Abrogated Verses
و عنه: عن محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن ابن فضال، عن الحسن بن الجهم، قال: قال لي أبو الحسن الرضا (عليه السلام): «يا أبا محمد، ما تقول في رجل تزوج نصرانية على مسلمة؟» قلت: جعلت فداك، و ما قولي بين يديك؟ قال: «لتقولن، فإن ذلك تعلم به قولي».
And from him (Yaqoub Al Kulayni), from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Fazaal, from Al Hassan Bin Al Jahm who said,
‘Al-Reza-asws said to me: ‘O Abu Muhammad! What are you saying regarding a man who marries a Christian woman on top of a Muslim woman (as a second wife)?’ I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And what are my words in front of you-asws?’ He-asws said: ‘You speak, for by that you would learn my-asws words’.
قلت: لا يجوز تزويج النصرانية على مسلمة، و لا غير مسلمة. قال: «و لم؟» قلت: لقول الله عز و جل: وَ لا تَنْكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكاتِ حَتَّى يُؤْمِنَّ قال: «فما تقول في هذه الآية: وَ الْمُحْصَناتُ مِنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ؟ قلت: فقوله: وَ لا تَنْكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكاتِ نسخت هذه الآية. فتبسم، ثم سكت.
I said, ‘It is neither allowed to marry a Christian woman on top of a Muslim woman, nor a non-Muslim woman’. He-asws said: ‘And why not?’ I said, ‘Due to the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [2:221] And do not marry the idolatresses until they believe’. He-asws said: ‘So what are you saying regarding this Verse [5:5] and the chaste from among those who have been Given the Book before you (are lawful for you)?’ I said, ‘Therefore [2:221] And do not marry the idolatresses Abrogates this Verse’. He-asws smiled, then was silent’.[1]
العياشي: عن أبي بكر بن حزم، قال: توضأ رجل، فمسح على خفيه، فدخل المسجد فصلى، فجاء علي (عليه السلام) فوطئ على رقبته فقال: «ويلك، تصلي على غير وضوء؟!» فقال: أمرني عمر بن الخطاب. قال: فأخذ بيده، فانتهى به إليه، فقال: «انظر ما يروي هذا عليك» و رفع صوته، فقال: نعم أنا أمرته، إن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله) مسح. قال: «قبل المائدة، أو بعدها؟» قال: لا أدري. قال: «فلم تفتي و أنت لا تدري؟ سبق الكتاب الخفين».
Al Ayyashi, from Abu Bakr Bin Hazam who said,
‘A man performed ablution, so he wiped upon his socks, and he entered the Masjid and Prayed, So Ali-asws came up and held him by the neck and said: ‘Woe be unto you! You are Praying without ablution?’ So he said, ‘Umar Bin Al-Khattab ordered me such’. He (the narrator said), ‘So he-asws grabbed him by his hand and ended him up to him and said: ‘Look at what he is reporting against you’ – in a raised voice. So he (Umar) said, ‘Yes, I did order him such. Rasool-Allah-saww wiped (the socks)’. He-asws said: ‘Was that before (Revelation of Surah) Al-Ma’aida or after it?’ He said, ‘I do not know’. He-asws said: ‘So why did you issue a verdict (Fatwa) and you don’t know? (Wiping upon) the two socks was before the (Revelation) of the Book (Surah Al Ma’aida)’.[2]
عن محمد بن الفضل، عن أبي الحسن (عليه السلام)، في قول الله: لا تَقْرَبُوا الصَّلاةَ وَ أَنْتُمْ سُكارى حَتَّى تَعْلَمُوا ما تَقُولُونَ قال: «هذا قبل أن يحرم الخمر».
From Muhammad Bin Al Fazal,
(It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan-asws regarding the Words of Allah-azwj [4:43] O you who believe! Do not go near the Prayer when you are Intoxicated until you know what you are saying, said: ‘This is before the Prohibition of the wine’.[3]
عن أبي بصير، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام)، قال: سألته عن قوله: مَتاعاً إِلَى الْحَوْلِ غَيْرَ إِخْراجٍ. قال: «منسوخة، نسختها: يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ أَرْبَعَةَ أَشْهُرٍ وَ عَشْراً، و نسختها آية الميراث».
From Abu Baseer,
(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about His-azwj Words [2:240] (make) a bequest in favor of their wives of maintenance for a year without turning (them) out. He-asws said: ‘It is Abrogated. It is Abrogated by [2:234] they should keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten days. And the Verse of the inheritance Abrogates it’.[4]
و عنه: عن محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن ابن فضال، عن الحسن بن الجهم، قال: قال لي أبو الحسن الرضا (عليه السلام): «يا أبا محمد، ما تقول في رجل تزوج نصرانية على مسلمة؟» قلت: جعلت فداك، و ما قولي بين يديك؟ قال: «لتقولن، فإن ذلك تعلم به قولي».
And from him (Yaqoub Al Kulayni), from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Fazaal, from Al Hassan Bin Al Jahm who said,
‘Al-Reza-asws said to me: ‘O Abu Muhammad! What are you saying regarding a man who marries a Christian woman on top of a Muslim woman (as a second wife)?’ I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you-asws! And what are my words in front of you-asws?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘You speak, for by that you would learn my-asws words’.
قلت: لا يجوز تزويج النصرانية على مسلمة، و لا غير مسلمة. قال: «و لم؟» قلت: لقول الله عز و جل: وَ لا تَنْكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكاتِ حَتَّى يُؤْمِنَّ قال: «فما تقول في هذه الآية: وَ الْمُحْصَناتُ مِنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ؟ قلت: فقوله: وَ لا تَنْكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكاتِ نسخت هذه الآية. فتبسم، ثم سكت.
I said, ‘It is neither allowed to marry a Christian woman on top of a Muslim woman, nor a non-Muslim woman’. He-asws said: ‘And why not?’ I said, ‘Due to the Words of Allah-azwj Mighty and Majestic [2:221] And do not marry the idolatresses until they believe’. He-asws said: ‘So what are you saying regarding this Verse [5:5] and the chaste from among those who have been Given the Book before you (are lawful for you)?’ I said, ‘Therefore [2:221] And do not marry the idolatresses Abrogates this Verse’. The Imam-asws smiled, then was silent’.[5]
عن أبي بصير، عن أبي جعفر (عليه السلام)، قال: سألته عن قوله: مَتاعاً إِلَى الْحَوْلِ غَيْرَ إِخْراجٍ. قال: «منسوخة، نسختها: يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنْفُسِهِنَّ أَرْبَعَةَ أَشْهُرٍ وَ عَشْراً، و نسختها آية الميراث».
From Abu Baseer,
(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws, said, ‘I asked him-asws about His-azwj Words [2:240] (make) a bequest in favor of their wives of maintenance for a year without turning (them) out. He-asws said: ‘It is Abrogated. It is Abrogated by [2:234] they should keep themselves in waiting for four months and ten days. And the Verse of the inheritance Abrogates it’.[6]
Ahadith also Get Abrogated like the Verses of Quran:
محمد بن يعقوب ، عن علي بن إبراهيم ، عن أبيه ، عن حماد بن عيسى ، عن إبراهيم بن عمر اليماني ، عن أبان بن أبي عياش ، عن سليم بن قيس الهلالي ، قال : قلت لأمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) : إني سمعت من سلمان والمقداد وأبي ذر شيئا من تفسير القرآن ، وأحاديث عن نبي الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) غير ما في أيدي الناس ، ثم سمعت منك تصديق ما سمعت منهم ، ورأيت في أيدي الناس أشياء كثيرة من تفسير القرآن ، وأحاديث عن نبي الله (صلى الله عليه وآله ) أنتم تخالفونهم فيها ، وتزعمون أن ذلك كله باطل ، أفترى الناس يكذبون على رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) متعمدين ، ويفسرون القرآن بآرائهم ؟ قال : فأقبل عليّ ثم قال : قد سألت فافهم الجواب : أن في أيدي الناس حقا وباطلا ، وصدقا وكذبا ، وناسخا ومنسوخا ، وعاما وخاصا ، ومحكما ومتشابها ، وحفظا ووهما ، وقد كذب على رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله ) على عهده ، حتى قام خطيباً ، وقال : أيها الناس ! قد كثرت عليّ الكذابة ، فمن كذب عليّ متعمدا فليتبوء مقعده من النار.
Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Ibrahim Umar Al Yamani, from Aban Bin Abu Ayyash, from Suleym Bin Qays Al Hilali, said:
‘I said to Amir-ul-Momineenasws, ‘I hear from Salman and Al-Miqdad and Abu Dharr something of the explanation of the Quran, and the Ahadith from the Prophetsaww which is not in the hands of the people, then hear from youasws its ratification of what I have heard from them, and saw in the hands of the people many things from the explanation of the Quran, and the Hadith from the Prophetsaww which youasws are opposed to, and think all of them to be false. Have the people invented lies ascribed to the Messenger of Allahsaww, and are explaining the Quran by their opinion?’
Heasws came near me, then said: ‘You have asked, and so understand the answer. In the hands of the people there is right and wrong, and truth and lies, and Abrogating and the Abrogated, and the general and the special, and the Decisive and the Allegorical, and the preserved and the illusion, and forged lies on the Messenger of Allahsaww from before, to the extent that hesaww issued a sermon, and said: ‘O people! A lot of lies have been ascribed to mesaww. Whosoever has done this deliberately will have a seat in the Fire’.
ثم كذب عليه من بعدهوإنما أتاكم الحديث من أربعة ، ليس لهم خامس : رجل منافق يظهر الايمان ، متصنع بالاسلام ، لا يتأثّم ، ولا يتحرج أن يكذب على رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ـ إلى أن قال : ـ ورجل سمع من رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) شيئاً ، لم يحمله على وجهه ، ووهم فيه ، ولم يتعمد كذبا ، فهو في يده ، يقول به ، ويعمل به ، ويرويه ، فيقول : أنا سمعته من رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، فلو علم المسلمون أنه وهم لرفضوه ، ولو علم هوأنه وهم لرفضه ، ورجل ثالث سمع من رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) شيئا أمر به ثم نهى عنه ، وهو لا يعلم : أو نهى عنه ، ثم أمر به ، وهو لا يعلم ، فحفظ منسوخه ، ولم يحفظ الناسخ ، فلو علم أنه منسوخ لرفضه ، ولو علم الناس إذ سمعوه منه أنه منسوخ لرفضوه ،
Then lies were still ascribed to himsaww afterwards. Ahadith have reached you from four, and there is no fifth – A hypocritical man who displays faith, manufactures Islam, poses as such, and does not feel it as wrong to ascribe lies to the Messenger of Allahsaww’ – until heasws said: ‘And the man who heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww something, did not understand its perspective, and does not intend to lie. It is in his hands, he speaks by it, and acts by it, and narrates it. He says, ‘I have heard this from the Messenger of Allahsaww. If the Muslims think it to be imagination they should reject it, and if they know it to be from himsaww then it is an obligation’.
And the third man heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww something that hesaww ordered then prohibited it later on, and he did not know, or prohibited it, and then ordered it later on, and he did not know. He memorised the abrogated and did not memorise the abrogating. Had he known it to have been abrogated, he would have rejected it, and had the people known that what they have heard from his is an abrogated order, they would have rejected it.
وآخر رابع لم يكذب على رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، مبغض للكذب خوفا من الله ، وتعظيما لرسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، لم ينسه ، بل حفظ ما سمع على وجهه ، فجاء به كما سمعه ، لم يزد فيه ، ولم ينقص منه ، وعلم الناسخ من المنسوخ ، فعمل بالناسخ ، ورفض المنسوخ ، فان أمر النبي ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) مثل القرآن ، منه ناسخ ومنسوخ ، وخاص وعام ، ومحكم ومتشابه .
And lastly is the one who did not ascribe lies to the Messenger of Allahsaww, hated lying due to his fear of Allahazwj, and respect for the Messenger of Allahsaww, and did not forget it, but memorised what he had heard exactly. He went with it as he had heard it, did not add anything to it, and did not leave anything out from it, and knew the abrogating from the abrogated. He acted upon the abrogating one, and rejected the abrogated one, for the order of the Prophetsaww is similar to the Quran, from which there is the Abrogating and the Abrogated, and the special and the general, and Decisive and Allegorical.
وقد كان يكون من رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) الكلام له وجهان ، وكلام عام ، وكلام خاص مثل القرآن ـ إلى أن قال : ـ فما نزلت على رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) آية من القرآن إلا أقرأنيها وأملاها عليّ ، فكتبتها بخطي ، وعلمني تأويلها وتفسيرها ، وناسخها ومنسوخها ، ومحكمها ومتشابهها ، وخاصها وعامها ، ودعا الله لي أن يعطيني فهما وحفظا ، فما نسيت آية من كتاب الله ، ولا علما أملاه عليّ وكتبته . الحديث .
And that which came from the Messenger of Allahsaww had two perspectives – General speech and special speech like the Quran’ – until heasws said: ‘That which came down to the Messenger of Allahsaww of the Verses of the Quran, hesaww read it to measws and made measws write it down which Iasws wrote it by myasws own handwriting, and taught measws its explanation and its interpretation, and its Abrogating and its Abrogated, and its Decisive and its Allegorical, and its Special and its general, and supplicated to Allahazwj for measws to be Given understading and its preservation. Iasws did not forget any Verse from the Book of Allahazwj, nor that which Iasws was taught and made to write it down’. [7]
وعن عدة من أصحابنا ، عن أحمد بن محمد ، عن عثمان ابن عيسى ، عن أبي أيوب الخرّاز ، عن محمد بن مسلم ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) ، قال : قلت له : ما بال أقوام يروون عن فلان وفلان ، عن رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) لا يتهمون بالكذب ، فيجيء منكم خلافه ؟ فقال : إن الحديث ينسخ كما ينسخ ، القرآن .
And from a number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Usman Ibn Isa, from Abu Ayyub Al Kharraz, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who says:
Abu Abdullahasws said when it was said to himasws, ‘What is the reason that the people narrate from such and such, from the Messenger of Allahsaww, and they cannot be accused of lying, and what comes from youasws is different to that?’ Heasws said: ‘Surely the Ahadith also get abrogated like the Quran gets Abrogated’.[8]
وعن عليّ بن إبراهيم ، عن أبيه ، عن ابن أبي نجران ، عن عاصم بن حميد ، عن منصور بن حازم ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) ـ في حديث ـ قال : قلت : أخبرني عن أصحاب محمد صدقوا على محمد ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، أم كذبوا ؟ قال : بل صدقوا ، قلت : فما بالهم اختلفوا ؟ قال : إن الرجل كان يأتي رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، فيسأله المسألة ، فيجيبه فيها بالجواب ، ثم يجيئه بعد ذلك ما ينسخ ذلك الجواب ، فنسخت الاحاديث بعضها بعضا .
And from Ali Bin IBrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Najraan, from Aasim Bin Hameed, from Mansour Bin Haazim who says:
Abu Abdullahasws – in a Hadith – said, ‘I said to himasws, ‘Inform me about the companions of Muhammadsaww, whether they ascribed truth to himasws or lies?’ Heasws said: ‘But they spoke the truth’. I said, ‘Why is then that there are differences?’ Heasws said: ‘A man came to the Messenger of Allahsaww. He asked himsaww a question. Hesaww gave him the answer, then Came down something which Abrogated that particular answer. The Hadith abrogates the Hadith, some of them by some others’.[9]
وعنه ، عن محمد بن عيسى ، عن يونس ، عن مهزم ، وعن بعض أصحابنا ، عن محمد بن علي ، عن محمد بن إسحاق الكاهلي ، وعن أبي علي الاشعري ، عن الحسن بن علي الكوفي ، عن العباس بن عامر ، عن ربيع بن محمد جميعا ، عن مهزم الأسدي ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) ـ في حديث ـ قال : قال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) : أنا المدينة ، وعلي الباب ، وكذب من زعم أنه يدخل المدينة إلا من قبل الباب .
And from him, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus, from Mahzam, and from some of our companions, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Muhammad Bin Is’haq Al Kahily, and from Abu Ali Al Ashary, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Kufy, from Al Abbas Bin Aamir, from Rabie Bin Muhammad altogether, from Mahzam Al Asady who narrates:
Abu Abdullahasws – in a Hadith – said: ‘The Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘Isaww am the city, and Aliasws the Door, and he is a liar who thinks that one can enter the city before entering first from the door’.
[1] الكافي 5: 357/ 6
[2] تفسير العياشي 1: 297/ 46.
[3] تفسير العيّاشي 1: 242/ 135.
[4] تفسير العيّاشي 1: 122/ 388.
[5] الكافي 5: 357/ 6
[6] تفسير العيّاشي 1: 122/ 388.
[7] Wasail ul Shia, H. 44614
[8] Wasail ul Shia, H. 33615
[9] Wasail ul Shia, H. 33616