
27th Rajab Prophet-hood descended upon Muhammad (saww) 
3rd Testimony In Tashahud From Kutab-e-Arbah -Reply*NEW*
Ablutions, Issues
Ablutions, Wazu-How to Perform 
Ablutions, What breaks the Wazu 
Abu Talib-asws Ibn Abdul Muttalib-asws*NEW*
Ahadith references to speeches 
Ahmed Al Hasan’s False Claims (self-proclaimed Al-Yamani) 
Ali(asws) to Muhammad(saww) as Haroun(as) to Musa(as)
Alim (Scholar)- Who is an Alim 
Allah-azwj’s Dealing with Mute, children & who died not seeing a Prophet-as*NEW*
Allah-azwj can’t be seen nor has a body 
Allah-azwj, Who is Allah-azwj, Is Allah-azwj a Thing-Entity 
Allah-azwj neither comes nor goes
Amal Of The Months 
Amr Bil Maruf wa Nahy Anil Munkar 
Appreciation and Gratefulness*NEW*
Aqd (Alleged) of Syeda Umm Kulsoom-asws*NEW*
Ascetic Life Style of a Momin
Ashura Aamaal 
Asking Masomeen-asws For Needs 
Asking for Needs and Seeking Protection from Ahadith 
Authenticity of Ahadith Criteria
Bada – Moving Forward or Delaying
Basic Shia Ahadith Books
Battle of Badar
Battle of Hunayn
Battle of Jamal
Battle of Khyber
Battle of Motah
Battle of Nahrawan
Battle of Siffeen
Battle of Tabuk and Conspiracy of Al-Aqaba
Battle of Trench (Khandaq)
Battle of Uhud
Battle of Zat Al-Salasil
Bayt Al Huzzan*NEW* 
Bayt Al Mamour, Masjid Al-Aqsa and Bayt Al-Maqdis 
Bayt under the tree from Quran
Bayt under the tree Shia Perspective
Beliefs of a Momin
Be Positive*NEW*
Bohras’s Allegations and 12 Immami Replies
Broiler Chicken  
Cats, Some Ahadith
Charity (Saddaqa)
Celebrating Milad-ul-Nabi-saww
Cleansing from Water
Conduct in Life- Masomeen-asws’s Advise 
Confrontation and Altercation  *NEW*
Combing Hair Benefits*NEW*
Combining Salat And Optional Salat*NEW*
Conquest of Makkah  
Covenant, Al-Mithaq 
Creation of Universe 
Cure for the Body and the Soul from Ahadith 
Dajjal, Fitna
Day Dreaming an act of Satan 
Death Bed to Grave
Death Preparations*NEW*
Deeds – Rewards and Punishment*NEW*
Deep Thinking – Taffakur and Taddabar
Disown By Parents – Aaq*NEW*
Divorce (Talaaq)
Dog if it touches clothes
Doubts are Rijs – Filth 
Dr. Zakir Naik, Our Reply
Dreams and Interpretations *NEW*
Dua-e-Arafah from Sahifa-e-Kamila by Mola Sajjad (asws) 
Dua-e-Imam Ali Reza (asws) similar to Dua-e-Sanam-e-Quraish 
Ear Rings For Children 
Eclipse Sun & Moon Salat for Eclipse (Namaz-e-Ayaat), Tremor, Darkness, Every Fear from Sky
Eid, Is Eid all about Happiness?
Eid Celebrations or Aza-o-Matam 
Eid Salat
Eid-e-Zahra (asws)
Eid of 9th Rabbiul Awwal
Epidemic – Protection and Cure *NEW*
Esalay Sawab,Transferring Good Deeds (Passing rewards to the deceased)
Fadak and the Divisions Beyond Fadak
Fadlollahs Devious Beliefs
Falsification and the Truth*NEW*
Family Life [Nikah, Mutah, Relationship and Upbringing Children]
Fame Seeker is Condemned and so is the Defamed*NEW*
Fasting (Soam)*Revised*
Optional Fast (Mustahab Soam) 
Fatawa Conflicts, Examples
Fear and Hope 
Fearing Allah-azwj
Food Manners
Forming Government, Selecting a Leader
Friends and Friendship 
Funeral Rituals and Women and their presence in a Graveyard *NEW*
Gatherings – Join or Avoid*New*
Good Manners*New*
Good Relationships Avert Death*New*
Gambling and Games of Chance
GhairAllah-Who are and Who aren’t
Ghulu-Ghali (Fabrication) and Taqseer-Muqassir (Ignorance)
Graves and Domes over Holy Graves
Growing Beard & Trimming Moustaches
Guidance is only through the Holy Words of Masomeen (asws)
Guidance via a Righteous Deed 
Hair – Style, Cutting and Removing 
Hajj and Umrah
Hazir-o-Nazir from Holy Quran
Hazrat Bilal-ra
Hazir-o-Nazir from Holy Quran and Ahadith
Healthy Living from Ahadith
Hijab (For Women & Men) 
History of Ijthehaad
How to Love Allah-azwj 
How to Visit Holy Shrines
Hudaybiyya Treaty
Hunting – Necesity-Recreation*NEW*
Husband is forbidden from beating his Wife in Islamic law*NEW*
Ikhlas – Sincerity*NEW*
Ilmul Ghaib (Knowledge of Hidden)
Imam -e- Zamana (asws) – The Cause of Survival of the Universe
Infallibility of Prophets (as) 
Inflation – Good Or Bad 
Interest, Al Ribah
Intoxication and Penalty
Irfan-ul-Haq and the Maurifat-e-Nooraniya
Islam, Eman and the Temporary Eman 
Ism and the Attributes of Allah (azwj) Part I: Rab and its Meanings
Ism and the Attributes of Allah (azwj) Part II
Ismailis allegations against the 12 Immami Shias – Our reply
Ismailis allegations against the 12 Immami Shias – Our reply Part II 
Ismailis allegations against the 12 Immami Shias – Our reply Part III
Ismailis and the 12 Immami Shias 
Israf (Extravagance) and its Limits 
Istibra – Astanja 
Istikhara – Seeking Divine Guidance
Jihad During Occultation of Imam (asws) ajtf
Joy and Grief 
Jummah (Urdu)
Jumah and Eid Prayers in Congregations
Kalama e Tayyab*NEW*
Khalsi and his False Beliefs
Knowledge and How to Acquire it*NEW*
Kutab of Arbameyaan, 400 Ahadith of Mola Ali asws
Leather-Pigskin, Hair, Fur from Dead Harram Birds-Animals 
Let Go Of What Does Not Concern Us*NEW* 
Leaving Will Behind
LGBT – Are they born like that? 
Love – Holy & Unholy 
Love for World 
Lutf-o-Karam Showering of Bounties and Kindness*NEW*
Magic-Evil Eye Protection 
Mahram and Na-Mahram *NEW*
Manazarah, Jaddal, Ahtijaj , Debating
Marriage of Syedani with Non Syed
Masturbation (Al-Khazkhaza)
Mashi (Walking to Karbala) 
Meanings of Nakedness of a Believer (Momin)*NEW*
Merits of Sadaat (Syeds) 
MidDay (Zawwal) Importance 
Midday Sleep And Sleeping Etiquettes*NEW*
Mixed Gatherings*NEW*
Moderation (Al-Haya)*NEW*
Mojiza 22 Rajab – Niaz Imam Jaffer-e-Sadiq asws
Moon Sighting Ahadith*Revised*
Moonsighting for the 1st 2nd and the 3rd of the month
Mola Ali asws Explanation of Salat
Moqaddama Kokab-e-Durri – Agha Syed Mohammed Sibtain Sarsavi
Moqaddama of AL- Kafi 
Moula Meanings From Holy Quran 
Mubahila (Imprecation) Eid 
Music-Singing – to what extent forbidden in Islam;
Naaraa in Islam
Namaz-e-Janaza Arabic – Urdu
Namaz-e-Shab (Night Salat)
Names Of Basic Shia Ahadith Books
Natural Catastrophe*NEW*
Neither Fleeing Nor Stay But To Allah-azwj*NEW*
New House -Moving in or Building 
Noha of Amir-ul-Momineen(asws) at the Holy Grave of Syeda (asws)
Nooraniya Muarifat of an Imam-asws (Recognition of Imams-asws as Divine Light) 
Nouroz Day, Blessings of the Nouroz Day
Occultation From Holy Quran
Our Responsibilities and Conduct during the Occultation of Imam-e-Zaman-ajfj (asws)
Pardoning and Leniency*NEW*
Patience and Rewards of Patience*NEW*
People kinds Including Feeble*NEW*
Pets for home 
Pictures, Portraits, Statues, Music, Singing and Games 
Piety-Taqwa (Fearing Allah-azwj)*NEW*
Poets and the Poetry 
Poverty and Sufficiency*NEW*
Prayers (Dua), Mannat and Nazar
Priding Over Others
Professions and Business Etiquettes
Professions and Business for Females
Prophet Lut-as meant daughter of his-as nation*NEW*
Prostration ‘SAJDHA’ out of Respect or Thanks, Myths and Facts
Puberty – Islamic Perspective 
Purpose of an Imam (asws) 
Purpose of Imam Hussain (asws) and the month of Muharram 
Qadha-o-Qadar, Mashiya
Questions of Zanadiqa on Quran
Quran Understanding Tafseer Interpretation
Rajja, Rajjat, Return to Life 
Rasool Allah-saww Predicts Shahadat of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws*NEW*
Raziq O Khaliq 
Reincarnation belief is from Kufr*NEW*
Rewards of the month of Rajab
Reward for the Ziyarah of Imam Hussain (asws)
Rights of Just-Imam asws
Rings (Angothi)
Rizk (Sustenance)
Ruh, Nafs, Qalb and Aql 
Ruler – The Governing Body*NEW*
Sabeel Allah 
Sacrifice (Hadi – Qurbani)- On 10th Of Zilhajj 
Sada e Karbobla by Baqir Nisar Zaidi
Saddaqa – Charity
Sajdah (Prostration) on tablet of Karbalah
Salat Part I
Salat Part II
Salat Recitation  
Saqifa and Beyond *NEW*
Satan Fending off Insinuations 
Saving Lives, Blood Transfusion and Transplant
Say No to Mujtahid’s Taqleed
Saying Ya Ali (asws) Madad 
Seena Ba Seena Or The Text (Quran and Ahadith)*NEW
Self-Accountability (Mahasabah)*NEW*
Self – Flagellation (Matam / Zanjir /Qama Zani)*Revised*
Sermon of Rasool Allah (saww) On Merits of the Month of Ramazaan
Shab-e-Jummah *NEW*
Shahadat of Syeda (asws) is on 15th of Jamadi ul Awwal
Shahadat of Syeda (asws) The Daughter of Rasoll Allah (saww) 
Shahadat of Syed Mohsin (asws) Ibn Ali (asws)
Shia – Sunni Debate (Historical) 
Shirk and Wasila
Shoes and Socks
Shyness is from Eman
Signs of reappearance of Imam Al-Asr(ajfj)
Sila-e-Rehmi (Rights of kinship) 
Silence and Speech *NEW*
Sin, Repentance and Forgiveness 
Sleeping, Waking-up and Leaving Home Manners(Supplications) 
Social Manners traditions of Masomeen (asws) Part I
Spending -How much and where to spend
Stunning And Slaughtering
Shyness is from Eman
Sufis and Sufi Beliefs*NEW*
Sufyani-Yamani – The Recognition of Sufyani-Yamani 
Suicide, A Momin never commits Suicide 
Sunnah and its Replacement by the Innovations*NEW*
Supplications for Wellbeing Of Children
Supplications for Success in Exams, Job, Good Health and Business
Supplications, Tajeel(Hastening) and Protection of The12th Imam(asws) 
Sweet Dreams 
Tabligh (Preaching)
Taking Bath
Taqayyah – Dissimulation
Taqleed and Mujtahid, Myths and Facts
Taqleed and Ijtihaad
Tatto and Tattooing
Tawakkul-Reliance and Seeking Assistance From Allah-azwj*NEW*
Tawwalah and Tabbarah 
Thanks – Shukar – Gratitude 
Thats How One Should Become 
The Sincere Worship – Ibadah 
Time Wasting Activities (Al-Laghwu) 
Those Who Never Leave Sins *NEW*
Trials-Forgiveness and Rewards 
Ummy it’s Meaning 
Upbringing Children 
Use of Lavatory
Vinegar from Wine
Visiting Holy Graves (Ziyarah)
Wali, The Guardian *NEW*
Walking without shoes towards Holy Shrines/Sites, Our Reply
Waqafi Sect Beliefs, Our Reply 
Wealth Accumulation*NEW*
Welcoming the Newborn
Who Would be Successful in the Hereafter
Why Did Prophet-saww Had More Than Four Wives
Wilayah – Its Meaning
9 Wishes (of the losers) after death
Worship – Ibadah
Zahoor/Nazool of Masomeen (asws) 
Zamin (Guarantor) in the Hereafter*NEW*
Zanjir Zani and Qama Zani
Zayarah of Masomeen (asws) Part I
Zayarah of Masomeen (asws) Part II
Zayarah of Masomeen (asws) Part III
Zikr, Remembrance, Mentioning of Allah-azwj
Ziyarah of Masomeen-asws under difficult times
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