SERMON of FADAK by Syeda-asws

SERMON of FADAK by Syeda Bint e Mohammed-asws in Madinah Masjid, after the Shahadat of Rasool Allah-saww

Give the kinsman his due …. ( 17 : 26)

In tafaseers it is mentioned that when this verse was revealed the Holy Prophet-saww asked the Angel Gibrael :

“Who are the kinsmen and what is their due? The Angel replied: Give Fadak[1] to Fatima-asws for it is her due, and whatever is due to Allah-azwj and the Prophet-saww out of Fadak; that also belongs to her, so entrust it to her also.”[2]

Thereupon the Holy Prophet-saww called Bibi Syeda Fatima-asws and wrote the deed of gift, giving Fadak to Her-asws.

After the demise of The Prophet-saww, Fatima Az-Zahra-asws exhausted all possible avenues in pursuit to reclaim Her-asws rightful inheritance to the Fadak, given to Her-asws by Her Father-saww. But sadly Her-asws pleas fell on deaf ears. For this reason and on the grounds of proving that she-asws has been oppressed by those who professed righteousness under false pretences of faith and piety, at a very last resort, the holy Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra-asws, went to her Father-saww‘s Mosque, to face Her-asws adversaries and delivered to them the most eloquent of words in Her-asws defence, which left the assembly speechless. She chose to proceed to the Mosque at a time when it was crammed with people, in order that her words reached the ears of all the people, who were somewhat accessories due to their silent approval of the events that occurred after the Holy Prophet’s demise. She addressed the assembly as;

O People! Be informed that I am Fatima-asws, and my father is Muhammad-saww. Whatever I say, I will say it till the end and will initiate it continually; be informed I-asws say not anything but the omniscient. I-asws seek My Allah-azwj’s willingness and gratification in everything I-asws do.

Now hath come unto you an Apostle from amongst yourselves; It grieves him that you should perish; ardently anxious is he over you; to the believers he is most kind and merciful. Thus, if you identify and recog­nize him, you shall realize that he is my Father-saww and not the father of any of your women; the brother of my cousin (Ali-asws) rather than any of your men. Can there be an epitome of goodness in the entire universe other than the one associated with The Prophet-saww?

Thus, He-saww propagated the Message, by coming out openly with the warning, and while inclined away from the path of the polytheists, whom he struck their strength and seized their throats, while he invited all to the way of his Lord-azwj with wisdom and virtuous preaching. He-saww destroyed idols, and defeated protagonists, until their group fled and turned their backs. So night revealed its dawn; righteousness uncovered its genuineness; the voice of the religious authority spoke out loud; the evil discords were silenced; the tightening of infidelity and desertion were untied. So you spoke the statement of devotion amongst a band of starved ones and you were on the edge of a hole of fire; you were the drink of the drinkers; the opportunity of the desiring one; the fire brand of him who passes in haste; You had fallen lower than the dirt under the feet; you used to drink from the water gathered on roads; eat jerked meat. You were despised outcasts always in fear of abduction from those around you.

Yet, Allah-azwj rescued you through my father, Hazrat Muhammad-saww after much ado, and after He-saww was confronted by mighty men, the Arab beasts, and the demons of the people of the Book Who, whenever they ignited the fire of war, Allah-azwj extinguished it and whenever the thorn of the devil appeared, or a mouth of the polytheists opened wide in defiance, He-saww would strike its discords with His brother Ali-asws, who comes not back until He-asws treads its wing with the sole of His feet, and extinguishes its flames with His sword. Ali-asws is diligent in Allah-azwj‘s affairs, near to the Messenger of Allah-azwj, a master among Allah-azwj‘s worshippers, setting to work briskly, sincere in His advice, earnest and exerting Himself in service to Islam.

While you were calm, happy and feeling safe in your comfort­able lives, waiting for us (Ahlulbayt-asws) to meet calamities. You aspired for adversities to fall upon the Prophet’s Ahlulbayt-asws; like foes you desired and yearned for the demise of The Prophet-saww and craved for the calamities and grievances to strike us. Awaiting the spread of news, you fell back during every battle, and took to your heels at times of fighting. Yet, when Allah-azwj chose His Prophet-saww from the dwell of His prophets, and the abode of His sincere servants; the thorns of hypocrisy appeared on you, the garment of faith became worn out, the misguided ignorant(s) spoke out and the sluggish ignorant came to the front and betrayed. Then the camel of the vain wiggled his tail in your courtyards and the Devil stuck his head from its place of hiding and called upon you, he found you respon­sive to his invitation, and observing his deceits. He then aroused you and found you quick to answer him, and invited you to wrath, therefore; you branded other than your camels and proceeded to other than your drinking places. Then while the era of the Prophet-saww was still near, the gash was still wide, the scar had not yet healed, and the Messenger-saww was not yet buried, there was a quick undertaking as you claimed, aimed at preventing discord trial. Surely, the unbelievers have fallen into trial already and indeed hell surrounds them. What befell upon you and why did you turn away from veracity?

For Allah-azwj‘s Book is still amongst you, its affairs are apparent; its rules are manifest; its signs are dazzling; its restrictions are visible, and its commands are evident. Yet, indeed you have casted it behind your backs! What! Do you detest it? Or you wish to rule according to something else? Evil would be the exchange for the wrongdoers! And if anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah-azwj), it never will it be accepted from Him; And in the hereafter, he will be in the ranks of those who have lost. Surely you have not waited until its stampede seized, and it became obedient. You then started arousing its flames, instigating its coal, complying with the call of the misled devil, quenching the light of the manifest reli­gion, and extinguished the light of the sincere Prophet-saww. Ostensively you have embraced Islam but in reality you are still infidels.

You concealed sips on froth and proceeded towards His (the Prophet-saww) kin and children in swamps and forests but We-asws were patient with you even when we were being notched with knives and stung by spearheads in our chests, Yet-now you claim that there is no inheritance for us! What! “Do you then seek after a judgment of the days of ignorance? Is anyone a better judge than Allah-azwj. But how, for a people whose faith is assured, can anyone give better judgment than Allah-azwj? Don’t you know? Yes, indeed it is obvious to you that I am Prophet-saww‘s only daughter.

O Muslims! Will my inheritance be usurped? O son of Abu Quhafa! Where is it in the Book of Allah-azwj that you inherit your father and I-asws do not inherit mine? Surely you have come up with an unprecedented thing. Do you intentionally abandon the Book of Allah-azwj and cast it behind your back? Do you not read where it says: “And Suleman-as inherited from his father Dawood-as?”

And when it narrates the supplication of Zakariya-as and says: `So give me an heir as from you! One that will inherit me, and inherit the posterity of Al-Yaqoob-as

And Allah-azwj thus directs you in the same book as regards to your children’s inheritance: ‘Male inherits a portion equal to that of two females’ and, if he leaves any goods, he should make a bequest to parents and next of kin, according to reasonable usage.’ While Allah-azwj has openly revealed this yet you still claim that I have no share! And that I do not inherit my Father-saww! What! Did Allah-azwj reveal a verse regarding you, from which He excluded my Father-saww? Or do you say: `These, Fatima-asws and her Father-saww, are the people of two different faiths and nation, and thus they do not inherit each other?!’ Are we not, me and my father, a people adhering to same faith? Or is it that you have more knowledge about the specifi­cations and generalizations of the Quran than my father and my cousin (Imam Ali-asws)?

So, here you are! Take it (Fadak). As if bridling a camel ready with its nose rope and saddled! But O Abu bakar, it shall encounter you on the Day of Gathering; thus what a wonder­ful judge is Allah-azwj, and Muhammad-saww is our saviour and leader. O’ Abu bakr be prepared for its consequences on the Day of Reckoning. At the time of the hour the wrongdoers shall lose; and it shall not benefit you to regret your actions then! For every Message, there is a time limit; and soon shall ye know who will be inflicted with wrath of Allah-azwj that will humiliate him, and who will be confronted by an everlasting punishment.

(Syeda) Fatima-asws then turned towards the Ansars and said:) O you people of Ansar! The strong supporters of the nation! And those who embraced and protected Islam; what is this short-coming in defending my right? And what is this slumber while you see injustice being done towards me? Did not the Messenger of Allah-azwj, my Father-saww, used to say: A man is upheld and remembered by protecting and supporting his children’? O How quickly you have made alterations in the Islam. Surely you are capable of helping me in my attempt and impart my rightful demand.

Allah-azwj’s Prophet, Muhammad-saww has perished; surely this is a great calamity; its damage is excessive its injury is great, its wound is too deep to heal. Disparities and deviations appeared in the nation. The Earth became darkened with His-saww departure; the stars eclipsed for his calamity; hopes were seized; mountains submitted; sanctity was violated. His-saww holiness was encroached upon and its veneration declined after His-saww death. Therefore, this, by Allah-azwj, is the great affliction, and the grand calamity; there is not an affliction which is the like of it; nor will there be a sudden misfortune as surprising as this. And this news has been announced everywhere in a very jubilious note.

Adversities had previously come upon His (Allah-azwj‘s) Prophets and Messengers; for it is a decree final, and pre­destination fulfilled. Allah-azwj says: “Muhammad-saww is not but an Apostle: Many were the apostles that passed away before him. If He-saww demised, will you then turn back on your heels and return to your religion of ignorance? If anyone did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah-azwj; but Allah-azwj on the other hand will swiftly reward those who serve Him with gratitude.

“O people of Aus and Khizrij; and Ansar, Can you see that the inheritance of my Father-saww is being usurped from me! My eyes are fixated on you and I can hear what you can say. And while you are sitting and gathered around me. You hear my call, and are included in the news of the affair. And you are numerous and well equipped! You have the means and the power, and the weapons and the shields. Yet, the call reaches you but you do not answer; the cry comes to you but you do not come to help, while you are characterized by struggle and fight against foes, known for goodness and welfare. You are the selected group which was chosen by the Messenger-saww for us, Ahlul-Bayt-asws. You fought the Arabs, bore the pain and exhaustion, struggled against the nations, and resisted their heroes. And you were always quick in obeying us.

So, when Islam became triumphant, the accomplishment of the days came near, the fort of polytheism was subjected, the outburst of infidelity calmed down, and the system of religion was well-ordered, why have you then become con­fused after clearness? Conceal matters after announcing them? Turned on your heels after daring? Associated others with Allah-azwj after believing?

Allah-azwj’s wrath be upon them who violated their oaths, Plotted to expel the Apostle and allied with others (you being the first ones) in our enmity, you fear them. Nay, it is Allah-azwj Whom you should more justly fear, if you believe!

I-asws see that you have finally gone into subordination and ease of living; you have distanced yourself from the one who is the most rightful to order the affairs of the Muslims (Imam Ali-asws). Indeed Ali-asws is your saviour and guardian. He is the most apt in conception and representation of Islam.

You have returned into the comfort of inaction, and you have sought an easy life instead of a hard one, and whatever you had heard and retained you have forgotten, and what you had swallowed you have vomited i.e. of Islamic teachings; So, if you become disbelievers, along with all others on earth, most surely Allah-azwj would not be concerned.

Beware! I have said what I had to say on the basis of the dereliction of obligations that has come on you, and the betrayal that you have done; you refused to verify and support me. And I apprehended your defiance. And all this is the result of the welling up of the soul, and the explosion of my anger, and the emission of the heart.

So get hold of this camel (Caliphate) and ride its tail; But remember it has a sore back, and its feet are injured, and shame will linger with it; it is marked with the wrath of Allah-azwj and an eternal disgrace; it is linked to Hellfire, whose flames have reached up to the very hearts; what you do is in front of Allah-azwj, and those who transgress shall certainly come to know how they will be overthrown and overturned; and I am the daughter of the one who warned you of severe punishment. So you do what you want to and we will endure and will be patient, and you await Allah-azwj’s vengeance and we shall await His justice and fairness.

Abu bakar replied:

‘O daughter of the Messenger of Allah-azwj! You are truthful and rightful in all your statements but I heard the Prophet-saww state: “we group of Prophets neither inherit from anyone nor have anyone who would inherit from us.’

Bibi Fatima-asws replied him, saying:

“Subhan Allah-azwj!( Praise be to Allah-azwj!) The Messenger of Allah-azwj never turned away from the Book of Allah-azwj, and neither was He-saww ever opposed to the Commandments mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. He always followed what was indicated in the Holy Qur’an, and always pursued what was implied in its chapters; have you all combined to betray him by ascribing to him what is untrue and deceptive? And all this, after his death, is similar to what was plotted against him during his lifetime.

This Book of Allah-azwj is the most just of all judges and let it be judging between me and you and is the most rationally articulate in deciding between good and evil, truth and falsehood; the Holy Qur’an states: (the Prophet of Allah-azwj) “Zakariyya-as said, ‘Grant me one who will inherit me and inherit from the descendants of Al-Yaqoub-as ‘”. It also reveals “And Sulaiman-as inherited from Dawood-as.” The Most Glorified and the Most Honoured Allah-azwj has clarified how the instalments will be divided, and has laid down laws and rules for obligation and inheritance, and He has made valid what is to be the share of the males and the females, and He has removed from the path the efforts of those who are false, and He has also swept away all possibility of surmise and conjecture, as well as doubts and scepticism of the coming nations; Surely, it is your own selves which have presented an apocryphal matter in a rightful and gratifying manner before you; therefore, patience and endurance is well and good for me, and Allah-azwj is my best Helping in what false you have said.

Abu bakar replied:

‘Allah-azwj has spoken truthfully and so has His Messenger-saww; also, the Prophet’s daughter has also spoken justly; you are the source of wisdom and you are the source of guidance and mercy, and you are the support of Religion and Allah-azwj‘s witness of His arguments; I do not repudiate the truthfulness of your opinion, and neither do I deny your speech But it was because of the satisfaction of these muslims (who believed in the oneness of Allah-azwj and the Prophethood of your Father-saww) that  I have seized your inheritance and thus they are equal in this seize.

Bibi Fatima Zahra-asws replied:

“O people, who rush towards uttering falsehood and are indifferent to disgraceful and losing actions, you do not seek to reflect upon the Quran, and your hearts are isolated with locks. On your hearts is the stain of the evil, which you committed; it has seized your hearing and your sight, evil is that which you justified; cursed is that which you reckoned, and it is a great abominable matter which you have exchanged for verity. You shall, by Allah-azwj, find bearing it, to be a great burden, and its consequence disastrous. (That is) on the day when the cover is removed and will appear to you what is behind it, of wrath. When you will be confronted by Allah-azwj with that which you could never have expected, there will perish, there and then, those who stood on falsehoods.

After this Bibi Fatima-asws turned towards Her Father-saww’s grave and recited some poetic words, the translation of which is as follows:

“O my beloved father, amendments were created after you

For who dare would have done so if you were here

We have been devoid of Your-saww greatness

As barren ground is of rain,

Your nation is scattered and dispersed

O Prophet of Allah-azwj can You-saww see

How they have left the path of righteousness!”

Imam Jaffer-e-Sadiq–asws said:

“Bibi Fatima–asws has nine names near Allah-azwj, they are: Fatima, Siddiqah (the honest), Al Mubarakah (the blessed one), AlTahirah (virtuous), Al Zakiyah (the chaste), Al Radhiatul Mardhiah (she who is gratified and who shall be satisfied), Al Muhaddathah (a person, other than a prophet, that the angels speak to), and                 Al Zahra (the splendid).”

[1] Fadak was a city, which was situated thirty miles from Medina There were wells of water and trees of dates in it. This city was named Fadak, while Ham, the son of Noah, first came to this place and put the foundation of the city.

[2] Tafseer Durr e Mansoor ( Volume 4 page 177 )