلد بحقها.

And it has been reported,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding slandering a free married woman. He-asws said: ‘He would be whipped eighty lashes, because, rather he has whipped by her right’.[1121]

أبي رحمه الله عن علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن أبي الحسن الحذاء، قال: كنت عند أبي عبد الله (ع) فسألني رجل وقال: ما فعل غريمك؟ قلت: ذاك ابن الفاعلة فنظر إلى أبو عبد الله عليه السلام نظرا شديدا، قال قلت جعلت فداك انه مجوسي ينكح امه واخته، قال: أو ليس ذلك في دينهم نكاح

My father, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abu Al Hassan Al Haza’a who said,

‘I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah-asws when a man asked me and said, ‘What did your debtor do?’ I said, ‘That son of the adulterer!’ So Abu Abdullah-asws looked at me with a harsh look. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! He is a Magian. He marries his mother and his sister’. He-asws said: ‘Or is that not a marriage in their religion?’[1122]

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله رفعه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: الشيخ والشيخة إذا زنيا فارجموهما البتة لانهما قد قضيا شهوتهما. وعلى المحصن والمحصنة الرجم.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, raising it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The old man and the old woman, when they commit adultery, so stone them anyway, because both of them have fulfilled their desires. And upon the married woman, and the married man, is the stoning’.[1123]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن عن الحسن بن الحسن بن أبان عن اسماعيل بن خالد قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: في القرآن الرجم؟ قال: نعم، قال الشيخ: والشيخ إذا زنيا فارجموهما البتة فانهما قد قضيا الشهوة.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Hassan Bin Al Hassan Bin Abaan, from Ismail Bin Khalid who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘Is the stoning, (found) in the Quran?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. He-asws said, ‘The old man (and the old woman), when they commit adultery, so stone both of them anyway, for these two have fulfilled their desires’.[1124]

وبهذا الاسناد عن الحسن بن كثير عن أبيه قال: خرج أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام بشراحة الهمدانية، فكاد الناس يقتل بعضها بعضا من الزحام، فلما رأي ذلك أمر بردها حتى إذا خفت الزحمة اخرجت واغلق الباب،

And by this chain, from Al Hassan Bin Kaseer, from his father who said,

‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws went out with Sharahat Al-Hamdaniya, so the people sat fighting with each other due to the crowd. So when Amir Al-Momineen-asws saw that, he-asws ordered for her to be returned. When the crowd eased, brought her out and locked the door.

قال: فرموها حتى ماتت، قال: ثم أمر بالباب ففتح، قال: فجعل من يدخل يلعنها، قال: فلما رأي ذلك نادى مناديه ايها الناس ارفعوا السنتكم عنها فانه لا يقام حد إلا كان كفارة ذلك الذنب كما يجزي الدين بالدين قال: فو الله ما تحرك شفة لها.

He (the narrator) said, ‘So he-asws had her stoned until she died. Then he-asws ordered for the door to be opened. So everyone who entered, cursed her. So when he-asws saw that, he-asws made his-asws caller to call out: ‘O you people! Raise your tongues from her, for a Limit is not established except that it is an expiation for that sins, just as the debt is recompenses by (settling of) the debt’. So, by Allah-azwj, no lip moved for her’.[1125]

وروي عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام يقول: قضى علي (ع) في رجل تزوج امرأة رجل انه ترجم المرأة ويضرب الرجل الحد، وقال: لو علمت انك علمت به لفضخت رأسك بالحجارة.

And is has been reported,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Ali-asws judged with regards to a man who married a wife of a man, that the woman be stoned and the man be whipped by the Limit, and he-asws said: ‘Had I-asws known that you knew of it (that she was married), I-asws would have pumped your head with the stones’.[1126]

وبهذا الاسناد عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) لا يرجم رجل ولا امرأة حتى يشهد عليهما اربعة شهود على الايلاج والاخراج، قال: قال لا أحب ان أكون أول الشهود الاربعة اخشى أن ينكل بعضهم فاجلد.

And by this chain,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘neither a man nor a woman would be stone until four witnesses testify upon them both the penetration and the ejection’. He-asws said: ‘I-asws would not like to be the first of the four witnesses, for fear that some of them would turn (and deny it), so I-asws would be whipped’.[1127]

(باب 327 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يكون بين أهل الذمة معاقلة)

Chapter 327 – The reason due to which there does not happen to be a stronghold with the people under responsibility (Ahl Al-Zimma)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن أبي ولاد عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ليس بين أهل الذمة معاقلة فيما يجنون من قتل أو جراح انما يؤخذ ذلك من أموالهم، فان لم يكن لهم أموال رجعت الجناية إلى إمام المسلمين لانهم يؤدون الجزية إليه كما يؤدي العبد لضريبة إلى سيده، قال: وهم مماليك للامام فمن اسلم منهم فهو حر.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abu Walaad,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘There is no stronghold between the people under the responsibility (Ahl Al-Zimma) with regards to what they go crazy from killing or wounding. But rather, that would be taken from their wealth. So if there is no wealth for them, the crime would be referred to the Imam-asws of the Muslims, because they are paying the tax to him-asws just as the slave pays the monies to his master’. He-asws said: ‘And they (the Ahl Al-Zimma) are the slaves of the Imam-asws. So, whoever from them professes to Islam, so he is free’.[1128]

(باب 328 – العلة التي من أجلها جعل البينة على المدعي) (واليمين على المدعى عليه في الاموال وجعل في الدماء) (البينة على المدعى عليه وعليه القسامة)

Chapter 328 – The reason due to which the (burden of the) proof is upon the claimant, and the swearing (oath) is upon the defendant with regards to the wealth, whereas with regards to the blood, the (burden of the) proof is upon the defendant, and upon him is the compurgation (sworn endorsements)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين عن ابن أبي عمير عن ابن اذينة عن بريدة عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن القسامة فقال: الحقوق كلها البينة على المدعي واليمين على المدعي عليه إلا في الدماء خاصة فان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بينما هو بخيبر إذا فقدت الانصار رجلا منهم فوجدوه قتيلا، فقالت الانصار فلان اليهودي قتل صاحبنا، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله للطالبين: اقيموا رجلين عدلين من غيركم اقده برمته، فان لم تجدوا شاهدين فاقيموا قسامة خمسين رجلاه اقده به برمته، فقالوا: يا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وإله ما عندنا شاهدان من غيرنا وانا لنكره ان نقسم على ما لم نره فوداه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله من عنده،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Ibn Azina, from Bureyda,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the compurgation (sworn endorsements). So he-asws said: ‘The rights, all of them, the (burden of the) proof is upon the claimant, and the swearing is upon the defendant, except regarding the blood in particular, for Rasool-Allah-saww, whilst he-saww was a Khyber, the Helpers lost a man from among them, so they found him to have been killed. So the Helpers said, ‘So and so, the Jew killed our companion’. So Rasool-Allah-saww said to the seekers (of revenge): ‘Establish two just men from others who saw the whole of it. So if you do not find two witnesses, then fifty men should establish sworn endorsements for the whole of it’. So they said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! There are no two witnesses with us from others, and we do not like that we should swear upon what we have not seen’. So Rasool-Allah-saww paid the blood money from himself-saww’.

ثم قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله انما حقن دماء المسلمين بالقسامة لكي إذا رأي الفاجر الفاسق فرصة من عدوه حجزه مخافة القسامة ان يقتل به، فكف عن قتله وإلا حلف المدعي عليهم قسامة خمسين رجلا ما قتلنا ولا علمنا قاتلا ثم اغرموا الدية إذا وجدوا قتيلا بين أظهرهم إذا لم يقسم المدعون.

Then Abu Abdullah-asws said that: ‘But rather, Rasool-Allah-saww saved the blood-letting of the Muslims by the sworn endorsements in order that if an immoral evil doer sees a chance from (killing) his enemy, would fear the sworn endorsements in case he himself is killed by it, would refrain from killing him, otherwise the swear of the claimant, against him would be sworn endorsements of fifty men, ‘We neither killed nor do we have any knowledge of the killer’. Then they would have to pay the blood money if the victim was found to be among them, if the claimants haven’t sworn’.[1129]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان الرضا (ع) كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله، العلة في البينة في جميع الحقوق على المدعي، واليمين على المدعي عليه ما خلا الدم، لان المدعي عليه جاحد ولا يمكنه اقامة البينة على الجحود، لانه مجهول وصارت البينة في الدم على المدعي عليه واليمين على المدعي لانه حوط يحتاط به المسلمين لئلا يبطل دم امرئ مسلم وليكون ذلك زاجرا وناهيا للقاتل لشدة اقامة البينة عليه، لان من شهد على انه لم يفعل قليل،

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had written asking him-asws: ‘The reason with regards to the (burden of the) proof in the entirety of the rights, is upon the claimant, and the swearing is upon the defendant, except for the blood, because the defendant is a denial, and it is not possible for him to establish the proof upon the denial, because the matter is unknown. And the (burden of the) proof regarding the blood came to be upon the defendant, and the swearing upon the claimant, because it is a precaution for the Muslims in case the blood of a Muslim person be invalidated, and that would become an injunction and a prevention for the killer due to the severity of the establishment of the proof against him, because the ones who would testify that he did not do it, would be very few.

وأما علة القسامة ان جعل خمسين رجلا، فلما في ذلك من التغليظ والتشديد والاحتياط لئلا يهدر دم امرئ مسلم.

And as for the reason for the sword endorsements, it has been made to be fifty men. So as for what is in that from the harshness, and the severity, and the precaution, perhaps the blood of a Muslim person be wasted’.[1130]

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن أبي نجران عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سألته عن القسامة، قال: هي حق ولو لا ذلك لقتل الناس بعضهم بعضا ولم يمكن بشئ، وانما القسامة حول يحتاط به الناس.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Abu Najran, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the sworn endorsements. He-asws said: ‘It is right, and had it not been for that, the people would kill each other and it would not come to anything. But rather, the sword endorsements (of fifty men), is a dissuasion, the people take precaution by it’.[1131]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله عن محمد بن يحيى العطار عن سهل بن زياد عن محمد بن عيسى عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن ابن سنان قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول: انما وضعت القسامة لعلة الحوط يحتاط على الناس لكى إذا رأي الفاجر عدوه فر منه مخافة القصاص.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Sahl Bin ziyad, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Ibn Sinan who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘But rather, the sworn endorsements have been placed for the reason of the dissuasion, a precaution upon the people, in case the immoral were to see his enemy, he would flee from him for fear of the (law of) retaliation’.[1132]

(باب 329 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يقاد للمجنون من قاتله)

Chapter 329 – The reason due to which the one who kills the insane would not be killed

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي بن رئاب عن أبي بصير قال: سألت أبا جعفر (ع) عن رجل قتل رجلا مجنونا، قال: ان كان المجنون اراده فدفعه عن نفسه فقتله فلا شئ من قود ولا دية وتعطي ورثته من بيت مال المسلمين، قال: وان كان من غير أن يكون المجنون اراده فلا قود لمن لا يقاد منه وأرى ان على قاتله الدية في ماله يدفعها إلى ورثة المجنون ويستغفر الله ويتوب إليه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Raib, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I asked Abu Ja’far-asws about a man who killed an insane man. He-asws said: ‘If he was indeed insane, and the (killer) defended himself, so he killed him, so there is nothing from retaliation nor blood money, and his (victim’s) inheritors would be given from the Public Treasury of the Muslims. And if it was the other than the insane intended (to kill him), so there is no retaliation to the one, from whom there is no retaliation (i.e. had the insane killed him, he would not have been killed due to his insanity). Upon the killer would be the blood money from his own wealth to be handed over to the inheritors of the insane, and he should seek Forgiveness of Allah-azwj and repent to Him-azwj’.[1133]

(باب 330 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت دية الميت إذا قطع) (رأسه تجعل في أبواب البر للميت ولا تجعل للورثة) (كما تجعل دية الجنين)

Chapter 330 – The reason due to which the blood money of the dead, if its head was cut off is made to be in the category of performing good deeds for the dead and will not be made to be for the inheritors, just as the blood money of the foetus is made to be

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال حدثنا محمد بن أحمد عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن عمر بن عثمان عن بعض اصحابه عن الحسين بن خالد عن أبي الحسن موسى عليه السلام قال، دية الجنين إذا ضربت امه فسقط من بطنها قبل أن ينشأ فيه الروح مائة دينار، فهي لورثة ودية الميت إذا قطع رأسه وشق بطنه فليس هي لورثته، إنما هي له دون الورثة،

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Attar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Umar Bin Usman, from one of his companions, from Al Husayn Bin Khalid,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Musa-asws having said: ‘Blood money of the foetus, if the mother is hit, so she miscarries from her belly before the soul has grown into it, is one hundred Dinars, so this would be for the inheritors; and blood money of the dead, if its head is cut off, and his belly is split open, so this is not for his inheritors. But rather, it is for besides the inheritors’.

فقلت له، وما الفرق بينهما؟ فقال ان الجنين أمر مستقبل مرجي نفعه، وان هذا أمر قد مضى وذهب منفعته فلما مثل به بعد وفاته صارت دية المثلة له لا لغيره يحج بها عنه ويفعل به أبواب البر من صدقة وغير ذلك.

So I said to him-asws, ‘And what is the difference between the two?’ So he-asws said: ‘The foetus, is a matter of the future, its benefit is returned. And in this, it is a matter which has passed and its benefit has gone. So when he was tortured by after his death, the blood money comes to be for the torture, for him, not for others. Hajj would be performed by it on his behalf, and various categories of righteous deeds from charity and other than that’.[1134]




(باب 331 – العلة التي من أجلها يجلد الزاني مائة جلدة) (وشارب الخمر ثمانين)

Chapter 331 – The reason due to which the adulterer would be whipped with one hundred lashes, and the drinker of the wine, eighty (lashes)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى عن أبي عبد الله الرازي عن الحسن بن علي بن أبي حمزة عن أبيه عن أبي عبد الله المؤمن عن اسحاق بن عمار قال، قلت لابي عبد الله (ع)، الزنا أشر من شرب الخمر؟ قال، الخمر، قلت، فكيف صار الخمر ثمانين وفي الزنا مائة، قال يا اسحاق الحد واحدا ابدا، وزيد هذا لتضييعه النطفة ولوضعه إياها في غير موضعها الذي امر الله به.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Abu Abdullah Al Razy, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Abu Hamza, from his father, from Abu Abdullah Al Momin, from Is’haq Bin Amaar who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The adultery is more evil (or) the drinking of the wine?’ He-asws said: ‘The wine’. I said, ‘So how come the wine (Punishment for drinking it) came to be eighty (lashes), and regarding the adultery, one hundred?’ He-asws said: ‘O Is’haq! The Limit is one (and the same), forever, and the increase in this is for the wasting of the sperm and placing it in other than its (rightful) place which Allah-azwj Commanded with’.[1135]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال، حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد ابن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان ابا الحسن الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة ضرب الزاني على جسده بأشد الضرب لمباشرة الزنا واستلذاذ الجسد كله به فجعل الضرب عقوبة له وعبرة لغيره وهو اعظم الجنايات.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer regarding what he had written asking him-asws: ‘The reason for hitting the adulterer upon his body with severe strikes for indulging in the adultery, and the whole of his body enjoyed the pleasure by it. So the strike has been Made as a Punishment for him, and a lesson for others, and it (adultery) is the most grievous of the crimes’.[1136]

(باب 332 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يقطع الطرار والمختلس)

Chapter 332 – The reason due to which the hands of the scoundrel and the pilferer would not be cut

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن أحمد عن أبان بن محمد عن أبيه عن ابن المغيرة عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبايه عن علي عليهم السلام قال: ليس على الطرار والمختلس قطع لانها دعارة معلنة ولكن يقطع من يأخذ ويخفى.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Aban Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Ibn Al Mugheira, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Ali-asws having said: ‘There is no cutting (of the hand) upon the scoundrel (crook) and the embezzler (cheat), because (although) these two are open crimes, but the hands of the one who takes and conceals (thief), would be cut’.[1137]

(باب 333 – العلة التي من أجلها يجلد ظل الذي يزعم انه احتلم بام غيره)

Chapter 333 – The reason due to which the shadow would be lashed, of the one who claims that he had an erotic dream with the mother of someone else

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن اخيه علي عن عثمان بن عيسى عن سماعة قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) ان رجلا لقي رجلا على عهد امير المؤمنين عليه السلام فقال له، اني احتلمت بامك، فرفع إلى امير المؤمنين فقال، ان هذا افترى علي، فقال وما قال لك؟ قال، زعم انه احتلم بامى فقال أمير المؤمنين، في العدل ان شئت اقمته لك في الشمس وجلدت ظله، فان الحلم مثل الظل ولكنا سنضربه إذا آذاك حتى لا يعود يؤذي المسلمين

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother Ali, from Usman Bin Isa, from Sama’at who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘A man met a man in the era of Amir Al-Momineen-asws, so he said to him, ‘I had a wet dream with your mother’. So the matter was raised to Amir Al-Momineen-asws, so he said: ‘This one is fabricating against me’. So he-asws said: ‘And what did he say to you?’ He said, ‘He claims that he had a wet dream with my mother’. So Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘In (the matter of) justice, if you so like, I-asws can stand him in the sun for you, and whip his shadow, for the dream is like the shadow, but I-asws will be whipping him as he hurt you, so that he would not repeat hurting the Muslims’.[1138]

(باب 334 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يقام الحد بارض العدو)

Chapter 334 – The reason due to which the Limit would not be established in the land of the enemy

أبي رحمه الله قال، حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن محمد بن يحيى الخزاز عن غياث بن ابراهيم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام عن أبيه قال: قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام لا أقيم على احد حدا بارض العدو، حتى يخرج منها، لئلا تلحقه الحمية فيلحق بالعدو.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Khazaz, from Gayas Bin Ibrahim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, from him-asws father-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws did not establish the Limit upon anyone who was in the land of the enemy, until he came out from it, perhaps the disdain would cause him to align himself with the enemy’.[1139]


(باب 335 – العلة التي من أجلها صار حد القاذف وشارب الخمر ثمانين)

Chapter 335 – The reason due to which the Limit upon the slanderer and the drinker of the wine came to be eighty (lashes)

حدثنا علي بن احمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان، ان ابا الحسن الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة ضرب القاذف وشارب الخمر ثمانين جلدة، لان في القذف نفي الولد وقطع النسل وذهاب النسب، وكذلك شارب الخمر إذا شرب هذى، وإذا هذى افترى وإذا افترى جلد، فوجب عليه حد المفتري.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had asked him: ‘The reason for striking the slanderer and the drinker of the wine with eighty lashes is that because the slanderer denies the child and cuts off the offspring, and the lineage goes away. And similar to that is the drinker of the wine, when he drinks he talks nonsense, and when he babbles (chats nonsense), he fabricates, and when he fabricates he would be whipped, obligating upon himself the Limit of the fabricator’.[1140]

(باب 336 – العلة التي من أجلها إذا قذف الزوج امرأته كانت شهادته) (اربع شهادات وإذا قذفها غير الزوج جلد الحد)

Chapter 336 – The reason due to which when the husband slanders his wife, his testimony would amount to four testimonies, and if other than her husband were to slander her, would be whipped the Limit

حدثنا الحسين بن أحمد عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد بن اسلم الجبلي عن بعض اصحابه قال: سألت الرضا عليه السلام فقلت: كيف صار الزوج إذا قذف امرأته كانت شهادته اربع شهادات بالله وإذا قذفها غير الزوج جلد الحد، وان كان اباها أو اخاها قال: سئل جعفر بن محمد (ع) عن هذا فقال: لانه إذا قذف الزوج امرأته قيل له كيف علمت انها فاعلة، فان قال رأيت ذلك بعيني كانت شهادته اربع شهادات بالله وذلك انه يجوز للزوج أن يدخل المداخل في الخلوات التي لا تصلح لغيره أن يدخلها ولا يشهدها ولد ولا والد في الليل والنهار فلذلك صارت شهادته اربع شهادات بالله إذا قال: رأيت ذلك بعيني

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhammad Bin Aslam Al Jabaly, from one of his companions who said,

‘I asked Al-Reza-asws, so I said, ‘How did it come to be, if the husband were to slander his wife, his testimony would be four testimonies by Allah-azwj, and if other than her husband were to slander her, he would be whipped the Limit, even if it were to be her father, or her brother?’

He-asws said: ‘Ja’far -asws Bin Muhammad-asws had been asked about this, so he-asws said: ‘Because, if the husband were to slander his wife, it would be said to him, ‘How did you come to know that she has done it?’ So if he were to say, ‘I saw that with my own eyes’, his testimony would amount to four testimonies with Allah-azwj, and that is because it is allowed for the husband that he can enter the places alone which is not correct for others if they were to enter it, nor can the son see her, nor a parent, during the day and the night. Thus, it was due to that, his testimony came to be four testimonies with Allah-azwj, if he says, ‘I saw it with my own eyes’.

فان قال: لم اعاين ذلك صار قاذفا وضرب الحد إلا أن يقيم عليها البينة وغير الزوج إذا قذفها وادعى انه رأي ذلك قيل له كيف رأيت ذلك وما ادخلك ذلك المدخل الذي رأيت فيه هذا وحدك وانت متهم في رؤياك، فان كنت صادقا فانت في حد التهمة فلا بد من ادبك الذي اوجبه الله عليك وانما صار شهادة الزوج أربع شهادات بالله لمكان الاربعة شهداء مكان كل شاهد يمين.

So if he were to say, I did not see that, he would become a slanderer and be hit the Limit, except if he were to establish the proof against her. And other than the husband, if he were to accuse her and claim that he saw that, it would be said to him, ‘How did you see that, and what made you to enter that place in which you saw this alone, and you are accused with regards to your visualising it. So even if you were truthful, you would still be in the Limit of the accusation. Therefore it is inevitable to (teach you) manners which Allah-azwj has Obligated upon you’. But rather the testimony of the husband is four testimonies with Allah-azwj in place of the four witnesses swearing on oath’.[1141]

(باب 337 – العلة التي من أجلها يضرب العبد في الحد نصف) (ما يضرب الحر)

Chapter 337 – The reason due to which the slave would be hit by half the Limit what the free one would be hit by

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم ابن هاشم عن الاصبغ بن نباته قال: حدثنا محمد بن سليمان المصري عن مروان بن مسلم عن عبيد بن زرارة عن بريد العجلي الشك من محمد بن سليمان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام عبد زنا، قال: يضرب نصف الحد، قلت: فان عاد، قال: لا يزاد على نصف الحد، قال: قلت فهل يجري عليه الرجم في شئ من فعله قال: نعم يقتل في الثامنة أن فعل ذلك ثمان مرات، قلت: فما الفرق بينه وبين الحر وانما فعلهما واحد، قال: لان الله تبارك وتعالى رحمه أن يجعل عليه ربق الرق وحد الحر،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Ibn Hashim, from Al Asbagh Bin Nabata, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Misry, from Marwan Bin Muslim, from Ubeyd Bin Zarara, from Bureyd Al Ajaly Al Shak, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘The slave commits adultery’. He-asws said: ‘He would be hit half the Limit’. I said, ‘So if he were to repeat it?’ He-asws said: ‘He would not be increase more than half the Limit’. I said, ‘So will the stoning be done against him with regards to anything which he does?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, he would be killed during the eighth, if he were to do that for the eight time’. I said, ‘So what is the difference between him and the free man, but rather both their deeds are one (the same)?’ He-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High is more Merciful than to Make the rope of slavery upon him and the Limit of the free one’.

قال: ثم قال وعلى إمام المسلمين أن يدفع ثمنه إلى مولاه من سهم الرقاب.

He (the narrator) said, ‘Then he-asws said: ‘And it is upon the Imam-asws of the Muslim that he-asws should hand over his price (after the stoning), to his master, from the portion of the slaves’.[1142]

(باب 338 – العلة التي من أجلها يقتل ساحر المسلمين) (ولا يقتل ساحر الكفار)

Chapter 338 – The reason due to which the Muslim sorcerer would be killed, and the Infidel sorcerer would not be killed

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن بن أحمد بن الوليد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد ابن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن اسماعيل بن مسلم السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه (ع) قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ساحر المسلمين يقتل وساحر الكفار لا يقتل، قيل: يا رسول الله ولم لا يقتل ساحر الكفار؟ قال: لان الشرك اعظم من السحر، لان السحر والشرك مقرونان

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated to us, from Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ismail Bin Muslim Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far -asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The Muslim sorcerer should be killed, and the Infidel sorcerer should not be killed’. It was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! And why shouldn’t the Infidel sorcerer be killed?’ He-saww said: ‘Because the Polytheism is more grievous than the sorcery, because the sorcery and the Polytheism are coupled’.[1143]

(باب 339 – العلة التي من أجلها يقتل الحدود في الزنا) (وشرب الخمر في الثالثة)

Chapter 339 – The reason due to which the Limit of the killing would be applied in the case of the adultery and drinking of the wine during the third (offence)

حدثنا علي بن احمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة القتل في اقامة الحد في الثالثة لاستخفافهما وقلة مبالاتهما بالضرب حتى كأنهما مطلق لهما الشئ، وعلة اخرى أن المستخف بالله وبالحد كافر فوجب عليه القتل لدخوله في الكفر.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali -asws Bin Musa-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had asked him-asws: ‘The reason for the killing during the establishment of the Limit during the third (offence) because they both belittled the whipping and did not care about it as if it was an absolute thing for them both. And another reason is that, the belittler of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Limits is a disbeliever, thus Obligating upon him the killing, as he entered into the disbelief’.[1144]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن جميل بن دراج عن أبي عبد الله (ع) انه قال: في شارب الخمر إذا شربها ضرب فان عاد ضرب فان عاد قتل في الثالثة.

My father said, ‘sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Jameel Bin Daraaj,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Regarding the drinker of the wine, when he drinks it, should be hit. So if he were to repeat it, should be hit (again). So if he repeats it, should be killed during the third (offence)’.[1145]

(باب 340 – علة تحريم اللواط والسحق)

Chapter 340 – Reason for the Prohibition of the sodomy and the lesbianism

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة تحريم الذكران للذكران، والاناث للاناث لما ركب في الاناث وما طبع عليه الذكران ولما في اتيان الذكران الذكران والاناث الاناث من انقطاع النسل وفساد التدبير وخراب الدنيا.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali -asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer regarding what he had written to ask him: ‘The reason for the Prohibition of the males for the males, and the females for the females is due to what is perpetrated among the women and the men what is not their natural disposition, and due to what is involved in the males coming to the males, and the females coming to the females, from the cutting off of the lineages, and the corruption of the system and the spoiling of the world’.[1146]

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن أبي جعفر عن ابن الجوزاء عن الحسين بن علوان عن عمرو بن خالد عن زيد بن على عن آبائه صلوات الله عليه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ان الله تعالى حين أمر آدم أن يهبط هبط آدم وزوجته، وهبط ابليس ولا زوجه له، وهبطت الحية ولا زوج لها، فكان أول من يلوط بنفسه ابليس، فكانت ذريته من نفسه وكذلك الحية وكانت ذرية آدم من زوجته فأخبرهما انهما عدوان لهما.

My father narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Ja’far, from Ibn Al Jowza, from Al Husayn Bin Alwan, from Amro Bin Khalid,

(It has been narrated) from Zayd son of Ali-asws, from his forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said that: ‘When Allah-azwj the High Commanded Adam-as that he-as should descend, Adam-as descended with his-as wife, and Iblees-la descended and there was no wife for him-la, and the snake descended and there was no wife for it. So the first one who committed sodomy with himself-la was Iblees-la. So his-la offspring was from himself-la, and similar to that was the snake, and the offspring of Adam-as was from his-as wife. Thus they-as were both informed that those two (Iblees-la and snake were the two enemies of theirs-as’.[1147]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر عن محمد بن الحسين عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر البزنطي عن أبان بن عثمان عن أبي بصير عن أحدهما في قول لوط (انكم لتأتون الفاحشة ما سبقكم بها من احد من العالمين) فقال: ان ابليس اتاهم في صورة حسنة، فيه تأنيث عليه ثياب حسنة فجاء إلى شبان منهم فأمرهم أن يعقوا به ولو طلب إليهم أن يقع بهم لابوا عليه، ولكن طلب إليهم أن يقعوا به، فقلما وقعوا به التذوه، ثم ذهب عنهم وتركهم، فاحال بعضم على بعض.

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr Al Bazanty, from Abaan Bin Usman, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from one of the two-asws (5th or 6th Imam-asws) regarding the words of Lot-as [29:28] You are coming to immoralities which none of the nations has ever come to before you. So he-asws said: ‘Iblees-la came to them in a beautiful image, adorning himself-la with feminine clothes. So he-as came to the young among them and ordered them that they should fall upon him-la, and had he-la sought them that he-la should fall upon them, they would have refused him-la, but he-la sought them that they should fall upon him-la. So they fell upon him-la, and inclined towards it. Then he-la went away from them and left them, so some of them submitted to the others’.[1148]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن عمران المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله ابن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن هشام بن سالم عن أبي بصير قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يتعوذ من البخل، فقال: نعم يا أبا محمد في كل صباح ومساء ونحن نتعود بالله من البخل يقول الله (ومن يوق شح نفسه فاولئك هم المفلحون) وسأخبرك عن عاقبة البخل

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Imran Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Hisham Bin Saalim, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws, ‘Rasool-Allah-saww used to seek Refuge (with Allah-azwj) from the stinginess?’ So he-asws said, ‘Yes, O Abu Muhammad! During every morning and evening, and we-asws (also) seek Refuge with Allah-azwj from the stinginess. Allah-azwj is Saying [64:16] and whoever saves himself from the stinginess, these are the ones who are the successful, and I-asws will be informing you about the consequences of the stinginess.

ان قوم لوط كانوا أهل قرية اشحاء على الطعام فاعقبهم البخل داء لا دواء له في فروجهم، فقلت: وما اعقبهم؟ فقال: ان قرية قوم لوط كانت على طريق السيارة إلى الشام ومصر، فكانت السيارة تنزل بهم قيضيفونهم، فلما كثر ذلك عليهم ضاقوا بذلك ذرعا بخلا ولؤما فدعاهم البخل إلى ان كانوا إذا نزل بهم الضيف فضحوه من غير شهوة بهم إلى ذلك،

The people of Lot-as used to be the inhabitants of a town, miserly upon the food. So the consequences of the stinginess was an illness in their private parts for which there was no cure for it’. So I said, ‘And what was their consequence?’ So he-asws said: ‘The town of the people of Lot-as used to be upon the road of the travelers to Syria and Egypt. So the travelers used to lodge with them, and they used to be their hosts. So when that became frequent upon them, they were constricted by that and were uneasy due to their miserliness, and were wicked. So their miserliness called them to, that whenever the guest lodged with them, so they shamed him without any desire with them to that.

وإنما كانوا يفعلون ذلك بالضيف حتى ينكل النازل عنهم، فشاع أمرهم في القرية وحذرهم النازلة، فاورثهم البخل بلاء لا يستطيعون دفعه عن انفسهم من غير شهوة لهم إلى ذلك، حتى صاروا يطلبونه من الرجال في البلاد ويعطونهم عليه الجعل، ثم قال: فأ داء أدأى من البخل ولا أضر عاقبة ولا افحش عند الله تعالى،

But rather, they were doing that with the guest to the extent that they used to keep away from them due to the harassment. So their matter was publicised in the town, and the travellers were cautioning about them. So the miserliness inherited them with such an affliction that they were not able to defend against it from themselves, from other than their desire to that, until they went seeking from the men in the cities and were paying them’. Then he-asws said: ‘Thus, there is no disease more sickening than the stinginess, nor any consequence more harmful, nor more immoral in the Presence of Allah-azwj the High’.

قال أبو بصير: فقلت له جعلت فداك فهل كان أهل قرية لوط كلهم هكذا يعملون؟ فقال: نعم، إلا أهل بيت منهم من المسلمين، أما تسمع لقوله تعالى (فاخرجنا من كان فيها من المؤمنين فما وجدنا فيها غير بيت من المسلمين)

Abu Baseer said, ‘So I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! Was it that the all of the people of Lot-as were doing this deed?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes, except for the people of one household from them, from the Muslims. Have you not heard the Words of the High [51:35] Then We brought forth such as were therein of the Believers. [51:36] But We did not find therein save a (single) house of those who submitted’.

ثم قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: ان لوطا لبث في قومه ثلاثين سنة يدعونهم إلى الله تعالى ويحذرهم عذابه، وكانوا قوما لا يتنظفون من الغائط، ولا يتطهرون من الجنابة، وكان لوط ابن خالة ابراهيم، وكانت امرأة ابراهيم سارة اخت لوط، وكان لوط وابراهيم نبيين مرسلين منذرين، وكان لوط رجلا سخيا كريما يقري الضيف إذا نزل به ويحذرهم قومه،

Then Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘Lot-as remained among his-as people for thirty years, inviting them to Allah-azwj the High, and cautioning them of His-azwj Punishment. And they were a people who did not clean themselves from the faeces, nor purified themselves from the sexual impurities. And Lot-as was the son of the maternal aunt of Ibrahim-as, and the wife of Ibrahim-as, Sarah-as was a sister of Lot-as; and Lot-as and Ibrahim-saww were two Prophets-as, Mursils, Warners’. And Lot-as was a generous man, benevolent to the guest, when he lodged with him-as, cautioning him about his-as people’.

قال: فلما رأي قوم لوط ذلك منه قالوا له: إنا ننهاك عن العالمين لا تقري ضيفا ينزل بك، ان فعلت فضحنا ضيفك الذي ينزل بك وأخزيناك، فكان لوط إذا نزل به الضيف كتم امره مخافة أن يفضحه قومه وذلك انه لم يكن للوط عشيرة،

He-asws said: ‘So when the people of Lot-as saw than from him-as, they said to him-as, ‘We are forbidding you-as from the world. Do not entertain a guest who lodges with you-asws. If you-asws do that, we shall expose your-as guest who lodges with you-asws and we will discredit you-as’. So, whenever a guest lodged with him-as, Lot-as used to conceal the matter for fear of his-as people shaming him, and there did not happen to be any family for Lot-as’.

قال: ولم يزل لوط وابراهيم يتوقعان نزول العذاب على قومهم، فكانت لابراهيم وللوط منزلة من الله تعالى شريفة وان الله تعالى إذا أراد عذاب قوم لوط ادركته مودة ابراهيم وخلته ومحبة لوط فيراقبهم فيؤخر عذابهم.

He-asws said: ‘And Lot-as and Ibrahim-as did not cease to expect the descent of the Punishment upon their-as people. So there was an honourable status for Ibrahim-as and Lot-as from Allah-azwj, and that whenever Allah-azwj the High Intended to Punish the people of Lot-as, Realised the cordiality of Ibrahim-as, and His-as friendship, and love of Lot-as, Overlooked, and Delayed their Punishment’.

قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام فلما اشتد اسف الله على قوم لوط وقدر عذابهم وقضى ان يعوض ابراهيم من عذاب قوم لوط بغلام عليهم فيسلى به مصابه بهلاك قوم لوط

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘So when the Grief of Allah-azwj Intensified upon the people of Lot-as, Ordained their Punishment, and Judged that He-azwj would Compensate Ibrahim-as from the Punishment of the people of Lot-as with a boy, so he-as can be consoled by him, of the infliction of the destruction of the people of Lot-as.

فبعث الله رسلا إلى ابراهيم يبشرونه باسماعيل فدخلوا عليه ليلا يفزع منهم وخالف أن يكونوا سراقا، فلما رأته الرسل فزعا مذعورا (قالوا سلام قال سلام إنا منكم وجلون قالوا لا توجل انا رسل ربك نبشرك بغلام عليم)

So Allah-azwj Sent Messengers to Ibrahim-as, heralding the good news of Ismail. So they came over to him-as at night. He-as panicked from them, and stayed back in case they happen to be thieves. So when the Messenger saw the panic, excused himself [15:52] When they came up to him, they said, Peace. He said: We are scared of you [15:53] They said: Do not be afraid, for we give you the good news of a knowledgeable boy.

قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: والغلام العليم هو اسماعيل بن هاجر، فقال ابراهيم للرسل ابشرتموني على أن مسني الكبر، فبم تبشرون؟ قالوا: بشرناك بالحق فلا تكن من القانطين، فقال ابراهيم: فما خطبكم بعد البشارة؟ قالوا: انا أرسلنا إلى قوم مجرمين، قوم لوط انهم كانوا قوما فاسقين لننذرهم عذاب رب العالمين.

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘And the boy, the knowledgeable one, he-as was Ismail-as, son of Hajar-as. So Ibrahim-as said to the Messengers: [15:54] He said: Do you give me good news when old age has come upon me? – By what then do you give me good news? [15:55] They said: We give you good news with the Truth, therefore do not become from the despairing ones. So Ibrahim-as said: ‘So what is your address (issue) after the good news?’ They said: ‘We have been Sent to the guilty people of Lot-as. The people of Lot-as are a mischievous people, to warn them of the Punishment of the Lord-azwj of the worlds’.

قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: فقال إبراهيم للرسل ان فيها لوطا، قالوا: نحن اعلم بمن فيها، لننجينه وأهله أجمعين إلا امرأته قدرنا انها لمن الغابرين، قال: فلما جاء آل لوط المرسلون، قال: انكم قوم منكرون، قالوا: بل جئناك بما كانوا فيه قومك من عذاب الله يمترون واتيناك بالحق لتنذر قومك العذاب وانا لصادقون فاسر باهلك يا لوط إذا مضى لك من يومك هذا سبعة ايام ولياليها بقطع من الليل إذا مضى نصف الليل ولا يلتفت منكم احد إلا امرأتك انه مصيبها ما اصابهم وأمضوا من تلك الليلة حيث تؤمرون.

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘So Ibrahim-as said to the Messengers: ‘[29:32] He said: Surely in it is Lut. They said: We know very well who is in it; we shall rescue him and his followers, except for his wife; she shall be of those who remain behind. [15:61] So when the messengers came to Lut’s family [15:62] He said: You are a people unknown to me [15:63] They said: But, we have come to you with that which they were disputing about [15:64] And we have come to you with the Truth, and we are truthful [15:65] Therefore send forth your family, O Lot-as! When there pass by for you-as, from this day of yours-as, seven days and nights in a part of the night and you follow behind them, and let not any one of you turn round, except for your-as wife. She would be struck with what will strike them, and go forth where you are Commanded to’.

قال أبو جعفر (ع) فقضوا ذلك الامر إلى لوط ان دابر هؤلاء مقطوع مصبحين،

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘So that matter transpired upon Lot-as, that they would be rooted out in the early morning’.

قال: أبو جعفر (ع) فلما كان يوم الثامن مع طلوع الفجر قدم الله تعالى رسلا إلى ابراهيم يبشرونه باسحاق ويعزونه بهلاك قوم لوط، وذلك قوله: (ولقد جاءت رسلنا ابراهيم بالبشرى قالوا سلاما قال سلام فما لبث ان جاء بعجل حنيذ يعني ذكيا مشويا نضجا فلما رأى ابراهيم أيديهم لا تصل إليه نكرهم واوجس منهم خيفة قالوا لا تخف انا ارسلنا إلى قوم لوط وامرأته قائمة، فبشروها باسحاق ومن وراء اسحاق يعقوب، فضحكت، يعني فتعجبت من قولهم قالت يا ويلتى أألد وانا عجوز وهذا بعلي شيخا ان هذا لشئ عجيب قالوا تعجبين من امر الله رحمة الله وبركاته عليكم أهل البيت انه حميد مجيد.

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘So when it was the eighth day with the emergence of the sun, Allah-azwj the High Made the Messengers to proceed to Ibrahim-as, giving him-as the good news of Is’haq, and proclaiming to him-as of the destruction of the people of Lot-as. And these are His-azwj Words [11:69] And Our messengers came to Ibrahim with good news. They said: Peace! He said: Peace! So it was not before he came with a roasted calf – meaning slaughtered, roasted. [11:70] But when he saw that their hands were not extended towards it, he deemed them strange and conceived fear of them. They said: Fear not, we are sent to people of Lut [11:71] And his wife was standing (by), so they gave her-as her the good news of Is’haq and after Is’haq of Yaqoub, So she laughed – meaning she-as was astounded from their words [11:72] She said: O woe be unto me! Shall I bear a son when I am a very old woman and this my husband is a very old man? This is a strange thing [11:73] They said: Are you wondering at Allah’s Command? The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings are upon you, the People of the Household, surely He is Praised, Glorious’.

قال أبو جعفر (ع) فلما جاءت ابراهيم البشارة باسحاق وذهب عنه الروع أقبل يناجي ربه في قوم لوط ويسأله كشف البلاء عنهم، فقال الله تعالى: يا ابراهيم اعرض عن هذا انه جاء أمر بك وانهم اتيهم عذابي بعد طلوع الشمس من يوم محتوم غير مردود.

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘So when the good news of Is’haq came to Ibrahim-as, and the awe went away from him-as, he-as faced whispering to his-as Lord-azwj with regards to the people of Lot-as and asked Him-azwj to Remove the affliction from them. So Allah-azwj the High Said: “O Ibrahim! Turn away from this. The Command of your-as Lord-azwj has been Issued, and My-azwj Punishment will come upon them after the emergence of the sun. It is a matter inevitable and will not be turned back”’.[1149]

And by this chain, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Maalik Bin Atiya, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws that Rasool-Allah-saww asked Jibraeel-as: ‘How were the people of Lut-as destroyed?’ So he-as said: ‘The people of Lut-as were a people of a town who neither used to clean themselves from the toilet, nor purify themselves from the Janaabat (Purification required major ablution), being miserly upon the providing of the food, and that Lut-as remained among them for thirty years. But rather, he-as had settled among them and was not from them, nor were there any relatives for him-as nor a community. And he-as used to invite them to Allah-azwj the High and to have belief in Him-azwj, and following Him-azwj and prevented them from the immoralities, and urged them upon the Obedience of Allah-azwj. But they did not respond to him-as, and did not obey him-as.

وإن الله تعالى لما أراد عذابهم بعث إليهم رسلا منذرين عذرا نذرا، فلما عتوا عن أمره بعث إليهم ملائكة ليخرجوا من كان في قريتهم من المؤمنين، فما وجدوا فيها غير بيت من المسلمين فأخرجهم منها، وقالوا للوط: أسر بأهلك من هذه القرية الليلة بقطع من الليل ولا يلتفت منكم أحد وامضوا حيث تؤمرون، فلما انتصف الليل سار لوط ببناته، وتولت امرأته مدبرة فانقطعت إلى قومها تسعى بلوط وتخبرهم أن لوطا قد سار ببناته واني نوديت من تلقاء العرش لما طلع الفجر: يا جبرئيل حق القول من الله بحتم عذاب قوم لوط، فاهبط إلى قرية قوم لوط وما حوت فاقلعها من تحت سبع أرضين، ثم اعرج بها إلى السماء، فأوقفها حتى يأتيك أمر الجبار في قلبها ودع منها آية بينة من منزل لوط عبرة للسيارة،

And that when Allah-azwj the High Intended to Punish them, Sent to them Messengers, Warners. So when their Command arrived, (Allah-azwj) Sent to them Angels to bring out the Believers who were in their town. So they did not find therein except for one household from the Muslims, so they brought them out from it, and said to Lut-as: ‘Hasten with your-as family from this town tonight, in the middle of the night and not one from you should look back, and go where you-as have been Commanded to’. So when night fell, Lut-as went with his-as daughters, but his-as wife turned back, so she cut herself off to her people and informed them that Lut-as had gone with his-as daughters, and I-as was Called out at from the Throne, when dawn emerged: “‘O Jibraeel-as! True is the Words from Allah-azwj with the Ordained Punishment of the people of Lut-as! Therefore, descend to the town of the people of Lut-as, and cast it from underneath the seventh firmament, then lifted it to the sky, so pause it until there comes to you-as the Command of the Compeller-azwj in its heart, and leave from it a sing from the house of Lut-as as a lesson for the travellers”.

فهبطت على أهل القرية الظالمين فضربت بجناحي الأيمن على ما حوى عليه شرقيها وضربت بجناحي الأيسر على ما حوى عليه غربيها فاقتلعتها يا محمد من تحت سبع أرضين إلا منزل لوط آية للسيارة، ثم عرجت بها في خوافي جناحي حتى أوقفتها حيث يسمع أهل السماء رقاء ديوكها ونباح كلابها، فلما طلعت الشمس نوديت من تلقاء العرش يا جبرئيل اقلب القرية على القوم، فقلبتها عليهم حتى صار أسفلها أعلاها وأمطر الله عليهم حجارة من سجيل مسومة عند ربك وما هي يا محمد من الظالمين من امتك ببعيد.

So I-as descended upon the unjust people of the town, and struck with my-as right wing upon whatever was on its east, and struck with my-as left wing upon whatever was on its west. So I-as threw it, O Muhammad-saww, from beneath the seventh firmament, except for the house of Lut-as, being a lesson for the travellers. Then I-as paused with it upon my-as wings until I-as paused where the people of the sky could hear the screaming of their chickens and the barking of their dogs. So when the sun emerged, I-as was called at from the Throne: “O Jibraeel-as! Overturn the town upon the people!” So I-as overturned the town upon the people until its bottom came to be its top, and Allah-azwj Rained stones of baked clay upon them, from the Presence of your-saww Lord-azwj. And O Muhammad-saww! It is not remote from the unjust ones from your-saww community’.

قال: فقال له رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) يا جبرئيل وأين كانت قريتهم من البلاد ؟ فقال جبرئيل: كان موضع قريتهم في موضع بحيرة طبرية اليوم وهي في نواحي الشام. قال: فقال له رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله): أرأيتك حين قلبتها عليهم في أي موضع من الأرضين وقعت القرية وأهلها ؟ فقال: يا محمد وقعت فيما بين بحر الشام إلى مصر فصارت تلولا في البحر.

He-asws said: ‘So, Rasool-Allah-saww said to him: ‘O Jibraeel-as! And where was their town, from the cities?’ So Jibraeel-as said: ‘The place of their town was in a place of the sea of Galilee, which is today around Syria’. So Rasool-Allah-saww said to him-as: ‘What do you-as think, where you-as overturned it against them, in which place is it from the lands where the town and its people fell?’ So he-as said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! It fell in what is in between the sea of Syria to Egypt, so it came to be submerged in the sea’.[1150]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر عن أبان عن أبي بصير وغيره عن أحدهما قال: ان الملائكة لما جاءت في هلاك قوم لوط، قالوا: إنا مهلكوا أهل هذه القرية، قالت سارة عجبت من قلتهم وكثرة أهل القرية، فقالت: ومن يطيق قوم لوط فبشروها باسحاق ومن وراء اسحاق يعقوب، فضحكت وجهها وقالت: عجوز عقيم وهي يومئذ ابنة تسعين سنة وابراهيم يومئذ ابن عشرين ومائة سنة،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Nasr, from Aban, from Abu Baseer, and someone else,

(It has been narrated) from one of the two-asws (5th or 6th Imam-asws) having said: ‘when the Angels came regarding the destruction of the people of Lot-as, they said: ‘We are here to destroy the people of this town’. Sarah-as said in astonishment from their speech and the abundance of the inhabitants of the town: ‘And who can tolerate the people of Lot-as?’ [11:71] then We Gave her the good news of Is’haq and after Is’haq of Yaqoub [51:29] and she struck her face and said: An old barren woman! And on that day she-as ninety years old, and Ibrahim-as on that day was one hundred and twenty years old.

فجادل ابراهيم عنهم، وقال ان فيها لوطا، قال: جبرئيل نحن اعلم بمن فيها فزاده ابراهيم فقال جبرئيل يا ابراهيم اعرض عن هذا انه جاء امر ربك وانهم اتيهم عذاب غير مردود

So Ibrahim-as pleaded with them, [29:32] He said: Surely in it is Lot. Jibraeel-as said: ‘We know very well who is in it. Ibrahim-as added to the plea. So Jibraeel-as said: ‘O Ibrahim-as! Turn away from this. The Command of your-as Lord-azwj has come, and the Punishment will befall upon them, without being returned’.

قال: وان جبرئيل لما اتي لوطا في هلاك قومه فدخلوا عليه وجاءه قومه يهرعون إليه، قام فوضع يده على الباب، ثم ناشدهم، فقال: اتقوا الله ولا تخزوني في ضيفي، قالوا: أو لم ننهك عن العالمين، ثم عرض عليهم بناتة نكاحا، قالوا مالنا في بناتك من حق وانك لتعلم ما نريد، قال: فما منكم رجل رشيد؟

He-asws said: ‘And when Jibraeel-as came to Lot-as regarding the destruction of his-as people, so he-as came over, and his-as people came over rushing towards him-as. He (Lot-as) arose, placed his-as hand upon the door, then adjured them, so he-as said: ‘[11:78] so fear Allah and do not disgrace me with regards to my guests. They said, ‘Have we not forbidden you from the worlds’. Then he-as presented his-as daughters for marriage. [11:79] They said: You well know that we have no claim on your daughters, and surely you know what we desire. He-as said: ‘is there not among you one right-minded man?

قال: فابوا فقال: لو ان لي بكم قوة أو آوى إلى ركن شديد، قال: وجبرئيل ينظر إليهم، فقال: لو يعلم أي قوة له، ثم دعاه فأتاه ففتحوا الباب ودخلوا فاشار إليهم جبرئيل بيده فرجعوا عميانا يلتمسون الجدار بايديهم يعاهدون الله لئن اصبحنا لا نستبقي أحدا من آل لوط،

He-asws said: ‘But they refused. So he-as said: ‘[11:80] He said: Ah! If only I had power to suppress you, rather I shall have recourse to a strong support. And Jibraeel-as was looking at them, so he-as said: ‘If only they knew which support there is for him-as’. Then he-as called him-as, so he came over to them, opened the door and entered. He (Jibraeel-as gestured towards them with his-as hand, so they turned blind groping the walls their hands for support, vowing to Allah-azwj that if they see the morning, there would not remain anyone from the family of Lot-as’.

قال: لما قال جبرئيل إنا رسل ربك، قال له: لوط يا جبرئيل عجل، قال: نعم، قال: يا جبرئيل عجل، قال: ان موعدهم الصبح اليس الصبح بقريب، ثم قال جبرئيل: يا لوط اخرج منها انت وولدك حتى تبلغ موضع كذا وكذا، قال: يا جبرئيل ان حمرى ضعاف قال: ارتحل

He-asws said: ‘When Jibraeel-as said: ‘We-as are Messengers of your-as Lord-azwj, Lot-as said to him-as: ‘O Jibraeel-as! Make haste’. He-as said: ‘Yes’. He-as said: ‘O Jibraeel-as! Make haste!’ He-as said: ‘They Promised threat is the morning. Is not the morning close?’ Then Jibraeel-as said: ‘O Lot-as! Go out from it, you-as and your-as children until you-as reach such and such a place’. He-as said: ‘O Jibraeel-as! My-as donkeys are weak’. He-as said: ‘Ride’.

فاخرج منها فارتحل حتى إذا كان السحر نزل إليها جبرئيل فادخل جناحه تحتها حتى إذا استعلت قلبها عليهم ورمى جدران المدينة بحجارة من سجيل وسمعت امرأة لوط الهدة فهلكت منها.

So they went out from it, and rode until when it was the dawn. Jibraeel-as descended unto it (the town), entered his-as wing under it until he-as had raised it, turned it over against them and pelted the walls of the city with stones from clay. And the wife of Lot-as was heard with a thud, so she was destroyed from it’.[1151]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن موسى بن جعفر السعد آبادي عن علي بن معبد عن عبيد الله الدهقان عن درست عن عطية اخى أبي المغراء، قال: ذكرت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام المنكوح من الرجال، قال ليس يبلي الله تعالى بهذا البلاء احدا وله فيه حاجة ان في ادبارهم ارحاما منكوسة وحياء ادبارهم كحياء المرأة وقد شرك فيهم ابن لابليس يقال زوال فمن شرك فيه من الرجال كان منكوحا ومن شرك فيه من النساء كان عقيما من المولود والعامل بها من الرجل إذا بلغ اربعين سنة لم يتركه وهم بقية سدوم، أما اني لست اعني بقيتهم انهم ولده ولكن من طينتهم،

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Musa Bin Ja’far Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ali Bin Ma’bad, from Ubeydullah Al Dahqan, from Darast, from Atiya the brother of Abu Al Magra who said,

‘I mentioned to Abu Abdullah-asws, the passive gays from the men. He-asws said: ‘May Allah-azwj the High not Afflict anyone with this affliction, and for him is a need therein. In their backsides is an inverted womb, and the embarrassment in their backsides is like the embarrassment of the woman, and a son of Iblees-la called Zawaal has participated in them. So the one he has participated in, from the men would be a passive gay, and from the one he has participated in, from the women would be barren from the giving of the birth; and the doer of it from the men, when he reaches the age of forty, does not leave it, and they are the remnants of Sodom. But, I-asws do not mean by their remnants that they as their sons, but they are from their clay (essence)’.

قلت سدوم الذي قلبت عليهم قال: هي أربعة مدائن سدوم وصديم والدنا وعميرا، قال: فأتاهم جبرئيل عليه السلام وهي مقلوبات إلى تخوم الارضين السابعة فوضع جناحة تحت السفلى منهن ورفعهن جميعا حتى سمع أهل السماء الدنيا نباح كلابهم ثم قلبها.

I said, ‘Sodom which was overturned upon itself’. He-asws said: ‘These were four cities – Sodom, and Sadeym, and Al Danaa, and Ameyra. So Jibraeel-as came to them, pierced their land up to the seventh firmament, place a wing underneath the lowest from these, and raised them altogether until the inhabitants of the sky of the world heard the barking of their dogs, then overturned it’.[1152]

(باب 341 – العلة التي من أجلها أمر الله تبارك وتعالى عباده) (إذا تداينوا وتعاملوا أن يكتبوا بينهم كتابا)

Chapter 341 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Commanded His-azwj servants that when they have dealings, they should be writing an agreement in between them

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن احمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن محبوب عن مالك بن عطية عن أبي حمزة الثمالي عن أبي جعفر الباقر عليه السلام قال: ان الله تعالى عرض على آدم أسماء الانبياء واعمارهم، قال آدم باسم داود النبي فإذا عمره في العالم اربعون سنة فقال آدم عليه السلام: يا رب ما اقل عمر داود، وما اكثر عمري، يا رب إن انازدت داود من عمري ثلاثين سنة اثبت ذلك له؟ قال: يا آدم نعم، قال: فاني قد زدته من عمري ثلاثين سنة فانفذ ذلك له واثبتها له عندك واطرحها من عمري.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Mahboub, from Maalik Bin Atiya, from Abu Hamza Al Sumaly,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Present to Adam-as the names of the Prophets-as and their-as ages. So Adam-as passed by the name of the Prophet Dawood-as, and his-as age in the Knowledge was Forty years. So Adam-as said: ‘O Lord-azwj! How little is the age of Dawood-as and how more is my-as age! O Lord-azwj! I-as am more in my-as age than Dawood-as by thirty years, is that Established for him-as?’ He-azwj Said: “Yes, O Adam-as”. He-as said: ‘Since I-as am more in my-as age than him-asws by thirty years, Add that to him-as, and Establish it for him-as with You-azwj, and Subtract it from my-as age’.

قال أبو جعفر (عليه السلام): «فأثبت الله عز و جل لداود في عمره ثلاثين سنة، و كانت له عند الله مثبتة، و ذلك قول الله عز و جل: يَمْحُوا اللَّهُ ما يَشاءُ وَ يُثْبِتُ وَ عِنْدَهُ أُمُّ الْكِتابِ- قال- فمحا الله ما كان عنده مثبتا لآدم، و أثبت لداود ما لم يكن عنده مثبتا».

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘So Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Established for Dawood-as in his-as age (and increase of) thirty years, and it was Established before with Allah-azwj, and these are the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [13:39] Allah Obliterates whatever He so Desires to and Establishes, and with Him is the Mother of the Book. Thus Allah-azwj Obliterated what was Established with Him-azwj for Adam-as, and Established for Dawood-as what was not Established (before) with Him-azwj’.

قال: «فمضى عمر آدم، فهبط عليه ملك الموت ليقبض روحه، فقال له آدم: يا ملك الموت، إنه قد بقي من عمري ثلاثون سنة. فقال له ملك الموت: يا آدم، ألم تجعلها لا بنك داود النبي، و طرحتها من عمرك حين عرض عليك أسماء الأنبياء من ذريتك، و عرضت عليك أعمارهم، و أنت يومئذ بوادي الروحاء؟- قال- فقال له آدم: ما أذكر هذا- قال- فقال له ملك الموت: يا آدم، لا تجحد، ألم تسأل الله عز و جل أن يثبتها لداود، و يمحوها من عمرك، فأثبتها لداود في الزبور و محاها من عمرك في الذكر؟ قال آدم: حتى أعلم ذلك».

He-asws said: ‘And so the age of Adam-as came to an end, and the Angel of Death descended unto him-as to capture his-as soul. So Adam-as said to him: ‘O Angel of Death! There still remain from my-as age, thirty years’. So the Angel of Death said to him-as: ‘O Adam-as! Did you-as not make it to be for your-as son-as Dawood-as, the Prophet-as, and had it Subtracted from your-as age where you-as were Presented with the names of the Prophets-as to be from your-as offspring, and were Presented with their-as ages, and in those days you-as were in the valley of Al-Rawha?’ So Adam-as said to him: ‘I do not remember this’. So the Angel of Death said to him: ‘O Adam-as! Do not struggle. Did you-as not ask Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic that He-azwj should Establish it for Dawood-as, and Obliterate it from your-as age, so He-azwj Established it for Dawood-as in the Psalms, and Obliterated it from your-as age in the Remembrance?’ Adam-as said: ‘Now I-as remember that’.

قال أبو جعفر (عليه السلام): «و كان آدم صادقا، لم يذكر و لم يجحد، فمن ذلك اليوم أمر الله تبارك و تعالى العباد، أن يكتبوا بينهم إذا تداينوا و تعاملوا إلى أجل مسمى، لنسيان آدم و جحوده ما جعل على نفسه».

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘And Adam-as was truthful. He-as did not remember, and did not struggle (against it). So from that day onwards, Allah-azwj Blessed and high Commanded the servants that they should write down between them whenever they lend (to each other) and work to an appointed term, due to the forgetfulness of Adam-as, and his-as struggling (against) is what he-as made upon himself -as’.[1153]

(باب 342 – علة المد والجزر)

Chapter 342 – Reason for the high and low tide

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمر بن علي بن عبد الله البصري، قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن خالد بن جبلة الواعظ قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الله بن احمد بن عامر الطائي قال: حدثنا أبي قال: حدثنا علي بن موسى الرضا عن أبيه عن آبائه عن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام انما سئل عن المد والجزر ماهما، فقال: ملك موكل بالبحار يقال له رومان، فإذا وضع قدمه في البحر فاض وإذا أخرجها غاض.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Umar Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Khalid Bin Jabala Al Waiz, from Abu Al Qasim Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Aamir Al Ta’iy, from his father who said,

‘Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws narrated to us, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Ali -asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having been asked about the high and the low tide, what these two are?’ So he-asws said: ‘And Angel Allocated with the ocean, called Rowman. So when he places his foot in the ocean, it bursts, and when he takes it out, it decreases’.[1154]

(باب 343 – علة الزلزلة)

Chapter 343 – Reason for the earthquake

وروي ان ذا القرنين لما انتهى إلى جسده السد تجاوزه، فدخل الارض فرقا. فإذا هو بملك قائم على جبل طوله خمسمائة ذراع، فقال له الملك: يا ذا القرنين أما كان خلفك ملك، يقال له ذو القرنين، فقال له ذو القرنين: من أنت؟ قال: انا ملك من ملائكة الرحمن موكل بهذا الجبل، فليس من جبل خلقه الله تعالى إلا وله عرق إلى هذا الجبل فإذا أراد الله عزوجل أن يزلزل مدينة اوحى إلى فزلزلتها.

It has been reported that when Zulqarnayn ended up to the body of the dam, exceeded it, so he entered a different land. So there was an Angel standing upon a mountain. His height was of five hundred cubits. So the Angel said to him: ‘O Zulqarnayn! But was there not an Angel behind you called Zulqarnayn?’ So Zulwarnayn said to him: ‘Who are you?’ He said: ‘I am an Angel from the Angels of the beneficent Allocated with this mountain. So, there is none from a mountain Created by Allah-azwj the High, except that for it is a vein to this mountain. So, whenever Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Intends a city to be shaken, Reveals unto me, so I shake it’.

قال محمد بن أحمد: اخبرني بهذا الحديث عيسى بن محمد عن علي بن مهزيار عن عبد الله بن عمر عن عباد بن حماد عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام.

Muhammad Bin Ahmad said, ‘Isa Bin Muhammad informed me with this Hadeeth, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Abdullah Bin Umar, from Abaad Bin Hamaad, from Abu Abdullah-asws’.[1155]

حدثنا احمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن محمد بن أحمد عن الهيثم النهدي عن بعض اصحابنا باسناده رفعه قال: كان أمير المؤمنين صلوات الله عليه يقرا (ان الله يمسك السموات والارض أن تزولا ولئن زالتا ان امسكهما من احد من بعده انه كان حليما غفورا) يقولها عند الزلزلة ويقول (ويمسك السماء ان تقع على الارض إلا باذنه ان الله بالناس لرؤف رحيم).

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Haysam Al Nahdy, from one of our companions, by his chain, raising it, said,

‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws used to recite [35:41] Surely, Allah Upholds the skies and the earth lest they cease; and if they should cease, there Is none who can uphold them after Him; He has always been Forbearing, the Forgiving, saying it during the earthquake, and he-asws was saying [22:65] And He Withholds the sky from falling on the earth except with His Permission; surely Allah is Compassionate, Merciful to the people’.[1156]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن خالد عن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن مهزيار قال: كتبت إلى أبي جعفر (ع) وشكوت إليه كثرة الزلازل في الاهواز، ترى لنا التحول عنها، فكتب: لا تتحولوا عنها، وصوموا الاربعاء والخميس والجمعة واغتسلوا وطهروا ثيابكم وابرزوا يوم الجمعة، وأدعوا الله فانه يرفع عنكم، قال: ففعلنا فسكنت الزلازل، قال: ومن كان منكم مذنب فيتوب إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى ودعا لهم بخير.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Mahziyar who said,

‘I wrote to Abu Ja’far-asws and complained to him-asws about the frequency of the tremors in Al-Ahvaz, ‘What is your-asws view for us, shall we shift from it?’ So he-asws wrote: ‘Do not shift from it, and Fast on the days of the Wednesday, and the Thursday, and the Friday, and wash (yourselves) and purify your clothes, and emphasise the Friday, and supplicate to Allah-azwj, so He-azwj would Raise it from you’. So we did that (and) the tremors settled. He-asws said: ‘So if there was a sinner among you, he should repent to Allah-azwj Glorious and High, and supplicate for him with goodness’.[1157]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمي، قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن الزلزلة ما هي؟ قال: آية، قلت وما سببها؟ قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى وكل بعروق الارض الارض ملكا، فإذا أراد ان يزلزل ارضا اوحى إلى ذلك الملك ان حرك عروق كذا وكذا، قال: فيحرك ذلك الملك عروق تلك الارض التي أمر الله فتتحرك باهلها،

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Daylami who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the earthquake, ‘What is it?’ He-asws said: ‘A Sign’. I said, ‘And what is its cause?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Allocated an Angel with the veins of the earth. So, whenever He-azwj Intends that the earth should shake, Reveals unto that Angel that it moves such and such a vein. So that Angel moves those veins of the land which Allah-azwj has Commanded for it to be moved along with its inhabitants’.

قال: قلت فإذا كان ذلك فما اصنع؟ قال: صل صلاة الكسوف، فإذا فرغت خررت ساجدا وتقول: في سجودك (يا من يمسك السموات والارض ان تزول ولئن زالتا ان امسكهما من أحد من بعده انه كان حليما غفورا) أمسك عنا السوء انك على كل شئ قدير.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘So when it is that, so what shall I do?’ He-asws said: ‘Pray the Prayer of the eclipse (صلاة الكسوف). So when you are free, fall down prostrate and you should be saying in your Prostration [35:41] Surely, Allah Upholds the skies and the earth lest they cease; and if they should cease, there Is none who can uphold them after Him; He has always been Forbearing, the Forgiving, withhold the evil from us, You-azwj are Able over everything’.[1158]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله الرازي عن أحمد بن محمد بن نصر عن روح بن صالح عن هارون بن خارجة رفعه عن فاطمة عليها السلام قالت: اصاب الناس زلزلة على عهد أبي بكر ففزع الناس إلى ابي بكر وعمر فودوهما قد خرجا فزعين إلى علي (ع) فتبعهما الناس إلى ان انتهوا إلى باب علي (ع)

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Abdullah Al Razy, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Nasr, from Rowh Bin Salih, from Haroun Bin Kharjat,

(It has been narrated) from Syeda Fatima-asws. She-asws said: ‘The people were struck by an earthquake during the era of Abu Bakr, so they panicked and went to Abu Bakr and Umar. They found the two of them to have gone out terrified, to Ali-asws. So the people followed the two of them until they ended up at the door of Ali-asws.

فخرج إليهم علي (عليه السلام) غير مكترث لما هم فيه، فمضى فاتبعه الناس حتى انتهى إلى تلعة، فقعد عليها و قعدوا حوله و هم ينظرون إلى حيطان المدينة ترتج جائية و ذاهبة، فقال لهم علي (عليه السلام) كأنكم قد هالكم ما ترون؟ قالوا: و كيف لا يهولنا و لم نر مثلها قط! فحرك شفتيه ثم ضرب الأرض بيده، ثم قال: مالك؟ اسكني، فسكنت، فعجبوا من ذلك أكثر من تعجبهم أولا حيث خرج إليهم،

Ali-asws came out to them, completely indifferent to what they were in. So he-asws went and they followed him-asws until they ended up at a raised ground. He-asws sat down upon it, and they all seated themselves around him-asws, and they were looking around at the wall of the city which, were shaking, coming and going. So Ali-asws said to them: ‘It is as if you are all shocked at what you are seeing’. They said, ‘And how can we not be terrified and we have never seen the like of it at all!’ He-asws moved his lips, then placed his-asws hand upon the ground and said: ‘What is the matter with you? Calm down!’ So it calmed down. They were all more astounded at that, than what they were when they first went out to him-asws.

قال [لهم‏]: فإنكم قد تعجبتم من صنعي؟ قالوا: نعم، قال: أنا الرجل الذي قال الله تعالى: إِذا زُلْزِلَتِ الْأَرْضُ زِلْزالَها وَ أَخْرَجَتِ الْأَرْضُ أَثْقالَها وَ قالَ الْإِنْسانُ ما لَها، فأنا الإنسان الذي يقول لها: ما لك يَوْمَئِذٍ تُحَدِّثُ أَخْبارَها إياي تحدث أخبارها».

He-asws said to them: ‘So you are all astounded from what I-asws have done?’ They said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘I-asws am the man for whom Allah-azwj the High Said: “[99:1] When the earth is shaken with her (violent) shaking, [99:2] And the earth brings forth her burdens, [99:3] And man says: What has befallen her?, so I-asws am that man who says to her: ‘What is the matter with you? [99:4] On that day she shall tell her news, it is I-asws who she (the earth) will be narrating the news of’.[1159]

(باب 344 – العلة التي من أجلها يغسل الصبيان من الغمر)

Chapter 344 – The reason due to which the children are (not to be) washed from the immersion (in Saffron)

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد عن القاسم بن يحيى عن جده الحسن بن راشد عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال حدثني أبي على جدي عن آبائه ان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: اغسلوا صبيانكم من الغمر، فان الشيطان يشم الغمر فيفزع الصبي من رقاده ويتأذى به الكاتبان.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa Bin Ubeyd, from Al Qasim Bin Yahya, from his grandfather Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws upon (the authority of) my-asws grandfather-asws, from his-asws forefathers that Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘(Do not) bathe your children from the immersion (in saffron), for the Satan-la smells the saffron and the child panics from his slumber (sleep), and the two recorders (angels) are hurt by it’.[1160]

(باب 345 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت الغيبة أشد من الزنا)

Chapter 345 – The reason due to which the backbiting came to be more grievous than the adultery

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال: حدثنا محمد بن احمد قال حدثنا أبو عبد الله الرازي عن الحسن بن علي بن النعمان عن اسباط بن محمد يرفعه إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وإله الغيبة أشد من الزنا، فقيل يا رسول الله ولم ذاك؟ قال: صاحب الزنا يتوب فيتوب الله عليه، وصاحب الغيبة يتوب فلا يتوب الله عليه حتى يكون صاحبه الذي اغتابه يحله.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Abdullah Al Razy, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Al Noman, from Asbaat Bin Muhammad,

(It has been narrated) raising it to the Prophet-saww. Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The backbiting is severer than the adultery’. So it was said, ‘O Rasool-Allah-saww! And why is that so?’ He-saww said: ‘The committer of the adultery repents, so Allah-azwj Turns towards him (with Mercy), and the committer of the backbiting repents, but Allah-azwj does not Turn towards him (with Mercy) until the backbit one permits it’.[1161]

(باب 346 – العلة التي من أجلها قد يكون المؤمن أحد شئ) (وأشح شئ وأنكح شئ. والعلة التي من أجلها صار أشد) (في دينه من الجبال)

Chapter 346 – The reason due to which the Believer tends to be most intense in something, most miserly in something, sometimes most copulating; and the reason due to which he becomes more tougher than the mountain regarding his Religion

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة الربعي عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليه السلام قال: قيل له ما بال المؤمن أحد شئ، قال: لان عز القرآن في قلبه ومحض الايمان عن صدره وهو لعبد مطيع الله ولرسوله مصدق،

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin sadaqa Al Rabie,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, said, ‘It was said to him-asws, ‘What is the matter the Believer tends to be most intense in something?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the honour of the Quran is in his heart, and the sincerity of the faith on his chest, and he is a servant obedient to Allah-azwj and to His-azwj Rasool-saww, certified’.

قيل: فما بال المؤمن قد يكون اشح شئ؟ قال: لانه يكسب الرزق من حله ومطلب الحلال عزيز فلا يجب أن يفارقه شيئه لما يعلم من عسر مطلبه وان هو سخت نفسه لم يضعه إلا في موضعه،

It was said, ‘So what is the matter the Believer tends to be most miserly in something?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he attain the livelihood from its Permissible means, and seeking of the Permissible livelihood is dear to him, so he does not want anything to separate it from him when he knows the difficulty of seeking it, and he is harsh upon himself not to place it except in its (rightful) place’.

قيل له: فما بال المؤمن قد يكون انكح شئ؟ قال: لحفظه فرجه عن فروج ما لا يحل له، ولكن لا تميل به شهوته هكذا ولا هكذا فإذا ظفر بالحلال اكتفى به واستغني به عن غيره.

It was said to him-asws, ‘So what is the matter the Believer happens to be most copulating sometimes?’ He-asws said: ‘In order to preserve his private parts from what is not Permissible for him. But, he is not inclined to list like this, nor like this. So when he succeeds with the Permissible, he suffices with it and becomes needless by it, from other’.

قال عليه السلام: ان قوة المؤمن في قلبه ألا ترون انه قد تجدونه ضعيف البدن نحيف الجسم وهو يقوم الليل ويصوم النهار

He-asws said: ‘The strength of the Believer is in his heart. You will find him to be weak of the body and slim, and he would be standing at night (for the Prayer), and he would be Fasting during the day’.

وقال: المؤمن أشد في دينه من الجبال الرأسية، وذلك ان الجبل قد ينحت منه، والمؤمن لا يقدر أحد على ان ينحت من دينه شيئا وذلك لضنه بدينه وشحه عليه.

And he-asws said: ‘The Believer is tougher in his Religion than the mountain peak, and that the mountain, something can be carved out from it, and (whilst) the Believer, no one has the ability that he can carve anything out from his Religion, and that is because he is reluctant to concede with (give up) his Religion, and is (thus) miserly over it’.[1162]

(باب 347 العلة التي من أجلها تقاصرت الشهور)

Chapter 347 – The reason due to which months are deficient

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن حماد بن عيسى عن صباح بن سيابة عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: ان الله تعالى خلق الشهور اثنى عشر شهرا وهي ثلاثمائة وستون يوما فحجز منها ستة ايام خلق فيها السموات والارضين، فمن ثم تقاصرت الشهور.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Sabah Bin Sayaba,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Created the months as twelve months, and these are of three hundred and sixty days. So He-azwj Deducted six days from these in which He-azwj Created the skies and the firmaments (354 days are in the Islamic calendar). So, from then onwards, the months are deficient’.[1163]




(باب 348 – العلة التي من أجلها لم يشرب جعفر بن أبي طالب (ع)) (خمرا قط ولم يكذب ولم يزن ولم يعبد صنما)

Chapter 348 – The reason due to which Ja’far Bin Abu Talib -as never drank wine at all, and never lied, and never committed adultery, and never worshipped idols

حدثنا أبي رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن أبيه عن أحمد بن النضر الخزاز عن عمرو بن شمر عن جابر بن يزيد الجعفي عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: اوحى الله تعالى إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اني شكرت لجعفر بن أبي طالب اربع خصال، فدعاه النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فاخبره، فقال: لولا ان الله تبارك وتعالى اخبرك ما اخبرتك، وما شربت خمرا قط، لاني علمت اني ان شربتها زال عقلي، وما كذبت قط، لان الكذب ينقص المروة، وما زنيت قط لانى خفت اني إذا عملت عمل بي، وما عبدت صنما قط لاني علمت انه لا يضر ولا ينفع،

My father said, Sa’d Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Al Nazar Al Khazaz, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Bin Yazeed Al Ju’fy,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto Rasool-Allah-saww: “I-azwj am Grateful to Ja’far-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws for four characteristics of his”. So the Prophet-saww called him-as over, and informed him-as. So he-as said: ‘Had Allah-azwj Blessed and High not Informed you-saww, I-as would not have informed you-saww – and I-as have not drunk the wine at all, for I-as knew that if I-as were to drink it, my-as intellect would decline; and I-as have not lied at all, because the lie decreases the alertness; and I-as have not committed adultery at all, because I-as feared that if I-as were to do it, I-as would be done with; and I-as have not worshipped the idols at all, because I-as knew that they neither cause harm, nor benefit’.

قال: فضرب النبي صلى الله عليه وآله على عاتقه وقال: حق الله تعالى أن يجعل لك جناحين تطير بهما مع الملائكة في الجنة.

He-asws said: ‘So the Prophet-saww struck him-as upon his-as shoulder, and said: ‘It is right (deservedly so) that Allah-azwj the High has Made for you-as, two wings by which you-saww would be flying along with the Angels in the Paradise’.[1164]

(باب 349 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره أن يستشار العبد والسفلة في الامور)

Chapter 349 – The reason due to which it is disliked to consult the slave and the lowly regarding the matters

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار قال: حدثنا محمد بن أحمد عن موسى بن عمر عن محمد بن سنان عن عمار الساباطي قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) يا عمار ان كنت تحب أن تستتب لك النعمة وتكمل لك المودة وتصلح لك المعيشة فلا تستشر العبد والسفلة في أمرك فانك ان ائتمنتهم خانوك وان حدثوك كذبوك وان نكبت خذلوك وان وعدوك موعدا لم يصدقوك.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Musa Bin Umar, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Amaar Al Sabatany who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘O Aamir! If you would like that the Bounties flow in a goodly manner for you, and the cordiality is completed for you, and the livelihood is corrected for you, so do not consult the slaves and the lowly in your affairs, for if you were to entrust them, they would betray you, and if they were to narrate to you, they would lie to you, and if you were to be afflicted, they would abandon you, and if they were to promise you, they would not ratify it’.[1165]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد عن محمد بن الحسين عن ابن محبوب عن معاوية بن وهب عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: سمعته يقول كان أبي (ع) يقول قم بالحق ولا تعرض لما فاتك واعتزل ما لا يعنيك ولا تجنب عدوك واحذر صديقك من الاقوام الآمنين، والامين من خشى الله ولا تصحب الفاجر، ولا تطلعه على سرك ولا تأتمنه على امانتك واستشر في امورك الذين يخشون ربهم.

And by the chain from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Ibn Mahboub, from Muawiya Bin Wahab,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I heard him-asws saying: ‘My-asws father-asws was saying: ‘Stand by the truth, and do not bring up (matters) which are lost for you, and detach from what does not concern you, and do not avoid your enemy, and be cautious of your friends from the secure people, and the trustworthy is the one who fears Allah-azwj, and do not keep company with the immoral, and do not notify him of your secret, and do not trust him upon your entrustment, and consult in your affairs the ones who fear their Lord-azwj’.[1166]

(باب 350 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره مشاورة الجبال والبخيل والحريص)

Chapter 350 – The reason due to which it is dislike to consult with the coward, and the miser, and the greedy

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن أحمد عن محمد بن آدم عن أبيه باسناده رفعه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: يا علي لا تشاور جبانا فانه يضيق عليك المخرج، ولا تشاور البخيل فانه يقصر بك عن غايتك، ولا تشاور حريصا فان يزين لك شرها، واعلم يا علي ان الجبن والبخل والحرص غريزة واحدة يجمعها سوء الظن.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Adam, from his father, by his chain, raising it, said:

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O Ali-asws! Do not consult a coward, for he would narrow your-asws exit, and do not consult the miser, for he would make you-asws fall short of your-asws destination, and do not consult a greedy, for he would adorn the evil to you-asws. And know, O Ali-asws! The coward, and the miser, and the greedy, are of one instinct, gathered upon the evil thoughts’.[1167]

(باب 351 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره اكثار وضع اليد في اللحية)

Chapter 351 – The reason due to which it is dislike to frequently place the hand in the beard

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا محمد بن أحمد عن موسى بن عمر عن يحيى بن عمر عن صفوان الجمال قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) لا تكثر وضع يدك في لحيتك فان ذلك يشين الوجه.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Musa Bin Umar, from Yahya Bin Umar, from Safwan Al Jamaal who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Do not frequently place your hand in your beard, for in that is (leads to) the disgraceful face’.[1168]

(باب 352 – العلة التي من أجلها أمر الانسان أن ينظر إلى من) (هو دونه ولا ينظر إلى من هو فوقه)

Chapter 352 – The reason due to which the human being has been Commanded to look at the one who is below him, and not to look at the one who is above him

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن محمد بن عيسى عن ابن محبوب عن هشام بن سالم قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول: لحمران بن أعين يا حمران انظر إلى من هو دونك، ولا تنظر إلى من هو فوقك في المقدرة، فان ذلك اقنع لك بما قسم لك واحرى ان تستوجب الزيادة من ربك، واعلم ان العمل الدائم القليل على اليقين افضل عند الله من العمل الكثير على غير يقين، واعلم انه لا ورع انفع من تجنب محارم الله، والكف عن أذى المسلمين واغتيابهم، ولا عيش اهنأ من حسن الخلق، ولا مال انفع من القنوع باليسير المجزي ولا جهل اضر من العجب.

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Mahboub, from Hisham Bin Saalim who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying to Hamran Bin Ayn: ‘O Hamran! Look at the one who is below you, and do not look at the one who is above you in the ability, for in that is conviction for you with what has been distributed to you and more like that the increase would be Warranted for you from your Lord-azwj. And know, that the few lasting deeds performed upon conviction is superior in the Presence of Allah-azwj than the abundance of deeds done without conviction. And know, that there is no devoutness more beneficial than avoiding the Prohibitions of Allah-azwj, and the restraint from harming the Muslims and backbiting them; and there is no life better than good manners, nor any wealth more beneficial and more rewarding than contentment with the little, nor any ignorance more harmful than the arrogance’.[1169]

(باب 353 – العلة التي من أجلها صار المؤمن مكفرا)

Chapter 353 – The reason due to which the Believer is ‘Mukaffir’ (people never acknowledge his favours)

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي باسناده يرفعه إلى أبي عبد الله (ع) انه قال: ان المؤمن مكفر وذلك ان معروفه يصعد إلى الله تعالى فلا ينتشر في الناس والكافر مشهور، وذلك ان معروفه للناس ينتشر في الناس ولا يصعد إلى السماء.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, by his chain,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The Believer is not recognised (for his favours to others), and that is because his good deeds ascend to Allah-azwj the High, so he is not publicised among the people. And the Infidel is famous, and that is because his good deeds are for the sake of the people, he is well known among the people, and these do not ascend to the sky’.[1170]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عن آبائه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يد الله تعالى فوق رؤس المكفرين ترفرف بالرحمة

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The Hand of Allah-azwj is upon the heads of those who are not recognised (for their favours to others), Wiping with the Mercy’.[1171]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن اسماعيل قال: حدثني الحسين بن موسى عن أبيه عن موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه عن جده عن علي بن الحسين عن أبيه عن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام قال: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله مكفرا لا يشكر معروف ولقد كان معروفه على القرشي والعربي والعجمي ومن كان اعظم معروفا من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله على هذا الخلق؟ وكذلك نحن أهل البيت مكفرون لا يشكروننا وخيار المؤمنين مكفرون لا يشكر معروفهم

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Al Husayn Bin Musa, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws grandfather-asws, from Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww was not recognised (for the favours extended to others). There was not gratefulness well known to him-saww, and the gratefulness was well know upon the Qureysh, and the Arabs and the non-Arabs. And who is greater for the gratefulness than Rasool-Allah-saww, upon this creation? And similar to that are us-asws, the People-asws of the Household, people are being ungrateful towards (us-asws), there is no gratefulness to us-asws, and the choicest of the Believers are also not recognised (for their favours). People do not thank them (for their favours)’.[1172]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عين أبيه والحسن بن علي بن فضال عن علي بن النعمان عن يزيد بن خليفة قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع): ما على أحدكم لو كان على قلة جبل حتى ينتهي إليه أجله، أتريدون تراؤن الناس ان من عمل للناس كان ثوابه على الناس ومن عمل لله كان ثوابه على الله ان كل رياء شرك.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father and Al Hassan Bin Ali Bin Faaal, from Ali Bin Al Noman, from Yazeed Bin Khaleefa who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘What is upon one of you, even if he were to be upon the peak of a mountain, until his term (life) ends. Do you want the people to appreciate you? The one who works for the people, its reward is upon the people, and the one who works for Allah-azwj, its Rewards is upon Allah-azwj. Every showing-off is an association (Shirk)’.[1173]

(باب 354 – العلة التي من أجلها تعجل العقوبة للمؤمن في الدنيا)

Chapter 354 – The reason due to which the Punishment is hastened to the Believer in the world

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن خالد قال: حدثنا علي بن الحكم عن عبد الله بن جندب عن سفيان بن سمط قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام: إذا أراد الله تعالى بعبد خيرا فاذنب ذتبا تبعه بنقمة ويذكره الاستغفار، وإذا أراد الله تعالى بعبد شرا فاذنب ذنبا تبعه بنعمة لينسيه الاستغفار، ويتمادى به وهو قول الله تعالى (سنستدرجهم من حيث لا يعلمون) بالنعم عند المعاصي.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Abdullah Bin Jundab, from Sufyan Bin Samt who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Whenever Allah-azwj Intends good with a servant, so (when he) commits a sin, follows it with resentment, and he remember the seeking of the Forgiveness. And whenever Allah-azwj the High Intends evil with a servant, so (when he) commits a sin, follows it with a Bounty to Make him forget the seeking of the Forgiveness, and he keeps indulging in it. And these are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [7:182] We Let them be enticed by degrees from whence they know not – with the Bounties during disobedience’.[1174]

(باب 355 – العلة التي من أجلها أحل الله تعالى لحم البقر) (والغنم والابل وغير ذلك من أصناف ما يؤكل)

Chapter 355 – The reason due to which Allah-azwj the High Permitted the flesh of the cow, and the sheep, and the camel, and other such varieties from what is eaten

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد ابن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان، ان ابا الحسن الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله: أحل الله تعالى البقر والغنم والابل لكثرتها وامكان وجودها، وتحليل بقر الوحش وغيرها من اصناف ما يؤكل من الوحش المحللة، لان غذائها غير مكروه ولا محرم ولا هي مضرة بعضها ببعض ولا مضرة بالانس ولا في خلقها تشويه.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Rezasws wrote to him in answer to what he has asked him-asws: ‘Allah-azwj the High has Permitted the cow, and the sheep, and the camel due to their abundance and the possibility of finding these. And the Permissibility of the wild cows and other varieties of what is eaten from the wild (animals), the Permitted ones, because their consumption (what they eat) is not abhorrent, nor Prohibited, nor it is harmful to each other, nor harmful to the human beings, nor is there any deformities in their creation’.[1175]

(باب 256 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره أكل الغدد)

Chapter 356 – The reason due to which eating the glands is disliked

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد قال: حدثنا محمد بن شمون عن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن عن مسمع بن عبد الملك عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال أمير المؤمنين (ع): إذا اشترى أحدكم اللحم فليخرج منه الغدد فانه يحرك عرق الجذام.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Shamoun, from Abdullah Bin Abdul Rahman, from Masma’a Bin Abdul Malik,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws said: ‘Whenever one of you buys the meat, so he should take out the glands from it, for these tend to stir the veil on leprosy’.[1176]

(باب 357 – العلة التي من أجلها حرم النخاع والطحال والانثيين)

Chapter 357 – The reason due to which the bone marrow, and the spleen, and the two testicles are Prohibited (to eat)

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن أحمد بن محمد البزنطي عن أبان بن عثمان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) كيف صار الطحال حراما، وهو من الذبيحة؟ فقال ان ابراهيم (ع) هبط عليه الكبش من ثبير وهو جبل بمكة ليذبحه اتاه ابليس فقال له: اعطني نصيبي من هذا الكبش، قال: ورأي نصيب لك وهو قربان لربي وفداء لابني،

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad al Bazanty, from Aban Bin Usman who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘How did the spleen came to be Prohibited, and it is from the slaughter?’ So he-asws said: ‘The ram descended unto Ibrahim-as from Subeyr, and it is a mountain at Makkah, in order for it to be slaughtered. Iblees-la came and said to him-as, ‘Give me-la my-la share from this ram’. He-as said: ‘And you-la view a share for yourself-la and it is an offering to my-as Lord-azwj, and an expiation for my-as son-as?’

فأوحى الله تعالى إليه ان له فيه نصيبا، وهو الطحال لانه مجمع الدم وحرم الخصيتان لانهما موضع للنكاح ومجرى للنطفة، فاعطاه ابراهيم الطحال والانثيين وهما الخصيتان،

So Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto him-as: ‘There is a share for him-la in it, and it is the spleen, because it is a gathering of the blood, and Forbidden are the two testicles because these two are the places of the copulation and the flowing of the semen”. So Ibrahim-as gave him-la the spleen, and the two testicles, and these two are the testicles’.

قال: فقلت فكيف حرم النخاع؟ قال: لانه موضع الماء الدافق من كل ذكر وانثى وهو المخ الطويل الذي يكون في فقار الظهر،

He (the narrator) said, ‘So I said, ‘So how come the bone marrow is Prohibited?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it is the place of the water ejaculation, from every male and female, and it is the elongated brain (spinal cord) which happens to be in the vertebrae of the back’.

قال أبان ثم قال أبو عبد الله (ع) يكره من الذبيحة عشرة اشياء منها الطحال والانثيين والنخاع والدم والجلد والعظم والقرن والظلف والغدد والمذاكير،

Aban said, ‘Then Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Ten things are forbidden from the slaughter. From these are – the spleen, and the two testicles, and the marrow, and the blood, and the skin, and the bones, and the horn, and the hooves, and the glands, and the penises.

واطلق في الميتة عشرة اشياء: الصوف والشعر والريش والبيضة والناب والقرن والظلف والانفحة والاهاب واللبن وذلك إذا كان قائما في الضرع.

And ten things are to be thrown out from the dead – The fur, and the hair, and the feathers, and the eggs, and the teeth, and the horns, and the hoof, and the stomach lining, and the skin, and the milk, if that is established in the udders’.[1177]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أبي طالب عبد الله بن الصلت عن عثمان بن عيسي العامري عن سماحة بن مهران عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: لا تأكل جريا ولا مار ماهيا ولا طافيا، ولا اربيان، ولا طحالا لانه بيت الدم ومضغة الشيطان.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Abu Talib Abdullah Bin Al Salt, from Usman Bin Isa Al Aamiry, from Samahat Bin Mahran,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Neither eat unscaled fish, nor an eel, nor a floating (dead) fish, nor prawns, nor spleen, for it is a house of the blood, and a chew of the Satan-la’.[1178]

(باب 358 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره أكل الكليتين)

Chapter 358 – The reason due to which eating of the two kidneys is disliked

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا الحسين بن علي بن زكريا، قال: حدثنا محمد بن صدقة، قال: حدثنا موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه عن محمد بن علي عليهم السلام قال: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم لا يأكل الكليتين من غير أن يحرمهما لقربهما من البول.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Husayn Bin Ali Bin Zakariya, from Muhammad Bin Sadaqa,

(It has been narrated) from Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Muhammad Bin Ali-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww did not use to eat the two kidneys without having forbidden it, due to its proximity to the urine’.[1179]

(باب 359 – العلة التي من أجلها نهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يوم) (خيبر عن أكل لحوم حمر الاهلية. وعلة تحريم البغال)

Chapter 359 – The reason due to which Rasool-Allah -saww forbade from eating the flesh of the domesticated donkey on the day of Khyber; and reason for the Prohibition of the mules

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين عن ابن أبي عمير عن ابن اذينة عن زرارة ومحمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال سألته عن اكل الحمر الاهلية، فقال: نهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عن اكلها يوم خيبر وانما نهي عن أكلها لانها كانت حمولة للناس، وانما الحرام ما حرم الله تعالى في القرآن.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Ibn Azina, from Zarara and Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about eating the domesticated donkey. So he-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww forbade from eating it on the day of Khyber. But rather, he-saww forbade from eating it, because it was a carrier for the people, and, but rather, Forbidden is what Allah-azwj the High Prohibited in the Quran’.[1180]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار + عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسين بن سعيد عن حماد عن حريز عن محمد بن مسلم عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: نهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عن اكل لحوم الحمر وانما نهى عنها من أجل ظهورها مخافة أن يفنونها وليست الحمير بحرام،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Hamaad, from Hareyz, from Muhammad Bin Muslim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww forbade from eating the flesh of the donkey. But rather, he-saww forbade it due to its back (for riding), fearing that lest it would be exterminated; and the donkeys are not Prohibited’.

ثم قرأ هذه الآية (قل لا اجد فيما اوحى إلي محرما على طاعم يطعمه) إلى آخر الآية.

Then he-asws recited this Verse [6:145] Say: I do not find in that which has been Revealed to me anything Forbidden for an eater to eat – up to the end of the Verse’.[1181]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن هارون بن مسلم قال: حدثنا أبو الحسن الليثى قال: حدثني جعفر بن محمد (ع) قال: سئل أبي عليه السلام عن لحوم الحمر الاهلية، قال: نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله عن أكلها لانها كانت حمولة للناس يومئذ. وانما الحرام ما حرم الله في القرآن.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Abu Al Hassan Al Laysi,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws was asked about flesh of the domesticated donkey. He-asws said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww forbade from eating it because it was a carried for the people in those days. But rather, the Prohibited is what Allah-azwj Prohibited in the Quran’.[1182]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد ابن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان أن الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله كره اكل لحوم البغال والحمر والاهلية، لحاجة الناس إلى ظهورها واستعمالها، والخوف من فنائها لقلتها لا لقذر خلقها ولا لقذر غذائها.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Ibn Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer to what he had asked him-asws: ‘It is disliked, eating the flesh of the mules, and the domesticated donkey, due to the need of the people to its back (for riding/carrying load), and its utilisation, and the fear from its extermination due to its scarcity, not due to the filthy creation of it, nor the filthy diet of it’.[1183]

(باب 360 – العلة التي من أجلها كره التصفير)

Chapter 360 – The reason due to which the whistling is disliked

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين عن الحسن بن محبوب عن سالم عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قيل له كيف كان يعلم قوم لوط انه قد جاء لوطا رجل، قال: كانت امرأته تخرج فتصفر، فإذا سمعوا التصفير جاؤا فلذلك كره التصفير.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, Bin Mahboub, from Saalim,

(The narrator) say: ‘It was said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘How did the people used to know that a man had come to Lut-as?’ He-asws said: ‘His-as wife used to come out and whistle. So whenever they used to hear the whistling, they would come over. Thus, it was due to that, the whistling is disliked’.[1184]

(باب 361 – العلة التي من أجلها يكره تكليف المخالفين للحوائج)

Chapter 361 – The reason due to which it is disliked to encumber the adversaries for the needs

حدثنا أبي قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس عن حنان قال سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام يقول: لا تسألوهم فتكلفونا قضاء حوائجهم يوم القيامة.

My father narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Hanan who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘Do not ask (for favours from) them (the adversaries), for they would be encumbering us-asws on the Day of Judgement’.[1185]

وبهذا الاسناد قال: قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: لا تسألوهم الحوائج فتكونوا لهم الوسيلة إلى رسول الله يوم القيامة.

And by this chain,

Abu Ja’far-asws said: ‘Do not ask them (adversaries) for the needs, for (if) it would happen (if they help) then it (will be the) means for them to Rasool-Allah-saww on the Day of Judgement’ (for seeking Rasool-Allah-saww’s intercession).[1186]

(باب 362 – العلة التي من أجلها يدعى الناس باسم امهاتهم يوم القيامة)

Chapter 362 – The reason due to which the people would be called by the names of their mothers on the Day of Judgement

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن ابن محبوب عن أبي ولاد عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى يدعو الناس باسم امهاتهم يوم القيامة اين فلان بن فلانة سترا من الله عليهم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Ibn Mahboub, from Abu Walaad,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High would Call the people by the names of their mothers (as surnames), on the Day of Judgement: “Where is so and so, son of so and so mother, as a veil from Allah-azwj over them’.[1187]

(باب 363 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يدخل ولد الزنى الجنة)

Chapter 363 – The reason due to which the son of adultery (bastard) would not enter the Paradise

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد رحمه الله عن أبيه عن محمد بن أحمد عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن محمد بن علي الكوفي عن محمد بن الفضل عن سعد بن عمر الجلاب قال قال لي أبو عبد الله عليه السلام ان الله تعالى خلق الجنة طاهرة مطهرة فلا يدخلها إلا من طابت ولادته،

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Muhammad Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Muhamamd Bin Al Fazal, from Sa’ad Bin Umat Al Jalaab who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said to me: ‘Allah-azwj the High Created the Paradise as Pure, Purified. Thus, there would not be entering it anyone except for the one who is pure of birth’.

وقال أبو عبد الله (ع) طوبى لمن كانت امه عفيفة.

And Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Blessedness is for the one whose mother was chaste’.[1188]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن محمد بن سليمان الديلمي عن أبيه رفع الحديث إلى الصادق (ع) قال: يقول ولد الزنا يا رب ما ذنبي فما كان لي في أمري صنع، قال: فيناديه مناد فيقول: أنت شر الثلاثة أذنب والداك فتبت عليهما وانت رجس ولن يدخل الجنة إلا طاهر.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman Al Daylami, from his father,

(It has been) said in a Hadeeth narrated by Al-Sadiq-asws: ‘The child of adultery would be saying, ‘O Lord-azwj! What is my fault? So what was my doing with regards to my matter?’ He-asws said: ‘So a Caller would call out saying: ‘You are a third evil. Your parents sinned, so it was decided upon the both of them, and you are an uncleanness, and never will anyone enter the Paradise except for a clean one’.[1189]

(باب 364 – علة تحريم النظر إلى شعور النساء المحجوبات)

Chapter 364 – Reason for the Prohibition of looking at the hair of the veiled women

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال، حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد ابن سنان ان الرضا عليه السلام كتب فيما كتب من جواب مسائله حرم النظر إلى شعور النساء المحجوبات بالازواج وغيرهن من النساء لما فيه من تهييج الرجال وما يدعو التهييج إلى الفساد والدخول فيما لا يحل ولا يحمل، وكذلك ما اشبه الشعور إلا الذي قال الله تعالى (والقواعد من النساء اللاتى لا يرجون نكاحا فليس عليهن جناح) أن يضعن ثيابهن غير الجلباب ولا بأس بالنظر إلى شعور مثلهن.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer with regards to what he had written asking him-asws: ‘The looking at the hair of the veiled women is Prohibited, be they married or not, due to what is therein from the excitement for the men, and what the excitement invites to, to the corruption and the entering in to what is not Permissible, and cannot be borne, and similar to that is what resembles the hair. Allah-azwj Says [24:60] And (as for) women advanced in years who do not hope for a marriage, it is no sin for them if they put off their clothes (without displaying their ornaments) – if they put off their clothes other than the robes, and there would be no problem with looking at the hair of the likes of these’.[1190]





(باب 365 – العلة التي من أجلها أطلق النظر إلى رؤس أهل) (تهامة والاعراب وأهل السواد من الذمة)

Chapter 365 – The reason due to which it is free (allowed) to look at the heads of the people of Tahama, and the Bedouins, and the black people from the ones under responsibility (Ahl Al Zimma)

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن عباد بن صهيب قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: لا بأس بالنظر إلى رؤس أهل تهامة والاعراب وأهل السواد من اهله الذمة لانهن إذا نهين لا ينتهين،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abaad Bin Saheyb who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘There is no problem with the looking at the heads of the people of Tahama, and the Bedouins, and the black people from the ones under responsibility (Ahl Al-Zimma), because if these (women) are prevented, they would still end up doing it’.

قال: المغلوبة لا بأس بالنظر إلى شعرها وجسدها ما لم يتعمد ذلك.

The subjugated woman, there is no problem with the looking at her hair and her body, what is not deliberate from that’.[1191]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الجبار عن صفوان بن يحيى عن عبد الرحمن بن الحجاج قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن الجارية التي لم تدرك متى ينبغي لها أن تغطي رأسها ممن ليس بينه وبينها محرم؟ ومتى جيب عليها أن تقنع رأسها للصلاة؟ قال: لا تغطي رأسها حتى يحرم عليها الصلاة.

My father said, ‘Ahmad bin Idrees narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Abdul Rahman Bin Al Hajaaj who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the slave girl who has yet to become aware (attain puberty), ‘When is it befitting for her that she cover her hair from the ones who are not between him and an un-marriageable man (Non-Mahram)? And when is it Obligatory upon her that she covers her head in the Prayer?’ He-asws said: ‘She should not cover her head until the Prayer is forbidden unto her’.[1192]

(باب 366 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز قتل الاسير لمن) أسره إذا عجز عن المشى)

Chapter 366 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to kill the captive who he has captured if he is frustrated from the walking

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن القاسم بن محمد الاصبهاني عن سليمان بن داود المنقري عن عيسى بن يونس عن الاوزاعي عن الزهري عن عن علي بن الحسين عليه السلام قال ان اخذت الاسير فعجز عن المشي ولم يكن معك محمل فارسله ولا تقتله فانك لا تدري ما حكم الامام فيه

My father said, Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Al Asbahany, from Suleyman Bin Dawood Al manqary, from Isa Bin Yunus, from Al Awzai’e, from Al Zuhry,

Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws having said: ‘If you seize a captive and he is frustrated from the walking and there is no palanquin with you, so send him away (free) and do not kill him, for you do not know what the ruling of the Imam-asws is with regards to him’.

وقال: الاسير إذا أسلم فقد حقن دمه وصار فيئا.

And he-asws said: ‘The captive, if he professes to Al-Islam, so he has saved his blood and becomes a war booty’.[1193]

(باب 367 – علة طول مدة السلطان وقصر مدته)

Chapter 367 – Reason for the prolongation of the term of the (ruling) authority, and the shortening of his term

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن عثمان بن عيسى عن أبي اسحاق الارجاني عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال: ان الله تعالى جعل لمن جعل له سلطانا مدة من ليالي وأيام وسنين وشهور فان عدلوا في الناس امر الله تعالى صاحب الفلك ان يبطئ بادارته فطالت ايامهم ولياليهم وسنونهم وشعورهم وان هم جاروا في الناس ولم يعدلوا أمر الله تعالى صاحب الفلك فاسرع إدارته واسرح فناء لياليهم وأيامهم وسنيهم وشهورهم، وقد وفي تبارك وتعالى لهم بعد الليالي والشهور.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Usman Bin Isa, from Abu Is’haq Al Arjany,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Made a term for the one whom He-azwj Made to be a ruler, from the nights, and the days, and the years, and the months. So if he is just among the people, Allah-azwj the High Commands the master of the orbit (Angel) that he should slow down its administration, so their days, and their nights, and their years, and their months get prolonged. And if he is tyrannous among the people and does not do justice, Allah-azwj the High Commands the master of the orbit (Angel), so he quickens its administration, and quickens the expiry of their nights, and their days, and their years, and their months, and the Blessed and High Accomplishes for them, after (some) nights and the monts’.[1194]

(باب 368 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز للرجل أن يتخذ) (من النبط وليا ولا نصيرا)

Chapter 368 – The reason due to which it is not allowed for the man that he takes a guardian or a helper from the Nabateans

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن الحسين بن ظريف عن هشام عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: يا هشام النبط من العرب ولا من العجم فلا تتخذ منهم وليا ولا نصيرا فان لهم أصولا تدعو إلى غير الوفاء.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Zareyf, from Hisham,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘O Hisham! (Neither) the Nabateans from the Arabs, nor from the non-Arabs, so neither take from them a guardian nor a helper, for they have for themselves origins which call to other than the loyalty’.[1195]

(باب 369 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت الوصية بالثلث)

Chapter 369 – The reason due to which the bequest came to be with the third

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن الحميري عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة الربعي عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليه السلام ان رجلا من الانصار توفى وله صبية صغار وله ستة من الرقيق فاعتقهم عند موته وليس له مال غيرهم فاتى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فاخبره، فقال: ما صنعتم بصاحبكم؟ قالوا: دفناه، قال: لو علمت ما دفنته من اهل الاسلام ترك ولده يتكففون الناس.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa Al Rabi’e,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws that a man from the Helpers passed away, and for him were young children, and for him were six from the slaves. So he liberated them during his death, and there was no wealth for him other than them. So they came to the Prophet-saww and informed him-saww. So he-saww said: ‘What did you do with your companion?’ They said: ‘Buried him’. He-saww said: ‘Had I-saww known, I-saww would not have let him to be buried (in the graveyard of) the people of Al-Islam. He left his children to be looked after by the (other) people’.[1196]

وبهذا الاسناد قال: قال علي (ع): الحيف في الوصية من الكبائر.

And by this chain, said, ‘Ali-asws said: ‘The inequity in the bequest is from the major sins’.[1197]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أبي طالب عبد الله بن الصلت القمي عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في قوله تعالى (فمن خاف من موص حيفا أو اثما فاصلح بينهم فلا اثم عليه) قال: يعني إذا اعتدى في الوصية إذا زاد على الثلث.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Abu Talib Abdullah Bin Al Salt Al Qummy, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman,

Abu Abdullah-asws (has said) regarding the Words of the High [2:182] But he who fears an inclination to a wrong course or an act of disobedience on the part of the testator, and effects an agreement between the parties, there is no blame on him. He-asws said: ‘Meaning – When he violates the bequest if he increases upon the third’.[1198]

وبهذا الاسناد عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: من عدل في وصيته كان بمنزلة من تصدق بها ومن حاف في وصيته لقى الله تعالى يوم القيامة وهو عنه معرض.

And by this chain,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far -asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘The one who is just in his bequest would be at the status of the one who has given charity with it, and the one who is unfair in his bequest would meet Allah-azwj on the Day of Jugement, and He-azwj would Turn away from him’.[1199]

وبهذا الاسناد قال: قال علي (ع) لان اوصى بالخمس احب إلى من ان اوصى بالربع ولان اوصى بالربع احب إلي من اوصى بالثلث ومن اوصى بالثلث لم يترك شيئا.

And by this chain, said, ‘Ali-asws said: ‘The one who bequeaths with the fifth is more beloved to me-asws than if he were to bequeath with the fourth. And if he were to bequeath with the fourth is more beloved to me-asws than the one who bequeaths with the third. And the one who bequeaths with a third does not leave out anything’.[1200]

(باب 370 – العلة التي من أجلها لا تعول سهام المواريث)

Chapter 370 – The reason due to which there would be no reduction in the shares of the inheritors

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثني محمد بن يحيى العطار عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عن ابن أبي عمير عن غير واحد عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سهام المواريث من ستة اسهم لا تزيد عليها، فقيل له: يابن رسول الله ولم صارت ستة اسهم؟ قال: لان الانسان خلق من ستة اشياء وهو قول الله تعالى (ولقد خلقنا الانسان من سلالة من طين، ثم جعلناه نطفة في قرار مكين، ثم خلقنا النطفة علقة فخلقنا العلقة مضغة، فخلقنا المضغة عظاما فكسونا العظام لحما).

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from someone else,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The shares of the inheritors from six portions, there would not be any increase over it’. So it was said to him-asws, ‘O Son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! And why did it come to be of six portions?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the human being has been Created from six things, and these are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [23:12] And We Created the human from an extract of clay [23:13] Then We Made him a small seed in a firm resting-place [23:14] Then We Created the seed to be a clot, then We Created the clot to be a lump of flesh, then We Created bones (in) the lump of flesh, then We Clothed the bones with flesh’.[1201]

حدثنا أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أحمد ابن محمد بن عيسى قال: حدثنا عثمان بن عيسى عن سماعة بن مهران عن أبي بصير عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: ان أمير المؤمنين (ع) كان يقول: أن الذي احصى رمل عالج يعلم ان السهام لا تعول على ستة لو يبصرون وجهها لم تجز ستة.

My father narrated to me, from Sa’ad bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Bin Isa, from Usman Bin Isa, from Sama’at Bin Mahran, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws having said that: ‘Amir Al-Momineen-asws was saying: ‘Those surveyors who count the grains of sand know that the portions cannot be exceeded above six. Were they to have insight into its reason, they would not exceed six’.[1202]

(باب 371 – العلة التي من أجلها صار الميراث للذكر مثل حظ الانثيين)

Chapter 371 – The reason due to which the inheritance came to be for the males similar in portion to two females

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان ابا الحسن الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة اعطاء النساء نصف ما يعطي الرجال من الميراث لان المرأة إذا تزوجت أخذت والرجل يعطي فلذلك وفر على الرجال،

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer regarding what he had asked him-asws: ‘The reason for giving the women half what is given to the men from the inheritance, is because the woman, when she marries, takes, and the man gives. Thus, it was due to that, it is a provision upon the men.

وعلة اخرى في اعطاء الذكر مثلي ما تعطى الانثى لان الانثى في عيال الذكر إن احتاجت وعليه أن يعولها وعليه نفقتها وليس على المرأة أن تعول الرجل، ولا تؤخذ بنفقته ان احتاج، فوفر على الرجل لذلك، وذلك قول الله تعالى (الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما انفقوا من أموالهم).

And another reason for the giving to the males two similar (portions) of what is given to the female, is because the female is among the family of the male for the needs, and it is upon him that he is the breadwinner for her, and it is upon him to spend upon her for her expenses, and it is not upon the woman that she should be the bread winner for the man, nor for him to take the expenses if needed. So it is provided for the man, due to that, and these are the Words of Allah-azwj the High [4:34] Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has Made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property’.[1203]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: أخبرني القاسم بن محمد قال: حدثنا حمدان بن الحسين عن الحسين بن الوليد عن ابن بكير عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت لاي علة صار الميراث للذكر مثل حظ الانثيين؟ قال: لما جعل لها من الصداق.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Hamdan Bin Al Husayn, from Al Husayn Bin Al Waleed, from Ibn Bakeyr, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said, ‘For which reason did the inheritance come to be for the male similar to the portion of two females?’ He-asws said: ‘When he made for her, from the dowry’.[1204]

وعنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن أحمد الكوفي قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن أحمد النهيكي عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن سالم ان ابن أبي العوجاء قال للاحول: ما بال المرأة الضعيفة لها سهم واحد وللرجل القوي الموسر سهمان؟ قال: فذكرت ذلك لابي عبد الله عليه السلام فقال: ان ليس لها عاقلة ولا نفقة ولا جهاد، وعد اشياء غير هذا، وهذا على الرجال فلذلك جعل له سهمان ولها سهم.

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Kufy, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad Al Naheyki, from Ibn Abu Umeyr,

(It has been narrated) from Hisham Bin Saalim that Ibn Abu Al Awja said to Al Howl, ‘What is the matter that the weak woman, for her is one portion, and for the strong man with money, are two portions?’ He said, ‘I mentioned that to Abu Abdullah-asws, so he-asws said: ‘There is no rationale for her, nor any expenses, nor Jihaad, and a number of things other than this, and this is upon the men. Thus, it was due to that, two portions were made to be for him, and one portion for her’.[1205]

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمر بن علي بن عبد الله البصري قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن خالد بن جبلة الواعظ قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الله بن أحمد بن عامر الطائي قال: حدثنا أبي قال: حدثنا علي بن موسى الرضا عن ابيه عن آبائه عن أمير المؤمنين عليهم السلام انه سأله رجل من أهل الشام عن مسائل فكان فيما سأله ان قال له: لم صار الميراث للذكر مثل حظ الانثيين؟ قال: من قبل السنبلة كان عليها ثلاث حبات فبادرت إليها حواء فاكلت منها حبة واطعمت آدم حبتين، فمن أجل ذلك ورث الذكر مثل حظ انثيين.

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Umar Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Khalid Bin Jabala Al Waiz, from Abu Al Qasim Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Aamir Al Ta’aiy, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Ali -asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws from his-asws father-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws, from Amir Al-Momineen-asws that a man from the people of Syria asked him-asws certain questions. So, among what he asked him-asws was that he said to him-asws, ‘Why did the inheritance come to be for the males similar to two portions of the females?’ He-asws said: ‘From before, the ear (of the corn) had three seed. So Hawwa-as took the initiative to it, and ate one see from it, and fed Adam-as two seeds. So, it is due to what the male inherits similar to the portion of two females’.[1206]

(باب 372 – العلة التي من أجله لا ترث المرأة مما ترك زوجها) (من العقار شيئا وترك مما سوى ذلك)

Chapter 372 – The reason due to which the woman will not inherit anything from what her husband leaves from the real estate, and (would inherit) from what he leaves besides that

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي القاسم ما جيلويه عن محمد بن عيسى عن علي بن الحكم عن أبان عن مسير قال: سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن النساء ما لهن من الميراث، فقال: لهن قيمة المطلوب والبناء والخشب والقصب، فاما الارض والعقار فلا ميراث لهن فيهما، قلت: الثياب لهن؟ قال: الثياب نصيبهن فيه، قلت: كيف هذا ولهن الثمن والربع مسمى؟ قال: لان المرأة ليس لها نسب ترث به وانما هي دخلت عليهم وانما صار هذا هكذا لئلا تتزوج المرأة فيجئ زوجها أو ولدها من قوم آخرين فيزاحمون هؤلاء في عقارهم.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Aban, from Maseyr who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the woman, ‘What is there for them from the inheritance?’ He-asws said: ‘For them is the value of the requirements, and the construction, and the wood, and the cane. But, as for the land and the property, so there is no inheritance for them in these two’. I said, ‘The clothes, are for them?’ He-asws said: ‘The clothes, there is a portion for them in it’. I said, ‘How can this be, and for them is the eight, and the quarter of the named?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the woman, there is no lineage for her to inherit by, but rather, she is included upon them. But rather, this came to be like this, perhaps the woman would be married (to another), so her husband would come, or her son, from another people, so they would be crowding out those in their property’.[1207]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان الرضا عليه السلام كتب إليه فيما كتب من جواب مسائله علة المرأة انها لا ترث من العقار شيئا إلا قيمة الطوب والنقض لان العقار لا يمكن تغييره وقلبه والمرأة قد يجوز أن ينقطع ما بينها وينه من العصمة ويجوز تغييرها وتبديلها وليس الولد والوالد كذلك لانه لا يمكن التفصي منها والمرأة ويمكن الاستبدال بها فما يحوز أن يجئ ويذهب كان ميراثها فيما يجوز تبديله وتغيره إذا شبهها وكان الثابت المقيم على حاله لمن كان مثله في الثبات والمقام.

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammd Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Bin Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer regarding what he wrote asking him-asws: ‘The reason for the woman that she does not inherit anything from the real estate except for the value of the bricks and the canes, is because the real estate, it is not possible to change it and turn it. And the woman, it is allowed that he cuts off what is between her and him from the bond of marriage, and he is allowed to change her and replace her, while the children and the parents are not like that, because it is not possible to be rid from them, and the woman, it is possible for her to be replaced. Thus, what is not possessed and comes and goes, her inheritance would be in what is allowed to be replaced and changed since it is a resemblance, and the one which is firm and permanent upon its state is for the one who was similar to it in the firmness and the permanency’.[1208]

(باب 373 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت قم)

Chapter 373 – The reason due to which Qum was named

حدثنا علي بن عبد الله الوراق رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى والفضل بن عامر الاشعري قالا: حدثنا سليمان بن مقبل قال: حدثنا محمد بن زياد الازدي قال: حدثنا عيسى بن عبد الله الاشعري عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد قال حدثنى أبي عن جدي عن أبيه عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما اسرى يى إلى السماء حلمني جبرئيل على كتفه الايمن فنظرت إلى بقعة بارض الجبل حمراء احسن لونا من الزعفران واطيب ريحا من المسك فإذا فيها شيخ على رأسه برنس،

Ali Bin Abdullah Al Waraq narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa and Al Fazal Bin Aamir Al Ash’ary both together, from Suleyman Bin Maqbal, from Muhammad Bin Ziyad Al Azdy, from Isa Bin Abdullah Al Ash’ary,

(It has been narrated) from Al-Sadiq Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws narrated to me-asws, from my-asws grandfather-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When I-saww was ascended with to the sky, Jibraeel-as carried me-saww upon his -as right shoulder, so I-saww looked at a spot of land, a red mountain of the best of colours, from the saffron, and more aromatic of smell than the musk. So there was an old man with a hooded cloak upon his head.

فقلت لجبرئيل: ما هذه البقعة الحمراء التي هي أحسن لونا من الزعفران واطيب ريحا من المسك قال: بقعة شعيتك وشيعة وصيك على، فقلت من الشيخ صاحب البرنس؟ قال: ابليس قلت: فما يريد منهم قال: يريد ان يصدهم على ولاية أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) ويدعوهم إلى الفسق الفجور،

So I-saww said to Jibraeel-as: ‘What is this red spot which is more beautiful in colour, from saffron, and more aromatic of smell than the musk?’ He-as said: ‘A spot for your-saww Shiah, and Shiah of your-saww successor-as Ali-asws’. So I-saww said: ‘Who is the old man with the hooded cloak?’ He-as said: ‘Iblees-la’. I-saww said; ‘So what does he-la want with them (Shiah)?’ He-as said: ‘He-la wants to repel them from the Wilayah of Amir Al-Momineen-asws and invite them to the mischief and corruption’.

فقلت: يا جبرئيل أهو بنا إليهم، فاهوى بنا إليهم أسرع من البرق الخاطف والبصر اللامع، فقلت: قم يا ملعون فشارك اعدائهم في اموالهم وأولادهم ونسائهم، فان شيعتي وشيعة علي ليس لك عليهم سلطان، فسميت قم.

So I-saww said: ‘O Jibraeel-as! Let us-asws go to him-la’. So he-as took me-saww there quicker than the bolt of lightning and seeing its light. So I-saww said: ‘قم’ ‘Arise, O Accursed! So you can participate with their enemies in their wealth, and their children, and their women, but as for my-saww Shiah, and the Shiah of Ali-asws, there is no authority for you-la over them’. Thus, it was named as ‘قم’ Qum (Arise)’.[1209]

(باب 378 – العلة التي من أجلها إذا قطع رأس النخلة لم تنبت)

Chapter 378 – The reason due to which when the top of the palm tree is cut, it does not germinate

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن أبي يحيى الواسطي عن بعض اصحابنا عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان الله تعالى لما خلق آدم من طينة فضلت من تلك الطينة فضلة، فخلق منها النخلة، فمن أجل ذلك إذا قطعت رأسها لم تنبت وهي تحتاج إلى اللقاح.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abu Yahya Al Wasity, from one of our companions,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When Allah-azwj the High Created Adam-as from clay, there was remnant from that clay. So He-azwj Created the palm tree from that remnant. Thus, it was due to that, whenever its top is cut off, it does not germinate, and it is needy to the pollen’.[1210]



(باب 379 – العلة التي من أجلها ينبت كل النخل في مستنقع الماء إلا العجوزة)

Chapter 379 – The reason due to which every palm tree grows in the swamp except for the Ajwa (date) tree

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن محمد بن يحيى عن طلحة بن زيد عن جعفر عن أبيه عليهما السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: كل النخل ينبت في مستنقع الماء إلا العجوة، فانه انزل بعلها من الجنة.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Talha Bin Zayd,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Every palm tree grows in swampy water except for Al-Ajwa, for it descended with its spouse from the Paradise’.[1211]

(باب 380 – العلة التي من أجلها صارت الشمس حارة تحرق) (والقمر بخلافها)

Chapter 380 – The reason due two which the sun came to be scorching hot, and the moon opposite to it

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد ابن أحمد عن عيسى بن محمد عن علي بن مهزيار عن علي بن حسان عن ابن أبي نوار عن محمد بن مسلم قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام جعلت فداك لاي شئ صارت الشمس أشد حرارة من القمر؟ فقال: ان الله تبارك وتعالى خلق الشمس من نور النار وصفو الماء طبقا من هذا وطبقا من هذا حتى إذا صار سبعة أطباق البسها لباسا من نار فمن ثم صار اشد حرارة من القمر، وخلق القمر من نور النار وصفو الماء طبقا من هذا وطبقا من هذا حتى إذا صارت سبع اطباق البسها لباسا من ماء، فمن ثم صار القمر ابرد من الشمس.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Ibn Ahmad, from Isa Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Ali Bin Hasaan, from Ibn Abu Nwaar, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! For which thing (reason) did the sun come to be intensely hotter than the moon?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created the sun from Light of the Fire and the clear water, a layer from this and a layer from this, until they became seven layers, Clothed it with a clothing of fire. Thus, from then onwards, it became intensely hotter than the moon. And He-azwj created the moon from Light of the fire, and the clear water, a layer from this and a layer from this, until they became seven layers, Clothed it with a clothing of the water. Thus, from then onwards, the moon came to be colder than the sun’.[1212]





(باب 382 – العلة التي من أجلها سميت ريح الشمال)

Chapter 382 – The reason due to which the North wind was named (as such)

أبي رحمه الله عن محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن أحمد عن أحمد بن محمد السيارى رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قلت له لم سميت ريح الشمال؟ قال: لانها تأتي من شمال العرش.

My father, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Sayyari,

Abu Abdullah-asws, replied, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘Why was the north wind named (as such)?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it comes from the north of the Throne’.[1213]

(باب 383 – العلة التي من أجلها لا يجوز سب الرياح والجبال) (والساعات والايام والليالي)

Chapter 383 – The reason due to which it is not allowed to insult the winds, and the mountains, and the times, and the days, and the nights

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن الحسين بن يزيد النوفلي عن اسماعيل بن مسلم السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لا تسبوا الرياح فانها مأموره، ولا تسبوا الجبال ولا الساعات ولا الايام ولا الليالي فتأتموا وترجع عليكم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Husayn Bin Yazeed Al Nowfaly, from Ismail Bin Muslim Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Do not insult the winds, for these are Commanded; and do not insult the mountains, nor the times, nor the day, nor the nights, for it would be accomplished and returned back to you’.[1214]

(باب 384 – العلة التي من أجلها سمى الطارق طارقا)

Chapter 384 – The reason due to which Al-Tariq (a star) is named as Tariq

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عن أحمد بن النضر عن محمد بن مروان عن حريز عن الضحاك بن مزاحم قال: سئل علي عليه السلام عن الطارق، قال: هو احسن نجم السماء، وليس تعرفه الناس، وانما سمي الطارق لانه يطرق نوره سماء سماءا إلى سبع سموات، ثم يطرق راجعا حتى يرجع إلى مكانه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Al Nazar, from Muhammad Bin Marwan, from Hareyz, from Al Zahaak Bin Mazahim who said,

‘Ali-asws was asked about Al-Tariq. He-asws said: ‘It is the best star of the sky, and the people do not recognise it. But rather, Al-Tariq is named (as such) because its light hits the sky after sky, up to the seventh sky, then it bounces back until it returns to its place’.[1215]

(باب 385 – نوادر العلل)

Chapter 385 – Miscellaneous reasons

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن هارون بن مسلم عن مسعدة بن صدقة عن رجل عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إذا ولد ولي الله صرخ ابليس صرخة يفزع لها شياطينه، قال: فقلت له يا سيدهم مالك صرخت هذه الصرخة؟ قال: فقال ولد ولي الله، قال: فقالوا ما عليك من ذلك، قال: انه ان عاش حتى يبلغ مبلغ الرجال هدى الله به قوما كثيرا، قال: فقالوا له: أولا تأذن لنا فنقتله، قال: لا، فيقولون له ولم وأنت تكرهه، قال لان بقائنا باولياء الله فإذا لم يكن لله في الارض ولي قامت القيامة فصرنا إلى النار فما بالنا نتعجل إلى النار

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Haroun Bin Muslim, from Mas’ada Bin Sadaqa, from a man,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘When a Guardian-asws of Allah-azwj comes (to the earth), Iblees-la shrieks out with a shriek terrifying his-la devils. So they say to him-la, ‘O chief! What is the matter with you-la shrieking with this shriek?’ So he-la says, ‘A Guardian-asws of Allah-azwj has been born’. So they say, ‘What is upon you-la from that?’ He-la says, ‘He-asws would live until he reaches the age of the men. Allah-azwj would Guide a lot of people by him-asws’. So they say to him-la, ‘Allow us first so that we can kill him-asws’. He-la said, ‘No’. So they are saying, ‘And why not, and you-la hate him-as?’ He-la says, ‘Because our survival (remaining) is by the Guardian-asws of Allah-azwj. So if there were not to be a Guardian-asws of Allah-azwj in the earth, the Day of Judgement would be Established, so we would end up in the Fire. So what is our concern that we should hasten into the Fire?’[1216]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن ابيه عن يحيى بن عمران الهمداني ومحمد بن اسماعيل بن بزيع عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن العيص بن القاسم قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول: اتقوا الله وانظروا لانفسكم فان احق من نظر لها انتم لو كان لاحدكم نفسان فقدم احديهما وجرب بها استقبل التوبة بالاخرى كان ولكنها نفس واحدة إذا ذهبت فقد ذهبت والله التوبة ان اتاكم منا آت يدعوكم إلى الرضا منا فنحن ننشدكم انا لا نرضى انه لا يطيعنا اليوم وهو وحده فكيف يطيعنا إذا ارتفعت الرايات والاعلام.

Muhammad Bin Al Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Yahya Bin Imran Al Hamdany and Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Bazie, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Ays Bin Qasim who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘Fear Allah-azwj, and look at your own selves, for the most rightful ones to look at these are yourselves. If one of you had two souls, he would have proceeded with one of these and experimented with it, and accepted the repentance with the other. But, the soul is one; if it goes, by Allah-azwj, the repentance would go. If a comer comes to you from us-asws, inviting you all to the pleasure from us-asws, so we-asws hereby adjure you that we are not pleased as he does not obey us-asws today, and he is one. So how would he obey us-asws when (many) flags and banners are raised?’[1217]

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن جعفر بن محمد مالك قال: حدثني عباد بن يعقوب عن عمر بن بشير البزاز قال: قال أبو جعفر محمد بن علي الباقر عليه السلام ما يستطيع اهل القدر أن يقولوا والله لقد خلق الله آدم للدنيا واسكنه الجنة ليعصيه فيرده إلى ما خلقه له.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Malik, from Abad Bin Yaqoub, from Umar Bin Basheer Al Bazaz,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali Al-Baqir-asws: ‘What are the people (believing in) the Pre-determination (Al-Qadiriyya) able to say, and Allah-azwj had Created Adam-as for the world, and Settled him-as in the Paradise in order to disobey Him-azwj, so He-azwj Returned him-as to what He-azwj had Created him-as for’.[1218]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا القاسم بن محمد بن علي بن ابراهيم النهاوندي عن صالح بن راهويه عن أبي حيون مولى الرضا عن الرضا (ع) قال: نزل جبرئيل على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله فقال: يا محمد ان ربك يقرئك السلام ويقول: ان الابكار من النساء بمنزلة الثمر على الشجر، فإذا اينع الثمر فلا دواء له إلا اجتنائه وإلا افسدته الشمس وغيرته الريح، وان الابكار إذا ادركن ما يدرك النساء فلا دواء لهن إلا البعول، وإلا لم يؤمن عليهن الفتنة،

My father said, ‘Al Qasim Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Ibrahim Al Nahavandy narrated to us, from Salih Bin Rahawiya, from Abu Hayoun,

A slave of Al-Reza-asws has reported from Al Reza-asws: ‘Jibraeel-as descended unto the Prophet-saww, so he-as said: ‘O Muhammad-saww! Your-saww Lord-azwj Conveys to you-as His-azwj Greetings and is Saying: “The virgins from the women are at the status of the fruits upon the trees, so when the fruit ripens, so there is no cure for it except to pick it, or else the sun and other winds would spoil it. And if the virgins realise (reach the age of) the women, so there is no cure for them except for the husband, or else they would not be secure from the strife’.

فصعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله المنبر فخطب الناس ثم اعلمهم ما امر الله تعالى به فقالوا: ممن يا رسول الله؟ فقال: من الاكفاء فقالوا: ومن الاكفاء؟ فقال المؤمنون بعضهم اكفاء من بعض ثم لم ينزل حتى زوج ضباعة المقداد بن الاسود الكندي ثم قال: ايها الناس اني زوجت ابنة عمي المقداد ليتضع النكاح.

So, Rasool-Allah-saww ascended the Pulpit, addressed the people, then he-saww let them know what Allah-azwj the High had Commanded with. So they said, ‘Whom (shall we get them married to), O Rasool-Allah-saww!’ So he-saww said: ‘To the matching ones’. So they said, ‘And who are the matching ones?’ So he-saww said: ‘The Believers are a match for each others’. Then he-saww did not descend until he-saww got Zaba’at married to Al Miqdad Al Aswad Al Kindy, then he-saww said: ‘O you people! I-saww have hereby married a daughter of my-saww uncle to Al-Miqdad in order to place the (foundations of) the marriage’.[1219]

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي نجران عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن القسامة، فقال هي حق ولو لا ذلك لقتل الناس بعضهم بعضا ولم يكن شئ وانما القسامة حوط يحاط به الناس.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Najran, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(The narrator says), ‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about the compurgation (sworn endorsements), so he-asws said: ‘It is right, and had it not been for that, the people would have killed each other and nothing would have happened. But rather, the compurgation is a safeguard by which the people safeguard themselves’.[1220]

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن محمد بن علي عن محمد بن أحمد عن أبان بن عثمان عن اسماعيل الجعفي قال: قلت لابي جعفر عليه السلام ان المغيرة يزعم ان الحائض تقضى الصلاة كما تقضى الصوم، فقال: ما له لا وفقه الله ان امرأة عمران قالت: إنى نذرت لك ما في بطني محررا والمحرر للمسجد لا يخرج منه ابدا، فلما وضعت مريم، قالت رب اني وضعتها انثى وليس الذكر كالانثى، فلما وضعتها ادخلها المسجد، فلما بلغت مبلغ النساء أخرجت من المسجد اني كانت تجد اياما تقضيها وهي عليها أن تكون الدهر في المسجد

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Aban Bin Usman, from Ismail Al Ju’fy who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far-asws that Al-Mugheira is alleging that the menstruating woman fulfills the (missed) Prayers just as she fulfills the (missed) Fasts’. So he-asws said: ‘What is the matter with him? May Allah-azwj not Incline him (towards the Truth). [3:35] When a wife of Imran said: My Lord! I vow to You what is in my womb, to be devoted (to Your worship). And the devotee is for the Masjid and does not come out from it, ever. So when she placed (gave birth to) Maryam-as, she said, ‘Lord-azwj! [3:36] she said: My Lord! Surely I have brought it forth a female – and the male is not like the female. So when she had given birth to her-as, entered her-as into the Masjid. So when she-as the age of the woman, brought her-as out from the Masjid if she-as found her-as (menstruating) days. And it was upon her-as to spend all her-as time in the Masjid’.[1221]

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن علي ابن الحكم عن علي بن اسباط عن رجل من اصحابنا من أهل خراسان رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: علم الله تعالى ان الذنب خير للمؤمن من العجب ولولا ذلك ما ابتلاه بذنب أبدا.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali Ibn Al Hakam, from Ali Bin Asbaat, from a man from our companions from the people of Khurasan,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Knows that the sin is better for the Believer than the arrogance, and had it not been for that, would not have Tested him with sins, ever’.[1222]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبيه عن محمد بن سليمان عن داود بن النعمان عن عبد الرحيم القصير قال: قال لي أبو جعفر عليه السلام: أما لو قام قائمنا لقد ردت إليه الحميراء حتى يجلدها الحد وحتى ينتقم لابنة محمد فاطمة عليها السلام منها، قلت: جعلت فداك ولم يجلدها الحد؟ قال: لفريتها على ام ابراهيم، قلت: فكيف اخره الله للقائم؟ فقال: لان الله تبارك وتعالى بعث محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله رحمة وبعث القائم عليه السلام نقمة

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman, from Dawood Bin Al Noman, from Abdul Raheem who said,

‘Abu Ja’far-asws said to me: ‘But, when our-asws Qaim-asws were to rise, Al-Humeyra (Ayesha) would be referred to him-asws until he-asws whips her with the Limit, and until he-asws exacts revenge for Syeda Fatima-asws, the daughter of Muhammad-saww’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And why would he-asws whip her?’ He-asws said: ‘For having fabricated upon Umm Ibrahim-as (Mariah the Coptic, the mother of Ibrahim-as the son-as of Rasool-Allah-saww)’. I said, ‘So how come Allah-azwj would Delay it for Al-Qaim-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent Muhammad-saww as a mercy, and would be Sending Al-Qaim-asws as an avenger’.[1223]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن علي بن ابراهيم المنقري أو غيره رفعه قال: قيل للصادق عليه السلام ان من سعادة المرء خفة عارضية، فقال: وما في هذا من السعادة، انما السعادة خفة ماضغيه بالتسبيح.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Al Munqary, or someone else, raising it, said,

‘It was said to Al-Sadiq-asws, ‘It is from the happiness of the person, lightness of the cheeks’. So he-asws said: ‘And what is in this, from the happiness?’ But rather, the happiness is in the lightness of his jaws from the Glorification (of Allah-azwj)’.[1224]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن أبيه عن صالح بن سعيد عن يونس عن عبد الله بن سنان قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام: اقوام اشتركوا في جارية وأتمنوا بعضهم وجعلوا الجارية عنده فوطئها، قال يجلد الحد ويدرء عنه من الحد بقدر ماله فيها وتقوم الجارية ويغرم ثمنها للشركاء، فان كانت القيمة في اليوم الذي وطئ أقل مما اشتريت فانه يلزم أكثر الثمنين لانه قد افسد على شركاءه وان كانت القيمة في اليوم الذي وطئ أكثر مما اشتريت به الزم الاكثر لاستفسادها.

My father said, ‘Ali Bin Ibrahim narrated to us, from his father, from Salih Bin Saeed, from Yunus, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘A group of people participated in (buying a) slave girl, and entrusted one of them and made the slave girl to be with him, so he copulated with her’. He-asws said: ‘He would be whipped with the Limit, and there would be subtracted from it from the Limit in accordance with his wealth in her, and the slave girl would be sold and her price would be for the participants. So if the price in the day in which she was copulated with is less than what she was bought for, so it would necessitate for him the higher (original) price, because he had corrupted upon the participants. And if her price on the day in which she was copulated with was more that what she had been bought for, the higher price would be necessitated (upon him) for having spoilt her’.[1225]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ما جيلويه قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن احمد عن محمد بن الحسين عن محمد بن اسلم الجبلي عن عاصم بن حميد عن محمد بن قيس عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: سألته عن امرأة ذات بعل زنت فحبلت، فلما ولدت قتلت ولدها سرا، قال: تجلد مائة لقتلها ولدها وترجم لانها محصنة.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Aslam Al Jabaly, from Aasim Bin Hameed, from Muhammad Bin Qays,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the woman with a husband (married) who committed adultery and became pregnant. So when she gave birth, she killer her child secretly’. He-asws said: ‘She would be whipped one hundred (lashes) for killing her child, and would be stoned, because she was married’.[1226]

أبي رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد وعبد الله ابني محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن محمد الحلبي عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن رجل مسلم قتل رجلا مسلما عمدا ولم يكن للمقتول اولياء من المسلمين إلا وليا من أهل الذمة من قرابته، قال: على الامام أن يعرض على قرابته من أهل الذمة الاسلام، فمن اسلم منهم رفع القاتل إليه فان شاء الله قتل وان شاء عفى وان شاء أخذ الدية فان لم يسلم من قرابته احد كان الامام ولى أمره فان شاء قتل وان شاء أخذ الدية فجعلها في بيت مال المسلمين لان جناية المقتول كانت على الامام، فكذلك تكون ديته للامام.

My father, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad and Abdullah, two sons of Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Muhammad Al Halby,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about a Muslim man who intentionally killed a Muslim man, and there do not happen to be for the victim any guardians from the Muslims except for a guardian from the Ahl Al-Zimman, from his near relatives’. He-asws said: ‘It is upon the Imam-asws that he-asws presents Al-Islam to his near relatives from the Ahl Al-Zimma. So the one from them who becomes a Muslim, he-asws would raise the killer to him, so if he so wishes, kills him, and if he so wishes, excuses him, and if he so wishes, takes the blood money. But, if no one from his near relatives were to become Muslim, the Imam-asws would be the Master of his affairs, so if he-asws so desires, kills him, and if he-asws so desires, takes the blood money and makes it to be in the Public Treasury of the Muslims, because the felony of the victim was upon the Imam-asws, therefore the blood money come to be for the Imam-asws’.[1227]

أبي رحمه الله عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن ابان بن الصلت قال: جاء قوم بخراسان إلى الرضا (ع) فقالوا: ان قوما من أهل بيتك يتعاطون امورا قبيحة فلو نهيتهم عنها، فقال: لا افعل فقيل لاني سمعت أبي يقول النصيحة خشنة

My father, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri, from Aban Bin Al Salt who said,

‘A group of people came at Khurasan, to Al-Reza-asws, so they said, ‘There are a people from your-asws family who are taking to ugly matters, if only you-asws would prevent them’. So he-asws said: ‘I-asws will not do it. So it was said, ‘(Why)?’ (He-asws said): ‘I-asws heard my-asws father-asws saying: ‘The advice is rough’.[1228]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن العباس ابن معروف عن علي بن مهزيار عن الحسن بن سعيد عن القاسم بن محمد عن علي قال: سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن رجل بدأ بالمروة قبل الصفا، قال: يعيد ألا ترى انه لو بدأ بشماله قبل يمينه في الوضوء أراه أن يعيد الوضوء.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Al Abbas Ibn Marouf, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Ali who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullah-asws about a man who began (Sa’ee) with Al-Marwa before Al-Safa. He-asws said: ‘He should repeat it. Have you not seen that if he had begun with his left hand before the right hand in the ablution, he would have had to repeat his ablution?’[1229]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن عبد الله بن المغيرة عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام، قال: تقطع او داء ابيك فيطفى نورك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Abdullah Bin Al Mugheira, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘If you cut off relationships with the friends of your father, so you would extinguish your own light’.[1230]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله عن علي بن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن ابيه عن ميمون القداح عن جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام قال: جئت إلى أبي عليه السلام بكتاب أعطانيه انسان فاخرجته من كمى، فقال لي: يا بني لا تحمل في كمك شيئا فان الكم مضياع.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from his father, from Maymoun Al Qadah,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws having said: ‘I-asws came to my-asws father-asws with a letter which someone had given me-asws, so I-asws took it out from my-asws sleeve. So he-asws said to me-asws: ‘O my-asws son-asws! Do not carry anything in your-asws sleeve, for (in) the sleeve, it would be lost’.[1231]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، قال حدثنا محمد بن أحمد عن محمد بن عبد الحميد عن يونس بن يعقوب عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله (ع) عن أبيه عن جابر بن عبد الله الانصاري قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله أجيفوا ابوابكم وخمروا آنيتكم وأوكوا اسقيتكم، فان الشيطان لا يكشف غطاء، ولا يحل وكاء، وأطفؤا سرجكم فان الفويسقة تضرم البيت على أهله وأحبسوا مواشيكم وأهليكم من حيث تجب الشمس إلى أن تذهب فحمة العشاء.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Hameed, from yunus Bin Yaqoub, from the one who mentioned it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, from his-asws father-asws, from Jabir Bin Abdullah Al-Ansary who said, ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Keep your doors wide open, and keep your utensils covered, and tie up your water jugs, for the Satan-la does not uncover the lids, and does not loosen the knots; and extinguish your lamps for the rats would set alight the house upon its inhabitants; and withhold your livestock and your families from when the sun sets until the darkness of Al-Isha goes away’.[1232]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله عن عمه محمد بن أبي القاسم عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن الحسن بن محبوب عن عبد الرحمن بن الحجاج عن بكير بن أعين عن أبي جعفر (ع) في رجل سرق فلم يقدر عليه، ثم سرق مرة اخرى فجاءت البينة فشهدوا عليه بالسرقة الاولى والسرقة الاخيرة، قال: تقطع يده بالسرقة الاولى ولا تقطع رجله بالسرقة الاخيرة، فقيل له: كيف تقطع يده بالسرقة الاولى ولا تقطع رجله بالسرقة الاخيرة؟ فقال: لان الشهود شهدوا عليه بالسرقة الاولى والاخيرة جميعا في مقام واحد ولو ان الشهود شهدوا عليه بالسرقة الاولى، ثم أمسكوا حتى تقطع يده، ثم شهدوا عليه بعد بالسرقة الاخيرة قطعت رجله اليسري.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from his uncle Muhammad Bin Abu Al Qasim, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abdul Rahman Bin Al Hajaj, from Bakeyr Bin Ayn,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding a man who stole but there was no ability over him (not caught). Then he stole once again, so the proof came, and he testified upon it with the first theft and the second theft’. He-asws said: ‘His hand would be cut with the first theft and his leg would not be cut with the last theft’. So it was said to him-asws, ‘How come his hand would be cut with the first theft, and his leg would not be cut with the last theft?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because the witnesses testified against him with the first theft and the last theft together in one place, and had the witnesses testified against him with the first theft, then waited until his hand was cut, then testified against him afterwards with the second theft, his left leg would be cut’.[1233]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد قال: حدثني أبو جعفر أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن رجل عن علي بن اسباط عن عمه يعقوب رفع الحديث إلى علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في كلام كثير لا تؤوا منديل اللحم في البيت فانه مربض الشيطان ولا تؤوا التراب خلف الباب فانه مأوى الشياطين، وإذا خلع أحدكم ثيابه فليسم لئلا تلبسها الجن فانه ان لم يسم عليها لبستها الجن حتى يصبح، ولا تتبعوا الصيد فانكم على غرة

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Ja’far Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from a man, from Ali bin Asbaat, from his uncle Yaqoub,

In a Hadeeth going to Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said in many a speech: ‘Do not keep the towel wrapping of the meat in the house, for it is an enclosure of the Satan-la; nor keep dust accumulating behind the door, for it is a shelter of the Satans-la; and whenever one of you puts off his clothes, to let him say ‘Bismillah’, perhaps the Jinn might wear it, for if ‘Bismillah’ is not recited over it, the Jinn would wear it until the morning; and do not chase after the hunt, for you are upon the surprise;

وإذا بلغ احدكم باب حجرته فليسم فانه يفر الشيطان، وإذا دخل احدكم بيته فليسلم فانه ينزله البركة وتؤنسه الملائكة ولا يرتدف ثلاثة على دابة فان احدهم ملعون وهو المقدم ولا تسموا الطريق السكة فانه لا سكة إلا سكك الجنة ولا تسموا اولادكم الحكم ولا ابا الحكم فان الله هو الحكم ولا تنذكروا الاخرى إلا بخير فان الله هو الاخرى،

and whenever one of you reaches the door of his chamber, so let him say ‘Bismillah’, for the Satan-la would flee and whenever one of you enters his house, so let him say ‘Bismillah’, for the Blessings would descend and the Angels would love it; and three should not ride upon an animal, for one of them would be an accursed, and he would be the first one; And do not name the road as ‘the straight’, for there is no straight road except for the straight road to the Paradise; and do not name your children ‘Al-Hakam’, nor ‘Abu Al-Hakam’, for Allah-azwj is Al-Hakam (The All-Wise); and do not mention ‘the last one’ except with the goodness, for it is Allah-azwj Who is the Last One;

ولا تسموا العنب الكرم فان المؤمن هو الكرم وأتقوا الخروج بعد نومة فان الله دوابا يبثها يفعلون ما يؤمرون وإذا سمعتم نباح الكلب ونهيق الحمير فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان الرجيم فانهن يرون ولا ترون فافعلوا ما تؤمرون ونعم اللهو المغزل للمرأة الصالحة.

And do not name the grapes as ‘the benevolent’, for it is the Believer who is the benevolent; and fear the going out after sleep, for Allah-azwj has certain animal who are doing whatever they have been Commanded to; and whenever you hear the barking of the dogs or the braying of the donkeys, so seek Refuge with Allah-azwj from the Satan-la the Pelted One, for they are seeing what you are not seeing, therefore do what you are being commanded for, and the best of the amusements is the spindle, for the righteous woman’.[1234]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن محمد ابن ماجيلويه عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن أبيه عن حماد بن عثمان عن عبيد ابن زرارة عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: كنت عند زياد بن عبيد الله وجماعة من أهل بيتي، فقال: يا بني علي وفاطمة ما فضلكم على الناس؟ فسكتوا، فقلت ان من فضلنا على الناس انا لا نجب ان تأمر احد سوانا وليت احد من الناس لا يجب ان يكون منا إلا الشرك، قال: ثم قال ارووا هذا الحديث.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Muhammad Ibn Majaylawiya, from Ahmad Bin Abdu Abdullah Al Barqy, from his father, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Ubeyd Ibn Zarara,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘I-asws was in the presence of Ziyad Bin Ubeydullah along with a group from my-asws family members, so he said, ‘O children of Ali-asws and Fatima-asws, what is your preference over the (generality) of the people?’ So they were silent. So I-asws said: ‘From our-asws preference over the people is that we-asws do not take orders from anyone besides ourselves-asws, and if anyone from the people were to order us-asws, not being from us, it would not be except for the association (Shirk)’. Then he-asws said: ‘Report this Hadeeth’.[1235]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله عن سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن الحسن بن محبوب عن مالك بن عطية عن سليمان بن خالد عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن رجل مسلم قتل وله اب نصراني لمن تكون ديته؟ قال: تؤخذ ديته فتجعل في بيت مال المسلمين لانها جناية على بيت مال المسلمين.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Maalik Bin Atiya, from Suleyman Bin Khalid,

Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about a Muslim man who was killed, and for him was a Christian father. For whom would his blood money be?’ He-asws said: ‘His blood money would be taken and placed in the Public treasury, because it is a felony upon the Public treasury of the Muslims’.[1236]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي، قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن ابن محبوب عن مالك بن عطية عن أبي حمزة عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: وجدنا في كتاب علي عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إذا ظهر الزنا من بعدي كثر موت الفجأة وإذا طففت المكيال أخذهم الله بالسين والنقص، وإذا منعوا الزكاة منعت الارض بركتها من الزرع والثمار والمعادن كلها،

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Ibn Mahboub, from Maalik Bin Atiya, from Abu Hamza,

Abu Ja’far-asws has said: ‘We-asws found in the Book of Ali-asws, having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When the adultery is apparent from after me-saww, the sudden death would increase; and when deficiencies are given in the measure and weight, Allah-azwj would Seize them with the drought and the shortages; and when the Zakat is prevented, the earth would prevent its blessings, and the fruits, and all of its mines;

وإذا جاروا في الاحكام تعاونوا على الظلم والعدوان، وإذا نقضوا العهد سلط الله عليهم عدوهم وإذا قطعت الارحام جعلت الاموال في ايدي الاشرار، وإذا لم يأمروا بالمعروف ولم ينهوا عن المنكر ولم يتبعوا الاخيار من أهل بيتي سلط الله عليهم أشرارهم فتدعوا خيارهم فلا يستجاب لهم.

And when the rulings are tyrannous, they (people) would be collaborating upon the injustices and the oppression; and when the Covenant is broken, Allah-azwj would Make their enemies to overcome upon them; and when the relationships are cut-off, the wealth would come to be in the hands of the evil ones; and when goodness would not be enjoined, and the evil would not be prevented, and the best ones-asws from the People-asws of my-saww Household are not followed, Allah-azwj would make their evil ones to overcome upon them, so their best ones would be supplicating, but they would not be Answered’.[1237]

حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسرور رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن محمد بن عامر عن معلي بن محمد عن العباس بن العلا عن مجاهد عن أبيه عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال الذنوب التي تغير النعم البغي والذنوب التي تورث الندم القتل والتي تنزل النقم الظلم والتي تهتك الستور شرب الخمر والتي تحبس الرزق الزنا والتي تعجل الفناء قطعية الرحم والتي ترد الدعاء وتظلم الهواء عقوق الوالدين.

Ja’far Bin Muhamad Bin Masroor narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Muhammad Bin Aamir, from Moala Bin Muhammad, from Al Abbas Bin Al A’ala, from Mujahid, from his father,

Abu Abdullah-asws has said: ‘The sins which change the Bounties is the tyrannies; and the sins which inherit the remorse is the murder; and that which causes the curses to descend is the injustice; and that which tear the veils is drinking of the wine; and that which withholds the sustenance is the adultery; and that which hastens the destruction is cutting of the relationships; and that which repels the supplications and darkens the atmosphere is the disobedience to the two parents (Rasool Allah-saww and Amir-ul-Momineen-asws) ’.[1238]

أخبرني علي بن حاتم رحمه الله قال: حدثنا اسماعيل بن علي بن قدامة ابو السرى قال: حدثنا احمد بن علي بن ناصح، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد الارمني قال: حدثنا الحسن بن عبد الوهاب قال: حدثنا علي بن حديد المدائني عمن حدثه عن المفضل بن عمر، قال: سألت جعفر بن محمد عليه السلام عن الطفل يضحك من غير عجب ويكبي من غير ألم، فقال: يا مفضل ما من طفل إلا وهو يرى الامام ويناجيه فبكائه لغيبة الامام عنه، وضحكه إذا اقبل عليه حتى إذا اطلق لسانه اغلق ذلك الباب عنه وضرب على قلبه بالنسيان.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Ismail Bin Ali Bin Qadama Al Sara, from Ahmad Bin Ali Bin Nasih, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Al Armany, from Al Hassan Bin Abdul Wahab, from Ali Bin Hadeed Al Madainy, from the one who narrated it, from Al Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘I asked Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws about the child who laughs without any wonderment, and weeps without being in pain. So he-asws said: ‘O Mufazzal! There is none from the children except that he sees the Imam-asws, and whispers to him-asws. So he cries due to the absence of the Imam-asws from him, and laughs when he faces him-asws, until his tongue is freed (starts talking), that door is closed from him, and forgetfulness is struck upon his heart’.[1239]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ماجيلويه رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن ابراهيم عن عثمان بن عيسي عن أبي الجارود رفعه فيما يروى إلى علي صلوات الله عليه قال: ان ابراهيم صلى الله عليه مر ببانقيا فكان يزلزل بها فبات بها فاصبح القوم ولم يزلزل بهم، فقالوا: ما هذا وليس حدث، قالوا: نزل هاهنا شيخ ومعه غلام له قال: فاتوه،

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from Usman Bin Isa, from Abu Al Jaroud regarding what was reported,

It has been reported from Ali-asws: ‘Ibrahim-as passed by Banaqiya, and there had been a tremor. So he-as spent the night there. In the morning the people woke up and there was no tremor with them. So they said, ‘What is this, and it (tremor) did not occur?’ They said, ‘An old man has lodged over here along with him-as is a slave of his-as’. They said, ‘Bring him-as’.

فقالوا له: يا هذا انه كان يزلزل بنا كل ليلة ولم يزلزل بنا هذه الليلة فبت عندنا، فبات فلم يزلزل بهم، فقالوا: أقم عندنا ونحن نجري عليك ما احببت قال: لا، ولكن تبيعوني هذا الظهر، ولا يزلزل بكم، فقالوا: فهو لك، قال: لا آخذه إلا بالشراء فقالوا: فخذه ما شئت فاشتراه بسبع نعاج واربعة احمرة فلذلك سمي بانقيا لان النعاج بالنبطية نقيا

So they said to him-as, ‘O you! There has been a tremor with us every single night, and there was no tremor with us this night, so spend the night among us’. So he-as spent the night, and there was no tremor with them. Stay with us and we will gift upon you-as whatever you-as like’. He-as said: ‘No, but sell this surface (land) to me-as, and there will not be a tremor with you’. So they said, ‘So it is for you-as (for free)’. He-as said: ‘I-as shall not take it except with buying’. So they said, ‘So take it, with whatever (price) you-as so like to’. So he-as bought it for seven sheep and four donkeys. Thus, it was due to that, it was named as Banaqiya (By Naqiya), because the sheep are called ‘Naqiya’ in Nabatean (language)’.

قال: فقال له غلامه: يا خليل الرحمن ما تصنع بهذا الظهر ليس فيه زرع ولا ضرع فقال له اسكت فان الله تعالى يحشر من هذا الظهر سبعين الفا يدخلون الجنة بغير حساب يشفع الرجل منهم لكذا وكذا.

He-asws said: ‘So his-as slave said to him-as: ‘O Friend of the Beneficent! What will you-as do with this piece of land? There is no plantation nor any udders therein’. So he-as said to him: ‘Silence, for Allah-azwj will Raise from this land seventy thousand who would be entering the Paradise without Reckoning. The man among them would intercede for such and such’.[1240]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن أبي أيوب قال: حدثنا أبو بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: لما رأي ابراهيم ملكوت السموات والارض التفت فرأى رجلا يزنى فدعا عليه فمات، ثم رأي آخر فدعا عليه فمات، حتى رأي ثلاثة فدعا عليهم فماتوا،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Abu Ayoub, from Abu Baseer,

Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When Ibrahim-as saw the Kingdom of the skies and the earth, he-as turned and saw a man committing adultery. So he-as supplicated against him. He died. Then he-as saw another one. He-as supplicated against him, so he died as well, to the extent that he-as saw a third one, and he-as supplicated against him and he died too.

فأوحى الله تعالى أبيه: يا ابراهيم دعوتك مجابة فلا تدع على عبادي فاني لو شئت لم اخلقهم اني خلقت خلقي على ثلاثة اصناف: عبدا يعبدني لا يشرك بي شيئا فاثيبه وعبدا يعبد غيري فلن يفوتني وعبدا يعبد غيري فاخرج من صلبه من يعبدني،

So Allah-azwj Revealed unto him-as: “O Ibrahim-as! If you-as supplicate, it would be Answered, so do not supplicate against My-azwj servants, for if I-azwj had so Desired, I-azwj would have never Created them. I-azwj Created My-azwj creation upon three categories. There is a type of servant who worships Me-azwj and does not associate anything with Me-azwj, so I-azwj Reward him; and there is a servant who worships other than Me-azwj so he won’t escape Me-azwj; and a servant who worships other than Me-azwj, so I-azwj bring out from his descendants the one who would worship Me-azwj”.

ثم التفت فرأى جيفة على ساحل البحر بعضها في الماء، وبعضها في البر تجئ سباع البحر فتأكل ما في الماء، ثم ترجع فيشتمل بعضها على بعض فيأكل بعضها بعضا وتجئ سباع البر فتأكل منها فيشتمل بعضها على بعض فيأكل بعضها بعضها فعند ذلك تعجب ابراهيم مما رأي وقال: يا رب ارني كيف تحيي الموتى هذه امم يأكل بعضها بعضا، قال: أو لم تؤمن! قال: بلى ولكن ليطمئن قلبي فتحيى حتى ارى هذا كما رأيت الاشياء كلها قال: خذ أربعة من الطير فقطعن واخلطهن كما اختلطت هذه الجيفة في هذه السباع التي اكل بعضها بعضا، فاخلطهن ثم اجعل على كل جبل منهن جزء، ثم ادعهن يأتينك سعيا، فلما دعاهن اجبنه وكانت الجبال عشرة

Then he-as turned, so he-as saw a carcass on the coast of the sea, half of it was in the water and half of it in the sand. The sea predators came and ate what was in the water, then returned and he-as saw some of them on top of the others eating each other, and the predators of the land came and ate from it. So he-as saw some of them on top of each other, eating each other. That surprised Ibrahim-as from what he-as saw, and said: [2:260] And when Ibrahim said: Lord! Show me how You Revive the dead. How do You-azwj Bring back that which has consumed each other’. He said: Or you do not believe? He said: Yes, but to reassure my heart, meaning, until he-as sees this like he sees all the things’. “Allah said, So take four of the birds, then train them to follow you, then place on every mountain a part of them, then call them, they will come to you swiftly. So he-as cut them and mixed them up just like this corpse has been mixed up inside the lion which some of them consumed the others then place on every mountain a part of them, then call them, they will come to you swiftly. So when he-as called them over, they responded. And the mountains were ten in number’.

قال: وكانت الطيور الديك والحمامة والطاووس والغراب.

And he-asws said: ‘And the birds were – The rooster, and the dove, and the peacock, and the crow’.[1241]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن محبوب عن عبد الله بن غالب الاسدي عن أبيه عن سعيد بن المسيب قال: سألت علي بن الحسين (ع) عن قول الله تعالى (لو لا أن يكون الناس امة واحدة) قال: عني بذلك امة محمد أن يكونوا على دين واحد كفارا كلهم (لجعلنا لمن يكفر بالرحمن لبيوتهم شقفا من فضة ومعارج عليها يظهرون) ولو فعل ذلك بامة محمد صلى الله عليه وآله لحزن المؤمنون وغمهم ذلك ولم يناكحوهم ولم يوارثوهم.

My father said, ‘sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abdullah Bin Ghalib Al Asady, from his father, from Saeed Bin Al Musayyab who said,

‘I asked Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws about the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [43:33] And were it not that all people had been a single nation, he-asws said: ‘It Means by that, the community of Muhammad-saww becoming upon one Religion, all of them being Infidels We would certainly have Assigned to those who disbelieve in the Beneficent (to make) of silver the roofs of their houses and the stairs by which they ascend. And had that been done with the community of Muhammad-saww, the Believers would have grieved and saddened by that, and would neither have married them nor inherited from them’.[1242]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن النوفلي عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله إذا آوى احدكم إلى فراشه فليمسحه بطرف إزاره فانه لا يدري ما يحدث عليه، ثم ليقل اللهم ان امسكت نفسي في منامي فاغفر لها وان ارسلتها فاحفظها بما تحفظ به عبادك الصالحين.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Sa’ad Bin Abdullah, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Al Nowfaly, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘The Prophet-saww said: ‘Whenever one of you betakes himself to his bed, so let him wipe a corner of his trouser, so he does not know what would occur upon him. The let him say, ‘O Allah-azwj! If You-azwj were to Withhold my soul during my sleep, so Forgive it, and if You-azwj were to Send it, so Protect it with what You-azwj Protect Your-azwj righteous servants’.[1243]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه عن الحسن بن سعيد عن علي بن النعمان عن يحيى الازرق قال: قلت لابي الحسن (ع) انى طفت اربعة اسباع فعييب فيها فاصلي ركعتها وانا جالس فقال: لا، فقلت: كيف يصلي الرجل صلاة الليل إذا أعيا أو وجد فترة وهو جالس وهذا لا يصلح، قال: يستقيم ان تطوف وانت جالس؟ قلت: لا، قال: فصلها وأنت قائم.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahiyar, from his brother, from Al Hassan Bin Saeed, from Ali Bin Al Noman, from Yahya Al Azraq who said,

‘I said to Abu Al-Hassan-asws, ‘I circumambulated four out of seven circuits, and I was tired in it, so shall I Pray two Cycles whilst seated?’ So he-asws said: ‘No’. So I said, ‘How come the man can Pray the night Prayer whilst seated when he is tired, or finds an interval, and this (Prayer) is not correct?’ He-asws said: ‘Would you have been correct when you circumambulated, and you were seated?’ I said, ‘No’. He-asws said: ‘So Pray it, and you are standing’.[1244]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن معاوية ابن وهب، قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام بلغنا ان رجلا من الانصار مات وعليه دين فلم يصل عليه النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وقال: لا تصلون على صاحبكم حق يقضى عنه الدين فقال: ذلك حق،

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim, Bin Hashim, from Ismail Bin marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Muawiya Ibn Wahab who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘It has reached us that a man from the Helpers died, and upon his was a debt, so the Prophet-saww did not Pray over him, and said: ‘Do not Pray over your companions until his debt is paid off’. So he-asws said: ‘That is true’.

قال: ثم قال انما فعل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ذلك ليتعاطوا الحق، ويؤدي بعضهم إلى بعض ولئلا يستخفوا بالدين. قد مات رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وعليه دين، ومات علي عليه السلام وعليه دين، ومات الحسن عليه السلام وعليه دين، وقتل الحسين عليه السلام وعليه دين

He (the narrator) said, ‘Then he-asws said: ‘But rather, Rasool-Allah-saww did that in order for the right to be given, and they were lending to each other, perhaps they would belittle the (paying off of the) debt. Rasool-Allah-saww passed away, and upon him-saww was debt; and Ali-asws passed away and upon him-asws was debt; and Al-Hassan-asws passed away, and upon him-asws was debt; and Al-Husayn-asws was killed, and upon him-asws was debt’.[1245]

حدثنا محمد بن علي ما جيلويه عن محمد بن يحيى عن أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن ابن عمير عن أبان بن عثمان عن حماد، قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله (ع) يقول لا يحل لاحد أن يجمع بين الاثنتين من ولد فاطمة عليها السلام، ان ذلك يبلغها فيشق عليها، قال: قلت: يبلغها؟ قال: أي والله.

Muhammad Bin Ali Majaylawiya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from his father, from Ibn Umeyr, from Aban Bin Usman, from Hamaad who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullah-asws saying: ‘It is not Permissible for anyone that he gathers between two from the children of Syeda Fatima-asws (as wives). If that reaches her-asws it would tear her apart’. I said, ‘It reaches her-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, by Allah-azwj’.[1246]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن اسماعيل بن مرار عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن اسحاق ابن عمار عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قلت له محرم نظر إلى ساق امرأة فامنى، قال: إن كان موسرا فعليه بدنة وان كان بين ذلك فعليه بقرة وان كان فقيرا فعليه شاة، أما اني لم اجعل عليه من أجل الماء ولكن من أجل انه نظر إلى مالا يحل له.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ismail Bin marar, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Is’haq Ibn Amaar, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘One in Ihraam looks at the leg of a woman, so his semen discharges’. He-asws said: ‘If he was financially solvent, upon him would be a camel (as penalty); and if he was between that, so upon him would be a cow; and if he was poor, so upon him would be a sheep. But, I-asws am not making it upon him due to the water (discharge), but due to him having looked at what is not Permissible for him’.[1247]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى عن البرقي والحسين بن سعيد جميعا عن النضر بن سويد عن يحيى الحلبي عن بريد بن معاوية عن محمد بن مسلم قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام أصلحك الله بلغنا شكواك فاشفقنا، فلو أعلمتنا أو أعلمنا من بعدك؟ فقال: ان عليا عليه السلام كان عالما والعلم يتوارث ولا يهلك عالم إلا وبقى من بعده من يعلم مثل علمه أو ما شاء الله،

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Barqy and Al Husayn Bin Saeed both together, from Al nazar Bin Suweyd, from Yahya Al Halby, from Bureyd Bin Muawiya, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May Allah-azwj Keep you-asws well! Your-asws (health) complaints have reached us, so we felt compassionate. If only you-asws would let us-asws know, or we had known who is the one (Imam-asws) after you-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘Ali-asws was a Knowledgeable one, and the Knowledge is inherited, and a Knowledgeable one does not pass away except there remains from after him-asws one who know similar to what he-asws does, or whatever Allah-azwj so Desires’.

قلت: أفيسع الناس إذا مات العالم أن لا يعرفوا الذي بعده؟ فقال: أما اهل هذه البلدة فلا – يعني المدينة – وأما غيرها من البلدان فبقدر مسيرهم ان شاء الله تعالى يقول: (فلو لا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوا في الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون)

I said, ‘Do the people have the leeway that, when the knowledgeable one-asws passes away, that they do not recognise the one-asws who is after him-asws?’ So he-asws said: ‘As for the people of this city, so no – meaning Al-Medina – and as for the others from the (various other) cities, so it is in accordance to their travel distances. Allah-azwj is Saying [9:122] And it was not for the believers that they should go forth all together; why should not then a company from every party from among them go forth that they may apply themselves to obtain understanding in religion, and that they may warn their people when they come back to them that they may be cautious?

قال: قلت أرأيت من مات في طلب ذلك، فقال: بمنزلة من خرج من بيته مهاجرا إلى الله ورسوله ثم يدركه الموت، فقد وقع اجره على الله، قال: قلت فإذا قدموا، بأي شئ يعرفون صاحبهم؟ قال: يعطي السكينة والوقار والهيبة.

He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘What is your-asws view with regards to the one who dies during that (search for the successor-asws of the Imam-asws)?’ So he-asws said: ‘He would be at the status of [4:100] and whoever goes forth from his house fleeing to Allah and His Rasool, and then death overtakes him, his Reward is indeed with Allah’. I said, ‘So when they proceed, by which thing would they recognise their Master-asws?’ He-asws: ‘He-asws would be with tranquillity, and the dignity, and splendor’.[1248]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر عن علي بن اسماعيل وعبد الله بن محمد بن عيسى عن صفوان بن يحيى عن يعقوب بن شعيب عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال قلت له إذا هلك الامام فبلغ قوما ليسوا بحضرته قال يخرجون في الطلب فانهم لا يزالون في عذر ماداموا في الطلب، قلت: يخرجون كلهم أو يكفيهم أن يخرج بعضهم قال: ان الله تعالى يقول (فلو لا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقوا في الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون) قال: هؤلاء المقيمون في السعة حتى يرجع إليهم اصحابهم.

My father said, ‘Abdullah Bin Ja’far narrated to us, from Ali Bin Ismail and AbdullahBin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Yaqoub Bin Shuayb,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘When an Imam-asws passes away, so it (news) reaches a people who are not in his-asws presence’. He-asws said: ‘They should be going out in the search, for they would not cease to be in an excuse so long as they are in the search’. I said, ‘Should all of them be going out, or would it suffice for them if some of them do so?’ He-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj is Saying [9:122] And it was not for the believers that they should go forth all together; why should not then a company from every party from among them go forth that they may apply themselves to obtain understanding in religion, and that they may warn their people when they come back to them that they may be cautious?. They (the others) should be staying for a while until their companions return to them’.[1249]

وعنه عن عبد الله بن جعفر عن محمد بن عبد الله بن جعفر عن محمد ابن عبد الجبار عمن ذكره عن يونس بن يعقوب عن عبد الاعلى، قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) ان بلغنا وفاة الامام كيف نصنع؟ قال: عليكم النفير، قلت: النفير جميعا، قال: ان الله يقول (فلو لا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوا في الدين ولينذروا) الآية، قلت: نفرنا فمات بعضهم في الطريق، قال: فقال ان الله تعالى يقول (ومن يخرج من بيته مهاجرا إلى الله ورسوله ثم يدركه الموت فقد وقع اجره على الله).

And from him, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ja’far, from Muhammad Ibn Abdul Jabbar, from the one who mentioned it, from Yunus Bin Yaqoub, from Abdul A’ala who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws that, ‘It reached us, (news of) the passing away of the Imam-asws, how should we react?’ He-asws said: ‘It is upon you (to form) the group’. I said, ‘Is it upon the whole group?’ He-asws said: ‘[9:122] why should not then a company from every party from among them go forth that they may apply themselves to obtain understanding in religion, and that they may warn – the Verse’. I said, ‘We form a group, so one of them dies in the way?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High is Saying [4:100] and whoever goes forth from his house fleeing to Allah and His Rasool, and then death overtakes him, his Reward is indeed with Allah’.[1250]

حدثنا علي بن أحمد رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن أبي عبد الله عن محمد بن اسماعيل عن علي بن العباس قال: حدثنا القاسم بن الربيع الصحاف عن محمد بن سنان ان أبا الحسن علي بن موسى الرضا (ع) كتب إليه بما في هذا الكتاب جواب كتابه إليه يسأله عنه: جاءني كتابك نتذكران بعض أهل القبلة يزعم ان الله تبارك وتعالى لم يحل شيئا ولم يحرمه لعله اكثر من التعبد لعباده بذلك قد ضل من قال ذلك ضلالا بعيدا وخسر خسرانا مبينا لانه لو كان ذلك لكان جايزا أن يستعبدهم بتحليل ما حرم وتحريم ما احل حتى يستعبدهم بترك الصلاة والصيام واعمال البر كلها والانكار له ولرسله وكتبه والجحود بالزنى والسرقة وتحريم ذوات المحارم، وما اشبه ذلك من الامور التي فيها فساد التدبير وفناء الخلق إذا العلة في التحليل والتحريم التعبد لا غيره،

Ali Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Ali Al Abbas, from Al Qasim Bin Al Rabie Al Sahaaf,

(It has been narrated) from Muhammad Bin Sinan that Abu Al-Hassan Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws wrote to him in answer with regards to what he had asked from him-asws: ‘Your letter came to me-asws mentioning that some of the people of the Qiblah (Muslims) are alleging that Allah-azwj Blessed and High neither Permitted anything nor Prohibited it, perhaps it is for having more slaves for His-azwj worship by that. The one says that has strayed with a far straying, and is lost with a manifest losing, because, had it been that, it would have been allowed to enslave them by Permitting what Allah-azwj has Prohibited, and Prohibiting what Allah-azwj has Permitted until they are enslaved, by the neglecting of the Prayer, and the Fasts, and all of the the good deeds, and by rejecting Him-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww, and His-azwj Books, and the ingratitude by the commission of the adultery, and the theft, and the Prohibition of incest, and what resembles that from the affairs in which is corruption of the management, and the perishing of the people, when the reason for the Permissibles and the Prohibitions is the enslavement, not something else.

فكان كما أبطل الله تعالى به قول من قال ذلك انا وجدنا كلما احل الله تبارك وتعالى ففيه صلاح العباد وبقائهم ولهم إليه الحاجة التي لا يستغنون عنها، ووجدنا المحرم من الاشياء لا حاجة بالعباد إليه ووجدناه مفسدا داعيا الفناء والهلاك،

So it was as if Allah-azwj the High has Invalidated by it, the words of the one who said that, we-asws found that all of what Allah-azwj Blessed and High has Permitted, so therein is the correction of the servants and their survival, and for them is the need for it which they can never be needless of from it. And we-asws found that the Prohibitions from the things, there is no need for the servants for it, and we-asws found that these are corruptions which call towards the perishing and the destruction.

ثم رأيناه تبارك وتعالى قد احل بعض ما حرم في وقت الحاجة لما فيه من الصلاح في ذلك الوقت، نظير ما احل من الميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير إذا اضطر إليها المضطر لما في ذلك الوقت من الصلاح والعصمة ودفع الموت،

Then we-asws see that the Blessed and High has Permitted some of what He-azwj has Prohibited in the times of need, due to what is therein from the correction, during that time. The example is what Allah-azwj has Permitted from (eating of) the dead, and the blood, and the flesh of the swine, when the restless one is desperate to it, due to what is in that time, from the correctness and the safeguarding, and defending against the death.

فكيف ان الدليل على انه لم يحل إلا لما فيه من المصلحة للابدان، وحرم ما حرم لما فيه من الفساد ولذلك وصف في كتابه وادت عنه رسله وحججه كما قال أبو عبد الله (ع): لو يعلم العباد كيف كان بدء الخلق ما اختلف اثنان، وقوله عليه السلام: ليس بين الحلال والحرام إلا شئ يسير يحوله من شئ إلى شئ فيصير حلالا وحراما.

So how can there be the evidence upon the fact that He-azwj did not Permit except due to what is therein from the correction for the bodies, and Prohibited what He-azwj Prohibited due to what is therein from the spoilage? And it was due that, He-azwj Described in His-azwj Book, and His-azwj Rasools-as and His-azwj Proofs-asws led to it, just as Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘If the servants knew how was the beginning of the creation (of the people), no two would have differed’. And his-asws words: ‘There is nothing between the Permissibles and the prohibited except for something easy (small) which changes it from a thing to (another) things, thus the Permissible becomes the Prohibited’.[1251]

حدثنا أبو الحسن محمد بن عمر بن علي بن عبد الله البصري، قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن أحمد بن جبلة الواعظ قال: حدثنا أبو القاسم عبد الله بن احمد بن عامر الطائي قال: حدثنا علي بن موسى الرضا عليه السلام قال حدثنا أبي موسى بن جعفر قال: حدثنا أبي جعفر بن محمد قال: حدثنا أبي محمد ابن علي، قال: حدثنا أبي علي بن الحسين قال: حدثنا أبي الحسين بن علي عليهم السلام قال: كان علي بن أبي طالب (ع) بالكوفة في الجامع إذ قام إليه رجل من أهل الشام فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين انى اسألك عن اشياء، فقال: سل تفقها ولا تسأل تعنتا، فاحدق الناس بابصارهم،

Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Umar Bin Ali Bin Abdullah Al Basry narrated to us, from Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Jabala Al Waiz, from Abu Al Qasim Abdullah Bin Ahmad Bin Aamir Al Ta’iy,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws Bin Musa Al-Reza-asws having said: ‘My-asws father-asws, Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws narrated to me-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws, from his-asws father-asws Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws, from his-asws father-asws Al-Husayn-asws Bin Ali-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws was at Al-Kufa in the Masjid when a man from the people of Syria stood up and said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! I want to ask you-asws about things’. So he-asws said: ‘Ask to understand, and do not ask for intransigence (causing problems), so the people would gaze at you with their eyes’.

فقال: اخبرني عن اول ما خلق الله تبارك وتعالى فقال: خلق النور، قال: فم خلق السموات؟ قال: من بخار الماء، قال: فمم خلق الارض؟ قال: من زبد الماء، قال: فمم خلق الجبال؟ قال: من الامواج،

So he said, ‘Inform me about the first of what Allah-azwj Blessed and High Created’. So he-asws said: ‘Created the ‘Al-Noor’ (Light)’. He said, ‘So from what were the skies Created?’ He-asws said: ‘From oceans of the water’. He said, ‘So from what was the earth Created?’ He-asws said: ‘From the froth of the water’. He said, ‘From what were the mountains Created?’ He-asws said: ‘From the waves (ground-swell)’.

قال: فلم سميت مكة ام القرى؟ قال: لان الارض دحيت من تحتها، وسأله عن سماء الدنيا مما هي؟ قال: من موج مكفوف وسأله عن طول الشمس والقمر وعرضهما قال: تسعمائة فرسخ في تسعمائة فرسخ وسأله كم طول الكوكب وعرضه، فقال: اثنى عشر فرسخا في اثني عشر فرسخا،

He said, ‘So why was Makkah named as the Mother Town?’ He-asws said: ‘Because the earth was spread from underneath it’. And he asked him-asws about the sky of the world, from what is it?’ He-asws said: ‘From a hemmed in wave’. And he asked him-asws about the length of the sun, and the moon, and their lands. He-asws said: ‘Nine hundred Farsakhs by nine hundred Farsakhs’. And he asked him-asws how long is the star and its land, so he-asws said: ‘Twelve Farsakhs by twelve Farsakhs’.

وسأله عن ألوان السموات السبع واسمائها فقال له: اسم السماء الدنيا رفيع وهي من ماء ودخان، واسم السماء الثانية قيدوم وهي على لون النحاس، والسماء الثالثة اسمها المادون وهي على لون الشبه، والسماء الرابعة اسمها ارفلون وهي على لون الفضة والسماء الخامسة اسمها هيعون وهي على لون الذهب، والسماء السادسة اسمها عروس وهي ياقوتة خضراء، والسماء السابعة اسمها عجماء وهي درة بيضاء،

And he asked him-asws about the colours of the seven skies and their names, so he-asws said to him: ‘The name of the sky of the world is Rafi’e, and it is from the water and the smoke; and the name of the second sky is Qaydoum, and it is upon the colour of the copper; and the third sky, its name is Al Madoun, and it is upon the colour of the brass; and the fourth sky, its name is Arfaloun, and it is upon the colour of the silver; and the fifth sky,, its name is Hayoun, and it is upon the colour of the gold; and the sixth sky, its name is Arous, and it is a green Sapphire; and the seventh sky, its name is Ajma’a, and it is a white gem.

وسأله عن الثور ما باله غاض طرفه ولا يرفع رأسه إلى السماء؟ قال: حياء من الله تعالى لما عبد قوم موسى العجل نكس رأسه، وسأله عن المد والجزر ماهما، فقال: ملك موكل بالبحار يقال له رومان فإذا وضع قدميه في البحر فاض، وإذا أخرجهما غاض، وسأله عن اسم أبي الجن، فقال: شومان وهو الذي خلق من مارج من نار، وسأله: هل بعث الله نبيا إلى الجن؟ فقال: نعم بعث إليهم نبيا يقال له يوسف فدعاهم إلى الله فقتلوه، وسأله عن اسم ابليس ما كان في السماء، فقال: كان اسمه الحارث،

And he asked him-asws about the bull, ‘What is the matter that it gazes down and does not raise its head towards the sky?’ He-asws said: ‘(Out of) shame from Allah-azwj due to the people of Musa-as having worshipped the calf, lowers its head’. And he asked him-asws about the high and low tides, what these two are, so he-asws said: ‘An Angel Allocated with the oceans, called Rowman. So when he places his feet in the sea, it erupts, and when he takes them both out, it calms down’. And he asked him-asws about the name of the father of the jinn, so he-asws said: ‘Showman, and he is the one who was Created from [55:15] smokeless fire; and he asked him-asws, ‘Did Allah-azwj Sent a Prophet-as to the Jinn?’ So he-asws said: ‘Yes. Allah-azwj did Send a Prophet-as to them, called Yusuf-as. So he-as called them to Allah-azwj, but they killed him-as. And he asked him-asws about the name of Iblees-la, what it was in the sky, so he-asws said: ‘His-la name was Al Haris’.

وسأله لم سمي آدم آدم؟ قال: لانه خلق من أديم الارض، وسأله: لم صار الميراث للذكر مثل حظ الانثيين فقال: من قبل السنبلة كان عليها ثلاث حبات فبادرت إليها حواء، فاكلت منها حبة وأطعمت آدم حبتين، فمن اجل ذلك ورث الذكر مثل حظ الانثيين، وسأله: من خلق الله تعالى من الانبياء مختونا، فقال: خلق آدم مختونا، وولد شيث مختونا وادريس، ونوح، وابراهى، وداود، وسليمان، ولوط، واسماعيل، وعيسى، وموسى، ومحمد صلى الله عليهم أجمعين.

And he asked him-asws, ‘Why was Adam-as named as Adam?’ He-asws said: ‘Because he-as was Created from the crust (Adeym) of the earth. And he asked him-asws, ‘Why did the inheritance for the males come to be similar to the portion of the two females?’ So he-asws said: ‘From before, the ear (of the corn) had three seeds, so Hawwa-as took the initiative to it and ate a seed from it, and fed Adam-as two seeds. Thus it was due to that, the inheritance of the male is of a similar portion of the two females. And he asked him-asws, ‘Whom from the Prophets-as did Allah-azwj Create circumcised?’ So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj Created Adam-as as circumcised, and Shees-as was born circumcised, and Idrees-as, and Noah-as, and Ibrahim-as, and Dawood-as, and Suleyman-as, and Lot-as, and Ismail-as, and Isa-as, and Musa-as, and Muhammad-as’.

وسأله: كم كان عمر آدم، فقال: تسعمائة سنة وثلاثين سنة، وسأله عن اول من قال الشعر، فقال: آدم، قال: وما كان شعره؟ قال: لما انزل إلى الارض من السماء، فرأى تربتها وسعتها وهواها، وقتل قابيل هابيل قال آدم عليه السلام. تغيرت البلاد ومن عليها * فوجه الارض مغبر قبيح تغير كل ذي لون وطعم * وقل بشاشة الوجه المليح

And he asked him-asws, ‘How much was the age of Adam-as?’ So he-asws said: ‘Nine hundred years and thirty years, and he asked him-asws about the first one who said a poem, so he-asws said: ‘Adam-as’. He said, ‘And what was his-as poem?’ He-asws said: ‘When he-as descended to the earth from the sky, so he-as saw its sand and its atmosphere. And Qabeel-la killed Habeel-as, and Adam-as said: ‘The country has changed along with its inhabitants; so the face of the earth is dusty, ugly, everything with colour and taste has changed; and the beauty on the face of the stones has lessened’.

فاجابه ابليس: تنح عن البلاد وساكنيها * ففي الفردوس ضاق بك الفسيح وكنت بها وزوجك في قرار * وقلبك من اذى الدنيا مريح فلم تنفك من كيدي ومكري * إلى ان فاتك الثمن الربيح فلو لا رحمة الجبار اضحى * بكفك من جناح الخلد ريح

So Iblees-la answered him-as, ‘Leave the mentioning of the country and its settlers; and in Al Firdows (Paradise), the spacious, was narrow for you-as; and you-as and your-as wife-as were at rest therein; and your-as heart is hurt by the bitterness of the world, so you-as are broken from my-la plots and my-la craftiness; (leading) you-as to losing the valuable price. Had it not been for the Mercy of the Compeller-azwj, you-as would have been refrained from the eternal aroma’.

وسأله: كم حج آدم من حجة؟ فقال له: ثلاثون حبة ماشيا على قدميه، وأول حجة حجها كان معه الصرد يدله على مواضع الماء وخرج معه من الجنة وقد نهى عن اكل الصرد والخطاف،

And he asked him-asws, ‘How many Hajj did Adam-as perform?’ So he-asws said: ‘Thirty Hajj, walking upon his-as feet. And the first Hajj that he-as performed, a shirke (bird) used to point him-as upon the places of the water, and it had come out with him-as from the Paradise, and it has been Forbidden to eat the shirke (bird) and the swallow’.

وسأله: ما باله لا يمشى، قال: لانه ناح على بيت المقدس وطاف حوله أربعين عاما يبكي عليه ولم يزل يبكي مع آدم عليه السلام فمن هناك سكن البيوت ومعه تسع آيات من كتاب الله تعالى مما كان آدم يقرئها في الجنة وهي معه إلى يوم القيامة ثلاث آيات من أول الكهف، وثلاث آيات من سبحان، وإذا قرأت القرآن، وثلاث آيات من يسن وجعلنا من بين ايديهم سدا ومن خلفهم سدا، وإذا قرأت القرآن، وثلاث آيات من يسن وجعلنا من بين ايديهم سدا ومن خلفهم سدا،

And he asked him-asws, ‘What is the matter that it does not walk?’ He-asws said: ‘Because it lamented upon Bayt Al Maqdas, and circumambulated around it for forty years, weeping over it, and it did not cease to weep along with Adam-as. Thus, from over there, it settles in the house, and with it are nine Verses from the Book of Allah-azwj the High, from what Adam-as used to recite to it in the Paradise, and these would be with it up to the Day of Judgement – three Verses from the beginning of (Surah) Kahf, and three Verses from the Glorification [17:45] And when you recite the Quran, and three Verses from (Surah) Yaseen [36:9] And We have made in front of them a barrier and a barrier behind them.

وسأله عن أول من كفر وأنشأ الكفر، فقال: ابليس لعنه الله وسأله عن اسم نوح ما كان؟ فقال: كان اسمه السكن وانما سمي نوحا لانه ناح على قومه الف سنة إلا خمسين عاما، وسأله عن سفينة نوح ما كان عرضها وطولها فقال: كان طولها ثمانمائة ذراع وعرضها خمسمائة ذراع وارتفاعها في السماء ثمانون ذراعا، ثم جلس الرجل.

And he asked him-asws about the first one to disbelieve and publicise the disbelief, so he-asws said: ‘Iblees-la, may Allah-azwj Curse him-la’. And he asked him-asws about the name of Noah-as, what was it?’ So he-asws said: ‘His-as name was Al Sakan. But rather, he-as was called Noah-as because he-as lamented upon his-as people for a thousand years, save fifty years (950 years)’. And he asked him-asws about the ark of Noah-as, what was its width and its length, so he-asws said: ‘Its length was eight hundred cubits, and its width was of fifty cubits, and its height in the sky was of eighty cubits’. Then the man sat down.

وقام إليه آخر فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين: أخبرنا عن أول شجرة نبتت في الارض، فقال: هي الدبا وهي القرع، وسأله عن أول من حج من أهل السماء، فقال: جبرئيل، وسأله عن أول بقعة بسطت من الارض ايام الطوفان، فقال له: موضع الكعبة، وكانت زبر جدة خضراء، وسأله عن اكرم واد على وجه الارض، فقال: واد يقال له سر انديب سقط فيه آدم من السماء.

And another one stood up, so he said, ‘O Amir Al Momineen-asws! Inform us about the first tree planted in the earth. So he-asws said: ‘It is Al Daba, and it is the pumpkin’. And he asked him-asws about the first one to perform Hajj, from the inhabitants of the sky, so he-asws said: ‘Jibraeel-as’. And he asked him-asws about the first spot of the earth extended from the days of the flood (of Noah-as). So he said to him-asws: ‘Place of the Kaaba, and it was the greenery of Jeddah. And he asked him-asws about the most prestigious valley upon the face of the earth, so he-asws said: ‘A valley calle Sirr Andeyb, wherein Adam-as dropped down to, from the sky’.

وسأله عن شر واد على وجه الارض، فقال: واد في اليمن يقال له برهوت، وهو من اودية جهنم وسأله عن سجن سار بصاحبه، فقال: الحوت سار بيونس بن متى، وسأله عن ستة لم يركضوا في رحم، فقال: آدم، وحواء، وكبش ابراهيم وعصا موسى، وناقة صالح، والخفاش الذي عمله عيسى بن مريم وطار باذن الله تعالى،

And he asked him-asws about the most evil valley upon the face of the earth, so he-asws said: ‘A valley in Al Yemen called Barhout, and it is from the valleys of Hell’. And he asked him-asws about a prison which travelled with its prisoner, so he-asws said: ‘The whale which travelled with Yunus Bin Mata-as’. and he asked him-asws about six which did not stay in the womb, so he-asws said: ‘Adam-as, and Hawwa-as, and the ram of Ibrahim-as, and staff of Musa-as, and the camel of Salih-as, and the bat which Isa Bin Maryam-as made, and it flew by the Permission of Allah-azwj the High’.

وسأله عن شئ مكذوب عليه ليس من الجن ولا من الانس، فقال: الذئب الذي كذب عليه أخوة يوسف، وسأله عن شئ اوحى الله تعالى إليه ليس من الجن ولا من الانس، فقال: اوحى الله تعالى إلى النحل، وسأله عن موضع طلعت عليه الشمس ساعة من النهار، لا تطلع عليه ابدا، قال: ذلك البحر حين فلقه الله تعالى لموسى فاصابت ارضه الشمس واطبقت عليه الماء فلن تصيبه الشمس،

And he asked him-asws about something which has been belied against, and is neither from the Jinn nor from the humans, so he-asws said: ‘The wolf against which the brothers of Yusuf-as belied against’. And he asked him-asws about something which Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto, which is neither from the Jinn, nor from the humans, so he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Revealed unto the bee’. And he asked him-asws about a place upon which the sun emerges for a time from the day, and did not emerge upon it, ever. He-asws said: ‘That is the sea where Allah-azwj Parted it for Musa-as, so its land was hit by the sun, and the water layered upon it, so the sun never shone upon it’.

وسأله عن شئ شرب وهو حي واكل وهو ميت، فقال: تلك عصا موسى، وسأله عن نذير انذر قومه ليس من الحسن ولا من الانس، فقل: هي النمله، وسأله عن أول من امر بالختان، قال: ابراهيم، وسأله عن أول من خفض من النساء، فقال: هي هاجر ام اسماعيل خفضتها سارة لتخرج من يمينها، وسأله عن أول امرأة جرت ذيلها، فقال: هاجر لما هربت من سارة، وسأله عن اول من جر ذيله من الرجال، فقال قارون، وسأله عن اول من لبس النعلين، فقال ابراهيم عليه السلام،

And he asked him-asws about something which drank and it was alive, and ate and it was dead, so he-asws said: ‘Staff of Musa-as’. And he asked him-asws about the warner who warned his people, who was neither from the Jinn nor from the humans, so he-asws said: ‘It is the ant’. And he asked him-asws about the first one who ordered for the circumcision, so he-asws said: ‘Ibrahim-as’. And he asked him-asws about the first one who was lowered, from the women, so he-asws said: ‘It was Hajar-as, mother of Ismail-as. Sarah-as lowered her-as, to exit her-as from her vow’. And he asked him-asws about the first woman who dragged her clothes, so he-asws said: ‘Hajar-as, when she-as fled due to Sarah-as. And he asked him-asws about the first one who dragged his clothes, so he-asws said: Qaroun-la’. And he asked him-asws about the first one who wore the slippers, so he-asws said: ‘Ibrahim-as’.

وسأله عن اكرم الناس نسبا، فقال: صديق الله يوسف بن يعقوب اسرائيل الله بن اسحاق ذبيح الله بن ابراهيم خليل الله، وسأله عن ستة من الانبياء لهم اسمان، فقال: يوشع بن نون، وهو ذو الكفل، ويعقوب وهو اسرائيل، والخضر وهو ارميا، ويونس وهو ذو النون، وعيسى وهو المسيح ومحمد وهو احمد صلوات الله عليه،

And he asked him-asws about the most prestigious of the people from lineage, so he-asws said: ‘Truthful of Allah-azwj Yusuf-as Bin Yaqoub-as, Israil Allah-azwj Bin Is’haq-as, slaughtered of Allah-azwj, Bin Ibrahim-as Friend of Allah-azwj’. And he asked him-asws about six from the Prophets-as for whom are two names, so he-asws said: ‘Yoshua Bin Noon-as, and he-as is Zulkifl, and Yaqoub-as, and he-as is Israil, and Al-Khizr-as, and he-as is Armiya (Jeremiah), and Yunus-as, and he-as is Zul Noon, and Isa-as, and he-as is Al-Maseeh (The Messiah), and Muhammad-saww, and he-saww is Ahmad’.

وسأله عن شئ نتفس ليس له لحم ولا دم، فقال: ذاك الصبح إذا تنفس، وسأله عن خمسة من الانبياء تكلموا بالعربية، فقال: هود، وشعيب، وصالح، واسماعيل، ومحمد صلى الله عليه وآله، ثم جلس

And he asked him-asws about something which breathes and there is not flesh for it nor blood, so he-asws said: ‘That is [81:18] And the morning when it breathes’. And he asked him-asws about five from the Prophets-as who spoke in Arabic, so he-asws said: ‘Hood-as, and Shuayb-as, and Salih-as, and Ismail-as, and Muhammad-saww’. Then he sat down.

وقال رجل آخر فسأله وتعنته، فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين أخبرنا عن قول الله تعالى: (يوم يفر المرء من اخيه وامه وابيه وصاحبته وبنيه) من هم؟ فقال: قابيل يفر من هابيل والذي يفر من امه موسى، والذي يفر من صاحبته لوط، والذي يفر من ابنه نوح يفر من ابنه كنعان،

And another man stood up, so he asked him-asws and harassed him-asws, so he said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! Inform us about the Words of Allah-azwj the High [80:34] The Day on which a man shall flee from his brother, [80:35] And from his mother and his father, [80:36] And his spouse and his son, who are they?’ So he-asws said: ‘Qabeel-la would flee from Habeel-as; and the one will free from his-as mother, is Musa-as; and the one who will flee from his spouse is Lut-as; and the one who will flee from his-as son is Noah-as who would flee from his-as son Kanaan’.

وسأله عن اول من مات فجأة، فقال: داود عليه السلام مات على منبره يوم الاربعاء، وسأله عن أربعة لا يشبعن من اربعة، فقال: ارض من مطر وانثى من ذكر وعين من نظر وعالم من علم، وسأله عن اول من وضع سكك الدنانير والدراهم، فقال: نمرود بن كنعان بعد نوح، وسأله عن اول من عمل عمل قوم لوط، فقال: ابليس فانه امكن نفسه،

And he asked him-asws about the first one who died suddenly, so he-asws said: ‘Dawood-as passed away upon his-as Pulpit on the day of Wednesday’. And he asked him-asws about four who are not satisfied from the four, so he-asws said: ‘The land from rain, and female from the male, and the eyes from the looking, and a scholar from the knowledge’. And he asked him-asws about the first one who placed a market for Dinaars and Dirhams, so he-asws said: ‘Namrood Bin Kanaan-la, after Noah-as’. And he asked him-asws about the first one who performed the deed of the people of Lot-as, so he-asws said: ‘Iblees-la, for he-la submitted himself-la’.

وسأله عن معنى هدير الحمام الراعبية، فقال تدعو أهل المعارف والقينات والمزامير والعيدان، وسأله عن كنية البراق، فقال: يكنى أبا هلال، وسأله: لم سمي تبع تبعا قال: كان غلاما كاتبا فكان يكتب الملك كان قبله فكان إذا كتب كتب بسم الله الذي خلق صبحا وريحا، فقال الملك: اكتب وابدأ باسم ملك الرعد، فقال: لا أبدأ إلا باسم إلهي ثم اعطف على حاجتك فشكر الله تعالى له ذلك وأعطاه ملك ذلك الملك فتابعه الناس على ذلك فسمي تبعا،

And he asked him-asws about the meaning of the thundering rumble of the doves, so he-asws said: ‘Calling the people of knowledge, and the singing, and the flutes, and the drumsticks’. And he asked him-asws about the teknonym of Al Buraaq, so he-asws said: ‘His teknonym is Abu Hilal’. And he asked him-asws, ‘Why was Tab’a named as Tab’a, so he-asws said: ‘There was a slave who was a scribe. He used to write to the king who was before him. So when he used to write, wrote, ‘In the Name of Allah-azwj Who Created the morning and the winds’. So the king said, ‘Write, and being with the name of the king of thunder’. So he said, ‘No, never, except by the Name of my God, then your need’. So Allah-azwj the High was Grateful to him for that, and Gave him a kingdom of that king. So the people followed him upon that, thus it was named Tab’a’.

وسأله: ما بال الماعز مفرقعة الذنب بادية الحياء والعورة، فقال لان الماعز عصت نوحا لما ادخلها السفينة فدفعها فكسر ذنبها، والنعجة مستورة الحياء والعورة لان النعجة بادرت بالدخول إلى السفينة فمسح نوح يده على حيائها وذنبها فاستويت الالية، وسأله عن كلام اهل الجنة، فقال: كلام اهل الجنة بالعربية، وسأله عن كلام اهل النار فقال: بالمجوسية

And he asked him-asws, ‘What is the matter the goats are raising the tail exposing their shame and genitalia?’ So he-asws said: ‘Because the goat disobeyed, when it was made to enter the ship, so it was repelled, and its tail broke, and the sheep veils the shame and the genitalia, because the sheep initiated with the entering to the ship, so Noah-as wiped his-as hand upon its shame and its tail, so it evened itself upon it’. And he asked him-asws about the speech of the inhabitants of the Paradise, so he-asws said: ‘The speech of the inhabitants of the Paradise is by Arabic’. And he asked him-asws about the speech of the inhabitants of the Fire, so he-asws said: ‘By the Magian (language)’.

ثم قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: النوم على اربعة اصناف الانبياء تنام على اقفيتها مستلقية واعينها لا تنام متوقعة لوحى ربها والمؤمن ينام على يمينه مستقبل القبلة والملوك وابنائها تنام على شمالها ليستمرؤا ما يأكلون وابليس واخوانه وكل مجنون وذي عاهة ينام على وجهه منبطحا، ثم قام إليه رجل آخر،

Then Amir Al Momineen-asws said: ‘The sleeping is upon four ways – The Prophets-as slept upon their-as backs lying down, and their-as eyes did not sleep for the unexpected Revelation of their-as Lord-azwj; and the Believer sleeps upon their right, facing the Qiblah; and the kings and their sons sleep upon their left in order to adhere to what they are eating; and Iblees-la and his-la brethren, and every insane person, and with disabilities, sleep upon their faces lying down, then another man stands upon him’.

فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين اخبرني عن يوم الاربعاء وتطيرنا منه وثقله، وأي اربعاء هو؟ قال: آخر اربعاء في الشهر وهو المحاق وفيه قتل قابيل هابيل اخاه، ويوم الاربعاء القى ابراهيم من النار، ويوم الاربعاء وضعوه في المنجنيق، ويوم الاربعاء غرق الله تعالى فرعون، ويوم الاربعاء جعل الله عاليها سافلها، ويوم الاربعاء ارسل الله تعالى الريح على قوم عاد، ويوم الاربعاء اصبحت كالصريم

So he said, ‘O Amir Al Momineen-asws! Inform me about the day of Wednesday and our ill omen from it, and its heaviness, and which Wednesday is it?’ He-asws said: ‘The last Wednesday in the month, and it is the waning (of the moon) – and in it Qabeel-la killed his-la brother Habeel-as; and on the day of Wednesday Ibrahim-as was cast into the fire; and on the day of Wednesday he-as was placed in the catapult; and on the day of Wednesday Allah-azwj Drowned Pharaoh-la; and on the day of Wednesday, Allah-azwj Made its higher one to be its lower one; and on the day of Wednesday Allah-azwj the High Sent the wind to the people of Aad; and on the day of Wednesday they became as if plucked;

ويوم الاربعاء سلط الله على نمرود البقة، ويوم الاربعاء طلب فروع موسى ليقتله، ويوم الاربعاء خر عليهم السقف من فوقهم، ويوم الاربعاء امر فرعون بذبح الغلمان، ويوم الاربعاء خرب بيت المقدس، ويوم الاربعاء احرق مسجد سليمان بن داود بالصطخر من كورة فارس،

And on the day of Wednesday Allah-azwj Caused the bug to overcome Nimrod-la; and on the day of Wednesday Pharaoh-la sought Musa-as in order to kill him-as; and on the day of Wednesday the ceiling fell down upon them; and on the day of Wednesday Pharaoh-la ordered for the slaughtering of the boys; and on the day of Wednesday Bayt Al Maqdis was ruined; and on the day of Wednesday the Masjid of Suleyman Bin Dawood-as was incinerated at Al Satakhar from the land of Persia;

ويوم الاربعاء قتل يحيى بن زكريا، ويوم الاربعاء أظل قوم فرعون أول العذاب، ويوم الاربعاء خسف الله بقارون، ويوم الاربعاء ابتلى ايوب بذهاب ماله وولده، ويوم الاربعاء ادخل يوسف السجن، ويوم الاربعاء قال الله تعالى (انا دمرناهم وقومهم اجمعين)

And on the day of Wednesday, Yahya Bin Zakariyya-as was killed; and on the day of Wednesday the people of Pharaoh-la were overshadowed with the first Punishment; and on the day of Wednesday Allah-azwj Caused Qaroon-la to be submerged; and on the day of Wednesday Ayoub-as was Afflicted by the going away of his-as wealth and his-as children; and on the day of Wednesday Yusuf-as entered the prison; and on the day of Wednesday Allah-azwj Said [27:51] We Destroyed them and their people altogether;

ويوم الاربعاء اخذتهم الصيحة، ويوم الاربعاء عقرت الناقة، ويوم الاربعاء مطر عليهم حجارة من سجيل، ويوم الاربعاء شج وجه النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وكسرت رباعيته، ويوم الاربعاء اخذت العماليق التابوت،

And on the day of Wednesday the Scream seized them; and on the day of Wednesday the she-camel was hamstrung; and on the day of Wednesday the stones of clay rained upon them; and on the day of Wednesday the face of the Prophet-saww was injured and his-saww four (teeth) broke; and on the day of Wednesday the Amalekites seized the chest (Taboot)’.

وسأله عن الايام وما يجوز فيها من العمل، فقال امير المؤمنين عليه السلام: يوم السبت يوم مكر وخديعة، ويوم الاحد يوم غرس وبناء ويوم الاثنين يوم سفر وطلب، ويوم الثلاثاء يوم حرب ودم، ويوم الاربعاء يوم شؤم فيه يتطير الناس، ويوم الخميس يوم الدخول على الامراء وقضاء الحوائج، ويوم الجمعة يوم خطبة ونكاح.

And he asked him-asws about the days, what is allowed therein from the deeds, so Amir Al Momineen-asws said: ‘The day of Saturday is a day of cunning and deception; and the day of Sunday is a day of planting and building; and the day of Monday is a day of travelling and seeking (livelihood); and the day of Tuesday is a day of war and blood; and the day of Wednesday is a day of misfortune in which is bad omen for the people; and the day of Thursday is a day of going over to the authorities and the fulfilment of the needs; and the day of Friday is a day of addressing and the marriage’.[1252]

اخبرني علي بن حاتم قال: حدثنا ابراهيم بن علي قال: حدثنا أحمد ابن محمد الانصاري قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي العلوي قال: حدثنا أبو حكيم الزاهد بمصر، قال: حدثنا أحمد بن عبد الله بمكة، قال: بينما أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام مار بفناء بيت الله الحرام إذا نظر إلى رجل يصلي فاستحسن صلاته، فقال: يا هذا الرجل تعرف تأويل صلاتك؟ قال الرجل: يا بن عم خير خلق الله وهل للصلاة تأويل غير التعبد، قال علي عليه السلام: اعلم يا هذا الرجل ان الله تبارك وتعالى ما بعث نبيه صلى الله عليه وآله بأمر من الامور إلا وله متشابه وتأويل وتنزيل وكل ذلك على التعبد فمن لم يعرف تأويل صلاته، فصلاته كلها خداع ناقصة غير تامة.

Ali Bin Hatim informed me, from Ibrahim Bin Ali, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Al Ansary, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Alawy, from Abu Hakeem Al Zahid at Egypt, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah at Makkah who said,

‘Whilst Amir Al-Momineen-asws was passing by the courtyard of the Sacred House of Allah-azwj (Kabah), when he-asws looked at a man Praying, and commended his Prayer, so he-asws said: ‘O man! Do you understand the explanation of your Prayer?’ The man said, ‘O cousin of the best of the creatures of Allah-azwj! And is there for the Prayer an explanation other than the worship?’ Ali-asws said: ‘Know, o man! Allah-azwj Blessed and High did not Send His-azwj Prophet-saww with a matter from the matter except that for it is a resemblance and an explanation, and all of that is upon the worship. So the one who does not understand the explanation of his Prayer, so all of his Prayer is a deception, without being complete’.[1253]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن احمد بن أبي عبد الله عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني عن سليمان بن سفيان عن صباح الحذاء عن يعقوب بن شعيب، قال: قال لي أبو عبد الله عليه السلام من اشد الناس عليكم فقلت كل الناس فاعادها علي فقلت كل الناس فقال: اتدري لم ذاك؟ قلت: لا ادري، قال: ان ابليس دعاهم فأجابوه وامرهم فاطاعوه ودعاكم فلم تجيبوا وأمركم فلم تطيعوا فاغرابكم الناس.

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al has any, from Suleyman Bin Sufyan, from Sabah Al Haza’a, from Yaqoub Bin Shuayb who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said to me: ‘Who is the most difficult of the people against you’. So I said, ‘All the people’. So he-asws repeated it to me, so I said ‘All of the people’. So he-asws said: ‘Do you know why that is so?’ I said, ‘I don’t know’. He-asws said: ‘Iblees-la calls them, so they respond to him-la, and orders them, so they obey him-la, and he-la calls you but you do not respond to him-la, and orders you but you do not obey. Therefore, the people alienate (keep away from) you’.[1254]

حدثنا محمد بن موسى المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني عن محمد بن عمر بن يزيد عن حماد بن عثمان عن عمر بن يزيد قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام جاءت امرأة من أهل البادية إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله ومعها صبيان حاملة واحدا وآخر يمشى، فاعطاها النبي صلى الله عليه وآله قرصا ففلقته بينهما، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: الحاملات الرحيمات لو لا كثرة لعبهن لدخلت مصلياتهن الجنة.

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany, from Muhammad Bin Umar Bin Yazeed, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Umar Bin Yazeed who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘A woman from the inhabitants of Badiya came over to the Prophet-saww, and with her were two children. She was carrying one, and the other was walking. So the Prophet-saww gave her a disc (of bread), so she broke it for between the two (children). So Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘The mothers (of small children) tend to be merciful. Had it not been the frequency of their vanities, the Praying ones would be entering the Paradise’.[1255]

وبهذا الاسناد عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني عن حرب عن شيخ من بني اسد يقال له عمرو عن ذريح عن أبي عبد الله قال أصاب بعير لنا علة ونحن في ماء لبني سليم فقال الغلام يا مولاى انحره، قال لا تريث فلما سرنا اربعة اميال قال: يا غلام انزل فانحره ولان تأكله السباع احب إلي من ان تأكله الاعراب

And by this chain, from Abdul Azaam Bin Abdullah Al Hasany, from Harb, from a sheikh from the clan of Asad called Amro, from Zareeh,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘A camel of our was hit by sickness, and we were in the waters of the clan of Suleym. So the slave said, ‘O my master-asws! sacrifice (slaughter) it’. He-asws said: ‘Be patient’. So when we had travelled for miles, he-asws said: ‘O slave! Descend, so sacrifice it, and if the wild animals were to eat it, it would be more beloved to me that if the Bedouins eat it’.[1256]

وبهذا الاسناد عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله عن الحسن بن الحسين عن شيبان عن جابر عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: جاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله إلى نفر وهم يجرون دلاء زمزم، فقال: نعم العمل الذي انتم عليه لو لا اني اخشى ان تغلبوا عليه لجررت معكم، انزعوا دلوا فتناوله فشرب منه.

And by this chain, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah, from Al Hassan Bin Al Husayn, from Shayban, from Jabir,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww came to a group and they were drawing a bucket (of water) from (the well of) Zamzam. So he-saww said: ‘It is good work which you are upon. If I-saww feared that you had been overcome by it (not able), I-saww would have drawn along with you. Take the bucket. So he-saww took it, and drank from it’.[1257]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن الغفاري عن أبي جعفر بن ابراهيم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله اياكم وجدال كل مفتون فان كل مفتون ملقن حجته إلى انقضاء مدته فإذا انقضت مدته احرقته فتنته بالنار.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Al Ghafary, from Abu Ja’far Bin Ibrahim,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Beware of disputing with every fanatic one, for if he was challenged, he would stop his argument upon the expiry of its term. So when its term has expired, its fanaticism would incinerate him by the fire’.[1258]

حدثنا محمد بن المتوكل قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسين السعد آبادي عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني عن محمد بن أبي عمير عن عبد الله بن الفضل عن شيخ من أهل الكوفة عن جده من قبل امه واسمه سليمان بن عبد الله الهاشمي، قال: سمعت محمد بن علي يقول: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله للناس وهم مجتمعون عنده أحبوا الله لما يغدوكم به من نعمة، واحبوني الله تعالى وأحبوا قرابتي لي.

Muhammad Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to us, from Ali Bin Al Husayn Al Sa’ad Abady, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Abdullah Bin Al Fazal, from a Sheykh from the people of Al Kufa, from his grandfather, from his uncle, and his name was Suleyman Bin Abullah Al hashimy who said,

‘I heard Muhammad-asws Bin Ali-asws saying: ‘Rasool-Allah-saww said to the people, and they had gathered in his-saww presence: ‘Love Allah-azwj due to what He-azwj has Provided you from the Bounties, and love me-saww (for the Sake of) Allah-azwj the High, and love my-saww near relatives for me-saww’.[1259]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن الهيثم بن أبي مسروق النهدي عن الحسن بن محبوب عن عبد الرحمن بن الحجاج قال: قلت لموسى بن جعفر عليه السلام اني احتجت إلى طبيب نصراني اسلم عليه وادعو له، قال: نعم انه لا ينفعه دعائك.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Al haysam Bin Abu Masrouq Al Nahdy, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abdul Rahman Bin Al Hajaj who said,

‘I said to Musa Bin Ja’far-asws, ‘I have a Christian physician, shall I greet him (Salaam) and supplicate for him?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, (but) he would not benefit from your supplication’.[1260]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن عثمان عن الحسن بن بشار عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: سألته عن جنة آدم فقال: جنة من جنات الدنيا تطلع عليه فيها الشمس والقمر ولو كانت من جنات الخلد ما خرج منها أبدا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Usman, form Al Hassan Bin Bashar,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about the Garden of Adam-as, so he-asws said: ‘A Garden from the Gardens of the world. The sun emerged upon it therein, and the moon. And had it been from the Gardens of the eternity, he-saww would not have come out from these, ever’.[1261]

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد رحمه الله عن أبيه عن محمد بن أحمد عن سهل بن زياد عن محمد بن أحمد عن الحسن بن علي عن يونس عن الحسين بن عمر بن يزيد عن أبيه عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ان بني يعقوب لما سألوا أباهم يعقوب ان يأذن ليوسف في الخروج معهم، قال لهم: اني اخاف ان يأكله الذئب، وانتم عنه غافلون،

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Al Hassan Bin Ali, from Yunus, from Al Husayn Bin Umar Bin Yazeed, from his father,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When the sons of Yaqoub-as asked their father-as Yaqoub-as that he-as should permit for Yusuf-as to go out along with them, he-as said to them: ‘[12:13] I fear lest the wolf devours him while you are heedless from him’.

قال: قال أبو عبد الله عليه السلام قرب يعقوب لهم العلة اعتلوا بها في يوسف عليه السلام.

He (the narrator) said, ‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Yaqoub-as brought the reason closer to them to adopt it with regards to Yusuf-as’.[1262]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد عن علي ابن الحكم عن سيف بن عميرة عن داود بن فرقد، قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام ما تقول في قتل الناصب، قال: حلال الدم لكني اتقي عليك فان قدرت ان تقلب عليه حائطا أو تغرقه في ماء لكيلا يشهد به عليك فافعل، قلت: فما ترى في ماله، قال توه ما قدرت عليه.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Ibn Al Hakam, from Sayf Bin Umeyra, from Dawood Bin Farqad who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What are you-asws saying with regards to killing the Hostile one (Nasibi)?’ He-asws said: ‘The blood is Permissible, but I-asws fear over you. So if you are able to overturn a wall upon him, or drown him in water, lest it is witnessed against you, that you do it’. I said, ‘So what is your-asws view regarding his wealth?’ He-asws said: ‘Destroy whatever you are able to over it’.[1263]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن الحسن الصفار ولم يحفظ اسناده قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله لما اسري بى إلى السماء سقط قطرة من عرقي فنبت منه الورد فوقع في البحر فذهب السمك ليأخذها، وذهب الدعموص ليأخذها، فقالت السمكة: هي لي، وقال الدعموص: هي لي، فبعث الله تعالى اليهما ملكا يحكم بينهما فجعل نصفها للسمكة وجعل نصفها للدعموص.

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, and he did not preserve his chain, said,

‘Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘When I-saww was ascended with to the sky, a drop from my-saww sweat fell, so the rose grew from it in the sea. So the fish went in order to take it, and the sea beetle (also) went to take it. So the fish said, ‘It is for me’, and the sea beetle said, ‘It is for me’. So, Allah-azwj Sent an Angel to them to judge between both of them. So he made half of it for the fish, and made half of it for the sea beetle’.[1264]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا أحمد بن ادريس قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن علي بن الحكم عن هشام بن سالم، قال: قلت لابي عبد الله عليه السلام ما ترى في رجل سباب لعلي، قال: هو والله حلال الدم لولا ان يعم به بريا، قلت أي شئ بعم به بريا، قال: يقتل مؤمن بكافر.

My father said, ‘Ahmad Bin Idrees narrated to us, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Hisham Bin Saalim who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘What is your-asws view with regards to a man who insulted Ali-asws. He-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj! His blood would have been Permissible had the killing not become wide-spread’. I said, ‘Which thing would make the killing to be wide-spread?’ He-asws said: ‘The Believer would be killed by the Infidel’.[1265]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار عن محمد بن أحمد عن ابراهيم بن اسحاق عن عبد الله بن حماد عن عبد الله بن سنان عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: ليس الناصب من نصب لنا أهل البيت لانك لا تجد رجلا يقول: انا ابغض محمدا وآل محمد ولكن الناصب من نصب لكم وهو يعلم انكم تتولونا وانكم من شيعتنا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ataar, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Abdullah Bin Hamaad, from Abdullah Bin Sinan,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘The Hostile one (Nasibi) is not the one who is hostile to us-asws, the People-asws of the Household. You will not find a man who would be saying, ‘I hate Muhammad-saww and the Progeny-asws of Muhammad-saww. But the Hostile one (Nasibi) is the one who is hostile to you (Shiah), and he knows that you all are in our-asws Wilayah, and you are from our-asws Shiah’.[1266]

حدثنا الحسين بن أحمد رحمه الله عن أبيه عن محمد بن أحمد قال: حدثنا أبو عبد الله الرازي عن علي بن سليمان بن راشد باسناده رفعه إلى امير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: يحشر المرجئة عميانا أمامهم اعمى فيقول بعض من يراهم من غير امتنا ما تكون أمة محمد إلا عميانا، فأقول لهم ليسوا من أمة محمد لانهم بدلوا فبدل ما بهم وغيروا فغير ما بهم.

Al Husayn Bin Ahmad narrated to us, from his father, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Abdullah Al Razy, from Ali Bin Suleyman Bin Rashid, by his chain,

(It has been narrated) from Amir Al-Momineen-asws: ‘The Marjia’s (followers of enemies of Ahl Al-Bayt-asws) would be Resurrected blind as their imam is blind. So some (people) from other than our-asws community would be saying, ‘What is the community of Muhammad-saww except for the blind?’ So I-asws would be saying to them: ‘They are not from the community of Muhammad-saww, because they switched, so they switched what was with them, and they changed, so they changed what was with them’.[1267]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد عن محمد بن عيسى عن الفضل بن كثير المدائني عن سعيد بن أبي سعيد البلخي قال: سمعت أبا الحسن عليه السلام يقول: ان الله تعالى في وقت كل صلاة يصليها هذا الخلق لعنه، قال: قلت جعلت فداك ولم ذاك؟ قال: لجحودهم حقنا وتكذيبهم ايانا.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Fazal Bin Kaseer Al Madainy, from Saeed Bin Abu Saeed Al Balkhy who said,

‘I heard Abu Al-Hassan-asws saying: ‘Allah-azwj the High Curses this people during the time of Prayer, every time they Pray’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And why is that so?’ He-asws said: ‘Due to their denial of our-asws rights, and belying against us-asws’.[1268]

أبي رحمه الله قال حدثنا محمد بن يحيى عن محمد بن أحمد قال: حدثني أبو جعفر أحمد بن أبي عبد الله عن أبي الجوزاء عن الحسين بن علوان عن عمرو بن خالد عن زيد بن علي عن آبائه عن علي عليه السلام انه رأي رجلا به تأنيث في مسجد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فقال له: اخرج من مسجد رسول الله يا من لعنه رسول الله،

My father said, ‘Muhammad Bin Yahya narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abu Ja’far Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Abu Al Jowza, from Al Husayn Bin Alwaan, from Amro Bin Khalid,

(It has been narrated) from Zayd, son of Ali-asws, from his forefathers, from Ali-asws having seen an effeminate man in the Masjid of Rasool-Allah-saww, so he-asws said to him: ‘Get out from the Masjid of Rasool-Allah-saww, O one who has been cursed by Rasool-Allah-saww!’

ثم قال علي عليه السلام: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يقول: لعن الله المتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء والمتشبهات من النساء بالرجال.

Then Ali-asws said: ‘I-asws heard Rasool-Allah-saww saying: ‘May Allah-azwj Curse the men who resemble the women, and the women who resemble the men’.[1269]

وفي حديث آخر: أخرجوهم من بيوتكم فانهم اقذر شئ.

And in another Hadeeth: ‘Throw them out from your houses, for they are the filthiest of things’.[1270]

وبهذا الاسناد عن علي عليه السلام قال: كنت مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله جالسا في المسجد حتى اتاه رجل به تأنيث فسلم عليه فرد عليه، ثم اكب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله في الارض يسترجع، ثم قال: مثل هؤلاء في امتي انه لم يكن مثل هؤلاء في امة إلا عذبت قبل الساعة.

And by this chain,

(It has been narrated) from Ali-asws having said: ‘I-asws was seated in the Masjid with Rasool-Allah-saww until there came a feminine man. So he greeted him-saww, so he-saww returned the greeting. Then, Rasool-Allah-saww went down upon his-saww face and recited The Return (We are from Allah-azwj and to Him-azwj We are returning). Then he-saww said: ‘The likes of them in my-saww community would not be in a community except that they would be Punished before the (Establishment of the) Hour’.[1271]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثني سعد بن عبد الله عن أحمد بن محمد البرقي عن محمد بن يحيى عن حماد قال: قلت لابي عبد الله (ع) جعلت فداك نرى الخصي من اصحابنا عفيفا له عبادة ولا نكاد نراه إلا فظا غليظا سريع الغضب، فقال: انما ذلك لانه لم يولد له ولا يزنى.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to me, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al Barqy, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Hamaad who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullah-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! We see a eunuch from our companions as being devout in the worship. We do not see him in any wrong doing except that he is rude and harsh, quick to the anger’. So he-asws said: ‘But rather, that is because he has neither any children, nor has he committed adultery’.[1272]

وبهذا الاسناد عن البرقي باسناده رفع الحديث إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام انه سئل عن الخصى، فقال: لم تسأل عمن لم يلده مؤمن ولا يلد مؤمنا.

And by this chain, from Al Barqy, by his chain,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws, a Hadeeth, when being asked about the eunuch. So he-asws said: ‘Do not ask about the one has neither given birth to a Believer, nor would he be giving birth to a Believer’.[1273]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن عبد الله بن جعفر عن مسعدة بن زياد عن جعفر بن محمد عن آبائه عليهم السلام ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: أتركوا اللص ما ترككم، فان كلبهم شديد وسلبهم خسيس.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Abdullah Bin Ja’far, from Mas’ada Bin Ziyad,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws that Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘Leave the thief what he leaves you, for their dogs are harsh, and their plundering is villanous’.[1274]

وبهذا الاسناد عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال مروان بن الحكم لما هزمنا علي عليه السلام بالبصرة رد على الناس أموالهم من أقام بينة أعطاه ومن لم يقم بينة حلفه، قال: فقال له قائل يا أمير المؤمنين اقسم الفئ بيننا والسبي قال فلما أكثروا عليه قال ايكم يأخذ أم المؤمنين في سهمه فكفوا.

And by this chain,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws forefathers-asws having said: ‘when Ali-asws defeated (army of) Marwan Bin Al-Hakam at Al-Basra, Ali-asws returned to the people their wealth. The one who established a proof, gave it to him, and the one who could not establish the proof, made him swear an oath. So a sayer said to him-asws, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen-asws! Distribute the war booty between us, along with the captives’. He (the narrator) said, ‘So when they persisted frequently over it, he-asws said: ‘Which one of you would take the Mother of the Believers (Ayesha) in his share?’ So they withheld (themselves)’.[1275]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن معاوية بن حكيم عن ابن أبي عمير عن أبان بن عثمان عن يحيى بن أبي العلا عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: كان علي (ع) لا يقاتل حتى نزول الشمس ويقول: تفتح ابواب السماء وتقبل التوبة وينزل النصر ويقول هو أقرب إلى الليل واجدر أن يقل القتل ويرجع الطالب ويفلت المهزوم.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Muawiya Bin Hakeem, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Aban Bin Usman, from Yahya Bin Abu Al A’ala,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws did not use to fight until the sun descended, and he-asws was saying: ‘The doors of the sky are open, and the repentance is Accepted, and the victory descends’. And he-asws was saying: ‘It is near to the night and worthier that less killing would take place, and the seekers return, and the vanquished flee’.[1276]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن ابراهيم بن هاشم عن ابن المغيرة عن السكوني عن جعفر بن محمد عن أبيه عليهما السلام، قال: ذكرت الحرورية عند علي بن أبي طالب (ع) فقال: ان خرجوا مع جماعة أو على امام عادل فقاتلوهم، وان خرجوا على امام جائر فلا تقاتلوهم فان لهم في ذلك مقالا.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ibrahim Bin Hashim, from Ibn Al Mugheira, from Al Sakuny,

(It has been narrated) from Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘The ‘Harouriya’ were mentioned in the presence of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, so he-asws said: ‘If they come out with a group or a just leader, so fight them, and if they come out with a tyrannous leader so do not fight them, because for them, during that, is an exchange of words (leeway for discussion)’.[1277]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن عيسى عن يونس بن عبد الرحمن عن أبي الحسن (ع) قال: قلت له جعلت فداك ان رجلا من مواليك بلغه أن رجلا يعطي السيف والفرس في السبيل، فاتاه فاخذهما منه، ثم لقاه اصحابه فاخبروه ان السبيل مع هؤلاء لا يجوز وأمروه بردهما، قال: فليفعل، قال: قد طلب الرجل فلم يجده وقيل له قد شخص الرجل،

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws, said, ‘I said to him-asws, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! A man from your-asws friends, it (news) reached him that a man is giving the sword and the horse in the Way (of Allah-azwj for Jihaad). So he went over to him and took these two from him. Then he met his companion so he informed him that the Jihaad with those ones it not allowed, and ordered him to return these two’. He-asws said: ‘So let him do it’. He said, ‘He sought the man, but could not find him, and it was said to him that the man had gone’.

قال: فليرابط ولا يقاتل قال له ففي قزوين والديلم وعسقلان، وما اشبه هذه الثغور، فقال: نعم، فقال له يجاهد، فقال: لا إلا أن يخاف على ذراري المسلمين، أرأيتك لو ان الروم دخلوا على المسلمين لم ينبغ لهم ان يتابعوهم،

He-asws said: ‘So let him be (with the army) and not fight’. He (the narrator) said, ‘So with regards to Qazein, and Al-Daylam, and Asqalaan, and what resembles these gaps?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes’. He said to him-asws, ‘He should fight?’ So he-asws said: ‘No, except if he fears upon the offspring of the Muslims. Do you not see that if the Romans were to enter upon the Muslims it would not be befitting for them that they should be obeying them?’

قال: قال يرابط ولا يقاتل فان خاف على بيضة الاسلام والمسلمين قاتل فيكون قتاله لنفسه ليس للسطان. قال: قلت فان جاء العدو إلى الموضع الذي هو فيه مرابط كيف يصنع؟ قال: يقاتل عن بيضة الاسلام لا عن هؤلاء لا في اندراس الاسلام اندراس ذكر محمد صلى الله عليه وآله.

He (the narrator) said, ‘He-asws said: ‘He should be (with the army) but not fight, but if he fears danger upon Al-Islam or the Muslims, he should fight, for his fight would happen to be for himself, not for the authorities’. I said, ‘If an enemy were to come to the place in which he is, how should he react?’ He-asws said: ‘He should fight upon the defence of Al-Islam, not for those ones, for in the extinction of Al-Islam is the extinction of the mention of Muhammad-saww’.[1278]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين عن ابن محبوب عن ابراهيم الجازي عن أبي بصير قال: ذكرنا عند أبي جعفر (ع) من الاغنياء من الشيعة فكأنه كره ما سمع منافيهم، قال: يا أبا محمد إذا كان المؤمن غنيا رحيما وصولا له معروف إلى اصحابه اعطاه الله أجره ما ينفق في البر واجره مرتين ضعفين لان الله تعالى يقول في كتابه (وما اموالكم ولا أولادكم بالتي تقربكم عندنا زلقى إلا من آمن وعمل صالحا فاولئك لهم جزاء الضعف بما عملوا وهم في الغرفات آمنون).

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Ibn Mahboub, from Ibrahim Al Jazy, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘We mentioned in the presence of Abu Ja’far-asws, the rich among the Shiah, so it was as if he-asws did not like what he-asws heard contrary to them. He-asws said: ‘O Abu Muhammad! If the Believer was rich, merciful, maintaining good relations to his companions, Allah-azwj would Give him his Recompense of whatever he spent upon the righteous deeds, and Recompense him twice, double, because Allah-azwj the High is Saying in His-azwj Book [34:37] And neither your wealth nor your children, are the things which bring you near Us in status, but whoever believes and do righteous deeds, these it is for whom is a double Recompense for what they do, and they shall be secure in the high places’.[1279]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن ابن أبي عمير عن منصور بن يونس قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع) ان الله تعالى يقول لو لا أن يجد عبدي المؤمن في نفسه لعصبت الكافر بعصابة من ذهب.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Mansour Bin Yunus who said,

‘Abu Abdullah-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High is Saying: “If My-azwj Believing servant would not find (hurtful feeling) in himself, I-azwj would have Attached a band of gold upon the Infidel’.[1280]

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن أبيه عن محمد بن أحمد عن موسى بن عمر عن ابن سنان عن أبي سعيد القماط عن حمران، قال: سمعت أبا جعفر (ع) يقول: إذا كان الرجل على يمينك على رأي ثم تحول إلى يسارك فلا تقل إلا خيرا ولا تبرأ منه حتى تسمع منه ما سمعت وهو على يمينك فان القلوب بين اصبعين من أصابع الله يقلبها كيف يشاء ساعة كذا وساعة كذا وان العبد ربما وفق للخير.

Ahmad Bin Muhammad narrated to us, from his father, form Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Musa Bin Umar, from Ibn Sinan, from Abu Saeed Al Qamaat, from Hamran who said,

‘I heard Abu Ja’far-asws saying: ‘If there was a man upon your right upon a view (compatible with yours), then he changes to be upon your left (opposes your view), so do not say (anything) except for the goodness, nor disavow from him until you hear from him what you heard when he was upon your right (compatible view), for the hearts are between two Fingers from the Fingers of Allah-azwj (between right and wrong), turning wherever He-azwj so Desires, sometimes such, and sometimes such, and perhaps the servant may be inclined to the goodness’.[1281]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد باسناده رفعه إلى أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: لو ان مؤمنا تناول شجرة من الارض، أو كفا من تراب لبعث الله تعالى إليه من ينازعه فيه وذلك ان الله تعالى لم يجعل للمؤمن في دولة الباطل نصيبا.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, by his chain,

(It has been narrated) raising it to Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘If a Believer were to attain a tree from the earth, or a handful of sand, Allah-azwj the High Sends to him one who disputes with him with regards to it, and that is because Allah-azwj the High did not Make a share for the Believer in the state of the falsehood’.[1282]

وبهذا الاسناد عن محمد بن أحمد عن يعقوب بن يزيد عن محمد بن سنان عمن ذكره عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: أخذ الله ميثاق المؤمن على أن لا يقبل قوله ولا يصدق حديثه ولا ينتصف من عدوه ولا يشفى غيظه إلا بفضيحة نفسه لان كل مؤمن ملجم.

And by this chain, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from the one who mentioned it,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘Allah-azwj Took the Covenant of the Believer upon the stipulation (condition) that his words would not be accepted, nor would his Hadeeth be ratified, nor would he be able to take revenge from his enemies, nor would his anger subside except by bein scandalised himself, because every Believer is reined (straped)’.[1283]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن ابراهيم بن مهزيار عن أخيه عن أحمد بن محمد عن حماد بن عثمان عن أبي بصير عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال إذا كان يوم القيامة أتى الشمس والقمر في صورة ثورين عبقريين فيقدمان بهما وبمن يعبدهما في النار وذلك انهما عبدا فرضيا.

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Ibrahim Bin Mahziyar, from his brother, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Hamaad Bin Usman, from Abu Baseer,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah-asws having said: ‘When it will be the Day of Judgement, the sun and the moon would come in the image of two beautiful bulls, so they would be proceeded with and with the ones who worshipped these two, into the Fire, and that is because these were hypothetical servants’.[1284]

حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رحمه الله قال: حدثنا الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان عن الحسين بن سعيد عن النضر بن سويد عن موسى بن بكر عن زرارة عن أبي جعفر (ع) في قول الله تعالى: (ان الصلاة كانت على المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا) قال: موجبا انما يعنى بذلك وجوبها على المؤمنين ولو كانت كما يقولون لهلك سليمان بن داود حين أخر الصلاة حتى توارت بالحجاب، لانه لو صلاها قبل أن تغيب كان وقتا ليس صلاة أطول وقتا من العصر.

Muhammad Bin Al Hassan narrated to us, from Al Husayn Bin Al Hassan Bin Aban, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Musa Bin Bakr, from Zarara,

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws regarding the Words of the High [4:103] surely the Prayer is a timed Ordinance for the Believers. He-asws said: ‘It Means by that, it is Obligatory upon the Believers, and had it been as they (people) are saying, Suleyman Bin Dawood-as would perish when he-as delayed the Prayer until the sun faded, because, had he-as Prayed before the disappearance of the sun, it would have been on time, and the Prayer does not take longer than the time of Al-Asr’.[1285]

حدثني محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسن آبادي عن أحمد بن أبي عبد الله البرقي عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني قال: حدثني علي بن جعفر عن أخيه موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه عليهما السلام قال: قال علي بن الحسين (ع) ليس لك أن تقعد مع من شئت لان الله تبارك وتعالى يقول: (إذا رأيت الذين يخوضون في آياتنا فاعرض عنهم حتى يخوضوا في حديث غيره، وأما ينسينك الشيطان فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين) وليس لك أن تتكلم بما شئت لان الله تعالى، قال: (ولا تقف ما ليس لك به علم) ولان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله قال: رحم الله عبدا قال خيرا فغنم أو صمت فسلم وليس لك أن تسمع ما شئت لان الله تعالى يقول (ان السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل اولئك كان عنه مسؤلا).

Muhammad Bin Musa Bin Al Mutawakkal narrated to me, from Ali Bin Al Hassan Abady, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah Al Barqy, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al Hasany,

(It has been narrated) from Ali son of Ja’far-asws, from his brother-asws Musa-asws Bin Ja’far-asws, from his-asws father-asws having said: ‘Ali-asws Bin Al-Husayn-asws said: ‘It is not for you to sit with whosoever you like to because Allah-azwj Blessed and High is Saying [6:68] And when you see those who enter into false discourses about Our Signs, withdraw from them until they enter into some other discourse, and if the Satan causes you to forget, then do not sit after recollection with the unjust people’.

و ليس لك أن تتكلم بما شئت لأن الله عز و جل قال: وَ لا تَقْفُ ما لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ، و لأن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله) قال: رحم الله عبدا قال خيرا فغنم، أو صمت فسلم. و ليس لك أن تسمع ما شئت، لأن الله عز و جل يقول: إِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَ الْبَصَرَ وَ الْفُؤادَ كُلُّ أُولئِكَ كانَ عَنْهُ مَسْؤُلًا.

And it is not for you that you should speak whatsoever you like, because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic Says [17:36] And do not follow that of which you have no knowledge of, and because Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘May Allah-azwj have Mercy upon a servant who speaks good or silently submits’. And it is not for you that you should listen to whatsoever you like because Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying [17:36] surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, all of these, shall be questioned about’.[1286]

أبي رحمه الله قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله عن محمد بن أحمد عن أحمد ابن محمد السياري قال: حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن مهران الكوفي قال: حدثني حنان بن سدير عن أبيه عن أبي اسحاق الليثي قال: قلت لابي جعفر محمد بن علي الباقر عليه السلام يابن رسول الله اخبرني عن المؤمن المستبصر إذا بلغ في المعرفة وكمل هل يزنى؟ قال: اللهم لا، قلت: فيلوط؟ قال: اللهم لا، قلت: فيسرق؟ قال: لا، قلت: فيشرب الخمر؟ قال: لا، قلت: فيأتي بكبيرة من هذه الكبائر أو فاحشة من هذه الفواحش؟ قال: لا قلت: فيذنب ذنبا؟ قال: نعم هو مؤمن مذنب ملم، قلت ما معنى ملم قال: الملم بالذنب لا يلزمه ولا يصير عليه

My father said, ‘Sa’ad Bin Abdullah narrated to us, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Al Sayyari, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Mharan Al Kufy, from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from his father, from Abu Is’haq Al Laysi who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’far Muhammad-asws Bin Ali Al-Baqir-asws, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Inform me about the Believer, with the insight, when he reaches the complete understanding, does he commit adultery?’ He-asws said: ‘O Allah-azwj! No!’ I said, ‘So does he commit sodomy?’ He-asws said: ‘O Allah-azwj No!’ I said, ‘He steals?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘He drinks the wine?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So does he go to a major sin from these major sins, or immoralities from these immoralities?’ He-asws said: ‘No’. I said, ‘So, does he commit a sin?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. He is a Believer, sinning familiar sins’. I said, ‘What is the meaning of familiar sins?’ He-asws said: ‘The familiarity with the sins which he neither necessitates it not does he (deliberately) indulge in it’.

قال: فقلت سبحان الله ما اعجب هذا لا يزنى ولا يلوط ولا يسرق ولا يشرب الخمر ولا يأتي بكبيرة من الكبائر ولا فاحشة، فقال: لا عجب من امر الله، ان الله تعالى يفعل ما يشاء ولا يسئل عما يفعل وهم يسئلون فمم عجبت يا ابراهيم؟ سل ولا تستنكف ولا تستحي فان هذا العلم لا يتعلمه مستكبر ولا مستحي،

He (the narrator) said, ‘Glory be to Allah-azwj! What strangeness it is. He neither commits adultery, nor theft, nor drinks the wine, nor comes with a major sin from the major sins, nor any immorality’. So he-asws said: ‘Do not be astounded (surprised) from the Command of Allah-azwj. Allah-azwj Does whatever He-azwj so Desires to, and will not be questioned about what He-azwj does, and they (people) would be questioned. So what are you astounded from, O Ibrahim? Ask, and neither be averse nor be embarrassed, for in this is the knowledge; neither will the arrogant learn it nor the ashamed one’.

قلت: يابن رسول الله اني أجد من شيعتكم من يشرب الخمر ويقطع الطريق ويخيف السبل ويزنى ويلوط ويأكل الربوا ويرتكب الفواحش ويتهاون بالصلاة والصيام والزكاة ويقطع الرحم ويأتي الكبائر، فكيف هذا ولم ذاك؟ فقال: يا ابراهيم هل يختلج في صدرك شئ غير هذا، قلت: نعم يابن رسول الله اخرى اعظم من ذلك! فقال: وهو ما يا أبا اسحاق؟

I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! I find from your-asws Shiah, one who drinks the wine, and cuts off the road (bandit), and scaring the travellers, and committing adultery, and sodomy, and consuming the usury, and indulging in the immoralities, and being careless about the Prayer, and the Fasts, and the Zakat, and cutting-off relationships, and coming to the major sins. So how is this, and why is that so?’ So he-asws said: ‘O Ibrahim! Is there anything other than this in your chest which is disturbing you?’ I said, ‘Yes, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! Another one which is more grievous than that!’ So he-asws said: ‘And what is it, O Abu Is’haq?’

قال: فقلت يابن رسول الله وأجد من اعدائكم ومنا صبيكم من يكثر من الصلاة ومن الصيام ويخرج الزكاة ويتابع بين الحج والعمرة ويحرص على الجهاد ويأثر على البر وعلى صلة الارحام ويقضي حقوق اخوانه ويواسيهم من ماله ويتجنب شرب الخمر والزنا واللواط وسائر الفواحش فمم ذاك؟ ولم ذاك؟ فسره لي يابن رسول الله وبرهنه وبينه، فقد والله كثر فكري وأسهر ليلي وضاق ذرعي،

He (the narrator) said, ‘So I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! And I find from your-asws enemies and from the Hostile ones (Nasibis), one who is frequent in the Prayers, and one who Fasts, and takes out the Zakat, and is obedient between the Hajj and the Umrah, and is greedy for the Jihad, and prefers upon the righteousness, and upon the maintenance of the relationships, and fulfils the rights of his brethren, and consoles them from his wealth, and keeps away from drinking the wine, and the adultery, and the sodomy, and rest of the immoralities. So what is that? And why is that so? Therefore, explain it to me, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww, and demonstrate it, and prove it. By Allah-azwj! My worries are frequent, and I stay awake at nights, and I am fed up’.

قال: فتبسم الباقر صلوات الله عليه، ثم قال: يا ابراهيم خذ اليك بيانا شافيا فيما سألت وعلما مكنونا من خزائن علم الله وسره

He (the narrator) said, ‘So, Al-Baqir-asws smiled, then said: ‘O Ibrahim! Take for yourself explanations which are a healing with regards to what you have asked, and hidden knowledge from the Treasures of the Knowledge of Allah-azwj, and His-azwj Secrets.

اخبرني يا ابراهيم كيف تجد اعتقادهما قلت: يابن رسول الله اجد محبيكم وشيعتكم على ما هم فيه مما وصفته من افعالهم لو اعطي احدهما ما بين المشرق والمغرب ذهبا وفضة أن يزول عن ولايتكم ومحبتكم إلى موالاة غيركم وإلى محبتهم ما زال ولو ضربت خياشيمه بالسيوف فيكم ولو قتل فيكم ما ارتدع ولا رجع عن محبتكم وولايتكم،

Inform me, O Ibrahim! How do you find the beliefs of these two?’ I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! I find those that love you-asws, and your-asws Shiah upon what they are in, from what is described from their deeds such that if one of them is given (all the) gold what is between the East and the West that they should decline from your-asws Wilayah and your-asws love to go to the wilayah of others and to their love, they will not go, and if one were to strike their body parts with the swords regarding you-asws, and even if they are killed regarding you-asws, they would not turn, nor return from your-asws love and your-asws Wilayah.

ورأي الناصب على ما هو عليه مما وصفته من افعالهم لو اعطى احدكم ما بين المشرق والمغرب ذهبا وفضة أن يزول عن محبة الطواغيت وموالاتهم إلى موالاتكم ما فعل ولا زال ولو ضربت خياشيمه بالسيوف فيهم ولو قتل فيهم ما ارتدع ولا رجع وإذا سمع احدهم منقبة لكم وفضلا اشمأز من ذلك وتغير لونه ورأي كراهية ذلك في وجهه بغضا لكم وحبة لهم،

And I see the Hostile one (Nasibi) upon what he is on, from what is described from their deeds, if one of them were given (all) the gold and silver from what is between the East and the West that they should decline from the love of the tyrants and their wilayah to be upon your-asws Wilayah, he would not do it, nor would he even if his body parts were to be struck by the swords regarding them, and even if they were killed regarding them, they would not turn, nor return. And when one of them hears a lauding (Manqabat) for you-asws, and virtues, he is straitened from that, and his colour changes, and I can see the abhorrence of that in his face, hatred for you-asws and love for them’.

قال فتبسم الباقر عليه السلام، ثم قال: يا ابراهيم هاهنا (هلكت العامة الناصبة تصلى نارا حامية تسقى من عين آنية) ومن اجل ذلك قال تعالى (وقدمنا إلى ما عملوا من عمل فجعلناه هباء منثورا) ويحك يا ابراهيم، اتدرى ما السبب والقصة في ذلك وما الذي قد خفي على الناس منه، قلت: يابن رسول الله فبينه لي واشرحه وبرهنه،

He (the narrator) said, ‘Al-Baqir-asws smiled, then said: ‘O Ibrahim! Over here, the general Muslims are destroyed [88:3] Labouring, hostile one (Nasibi) [88:4] Entering into burning fire [88:5] Made to drink from a boiling spring, and due to that Allah-azwj the High Said [25:23] And We will proceed to what they have done of deeds, so We shall render them as scattered floating dust. Woe be unto you, O Ibrahim! Do you know what is the cause and the story regarding that, and what is that which is hidden upon the people from it?’ I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So demonstrate it for me, and expand it, and prove it’.

قال: يا ابراهيم ان الله تبارك وتعالى لم يزل عالما قديما خلق الاشياء لا من شئ ومن زعم ان الله تعالى خلق الاشياء من شئ فقد كفر لانه لو كان ذلك الشئ الذي خلق منه الاشياء قديما معه في ازليته وهويته كان ذلك الشئ ازليا بل خلق الله تعالى الاشياء كلها لا من شئ، فكان مما خلق الله تعالى ارضا طيبة ثم فجر منها ماء عذبا زلالا فعرض عليها ولايتنا أهل البيت فقبلتها فاجرى ذلك الماء عليها سبعة أيام طبقها وعمها، ثم أنضب ذلك الماء عنها، فاخذ من صفوة ذلك الطين طينا فجعله طين الائمة عليهم السلام، ثم أخذ ثفل ذلك الطين فخلق منه شيعتنا ولو ترك طينتكم يا ابراهيم على حاله كما ترك طينتنا لكنتم ونحن شيئا واحدا،

He-asws said: ‘O Ibrahim! Allah-azwj Blessed and High never ceased to be Knowledgeable from before, Created the things, not from a thing. And the one who alleges that Allah-azwj the High Created the things from something, so he has blasphemed, because had it been like that, the thing which from which the things were Created would be older in their existence. But Allah-azwj the High Created the things, all of them from, not from something. So, from what Allah-azwj the High Created, was pure earth. Then clear water burst from it, so He-azwj Presented our-asws Wilayah of the People-asws of the Household, upon it. So it accepted it. So the water flowed upon it for seven days, layered upon it. Then that water drained from it. So He-azwj Took from the elite of that clay, and Made it to be the clay of the Imam-asws. Then He-azwj Took the residue for that clay, so He-azwj Created our-asws Shiah from it. And had your clay been left, O Ibrahim, upon its state, just as our-asws clay was, you and us-asws would have been one thing’.

قلت: يابن رسول الله فما فعل بطينتنا؟ قال اخبرك يا ابراهيم خلق الله تعالى بعد ذلك ارضا سبخة خبيثة منتنة، ثم فجر منها ماء اجاجا آسنا مالحا فعرض عليها ولايتنا أهل البيت فلم تقبلها فاجرى ذلك الماء عليها سعبة أيام حتى طبقها وعمها، ثم نضب ذلك الماء عنها، ثم أخذ من ذلك الطين فخلق منه الطغاة وأئمتهم، ثم مزجه بثفل طينتكم ولو ترك طينتهم على حالها ولم يمزج بطينتكم لم يشهدوا الشهادتين ولا صلوا ولا صاموا ولا زكوا ولا حجوا ولا أدوا الامانة ولا اشبهوكم في الصور وليس شئ أكبر على المؤمن من ان يرى صورة عدوه مثل صورته،

I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So what was done with our clay?’ He-asws said: ‘I-asws will inform you, O Ibrahim! Allah-azwj the High Created a land after that, swampy, malignant, smelly. Then bitter water burst forth from it, salty. So He-azwj Presented our-asws Wilayah of the People-asws of the Household, upon it, but it did not accept it. So that water flowed upon it for seven days until it layered it. Then that water drained from it. Then He-azwj Took from that clay, so He-azwj Created from it, the tyrants and their leaders. Then He-azwj Blended with the residue of your clay. And had their clay been left upon its state and not mixed with your clay, they would neither have testified to the two testimonies, nor Prayed, nor Fasted, nor given Zakat, nor performed Hajj, nor paid back the entrustment, now would they have resembled you in the faces. And there is nothing greater (more grievous) upon the Believer than when he sees the face of his enemy to be similar to his face’.

قلت يابن رسول الله فما صنع بالطينتين، قال: مزج بينهما بالماء الاول والماء الثاني، ثم عركها عرك الاديم، ثم أخذ من ذلك قبضة، فقال: هذه إلى الجنة ولا ابالي، وأخذ قبضة اخرى، وقال: هذه إلى النار ولا ابالي ثم خلط بينهما ووقع من سنخ المؤمن وطينته على سنخ الكافر وطينته ووقع من سنخ الكافر وطينته على سنخ المؤمن وطينته،

I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! So what was done with the two clays?’ He-asws said: ‘Blended between the two of them with the second water, then it was scrubbed with a scrubbing. Then He-azwj Took a Handful from that, so He-azwj Said: “These are to the Paradise and I-azwj do not Care”. And He-azwj Took another Handful, and Said: “These are to the Fire and I-azwj do not Care”. Then He-azwj Mixed the two, and from the origin of Believer and his clay fell upon the origin of the Infidel and his clay; and from the origin of the Infidel and his clay fell upon the origin of the Believer and his clay.

فما رأيته من شيعتنا من زنا أو لواط أو ترك صلاة أو صوم أو حج أو جهاد أو خيانة أو كبيرة من هذه الكبائر فهو من طينة الناصب وعنصره الذي قد مزج فيه لان من سنخ الناصب وعنصره وطينته اكتساب المآثم والفواحش والكبائر.

So what you saw from our-asws Shiah, the one who commits adultery, or sodomy, or neglects the Prayer, or Fasts, or Hajj, or Jihad, or betrays the trusts, or indulges in major sins from these major sins, so it is from the clay of the Hostile one (Nasibi) and his elements which had been mixed up, because it is from the origin of the Nasibi and his elements, and his clay, and it is his clay which attains the sins and the immoralities, and the major sins.

وما رأيت من الناصب من مواظبته على الصلاة والصيام والزكاة والحج والجهاد وابواب البر فهو من طينة المؤمن وسنخه الذي قد مزج فيه لان من سنخ المؤمن وعنصره وطينته أكتساب الحسنات واستعمال الخير واجتناب المآثم

And what you saw from the Nasibis, one who was regular upon the Prayer, and the Fasts, and the Zakat, and the Hajj, and the Jihaad, and the doors of the righteousness, so it is from the clay of the Believer and his elements which have been mixed up from the origins of the Believer and his elements, and it is his clay which attain the good deeds and working the goodness, and keeping away from the sins.

فإذا عرضت هذه الاعمال كلها على الله تعالى قال: انا عدل لا أجور ومنصف لا أظلم وحكم لا احيف ولا اميل ولا اشطط الحقوا الاعمال السيئة التي اجترحها المؤمن بسنخ الناصب وطينته، والحقوا الاعمال الحسنة التي اكتسبها الناصب بسنخ المؤمن وطينته ردوها كلها إلى أصلها، فانى أنا الله لا إله إلا أن عالم السر واخفى، وأنا المطلع على قلوب عبادي لا احيف ولا أظلم ولا الزم احدا إلا ما عرفته منه قبل ان اخلقه.

So when all these deeds are presented to Allah-azwj the High, He-azwj will Say: “I-azwj am Just not tyrannous, Equitable not unjust, and Wise not prejudicial, nor would I-azwj transgress. I-azwj shall Attach the evil deeds which the Believer did by the origin of the Nasibi and his clay, and Attach the good deeds which the Nasibi did by the origin of the Believer and his clay, and Return all of these to its origins, so I-saww am Allah-azwj, there is no god except for Me-azwj. I-azwj am a Knower of the secrets and the concealed, and I-azwj and I-azwj am familiar of the hearts of My-azwj servants. I-azwj am neither prejudicial, not unjust, nor will I-azwj Enforce anyone except what I-azwj Recognise from him from before I-azwj Created him’.

ثم قال الباقر عليه السلام: أقرأ يا ابراهيم هذه الآية قلت: يابن رسول الله أية آية، قال، قوله تعالى (قال معاذ الله أن يأخذ إلا من وجدنا متاعنا عنده إنا إذا لظالمون) هو في الظاهر ما تفهمونه هو والله في الباطن هذا بعينه يا ابراهيم ان للقرآن ظاهرا وباطنا ومحكما ومتشابها وناسخا ومنسوخا،

Then Al-Baqir-asws said: ‘Recite this Verse, O Ibrahim!’ I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww, which Verse?’ He-asws said: ‘The Words of the High [12:79] He said: I seek Refuge with Allah that we should seize other than him with whom we found our property, for then most surely we would be unjust. It is in the apparent, what you understand it to be. By Allah-azwj! In its esoteric, exactly it. O Ibrahim! For the Quran there is an apparent, and an esoteric, and a Decisive, and an Allegorical, and an Abrogating, and an Abrogated’.

ثم قال: أخبرني يا ابراهيم عن الشمس إذا طلعت وبدا شعاعها في البلدان أهو باين من القرص؟ قلت: في حال طلوعه باين، قال: أليس إذا غابت الشمس اتصل ذلك الشعاع بالقرص حتى يعود إليه؟ قلت: نعم، قال: كذلك يعود كل شئ إلى سنخه وجوهره وأصله، فإذا كان يوم القيامة نزع الله تعالى سنخ الناصب وطينته مع اثقاله وأوزاره من المؤمن فيلحقها كلها بالناصب وينزع سنخ المؤمن وطينته مع حسناته وأبواب بره واجتهاده من الناصب فيلحقها كلها بالمؤمن، افترى هاهنا ظلما أو عدوانا؟ قلت: لا يابن رسول الله،

Then he-asws said: ‘Inform me, O Ibrahim, about the sun when it emerges, and initiates its rays in the cities, are these dissociated from the disc (of the sun)?’ I said, ‘In the state of its emergence these are dissociated’. He-asws said: ‘Is it not, when the sun sets, those rays are with the disc until they return to it?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He-asws said: ‘Similar to that, everything will return back to its origin and its essence, and its roots. So when it will be the Day of Judgement, Allah-azwj would Strip off the origin of the Nasibi, and his clay alog with his weight and his burden from the Believer, so He -azwj would Attach all of these with the Nasibi, and Strip off the origin of the Believer, and his clay, along with his good deeds, and the doors of righteousness, and his striving, away from the Nasibi, so He-azwj would Attach all of these with the Believer. Do you see any injustice or aggression over here?’ I said, ‘No, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww!’.

قال: هذا والله القضاء الفاصل والحكم القاطع والعدل البين لا يسئل عما يفعل وهم يسئلون هذا يا ابراهيم الحق من ربك فلا تكم من الممترين هذا من حكم الملكوت، قلت: يابن رسول الله وما حكم الملكوت؟ قال: حكم الله حكم أنبيائه، وقصة الخضر وموسى عليهما السلام حين استصحبه، فقال: (إنك لن تستطيع معي صبرا وكيف تصبر على ما لم تحط به خبرا)

He-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj! This is the Ordained, the Decision, and the Judgement, the cutting-off (of all arguments), the Justice, the Proof, the manifest. He-azwj will not be question about what He-azwj Does, and they (people) would be questioned. This, O Ibrahim, is the Truth from your Lord-azwj. So do not be from the doubters, this is from the Judgements of the Kingdom’. I said, ‘O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww! And what is the Judgement of the Kingdom?’ He-asws said: ‘The Judgement of Allah-azwj, judgement of His-azwj Prophets-as, and story of Al Khizr-as and Musa-as when he-as accompanied him-as. So he (Al-Khizr-as) said [18:67] He said: Surely you cannot have patience with me [18:68] And how can you have patience upon that of which you have not got any news of?.

افهم يا إبراهيم واعقل انكر موسى على الخضر واستفظع أفعاله، حتى قال له الخضر يا موسى ما فعلته عن امرى إنما فعلته عن امر الله تعالى، من هذا ويحك يا إبراهيم قرآن يتلى وأخبار تؤثر عن الله تعالى من رد منها حرفا فقد كفر واشرك ورد على الله تعالى.

Understand, O Ibrahim, and be wiser! Musa-as denied upon Al-Khizr-as and disapproved of his-as deeds, until Al-Khizr-as said to him-as: ‘I-as did not do it of my-as own accord, but rather I-as did it from the Command of Allah-azwj the High’. Woe be unto you, O Ibrahim! From this recitation of the Quran, and the News, are Impacts from Allah-azwj the High. The one who repulses one letter from it, so he has blasphemed and associated, and repulsed to Allah-azwj the High’.

قال الليثي: فكأني لم أعقل الآيات وأنا أقرأها أربعين سنة إلا ذلك اليوم فقلت يابن رسول الله ما اعجب هذا تؤخذ حسنات أعدائكم فترد على شيعتكم، وتؤخذ سيئات محبيكم فترد على مبغضيكم؟! قال: أي الله الذي لا إله إلا هو فالق الحبة وبارئ النسمة وفاطر الارض والسماء ما اخبرتك إلا بالحق وما أنبئتك إلا الصدق وما ظلمهم الله، وما الله بظلام للعبيد، وان ما اخبرتك لموجود في القرآن كله، قلت: هذا بعينه يوجد في القرآن، قال: نعم يوجد في أكثر من ثلاثين موضعا في القرآن، أتحب ان اقرأ ذلك عليك؟ قلت بلى يابن رسول الله،

Al-Laysi (the narrator) said, ‘So, it was as if I had never understood the Verses except on that day, and I had been reciting these for forty years. So I said, ‘O son-as of Rasool-Allah-saww! How strange is this. You-asws would be taking the good deeds of your-asws enemies and be returning these upon your-as Shiah, and you-as would take the evil deeds of those that love you-asws, so you-asws would return them upon those that hate you-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes. Allah-azwj is He-azwj. There is no god except from Him-azwj, the Splitter of the seed, and Formulator of the person, and Originator of the earth and the sky. Did I-asws not inform you except the truth, and did I-asws not give you the news except for the true? And Allah-azwj would not be unjust to them [3:182] and Allah is not in the least unjust to the servants. And I-asws have not (even) informed you of what is to be found in the Quran, all of it’. I said, ‘This exactly is to be found in the Quran?’ He-asws said: ‘Yes, it is found in more than thirty places in the Quran. Would you like that I-asws recite that to you?’ I said, ‘Yes, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww’.

فقال: قال الله تعالى (وقال الذين كفروا للذين آمنوا اتبعوا سبيلنا ولنحمل خطاياكم وما هم بحاملين من خطاياهم من شئ انهم لكاذبون وليحملن اثقالهم واثقالا مع اثقالهم) الآية، ازيدك يا ابراهيم قلت بلى يابن رسول الله

So he-asws said: ‘Allah-azwj the High Says [29:12] And those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Follow our way and we will bear your wrongs. And never shall they be the bearers of any of their wrongs; they are lying [29:13] And they shall carry their own burdens, and (other burdens) along with their own burdens – the Verse. Shall I-asws increase for you, O Ibrahim?’ I said, ‘Yes, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww!’

قال (ليحملوا أوزارهم كاملة يوم القيامة ومن اوزار الذين يضلونهم بغير علم ألا ساء ما يزرون) اتحب ان أزيدك؟ قلت: بلى يابن رسول الله،

He-asws said: ‘[16:25] That they may bear their burdens entirely on the Day of Judgement, and (also) of the burdens of those whom they are leading astray without knowledge; Indeed, evil is what they are bearing. Would you like me-asws to increase for you?’ I said, ‘Yes, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww!’

قال: (فاولئك يبدل الله سيئاتهم حسنات وكان الله غفورا رحيما) يبدل الله سيئات شيعتنا حسنات، ويبدل الله حسنات اعدائنا سيئات، وجلال الله ان هذا لمن عدله وانصافه لاراد لقضائه ولا معقب لحكمه وهو السميع العليم، ألم أبين لك أمر المزاج والطينتين من القرآن؟ قلت: بلى يابن رسول الله،

He-asws said: ‘[25:70] so these are they for whom Allah would Exchange their evil deeds to good ones; and Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. Allah-azwj will Exchange the evil deeds of our-asws Shiah into good deeds, and Allah-azwj will Exchange the good deeds of our-asws enemies into evil deeds. And the Majesty of Allah-azwj is such that this is from His-azwj Justice, and His-azwj Fairness. There is no repelling His-azwj Judgement, nor turning around to His-azwj Decision, and He-azwj is the Hearing, the Knowing. Shall I-asws prove to you the matter of the mixing of the two clays from the Quran?’ I said, ‘Yes, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww!’

قال: إقرأ يا ابراهيم: (الذين يجتنبون كبائر الاثم والفواحش إلا اللمم ان ربك واسع المغفرة هو اعلم بكم إذا أنشأكم من الارض) يعنى من الارض الطيبة والارض المنتنة (فلا تزكوا أنفسكم هو اعلم بمن اتقى) يقول لا يفتخر احدكم بكثرة صلاته وصيامه وزكاته ونسكه لان الله تعالى اعلم من اتقى منكم فان ذلك من قبل اللمم – وهو المزاج – ازيدك يا ابراهيم، قلت: بلى يابن رسول الله

He-asws said: ‘Recite, O Ibrahim! [53:32] Those who keep aloof from the great sins and the immoralities except for the ‘Lamam’; surely your Lord is liberal in Forgiving. He knows you best when He brings you forth from the earth – Meaning from the earth is the clay, and the earth is clayed – therefore do not attribute purity to your souls; He knows him who fears. He-azwj is Saying that let not one of you pride with the frequency of his Prayers, and his Fasts, and his Zakat, and his rituals, because Allah-azwj the High Knows the one who fears among you. So in that is before the ‘Lamam’ – and it is the mixing. Shall I-asws increase for you, O Ibrahim?’ I said, ‘Yes, O son-asws of Rasool-Allah-saww!’

قال: (كما بدأكم تعودون فريقا هدى وفريقا حق عليهم الضلالة إنهم اتخذوا الشياطين اولياء من دون الله) يعني أئمة الجور دون أئمة الحق (ويحسبون انهم مهتدون)

He-asws said: ‘[7:29] as He Originated you, so shall you also return [7:30] A party has He Guided aright and (as for another) party, straying is justly their due, surely they took the Satans for guardians besides Allah – Meaning the unjust imams besides the Imams-asws of the Truth and they reckon that they are rightly Guided’.

خذها اليك يا ابا اسحاق فو الله انه لمن غرر أحاديثنا وباطن سرايرنا ومكنون خزائننا، وانصرف ولا تطلع على سرنا احدا إلا مؤمنا مستبصرا فانك إن أذعت سرنا بليت في نفسك ومالك وأهلك وولدك.

Take it for you, O Abu Is’haq! By Allah-azwj, it is from the dangerous of our-asws Hadeeth, and the esoteric of our-asws secrets, and the hidden of our-asws treasures. And leave, and do not notify our-asws secrets to anyone except for a Believer with insight, for if you were to broadcast our-asws secret, you would be afflicted with yourself, and your wealth, and your family, and your children’.[1287]


(تم الكتاب)

The book is completed



[1] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 1 H 1

[2] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 2 H 1

[3] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 3 H 1

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[5] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 5 H 1

[6] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 6 H 1

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[9] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 7 H 4

[10] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 7 H 5

[11] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 8 H 1

[12] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 9 H 1

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[24] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 9 H 13

[25] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 10 H 1

[26] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 11 H 1

[27] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 12 H 1

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[29] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 14 H 1

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[34] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 20 H 2

[35] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 20 H 3

[36] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 21 H 1

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[38] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 24 H 1

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[44] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 29 H 2

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[52] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 32 H 9

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[56] Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 36 H 2

[57] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 37 H 1

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[60] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 39 H 2

[61] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 39 H 3

[62] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 40 H 1

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[65] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 41 H 1

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[67] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 42 H 2

[68] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 43 H 1

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[70] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 43 H 3

[71] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 43 H 4

[72] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 44 H 1

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[76] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 46 H 1

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[78] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 47 H 2

[79] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 48 H 1

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[81] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 50 H 2

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[84] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 53 H 2

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[97] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 64 H 4

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[102] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 65 H 5

[103] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 66 H 1

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[105] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 67 H 1

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[109] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 68 H 1

[110] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 70 H 1

[111] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 72 H 1

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[114] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 74 H 2

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[119] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 77 H 3

[120] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 77 H 4

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[122] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 77 H 6

[123] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 77 H 7

[124] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 78 H 1

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[127] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 79 H 3

[128] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 79 H 4

[129] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 80 H 1

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[132] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 81 H 3

[133] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 81 H 4

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[135] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 81 H 6

[136] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 82 H 1

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[139] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 84 H 2

[140] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 85 H 1

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[142] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 85 H 3

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[145] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 85 H 6

[146] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 86 H 1

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[149] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 88 H 2

[150] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 89 H 1

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[152] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 91 H 2

[153] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 92 H 1

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[159] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 96 H 1

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[161] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 96 H 3

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[164] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 96 H 6

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[167] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 96 H 10

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[170] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 96 H 13

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[174] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 97 H 1

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[176] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 97 H 3

[177] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 98 H 1

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[179] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 99 H 1

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[181] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 99 H 3

[182] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 99 H 4

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[184] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 99 H 6

[185] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 100 H 1

[186] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 101 H 1

[187] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 101 H 2

[188] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 102 H 1

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[190] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 104 H 1

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[195] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 105 H 8

[196] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 106 H 1

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[198] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 106 H 3

[199] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 107 H 1

[200] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 107 H 2

[201] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 108 H 1

[202] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 110 H 1

[203] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 111 H 1

[204] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 112 H 1

[205] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 112 H 2

[206] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 113 H 1

[207] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 114 H 1

[208] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 115 H 1

[209] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 115 H 2

[210] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 116 H 1

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[212] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 116 H 4

[213] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 116 H 5

[214] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 116 H 7

[215] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 116 H 8

[216] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 116 H 9

[217] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 117 H 1

[218] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 117 H 2

[219] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 117 H 3

[220] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 118 H 1

[221] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 119 H 1

[222] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 1

[223] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 2

[224] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 3

[225] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 5

[226] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 6

[227] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 7

[228] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 9

[229] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 10

[230] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 11

[231] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 120 H 12

[232] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 121 H 2

[233] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 121 H 3

[234] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 1

[235] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 2

[236] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 3

[237] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 4

[238] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 5

[239] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 6

[240] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 7

[241] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 8

[242] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 9

[243] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 10

[244] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 11

[245] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 12

[246] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 122 H 14

[247] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 123 H 1

[248] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 123 H 2

[249] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 124 H 1

[250] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 124 H 2

[251] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 124 H 3

[252] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 125 H 3

[253] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 125 H 4 (Extract)

[254] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 126 H 1

[255] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 127 H 1

[256] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 127 H 2

[257] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 127 H 3

[258] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 128 H 1

[259] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 128 H 3

[260] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 129 H 1

[261] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 129 H 2

[262] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 129 H 3

[263] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 129 H 4

[264] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 130 H 1

[265] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 130 H 3

[266] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 130 H 4

[267] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 130 H 5

[268] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 130 H 6

[269] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 131 H 1

[270] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 131 H 2

[271] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 131 H 3

[272] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 133 H 1

[273] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 133 H 2

[274] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 134 H 1

[275] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 135 H 1

[276] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 136 H 1

[277] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 136 H 2

[278] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 137 H 1

[279] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 138 H 1

[280] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 139 H 1

[281] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 140 H 1

[282] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 141 H 1

[283] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 141 H 2

[284] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 142 H 2

[285] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 142 H 3

[286] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 142 H 5

[287] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 142 H 6

[288] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 143 H 1

[289] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 143 H 2

[290] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 143 H 3

[291] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 144 H 1

[292] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 145 H 1

[293] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 145 H 2

[294] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 146 H 1

[295] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 147 H 1

[296] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 147 H 2

[297] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 148 H 1

[298] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 151 H 1

[299] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 152 H 1

[300] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 152 H 2

[301] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 1

[302] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 2

[303] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 3

[304] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 4

[305] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 5

[306] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 6

[307] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 7

[308] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 8

[309] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 9

[310] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 10

[311] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 11

[312] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 12

[313] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 13

[314] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 14

[315] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 15

[316] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 16

[317] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 17

[318] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 18

[319] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 19

[320] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 20

[321] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 21

[322] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 22

[323] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 23

[324] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 24

[325] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 25

[326] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 26

[327] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 27

[328] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 28

[329] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 29

[330] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 30

[331] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 31

[332] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 153 H 32

[333] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 154 H 1

[334] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 154 H 2

[335] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 154 H 3

[336] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 2

[337] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 4

[338] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 5

[339] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 6

[340] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 7

[341] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 8

[342] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 9

[343] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 10

[344] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 156 H 11

[345] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 157 H 1

[346] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 158 H 1

[347] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 159 H 1

[348] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 159 H 2

[349] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 161 H 1

[350] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 162 H 1

[351] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 162 H 2

[352] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 163 H 1

[353] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 164 H 1

[354] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 165 H 1

[355] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 165 H 2

[356] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 165 H 5

[357] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 165 H 7

[358] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 165 H 8

[359] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 166 H 1

[360] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 167 H 1

[361] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 168 H 1

[362] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 169 H 1

[363] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 169 H 4

[364] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 171 H 2

[365] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 171 H 1

[366] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 173 H 1

[367] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 173 H 2

[368] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 173 H 3

[369] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 174 H 2

[370] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 1

[371] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 2

[372] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 3

[373] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 4

[374] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 5

[375] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 6

[376] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 7

[377] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 8

[378] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 179 H 9

[379] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 180 H 1

[380] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 182 H 1

[381] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 182 H 2

[382] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 182 H 3

[383] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 182 H 4

[384] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 182 H 6

[385] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 182 H 7

[386] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 182 H 8

[387] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 183 H 1

[388] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 184 H 1

[389] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 184 H 2

[390] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 184 H 3

[391] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 184 H 4

[392] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 187 H 1

[393] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 188 H 1

[394] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 189 H 1

[395] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 189 H 2

[396] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 190 H 1

[397] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 191 H 1

[398] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 191 H 2

[399] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 194 H 1

[400] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 194 H 2

[401] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 195 H 1

[402] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 195 H 2

[403] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 197 H 1

[404] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 198 H 1

[405] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 199 H 1

[406] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 200 H 1

[407] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 201 H 1

[408] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 201 H 2

[409] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 202 H 1

[410] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 202 H 2

[411] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 202 H 3

[412] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 202 H 4

[413] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 203 H 1

[414] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 203 H 2

[415] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 203 H 4

[416] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 204 H 1

[417] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 205 H 1

[418] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 205 H 2

[419] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 206 H 1

[420] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 207 H 1

[421] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 208 H 1

[422] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 208 H 2

[423] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 209 H 1

[424] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 210 H 1

[425] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 211 H 1

[426] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 211 H 2

[427] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 212 H 1

[428] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 212 H 2

[429] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 213 H 1

[430] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 214 H 1

[431] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 214 H 2

[432] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 215 H 2

[433] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 216 H 1

[434] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 216 H 2

[435] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 217 H 1

[436] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 218 H 1

[437] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 219 H 1

[438] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 220 H 1

[439] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 221 H 1

[440] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 222 H 1

[441] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 224 H 2

[442] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 225 H 1

[443] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 227 H 1

[444] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 230 H 1

[445] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 231 H 1

[446] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 231 H 2

[447] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 231 H 3

[448] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 231 H 4

[449] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 232 H 1

[450] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 233 H 1

[451] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 234 H 1

[452] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 235 H 1

[453] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 235 H 2

[454] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 235 H 3

[455] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 1

[456] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 237 H 1

[457] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 2

[458] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 1

[459] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 2

[460] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 3

[461] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 4

[462] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 5

[463] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 236 H 1

[464] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 240 H 1

[465] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 241 H 1

[466] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 241 H 2

[467] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 243 H 1

[468] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 244 H 1

[469] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 244 H 2

[470] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 244 H 3

[471] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 245 H 1

[472] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 245 H 2

[473] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 245 H 3

[474] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 245 H 4

[475] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 246 H 1

[476] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 247 H 1

[477] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 248 H 1

[478] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 249 H 1

[479] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 250 H 1

[480] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 251 H 1

[481] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 251 H 2

[482] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 253 H 1

[483] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 254 H 1

[484] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 254 H 2

[485] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 255 H 1

[486] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 255 H 2

[487] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 257 H 1

[488] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 258 H 1

[489] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 259 H 1

[490] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 260 H 1

[491] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 261 H 1

[492] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 261 H 1

[493] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 261 H 2

[494] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 261 H 3

[495] Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 261 H 4

[496] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 1 H 1

[497] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 2 H 1

[498] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 2 H 2

[499] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 3 H 1

[500] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 3 H 2

[501] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 4 H 1

[502] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 4 H 2

[503] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 4 H 3

[504] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 6 H 1

[505] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 6 H 2

[506] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 7 H 1

[507] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 8 H 1

[508] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 9 H 1

[509] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 10 H 1

[510] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 11 H 1

[511] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 11 H 2

[512] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 11 H 3

[513] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 11 H 4

[514] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 11 H 6

[515] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 11 H 7

[516] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 11 H 8

[517] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 12 H 1

[518] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 13 H 1

[519] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 14 H 1

[520] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 15 H 1

[521] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 16 H 1

[522] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 17 H 1

[523] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 18 H 1

[524] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 19 H 1

[525] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 20 H 1

[526] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 20 H 2

[527] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 20 H 3

[528] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 20 H 4

[529] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 21 H 1

[530] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 21 H 2

[531] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 24 H 1

[532] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 24 H 2

[533] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 24 H 3

[534] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 24 H 4

[535] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 25 H 1

[536] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 25 H 2

[537] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 25 H 3

[538] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 26 H 2

[539] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 26 H 3

[540] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 26 H 4

[541] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 27 H 1

[542] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 28 H 1

[543] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 29 H 1

[544] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 30 H 3

[545] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 30 H 4

[546] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 30 H 5

[547] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 30 H 6

[548] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 31 H 1

[549] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 32 H 1

[550] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 32 H 3

[551] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 32 H 4

[552] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 33 H 1

[553] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 33 H 2

[554] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 34 H 1

[555] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 35 H 1

[556] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 36 H 1

[557] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 36 H 2

[558] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 37 H 1

[559] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 38 H 1

[560] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 39 H 1

[561] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 39 H 2

[562] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 40 H 1

[563] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 41 H 1

[564] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 42 H 1

[565] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 42 H 2

[566] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 42 H 3

[567] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 42 H 4

[568] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 42 H 5

[569] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 43 H 1

[570] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 43 H 2

[571] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 45 H 1

[572] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 46 H 1

[573] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 48 H 1

[574] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 49 H 1

[575] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 50 H 1

[576] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 51 H 1

[577] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 52 H 1

[578] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 53 H 1

[579] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 55 H 1

[580] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 55 H 2

[581] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 56 H 1

[582] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 56 H 2

[583] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 56 H 3

[584] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 56 H 4

[585] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 56 H 5

[586] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 56 H 6

[587] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 56 H 7

[588] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 57 H 1

[589] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 57 H 2

[590] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 57 H 3

[591] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 58 H 1

[592] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 59 H 1

[593] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 59 H 2

[594] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 60 H 1

[595] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 60 H 2

[596] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 60 H 3

[597] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 60 H 4

[598] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 60 H 5

[599] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 60 H 6

[600] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 61 H 3

[601] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 61 H 4

[602] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 62 H 1

[603] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 63 H 1

[604] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 64 H 1

[605] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 65 H 1

[606] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 66 H 1

[607] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 67 H 1

[608] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 68 H 1

[609] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 69 H 1

[610] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 70 H 1

[611] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 70 H 2

[612] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 70 H 3

[613] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 70 H 4

[614] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 71 H 1

[615] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 71 H 2

[616] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 72 H 1

[617] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 73 H 1

[618] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 74 H 1

[619] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 75 H 1

[620] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 76 H 1

[621] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 77 H 1

[622] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 78 H 1

[623] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 79 H 1

[624] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 80 H 1

[625] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 81 H 1

[626] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 82 H 1

[627] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 82 H 2

[628] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 83 H 1

[629] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 83 H 2

[630] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 1

[631] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 2

[632] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 3

[633] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 4

[634] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 5

[635] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 6

[636] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 7

[637] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 8

[638] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 84 H 9

[639] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 85 H 1

[640] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 86 H 1

[641] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 86 H 2

[642] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 86 H 3

[643] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 86 H 4

[644] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 87 H 1

[645] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 89 H 1

[646] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 89 H 2

[647] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 89 H 4

[648] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 89 H 5

[649] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 90 H 1

[650] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 90 H 2

[651] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 90 H 3

[652] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 91 H 1

[653] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 92 H 1

[654] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 93 H 1

[655] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 93 H 2

[656] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 93 H 3

[657] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 94 H 1

[658] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 95 H 1

[659] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 96 H 1

[660] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 97 H 1

[661] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 98 H 1

[662] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 99 H 1

[663] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 100 H 1

[664] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 101 H 1

[665] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 102 H 1

[666] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 103 H 1

[667] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 103 H 2

[668] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 104 H 1

[669] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 104 H 2

[670] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 104 H 3

[671] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 105 H 1

[672] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 106 H 1

[673] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 106 H 2

[674] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 106 H 3

[675] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 107 H 1

[676] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 108 H 1

[677] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 108 H 2

[678] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 109 H 1

[679] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 110 H 1

[680] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 112 H 1

[681] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 112 H 2

[682] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 112 H 3

[683] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 112 H 4

[684] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 113 H 1

[685] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 113 H 2

[686] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 113 H 3

[687] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 113 H 4

[688] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 113 H 5

[689] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 114 H 1

[690] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 114 H 2

[691] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 114 H 3

[692] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 115 H 1

[693] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 115 H 2

[694] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 115 H 3

[695] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 115 H 4

[696] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 116 H 1

[697] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 117 H 1

[698] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 119 H 1

[699] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 120 H 1

[700] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 120 H 2

[701] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 120 H 3

[702] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 121 H 1

[703] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 122 H 1

[704] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 123 H 1

[705] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 124 H 1

[706] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 125 H 1

[707] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 125 H 2

[708] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 126 H 1

[709] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 127 H 1

[710] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 128 H 1

[711] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 129 H 1

[712] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 129 H 2

[713] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 129 H 3

[714] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 129 H 4

[715] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 130 H 1

[716] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 1

[717] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 2

[718] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 3

[719] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 4

[720] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 5

[721] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 6

[722] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 7

[723] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 8

[724] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 9

[725] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 10

[726] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 11

[727] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 12

[728] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 13

[729] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 14

[730] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 15

[731] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 131 H 16

[732] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 132 H 1

[733] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 133 H 1

[734] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 134 H 1

[735] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 135 H 1

[736] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 136 H 1

[737] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 137 H 1

[738] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 137 H 2

[739] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 137 H 3

[740] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 137 H 4

[741] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 137 H 5

[742] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 138 H 1

[743] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 138 H 2

[744] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 139 H 1

[745] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 140 H 1

[746] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 140 H 2

[747] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 140 H 3

[748] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 140 H 4

[749] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 140 H 5

[750] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 141 H 1

[751] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 1

[752] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 2

[753] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 3

[754] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 4

[755] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 5

[756] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 6

[757] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 7

[758] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 142 H 8

[759] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 143 H 1

[760] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 143 H 2

[761] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 144 H 1

[762] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 145 H 1

[763] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 147 H 1

[764] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 147 H 2

[765] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 147 H 3

[766] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 147 H 4

[767] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 147 H 5

[768] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 147 H 6

[769] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 148 H 1

[770] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 149 H 1

[771] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 1

[772] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 152 H 1

[773] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 152 H 2

[774] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 153 H 1 (Extract)

[775] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 153 H 2

[776] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 153 H 3

[777] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 154 H 1

[778] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 155 H 1

[779] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 156 H 1

[780] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 156 H 2

[781] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 156 H 3

[782] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 1

[783] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 2

[784] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 3

[785] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 4

[786] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 5

[787] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 6

[788] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 151 H 7

[789] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 158 H 1

[790] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 158 H 2

[791] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 158 H 3

[792] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 159 H 1

[793] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 159 H 2

[794] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 159 H 3

[795] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 159 H 4

[796] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 160 H 1

[797] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 1

[798] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 2

[799] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 3

[800] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 4

[801] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 5

[802] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 6

[803] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 7

[804] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 8

[805] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 161 H 9

[806] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 162 H 1

[807] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 162 H 2

[808] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 163 H 1

[809] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 163 H 2

[810] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 163 H 3

[811] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 164 H 1

[812] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 165 H 1

[813] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 166 H 1

[814] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 168 H 1

[815] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 168 H 2

[816] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 169 H 1

[817] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 169 H 2

[818] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 169 H 3

[819] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 170 H 1

[820] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 170 H 2

[821] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 170 H 3

[822] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 171 H 1

[823] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 172 H 1

[824] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 172 H 2

[825] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 173 H 1

[826] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 174 H 1

[827] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 175 H 1

[828] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 175 H 2

[829] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 176 H 1

[830] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 177 H 1

[831] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 177 H 2

[832] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 178 H 1

[833] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 178 H 2

[834] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 178 H 3

[835] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 179 H 1

[836] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 180 H 1

[837] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 181 H 1

[838] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 181 H 2

[839] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 181 H 3

[840] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 182 H 1

[841] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 183 H 1

[842] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 183 H 2

[843] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 184 H 1a

[844] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 184 H 1b

[845] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 185 H 1

[846] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 186 H 1

[847] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 188 H 1

[848] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 189 H 1

[849] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 189 H 2

[850] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 190 H 1

[851] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 191 H 1

[852] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 192 H 1

[853] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 193 H 1

[854] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 194 H 1

[855] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 195 H 1

[856] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 195 H 3

[857] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 195 H 3

[858] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 196 H 1

[859] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 196 H 2

[860] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 196 H 3

[861] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 196 H 4

[862] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 197 H 1

[863] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 198 H 1

[864] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 198 H 2

[865] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 198 H 3

[866] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 198 H 4

[867] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 198 H 5

[868] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 198 H 6

[869] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 199 H 1

[870] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 200 H 1

[871] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 201 H 1

[872] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 204 H 1

[873] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 204 H 1a

[874] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 205 H 1

[875] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 206 H 1

[876] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 207 H 1

[877] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 208 H 1

[878] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 209 H 1

[879] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 1

[880] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 2

[881] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 3

[882] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 4

[883] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 5

[884] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 6

[885] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 7

[886] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 8

[887] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 9

[888] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 10

[889] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 11

[890] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 12

[891] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 13

[892] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 210 H 14

[893] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 211 H 1

[894] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 212 H 1

[895] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 213 H 1

[896] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 213 H 2

[897] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 214 H 1

[898] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 215 H 1

[899] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 215 H 2

[900] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 216 H 1

[901] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 217 H 1

[902] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 218 H 1

[903] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 220 H 1

[904] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 221 H 1

[905] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 221 H 2

[906] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 221 H 3

[907] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 221 H 4

[908] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 221 H 5

[909] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 221 H 6

[910] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 221 H 7

[911] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 1

[912] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 2

[913] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 3

[914] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 4

[915] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 5

[916] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 6

[917] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 7

[918] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 8

[919] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 9

[920] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 10

[921] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 11

[922] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 12

[923] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 13

[924] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 14

[925] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 15

[926] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 16

[927] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 17

[928] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 18

[929] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 21

[930] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 22

[931] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 29

[932] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 30

[933] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 31

[934] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 32

[935] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 33 (Extract)

[936] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 CH 222 H 35

[937] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 223 H 1

[938] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 223 H 2

[939] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 223 H 3

[940] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 224 H 1

[941] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 224 H 2

[942] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 224 H 3

[943] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 225 H 1

[944] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 226 H 1

[945] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 226 H 2

[946] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 227 H 1

[947] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 228 H 1

[948] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 228 H 2

[949] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 229 H 1

[950] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 229 H 2

[951] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 230 H 1

[952] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 230 H 2

[953] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 231 H 1

[954] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 231 H 2

[955] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 232 H 1

[956] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 233 H 1

[957] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 234 H 1

[958] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 235 H 1

[959] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 236 H 1

[960] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 236 H 2

[961] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 236 H 3

[962] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 236 H 4

[963] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 237 H 1

[964] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 237 H 2

[965] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 237 H 3

[966] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 237 H 4

[967] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 237 H 5

[968] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 238 H 1

[969] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 239 H 1

[970] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 239 H 2

[971] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 239 H 3

[972] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 239 H 4

[973] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 239 H 5

[974] ‘Lamam’ – The man commits the sin, so he asks Forgiveness of Allahazwj from it’

[975] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 240 H 1

[976] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 241 H 1

[977] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 242 H 2

[978] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 243 H 1

[979] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 243 H 2

[980] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 244 H 1

[981] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 245 H 1

[982] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 245 H 2

[983] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 246 H 1

[984] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 247 H 1

[985] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 247 H 2

[986] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 249 H 1

[987] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 249 H 2

[988] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 250 H 1

[989] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 251 H 1

[990] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 252 H 1

[991] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 253 H 1

[992] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 255 H 1

[993] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 256 H 1

[994] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 257 H 1

[995] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 257 H 2

[996] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 258 H 1

[997] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 258 H 2

[998] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 259 H 1

[999] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 260 H 1

[1000] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 261 H 1

[1001] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 262 H 1

[1002] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 263 H 2

[1003] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 266 H 1

[1004] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 267 H 1

[1005] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 269 H 1

[1006] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 269 H 2

[1007] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 269 H 3

[1008] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 270 H 1

[1009] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 271 H 1

[1010] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 272 H 1

[1011] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 273 H 1

[1012] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 275 H 1

[1013] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 276 H 1

[1014] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 276 H 2

[1015] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 277 H 1

[1016] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 277 H 2

[1017] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 278 H 1

[1018] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 279 H 1

[1019] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 281 H 1

[1020] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 282 H 1

[1021] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 282 H 2

[1022] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 282 H 3

[1023] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 286 H 1

[1024] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 287 H 1

[1025] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 288 H 1

[1026] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 1

[1027] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 2

[1028] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 3

[1029] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 4

[1030] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 5

[1031] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 6

[1032] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 7

[1033] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 289 H 8

[1034] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 290 H 1

[1035] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 291 H 1

[1036] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 292 H 1

[1037] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 293 H 1

[1038] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 294 H 1

[1039] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 295 H 1

[1040] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 295 H 2

[1041] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 295 H 3

[1042] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 296 H 1

[1043] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 297 H 1

[1044] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 297 H 2

[1045] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 298 H 1

[1046] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 298 H 2

[1047] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 298 H 3

[1048] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 298 H 4

[1049] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 298 H 5

[1050] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 298 H 6

[1051] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 298 H 7

[1052] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 299 H 1

[1053] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 300 H 1

[1054] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 300 H 2

[1055] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 301 H 1

[1056] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 301 H 2

[1057] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 302 H 1

[1058] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 303 H 1

[1059] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 304 H 1

[1060] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 305 H 1

[1061] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 305 H 2

[1062] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 307 H 1

[1063] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 308 H 1

[1064] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 308 H 2

[1065] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 309 H 1

[1066] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 310 H 1

[1067] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 310 H 2

[1068] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 311 H 1

[1069] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 1

[1070] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 2

[1071] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 3

[1072] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 4

[1073] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 5

[1074] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 6

[1075] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 7

[1076] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 8

[1077] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 9

[1078] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 312 H 10

[1079] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 313 H 1

[1080] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 313 H 2

[1081] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 314 H 1

[1082] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 314 H 2

[1083] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 314 H 3

[1084] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 315 H 1

[1085] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 315 H 2

[1086] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 315 H 3

[1087] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 315 H 4

[1088] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 316 H 1

[1089] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 317 H 1

[1090] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 317 H 2

[1091] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 317 H 3

[1092] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 317 H 4

[1093] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 317 H 5

[1094] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 318 H 1

[1095] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 319 H 1

[1096] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 320 H 1

[1097] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 321 H 1

[1098] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 323 H 1

[1099] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 324 H 1

[1100] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 324 H 2

[1101] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 324 H 3

[1102] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 324 H 4

[1103] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 4

[1104] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 2

[1105] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 3

[1106] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 4

[1107] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 5

[1108] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 6

[1109] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 7

[1110] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 325 H 8

[1111] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 1

[1112] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 2

[1113] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 3

[1114] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 4

[1115] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 5

[1116] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 6

[1117] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 7

[1118] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 8

[1119] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 9

[1120] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 10

[1121] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 11

[1122] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 12

[1123] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 13

[1124] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 14

[1125] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 15

[1126] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 16

[1127] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 326 H 17

[1128] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 327 H 1

[1129] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 328 H 1

[1130] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 328 H 2

[1131] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 328 H 3

[1132] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 328 H 4

[1133] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 329 H 1

[1134] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 330 H 1

[1135] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 331 H 1

[1136] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 331 H 2

[1137] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 332 H 1

[1138] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 333 H 1

[1139] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 334 H 1

[1140] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 335 H 1

[1141] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 336 H 1

[1142] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 337 H 1

[1143] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 338 H 1

[1144] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 339 H 1

[1145] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 339 H 1

[1146] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 340 H 2

[1147] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 340 H 2

[1148] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 340 H 3

[1149] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 340 H 4

[1150] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 340 H 5

[1151] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 340 H 6

[1152] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 340 H 7

[1153] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 341 H 1

[1154] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 342 H 1

[1155] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 343 H 2

[1156] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 343 H 4

[1157] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 343 H 6

[1158] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 343 H 7

[1159] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 343 H 8

[1160] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 343 H 8

[1161] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 345 H 1

[1162] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 346 H 1

[1163] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 347 H 1

[1164] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 348 H 1

[1165] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 349 H 1

[1166] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 349 H 2

[1167] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 350 H 1

[1168] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 351 H 1

[1169] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 352 H 1

[1170] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 353 H 1

[1171] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 353 H 2

[1172] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 353 H 3

[1173] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 353 H 4

[1174] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 354 H 1

[1175] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 355 H 1

[1176] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 356 H 1

[1177] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 357 H 1

[1178] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 357 H 2

[1179] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 358 H 1

[1180] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 359 H 1

[1181] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 359 H 2

[1182] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 359 H 3

[1183] ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 359 H 4

[1184] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 360 H 1

[1185] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 361 H 1

[1186] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 361 H 2

[1187] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 362 H 1

[1188] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 363 H 1

[1189] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 363 H 2

[1190] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 364 H 1

[1191] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 365 H 1

[1192] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 365 H 2

[1193] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 366 H 1

[1194] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 367 H 1

[1195] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 368 H 1

[1196] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 369 H 2

[1197] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 369 H 3

[1198] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 369 H 4

[1199] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 369 H 5

[1200] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 369 H 6

[1201] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 370 H 1

[1202] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 370 H 2

[1203] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 371 H 1

[1204] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 371 H 2

[1205] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 371 H 3

[1206] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 371 H 5

[1207] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 372 H 1

[1208] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 372 H 2

[1209] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 373 H 1

[1210] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 378 H 1

[1211] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 379 H 1

[1212] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 380 H 1

[1213] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 382 H 1

[1214] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 383 H 1

[1215] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 384 H 1

[1216] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 1

[1217] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 2

[1218] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 3

[1219] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 4

[1220] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 5

[1221] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 6

[1222] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 8

[1223] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 10

[1224] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 11

[1225] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 13

[1226] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 14

[1227] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 15

[1228] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 17

[1229] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 18

[1230] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 19

[1231] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 20

[1232] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 21

[1233] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 22

[1234] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 23

[1235] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 24

[1236] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 25

[1237] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 26

[1238] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 27

[1239] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 28

[1240] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 30

[1241] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 31

[1242] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 33

[1243] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 34

[1244] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 36

[1245] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 37

[1246] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 38

[1247] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 39

[1248] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 40

[1249] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 41

[1250] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 42

[1251] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 43

[1252] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 44 (Extract)

[1253] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 45

[1254] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 46

[1255] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 47

[1256] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 48

[1257] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 50

[1258] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 51

[1259] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 52

[1260] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 53

[1261] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 55

[1262] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 56

[1263] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 57

[1264] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 58

[1265] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 59

[1266] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 60

[1267] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 61

[1268] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 62

[1269] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 63

[1270] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 64

[1271] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 65

[1272] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 66

[1273] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 67

[1274] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 68

[1275] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 69

[1276] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 70

[1277] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 71

[1278] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 72

[1279] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 73

[1280] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 74

[1281] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 75

[1282] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 76

[1283] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 77

[1284] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 78

[1285] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 79

[1286] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 80

[1287] AL ILLAL AL SHARAIE – V 2 Ch 385 H 81