
Ahadith References to the Speeches

      1. Topic: Salat and Mola Ali-asws, Reciter: Allama Syed Qasim Abbas Zaidi, Date: 11/08/2022,  Please watch 30:00 to 34:00 minutes of the Link: https://youtu.be/HZY1kgwdnDY
      2. Signs of Allah-azwj are other than Allah-azwj, Reciter: Allama Syed Qasim Abbas Zaidi, Date: 21/08/2022,
      3. Noha and Matam Reply to a Non-Shia’s Speech Reciter: Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza
      4. Parents’ Role in Teaching Religion to their Children Reciter: Muhammad Raza Jan Kazmi
      5. Sufi Concept: Allah-azwj Says I-azwj -will Make you Like Myself-azwj Reciter: Allama Ghazanfar Abbas Tonsvi
      6. Speaker: Calling Believers to Switch from Azadari to a Political Agenda, Reciter: Syed Aqeel-ul-Gharavi
      7. Speaker is claiming that 12th Imam-ajfj has appointed successor, Reciter: Syed Aqeel-ul-Gharavi
      8. G.A. Tonsvi Speculates: Where does Allah-azwj Live
      9. Talib Johri (Late) Misleads on Taqleed
      10. Refuting the Breaking of Fast with Aamma (General Muslims)